#innkeeper Orlen
GM Notes
Game starts the morning after.
Gill gathers up the party at breakfast time and offers a job as delivery guys to the town about 2 weeks away called Croz.
Croz is a swampy village with not a lot of traffic, but enough to get by on trade. However, his friend the innkeeper named Orlen needs some supplies and last they wrote each other something strange had been going on in the village. A stranger moved in outside the village and strange events, like missing pets and strange weather has been happening. Could even be a cult, Gill offers.
The party, very much interested, agrees to leave later that day. Giving everyone enough time to pack and buy rations and any other supplies they might need.
Gill gives the party a wagon and a pulling mule to transport the supplies. Gill begs that his favorite donkey is not eaten by the giant lizard who is drooling right now.
Zephyr offers a stern word to Ryn and off they travel. After a proper introduction of Minnow, Zephyr’s charge, they move along the road. Peaceful as the country is, 5 events occurred between travelling and bonding games.
On the 3rd day of travel, Art and Kress spotted a white deer crossing the road with a strange entanglement in his horns.  After much time, and bad rolls, the deer let’s Art investigate the deer, making sure that the entanglement is not harmful. After concluding that the golden chains and gems tangled in its horns is merely from a grove of elves or dryads or even fairies and pixies, he steps back, letting the pure white deer go, without any harm to either party. Mean while, Caleb, who has never seen a deer and Zephyr, who is sure deers aren’t supposed to be white, are judged by Minnow, who has seen plenty of deers in her life.
On the 5th day of travel, a traveler is seen resting under a tree looking at a map. Zephyr the good paladin he is offers his aid of the area. On closer inspections, the man resting under the tree is an avariel, a winged elf from the fourth realm. He does not need help with directions, but he is looking for someone. All of the party, but Art, comes to listen to the avariel. At this point the avariel introduces himself as Tyrael Qillmaer, and is looking for another avariel who has gone missing. Tyrael describes the missing boy. Tyrael doesn’t give out the name he is looking for, but just tells them that the boy he is looking for will know his name and what it will be if Tyrael is looking for him.  The party moves on, leaving Tyrael with well wishes and good luck. After a good bit of distance and night fall, the party stops to ask Art why he didn’t come out to talk to the avariel. It is revealed that Art is the avariel that is being looked for. His true name is Artemis. Kress is offended that he lied to her, since she asked if he was Artemis when they first met. She doesn’t know how much she can now trust Artemis for lying so easily about something so important. Zephyr and Caleb don’t understand the reason, well not like Artemis gives one either, but as long as Artemis is not a wanted criminal than it is okay. Kress flies off to sulk for the night. Artemis recast Disguise Self, since he now knows he is really being looked for. He doesn’t know when it will be safe to walk as himself.
On the 7th day of travel, while resting under a tree, Minnow is climbing the entanglement of branches and roots, and almost falls. In her pause to right herself again she finds a scroll case. She slowly makes her way down again and hands off the scroll case to Zephyr. He inspects it and finds a faded rune. He ask Artemis what it is. It is a rune that merely protects whatever is inside from getting ruined by water or rain. A common rune on most magical cases. With a bit of elbow grease, Zephyr pops open the case and rolls out the scroll. It is a spell scroll for Silent Image. Artemis can copy the spell and offers the scroll to anyone else that might want it, it eventually is given back to Minnow, since she did find it. This brings up the first scroll found, Fire Bolt. Artemis can’t use it and eventually it is given to Caleb, who has not offensive spells.
On the 9th day of travel, the party comes across an older woman painting the view of her house. She greets them politely and the party greets her back. She invites them for lunch, since she doesn’t get visitors very often. It is learned very quickly that is use to be a paladin of Sune, the goddess of love, passion, and art. Caleb is unsure of her, and Zephyr very much was like, same hat! Kinda. Inside her house was everything art related and her old weapons and armor. She was probably very good at her job. Lunch is served and cake is also offered. Artemis realizes first that no one has exchanged introductions. The old woman laughs, recount that she is just as bad as asking for names when she first started adventuring. Nia Shung, is the name she gives. The rest of the party introduces themselves, and they stay around for a good bit, exchanging tales and talking to the older woman. She wishes the well and safe and beautiful travels before they leave.
On the 12th day of travel, the party encounter a stranger who had caught a fairy. When he revealed to them he was planning to sell it, the party did not like that one bit. Zephyr tried his best, but…
Surprise Round!
The bandits get the jump, Kress, Caleb, and Artemis take damage, and Kress gets final shot.
The group turn to the fairy in the jar, who is very angry and stress and talking very fast in Sylvan. After she gets all her anger out of her system, she thanks the group. Caleb is worried about a hurt wing and offers healing, which she declines and ask for water. She is a plant fairy and just needs water to regrow her wing.
After a few moments of soaking in water, her wing grows back. As thanks for not selling her, she gives Artemis a very tiny bag of fairy dust that will help things grow. She wishes the group well, and buzzes off, seemingly to her home.
Late on the 14th day of travel, the party arrives at Croz, a small swampy village.
Party is now level 2.
The game ends here.
Likes: Cool fight finisher Artemis reveal Fun combat (Good Side Villain) Freed the fairy Party is able to show off Strengths and Weaknesses
Dislikes: Caleb doesn’t have armor and is trying to get killed Gaming not at home
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farranaram · 4 years
orlen. orlen valanci. - ov
Valanci, eh? I think I know your mum, if she’s an innkeeper.
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