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When I first got Ashlee, I never thought her story would be so focused on finding family and what that meant for her. Of course she always was a found family type of girl with the Ashleys, but to move on and find out that it wasn't healthy and make those steps to find the family that was meant for her is an aspect I'll always be so proud of for Ashlee. So this page is all about the family she had made, the way Simba smiles at her, the way Berlioz does. The fact their home is filled with such love that this page just radiates happiness. The pups and Juni because they are equally family and honestly who even knew Ashlee would get a pet if it wasn't for living with all the dogs in the Simber house. And of course smack dab in the middle, a picture that Ashlee would be so embarrassed by, but I like to think Simba took it and while she will pretend to be embarrassed, she remembers the love and it creates such a special moment for her that it ended up in a scrapbook.
Ughhhh, I did not expect this one to hurt as much as it did. Michael was the perfect relationship for her. Someone so gentle and so kind. Someone with such big ambitions like herself and gosh darn it, she really did deserve this happiness before she left and that makes me so happy. Even if the ending was sad she would do it all over again because the heartbreak was worth it.
I like to think this summer they used their time wisely even before everything started to fall apart. They made moments happen although fleeting and took a number of pictures Ashlee could post on her Instagram and a lot of pictures Ashlee could just keep to herself. I love to think there's a note written from Michael that she has taped in there as well, Plus dried flowers that he had given her. This page might bring her a little heartbreak but she would have wanted to give him the proper space he deserved.
I originally put him with the friends but honestly, Tiny Dancers has been the biggest relationship Ashlee's had while in the group. From her first day (minus a week?) to her last, Nemo has been such a good influence in her life and it was probably one of, if not my favourite friendship to date. They went through so much and yet never for a second did I doubt they would come out of it stronger. There has always been something about Ashlee and Nemo where they were so intertwined I couldn't imagine the story I would have told without him right there.
The pictures I used were of course some of Kaycee and Sean but it's also about being passionate and just plain goofy. Nemo is one of her safe places and he's definitely seen so many embarrassing and silly moments of hers, the same way she has seen him be silly and loved it about him.
A couple of these are just just pictures of Ashlee's fc with her friends, but it felt important to me to show just how far she had come, from becoming friends with Ian, despite their past, or finally willing to be vulnerable with Eilonwy and to trust her, the relationships Ashlee has created in the past couple years have such a special part of my heart. Because of her past so many people had to trust her and Ashlee had to return that feeling despite how vulnerable that made her. I'm just so glad she was able to create those moments and connections
I like to think EIlonwy celebrated both Ashlee's wins of a new job and her wins of the showcase and one of these could be it. Or maybe its after the showcase and Ashlee has gotten Eilonwy flowers. Ian's is all about animals and maybe just making time for each other in anyway including stopping at his work and being introduced to the animals that are there. She definitely would have taken a pic in the moment and when he wasn't paying attention. I also include Jenny in a way to show her growth because Jenny should have caused her anxiety, Ashlee should have disliked her as a girl coming into her space that would take Simba and Berlioz's love, instead Ashlee liked her, they hung out and well that was a huge step for her.
Summer Showcase:
The Showcase is the one I had to end on, I've done endings for characters before but there's something about this showcase, leading up to it, getting it ready from just an idea that makes it so special. Including all the people that volunteered for it. While it hasn't happened in canon and I could wait to post this one but I can't hold onto this task that long and so this is me predicting the moments in it. You have Ashlee and Nemo with mics because they are leading the event and presenting people. You have the art auction and the flowers Ashlee is giving everyone. You have a moment on stage that someone snapped and Ashlee needed a picture of it.
Over all this task is about Ashlee making her last summer be the best one it can be before she leaves and taking the most pictures because she wants to remember everything.
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hajimedics · 3 months
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kierancaz · 6 months
Does anyone else not like the way Damian is drawn in the new Batman and Robin comic ????
Like, after his solo Robin series, I just cannot look at him like that. He looks almost exactly like Jon.
Where is his tan skin ??? His green eyes ??? HIS HOOKED NOSE ???? They took away everything that made his design cool and interesting and new and pretty and also just like a huge part of his ethnicity.
It just bothers me so much like I want to read the comic bc it does seem pretty interesting but Damian’s design is making it soooooo hard. It extra sucks bc the art style is amazing. I actually love the way Bruce is drawn and also White Rabbit is super cool. Damian is just throwing me off so hard like that’s literally not him that’s Tim or Jon or Dick but that isn’t Damian Wayne/AL GHUL like tf look at this
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He’s pretty yah, whatever, now look at this:
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THESE ARE NOT EVEN THE SAME FUCKING PEOPLE ???? It’s not even a difference in art style bc there was plenty of variations in art style in the Robin series but he still had his main features I mentioned earlier.
Idk call me a nitpicker or smth but this bothers me so much if it doesn’t change at some point I don’t think I will be able to read the new Batman and Robin series.
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1alchemistart · 4 months
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woahcoolbear · 7 months
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i think i hauve pale irradiation
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felsicveins · 4 months
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Shot through the heart, and you're to blame, darling you give love a bad name
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suncaptor · 7 months
can't believe all of the psychic kids were 23 when Azazel tried to convince them to kill others and each other. They should have been at the club.
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exanuz · 1 month
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i have a feeling someone already did this one
[ID: Incorrect quotes using pictures from the Tenth Doctor and Simm Master's phone call in "The Sound of Drums." The first image has the Doctor saying, "everything you say is such a red flag". The second image has the master saying, "ok and". The third image is the Doctor saying, "nothing I want you," "please," "just one chance please". /End ID]
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glowpart2 · 5 months
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some highlights from 2023 ⭐️🍀🐇such a fun love filled year
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sleepytownzzz · 1 month
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not sure how you guys feel about me posting wips? but here’s the semi-finished sketch for the ellabs x love lies bleeding drawing! i still need to tweak some stuff pertaining to abby’s face but overall i don’t hate it 😌
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avie-ary · 1 year
Sorry but it is just absolutely off the wall that House can commit 47 war crimes, 19 OSHA violations, and qualify for 24 medical malpractice suits and Cuddy’s only concern is if he has enough clinic hours this week
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theinvisiblemuseum · 1 year
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another day… another incredibly sexy baby….
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onii-onahole · 2 months
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Jung Cheong x Chungnyang
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the-writing-mobster · 1 month
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| Frisk x Sans | Break Up AU | 💔 |
| We used to be so good... What happened to us? |
When it's good, it's great. Really great. But it's those little things that begin to chip away at her heart. The way he sighs when she mentions the laundry. The way he's turned her into the nagging woman. It's hard to believe he cares...
She just wanted him to care.
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samijey · 8 months
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My mom really really REALLY does not like Rhea
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shesmore-shoebill · 2 months
still not over the amangela 2t1l. cant believe we got that. like. like. just a full *30-40 min of these two telling stories about their lives to each other, laughing their asses off, and bonding, interspersed with like. this:
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