#international woodworkers of america
if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"Women Back Men In Logging Dispute," Vancouver Sun. October 12, 1943. Page 6. --- Special to The Vancouver Sun ΝΑΝΑΙΜΟ, Oct. 12. - District Council No. 1, Women's Auxiliary of International Woodworkers of America, at a meeting here on Sunday with representatives from New Westminster, Ladysmith, Alberni, Victoria, Lake Cowichan, Camp No. 6, Youbou, and Courtenay passed a resolution to support the IWA morally and financially in its efforts for collective bargaining and union agreements.
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vcendent · 5 months
art vs industry
Sometimes I'm having a good day, but then sometimes I think about how industry is actively killing creative fields and that goes away. People no longer go to woodworkers for tables and chairs and cabinets, but instead pick from one of hundreds of mass-produced designs made out of cheap particle board instead of paying a carpenter for furniture that is both made to last generations and leaves room for customization. With the growth of population and international trade, the convenience and low production costs are beneficial in some aspects, but how many local craftsmen across the world were put out of business? How many people witnessed their craft die before their eyes? There is no heart or identity put into mass produced items; be it furniture, ceramics, metalwork, or home decor; and at the end of the day everybody ends up with the same, carbon copy stuff in their homes.
I'm a big fan of animated movies, and I see this same thing happening too. When was the last time western audiences saw a new 2D animated movie hit theatres? I can't speak for other countries, but, at least in America, I believe The Princess and the Frog was the last major 2D movie released and that was back in 2009. Major studios nowadays are unwilling to spend the time and money that it would take to pay traditional animators who have spent years honing their craft to go frame by frame, and to pay painters to create scene backgrounds. We talk a lot about machines replacing jobs, but when the machines come, artistry professions are some of the first to be axed (in part because industry does not see artistry as "valuable" professions). Art, music, and writing are no longer seen as "real" jobs because they belong to the creative field and there's this inane idea that anyone who goes into those fields will be unsuccessful and starving. I'm not saying that 3D animation is bad, it has its own merits and required skills and can be just as impressive as anything 2D, but it has smothered 2D animation and reduced it largely to studios that cannot afford the tech to animate 3D.
And now we have this whole AI thing to deal with, stealing existing artists' work to "train" it to take over those few professions that, until now, required actual people to do them. Internet artists have already been dealing with people complaining about the price of art for years and now have to face their work being stolen to train AI. With AI technology, anyone who undervalues the work of the artist can now get something generated at little or no cost to them, all at the expense of the artists themselves. Why would studios pay script writers when they could just get an algorithm to do it without pay? Why pay actors to bring characters to life or pay models to pose for ads when CGI has progressed enough we could digitally render humans and cut out having to pay people entirely? Why use practical effects or film on location when green screens and adding in-post is faster and so much cheaper? It's no wonder we had the SAG-AFTRA strike. AI has already been trained to write children's books and produce music, continuing down this road will replace authors and musicians too at the convenience of cost. How much longer until the actual, real-life people behind all forms of artistry become completely obsolete?
Industry is just driving the cost of people-made crafts up and up with every mass produced product and every streamlined shortcut to reduce costs, which only makes it harder and harder for artists of all kinds to make a living, as very few people want to pay for the time and skill of artists when they could just pick something off a shelf or feed AI a prompt and get something satisfactory enough, yet not what they actually wanted, for so much cheaper.
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wisteriagoesvroom · 5 months
unnecessarily specific college!au f1 driver headcanons, part 3. professors edition!
(if you want to start from the beginning: part 1, the undergrads, here and part 2, more undergrad headcanons.)
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- major: archaeology (never graduated)
- left school in the final year to be a skydiving instructor and then went on a site dig in Central America in the early 2000s
- there’s a plaque with his name on campus because he’s climbed like 4 of the world’s highest mountains, gone in a submarine into the Mariana Trench, and discovered at least one new species along the way
- other claim to fame is being in the national newspaper’s crossword at the age of 23
- notorious for breaking the rules when on expeditions and skirting the line of safety but gets away with it because he’s a big name in the field and brings investment to his (sort of) alma mater
- appears once on campus to give an inspirational talk. doesn’t rehearse, switches it to a q&a format at the last minute, people enjoy it anyway (because it’s not rehearsed). George tries to strike up a conversation with him afterwards and Alonso just pawns him off to his PA
- wears a different coloured bandana to every dig/hike/expedition. hates closed toe shoes.
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- teaches: molecular structures in microbiology
- precise prof and a tough grader, but nice
- came over a competing college several years ago. people from that college say he was a demon and a notorious asshole when he taught there, but he doesn’t seem that way now.
- lando starts a betting pool about when Vettel will have a proper meltdown (it happens not when lando suspends the prof’s hole punch in a cube of jelly. it actually happens when charles and him cannot see eye-to-eye about the future of ocean conservation)
- wears ties with animals and insects on them. his favourite one is a gift from charles when charles graduates, it has bumblebees and his initials SV on it.
- alex digs up an article one day and everyone gawks at it because prof seb won some cross-continent European woodworking competition when he was 15
- nobody knows if he’s dating anyone, only to find out on the last week of second year that he’d eloped
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- teaches: philosophy of ethical economics
- has done several ted talks and is often invited to international forums with world leaders (like the WEF, Bloomberg Sustainable Investment Forum etc)
- there’s a student GC trying to predict what his hairstyles will be like every month, usually with 50% accuracy
- one of the first profs to pioneer public access to the private university via open university modules; definitely has a tie up going on with EdX or similar
- people think max will be the one to piss him off in seminars but it’s actually george who has deeply different opinions to prof hamilton on the issues of land tax
- famous for his induction / opening year classes which involve all students standing on their chairs in a circle and chanting an invocation until they can state the colours of their auras. it’s bizarre and somehow it works
- his TAs are the coolest people ever
- somehow fits a 36 hour day into 24 hours
- his spotify wrapped includes the hamilton soundtrack, britney, 90s rap, and Tibetan gong soundscapes on his 10 most listened of the year
- his favourite word is mobius. only him and nico know that this used to be their safeword.
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- taught: political economy
- former prof who went into industry and is now a venture capitalist
- used to be super close friends (“close” “friends”) with Hamilton. they went to the same prep school, rushed at the same finals club, were famous via the university debate team for their immaculate takedowns of other teams including a legendary debate final in their late 2000s student years
- had a massive falling out when rosberg decided to pursue a career instead of staying in academia
- feels a deep connection to andrew garfield’s portrayal of eduardo saverin
- similar to carla, dad’s name is also on a lecture hall, but nico had much more of an inferiority complex about it
- prof wolff once told him “i don’t see your future here ever surpassing prof hamilton’s”. Nico rage-quit once he had an offer from a VC firm and now Nico spends every other media interview subtly making digs about this
- somehow still lives in the same apartment complex as lewis though he drives a much better car now (a benz GTC roadster)
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secretgamergirl · 4 months
I am so sick of poverty.
I am doubled over right now in my broken chair layering my clothes up because it's 20 degrees out and I can't afford heat. I haven't eaten anything tonight because I can't afford food. Things could be worse. I still have electricity. I still have a roof over my head, for now, in a bad neighborhood where I'm too terrified to ever set foot outside and I'm constantly having to deal with screaming, car alarms, and sirens. I have no real way of paying my rent, and haven't in some time. I just keep begging and getting one-off help from people and eventually that luck is going to run out. I genuinely did not expect to still be alive this month, I don't know if I'm going to be a month from now, and I genuinely cannot picture anything that can change my situation.
I'm just sitting here right now thinking to myself, "why is my life like this?" and I really hate how the answer really just is that I'm trans.
If you don't know what that means, and statistically you don't, that means I was born with a really quite boring fluke medical thing where my endocrine system makes certain chemicals in the wrong ratio which, if untreated, completely messes me up with really gross and disgusting physical symptoms and causing all sorts of awful brain issues that make it basically impossible to live... BUT, there's really cheap readily available supplements to get those where they should be and then you're fine. So in a halfway reasonable world, this would just be like how some people need glasses or a hearing aid or any other sort of medication people might need to take for something.
But, we don't. We live in this super messed up world where because being trans is such a rare and uninteresting thing, a tiny handful of weirdos, for reasons beyond my comprehension, have this all-consuming obsession with doing everything in their power to harm trans people, and have spent literally their entire lifetimes spreading utterly bonkers propaganda, lobbying lawmakers, getting onto medical boards, and just acting as traditional good old fashioned stalkers, with the net result being this swirling miasma of false information, stigmatization, mistrust, and of course, depriving people of necessary medical treatment.
One of the nastier specific effects there is that you can't just get the aforementioned medications you need to live a normal boring life as a trans person. There is this whole wild and wacky hazing ritual built into international medical standards where you're literally required to humiliate yourself in public for a good year and make damn sure everyone around you knows you're trans, and can properly make your life hell for it.
So back to my little story here. I'm trans, I decided I would in fact like to have some sort of bearable life with a functioning brain and a minimum of weird gross physical problems, and had to announce this to the world. IMMEDIATELY, I have stalkers out the wazoo. I'm getting death threats. Family isn't speaking to me. Friends aren't speaking to me. People I've worked with/for my whole life cut all ties with me. I just had to sort of start life over from nothing well into adulthood.
And you know, I managed that. I've worked as a journalist and a game designer my whole life, those skills aren't the worst for working on your own, things were starting to get off the ground. This despite/because the whole thing with neo-nazis coming out of the woodwork and attacking trans people both with life-ruining tactics and, you know, guns. But, you know, as fate would have it, some people who don't do proper research put too much stock in some cover stories suggesting that they're actually targeting journalists, and when it shakes out to the contrary, decide to absolutely crush the trans people whose lives are actually in danger and are reporting on this... while at the same time the worst TERF in America is literally getting trans journalists blacklisted, stalking people, teaming up with neo-nazis, all that good stuff.
Anyway, as it happens, basically all the people I've met in rebuilding my life care enough about staying on the good sides of some of the above people, and are all too happy to completely throw me under the bus, not only cutting all ties with me but also starting some horrible rumors and leaking my closely guarded personal details to some particularly frightening people, forcing me to flee my home with just what I can carry out in a day... multiple times. And of course, again, I've lost more or less all of my friends, my ability to find work, and I have the setbacks of sudden homelessness and someone skipping out on a joint charity project with all the donations people had made, burning down all the vital operating resources to boot.
And this of course is all before the whole bit where the site formally known as Twitter spontaneously kicked me off with no chance to exchange alternate contact info with anyone, because wouldn't you know it, the new owner has an irrational hatred of trans people and has neo-nazi stalkers of mine kissing up to him in a way he's weirdly protective of.
But wait, there's more! All these fascist stalkers monitor me at all times to make sure I can't get any work of any kind, and I'm forced to live purely off direct patreon donations and government programs. But that gets into some other fun problems. Stalking comes with identity theft, evading would-be murderers involves changes of legal name and address. These confuse a lot of government databases, so I lack a valid social security card in there somewhere. Also causes problems with paypal. And with medcab programs. And then there's good old fashioned medical discrimination. I haven't seen a dentist in years because the last couple I've been referred to outright discriminate against trans patients. I need some surgery performed, and my health plan keeps telling me I can only see surgeons who have almost no experience if I'm lucky, and a history of horribly botched procedures otherwise.
Oh, and the reason I have no food? I WAS on an assistance program, but in the yearly audit, someone noticed that my rent significantly exceeds my income. You would hope seeing that they'd realize I'm REALLY in trouble and if anything give me more money, but hey, one of those weird bits of propaganda about trans people is that we're all sex workers, so the people handling this case leaned into that bias and are insisting I must be withholding income information with some vague insinuations on what they're speculating, and denying me access to food, BECAUSE I'm losing access to shelter.
So yeah, if people could just be normal about trans people, I'd have no stalkers, still be able to work, see doctors when I need to, and if I had shortfalls still, at least be able to eat. As is... yeah I might just die in the next big cold snap while I try to beg money off people to cover my rent and buy a few cans of soup.
Sorry to be a downer. Patreon link if you want to try to help.
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Cool Stuff in New Orleans – Lakefront Airport
In 1929, the Orleans Levee Board placed a 10,000 ft retaining wall in Lake Pontchartrain and began pumping in fill. The goal? Creating a manmade peninsula for New Orleans’ new airport. 5 years and $4.5 million later, Lakefront Airport (originally called Shushan Airport) opened to the public.
The airport is a marvel of art deco design. Sadly, much of the exterior detailing was lost in the 1960s when they were covered with cement panels to protect the airport from bombing during the Cold War. The interior, though, with its gilded accents, deco light fixtures, murals, and soaring woodwork, is stunning.
After World War II, increased air travel led to the construction of the larger Louis Armstrong National Airport (today Louis Armstrong New Orleans International Airport). While most traffic shifted to Armstrong, Lakefront remains an important public airport serving the region. Lakefront is also home to the Commemorative Air Force’s Big Easy Wing, and base of operations for some of the area’s airplane and helicopter tours. Check it out while you’re in town for Miss Fisher Con!
Photo sources: Atlas Obscura, Wikimedia Commons
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buckybarnesss · 5 months
So, I'm rewatching LotR a lot these days and during The Two Towers, Denethor (Boromir's dad) is super dismissive of Faramir, insults him and his abilities, and pushes Boromir to go and try to bring the Ring back to Gondor. It's clear he's abusive, in the way that they avoid looking him directly in the eyes and how neither want him around. They're visibly uncomfortable and upset, even though they do try to tell him to fuck off.
And I'm like, wow, if these movies came out today, there would be too many people on this website who see this behaviour and say "You know, Denethor's not actively hitting them, so he's clearly not abusive!!"
I was expecting racists to come crawling out of the woodwork. I was not expecting people to see blatantly abusive behaviour and say "That's not that bad, let's see Sally's bruises."
all my homies hate denethor. how he treats his sons is a very clear golden-child and scapegoat dynamic. such blatant favoritism is abusive too.
it's been, uh, interesting to see the reaction to the changes to gabe. in the books i found him to be an over the top abusive step dad trope. he's like a greasy car sales man. i was always reminded of danny devito's mr wormwood from the 1996 adaptation of matilda.
i read the percy jackson books when i was 20 and was always personally deeply uncomfortable with the underlying "stay with your abuser for your kid" that was simmering under the sally and gabe relationship in the books.
it made me uncomfortable because i had lived it. my parents separated mere weeks after i had turned 18 and my mother has explicitly told me one of the reasons she hadn't divorced my father sooner was because of me.
that shit does stuff to you as a person. kids are smart but they also internalize things and it's not always the right things.
sally doesn't need to suffer to keep percy safe. suffering for righteousness or martyrdom smacks of puritanical ideology that's very pervasive in the america consciousness.
what i saw on screen with gabe and sally was an intimately familiar abusive and dysfunctional relationship. i appreciated the changes as to me it appeared that in the 20 years since rick had written the lightening thief he had reflected on what he wanted to polish and change from the book.
i think the changes to gabe's storyline also might be connected into how medusa seems to be getting a more sympathetic storyline.
gabe is still an abusive shitty person and he doesn't have to physically harm sally to be that way and who knows maybe he still is. physical abuse doesn't have to happen all the time. it can be infrequent too.
some of the comments i've read online have felt very "sally isn't beat enough and cowering so gabe isn't abusive." or "sally was able to stand up to him so he's not abusive" but off the top of my head:
gabe was shown as being a lay about with unreliable income leeching off sally financially yet still refers to the apartment as "his" house. this says he sees her money and assets as his.
he answers sally's phone which indicates a lack of boundaries and privacy for sally. he even indicates that he answers "whatever" is ringing in "his" house.
he's aggressively argumentative with the super, sally and percy.
he insults percy's intelligence and applauds the idea that percy physically assaulted another child.
sally has to negotiate use of the car to have time away from the home.
i'm sorry if this isn't abusive enough to some people i guess.
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Hmm.... hey, interns? Did you have any secret talents you never found out, other than your psychic abilities?
[Norma] That sentence ...doesn't make sense. How can we know if we have any secret talents if we never found out about them? It's just-
[Lizzie] Norma, stop being a pill about semantics and answer the question.
(Inters chuckle)
[Norma] Ugh ...secret talents ...do I have any? (Frazie leans over and whispers a suggestion in her ear) (Gives Frazie a playful push) (hushed voice) I am not telling them that.
[Frazie] Oh, c'mon, it's cute!
[Lizzie] Okay, now I'm curious.
[Norma] And you're gonna keep being curious.
[Lizzie] Compromise! How about we all start and you get the last word?
[Norma] (Pause) (Blushes as Frazie nudges her) Okay, fine. Hey, where's Raz, by the way? I just noticed he's not here.
[Frazie] He's helping Milla and Mom making dinner for tonight. By the way, you're invited too.
[Norma] Thanks.
[Lizzie] Are we done being wholesome? Let's get on with it! Oh, and Raz's hidden talent is hair styling and fashion, just gonna call that out.
[Adam] (Chuckles) I'll start. Turns out that playing around with my yo-yo's all the time made me realize that I'm actually ambidextrous.
[Sam] (Jokingly) I thought you were straight?
(Everyone chuckles)
[Adam] Har-har. No, seriously though, I didn't realize it was happening at first. I was writing something down, dropped something, switched over my pen to my other hand, grabbed the thing that had fallen on the ground and while I was checking if it wasn't broken or something; I just kept writing.
[Gisu] That's cool. When I was home for the summer, I helped out in a neighbours workshop, who is a professional woodworker. I got curious, he showed me some techniques and it seems I got a knack for woodworking. I'm thinking of making my own boards.
[Sam] I know how to do Mongolian throat singing. (Clears throat)
[Morris] Sam! Window accident? Remember?
[Sam] Oh yeah! I forgotten about that. Nevermind then.
[Morris] I know how to make mixtapes. I started making my own since last Summer, when we were in Brazil, after Espen showed me how.
[Adam] How are they, by the way?
[Morris] They're doing fine. They are thinking of coming over to America to learn business management, since they want to open a Music Label after they graduated.
[Lizzie] You guys know needle felting? That art thing where you stab at felt a million times until it becomes something? Me and Millie started doing that and I am apparently a natural at it.
[Norma] (Scoffs) Right...
[Lizzie] You don't believe me? Who do you think made that Cthulhu plushy that's menacingly looming in the corner of my room?
[Gisu] For real?
[Lizzie] For real! Okay, that leaves Frazie and Norma. Spill the beans, you two.
[Norma] (Groans)
[Frazie] (Giggling) You want me to tell them? (giggles as Norma just nods with an expression of defeat) Me and Norma have taken up a new hobby in secret a couple of months ago.
[Gisu] Hang on, is this about why you two disappear for hours sometimes?
[Adam] We just figured you two got somewhere private and ...well, got funky with each other.
[Norma] Don't ...ever use 'getting funky with each other' ever again, Adam. And it's not that!
[Gisu] Stop dancing around the issue and just tell us.
[Frazie] (Laughs) You guessed it!
[Gisu] What?
[Frazie] Dancing! Me and Norma have taken up Swing Dancing a couple of months ago and she's a natural pro at it.
[Morris] No!?
[Lizzie] For real!? Norma's got two left feet!
[Sam] Seeing is believing!
[Adam] Yeah, now you gotta show us!
[Norma] (Groans and tries to burry her face in her knees) Please stop...
[Frazie] Oh, don't be like that. You're amazing at it and we have so much fun during lessons. Our teacher says that Norma learned so quickly, she thought that Norma lied about being a total amateur.
[Norma] And she asked Frazie - pleaded, more accurately - to keep the extreme flexibility and contortionistic moves to a minimum, because she really freaked out some of the other people.
[Sam] Oh, now I gotta see this.
[Morris] I'm getting the music! (Hovers off to his room) I'm sure I got something in my collection.
[Gisu] Adam, Sam, help me clear the room. And get the camera, Raz will surely wanna see this. (Uses TK to clear the couch and table)
[Norma] Guys ...
[Frazie] (Gently takes hold of Norma's hand, looking pleadingly into her eyes) Norma, will you please dance with me? It would mean so much to me... I'll make it worth your while.
[Norma] (Blushing) Okay, fine. (Grins) But if we're gonna do this ...let's do it properly. You ...gotta wear the dress.
[Frazie] Yes! As long as you wear the suit. Let's get changed! (Grabs Norma and Drags her towards her room.)
[Norma] Be right back, guys! You better get the music ready.
[Lizzie] (Laughs) Oh, she's excited now. (Pause) Hmmm, swing dancing ...didn't Millie say she wanted to try that? (Shrugs) Oh well, you only live once. I'll text Mills about that later. (Grins) Right now, we've got a show to prepare for.
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dd20century · 2 months
The New Formalist: Edward Durell Stone
“A great building should be universal, not controversial.” --  Edward Durell Stone
New York Times architecture critic Paul Goldberger wrote in his obituary of architect Edward Durell Stone:
Edward Durell Stone's career as an architect was marked by a dramatic reversal of direction. He gave up a position as one of America's leading advocates of the International Style just as that austere modern style was gaining wide public acceptance, and he began instead to evolve a personal style that was lush and highly decorative, the very opposite of the International Style. (1)
This shift would be influenced by a woman, Durell Stone’s second wife, Italian designer Maria Elena Torch. As Durell Stone said, “Maria's fine Italian hand began to show in my attire and my work. Both began to move toward elegance.”
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Edward Durell Stone on the right having dinner with (left to right) architect William Wesley Peters, Stone's then-wife Maria Torch Stone, and Frank Lloyd Wright. Photo credit: Charles Rossi.
Edward Durell Stone’s Early Years
Architect Edward Durell Stone was born on March 9, 1902, in the college town of Fayetteville, Arkansas. Durrell’s grandfather Steven K. Stone was a successful businessman, Durrell’s father “Benjamin Hicks Stone (1852-1942) graduated from Emory & Henry College, in Virginia, in 1873 and returned to Fayetteville to run his father's business” (2). In 1885 Benjamin Hicks Stone married Ruth S. Johnson, an English teacher. The couple “had four children, the youngest..., Edward Durell Stone” (2).
Young Edward showed early artistic promise. His mother encouraged him to take up drawing and woodworking. J. William Fulbright was one of Edward’s childhood friends. Fulbright would go on to become a United States Senator. The two men remained life-long friends. Stone attended the University of Arkansas in the early 1920s but was unsuccessful in all of his courses except drawing. His talent came to the attention of the head of the “university's art department, [Elizabeth Galbraith who] recognized Stone's talent and encouraged him” (2).
At that time Edward’s older brother James Hicks Stone was an architect practicing in Boston, MA. Elizabeth Galbraith reached out to the brother asking him “to take an interest in the boy” (2). Edward spent the summer of 1921 in Boston visiting the city’s architectural landmarks with James. The experience made an impression on the young Edward, leading him to his calling. In 1922 Edward moved to Boston and found work as an office boy at the architectural firm of Strickland, Blodgett & Law while he studied at the Boston Architectural Club at night. There Edward met architect Henry R. Shepley who hired him to work as a draftsman at Coolidge, Shepley, Bulfinch and Abbott. Shepley would become Stone’s most valued mentor. (2)
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Edward Durell Stone, Radio City Music Hall, Auditorium, (1932), New York City. Image source.
Stone’s Early Architectural Career
“In 1925, Stone won a scholarship to Harvard University's School of Architecture” (2) and also studied at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1927 Stone won the Rotch Travelling Fellowship which gave him the resources to study in Europe for two years. (1, 2) Stone returned to the United States he moved to New York City, just before the start of the Great Depression in October 1929, where he was hired by, “a consortium of architects designing Rockefeller Center. There he worked on what was to be considered his first major early achievement, the design of the interiors of Radio City Music Hall” (2).
 “In December 1930, [Stone] married Sarah Orlean Vandiver (1905-1988), an American tourist he had met and courted in Venice. The couple had two sons, Edward Durell Stone, Jr. (1932-2009), and Robert Vandiver Stone” (2).
Donald Deskey was one of the architects that Stone worked with on the Radio City Music Hall project. This association led to Stone’s ‘first independent commission in 1933, the Mandel House, in Bedford Hills, New York, built for owners of a prominent department store” (2). Deskey served as the interior designer on that project. (2) “The Ulrich Kowalski House, also in Mt. Kisco” (4) was built the following year. With the success of the Mandel and Kowalski Houses, many more commissions followed, and in 1936 (3) Stone established his architectural firm at Rockefeller Center (2).
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Edward Durell Stone, Richard M. Mandel House (1935), Bedford Hills, New York. Image source.
Stone and The Museum of Modern Art
From 1936 to 1939 Edward Durell Stone worked on what Newsweek magazine called, "the first large museum in America to be built according to the streamlined, ultra-modern 'international' style of modern architecture."(5) The project was the Museum of Modern Art (MoMA) in New York City. Stone collaborated with Phillip L. Goodwin. Stone served as design architect while Goodwin produced the architectural drawings. (2) During this time Stone was also designing a home in Old Westbury, NY for MoMA president Anson Conger Goodyear. (4)
In 1940 Edward Durell Stone drove across the United States. Traveling to Arizona and Wisconsin, he met with architect Frank Lloyd Wright. Wright’s use of materials and decorative patterning manifests itself in some of Stone’s later work. In San Francisco, Stone appreciated the use of natural materials used in regional architecture. His greatest takeaway from the trip, however, was his disappointment at how extensively Americans had marred the natural landscape. Quoting Durell, “I scarcely encountered a place where land was used wisely and where what has been built is beautiful” (6).
Edward Durell Stone's Service in World War II
As the United States had entered World War II, Edward Durell Stone enlisted in the United States Army Air Forces in the summer of 1942, “and was stationed in Washington, D.C. Stone entered as a captain and was promoted to the rank of major in November 1943. At his instigation, the Army Air Forces established a Planning and Design Section in July 1944” (2).
As chief of this section Stone was responsible for “the master plans for airfields in Alabama, California, Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Texas” (2).  He also designed the Continental Air Command headquarters at what is now known as Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland. (2)
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Edward Durell Stone, William Thurnauer House (1949), Englewood Heights, New Jersey. Image source.
Stone’s Post-war Work
After the war, Edward Durell Stone reopened his architectural practice. Most of Durell’s commissions during this time were residential. The most notable were the David Stench House (1947) Armonk, NY and the William Thurnauer House in Englewood, New Jersey (1949). (2) Stone’s homes of the late 1940s ‘indicated the increasing influence of Wright — his buildings became lower, more horizontal, and relied more on the use of wood” (1).
 His non-residential projects included the 300-room El Panama Hotel in Panama City, Panama, “notable for its pioneering use of cantilevered balconies in the construction of a resort hotel” (7). In 1948 Stone designed Fine Arts Center for the University of Arkansas in his hometown of Fayetteville, AK. The center featured works by Alexander Calder and Gwen Lux, friends of the architect. (2)
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Postcard photo of Edward Durell Stone's El Panana Hotel (1946), Panama City, Panama. Image source.
Read part two of The New Formalist: Edward Durell Stone.
Goldberger, P., (7 August, 1978). Edward Durell Stone Dead at 76; Designed Major Works Worldwide. https://www.nytimes.com/1978/08/07/archives/edward-durell-stone-dead-at-76-designed-major-works-worldwide-a.html
R. L. Skolmen and H. Stone, Edward Durell Stone: Life. https://www.edwarddurellstone.org/
Smart, G., (2024). Edward Durell Stone, FAIA (1902-1978). https://usmodernist.org/stone.htm
Wkikpedia.com, (7 February, 2014). Edward Durell Stone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Durell_Stone
"The Glass-Temple Museum: Modern Art Display Takes Over Own Building in New York," Newsweek (22 May 1939): 32.
Edward Durell Stone, The Evolution of an Architect, (New York: Horizon Press, 1962), 92.
Britannica.com, (n.d),.Edward Durell Stone, American architect. https://www.britannica.com/biography/Edward-Durell-Stone#ref81069
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November 5th 2020 was the first time I experienced a mass hysteria that actually affected me too and just the memory makes me grin like a madman because the emotional upheaval was so violently abrupt that you either had to laugh or cry or both because that's what hysterics are and most people couldn't even put a name to the emotion we all collectively experienced
Tension was at an all time high as america tried to vote out trump and the rest of the world was gripping the edge of their seats and gritting their teeth because we all wanted this fascist dickhead gone. The vote was supposed to be counted and announced on the third. They were still counting and we were screaming internally the entire time. As the days grew without a verdict we were getting more and more wound up with each minute without news.
November 3rd through 5th of that year was like everyone in the world trying really, really fucking hard to balance on a tightrope as the american government threatened to cut the line at the end over a spiked pit. We were waiting for a verdict of cut the rope and plunge us into a fascist's second term (and possibly longer there was topic of him just never giving up the presidency) or don't cut the rope and let us all safely disembark the tightrope to try and pick us the pieces again.
Then Destiel was suddenly canon in the dumbest way possible and it was like we all saw the person in front of us get bitch slapped by a flying rubber chicken that had a screaming squeaky toy in it.
Then it was a rain of rubber chickens as more and more incomprehensible fandom news and rumors kept crawling out of the woodwork to bombard us. Putin retiring was some of the insane misinformation being spread by Destiel meme.
We had to laugh or breakdown into insanity and I'm still not sure what we collectively chose in hindsight
Either way we have the Destiel announcement meme now
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businessindustry · 4 days
Closet Organizers Market Top Players Strategy, Size-Share Estimation 2032
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The Reports and Insights, a leading market research company, has recently releases report titled “Closet Organizers Market: Global Industry Trends, Share, Size, Growth, Opportunity and Forecast 2024-2032.” The study provides a detailed analysis of the industry, including the global Closet Organizers Market share, size, trends, and growth forecasts. The report also includes competitor and regional analysis and highlights the latest advancements in the market.
Report Highlights:
How big is the Closet Organizers Market?
The closet organizers market size reached US$ 7.93 billion in 2023. Looking forward, Reports and Insights expects the market to reach US$ 15.85 billion by 2032, exhibiting a growth rate (CAGR) of 8.0% during 2024-2032.
What are Closet Organizers?                                                                                                                                                                            
Closet organizers are systems crafted to maximize and organize the storage of clothing, shoes, accessories, and more within a closet or wardrobe. These systems often include shelves, drawers, hanging rods, and compartments, aiding users in efficiently using their closet space while keeping items orderly and accessible. Available in a variety of styles, materials, and setups, closet organizers offer a practical means of maintaining a well-organized and tidy closet.
Request for a sample copy with detail analysis: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/sample-request/2218
What are the growth prospects and trends in the Closet Organizers industry?
The closet organizers market growth is driven by various factors and trends. The market for closet organizers is experiencing strong growth, propelled by a growing emphasis on maximizing storage and enhancing organization within households. This trend is particularly driven by urbanization and a preference for smaller living spaces, which increase the demand for effective storage solutions. Closet organizers, with their modular designs, customizable options, and a range of materials and finishes, are meeting diverse consumer needs. Furthermore, the increasing recognition of the advantages of an orderly living environment and the introduction of innovative products are projected to drive continued market expansion. Hence, all these factors contribute to closet organizers market growth.
What is included in market segmentation?
The report has segmented the market into the following categories:
By Product Type
Valet Rods
Shelving Units
Plastic Bins
Closet shelves and racks
Closet Rods
Hanging organizers
Drawer organizers
Shoe racks and organizers
Closet Accessories
North America
United States
United Kingdom
Rest of Europe
Asia Pacific
South Korea
Australia New Zealand
Rest of Asia Pacific
Latin America
Middle East Africa
Saudi Arabia
South Africa
United Arab Emirates
Rest of MEA
Who are the key players operating in the industry?
The report covers the major market players including:
The Home Depot
Closet Factory
California Closets
The Wardrobe Company
Molteni & C
California Wardrobes
Holike Corporation
Simply Wardrobes
Sauder Woodworking Company
Sherwood Shelving
Ashley Home Store
Raymour & Flanigan
Ethan Allen
View Full Report: https://www.reportsandinsights.com/report/Closet Organizers-market
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brookstonalmanac · 1 month
Monthly Holidays: April
Monthly Beer Holidays
Alcohol Awareness Month
NC Beer Month
Organic Beer Month
Monthly Holidays
Autism Awareness Month
Car Care Month
Celebrate Diversity Month
Children and Nature Awareness Month
Community Spirit Days
Dog Appreciation Month
Couple Appreciation Month
Emotional Overeating Awareness Month
Financial Literacy Month
Grange Month
Holy Humor Month
Informed Woman Month
International Amateur Radio Month
International Customer Loyalty Month
International Guitar Month
International Twit Award Month
Irritable Bowel Syndrome Awareness Month
Jazz Appreciation Month
Keep America Beautiful Month
Mathematics and Statistics Awareness Month
Mathematics Education Month
National Anxiety Month
National Cancer Control Month
National Car Care Month
National Card & Letter Writing Month
National Child Abuse Prevention Month
National Donate Life Month
National Facial Protection Month
National Foot Health Awareness Month
National Fresh Celery Month
National Frog Month
National Garden Month
National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Month
National Humor Month
National Kite Month
National Knuckles Down Month
National Minority Health Month
National Parkinson Awareness Month
National Pecan Month
National Poetry Month
National Social Security Month
National Sports Eye Safety Month
National Welding Month
National Woodworking Month
National Youth Sports Safety Month
Occupational Therapy Month
Pet First Aid Awareness Month
Prevent Lyme Disease in Dogs Month
Physical Wellness Month
Poetic Earth Month
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Month
Records and Information Management Month
Rosacea Awareness Month
Sexual Assault Awareness Month
Sonoma County Wine Month
Straw Hat Month
STD Awareness Month
Stress Awareness Month
Workplace Conflict Awareness Month
Women's Eye Health and Safety Month
World Habitat Awareness Month
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 7 months
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"Pact With IWA Granted to Aid War Effort, Say Operators," Vancouver Sun. October 23, 1943. Page 12. --- Loggers' Union Hails 'Great Step Forward' ---- Queen Charlotte logging operators involved in the strike which ended today, at one stage of negotiations with the IWA, sought an agreement to last only for the duration of the war, it was disclosed today in a statement issued by R. V. Stuart, company representative.
The proposal was flatly refused by the union, the statement said,.
'NO REAL DISPUTE' Mr. Stuart's statement continued: "There has never been any real dispute. Wages, hours of work, conditions of employment were arrived at many months ago.
"The sole issue has been as the bargaining agents and right to function as principals rather than agents in a contract with employers.
"To establish this right the employees went on strike. The employers realizing the vital danger to our country and its war effort that would follow the cutting off of aeroplane spruce, have decided the danger is more important than their own private interests, and at the request of Mr. Justice Richards, federal commissioner, have agreed to sign a collective bargaining contract with the IWA."
Nigel Morgan, IWA international board member, in a in a post strike agreement, hailed the agreement as "one of the highest forward steps yet made in the B.C. lumbering industry toward the establishment of sound, harmonious labor relations."
GUARANTEES PEACE "This agreement," he continued, "established through the union of the loggers' own choice, their IWA local 171, is a guarantee of peace during the year the contract is in effect.
"It paves the way for genuine co-operation between management and labor for increasing production of vital Sitka spruce.
HISTORY-MAKING "We are happy to see the men returning to work!"
Vancouver's top labor leaders expressed their gratification that the loggers had won their strike, and declared the agreement the loggers have won "makes history in the B.C. woods."
"Labor never crows over any victories," E. E. Leary, president of the Vancouver Labor Connell (CCL) told The Sun. "But I am glad it is settled. I'm sure it's in the interests of the men and of the industry."
Mr. Leary said it was deplorable that the operators had not signed in the first place.
"It's good progress for labor," declared Birt Showler, president of the Vancouver Trades and Labor Council (AFL).
CONDITIONS GENERAL "But the conditions which caused the Queen Charlotte strike are prevalent throughout Industry. It is taking operators a long time to streamline their labor relations in keeping with today's needs.
"After the employers have done business with a union they will find it is good business - the only way satisfactorily to handle large masses of employees."
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ihrinsights · 2 months
Global Wood Wax Market worth 2.7% CAGR by 2028 - A Press Release By IHR Insights
Wood wax is a natural or synthetic material utilized as a preservative to wood surfaces, generally when they are being finished. The intention of adding the waxes can be to improve gloss and color, offer protection from moisture damage (especially in outdoor furniture), or make a waterproof seal between coats of paint.
Wood wax offers a protective layer that shields wood surfaces from moisture, scratches, and other damage. With a focus on preserving the appearance and longevity of wooden items, wood wax is sought after for its ability to maintain the natural beauty of wood which majorly augments the product demand. Moreover, the popularity of DIY woodworking and crafting projects has also boosted the market growth. As more individuals engage in these activities, the demand for wood wax as a user-friendly and accessible finishing option has also grown.
The increasing demand for eco-friendly and sustainable products presents an opportunity for manufacturers to develop and promote wood waxes made from natural and environmentally friendly ingredients. Offering products with low VOCs and biodegradable components can attract environmentally-conscious consumers and industries. In addition, the manufacturers can explore opportunities for product diversification and customization in the wood wax market. Developing specialized formulations for different wood type, finishes and applications can cater to the specific needs of various industries and consumers.
The Wood Wax Market research report titled as “Wood Wax Market: By Type & By Application - Global Trends & Forecast to 2028”
Leading players operating in the market are Briwax International Ltd, Fiddes & Sons Limited, Liberon Limited, Stewart Superior Europe Ltd., and Rust-Oleum Corporation.
In the wood wax market, the Asia Pacific region currently dominates the wood wax market due to higher manufacturing bases and increased usage of paraffin wood wax in panel boards, with maximum contribution coming from China.
The report consists of ---- Tables 74 and charts 44 depicting the in-depth market study and the impact analysis of COVID-19 by Vendor name. View detailed TOC here.
Wood Wax Market by Types:
Paraffin wood wax
Bees wood wax
Carnauba wood wax
Wood Wax Market by Applications:
Medium Density Fiberboard
Wood Coating
Others (Oriented Strand Board, Lubrication, etc.,)
Wood Wax Market by Geography:
Asia Pacific
North America
Rest of the World
About IHR Insights: We are Market Research and Consulting firm, Offers Market Intelligence, Custom Market Research, Consulting, Go-To-Market and Content Development Services. Consulting Services Includes Market Entry Strategy, Opportunity Assessment, Competition Tracking, Technology Mapping, Sentiment Analysis, Brand Reputation Management. We work on full time engagement model with clients supporting their market intelligence needs across various departments at global level. We work as a partner and provide continues support to the organizations from basic secondary research to strategic inputs in business planning and expansion.
For further inquiries or media contact:
Marketing & Communications IHR Insights [email protected]
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debtloanpayoff · 2 months
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ausetkmt · 3 months
Hurricane Michael unearths hidden history at ‘Negro Fort’ where 270 escaped slaves died – ASALH – The Founders of Black History Month
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PROSPECT BLUFF — Two hundred years ago, a post overlooking the Apalachicola River housed what historians say was the largest community of freed slaves in North America at the time.
Hurricane Michael has given archaeologists an unprecedented opportunity to study its story, a significant tale of black resistance that ended in bloodshed.
The site, also known as Fort Gadsden, is about 70 miles southwest of Tallahassee in the Apalachicola National Forest near the hamlet of Sumatra.
British lived at Prospect Bluff with allied escaped slaves, called Maroons, who joined the British military in exchange for freedom, along with Seminole, Creek, Miccosukee and Choctaw tribe members.
The Negro Fort, which was built on the site by the British during the War of 1812, became a haven for escaped slaves. Inside, 300 barrels of gunpowder were stored, and defended by both women and men.
More:The Negro Fort: a haven for escaped slaves that fell to deadliest cannon shot in U.S. history
Wary of the group of armed former slaves in Spanish Florida living so close to the United States border, U.S. soldiers began to attack. On July 27, 1816, U.S. forces led by Colonel Duncan Clinch ventured down the river and fired a single shot at the fort’s magazine. It exploded, killing 270 escaped slaves and tribes people who were inside. Those who survived were forced back into slavery.
Managed by the U.S. Forest Service, which purchased it in the 1940s, the site has been preserved as a National Historic Landmark and park. Because of that, it was never excavated for artifacts, except in 1963 by Florida State University, mainly to identify structural remains.
“It’s a really intriguing story. There’s so much new ground there that historians of the past never really got into,” said Dale Cox, a Jackson County-based historian.
In an ironic way, Hurricane Michael has changed that — an isolated upsideof the devastating storm.
The October Category 5 hurricane caused extensive damage to the site, toppling about 100 trees. Most of the debris has been cleared, but under the remaining massive roots, archaeologists began this month to dig and sift through the soil, uncovering small artifacts and documenting archaeological features revealed by the upturned trees.
The effort is funded by a $15,000 grant awarded from the National Park Service and is in partnership with the Southeast Archaeological Center.
"The easy, low-hanging fruit is European trade ware that dates to that time period. But when you have ceramics that were made by the locals, it's even more unique and special," said U.S. Forest Service Archaeologist Rhonda Kimbrough. "For one thing, there's not much of it, and we don't have a whole lot of historical records other than the European view from what life in these Maroon communities was like."
So far, Kimbrough and others have found bits of Seminole ceramics, shards of British black glass and gun flint and pipe smoking fragments. They’ve also located the area of a field oven, a large circular ditch that surrounds a fire pit.
The fort was recently inducted into the National Park Service’s Underground Railroad Network to Freedom.
"It’s like connecting the sites, pearls on a string," said Kimbrough, "because these sites, even though they’re spread all over the place, they’re connected by one thing, which is resistance to slavery."
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It's been a slow process of sifting through Census records, which are private for 72 years before release, international archives of Great Britain as well as Spanish archives in Cuba. But Cox is on a quest to name as many as possible.
The people who lived in the Maroon community were very skilled, he said. Many were masons, woodworkers, farmers. They tended the surrounding melon and squash fields, but little is known precisely about their day-to-day lives.
The area has always been ideal for settling, given its higher elevation and clearings amid the river's mostly swampy perimeter, said Andrea Repp, a U.S. Forest Service archaeologist. Prior to European occupation, the site was sacred to natives and was named Achackweithle, which resembles the words for "standing view" in Creek, according to the Florida Geological Survey.
Shack, 76, is a descendant of Maroons. His great great grandfather escaped a North Carolina plantation, married a part-Native American woman and settled in Marianna. He remembers his grandmother's stories about the Prospect Bluff community. 
"I remember her telling us about the 'Colored Fort' and all the colored folk who died," he said. "A lot of black history wasn't taught. A lot of our history is lost, and some of it we won't get back. I'm glad that there's a renewed interest in capturing the history that I thought was lost."
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Understanding the Competitive Landscape of the Industrial Garnet Market
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Industrial garnet or abrasive garnet refers to a group of manganese aluminium silicate minerals that are used for their hardness and abrasive properties. The minerals are extensively used as abrasives in applications such as water jet cutting, abrasive blasting media, water filtration, woodworking, and more. Garnet find applications in water jet cutting owing to their angular crystalline structure that enables precision cutting. They are also used in abrasive blasting media for surface preparation and cleaning applications in different industrial sectors. The global Industrial Garnet Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1024.4 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030, as highlighted in a new report published by Coherent Market Insights. Market Opportunity:
The growing use of garnet as abrasive blasting media and water jet cutting applications offers significant growth opportunity for the industrial garnet market. Garnet is widely used as an effective abrasive blasting media for surface preparation in industries such as marine, aerospace, automotive, and construction. It is also used for preparation of surfaces prior to painting and coating. Additionally, garnet finds increasing usage in precision water jet cutting applications owing to its hardness and angular structure. The rising application of garnet in abrasive blasting and water jet cutting across different industries is expected to drive the demand substantially over the forecast period. Porters Analysis
Threat of new entrants: Low capital requirements for mining operations and processing facilities enables easy entry but established players dominate domestic and international markets making it difficult for new players.
Bargaining power of buyers:Buyers have moderate to high bargaining power due to availability of substitutes and competitive supplier market with key players operating globally.
Bargaining power of suppliers: Mining companies and garnet concentrate suppliers have low to moderate bargaining power due to presence of substitutes and availability of raw material sources globally.
Threat of new substitutes: Substitutes like ceramic beads, recycled materials, plastics and engineered ceramics pose threat to garnets used in water filtrations, abrasives and blast media.
Competitive rivalry: High due to global presence of major players and regional players operating in domestic markets.
SWOT Analysis
Strength: Abundant raw material sources and suitability for diverse applications in abrasives, water jet cutting, water filtration etc.
Weakness: Fluctuating garnet concentrate prices and dependency on economic conditions of end user industries. Supply chain disruptions impact producers.
Opportunity: Growing waterjet cutting industry and water purification needs drives consumption. Usage in ultrasonic flow meters and MEMs devices opens new avenues.
Threats: Substitutes impact garnet's usage in certain applications. Environmental regulations can affect mining activities.
Key Takeaways
The global Industrial Garnet market is expected to witness high growth. The global Industrial Garnet Market is estimated to be valued at US$ 1024.4 Mn in 2023 and is expected to exhibit a CAGR of 5.8% over the forecast period 2023 to 2030.
North America dominates currently due to huge automotive, steel and waterjet industries whereas demand is rising fast in Asia Pacific with increasing manufacturing. China accounted for over 30% of global garnet production in 2021 and demand is projected to grow further with the country's infrastructure and manufacturing push. US, India, Spain, Vietnam and Russia also have significant reserves and contribute notably to meeting the rising global demand. Key players operating in the Industrial Garnet market are GMA Garnet Group, Indian Ocean Garnet Sands Company Ltd., Trimex Sands Private Limited, Barton International, Zircon Mineral Co., Mohawk Garnet Inc., Opta Minerals Inc., V.V. Mineral Pvt. Ltd., Beach Minerals Company, and Rizhao Garnet Ltd. These major producers cater to the abrasive, waterjet cutting, water filtration and various industrial applications.
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