#instead i am randomly choosing from the first 8 prompts
filopay · 1 year
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unknown | he/him | 195 cm | Saelethir | from the Stars
Visions of you Make the vision of me seem So in touch only to see Call from the mountaintop What you desire from me You never need, you never needed anyone
— Temples
[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Prompt from: @oc-tober2023 [ I am not following the same order ]
~ Home
It is strange.
To walk this earth, when it no longer resembles his memory. The brightness of his surroundings has stolen his sight, along with the absence of the moon and stars. He feels lost in a world that once was his home.
Those were the most drastic changes he noticed and felt everyday. The smaller ones only occurred to him with time. For one, they seem to favour community. The more people, the better. They prefer being around others and even crave their attention and approval. This concept of needing others has never occurred to him before.
Furthermore, they can see and yet they are blind to the many things that he saw as essential. That one took him a lot of studying and listening in and it was the most difficult to understand. He still wasn’t quite sure, he completely gets it.
They don't touch him to understand him emotionally or mentally, because whenever he reaches for them, there's no response. It seems that talking is their preferred method of communication. And they do talk. A lot.
“Sael!” He heard one of them shout the name they had given him, “What are you doing moping around in the corner on your own. You can help us.”
Sael only knew who the one speaking was, because while his surroundings remained invisible to him, he could see their essence. Each one had a different colour, a different light within them. It was alive, it told Sael of their feelings too, but some shone brighter than others and the one speaking, had a weak one. He was almost certain, he called himself Ralof and his essence was a mix of red and orange.
“Come on. There is a lot to do.” The one called Ralof said and as he moved closer, Sael could see him a little better. They liked to give people names, Sael had noticed them call each other by it to get another's attention. As they now did with him too. Which is why he needed a name, they said.
It took him some getting used to. He had never been called before, there had never been a need for it. When this place was still his home, there had been only him and the lost souls of the dead. They searched him out on purpose, for the moon and the stars were connected with Sael and he was able to guide them back to them. They needed him and thus came to him willingly. He never needed to get their attention and they didn’t need to get his.
Sometimes he wonders if that is the reason why these people killed the moon and stars. They didn’t want him to guide them back – they wanted to stay down here at all cost. Sael wasn’t sure he approved of their method though and why they kept him around if there is nothing he can do for them.
When he looked for the one called Ralof, he was already gone and off to somewhere else. Sael did not see where he went, his essence too small to track. They were all moving around a lot, Sael had listened them for a moment. Sometimes they speak to each other, other times they argue. They seemed busy and at the same time, he did not know with what exactly.
Sael’s attention was grabbed when one of the brighter ones passed him by, a shining blue, it sometimes reminded him of the light of the stars. As the only clearly visible thing to him, he followed him instead. When he stopped, Sael attempted to reach out, until he remembered, that as usual, it would be a one sided conversation on his part. So instead, he put to use his many hours of observation.
“Aegon.” He called him by his name. A shout for attention, something that should work. It was strange, hearing the sound of his own voice, foreign and clumsy to his ears.
“Ah, sorry, didn’t see you there.” Aegon’s essence flickered for a moment – he was happy to see him.
“You’re just in time to witness how marvelously I can tie a net.” Sael heard him struggle with something, then a tiny snap, “Ah, never mind, it snapped. I guess we will never know. To be honest, I don’t know why Elora has us set up decorations this early. It’s still a few weeks away and she always puts me on the most boring of tasks.
Why don’t we try something else. Something more fun. Let me see.” Aegon seems to be thinking, looking at something Sael couldn’t see.
Then suddenly, he grabbed his wrist and Sael instinctively read his feelings - there was excitement, mixed with a certain focus. He was thinking about thousands of different things at once, but all were bright and warm like his hands. At first Sael thought he liked sharing his positive emotions with others, because he was very tactile and seldom in a sour mood, but since they don’t do it to communicate with him, he wasn’t so certain why he did it at all.
Yet it wasn’t entirely unwanted, since it gave Sael a short glimpse of what they try to tell him with their many words and with Aegon, it was always a pleasant experience. Like now, he knew whatever Aegon had spotted, he was excited to share with him.
“We can choose the hanging decorations. Usually that’s what Elora does, she has a set plan for what goes where, but she always needs a ladder.” He chuckles as he pulls Sael after him, “Don’t tell her I said that.”
Aegon was also the most talkative, which was helpful, because Sael hadn't figured out how the rules of talking to each other worked yet. He was told however, that there are very strict rules to follow. Yet no one had explained to him those rules, but he doesn’t blame them. Afterall, he hadn’t told them that he mostly communicates through touch either.
“I think I will take this one, I always wanted to hang it up." He snickers as Sael hears something shuffling about in front of them, "Elora never hangs it up because it reflects the light and 'it could distract someone', but I like it."
"I like bright things."
He sees Aegon’s essence swell, glowing even brighter. "You get me." He's happy.
Not knowing what was lying there in front of him, Sael used his hands to feel about. It was a strange act in itself. Inanimate objects don’t have feelings or thoughts and yet he is touching them.
“Take the one that speaks to you the most. Whichever it is, we hang it up.” Aegon explains, “If you want me to describe them to you, let me know.”
Some were with sharp edges others were of a more fragile material, it crumbled when he touched them. Then he found one that was solid and smooth. It was thin and boney. It felt familiar. It felt like home.
He still remembers the lost souls that came to him with sorrow and grief. Anger and desperation. Their lives had ended, but their struggles followed them regardless and tied them to the ground. Touching them, it felt like the decoration in front of him. Even if the item had no feelings to get rid of, no need for him to guide it to the stars. It was familiar enough that he liked it.
“Ah, yes, that’s a classic. Good choice.” Aegon praises and with a bit more confidence, Sael draws it closer to him, “Now let’s see where we can hang it up…”
Sael took the object with him as he followed Aegon, blessed to have found a piece of home, despite it no longer resembling his memories. It seems that home was never really gone and he wonders then, where else he could find similarities. 
It made the drastic changes to this world, a little less overwhelming. [ 1.447 words ]
Next Part ➜
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subwaysurf45 · 3 years
Winter Makes Ice (Ep.7)
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Summary:  you’re captured after a brawl at the Avengers building, Bucky and others must save you before Hydra makes a new Winter Soldier out of you, Bucky has given up that title
Words: 3412
Episode: seven
Warning: PTSD, vomiting
Masterlist! Winter Makes Ice Episode: Six
Time: 8:01am 
Date: October 7th 2024
Were you running late?
Your final appointment with Bruce was today and it was scheduled for 8:00 in the morning, you had set your alarm with enough time to get there but Bucky had other plans. While you were getting up Bucky snaked his metal arm around you, he knew you couldn’t break out of it, he pulled you back in his chest so you could stay for a little longer but you managed to bribe him after giving a few kisses down his neck. As you sucked his hand relaxed and when he didn’t see it coming and you snuck out to your bathroom to get ready for the day, you knew he was too tired to get up and pull you back. 
The surgery for both your nose and removing the serum went without a hitch, though you did have a panic attack a day later because it seemed too good to be true for you, everything else went fine. Bruce managed to take samples of your skin and make them into cartilage for your nose, it took a couple days for it to marry and accept your face, it would turn really red and then lose all colour in a matter of minutes. The serum removal took longer than expected, and it turns out what Bruce’s lab was creating wasn’t what he was expecting. The antibiotic would actually get into your bloodstream and split the serum from the red blood cells, but it wouldn’t remove them, the serum would still circulate in your body but just next to the red blood cells. 
A heart-lung by-pass machine was used while you were sedated, you could have been awake but seeing your blood fill a tube and then go back into you while a bag filled with blue liquid was just extra trauma you didn’t want to see. There were always complications with being sedated, but Bucky supported you no matter what. You weren’t left feeling sick after but like you hadn’t slept in days, you found there was a difference between waking up from passing out like you did in the cell and just lack of sleep, Bucky had looked at you quizzically when you said it randomly, but you couldn’t seem to explain. 
You still get headaches from time to time, it normally comes from that same spot in the back of your head and high on your neck, you’d feel around for a scab or scar but would find nothing. There was a bump when you’d checked recently but it seemed as though it was a goose egg form getting hit, but that was so long ago. You didn’t talk about your bump much because you thought people would look at you crazy, some people already did; while others looked at you like you were a ghost. 
As you walked to Banner's lab an agent stopped talking to her friend to look you up and down, and hand came to cover her mouth but you saw the smirk in her eyes. You just shrugged and turned into the lab. 
“You’re late,” Bruce said, he was sat on his stool with everything in hand, clipboard and pen at the ready. 
“Sorry,” you smiled and sat down. 
Bruce began to do the checks, he got good at hiding that he was taking blood, he’d point across the room to show a floating hologram of all your vitals and while you were reading over them he’d quickly stick the needle in to draw a bit of blood. 
He did the same except he pinched your thigh as he stuck in the needle point to make your attention go to your leg instead of the inside of your elbow. 
“Ow!” you slapped his hand away, “I’m used to it by now, and I also trust you and know you’re not trying to stick a foreign serum into me.'' You shook your head and read the file that was left open, “I can’t believe it’s my last test,” you sighed and leaned back in the chair. 
The whirl of the centrifuge wasn’t too loud, Bruce stood beside it with one arm holding his weight on the desk. He watched as you looked over the file again and again, your finger would trace the words and slowly find their way to the corner of the page to flip. The further you got into the file the further back you went, Bruce noticed you tend to stay on your injury report page a bit longer than the others, you’d study the little picture of a person and all the ‘X’s that were drawn where you got hurt; you could barely see the human drawing underneath. He’d watch as you read over every description of the injuries you’ve gotten, one time he asked why and you looked at him and said. 
“Because I go over how to fix each injury, so when I go back into the field I can stay on my toes.” 
But he knew you were just tired of feeling like you weren’t helping when in reality you prompted a medical breakthrough, not everyone gets infected by a mind controlling serum, but the new use of a heart-lung by-pass was being looked at by hospitals. 
Bruce took the blood out of the centrifuge and looked into the vial, there was no trace of blue like there was the first time he did it, just plasma and blood. You were still reading and he knew you’d pass his test so instead of telling you he was starting the evaluation, he just did it. 
“Close that book.” He lowered his voice which sent a boom through the lab. 
You didn’t close it but it did scare you for a second, a little jump but you went right back to reading. You weren’t trying to be mean by not listening but you had to show that you wouldn’t follow orders but rather respond like a normal human, the first day you flinched for the stool when Bruce asked you to walk it over to him but after that you tended to act like he wasn’t in the room. 
“Stand up.” he barked. 
You looked over to him, “no thanks,” you smiled, Bruce smiled back. 
“Can you stand for a second, please?” Bruce squinted and leaned back on the desk, he was challenging how you’d react to an indirect command, it was an offer rather than a command. 
“I don't know, can I?” You tilted your head to the side, a wide smile was being suppressed by a terrible poker face. 
“May you please stand?” Bruce walked over with a proud smile on his face, he was no longer challenging you. 
You just laughed and stood, “only because you asked so nicely,” you let your teeth flash while you both laughed. “Why did you choose standing? That’s like, day one stuff,” you sighed from laughing and closed the file. 
“Because I want to hug you,” he opened his arms wide, “to congratulate you. Now give me a hug, that’s an order!” he giggled but laughed even more when you pretended to scope him out, “just kidding, come ‘ere, kid.” 
You fell into a hug and wrapped your arms tightly around him, Bruce did the same. It was quick but it meant the world. “Thanks for everything, Bruce.” You smiled as you walked out of the room, “I mean it, you really helped me out.” 
“Don't mention it, you’re free!” he opened his arms wide to shew you out of his lab. 
You walked out and closed the door behind you, you only took a few steps before staring off into the distance. “I guess I am…” you muttered to yourself before continuing to walk back to your room. 
As you walked you didn’t even see Bucky in the kitchen “doll!” he called and you turned instantly, “breakfast?” he tilted the frying pan over so you could see french toast. 
Your eating and sleeping were the only things that didn’t seem to get better, nightmares plagued you every night and you could barely stomach a workout smoothie. Bucky would try his best to get you to eat but he typically ate your leftovers instead of making a meal for himself, it was hard to watch because you weren’t gaining weight and he still felt guilty when he’d touch your back and feel every ridge. 
“I’ll have a bit,” you smiled and walked over, “I’m a free bird now.” you commented as he slipped the bread on your plate. 
“Way to go, babe, I knew you could do it.” He scrunched his nose and took the stool beside you, “eat slow and as much as you want, no worries.” He kissed your temple before pulling out his phone. 
You slowly started to eat, you put the corner of the bread in your mouth and chewed slowly. The sweetness and the flavour was still overpowering, you weren’t used to this much intensity and it only made you feel nauseous. As much as Bucky acted like he wasn’t paying attention you could see his eyes look over as far as he can to gauge your reaction, when you’d catch him looking he’d just cough and look forward. You only got four bites in before turning your nose up and pushing the plate to Bucky. He didn’t want to seem disappointed but he was, not in you but rather himself, nothing was working. 
“What do you think you can eat?” He asked softly. 
“Plain yogurt?” you questioned. 
“I’ll give anything a shot,” he breathed and stood. The yogurt was far back in the fridge but he found it eventually, he poured a little bowl, “you want granola?” he asked. 
“Just yogurt,” she sheepishly replied, a thin line formed on your lips. 
He served it up and went back to eating the french toast, you scooped it up and took a spoonful. It was so plain and boring, nothing tingled on your taste buds. There was no category for it, it wasn't sweet or sour, it wasn’t savoury; it was just plain. The metallic taste from the spoon had more power than the yogurt itself. Nothing to chew, no berries or granola. 
It was perfect. 
In no time you scarfed it down, the spoon clicked on the bowl as you scraped for the ends of it. Bucky had been cooking your favourite foods to make you feel at home, you liked spice and sweetness normally. You’d turn down yogurt a month ago if it didn’t have your favourite granola in it, but what both you and Bucky didn’t realize was that you started with crazy flavours instead of the basics. Butter and bread, plain crackers, and maybe some almonds sounded great right now.  
Bucky looked over in shock to see you done with your food, he watched as you went to the pantry and pulled out some unsalted crackers. You plopped a few into your mouth and just waited to see if your body would reject it, but it didn’t.
“Guess I went too fast, too soon, huh?” he let out an unhappy laugh, “you could’ve been eating for a while…” he muttered and stood. He was exhausted, the darker circles under his eyes and the flatness of his skin didn’t go unnoticed. You woke up every night screaming and thrashing around in the bed, the sheets would be piled on the floor from your arms swinging around. As much as Bucky wanted some sleep, he knew for a fact that you’d been in disposition before, you’d been the one to gently ease him out of a nightmare for three weeks straight.   
“You did your best and I love you for it,” You smiled and leaned across the counter to kiss his lips, he sat back down again, “I would have done the same thing, if it makes you feel better.”
Bucky just rubbed his face and looked up to you, “how?” was all he asked. 
“How...what?” you giggled, but Bucky didn’t crack a smile. 
“Why are you so upbeat right now, I get it you finished your tests with Banner but, god, I don’t know how you’re so happy?” He didn’t sound angry but more in disbelief, if it were him, Bucky knew he’d be curled into a ball in the middle of the bed for days, there wouldn’t be anything to make him happy. 
You just sighed and sat down next to him again, “I’m not upbeat right now, if I’m being honest,” you looked forward and the sleek grey cupboards, “I can’t train because my stitches will fall out, I can’t run for the same reason. Half of the team treats me like fine china while the other half still punches me in the arm when they tell a funny joke, if I’m hanging out with Steve he will ask if I’m okay after every little thing while Tony doesn’t seem to understand that I don’t like sneak attacks anymore.” You wiped down your face with both hands, “my head still hurts like crazy, especially in that one spot in the back, everyone is too loud and I’ve been called ‘too quiet’ too many times for me to count.” You finally looked over to Bucky who had the saddest eyes, his lips curled down as he scanned over you, “you’re the only one who I can be, somewhat, happy around because you get it. Yes, you can be very cautious but you’ve backed off when I’ve said no and you’ve learned not to push when I can’t remember much. Bucky,” you cupped his face with one hand, you could feel him push into it, “you see me happy around you because you’re the only one who knows how to put a smile on my face right now, and I’m so happy it’s you.” Before he could say anything you pulled him in for a kiss, he hummed into it and reached up to place his hand over yours; it was still resting on his stubbled cheek. 
“I didn’t know I was doing all that right, I thought I was failing.” Bucky muttered against your lips, you could feel the sadness in his voice. 
“I still can’t lift my arm up all the way without it hurting, you wash my hair and put it in the clip when I ask, you might not have figured that food out or my nightmares but you do the little things, and that’s what makes it better.” Bucky’s arms moved down to hold you at your waist, you were still close. All he could do was smile, the kind of smile you use when you get a prize for a thing you really didn’t think mattered or when you’re embarrassed of how you fell in front of everyone; his lips turned down but his eyes smiled. 
The rest of your morning flowed into your afternoon easily, you’d spent some time just lounging in the bed and keeping each other warm. Little make-out session might brew but nothing went too far, it wouldn’t for a while and you both agreed on that. At one point you fell asleep curled up against Bucky’s chest, he stayed still and when it came time, he helped you out of your nightmare. The little kisses littered your face until you were calm again, he didn’t dare to fall asleep at this point because he knew you would too and being woken up by twitches and little pleads for help weren’t something he enjoyed for his own mental health. 
Time: 9:30pm
Date: October 7th 2024
Everyone filed into the cinema room for movie night, this was your first one since you came back. Bucky had tried to talk you out of it due to it being October and a horror movie was on the list, apparently it was a early 2000’s slasher, basically the worst movie to come back to. You were done with hiding away from the team, you wanted to see them again, scary movies didn’t bother you before because you knew they were just movies and alien killers weren’t real, you really didn’t know how much could change now. 
There was a bowl of popcorn for you and Bucky, you sat in the corner so you were nestled into the armrest and the back pillow, Bucky was on your left, cautiously watching you as Nat queued up the movie. 
“I now present,” she held her arms in front of the screen, “Camp Blood!” The movie faded in from black and a hush fell over the team. People snuggled deeping into their blankets and got ready for the movie, you just leaned your head on Bucky’s shoulder and threw a few pieces of popcorn- without butter -in your mouth.
Not even a half an hour later you were really shaken up, the gore and the blood had slowly broken down your walls and gotten to your head. You had hid it so well Bucky genuinely had no idea even though he was checking in on you after every kill, a little kiss to your temple before a double check. 
“I have to pee,” you whispered to Bucky and left the room. 
You sprinted down and to the back where there was a door to the outside, the air was suffocating and you couldn’t breathe. It seemed everything you could remember was flashing in your mind all at once while new memories were coming into play, it was all so overwhelming and you couldn’t handle it. You pushed the door open and stumbled to your knees and the cold fall weather opened your lungs so wide you thought they were going to pop, the gasps came out unevenly and some were quick shots of air. Your hand was pulling and scratching at the finally held bruise on your neck, it was like you could feel the chains slowly wrapping around you like a snake's tail, coming up around your neck and squeezing tightly. 
With one push, the chains in your mind snapped and all the popcorn you had eaten came back out, right onto the deck that was power washed three days ago. A few pieces of kernels got stuck when you took your first breath in but after spitting them out you could finally breathe again. 
You sat back up on your feet and just looked into the night sky, it was too cold for you to be out here but it was peaceful. With the serum you would have been fine with this weather but that had left you, you were free now, if you wanted you could run down the grass into the forest and never see anyone ever again. It was horrifying that that idea was pleasant to you, you’d never see Bucky ever again but you could be free. 
One foot hit the grass, but then the sound of a lock pulled you from your fantasy, you looked over your shoulder to see the lights off and the red emergency lights spinning around. You ran up to bang on the door but no one could see or hear you, “let me on!” you screamed for anyone but you knew these glass doors were sound proof. “Fuck!” 
“Soldat,” you froze, the voice you remembered vividly rang through your head, you shook it off and kept pounding on the door, “they’re never going to help you,” it chanted in your mind. 
“No, let me in!” you screamed again, your head hit the glass door in defeat, the voice mocked you in your brain. You pulled away from the glass and looked into the building, but then your focal point focused on the reflection. 
“Soldat, break in and kill them all.” the voice said, the slick hair and the notch in his brow, the leader that got away. To your horror, your break straightened and your chin went up, you turned towards the man who never gave you his name. He dressed in all black and wore a Hydra pin over his heart, “you really think we’d let you get away?” he asked, “you really think we only gave you the serum?”
“What is happening?” you asked, your mind was being taken over. 
“I’ll say it again. Soldat, break in and kill them all.” his smile grew. 
You didn’t want to, but somehow the other part of you did. 
And the glass shattered with one punch. 
Winter Makes Ice tag list: @small-death-and-codeine​ @commonintrest​ @buckyys-doll​  @lil-baby-nor @wafflesncream​​
let me know if you want a tag!!!
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iceberg-week · 4 years
The time has come to suggest your prompts for Iceberg Week 2021!
Hello everyone! As you know by now, Iceberg Week 2021 is set to take place on July 6-July 14 this year! While this gives us plenty of time to get ready, we still have to do some early planning! And now, it’s time to pick the prompts for this year! 
Reminder from our second last post: 
Last year’s prompts will be allowed as candidates for this year’s prompts.
The voting will proceed as usual, everyone submits simple theme prompts, and they will all be placed into a poll to be voted on. 
This year we will be doing double prompts so as to allow for a little more variety and choice in the week. So instead of the top 7 prompts making it in like with last year, it will be the top 14 prompts, randomly paired up and assigned to the first 7 days (Day 8 is Free Choice Prompt Day) once voted on. You can choose one of the two that you prefer, or combine them, as you so wish. 
Here are some rules for the prompt suggestion form:
Send as many as you like, whether it be multiple in one response or multiple responses! We want more options for people to choose from! But to make it easier for us to put them in the poll, separate the prompts with punctuation.
They must be short and simple. Preferably stuff like events (eg. "First Date", "Wedding", "Vacuo/Mistral Reunion"), activities ("eg. Shopping", "Henry Marigold encounter"), themes ("Trust", "Loyalty", "Respect", "Angst", "Loss"), Alternate Universes (eg. "Harry Potter AU", "Domestic AU", "Actor AU").
Try not to submit longer, more specifically worded prompts. Any that do will, if possible, be simplified in the voting poll (eg. something like "Neptune geeks out about his favorite series to Weiss" will be simplified to "Sharing favorite series").
While we will be accepting NSFW uses of themes in submissions for Iceberg Week (so long as they're tagged with appropriate content warnings), we will not be accepting prompts that are specifically NSFW. Stuff like "First Time" is acceptable (as "First Time" doesn't necessarily have to refer to sex) or "Bath"/"Shower"/"Bathing Together"/"Showering Together" (since that can be done in a non-explicit manner), but if it explicitly mentions sexual stuff it won't be allowed.
If you have any questions or confusion about what's appropriate or inappropriate to send or other Iceberg related stuff, feel free to ask us in the ask box on Tumblr (Do NOT ask questions through this form cause otherwise you won't be getting an answer back).
On that matter, also do NOT send prompts through the ask box, or you'll get a response telling you to send it in the form.
The poll will run for about one week, closing on around Sunday January 17 at approximately 12:00 AM PST.
HOWEVER, I may extend this date if there are very few responses/prompts in the form, and I will announce it if I make this decision.
Still, submit your prompts ASAP, I'd like this to go on for no longer than a month.
And with that being said...
Click here for the form!
Have fun everyone!
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Lost Boy Chapter 9: The Blue Journal
Summary: When his family moves from San Francisco to the town of Shadyside, T.J. thought his life would change. And it did. He just didn’t think it would come in the form of the ghost of a boy who haunted his new bedroom.
Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, Chapter 8
@delicatesleeper,@ibroughtachallah,@frenchtohste,@alittletooliteralleah,@tyrusmagocious,@tjskipping, @mirrorslover, @opatrickr, @lesbianrelateddeath, @justkimberley,@burning-hot-pan,@green-lemonboys,@anotherangelfromspace,@thebisexualweirdo,@likelightning-inabottle,@thedampjofangirl, @fizasdr, @awkward-bisexual-alien, @whipashwhipash, @abg-blah,@atthemomentimintothis,@emberofthefrost, @sana-drinks-isklar, @tyrusisobviouslyendgame, @delilahdee00, @lazymarvelfan, @glitch-ditch-canonbitch, @miracufan
A/N: I’m so sorry for the delay! It’s been such a busy week for me! Hopefully, this makes up for it!
“We’re visiting Cyrus this Saturday. Are you free?”
T.J. tried not to look too excited and had to restrain himself from quickly answering Buffy’s inquiry.
He was having breakfast with her, Andi, and Jonah before school. 
(Marty would have joined them too, but he had morning training for track. Libby and Walker were also absent that morning, probably having breakfast with just the two of them somewhere else.)
After getting to know him, T.J. didn’t know anyone else who smiled as much as Jonah did. The boy was like the sun - all bright and warm - and it was a wonder why he hadn’t blinded any of them yet with his dimples and pearly white teeth. 
T.J. could see why Cyrus liked him. And if he felt a little hint of jealousy...Well, he was willing to ignore it because Jonah was just so darn nice.
“Yeah,” T.J. replied. He paused for a moment before asking, “Can I come?”
“Duh! That’s why I asked!” Buffy grinned. “I’m sure his parents would want to meet you since you live in his dad’s house now.”
“Cool. I wanna thank them for the awesome room.”
And the awesome person they raised their son to become, but T.J. kept that to himself.
Andi fiddled with her banana nut muffin. “You think they’re mad at us for not visiting in a long time?” she asked, worriedly.
“I’m sure they’ll understand,” Jonah responded, with a smile as always. “I mean, I would have loved to visit him more but I didn’t want to go alone. And…” He trailed off, his smile fading a little. “It’s kind of hard to see him like that.”
Silence fell upon them. Buffy looked down at her carton of orange juice. Andi continued picking at her muffin. Jonah just sat there, frowning. And T.J. eyed each and every one of them, honing in on the guilt and longing they were exuding.
They really treasured Cyrus. Every mention of him could cause a once jovial atmosphere to drop drastically. It only strengthened his will to do everything he could to bring Cyrus back.
It had been a week since he found out the truth and T.J. did all the research. He went through every paranormal book he could find in the school library’s limited collection and the Shadyside Public Library. He went online, reading through forums and blogs. He even considered consulting an occult witch he found on YouTube but Amber freaked out when he told her and yelled at him until he promised not to.
“So…what are Cyrus’ parents like?” he randomly asked.
The question prompted smiles from his friends (his friends!) as they all chimed in, telling their stories in a fond tone. 
T.J. arrived home that day to find Cyrus sitting cross-legged on his bed, reading one of his books. When he looked closer, the title read “The Two Towers”. Cyrus was a Tolkien fan, too.
He looked up just as T.J. pushed the door shut and beamed. “Welcome home! How was school?”
T.J. tried to ignore the fluttering in his chest and the bubble of joy warming his stomach. It happened often now. Instead, he dropped his backpack by his desk and walked over to the bed.
“It was okay,” he answered, settling down beside the ghost. “Had a math quiz, that wasn’t fun.”
“But, the tutoring helps, right?”
T.J. took a deep breath. “Yeah, I guess. Just wish my brain worked right.”
There was a short, silent pause before the sound of a book shutting close reached his ears. Cyrus had put the book away and scooted closer to him, their arms touching.
“Your brain is working just fine,” he said, gently. “It’s just wired differently. There’s nothing wrong with you.”
T.J. blinked in surprise. 
No one had ever said that to him before. Ever since they found out when he got tested back in Middle School, the shame of his dyscalculia continued to follow him. Sure, his mom and sister were sympathetic, but they were just as lost and clueless about it as he was. Nonetheless, they supported him as much as they could despite his learning disability. 
But, he was never told that his brain was just fine… that there was nothing wrong with him.
“Thanks,” he managed, smiling. “So, what did you do today?”
“Oh! I went to the park for a bit! It was a nice day and the ducks were out! Then, I came back here and immersed myself in the magical world of Middle Earth.”
“Sounds like you had a relaxing day.”
Cyrus shrugged. “Yeah, well, nothing much for me to do, really.”
Right. Because he was a ghost.
T.J. cleared his throat. “Hey, so, Buffy told me that they’re visiting you at the hospital this Saturday.”
Cyrus’ eyes sparkled. “Really? That’s so sweet of them!”
“And… they asked me to go with them.” T.J. hesitated before asking, “Is that okay with you?”
“Of course! Why wouldn’t it be? And you might meet my parents! All four of them! This is so exciting!”
Cyrus’ hands were excitedly flailing about the place. The boy was practically vibrating in his seat.
T.J. had to hold back a chuckle. “Yeah, about that… is there… anything you’d like me to pass on to your parents? Any messages?”
“Oh, I haven’t thought about that.” Cyrus pursed his lips in thought. “Well… you know, one of my regrets was not coming out to them. I wish they knew the full truth about me.”
T.J. knew the feeling. He had come out to Amber first when he was 12 and she supported him when he decided to come out to their mom a year later. It was like a giant weight off his chest. Now, if only he could tell her about this other ability. It felt more daunting than simply telling his mom that he was gay.
“Oh. Well, do you want me to say something?” he asked. “It might be a little tricky ‘cause Andi and Buffy don’t know that I know. And I don’t want to make it seem like I’m outing you, you know. Technically, you’re still alive-.”
“Brain dead.”
“But, they see you as alive.”
Cyrus frowned at him before simply sighing and shaking his head. Then, his eyes widened.
“Wait… there is a way. That box in the closet still has my journal.”
“You kept a diary?” T.J.’s eyebrow raised.
“Journal!” Cyrus huffed. “It’s where I wrote my most inner thoughts and feelings to help me cope. And… I also wrote a lot about questioning my sexuality and finally admitting it. You can give them that.”
T.J. pursed his lips. “That could work. Technically, it’s coming from you, right? I can say I found it in my room… your room… our room.”
When Cyrus’ cheeks darkened, T.J. realized what his words implied.
“Oh, you know I didn’t mean-.”
“I know what you meant,” Cyrus chuckled.
Embarrassed and feeling a little red and warm, himself, the blonde took the opportunity to head for the closet. He pried open the loose floorboard and took out Cyrus’ box. The photos were now in Andi and Buffy’s possession but the blue notebook was still there.
He set it down on the floor and sat down cross-legged. He felt Cyrus move next to him as he opened the top. The blue notebook laid there, as if waiting to be revealed once more.
Cyrus reached in, taking a hold of it. He ran his fingers over the cover, looking contemplative, before opening it up. He thumbed through the pages, eyes briefly scanning them before he paused on a page. He stared at it for a moment before passing it over to T.J.
The entry was dated two years ago and in it, Cyrus spoke about meeting Jonah Beck for the first time, describing his hair, eyes, and dimples in detail using huge words that T.J. would never associate anyone using in a diary…. Journal.
And the Jonah-centric entries continued on for several more pages. The more he read, the more T.J.’s stomach churned, and not in a pleasant way.
“You…uh… really like Jonah,” he managed, hoping his voice didn’t give away his slight jealousy.
Cyrus shrugged. “He was my first crush. And the one who made me realize I was gay.” He flashed a pointed look at T.J. “I’m sure you had one.”
T.J. coughed. “Um… yeah.”
Looking intrigued now, Cyrus grinned and wiggles his eyebrows. “Ooohh...Who was it?”
“Uh…” T.J. hesitated.
“Come on, you know about mine. I wanna know about yours, too. Who was it?”
So, they were sharing crushes now like they were in middle school or a Slumber Party or something? What next? Spin the bottle?
Cyrus was vibrating in excitement, genuinely interested in knowing. 
Sighing in defeat, T.J. relented. “He was this guy who used to live in our apartment building back in San Francisco. He was about three years older than me. I met him when I was ten and he taught me how to play basketball. At first, I thought I just saw him like a brother, ‘cause it wasn’t like I had an older brother to compare him to. Then, he introduced his girlfriend to me and I… got mad. He never figured it out, though. Just thought I was being a weird kid.”
His name was Jason and T.J. stopped talking to him after the girlfriend incident.
He had been terrified of his feelings, choosing to ignore them for the longest time, just like how he ignored his abilities.
Cyrus’ little chuckle broke through his thoughts. “Crushes, am I right?” he joked.
T.J.’s lips twitched. “Yeah.” He looked down at the journal again. “Are you sure you want me to give this to your parents?”
“Yeah, they deserve to know.” The ghost followed T.J.’s gaze. “Maybe this is my unfinished business. Can I trust you to get it to them, safely?”
T.J.’s chest twitched, hating the thought of Cyrus moving on. But, he looked so hopeful. He wanted to do this. And, he did promise to help Cyrus. He would never go back on his word. 
Reaching out, T.J. took hold of the other boy’s cold hand and squeezed it. “You can count on me, Ghost Boy.”
Cyrus squeezed his hand back. “Thanks, Sixth Sense.”
Although the wait felt long and excruciating, Saturday finally rolled around.
After lunch, T.J. had gotten dressed in his nicest hoodie, stuffed Cyrus’ journal into his backpack, and bid his mom and sister goodbye before heading out to meet Andi and the others at The Red Rooster. From there, they would take the bus to Shadyside Memorial Hospital.
Strangely, Cyrus was nowhere to be seen all morning. It kind of saddened T.J. as he left the house but, nonetheless, he ventured on. He had a mission to do, after all.
As he walked, headphones on, a sudden presence behind him made the hair on his arms stand up. But, he tried not to let his panic show.
“Hey,” a voice broke through the classic rock playing in his ears.
To his relief, the voice was familiar. He felt himself relax as Cyrus glided up next to him.
“What are you doing here?” T.J. asked in a low tone as he subtly turned off the music. “Not that I’m not happy to see you but I haven’t seen you all day.”
“I just needed some alone time to think.” Cyrus stared off into the distance. “And I realized that I’ve been avoiding seeing Andi and Buffy because I couldn’t bear to see them mad at each other. But, now that they’re getting along again, and Jonah, too, I want to see them. And… I want to see how my parents react when they read my journal.”
T.J. felt his stomach churn. “Do you really think that’s your unfinished business? For your parents to know?”
He wasn’t sure about this mission, anymore.
Cyrus shrugged. “I don’t know. But, it’s something that I know I have to do. For my own peace of mind and theirs.”
Well, T.J. couldn’t argue with that. So, he simply nodded and silently continued on his way. Cyrus was uncharacteristically silent and he realized that the ghost didn’t talk for T.J.’s own benefit. There were a lot of people out and about and even if he could pretend to talk on the phone, a serious conversation such as theirs was best done in private.
As he got closer to The Red Rooster, he easily spotted Buffy’s curls, Andi’s colorful headband, and Jonah’s dimples. Clutched in Andi’s hands was a bouquet of white and purple flowers.
He bounded over to them. “Hey! Am I late?”
“Only by about five minutes,” Buffy replied, teasingly. “Don’t worry, we can still make the bus.”
“Hi, guys,” Cyrus said, smiling sadly at his friends who couldn’t see him. “I miss you.”
No one caught the way T.J.’s face fell at that, eager the others were to get going.
The bus ride took about fifteen minutes and another minute or two walk from the bus stop. T.J. followed the three as they made their way inside the hospital. They gave their names to the receptionist and the reason for their visit before they were given passes. Then, they took the elevator up to the 4th floor.
All the while, Cyrus glided quietly behind them.
They found the room and Buffy knocked on the door. It opened seconds later by a woman who smiled when she saw them.
“Girls!” she exclaimed, joyfully.
She opened her arms and Andi and Buffy fell into them as she wrapped them in a hug. Then, she spotted Jonah and gave him a hug, too. When her eyes fell on T.J., he nervously straightened his back, immediately.
“Hi, Mrs. Goodman,” he greeted. “I’m T.J. Kippen.”
“He’s the one I told you about,” Buffy explained. “The one who moved into Mr. Goodman’s old house.”
“Oh, yes. Of course.” She extended a hand to him. “I’m Leslie. It’s so nice to meet you, T.J.”
T.J. politely accepted her handshake. “You, too.”
Leslie stepped aside. “Come on in. I’m watching him this afternoon but Sharon is coming by later.” She turned to T.J. “Sharon is Cyrus’ father’s wife. They owned the house you live in now but they had to sell it when it was clear that Cyrus…” Her voice began to break. “Can’t wake up yet.”
She sounded hopeful, but there was a strain behind that hope.
Across the room, Cyrus had reappeared and was watching them. 
T.J. paused by the door, his eyes immediately falling on the bed and the figure surrounded by machines that made faint beeping sounds. He had various tubes and wires connected to him, the hospital blanket tucked neatly and lovingly over the lower half of his body.
Buffy was the first to reach the comatosed boy, her hand immediately reaching out to hold his unmoving hand as she settled on the empty chair beside the bed.
“Hey, Cy,” she said, softly. “It’s Buffy. It’s been a while, huh?”
T.J. had never heard Buffy sound so soft and… vulnerable.
“Sorry we haven’t come by to see you. It’s just been… difficult. But, we’re here now. All of us. Andi, Jonah, and I. And, we brought a friend.”
She turned to T.J., who suddenly had everyone’s eyes on him.
Nervously, he moved closer and cleared his throat. “Uh… hey, Cyrus. I’m T.J. It’s nice to meet you.”
Ghost Cyrus chuckled. “It’s nice to meet you, too, T.J.,” he piped, cheekily.
T.J.’s lip twitched, holding back his laughter lest he offended the others in the room.
But, they all smiled and the tension in the room appeared to dissipate.
It shocked T.J. to the core to see Cyrus’ body. His real, breathing, still body. 
The boy was pale, his cheeks gaunt and not quite as prominent, and he looked... broken. Not like the bright version of Cyrus he had gotten to know. He was almost a perfect twin of the ghost standing in the corner. 
And T.J.’s heart ached at seeing all the wires attached to him and the tube stuck down his throat. He didn’t like seeing his friend like this. He wanted him to wake up… to open those pretty brown eyes filled with life and look at T.J.
He would do everything he could to make that happen.
Andi placed her bouquet on Cyrus’ bedside before sidling up next to Buffy.
“Hey, Cy. I made you something.” She produced a colorful threaded bracelet from her pocket and wrapped it around the boy’s thin wrist, next to the plastic hospital bracelet. “Giving you a little color, okay? So when you wake up, you’ll know that we were here.” Her lower lip trembled and her voice got softer. “We’re still waiting for you.”
“Yeah, CyGuy.” Jonah moved to Cyrus’ other side. “So, you gotta wake up soon, okay? Remember? I promised to help you perfect your skateboarding. I know the last time didn’t go so well, but we’ll do it right, this time. Okay?” His breath hitched. “Okay, Cy?”
T.J. couldn’t move. He wanted to. But, every muscle of his was frozen as his friends spoke to Cyrus while Cyrus’ ghost fondly but sadly watched them in the corner.  
He felt a hand on his shoulder and he turned his head to see Cyrus’ mother smiling kindly at him.
“Why don’t you take a seat, T.J.?” she told him, gesturing to the loveseat opposite the bed.
T.J. accepted the offer, removing his backpack and placing it on the floor.
It wasn’t the right time to give Cyrus’ mom the journal. He would have to wait.
Cyrus’ ghost settled next to him, smiling. “That’s my mom,” he said, proudly. “She recently cut her hair. It looks nice.”
T.J. could only smile in response but Cyrus didn’t take offense, knowing T.J. couldn’t answer while there were others around.
“What do you think he would say if he was awake right now?” Jonah randomly asked, his gaze still on Cyrus.
“He’d probably pout and get mad that we were gone for so long,” Buffy replied, laughing. “But, he wouldn’t be angry for too long.”
“No, I’d never get mad at you, guys… too much,” ghost Cyrus stated.
“He doesn’t sound like someone who’d be mad at you, guys, too much,” T.J. stated.
Cyrus flashed him a grateful smile as the others laughed.
“That’s so true,” Andi stated, brushing Cyrus’ hair to the side with her fingers. “How is that he still has the same haircut?”
“Oh, I’ve been cutting his hair,” Leslie volunteered the information from her place by the door. “I figured that as soon as he wakes up, he’d prefer to still look like himself. Although…” A smile played on her lips. “He looks older, doesn’t he? And that liquid diet just got rid of all his baby fat.”
“Mom cuts my hair,” Cyrus clarified to T.J.
“That’s really sweet,” T.J. said. “He looks great, Mrs. Goodman.”
The woman beamed at him, a smile so reminiscent of Cyrus. “Thank you, dear.”
“You heard that, Cyrus?” Andi said. “T.J. thinks you look great. So, you should wake up so you can see it, too.”
A moment passed with no one saying anything, only watching Cyrus’ body laying still in hope.
Beside T.J., Cyrus’ ghost sighed.
Leslie broke the silence. “So, kids. How’s school?”
That got everyone talking again, happy at the distraction.
Leslie loved to talk, T.J. learned. He now saw where Cyrus got the trait from. She talked to them about anything – how great the hospital staff was, the antics of her neighbors, and funny childhood stories about Cyrus, Andi, and Buffy.
An hour later, she had led most of the conversations and T.J. had known more information about strangers than he really cared to know. But, at least he got to listen to stories about Cyrus, who looked like he wanted to disappear in embarrassment (he could have if he wanted to and T.J. didn’t know why he stayed).
“We best be going Mrs. Goodman,” said Buffy as everyone got to their feet.
“Thank you for having us,” added Andi.
Leslie nodded and opened her arms to hug everyone. “Thank you all for coming. I hope to see you again. I’m sure Cyrus would like that.”
“We’ll definitely come again,” Jonah promised as pulled away from her hug.
When it was his turn, T.J. hesitated. “You, guys, go ahead. I, uh, have something I need to say to Mrs. Goodman. I’ll meet you in the lobby.”
His friends flashed him curious looks but thankfully, they didn’t ask.
When the door closed, he turned back to the older woman. Cyrus’ ghost stood behind her, nervously wringing his hands. He caught T.J.’s gaze and nodded, giving him the okay.
“Um, Mrs. Goodman… There’s something I need to give you.” With that, he reached into his backpack and pulled out the blue notebook. “I found this in my room. I think it might have been your son’s room so… I figured I’d give it to you.”
Leslie carefully took the notebook, like she was afraid it was going to break if she touched it the wrong way.
T.J. nervously stuffed his hands into the pocket of his hoodie. “I’m sorry, I kind of opened it and read some of it before I realized what it was. But… I think you should take a look. I’m sure Cyrus would want you to know.”
“T-Thank you, dear,” she replied, unable to keep her eyes off it.
T.J. nodded before accepting her short hug.
“I’ll stay for a bit,” Cyrus called out after him. “See you at home.”
As T.J. closed the door, he caught a glimpse of Leslie sitting on the edge of comatosed Cyrus’ bed and opening the journal. Cyrus’ ghost sat next to her, wrapping his arms around his mother, cuddling close. The woman visibly shivered yet continued reading the page she had opened to.
Just a few days ago, Cyrus had chosen an entry and marked it with the little ribbon that served a bookmark, wanting it to be the first thing his parents read.
“Oh, Cyrus…” Leslie breathed, bringing a hand up to her mouth. “Oh, baby, I’m so sorry.” She turned to Cyrus’ comatosed form and took his hand, holding it close to her heart. “I should have known.”
It felt like an intrusion, watching Cyrus’ mother react to her son coming out to her via a private journal.
Releasing a breath, T.J. closed the door all the way and headed down to the lobby to meet up with his friends.
For most of the afternoon and well into the evening, T.J. was restless and worried that Cyrus wouldn’t come back.
If giving his parents a journal full of his personal thoughts and confessions was truly his unfinished business, then T.J. may never see him again.
And, to be honest, it scared T.J.
Cyrus wouldn’t move on without saying goodbye, right?
“Nice to see you out of your room for once.”
T.J. turned away from the microwave where he had been blankly staring at the popcorn bag spinning as it made popping noises. 
Amber made her way towards him and hopped up on a stool at the counter.
“What are you talking about?” he asked, confused.
“Well, you always seem like you have no desire of ever leaving your room,” she huffed, sounding almost bitter. “You spend all your time with your little ghost boyfriend.”
“He’s not my boyfriend!” T.J. spluttered, his cheeks heating up.
Amber raised a skeptical eyebrow at him. “You might as well be. You barely have any time for me.”
T.J. opened his mouth to deny it but the look on her face stopped him. She was genuinely upset. And it dawned on him that in the last couple of weeks or so, he had been so preoccupied with helping Cyrus and spending time with him. He only really saw his sister during meal times at home and at The Spoon if she was working when he stopped by with his friends.
He and Amber often spent time together back in San Francisco, whether it was shopping, going to the movies, or just hanging out at home watching Netflix. But, lately, he was either out with Buffy and the others or holed up in his room with Cyrus. 
His mom never said a word about it, seeing as she was busy as well. But, it looked like Amber was feeling rather lonely. He didn’t even know if she had managed to make any new friends at Grant like he did (granted, that was due to Cyrus, but still).
He understood why Amber was unhappy with him and now felt guilty for ignoring his sister.
“Hey.” He walked closer and placed a hand over hers. “I’m sorry.”
Her lips twitched a little at his apology.
“How about you and I hang out tomorrow? We can go to the movies. We can ask mom, too, if she’s not feeling too lazy. We’ll make it a family day.”
He wanted to make a quip about wondering if he was truly the youngest in the family. But, seeing Amber break into a smile made him hold his tongue.
She played nonchalant. “Sure. Whatever.”
He grinned. “But, for tonight, just… let me hang out with Cyrus, okay? He had a pretty trying day. I just wanna cheer him up when he gets back.”
The microwave beeped, announcing that his popcorn was ready.
“You two are getting really close,” Amber stated, as she watched him pour the popcorn into a bowl. “Be careful, T.J.”
“Cyrus wouldn’t hurt me.”
“That’s not what I meant.”
He turned to see worry drawn all over his sister’s face.
“I just don’t want you to get hurt when he finally moves on,” she continued. “And I know you’re trying to find a way to get him back to his body, but T.J., he’s brain dead. There’s nothing for him to come back to-.”
“Don’t say that,” T.J. hissed, his eyes narrowing. “I can help him. I know I can. I just… need to figure out what I’m missing. There has to be a way.”
“I know you’re worried about me, Ambs. But, I know what I’m doing.”
He really didn’t but his pride and desire to keep Cyrus around was making him spout these lies. If he believed them enough, they might just come true.
Biting her lip, Amber hopped off her stool and walked over to him. “Just… know that I’m here for you, okay?”
His irritation slowly dissipated as his sister’s concern and support reminded him that she had always been his partner-in-crime and he loved her so. She was his big sister and the best one there was, even though he would never tell her to her face.
“Thanks, Ambs.”
He gave her a brief hug before grabbing his bowl of popcorn and heading back to his room.
When he entered, there was already a figure sitting on his bed, going through his Netflix selection on his laptop that he left open earlier before he went to get popcorn.
Cyrus looked up when the door closed. “T.J.! They have ‘Incredibles 2’ now! Can we watch it?”
T.J. smiled and said, “Sure.”
Cyrus scooted over so he could make himself comfortable, pillow propped up on his back and the bowl of popcorn on his lap.
“Um…so… how were your parents?” he couldn’t help but ask.
Cyrus’ hand hovered over the trackpad. He bit his lip, appearing to contemplate before answering.
“They were accepting,” he said, happy smile playing on his lips. “Mom read my journal first. She… uh… cried.” He chuckled. “I guess I get the dramatics from her. I waited until my step-mom came by a couple of hours later. Mom showed her the journal. Then, they told my dad and step-dad over dinner.” He leaned back against T.J.’s other pillow behind him. “I wish I could have told them, myself. I wish I could feel their hugs and hear them tell me that they still loved me, no matter who I chose to love.” He sighed. “But, either way, it felt so…freeing.”
“I’m so happy for you, Cyrus.”
Cyrus’ eyes twinkled as they met his. “And I have you to thank, T.J.”
T.J. beamed. “Anything for a friend.”
“If it wasn’t for you, they wouldn’t know at all. To be honest, I’m ready to move on any minute now.” 
He chuckled.
And just like that, T.J.’s heart fell to his stomach. “Do you… feel any different? Like you’re fading? Or do you see a light? Or… something?”
To his relief, Cyrus shook his head. “No. No different than usual.” He sighed, sadly. “I guess that wasn’t my unfinished business. I had really hoped…”
Feeling a lump in his throat, T.J. swallowed, though painfully so. “Why do you want to move on?” he forced the question out.
Cyrus pursed his lips. “Didn’t you see my mom earlier? She was putting on a face for you, guys. To show you that she was still holding on. But… she’s not. Her hope is dying. And the same goes for my step-parents and my dad… My friends… They’re all waiting for me to wake up but it’s been more than a year since I fell into a coma. They’re losing hope but they’re still holding on. And I just… want them to let me go so they can move on with their lives. They deserve that.”
“But-,” T.J. started to protest but Cyrus interrupted him.
“I know what you’re going to say, T.J, and I would appreciate it if you didn’t.” His tone was cold and firm and it made T.J. not speak any further. “I’m thrilled that my parents accept me and I just want to celebrate that tonight. Please?”
Who was T.J. to deny him that?
Sighing, he nodded. “So… ‘Incredibles 2’?”
A look of gratitude fell over Cyrus’ face and he nodded.
T.J. leaned over and clicked “play” on his laptop before settling back into his pillow. Beside him, Cyrus also leaned back, his shoulder touching T.J.’s lightly.
“Hey,” T.J. spoke up as the opening credits rolled on the screen. “I really am happy for you, Cyrus. You deserve everything.”
The ghost smiled up at him. “Thank you, T.J. For everything.”
The rest of the night passed, peacefully.
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little-kitten-aqua · 7 years
Tagged by the darling @chris-phd​!! Thank you sweetie!!
1. How did you come up with your username and what does it mean?
Oh geez, the question I allllll ways have trouble answering. I started tumblr as “catofmanyfandoms” at the tender age of 15, and you know I don’t remember when I changed it to little-kitten-aqua... There’s not a real story behind it other than Aqua is a nickname I had for a loooooong time, and I love little kittens?
2. Which fanfic of yours has the most feedback? (bookmarks/subscriptions/hits/kudos)
I’m gonna make a guess before I go check and say it’s YVC....
Yup. Yokohama Vampire Crisis in every category besides hits, in which it looses to “Bad Kittens Get Spanked.” Why.. I don’t know.
3. What is your AO3 profile icon, and why did you choose it?
Dazai!! Honestly Dazai and I are so similar I couldn’t make my icon anything but him!
4. Do you have any regular/favourite commenters?
I mean, Stuffie always spoils me with their long, in-depth reviews of my stuff
5. Is there a fanfic that you keep going back to read again and again?
Oh geez, I download a ton of fanfics for reading again and again and again and especially when my internet is down. I think I’m up in the 30s with saved fanfics from AO3??
6. How many stories are you subscribed to? How many do you have bookmarked?
I.... I think I only have Seikibetsu subscribed... I’m a picky person with my stories that I follow. As for bookmarks, I’ve been trying to keep up with those and make more of them instead of just flittering off in an ADD haze but yeah.. not going too well.
7. Which AU do you find yourself writing the most?
Oh geez. Definitely omega verse. Hands down. YVC is even edited omega verse.... Omega verse really is just my favorite thing.
8. How many people are subscribed and bookmarked to you in total? (you can view this on the stats page)
!!! A lot more than I thought!!! 9 User subscriptions, 79 bookmarks, and 17 subscriptions!! Wow!!!!
9. Is there something you’d like to write about but are afraid of people judging you for it? (Feeling brave? If so, share it!)
There are some more taboo things that I consider writing, but considering they’re preeeeeeeetty taboo I’m not sure I’d ever share them.
I mean, I made huge strides with the fucking medical kink fic.
10. Is there anything you would like to be better at? Writing certain scenes or genres, replying to comments, updating better, etc.
Oh geez my fight scenes probably need help. That and my pacing, sometimes I just speed through things cause I don’t find them interesting. Just gimme that good fluff, please~!
11. Do you write rarepairs or popular ships more often?
Usually rarepairs! But there are a few fandoms in which I like more popular ships.
12. How many stories have you posted on AO3 to this day (finished and unfinished)?
13. How many stories do you have saved in/with your writing program?
..... ....... A lot
14. Do you write down story ideas, or just keep them in your head?
Oh geez, I do a ton of different stuff and keep ideas all over the place, sometimes I just run across ideas randomly when cleaning out files and I’m like “oh that’s nice!” and then place it somewhere else and completely forget about it.
15. Have you ever co-authored a story?
16. How did you discover AO3?
Oh geez it was probably a while ago, even though I only joined earlier this year. It was probably during one of the fanfiction.net purges haha!
17. Do you consider yourself to be a popular or famous author in your fandom(s) on AO3?
Maybe??? I dunno! I know I’m the only one in the Dazai/Kunikida/Katai tag and I’m a lot of the Kunikida/Dazai tag so... maybe??
18. Do you have a nickname or fandom name for your readers?
Not really!! I think “kittens” is a cute nickname, though!
19. Was there an author who inspired or encouraged you to write?
Oh geez, Stuffie did a ton to encourage me to keep going with YVC and other stuff, but there’s really never been one exact driving force behind my work.
20. What writing advice would you give to a beginning author?
Just write it. It might suck, but you can’t create something good until you’ve worked out all of the bad. And even then you’ll make bad stuff. Just enjoy what you’re doing and you’re good!
21. Do you plot out your stories, or do you just figure it out as you go?
Oh gosh, I’m so all over the place with this. I get some plots out and others I just wing it and work as I go. YVC is one that I’ve done intensive plotting for, but that was with help and everything haha
22. Have you ever gotten a bad comment on a story? If so, what did you do?
HAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAH YEAH. I’ve gotten some shitty stuff. So I turned anonymous comments off and comment moderation on and waited for a while. Yeah, transphobes and some other choice characters have come to me.
23. Is there a certain type of scene that you have a hard time writing? (action, smut, etc..)
Fight scenes are reeeeaaaally hard, and since I tend to focus more on the erotica side of things, f/f scenes are really fucking difficult for me. I just get bored and flitter off, or get uncomfy.
24. What story(s) are you working on now?
Well, I (surprisingly!!!!) just finished part one of YVC so now I’m on to work on part 2, and then whatever the hell I decide to do next hahaha!!
25. Do you plan your next project(s) before you finish your current ongoing story(s)?
Oh man hell no. It’s a party up in my brain, ideas all over the place. Who knows what’s going on? Not me.
26. Do you have a daily writing goal set for yourself?
PFFFFFFFT. I rarely have enough energy to finish everything I need to do in one day, why would I give my disabled ass more?
27. Do you think you’ve improved as a writer since you first started?
I... think so? I mean, I’ve improved from when I was writing my first fanfics at 2... but that’s just age and experience. But I mean even just from the beginning of YVC to now, I think I’ve improved at least a little bit.
28. What is your favorite story that you’ve written?
I love nearly all of my stories? There’s not a lot that I don’t like. I really only write what I want to, so that helps me like it all.
29. What is your least favorite story that you’ve written?
Oh boy there are, however, a few pieces from prompt lists that I feel like I just fucking bombed. They’re shorter pieces mostly cause I lost interest half-way through, or tried something new only for it to fail spectacularly.
30. Where do you see yourself (as a writer) in 5 years?
Ideally? I’ve got a nice fully-funded Patreon to make/write ero games and everything’s good.
31. What is the easiest thing about writing?
Smut. Boy I am so versed in writing smut.
32. What is the hardest thing about writing?
You second-guess yourself sooooo much. It’s a lot of the reason why I post mostly non-beta’d stuff!
33. Why do you write?
Um.... That’s a great question. I write cause it... comes naturally to me? I don’t have to work super hard to churn out a lot. It’s also really freeing, you can write anything happening. You can write magical fairytale romances that you know would never exist in real life but you can imagine and dream and there’s nothing stopping you but the limits of language. (Which themselves can be bent and broken) So really, I like the freedom it gives me.
As for tagging people, ummmm.... if you wanna do this feel free! I’m always so bad at tagging OTL
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jess-oh · 6 years
hey journal! 
i had a pretty good day today but it was all ruined so quickly.
i started the day by waking up late and so, i didnt meet linda in time at the fullerton red line stop at 8am this morning and i felt super bad but i chose to just take a lyft instead. i debated on training it up to jenny but by that time. i’d get to church by 10am and i wasnt sure if i would even make it in time so i just decided to take a lyft instead. i made a commitment to come early and although i would be very late, it was better to come a little early than not at all! and i had a good time talking with my lyft driver about church and my busy schedule anyway! and i think i’m getting the hang of finding the balance of listening intently and actually caring for others and sharing my own experiences. as of right now, ive been trying to not share about myself unless prompted to and i think it’s been working so far! im just afraid i’ll end up having a lot of pent up emotions that i never felt comfortable sharing and end up feeling miserable again. but hopefully it doesnt come to that and people just know to ask! but i saw josh, johnathan’s roommate, there again and that was really nice! i got to see amanda and johnathan and josh and p josh and i was glad. and i got to see some familiar faces! like david, austin, rachel, johnny, christine, daniel bang and more! and although, again, i am sad chelsea and angela were missing, im also relieved that they werent there bc i wasnt so afraid of being judged constantly. honestly, jason too. he was also missing and i felt kind of relieved bc although i know he means well when he teases me, it’s slowly spiraling into verbal abuse and i actually do get kind of hurt sometimes. i tend to shrug it off but like when he calls me a “dummy” when i learn about new information, i feel kind of bad. if i knew but forgot, then thats one thing and i know i deserve that. but i literally just found out. why does that warrant or mean im not smart in any way? i’ll probably confront him about it in the near future and as of right now, i do value him as a friend and we have had real, deep conversations with each other, which i do really value and appreciate. and i also dont think i have a real issue in telling him about how i feel. i have been wondering if he’s been wanting to check up on me since i cried when he told me about my flaws. but, he hasnt asked yet so i guess it’s whatever. but then again, we also havent seen each other in a while. it’s been what, two weeks, going on three weeks now? it does feel a bit weird. but then again, even missing just one sunday left me feeling like i’d been gone for such a long time! and though i was a bit stressed at first with the cross conference meeting and meeting so many new freshmen at once, i am really glad and grateful that i got to spend time with everyone today. i didnt pay too much attention to the cross conference meeting as my attention was divided elsewhere but it sounded good for the most part! it sounds like we’ll be selling calligraphy prints, doing a bake sale, and a benefit concert! im excited to see how it all goes! then, johnathan, amanda, p. josh and i went to the college room to prepare and pray over the meeting for the day and it was really nice to just be able to spend that time with them! p josh pitched a game, i couldnt think of anything better and neither could amanda or johnathan, so we just ran with it! johnathan was full of great ideas today, tbh! he had a lot of little afterthoughts that really contributed to the success of the icebreaker today! it was a bit awkward at first but all the freshmen seem to be really close and im excited to see how many of them stay and choose to invest in the community here! oh! i also prayed for the service today pretty on the spot! p josh legit texted me on my way to church and i sheepishly agreed to it. but i was really feeling the music today and my heart feels so much lighter and happier after having gone to vision camp over the weekend with amanda! so when i got up to the front, i tried to go over everything happening today during the service but more importantly, really tried to be real and genuine with the words that i said and i think that i did. and i later asked elsa if it was a good prayer and she said it was so i guess i did pretty well! ^_^ thank you for speaking through me today, God!
Then, i debated on whether or not to go back downtown or stay in Evanston and God made a way! it seemed like Amanda would go home and i felt bad ditching her and choosing to stay in Evanston and possibly spend time with the freshmen but they ended up not coming! haha. but instead, alex cho, austin, briefly d. bang, daniel kwon, yaeji, johnny, johnathan, p. josh, amanda, christine, and esther were there! and im really only “close” with amanda, p. josh, and johnathan but i think through the icebreaker and just studying together today really brought us all closer together! i held a few conversations with christine, i talked to austin about my client work, i joked around with johnny and the others, i gave my opinion to yaeji both while we were waiting at church and while we were studying and overall, i didnt feel very scared or nervous or pressured. i was just there and enjoyed the moment and the opportunity i got to spend with them. and im glad. i do really want to grow closer in my relationship with them all this coming year. and im hoping we can start through the EC retreat this weekend! im stressed beyond belief with all my responsibilities but im also starting to feel better and more optimistic! as i was typing this, jason randomly messaged me and it was just for a test but it meant a lot to me that he would even think of me to do that. i really hope he and angela are doing okay! i cant imagine how hard this must be for him to have his significant other attending a different church when he has been placed by God at lakeview. maybe it wasnt meant to be or maybe angela just needs to grow on her own apart from us. regardless of the reason, i hope shes doing well. but i also want to give her space bc i do feel partly responsible for why she left. at the end of the day, she was just bitter towards everything but i also didnt help the fact either. but i really do hope chelsea and angela are doing okay! i think the best thing i can do now is to just pray for them and lift them up! i want to genuinely care for them and put them first before myself. i know that i’ve been incredibly selfish and prideful in the past but i really do want to do better. i really do. and only by God’s strength may i do that! 
But onto why I was so stressed out earlier. I walked back with Amanda to the train and then took that down with her for most of the ride. We got to know each other on a much deeper level and I want her to know that I will be there for her just as much as she has already been there for me! And I do really hope we can grow deeper in out relationship together. I asked her if she didnt mind sharing why she is such a people pleaser and i learned a lot about her through that! i just paid attention and listened intently and didn’t think of myself at all throughout it. i dont always need to give advice or respond. i just need to be there for her. and i was. so i did. i couldnt relate to her situation but i cared more that she could understand her thought process more than i did about sharing my own feelings. and it did really fill me with joy to do that! im glad we got to spend so much time together and can continue to spend more time together in the near future!
but anyways, she got off at monroe, which was fine, bc i was almost home anyway. BUT, i dont remember exactly where. i think around Roosevelt or maybe Sox-35th...these 4 kids got on and started acting pretty crazily. They were ripping the plastic screen protectors off the windows of the train and rolling them up. Presumably to use later but just to have fun, they started whacking each other with the pieces of plastic. and i was kinda shocked at myself for feeling somewhat paralyzed in the moment and scared. it wasnt bc they were black. it was just bc i didnt know what to do! i was afraid of how they would react or what they would do to me if i spoke up and said something! so instead, i just turned a blind eye and did my best to focus my attention elsewhere and simply look out the window! and i did almost get hit when 2 of the kids were hitting each other on opposing sides of the window and i think thats when the kid next to me noticed me. he was probably about 8 or so years old. he was definitely a child while the others were a bit older ranging from 8-16. but as i tried to politely leave, he grazed my butt with his plastic roll and from behind me, i heard him say, “haha, i touched that girl’s booty!” and i did feel a bit violated but i could chalk that up to being an accident if i really wanted to. so then i waited for my stop and it felt like the longest ride in between the two stops. but i waited and just did my best to ignore the kid and look out the window, ready to leave. to which, he definitely purposefully hit my butt again with the plastic, underneath my buttcheeks and said something along the lines of, “see ya, babe.” and i just sheepishly/nervously smiled and quickly left. and my thoughts were running pretty fast. i was in such shock and didnt think it would bother me as much as it did. i think the fact it was a kid and not an older man to which i actually really did feel helpless was nice but the fact that i was just physically sexually harassed at all surprised me. and i have been catcalled before but this was different! i felt so violated. he knew what he was doing and was proud of himself for having touched me. i felt violated. and i still do. i worry about what my first time having sex will be like if this is how i react to getting touched on the train. but anyways, i quickly told amanda and later my group chat with jordan and tykira and i was worried that they would brush it off and tell me it was no big deal. so i was pretty surprised when they were concerned for my safety and wellbeing instead. to which i responded that i was okay, just shocked. but their genuine concern meant a lot to me! i still cant really believe that happened and i had a really hard time concentrating or focusing on the lyrics of praise songs so i just prayed to God instead about how i do trust somewhere that this experience happened to me for a reason and it could have been a lot worse than it was but it wasnt. it happened and im here and i just have to accept it and move on. i dont know what was going on in that kid’s life and the best thing i can do is to just pray for him and wish him the best.
and finally, i slipped on this but the bathroom flooded at church today and idk who did it or when but i was honestly prepared to leave at first, had it not been for an ahjumma that came in and noticed the mess. and idk... something about that triggered something within me and i quickly ran to get a mop from the MPR and clean it up! it wasnt mine to clean and im sure someone else would have done it later. but for the time being, it was there and it was a mess and getting in the way of everyone’s restroom experience so i took initiative and cleaned up the mess. and honestly, a part of me hoped that p josh or yaeji or amanda or someone would see me or wonder why im taking so long and ask what i was doing. to which, i could humble brag and say i cleaned the restrooms faithfully though it was not my responsibility to do so. but no one asked or noticed my leave of absence. so i ended up just telling amanda instead and she didnt respond very enthusiastically which made me realize that i had made an error in my ways. and now im here, reporting it and reflecting upon it! 
but yeah! thats where im at now! i was about to post this but then p josh messaged me about meetups and i started talking to him and im just really so blessed to have gotten to know him so much better over the summer and i reall yam excited to work with him this coming school year! i do believe that he has grown, a lot. and i am very proud of him. thank you for blessing and placing me here, God! I know i was weary at first but i really am so much happier here than i could have ever imagined!
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30 Writing Prompts Challenge
So my bestie and I are doing a Writing Prompt Challenge. It is one that I came up with. You don’t have to do it the same way, but as my bestie and I are wannabe writers this is how we did it.
1. You and your friend compile a list of prompts for each other. Your list will go to your friend and their list will be yours. *Try not to sabotage your friend*
2. You have at most two days to complete each prompt.
3. You need to either post it online so that your friend can see it or email your answer to each other. 
4. The stories for each prompt can either be just a scene or a fully fleshed out story. 
5. Make sure you credit who the prompt originated from. 
**For an added challenge, you can try to have all the prompts in one giant story. This might be difficult to do, but you can try.**
Note: I gave my bestie four optional prompts that I created because some of the prompts that I thought were interesting might not fit in with what she writes. 
So here are my prompts from my bestie!
lots-of-ideas @ Tumblr
1.     It had taken a while before you’d realized that no one else could see them, and it had taken even longer to realize that they were ghosts.
2.     “All of humanity has bowed down to me, all except you. What makes you so different?”
3.     “No offense, but you’re a dick.” “Actually, that was kinda offensive.” That’s your problem, not mine.”
4.     “The murders, the fighting, everything that I remember. Is it real?” “No. We installed false memories in you. It was the only way we could ensure your compliance.”
5.     “Download all the data, then terminate her. I have no more use for someone like her.”
6.     “Oh! Oh, where am I? Where am I? I should be home, not here!” “You’re dead sweetie. You’re never going to go home.” “What?! No! That can’t be right. I don’t remember dying.”
 rarelyfunny.writes @ Instagram
1. You are the sole survivor of a famous serial killer. Years later, you pluck up the courage to visit him in prison and to ask the question that’s been plaguing you for decades… “Why didn’t you kill me?”
2. More people are rescued from the cave in Thailand than had originally gone into it.
3. You interrupt a group of demons who are in the middle of a summoning ritual. You are relieved that you stopped them, but the last demon looks at you and says, “You didn’t stop us. You’re here.”
4. An old, forgotten God is living his days peacefully in the suburbs. One day, he randomly receives a prayer. And he is going to do everything in his power to answer it.
5. You decide to prank your child by convincing him that Harry Potter is real and that he is a wizard as well. You fake a Hogwart’s letter, drive him to King’s Cross station and wait for the moment he crashes into the pillar. Instead, he goes straight through.
6. You are making dinner because you are about to meet your significant other’s Dad for the first time. All you have in the kitchen are cooked, frozen steaks. In walks your significant other and their Dad, Gordon Ramsey.
 writingpromptsdaily @ Instagram
1. Your guardian angel struggles daily. Write about why today was a really trying day for him/her.
2. If you give me a minute, I think I can make this worse.
3. Why can’t anyone time travel without messing things up?
4. The elders knew as soon as they saw it floating in the middle of the lake…
5. You wake up on the Titanic the day before it’s supposed to sink.
6. Packing for time travel
7. Superhero with an unusual superpower
8. A box is delivered to you and what’s inside scares you more than anything else. What’s in it?
 writing.prompt.s @ Instagram
1. After graduation everyone throws their caps in the air. When they soar back down everyone is holding a different cap that resembles an occupation. Some people hold army hats, others baseball caps, some fast food ones, even a helmet for a space suit. Yours, however, doesn’t come back down.
2. You are cleaning out the attic of your home when you find a dusty, old, leather-bound diary. The date inside is from 150 years ago. You start to read, and the author writes about strange things happening in the house; items moving around mysteriously, strange sounds, etc. The final entries describe seeing a ghost, in great detail, hair color, eye color, clothes. The description of the ghost matches you perfectly.
3. You and your friends decide to try and summon a demon at your sleepover. You are completely stunned when your mother appears in the middle of the room when the ritual is finished.
4. You and your best friend have very potent regeneration and spend many of your days trying to ‘kill’ each other in more and more ludicrous and unexpected ways for fun.
5. Children who die at a young age are given a very special role in the afterlife: they become invisible friends, assigned to other children you need them back in the living realm.
6. You were an embryo frozen for over 200 years until you were finally birthed. At this point, everyone else on Earth had been genetically modified to perfection. You are the last human with flaws.
7. “My domain is time,” said the genie. “Instead of 3 wishes, you get 3 decisions. Go back and choose again.”
8. One day, scrolling through Instagram, you decide to go to the Explore page. Upon doing this, you discover an account obsessed with you, with posts including everything you’ve been doing until a few hours ago.
 writers.block.s @ Instagram
1. You’re swimming laps in a pool when suddenly the ladder disappears. No matter how hard you struggle you can’t pull yourself out of the pool. When you look up, you see a floating green gem above your head.
2. At a very young age, you realized you were immortal. You did stupid things that would kill you just to have fun. Only now you realize that every time you were supposed to die, someone else does.
I can’t wait to start on this Challenge!!!! If you would like to take part just find thirty prompts that are interesting and follow the rules!!! 
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lifedesign-blog1 · 8 years
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Angel Cards as Divine Guidance
“Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable — if anything is excellent or praiseworthy — think about such things.” ~ Philippians 4:8
Emotion points the direction of our thoughts, and while there may be endless alternate realities that we reject when we choose our direction in each moment by choosing our thought and emotion, I always see two paths only: the path filled with lightness, and a path shrouded by darkness.
On one path, our thoughts are expansive, emotion is buoyant, and hope, trust, and serendipity exist. The other path is rife with negative thoughts that reinforce not good enough beliefs and strengthen helpless emotions. One scenario presents purpose, the other, we are the victims of the universe. In one mindset, we see beauty; the other, pain. One path is grateful no matter the circumstances. The other path is pitiful and small, shallow, and jealous even in abundant circumstances.
Our choice is clear — so why would we ever choose anything but our righteous path?
If we do not believe that choice is an option, we can become trapped in a negative spiral with only brief moments of respite. Perhaps a friend can lift our mood, or maybe we are inspired by a story that lifts us momentarily. We then depend on externals for our happiness making those we depend on heavier for carrying our emotional weight.
Better to choose happiness. We choose by our thoughts. Change your mood by changing the thoughts that fuel our emotions.
Change your thoughts and change your life.
This week’s mental adventure incorporates the tool of bibliomancy.
“Bibliomancy is the use of books in divination. The method of employing sacred books (especially specific words and verses) for ‘magical medicine’, for removing negative entities, or for divination is widespread in many religions of the world.”
I use Angel Cards, but any method will work. For me, the simplicity of meditating on one delightful word each day warms my heart with a peace that eludes me when using other oracle methods (tarot, runes, dice). I love playing all games spiritual, but there is safety in an angel card deck — you will never stumble upon the Devil card when looking to the Heavens for divine direction. I understand the importance of the shadow side of the deck, and I am the first to plunge into the darker waters of self-reflection, but an angel deck provides me with a particularly angelic-type experience.
This is one of the reasons why I love the Angel Cards so much: I can focus my feelings without fear. I take the power they store up and transmute it into something physical. I pick the card Glory, for instance, and my heart lifts from the heaviness I had moments before felt in my chest. My thoughts are raised to higher vibrations that can transform heavier emotions and lift them.
I also have seen divine guidance at work. Whatever daily word I choose often pops up serendipitously and leads me by divine direction. I know that I am on the right path when my destiny is revealed in small, earthly moments. So whether or not you believe in angels or your own incredible higher power buried in your subconscious mind, the ability to focus your attention up instead of down is powerful indeed.
Pick an Angel Card prompt as the starting point for divine guidance. If you do not have a deck handy, grab a book and randomly point to a page for your message from the angels. The point is not to get caught up in the physical particulars but to hone the mind for life design.
Place your chosen card or write in your word in the Angel message frame, then note throughout the day when this word or concept arises. Reveal underlying assumptions, find connections. This exercise is powerful for revealing alternate forms of communication with our divinity. Stretches the prayer, visualization, and meditation muscles.
Working with emotion can be an especially efficient manifestation technique.
We believe that we want something—a car, a lifestyle, notoriety—because we see other people wanting it first. Disentangling ourselves from our cultural surroundings can be difficult—unless we allow ourselves to rely on our emotions. And that means all of them: even the hard ones. Like diving into shadow work for intense self-reflection, mining our the more difficult aspects of our emotional landscape pay spiritual dividends quickly. Not facing hard truths does not remove them as obstacles on the path to your destination.
My most expansive moments have come quickly on the heels of hard realizations that the dreams I have struggled to attain haven’t been my dreams at all. My false dreams have belonged to family members, friends, or larger cultural fads.
We fight the feeling of our emotions telling us that we are on the wrong path, instead of embracing our feelings as signposts on our journey.
Join us next week for a little dose of wading in the deeper waters of shadow work as we identify that which to let go in our lives. But don’t worry: we will make it fun by including those dreams that give us delicious feelings and point the direction of our hearts.
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