andithil · 5 months
bloodweave. yes, i’m dragging you out of the shadows with me.
lmaoo how dare. well...
Ship It
1. What made you ship it?
YOU. lmao that is to say, I hadn't really dug into fandom stuff yet since I still have so much of BG3 to play, and then you started sharing some thoughts and art and fic links and I was like oh okay yeah this tracks mhm mhMMM 👀
2. What are your favorite things about the ship?
from what I can tell of their personalities so far, they have that perfect sort of push/pull dynamic, a dance of wit and charm while still being two completely unique characters. also they are hot. also they are both wonderfully fucked up over their past... relationships, shall we say, so that lends well to the kinds of angst/healing sandboxes I like to play in lmao
3. Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship?
hard to say because I'm not exactly sure what the popular opinions are yet! I guess one thing I'm a little nervous to find out is if people are picky about how Gale's blood tastes to Astarion... obviously I'm all about vampires feeding, but I also really enjoy it being an obstacle for them, so I'm hoping that both interpretations are equally enjoyed overall
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zaxal · 1 year
🤯 What's a genre you struggle with as a writer (ex. romance, action, etc.)?
all of them no but genuinely, like, slice-of-life, coffee shop-like aus, curtains fic, etc -- i am not good at making everyday things interesting. it's probably why i end up writing a lot of angst; if i'm deep in a character's feelings, i don't have to reveal how shallow my perception of the Real World is. a lot of my longfic suffers between like, actual Events Occurring. the pace drags; the energy vanishes. i try to take a quiet moment and it just... rarely works. but the stories need those so i keep plugging away hoping i'll be a real boy eventually!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
weh. ok um. i think i write complicated characters and complicated relationships really well. i don't mean like the Problematic Ones-complicated, but even when i was mainly writing shassie or shelnard. i took what canon gave me and expanded my personal understandings of those characters (admittedly with help from some dear friends c: ily) that made actually writing them give more depth to relationships that have the potential to be p shallow.
even when i'm deep in an au, i know where the strings are to pull to keep a character true to themselves, which makes the changes in their personalities/experiences hit harder because you can see the shape of the canon character shining through.
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
ye, here's a preview of chapter 2 of My Lady of the Letters
In the late 18th century, buried in the depths of a Budapesti newspaper, there appeared a personal advertisement which, roughly translated, read:
“Foreign woman seeks diverting company with whom to discuss pleasures both grand and mundane. Good humor a must; knowledge of the arts preferred. Men seeking eventual matrimony should look elsewhere.”
For the first time since Crowley’s temporary relocation to a miserable, wintry Hungary, a sharp laugh broke through the frigid sneer that had taken up near-permanent residence on her face. She forgot for a moment about the snow that came up to her knees and the small, ultimately-pointless task Hell had given her, tracing her thumb under that last sentence. It spoke of jaded experience and bitter annoyance, each letter chosen carefully and paid for to drive off meddlesome men who looked to make a wife out of any woman who hadn’t yet turned them down.
It tickled at the back of her mind over the next few days. Crowley didn’t make a habit out of making casual human acquaintances, but why not this once? She was easygoing for a demon, and she knew more about art than any human alive. She certainly wasn’t going to bother the poor girl about marriage. Why not make the months she’d spend in Budapest a little more interesting?
Crowley wrote a letter, and when she sent it off, she knew that all other responses would be lost in the post.
💞 Who's your comfort character?
oh, aziraphale. i just think he's neat :3
tho if you go back through my fandom backlog, you can def pick out that there's one in each fandom bc they're the ones i'm meanest to skdfjksdd lassie, leonard hofstadter, michael bluth (i just typed michael butch someone end my entire life), chris argent, quentin coldwater, tomas ortega; if i whump them and/or bully them, it is bc i am spiritually holding them like a teddybear.
thank you!!!
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Title: The Freudian Fabrication Author: alivingsaint​ Rating: T Pairing: Sheldon Cooper/Leonard Hofstadter  Additional Tags: Light Dom/sub, Light BDSM, emotional masochism, Angst and Humor, Hurt/Comfort, ace!Sheldon, Leonard's a real hot mess Words: 3333 Summary: Leonard isn't comfortable with the things his brain reveals. Sheldon helps him through it. Note: For @andithil. Happy birthday of the super belated variety! Thank you for always being there, for your patience, your shared laughter, for your boundless support and love. I couldn't ask for a better best friend. I hope you enjoy the story. <3
And @clumsyghosts: Thank you for beta'ing and helping me sort out my thoughts. I truly appreciate your help in bringing this fic together.
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alivingsaint · 3 years
Uploaded as one audio file to simulate the experience of listening live. Here’s the complete set of songs with time codes:
00:00:00 - Fischerspooner - Emerge 00:04:45 - Will Arnett Commentary 1 00:05:55 - Better Oblivion Community Center - Sleepwalkin' 00:08:58 - Snail Mail - Full Control 00:11:48 - Black Kids - I'm Not Gonna Teach Your Boyfriend to Dance With You 00:15:21 - Will Arnett Commentary 2 00:17:10 - Sharon Van Etten - Jupiter 4 00:21:51 - Silver Jews - Smith & Jones Forever 00:24:52 - Galaxie 500 - Ceremony 00:30:42 - Chastity Belt - Different Now 00:34:26 - Will Arnett Commentary 3 00:36:24 - Beths - Not Running 00:40:09 - Smog - Vessel in Vain 00:44:12 - Bright Eyes - Persona Non Grata 00:47:35 - Will Arnett Commentary 4 00:50:23 - Car Seat Headset - Beach Life in Death 01:03:32 - Local Natives - Airplanes 01:07:24 - Will Arnett Commentary 5 01:09:54 - U.S. Girls - 4 American Dollars 01:15:36 - Soccer Mommy - bloodstream 01:21:05 - Smiths - Panic 01:23:21 - Big Thief - Not 01:29:15 - Will Arnett Commentary 6 01:33:01 - S. Carey - Brassy Sun 01:36:29 - Pavement - The Killing Moon
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zaxfics · 5 years
Teen Wolf, ~4500 words.
Past Chris Argent/Peter Hale
Peter is an unwilling test subject for the 'cure' for lycanthropy. The rescue party that includes his ex arrives too late.
Human!Peter AU for @inouken
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randomaliha · 6 years
Rules: tag 8 people you want to know better or just because you feel like it.
I was tagged by the lovely @bliphany :) I love her aesthetic tag a ridiculous amount.
Relationship status: Single
Favourite colour: Green. A forest kind of green :>
Last song listened to: Moon River by Frank Ocean, as its the last track on a fanmix I’m working on. I haven’t made a fanmix in so long it feels weird, and I’m convinced no one will listen to it, but I’m happy with it how it’s turned out.
Last movie watched: The Shape of Water. Such an interesting and beautifully made film. Frustrating in parts, funny in others, but overall a touching story about loneliness and connection.
Top 3 TV shows:  I feel like this changes a lot. Right now I'm watching: Person of Interest, Timeless and rewatching the early seasons of The Office (US).
Top 3 characters: I’m not sure if this means tv characters or other characters as well… this is such a hard question to answer! I love so many ridiculous characters. Um. Bucky Barnes of course, Sirius Black, Karen Page.
What I’m currently reading: Lots of fic! In terms of books, this for work. I finished the Mistborn trilogy recently and I really want to read Uprooted by Naomi Novik.
Tagging: @inouken, @redpandanormalpanda, @sharon27stuff, and/or anyone else who wants to do it.
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B&E Vibes
by inouken
A ficlet based on a tumblr gifset where Gob and Michael have an argument, then get exactly what they want.
Words: 805, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arrested Development
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: George Oscar "Gob" Bluth, Michael Bluth
Relationships: George Oscar "Gob" Bluth/Michael Bluth
Additional Tags: Sibling Incest, Alternate Universe, Established Relationship
from AO3 works tagged 'Arrested Development' http://ift.tt/2yBzMxx via IFTTT
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andithil · 1 year
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it. 😉
Oh you... dkfdk I guess I pride myself a little on being attuned to the way words and sentences flow together, and my written characterizations are often pretty good (which I'm only comfortable admitting because it's been said to me so lmao)
🤲 Would you please share a snippet of a wip?
“I know you’re in there, Jack!”
A faint smile crosses Jack’s face. He’d know that old, raspy voice anywhere. Unfortunately he can’t find his own to call him in.
❌ What's a trope you will never write?
Full disclosure, I had to skim a trope list because everything coming to mind was stuff I've either written already or would be open to writing lmao, but that said, miss me with hate fic... who the fuck has time for that sjfsfj. Would much rather write about characters I enjoy. I probably won't ever write kid fic either, but that's a soft no.
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This immediately made me think of you and your fics! You're my first association with this pairing:) colethewolf tumblr com /post /155354672979/inouken-lifetalkswithpeterandchris-x
They are so adorable! And by “they” I mean JR and Ian, as well as Chris and Peter! 
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inouken · 7 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
◉‿◉  [x]
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rockingthegraveyard · 9 years
The first was was all cute and loving and you sense the slightly sad undertone but you love it.  The the second one comes in AND KICKS YOU RIGHT IN THE ASSHOLE!
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hughes · 9 years
inouken replied to your post:“lozenger8 replied to your post:that moment when you think you’re ready...”
pls I've been looking forward to this fic for years. of course i will find something enjoyable, like your writing ffff.
bawwww you’re so nice i wanna cry ;A;!!! AND I GUESS one of my latest series of edits was to try to make some of the Doctor-Who-esque-technobabble a little more easy to follow so that, y’know, the plot actually made sense SO HOPEFULLY THAT WILL HELP
arcanewinter replied to your post:“that moment when you think you’re ready to post your ~50K longfic of...”
IT’S THE ONE although unfinished I JUST WANNA PUT WHAT I HAVE SO FAR OUT THERE BEFORE THIS SERIES TURNS 10 YRS OLD OK i’m the worst too because right now it ends on like a super intense cliffhanger/turning point aaahahaha dkfjhasldfasdkfs
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Time After Time
by inouken
Ficlet for a sentence prompt on Tumblr: Michael/Gob - "How long has it been?"
Words: 555, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Arrested Development
Rating: Mature
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: George Oscar "Gob" Bluth, Michael Bluth
Relationships: George Oscar "Gob" Bluth/Michael Bluth
Additional Tags: Humor, Sibling Incest, Plot What Plot
from AO3 works tagged 'Arrested Development' http://ift.tt/2pypAAl via IFTTT
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andithil · 5 months
Title: Infinite. Endless. Rating: T Words: 792 Pairings: Thor/Loki, Thor & Loki Tags: Loki Needs a Hug (Marvel), Family Reunions, Sibling Incest (if you squint), Ficlet, Angst, Comfort Summary: Even at the edge of reality, a sun can still shine.
(set post Loki series.) Had a hard time labeling this since it could technically be read either way as far as 'relationship' goes; I honestly think they transcend the difference at this point. Either way, I wrote this as a Christmas gift for @inouken (<3) because she was starving for a Thorki reunion and because frankly, so was I lmao. Hopefully it will provide some comfort to others as well.
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zaxal · 7 years
Michael/Gob: “I just want this.”
Michaelcould feel it, weighing in his shoulders, pressing in on his head,crushing him as he sank deeper and deeper beneath the surface. It hadalways been this way, growing heavier and deeper with every passingday, every single thing that piled onto him from the company, fromthe family, from the depths of his own depravity which was,generally, why he did anything to stay out of his head.
Thiswas a perfect example. He’d stopped pushing himself, stopped fightingevery second of every day, and now…
“Fuck,Gob.” His eyes screwed shut, breathing heavier as he tried topush himself away. “I- I can’t-”
Thepressure was getting to him, and he couldn’t even break apartcorrectly.
Tobe clear, Michael had neverhad this particular problem before, where he’d managed to psychhimself out of an erection. “Fuck,” he swore again, feelingold and useless and like he couldn’t breathe. He sat on the edge ofthe bed, head hanging low as he waited for the relentless teasingthat must surely follow.
Therewas a shift on the mattress behind him, and one of Gob’s arms loopedover his shoulders, more comforting than Michael would admit.“Y'know, if I’m not doing it for you anymore, you can thinkabout someone else. Like. Me at thirty, me at twenty five, me atseventeen – the classics.”
“It’snot you.”
“Really?”Gob asked brightly. Then, immediately suspicious, “Who is it?”
Michaelelbowed him. “It’s me.”
“Well.I can roll with that. Totally fantasized about two of you at oncebefore.”
Thatgot him to open his eyes to glare at Gob, raising his eyebrows. “Notfunny.”
“Isn’tthis, y'know, fucked upto you?”
“Uh,no, I moved beyond this like the day it happened. You were the onewho had to catch up.”
“Notus, idiot. The fact that it’snot working.”
“Howcan you say that?” It had never used to matter so deeply toMichael that he could get hard, but now that he was having trouble,he felt emasculated. He felt… undesirable.
“CauseI know him pretty well.” Gob leaned in close, snaking his otherhand to Michael’s thighs, not touching his dick without permissionbut promising. “We’ve got a, uh, veryintimate relationship.”
“Yeah?”Michael wasn’t sure, but he allowed his legs to fall apart, breathhitching as Gob’s fingers touched and teased.
“Yeah.You could say he’s my best friend.” Gob pressed a kiss to thenape of Michael’s neck. “He always comes through for me.”
Michaelfound himself smiling, shaking his head. “You’re awful.”
“Youlove it,” Gob smirked, trailing wet, open-mouthed kisses up thecorner of Michael’s jaw, down to his shoulder. “Just give mesome time with him. I’m sure I can talk him into behaving.”
Thatgot a laugh out of him, imagining Gob ever acting as thedisciplinarian. He felt more than heard Gob’s laugh, deep andrumbling in his chest, almost purring through Michael’s own bones.“Okay,” he breathed. “Okay.”
ButMichael shifted up onto the bed, sitting side-by-side. For the firsttime in a long time, he nestled his head close on Gob’s shoulder,allowing his eyes to drift shut as his fingers twined with Gob’s onhis thigh.
“Isthis okay?”
“Yeah,Mikey,” Gob nuzzled against him, nose nudged against his own.“But if you want more-”
“No,”he sighed, letting Gob support his weight, feeling the pressurerelieve for just a moment now. “I just want this.”
“You…”Gob’s voice tightened, fingers clinging to Michael’s as if he mightsuddenly decide to shake him free. “You want this?”
“Yeah,”Michael tilted his head to place a soft, chaste kiss to Gob’s lips,ignoring the way they quivered or the tears that dripped down hischeeks. “Yeah, I do.”
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