GM Notes
Two day game 3/22 3/23
Shakti rushes back to her mothers that live in Anin since she learned that her mother Courage gave some of her life to extent Diya’s.
Caleb stays behind to spend another week with his boyfriend.
Zephyr and Artemis leave a day after Shakti, wanting to get to a small town of Lozal, where Gin is probably at.
Following Shakti, Diya seems fine, she looks 20 years younger and no longer really needs her walking stick or aides to get around the house. Diya teases Shakti that she left her crew, but she is glad to see Shakti again.
Zephyr, Artemis, and Minnow arrive in Anin in three days and everyone but Caleb go shopping!
With Diya sponsoring the shopping trip the party can get 4 diamonds for the spell Revivify and Zephyr finally gets Plate armor.
The next day Zephyr, Artemis, and Shakti head south-ish to Lozal.
Caleb gets to Anin a day after the rest leave to Lozal. 
Diya gives Minnow and Caleb some coin to enjoy the city. While out they are attacked!
5 imps attack. No one goes down, though Minnow gets close. A stranger kills one of the imps, leaving behind a strange pin.
The rest of the party meet up with Gin, who was recently disowned from his family and doesn’t know why. After a tense and very awkward conservation, it is safe to guess Gin is not behind it, but instead someone that is completely obsessed with Gin. Gin promises to meet up at lunch after talking to Lorik, the one who is probably behind the kidnapping.
Gin is late and Artemis ask through Sending where he is. Gin was ambushed and Lorik was indeed the one behind hiring the people who kidnapped Aella.
They rush over and get a surprise round! Combat starts!
Zephyr goes down, but thanks to healing potions he gets up in less than a round. 
With one man standing, Artemis cast Hold Person and successful threatens the man that he can crush the thug’s lung. They question the man and learn nothing truly helpful. Lorik talks to cloaked figures and his family. 
Gin knocks the thug out, and promises to bring the thug to the academy for proper questioning and maybe the mages could find out more.
The games were very tasty, but the party looks forward to easy jobs and a month off in the Capital of the Empire. Simple jobs for a bit of extra gold and at the end of the month, a Gala of the Empress!
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Rapid fire GM Notes
Since leaving Raftless, the party heads back to Kingswheat. There a letter to Zephyr is given.
It is from a woman who is claiming to be his mother. She is travelling south. So we speed run to catch up.
Artemis flies ahead to try and catch up. He does. He meet Zephyr’s mother, a deep sea triton with the same eyes as Zephyr. Artemis also meets an older sister, an albino deep sea, and a younger sister, a half reef triton.
The mother sends the girls ahead, trying to protect them from if Zephyr doesn’t remember them.
The party all meets up, Zephyr regains memories!
They travel to Fishraith, a fishing village where introductions are officially had.
Kelowna is the mother. Kyo his older sister, and Aella his younger sister. This is also the time Zephyr and Artemis tells everyone that they are dating.
Caleb after having interacted a bit with the family goes off to be alone, something clicked inside that his teachings and surrounds aren’t matching up.
After a bit of stress, Caleb finally pieces together some form of truth, his caretaker and father of the church wasn’t the best.
With a few days on the beach, the party and co. head to Aroka, a city that offers ferries to the moving giant titan city, Nezza... Zephyr’s home. But first!!! Party!
A large group of winged mother followers come into town. The city is excited to see all the winged elves! Exciting!!
Artemis meets up with an old friend, Aridan. Who just so happens to have the world’s biggest crush on Artemis’s older brother, which Aridan is mercilessly teased through out conversation. He also pieces together that Zephyr and Artemis are dating. Aridan promises not to tell Artemis’s family.
Before they go to Nezza, Zephyr recognizes a older drow man. He doesn’t piece together much, but he does know he hates him and he is a bastard of a father to a friend he still can’t remember much about.
Zephyr takes this man outside, questions him, then, without the party there, kills him.
Artemis has a dream from the goddess Sune (it was Valentine's day and I’m gay). He learns of a place he can take Zephyr that might help him with his memories.
Nezza is only half a boat trip away. The titan is a box titan, so like turtle that is vaguely box shaped. Lots of fun things happen.
More memories, more shopping, being stalked by a cloaked stranger, Mamaphyr (Kelowna’s nickname when i cant say Kelowna) cooking fish, and Aella’s kidnapping! Fun times!
The cloaked stranger seemed to be hunting the same drow that Zephyr killed. He leaves after Artemis tells him this fact. Was odd, but so far nothing has come out of it.
However Aella’s kidnapping is a time. After learning this, the party go to the ransom drop spot to get Aella back, with force. After a battle, and only one guy left, the group learns they were hired by some noble named Gin Baralet. Who, was the ex-boyfriend of Zephyr.
Zephyr takes the man’s great-axe and has a plan to go find his bad ex. With the threat to family, he goes to Selina, the noble viking woman that hires all of the Phyr family to work one job or another.
She is willing to sponcer the women of the family to move to the fourth realm to work and live with her family.
The party goes back to Aroka and catches a ship to go to the second realm, to Fudon to the heart of the empire.
Most everyone does get a bit sick with the sudden change in altitude. 
After a few days travel, Shakti takes everyone to her new home in the Empress’s noble gardens, where her mother now works as a Peacekeeper in Anin. We meet Shakti’s family, Courage, Diya, Amit, and Asim.
After a few days here, the party travels to R’treal, another titan that is a few days away. They have to stop in Jedaiki to catch a ferry back down to the first realm where the city is on the back of a turtle.
Here we meet Caleb’s boyfriend and his family. Eden, the boyfriend. Mama Calder, Papa Calder, Peter, Beckitt, and Felix. In the early morning Caleb and co go to talk to Father Nostrum, about the cruel practices that no longer follow Ilmater’s will.
Surprise, surprise, he is a bad guy!
Father Nostrum is in league with a vampire. Caleb gets some answers he wanted, but not all of them were helpful. After fighting with the vampire, Caleb goes to reveal to the local church that Nostrum is a fake. Nostrum is carted to the local courthouse for trial.
And that is the super long montage of what you have missed. I will be writing another post of the most recent game soon!
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Oh Boy
Hey everyone! 
It has been 84 years, and to be honest, I totally forgot about this tumblr Dx
I will try and get back on track and give a last time on dragon ball z kinda thing that covers like the gagillon games that I have missed.
I will try to have it up as soon as I can!
Thanks for understanding!
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GM Notes
The party wakes up to Kress already have left without saying any real good byes. The day is mostly spent by Caleb and Zephyr checking up on the family and the children that have been brought home.
Zephyr and Caleb find out that small town with little education can be a bit racist. Zephyr challenges their ideals while Caleb wants to leave it alone.
A day later the party sets out back to Kingswheat after talking to Robkiy. She is heading that way too, but she must go back home to gather some ideas before she leaves. Also, she will be leaving a few days from now for reasons she won’t answer to.
Travel is extremely peaceful, it isn’t until the sixth day of travel does the party find things to note. They return to Nila’s home to find that her wife Sarah has returned from the city. The party spends the night at their home, and they talk well into the night about adventures and stories.
Again the party sets off after getting a basket full of food from the two older women. It isn’t until the ninth day of travel that a strange sign grabs their attention.
The Mystic Moon, whatever that is, has set up a small camp.Following the path, the party stumble across two owlbears chilling in the road. After a few moments a half orc woman wrestles her owlbears off the road, introducing the party to Mystic Moon, a travelling circus.
Well, not quite. This small group is merely a recruitment party, hoping to find others to be added to their act back in the main circus. They have a little shop too with really good prices, so the party gets to buy some things.
There is a warforged that is also a diviner. It gives each party member a eerie fortune.
Zephyr You hold so few regrets… Someone will remind you why.
Caleb The truth will hurt like nothing you have felt before. Trust is a powerful tool that can be used and abused, but do not lose trust.
Artemis He knows you are alive. He seeks you as well.
Minnow Your parents still look for you. The city of snow will have a clue.
Most are unsure how they feel about their fortunes.
The night goes on and dinner is served when Zephyr wants to know how many fortunes can be told or is it just one.
Estoc does not know, but is willing to try.
Zephyr That which is lost is always is found right next to you.
Caleb You left a loved one, their heart still yearns for you, you did not betray them.
Artemis and Minnow do not want a second fortune. Caleb leaves shortly after and after a few minutes Zephyr goes after him.
In the morning the dragonborn Throden gives each one of the party a wooden coin, hand carved with a dragon and a family insignia. It’s the Shul family coin, and if the party finds themselves in the city of the dragonborn, there is work to be had there.
The party returns to Kingswheat, and back to the Lonely Lady inn, in order to talk to their good buddy Gill. Gill is currently talking to a tiefling.
Shakti, the new tiefling, is formally introduced by Gill, but no real interactions happen until Robkiy arrives in town 2 days later.
Robkiy needs help tracking down one of the two others that betrayed her. She needs to go after one who is off island, while she is sure one is still on the island. She gives them the wanted poster for him. He is either in Raftless or Kraeph.
Zephyr and Minnow don’t like the idea of going to Raftless. But the party agrees. After a few moments Gill approaches the party again with a job. Since they are travelling north and Artemis asked for a job to go to a beach, he has one.
Another delivery job, but this time it is a large pet set to go toa noblewoman called Naexi Alanydra…. Or Alanydra Naexi…. in Hagoshi. It is a Mabogo hatchling, an exotic frog beast with bat wings and three eyes and too many teeth.
It will be a day or so before Gill can find a cart and horse to use to drive the wagon.
And the game ends there, giving the party time for some shopping.
Likes Loves new player character
The fortunes
Situations that might be uncomfortable for the characters
The power to buy a lot of chalk
Travel felt disjointed
Not enough character interaction time
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Player Character
Name: Shakti Hisvari
Race: Tiefling
Class: Rogue
Age: 63 (mentally early 20s)
Languages: Common, Infernal, and Aarakocra
Str 12
Dex 16
Con 14
Int 9
Wis 11
Cha 13
Shakti was all but raised on her mother’s ships as they sailed the skies, and for as long as she could remember she’s wanted to follow her privateering mother’s footsteps. When she was old enough, she did just that, joining her crew and becoming an abled shiphand, rigger, and fighter. After many years of experience on the open skies, a request for help from an old friend draws her away from her life on ships and in her comfortable home, and out to find adventure on solid ground with a new “crew.”
She’s a fairly tall tiefling, standing at 5’8” with dark purple skin and solid, red eyes. Her head is topped with curly, black hair, and black horns that curl like a crown above her forehead and point sharply upwards. She wears leather armor, loose linen blouse, and snug pants with stereotypical sailor boots.
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GM Notes
Croz is a small village, about 15 houses with some of the bigger houses acting as other shops. The Mud Pub, the only inn in the village, is ran by Orlen. A standoffish swamp triton.
Rooms are expensive, but reward and rooms are paid for. Room breakdown is Minnow, Zephyr, and Artemis in one room, and Caleb and Kress in the other.
Minnow, almost within a heartbeat, goes to sleep. She was tired from the moment they entered the village.
Snooping begins, and of course arm wrestling. The group learns that child have been going missing for the last 3 months a total of eight kids have gone missing, leaving everyone to believe changelings are taking their children. They also learn of a stranger that recently moved nearby, could be a cultist.
Zephyr checks on Minnow after learning the news, she seems okay.
Morning comes quickly, and loudly. An aaracokra exploded into the inn. Her child has gone missing. Minnow is also missing.
Zephyr barely contains himself, ready to rush out to find Minnow.
The aaracokra woman doesn’t say anything that they don’t already know. The party investigate this other missing child’s house, no clues to be found in their inn.
The child’s room holds only 2 things of note, a strange wooden coin and a drawing of a dream that the child has been having, depicting a gray skinned elf and rainbows.
After a moment of the party unsure what their next move is, Kress remembers the Potion of Wind, to guide her to something that can help.
They head south out of the village and with a hurried pace, they enter the swamp.
Caleb and Kress take damage, Artemis gets final hit.
Just before lunch, a hut is found by the party. Without much warning Zephyr leads the party in.
A drow is inside. She seems to be in the middle of a spell. A brief interrogation leads the party to know that she, Robkiy, is looking for the cultist behind the disappearance of the children. She cares not for the younglings, but will not get in the way of the party.
It isn’t long, maybe another hour of walking, do the party stumble across a ruined temple. A stairwell leads to an underground room. Another drow caster is surprised by the intruders, but is given little time to ask question.
Robkiy quickly kills the other drow, Caleb and Zephyr are able to detect the anger Robkiy has for the other dark elf.
While a slow murder happens, the party checks on the children, 11 children in total. Most look starved and a bit ill. Comfort and healing is given to the children.
Robkiy cast darkness to hide the dying drow. Caleb tries to offer the fallen drow at least Spare the Dying. Robkiy keeps Caleb from doing this, shooing him away. Zephyr is the only one to notice.
And so begins the long travel back. Most kids are able to walk by themselves, but it is still a lot of kids.
It is an hour or so after dinner when the group returns to Croz. The village demands a celebration since their children have returned.
And celebration rings throughout the night.
Kress, after thinking throughout the night decides that her path no longer follows the rest of the party. She leaves before dawn.
The player is still but it's time for a new face! Kress is no longer a player character, but now an important NPC! Thursday night the new character will be posted!
Likes: NPC interactions Ideals of similar characters being very different A mystery solved! And a new one starts! Combat
Dislikes: Tech problems Last fight wasn’t really a fight
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magic missile 📖✨ excited to finally be able to post art of my character for my group’s second campaign!! artemis the avariel divination wizard!
* do not respost/edit/use without permission *
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Level 2 character standings
Artemis (Wizard)
HP: 14
Cantrips: 3
1st Level: 4 Slots
Arcane Tradition: School of Divination
Caleb (Cleric)
HP: 23
Cantrips: 3
1st Level: 3 Slots
Divine Domain: Life Domain
Kress (Fighter)
HP: 20
Fighting style: Close Range Shooter
Zephyr (Paladin)
HP: 22
Fighting Style: Great Weapon Fighting
1st Level: 2 Slots
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NPC: Tyrael Qillmaer
Name: Tyrael Qillmaer Race: Avariel Class: Messenger/Scout Age: 78 (mentally mid-20s) Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Elvish
Stats: Str 12 Dex 17 Con 14 Int 11 Wis 13 Cha 10
Bio: Tyrael grew up on Heaven’s Isle and was always exploring. He and his best friend Paris would always sneak off and explore the woods near the town and have daring fights and stupid pranks.
After a fire that engulfed many houses and killed many people Tyrael wanted to stop his tricks and get formal training to help others. He trained to be a messenger. The first line of information delivery and fast rescue.
Tyrael became one of the best, and he left the island about three months ago to ferry information between the four realms. Mostly for other avariel towns and villages.
Tyrael is based of a golden eagle. His skin is dark brown and he stands slightly above 6 feet tall. He has brown hair and has brown eyes. 
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NPC: Nia Shung
Name: Nia Shung Race: Human Class: Paladin of Sune, Oath of the Ancients Age: Mid-50s Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Elvish, and Draconic
Stats: Str 20 Dex 14 Con 16 Int 10 Wis 13 Cha 18
Bio: Nia Shung was the third daughter of eight and came from a family of nobles in the Capital.  She never seemed too interested in continuing the family business of perfumes and fragrances, and was more interested in fighting and the art of it.
When she was around 19, she fell in love with a cleric of Sune. It would be unheard of by her family to pursue a relationship with another woman, yet, that didn’t stop her. In order to please her parents, she joined the church, to make a name for herself and the Shung family as more than just a low level noble house good with flowers.
She and her lover got married after she finished her schooling in the paladin arts. Nia left home to adventure with her wife, Sarah, and a few friends. They were pretty good adventurers. Not the best, but not like, murder everything in two seconds. However, Sarah and their caster friend were almost killed and had to be sent back to the Capital for major healing. This fight left Nia fairly blind, no longer able to see much beyond a few feet around her.
Nia plans to wait for Sarah in the home they brought together so they can spend the rest of their days in beauty and with each other.
Nia is an older woman that stands at 5′6′’ and hides her buff muscles under flow-y cloth of the most pretty colors. Nia has graying red hair and light brown eyes.
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GM Notes
Game starts the morning after.
Gill gathers up the party at breakfast time and offers a job as delivery guys to the town about 2 weeks away called Croz.
Croz is a swampy village with not a lot of traffic, but enough to get by on trade. However, his friend the innkeeper named Orlen needs some supplies and last they wrote each other something strange had been going on in the village. A stranger moved in outside the village and strange events, like missing pets and strange weather has been happening. Could even be a cult, Gill offers.
The party, very much interested, agrees to leave later that day. Giving everyone enough time to pack and buy rations and any other supplies they might need.
Gill gives the party a wagon and a pulling mule to transport the supplies. Gill begs that his favorite donkey is not eaten by the giant lizard who is drooling right now.
Zephyr offers a stern word to Ryn and off they travel. After a proper introduction of Minnow, Zephyr’s charge, they move along the road. Peaceful as the country is, 5 events occurred between travelling and bonding games.
On the 3rd day of travel, Art and Kress spotted a white deer crossing the road with a strange entanglement in his horns.  After much time, and bad rolls, the deer let’s Art investigate the deer, making sure that the entanglement is not harmful. After concluding that the golden chains and gems tangled in its horns is merely from a grove of elves or dryads or even fairies and pixies, he steps back, letting the pure white deer go, without any harm to either party. Mean while, Caleb, who has never seen a deer and Zephyr, who is sure deers aren’t supposed to be white, are judged by Minnow, who has seen plenty of deers in her life.
On the 5th day of travel, a traveler is seen resting under a tree looking at a map. Zephyr the good paladin he is offers his aid of the area. On closer inspections, the man resting under the tree is an avariel, a winged elf from the fourth realm. He does not need help with directions, but he is looking for someone. All of the party, but Art, comes to listen to the avariel. At this point the avariel introduces himself as Tyrael Qillmaer, and is looking for another avariel who has gone missing. Tyrael describes the missing boy. Tyrael doesn’t give out the name he is looking for, but just tells them that the boy he is looking for will know his name and what it will be if Tyrael is looking for him.  The party moves on, leaving Tyrael with well wishes and good luck. After a good bit of distance and night fall, the party stops to ask Art why he didn’t come out to talk to the avariel. It is revealed that Art is the avariel that is being looked for. His true name is Artemis. Kress is offended that he lied to her, since she asked if he was Artemis when they first met. She doesn’t know how much she can now trust Artemis for lying so easily about something so important. Zephyr and Caleb don’t understand the reason, well not like Artemis gives one either, but as long as Artemis is not a wanted criminal than it is okay. Kress flies off to sulk for the night. Artemis recast Disguise Self, since he now knows he is really being looked for. He doesn’t know when it will be safe to walk as himself.
On the 7th day of travel, while resting under a tree, Minnow is climbing the entanglement of branches and roots, and almost falls. In her pause to right herself again she finds a scroll case. She slowly makes her way down again and hands off the scroll case to Zephyr. He inspects it and finds a faded rune. He ask Artemis what it is. It is a rune that merely protects whatever is inside from getting ruined by water or rain. A common rune on most magical cases. With a bit of elbow grease, Zephyr pops open the case and rolls out the scroll. It is a spell scroll for Silent Image. Artemis can copy the spell and offers the scroll to anyone else that might want it, it eventually is given back to Minnow, since she did find it. This brings up the first scroll found, Fire Bolt. Artemis can’t use it and eventually it is given to Caleb, who has not offensive spells.
On the 9th day of travel, the party comes across an older woman painting the view of her house. She greets them politely and the party greets her back. She invites them for lunch, since she doesn’t get visitors very often. It is learned very quickly that is use to be a paladin of Sune, the goddess of love, passion, and art. Caleb is unsure of her, and Zephyr very much was like, same hat! Kinda. Inside her house was everything art related and her old weapons and armor. She was probably very good at her job. Lunch is served and cake is also offered. Artemis realizes first that no one has exchanged introductions. The old woman laughs, recount that she is just as bad as asking for names when she first started adventuring. Nia Shung, is the name she gives. The rest of the party introduces themselves, and they stay around for a good bit, exchanging tales and talking to the older woman. She wishes the well and safe and beautiful travels before they leave.
On the 12th day of travel, the party encounter a stranger who had caught a fairy. When he revealed to them he was planning to sell it, the party did not like that one bit. Zephyr tried his best, but…
Surprise Round!
The bandits get the jump, Kress, Caleb, and Artemis take damage, and Kress gets final shot.
The group turn to the fairy in the jar, who is very angry and stress and talking very fast in Sylvan. After she gets all her anger out of her system, she thanks the group. Caleb is worried about a hurt wing and offers healing, which she declines and ask for water. She is a plant fairy and just needs water to regrow her wing.
After a few moments of soaking in water, her wing grows back. As thanks for not selling her, she gives Artemis a very tiny bag of fairy dust that will help things grow. She wishes the group well, and buzzes off, seemingly to her home.
Late on the 14th day of travel, the party arrives at Croz, a small swampy village.
Party is now level 2.
The game ends here.
Likes: Cool fight finisher Artemis reveal Fun combat (Good Side Villain) Freed the fairy Party is able to show off Strengths and Weaknesses
Dislikes: Caleb doesn’t have armor and is trying to get killed Gaming not at home
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NPC: Minnow
Name: Minnow Race: Half elf Class: Child Age: 11-12 Languages: Common, Elvish, and learning Primordial (learning to read too)
Stats: Str 9 Dex 10 Con 11 Int 9 Wis 10 Cha 15
Bio: Minnow grew up in Raftless under the care of a cruel innkeeper. She came into the care of Zephyr around the time she was about 11. This was because Minnow was not being treated right and Zephyr is planning to bring her somewhere safe where she won’t have to worry about owing anyone anything.
She has a habit of flinching at sudden touches and loud voices. She also likes to collect illusion charms and magic items. She is talkative only to people she know she can trust and is a bit of a snark to Zephyr.
She is just shy of 5 feet. She has sun kissed skin, probably a sun elf parent, curly brown hair and pale green/gray eyes. 
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GM Notes
10/7/18 (HST)
Game picks up right after combat from last game. Reviewed what happened.
Strange ghoul in the basement, probably locked in behind puzzle? Who knows, not I the Game Master. Nor do the players :3c
Go upstairs and suddenly, there are goblins! Art walks right through, surprising the goblin ambush! No surprise round other than screaming from both sides at the giant bird that walked through and that the giant bird passed by the goblins without seeing them.
Combat starts with 2 goblins. Art starts combat, Kress is hit, Zephyr gets finally blow. A short rest. Kress and Zephyr use hit dice to get back to full.
Explore three rooms. Art found a fake book, was a box with the Cantrip Spell: Fire Bolt. Kress found a wardrobe with loot inside. Lock box with coins in it. Smashed and party helps pick up coins. 60 silver and 150 copper in lock box. A almost empty Vial of Perfume. Given to Caleb. 10 ft of ribbon that has a feathered design Carved Wooden Miniature. Looks like a King on his chair, about 3 inches tall Painted Glass Miniature. Strange colored tree, pinks and blues and greens A Rabbit fur component pouch lined in leather with smaller pockets inside
Party heads upstairs.
A small chest, Zephyr wiggles it open while the rest look at a small library of old books. He got: Polished Stone Wolf, missing its tail, about 6 inches tall. Small bag of incenses, about 10 sticks left. A lock box with something in it. Zephyr looks through the books as well, picks out five children novels.
The party leaves. Kric, Kress’s tryssm, is missing. Is found and party starts back to Kingswheat.
Lunch time. Caleb walks away from party to collect sticks. Good news, finds a stick. Bad news, it was an arrow that grazed his cheek.
COMBAT! 5 goblins have surprise round. Zephyr Knockout! Caleb cast Spare the Dying. Zephyr is stable then healed next round. Last goblin flees. Caleb starts combat, Caleb, Kress, and Zephyr take damage, goblin runs ending combat.
A short rest. Zephyr uses Art as a way to not fall over after combat is over. He doesn’t feel feathers.
Kress loots the bodies. 3 short swords, 1 short bow, 5 silver, 35 copper, 15 ft of hemp rope, stale bread, crude map of the area, 2 torches, a bronze key, and 8 arrows for the short bow.
Kress started to make an example of the bodies on the side of the road, Zephyr and Caleb stop her and give the goblins a shallow grave and last rites.
The key seems to be a copy for the small lock box Zephyr has. It works. A healing potion and a strange note are inside.
Art translates the note because it is in Sylvan, Let no eyes hide the real truth of lies.
No one knows what it means. Zephyr is talked into drinking the healing potion. It’s not a healing potion.
Zephyr is knocked out again.
Party rushes back to Kingswheat. The birds get back first and Kress let’s Gill know that Zephyr drank something and is dying. Gill leaves to go get a man of the cloth, and offers free drinks to his inn for him having to step away for a moment.
A young half-elf girl rushes outside. Bird brains don’t think anything of it.
Caleb and Zephyr arrive a few minutes after. The young half-elf girl fusses at Zephyr for drinking strange things and spooks Ryn to dash off with Zephyr still mounted. Zephyr holds himself and keeps Ryn from freaking out too much.
The young half-elf goes back inside while the bird brains come outside to investigate the commotion.
Gill returns with a clergyman of the cloth. He ask to see the potion after seeing Zephyr is fine. Art explains he threw it away. Clergyman nods and explains that it was probably a Fae or Goblin gutpunch poison. He should be fine, but the party should rest up and take care of themselves.
Caleb identifies the priest as a man of Lathander. He also sees that this man has symbols of Sune. A tease moment as Caleb sends daggers to the clergyman.
The clergyman explains that his temple is open to anyone who needs to talk, plus the temple has more than one god that can be prayed to here. He wishes them night and Gill has no idea what was going on.
Gill returns and promises to sort out payment in a moment. The party stays near the bar.
Zephyr gives the 5 children books to the half-elf. The half-elf looks through them, all is forgiven but she won’t tell that to Zephyr and is now mad on principle.  
Gill gives the party their free ale. Everyone gives their share to Kress.
Gill takes the two bottles of Meeiran’s Ale and flips them upside down. They shift from a red wine color into a royal blue/violet color. He asks the party to explain what happened. Gill counts up payment. 25 gold and 2 platinum as a bonus.
Kress gets totally drunk after shotgunning two ales. Half way through the third one she leaves to go swim in her 2 platinum coins. After a long while when the tavern is mostly empty, Zephyr ask Art to look into the potion they got in the floor of the basement.
Art cast Detect Magic to learn about the potion. He learns: Few magically inclined creatures still awake. Magical ale and wine behind the bar. The half-elf girl that Zephyr travels with has illusion magic out the wazoo. The milky white potion is some sort of divination potion.
Art trades his Cantrip scroll for the potion, since it is his same school of magic.
Art ask about half-elf’s magic. Zephyr answers, could be a lie. Zephyr asks about not feeling feathers. Art doesn’t really answer.
A bit later Kress returns, forgetting that she still had a last ale, also arm wrestling anyone who was willing to put coin on it.
Finally gets back to Zephyr. Kress loses, and Zephyr tricks Kress into thinking he took her coin. Before Kress goes to sleep she grabs Zephyr’s face and invites him to bed. You may be one cold blooded fish, but you’re a hot piece of ass.
Game wraps up with the promise from Gill for a bigger an better paying job in the next day or so.
Likes: The combat Surprises that didn’t feel forced Zephyr getting knocked out, not once, but twice Foolish characters
Dislikes: Didn’t figure out everything that was talked about Space-y or sleepy Accents and words are hard Tired of secrets being so close to revealing, yet not yet
Next Game: A Bigger Better Job
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GM Notes
10/5/18 (HST)
Explains dates and started adventure. Gill explains he wants some Meeiran’s Ale. An expensive brand of ale that can be sold for a lot if stored properly. It’s magic!!
Party meets each other and it is right to business! Travels for a full day. Rest in the ruined unnamed village. 
Art keeps watch through the night. Ryn, a giant lizard mount, and Caleb are the only things that move a lot during the night.
Morning comes, breakfast is had. The party goes into the only house standing. Ruined, dirty, and dark. Art and Kress can’t see well. Caleb cast Light on his walking stick.
Explores fairly well kept entry room and dinning room. Something is probably living here.
Explore storage room. Art with Nat 20 Investigation finds strange fake books. Opens a secret passage downstairs to a hidden basement. 
An undead monster is eating something talking to itself.
Zephyr rushes to trigger sneak attack round! (After a distraction from Caleb Thaumaturgy)  Zephyr was the first to hit, only one that got hit, and kill the monster.
Zephyr’s glaive gets the spell Light. He is now the party flashlight.
Looked around. Art found a magic pool and a hidden chest. Nat 20 yet again.
Quest item was locked in the chest. Zephyr forced open the chest. Zephyr and Art are holding one bottle each.
Much to Kress’ chagrin, everyone looks at the magic pool. Zephyr kicks the floor, a hidden potion is under the pool of magic.  Strange, milky/smoky white. Like water. Probably magic.
Likes: Character Interactions Exciting New Story The Fight Roll20 Tool usage
Dislikes: Tech Problems Starting as New Fresh Out the Box Babies (GM) Has No NPC to Chat RP with Player Too Horny on Main
  Next Game: Keep Exploring Ruined Home, More Loot!!
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This is a goddamn mess  They are all dumb asses 
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GM Notes
9/28/18 (HST)
This game was mostly just a closing thoughts and wrap up to first campaign. Talked about likes and dislikes of the first campaign, and hopes for the second campaign. 
Looked at Roll20 in program character sheets. Looking nice, will have to learn more about them.
Likes: Strong story Strong non-playing characters Crunchy lore/world Player dynamics
Dislikes: Uneven leveling Lots of lost plot points Too many options to adopt (pets, mounts, children) Too easy to make money
Next game: Starting Campaign 2 -yet to be named-
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Player Character
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Name: Kress Featherblade
Race: Aarakocra
Class: Fighter
Age: 18 (mentally early twenties)
Languages: Common, Aarakocra, Auran, and Elvish 
Str 15
Dex 17
Con 14
Int 8
Wis 11
Cha 13
Kress spent most of her life living with her her great aunt in the nest of Zaegh, on Shan-Zi island. There, her Aunt Ika and mentor Bak'tri helped her flourish into a strong hunter for the tribe, learning loyalty, patience, and deadly precision. As she and her skills grew, she found the desire to take to the skies and explore the Raven Mother's lands to strong to resist anymore, and began living nomadically, jumping from island to island in search of the next adventure. A female aarakocra, similar in appearance to a common kestrel. 4'9" tall, with feathers in various shades of brown with darker spots covering her entire body except her legs below the knee. She commonly wears leather bracers and vest over a sleeveless, hooded shirt, and baggy pants.
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