meiloorunsmoothie · 3 months
"jeremy jordan can't dance"
i mean...
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tisdale-mermaid · 5 months
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jerzwriter · 10 months
Is it magic? (Ethan/Kaycee Edition)
I saw this article while scrolling through Instagram, and I began thinking about how Tobias would react to Casey sending this question to him and how Ethan's reaction would differ if Kaycee sent it to him. So here's the second version! Tobias x Casey's can be found here.
Open Heart / Text Fic / Ethan Ramsey x F!MC / Teen
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@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics @choicesmonthlychallenge Jan - Day 13 - Grumpy
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openheartfanfics · 13 days
Newly Added Fics
Jun 1 - 7, 2024  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Bryce X F!MC
A Saucy Surprise - @storyofmychoices 📱
Now that they have their chicken nugget pillows, it's time for the condiments!
Ethan x F!MC
At Last - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁
Tobias is excited that Ethan and Estelle have finally gotten together. Feat. Tobias Carrick [Young Ethan]
Green with Envy - @coffeeheartaddict2 🦚
Despite normally keeping PDA to a minimum in public, especially at work, Casey feels the need to mark her territory. [Jealous]
Insecure - @jerzwriter 🎭
A bright day turns stormy when Kaycee overhears a conversation that leaves her doubting herself. Can Ethan help her see the light? Or will the lights flicker out?
Kismet - @liaromancewriter 🦚
Ethan walks into a bar, and everything changes with one look. [Ethan POV; Young Ethan]
Reunions - @liaromancewriter 📱📸
Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed 'Bestie Time.' Feat. Sienna x M!OC
Rounds, Redemption, and a Raised Eyebrow - @ruebravis 📱
Ethan x F!Reader text exchange about bagels.
Love Triangle
Processing and Developing - @alj4890 ☁
Chris takes a photo of her and Tobias at Ines's wedding reception. Tobias x MC x Ethan [3.11]
Processing and Developing: Interrupted - @alj4890 ☁
This is how it would have gone down with Ethan bursting in. Some things are inevitable after all. [3.11]
Rafael x F!MC
Favourite Time Of The Day - @rafasgirl23415 📸
After a day out to the park, Casey takes Florence up to bed for a nap. She lays down beside her & just gazes at her as she sleeps.
Moving In - @rafasgirl23415 📚​
[extended: wip] Follow up to We Belong Together. Set a few years into the future. Feat. Sienna Trinh x M!OC
CH 49: A Fight For My Family
Ready For Playtime And Snuggles - @rafasgirl23415 📸
Casey goes in to get Florence after her nap expecting to find her still asleep but she's awake.
Rafael x M!MC
When Sparks Fly - @silver-rings-and-rabbits ☁
The electrics in Bloom Edenbrook aren't quite as secure as they should be, and Matthew is in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Sienna x M!OC
Reunions - @liaromancewriter 📱📸
Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed 'Bestie Time.' Feat. Ethan x F!MC
Tobias x F!MC
National Hug Your Cat Day - @jerzwriter 📸
It's National Hug Your Cat Day, and Casey & Tobias pay tribute to their little guy on Instagram. Of course, the usual chaos ensues.
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daphnebowen · 10 months
more season four episode one things
okay guys because I’m obsessed I’m rewatching season four this time actually recording things because last time I just did what I could remember. That was also from a while ago (when i originally wrote it) some stuff might be the same but do I care? No. I was gonna jump right to episode three but then I thought “am I really gonna miss ‘maybe this time’ and ‘puppy love’ for this? No.” So yeah. Here we go! FYI, most of these just might be quotes because I’m basically brain dead right now.
THE RINA CUEEEEEE and ginas proud little smile
I absolutely love Ryan’s sparkly suit
Monique, Corbin, kaycee, and Lucas sound soooo good!!! Lucas especially he is really belting
“they have been silent in the group chat” 💀 gets me every time
ms Darbus sounds the exact. same.
Richard is screaming. I mean, I get it, I would too if my girlfriend was kissing someone else, but chill dude
“no boys?” Girl. Gina’s super smart. She can handle a boyfriend and worry about her future. I hate her so much.
mike 💀 RICKY PAY ATTENTION - I hope those clothes were clean~
”be safe” is crazy 💀
”don’t… try not to mess that up.”
”that would have been thoughtful” he’s not slacking in the boyfriend department at all
”just kept us for us” is sooooo freakingggg sweeeeeetttt “as long as we’re an us” AHHH FIND ME A MAN LIKE RICHARD BOWEN
gina: shushing Ricky. Ricky: proceeds to make more noise on his way out of the window 🤦🏼‍♀️ what is wrong with him
kourtney and Carlos are slaying
”we need to sign him up and get him educated” girl same
Ashlyn is so lost lmao
miss Jenn gets their attention so flawlessly my teachers could never
I wanna see Richard bowen’s senior prank… 😃
theyre so disappointed about doing hsm again lmao “high school musicale?!”
the east high leopards mascot is actually so disturbing
”mentally I’m not here” lmao sameeee!
”the whole gang” mins Troy Gabriella and Sharpay as per the first five minutes of the show right?
coach literally spit while saying “America’s favorite couple”
woke. I can’t.
bart Johnson is so hyped
”if it’s Mack somebody stop me before I flirt with him” “Carlos!” “Yeah, Carlos!” Ricky is so jealous omg
”Mr bluh?”
miss Jenn looks like she’s about to pass out when Monique and Lucas walk in 😭
poor Ricky I just want him to be happy
“if Alcatraz and 7-11 had a baby” Quinn 💀
they’re dead. The farm is heaven. Why did he say that so bluntly???? The way Gina’s face fell was so sad too
”I bet he sheds a lot” PLEASE
can I just say I think Ricky is way better looking and just way better than Mack??? Like this boy has nothing to worry about.
Kourtney turned British there for a moment lmao
gina cannot improvise holy crap
“opposites do attract” THE LOVE IN HIS EYES I CANT
the fact that they made Ricky’s hair darker for the Valentine’s Day part is actually crazy
“wow” part 1
Raisenets are nasty
i wanna see kourtneys instagram like I bet it’s so cute
why the freak does Dani want to know about Ricky like hop off he’s in a very serious relationship
”WISH WE WERE CUDDLING” omg WHAT (tho tbh… that would be sooo cute. I want a spin-off of just rina. No one else. Just rina one shots irl)
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When I first got Ashlee, I never thought her story would be so focused on finding family and what that meant for her. Of course she always was a found family type of girl with the Ashleys, but to move on and find out that it wasn't healthy and make those steps to find the family that was meant for her is an aspect I'll always be so proud of for Ashlee. So this page is all about the family she had made, the way Simba smiles at her, the way Berlioz does. The fact their home is filled with such love that this page just radiates happiness. The pups and Juni because they are equally family and honestly who even knew Ashlee would get a pet if it wasn't for living with all the dogs in the Simber house. And of course smack dab in the middle, a picture that Ashlee would be so embarrassed by, but I like to think Simba took it and while she will pretend to be embarrassed, she remembers the love and it creates such a special moment for her that it ended up in a scrapbook.
Ughhhh, I did not expect this one to hurt as much as it did. Michael was the perfect relationship for her. Someone so gentle and so kind. Someone with such big ambitions like herself and gosh darn it, she really did deserve this happiness before she left and that makes me so happy. Even if the ending was sad she would do it all over again because the heartbreak was worth it.
I like to think this summer they used their time wisely even before everything started to fall apart. They made moments happen although fleeting and took a number of pictures Ashlee could post on her Instagram and a lot of pictures Ashlee could just keep to herself. I love to think there's a note written from Michael that she has taped in there as well, Plus dried flowers that he had given her. This page might bring her a little heartbreak but she would have wanted to give him the proper space he deserved.
I originally put him with the friends but honestly, Tiny Dancers has been the biggest relationship Ashlee's had while in the group. From her first day (minus a week?) to her last, Nemo has been such a good influence in her life and it was probably one of, if not my favourite friendship to date. They went through so much and yet never for a second did I doubt they would come out of it stronger. There has always been something about Ashlee and Nemo where they were so intertwined I couldn't imagine the story I would have told without him right there.
The pictures I used were of course some of Kaycee and Sean but it's also about being passionate and just plain goofy. Nemo is one of her safe places and he's definitely seen so many embarrassing and silly moments of hers, the same way she has seen him be silly and loved it about him.
A couple of these are just just pictures of Ashlee's fc with her friends, but it felt important to me to show just how far she had come, from becoming friends with Ian, despite their past, or finally willing to be vulnerable with Eilonwy and to trust her, the relationships Ashlee has created in the past couple years have such a special part of my heart. Because of her past so many people had to trust her and Ashlee had to return that feeling despite how vulnerable that made her. I'm just so glad she was able to create those moments and connections
I like to think EIlonwy celebrated both Ashlee's wins of a new job and her wins of the showcase and one of these could be it. Or maybe its after the showcase and Ashlee has gotten Eilonwy flowers. Ian's is all about animals and maybe just making time for each other in anyway including stopping at his work and being introduced to the animals that are there. She definitely would have taken a pic in the moment and when he wasn't paying attention. I also include Jenny in a way to show her growth because Jenny should have caused her anxiety, Ashlee should have disliked her as a girl coming into her space that would take Simba and Berlioz's love, instead Ashlee liked her, they hung out and well that was a huge step for her.
Summer Showcase:
The Showcase is the one I had to end on, I've done endings for characters before but there's something about this showcase, leading up to it, getting it ready from just an idea that makes it so special. Including all the people that volunteered for it. While it hasn't happened in canon and I could wait to post this one but I can't hold onto this task that long and so this is me predicting the moments in it. You have Ashlee and Nemo with mics because they are leading the event and presenting people. You have the art auction and the flowers Ashlee is giving everyone. You have a moment on stage that someone snapped and Ashlee needed a picture of it.
Over all this task is about Ashlee making her last summer be the best one it can be before she leaves and taking the most pictures because she wants to remember everything.
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trans-p03g · 2 years
Bingos from Instagram
Leshy x P03
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Pike x LW
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Leshy x Kaycee
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Another HSM alum visiting the school … what is going on??
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orangebratz · 1 year
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Last Tuesday, the Tweevils tried to hack BratzLips.com and change it to BurdinesBeak.com but failed and got themselves banned instead. Lipsters/LIPosuctioners on the forum were worshipping Daechelle who sang "Fearless" for Bratz The Movie in 2007, questioning why she went missing, photoshopping her face onto pictures, and claiming that Taylor Swift copied her and purposefully locked her in a basement to sabotage her career. The Tweevils then disrupted the thread and tried to ban users like the Daechelle stan @/tlgertae but failed. The Tweevils then went into the thread where the Admin told Lipsters to ask K-pop queen BoA (who sang "Show Me What You Got" for Bratz's 2003 Japanese market attempt) about her experience being on COOOOLTV as she did a Q&A. Kaycee then claimed she went onto BoA's Instagram and told her to delete the song. The Tweevils then harassed users in the DMs and claimed that Bratz are fetishizing the British monarchy with their Pretty 'N' Punk line.
Check out the threads:  https://www.bratzlips.com/forum/bratz/whattup-losershttps://www.bratzlips.com/.../are-you-ready-for-daechella
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znelrc · 1 year
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The night was made for the stars! A picture of Kaycee’s ⭐️. she’s shining brightly tonight🕶️. #stars #moon #space #art #celebritystyle #nightphotography #astrophotography #nature #nightsky #universe #astronomy #bollywood #astrology #bollywoodfashion #designerwear #fashiondesigning #fashionista #fullmoon #instagood #instagram #latesttrends #loungewear #luna #moonlight #moonlovers #moonphotography #mumbai #mumbaidesigners #mumbaifashiondesigner #mumbaifashionstylist (at Lakewood, Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp1o5dYuTRq/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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thenewsinfo · 1 year
Fletcher Cox's girlfriend Kaycee Marchetti reacts to being named 'Hottest Eagles WAG'
One Eagles WAG has a lot to celebrate ahead of Super Bowl 2023. Kaycee Marchetti, girlfriend of Eagles defensive tackle Fletcher Cox, was named the “Hottest Eagles WAG Number One” by SportsLens. The New Jersey native responded to the news on her Instagram story Monday, writing, “Such an honor.” Fletcher Cox and Kaycee Marchetti after the Eagles defeated the 49ers in the January 29, 2023 NFC…
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jerzwriter · 1 year
As Planned
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Back in December, I posted This Christmas, when Ethan spontaneously (and ringlessly) proposed to Kaycee while shopping for a Christmas tree. Now, I HC that the ring isn't terribly important to either of them... and with their busy lives, it's not at the top of their to-do list. But after an engagement photo shoot without the "real" ring (Picture This), and Kaycee's mom expressing her concern (Patience), it begins to bother Ethan.
This fic begins as Ethan and Kaycee are in NY, preparing to attend his med school buddy Reynaldo's wedding. As they're getting ready, they learn Kaycee's first boyfriend, Tomas, and his girlfriend, Alessandra, have gotten married. Then Ethan's plan goes into motion. I hope you enjoy this!
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Book:               Open Heart (Post Series)
Pairing:           Ethan Ramsey x F!MC (Kaycee MacClennan)
Rating:            Teen
Words: 2,170
Summary: Above
A/N: Participating in @choicesjunechallenge Proposal
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Kaycee put her phone down, a silly, delightful grin spreading on her cheeks. A glance at the clock confirmed she was running ahead of schedule, so she could allow herself time to appreciate this moment. Moving to the hotel suite’s window, she drew back the ornate drapes and peered down at the busy city below. The irony was just delicious.
Tomas, her dear friend and first true love, was married, and she found herself in the city where their love story had taken place. No more than ten blocks from the campus, where they met, fell in love, and spent three years dreaming of the beautiful future they hoped to create until the day they painfully accepted that it wasn’t going to be. She was within walking distance of his old apartment, where they shared their last goodbye as lovers, not knowing what the future would hold. If she thought about it long enough, she was sure she could still recall the pain. The hollow ache in her chest that never seemed to heal. How it crept up each time she tried to fall in love again, a reminder of the pain that was just waiting on the other side of this new, beautiful thing. It sabotaged her more than once, of that she was sure… until, one day, it didn’t.
Ethan was different from the start, and for the longest time, she didn’t understand why. With all the obstacles they faced and all the mountains they had to climb, she never hesitated. Even knowing the hole in her heart could widen enough to engulf her if she lost him, she persevered. And now, as her fiance dressed in the next room, she knew why. In Ethan, she found her home, the place she was always meant to be. As dusk began to fall, the city Kaycee loved so well became illuminated by a million glistening lights, and she smiled. Tomas had found his forever love, Kaycee found hers, and their friendship was as strong as ever. Perhaps this is what it feels like when the puzzle pieces fall in place, and everything works according to plan.
She was making her way back to the vanity; after all, she had a wedding to get to when Ethan entered the room, looking more serious than she would have expected, given the occasion.
“I’m almost done,” she smiled, running a brush through her long, blonde hair. “I promised you I won’t make us late this time.”  
“It’s fine,” Ethan smiled softly. “To be honest, I thought you were already done. You look… you’re breathtaking.”
Kaycee blushed and tilted her head in his direction. “So you approve of the retro hair?” she grinned. “I wanted to try something different, and since I’m wearing a vintage dress….”
“It’s beautiful. Timeless… just like you.”
Her skin all but tingled when he leaned over and placed a tender kiss on the crook of her neck.
“Now, Ethan, I’m not done with my makeup, and if you keep that up….”
“No,” he said, walking to a nearby settee. “Come, sit with me.”
Her brow furrowed, concern growing. “Is everything OK?”
“Yes,” he assured as she sat on his lap. “Have you seen Instagram?”
“You mean Tomas? I have! Isn’t that wonderful news? I’m so happy for them!”
“Are you?” Ethan asked. “I know you’re good friends, but he carried a torch for you for a long time.”
She brushed off the notion with a shake of her head.
“Held. Past tense. From the day he met Alessandra, I knew she was the one for him, and so did he! Eloping in Greece? That is the most Tomas thing I have ever heard! I’m delighted for them. And now, we get to attend your friend Reynaldo’s wedding! This is such a romantic day!”
“Yes, that it is,” Ethan smiled, but Kaycee knew him well, and she saw that smile never reached his eyes.
“I know you’re not exactly a Hallmark movie kind of guy, but you’ve acknowledged it’s a romantic day… so why do you look so… glum?”
Ethan visibly swallowed before taking her face in his hands. “You’re not disappointed… are you? I know I didn’t always make things easy for us. I mean… Tomas met and married Alessandra in half the time we’ve been together. I just hope you’re not disappointed.”
“Ethan Ramsey! Stop it!” She playfully smacked his chest. “Every couple is different. We all have our own rhythm and face unique obstacles. Alessandra and Tomas didn’t have some of the complexities we faced in our relationship… and… well, we all bring our own histories. This is how it worked for them… and this is how it works for us. All I know is that I couldn’t be happier with my fiance.”
“Yeah,” he chuckled sadly. “Your fiance. Your fiance who asked you to marry him seven months ago, yet we haven’t even set a date. You still don’t have a ring on your finger.”
Kaycee reached over and pulled Ethan’s gold signet ring off of her end table. “Oh, really? I beg to differ!”
“That was supposed to be temporary,” he sighed. “It isn’t your engagement ring.”  
Kaycee held the ring close to her heart, appearing almost hurt by his words.
“Ethan Ramsey, I don’t think you’ll ever understand just how precious this ring is to me. No other ring… no ridiculously overpriced bauble you could ever purchase will mean as much to me as this ring does.”
“I know that,” he smiled tenderly, and something about him changed.
“I’ve been trying to decide on a ring for you…,” he started. “In fairness, your lack of input on what you’d like hasn’t made it particularly easy.”
“I’m not here to make your life easy,” she teased. “But seriously, the ring just isn’t that important to me….”
“I’ve talked to Sienna about it at length.”
A broad smile came to Kaycee’s face. He was smart; Sienna was the way to go! She probably knew what Kaycee would want in a ring more than Kaycee knew herself.
“And all we’ve ascertained so far is that if I purchase anything ostentatious, you’re likely to kill me.”
Kaycee burst into laughter, see, Sienna was the right move!
“That’s my bestie! She’s not wrong. Not only would it be an obscene waste of money, but it would also be impractical. I’m a doctor. And I’dwant to wear my ring every day. I can’t exactly do that if you buy me some boulder.”
“I understand all of that. But can you understand why that’s difficult for me? When you attain a certain amount of… success… there are expectations. If I don’t go all out,” he said, pouring a glass of bourbon for himself and offering one to Kaycee. “… I feel like if I do less than, I’ll be judged. We’ll be judged.”
“By whom?” she shot back, taking the seat at his side. “And do we suddenly care about what anyone else thinks? Ethan, eloping to Greece was the right thing for Tomas and Alessa. That makes me happy. I want us to do what’s right for Ethan and Kaycee. I don’t care what others think.”  
“I know,” he said, taking her hand. “But it got me thinking….”
“Always dangerous,” Kaycee smirked.
“May I continue?”
“Of course,” she smiled, then coquettishly sipped her drink.
“I started to think about the couples I’ve known throughout my lifetime. Now, you know I’ve always been a pessimist about love, and I’ve blamed my family history. Terrible examples and all… but I realized… the pessimism was my own doing. Sure, my parent’s marriage wasn’t happy or healthy. But they weren’t the only example I had. My father’s parents, my Nana Emma and Pop-Pop John, they had a beautiful marriage. They always loved each other above all else. They came from simple means but built a beautiful life together; they had two beautiful children and adored each other until their final days. So, I always had an example of what a marriage should be. I just… I just chose to focus on the bad. It was just my own fear blinding me.”
Kaycee put her drink to the side and pulled Ethan close in her arms. Kissing the side of his head as she held him closer. 
“Well, you’re not there anymore… and I’m so proud of you. You finally see that you deserve that love, that happiness, too. I’m so honored that I’m the one you’ve decided to share it with. I wish I could have known your grandparents. I would love it if you and Alan could tell me more about their story.”
“I’d like that too,” he smiled, tears in his eyes. “And if it’s all right with you, I’d like it to begin right now…
Kaycee’s eyes widened as Ethan slipped off the settee and rested on one knee on the floor.
“Ethan, what are you….”
He removed a pink velvet ring box from his pocket, opening it to expose a simple, beautiful art deco ring inside.
“Ethan?” Kaycee gasped.
“Like I said, they didn’t have much money, and according to my father, Pop-Pop began saving for this ring on their second date. He knew she was the one, so he put away everything he could for two years to purchase this. They never had much money, but they were the richest people I’ve ever known, rich in all the ways that mattered. Before you came into my life, I was the epitome of success, but at the same time, I was impoverished. I was walking through this life alone, and outside of work, it was devoid of meaning. I had more wealth than my grandparents could have ever dreamed of, but they were far, far richer than I ever thought I could be. You helped me change that, Kaycee, and if I lost every penny I had tomorrow, I’d still be the richest man alive as long as you are by my side. So, I realized there was no ring I could buy you. The only ring worthy of sitting on your finger was at my father’s house, and when I asked him if I could have it… for you… he honestly cried. So, Kaycee MacClennan, I’m asking you once again, with my grandmother’s ring… will you be my wife? Am I lucky enough to have you say yes… twice?”  
Kaycee bit her trembling lip as she fought to stay in the moment, for she knew it was one she’d treasure all her life. But as she looked down at Ethan, gazing at her with all the love in the world, the precious, precious ring in hand, it was hard for her to believe this wasn’t a dream.
“You know!” She finally sobbed, wiping away the tears on her face. “My makeup was almost done… and now… now… I’m breaking my promise, and I am going to make us late.”
“I think I’ll give you a pass,” Ethan winked. “As long as you answer the question right. What do you say?”
“Of course!” She beamed. “Yes! Of course, I’ll marry you. Just try to stop me!”
Ethan’s chest was filled with pride as he slipped the beautiful ring onto his bride-to-be’s finger, then the two collapsed into each other’s arms. After a moment, Kaycee lifted her hand to admire her new treasure and kissed Ethan’s cheek.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I lied to you before.”
“About?” He asked, a hint of astonishment in his voice.
“I said there wasn’t another ring that could mean more to me than the one you gave me, but… this… look at you proving me wrong.”
Ethan pulled back, keeping Kaycee firmly under one arm; he lifted her hand.
“It looks perfect on you… just like it did on Nana. It was meant to be.”
“Just like you and me,” she sighed. “I love you, Ethan Ramsey.”
“And I love you. I love you so, so much.”
“We have Nana and Pop-Pop love,” she giggled.
“Yes, we do!”
Their lips met in a passionate kiss, any remainders of Kaycee’s makeup now firmly a thing of the past.
“So we’re engaged!” He grinned.
“We’ve been engaged!”
“Yes, but now your mother will accept that it’s official.”
“I can’t wait to show her!” Kaycee squealed. “I can’t wait to show everyone!!”
“Oh, that reminds me,” Ethan grabbed his phone and snapped a picture of Kaycee’s hand.
“What are you doing?” she laughed.
“What? Do you think Tomas is the only one allowed to post today? I’m letting the world know you said yes… a second time.”
“You do that,” she grinned. “I’m calling room service, this bourbon is lovely, but this calls for champagne!”
As Kaycee turned to look at Ethan, glowing as he typed away on his phone, she no longer questioned it. This was precisely how it felt when the puzzle pieces fell into place, and everything had worked out better than she… better than anyone…  could have predicted.
@choicesficwriterscreations @openheartfanfics
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openheartfanfics · 1 year
Newly Added Fics
Jan 7 - 13, 2023  
🎭 Angst  |  🦚 Angsty Fluff  |  🛸 AU  |  ☁ Fluff  |  ♥ NSFW  |  📚 Series  |  📷 Edit  |  📱 TextFic  |  Ⓜ Mature
Build-a-Bear: After Dark - @storyofmychoices 📱Ⓜ
Olivia finds an unexpected advertisement on Instagram.
Chasing The Sundown - @chocopeppermintcake ☁
Bryce and Casey spend some time together before their shifts.  
A Day in the Life - @potionsprefect 📷
Ethan and Victoria have an early shift at the hospital, and become plant parents.
A Little Delay - @jerzwriter ☁
It's a lazy Saturday afternoon, and Ethan is marveling at how much his life has changed... and how much he wants to do with Celia... but then, things take a not-so-sweet turn.
Ain't Nothing Like the Real Thing - @jerzwriter 📱Ⓜ
Kaycee teases Ethan while he's out shopping, saving the best surprise for the end.
Amazing - @utterlyinevitable ☁
Ethan doesn’t understand new workplace technologies. He does understand how to woo his unofficial girlfriend. [Date; Secret Relationship]
Part 1
Breathe Through - @genevievemd 🦚
When her anxiety rears it’s head in the middle of the night, Genevieve realizes she finally has someone to lean on. [Hurt/Comfort; Illness/Injury]
Business in Miami - @potionsprefect 📷
Victoria and Ethan head to Miami for a business trip. [Miami]
Complete - @coffeeheartaddict2 ☁
The arrival of Alexis Christine Ramsey. TW: Brief mention of past traumatic birth [Pregnancy]
Double The Fun - @liaromancewriter 📷
These apples fell right under the tree. [Domestic; Family]
I do - @ethanramseytwilight ☁
They get married. Told from both lovebirds' perspectives. [Wedding]
I wish.... (Part 2) - @ethanramseytwilight 🦚
Aftermath of their break up. Feat. OH Gang
Memories.... - @ethanramseytwilight ☁
Ethan gets to see Catherine's photo album.
Stating the Obvious - @liaromancewriter ☁
Cassie struggles with the twins, and Ethan shows off his skills. [Domestic; Family]
The Elf Affair - @liaromancewriter ☁🎄
When it comes to Christmas, there’s one tradition that Cassie Valentine would be happy to forget.
‘Tis the Damn Season - @genevievemd 📚📷 [extended: wip] A look into the final eight months of Ethan and Gen’s first year of marriage.
February 1a | 1b
What Happened in Vegas - @jerzwriter 📚🛸
[mini: wip] Casey & her roommates are heading to Vegas, intent on taking down Declan Nash and Panacea; but this time, Dr. Ethan Ramsey is in tow.
An Interlude
(Further) Trials & Tribulations - @utterlyinevitable 📚Ⓜ
[extended: complete] Drabbles of what happened immediately following Trials & Tribulations. TW: Depression, toxic relationship Feat. Bryce Lahela, Ethan Ramsey x F!MC, Sienna Trinh, Naveen Banerji
Part 9: Avoidance makes the heart grow stronger [Bryce - Hurt/Comfort, Friends with Benefits; Ethan - Broke Up, Issues]
Parking Lot Problems - @inlocusmads ☁
It is Jane's first day at work. Meanwhile Ethan struggles to find a parking spot. Feat. Ethan Ramsey, F!MC, Sienna Trinh
Heartbreakers - @liaromancewriter 📱
Sienna and Max tease each other with old photographs.
A Perfect Date - @jerzwriter ☁
Tobias plans a big night out on the town for them to celebrate. Not everything goes as planned, but it ends perfectly. [Date]
By Chance... - @jerzwriter 🛸☁
Sometimes, when plans go wrong, they're actually falling into place. During a night out while attending Hopkins, Tobias meets a fascinating woman.
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emmymaehereeeeee · 2 years
me when- when your- when Elvis- I mean Austin- I mean 🫣
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bebebrm · 4 years
• instagram kaycee icons — p. I
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• não precisa dar like/creditar, just enjoy!
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