#insert i just think they're neat meme
theforestoracle · 12 days
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lilrambo-shooter · 1 year
Been thinking about Goro Akechi having a self care routine
Yeah yeah pretty boy having makeup sesh or whatever
but what about baths
Although it started out as a part of his Detective Prince persona that he donned for the world, he found himself enjoying the act of taking baths. Sitting in the water, with a small table besides on which he would have one of his newest mystery novels and a notebook for anything he might have on his mind. Finding it therapeutic to have a 7-step skincare routine. It's a time for him to collect his thoughts, thinking about what to do next. A radio is on (or maybe a record player?) with some jazz tunes. It's the one time that he has complete control over himself and takes the time to enjoy it, though at first he tried to self-criticize himself for it.
He becomes extremely protective over this secret, not wanting others to know that he actually does have a side like that. (He want's to keep people away, so why do they need to know this?)
When he starts opening up to the Phantom Thieves though, Ann can tell. At first she jokingly pesters him about it, since "wow when you were on TV you always looked so good, wanna trade secrets?" until she realizes that oh wait, there's something more here than just looking good for the cameras, huh? She doesn't pry though, when one day he snaps at her for coming too close to the truth.
He eventually comes around, when the world isn't threatening to end or get taken over, when these kids have time to be actual kids. Ann's boisterous personality is a bit to get used to, but soon enough they chat about their routines. Ann, Shiho, and Goro hanging out cuz they were all free. Ann giving him tips but leaving out the part in which the tips are all centered around Akiren cuz the guys wear their hearts on their fucking sleeves, and she knows a crush when she sees one.
The first time Akiren moves in with Goro, hearing him say "I'm going to take a bath" but not expecting for him to emerge from the bathroom, two hours later, looking like a pristine Greek sculpture. Akiren jokes about it, flustering Goro, who then makes a snide comment about the mop of black hair that "definitely needs to be checked for rats."
Anyway jump on the anngoro-besties train I love thinking abt them interacting
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unxpctedlybleach · 2 years
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pesceterra · 7 months
The only dark urge I have is the urge to make another drow character
They are so scrunkly to me
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queenofbaws · 7 days
Lyrics of this dumb-funny song I found the other day *How the hell you spell chauffeur? Chauffeur. Ooh fancy-pants rich McGee over here. Fuck you!* Use how you will ^^
Hope your weekend is super so far!
"Blankets," he said, just like that too, not impressed or happy or mad or sad or anything, "hotter'n Satan's asshole out here, and your mother sees fit to send me over a pallet of blankets...there's a punchline in there somewhere, but I'll level with you Bobby, I am too old and too tired to look for it."
"It gets cold in the winter," Bobby argued, dropping the boxes, "and Ma said they're duvets, Uncle Jack, not blankets."
He didn't look up from striking his match, didn't even move his face all that much, but Bobby heard his teasing clear as day as he muttered, "Du-vays, well la-di-dah-di-dah, look an awful lot like blankets to me," around his cigar. "Here's a lesson I don't think Constance ever stopped to teach you - probably because she thought you might start catchin' wise to her hoity- and toity act - but you can put lipstick on a pig, you can slap a wig on it too, that don't make it Miss America."
He couldn't help laughing at that, stretching his arms out from the weight of all those boxes of crocheted duv - blankets, yeah - before clapping Uncle Jack on the shoulder like the good old days, snickering, "Know what - s'good to have you back!"
"I'd say it's good to be back," Uncle Jack started, taking a solid puff off his cigar before returning the smack, "but that'd make me a goddamn liar, so pardon me if I just nod my head and start pickin' through these du-vays like I'm grateful or something."
six sentence sat(or)sunday!!!
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massivewaffle · 8 months
I think I've fallen for Hideduo so much is that ever since the eggs were dirty, it feels like one horror/lore after another after another and there are no real days of light silliness anymore? Or at least nowhere near what there used to be.
And then Fit and Pac started doing their thing and it feels like for the first time in a month there's something wholesome and just pleasant to focus on for a little bit among the heavy shit
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vistandsforvillainera · 10 months
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Me, after introducing CaitViVander to the CaitVi tag on AO3.
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major-fukkup · 2 years
Aether ghoul is single-handedly responsible for making me feel more comfortable with my body and I mean this in the most normal way possible
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svnsorsvns · 2 years
the way i’m obsessed over a fictional band of my own making -
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polish-art-tournament · 6 months
round 1.6 poll 3
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Rusałki (Rusalkas) by Witold Pruszkowski, 1877:
propaganda: i just think they're neat!
Schronienie przed burzą (Refuge before a storm) by Paweł Merwart, 1880:
propaganda: it's cute :')
about the artist: yoo this guy apparently was sent to investigate a volcano and died bc it erupted on him. *insert "mission status: sick" meme here*
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grayseyebrowscar · 9 months
Do you or any of your friends that I see you interact with have any thunder legion ideas? cause I think they're neat little people
uhhhhhhhhhh fuck i forgot kori's fairy tail blog but uh @creaticare is my main thunder legion buddy to answer for wanting thunder legion shit and i think @pencilofawesomeness has some ik she makes some good art good soup so go to them to ask for some as well if yheyre fine with that lol - and if anyone else who sees this and wanna add themselves as free promo for such why not
but heres some of my hcs!! (mostly bix related ones lol)
the team live together and have since team founding - laxus has a room as well bc why not
also out of the ones who went to ft like the order they joined it goes freed, ever, bix - i have lore for that later however i havent finished plotting that fic yet but iirc freed joined bc he befriended laxus while lacus was on a job and just followed him to fairy tail bc of the family lore i have for my boi, evergreen joined bc she wanted to and immediately befriended freed and the team began there, and bix joined bc he is a golden retriever
the green motif for the team each having a green item (ever her clothes, bix's eyes iirc and ofc freeds hair) was on purpose and in which ever felt left out (it started with a green scrunchie and went down hill from there
sorry to be on brand for a second but all three are actually really good friends with team shadowgear!! they're besties your honour
bix has terrorized the other two with the monstrocities he calls meals
if the destiel meme exists in their universe it is the only way bix will share news with people sometimes
bixlow carries random dice in his pocket and will throw them on the ground anytime hes around freed just to annoy him - freed always knows when its about to happen bc bix will say "hold on real quick i gotta roll for insert random dnd phrase"
bix does too many things just for the bit (they are used to this and expect most things just to be a bit at this point)
freed has been chased by bix before bc bix is about to lick him. bix has also tried to chase ever to lick her and bix was unsucessful
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adorkastock · 8 months
Oh, I thought I recognized this style of pose reference! I remember y'all from back in the old senshistock days! Lost track of you for a good while there and very glad to have found your work again. Always been a tremendous fan of your pose references, even though I'm not an artist at all. I just think they're neat! *insert Marge potato meme here* Happy to see you're still going strong! 🧡
Happy to entertain! ♥
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
Insert Bernie meme here: I am once again asking for people to think about what they're doing when they tag their ships. My OTP is a M/M rarepair, and I stumbled across a fic tagged Guy 1/Guy 2/OC, so I thought "oh neat, I'm not into throuples but I'll consume anything that has this ship, so gimmegimmegimme" aaand it turned out to just be Guy 1/OC and Guy 2/OC without any shippy interaction between the two guys... The only "interaction" was that it was evident that they strongly disliked each other. :(
But then again, it wasn't tagged Guy 1/Guy 2, so I should have guessed, heh... I thought it was just one of those instances where people tag the characters but not the ship despite it being shippy or where people mistag it with an ampersand, since I've also read slashy fics of them that were tagged with an ampersand.
Still, I wish people would just use Guy 1/OC/Guy 2 instead of Guy 1/Guy 2/OC in such cases.
I don't think the ship order for OT3s thing has ever really caught on in fandom widely.
It's definitely a thing in tagging erotica (usually M/F/M vs. M/M/F), but even there, you can see goodreads lists with warnings plastered all over them not to pollute the M/M/F list with irrelevant M/F/M. People clearly don't grasp that these are two tagging standards.
On AO3, different ship orders would be wrangled together too, so there isn't a ton of point.
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bonefall · 1 year
would any of the clan cats stay with the tribe after the journey? i feel like it’d be an easy way to lower the population without deaths, especially if some warriors are willing to fight rogues on their behalf. they get injured, have to stay while they heal, go “hey I like it here” and stay permanently.
it would make an interesting plot point for the great battle - the tribe offers to help, like how the clans helped against the rogues. they’d have reason to if some of their members originated from the clans! Plus, the three have a connection to the tribe cats, being reincarnations and all - it felt like they were leading up to something big with them that went nowhere personally.
insert ‘i just think they’re neat’ meme here. the Erins forgot about them :(
Less likely than you'd imagine! Tribe culture is actually quite unsettling to Clan cats. Like... unnerving.
Tribe cats are both extremely casual about ancestor worship, and heavily discourage battle and conflict. They're the opposite of rigid Clan cats, who are raised believing that the CLERIC is the center of religious life, and that honor in battle is an ideal.
I imagine it was extremely uncomfortable to learn that Stoneteller channels spirits. Like... on-demand. StarClan would never abide something like that, being reduced to the beck and call of the living. Nor can they handle the idea that normal, regular people can interpret the will of their ancestors.
It's kinda like... Catholics and Protestants. Not EXACTLY but, Clan cats believe that you need authority to interpret the will of StarClan. Tribe cats think it's gross and cruel to lock their ancestors away behind formal training.
These cultures are very different in ways that could cause a lot of conflict.
There must be 1 or 2 who ended up staying with Stormfur, but it was a teensy amount.
Also, I can't involve the Tribe in the Great Battle, because oh my god I'm already trying to beef the Dark Forest with more cats and not have StarClan joining be overwhelming, a Tribe patrol on top of it would be too much to work with!
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newbabyfly · 1 year
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*insert Marge meme here* I just think they're neat!
New stickers for Sticker Club members and the shop later.
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for the fic writer ask meme: 11, 15, 16, 26?
Hi Swan! Thanks for sending in an ask <333 (I think you're very cool and talented so whenever you talk to me I'm like. Whoa!!!)
11. What's an idea for a fic you've had that you'll probably never write?
OKAY SO I was talking with @lucienne-thee-librarian once and I came up with a Unity Kincaid x Desire of the Endless human AU. Desire (my favorite human AU name for them is Desmond) is a spy and they're supposed to seduce Unity, scion of a powerful and politically influential family. Desmond's been in the business for quite some time, they know their shit, they have a reputation to uphold. And then Unity Kincaid happens to them, and she's like nothing they expected her to be.
Desmond is fucked.
Title: Code Name Desire
Reasons why I will never actually write this: I am hilariously ill-equipped to write ANY kind of spy shenanigans. I can barely hash out what Lucienne does in her work day when I write her fics. Also, I would rather microwave my entire head than try to write any work of fiction regarding U.S. patriotism and/or British politics. Given the nationalities of Desire and Unity's actors, that would be a major stumbling block in attempting to get this story off the ground.
15. What are some of your favorite tropes to write?
*cups hands over mouth* HURT/COMFOOOOOOOORT!!!! That's my bread and butter. Also I have to stop myself from inserting a forehead touch into 90% of my fics.
16. What are you favorite characters to write?
Well. Y'see. There's a certain woman who is the steward of every story ever written or dreamt, who is vibrant and grounded and sure of herself and exceptional and I just think she's. Very neat. Her name is Lucienne, did you know?
Additionally, Calliope is very, very dear to me.
26. What fic are you proudest of?
Someone asked this earlier and I used that opportunity to talk about "hacia el mar, un lucero: recuérdalo", which is certainly an incredibly special work to me. But another one I'm proud of is "i carried this for years." It was the first fic where I explored Lucienne's trauma and how she gives herself the space to hold it, to not just shove it away or dismiss it in the face of--to her eyes--"larger" issues. And on a technical level, I think a lot of the actual prose in that story is pretty solid as well!
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