#international ceramic competition
craft2eu · 9 months
Internationaler Keramikwettbewerb Carouge - Bewerbungsschluss 01.03.2024
Seit 1987 veranstaltet die Stadt Carouge alle zwei Jahre einen internationalen Wettbewerb für zeitgenössische Keramik. Die nächste Ausgabe findet im Herbst 2024 statt. Im Laufe der Jahre hat sich dieser Wettbewerb zu einem wichtigen Treffen für immer mehr Künstler aus aller Welt entwickelt. Daraus entstanden eine dreimonatige Ausstellung im Carouge Museum sowie eine Publikation. Parallel zu…
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mybeingthere · 12 days
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Angela Mellor, British, from 1994 lives in Australia.
Bone China and Paperclay.
Angela tells her story: "My love of ceramics began whilst teaching in the 70s and I furthered my studies in 1984 at the University of East Anglia under the direction of Peter Lane, ceramist and author, who introduced me to porcelain. Later, in 1991, I studied bone china slipcasting with Sasha Wardell and fell in love with this seductive medium. In 1995 I went to live in Perth, Western Australia and travelled many times to Indonesia.
In 1997 I was kindly Invited to do research by Les Blakebrough in Tasmania, where I developed a bone china paperclay. By exploring its whiteness and translucency I was able to articulate my fascination with the distinctive qualities of light found there, being so close to the Antarctic. This was followed by a move to Melbourne where I completed a Graduate Scholarship for MA Research at Monash University. These opportunities afforded me the chance to develop my work in bone china and I pioneered the use of bone china paperclay, resulting in Honourable Mentions in International competitions in Japan and Korea.
The bright sunlight in Western Australia, and its effect upon the landscape, made a great impact on me and influenced the development of my work. On returning to Perth, I set up my own studio. An Australian Crafts Council Grant enabled me to collaborate with a lighting designer for a year so as to research the translucency of bone china, which has become the driving force in my work today."
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kiribread · 4 months
Headcannon time?! >:)))
so uh since it's been a while since I've actually drawn edgeshot I thought I would do some general headcannons on him! I did a similar post to this when I had JUST started posting and may've done another one like it so if any of these sound familiar that's why.
Some slight manga spoilers ahead
I'm pretty sure it's obvious that's he's on the introvert side of things but I also feel like he's a huge people pleaser by nature.
Before he gave me a daddy issues now he just gives me general parent issues and undiagnosed autism
Emotionally absent mom perhaps?
He could be in a room for like 5 minuets with someone and can pretty accurately diagnose them with whatever mental/physical problem they have and encourage them to get treatment for it but he's one of those guys that refuses to get treated himself
a mom/therapist friend tm
I feel like he got really good grades in school (mainly for the academic validation) and even went to college
He went to college for some sort of medical training probably something like paramedics or ER doctor
While in high school him interning under Recovery girl gives me life <3333
During his 3rd year I could see him taking over for Recovery girl on occasion so she could have a well deserved break
Also, I don't know why but for some reason he gives me oopsy single dad vibes? Like a random baby that he knew nothing about showing up on his door step like" 🧍‍♂️ ok."
He loves that lil girl to death in back though <33333
He always knew he wanted kids in the future so he was pretty happy despite him thinking it was too early for him to be a dad (I'm thinking he was about 19-21 when this happened.)
He does feel pretty guilty often since he can't spend as much time with her as he would like to due to work (this didn't mix well with being a workaholic)
The decision to become a hero was a last second decision on his part he originally wanted to be a full time doctor
What could've changed his mind could be that he either was or he saved someone and inspired him to at least give it a try
I also think he could've considered therapy as a possible option as well
while he was genuinely impressed with Kamui woods during that raid with it being one of the main reasons for the team up one of the other main reasons was that he was a little lonely and thought he be a cool friend <3333. The only reason anyone knows that is bc he got hit by some confession quirk on duty... Kamui cried.
Him and mt lady i feel like sass eachother a lot.
Also probably help straighten her out a bit more.
Was perfectly ok with leaving the media up to mt lady. (Neither him or kamui were particularly fond of doing so.)
Definitely a good cook
I could just be biased bc i like salmon but i feel like he makes some GOOD salmon dishes.
Also definitely eats very healthy.
Won't pass up a good pizza though.
Before I thought that he'd be a huge naruto fan but now I think it'd be hilarious if everyone assumes he is but in reality he never seen a single episode.
He was thinking of watching it but got spoiled on pretty much the entire plot so he decided against it.
He met jeanist when jeanist noticed Edgeshot patching up his jacket during lunch time.
It was jeanist's idea to start the textiles club and Edgeshot was just dragged right along with it.
Many shenanigans happen there.
Edgeshot overall is pretty artsy and likes to try a bit of everything.
He particular likes pen & ink, ceramics, and digital art.
Also enjoys trying other hobbies out like gardening and hiking.
Participated in gymnastics till he got to ua were he used it to train.
Was really good at it but didn't care for the competition part of it.
used to be super cuddly as a kid but has moved away from that and is now picky of who touches him.
People he is close to he does allow them to snuggle up with him.
Likes flattening himself like a blanket and cuddling with people then.
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scotianostra · 6 months
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29th March 1958 saw the death of Sir William Burrell.
In 1876 William entered the firm at the age of 15, and on his father’s death in 1885 he and his eldest brother George took over the management. the firm was already prospering, but under their shrewd direction it reached a position of international standing in worldwide tramping and in ship management.
Burrell was a collector from an early age, buying his first painting when aged only 15, but it was Glasgow’s industrial ascendancy that would allow him to continue financing his passion for art, and the added success of the firm his father founded.
Building and buying ships when world markets were weak, Burrell built up and sold two great ocean-going fleets, providing him with the wealth needed to search the world for art and antiquities. Even better, his global shipping contacts meant he knew where and when certain treasures were being auctioned.
Burrell was far from alone in this passion, and as his fellow Glasgow industrialists grew wealthy, they too invested in art – both ancient and modern – to show off to their friends. Where Burrell differed, however, was that he was no show-off.
He was a serious collector, with wide-ranging interests and passions. By 1900 he had become a respected collector in the fields of late Gothic and early Renaissance European art and late 19th century French art.
In 1901, Burrell was one of the largest donors of artworks to the Glasgow International Exhibition. This was an event which left an indelible mark on the city, with the opening that year of the much-loved Kelvingrove Art Gallery and Museum. In 1927, Burrell was knighted for services to art and for his public work.
But Burrell was certainly no snob when it came to his collection. He was a believer in free education for all and wanted the people of his home city to be able to access his fine collection. It’s for this reason that, in 1944, he donated his entire collection to his home city – a collection that contained more than 9,000 items at the time.
Shortly afterwards, Hector Hetherington, then Principal of Glasgow University, famously said of Burrell’s collection that it was:
“One of the greatest gifts ever made to any city in the world”.
By the time of his death in 1958, Burrell had been collecting for 75 years - and what a collection it is. From Chinese and early Islamic ceramics to Late Gothic and Early Renaissance works of art from Northern Europe, including tapestries, stained glass, sculpture, arms and armour, architecture and furniture.
Burrell’s collection takes visitors on a tour of 6,000 years of world history, connecting them to the people who made the exquisite works and to the people who have owned them down the centuries; making exciting new connections through time and place.
At the time of his gift, Burrell had stipulated that any new gallery must be 16 miles from the city centre. This was partly because he believed that a rural setting would show the works to their best advantage, but also to place them far away from possible damage by atmospheric pollution caused by Clydeside's heavy industries and tenement chimneys. By the time of Burrell's death in 1958, a suitable site had still to be found.
That problem was solved in 1966, when Mrs Anne Maxwell Macdonald gifted her family’s 360-acre Pollok Estate to the City of Glasgow. Although a mere four miles from the city centre, it seemed the perfect location for the vast Burrell Collection.
That said, it took a further 17 years, and an international design competition, before architect Sir Barry Gasson’s £20m building opened to the public.
The combination of exceptional art and architecture set within one of Europe’s largest urban green spaces was an immediate success, described by The Glasgow Herald as ‘a magical mystery tour and an aesthetic event rolled into one’. The Burrell Collection has since been a key driver in Glasgow’s transformation from a place of post-industrial decline to one of the great cities of culture.
In October 2016 the building closed for a major £68.25 million refurbishment. The Burrell Collection reopened today, its greatly expanded spaces promise improved access, understanding and appreciation of one of the world’s most extraordinary personal collections.
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dailyanarchistposts · 6 months
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Chapter 3. Economy
Don’t people need bosses and experts?
How can anarchists organize themselves in the workplace and coordinate production and distribution across an entire economy without bosses and managers? In fact, a great deal of resources are lost through competition and middlemen. Ultimately it is the workers who carry out all the production and distribution, and they know how to coordinate their own work in the absence of bosses.
In and around Turin, Italy, 500,000 workers participated in a factory takeover movement after World War I. Communists, anarchists, and other workers who were pissed off at their exploitation launched wildcat strikes, many of them eventually gaining control of their factories and setting up Factory Councils to coordinate their activities. They were able to run the factories themselves, without bosses. Eventually, the Councils were legalized and legislated out of existence — in part co-opted and absorbed into the labor unions, whose institutional existence was threatened by autonomous workers’ power no less than the owners were.
In December 2001, a long-brewing economic crisis in Argentina matured into a run on the banks which precipitated a major popular rebellion. Argentina had been the poster child of neoliberal institutions such as the International Monetary Fund, but the policies that enriched foreign investors and gave middle class Argentinians a First World lifestyle created an acute poverty for much of the country. Anti-capitalist resistance was already widely developed among the unemployed, and after the middle class lost all its savings, millions of people took to the streets, rejecting all the false solutions and excuses offered by politicians, economists, and the media, declaring instead: “Que se vayan todos! ” They all must go! Dozens were killed by police, but people fought back, shaking off the terror left over from the military dictatorship that ruled Argentina in the ’70s and ’80s.
Hundreds of factories abandoned by their owners were occupied by workers, who resumed production so they could continue to feed their families. The more radical of these worker-occupied factories equalized wages and shared managerial duties among all workers. They made decisions in open meetings, and some workers taught themselves tasks such as accounting. To ensure that a new managerial class did not arise, some factories rotated managerial tasks, or required that people in managerial roles still work on the factory floor and perform the accounting, marketing, and other tasks after hours. As of this writing, several of these occupied workplaces have been able to expand their workforce and hire additional workers from Argentina’s huge unemployed population. In some cases, occupied factories trade needed supplies and products with one another, creating a shadow economy in a spirit of solidarity.
One of the most famous, the Zanon ceramics factory located in southern Argentina, was shut down by the owner in 2001 and occupied by its workers the following January. They began running the factory with an open assembly and commissions made up of workers to manage Sales, Administration, Planning, Security, Hygiene and Sanitation, Purchasing, Production, Diffusion, and Press. Following the occupation, they rehired workers who had been fired before the closing. As of 2004, they numbered 270 workers and produced at 50% of the production rate before the factory was closed. Bringing doctors and psychologists on site, they provided themselves with healthcare. The workers found that they could pay their workforce with just two days of production, so they lowered prices 60% and organized a network of young vendors, many previously unemployed, to market the ceramic tiles throughout the city. In addition to producing tiles, the Zanon factory involves itself with social movements, donating money to hospitals and schools, selling tiles at cost to poor people, hosting films, performances, and art shows, and carrying out solidarity actions with other struggles. They also support the Mapuche struggle for autonomy; and when their clay supplier stopped doing business with them for political reasons, the Mapuche began supplying clay. As of April 2003, the factory had faced four attempted evictions by the police, with the support of the trade unions. All were forcefully resisted by the workers, assisted by neighbors, piqueteros, and others.
In July 2001, the workers of the El Tigre supermarket in Rosario, Argentina, occupied their workplace. The owner had shut it down two months earlier and declared bankruptcy, still owing his employees months in wages. After fruitless protesting, the workers opened El Tigre and began running it themselves through an assembly that allowed all workers a part in decision-making. In a spirit of solidarity they lowered prices and began selling fruit and vegetables from a local farmers’ cooperative and products made in other occupied factories. They also used part of their space to open a cultural center for the neighborhood, housing political talks, student groups, theater and yoga workshops, puppet shows, a café, and a library. In 2003, El Tigre’s cultural center held the national meeting of reclaimed businesses, attended by 1,500 people. Maria, one collective member, said of her experience: “Three years ago, if someone had told me we’d be able to run this place I’d never have believed them... I believed we needed bosses to tell us what to do, now I realize that together we can do it better than them.” [32]
In Euskal Herria, the Basque country occupied by the states of Spain and France, a large complex of cooperative, worker-owned businesses has arisen, centered around the small city of Mondragón. Starting with 23 workers in one cooperative in 1956, the Mondragón cooperatives included 19,500 workers in over 100 cooperatives by 1986, surviving despite the heavy recession in Spain at the time and with a survival rate many times better than the average for capitalist firms.
Mondragón has had a rich experience over many years in manufacturing products as varied as furniture, kitchen equipment, machine tools, and electronic components and in printing, shipbuilding, and metal smelting. Mondragón has created hybrid cooperatives composed of both consumers and workers and of farmers and workers. The complex has developed its own social security cooperative and a cooperative bank that is growing more rapidly than any other bank in the Basque provinces. [33]
The highest authority in the Mondragón cooperatives is the general assembly, with each worker-member getting one vote; the specific management of the cooperative is carried out by an elected governing council, which is advised by a management council and a social council.
There are also many criticisms of the Mondragón complex. To anarchists it comes as no surprise that a democratic structure can house an elite group, and according to Mondragón’s critics this is exactly what has happened as the cooperative complex seeks — and achieves — success within a capitalist economy. Although their accomplishment is impressive and gives lie to the assumption that large industries must be organized hierarchically, the compulsion to be profitable and competitive has pushed the cooperatives to manage their own exploitation. For example, after decades of sticking by their egalitarian founding principles regarding pay scales, eventually the Mondragón cooperatives decided to increase the salaries of the managerial and technical experts relative to the manual workers. Their reason was that they had a hard time retaining people who could receive much higher pay for their skills in a corporation. This problem indicates a need to mix manual and intellectual tasks to avoid the professionalization of expertise (i.e. creating expertise as a quality restricted to an elite few); and to build an economy in which people are producing not for profit but for other members of the network, so money loses its importance and people work out of a sense of community and solidarity.
People in today’s high-tech societies are trained to believe that examples from the past or from the “under-developed” world have no value for our situation today. Many people who consider themselves educated sociologists and economists dismiss the Mondragón example by classifying Basque culture as exceptional. But there are other examples of the efficacy of egalitarian workplaces, even in the heart of capitalism.
Gore Associates, based in Delaware, is the billion dollar high-tech firm that produces waterproof Gore-Tex fabric, special insulation for computer cables, and parts for the medical, automobile, and semiconductor industries. Salaries are determined collectively, no one has titles, there is no formal management structure, and differentiation between employees is minimized. By all capitalist standards of performance — employee turnover, profitability, product reputation, lists of best companies to work for — Gore is a success.
An important factor in their success is adherence to what some academics call the Rule of 150. Based on the observation that hunter-gatherer groups around the world — as well as successful communities and intentional communes — seem to keep their size between 100 and 150 people, the theory is that the human brain is best equipped to navigate webs of personal relationships of up to 150. Maintaining intimate relationships, remembering names and social status and established codes of conduct and communication — all this takes up mental space; just as other primates tend to live in groups up to a certain size, human beings are probably best suited to keep up with a certain number of companions. All Gore factories keep their size below 150 employees, so each plant can be entirely self-managing, not just on the factory floor but also including the people responsible for marketing, research, and other tasks.[34]
Skeptics often dismiss the anarchistic example of small-scale “primitive” societies by arguing that it’s no longer possible to organize on such a small scale, given the huge population. But there is nothing to stop a large society for organizing itself in many smaller units. Small-scale organization is eminently possible. Even within a high-tech industry, Gore factories can coordinate with one another and with suppliers and consumers while maintaining their small scale organizational structure. Just as each unit is capable of organizing its internal relations, each is capable of organizing its external relations.
Of course, the example of a factory producing successfully within the capitalist system leaves much to be desired. Most anarchists would sooner see all factories burned to the ground than anti-authoritarian forms of organization used to sugarcoat capitalism. But this example should at least demonstrate that even within a large and complex society, self-organization works.
The example of Gore is still problematic because the workers do not own the factory, and also because formal management could be reimposed at any time by the company owners. Anarchists theorize that the problems of capitalism do not exist only in the relationship between workers and owners, but also between workers and managers, and that as long as the manager-worker relationship persists, capitalism can reemerge. This theory is certainly born out by the Mondragón example, where over time managers gained more pay and power and renewed the unequal, profit-focused dynamics typical of capitalism. Taking this into account, several anarchists have designed an outline for a “participatory economy,” or parecon, though no one has yet had the opportunity to set up such an economy on any considerable scale. Among other things, parecon emphasizes the importance of empowering all workers by mixing tasks that are creative and rote, mental and manual, thus creating “balanced job complexes” that will prevent the emergence of a managerial class.[35]
During the rebellion in Oaxaca in 2006, people without prior experience organized themselves to run occupied radio and television stations. They were motivated by the social need for free means of communication. The March of Pots and Pans, the legendary women’s march on August 1, 2006, culminated with thousands of women spontaneously taking over the state-run television station. Inspired by the sudden sense of power they had won by rebelling against a traditionally patriarchal society, they took over Channel 9, which continuously slandered the social movements while claiming to be the channel of the people. At first, they made the engineers help them run the station, but soon they were learning how to do it themselves. One woman recounted:
I went daily to the channel to stand guard and help out. The women were organized into different commissions: food, hygiene, production, and security. One thing I liked is that there were no individual leaders. For each task there was a group of several women in charge. We learned everything from the beginning. I remember somebody asking who could use a computer. Then many of the younger girls stepped forward, saying, “me, me, I can!” In Radio Universidad, they announced that we needed people with technical skills, and more people came to help. In the beginning, they were filming headless people, you know. But the experience at Channel 9 showed us that where there’s a will, there’s a way. Things got done, and they got done well. In the short time [three weeks] that Channel 9 was running, until Governor Ulises commanded that the antennas be destroyed, we managed to spread a lot of information. Movies and documentaries were shown that you could never have imagined seeing on TV otherwise. About different social movements, about the student massacre in Tlatelolco in Mexico City in 1968, the massacres in Aguas Blancas in Guerrero and Acteal in Chiapas, about guerrilla movements in Cuba and El Salvador. At this time, Channel 9 wasn’t just the women’s channel anymore. It was the channel of all the people. The ones participating made their own programs as well. There was a youth program and a program where people from the indigenous communities participated. There was a program of denouncements, where anyone could come and denounce how the government had treated them. A lot of people from the different neighborhoods and communities wanted to participate, there was hardly enough airtime for all of them.[36]
After the occupied television station was taken off the air, the movement responded by occupying all eleven commercial radio stations in Oaxaca. The homogeneity of commercial radio was replaced by myriad voices — a radio station for university students, one for the women’s groups, one radio station occupied by the anarchists from a punk squat — and there were more indigenous voices on the radio than ever before. Within a short time, people in the movement decided to return most of the radio stations to their self-styled owners, but kept control of two of them. Their goal was not to suppress the voices that opposed them, as artificial as commercial voices are, but to win themselves the means to communicate. The remaining radio stations operated successfully for months, until government repression shut them down. One university student involved in taking over, running, and defending the radio stations said:
After the takeover, I read an article that said that the intellectual and material authors of the takeovers of the radios weren’t Oaxacan, that they came from somewhere else, and that they received very specialized support. It said that it would have been impossible for anyone without previous training to operate the radios in such a short amount of time, because the equipment is too sophisticated for just anyone to use. They were wrong.[37]
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ceramiccity · 4 months
Contemporary Table Design Showcase
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Design Parade Hy res 11th international festival of design. Competition via villanoailles - Modern circular table with concrete top, pink pleated skirt base, and contemporary design on a black background. Follow Ceramic City on Tumblr Source: https://www.pinterest.com/theceramiccity/
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A Collection of Rather Confusing and Possibly Disturbing Mental Images, or... Screw Brain Bleach, Pass the Antimemetics!
Random stuff seen at Site (REDACTED). Thank 343 we have a decent Psych Department, after seeing/hearing some of this crap I need therapy.
Weird Costumes I've Personally Witnessed:
Dr. Bright (male body) dressed as Junko Enoshima, right down to the ridiculously short school uniform skirt, blonde pigtail wig, and mismatched Monokuma hairclips. At least he shaved his legs.
Agent Strelnikof in a cow suit, with a loincloth over it (lost a bet, refused to say to whom).
Iris dressed up on one Halloween as Black Canary, and all but insisted Abel be Green Arrow. There are no photos of this, sadly.
We had (key word there... HAD) a set of particularly annoying identical triplets among our D-Class. After too many three way free-for-alls... Dr. Iceberg had an idea. The three idiots were forced to dress as monks, mutter in faux Latin, and bonk their own heads with a wooden plank. They had to follow Dr. Iceberg, dressed as a cardinal, throughout the Keter Wing. To add insult to punishment... Dr. Iceberg kept shouting "Bring out your Keters! Bring out your Keters!" the whole time. Every. Keter. Came. Out. To. Watch. The processional ended with Fellowship Hour in 682's quarters. I never saw the Terrible Triplets alive again, but before long... "Bring out your Keters!" became "Bring out your dead!"
I once caught Dr. Rights in a very... um... skimpy version of Kitana's outfit from MK X. Although I have no idea how that costume could have any less to it. She was doing something with a cucumber. I wasn't going to ask what.
Dr. Clef... shirtless. Didn't figure him for a closet Brony, but the Twilight Sparkle tramp stamp almost made me spit out my tea when I saw it. Dr. Cimmerian couldn't hold in his laughter, and quickly ducked into the men's room. Dr. Gears found him, curled up in the handicap stall, on the floor convulsing in laughter.
Dr. Gears... in Mario pajamas. Not so much disturbing as kinda cute.
682 in a Yoshi suit. That... was disturbing.
035, in a full crinoline dress, holding a parasol, doing his best Scarlett O'Hara impression. For the record, bubble gum pink is not his best color choice. He looked like someone slapped that stupid ceramic jerk on Princess Peach.
Weird Costumes (Rumor Edition):
Iris, during the Game of Thrones hysteria, once managed to dress Abel up as Khal Drogo. She showed me photos... he's somehow more frightening with eyeliner.
There's rumors that a certain doctor likes to dress up as Doomguy to mess with the D-Class. Any excuse to walk around with a shotgun will do for Clef, I guess.
Dr. Cimmerian once dressed as Lara Croft for a Site Costume Competition. He won first prize. Sad he's got better legs than half the ladies here, honestly. More reason not to skip leg day, I want to at least have a backside worthy of Ms. Croft's booty shorts even if I don't like wearing them.
A fish suit. I believe it was a sturgeon, according to Dr. Gears.
The Stay Puf Marshmallow Man. Clef told me an intern lost a bet.
Leon S. Kennedy, the RE 2 remake version. No zombies were harmed during that day. But... Dr. Bright did get a week of Keter Duty over it.
We also had a guy, well I assume it was a guy, who walked around in full plate armor. Only saw him out of the corner of my eye for a nanosecond, no one believes me.
And finally... there is a rumor of a strange guy wandering the halls, dressed as a medieval squire... who follows people around, thumping two empty coconut shells together. We have no idea why they do this. I've yet to see them.
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uwmarchives · 2 years
Paul Donhauser
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Happy Holidays everyone! Paul Donhauser was a cartoonist for the UWM Post from 1956-1959. He was a student at UWM and got his BA in Art Education. After UWM he went on to get his MA at Madison and ended up teaching at UW- Oshkosh until 2004. 
In his career he received multiple awards including a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Visual arts and the Grand Prize winner of the International Ceramics Competition in 1976. Some of his works are included in permanent collections at the Smithsonian American Art Museum, the City of Milwaukee Permanent Collection, Museum of Wisconsin Art, and the Neville Public Museum. 
Paul Donhauser got his start at the Post and published a series of cartoons called “Joe and Otis.” They were not included but find them check out our digital collection for the UWM Post. These cartoons followed endeavors of two students discussing relationship issues, classes, and other events at the time. Featured is an illustration preparing for one of the festive holidays!
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top10bharat · 4 days
Top Dental Clinic for Hollywood Smile or Smile Design in India
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A brilliant smile can boost your self-confidence and leave an impact on everyone. Hollywood Smile, also known as Smile Design, is a popular cosmetic dentistry treatment that uses modern techniques to give patients a perfect smile. There are hundreds of dental clinics in India that offer high-quality Hollywood Smile treatments using cutting-edge technology at extremely reasonable prices. The therapies offered vary from tooth whitening to veneers and even a total smile makeover. 
India now boasts of medical tourism, and The Dental Cure stands out to be a leader in cosmetic dentistry, offering international standards in services at a very nominal price. Be it veneers, whitening, implants, or a full smile design, this is your place for the smile you always wanted.
What is a Hollywood Smile?
The term "Hollywood smile" defines an ideal white and even smile, often sported by Hollywood stars. A Hollywood smile typically requires a bundle of cosmetic dental treatments such as veneers, crowns, whitening, and sometimes orthodontics in order to give you a set of aesthetically good straight, white, and uniformly shaped teeth.
At The Dental Cure, the experience of our dental professionals stretches for many years in creating those perfect, movie star smiles. All the latest technology and techniques are used to personalize every treatment according to your specific needs and desired results.
Smile Design: Personalized Dentistry for That Perfect Smile
Smile design is the all-inclusive smile procedure. Unlike the Hollywood Smile where every person goes for the same shape, smile design takes into consideration what your face actually is, your dental health, and all of your aesthetic needs. Our expert cosmetic dentists here at The Dental Cure take your proportion uniquely yours, your tooth shape, and even your skin tones into consideration to design a smile just for you.
Smile designing can be a combination of several treatments like:
Porcelain veneers: These involve very thin layers of ceramics that make the front surfaces of the teeth. They correct discoloration, shape, and minor misalignments.
Teeth whitening: Advanced whitening techniques that undertake technology to brighten your teeth by numerous shades in one session.
Dental crowns: These are cap-like restorations that bring back damaged or misshapen teeth into its original function as well as aesthetic form.
Dental Implants: permanent artificial replacement of missing teeth that look and feel like your own.
Gum Sculpting: sculpting your gums to achieve the natural gum-tooth ratio.
At The Dental Cure, we will work closely with you to discuss your specific concerns as we consider a treatment plan that will make your smile not only healthy but also aesthetically pleasing in a truly natural harmony.
Why The Dental Cure for Hollywood Smile and Smile Design?
India has been one of the booming destinations for dental tourism, and at the top of the list in clinics offering brilliant services in Hollywood Smile procedures, besides smile designing, stands the renowned The Dental Cure. Here's why:
Experienced Dentists 
Our cosmetic dentists are highly trained professionals, excellent at providing complex smile makeovers but very experienced, blending artistic dexterity with high-tech results to achieve wonderfully natural results.
State-of-the-Art Technology
It carries the most updated dental technologies. It runs from digital imaging and laser treatments to computer-aided design systems to ensure precision and best outcomes.
Customized Treatment Plans
According to your specific needs and esthetic preferences, every smile is unique.
Affordable Prices
Comparatively, the treatments at The Dental Cure are world-class, rivalling those of other countries but usually providing a similar service line at a price that is dramatically competitive, thus reachable by a wider clientele.
Comprehensive Care
Right from the consultation till follow-ups after the treatment, we try to make this process smooth and virtually hassle-free.
The Process of the Smile of Hollywood at The Dental Cure
Getting that Hollywood Smile at The Dental Cure will vary from person to person, depending upon one's dental healthcare and the procedure required for you:
First Consultation
We will ascertain your oral status since our dentist will consult on exactly what you want in terms of aesthetics and treat you appropriately.
Digital Smile Design
We shall use the most advanced digital technology to create a virtual model of your new smile. That way, you will exactly know what awaits you by the end.
Teeth Preparation 
If veneers, crowns, or implants are in your treatment plan, the dentist will prepare your teeth for the restorations
Temporary Restoration
Some patients have temporary restorations applied for a number of months to reserve the positions for permanent restorations.
Final Alignment
When your veneers or crowns have been prepared, these are placed carefully onto your teeth for that perfect smile finish.
Post Procedure Care
We give you an elaborate set of post procedure care instructions so that your smile remains ravishing for decades together
Q1: How long does it take to do a Hollywood Smile treatment? 
It depends on your treatment. A patient who needs some whitening can do so in one session; other people may need appointments for veneers or implants.
Q2: Is the procedure for Hollywood Smile painful?
Smile design is very non-invasive, and most patients find pain quite minor. Treatments in the form of veneers or implants under loco-regional anesthesia are absolutely painless.
Q3: How long can veneers and crowns last?
Veneers and crowns may last for about 10 to 15 years or more with good care. For their long-time maintenance good oral hygiene plus regular dental checkups are essential.
Q4: How long is the recovery time after Hollywood Smile treatment?
That depends on the procedures. Most patients return to normal life the next moment after whitening, whereas implant surgery takes a few days of rest.
Q5: Can I Personalize my Hollywood Smile?
Sure! At The Dental Cure, your smile is specially designed for you and you alone, keeping in mind your own favorite tastes and personal features. You will have a say in the shape, color, and the overall look of your new smile.
A perfectly gorgeous, picture-perfect smile is no longer an exclusive preserve of the super-rich and superstar. Get that top dental clinic for Hollywood smile or smile design in India you can afford at The Dental Cure. Our professional team will commit to delivering results that make you look fantastic but give you the boost of confidence and quality of life you deserve. So, what are you waiting for? Book your consultation and take that first step towards that great smile!
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Best 5 Main Reasons to Companion With a PCB Manufacturer in China
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Think of a world where your electronic devices business flourishes on minimized creation prices, cutting-edge innovation, and lightning-fast turnaround opportunities. You are actually not simply dreaming- this is the truth awaiting you in China, where partnering along with a PCB manufacturer may be a game-changer. Along with work and product prices considerably lower than in Western side nations, you'll be actually in a far better placement to contend in the international market. However that's only the beginning. As you check out the benefits of partnering with a Mandarin PCB supplier, you'll find much more perks that can easily thrust your business to the next amount- and we'll take a deeper consider all of them next off.
Lessened Creation Costs
When you companion with a PCB supplier in China, you may considerably minimize your manufacturing expenses. This is actually due to the fact that pcb board manufacturing in China delivers reduced work and material expenses reviewed to various other countries. Consequently, you can anticipate notable discounts on your total production expenses. By partnering with a pcb board vendor in China, you can likewise take benefit of economies of scale, which can additionally reduce your prices. A pcb board supplier in China can easily offer you with high-quality printed circuit board at a lower cost than a maker in various other countries. This is actually due to the fact that China possesses a well-established pcb board production field with a lot of vendors and producers. This competition drives down prices, creating it feasible for you to acquire top notch pcb boards at a reduced expense.
Accessibility to Advanced Innovation
Partnering with a PCB producer in China can easily save you money on production costs, yet that's just one benefit. You'll additionally gain accessibility to advanced technology that may be also expensive to execute in-house. China has invested heavily in cultivating its own electronics creating capacities, and this has triggered the creation of sophisticated PCB manufacturing centers. By partnering with a Chinese PCB maker, you can use this proficiency and create premium PCBs that meet your certain requirements. You'll have accessibility to sophisticated modern technologies such as high-frequency PCB manufacturing, and the potential to make complicated PCBs with precision. For instance, if you require a hitech ceramic PCB for a high-frequency application, a Mandarin ceramic pcb manufacturer can easily deliver the necessary skills and tools.
Swift Turn-around Moments Ensured
Many thanks to China's strong electronics manufacturing structure, you can expect prompt turnaround opportunities from a PCB supplier in China. This enables you to quickly relocate your products from the concept period to assembly-line production, giving you an one-upmanship in the market. A dual sided pcb producer in China can usually create a hitech dual sided pcb board in a matter of times, certainly not weeks. China's very dependable logistics and transportation systems also play a pivotal duty in making sure swift turnaround times. As a double sided pcb distributor, a Chinese maker can promptly ship your order to any component of the world. This reduces lead times and permits you to fulfill limited deadlines. Through partnering with a double sided pcb provider in China, you may improve your development procedure and obtain your items to market a lot faster.
Top Quality PCBs at Scale
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Rapid turn-around opportunities are actually simply one aspect of a productive PCB production process. When partnering with a PCB maker in China, you additionally would like to promise that the boards are actually of premium quality, whether you're ordering a small set or even a large-scale manufacturing run. A trustworthy ceramic pcb supplier or aluminum pcb supplier in China may offer you along with hitech ceramic pcb panels that fulfill your certain requirements. For complicated designs, a hitech double side pcb may be needed, and a Mandarin PCB supplier can easily supply this capability. They are going to make use of innovative devices and manufacturing techniques to produce high-grade panels along with specific coating placement and enrollment. Tip right into the future of electronics with Hitech double sided pcb board; look into the benefits of utilization innovative innovation to accomplish premium efficiency and reliability in each your electronic tasks.
Streamlined International Logistics
When it pertains to manufacturing and shipping PCBs internationally, going across intricate coordinations can easily be a major hurdle. You require a PCB manufacturer that can simplify worldwide coordinations, guaranteeing your items, like hi-tech light weight aluminum PCBs, light weight aluminum PCBs, LED PCBs, dual side PCBs, and ceramic PCB panels, reach your clients efficiently. A Chinese PCB manufacturer can easily enhance your coordinations through leveraging its own substantial system of delivering partners and warehouses. This allows you to use reputable connections and take advantage of discounted prices, lessening your freight costs. Furthermore, a neighborhood supplier can easily browse the difficulties of Mandarin customs and laws, ensuring that your products crystal clear custom-mades rapidly and uncreative.
By partnering along with a PCB producer in China, you'll access to the door to a planet of benefits that may drive your business ahead. Imagine your production prices plunging like a rock in water, maximizing sources to sustain technology and growth. Along with China's competence within your reaches, you'll be actually positioned to utilize on the newest innovations and put out the market with high-quality PCBs - the property blocks of a prosperous electronic devices business.
3F, Bldg B5, Zhimeihuizhi Industrial Park
FuYong, Bao'an Dist. Shenzhen, GuangDong, China
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erfgwerfw4rt · 6 days
Expanding Horizons: The Growing Presence of Indian Ceramic Tiles in the European Market
In recent years, the European market has witnessed a significant influx of Indian ceramic tiles, marking a notable shift in the global ceramics landscape. Porcelain Tile Maintenance Once predominantly seen as a regional specialty, Indian ceramic tiles are now making a strong impact across Europe, offering a blend of quality, design, and affordability that appeals to a diverse range of consumers and businesses.
The Rise of Indian Ceramic Tiles
India has long been a hub for ceramic tile production, leveraging its rich tradition of craftsmanship and modern manufacturing technologies.High Quality Porcelain Tiles Indian ceramic tiles are renowned for their durability, aesthetic appeal, and innovative designs. Ceramic Tile Manufacturers This reputation has paved the way for Indian tiles to gain traction in Europe, where the demand for stylish and high-quality building materials continues to grow.
Why European Buyers Are Turning to Indian Ceramic Tiles
Diverse Design Options: Indian ceramic tiles are celebrated for their wide range of designs and finishes. From intricate patterns inspired by traditional Indian art to sleek, Ceramic Tile Exporters contemporary styles, Indian manufacturers offer a variety of options that cater to European tastes and preferences.
Cost-Effectiveness: Indian tiles are often more affordable than their European counterparts, without compromising on quality. This cost-effectiveness allows European buyers to access high-quality materials at competitive prices, making Indian tiles an attractive option for both residential and commercial projects.
Innovation and Technology: Indian tile manufacturers are increasingly adopting advanced production techniques and technologies. This commitment to innovation ensures that Indian ceramic tiles meet international standards for durability, safety, and performance, which is crucial for the discerning European market.
Sustainability Practices: Many Indian ceramic tile producers are focusing on sustainable practices, including the use of eco-friendly materials and energy-efficient production processes. This emphasis on sustainability aligns with the growing environmental consciousness in Europe and adds an extra layer of appeal for European consumers.
Challenges and Opportunities
While the growth of Indian ceramic tiles in Europe is promising, it is not without challenges. Indian manufacturers must navigate the complexities of international trade regulations, adapt to local market preferences, and compete with established European brands. However, these challenges also present opportunities for innovation and collaboration.
For instance, partnerships between Indian tile producers and European designers or architects can lead to unique product offerings that combine the best of both worlds. Additionally, increased investment in marketing and distribution networks can help Indian brands build stronger relationships with European customers and stakeholders.
The Future Outlook
The future of Indian ceramic tiles in Europe looks bright, with continued expansion and market penetration anticipated. As European consumers and businesses increasingly recognize the value and quality of Indian ceramic tiles, the sector is likely to see sustained growth.
Indian tile manufacturers are poised to capitalize on this trend by continuing to enhance their product offerings, embrace new technologies, and strengthen their presence in the European market. By addressing the evolving needs of European buyers and maintaining a focus on quality and innovation, Indian ceramic tiles are set to become an even more integral part of the European design and construction landscape.
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mybeingthere · 11 months
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Tomoko Kawakami, born 1957 in Takayama city, Gifu, Japan.
Kawakami Tomoko's pottery can be seen, among other places, at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' Japan Foundation, but also outside Japan. She won the Special Jury Prize at the International Ceramics Competition in 1998.
The ceramic artist typically uses a two-tone approach, contrasting a smooth, deep black interior with a grainy, textured, lighter exterior.
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7 Reasons Why Sanitary Ware Dealers in Jabalpur Offer the Best Quality Products
Sanitary ware plays an important role in enhancing the beauty and function of bathrooms and kitchens in any house or commercial property. Coming across different sanitary ware qualities in Jabalpur might be a tough task to accomplish. However, there are a variety of sanitary ware dealers present within the city. They are renowned for their quality products to suit the taste and budget of all classes of people. From luxury brands to reasonable price deals, these sanitary ware dealers will provide everything needed to implement a stylish and functional area. Following are seven reasons why the sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur are famous for offering quality products in the market.
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1. Product Varieties One of the finest aspects that distinguish the sanitary shops of Jabalpur is the vast range of products they offer. From toilets and sinks to faucets, bathtubs, and shower enclosures, a variety of sanitary wares is available with their dealers in Jabalpur for every need. Many designs, materials, and finishes to suit bathroom and kitchen decor are available for customers to decide upon. Dealers in this region provide modern and traditional sanitary wares for both homeowners and builders.
For instance, WOW Ceramics, Jabalpur, deals in luxurious items from famous brands such as Varmora, Kohler, and Aquant. These brands are known the world over for their innovative measures and durability; thus, your choice will guarantee you style and durability in either your home or office.
2. Top International and Domestic Brands Another reason the sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur excel in bringing products with quality features is due to their collaboration with well-known international and domestic brands. Well-acknowledged sanitary ware brands like Varmora, Kohler, and Aquant set higher standards in design, materials, and production. These brands are into bringing value to customers by offering products that are visually appealing and long-lasting, besides being eco-friendly. In this respect, sanitary ware shops in Jabalpur have been able to provide their clients with world-class sanitary solutions by offering them products from these reputable companies.
For example, Kohler is known for its innovative designs and technology; some of the offeraires include options such as water-saving and durability. Aquant brings European design sensibilities into Indian bathrooms, working on innovative bathroom fixtures that marry form and function. Sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur make sure that customers get value for money from such prestigious brands.
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For example, WOW Ceramics, Jabalpur, concentrates on the quality of products. Since they work in collaboration with different brands like Varmora, each of their products undergoes strict testing before entering the market; hence, durability is assured even if the product is used roughly. By this fact, they are suitable for both residential and commercial projects.
4. Affordability without Compromise on Quality One of the most attractive features of sanitary ware in Jabalpur is related to the quality available at reasonable prices. Sanitary shops in Jabalpur make it possible for a range from luxury items to cost-effective solutions, attractive in budgets without compromising on the quality of the merchandise to be sold. Affordability is an important factor, especially in regard to the fact that owners or builders have to equip not just one bathroom or kitchen but several within the budget of their homes or projects.
Similar sanitary ware from leading brands like Kohler and Aquant are available at very competitive prices in the WOW Ceramics store in Jabalpur. The ability to offer products that bring in a blend of affordability and quality is among the reasons why sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur have a strong reputation in customer satisfaction.
5. Exceptional Customer Service and Support Whether the customer is buying for a large project or not, sanitary ware requires excellent customer service. Undoubtedly, it is one of the prime factors that distinguish sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur from others. One can easily find reputed and experienced sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur who offer nice customer services. These dealers guide their customers on the best products they should select based on their particular need. From selecting the right size to proper designs, these dealers even offer installation advice for the convenience of their customers.
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6. Focus on Sustainability and Eco-Friendly Products Eco-friendly options, pertaining to environmental conservation, are the prime choice of many buyers while choosing sanitary ware. Accordingly, sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur have a gamut of products available that would aid in water conservation as well as energy efficiency. Brands like Kohler are leading in this regard and offer water-saving technologies that reduce water consumption without compromising performance.
Sustainability is one of the significant founders of WOW Ceramics, Jabalpur. The company provides customers with more ‘green’ sanitary ware options so that they can reduce their environmental footprint yet enjoy quality and style. Their rigid commitment to sustainability acts as one reason for continuing interest in sanitary ware in Jabalpur among people concerned about the environment.
7. Trust and Reputation in the Market The sanitary ware industry is all about reputation, and sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur have earned customer confidence by their service and quality for these many years. Dealers like WOW Ceramics have carved a niche with premium sanitary ware so that they remain the first choice among many house owners and builders of this region. Their good reputation is built on a foundation of offering top-of-the-line products of trusted brands, and providing second-to-none customer service.
Each customer buying from WOW Ceramics, Jabalpur, is thus assured of getting nothing but the best, both in terms of product quality and after-sales service. The good relations that these dealers have with leading brands like Varmora, Kohler, and Aquant lends their good relations, adding to the dealer’s credibility in ensuring that every purchase is a sound one.
Conclusion Together with the broad range of products, partnership with top brands, durability, and sustainability, at affordable rates, the sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur ensure that the quality will be superior for all the reasons given above. If you are looking forward to the best Luxury Sanitary ware in Jabalpur, then WOW Ceramics is the leading option. They are one of the leading sanitary ware dealers in Jabalpur offering a wide choice of high-quality products from renowned brands like Varmora, Kohler, and Aquant that ensure only the best products in your bathroom or kitchen.
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California Dreaming: We Need To Talk About California Colleges
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California is a very popular college destination. Most often, the colleges students bring to the conversation are the ‘UCs’ or the University of California colleges.
If places like Berkeley, UCLA, or UC San Diego are on your mind, here are three things you need to know about admission to the UCs – Know what’s expected & plan ahead The UCs have specific high school course requirements, aligned to the California state requirements. They refer to these as the “A-G” requirements and you’ll want to make sure that you are planning ahead throughout high school to meet these to be considered as an applicant. Most students who are taking a rigorous program in high school are on track to meet these. The one that we find most catches students off guard is the arts requirement. The UCs require that an applicant has completed two semesters in the same artistic discipline – dance, music, theater, visual or interdisciplinary arts. The courses can be taken in different years and on different topics (think ceramics and painting) but must be within the same discipline.
Each of the nine undergraduate-serving UC campuses has its own admission review process, and acceptance rate, but they all use the same UC application and a student cannot apply with the Common App. The UCs are transparent about the criteria used to evaluate applicants. You can learn about the 13 points used in the comprehensive review process here and even understand how the UCs calculate GPA and assess the rigor of your classes. Heavy emphasis is placed on strong grades in advanced (AP or IB) coursework in grades 10 and 11. An out of state student with less than an A average in grades 10 and 11, or just a couple of AP or IB courses may find UC admissions to be extremely challenging.
Understand the out of state story As a public university system, UC has a mandate to admit and enroll California residents, with 2021 legislation passed to significantly reduce non-resident enrollment by 2030. Each year, the most competitive campuses such as UCLA, Berkeley, and San Diego are all reducing out of state enrollment. This means each year it is becoming more challenging to gain admission from outside of California. If you view the published non-resident numbers for UC campuses, you will find that the current non-resident enrollment in most cases hovers around or just below 20%. However, these statistics encompass two different populations: out of state US students, and international students. Because international applicants are often expected to be ‘full pay’ students, the international student population makes up a much larger portion of non-resident enrollment. This means being a US student from outside of California is often the most narrow entry into these popular and competitive institutions that already purport admitted student GPA averages at and above 4.0.
What else to consider Students who are considering University of California schools should make sure they are eligible and solid applicants in the pools for the UC campuses they are applying to. The application is involved and lengthy, so it’s worth identifying several campuses where you will submit to make this application worth your while. Beyond this, consider the California State system; though many of these schools are also quite competitive, several offer higher acceptance rates for out of state students than their UC counterparts. Give serious consideration to private colleges in California too. There are many excellent options at a range of different admissibility levels. As private institutions, some of these will offer merit scholarships that make tuition more affordable.
As always, we encourage students & families to look beyond the sweatshirt ‘name brand’ schools to explore the many fantastic colleges that align with your values and offer the opportunities, experiences, and community you seek.
TBU Advisors are experienced in supporting students to navigate their college choices and personal best fit. If you’d like to explore working with a TBU Advisor, get in touch here. We look forward to connecting with you.
Looking for more insights like these? Join us on our Membership Platform for exclusive content, live webinars, and the resources and tools to unstick your college process. Not yet a member? Use code TBUWELCOME at checkout to receive your first month of TBU Membership free. Click here to join us
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bblbrakes · 11 days
What is Brake Lining? Understanding its Importance in Vehicle Safety
Brake lining is an essential component of the braking system in any vehicle. It plays a critical role in ensuring smooth and safe stopping, making it crucial for overall vehicle safety. In this blog, we will explore what brake lining is, its importance, and why selecting the right brake lining manufacturers and brake lining suppliers is key to maintaining vehicle performance.
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What is Brake Lining?
Brake lining is a material attached to the surface of the brake shoe or pad. It creates the necessary friction when pressed against the brake drum or disc, allowing vehicles to decelerate or come to a complete stop. Typically, brake linings are made from various materials such as organic, semi-metallic, or ceramic composites, each designed for specific performance needs.
Types of Brake Linings
There are different types of brake linings based on the vehicle and braking system used. For example, brake lining shoe refers to the linings used in drum brakes. Drum brakes are common in both passenger vehicles and larger commercial vehicles. Similarly, commercial vehicle brake lining is designed for heavier loads, offering better heat resistance and durability under extreme braking conditions.
Importance of Brake Lining in Vehicle Safety
The primary function of brake lining is to create friction that slows down or stops the vehicle. Over time, these linings wear out, and if not replaced, can lead to unsafe driving conditions, such as reduced braking efficiency, longer stopping distances, or complete brake failure. Regular inspection and replacement of worn-out linings are essential to prevent accidents and ensure road safety.
Brake Lining Manufacturers: Ensuring Quality and Safety
The quality of the brake lining depends heavily on the manufacturer. Reputable brake lining manufacturers ensure that their products meet high safety and performance standards. Using low-quality brake linings can result in quicker wear, more frequent replacements, and unsafe driving conditions. Therefore, it’s crucial to purchase brake linings from trusted brake lining suppliers.
In countries like India, brake lining manufacturers from India have earned a reputation for producing high-quality and cost-effective products. Companies like BBL Brakes are known for their innovative manufacturing processes and commitment to safety, making them a reliable choice for automotive manufacturers and service providers.
India’s Role in the Global Brake Lining Market
India is a major player in the global brake lining industry, with many companies recognized as top brake lining exporters in India. These manufacturers offer high-quality products at competitive prices, contributing to the global supply chain for both passenger and commercial vehicles. For businesses looking to source reliable brake lining suppliers, Indian companies offer a blend of affordability, quality, and timely delivery.
Choosing the Right Brake Lining Supplier
Selecting the right brake lining supplier can make a significant difference in vehicle safety and maintenance costs. A good supplier should offer durable, high-performance products that comply with international safety standards. Additionally, partnering with a supplier who has a strong track record, like the leading brake lining manufacturers from India, ensures long-term reliability.
Brake linings are critical to vehicle safety, and regular maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs and ensuring driver safety. Whether for personal or commercial vehicle brake lining, it is essential to invest in high-quality products from reputable brake lining manufacturers and brake lining suppliers. With India’s strong presence as a brake lining exporter in India, businesses can find reliable, affordable, and high-performing brake linings to suit their needs.
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omshinde5145 · 17 days
Hypersonic Flight Market Share, Key Market Players, Trends & Forecast, 2024–2030
The Hypersonic Flight Market is still in its nascent stages but is rapidly gaining momentum. Significant investments are being made by governments, defense contractors, and aerospace companies to develop hypersonic technologies. These investments are driven by the strategic advantages hypersonic capabilities offer, including unparalleled speed and maneuverability, which are critical for national security and defense.
The report focuses on estimating the current market potential in terms of the total addressable market for all the segments, sub-segments, and regions. In the process, all the high-growth and upcoming technologies were identified and analyzed to measure their impact on the current and future market. The report also identifies the key stakeholders, their business gaps, and their purchasing behavior. This information is essential for developing effective marketing strategies and creating products or services that meet the needs of the target market. The report also covers a detailed analysis of the competitive landscape which includes major players, their recent developments, growth strategies, product benchmarking, and manufacturing operations among others. Also, brief insights on start-up ecosystem and emerging companies is also included as part of this report.
Download a Sample Copy of This Report- https://intentmarketresearch.com/request-sample/hypersonic-flight-market-3187.html
Key Players
Several major players are leading the charge in the hypersonic flight market:
Lockheed Martin: With its Skunk Works division, Lockheed Martin is at the forefront of hypersonic research and development. The company is working on the SR-72, a hypersonic reconnaissance aircraft intended to replace the SR-71 Blackbird.
Boeing: Boeing is also heavily invested in hypersonic technology. The company is involved in various projects, including the X-51 Waverider, an experimental hypersonic scramjet-powered aircraft.
Raytheon Technologies: Raytheon is focusing on developing hypersonic missiles, such as the Hypersonic Air-breathing Weapon Concept (HAWC), in collaboration with the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA).
Northrop Grumman: Another key player, Northrop Grumman, is working on both offensive and defensive hypersonic systems, including interceptors designed to counter hypersonic threats.
International Players: Countries like China and Russia are also making significant strides in hypersonic technology, with China testing its DF-ZF hypersonic glide vehicle and Russia deploying the Avangard hypersonic glide vehicle.
Technological Advancements
Hypersonic flight presents numerous technical challenges, including extreme temperatures, material stress, and the need for advanced propulsion systems. However, recent advancements have shown promising progress:
Scramjet Engines: Scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) engines are a pivotal technology for sustained hypersonic flight. Unlike traditional jet engines, scramjets operate efficiently at hypersonic speeds, allowing for continuous acceleration.
Thermal Protection Systems: Hypersonic vehicles face intense heat due to air friction. Advanced thermal protection materials and cooling systems are being developed to withstand these extreme conditions.
Advanced Materials: The development of lightweight, heat-resistant materials such as carbon composites and ceramics is crucial for the structural integrity of hypersonic vehicles.
Precision Navigation: Hypersonic speeds require highly accurate navigation and control systems to ensure precise targeting and maneuverability. Innovations in guidance technologies are essential for both military and commercial applications.
Get Customization on this Report: https://intentmarketresearch.com/ask-for-customization/hypersonic-flight-market-3187.html
Future Impact
The potential impact of hypersonic flight extends far beyond the military domain:
Commercial Aviation: Hypersonic passenger planes could drastically reduce travel time, making it possible to fly from New York to London in under two hours. This would revolutionize global travel, offering unprecedented convenience and efficiency.
Space Exploration: Hypersonic technology can also enhance space exploration efforts. Hypersonic vehicles could serve as reusable spaceplanes, providing cost-effective and rapid access to space for scientific missions and satellite deployment.
National Security: Hypersonic missiles and defense systems will play a crucial role in future military strategies, providing a significant advantage in terms of speed and responsiveness.
Scientific Research: The high-speed capabilities of hypersonic flight enable new possibilities in scientific research, including high-altitude atmospheric studies and rapid deployment of scientific instruments.
The hypersonic flight market is poised for significant growth and innovation in the coming years. With major aerospace companies and governments investing heavily in research and development, we are on the brink of a new era in aviation and defense. As technological barriers are overcome and new applications emerge, hypersonic flight promises to transform our world in ways we are only beginning to imagine. The race to harness the power of hypersonic speed is not just a technological challenge but a testament to human ingenuity and the relentless pursuit of progress.
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