rikirachtman · 7 years
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@eerie-inhabitxnts please tell me this was your school lmaooo
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rosenfreude · 9 years
Karren and Nathanael are on a walk in the city, to get out of the house and see if that doesn’t stop them from sort of snipping at each other.  It’s generally Karren’s feeble earnest prayer that she doesn’t run into anyone she knew as Kanae, that she’s able to simply walk the city incognito, but as luck would have it...
“SHIT...I think I BIT you,” she squawks, putting a hand to her mouth, when she sees Rize.  
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inretivit-blog · 9 years
Hi beautiful girl, you don't know me but I just want you to know that you'll be okay. I love you and you have so many people here for you. You're wonderful and strong and beautiful and I hope you're able to smile today .
(Thanks so much.)
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moriathedwarf · 9 years
RULES: 1. Always post the rules.   2. Answer the questions the person who tagged you wrote 3. Then write 11 new questions.
Thank you inhabitxnts for tagging me! *smooches cheeks*
1. If you could live in any anime world (or just fictional) which would you choose?
I would choose Naruto, hands down. :D I've loved it ever since elementary school. lol. who the crap doesn’t love Ninjas!
2. What is your favorite book?
well my favorie series is “a Modern faery tale” 
Tithe: its about a changeling fairy named Kaye. so basically there is a whole world of faeries and mythical creatures within New York and Jersey, and the first book is about Kaye saving an elf Knight named Roiben, and how she discovers that she is in fact fae when her magic cloaking what she truly was, was removed and all the events that befelled her after this discovery.
Valiant: is another portion of the story of a human girl named Val who is betrayed by her mother and boyfriend [he cheated on her with her mom on the day they were supposed to be meeting for a date lol no bueno] so she runs away, shaves her head, bunks up with some junkies who deliver this magic medicine for the creatures in the city who get sick when around iron. and when she goes with them to get the next shipment of medicine from the maker who is a troll. [no. not homestuck. don’t get shot lol] when a war of the mystical creatures breaks out, she learns how to use a sword and fight too. she falls in love with him, and then it goes into the next book.
Ironside: The two stories combined [both had cameo from every character, though you don’t really notice at first] they have their war and tragedy on both sides hits, and after resolution :) 
But this doesn’t even touch on the awesomeness of the stories lol! if you like fantasy and rocker stuff added together, you’d love these :) inhabitxnts you’d like these!
3. How long have you been roleplaying?
umm, i suppose about 9-10 years? on and off of course. [so probably more like 7-8yrs.]
4. What got you into roleplaying?
my best friend, and she apologizes to me every time i mention it lol. i used to get in quite a lot of trouble. i was [but still a little bit lol] a tremendous flirt, and i couldn’t help it. 
5. How do you think your current muse and your very first muse compare to each other? Are they similar or polar opposites?
whoo! don’t ask XD! i believe self control and grammar are very big improvements. organization. and actually my most recent muse that im working on ATM, is a revamp of my first lol. but only now she isn’t childish. she has the responsibility and weight of an entire planet’s hope rested on her that she can get back and save them from The tyranny of the ‘evil queen’ who is draining the life from the planet Ahria. she is far more solemn even though she still finds joy, but it’s short-lived when she had to see all her loved ones die repeatedly in each dimension on her journey to find and destroy every copy of the evil queen, and making the true one more powerful as she absorbs their strengths. But at the same time Yagunate [my muse] grows and learns every one of her weaknesses as she defeats them. and with every life lost of her kind becomes absorbed into the true queen of Ahria which is my muse. epic battles will ensue lol!    @Bxrning-Rebxrth  
6. If you could time travel, would you go to the past or future? Why?
past. i’d love to visit and see the glory days of kings, and things lol, but i’d get super vaccinated before i go and take meds with me! XD
7. What would you consider your spirit animal to be?
i think it’s a Raven. they are intelligent, family oriented, and they don’t let go of friends and allies easily [humans and different species of animals too], and they protect what can’t protect itself if it can. i Love Ravens!!!!! 
8. Favorite thing to do when you’re not roleplaying?
Cosplay. point blank. sleeping. skyrim. drinking tea and reading Tolkien on a couch/ fireside. >:D
9. Do you consider yourself to be fabulous? (youallbetteransweryesbcyouare)
i have issues with being conceited at times. and sometimes i don’t even feel bad. lol!
10. Favorite type of music?
it’s between Rock, and musicals. i’m stuck on ‘wicked’ at the moment. lol!
11. And finally: If you could spend the day with your muse (or most used/favorite if you have more than one) would you? What would you do?
Hell yes!! and live in Erebor with her and see the company’s fine booties!!?!?! we can switch places and trick people XD. I made her after me anyways, but she is better than I am. she’s what I strive to be, but I only don’t want to drink. it’s mandatory for her because shes a dwarf lol!
okay! my questions, and you all don’t have to do it if you don’t want to, it’s all in the name of fun :)
iwillplantitwhenireturnhome , ereborsrose, wanderingarcherviola, theotherdurinson, beardedbowman, poplitealqueen, frieda-chan, currywurst-mit-senf, sigridofdale 
alrighty! my questions:
If you could visit ANYWHERE [and live] and be able to explore it for a day, where would it be?
What is your favorite movie[s]? 
What is your favorite food[s]?
What is your celebrity crush? [lotr & the hobbit got me all rabid now. lol!] 
Do you like Disney? and if so what is your favorite movie/character :3
If you could have a dream cosplay made for you, would you dress as your muse? or someone else?
What do you love about your muse?
If you could switch places with your muse would you?
What is your favorite animal fictional or real/ what is your dream pet?
If you could be make a wish, what would it be?
Who do you like to ship in any fandom[s] it can be more than one answer lol. it’s a big question.
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krullish · 9 years
Just Visiting // inhabitxnts
She was a long ways from home. But of course, still in Japan. She just wanted to explore other regions, to see how they were doing. It seemed that the virus didn’t spread to here. She’ll worry about this town later.
A sudden aroma was picked up as she walked. The smell of the alleyway lingered of blood. I’m not the only one who drinks blood around here..?
Krul wandered more with caution. She found a purple haired female standing there. The scent that drifted towards her nose made the pinkette affirm that what she is facing isn’t a vampire.
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seokjinrpt-blog · 7 years
ship: deokseok obv
who is more dominant in the bedroom?: DEOKHYE ?? she tells him where she wants him & he happily obliges :’) they switch though.
who complains the most?: deokhye
who’s the laziest?: minseok, but w/o deok
who wakes up the earliest?: deokhye
who does the chores around the house?: minseok because he knows deok isnt rly the “home maker” type. neither is he really but he still wants 2 take pride in their apartment
who is the most protective of the other?: minseok. you’d think it’d be the other way around but he hates when someone badmouths deokhye. he loves her wit and sharp tongue bt he is also .... terrified she’s gonna toe the line too far and say smthn that gets her killed
who gets jealous the easiest?: deokhye
and a song or group of songs that describes the ship: selena gomez - bad liar ..... the most deokseok song to ever deokseok.. and then a classic. dust to dust - the civil wars
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frankie-the-fox · 9 years
If we kissed?
[] Quickie.[] Tongue.[] Softly bite your lip.[x] We wouldn’t.  You’re that binge eater ghoul who ate lots of boys.  You are NOT biting off my tongue.[] Long and meaningful.[] Let’s hit up the bedroom.[] You remember last time?[] Awkward…[] Lol no.Would I go out with you?[] Yes, definitely.[] No.[] I want to, but it wouldn’t work.[] Maybe. [] Nope, you’re like family.[x] You’re cute, but probably not.[x] Just simply not my type.[] If I knew you better.[] Already did.[] I don’t know.If we took a picture together, we’d be…[] Hugging each other.[] Just chilling.[] Holding hands.[] Kissing.[x] Acting dumb.[] Normal picture.[] You holding me from behind.You are…[x] Cute/Pretty.[x] Good looking.[] Sexy.[] All of the above You + me + room = …[] Movies.[] Cuddling.[] Hanging out.[] Kissing.[] Playing games.[] Everything.[x] Wouldn’t let you in.You should…[] Hit me up.[] Be mine.[] Marry me.[] Reblog this so I can send you a heart.[] be studyingIf we got married, I’d…[] Divorce you.[] Make kids.[] Take your money and bounce.[] Smash every day.[] I would cheat on you.[] Be faithful.[x] Kill you in your sleep since marriage doesn’t matter to me anyway.[] We wouldn’t
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inhabitxnts || starter
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On a rainy evening, under the streetlights, young men in raincoats and hats hurry home through the howling wind, while old folks cower under umbrellas on their way home. Akise was far from his home so he had decided taking the shortcuts.
Passing through one of the alleys, he had noticed some girl sitting in the on the floor, head bowing down and rain drops falling onto her. He walked towards her, stopped a few meters away before actually getting close to her, since he wouldn’t exactly know what would happen.
“Excuse me miss, are you lost?” he asked, not aware if the girl had a place to stay or if she was simply lost.
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rosenfreude · 9 years
Send me ✉ for a drunk text from my muse
[text, 3 am]: rize i think im finally drunk enough toe tell you straigt to your fucking face I hate you.  Im going to regret this probably but I will also be thanking myself for it so whose winning (ME)
[text, 12 pm the next day]: Texting to inform you I’ve deleted your contact information.  Please don’t try to reach me at this number.  Looking forward to improvement in both of our lives.  Good day.
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polycoria · 9 years
"You’re not going anywhere."
They look down at the small, deceptively delicate hand grasping their arm. Dark eyes travel up her forearm, her shoulder, her neck, until they meet hers.
Uta blinks slowly.
“You want to place a bet on that?”
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superstitious-ghoul · 9 years
purple hair, evil, intelligence
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All day every day!
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owarus · 9 years
koisekki replied to your post “ok so now we will have to like all our posts to see how many notes...”
no they went back to normal :)
wow nice *sigh*
troublesome-woman replied to your post “ohohoho tumblr so why don’t you take away our followers count too huh”
signs *Don't give'em ideas Alex!*
signs *i’m sorry, Nic*
off-our-rockers replied to your post “ohohoho tumblr so why don’t you take away our followers count too huh”
Please don't encourage them...
they wouldn’t hear me anyway orz
sexy-tabi replied to your post “ohohoho tumblr so why don’t you take away our followers count too huh”
Don't give them ideas
i’m sorry orz
inhabitxnts replied to your post “ohohoho tumblr so why don’t you take away our followers count too huh”
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seokjinrpt-blog · 7 years
5, 10, 15
your favorite original-verse oc (or one of your favorites)
oh goD KGFHKGH ok well idk if she’s my FAVORITE oc but one of the very first original characters i made for this rpg. it was like an .. anime universe, so u had anime faceclaims if that makes sense??? anyway her name was mitsuka (bc i wasn’t really familiar w japanese names at the time lmao IT WOULD BE MITSUKI NOW) chiharu and she was a half-wolf daemon, blonde-haired katana wielding inn keeper. i even commissioned one of my artist friends to draw her for me so i’d have original artwork of her. she was a badass nd thats all bye im embarrassed
a fandom character who you would like to interact with
snap, i’m not really in any fandoms rn?? aside from kpop but. i’d love to do a rp with bts hyyh inspired characters. maybe game of thrones bc i’m boring
your favorite rp otp
deokseok!! @inhabitxnts made me write and ship straight ships again?? MAGICAL. i love them a lot ok. it’s been a while since ive written a ship as complex as deokseok
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kosunke-blog · 9 years
inhabitxnts wants a starter!
          there was a very small list of people whom hideyoshi never anticipated           on ever meeting again.  especially not in these brief days off, where the           woman is more of a memory than any sort of actual static figure.  after all,           the man had only seen kamishiro rize once in his life--the day that kaneki           had agreed to go on a date with her, so long ago.  ( indeed, it felt like a           lifetime ago. )
          that doesn’t stop him from chasing her in an attempt to get answers.
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rosenfreude · 9 years
Kanae glowers at the phone in his hand for a bit.  He really doesn't want to make this call.  He really really doesn't want to make this call.  But Shuu's been missing for two days now.  He needs help finding him; he can't turn up a potential lead for something as small as personal dislike.  He sighs.  Punches in the number and waits for a hello?
"....Hi, it's Kanae von Rosewald; have you seen Shuu around anywhere," he asks Rize.
They were hanging out pretty recently, if he's remembering correctly.  Maybe she knows what happened.
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moriathedwarf · 9 years
Lol my first submission
I just got mooned by a shiny butt lol. Thank you nonie (though I'm sure I know exactly who it was) for the moon XD
If anyone wants to see it, I'll post it XD I think thranduil's butt looks like that when he's de-robing haha
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