#inspired/ based on a pr0mpt
inkygemuwu · 2 years
Hero: “Are you trying to seduce me?”
Villain: “Why, are you seducible?”
— Prompt written by @amberss.
“Are you trying to seduce me?”
“Why, are you seducible?” the villain smirked.
The hero’s face flashed, flustered, at the villain’s response. They didn’t expect them to answer in such a way. At least not like that.
This wasn’t the first time the villain tried to seduce them. They’d tried it before, several times, and yet it never ceased.
The little compliments and the eandearing nicknames were the start of it all. It was just flirting at the beginning, but then graduated to something bigger, this.
The villain advanced closer, and the hero instinctively took a few steps back, alarmed, heart hammering.
“Isn’t it obvious?” the villain mused, and raised a sensuous brow.
All of a sudden the hero’s mouth felt dry, unable to speak. They took another step back, just for the villain to mimick the gesture.
The both of them kept on, until the hero’s back hit the wall.
The villain stood in front of them, tall and beautiful and generally deadly. They rested both hands on either side of the hero’s head, blocking them any possible paths of escape.
The sight before the hero’s eyes was dazzling, like looking at the sun. Too big, too bright.
“You look lovely, blushing like that.” the villain purred, cupping the hero’s burning cheek oh so gently. “It makes me wonder, really, how exquisite you’d look like as a disheveled and hot mess on my bed.” their eyes became half-lidded, dark and rich with a glint of pure admiration.
The hero flinched at the caress of the villain’s smooth hand. Soft, yet hypnotising. A deeper shade of red crept upon their features.
The villain never failed to make the hero’s stomach pool with heat.
“You wouldn’t even get the chance.” the hero choked, breath hitching.
Their stomach lurked again with the same sting of hots when they heard the villain’s amused giggle. “Oh, I wouldn’t be so sure, dear.” the villain crooned, gaze voluptuous. “I don’t need to take you by force. I can make you give yourself to me.”
“Persuasive are we?”
“Perhaps.” the villain said, “Perhaps not. It’s your choice. You’re responsible for your own actions anyway.”
The hero glared at them, at their audacity. How could they say something like that while they were clearly messing with the hero’s mind?
“You’re the one who’s enticing me!”
“And you like it,” the villain replied, tilting their head attractively, “don’t you, darling?”
The hero snarled, but they did like it, and they hated themselves for that. They hated themselves for being so predictable and unable to even pretend they weren’t affected by the villain’s temptation skills.
The hero suddenly gasped at the villain’s hand snaking up their arm and to their hair, gingerly stroking it. “Touchy touchy.” they chuckled, charmingly so.
“S–stop. God damn it– stop!” the hero rasped.
“Now now, little hero, don’t be so rude. Aggression doesn’t suit you.”
The hero tried to snarl, to show as much ferocity they could master, but it only made the villain laugh.
They felt small, ridiculous, ashamed. As if they were nothing but a small toy to play with and discard when not needed anymore. It wasn’t fair. This wasn’t fair. The villain wasn’t fair.
The villain let out a yelp of pain at the harsh kick they received to their stomach.
The hero fled. They decided that they’d make sure to be prepared next time they meet the villain.
Not a prompt.
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inkygemuwu · 2 years
The sidekick, the hero’s right hand man, is loyal and diligent.
If only they didn’t have a massive kink for being tied up and interrogated by the villain.
— Prompt written by @vigilantetendencies.
“Anything else, boss?” the villain’s henchmen were already done tying the hero’s sidekick up on the chair, ensuring the restrains were tight enough to prevent any attempts of escape.
“No, I’ll take it from here. You can leave now.” the villain declared, waving a dismissive hand to the henchmen as they marched out of the room and closed the door behind them, leaving the sidekick alone with the villain now.
“So,” the villain started, sauntering towards the table and sitting on the chair in front of the sidekick. “You’re finally here. All alone. Away from that pesky little hero of yours now.”
The sidekick’s expression was even, trying their best to stay cool and ignore their heart thumping with excitement in their chest at the very thought of being interrogated by the villain, all tied up.
They hadn’t expected to be easily caught like this without forknowledge. They were usually the vigilant and tactical type, so knowing those kinds of prospects beforehand and making a well-thought plan to ward them off was their flair.
But right now? That seemed to be an exception. And they hated how much they hoped for this day to come.
“I finally managed to capture you after countless of times trying and failing when I was so close to.” the villain mused, crossing their arms as they assessed the sidekick carefully, looking them up and down. It sent a shiver up the sidekick’s spine. “Though, I must admit that it was quite the challenge, you know. You are quite the trickster.”
“Guess this is your lucky day then.” the sidekick deadpanned, looking bored.
“Indeed.” the villain leaned in, tapping their finger on the table, “I saw you back then at the battlefield. You were quite impressive. Your performance was extraordinary; your swiftness, your intelligence, your diligence. No wonder that little hero chose you to be by their side.” the villain sighed, “If only your skills were put to good use. You would be perfect on the right side.”
“In your dreams, swine.” the sidekick bristled, “I’ll never be on your side.”
The villain chuckled, sitting up from their seat and looming over the sidekick. They watched as the villain hovered over them and yelped when the villain abruptly yanked them by their shirt collar, focing them to look at them. “Don’t be so sure of yourself, darling. Who knows? Maybe your loyalty might fail you too, just like how your whatchfulness failed you today.” their breath was hot against the sidekick’s ear.
The sidekick’s heart hammered, feeling their face heat up at the sudden contact. They hoped the villain didn’t see their blush.
The villain noticed the sidekick drop their cold and aloof mien, noticed how their eyes dilated in the dim room.
And for the first time, a smirk crept itself onto the villain’s face. “Ah, I see.”
The sidekick gulped.
The villain’s thin fingers that held the sidekick’s collar wiggled slightly, their eyes narrowed.
“You like being tied up and interrogated, don’t you, darling?” the villain murmured, their other hand caressing the sidekick’s scarred jaw.
The sidekick flinched at the touch. Uncharacteristically, they didn’t look like they knew what to do in this situation. They’ve fought armies of enemies before, came up with solutions for complicated cases, made up perfect plans to infiltrate places, sneaked past well-trained guards, dismantled security systems and whatnot. They were a strategist. The hero always relied on them to accomplish missions.
They were the hero’s diligent and loyal sidekick, the hero’s second-in-command. They would never let anything make their loyalty waver.
They always had the upper hand in every situation.
And yet...
Here they were, submitting to the villain, to their touch, to their tempting voice.
It occurred to them a second too late to jerk their head away from the villain’s hands and muster their professional and untouchable expression back again after it broke.
“Defiant, I see.” the villain said. “I like it. You’re trying to make yourself look like you’re in control, aren’t you?”
The sidekick snarled at them.
“You were always so diligent, so objective, so hard-working. You always managed to fool your enemies. You always managed to find ways to get away from my reach. But right now, you’re just a little helpless sidekick. Defenceless, in distress, hopeless. You can’t save yourself from me this time.” the villain’s smirk broadened, “In fact, you’re definitely enjoying it right now, I’m sure, that you don’t even want to bother come up with some plan to trick me.”
The sidekick’s face was beet red, their eyebrows twitching, fighting their emotions.
Damn it!
The sidekick hated themself for feeling this way. They hated how their emotions spiralled and swayed, whenever the villain hovered over them like that.
And worst of all they couldn’t deny the villain’s words. Just like they said; they didn’t bother trying to free themself from their restrains. They didn’t bother coming up with a good plan to escape, like they usually did. They did love it when the villain tied them up and interrogated them like this. It was phenomenal. It was exciting.
The villain giggled, utterly amused, and let go of the sidekick. They retreated back to their seat, propping their chin on their hand.
“So, chall we begin with the hero’s location?”
It was only the beginning.
Not a prompt.
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inkygemuwu · 2 years
The hero and the villain often get into very bloody and violent fights. One evening, the hero is stunned to find a dinner invitation sent by the villain posted through their door.
— Concept/ Prompt written by @morallygreyprompts.
The hero and the villain were sitting across each other on the dinner table.
The silence stretched awful between them; the hero was looking literally at every single angle of the room except of the villain, and the latter was playing with a spoon, twirling circles in the cup of water and creating small tornadoes in it out of boredom.
The thing was; the hero and the villain hated each other to the bones. It was obvious from all of the bloodbath and the brutal fights they usually had. A punch to the face, a kick to the stomach causing them to vomit blood, the way one of them grasps the other’s throat tightly with their nails digging in, the manner they hurl and throw each other across places, and more. They both always returned home all bloody and battered and with so much injuries all over their bodies, which were usually left like that for months until they healed.
The hero had surely never expected the villain to actually invite them over for dinner. They didn’t know. They didn’t believe this. Was this a trick? A trap to spy and gain information? A manipulation tactic to try and persuade the hero to join their side?
Or worse; a threat, or perhaps to humiliate or frame them for something nefarious?
The hero didn’t understand any of this. So many questions in their head at the moment, and they had to speak and cut the eerie silence between them for answers for their screaming and begging curiosity.
“So, why did you invite me over for dinner?” they asked, voice stern. The villain abruptly stopped playing with their spoon and immediately shifted their gaze to look at the hero, who themself was looking back at them. They straightened, “I just wanted to have a proper moment with you.”
Proper moment? What did they mean?
“I am sorry, but I didn’t quite catch your meaning.” the hero pressed, eyes narrowing as they raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
“I mean that I want to refresh our relationship. I wanted to start over again. I wanted a more proper and cordial relationship with you.”
“Cordial?” the hero scoffed, “Feeling guilty for being such a bloody prick in our fights, I guess?” they chuckled.
The villain looked away in what seemed like embarrassment for a short moment and looked back again, “Yes, actually.” they affirmed, voice still stern.
The hero’s expression shifted to perplexity. Really? The villain? Feeling guilty? It was laughable.
“I’ve noticed just recently how terrible the impacts of our fights had on us. The violence is overwhelming. I always get home with either a huge scratch all the way up to my chest, a broken rib, or even a sour throat from being strangled.” the villain paused shortly, “It’s.. you too. I’ve seen how possibly fatal your bruises were. Sometimes you were just so tired, you almost collapsed to the ground. Even in our next meetings, I could see the still bleeding wounds I gave you.”
The hero stared at them, gaze intent.
“We need to stop. It’s terrible for both our healths. Who knows, maybe one day one of us would die. It’s possible, and the chance of it is pretty high. We shouldn’t take such risks; maybe I’m an atrocious person, who committed a huge list of various sins and misdeeds, but I am not the type to slaughter.” the villain paused again and fixed their eyes with the hero’s, forbidding them from looking away. “We need to open our eyes and realise the danger our hatred for each other is putting us under. We need to control it — no — put an end to it. [Hero], we need to restart anew, I know this sounds insane — and believe me, I didn’t like at first, but I had to accept it. You also must accept it.”
The hero fell silent again, wide-eyed. They couldn’t believe what they were hearing. More questions and thoughts invaded their mind. The villain was.. asking for peace? To stop this hate and violence?
This. Was. Unbelievable.
The hero didn’t know since when the villain was capable of rationality or considerate enough to understand the seriousness of situations and fix them. The hero thought the villain was someone murderous and destructive, unfeeling of other people’s pain and suffering. They didn’t know they had limits, or a moral compass.
“So, in conclusion, this dinner is for the purpose of starting a more convenient relationship?” the hero asked, looking softer now.
The villain simply nodded. “And there is no other solution for this problem except of this one.”
“Why don’t we just control our hate around each other?”
“Do you really think that we would be able to do that? I bet you are dying to punch me again for the explanation right now.”
Well, yes, the villain was right.
And yes, the hero did feel like punching them at the moment. But for some reason they couldn’t, the villain was just being so patient and wise and level-headed.
The hero swallowed, “Well if that’s how you want it to be. Then be it.”
The villain smiled, not the sort of evil and sinister smirk. No, it was a pleasant one. They offered their hand to the hero, requesting to fix the desk they were creating.
The hero looked at the villain’s hand and slowly reached for it, accepting the offer.
Things hadn’t been the same since then.
Not a prompt.
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inkygemuwu · 2 years
“W–we're alone.” the hero nervously stated, a bit of sweat dripping down their forehead.
“Correct~.” the villain purred, crowding them against the wall. “No pesky media to interrupt us in sight~.”
— Prompt written by @some-messed-up-writing-for-you.
“W–we're alone.” the hero nervously stated, a bit of sweat dripping down their forehead.
“Correct.” the villain purred, crowding them against the wall. “No pesky media to interrupt us in sight.”
The hero swallowed hard. They felt stupid for letting themself get caught again by the villain.
The villain grinned, all teeth, and pinned the hero to the wall, hands mercilessly on either side of their head, allowing no way to escape their grasp now.
The hero’s face reddened, still speechless.
“What’s the matter, darling? Cat got your tongue?” the villain tilted their head in a way that made the hero’s heart slam in their chest.
“Wh–what do you want?” it was barely above a whisper.
The villain ignored them, their luscious gaze flicked to the hero’s lips, and then back up to their eyes, drinking up the sight in front of them.
“You look beautiful like this, cornered and confused and so easily flustered. Makes me wonder what you’d look like if I just..” the villain leaned closer, their breath brushing hot against the hero’s ear.
The hero’s face coloured further, an unsavoury feeling blooming in their stomach. “Get away from me.” they hated the crack in their voice.
“But your little reactions are just so adorable, darling.” the villain murmured, voice honeyed and thick.
“Let—” the hero’s voice cut to gasp as the villain started trailing kisses down their neck. They bit their lip, resisting the moan rising in their throat.
“S–stop..” the hero managed, begging, “You can’t just.. just kiss me–.. like that.”
They felt cold as the villain suddenly let go of them, feeling strangely empty, like a part of them was missing.
“Well, that was fun. See you next time.” the villain said and was about to turn around to leave when the hero, unable to suppress their instincts, clutched their shirt and yanked them back, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.
Not a prompt.
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