#hinoko talks
spectrum-system · 1 month
If ink sans was trans would he use his T vials for his paint. I think so.
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kyogre-blue · 4 years
Naruto Shippuden, ep 489-493
The Shikamaru shinden filler. The problem is... I don’t like Shikamaru. So I found this filler quite tedious on the whole. 
Kakashi hates being called the Hokage and doesn’t wear the robes at all if he can help it, seems like. 
The way Naruto is... framed (since he only appears in one scene and one short vision of sorts) in this filler is really weird. Like, Shikamaru really, really, really thinks he should be Hokage. But at the same time, he’s also very clearly pedestaling Naruto, to the point of excluding him from what is actually going on in the village and the world at large, even when Sai, one of Naruto’s friends, is involved. Naruto also doesn’t seem to be doing any sort of training for his future role, unlike Shikamaru. It creates a frankly uncomfortable picture. 
Shikamaru and Onoki play chess. Travel times are apparently just not a thing anymore. 
Konoha is rebuilding a lot at this point (2 years after the war, I think?)
Shikamaru’s genin team have all gone their separate ways now and have separate jobs/teams. They even have little kouhais, apparently. 
There has been a drop in shinobi requests for “3 periods.” The five villages send two representatives each for regular meetings, it seems. 
There are many missing persons after the war. Many have been going to Land of Silence as missing nin. 
Their leader is Gengo. They might threaten the Shinobi Alliance. 
Sai led a team of 10 Anbu to investigate. 
This is apparently in breach of faith to the alliance? I’m not really clear on the politics here, tbh. 
Shikamaru is given two underlings. Ro, who can manipulate his own and others’ chakra, creating anachronism in perception to hide their chakra. (This part is quite weird later because so many characters are suddenly able to sense chakra now so this ability can be brought up, including random NPCs and Chouji.) And Soku, who is an Anbu. Her real name is Hinoko, and she’s only 14 but was recruited straight out of Academy. She uses homing chakra needles that can hit acupoints. 
Shikamaru visits graves once a month. 
Kurenai has a babysitter who just moved to Konoha. Mirai calls Shikamaru nii-chan. 
Shikamaru tells Naruto to take as many missions as possible so that people come to subconsciously rely on him for everything (???) The Hokage really is just a figurehead, god. 
Tobari Village. 
They go undercover as coal merchants, complete with a permit. 
Tobari folks check customer background and give passes. They are cheaper than other villages. 
The filler raises the issue that peace is not really good for shinobi business and also the issue of the daimyo profiting off the struggles and death of shinobi. None of this is meaningfully addressed, of course. 
You Can Never Leave (your village). 
Komori, one of Gengo’s people. 
They gave Shikamaru a blank book to carry around, to show how they have basically no info on Gengo. Every shinobi is such a dramatic bitch. 
Fushu Castle. 
Gengo has been around the Land of Silence for 10 years. They kicked out the daimyou. This is interesting since we later find out that Gengo was part of Zabuza’s group but betrayed him (I’m not clear whether he’s the traitor that caused the Mizukage assassination to fail, or if he betrayed Zabuza at some later point). Ten years before this point would be three or so years before part 1. 
Minoichi, former Anbu who killed his entire squad during the war and ran off. 
Gengo’s stated goal is to get rid of all the daimyo to create a perfect world for shinobi. Is this like... Outer Heaven? 
Shikamaru’s team actually talks to a normal person, super rare in Naruto, who says that life hasn’t changed much with Gengo in charge instead of the daimyou. 
Sai is insecure that he doesn’t matter to Naruto as much as Sasuke and Sakura. Man, Team 7 was not kind to the later additions. 
Gengo kind of reads Shikamaru wrong? Shikamaru didn’t really choose to be a ninja, it’s the family business. His dad was the clan head. I don’t think he had that much choice. He also doesn’t seem to be all that into training either, since his deal is lazy genius. 
The brainwashing flowers make the dull plot even more boring since it really saps the emotional weight out of everything. 
Temari’s The Last deisgn doesn’t look like her. I can’t explain it too well, but she doesn’t feel like herself at all. 
Ino tries to punch Sai in a very Sakura-like way. 
Sai got handsome. I wish I was a bit more into Inosai. 
Naruto in Shikamaru’s head: RAMEN
Shikamaru’s cute kouhai from the start is named Yurito. 
You can tell I totally clocked out as this arc went on, haha.
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fatesxedda · 4 years
Wishlist: Mother Dearest
I have a tutoring session (online of course) shortly and then after that, work. But I wanted to take a second to talk about something I want to do with Yunneth. I would do this with Soren or Lucien but no one is really close with them (yet) so it has to be Yunbun.
So what I want is a thread where she meets her mother, Hinoko, after its been more than a few years. Her mother was absent for most of her life and the times she was there? Not exactly an affectionate mother. She is also a cultist and doesn’t see her children as “her children” and more like “her experiments” or a means to an end.
The other three don’t know it but they had many siblings before them through their mother but she killed them all when trying to birth the perfect vessel for her god. So...she’s killed her own children in the name of a god and will do so to her surviving 3 if it furthers her master’s goals.
Imagine this woman appearing, she and Yunneth have a brief battle, and afterward she is shaken like “...I was never close to her...but...I have to kill my own mother? What...?” Because she is now her enemy. Idk I think it would be cool to explore, especially since Hinoko rarely comes up.
At some point, I’d like to have Soren and Lucien involved eventually.
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ink0ming · 5 years
@idollings (haiiro)
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Since Hinoko was always considered the ‘old sister’ due to her relation with Aoi, it was no wonder that she somewhat stood out from the group -- just like Sora, or even Kuro. But also Haiiro had the same kind of ‘struggle’ though she wouldn’t exactly say that it was a struggle for the man. He seemed too mature to want to be part of a clique to feel validated. The red octoling girl didn’t need that kind of validation either, she was just looking for friends to hang out with simply because she loved to be a social butterfly! It seemed only natural to want to go out and talk to everyone, making a bunch of friends and having a good time. Meanwhile, the older inkling was fine on his own, and she really admired that about him. While a lot of people probably were intimidated by his maturity as well as his lone wolf attitude, Hinoko could not agree with that at all. If anything, she found it endearing, she has always had a knack for people who were so different from her own personality ---- perhaps because she was raised with her blue inkling sister who was basically a polar opposite of her own.
It felt natural being around the grey inkling since the two of them aren’t exactly part of the friend group, so it wasn’t as if they went behind their friends’ backs to be together and more so they were spending time with each other when they usually would either be alone or with different kind of people. These days it had become a day-to-day thing for them to hang out, which felt really nice. Especially since Hinoko could appreciate that her counterpart was not as childish as Aoi’s friends (of course, it was a question of age, but also of personality. He just was not the type to be loud and obnoxious like the other inklings, and his was a better fit -- the mature and level-headed octoling personality that she had herself). 
Having dinner together after the taller has had a rather tiring day at work was something nice, since she could figure that he was tired even when he would not complain about it, or even talk too much about it, really -- but she was too attentive to miss out on the look his face bore. As she munched on her own food, she mumbled in-between the chewing and swallowing, “Hold up.” reaching forward to his face with her hand and using her thumb to wipe bits of food from his chin before it would dribble down onto his shirt. “There you go.” The girl said with a smile, knowing that she could be a bit too invasive at times, but she only meant well when she didn’t want him to mess up his button-up.
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y4s1-20192020 · 5 years
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The wood is the main material for construction, especially for Thai. Wood is not only a lightweight material but also strong and strength in compression and tensile. As you can see in this diagram, basically it shows the overall wood production process since extraction where they collect wood, transportation, the process of transforming logs into a wood board, along with construction, demolition, and recycling.
During those processes, it creates lots of wood waste like chips and sawdust.
Therefore from overall wood production….. I decided to focus on the construction process, which is the joinery system. Because the traditional woodworking joint allows you to use all components in different places and times. (or able to assembly and take apart anytime)
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If we talk about the joint system, Japan is the country that well-known in joinery. They have good materials for the construction of the joint system, which are Hinoki Cypress. But I would like to focus on my own country since the materials until the production process. The comparing wood materials within Japan and Thailand, Thai teak has a similar characteristic to Hinoko cypress.
They are both medium hardwoods that are durable and tolerance properties. They also have a long lifespan of up to 100years. But different in color
For an environmental consequence, I see that energy consumption, reuse and recycle and waste can affect the cycle of production. Within these 3 topics, I would like to compare 3 different kinds of woodworking joints; which are Wood joinery, joinery with glue and joinery with a mechanical fastener. 
For energy consumption, wood joinery tends to have the least amount of energy consumption due to the fact that they require only wood processing, shaving wood and worker labor. 
For reuse and recycle, all of the wood joinery is easy to assemble and taking apart. But wood joinery with glue and fasteners have some part that can’t be reused. For example, the bonding part that the glue was applied.
For waste, wood joinery only creates waste during processing like chips and sawdust. But the others the wood was damaged from glue and mechanical fasteners.
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All in all, after I compared these 3 types of woodworking. It comes up that traditional wood joinery has the least amount of energy consumption, easy to assemble and take apart, be able to reuse and recycle all part as much as possible, and have the least amount of waste compared to wood joinery with glue and mechanical fasteners. 
Therefore, I would like to create a pavilion with an idea of woodworking traditional joinery that can assemble and take apart easier without damaging the materials. 
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So I deeply research Chidori Japanese Joinery, as the main structure of my pavilion and this is how I develop the pattern of the structure by using similar joinery as I research before. 
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For Joinery 02, I use similar joinery for the overall structure, which I can create and organize in different spacing and gaps between pieces. 
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As you can see in this diagram, the spacing at the bottom can create privacy because it sequences enough to blur an environment. Contrasting with the top, the spacing is larger than the previous space, which allows the wind to ventilate into the pavilion.
Therefore, I decide to select the location in Bangpo Area. The main wood supply in Bangkok. That allows you to go and buy wood or create furniture in this area.
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As you can see on this map, the red line is the biggest main road that has a lot of wood and carpenter. And the white circle is a specific area that I will put my pavilion here.
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As you can see…in this diagram, I would like to put my pavilion in between these 2 alleys. Hopefully, my pavilion can represent characteristics and identity about wood materials and this area.  
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This is how the selected site looks like before I place my pavilion. 
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And this is how it looks like. Which basically, I chose Thai Teak wood as a main structure. 
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This is an overall plan that how it looks like and the elevation between an interior and exterior. 
Moving on to the joint connection of the structure, I have 3 different prototype systems that I integrated into this pavilion. 
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Firstly, Joint 001, the interlock of this system is similar to a jigsaw… as you can see the left part, will have a void that fits perfectly with the one on the right.
Secondly, Joint 002, is more complicated. If you see thoroughly, the edges of the wood will have holes, which you can use the wooden pin or wood mechanical fasteners to connect each part together. 
And the last one, it is the most complex form because it needs a large amount of wood joinery pieces. As you can see, it required a small wooden plank to hold two pieces together and use a wooden pin to connect.
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And here is an example of the prototype 002 that I use to construct the pavilion. It also can be prefabricated from the factory and then transport to the site and construct into the big piece. 
For the program, this pavilion will consist of public space or tourist attraction, which in this part I created a function to the wood panel that has a hook that can interlock with the main structure for the seating. 
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Next, it is an information space, that shows and gives some information about many species of wood that Thai people usually select the most. In this part, it allows the visitor to touch and feel the materials. Also, it will be the skin of my pavilion as well. 
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Lastly, is a storage space that can store many sizes of wood and this is how the storage system integrates with my pavilion. This plate will be placed horizontally on the structure to allow and store the materials within the pavilion.
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wayward-quartz · 7 years
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Today was another rad day full of walking, this time in a neighbouring city: Chiayi. Broke the record with Jani, because this time we walked between 6 and 7 hours. It was nice, even if my legs feel like jelly now. We went to the forest train garage, Hinoki village, Chiayi park, arboretum, Sun Shooting tower, and Song of The Forest sculpture (fancy name for the egg pictured above). Same as always; walking, making lame jokes, looking at dogs, admiring plants, drinking tea, etc. It was a very enjoyable day~ The trains on the garage were cute and nice. Hinoko village was full of people, but was still pleasant and pretty. Chiayi Park was peaceful and green. The arboretum was awesome, tho I was disappointed we didn't see a single snake :( Sun Shooting tower was cool, had an awesome view and a nice café. The fancy egg was nice, even if I still don't understand why it has a name as rad as "Song of the forest". Anyway, it was a cool but tiring-as-hell trip~ On the train back home, we were so dead we could hardly talk coherently; it was hilarious xD Next time we go to Chiayi we hope to visit Alishan; from what I've heard, it's one of the prettiest places in Taiwan, but we'd need a whole day to dedicate it solely to Alishan, and it probably won't even be enough to admire it entirely~!
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dailyanimeart · 7 years
Naruto Shippuden 489 focuses on Shikamaru’s story, we see Shikamaru’s life when helping Kakashi as the Hokage, we learn that Sai has gone on a mission to the Land of Silence with 10 other ANBU to figure out what is happening, especially what has actually happened with all the missing Shinobi. Shikamaru along with Ro and Hirako go on this mission.
Naruto Shippuden 489 begins begins as Shikamaru is working alongside others, Kakashi comes in looking for some work, he finds it when both go for a small break. It seems like Shikamaru is waiting for something to come by. He stays for a little when Kakashi comes in, they talk a little about the missing shinobi’s after the war.
The fact that there have been some stuff going around, and that Shikamaru is helping Naruto and all. Afterwards, he has to go to play with Onoki. Shikamaru easily beats him, afterwards Shikamaru goes to train, realising that he needs to train more. Then helps Kakashi open a new library. Afterwards, he goes to meet Ino and Choji at a BBQ.
They eat up, they also realise that they can no longer just be together all the time, they have grown up and have other things to do. Shikamaru is busy and has other things to do, thus cannot hang out with them. Next day, he meets with the other Kage reps to talk about what is happening with the Shinobi’s decreasing.
Later, he’s faced by Temari who tells him that they should just be with their own villages, but he gets slapped, she knew that there was something going on from the start. Later on, Kakashi and Shikamaru talk, he requests to visit the Land of Silence after receiving Sai’s message. They think it’s suspicious and that something could be going on.
Shikamaru asks for help from the ANBU, and thus receives Ro and Hinoko as aid. It seems like Shikamaru has some stuff to do before setting off, thus decide on going tomorrow morning. Shikamaru goes to talk to his father, Shika, as well as Asuma, he meets Mirai and Kurenai who compliment him on his work.
Next up, Shikamaru has a bad dream, he wakes up, gets ready to go when he meets Naruto. They talk a little about ramen and how Naruto could eat it for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Shikamaru tells him that he will make Naruto the Hokage, no matter what, thus Naruto needs to go on missions. Shikamaru meets with Ro and Hinoko to go on the mission. Naruto Shippuden 489 ends here.
A pretty good episode, seems like a this story is just after the aftermath of war that happened before, seems like we’ll be meeting something interesting characters in next week’s Naruto Shippuden 490, titled “Dark Clouds”, should be good to watch.
Shikamaru's Mission! Land of Silence - #Naruto Shippuden 489 Naruto Shippuden 489 focuses on Shikamaru's story, we see Shikamaru's life when helping Kakashi as the Hokage, we learn that Sai has gone on a mission to the Land of Silence with 10 other ANBU to figure out what is happening, especially what has actually happened with all the missing Shinobi.
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spectrum-system · 25 days
I had a dream that there was a new popular funger ship and it was called Jermayjah (jer-may-jah) and it was Enki x Rag but Enki had jermas face and instead of spells he quoted Jerma and instead of praying to one of the gods he worshipped his chat.
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spectrum-system · 3 months
Currently writing a fic called "Vox's Bluetooth Vussy"
Will that be the final name? I fuckin hope not LMFAO. the draft is over 1k words already and im not even done. what the fuck is wrong with me this time (atleast im not writing ANOTHER tmc fic tho so)
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spectrum-system · 8 months
I got fired yesterday, so that sucks. The benefits are that i can flip off the shitty assistant manager there, Mark Meling, as well as finally be open about why i hate him to the public. This is gonna be a long one.
If any of my previous coworkers see this, please go ahead and add your own stories to this.
TW: mentions of sexual harassment, predatory behavior, transphobia, racism, ableism, alcoholism, infidelity, and generally being a smelly garbage can of a person.
I'll try to keep this in chronological order, but that will be hard to do, as after certain events that i will mention, i stopped being the one fronting at work whenever mark was there. I am working with our primary protector to piece things together so im sorry if things arent perfectly chronological. All names but mine and marks are changed. One year ago, October 13th 2022, I started working at Kohl's as a seasonal employe, and was kept on after the season was over as a part time associate, eventually becoming a cashier mainly. I was 17 when i started there (this will become important later).
The first time i met mark was my first opening shift, maybe my 3rd or 4th shift there at all. I rang the bell to get in and was greeted by mark. He was rude and asked what i was doing. I stated i was there to work, to which he asked my name. I gave him the name they have in their system, Saturn, my work name, and he asked what me real name was with such attitude. I gave him the name "S", as that is what i use outside of work, and he doesnt need to know my legal name. He turned away and said "whatever", continuing to walk in and check me in, along with the other day crew. This was the first day of hell.
Throughout my time working at Kohl's, mark was consistently rude, controlling, disrespectful to all staff that werent also managers, and just an awful human being.
I often saw him engaging in predatory behavior towards minors, especially young customers, around the age of 16 or 17. He would flirt with them, even when they were obviously uncomfortable. This continued throughout my entire year of working there.
Now, here is where it gets particularly bad. November 26th 2022, Mark touched my thigh while putting a hanger into my hanger box. This was not a normal touch, this was a caress, very close to my butt. there were 3 other open registers he could have put the hanger into. This was intentional.
After this i grew a deep fear of mark, that would only get worse as time went on. You see, i was sexually abused twice between the ages of 15 and 16. I wont go into detail, but it fucked me up pretty bad, so having this happen nearly sent me into a panic attack, the only thing holding me together was the fact that i had a line of customers. I didn't know what to do or how to report it, so it just went unsaid, unseen, unpunished, until December 14th, in which i finally reported him online, thanks to a friend who no longer works there reporting him and telling me how.
I reported him, then a few days later the head manager, Cat, and another manager, Salmon, pulled me into their office, and took my account of what happened. They said it would be reported to HR and that i would be contacted within a week. They told me to keep quiet about it.
It's been almost a year. I have heard nothing. I refuse to be quiet.
I never received an update from HR. I never received anything. As far as i'm aware, neither did mark. His habits continued, but thankfully he never touched me again, likely because i became much more abrasive against him after that. After than nothing major happened as far as i am aware for a while, though this time is blurry, but i know he was still hitting on underage girls, making the female staff uncomfortable, and overall making everyone upset by generally being disrespectful.
To show the scope of what dealing with this man day in and day out for almost a year did to me, let me tell you this. On June 24th, mark had asked me to follow him into the stockroom to grab something, but once we got there, i was so frightened to be in an area alone with him with little to no cameras, that i switched out. Our primary protector took over work for me ever since then. Being around him made us on edge at all times. I could not work while he was there with me. They recently, on October 6th, had to switch out because of how much genuine stress they were under when around him.
Many times he would make inappropriate comments about the female staffs bodies, saying they were overweight when they were very much not. Allegedly, he commented on the weight of Poodle (a woman with a mom body), Bat (a very skinny and tall woman), Reindeer (an average skinny woman), and several underage employees, all of normal weight, calling them overweight to their faces, when they were never of the sort.
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Not only did he comment about the associates weight and appearance, he would often make outright rude comments about the employees, especially the new hires. Any time someone would make a small mistake and he saw, he would outright berate them, often publicly. This was especially clear in the case with my good friend, Wombat, they were brand new to the store and they have a shoulder injury that limits their motion and causes them sevre pain. They were degraded by mark while they were there for not being able to do the tasks he deemed so simple instead of helping them.
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One of my previous associates who no longer works there was studying to be a nurce, and had told me along with others in a group one night, that she suspects Mark would come to work intoxicated. His slurred speech, overly red face, frequent shifts in mood, frequent inability to pronounce common names correctly, apparent inability to stick to what he said, memory issues, as well as many frequent comments about alcohol, all lead to this being the truth. I do not know for sure, but i believe this personally. As of recent he seems to have stopped coming to work intoxicated, but this does not change the fact he likely did many times in the past.
Frequently, mark would do nothing helpful, simply sitting in his office doing nothing, only coming out when a manager was called to help. The same goes for telling associates to do things he was easily capable of doing in the moment, such as telling floor associates to pick up or move things that were right in front of him, sometimes literally just standing next to it, waiting for a floor associate to do what he could have done in one second. I dont even want to know how frequently this happened, but according to my friends who work on the floor regularly, it was quite often.
Over the year i spent at kohls, mark had never once used the correct pronouns for me, despite myself and many other amazing coworkers correcting him time and time again. He would always use she/her. When i or others would correct, he would deflect, saying he knows and he "just forgot". He never once apologized. When it was myself correcting him, he would always roll his eyes. He was once talking to “me” (our protector) about his son, who is transitioning, and he would only refer to him as his daughter and with she/her pronouns.
Over the year mark would talk about his failing relationships to anyone who would listen, including underage associates, often sharing personal details you should not talk about at work, especially without permission from the person you are talking to. He has an ex-wife, and at least 8 or 9 girlfriends over the course of the year i worked there, while still flirting and making unwanted advances towards seemingly any girl in the store as long as she was 25 or younger. I had overheard him talking to another manager, Hare, about how he was talking to two girls, one he stated was his girlfriend at the time, and when they learned of each other they both dumped him. Unfortunately for Hare, she seemed uncomfortable but couldnt find a way out of the situation.
Many times mark would have people do things that were not part of their job, including having regester associates go farther than we were supposed to go away from the register, having us do large floor projects on busy days, such as making me entirely redo a wall of product and getting angry when it didn't get done because of having customers, and having one of the people at customer service, Reindeer, unload the amazon boxes when she is not supposed to, we have an entire team dedicated to doing that from what im aware of. Heck, Poodle had even made a comment about how he was not supposed to make her do that and that it is not part of her job.
One of the policies he most frequently broke was that we are not allowed to accuse a customer of shoplifting. He did this numerous times. Once he had me ring up an employees partner because he thought they were letting them take stuff, when he had no evidence and it was obviously not the case. More recently, on october 7th, we had 2 customers who were made very uncomfortable by marks hunch that they were shoplifting, which they were not, as i rang them up. They both left reviews for the store, and i think i will let them speak for themselves.
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Unfortunately, this is not the only time this scenario has happened, and i doubt it will be the last.
We had 2 new managers come to work at kohls over the year i was there, one being Sphinx and the other, who has not even been there for 2 months at the time of writing, Penguin. When Sphinx joined us he was immediately put down by mark, him being outright rude to Sphinx about trivial matters. According to Sphinx, he had finished cleaning his OMNI area, only to come back to it later so find it trashed and for mark to comment he should clean his area up. Several times mark has stated he does not trust Sphinx to close the store by himself, when he has shown time and time again he is just as capable as anyone else to close the store.
This is where Penguin comes in. She has been here for less than 2 months, and she is amazing. She is kind, smart, and genuinely helpful. A lovely person to have as a manager. She has been subject to marks unwanted advances since she started. She is now leaving at the end of the month, and i can only assume it is because of this.
Numerous people have reported his poor behavior, including other managers, like Sphinx, and another one i'll call Bear. All of us are sick of his disgusting behavior. I contacted my friends about this to get any stories they may have about mark, and one, potato (yes they asked me to call them that) had this to say;
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I havent even covered everything he's done yet. Heck, yesterday, October 9th, one of my previous coworkers, Rat, had told me about how mark had made racist comments towards her husband, and i cant even say i'm suprised considering he often would pick out maxican and black people to follow around and harass, including the customers who left the review abovem the man of which i beleive was mexican (i could be wrong, I dont remember exactly). The following is a statement from Rat herself about mark.
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I dont know how to end this, but this is really all i have right now. I'll reblog with anything i have to add. Just know, I wont be quiet about this anymore. I'm tired of him getting away with everything he's done. Mark Meling, know you are a piece of shit. You are disgusting. You are predatory, you are perverted, and god, you do not deserve to be a fucking asistiant manager. everyone there also thinks so. I wish i could have told more people about the atrocities you have done. Sorry about any bad grammar or structure, i wrote most of this between 12am-3am last night and finished it today. If any of my coworkers see this, please add your own stories to this.
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spectrum-system · 10 months
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spectrum-system · 11 months
My creatures arived today
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spectrum-system · 1 month
Please look at this picture of my cat, thank you
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spectrum-system · 14 days
Hello everybody!!! I am happy to announce I am officially opening my commissions! Details are below! Please DM me if you are interested!
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I use paypall and cashapp only!
I reserve the right to refuse service for any reason.
If you have questions please domt be afraid to ask! Thank you all!
(Reblogs are greatly appreciated)
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spectrum-system · 1 month
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spectrum-system · 3 months
I cant stop thinkin about this guy I met on vr, fuck, hes totally got me hooked! I gotta post my insane ramblings real quick
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This was all last night, and even now I cant stop thinking about him. Hes livin in my head and I'm not complainin. I can't wait to see him again -Angel
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