raynavan · 4 months
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pre fall Ingo and Emmet. Ingo is biased off of the colors of the Watcher and Emmet the Survivor. funny- Ingo is actually the one who slipped here, not Emmet. Emmet just goes looking for him. they still take care of transport- this time via Rain Deer.
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they must carry around a whole lot of spore puffs.
oh and. coats! they have them (drawn after i realized i didn't draw them in the colored drawing)
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like their regular coats but with ties instead of sleeves. probably have another piece of fabric going under their belly.
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neon-yami · 2 years
Sitting by the fire on my computer as I waited until the clock ticked by, wrapping myself up in a blanket to keep the cold of the nemesis from me. Looking up to soundwave as he tapped away "Question: why do you look sad?" Soundwave suddenly spoke up, I looked up at him and then back at my computer. "It's just… that, this is my first Christmas away from my family" I said as I signed at the computer. It looked like Soundwave was thinking, or what looks like thinking to me. "Problem has been rectified" He said as he tapped away again.
Realization hit me "WHAT DID YOU JUST DO SOUNDWAVE!?" I yelled, I wasn't mad, just scared of what he just did. "I rectified the problem" he repeated as if I knew what he meant.
I grabbed my blanket and computer and went to my makeshift room in Soundwave's hubsuit. "Night Soundwave" I said as I closed the door.
Soundwave looked at the closed door and got up from his computer and walked out of his hubsuit and went straight towards Megatron. He explained to Megaton that the Fleshling that got into the sparks on the Decepticons was sad because she isn't able to celebrate it with her family. They can't return Neo to her family because she is wanted by the government for siding with the Decepticons. So Soundwave suggested celebrating it in nemesis for her. Megatron was apprehensive about the idea at first but he finally but eventually came around to the idea.
It wasn't difficult to keep the secret Christmas celebration from Neo because she normally spends her time in Soundwave's hubsuit, unless another Decepticon decides that they want her. Being as small as she is, she can't do anything about it.
It was Christmas Eve and Rumble woke her up "Wake up fleshling!" He yelled as he pulled the blankets off of her, "WHAT THE FUCK RUMBLE!" Neo yelled as she tried to get her blankets back. Being in pajamas in a metal space ship underwater isn't the warmest. "I told him not to do that" Frenzy said as he held out a wrapped up gift box. Neo got out of bed as she looked at Frenzy "what's that for?" she asked, pointing at the present. "It's for you…" Frenzy said "From us!" As Rumble finished.
"Soundwave told us about how you missed celebrating Christmas so we got you a present" Rumble said as he took the present from Frenzy and gave it to Neo. She opened it and it was winter clothes, "how?..." before she could start asking questions Rumble interrupted her "No time to explain! Get ready!" He yelled as he closed the door. "OH, okay?" She said very confused as she changed.
Getting out of her room in the winter clothing, a big comfy shirt and sweater, leggings and snow boots. The Rainmakers were waiting for her, with a very confused looked she got picked up by Acid Storm. He transformed and flew away to the outside of the nemesis and away from it with Nova Storm and Ion Storm following.
"So… what's up?" She asked Acid Storm "we are taking you Christmas Shopping." He said.
The landed in a snow covered clearing outside a big city, Neo got out of Acid Storm as the Rainmakers transformed into their bipedal forms and active their holoforms. Neo looked up at the sky as snow fell, "th-this is snow" She said as she looked as a snowflake fell on her nose. "Yes it's snow" Ion Storm teasingly said to her, "I have never seen real snow!" She yelled as she started to kick and play in the snow. "This is the best gift ever!" She said as she made a snow angel.
Acid Storm got a call on his comlink, "Yes, Starscream?" He asked "okay, roger" He said as he got off the comlink. Acid Storm spoke to the other two Rainmakers in Cybertronian "We need to distract her until she falls asleep" They nodded at him.
They spend the rest of the day playing in the snow and going into the nearby city and window browsed until the sun went down. Neo felt the sleep overtake her as she started to fall asleep on Nova Storm.
Waking up in her bed Neo looked around being confused as to how she got into her bed when she was in a city with the Rainmakers. She got out of bed slipping into some fluffy house shoes. She walked out of her room and looked around, this wasn't Soundwave's hubsuit it was the Seekers' hubsuit. And the Seekers were nowhere to be seen "strange" She thought as she grabbed her jet shoes as she flew around the Nemesis looking for any sign of Cybertronian life. She looked everywhere but no one, the only place left was the main bridge. She opened the door and it was dark, "guys?" She asked as all the lights turned on and a banner unraveled reading MERRY CHRISTMAS.
In tears she looked around, a massive evergreen tree was in the middle on the bridge. It was decorated with ornaments as big as her. The only thing missing was a topper, she pointed towards it "why isn't there a topper?" She asked as Soundwave came up to her holding a wrapped gift. "Suggestion: Open it" He said, Neo did just that, it was a star tree topper. She looked up Soundwave he gave her a nod as she took the massive star as she flew up to the top of the tree and placed it on top.
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weedle-testaburger · 1 year
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this has nothing to do with anything but i love this as an effect for rainma switching gender, i hope they use it again
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baliportalnews · 9 months
Dua Titik Utama Jadi Fokus Polda Bali dalam Pengamanan Malam Tahun Baru 2024
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, DENPASAR - Malam pergantian tahun 2023 menuju 2024 menjadi sorotan utama dalam rapat bersama jajaran Polda Bali yang diselenggarakan melalui Zoom Meeting, Jumat (29/12/2023) kemarin di Gedung Rupatama Polda Bali. Rapat dipimpin langsung Kapolda Bali, Irjen. Pol. Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra, didampingi Wakapolda Bali, Brigjen. Pol. Dr. I Gusti Kade Budhi Harryarsana, serta dihadiri oleh seluruh Pejabat Utama Polda Bali, Kapolres, dan jajaran. Dalam rapat tersebut, Kapolda Bali, Irjen. Pol. Polisi Ida Bagus Kade Putra Narendra menekankan fokus pengamanan di tempat-tempat wisata, terutama pada malam tahun baru 2024. Dua titik utama yang menjadi perhatian adalah Garuda Wisna Kencana (GWK) dan Pantai Kuta, Badung. Menurut Kapolda Bali, di Garuda Wisnu Kencana akan diselenggarakan event GWK Countdown Tahun 2024, sementara Pantai Kuta akan menjadi tuan rumah event yang diselenggarakan Pemerintah Kabupaten Badung. Pengamanan malam tahun baru akan melibatkan ribuan personel dari Polda Bali dan Polres jajaran, yang tergabung dalam operasi lilin agung, operasi mantap brata, dan personel penembalan. “Wilayah Polresta Denpasar dan Polres Badung akan mendapatkan backup dari Polda Bali. Polresta Denpasar akan mendapatkan dukungan 361 personel dari Polda Bali, dengan total 688 personel yang akan ditempatkan di berbagai titik keramaian, seperti Grand Zero, Pantai Kuta, dan Pasar Seni,” ungkapnya. Pengamanan event GWK Countdown 2024 di Garuda Wisnu Kencana akan melibatkan 200 personel dengan pola pengamanan terbuka dan tertutup di tiga tingkatan, yaitu area inti kegiatan, akses masuk atau gate, dan area luar lokasi event. Kapolda Bali juga mengumumkan penambahan personel sebanyak 171 orang untuk pengamanan malam tahun baru 2024 di empat titik pusat keramaian. Polda Bali juga memberikan backup berupa personel rainmas Ditsamapta, anti anarkis Satbrimob, serta bintara remaja dari berbagai Polres. Kabid Humas Polda Bali, KBP. Avitus Panjaitan menegaskan, bahwa sebelum pelaksanaan pengamanan malam tahun baru 2024, akan dilaksanakan apel kesiapan dan pengecekan di tiga tempat, termasuk di halaman Mapolda Bali dan Central Parkir Kuta. Pengamanan GWK Bali Countdown 2024 akan dipimpin oleh Kapam Dansat Brimob Polda Bali, KBP. Firdaus Wulandto. Dengan persiapan yang matang dan dukungan personel yang mencukupi, Polda Bali siap mengamankan malam pergantian tahun 2023 menuju 2024 dengan maksimal dan menjaga keamanan masyarakat serta wisatawan di Pulau Dewata.(bpn) Read the full article
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realita-lampung · 1 year
Menjelang Operasi Mantap Brata 2023, Polres Lampung Utara Gelar Latihan Dalmas
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Menjelang pelaksanaan Operasi Mantap Brata 2023, personil Polres Lampung Utara mengikuti latihan pengendalian massa atau Dalmas. Polres Lampung Utara menggelar latihan dalmas dalam rangka kesiapan menjelang Operasi Mantap Brata 2023 yang dilaksanakan di halaman mapolres setempat, Sabtu (7/10/2023). Kegiatan latihan dalmas tersebut diikuti oleh 345 personil gabungan Polres Lampung Utara dan Polsek jajaran dan langsung di pimpin oleh Kapolres Lampung Utara AKBP Teddy Rachesna, S.H., S.I.K., M.Si. Kapolres AKBP Teddy Rachesna menjelaskan, pagi ini kita melaksanakan latihan dalmas untuk mengasah kemampuan personel sebagai persiapan Latihan Sispam Kota menjelang Operasi Mantap Brata 2023. "Latihan ini kita adakan untuk mengasah kemampuan agar personel yang terlibat Sispamkota nantinya mampu menguasai tehnik negosiator, Dalmas Awal, Dalmas Lanjutan serta Rainmas dengan ikatan Kompi Kerangka apabila sewaktu-waktu terjadi unjuk rasa dalam rangkaian kegiatan Operasi Mantap Brata 2023-2024," ungkap Kapolres. Kapolres berharap setiap rangkaian kegiatan Operasi Mantab Brata 2023 dapat berjalan dengan aman, lancar dan kondusif nantinya. "Mudah-mudahan dengan pembekalan latihan ini personel kita mampu melaksanakan tugas secara baik nanti. Sehingga operasi Mantap Brata 2023 berlangsung aman dan kondusif," ucapnya. Lebih lanjut disampaikan Kapolres, bahwa perhelatan Pemilu 2024 harus dikawal agar berjalan dengan damai dan kondusif. "Untuk itu, ia juga mengajak seluruh masyarakat Lampung Utara turut berpartisipasi menjaga keamanan dan ketertiban rangkaian dari Pemilu tahun depan", paparnya.(*) Read the full article
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enembydev · 5 years
That DND Time Part 2: Into the Depths
Another DND Playlist. This one is played while exploring.
The party arrives at midday, and establishes a camp outside the cave. They’ve been sent to investigate a source of magical corruption, turning all life in the area to death.. Even now, outside, they can feel it. A pressure thudding in their hearts as they come closer to danger.
The party introduces themselves. Neela examines each person closely in turn, before settling down. Grimmar only says what he has to. Schwartz and Rainma discover a common interest. Styx is uncomfortable.
The group moves inside. Styx is leading, but Rainma sprints to the front, where they find a humanoid body, dead at the entrance to the cave, sprawled across the steps. Raimna only spares a cursory look, before peering carefully into the darkness ahead. It’s a large cavern, sparsely lit. Very little can be seen. Rainma is probing ahead, searching the cavern, when Styx opens his pack and throws a small, mechanical spear into the center of the cavern. It lands, blade first, in the groud, and almost immediately a loud metal clink pervades the air, echoing through the large chamber.
Their only warning of what is to come is the screams and groans of the dead, as they move closer to the noise.
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saiemhaqqani-blog · 6 years
RAINMA- NO! @MartyScurll came prepared! #ALLIN
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babyawacs · 3 years
@rainmaker1973 #coding #is #language #skills @wired @wireduk https://twitter.com/Rainma ker1973/status/1423934438635819020?s=19 cooool igrewup with 3languages +4thaccent babywor d on. then forgot two butlearned two new +piano +computing dostimes forgot alot use two gl imps of 3rd newalnguage playhelloworld python but syntax is often quirk + lackofpurpose i twas easytolearn yes but lackofpurpose+syntaxblahs foolsneverknow whattheydamamge eveni fyouremind em itis ignorance often I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophi stication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS .com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@rainmaker1973 #coding #is #language #skills @wired @wireduk https://twitter.com/Rainma ker1973/status/1423934438635819020?s=19 cooool igrewup with 3languages +4thaccent babywor d on. then forgot two butlearned two new +piano +computing dostimes forgot alot use two gl imps of 3rd newalnguage playhelloworld python but syntax is often quirk + lackofpurpose i twas easytolearn yes but lackofpurpose+syntaxblahs foolsneverknow whattheydamamge eveni fyouremind em itis ignorance often I am Christian KISS BabyAWACS – Raw Independent Sophi stication #THINKTANK + #INTEL #HELLHOLE #BLOG https://www.BabyAWACS.com/ Inquiry@BabyAWACS .com PHONE / FAX +493212 611 34 64 Helpful? Pay. Support. Donnate. paypal.me/ChristianKiss
@rainmaker1973 #coding #is #language #skills @wired @wireduk https://twitter.com/Rainmaker1973/status/1423934438635819020?s=19 cooool igrewup with 3languages +4thaccent babyword on. then forgot two butlearned two new +piano +computing dostimes forgot alot use two glimps of 3rd newalnguage playhelloworld python but syntax is often quirk + lackofpurpose itwas easytolearn yes but…
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raynavan · 4 months
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has this been done yet?
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mrhfz90 · 4 years
Rainmae 30th Birthday Party Decorations Kit - Cheers to 30 Years Banner, Poms, Balloons, Sparkling Hanging Swirls for 30 Years Old Party Supplies 30th Birthday Decorations Wedding Anniversary
Rainmae 30th Birthday Party Decorations Kit – Cheers to 30 Years Banner, Poms, Balloons, Sparkling Hanging Swirls for 30 Years Old Party Supplies 30th Birthday Decorations Wedding Anniversary
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Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] – Details)
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[ad_1] Are you planning a 30th birthday party for men or women? or thirty wedding anniversary?  ✅【Prefect For Him/Her】: Our birthday decorations kit is created with the mission to leave every people with beautiful memories! We can only imagine how our high quality and amazing set of decoration items that will help you light up the…
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Yang tahunan terkubur mampu bergairah memerah merona meronta karena kembali disapa masa indah dulu kala. Yang ribuan malam tertidur mampu bersemangat mengingat saat hati sesat karena cinta sesaat, Duhai hati, Kembali-lah tertidur, Duhai cinta, Kembali-lah terkubur. -Rainma-
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phonesep · 4 years
Rainmae 12 Set Baby Bathtub Sea Creatures Stickers
Rainmae 12 Set Baby Bathtub Sea Creatures Stickers
Rainmae 12 Set Child Bathtub Sea Creatures Stickers, Non Slip Bathtub Stickers, Sea Adhesive Children Anti Slip Decal Threads for Bathe and Bathtub Tub, Adhesive Bathe Security Appliques for Children Bathtub Tub.
【Sea Creatures Stickers】: Package deal consists of 12 items sea creatures bathtub stickers with vibrant patterns and shiny colours, cute cartoon sea creatures shapes are common to…
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togelme · 4 years
Rusdiansyah Palangkaraya Pasrah Dibekuk
Rusdiansyah alias Ipul (40) hanya bisa pasrah saat ditangkap polisi. Warga Jalan Murjani Gang Hidayah Kelurahan Pahandut Kota PalangkaRaya ini dibekuk karena menjadi bandar judi kupon di tengah pandemi Covid-19. Pelaku diamankan di sebuah arena biliar oleh tim Rainmas Ditsamapta Polda Kalteng saat sedang melakukan patroli di Jalan Murjani Gang Suka Damai, Rabu (29/4/2020) Malam. […]
The post Rusdiansyah Palangkaraya Pasrah Dibekuk appeared first on Togel.
from Togel http://www.togel.me/news/rusdiansyah-palangkaraya-pasrah-dibekuk.html
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enembydev · 5 years
That time I ran a DND Campaign: The Eld
I just thought this would be fun to write down. I had a lot of fun making and running this campaign, and I know my future self will want these memories preserved. If you have no interest, maybe like, don't read it?
Just a suggestion.
I’m also going to add my music playlists, that we used in this game.
Here’s the first one.
About 5 years ago, our heroes were on the island of Eld, a small, mostly rural/agricultural island. On that day, the worst happened. A large, magical barrier appeared across the entire island, blocking exit and entry from the port.
None were able to escape. Those that remained fought over what resources were left, at the cost of many lives. From the ashes of this war, the most powerful consolidated, in the form of The Council of Eld, to organize and escape the island. That was 4 years ago. Since then, The Council has been sending out their most proficient warriors to find the cause of the barrier and shut it down. They call them The Chosen. Some of them are voluntary fighters, working together to stop the barrier. Others... are not. Not many make it back from their expeditions, at least, not in one piece.
The Party:
     Rainma The Blood Hunter:
                Rainma is an average, if a bit small, human woman. Born as an orphan, she learned herblore to survive. At her core, a sweet, naive girl, but if she feels needed, you will meet her other, crueler form.
                 Schwartz is a tall, distant Fallen Aasimar Paladin. Although generally open about his past, little can be seen through his half plate armor and helm. He delights in inflicting damage and enacting his power on others.
      Archibald Styx:
                   Archibald (I call him Styx), is a small, goblin gunslinger who has had to fight tooth and nail for everything he’s ever had. Often treated poorly by other races, he’s out to prove he can fit with the best of them. He’s friendly to those who treat him well, but everyone may have to work hard to earn his respect.
     Neela The Sorcerer(NPC):
                  Neela is a small, energetic halfling. While not generally equipped to go on adventuring parties, she’s begun to rely on her magical fire to get her out of all sorts of trouble.
       Grimmar and Lucky (NPCs):
                 Grimmar is an elven ranger, who caught the eye of The Eld with his superior hunting ability. He once collected meat for his entire village, and even fought some small scale skirmishes alone before he was found by The Council. With his penchant for getting out of dangerous situations alive, he is mostly used as a Scout for The Chosen. He travels everywhere with his dog Lucky, with whom he has a close bond.
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ibumojosari · 5 years
PALANGKA RAYA, KaltengEkspres©com – Sepasang remaja sedang memadu kasih terciduk razia Tim Rainmas Sabhara Polda Kalteng di sebuah kamar wisma yang terletak di Jalan Galaxi Kota Palangka Raya, Sabtu (15/2/2020) dini hari tadi©
Ketika anggota Rainmas menanyakan identitas diri keduanya tidak bisa menunjukkan© Sehingga saat itu juga keduanya dibawa menggunakan mobil patroli ke Mako Sabhara Polda Kalteng©
“Kita amankan sepasang remaja tanpa hubungan sah pada saat melakukan kegiatan patroli rutin,”kata Dirsabhara Kombes Pol Susilo Wardono melalui Ipda Eko Basuki©
Diduga kuat kedua pasangan ini habis berhubungan badan© Pasalnya, ketika itu lampu padam dan sekitar setengah jam baru pintu dibuka, sementara
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officeboy1805 · 5 years
PALANGKA RAYA, KaltengEkspres©com – Sepasang remaja sedang memadu kasih terciduk razia Tim Rainmas Sabhara Polda Kalteng di sebuah kamar wisma yang terletak di Jalan Galaxi Kota Palangka Raya, Sabtu (15/2/2020) dini hari tadi©
Ketika anggota Rainmas menanyakan identitas diri keduanya tidak bisa menunjukkan© Sehingga saat itu juga keduanya dibawa menggunakan mobil patroli ke Mako Sabhara Polda Kalteng©
“Kita amankan sepasang remaja tanpa hubungan sah pada saat melakukan kegiatan patroli rutin,”kata Dirsabhara Kombes Pol Susilo Wardono melalui Ipda Eko Basuki©
Diduga kuat kedua pasangan ini habis berhubungan badan© Pasalnya, ketika itu lampu padam dan sekitar setengah jam baru pintu dibuka, sementara
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