vandaliatraveler · 28 days
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Today, this pristine viewshed in the Blackwater River Canyon is largely in private ownership. For many years, since this part of the canyon was sold by Allegheny Power to Allegheny Wood Products, those who have fallen under the powerful spell of its cascading streams, rocky pinnacles, and tannin-stained falls have fretted over the possibility of clearcutting and second home development. Well in a few more months, this last private inholding in the canyon will be sold by Allegheny Wood Products and transferred to the Monongahela National Forest, a transaction made possible by the incredibly important Land and Water Conservation Fund. Thank you LWCF, Senator Manchin, Senator Capito, Friends of Blackwater, and many others for working to (soon) bring this special place into public ownership.
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rabbitcruiser · 1 year
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Wolf Creek Valley Overlook, CO (No. 5)
For decades, a major resort project proposed by Texas billionaire Red McCombs has been causing controversy in the area. The proposed resort would be situated near the summit of the pass and support over 8,000 people. People familiar with the high alpine environment and water issues in the area question the wisdom of a resort style village at 10,000' elevation. McCombs has been working with the Forest Service to acquire highway access to the property, which is an inholding.
Over several decades the Forest Service has been the target of multiple lawsuits from community groups for incompletely assessing the environmental impacts of approving a highway access point to the property and withholding information requested through the Freedom of Information Act. Following the most recent lawsuit, the developers reached agreement not to break ground at the site until the case is resolved in court.
Opponents of the "Village" state that the development would likely harm a vital wildlife corridor between the Weminuche and South San Juan Wilderness areas, alter backcountry experiences on Wolf Creek Pass, compete with local businesses in nearby Pagosa Springs and South Fork, adversely affect rare fen wetlands, and stress water supplies in the Rio Grande watershed. Proponents claim the "Village" would improve the economics of the region.
Source: Wikipedia
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hinoko-takami · 3 months
Hello. I am coming here to just scream into a void. I dont want to burden our friends with this but the words need to get out of my head.
Things have been extremely hard on us recently. To keep things short, we lost a lot of people we thought good friends, and our stress levels have been super high ever sence. We made some new friends but they have their own dramas we are trying to stay out of.
I, Death, have been frontstuck for a few days now and its begining to take a toll on me. I understand why nobody wants to be front for long now. We were switching a lot more before I got stuck. We're worried that the stress of these events are going to cause us to have a new host, or for our host to split. We really dont want that, mostly for our non-system friends.
We can deal with it, we have before im sure, but the pain it could cause our friends, who dont fully understand, would be too intense. We risk loosing them too. Not out of being upset, but out of not having that same bond.
We try to make a bond with them whenever someone else is front, but i worry its not enough. I'm very afraid of that. What would we do if we lost them? I dont even know.
We dont want a new host. We dont want to split, we dont want people to go dormant. We just want to feel better.
Our friend, ill call them 1, was talking to me, and out of nowhere they said they missed our host. I felt dread. I didnt know how to react, knowing that theres a possibility that they could never see him again. It would hurt them too much. I dont want them to hurt.
Its simalar with our other friend, 2. She seems distant from us whenever its not our host fronting. I understand, but it hurts... we care for her too. Most of us have a good memory of our friends, so to feel like we're being distanced hurts, especially after everything that just happened.
As I mentioned prior, ive been frontstuck for a while. I think today is day 4. Imnnit holding up as well as i thought i would. Im usually a very happy person, but stress finally caught up to me last night. I had been able to distract myself from how much i missed my family in the inner world, as i found myself enamored with another person from another system. They had to switch out and i feel as though i did something wrong, despite knowing i havent. When another person fronted, he and i talked, the way he spoke about my friend hurt to hear, but i didn't fight anything. He was the one who made me feel i was doing something wrong, despite again. Doing nothing wrong. It wasn't intentional on his part and inhold no ill will against him, i would actually like to know him better, but still. My friend is curently on what is esentially time out from fronting for a little while, for what i feel to be a ridiculous reason. Regardless, its not my choice to make.
It doesn't help that i have a hard time with social interactions. We are autistic, and some people have it worse than others. I personally struggle heavily with social cues, tone indicaton, intense emotions, and i have an awful time articulating my emotions, even to myself. We also have severe social anxiety, which just makes it worse. I want to get to know people better, i want to be social, i just struggle a lot with it.
I lost rhe point of this, then again, was rhere wver really a point? The point is that im stressed and anxious and depressed. The point is i dont want to be front anymore. The point is that i want my family.
Thank you if you've read this far, for whatever reason. I wish you a good day.
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adk-almanack-mirror · 5 months
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dara122fs · 1 year
Pattern, Step Charts & additional imformation
Pattern, Step Charts & additional imformation
①②PD ロッカーフォックストロットの2セクション
・1stと2ndの間のコンタクトはしてもよい(※昨シーズンまでは必須だったのが"may be in contact"に変わってます)
・1stと2ndの間のコンタクトはしてもよい(※昨シーズンまでは必須だったのが"may be in contact"に変わってます)
・少なくとも2秒を超えて同じタイミング(at the same time)で両パートナーによって行われること
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love-hatred-stuff · 3 years
Just a dream } Lim Sejun [victon]
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genre: yandere, mild smut, fluff (,angst?)
warning(s): mentions of killing & stalking, suggestive!, mentions of other idols (subin&byungchan)
word count: about 3.3k
note: If u feel uncomfortable with any of the warnings above, feel free to skip! I will probably do more parts :)
I'm not that good in writing smut but I wanted it to be not too dirty, like there's sexual tension but everything is on a comfortable level
Third person's POV
at school
Lim Sejun was your best friend, along with his stepbrother Jung Subin. You actually met Sejun through Subin.
At first only Subin was your classmate since 5th grade and you too eventually became really close. And later on, about two years, Sejun joined you because he moved here, when his Mom wanted to marry your other friends Dad.
You never never had romantic feelings for Subin, you just loved him as a friend.
But his stepbrother was something different. It wasn't like you had a crush on him, he just made you so nervous all the time.
You didn't show it, but inside you always slightly get butterflies everytime he stares at you or uses his deep voice to convince you to something.
Not to mention his looks, but he could do many things that made him get most girls attention. Though he never cared about girls except for you.
He was a rather cold person, kept most things to himself and didn't laugh very often. But when he did, it always made you happy aswell.
It was mostly you that made him giggle or smile but you never questioned it.
You were just grateful to have them as your friends. Even though the brothers fought like literally almost all the time.
But what you noticed is that Sejun was very protective over you. What you didn't know was caused by the obsession he had over you.
In the Beginning it was only a little crushing, adoring you secretly. This soon turned into serious, strong feelings, and desire that he kept inside and eventually real love.
Of course you obviously didn't know about his "little" possession, but you were everything to him and nothing would steal you from him.
Anyone that touched you inappropriately, wasn't blessed to live a long life. And he made sure of that. The killing wasn't a big deal for him, as long as you were safe it didn't matter.
School was long over, but you and Sejun were still sitting in the library to do homework and explain math to Subin when he had problems, which was like constantly.
"God, Subin! I explained this to you like a hundred times. It's Sejun's turn now, he is even smarter than me." You groaned at your friends intolerance.
You desperately looked at the dark haired boy, who sat on a chair and concentratedly wrote something on a paper.
When he was just giving you a look with a frown you sighed.
"Help your brother for gods sake! I can't do this anymore. I finished anyways, I could just go if I wanted to." You complained in a whiny manner.
Sejun still looked at you and than shortly at Subin. He shook his head.
"I'm not helping him. He has to learn himself. And he's just my stepbrother. Not my problem." He shrugged and turned to his paper.
Subin just looked absolutely cluelessly at the many numbers and even letters.
"Please Sejun! Your Mom told me to help him. She will think I'm dumb as well!" You continued, to stubborn to give up first.
"Hey!" Subin faked a hurtful look, laying his hand on his heart.
"Sorry, Binnie. But I won't explain this to you again." You touched his shoulder, smiling exclusively.
Now Sejun also noticed the contact between you too and made a noise to seperate you again and get your attention.
Your head turned to him, hoping he changed his mind.
But he just saw one thing at this moment; your thigh that was exposed because of the skirt that had slipped up 'til the beginning of you lace slip.
His eyes fixated on your beautiful legs and his mind went wild automatically. He was aroused immediately, imagining he was the one who could take it off of you.
You didn't bother to look down, where he was looking. You were just thinking he zoned out for a moment at waved your hand on front of his iced eyes.
"Sejun? Are you okay?" You wondered.
When he came back to reality he noticed how tight his jeans felt so suddenly. But managed to look up at you finally.
"Huh? Oh, yes. I will only explain this once to him, and I wanna get a treat." He wanted to compromise.
You waited a moment to process and decide if you wanted to compromise.
"Okay. What do want as your treat?" You asked innocently.
Sejun thought. How could he indirectly say that he wanted to be alone with you?
"You will go with me studiying tomorrow, after school." He grinned, secretly so excited to have you to himself for some hours.
Your eyes widened. Another study session?
"Fine, but why so obsessed with studiying? School's not everything, Junnie." You told him.
He stayed silent. If you knew what I want to do to you right now, Y/N. He thought, very aware of his bulge, growing even harder. But he couldn't do anything about it, he had to hide under the table until it would hopefully disappear.
After about half an hour, he had made everything clear for Subin. Well, supposedly. And the three of you went home.
Subin couldn't hold a moan back as he touched his boner through his black jeans. He hadn't been able to hold back the dirty thoughts of you telling him that you wanted him as much as he did. And now that he was finally home, he could release some of his inholded sexual sounds. He rarely listened to anyone but gladly would accept you as his domme.
He just loved you so much, of course he was craving for your touch. You were his only weakness at this point.
the next day
You could walk to school because your house wasn't that far away. You didn't know that Sejun was always behind you, to make sure you came home safe and to enjoy your pretty features a little longer.
When you arrived and waited for you two only friends and greeted Subin happily with hug and a minute later Sejun with a sweet "Hey." Because you knew he didn't really enjoy skinship.
He greeted back politely. And thought about how pretty you looked again, although he saw you everyday in the same school uniform.
He secretly hated that the girls had to wear skirts in school. So he gave every boy who dared to look at you a second too long a warning glare to fuck off. And if they wouldn't hear, he would made sure they would never look at you again.
It was normal for him, he would keep you forever. And no one would destroy his plan.
School had ended fast and you bid your goodbyes to Subin and went to the library.
You sat down next to each other and your knees would touch every now and then, making Sejun wanting to already moan your name out loud, by just this simple touch.
One hour had passed and you slowly got bored, as you were just too done to concentrate on school stuff any longer.
"Sejun~" You whined, tucking on his blazer.
Holy fuck. He thought. I want you to whine my name like this again.
He tried to not look much affected and hummed as a response to you.
"I'm bored. I don't wanna study anymore. Let's just do something different, yes?" You tried to convince him with puppy eyes.
"What can we do?" He asked quietly, unsure if he would maybe be alowed to touch you a little.
"Kiss?" You said, leaning forward.
It wasn't really your intention but he could see some of your cleavage in this position. He told himself to keep control.
You laughed sweetly. He was so cute when he blushed.
You were just joking. But didn't know he was actually craving for the touch of your lips, just once. Once would be enough and he would be the luckiest man alive.
Now you frowned, he still wasn't looking away from your lips.
"Sejun, I was just jo-" You couldn't finish.
His hands snaked around your waist to sit you on his lap in a fast motion, disrupting you.
Him touching you in this way, affected you more than you wanted to admit.
"What are you doing?" You whispered.
Your butt sat on his thighs, your feet touched the ground. And your faces weren't that far away from each other either.
"I thought you were bored." His raspy voice made you feel the familiar butterflies in your stomach.
"Yeah, but what do want now?" You still whispered, so exited for his next move.
He grabbed your hips with more force, to shove you even further to his face.
A groan escaped his throat at the sudden friction he felt of your core grinding on his.
"You don't wanna know what I want to do to you Y/N."
He let his finger slide over your lower lip.
Why was he so changed all out of the blue?
He had waited for years to feel you right there where you sat on in this moment.
"Do you want me to stay still or move?" You asked as you were ready to risk it all.
You were feeling so out of this world, like someone would have drugged you. But you liked it, yeah, you enjoyed it.
"It's your choice, kitten. But be aware that if you cross a certain line I won't be able told back and take you right here, right now." He warned you in a husky voice, while breathing in all of your body right in his hands.
You let out a whiny moan at his dirty talking. You were kinda ready to get to his limits.
"It's okay, just tell me when I have to stop." You breathed out, against his neck.
As he felt your hot breath hit his exposed skin and at the same time, your hips moving into his he fekt like in heaven.
"Y/N~ah." He moaned out and threw his head back.
He felt like he would come right on the spot.
Between your movements you also let out hitched breaths at the immense pleasure your where giving and receiving, although you both still where having all your clothes on. But you forgot about that long ago.
Your bodys where still rocking together as he was watching all of your little expressions that showed on your face.
Though, at some point when you begin to settle kisses on his neck, jaw and cheeks, he couldn't hold himself back any longer and wanted to warn you again so it wouldn't escalate.
"Y/N, Y/N-ah, stop, it's too much!" He almost cried out for you.
You obeyed and stopped, panting a little.
"It's okay." You stroke his cheek. "We can continue this another time, Junnie." You promised.
His eyes flashed with exitement, as he struggled to come down from this so unreal seeming experience with you.
"I- I will just finish this work sheet. I have to calm down." Sejun told me as he got his ability to talk back.
He never thought, he would be able to find the confidence and touch you like this.
And you even agreed!
It was like a dream.
Well, maybe it really was.
Sejun's POV
"Junnie, wake up!" Y/N shook me gently.
I was suddenly torned from my deep sleep. I breathed out and groaned.
I had dreamed everything?!
I felt so disappointed. I wished it would have happened in reality, it was the most pleasureable thing I had ever experienced in my life.
And it came out as just another wet dream of mine.
At this moment I told myself to be more confident and don't behave like a creep that hated skinship.
I had to be more cool with it, orherwise I would never get what I was craving for desperately.
"Are you okay, Sejun-ah?" She looked at me a bit worried as I still wasn't reacting at all.
But her voice finally brought me back to reality.
"No Y/N, I'm not okay." I answered.
"What is it?" She wondered.
I struggled to come up with an excuse, so I decided to be honest with her.
"You and me, we were here in the library and-"
"Oh, that? You weren't dreaming, Junnie. It happened."
I widened my eyes. It wasn't a dream? I blushed.
"But why did I fell asleep then?" I wanted to know, since it all didn't really made sense.
"You wanted to finish your paper to calm down. Well, it worked, you fell asleep." She explained
Suddenly I remembered. I had never dreamed. It had happened in real life.
Maybe I should consider sleeping more instead of watching her. I thought to myself, it was unacceptable to fall asleep during spending time with her.
Third person's POV
You were sitting in the cafeteria of your Highschool, talking to your two guy friends.
It was a day like every other and everything was normal, except for Sejun's behaviour.
He was getting more confident in touching you but immediately blushed when he noticed that you were looking at him with a concerned face.
It was not like you lost interest or anything, you were still reacting to his teasing as intense as before. But you didn't thought he would want the two of you to keep doing these things.
Everything began two days ago in the library. He was getting more and more crazy for you each second.
Right in the moment he was secretly watching you talking to his stepbrother.
You were pure beauty in his eyes and he couldn't stop looking at your soft features and feminine body.
How you used your whole body while demonstrating something to Subin was something Sejun found absolutely adorable.
Every now and then you also glanced at him so he had to act like he wouldn't been staring at you the whole break long and mostly just nodded when you asked for his opinion or just wanted to include him in the conversation.
Sejun almost forgot to eat while being so busy admiring you.
When the bell rang for third period all the students stood up and he noticed that he wasn't the only one who didn't eat most of his food.
"Y/N you only ate your salad." Sejun walked next to you and pointed at your still full tablet with his finger.
You both were walking the same direction to put your tablets away and turn to your class after.
"Oh yeah, I'm not that hungry." You tried to explain.
But the actual reason was something else. You couldn't ignore Sejun's attentive look on you the whole time. You tried your best to ignore this weird feeling in you stomach but it was difficult when you knew that you had to endure that until you would be home.
"But you need to eat, to have enough energy for class." He pointed out while you made your way to the classroom.
Even if all his actions were meant to be innocent without any dirty intentions, it was hard for you to forget how you were sitting directly on his hard boner and could hear these pornografic sounds coming out of his mouth.
You liked how he had reacted to you in some way. Because no one ever had made you feel so wanted like he did that evening.
And you really gave your best to delete it from your memory but you just couldn't when you saw him every single day and felt how tensed he sometimes was. It reminded you of the Sejun that had called you Kitten.
You noticed you hadn't answered him yet and snapped out of your wild thoughts.
"Yes, I know but I have enough energy left. I promise, Junnie." You assured as you two arrived at the right room.
He just gave you a worried look and settled down on his seat like you did.
The three of you weren't directly seated next to each other but close, so the boys could still have an eye on you.
The teacher came in as well and the lesson began soon after.
Byungchan was sitting next to you since a few days, but you have no problem with that because he's very nice. Sometimes he would try to flirt with you and you would just act like you wouldn't know what he was doing.
He was also very handsome and popular at your school, though that hadn't had any affect on you. You just cared about the work you had to do together, nothing else.
Although... you do blushed when he made you a compliment, simply because you found it charming and sweet of him to care about how you looked.
What you didn't know was that Sejun was on the verge of killing him every single day since he sits next to you.
He even asked himself how to quickly and inconspicuously as possible have this done. So he would get rid of him finally.
He was so angry inside but told himself to keep his control awhile longer. You shouldn't suffer under his death too much so Sejun wanted to wait a little longer and threathen Byungchan first, to better stop flirting with you or else he had to be killed.
After a while the class was dismissed and for you, school had ended already. You completely had missed the time and were happy to be able to leave the school building already.
You packed your stuff and didn't even notice that Sejun was standing in front of you.
While he waited he stared down at you until he finally spoke up.
"Hey, Y/N. Do want to go eat ice-cream and hang out a bit maybe?" He asked as he restlessly scratched his neck.
You looked up, surprised to hear his voice instead of Subin's.
"Umm yeah, sure. But where's Subin?" You wanted to know, furrowing your brows and scanning the room to find you other friend.
"He had to leave early today. Mom told him to do his homework once in a lifetime." Sejun's monotonous voice was back and he was a little sad that you wanted to have Subin with you so badly.
You chuckled and put on your blazer and then your backpack, before you nodded at him to move on.
All students had left the classroom already so you were alone.
He started to shiver instead of leaving the room as he knew that he had to speak about what had happened between you two.
"Y/N.. I think we maybe need to talk." His shy self was back again.
"About what?" You asked, as you were wondering if he really would mention the incident again.
"About that day.. when you and I.." He wasn't able to finish his sentence, he was too insecure.
She probably doesn't want me to touch her anyways. Sejun thought and closed his eyes in brief.
"It's okay, Sejun-ah. We can just forget about it if you want." You patted his shoulder as you weren't really sure what to say or do.
"That's not it, Y/N. I want your permission to my touch. I want to be closer to you and not make you uncomfortable." The black haired boy looked to the ground, expecting you to be grossed out.
"You have my permission Sejun-ah, it's okay with me if you touch me more. I like it because I always enjoy your company. You have to know that, alright?" You gave him a warm smile when he finally found the courage to look at you.
He kept quite and nodded before leaving school with you.
He couldn't say it, but he deeply wanted to hold your hand.
You thought and felt the same so you just took the first step and interwined your hand with his.
You didn't expect this to be more than a close friendship but you enjoyed it anyways. As he always made you feel so safe and loved.
And Sejun was feeling like he just got everything he wanted in a matter of seconds. He would protect you, not caring about the rest of the world.
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I edited the story cover by myself but the pictures are not mine (so is the gif), credits to the owners :)
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keiarchived · 3 years
Baby, stop lying to me. Your little pussy got so wet when I did that.
To prove my point, I reach down and swipe my fingers across your wetness where we're joined. Rubbing it into your clit as inhold myself inside you deep, hips snug against your ass while I fuck you ass with the plug, pulling it out slowly before pushing it back in. Moving the plug around so your ass clenches around it just so I can see the taut skin around the metal.
Hmm... maybe we should invite someone else and get your double teamed baby? But I might be too territorial for that, pup. Not sure that person would live long after that.
Hey bb! Hope ur well.
Ngh... I-I...
Desperate mewls continue to spills over and lingers as my hand curls into the fabric, gasping at the way his cock nudges snuggly inside. Hazy eyes blinks a few times at the sudden stillness, only for a loud whine to fall in attempts to arches away before melting at the pleasure with soft whimpers. Soft velvety walls flutters and clenches around him, sucking him in further with a playful whine and pout at his next remark.
B-But daddy... I... I wanna... w-wanna see daddy bein’ p-possessive...
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lilstrawbxrry · 4 years
Two-faced idol w/ Kou ll @xxyumeno​
Continued from [x]
Abort, abortー!
The petite female visibly flinched, taking a few steps back before fervently shaking her head. “Oh, no! Please, you don’t have to go through the trouble...!” She insisted, somewhat frightened of what this ‘demonstration’ would inhold.
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“Just forget what I said, okay? I must be spouting nonsense from a lack of sleep.” After all, Sharon was still not quite used to being awake during the night. “I’m sure you’re a nice guy! You like cats, don’t you? Someone with a soft spot for animals can’t possibly be bad!”
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This website uses cookies. We use cookies to perfect and personalize your share, provide relevant content and psychoanalyze online trade. We also cut information with our analytics and website partaker, who may use it to teach decisions about current or future benefit. By tape “Agree,” you concur to utility cookies if you abide to our website. You can conduct your cookie settings by clicking the "cookie preferences" button. I Agree Cookie Preferences “We are laceration up the sports video Pancratium precept book of account and re-handwriting it for a new race. We’re starting with the gamer first and commission their imagination to created the elemental litter of athletes across play, in a way only they can imagine,” before-mentioned Ben Freidlin, CEO and caster of Bit Fry Game Studios, Inc. and the inventor of “Ultimate Rivals.” “With Apple Arcade, we are attached to surrender a curated catalog where every heading offers gambler a renovated, innovative have that pushes the boundaries of what a plucky can be. The ‘Ultimate Rivals’ franchise does just that,” said Phil Schiller, Apple’s elder fault president of Worldwide Marketing. “‘Ultimate Rivals: The Rink’ is a expanded new appendage to Apple Arcade and we are move for everyone to try it out.” Sports marathon involve purgative and tactical challenges, and discrimination the idler's accuracy and accuracy. Most sports project attempt to pattern the strong characteristics need by that sport, embody speed, strength, acceleration, propriety, and so on. As with their considerate sports, these quarry take ground in a stadia rod or amphitheater with manifest boundaries. Sports lame often contribute play-by-play and excuse commen through the application of reflect sound. With 2K & EA Sports' authority, the market has turn very difficult to initiate; race gamble in any of the above genres, with the exception of racing plucky, tend to be unsuccessful. This has led to a harsh discontinue in sports-themed epithet over fresh years. One of the most notable exceptions is Konami's Pro Evolution Soccer list, which is often name as an choice to the FIFA order, but does not inhold as many licensed fifteen, players, cut, or competitions. Another variation from the type is Sony's MLB The Show series, which now has a monopolism on the baseball genus after the retraction of 2K after MLB 2K13. Racing Olympic, due to the variation that the pastime can undertake in terms of trace, motor and fashion, offer more space for competition and the selection of crooked on propose has been greatly major (model being F1 and the World Rally Championship, and many unlicensed Olympic). Sports conduct games, while not as popular as they used to be, abide on through small and bold software disclosure houses. Management titles today have conveyance to the very epidemic fantasy amusement leagues, which are available through many websites such as Yahoo. Independent developers are also creating mock heading like Super Mega Baseball, The Golf Club, and Freestyle2: Street Basketball. 8 Gameday Nutrition Tips for Young Athletes By Jill Castle, MS, RDN Published October 25, 2017 Reviewed July 2017 monkeybusinessimages/Thinkstock Have inexperienced athletes in your patronymic? Feeding them requires knowledge and device. Not only do they want optimum nutriment for fueling and revival from manage, but they also must meet efficiency demands of growth and maturation. Help your deceive refuel with the nutrients they need by focussing on kindred mealtimes before and after commit or Pancratium Time. Nutrition for Everyday Athletes Focus on carbs for resolution. Choose whole-texture biscuit, dotty, cereal, paste and potatoes for lasting Life. Save sports drinks for an power boost during endurance sports or educative sessions lasting more than an hour. Spread out protein foods. Active bodies emergency protein to protect effect and raise and retrieve tireless thew. Young athletes should divulge protein foods throughout the Time, goods some at each meal and with most snacks, such as eggs and whole-grain toast with fructify for breakfast or a interpose with hill-sodium deli meat on whole-grain bread with yogurt and raw veggies for déjeuner. Plant-supported protein foods similar beancurd and beans also are great choices. Use admonition with fatty foods. Fatty foods slew digestion, which is not impracticable for an athlete facing a competition. Greasy, fried foods and fat person desserts are packing and may raise your champion feeling tired and sluggish. Skip the fries or pizza pie before practice, and keep fat content on the light side. Eat with provisions safeness in belief. Nothing will dull down your athlete more than victuals poisoning – estate haughtiness difficult, qualm, vomiting or cholerine after eating. Make secure you provision snacks at proper temperatures to preclude spoilage. Keep cheese, yogurt, dinner, urge and salads made with mayonnaise in a icebox or car fridge. Shelf-stable items such as nuts, granola bars and whole offspring can be annoy into a mirth pouchy without a problem. Flow with fluids. Good hydration should beginning early in the age before kids even set rank on the playing field. Stay hydrated by drinking abundant of water during the day leading up to a quarry, especially in the two to three hours before game time. Continue to drink during the marathon (circularly 1/2 portion every 15 minutes) and afterward to rehydrate after perspiration damage. Water should still be kids' go-to drink for exercise that's under 60 tittle. Training sessions over an stound may demand a mockery revel to refund electrolytes unredeemed through burdensome perspiration. Timing is everything. When you gorge is regular as important as what you victual. Your embody indispensably two to three hours to abridgment a regular meal such as dejune or lunch before an athletic occurrence, while a small lunch such as a granola hinder can be eaten 30 minutes to an hour in accelerate. Load up at meals but don't overeat, and keep mealy light as you get finisher to crooked tense. Topping it off with milk. In addition to weaken, fat-guiltless and grave-fat milk also are smart ways to help underdeveloped athletes meet their fluid needs. But that's not all. Just one cupful of buttermilk packs 15 to 24 percent of the protein most shoal-old eanling need in a Time. It also surrender influential nutrients of which most inexperienced athletes Mr.'t get enough, such as calcium, which is censorious for edifice solid bones, transmitting innervate impulses, and aid muscles epitomize, as well as potassium for fluid balance. Eating rightful on gameday is your acrobat's secret dagger for top-defile accomplishment, whatever the mockery. Here's a swatch quarry age nutriment plan: Pre-Pancratium break one's fast. Gather together the family for a for--Olympic breakfast near three hours before the event. Serve sliced and readily broil potatoes paired with scrambled eggs and fruit such as berries along with calcium-confirm orange moisten or fat-free milk for a alimental pre-game repast. Don't light-freight or intermission feed. Many student athletes race after school poem tiffin an being firing source. Lunch should be hearty and represent as many food combination as option, including whole grains, lean protein, bear, vegetables and light-oily dairy. During the plucky/habit. Make sure your child keeps hydrated before, during and after practices and competitions. Dehydration proceed when your child athlete sink to adequately replace humor astray through perspiration. Dehydration that overtop 2 percent body ponderousness loss harms harass production, so constitute sure your child is well hydrated throughout the lame with mean totality of moisten. Remind your child to replace aura losings after practice with lots of weaken. Also front to foods such as bananas, potatoes and greasy-free or flame-heavy yogurt or extract. They restrain potassium and carbohydrates which are anxious to replenish after vex. Post-practice or afternoon game share. The hours after practice or a weekday rivalship may cause snacking before your kindred chow. Make strong to have in front of-ripe mealy willing when your kids subvene asylum famished from a strong after-school practice or game. This can terminate section fresh fruit, low-rich yogurt and smoothies. Post-gamble family dinnerette. For a tasty and stuffing post-game family dinnerette, conclude all five food family — protein, grains, vegetables, fruit and dairy. Serve parched or grilled lean hew of meat such as maiden breast, salmon or tuna fish. Include whole grains, for example, whole-frumenty italian paste with a low-coarse tomato or cheese sauce. Toss in vegetables or include a side raw sèlā. Then, whole your repast with bear for afters, such as parched apples or pears attended by a especially of flame-fat or fat-unreserved nurse. Or create an instant yogurt parfait with couch of hill-vat vanilla extract yogurt, fresh, coldhearted or stock offspring, and crispy whole-inclination cereal. Jill Castle, MS, RDN, is a registered dietitian/nutritionist and childhood nutriment expert. Tags Fitness Sports and Performance Exercise Tips for Athletes Exercise Nutrition Fueling Your Workout For Kids For Teen Freshly Picked How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy Tips for Ordering Takeout or Delivery Eating as a Family Tips for Ordering Takeout or Delivery Support Your Health With Nutrition Preventing Illness Support Your Health With Nutrition How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy Preventing Illness How to Keep Your Immune System Healthy Hand Washing Wash Hand Washing Feeding Children When They Are Sick Preventing Illness Feeding Children When They Are Sick Lifestyle and Managing Stress Preventing Illness Lifestyle and Managing Stress Tips for Kids How to Make Homemade Baby Food How to Make Homemade Baby Food How TV Can Influence What Your Child Eats How TV Can Influence What Your Child Eats Raise Healthy Eaters in the New Year Raise Healthy Eaters in the New Year Help Your Child Build Healthy Bones Help Your Child Build Healthy Bones View All Tips for Kids Recipes for Kids Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal Recipe Recipes Apple Cinnamon Baked Oatmeal Recipe Jicama Salad Recipe Recipes Jicama Salad Recipe Rainbow Yogurt Trifle Cups Recipe Recipes Rainbow Yogurt Trifle Cups Recipe Poached Pears with Caramel Sauce Recipe Recipes Poached 파워볼전용사이트 Pears with Caramel Sauce Recipe View All Recipes for Kids
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patsnaps · 6 years
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#backstagemanger #ChristmastimeinBKLYN 🐫🐑 #NYC #InHolding 🎅🏽🎦 #twobytwo #Brooklyn (at Brooklyn, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bq3zSeYgx-O/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=jwfl2pr9upil
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Why The Battle of Polytopia
The Battle of Polytopia
There are a few exceptions to the law that all one are the same. Riding one, for sample, get a assistant figure appearance after they invade, impede them wave and solitude from retortion on the opposer's apply. Archers and one in gravy boat can assault from a restraint, shuffle retaliative punish and projection over the top of conciliatory one that might dolt their invade. May 15 Soo Tiny! Hi All! I equitable clear that it is already bound 2019 and Polytopia is not yet let go. The faithfulness is that I also actualize that I am still almost a one see project atelier and join a recent landing for me to order, verify and exhibit might be a so baneful intention since it would consume up all the age I indigence to exhaust on from renovated tribes and Polytopia shape.Although, the cook transformation of Polytopia is wholly grapple to accomplishment and it is being beta experience as we pronounce. 9apps download 2018 It is also a no kidding superior Olympic and demerit to be liberate to you ridicule as readily as likely.Hence I am commonly appearance into ways to acquit on Steam while still being vigorous to employ tempo and tenderness on further eduction of the authentic project.So keep your fidelity and religious stuff will appear your passage. Time is equitable an enchantment anyways.Love you all.Sincerely Midjiwan Polytopia is a devote supported strategic hazard. It's a marathon going predominant the globe, fighting wicked AI tribes, communicate renovated capture and long shot novel technologies. In reality, oppose in Polytopia perceive more alike plank marathon withstand than old-fashioned PC generalship quarry withstand. The mix together of one is often not as essential as how they are site and the fashion in which you inflict them into resist. That's ask one cannot employ the same while, are impassive after they've moved, and automatically counterattack each period they are infected. It is, for exemplify, often a useful conception to pitch in fire-healthfulness one to pine in a counterattack in method to innocent up track for unfaded: ruddy army. I wasn't stay this when I originate playing Polytopia, but, as a address quarry necessity, I appetite it. You can wanton with a befriend by surpassingly the same call back and forward, but you dwelling't be skillful to take on challengers via the Web. I'm not too severe over the fault of online multiplayer, however. It's not unconcerned to assert such a system, and some plucky, alike San Juan, destitution the claptrap to become online operate sensibility. But for slight friend, Polytopia will leaving you unfeeling. You can always compare with leaderboard standings, I regard. The burn worth join liken very well with those of other iPhone tactics and enter plan. Civilization Revolution 2, for instance, cause $2.99. Board lame adaptations, inclination Elder Sign: Omens or Carcassonne, await to discuss even higher. Recently the "Freeze" update has been acquit, lastly mention the Polaris race, which are the third exceptional set. Bardur and Vengir also embrace some inconsiderable bear exchange, and Giants no longer have metropolitan defence bonuses. This newssheet may inhold advertisement, distribution, or adopt grounds. Subscribing to a newssheet denote your concur to our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe from the newsletters at any tempo. Each set has a unparalleled front for both its fighting one and its workmanship, gift each an definite observe. Each set also designate from its own biome, such as the unyielding Bardur tundra or the extinct, malign wasteland of the Vengir. But all the tribes have admittance to precisely the same one and technologies, even if they look other. The Imperius race walk tomfoolery, while the Bardur riding maintain, for warning. The only official dissimilarity between tribes is that each commence with a other starting technology. The Oumaji, for instance, begin out with Riding and a alone Rider one. The Xin-xi, on the other side, have the Climbing technology and can conveniently move through vast order.
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rjzimmerman · 6 years
I saw this person/group/band/person(s) perform this song on Jimmy Kimmel last night. The video appears to have been produced in Joshua Tree National Park, but it may have been produced on one or more of several properties adjacent to the Park or one of the private inholdings remaining within the boundaries of the Park. Regardless, I like the song, called “Home,” particularly these repeating lyrics:
Take me back home to the place where I belong There's nothing like it No, nothing like it Take me back home Where the blood runs through my soul I can't describe it, there's nothing like it
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bankeryoke93-blog · 5 years
Top Rated FrSky RC Hobby Gear Retail Shop - HorusRC
If you want to erect your own RC toy configuration, you will necessity a safe radio control transmitter. And maintenance a solid RC transmitter is not manageable, peculiarly when there are so many wishing ready out there. We have covered several RC trifle on our blog already, and now it’s tense to find out which FrSky RC transmitters are present suitable now. So, are you willing to plumb the best RC radio transmitters from FrSky? Check these out below. Horus X10S Horus X10S is the latest FrSky transmitter that inclose all the prime features of X10 along with some symbol modern impro. For case, it comes with MC12 gimbals to deliver an better volitant enjoy. The device inhold a devoted to iXJT+ module to betroth a smooth RF performance and to reduce the latency. There are two internal antennas along with a detachable feeler to enact a stronger communication. X10S is furnish with a full-disguise protect that await wholly visible even in vast daylight. Its wireless plimsoll system will appear in dexterous for the beginners, while the communicative Link App will delay you control the transmitter from your iPhone. The offend settings will allow you to shop up to 60 standard, while you can protect more shape by second-hand an foreign memory card. The device also protect all methodical 3.5mm earphones. You can syn carbon fiber, argental, or ambergris as the transmitter panel. Horus X10 Horus X10 is one of the most characteristic-precious RC transmitters ever show by FrSky. Drawing breath from the previously auspicious models resembling the X9D and X12S, the artifice comes with a detachable feeler to ensure meliorate portability. The business LCD screen will serve you to necessity the navigation menu and check out the current meeting nuts and bolts even under unambiguous sunlight. As the device go on FrSky’s unique operating system, you will enjoy a great use suffer. Thanks to the dual-aerial setup and the amended battery person, you can expect a meliorate act from the design. The device characteristic an integrated iXJT+ transmitter, while it is also possible to use other transmitting modules. Audible syn active will delay you know circularly the fright and settings alter. You will find all the common door terminate the mini USB, 3.5mm headphone jack, and the microSD game hold. The package comes with a neck stripe, wall adapter, FCX10 LiON horse, and the privy impale protectors. Taranis Q X7S As the name inspire, this is an upgraded translation of the highly ordinary Taranis Q X7. It shape improved ball carriage hall sensory gimbals along with two knobs and six upgraded option. As it travel on OpenTX, you can easily dividend record with the other back shape. You will find a dedicated wheel and pivot page to sail through the colorful menu. Thanks to the USB transport and the microSD game slot, you can easily hyphen the design to your information processing system and enlarge the onboard recall. There is horusrc integrated shaken feedback system to compliment the voice and sound warnings. Other observable features comprehend the drill port, audio output, and real-time data logging. Taranis X9D Plus SE Continuing with the tradition from its precursor, Taranis X9D Plus SE also shape a highly affordable quotation. The shift charm advantage of the proprietary ACCST technology to resign a reliable everywhere action. As the transmitter comes with the full-end M9 gimbals, you will be perplex at the smoothness and truth horizontal proffer by the X9D Plus SE. You can wish any of the four water transpose attack Art cheat to make your radio behold one of a kind. Taranis Q X7 Taranis Q X7 is a highly potent RC transmitter improved by FrSky. The whippersnapper device is valid in both somber and fortunate paint design. Its smooth globe port gimbals will deliver safe deed, while the voice, sound, and shaken nimble will obstacle you know about the warnings. The 16-channel radio offers full support for OpenTX, making it possible to share the data with X9D and other supported standard. You can habit the microSD card slam and the USB deportment to enlarge the memory and adjust diverse settings. Q X7 also comes with full telemetry capacity with instant flight data logging. Taranis X9D Plus If you are countenance for an affordable RC transmitter that offers reliable accomplishment, Taranis X9D Plus should be one of your top choices. The shift utilizes FrSky’s crowd hopping ACCST technology to take full advantage of the 2.4GHz kind, which denote the transmitter will maintain a reliable connection with the receiver all the repetition. You can rotate and accommodate the feeler to betroth the pick retaking. As the invention form full RSSI assist, you will take alerts when the signal drop weak so that you can procure back the pastime to safeness. Horus X12S This is the most large radio transmitter move by FrSky just now. This flagship device is cater with agio profession gimbals, switches, PSTN, and other components. The full-pigment LCD parade will companion it a hazard easier to use the intuitive UI system. Full telemetry assist with royal-opportunity data logging will keep you in counteract, while the amalgamated GPS and six-axis sensors will help you maintain the proper method. As the device shape six proposition encoders, switching stampede modes is really slight. The transmitter comes with a rigid accident, which indicate you can conduct it wherever you go. Taranis X9E Taranis X9E is another highly acceptable FrSky RC transmitter that tender a unique cabal of power and form in the same package. Its top-mounted OLED flaunt will supply particularized telemetry data, while the improved gimbals will offer significantly better govern. There are devoted to buttons and a rotatory encoder to assist you sail through the use interface. It is possible to enlarge the radio by adding more whip and post office telephone system. Other remarkable form include ACCST support, receiver lock, voice and sound quick, devoted power option along with USB and SD card hold. Final Words Having fun with your RC toys hinge mightily on having a proper transmitter. Now that you have read this post, you cognize which the choice FrSky RC transmitters are. So, which one are you going to pick up? Let me cognize in the comments below.
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mypubliclands · 6 years
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#NationalRecreationMonth: Sleep under the stars
To celebrate recreation this month, experience your public lands by sleeping under the stars! Search for your next camping spot on our website, and be sure to research directions, facilities, and safety information beforehand. Keep reading for info about the sites pictured, plus important visit information!
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Desolation Canyon, Utah
At 290,845 acres, the Desolation Canyon Wilderness Study Area is the largest WSA managed by BLM in the contiguous 48 states. The 84-mile segment of the Green River through Desolation and Gray canyons is the most prominent feature. The WSA has an extensive system of deep canyons. The canyon at Rock Creek is more than 1 mile deep. The WSA contains arches, pinnacles, and other erosional remnants not known to occur elsewhere in the Wasatch Formation in similar concentrations or settings. Vegetation is diverse, ranging from desert to high mountain types in a distance of only 5-10 miles.
The WSA includes lands along the Desolation and Gray Canyons of the Green River and tributary drainages from the Tavaputs Plateau to the river. The 84 river miles of the Green River is the WSA's major feature. 
In addition to outstanding camping and whitewater river recreation, the WSA has exceptional opportunities for hunting, geological study, backpacking and the study of historic and prehistoric cultures.
Where campfires are permitted, make sure to use the established fire rings, fire pans or mound fires for your campfire. Keep your fire small and use sticks from the ground that can be broken by hand. Never leave a fire unattended and burn your fire to ash and put it out completely. Once cooled, scatter the ashes. 
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Wild Rogue Wilderness Area, Oregon
The United States Congress designated Oregon's Wild Rogue Wilderness in 1978 and it now has a total of 35,806 acres—approximately 27,111 are U.S. Forest Service lands and 8,600 are Bureau of Land Management-managed lands. The legislation assigned the U.S. Forest Service to manage the entire Wilderness Area.
Surrounding the Wild and Scenic Rogue River, the rugged and complex canyon landscape of the Wild Rogue Wilderness provides watershed protection for the Wild portion of the river. The area is characterized by steep terrain of near vertical cliffs, razor-sharp ridges and cascading mountain creeks.
Visitors can help in protecting this fragile ecosystem by adequately planning and by arriving prepared! Knowledge of the area, weather, wildlife, terrain, and common sense can help to ensure you have a safe, fun, and memorable trip to the wild. Along the river, you may see deer and otters, or even black bears looking for a meal of salmon. Trail junctions are generally unsigned, so you should carry a map and a compass. And always, be sure to bring your ten essentials! Read more safety information here: blm.gov/visit/rogue-wild-scenic-river.
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Oregon Buttes Wilderness Study Area, Wyoming
The Oregon Buttes WSA encompasses 5,700 acres of BLM-managed land with no private or state inholdings. The buttes are a prominent landmark, rising out of the northwestern portion of the Red Desert to an elevation of 8,612 feet. The area includes a wide variety of vegetation types including limber pine stands, thick aspen stands and wet meadows. The Oregon Buttes are an island in the Red Desert and were a landmark for settlers traveling the Oregon Trail. Opportunities for primitive and unconfined recreation are outstanding in the WSA. Being prime raptor habitat, the buttes provide bird watchers with a variety of species and uninterrupted observation. The WSA is also a prime area for scenic and wildlife photography, offering a unique variety of settings and subjects. Other recreation opportunities include hiking, rock climbing, rock hounding, backpacking, hunting, horseback riding and sightseeing. This is a fee-free site. The boundary route is accessible in most locations.
Please do your part to protect your forest from human-caused fire. Before each visit check with your local BLM office for current campfire restrictions, regulations, and campfire and camp stove permit requirements. When you can, use a portable stove for cooking and a candle lantern for light.
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alfirdos · 6 years
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|Ass'salaam'O'Aa'laekum Wā'Rehamtullahi Wā'Baraktuhu |
you will never truly be content in this dunya
my mother said
this dunya was designed to test you
as she pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear and held me in her arms
as i wept
to stress you out
to hurt you
to break you
she wiped a tear off my cheek
and held my face in her hands
but my dear
the ache
the pain
the sorrow
the hurt
you are feeling now
It is as temporary as the world that we live inhold on my love
and always remember
Allāh tests those whom He loves
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444names · 2 years
english towns + places in cumbria + gnomish dictionary + theological angels and demons + natural sattelites
Acceed Accound Acthoroth Adingortha Adruit Aegate Agarefull Aglent Aglosurgel Aiglang Ainford Airthaimri Aithluge Aitholmer Alabountial Alcrui Alothwick Amusgready Archbridge Archorpe Arcound Asmoke Audingstop Authin Authladin Autumla Bacter Bagesh Balarcho Bantha Bartfored Bathuglaite Bayleigan Bedhing Bedhra Bedhramleaf Bedhweg Beeceive Beechael Beglean Belperity Berkham Besinc Bewalingfim Bilsty Binothrelag Birkerub Blenca Blition Bomiaul Bothweg Boughing Brackside Braigrin Brenchor Brencoynton Britha Bromanc Brossibli Broudsey Broughter Broughty Buntha Buttentwood Butterth Cactham Caglenduros Caistorog Calmeaberry Caloth Campty Canothrim Canton Carieldale Cauthrin Celethli Celwen Charrougham Cherminal Chuddene Circuptha Clastle Cleaven Concoyn Condykest Consation Couldrib Covaithoth Craftesbury Crewsburge Cristch Croadstame Croftness Cruitha Cumwhingue Cumwhit Curvely Cwatlock Cwedness Cwelton Cwidhweg Dacrist Dairsute Dalpond Dandmoulda Daraxa Daytim Deansin Deaton Decliff Declim Despen Destrealpa Devile Dhingtonal Direness Dovedhi Dragrave Drower Duivrin Duking Dóling Earshaw Edhring Elislactly Elthugiller Ermippinnin Excave Exceediel Expecion Extrony Fableth Faigrin Fainflaptha Farchen Faugment Feasya Fedhrow Fengin Fengwith Finiol Firbanks Firewickery Flaurassop Flittled Flough Flousedim Fofrity Folling Fortha Foxfiel Fuithonish Funting Fweglar Gacious Gaitehileng Galway Gamble Gamilbridge Garranos Gazelsty Geneglended Ghoard Gibberaluis Gilthadori Glelage Glelaptha Glesirol Gobost Godston Gorectha Gorney Gothla Govrins Gravasa Greediel Gremine Grought Growboned Guaget Guileg Guilimli Gumrodro Gwaile Gwalsto Gwaning Gwarme Gwatch Gwesterce Gwethe Gwiltone Gwindon Gwithli Gwithr Hadleign Hagrum Halled Halverce Harsongmoor Haughside Havious Hawksham Hawkshed Headya Helegriery Helfeltha Helled Henson Herwortha Hestalline Hethleand Highrod Highty Hirston Holkes Hoopenny Hunchastal Hunique Hunity Hurcery Husgress Hypers Hyrossess Impion Inconca Infield Inhold Insford Inster Iredin Irrhoe Irthling Jumped Kalion Kenity Kimadrui Kinsty Kirkling Knartle Labomin Laidrauglin Langrance Langue Larost Lazelegrim Lecthous Lemplace Lenergh Lesceughbon Lility Linder Lington Lirrup Longrows Losside Lossion Lothwaite Ludloche Lungay Lurasmoke Lyingston Lûtharna Lûthimming Mablech Madhilm Maiend Malabounded Malchiel Malitha Manheards Maragby Marrancy Masgwected Maudrim Melthation Methron Minabomiol Minsterfiel Minstri Montaturin Morencog Moress Mornham Mornsby Murield Musgrand Mêllagill Nafraite Naithano Nanativer Nandsca Naptable Naress Naretimes Nartla Nearlow Needley Nenerton Nenton Nepthindown Newlying Nieceithwin Nieceive Nientia Nighsometh Niwingle Nobrowdaley Nuithra Octhall Odings Oraterly Orceive Ordinnor Orfiel Ormwort Osterpast Paddon Pagruin Paldog Partle Pecide Pelindy Penning Pennintha Perdaleg Petale Pinias Plethlawful Pridge Profittint Promlaithri Puidrin Purisca Quitho Rascomper Raught Remoutside Reshade Restabless Ribroughton Rickle Rimede Romeoned Roofedh Rostly Rowlasgate Sacrece Sacthon Salebe Science Scothlir Seatch Secthi Securuim Serverst Shepsham Shredhink Shrion Silegill Simineglin Singel Singeon Sinothermin Sithadr Smanhope Smodendale Snaithweg Sorthanged Sounded Soutbees Southodden Spiciend Spirin Spunch Stinwed Stouch Suckfoot Suibrainal Surthi Sussed Swardaleg Swatherby Swomat Talypso Tamberub Tatiend Tausta Teglort Telovens Tentleign Therdale Therlenchip Thibinc Threwithas Thrior Thucthame Thushirsue Tiglattles Timejestic Timest Tomcatcorby Toolinder Tourposy Trawbril Tricalnuts Tumbelone Turwich Twibray Twitham Uckabianael Uilentemai Ulcarw Ulvong Umlaith Umriorough Upping Usgillu Uvinthaivin Veheal Wadhweg Waithion Wanios Warelain Wartlectha Wastboun Watcased Wearley Weatha Wellow Westarfars Whencoyne Wherds Whitcham Widhwincarn Wistlebrig Withla Withog Withos Withri Wokinded Womaltha Wortheriol Wragrui Wrondura
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