#instantly showing your 🍑
gadriezmannsgirl · 3 months
Can you write one where reader teases Fermin because he’s pretty short 🤏🏼 compared to other players and Fermin takes it too seriously and becomes insecure and then reader tells him it’s not a big deal and that she loves him being a shortie with a big ass 🍑 or smth like that with fluff in the end ☺️
Thank you
Warnings: A tiny bit of d*ck sizes conversation, hints of morning love, mentions of Fermín's big ass (Yes, that's a warning); mr. sunshine is a bit insecure 'cus of his height in the fic, nothing major or explicit happens
Lack and Excess -F.L16
Summary: Your boyfriend's insecure about his height but don't worry, you reassure him that despite his short height you love him either way
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"Let me get that for you, preciosa" You hear your ten months boyfriend say, you were making some lunch seeing as your parents and two younger siblings were coming over to have a nice evening with you and your boyfriend, Fermín at his house.
"It's okay, mi amor. I can get that"
"Shush" He said tapping your bum softly
"¡Fermín!" He laughs winking at you as he extends his arm to reach for the plates, however his fingers couldn't reach them. He sighed and got on his tip toes managing to bring them down and in front of you
"Seeing as you want to help" You began with a smile "I need your help to bring down here that salad bowl"
"No worries"
"But you can actually lift me up so I can pull it down"
"I can do that" You give him a look
"Venga amor, it's not time to show anything. It'll be easier and faster if you lift me up, my parents are going to be here in approximately thirty minutes and I still need to get ready"
"I'll be fast, don't worry. I'll just go, grab it and give it to you so you can do that delicious salad I'm already dreaming of" You smile blushing at his comment
"Rápido, López" (Quick, López) He got in front of the counter and got on his tip toes but still with that he couldn't reach the bowl
After a few minutes of trying and even jumping a bit, he turned to you and mentioned for you to come "Done?" You asked but he didn't said anything, in fact, he didn't even looked at you, only at the floor.
You felt his arms wrap around your waist and pull you up, your hands instantly went to his shoulders, you grabbed the bowl and a few seconds later he pulled you back on your feet.
"Gracias" (Thank you) He hums still not looking at you, you kissed his cheek several times to thank him; you can clearly sense that he got upset "Fer" You call him forgetting about the salad
"What's up, amor?"
"Are you upset?"
"Why would I be?"
"Let me rephrase that... I know you're upset what I don't know, it's why. You were sunshine-smiling a few seconds ago and now you have this angry face"
"You don't know if I'm upset"
"We may not have ten years together yet but we do have ten months and during those months I have been dating you, I got to know you and everything about you. I know how to read you. I know when something's bothering you, I know when you're happy, I know when you wanna leave a place, I know when you wanna cry, when you're mad, everything Fermín. And you do the same for me. Please, tell me why are you upset?"
He looked at you and the looked at the floor "Because I'm short" He mumbles
"Because I'm short" He repeats again
"What does it have with you being short?"
"Everything. It has everything. On the pitch I can't do most headers, it's really putting me off people are doubting me because of that and now off pitch, I can't even bring down to my girlfriend a simple salad bowl. Can you believe that?"
"It's also normal for girls to have short boyfriends, I don't understand what you're going for"
"Why did you choose me?"
"What do you mean?"
"I have seen your ex boyfriend's, Y/N. All of them are at least two heads taller than me"
"So what? Fer, I don't care about their heights, I don't even care about yours! And please don't get me wrong, I love you and your height, I meant it as I don't really pay attention to it, yes, we're almost the same height with you being a few inches taller than me, so what? Yes, my exes's were way more taller than me but so what? They also called me little and I felt insecure in that time but I don't care about it now. You shouldn't care about what other people might say about you, you know who you are and what you are. Your family and friends know that too. I know that too. And that's all it should matter to you"
"You're perfect just the way you are, mi amor. I'm short and that's the way I'll be. You're short and that's how you'll be. However, we as a couple can help each other and be one single tall person. That's good for me and it should also be good for you, Fer"
"It is"
"It doesn't look like"
"You gotta understand me, preciosa. I see all these couples where the girl can't do something and the guy is always there to help her, I wanna be that for you but I can't because I'm short"
"We're an unique couple and we don't need for the other to do all the work, like I said we can do the work together" You smile "I really like the fact we're almost the same height and you may be small but you have such a big heart, a big personality, you're a big person in general; what you lack in height you make up for with other things" You say and soon you see a smile coming to Fermín's face
"What other things?" He wraps his arms around you bringing you into him
"Such a dirty minded you are!" He laughs "But you do have a big ass and I love my shortie bofyriend with big ass"
"And what about my-?"
"You know I love him and his size as well" You cut him off with a big smile on your face and some blush covering your cheeks
"I love how shy you can get when you were going at it this morning"
"Shut up" You hit his chest softly "I love you, all of you" You put emphasis on your words making him smile widely "I gotta go and shower" You slap his bum twice before receiving a few slaps back, you smile and kiss his lips
"Can I join you?"
"Why not"
"My parents will be here anytime"
"Oh come on!"
°°° °°° °°° °°°
Taglist: @gaviymarcsbride @stuckinaf4nfiction @elijahslover @azzpenswrld @http-isabela
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vincentmatthews · 1 year
♡~OC Asks~♡
{Please specify which OC the question is targeted to, for people who may have more than one. Thank you and have fun💕}
{Safe questions}
🦋What is their favorite season?
☕️What is their favorite coffee/tea?
🍓What is their favorite fruit?
🍿Favorite show/movie?
🧁What's their dream date place?
🎀Do they have something they collect? {Stamps, rocks, stickers, etc}
🐾Do they have a pet? What are they, and what's their name?
🌿Do they like camping or road trips?
🍋Do you have a song that you associate with them?
🥞What breakfast dish instantly reminds them of home or being a kid?
🍕What's their guilty pleasure food?
🥝Do they have a food allergy or food they hate?
🍉What is their favorite summer food?
🎄Favorite holiday?
🎃What would their Halloween outfit be?
🎁What is something they keep like: a souvenir, a keepsake, or a family heirloom; that means a lot to them? Why is it so important to them?
🧸Do they have a stuffed animal or item they've kept from when they were a kid?
🍷What is their drink of choice? Both alcoholic and non-alcoholic?
🔪Say they were put in a classic 80s slasher/horror setting, who would they be? {Example: The killer. The dude who dies first. Etc.}
🍄Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it?
🎟Say they go to a fair/carnival, what fair treat would they get to eat, and what attraction would they like the most?
🌊What is a phobia of theirs?
🐁Do they find a creature cute, that normal people don't? Such as spiders, rats, snakes, sharks, etc?
🦴Have they ever broken a bone or had any sort of major injuries before? If so, what was their ailment?
🍰What is their favorite dessert?
♥️Favorite color?
🎈If they could travel anywhere, where would they go?
🌻Favorite flower?
🦝What do they smell like?
🍞What smell reminds them of home or better days?
🧿Do they have a superstition or belief? Such as "black cats bring bad luck", belief in ghosts, tarot, crystals, meditation, etc.
🥰Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {keep it pg-13 please}
💫What do they wish on shooting stars? What is their one wish they want to come true?
🪴Free Space for your own question~♡
🔮Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
{Spicy Questions}
🌶Where have they almost been caught having sex? And what were they almost caught doing?
🩵Do they bite or leave hickies on their partner? And do they leave them where people can see it? Or do they hide them and press on the marks when they're in public?
🍇What is their sexuality? And what is their "type"?
🍼Do they have kids? Or are they willing to have any?
🍾What's the the kinkiest thing they've done while drunk at a party?
🍪What is their dirty name for their partner?
🥀Do they have a favorite position?
🧨If they could screw anyone without any consequences, who would they choose?
🎉Say it's their love interests' birthday, how would they celebrate it~?
🌽Have they ever done a dirty video before? Either alone, or with others? If so, has anyone ever "found" it?
🥑What are some of their random kinks/fetishes?
🥥How vocal are they, during sex?
🍐Say they wanted to look sexy for their partner, what sort of outfit would they wear?
🍑How did they react to having their "first time?" And was their partner understanding if they were nervous?
🥧Have they ever had a one-night stand when they were drunk?
🐹What "pet" names do they like being used for them? {Babe, Kitten, Puppy, Mutt, etc.}
🐺Tell me about their first time trying bondage~♡
🔥Do they get turned on by strange things, such as fire, chaos, blood, etc?
🧀Are people with piercings and tattoos a +1 on them being attracted to them?
🐧Do they have a safe word? What is it?
💉Have they done drugs before? Which ones? And are they addicted to anything?
🌹Tell me about a time they'd get romantic with someone {you can add the kink here}
💋Do they kiss first? And do they bite their lips if they're mischievous or aroused? And do they bite their partner's lips when they try and pull away?
🍀Free Space for your own question~♡
🎲Random Question chosen by the poster~♡
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scene-pup · 7 months
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
18🌸 Favorite Color ~
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ 
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~
84💌 Favorite Animal ~
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~
86🐇 Favorite Season ~
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~
ASK ME! :D <3
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hyukalyptus · 5 months
hi hp!! did you know that orgasms could help reduce the feeling of menstrual cramps? 🤓
who among txt do you think would be most likely to… support you this way when you tell them you’re cramping :(
(totally not dealing with cramps right now nope 🤡)
- 🐳
hi!! omg im sorry its been a few days since u sent this in, hopefully ur feeling ok!
but omg! i wrote something about this on my old blog before it got permanently flagged. lemme see if i can find it~
ok..it was LONG long, so i cut it down~ shout out to @peachanonie for the thought in my inbox the first place :}
cw. periods, period sex, cunnilingus on period, period blood, everything about periods, sex toys, penetration (protection not mentioned), pet names (baby), TMI about my personal preferences lmfao.
peach: BEOMGYU!! i think he’d be a bit into bloodplay…. like the idea of it at least. but poor baby wouldn’t like the idea of hurting u like that so he’d never actually indulge cus it’s scary to him :( but! when he reads online somewhere that orgasms can be really good for periods… baby boy gets so curious
keeps reading and finds out ppl get extra sensitive when on their period too and he gets so 😳
at that point it’s just a matter of brining it up to u cus he’s a little shy when it comes to this stuff. tried to gently suggest it next time ur on ur period by hinting at it a bunch “did you know orgasms have a lot of benefits while on your period?” side eyeing you to see ur reaction LMAO he’s so cute.
but ofc ur not dumb and u see exactly what he’s doing… how cute he’d look while u tease him and make him feel small under u while u press kisses to his jaw and sweetly whisper how much you’d love to be pleasured by him if he wants to
as soon as he gets the okay, he’s practically jumping on you. starting at ur boobs and showing them LOTTTTSSSSS of love cus he knows how sensitive ur nipples get on ur period 🤭 wants to hear ur pretty noises so so bad so he doesn’t let up til he can’t take the excitement of eating u out ok ur period any longer.
makes sure everything is clean and prepared for a mess lol and then he GOES TO TOWNNNN. like i think as soon as he sees ur pretty pussy dripping with a mixture of period blood and arousal, he’d be fuckin floored and would dive straight for your clit (knowing it’ll pull the loudest moan out of u). and as soon as he actually TASTES you? instantly humping the bed. i think he’d cum in his pants quite quickly too 😭 poor baby just thinks u taste too good :( it’d turn him on so much. and with how hard you clench around his tongue, mixed with the taste of u in this state, i think he’d even maybe cum twice…… cus i know he’d be going at it for a looooooong time. just wanting to make u feel good and ease ur stress during this painful week :(
and when he finally lets up, he looks up at u with pretty little doe eyes, asking if u feel better and your heart just SWELLS at the sight of him. chin covered in ur release n blood, so so pretty for u….
already has a damp towel ready on the bedside table to clean u both up. and don’t expect him to fuck u after. no no no. all he wants is for you to gently stroke his cock while you lovingly make out, laying facing each other, til he whimpers into ur mouth that he’s cumming. pls pls PLS cuddle him to sleep, he wants to fall asleep with his head in ur chest :( and don’t even think abt getting dressed LOL u can wear underwear if u want cus ur on ur period but he will NOT allow you to get too hot in the night and ruin ur much needed sleep during such a stressful week for u! (it’s totally not because he wants to have a faceful of ur soft bare breasts to fall asleep to)
waking up the next morning to see a sleepy gyu with bed head and pajama pants laying out plates of pancakes for you both is honestly the best part.
service bf beomgyu is my weakness 😔
me: ...peach. peach. PEACH. im in shambles. literally trying to think of anything to add lmao. but...this is soooo beomgyu.
i can totally see y'all sittin on the couch together and he's just scrollin thru his phone and ur just kinda groaning and he asks u what's up. you tell him ur on ur period and cramps are esp bad that day.
and he's like "...i read orgasms can kinda help w that..." and tries being as nonchalant as he can, but u catch on lmao. AND MAYBE! bc i see beomgyu's partner being a lil cheeky—you decide to tease him urself.
"oh ya? i think i heard that somewhere too..." nd u giggle just a bit, hopping off the couch, takin out ur tampon/cup lol, and returning w a lil vibrator. u bend over, ass toward him, slippin off ur pj shorts and he's just o.O then u plop back down, legs spread, spreadin ur lips a bit nd he sees u all wet and a bit bloody...speechless. u wanna tease urself, wanting his tongue to be the first thing that touches ur clit to get that "first touch" moan you know what i mean so u just switch it on, the sound of it alone makin u wet. and u kinda just rub it around your pussy for a bit, but he can't take his eyes off u.
"awe, jealous of my vibrator, baby?" and he just swallows and stutters a bit before he takes over and does everytHING
but i definitely need to write hcs for all of them!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHH kicking nd squealing bc—my thing (TMI ALERT!!!) with period sex is i like penetration on my period. and i love seeing the bottom of my booty just barely covered in blood afterward. it literally makes me hnnggg. so just thinkin about yj takin someone from behind on their period, booty a lil bit red AH crying ><
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sweetracha · 9 months
Okay, please tell me I'm not the only person who plays with their boobs (massaging, squeezing etc) purely because... they're there right?
Like, unless I'm in the mood, I don't feel aroused by them being fondled ND played with, by my hands or my partners (Currently single tho </3) I'll just start groping and massaging them for literally no other reason than I just wanna squish and smother something soft and well, I have two attached to me at every moment
But since Jisung is literally always, and I mean always on my mind, I ended up thinking about him just enjoying fondling his partners boobs. If they're cuddling he'll randomly start groping and massaging the soft fat and it doesn't really turn into anything unless him and his partner are horny
Or they could be hanging out with the others at the dorms and Jisung's partner is on his lap and in the middle of conversation he'll just start softly fondling their breasts- At first the other members were confused and some flustered by your guy's lack of care but they came to realize it wasn't any different to the two of you as when Jisung would squish your thighs randomly and vice versa
- 🦁
Welcome 🦁 anon!!
You are so right though! And definitely not alone. I am proudly apart of the big titty committee (maybe even president). They are like built in stress balls.
Then you add in my love, my life, my light Jisung?!?!
I see it happening in three situations
1) pure boredom. Like he doesn't even notice he is doing it and maybe you aren't either! He is watching whatever current anime is on and his hand naturally gravitated towards you. He squeezes a bit too hard at one point, alerting you both to his subconscious actions.
2) stress relief. You know how in tv shows where the main character is ranting the love interest will kiss them to shut them up. That's you with Han. While he is about to break due to all the stress and anxiety, you slowly lift his hand to your shirt. Baby instantly forgets everything and is mesmerized by the squish.
3) Undercover Horny. What I mean by this is Han is horny but doesn't want to straight up ask you for sex. Whatever reason it may be, he is too embarrassed to actually request it. Slowly a hand on the boob turns into a squish, then a squeeze, then a pinch, finally full on feeling you up.
Treat yourself to something today 🦁
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ankhmutes · 11 months
Sinful Sunday
I guess this could be any Pedro Pascal character, I kept it generic enough that it could be pre-outbreak Joel, Javi, Frankie, or any modern character of Pedro's.
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I’m trying something new. I can’t decide which pedro pascal character to use, so… I do have to thank @chaotic-mystery for inspiration, I saw a fic earlier by one of her mutuals Gracie and kind of ran with it.....
Sorry, no minors under the cut.
Warnings: semi-public sexual indecent act in a church (ish?) swearing, graphic mentions of sex I'm trying! I'm new at this warning thing...
It had been a long time since he had set foot into the building, but he had decided to try, just to make a good impression. He had gone for years wen he was younger, naturally, but he fell out of habit when he left home. 
He was sitting in the fourth row, not quite front, but not too far into the center that he would stand out if he tried to leave. He kept shifting in his seat as he tried to get comfortable in the hard pews. The flimsy excuse they had for cushioning wasn’t cutting it, not after the long-ass night he had spent in your bed, and it was worth it. He had exhausted himself pleasuring you, spent hours eating you out and wringing orgasm after orgasm out of your destroyed pussy before slamming his hard hot dick into it making you cry his name over and over as he pulled several orgasms you didn’t know you had left in you. 
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His back was aching, and he smirked to himself as he remembered that move he had done, that had you gasping loud enough to scare the dog. He still managed to impress even himself, in his middle age, that he could make a young thing like you lust after him like he was something like that Daryl Dixon fellow from the Walking Dead show. 
He felt a faint buzzing in his shirt pocket, he shifted as he grabbed his phone, feeling around for his non-existent reading glasses that he had left behind in his truck. He squinted, seeing your name flash on the screen- 
My girlfriend💕
When had you changed it? It used to be your name, but you had gotten ahold of his phone and put in something with hearts on it and crap that he couldn’t figure out how to fix. He brushed his thumb up, opening the screen and he frowned. You were sending him fruit? Peaches? 
Then it hit him. He remembered you trying to teach him about emojis. Peaches- they meant something but what? He racked his brain, trying to remember when the phone buzzed again, and his memory was suddenly and very thoroughly refreshed. 
More accurately, your ass framed by a gorgeous crotchless pair of panties, an butt plug in it,
Stretching myself nice and wide open for you
The one you had shown him last night, teasing him as you straddled him on the couch.
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The phone vibrated again, and he could feel his dick hardening instantly, almost as if an Pavlovian response, anticipating more of your teasing. 
“Are you okay? Is it an emergency?” your brother asked, leaning into his shoulder as he scrambled to slide the phone into a pocket. 
“No- just a… busy day, lots of questions, because I’m gone.” he said, adding on some other excuse, his brother would buy it. He knew his brother would believe anything if it tied into work. It always worked, no one understood completely about work, but it was always a good excuse. 
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A moment later he reached for his phone, adjusting himself discreetly and fixing his belt. His thumb flicked again, and there you were. 
Spread eagle on the coverlet, a delicate scrap of lace masquerading as a nightie- or was it shirt? He didn’t care, he was too focused on the nipples that lay underneath, adorned with – was it his tie? So that’s where his tie went, he thought to himself as his mouth went dry. 
All Tied Up ...
Six buzzes later, he was painfully hard and trying not to jump out of his seat every time he felt a buzz. 
It had gone from nudes, to close ups, to tiny, short videos. 
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Now it was video, with audio. He had mistakenly opened one, and your quiet moaning and whimpering his name as he listened to you come, your wet pussy audibly being toyed with had filled his ears. He had scrambled for his bluetooth thing, jamming it into his ear. He was glad that he had learned enough about bluetooth to know it was streaming directly in his ear, and he listened to every bit of that video - twice- while the phone laid in his breast pocket, right next to his beating heart. 
“hot, mi hijo?” his mother asked, leaning forward as she looked at him with concern,  patting his knee and starting to fuss over him slightly. “You’re so flushed, are you all right?”
“Y– yeah, Imma go pee, cool off for a sec.” he said with a nod as he fidgeted slightly, making sure his rock-hard dick was hidden behind a bible he had grabbed to walk down the aisle quickly, nodding his apologies as he left into the foyer, his eyes checking for the closest bathroom. He suddenly turned, choosing to ditch the bible and sliding outside into the parking lot, sprinting for his truck. Leaping into the truck and slamming the door quietly, he let out a long sigh. 
Undoing his belt, his hands slid down as he tugged the zipper open. 
A knock on the door made him scream. 
You smirked at him, your eyes glinting with mischief. 
“Miss me?”
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You slid into his truck, scooting forward and shutting the door. You immediately slide down to the floor, your mouth moving up to cover his cock and take him in your mouth before he could even say your name. 
His dick burned in your mouth, you could feel it pulsing with each beat of his heart. He was so rock hard, the cum starting to ooze out of the slit. Your tongue slid around it, tasting it delicately as your hand fondled his balls, and he let out a long sigh, a hand sliding down to brush your long hair out of your face, helping you set your rhythm. 
You could feel him hold back, you knew all he wanted to do was ram your mouth down on his dick, and make you take all of him down your throat. 
He was going to hell. 
It didn’t take long, his other hand finding its way to your wet pussy, fingers sliding in and out of your slit around your thong under the flimsy excuse of a sundress you had been wearing. His rhythm sped up to match your own ministrations, the both of you working in tandem to bring yourselves to orgasm almost at the same moment. 
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“Fuck! Oh jesus. Fuck, what…” he gasped out, half afraid he was going to hell for coming in a church parking lot, the hot come shooting down your throat, you gulping down every drop as if your life depended on it. You had been thirsty for him all morning, and his come was like nectar of the gods, the heat warming your belly.  Your orgasm hit you right after, his hands moving just right, hitting the right spot to make you see stars, your walls squeezing his fingers so tightly, he wasn’t sure he could feel his fingers. 
“Oh god. We’re going to hell.” he said after a beat, half-laughing as he leaned back, catching his breath as you moved up from the bucket seat in the truck. “Baby, how did you find me?”
“Your phone.” you said with a laugh as you licked his come off your lips. You could see he would be hard again, just from the heated gaze you felt from his eyes on your lips. 
The loud chattering and bells brought the both of you back to reality. 
“Shitshitshitshit…” he muttered to himself as he tucked himself back in his jeans, did up his belt and shirt and became presentable again. He looked up, only to find you had disappeared. You were like a fucking ghost, but he didn’t care. He knew just where to find you later. 
His phone buzzed one last time as he was walking back to the church to help his mother set up for the seniors potluck. You had no panties on, your pussy dripping wet. He gulped, sliding a hand in his pocket and finding your panties, soaked with your juices from your orgasm he had given you earlier. He blushed, digging his hand deep in his pocket, making sure it wouldn't accidentally come out.
He knew just where to find you, and that fucking potluck couldn’t end soon enough so he could get back to business. Or rather, back to the business he would much rather attend to, rather than socialize with his mother and her friends at a church potluck, but he did have the pictures and videos to keep him company…
Until he nearly choked on his own drool, when you sent that video of you in his shirt using a toy to pleasure yourself, coming so hard you squirted all over his bed. 
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“Ma. Go. Now.” 
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joocomics · 4 months
Okay so, for that Gunil pic I was imagining how he looks like the perfect boyfriend when you're around friends and the other members or just out in public. So sweet and doting. Always has to be touching you in some way, in an non sexual manner, just to feel you. Never takes his eyes off you and fondly smiles at you. Overall he's such a gentleman. But when you're in bed together, he's completely different. His dominant side comes out. He's so rough with you, treating you like his own personal whore (affectionate.) Doesn't hold back from calling you that, probably calls you a slut too. Teases you for not being able to talk properly when he's slamming into you. Says the most absolute filthiest things. Tells you to scream his name when you're cumming. After he's made you cum multiple times, he's back to being his sweet and attentive self. Gets you anything you need and asks if you're okay. Holds you in his arms as he whispers how well you did for him. He definitely melts if you fall asleep on him right away. He feels proud of himself if he's fucked you to sleep ❤ - 🍑
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cw: hard dom!gunil, cussing, face slapping
oh, but he IS the perfect boyfriend; the perfect gentleman who’s fully aware you’re in love with his duality that fulfills all your desires, even the ones you didn’t even know you had. gunil treats you like a princess, and always makes sure you have everything you want - some may say there’s a chance of spoiling you too much, but he doesn’t care. so it’s only fair that you show him how grateful you are, right?
“thank you for taking me out tonight, i had a great time,” you tell him after you two get home and you prepare a vase for the beautiful bouquet of flowers he got for you. “thank you for being the best boyfriend..” your whisper clashes with the sounds of his belt getting undone, as he instantly takes the lead when you brush your lips against his. you gasp, wondering how even his soft sensual lips can hold such power.. nevertheless you love it, and it always makes you anticipate how he’s going to dominate you next. you’re already making noises just from his kissing when you feel his fingers crawl up the back of your neck only to pull on your hair. “down.” he demands and you listen
you’re still on the kitchen floor - messy hair and smudged makeup, red knees and breasts sticking out of your dress, - when a puddle of your drooling forms around you causing gunil to chuckle at the desperate sight. “aren’t you gonna ask if i’m gonna fuck you or not?” he squats, lifting your chin with one finger, looking into your dazed eyes. “what is it? too pathetic to even ask for it? tsk, what kind of a whore you are then…” wordless, you only press your lips gently against his palm while he cups your face. he reacts to the kiss by giving you a quick slap that rings harshly in the kitchen. “better start talking, pretty one. i want you to fuckin’ scream my name when i give you my cock, okay? that’s what sluts are for.” you nod obediently, letting out a raspy yes, watching him stand back on his feet. “i’ll take you to bed now cause you did well with your dirty mouth,” he smirks hearing you thank him while getting up with wobbly legs. “don’t dare go silent on me again, got it?”
despite being gunil’s whore at this hour of the night he still lifts you up and takes you to the bedroom while holding you in his arms
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janksfatass · 2 years
The Key
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Summary: Your “friends with benefits” situation with Josh becomes too intense so you try to take a break from it. He isn’t about to let that happen.
18+ (warnings under cut)
Word count: 1800
Warnings: unprotected deeds, 🍑 stuff, praising, degradation(kind of), spit k!nk, just very filthy all around
It’s Friday night and as usual you find yourself home alone. Your evening has consisted of popcorn and binge watching corny ghost hunting shows on tv. Oh yes, I’m sure the ghost of Elvis is talking to you through that machine you bought from Amazon. You get up to grab another beer when you hear a chime come from your phone.
Joshua 10:34 p.m.
I miss you.
Your heart instantly sinks into your stomach. You had been all but avoiding Josh for the last week. Your arrangement with him had worked out pretty smoothly up until recently. Just hanging out and sleeping together was fine for a while until you realized you started to develop feelings for him that were more than what either of you had intended. As tempted as you were to see where the relationship could go, you ultimately decided it was best to take a breather in order to try to get those feelings to subside.
It wasn’t working.
You choose to ignore the message in hopes that he will take the hint. You grab a drink from the refrigerator and when you sit back down on the couch your phone begins to ring and Josh’s picture lights up the screen. Your heart drops. You wait for a minute thinking about whether or not you should answer.
“She’s alive?!” He jests.
“Yes, Joshua I’m alive. What do you need?”
“I miss you. Come over and watch a movie with me. Please?”
“Sorry, I can’t. I’ve been drinking.” You reply even though you’ve only had 1 beer.
“Well, I guess I can’t be mad at you for being responsible.” The disappointment in his voice is evident.
“Raincheck?” You offer emptily.
“That sounds good, Mama. I’ll talk to you later.”
You hang up the phone and decide to get ready for bed. You turn off the tv and go to your bathroom to take a shower. You turn the water on and press play on your speaker. As you close your eyes to lather your hair, your mind drifts to Josh. Thinking about his hands roaming over your slippery, wet body. Running his fingers between your thighs. You quickly shake the thought and rinse your hair. After shaving your legs, you turn off the water and start to dry off. You wrap the towel around you and step into your room to get dressed, stopping dead in your tracks when you see a dimly lit figure sitting on your bed. You hurriedly turn on the light only to find Josh with a shit eating grin on his face.
“Josh, what the fuck?! You scared the shit out of me!”
“My bad. Did you forget you gave me a key?”
A choice that you were beginning to regret.
He continues, “I’m here to cash in that raincheck.”
“You didn’t think to call and ask me?”
“I wasn’t going to take no for an answer.” He flashes his perfect smile.
You have to admit the gesture is sweet. He just wanted to spend time with you. It’s impossible to be mad at him. “Well, you’re already here so what do you want to watch?” You ask as you grab a t-shirt and panties from your dresser and put them on.
“The Shining?”
“That works for me.” It really was a perfect choice. A combination of your love for horror movies and his obsession with Stanley Kubrick. “You can go ahead and start it, I need to brush my teeth and dry my hair really quick.”
After brushing your teeth, you flip your hair over and start to blow dry it. A moment later you feel a pair of hands on your hips. You turn off the hair dryer.
Josh’s fingers loop into your panties and begin to pull them down. “You didn’t expect me to see you bent over like this and not take full advantage of it.” His voice is barely above a whisper. He plants soft kisses down your lower back sending chills down your spine. He gently slides his hands down the length of your legs and back up until his hands frame your ass. You lean over the counter, resting on your elbows and he takes his thumbs to open you up to him. Your breath hitches when his tongue makes contact with your rim. He squeezes your ass and flattens his tongue to make slow passes over your hole. The new sensation makes your knees buckle beneath you and your arousal begins to drip down your thighs.
Josh notices your unsteady feet, “Lay on the bed and spread out for me princess.” You do as you’re told and he follows close behind. He pulls you up to help remove your shirt then lays you back down. Climbing over you, he trails kisses from your neck down to the tops of your breasts. He stops to pull your right nipple into his mouth, sucking and tracing his tongue around the sensitive peak. Josh kisses down your stomach and stops once he reaches your mound. He sits up and spreads your legs apart then begins massaging your thighs slowly inching his hands closer to your soaked core.
“Did you miss me angel?”
In almost a whisper you respond, “Yes I did, so so much.”
“ I know you did.” He reaches down to slide two fingers between your legs, barely grazing your throbbing clit. He brings them to his mouth and sucks them clean. “Because if you didn’t you wouldn’t be making such a mess for me. Do you like having my tongue where it doesn’t belong?” Josh teases your hole with his finger and you clench around nothing. A soft moan involuntarily escapes your lips. “Mmm dirty dirty girl.” He lowers himself between your legs and places a soft kiss to your clit. Swirling his tongue around before sucking it into his mouth and rolling his tongue over and over. He licks down your pussy, savoring your taste. When he reaches your rim he flicks his tongue gently over the ridges. Your legs start to close and he grabs each of your ankles to spread them back open and keep them in place.
“Are you going to be good for me princess? Because if not I’ll just take care of myself right now and make you watch.”
“Y-yes yes, I’ll be so good for you. I promise! Please baby, keep going.”
“Fuck, you sound so pretty when you beg for me. My little whore.” He flattens his tongue, laving it over your hole. Your legs and toes tingling from the pleasure. He begins rolling his tongue at your entrance and brings his thumb up to your clit, rubbing it steadily. You feel his tongue enter you and he slowly pulls out before repeating the motion over and over, gradually picking up the pace. His thumb continues circling your clit as you feel the familiar warm sensation building inside you.
“FUCK JOSH!” You yelp as the tension in you snaps. He gradually slows his movements as you come down. He sits up and there’s beads of precum leaking from the head of his thick cock. He takes his thumb and rubs over the tip before stroking his length with it.
“Turn over baby, on your knees.” You roll over and place your head on the pillows and arch your ass up for him. You feel the bed shift as he comes to you and rubs his cock between your dripping lips. He moves slowly back and forth between your folds, grazing his soft tip over your clit with each thrust. The teasing becomes almost unbearable.
“Josh, I need it now! Fuck me!”
“Tsk tsk where are my sweet girl’s manners? You’re going to have to beg prettier than that.”
“Please baby, give it to me. I’ve been a good girl, I need it.” He slips his tip over your clit once more before lining up with your entrance and pushing in. You both simultaneously moan out from ecstasy. You feel him stretching you out as he slides every inch into you. The tip pushing deliciously against your cervix.
“Fuck, angel you feel like heaven wrapped around me. So wet and tight. Like you were made for me. This is MY pussy.” He quickens his pace, fucking into you as deep as he can go. He grabs onto your ass and spreads your cheeks. “You have such a pretty hole princess.” He teases it with his fingers as he’s pounding into you. You feel his warm spit hit your asshole and his thumb rubbing it over the rim. He gently prods at it until his thumb slips inside. He pulls it out slowly and pushes back in.
“Oh shit, that feels so fucking good, don’t stop.” you moan out.
“Don’t worry sweet girl, I’m not going to stop until you’re cumming all over my cock. You like being filled in both holes don’t you?”
“Fuck- Yessss!” You reach your hand down to rub your clit and your walls tighten around him like a vice. Moans pour from Josh’s mouth. You feel your orgasm quickly approaching, only it feels different. More powerful.
“That’s it mama. Cum for me. Such a good fucking girl for me.” Josh fucks into you even harder than before, hitting your g spot with every stroke, his thumb still slipping in and out of your ass. It hits you like lightning, completely overtaking you, gushing out of you. “Oh my god! Fu-“ Josh’s pace stutters as he bottoms out and you feel him pulse inside you. Hot streams of cum filling your walls.
Both of you breathing heavily, you feel him rest his wet forehead on your shoulder blade and then kisses into your neck. He slips out of you and helps you roll onto your back. He leans in to kiss your lips and looks into your eyes. “You are a fucking goddess, do you know that? I don’t think I’ve ever come that hard in my life.”
You let out a small laugh, “Me neither.” He smiles in return. “Can you grab a towel please baby?” You ask him.
“Oh, no my sweet girl. We don’t need one tonight. I’m going to clean you up myself.” You give him a look of confusion before you realize what he’s doing. He situates himself between your legs and licks the cum that’s started to drip out of you. He sticks his tongue into you, rolling it and sucking out your combined juices. He lifts up and places his thumb on your bottom lip, opening your mouth. He spits the collected cum onto your tongue and you close your mouth and swallow.
“I fucking love you.” He says as he kisses you once more.
“I fucking love you too.”
He places his arm around you and pulls you close as he presses play.
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littlebunny-xoxo · 2 years
100 AgeRe Questions
Credit: pickledratinajar
1🐝 What Age(s) Do You Regress To ~
2🍯 Do You Pet Regress As Well / What Animal ~
3🥮 How Long Have You Been Regressing ~
4🐌 Is Your Regression Voluntary, Involuntary, Or A Mixture ~
5🐻 What's Your Personality Like When Regressed ~
6🐴 How Often Do You Regress ~
7☕ What Helps You Get Into Headspace ~
8📜 Are You A Baby, Toddler, Or Big Kid Regressor ~
9🦇 Do Your Likes Change When Regressed ~
10⏳ Do You Have A Baby Voice In Headspace ~
11🍪 What Makes You Instantly Small ~
12🧋Why Do You Regress ~
13🌙 Pink Or Blue ~
14⭐ Dragons, Unicorns Or Fairies ~
15☁️ Dinos, Princesses, Space Or Safari Theme ~
16💫 Neon, Pastel, Neutral Or Dark Pallets ~
17🐮 Favorite Regression Clothes ~
18🌸 Favorite Color ~
19🐭 Do You Collect Stickers ~
20🧁 Coloring Book Or Paint By Numbers ~
21🍧 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
22🦄 Finger Paint Or Brushes ~
23🧼 Crayons, Colored Pencils Or Markers ~
24☀️ Do You Have A CG / Name For CG ~
25🌻 Do You Have A Baby Sitter ~
26✨ Do You Have Any Sibbies ~
27🧺 Do Your Parents Know About Your Regression ~
28🧋 Favorite Nicknames / Pet Names ~
29🍕 Ideal Playdate ~
30🐱 Sleep In Crib Or With CG ~
31🍼 Favorite Snack ~
32🧸 Favorite Juice ~
33🍪 Favorite Icecream Flavor ~
34🩹 Favorite Type Of Milk ~
35🐶 Sweet, Sour, Spicy, Bitter Or Savory ~
36🍰 Favorite Dessert ~
37🍦 Favorite Type Of Chocolate ~
38⏳ Mac & Cheese Or Nuggets ~
39🎒 Favorite Movie ~
40🍬 Favorite Cartoon ~
41🚀 Favorite Game ~
42🎀 Favorite Disney Princess ~
43⚾ If You Could Have Any 1 Superpower What Would It Be ~
44🍄 Anime Or Cartoons ~
45🍓 Favorite Carebear ~
46✏️ Shows Or Movies ~
47🐛 Do You Believe In Fairies ~
48🐸 Do You Have A Comfort Character ~
49🌱 Do You Like Rain At Night ~
50🦕 Are You Easily Scared ~
51🧃 Are You Also A Carer ~
52🌵 Are You Independent Or Dependent ~
53🍃 What Pulls You Out Of Headspace ~
54🍏 Are You Scared Of Bugs ~
55🦝 Favorite Toy Series ~
56🚛 Do You Use Pacis ~
57🦴 Do You Use Diaps ~
58🦈 Gear Wishlist ~
59🍵 Favorite Regression Item ~
60🐾 Sippy Cup Or Bottle ~
61🦊 Oldest Stuffie ~
62🎃 Do You Sleep With A Stuffie ~
63🔥 How Many Stuffies Do You Have ~
64🍂 Newest Favorite Stuffie ~
65🏵️ Build A Bear, Amusement Park, Or Disney Store ~
66🥧 Stuffed Animals Or Dolls ~
67👽 Do You Have A Bedtime ~ 
68🍭 Do You Keep An AgeRe Journal ~
69⚡️ Do You Have Rules ~
70🍥 Blankie Or Paci ~
71🌈 Night Light Or Glow-In-The-Dark Stars ~
72🌿 Bedtime Stories Or Lullabies ~
73🎩 Favorite Thing To Do Outside While Small ~
74🐵 Favorite Thing To Do Inside While Small ~
75🦋 Blanket Fort Or Bouncy House ~
76🐯 Stroller Or Walk ~
77🔮 Dress Up Or Tea Party ~
78🦜 Do You Like The Playground ~
79💖 Early Bird Or Night Owl ~
80📝 Indoors Or Outdoors ~
81💕 Warm Or Cold Weather ~
82🦢 Dogs Or Cats ~
83☎️ Do You Have Any Pets ~
84💌 Favorite Animal ~
85🍒 Favorite Holiday ~
86🐇 Favorite Season ~
87❤️ What’s Your Big Age ~
88🌼 What’s A Nostalgic Place For You ~
89🐳 Playdoh, Legos Or Slime ~
90🐙 Do You Collect Anything ~
91🐠 Bubble Baths Or Bath Toys ~
92🍑 Are Your Agere Interests More Fem Or Masc ~
93☔️ Do You Stim More While Regressed ~
94🎨 Favorite Place To Regress ~
95🧵 Favorite Regression Youtuber ~
96🌈 Favorite Site/App For Regression Community ~
97💐 What Do You Wanna Be When You Grow Up ~
98📒 What’s The Most Nostalgic Electronic For You ~
99📀 A Toy You Always Wanted But Never Got As A Kid ~
100🪐 What Is Your Favorite Thing To Learn About In Headspace ~
ASK ME! :D <3
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baatarthefirst · 8 months
Red Apple and Peach for an OC of your choice
🍎 [RED APPLE] Who does your OC value above all else?
Aviv: Honesty. Even if someone is an ass, he can respect an honest ass. He can/will not associate with people after he's caught them in a lie.
Jaiyana: Honor. She recognizes honor means different things to different people. She respects that, but certain things are universal, she feels; don't hurt the innocent, give your enemy a chance to surrender, stay loyal to your family.
Aditya: Community. He's a firm believer in 'together we thrive, separated we starve'. If anyone places themselves above the people around them, they instantly lose his respect and trust.
🍑 [PEACH] How do they show their kindness? How kind are they truly?
Aviv: He listens. He listens and tries to help in any way he can. He tries to be kind and usually succeeds. He's seen as a kind and fair person, but sometimes he will make harsh decisions for the greater good (he would do everything in his power to help a neighboring kingdom's food crises, short of letting his own people starve for example).
Jaiyana: She empathizes. With the exception of hurting the innocent or defenseless (or other such atrocities) Jaiyana will always put herself in other's shoes and imagines what she would do in their position. If she finds that it's understandable, even in the slightest, she will offer mercy (a soldier of hers went awol once to witness his child's birth. She didn't jail him, but made him clean the stables for a month). She's considered to be very kind.
Aditya: He gives. Gifts, compliments, advice, a shoulder to cry on...petty revenge -whatever is needed from him. He's usually thought of as kind, others think of him as kind...of a pain in the ass.
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pretendfan · 2 years
husband, one night stand, best friend: Adrian Chase, Jake Martin annnndd....Jake Peralta! 😈
(2 jakes and an adrian?) (couldn't make it too easy with adam!)
OMG you’re KILLING me💀🤣 I want all three of them combined this is the impossible question just gimme a hot minute….
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Adrian Chase💍cos I’m pretty much a broken record at this point but I so want to be his wifey. I would even learn to cook to feed him or at least learn where is fave take out place was! He would protect me and I would do the same for him and in return we would have cute date nights at a cinema that showed old horror movies, late night talks and cuddles plus two cats called Chain and Saw (I’m delirious from this fantasy at this point) what was the question again? Oh yeah and I would totally wear the mask too…just saying!? iykyk.
(One Night Stand)
Jake Martin😈pretty self explanatory we would meet at the local bar and then he would show me the garage where he works. His car clearly doesn’t have any backseats so we would have to make do with the hood of the car, afterwards we would Uber back to his place for a night of fun imaging Jake very excitable and easy to please, especially if you praise him that shit drives him wild…the next morning he would be so sweet and such a gentleman even though Jake was known for being a huge flirt, it would be a great experience, tick it off my bucket list!!! Five stars.
(Best Friend)
Jake Peralta🍑I would have the absolute best time hanging out this dude, and Adrian would be totally cool with it (mostly) because him and Jake would get along so well talking about murder cases and just murder in general I guess…but Jake would totally have my back telling me how awesome a guy Adrian is because he showed him Die Hard one night and they instantly became BFF’s (peacemaker who?) I guess we are old friends rooming in the same apartment block and stayed close of course I’m overthinking these answers cos I’m a writer dammit! And now I wanna write a story where reader and Adrian go to NY to visit Jake, get his approval, I dunno I just wanna pair up Jake and Adrian…could you imagine it?! “Stake me out tonight!!” Ugh.
I’ve poured out my soul, now it’s your turn to deal your cards @powerfultenderness
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tonybconscious · 1 year
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Yesterday, I was reminded by someone Amazingly special to me that my Legacy, greatness and Artistic brilliance has already been recognized, documented and cemented. 👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑 My Favorite director, who is responsible for some of my all time favorite Movies and the reason I was able to start my HOLLYWOOD career as an actor. 🎬🎞📽🎞🎬🎞📽🎞🎬🎥 It was on the set of "PANTHER" that I met DICK GREGORY and had the (60) minute conversation on Health that instantly turned me into a Vegan from that day forth. 🥦🌶🍅🍎🍇🍉🍌🍍🥭🍊🍑🥥🥑🍊🍋🍄🧅🥕🌽 I owe this man alot, and his accolades alone are far greater than one mouth or post could ever fully articulate or completely describe. 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 So, yesterday EVERYTHING in my life came full circle. I was reminded where I came from, how I got to where I am at and how hard, long and emotional this road has been. 🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯🕯 So I thank the universe for once again showing me the signs that my journey is not over, but definitely headed for another epic chapter. 🎨🖼🎨🖼🎨🖼🎨🖼🎨🖼 I am honored to say I know the coolest, calmest, dopest director on the planet personally... MARIO VAN PEEPLES @mariovanpeebles HE reminded me how powerful and special I am, even when I don't believe it myself. 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩 Great Artists do Great things !!! If you like what you see, PLEASE SUPPORT by Purchasing or donating as much as your heart, generosity and spirit can give !!! 💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑👑🌼🌻🌷🕯🕯🕯🕯⚘️🌹🌻🌷🌼🪴 IF YOU'RE FEELING A SPIRIT and ENERGY of ABUNDANCE and generosity this 2022 SEASON... PLEASE assist me !!! My cashapp is $TONYBCONSCIOUS PayPal: www.paypal.me/ tonybconscious And your gifts will be met with appreciation and GRATITUDE...🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 THANK YOU IN ADVANCE... ASHE, NAMASTE... Tony B. Conscious (323)251-4969 #mariovanpeeples #artisticgreatness #blacktwitterartist #hollywoodicons #poetinmotion #sanfranciscostreetartist #blackartmatters🎨 #soulful_artists #sfartists #bayareaartists #oaklandstreetart #blackartistoninstagram #africatown #leimertparklegends #theghettovangohcollection  #tonybconscious #tonybconscious1 #tonybconsciousartwork (at San Francisco, California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CrYY5JiLWhP/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shwazzberryswriting · 2 years
Playing With Fire
Pairing: Jaehyun x Femme Reader
Genre: Alternate Universe - Non-Idol NCT/Firefighter NCT Universe, Friends to Lover, Mutual Pining, Light Angst, Fluff, One Shot
Summary: There are challenges to spending an evening with the hottest firefighter from the NCT Fire Department, Jeong Jaehyun
Word count: 9.3k
Rating/Warnings: Mature/Not Beta Read, Cigarette Smoking, Alcohol Consumption, Marijuana Use (Mentioned), Kissing, Explicit Sexual Content: Rough Sex, Impact Play, Brat Taming, Choking, Vaginal Fingering, Penis in Vagina Sex, Blow Jobs, Body Worship, Protected Sex, Aftercare, Praising, Cum Swallowing, Dom/Sub
Minors DNI! 18+ ONLY
Author’s Note: Prompted from an Ask. Thank you for the request OP Nonny! I can go on a ramble about this fic. 🥰 All I will say is, I have no idea what it was about this prompt and the ideas that came...but it all led to this fic, and I really, really hope you will enjoy this fic!!🥺💚 It was so much fun to write. Thank you as always for reading!!!💗
Apologies in advance for any mistakes, shortcomings or messing up OP's fantasy
If you want to send in a Request ➡️ 💚
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Please let me know of any technical errors or if you have feedback/questions
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Song Rec: "Just My Imagination" by The Temptations 🍑
* His lips were flushed. Pressing the brown end of the cigarette into his mouth, Jaehyun’s eyes were fixed on the flame from his lighter. His porcelain cheeks hollowed, lips pursing, as he inhaled, lighting up his cigarette. Her throat was dry and her cheeks were burning up, eyes unable to leave the firefighter seated across from her.
He was Mr. May in the newest NCT Fire Department Pin-Up calendars. She was reminded of his oiled up chest when his collarbone peeked out from the stretched neck of his NCTFD shirt. He ran his free hand through his hair, the wavy locks bouncing over his forehead as they fell back into place. Try as she might to forget about the image, it was all she could think about.
Jaehyun had been running one hand through his hair in his pin-up picture. He’d been topless; chest, abs and arms oiled up, glistening in his brightly lit picture. The cool sky blue background contrasted with his hot pose. Wearing red rubber boots with black fireproof pants, he stood with his legs wide open, cocking his head to one side. The thick yellow straps hung down at his hips, tugging his loose waistband low enough to show off the lines at his pelvis.
Inguinal Crease
Jungwoo had informed her that the lines on Jaehyun’s hips, the sexy “V” cut that attracted her eyes to his body instantly, had an official term. Though she’d denied staring that hard at Jaehyun during his shoot, if anyone were to ask her about the day she would have to lie about remembering much else from the photoshoot.
Seeing smoke escape his lips, she blinked a few times, trying to be rid of Mr. May. Picking up her pint of beer, she drank as the table became hazy, smoke billowing out from Jaehyun’s lips. The tip of his tongue swiped his lower lip, sending heat down her stomach. The smoky sweetness of the tobacco tickled her nose. She touched the tip of her nose to stop herself from sneezing. His eyes narrowed into tiny slits as he took another drag from his cigarette, resting his back into his seat.
“How’s your evening?” he asked, his voice smooth, calm. White clouds curled out of the corners of his lips as he shut his mouth. Licking her lips, they tingled as she wondered if his lips would taste like beer or like tobacco. Jaehyun pulled the glass ashtray at the center of the table toward his side, tapping the cigarette against it. His eyes reflected the orange blaze from the end of his cigarette as he took another long drag. Holding his breath as he set the cigarette down on the ashtray, his lips thinned. A moment later, he turned his head to his left, blowing out smoke, making sure not to direct it toward her. Some of it still made it to her, absorbing into her hair and dress.
“Good.” She drained her pint, the cold beer relieving her throat’s irritation. She set her phone down beside the ketchup and hand sanitizer. The battery was at 2%, forcing her to give him company. “I know Taeyong told me to relax, but technically I’m working on the clock. I should stop drinking, right?”
Her phone’s desperate state was a good excuse to call it a night. Two drinks was the polite amount to drink, especially if she wanted to come off professional. She had to wait for Taeyong to return to get his permission to leave, though.
“Right?” She’d been waiting for him to respond, but he’d simply rolled his cigarette between his fingers as he slowly blew out a stream of smoke. “What do you mean?” He leaned forward, resting his elbows on the table, his shoulders hunching over.
“Do you ever listen to me?” She pushed her empty pint toward the center of the table, next to his empty pint. “I’m still working, so I should stop at two drinks, right?”
“Drink as much as you want. The bill comes out of your boss’s company’s pocket, use up that corporate cash. I think Taeyong invented the budget manager role for you tonight.” “Why would he do that?”
“Because the last time he invited you to come out for drinks with us you went home.”
She sat up straight, watching Jaehyun raise his hand, calling out to a waiter. Her cheeks flushed, admiring the way his Adam’s apple bounced as he talked. Lights from above reflected into his eyes as he laughed, motioning with his left hand, inviting their waiter to come to their table.
Weeks ago, Taeyong had asked her if she wanted to go out and celebrate one of the NCTFD member’s birthdays, but she’d declined. Her excuse had been because she didn’t want to intrude upon their private celebrations. But she’d been afraid of Jaehyun.
She still was.
“Do you want anything?” he asked. “I got us each a pint of beer. Jungwoo wants chicken tenders and hot dogs.”
“More beer?” His dimples appeared as he chuckled, nodding. She smiled, feeling tension loosen in her chest as her body warmed up. His disarming smile was working because of the beer. It had to be the beer. “Where did everyone go?”
She looked around the crowded bar. She and Jaehyun were seated at the left side of the bar, where three long tables were lined up together. There were 23 NCTFD members celebrating with their supporters, it was the only way for all of them to be seated together. And, it allowed for easy fan interaction. It was rare for them (especially Doyoung) not to be surrounded by the MILF Brigade, a local fanclub.
The self-titled MILF Brigade had been created by a group of housewives who knew how to market the NCTFD calendars. Not all members were mothers, wives or women, but they were enthusiastic in their thirsty support of NCTFD. Many MILF Brigade members often showed up to NCTFD’s chosen hangout bar, The Cherry Bomb.
Jaehyun shrugged as he finished scoping the place out. He snuffed out the cigarette, blowing out a thick cloud of smoke. As he glanced over his shoulder, she poked her finger at her phone.
Was he avoiding eye contact with her?
“Thanks, man,” Jaehyun said, grinning at their waiter. He pushed a plate of thick cut potato fries toward her before giving her the first two pints of beer. “Come on, you wanted more beer, you have to find space for another two pints. You have to work for your beer.”
She laughed, setting the pints down to her left. When their table was filled with fried bar food and a couple dozen pints of beer, she looked around for their friends again. Nothing but strangers, not even a MILF Brigade member was around.
“Did you really order a banana milkshake?” she asked, pointing to a long necked stainless steel cup. It sat beside his slice of pizza, loaded with green and red peppers over thick pepperoni slices.
She snorted into her pint, noticing the tips of his ears turn pink. He threw his hand up to his mouth, dimples deepening as he laughed, pointing at the beer foam that flew into her face. Eyes shut, she brushed the sticky foam off her forehead and nose with a napkin, feeling her face flush. She blew her tendrils out of her eyes as she opened them, taking a long drink of beer.
“Banana milkshakes are good.” The lines at the corners of his eyes remained as he took a sip from his straw. “You’re free to drink some if you want.”
She bit into the thick steak fry in her hand. Salt melted onto her tongue as oil glided over her taste buds. The inside of the fried potato was mushy, while the outside had enough crisp to crunch in her mouth, the perfect fried potato. It paired well with beer.
“I can’t imagine drinking a milkshake along with beer.”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“I worry about throwing up. Milk being regurgitated? Are you kidding me?”
He laughed, leaning back. Mouth wide open, eyes crinkling up, low belly guffaws.
“You don’t have to get so drunk that you’re throwing up. Unless that’s how you drink?”
“Ha ha, finish your pizza.”
He grinned as he chewed, making his dimples bounce as he watched her drink another pint. It took everything in her not to lean over the table and grab him by the front of his shirt. Kiss him until she was breathing smoke out of her lips. It scared her how much she enjoyed being with him. Eyes fixed on her plate of fries, she ate silently with her special concoction of ketchup, mayo and honey mustard. She was afraid to look into his eyes.
It was that damned night they went to karaoke to cheer up Xiaojun, who had just been dumped. She’d gotten high with Mark and Jaehyun, and Mark had dared them to sing a duet together. In the middle of singing their duet, staring into his eyes, she’d realized that she got along so well with Jaehyun because she liked him and almost cried. She’d warbled through the ending, but Jaehyun’s sweet, smooth voice saved them, winning them the prize of “Best Duet”.
“Yo! Thanks for the food!” Mark’s voice always arrived before he did. Eyes red, the left corner of his lips raised, Mark slumped into the chair beside Jaehyun. “Yo, why do we have, like, 30 cups of beer?”
“We haven’t toasted,” Jaehyun said, pushing his half empty plate of loaded nachos toward Mark. “Once I finally got the order in you all ran off.”
“Sorry. I had to go use the bathroom.”
“Yeah, I can smell your bathroom break, man.”
She snorted. Amongst the tobacco smoke, food and liquor, Mark’s marijuana stench was infiltrating her nose too. The pungent floral scent, a specific stench from Mark’s homegrown plants, both delighted and disgusted her. Being high with Mark often came with a lot of laughs, but the last time she’d gotten high she ended her night crying over Jaehyun.
“Finally! Food!” Jungwoo slid into the chair to her right. He reached over to pinch Mark’s cheek. Mark pinched Jungwoo’s cheek in return as they laughed together. “When are we going to toast, man? I’m starving!” “You all ran off.” Jaehyun had downed a pint of beer somewhere between Mark arriving and Jungwoo arriving. “Let’s get to it or I’m drinking every fucking pint, man.”
“Me too!” She picked up her second pint and clinked it against Jaehyun’s.
“Sorry!” Taeyong arrived with a handful of the NCTFD members talking loudly behind him. “We took pictures with the MILF Brigade!”
“Thanks, man,” Jaehyun said, picking up a pint to hand to Taeyong. “You always manage to negotiate with them.” “Come on!” Haechan said, sitting beside Mark. “They support us! It was kind of them to agree to the photos and give us privacy!”
“Clean your hands first!” Taeyong hollered as Mark and Jungwoo were about to pick up some food.
“Shit, yeah.” Mark, in his haste, knocked Jaehyun’s milkshake over as he reached for the hand sanitizer. “Holy shit!”
The silver cup tipped forward directly over her phone. The pale yellow milkshake splashed against the table. The cup rolled over toward Jaehyun’s side of the table. She flinched as she felt thick droplets hit her face. She stood, her heart beating fast.
“Fuck!” Jaehyun's outburst surprised her.
She looked up to see Jaehyun and Jungwoo also standing on their feet. Both men had their eyes wide open, hands up in the air. Jungwoo’s clothes were dry, but the spot he’d just been seated at had the milkshake dripping down the edge of the table. Jaehyun was not spared. At the front of his dark denim jeans, the milkshake stain was all over his crotch and dripping down the left side of his thigh.
Everyone paused.
Taeyong pointed to Jaehyun’s giant come-like stain, and gave out a loud belly laugh. Eyes shut tight, mouth wide open, he looked to be in pain as he laughed. Mark and Haechan burst out into belly laughs. More NCTFD members arrived and in a matter of seconds the bar erupted into uproarious laughter. The tips of Jaehyun’s ears were beet red, and she picked up her milkshake covered phone, holding it out at an arm’s distance.
Jaehyun walked past Mark, and she followed him, grabbing her things. Seeing that he was heading to the restrooms, she continued to follow him. They parted ways when he walked into the Men’s restroom and she to the Women’s.
She didn’t have much hope for her phone after wiping it clean. The milkshake had seeped inside her phone, and she couldn’t rinse it out. Covering it in a few layers of paper towels, she put it into her purse before leaving the restroom.
“Get some shots with me,” Jaehyun said when she’d exited the restroom. His pants had recovered well, but the dim lighting of the bar likely hid the damage leftover. “I need it, and so do you.”
“I think my phone is dead. Like, dead dead.”
“All shots on me. It was my milkshake.”
Gripping onto the straps of her purse, she nodded, letting him lead her to the bar at the back. Hiding from the rest of NCTFD, they found a quiet corner, sitting on the soft wooden stools. The bartender left them alone with a bottle of Grey Goose to attend to more demanding guests.
“To my ruined phone.” She held up her cold shot glass up to her eye level.
“To my ruined image.”
He clinked his shot glass against hers before throwing his head back, shot glass against his lips. Slamming the shot glass onto the counter, he groaned with close lips before pouring himself another shot. He drank it immediately before pouring himself another, lips shut tight. His Adam’s apple bounced up and down as he swallowed. His neck was long, thick, tempting.
She closed her eyes as she tilted her head back, shot glass pressed against her lips. The cold liquid burned her throat. Licking up the droplets of vodka off her lips, she set her shot glass down onto the counter, eyes on her hands.
“Throw it down.” He poured her another full glass. “It needs to smack the bar counter.”
“Because, that’s how you get aggression out.”
“Soft voice, rough hands.”
The tips of his ears turned pink. She sucked onto her bottom lip, looking down at the water rings their shot glasses had created. It was worse knowing that he heard her, as if it wasn’t embarrassing enough having spoken her thoughts aloud.
He poured himself another shot. Their eyes met, and the apples of his cheeks were dotted with pink spots. His dimples appeared as they picked up their shots, clinking the shot glasses together. Silently, they drank together, and she shook the counter with him as they slammed their glasses onto the counter.
“Hey! Stop it!” the bartender shouted from the other end of the bar. “Jae, I’ll toss you out. I’m serious.”
“We’re on our way out,” he said, raising his hand. “Thanks for everything.”
“I’m fucked,” she said, placing her’s purse strap over her shoulder. “My phone’s dead. How am I supposed to get home?” “I’ll fetch us an Uber. It’s not a big deal.”
The summer night air was so humid her loose tendrils clung to the back of her neck the moment she was outside. They waited for their ride across the street from the bar, under the lamp beside the closed donut shop. The shop gave NCTFD 20% discounts in appreciation of the work they provided to the community.
Jaehyun had taken a cigarette out with his black plastic lighter. Loose tendrils fell over his forehead as he tilted his head to light his cigarette. Seeing his lips wrapped around the cigarette, his cheeks hollowing, she wanted him between her legs with the same sort of focus.
Her body flaring up in heat and adrenaline, she looked away. Crossing her arms over chest, she didn’t want to think about Mr. May with the oily body and perfect inguinal crease. She’d managed to make things awkward between them and she didn’t have a phone to distract her as they waited for their ride.
“Can I have a smoke?” she asked, turning to face him. “Just a few puffs, I swear.”
“I didn’t know you smoke.”
Their fingers touched and she fought the urge to fall into his arms. The warmth of his touch sent heat to her nipples. She hummed with her mouth shut, trying to disguise her pitiful moan as she began clearing her throat, pressing the cigarette against her lips.
The smoke glided against her tongue, gently burning down her throat and tickling her sinuses as she inhaled. Holding her arm up, wrist snapped back with her fingers curled over her palm, she had the cigarette between her index and middle fingers. The warming, rushing sensation of tobacco and nicotine swam up to her head and through her lungs.
“I smoke occasionally.” She took another drag, the earthy smoky flavor filling her senses. “Is it a bad idea to ask Mark for a joint?”
“You like Mark?”
She coughed, spitting out puffs of smoke through her mouth and nose, dropping the cigarette. He guffawed, stepping over to rest his hand on her shoulder.
“Mark?! What makes you think I like Mark?”
“I thought you said you’d never get high again after we sang-”
“-Fuck! I did say that!”
She clapped her hand over mouth, eyes wide. Turning her back to Jaehyun, she saw red as her vision blurred and the ground felt like it had turned into the ocean as her legs shook. Hand planted against the glass window, her chest felt heavy and her knees ached.
She’d felt something deep inside of her when they’d sung their duet. When he’d reached out and held her hand for the second half of the song, that had been when she was too high and drunk to hold back her true feelings.
Their duet had aligned them together so well she didn’t want to leave his side. Being with Jaehyun was a harmonious existence and that feeling had been kept at an arm’s length for weeks. But with liquor flowing through her body and Jaehyun so close, it was coming closer and closer, ready to break.
“For what it’s worth,” she heard Jaehyun say, her eyes fixed on her shoes, “I think you have a lovely voice.”
Swallowing air, she shut her eyes. It was his kindness under all that aloofness and snark that really got to her. Her chest felt tight, like her body couldn’t contain her heart anymore. Fingers gripping onto her arms, her mind spun as her body was too hot for comfort. Trying to focus on her breathing, in through her nose and out through her mouth, she wanted to be rid of the half formed, contrasting thoughts about the possibilities between them.
“Thank you.”
She turned around, arms remaining crossed over her chest. He was snuffing the cigarette out against the concrete with the bottom of his shoe. Hands in his front pockets, his eyes were hidden under his curtain of hair before he shook his hair out his eyes. Looking at her for three solid seconds, a smile broke out, his teeth shining under the lamp.
“You’ve got milkshake stains.” He blew raspberries before laughing, hands over his stomach. “On your face.”
“You only noticed now?” Her body flared in mortification, heat rushing into her ears. She dug her hand into her purse, fishing for her compact mirror.
“Let me help,” he said, clearing his throat, cutting off his guffaws.
She froze, feeling nothing but the heat from his hands holding her cheeks, hearing nothing but the slow inhale through her nose. As his face came close, she shut her eyes, feeling his wet lips over her right cheek. Tongue swiping near her left jawline. A kiss at the tip of her nose.
“Jaehyun.” She uncrossed her arms to touch his chest, feeling the ground turn into ocean waves again.
He stepped back, releasing her right arm, gliding his touch down her left. Their eyes met. His cheeks were flushed, his gaze soft, eyes hooded. She wasn’t ready to leave his touch.
The bright headlights from a SUV grabbed her attention. His hold on her arm remained as they slowly walked over to their Uber ride. The stroke of his thumb on the back of her palm sent a shiver up her back.
She was silent as she buckled up, looking at him. Heat rushed up her face as she caught Jaehyun’s eyes drifting down and up her body. The tips of his ears flushed when she captured his gaze.
“Should we clean up at my place?” she asked, her heart beating loudly in her ears.
His dimples deepened as he grinned, nodding. Her cheeks burned as he hooked his index and middle fingers over hers, pulling her arm toward him. Throwing her head back, she laughed, the vodka flooding her thoughts.
When they exited the car, Jaehyun wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her back to his front, letting her lead them to her place. The tobacco smoke blended with banana and vanilla in a surprisingly pleasant scent, though she preferred the floral oaky musk he emitted when his lips touched her neck.
His radiating warmth was burning her up, and she breathed out his name into the air. They were just a few steps away from her front door. He groaned into her neck, his vocal cords reverberating into her back, heating up her breasts and core.
“If I could fuck you right now-,” right arm around her waist, his left hand grabbed her wrist to throw her arm against the side of the house, pinning her body against the wall with his, “-but only if you say yes.”
Eyes shut tight, she took in a slow breath, savoring the stinging of his hold on her wrist. The pressure of his body over hers, her breasts pressed against the wall, sent heat rushing up and down her body. She wanted him to fuck her right then and there.
“We’re supposed to clean up,” she breathed out softly. He released her immediately, his eyes wide when she turned around. Taking his hand, she raised it to her lips, reassuring him with a kiss on his knuckles.
They entered her house quietly, the lamp at the front door providing them with enough light to move around. Jaehyun sat at the foot of her stairs to take his shoes off as she locked up. Kicking off her shoes, she watched him slip his socks off, fumbling fingers trying to stuff his socks into his sneakers. The moment she stood before him, he kicked his shoes aside and stood.
Hands grabbing his neck, she pulled him to her, and their lips met. As his lips touched hers she opened her mouth to capture his. Inhaling, her clit twitched as his sweet, smoky musk enveloped her entire body. Her tongue swiped his lips as she deepened her kisses. His tongue pushed against hers, and she moaned. He swirled his tongue around her mouth, flicking her tongue before capturing her top lip between his lips. Shifting his head to the other side, he kissed her bottom lip.
“You taste so sweet,” she breathed out, thumb pressing against his lips to stop him from continuing the kisses.
Her body lit up as he opened his mouth, tongue pushing against the pad of her thumb. His thumb pushed into her mouth as he sucked on hers. Humming, she swiped her tongue in and out gently before sucking in. Saliva was building fast as the taste of his metallically, salty thumb filled her mouth.
“What do you want to do?” he asked, pulling her thumb out of his mouth, his free hand caressing her hip. He swiped his saliva covered thumb along her bottom lip, retrieving it from her mouth.
“I want us to have sex,” she replied. The corners of his eyes crinkled, and he gave a low guffaw. Her face prickled with heat and she looked away, embarrassed. She pushed against his chest when he tried pulling her in for a kiss. “Do you listen to me?”
“I hear you. You want us to have sex.” He guffawed. Her face flared with heat again. She pushed him again, forcing him to break their embrace. “I’m sorry. Your directness is sweet.”
The back of his knuckles traced across the low cut of her dress’s neckline, lighting up her chest. Her hands were rubbing his stomach, wanting to feel his abs. Fisting the fabric at his stomach into her hands, she wanted the shirt gone.
“Jaehyun,” she panted, her eyes closing as his lips landed on her neck.
She wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling him to her. He groped her ass, lips pressing against her neck. His teeth and lips pinched her skin as she drew circles into his back with the tips of her fingers. Heat bubbled into her core as she felt his cock warm and stiffen against her.
“How do you want it?” Both hands cupped her face, his thumbs caressing her cheeks. “I don’t want to scare you like I did outside.”
Her heart was beating so fast her whole body throbbed. His eyes were searching her face, lips parted and damp. The slightest crease between his eyebrows formed.
“I don’t want to be seen by my neighbors,” she said, her chest shaking as she gave a chuckle. “I like it rough, Jaehyun. Why do you think I like you so much? Because your praises mean more to me than anyone else’s? It’s because you’re a strong, arrogant firefighter, Mr. May.”
“‘Strong and arrogant.’” He chuckled low, the tips of his ears flushed as he looked away. “Who knew you were such a dirty slut?” Adrenaline raced up her spine, sending chills down her front as Jaehyun grabbed her ass and pulled her body tight against his. Left hand touching her chin he planted a soft kiss on her lips. “Tell me to stop and I will stop right away, OK?” “Yes, got it.” Her hands shook as she raised them to caress his chest. His pecs were firm.
“Don’t try to be brave. If you don’t like it, say stop and I’ll stop. I swear, I’ll stop. I want you to feel good, safe.”
“Got it,” she said, her hands cupping his cheeks. “Thank you for being so clear. I appreciate it.”
She kissed him, hands moving to caress his shoulders. He licked her lips, fingers sending warmth into her as they glided up her back. As he grabbed the back of her neck, she winced at the sting of his fingers digging into her skin. Blood rushed to her nipples, hardening them. Slipping her dress off as soon as she felt him unzip the back of her dress, she fell back into her couch.
Everything spun. She breathed through her mouth, hands planted flat at her sides, feeling for the cushions. Her right leg hung off the edge, the tips of her toes touching the soft carpet. Adrenaline shook her spine as his palms clapped on the inside of her thighs.
“Don’t you fucking close your legs,” he said softly, fingers digging into her skin. The sharp stinging on her left thigh left her as he slid his index and middle finger between her legs, tracing her panty lines. “Peach printed panties? I like that.”
With his lips and nose pressed against her clothed heat, he hummed against her core.
His hot breath warmed up her folds. The vibrations of his voice shook her insides, shocking her nerves. She propped herself up by pushing her elbows against the cushions, wanting a better view. Eyebrows furrowed, he pressed his nose harder against her folds. He inhaled deeply, sending fire up to her head as her whole body lit up in discomfort.
“Dirty perv,” she breathed out, trying to sit up. Left hand resting against the couch, her right pushed against his shoulder. Inhaling sharply, she winced as he grabbed her wrists, her skin stinging.
“You smell ripe,” he said, moving away from her pussy. Immediately, he pressed his mouth against her core again, humming low, loud and long. His hands kept her wrists resting against the side of her thighs. Hips shaking, heat flooding her head, she could only pull against his hold, focusing on the sweet pain of his grip on her wrists.
“Jaehyun!” Hot tears pooled her eyes, her body burning up. He chuckled into her, his vocal cords turning her on. She arched her back. His lips captured her clothed folds as he planted kisses against her core.
He shifted them around so that she was sitting up on the couch, her legs spread open. He released her arms, fingers immediately hooking onto the waistband of her panties. She wiggled her hips, fingers tugging against his pull. Their eyes met.
“Can you get my panties off?” She licked her lips before pouting. “I won’t make it easy for you…daddy?”
His smile was sweet, his softened gaze drifting down and then up her body slowly. Her back shook as adrenaline rushed through her when their eyes locked.
“Daddy’s for another day. I like you screaming my name, slut.”
She sniveled, bucking her hips against him as his fingers fisted around the sides of her panties. He grunted as she wiggled her hips, trying to jerk away from his pull, her knees knocking against his shoulders and chest. Hooking his fingers at the waistband on the left side of her hip, he yanked down.
“You’re ruining my lucky panties!”
Jaehyun’s hold on her loosened, lifting his head to look up at her. His lips thinned as the right side his of mouth curved up into a smile, teasing her. Releasing the side of her panties, his index finger glided down to her pelvis, tucking under her panty line as it moved further down her crotch.
“You’re such a dirty perv.” She exhaled loudly, hands trying to grab his wrist. Her fingers stung as he swatted her hands away with the flick of his long fingers.
“I’m not taking your panties off, slut.”
Heat rushed up her back as the pad of his finger pushed against the hood of her clit. Her fists were at her sides as she fought the urge to grab his wrist and shove his hand away. She liked making things hard for him, but she also wanted more of his insatiable touch.
“Look at that sweet pussy getting wet,” he said softly, finger pulling the front of her panties aside. Thumb pressing against her clit, he looked up at her. “Do you like this?”
“Yes, Jaehyun.” She bucked her hips against the push of his thumb. She took a deep inhale as he circled the pad of his thumb furiously against her clit, her insides turning hot. “Jaehyun!”
His touch was gone. Fingers hooked at her hips. He tugged her panties down. She squealed. As she tried reaching for her panties, he tugged them down to her knees before gliding them down her calves and tossing them aside.
Hands under her knees, he pulled her legs wide open, lips kissing the inside of her right thigh. His tongue glided up toward her pelvis before he kissed the inside of her other thigh. She grabbed his hair as his mouth hovered over her slit, tugging his head back.
He groaned, pulling away from her, hands grabbing her wrist. He had the both of them stand before he sat down on the couch, forcing her to lay face down on his lap, positioning her ass against his hand. He palmed the inside of her thigh before moving up to massage her ass.
“Naughty slut.”
Thwack! Thwack!
She shut her eyes as she felt two sharp slaps on her thighs, right below the curves of her ass. The backside of her left thigh flared before her right burned. Her insides shook, making her wetter.
“Think I won’t punish you?”
His palm slammed against the curve of her left ass cheek. Giving her only two seconds to savor the deep vibrations of the impact, he punished her again. Continually, without a break, he smacked her ass with his massive palm. She yelped, stuttering out his name. Her skin flared up, ready to burst into flames with every impact of his palm on her ass.
“Had enough?” he asked, his voice gentle, flat. She’d lost track of time but her ass felt hot enough to light a cigarette for Jaehyun. Another hard impact hit her stinging skin, making her back arch. “You keep making things hard for me, I’ll throw you down and smack your ass until you can’t sit.”
“Yes, Jaehyun.” She sniffled. His job was to carry people out of buildings during emergencies, she was outmatched.
He grabbed her by her waist, shifting to get off the couch. She yelped with a laugh, feeling her body swing over his shoulder. Grasping the back of his shirt, she tried to push herself up to get out of his hold, but his arm hooked over her waist was steadfast.
Her ass cheek burned and she shut her eyes, savoring the deep vibrations inside. Her head was feeling heavy and she couldn’t tell if her ass was in the air or if he was shifting her upwards. Her mind floated and spun in the air, delaying the pain of Jaehyun throwing her onto her bed. He was pulling her unhooked bra off her shoulders when she hissed at the throbbing sting on her left ass cheek being pressed against the mattress.
“Jaehyun,” she exhaled into the air. His lips were sucking on her nipple, left hand teasing her right breast. The weight of his body over hers made her vibrate from head to toe, his touches tingling her skin.
He planted kisses on her cleavage with his tongue gliding out to taste her skin, making her chest glow. His fingers drew circles down her sides, massaging her hips as his wet kisses landed on the bottom curve of her breasts. When he kissed the underside of her left breast, he licked it before sucking on her skin.
Hands shooting to his head, she entangled her fingers into his damp, silky hair. Her skin was becoming so sensitive, everything Jaehyun did was lighting her whole body up. His teeth tugged at her skin before he sucked hard on it, raking his teeth over the bruise he’d created when he finished marking her. Heat rushed up to her head, tingling her temples.
His kisses traveled down her front, his tongue flicking and pushing into her belly button as the tips of his fingers glided over her thighs. Hooking his hands under her knees, he spread her legs open with his tongue sliding down her stomach. Her muscles felt weak, her thoughts lost in a sea of booze-filled heat. His fingers grazed over the inside of her thighs before a middle finger slid down her slit. He pushed the tip against her entrance, sinking into her folds.
“Naughty slut, you’re so wet.” His voice was barely above a whisper, sending chills across her chest.
He glided his finger up against her slit, pushing against her folds. Eyes still shut, she focused on the heat he created when he slid two fingers up along her slit. Pressing the pads of his fingers against her clitoris, he kissed the inside of her thigh.
She took in a deep inhale as he began to suck and bite her delicate, barely touched (barely seen) skin. Arms feeling heavy, she released his hair to touch her breasts, her fingers pinching her nipples. He licked the throbbing spot he’d assaulted as he captured her clit between his index and middle fingers.
She tugged her nipples as he tugged on her clit, sending a sharp jolt into her core. Squeezing her clit between his fingers, shifting them in a scissoring motion, he chuckled. She was panting heavily, bucking her hips against him. Her whole body was on fire.
“You’re so fucking sexy.” He released her clit, stroking the pads of his fingers down her slit. Mouth open, she inhaled deeply as he pushed one finger into her cunt. He pulled out before reentering with two digits, pushing in deeper, making her arch her back as his touch stung like a needle pushing into her skin. “You like it hard like this?” Chest shaking, she exhaled through her mouth. Her hands shot up over her head to grab a pillow. Fingers fisting tightly into the fluffy pillow, she moaned.
“Jaehyun!” His fingers were pushing in and out fast, the sharp heat still hot but the pain twisting into the sweetest ripple of pleasure that rode up her body. “Yes! Jaehyun!”
“Such a slut,” he said softly as his fingers were deep inside of her, rutting furiously like a jackhammer in very shallow motions. “You’d still want me to fuck you until I break your back if I make you come right now. Is that right, slut?”
“Yes, Jaehyun,” she panted, her lower abdomen flaring up and shaking. “I’m your slut.”
His hands were gone, her slick heat gliding down toward her ass and thighs. Breathing heavily, she took a moment to recover, having been so close to her orgasm. Opening her eyes, she saw him getting off the bed.
He opened the drawer to her nightstand, and she sat up. The hallway light shone a warm glow from the open door. It made the shadow of his figure hover over her, sending prickling heat down her chest to the tips of her hard, aching nipples. He was naked except for his frayed black NCTFD shirt clinging to his body.
“Let me help,” she said, crawling over to the edge of the bed. As she took the condom out of the silver packet, Jaehyun sat down beside her. “How’d you know I have condoms in there?” “Lucky guess.” His hand palmed her breast, sending heat into her. She took hold of his cock, and carefully unrolled the translucent rubber over his cock. “Your panties are lucky.”
“This,” she touched the thickness below his mushroomed tip, fingers encircling around the wide length, “is new to me.” She glided her hold down the subtle curve that happened after about an inch, the rest of his cock’s girth less intimidating. “Even your cock is special.”
He planted a kiss on her neck, fingers caressing soft touches down her back. Their lips met, and she felt a warm surge rise in her chest. He broke the kiss when she pushed her tongue against his lips.
“Get on your hands and knees, slut.”
He stood on his knees on the bed and she turned around to face the headboard, widening her legs as she planted her hands onto the mattress, shoving the pillows aside. His palm pushed down her slit, spreading her slick fluids around. She gave a soft moan as his tip pushed against her entrance. His hips shook as his hands massaged her.
“Jaehyun.” As he pushed more of his girthy inch into her, she bent low, grabbing the metal bars of her headboard. Her fingers stung as they tightened around the smooth metal, his push heavy and sharp. “Fuck me, fuck me, Jaehyun.”
He grunted as he pulled back. They moaned together as he thrust forward. The strong hold on her hips made her muscles ache as he pulled her against him.
“Who’s fucking you, slut?” Her scalp and neck burned as he grabbed her hair, his hold tight. One hand on her hip, he began pushing long hard strokes into her, continually tugging her head back with every push in. “Who’s fucking you, slut?”
“Jj-Jaehyun!” He was deep inside and he began rutting faster, his thick inch sending a new stinging sensation into her, making her think of nothing but Jaehyun. He gave a low grunt as his hand at her head pushed her head down onto the mattress, his pace continuing to build. “Jae-Jaehyun!”
Her scalp throbbed in sweet relief when he released her hair. She hummed low when his palm pushed down on the back of her neck, keeping her head and shoulders planted against the mattress. A stinging heat radiated up her back as his thigh continually slapped against her ass cheeks, burning up her bruised left ass cheek. The building, heavy heat between her legs brought her close to her orgasm.
“Turn around.” He was gone, her insides shaking as Jaehyun withdrew from her. Letting go of the headboard, she gently laid down on the bed and turned around to rest her back on the mattress. Fingers encircling around her ankles, he spread her legs apart as he continued to stand on his knees. “You’re beautiful.”
His eyes were heavily hooded as looked down at her. Fingers stroking up her left calf, he dropped her leg onto the mattress. His fingers continued toward the inside of her thighs. Adrenaline coursed through her body, making her back shake as his fingers circled the bruises his mouth created. He shifted so that his cock lined up against her slit, free hand grabbing his cock to slide his tip back and forth against her clit.
“Jaehyun,” she breathed out, mind filled with fire, her hands reached out to grab the front of his shirt, “I want you-”
He grunted as he pushed into her, cutting her off. She hiccupped as she arched her back, fingers grasping onto his shirt, the pressure of his cock making the world spin. His grip on her ankle tightened, her skin stinging. He bent over her, cock driving in deeper, her world spinning faster as his hand grabbed the front of her throat.
“Your shirt,” she breathed out before his grip tightened, “take-off.”
Chuckling, he pushed down against her throat a little harder before his cock pushed in deeper. Tears leaked out and she quickly blinked them away as her hands released his shirt to stroke his abs. His skin was smooth, and his abs were firm.
“You can only touch my shirt,” he said calmly, softly, the pads of his fingers digging into the sides of her neck, the pressure building. He pushed in deeper with a gentle thrust. “Do you hear me, slut? Hands on my shirt.”
She grabbed the front of his shirt at his stomach, bundling the stretchy fabric into her fists. He groaned as he began a slow rhythm, seeming to savor how the thickest part of his cock stretched her insides, pushing back in every time his thick inch was barely out of her entrance. A smile slowly appeared as his eyes squinted. He licked his lips as he picked up his pace, the hold at her throat loosening as his fingers caressed down her neck.
“Maybe later I’ll let your greedy hands touch me everywhere. Maybe.”
Her hands reached for his shoulders, pulling him in for a kiss. Her leg fell down onto the mattress as he grabbed her wrists. Pinning them over her head, his tongue flicked and swirled around her mouth before capturing her lips into soft, wet kisses. Their lips remained locked as he rutted fast into her, his fingers digging deep into the skin of her forearms.
Her left hand was freed, and she moaned against his lips as his thumb found her clit, flicking it before pushing hard against it. His rotations on her clit had her lower abdomen flaring up, and she wrapped her free arm around his neck to keep his lips pressed against hers. Her tongue swirling around his, she gave a soft cry as she came.
He continued fucking her, thumb still teasing her clit, with her legs squeezing his hips. As her pussy walls clenched and unclenched around his cock, he slowed his pace, breaking the kiss. He grunted into the crook of her neck as he gave a handful of hard, fast pushes into her, his cock flaring up her insides with its heat.
Her temples were throbbing angrily as he withdrew from her. He breathed heavily, releasing his hold on her. She turned onto her side, watching Jaehyun get off the bed. Heat prickled her cheeks as she watched him remove the condom, tendrils falling over his forehead as he glanced around her room. His skin glistened with sweat, his face glowing with the warm hallway light. Once he discarded the condom into the small trash bin beside her night stand, he got into bed with her.
Frustrated, but tired, she ran her hand over the bold white NCTFD letterings across his chest as he pulled her front to his side, tucking his arm under her body. Her hand drifted down and patted his stomach as she looked up at him, resting her head on his shoulder. She shut her eyes, inhaling his smoky musk.
-- Song Rec: “Cruisin” - Smokey Robinson: 🍑
* It was the sounds of birds chirping that woke her. She threw her comforter over her head, groaning as her eyelids felt the sunlight in the room. Her mind began running when she heard music playing. The funky bass plucking, gentle guitar rhythm and soft steady drumming started Smokey Robinson’s “Cruisin” filled the room, making her pull the comforter away as she opened her eyes.
As the groovy, sweet song continued, she sat up, seeing Jaehyun standing beside the window behind her nightstand, lit cigarette in his hand. He was nude, resting his shoulder against the wall as he blew smoke out of the open window. His milky skin cascaded with sunshine had him glowing.
He looked deep in thought as he brought the cigarette up to his lips, his cheeks hollowing as he took a drag. His lips were flushed, almost as red as blood as he blew out a thick cloud of smoke. She slipped out of bed, and bent down to pick up his NCTFD shirt from the floor. Putting it on, she inhaled deeply, appreciating that she was enveloped by his smoky earthy scent.
“Are you teasing me?” she asked, walking over to him. He held his hand out to her, which she took immediately to be by his side.
“Sorry I’m not oiled up,” he said as she ran her free hand over his shoulders. She drew small circles over his collar bone with the pads of her thumbs, her hands slowly drifting down.
His skin was soft and silky, but as she pushed her pads against him his body was very firm, like touching a warm boulder. The curves of his abs under her fingertips turned her on, sending heat into her core. She licked her lips as her index finger touched the line at his hip, his perfect inguinal crease, following it in toward his pubes. He hummed, goosebumps forming on his skin.
“I meant the song.” She placed both hands on his hips, eyes focused on his cock. It was twitching, hardening up. “Johnny and Mark were terrible at hiding their laughs when we sang this song at karaoke.”
“Is that why you get weird whenever I bring up that night?” He laughed, touching her cheek with his free hand. “Johnny and Mark were laughing at me, not at you.”
“You’re the one with the good voice. Why would they laugh at you?”
He stared at her, raising his eyebrows for a second as the tips of his ears flushed. Smokey Robinson was crooning away as she felt her heart beating fast, her face turning hot. He looked away as he snuffed out the cigarette. Jaehyun had selected the song, saying he thought of her whenever he listened to the song.
“...Baby, tonight belongs to us Everything’s right, do what you must and inch and inch we get closer and closer To every little part of each other…”
“Jaehyun,” she said, hand touching his cheek. The heat from his cheek warmed her hand, shooting straight to her chest.
“I really like you,” he said as they locked eyes, their foreheads touching, “if it isn’t obvious by now, you freaking brat.”
“I like you so much,” she said softly, running the pad of her thumb down his jawline, her head fuzzy, Smokey Robinson’s breathy crooning consuming her senses, “I had to be sure you liked me too.”
They kissed, the tobacco from Jaehyun’s breath infiltrating her mouth and nose. Her fingers slid down his front, caressing over the curves of his chest and abs. Their tongues pushed against each other, his tongue swiping her bottom lip as she ran her fingers through his pubes. He hummed into her mouth as her fingers stroked his cock before wrapping it in her hand. It was growing hot and hard fast. Jaehyun’s breathing was erratic as he cupped her face in his hands, pulling away from her kisses.
“Fuck, I’m going to come,” he panted. His chest heaved, hips thrusting, as he groaned.
She dropped down to her knees, left hand stroking the bottom of his shaft. Sticking her tongue out, she flicked it against his tip. It flushed red as it warmed up against her lips. She wrapped her mouth around his mushroomed head, making him moan as his come shot into her mouth.
She pumped his cock as he shook gently, his back pressed against the wall, one hand running through her hair. Swallowing, she inhaled the scent of his musky, salty come. Carefully, she kissed and licked his cock clean, eyes closing for a moment as his fingers massaged her scalp. Her tongue swirled around his soft head before planting a sweet, wet kiss onto it.
Their fingers intertwined as he helped her stand up. She shut her eyes as she felt his lips on her neck, hands reaching under the shirt. She hummed as he sucked on her neck, his fingers caressing her sides.
“I did a number on you,” he said, holding her forearm up in his hold, titing his head slightly. Long blue and purple marks were where he’d held her arms down. “I’m sorry, baby.”
His touch on her neck was delicate before peppering kisses over her bruises. He took a step back, and ran his fingers along the inside of her thigh. She winced, her skin stinging at his touch. She cupped his face into her hands to give him a wet kiss.
“That’s the sort of sex I like,” she said, her thumb and index finger massaging his earlobe. “What sort of sex do you like, Jaehyun? Show me.”
He laid her down on the bed, hands on her thighs as he placed himself between her legs. His hands massaged her as they moved up from her thighs to her hips. He licked his lips, eyes focused on her breasts as he lifted the shirt up. Giving a dry exhale as he pinched her nipples, she arched her back, heat rushing down to her clit. He flicked her nipple with his tongue before wrapping his mouth around it to suck on it, sending heat right to her core.
“Jaehyun,” she breathed out.
“Am I too soft?” he asked, fingers digging under the shirt.
“Shirt stays on,” she said, her hands on his wrists. She kept the fabric of the shirt hiked up at her neck, keeping her body exposed. “Be as soft as you want. I like everything you do.”
He grinned, sitting up on his knees as he got off of her. He turned, reaching behind him. She propped herself up to watch him tearing open a condom packet. His cock looked just as impressive in the daylight, and she felt her clit throb in anticipation. She'd taken it just hours before.
“Ready, baby?” he asked, massaging the inside of her thigh, running his thumb over the bruises his hands and mouth created the night before. He hissed as he rubbed the tip of his cock against her clit. “Does this feel good?” “Yes.” She thrust gently against his tip, enjoying the heat shooting deep inside. “Jaehyun, yes.”
“My two favorite words.”
She shut her eyes as he pushed his tip into her. His body was over hers, and they kissed, his heat enveloping her. One of his arms wrapped around her waist as he thrust deep into her, his other hand caressing her breast. Their tongues were entangled as she hooked her feet together around his waist, making sure she had Jaehyun locked in her embrace.
He broke their kiss to suck on her tits, and she moaned as she grabbed his hair, thinking of nothing but Jaehyun’s lovely touches. His tongue glided over the bruise on the underside of her breast before he planted wet kisses on there. As he sped up his thrusts, she squeezed her thighs around his hips, digging the heel of her foot into his back. She came as the heat building inside of her rushed up to her head and clit.
Their lips connected as he continued rutting into her. Toes curling as she squeezed her walls around his cock, her orgasm surged adrenaline up her back, her stomach flaring in heat. He grunted against her lips as his fingers at her waist curled into her skin, his hips shaking as he stilled deep into her. Breaking their kiss, he grunted as he gave a few pushes, both hands on her hips.
Spent, they laid down in bed, breathing heavily as “Cruisin” played on continually. She shut her eyes as she heard Jaehyun move around, cleaning up. Exhaling long and slow when she felt him spoon her, she ran her fingers over the arm holding her back to his chest.
“How was that?” he asked softly into her ear before his lips wet her neck. “Did that feel good?” His hand caressed her hip, lips back on neck. “Do you like it when I’m soft?”
She had him let her go so she could turn around to face him. He rubbed his nose against her cheek before running it down her neck to plant a kiss at the front of her throat. Gently combing her fingers through his hair, she rested her forehead against his.
“I love it.” She kissed him. “I love everything you do, Jaehyun. Soft or hard, you care so much for me. I want to lay here with you. You do everything right, and you’re always so worried that you’re not. I like that you care a lot.”
He smiled, his eyes closed for a few moments. Slowly opening them, he brushed her loose tendrils over her ear.
“Why are you so…” He kissed her, their lips innocently pressed together for a couple seconds, “you’re amazing.” He planted a kiss on her cheek. “You care about me, and you don’t even have to say it. Obviously, you’re the sexiest person alive, too.” Another kiss, the apples of her cheeks turning hot. “So fucking kinky, baby. I had no idea.” Another kiss, one hand caressing her hip. “It’s fun to fuck around with you, you’re always down to fuck around with me too.”
He wrapped his arms around her back and blew raspberries onto her chest.
“Jaehyun!” She squealed, hands grabbing his hair, as she felt his fingers pinch her bruised ass cheek.
“Beautiful baby,” he said before planting a kiss on her shoulder, “I want to care for you, make you happy.”
“Jaehyun.” All she could do was breathe out sweetly, her mind flooded with the heat from his lips on her skin. Night or day, hard or soft, he was everything she wanted. “Jaehyun.”
“Let me kiss all your bruises,” he said, hand palming her ass, sending a pain so sharp it seared up her back. She grunted as she pulled his face to hers. “You deserve to be taken care of. Will you let me adore you?”
“Jaehyun.” She laughed before pulling him for a kiss. “Yes.”
Thank you so much for reading!!!
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zablife · 2 years
Hi lovely lady..
Can you PLEASE do a HEADCANON: Jack meets OC(Evie) who is a singer, one night at one of the clubs he likes to occupy. Love at first sight for both of them. But OC is really stubborn to give in to Jack, cause she knows who and what he his. But actually doesn't care that his a gangster only refuse to not give in to her desire and feelings for Jack because of her friends who is secretly jealous that Jack likes OC instead of them. So they discourage her from being with him. This goes on for about a month with Jack showing up at the club constantly and continuesly persuading OC and her being stubborn. Until one night OC can't take the sexual frastration anymore and she shows up at his place in the middle of the night. She kiss Jack the moment he opens his door and smut happens. And they later on get married. Ps.. I kinda like the fact of a women being stubborn to be with Jack and not just instantly give into her desire. Some sexual frastration is good(leads to one Hell of a smut session😈🍑🍆💦)
Also once your request are open can you use this to turn into a one-shot or 3part storie with lost of smuttyness. Thanks love. 😊
Hi, darl!! First, I have to say I love your beautiful imagination so much. Are you a writer as well? If not, you should be!! I have imagined our lovely OC as Josephine Baker for these head canons because she was just the ultimate babe in her day! (Evie's last name is inspired by her and her friend is named Josephine as well!) Please find my head canons for your amazing fic below the cut.
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Jack x OC (Evie)
*Evie Baker was one of the highest paid singers at the Eden Club. She hadn’t been in town long, but her reputation of being an irresistible temptress proceeded her, influencing Darby Sabini to ask her personally to perform.
*Although plenty of men propositioned her, she never entertained their promises of a better life outside the club. Here she could be her own woman, earning enough money to live comfortably without having to answer to a man.
*One night after her last number, she sauntered to the bar for a drink and met a handsome foreigner named Jack Nelson. He was brash and bold in a charming way that Englishmen weren’t. He asked her on a date that night, but she turned him down saying she was tired.
*She noticed his face in the crowd the next night, a sure sign of infatuation. Exiting the stage door quickly, she left without seeing him. This pattern continued for a couple of weeks and another dancer, Josephine, took a liking to him. 
*Evie had dismissed the idea of the handsome gentleman, especially after Josephine admitted her infatuation. Evie was glad that her friend had found a man who liked her and might take care of her. Their goals in life seemed to be very different. While Josephine wanted to find a husband and settle down, Evie did not.
*When the lights came up on another routine, Evie gazed into the crowd as she always did to choose a man whose lap she would occupy. As she scanned the room, she noticed Jack eyeing her like a man who had been starved. 
*Out of instinct, she approached him and she knew instantly he had not forgotten about her. She flirted as little as possible knowing her friend was serious about this man.
*Later that evening she noticed he had gone, so she went back to her routine of having a whiskey at the bar to unwind. Little did she know, Jack had been waiting for her, tipped off by a busboy he had paid handsomely for the information of her whereabouts. 
*”Listen, doll, I just wanted to see you again. Don’t be angry,” Jack said noticing your crossed arms and tight lips. 
“You’re dating my friend, Mr. Nelson, so why are you here?” Evie asked.
“Because I’m not interested in her. It’s you I keep thinking about,” he confessed.
“Whatever you think I am, I will let you down,” Evie said quietly looking down into her drink.
“No, I don’t think so. You’re somethin' real special, doll. You're what I’ve been looking for my whole life,” he said laying his heart bare.
*Despite his admission, Evie still played hard to get. She wanted to test his feelings so she went home alone that night even though she wanted him badly. 
*After a month of playing cat and mouse with Mr. Nelson, Evie couldn’t stand the tension any longer. She had to see him again. Josephine had noticed how distracted her friend seemed and confronted her. “That bloke Jack seems to fancy you now, you know. He’s a bad man, Evie. You should stay away from ‘im.”
*Even though Evie was well aware by now that Jack was a gangster of the worst sort, she still felt drawn to him. The way he was with her was so gentle and kind. She knew he would treat her right. She still held to her desire for independence, however, and struggled to reconcile her emotions. 
*After a long night at the club she couldn’t stop thinking of Jack. He had gone long ago, along with all the other patrons and most of the dancers. She made a split second decision to visit him, knowing the busboy had his address.
*Showing up at his rented flat in the middle of the night, she failed to contain her nervous excitement. She nearly walked away before gathering the courage to knock three times.
*As soon as Jack opened the door, her desire overtook her and she pushed into him for a sensual kiss.
*Jack was more than willing to reciprocate, amazed that his luck with her had finally changed. He led her to his bedroom and they made love all night.
*By morning, it was clear they were meant for each other and discussed what their future plans might hold. Jack offered to take her back to America with him and she agreed without a second thought. The sparks between them had only intensified into a roaring bonfire and she had to explore where this relationship would go.
*Evie had never been one to shy away from an adventure so she packed her bags and gave her notice at the club that day. Her gamble paid off when Jack proposed six months later and she was finally able to enjoy the love and attention of a man who worshipped her for all the right reasons. 
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stayevildarling · 3 years
Quiz: Which Sarah Paulson Character would be your girlfriend? Part 2
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Answer these 10 Questions, count the letters and find out which Sarah Paulson Character would be your girlfriend: ✨
This is part 2, same questions but different characters ✨
1. What is your favorite color out of these?
A: baby blue
B: pastel pink
C: red
D: yellow
E: green
F: orange
G: pastel purple
2. How would you prefer to spend your weekend?
A: a relaxing weekend, away from family
B: having a picnic in a field of flowers, including cupcakes
C: staying at home
D: getting some coffee at a coffee shop
E: going to a book shop or library and spending the day there
F: going to a bar and having a few drinks
G: hanging out with friends
3. What is your favorite food?
A: sushi 🍱
B: cupcakes 🧁
C: anything savoury 🥖
D: candy 🍬
E: burritos 🌮
F: peaches 🍑
G: lasagna 🍝
4. How do you react when meeting your mortal enemy?
A: smile politely, then turn around and point the person out to your friends
B: you don't have a mortal enemy
C: death glaring at the person and plotting their death in your diary
D: you avoid the person
E: get them drunk and make them embarrass themselves
F: plot how to make their life miserable and a living hell
G: point out their own insecurities
5. What is most important to you in a relationship:
A: having a family with your partner and building a life together
B: being soulmates
C: being accepted for who you are
D: honesty
E: sharing the same beliefs/morals
F: being able to fully trust them about who you are
G: being there for your partner and them being there for you
6. What is your choice of drink:
A: red wine 🍷
B: milk 🥛
C: alcohol free cocktail 🍹
D: beer 🍺
E: alcoholic cocktail 🍹
F: white wine 🍷
G: coffee ☕️
7. What is your favorite song out of these:
A: ''These boots are made for walking'' by Nancy Sinatra
B: ''Always forever'' by Cults
C: ''Criminal'' by Fiona Apple
D: ''Driver's license'' by Olivia Rodrigo
E: ''Cinnamon Girl'' by Lana Del Rey
F: ''Secret Love Song'' by Little Mix
G: ''One Call away'' by Charlie Puth
8. How would you react to your partner getting hurt:
A: you try not freaking out even though you are really worried and help
B: you don't know what to do and you call for help because the situation is too overwhelming
C: you get angry that your partner got hurt and you will help them and afterwards take care of the person that caused it
D: you can't help but cry, seeing your partner hurt
E: you know exactly what to do and help them
F: instantly you rush to their side and help, comfort them
G: you analyze the situation and make sure your partner isn't in any danger before helping them
9: If you could choose any of these professions, which would you pick?
A: flipping products and making a ton of money
B: actress
C: singer
D: working in a dog rescue
E: being a housewife
F: nurse
G: working in a mental hospital
10: Choose a vacation:
A: Disneyland with family
B: going camping
C: you prefer to stay at home
D: going hiking in the mountains
E: road trip across the state
F: beach holiday at an expensive resort
G: weekend trip to a cozy lake
Now just count your answers and the letter with the most of your answers is your girlfriend. If you have multiple letters I guess you have multiple girlfriends, congratulations✨
A: Tammy (Ocean's 8) aka the mom girlfriend
Your girlfriend is the sweetest, shows a lot of affection and also concern. She's a momma bear to be honest and will sometimes treat you like an actual baby. She totally cuts up your lunch in cute shapes
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B: Bette Tattler aka the adorable girlfriend
Your girlfriend is the biggest sweetheart and loves you unconditionally. She still blushes a lot around you and she's all dopey and adorable whenever you compliment her. soft bean
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C: Dot Tattler aka the bossy girlfriend
Your girlfriend is very bossy and likes to have her own way but she has a big soft spot for you and would do anything for you. Takes good care of you and protects
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D: Amanda (BlueJay) aka the fun girlfriend
Your girlfriend enjoys having fun with you and cracking jokes to cheer you up and making you smile. She will for sure share her beanies with you and gives you the jellybeans she doesn't like
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E: Alice Macray aka the dopey drunk girlfriend
You don't drink often but whenever you and her go to a party together or to have dinner somewhere, she is the most adorable drunk dopey bean. Will just curl up on the floor and tell you all about discovering a new way to eat food
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F: Mildred Ratched aka the badass girlfriend
Your girlfriend is one badass b*tch and will not take anyone's shit. She protects you and will always make sure you feel safe and loved. Her walls are build up high but with you she shares her secrets and fears and is completely open, showing just how much she loves you
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G: Dr. Ellie Staples aka the therapist girlfriend
Your girlfriend is always there for you, she will always listen to you very carefully and intently. You can share any secret with her and she will never judge you. Sometimes especially in arguments she will interpret way more into the situation than necessary. Soft bean
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Thank you for participating✨
@lunaticwhittaker, @minaslittleone, @winters-witch-bitch, @in-cordelias-coven, @thebijesus, @magnificent-paulsonn
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