#internet marketing company toronto
gwebpro · 1 month
Digital Marketing Agency in Toronto: 5 Benefits of Email Marketing
There are a lot of marketing strategies that help brands reach their audience. One of the oldest and most reliable is email marketing. This technique has many benefits, which is why it remains a popular choice of advertising.
First, what is email marketing? It is a marketing strategy that involves sending emails about a product or service to a targeted audience that has previously subscribed to or shown interest in the company’s services. It is a great tool for promoting a brand, product, or service. Digital marketing agencies in Toronto often apply this strategy to reach their customers and potential buyers. This helps develop relationships and establish brand loyalty.
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5 Benefits of Email Marketing for a Toronto Digital Marketing Agency
Discover the advantages of email marketing and how it helps digital marketing agencies in Toronto.
Provides Personalized Content
One of the highlights of email marketing is providing tailor-made content for the targeted audience. This personalization can be as small as including the contact’s name in the email. This is because when a person clicks to subscribe, they are immediately regarded as a potential customer as they are showing interest in the service. The messages are then sent to capture their attention by addressing them by their first name. Messages that include the recipient’s first name in the subject line have a higher chance of being opened than those that don’t.
Brands or businesses can create individualized content by segmenting their audience so that the right emails go to the right customers. For example, different emails will be sent to one-time customers and returning customers. The emails might also vary based on geography and engagement levels. For example, a person living in Toronto will receive location-specific emails (like products available in that particular location) which may differ from those living in Ottawa.
2. Improves Sales
Digital marketing agencies in Toronto often use this type of marketing to improve their sales. These marketing campaigns promote products and services, encouraging customers to look at the email for further information. Businesses or brands can generate more audience engagement by promoting their latest arrivals. Doing this gives the audience something to look forward to and something they can plan to invest in.
These campaigns also promote discounts and coupons that the brands or businesses are offering. This motivates customers to look at the discounts on their favourite products, ultimately encouraging them to buy.
3. Improves Communication with Audience
One of the most important aspects of email marketing is communication with the audience. When the audience feels they can engage in a conversation, they are more likely to become loyal to the brand. With a combination of strong customer experience (catering to their needs) and great products or services, the brand wins the loyalty of the audience. By frequently appearing in your audience’s inboxes with promotions, updates, and meaningful content, you can ensure that your brand’s importance stays at the top of their minds.
Emailing your audience can improve the chances of communication, as it is a more direct approach to making a connection. In contrast, social media posts are displayed after observing the audience’s buying patterns.
4. Cost-Effective
Email marketing initiatives are typically less expensive than traditional ones like direct mail or print ads. For this, you won’t need to pay for any photoshoots, placement, postage, printers, or location fees. A copywriter and a graphic artist are all you need. Email campaigns can be created quickly as well. If necessary, it is far more cost-effective to create an email in a day than to create a print campaign.
It is also better than paid advertising and social media marketing. This is because, unlike paid advertisements, this type of marketing does not require continuous payment to share ads or to reach potential customers.
5. Increase Brand Awareness
This type of marketing enables businesses or brands to frequently communicate with their target audience directly in their inbox, which is an effective way to raise brand awareness. This is because sending an email to a potential customer and addressing them directly piques their interest. This results in them opening the mail to view the product the brand is selling.
Businesses can build relationships with their subscribers and maintain brand awareness by regularly providing them with valuable and relevant information, such as newsletters, product updates, and promotions.
They also add social media links to the emails, which encourages the audience to share the product information with their family and friends and increases brand awareness. Furthermore, it offers information about how your audience interacts with the content, enabling them to improve their approach over time and achieve greater outcomes. Emails show consistency, personalization, solution-focused content, and highly optimized campaigns.
Email marketing is an essential part of any digital marketing strategy, whether it is for a small or large business. Since the target audience receives your emails directly in their inbox, it is a very effective marketing strategy. It has lower costs than other marketing strategies and can also provide personalized information to reach its target audience. In contrast to other marketing strategies like sponsored advertisements and social media posts, email marketing guarantees that you stay in contact with your clients, even if the platforms on which they were previously advertising lose their appeal. This is why digital marketing agencies in Toronto vouch for this type of marketing as a significant strategy.
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cloudsmedia · 10 months
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Search engine optimization (Search Engine Optimization) is the act of upgrading a site or site page to expand the amount and nature of its traffic from a web index's natural outcomes. To learn more visit Clouds Media which is top SEO company in Canada. Visit now!
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Best Digital Marketing Company in Canada - Digital Wolf
If you are looking for the best digital marketing services then Digial Wolf is your final option, as it is one of the top providers of digital marketing services.
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Naomi Klein's "Doppelganger"
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Tomorrow (September 6) at 7pm, I'll be hosting Naomi Klein at the LA Public Library for the launch of Doppelganger.
On September 12 at 7pm, I'll be at Toronto's Another Story Bookshop with my new book The Internet Con: How to Seize the Means of Computation.
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If the Naomi be Klein you’re doing just fine If the Naomi be Wolf Oh, buddy. Ooooof.
I learned this rhyme in Doppelganger, Naomi Klein's indescribable semi-memoir that is (more or less) about the way that people confuse her with Naomi Wolf, and how that fact has taken on a new urgency as Wolf descended into conspiratorial politics, becoming a far-right darling and frequent Steve Bannon guest:
This is a very odd book. It is also a very, very good book. The premise – exploring the two Naomis' divergence – is a surprisingly sturdy scaffold for an ambitious, wide-ranging exploration of this very frightening moment of polycrisis and systemic failure:
Wolf once had a cluster of superficial political and personal similarities to Klein: a feminist author of real literary ability, a Jewish woman, and, of course, a Naomi. Klein grew accustomed to being mistaken for Wolf, but never fully comfortable. Wolf's politics were always more Sheryl Sandberg than bell hooks (or Emma Goldman). While Klein talked about capitalism and class and solidarity, Wolf wanted to "empower" individual women to thrive in a market system that would always produce millions of losers for every winner.
Fundamentally: Klein is a leftist, Wolf was a liberal. The classic leftist distinction goes: leftists want to abolish a system where 150 white men run the world; liberals want to replace half of those 150 with women, queers and people of color.
The past forty years have seen the rise and rise of a right wing politics that started out extreme (think of Reagan and Thatcher's support for Pinochet's death-squads) and only got worse. Liberals and leftists forged an uneasy alliance, with liberals in the lead (literally, in Canada, where today, Justin Trudeau's Liberal Party governs in partnership with the nominally left NDP).
But whenever real leftist transformation was possible, liberals threw in with conservatives: think of the smearing and defenestration of Corbyn by Labour's right, or of the LibDems coalition with David Cameron's Tories, or of the Democrats' dirty tricks to keep Bernie from appearing on the national ballot.
Lacking any kind of transformational agenda, the liberal answer to capitalism's problems always comes down to minor tweaks ("making sure half of our rulers are women, queers and people of color") rather than meaningful, structural shifts. This leaves liberals in the increasingly absurd position of defending the indefensible: insisting that the FDA shouldn't be questioned despite its ghastly failures during the opioid epidemic; claiming that the voting machine companies whose defective products have been the source of increasingly urgent technical criticism are without flaw; embracing the "intelligence community" as the guardians of the best version of America; cheerleading for deindustrialization while telling the workers it harmed with "learn to code"; demanding more intervention in speech by our monopolistic tech companies; and so on.
It's not like leftists ever stopped talking about the importance of transformation and not just reform. But as the junior partners in the progressive coalition, leftists have been drowned out by liberal reformers. In most of the world, if you are worried about falling wages, corporate capture of government, and scientific failures due to weak regulators, the "progressive" answer was to tell you it was all in your head, that you were an unhinged conspiratorialist:
For Klein, it's this failure that the faux-populist right has exploited, redirecting legitimate anger and fear into racist, xenophobic, homophobic, sexist and transphobic rage. The deep-pocketed backers of the conservative movement didn't just find a method to get turkeys to vote for Christmas – progressives created the conditions that made that method possible.
If progressives answer pregnant peoples' concerns about vaccine risks – concerns rooted in the absolute failure of prenatal care – with dismissals, while conservatives accept those concerns and funnel them into conspiratorialism, then progressives' message becomes, "We are the movement of keeping things as they are," while conservatives become the movement of "things have to change." Think here of the 2016 liberal slogan, "America was already great," as an answer to the faux-populist rallying cry, "Make America great again."
When liberals get to define what it means to be "progressive," the fundamental, systemic critique is swept away. Conservatives – conservatives! – get to claim the revolutionary mantle, to insist that they alone are interested in root-and-branch transformation of society.
Like the two Naomis, conservatives and progressives become warped mirrors of one another. The progressive campaign for bodily autonomy is co-opted to be the foundation of the anti-vax movement. This is the mirror world, where concerns about real children – in border detention, or living in poverty in America – are reflected back as warped fever-swamp hallucinations about kids in imaginary pizza restaurant basements and Hollywood blood sacrifice rituals. The mirror world replaces RBG with Amy Coney-Barrett and calls it a victory for women. The mirror world defends workers by stoking xenophobic fears about immigrants.
But progressives let it happen. Progressives cede anti-surveillance to conservatives, defending reverse warrants when they're used to enumerate Jan 6 insurrectionists (nevermind that these warrants are mostly used to round up BLM demonstrators). Progressives cede suspicion of large corporations to conservatives, defending giant, exploitative, monopolistic corporations so long as they arouse conservative ire with some performative DEI key-jingling. Progressives defend the CIA and FBI when they're wrongfooting Trump, and voting machine vendors when they're turned into props for the Big Lie.
These issues are transformed in the mirror world: from grave concerns about real things, into unhinged conspiracies about imaginary things. Urgent environmental concerns are turned into a pretense to ban offshore wind turbines ("to protect the birds"). Worry about gender equality is transformed into seminars about women's representation in US drone-killing squads.
For Klein, the transformation of Wolf from liberal icon – Democratic Party consultant and Lean-In-type feminist icon – to rifle-toting Trumpling with a regular spot on the Steve Bannon Power Hour is an entrypoint to understanding the mirror world. How did so many hippie-granola yoga types turn into vicious eugenicists whose answer to "wear a mask to protect the immunocompromised" is "they should die"?
The PastelQ phenomenon – the holistic medicine and "clean eating" to QAnon pipeline – recalls the Nazi obsession with physical fitness, outdoor activities and "natural" living. The neoliberal transformation of health from a collective endeavor – dependent on environmental regulation, sanitation, and public medicine – into a private one, built entirely on "personal choices," leads inexorably to eugenics.
Once you start looking for the mirror world, you see it everywhere. AI chatbots are mirrors of experts, only instead of giving you informed opinions, they plagiarize sentence-fragments into statistically plausible paragraphs. Brands are the mirror-world version of quality, a symbol that isn't a mark of reliability, but a mark of a mark, a sign pointing at nothing. Your own brand – something we're increasingly expected to have – is the mirror world image of you.
The mirror world's overwhelming motif is "I know you are, but what am I?" As in, "Oh, you're a socialist? Well, you know that 'Nazi' stands for 'National Socialist, right?" (and inevitably, this comes from someone who obsesses over the 'Great Replacement' and considers themself a 'race realist').
This isn't serious politics, but it is seriously important. "Antisemitism is the socialism of fools," its obsession with "international bankers" the mirror-world version of the real and present danger from big finance and private equity wreckers. And, as Klein discusses with great nuance and power, the antisemitism discussion is eroded from both sides: both by antisemites, and by doctrinaire Zionists who insist that any criticism of Israel is always and ever antisemetic.
As a Jew in solidarity with Palestinians, I found this section of the book especially good – thoughtful and vigorous, pulling no punches and still capturing the discomfort aroused by this deliberately poisoned debate.
This thoughtful, vigorous prose and argumentation deserves its own special callout here: Klein has produced a first-rate literary work just as much as this is a superb philosophical and political tome. In this moment where the mirror world is exploding and the real world is contracting, this is an essential read.
I'll be Klein's interlocutor tomorrow night (Sept 6) at the LA launch for Doppelganger. We'll be appearing at 7PM at the @LAPublicLibrary:
Livestreaming at:
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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digiboostmedia · 6 months
Vaughan's Growth Catalyst: Elevate Your Business with Digital Marketing Mastery
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Vaughan, a vibrant city located just north of Toronto, is known for its picturesque landscapes, welcoming community, and thriving business opportunities. With a rapidly growing economy and diverse industries, Vaughan has become a hotbed for entrepreneurs and businesses looking to make their mark in the digital age. Providers like Digital Boost Media provide internet marketing services in Vaughan, helping local businesses to establish and strengthen their online presence, ensuring they can effectively reach their target audience and thrive in the dynamic digital marketplace.
The Shift towards Digital Marketing in the Modern Business Landscape
The business landscape has evolved significantly recently, with a notable shift towards digital marketing strategies. In today's fast-paced and technology-driven world, businesses in Vaughan need to embrace this change to stay ahead of the competition.
Digital marketing encompasses various online tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, email marketing, content creation, and more. These strategies are designed to reach a wider audience and drive targeted traffic to your website or online store.
One of the key advantages of digital marketing is its ability to provide measurable results. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, you can track the performance of your campaigns in real time and make data-driven decisions to optimize your efforts.
Having a solid online presence is crucial for businesses in Vaughan. With more consumers relying on the internet for their purchasing decisions, it's essential that your brand is easily discoverable and stands out from the competition.
Implementing an effective digital marketing strategy requires careful planning and execution. It starts with understanding your target audience and identifying which platforms they frequent most often. From there, you can tailor your messaging and create compelling content that resonates with them.
Collaborating with a reputable digital marketing company in Vaughan can be highly beneficial. They have the expertise and resources to develop customized strategies aligning with your business goals.
Understanding the Basics of Digital Marketing and its Key Components
The marketing world has undergone a seismic shift in recent years, with the rise of digital marketing taking centre stage. Digital marketing encompasses various strategies and tactics to promote products and services through online channels. At its core, it revolves around creating compelling content that engages and resonates with your target audience. This can take various forms, including blogs, social media posts, videos, and email campaigns.
One key component of digital marketing is search engine optimization (SEO), which involves optimizing your website to rank higher in search engine results pages. By incorporating relevant keywords into your website's content and improving its structure, you increase your chances of being found by potential customers searching for similar products or services. Partnering with a top SEO company in Vaughan, such as Digital Boost Media, adds another layer of expertise to this process. Their dedicated SEO strategies and industry insights can elevate your website's visibility, ensuring it stands out prominently in search engine rankings and attracts the right audience for your business.
Another important aspect is social media marketing, where businesses leverage platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn to connect with their audience more personally. It allows you to interact directly with customers through comments, likes/shares, and direct messages while building brand awareness and loyalty.
Paid advertising is also an integral part of digital marketing. Platforms like Google Ads or Facebook Ads enable businesses to reach their target audience directly through targeted ads based on demographics, interests, or behaviour patterns.
Email marketing remains an effective tool for nurturing leads and retaining existing customers. Building an email list gives you direct access to individuals who have shown interest in your business. Sending personalized emails with valuable content helps build trust and increases the likelihood of conversion.
Understanding these key components will help you navigate the vast realm of digital marketing effectively. By employing a holistic approach tailored specifically to your business goals and target audience in Vaughan's market context, you can elevate your brand presence online, differentiate yourself from competitors and ultimately drive growth.
Importance of a Strong Online Presence for Businesses in Vaughan
In today's digital age, having a solid online presence is crucial for businesses in Vaughan. Companies must establish themselves online, with most consumers turning to the internet to research and purchase products or services.
One of the main benefits of a solid online presence is increased visibility. When your business has a well-optimized website and active social media profiles, you are more likely to appear in search engine results and be discovered by potential customers.
A solid online presence also builds credibility and trust with your target audience. A professional website that showcases your products or services effectively can instil confidence in prospective customers.
An online presence provides opportunities for businesses in Vaughan to differentiate themselves from competitors. By implementing various digital marketing strategies, such as content marketing or email campaigns tailored specifically for your target market, you can showcase what sets your business apart from others in the industry.
An effective digital marketing strategy helps generate leads and nurtures relationships with existing customers. By utilizing tools such as email automation or personalized retargeting ads on social media platforms, you can stay top-of-mind with current customers while encouraging repeat business.
So don't wait any longer - embrace digital marketing mastery now!
Tips for Implementing a Successful Digital Marketing Strategy in Your Own Business
1. Set Clear Goals: Defining your goals is essential before jumping into any digital marketing activities.
2. Know Your Target Audience: Understanding your target audience is crucial for effective digital marketing.
3. Create High-Quality Content: Content is king in digital marketing. Ensure that the content you produce is valuable, informative, and engaging.
4. Optimize for Search Engines: Implement search engine optimization (SEO) techniques to improve your website's visibility on search engines like Google.
5. Leverage Social Media Platforms: Utilize social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twi, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc., based on where your target audience spends their time online.
6. Utilize Email Marketing: Use email marketing campaigns by building an email list of interested customers through opt-ins on websites or social media channels.
7. Measure Success with Analytics: Implement tracking tools like Google Analytics to measure the success of your digital marketing efforts.
8. Stay Updated with Industry Trends: Digital marketing trends constantly evolve. Stay up-to-date with industry news, blogs and podcasts and attend webinars/conferences.
From understanding the basics of digital marketing to implementing a comprehensive strategy tailored to your goals, numerous ways exist to elevate your business in Vaughan. Whether you work with an experienced digital marketing agency in Vaughan or develop an in-house team, investing in your online presence is crucial.
Remember that building a solid online presence takes time and effort. Be patient and consistent with your efforts, continuously monitor results, adapt strategies as needed, and stay up-to-date with evolving trends in digital marketing.
Elevate your business today by embarking on this exciting journey towards success!
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patsmarketing · 1 year
Does website loading speed helps in SEO?
Yes, website loading speed plays a crucial role in SEO. 
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Here's why:
User Experience: Fast-loading websites provide a positive user experience, as visitors don't have to wait long for the content to load. Users are more likely to engage with a website that loads quickly, reducing bounce rates and increasing the time spent on the site. This signals search engines that your website is valuable and relevant to users, potentially improving your rankings.
Search Engine Crawling: Search engine bots crawl websites to index their content. If your website loads slowly, search engine crawlers may not be able to access and index all your pages efficiently. This can result in incomplete or delayed indexing, impacting your website's visibility in search results.
Mobile Optimization: With the increasing use of mobile devices for internet browsing, mobile optimization has become a critical factor in SEO. Mobile users expect fast-loading websites, and search engines prioritize mobile-friendly sites. Optimizing your website's loading speed for mobile devices can improve your search rankings and enhance the mobile user experience.
Page Speed as a Ranking Factor: Google has confirmed that page speed is a ranking factor in its search algorithm. Websites that load quickly are more likely to rank higher in search results compared to slower websites with similar content and relevance. Faster-loading websites have a competitive advantage in organic search rankings.
To improve website loading speed for better SEO performance, consider optimizing images and multimedia elements.
For more details, contact Pat's Marketing, a professional SEO company in Toronto.
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selfieignite · 1 year
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2014 KoreAm magazine photoshoot and cover story of John Cho.
John Cho Delights in Rom-Com Role in ABC’s ‘Selfie’
October 28, 2014
In the new ABC rom-com Selfie, John Cho goes where no Asian American actor has gone before.
story by ADA TSENG photography by JACK BLIZZARD
John Cho can’t stop raving about how he got to ride a horse for his new TV show Selfie.
“About a month ago, [creator] Emily [Kapnek] came to me and said, ‘We’re writing a storyline where you’re riding a horse. Can you ride a horse?’” remembers Cho. “And I said, ‘I can’t, but you have to keep that in. I’ll learn.’”
Turns out he only needed one lesson to gallantly ride a horse for a scene that’s a play on the familiar knight-inshining- armor trope.
“Apparently, I’m a natural,” he jokes. Why hasn’t anyone asked him to ride a horse before? “That’s a good question!” he says. “Now I get to put it on the resume as a special skill.”
Cho plays Henry to Karen Gillan’s Eliza in ABC’s new half-hour comedy Selfie, which premiered on September 30. The show borrows the premise of the 1964 musical My Fair Lady, based on the 1916 play Pygmalion, transplanting the characters from early-1900s’ status-obsessed England to 2014’s Internet-obsessed America. Selfie’s pilot introduces Eliza Dooley (a nod to Eliza Doolittle) as a social media star with millions of virtual friends but no actual friends. One day, after she is publicly humiliated by a boyfriend whom she didn’t realize was married, she sees a presentation by her co-worker Henry Higgs (shortened from Higgins), who is a talented marketing expert at their pharmaceutical company. He also happens to hate everything about the wired millennial generation. Convinced she needs to be rebranded, Eliza begs Henry to help her change her image.
Though the Henry character in the film, played by Rex Harrison, looks down on Audrey Hepburn’s Eliza, the Selfie team wanted to make sure their modern Henry was influenced by Eliza just as much as Eliza is “transformed” by him. Though Henry confidently takes on the challenge to make her into a less self-absorbed person, in the process, she also teaches him that all work and no play is no way to live a fulfilling life. (“What’s more irresistible than opposites being thrown together?” says Cho.) Their modern take is less about external behaviors — manners and proper elocution — and more about internal values: learning to empathize and live in the present, instead of being constantly glued to one’s smart phone.
Perhaps because My Fair Lady and Pygmalion take place in England, the character of Henry was originally envisioned as an older English man. However, when the casting directors were having challenges finding the right person for the role, Cho’s name was suggested. (“We looked at tons of different actors, and really, once we kind of opened our minds and said let’s get off of what we think Henry is supposed to be and just talk about who he is — we just need a brilliant actor — and John’s name came up,” Kapnek told The Toronto Star.)
And it turns out there was no reason the 21st-century Henry couldn’t be Korean American.
“John and I actually met at a table read for the first episode of Selfie,” remembers Gillan, well-known to audiences for her roles in Doctor Who and Guardians of the Galaxy. “So in essence, we met in character. As soon as John began to deliver Henry’s lines, everything came to life. He breathed life into the character, and through that, into my character, too. It was really exciting.”
But back to the horse. “The character of Henry has been taking horseriding lessons surreptitiously for three years on the chance that he’d be invited up to his boss’s ranch,” explains Cho. “And he’s frustrated because he’s trying to impress his boss, but he keeps getting thwarted and is unable to show off his equestrian prowess.” He pauses. “But the point of the story is that John Cho got to ride a horse!” He laughs. “In fact, I got a little too obsessed with the horse. I was probably not a good actor that day because I was too excited about the horse.”
For Cho, it was more than the fact that riding a horse was fun. As an Asian American actor in Hollywood — even a successful one whose almost twodecades-long career has spanned indie films (Shopping for Fangs, Better Luck Tomorrow), mainstream comedies (Harold & Kumar, American Pie) and sci-fi classics (Star Trek) — Cho says he doesn’t often get to participate in stories that involve what he calls “American mythology.” He feels that Asian Americans mostly get shut out of Hollywood stories depicting this country’s history, unless they’re Chinese railroad workers or launderers. He racks his brain, trying to think if he’s ever seen an Asian American guy ride a horse on TV before. Though he loves Westerns, he knows it’s unlikely he’d be cast in one.
But never say never. How likely was it that he would become this generation’s Henry Higgins?
At this year’s Television Critics Association Summer Press Tour, as he was promoting the show, Cho called his casting as an Asian American male lead in a romantic comedy TV series “revolutionary,” a word he regrets using in retrospect. It was an offhand comment, but the media ran with it.
He’d rather point people’s attention to the fact that, during the panel, there were many questions about Scottish co-star Gillan having to speak in an American accent, but no questions about them as an interracial couple.
He was surprised, but relieved. Normally, he’d not only be prepared to talk about his race, but also have a strategy to steer away from it, so that his Asian-ness didn’t dominate the conversation, especially for a project like Selfie, which has a multicultural cast, but doesn’t harp on the characters’ ethnic backgrounds. There were only two Asian references in the pilot. The first was about how Henry’s eccentric boss Sam (played by Homeland’s David Harewood) thought it was OK to kiss Henry on the mouth as a greeting because he read an article on the web called “Kissing Koreans: Greenlight!” — which, because it was actually more of a joke about the boss’ inappropriate touching and the fact that the Internet is full of lies, could have easily been a “Kissing Europeans: Greenlight!” joke left over from when they envisioned Henry as British. The second, which eventually got cut and transplanted into a future script, had Henry insisting his friendship with Eliza is completely platonic and joking that a red-headed Korean would definitely make an ugly baby.
Selfie isn’t trying to comment on racial issues in America; it’s aiming to be a clever workplace comedy with a “will-they-or-won’t-they?” couple at the center of the hijinks. And from the outset, it seems like ABC is banking on their new show by Kapnek, who recently helmed the ABC comedy Suburgatory. Selfie advertisements seem to be everywhere, from eye-catching billboards along major freeways to the cover of the fall TV insert of Los Angeles magazine, to the top of the popular IMDB.com movie database homepage. It also says a great deal that Selfie was given the Tuesday 8 p.m. time slot, the only new ABC show that’s been tasked with leading the day’s prime-time block of programming.
In another marketing move, ABC released the pilot online over a month early to get the buzz going, a strategy that Cho thinks is related to the public’s initial ambivalence over the show’s title. “The word ‘selfie’ has so much baggage,” says Cho. “It’s provocative, which is why I liked it, but the word implies narcissism, so there was a disinclination to like the show. People had to be convinced it was a real show.”
But Cho doesn’t seem worried. “I think the work speaks for itself.”
The Selfie crew is gathered at the Warner Bros. lot in Burbank on a Wednesday morning in September, using Cho and Gillan stand-ins to prepare for the first shot.
In the maze of different sets — the pharmaceutical offices, cubicles, hallway, bathroom and apartment spaces — the production team watching the monitors can’t necessarily see John Cho, but they can hear him. He’s belting out a song in the background before he gets ready to shoot his scene. Cho’s known for being goofy on set. While shooting the pilot, he had Gillan laughing whenever he pulled out his phone and blasted Cyndi Lauper’s “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun.”
Gillan and Cho’s onscreen chemistry is apparent, therefore the tension that arises from keeping their characters apart is irresistible. In the episode they’re shooting, Henry has started dating a very proper, clean-cut “gentlewoman,” as he calls her (a female version of himself played by actress Allison Miller), and Eliza, despite the fact that she has a boy toy of her own, seems to be a little jealous. She’s hurt that Henry didn’t tell her he was dating somebody. In his defense, it just happened 10 minutes ago, he says. But I tell you every single detail about my love life, she argues. A habit I’m desperately trying to break you of, he banters back.
There are certain images in television and movies that we see so often that they border on cliché — girl likes boy, boy likes girl, but they can’t admit it, so they bicker instead and somehow get stuck in the glistening rain together — yet minority actors who are usually relegated to supporting roles don’t often get to play these arcs.
“It’s funny,” says Cho. “I’ve had to do romantic scenes in my career” — he’s been paired with Paula Garces in the Harold & Kumar trilogy and Gabrielle Union in the 2009 ABC science-fiction drama FlashForward —“but by far, they’re the minority of the things that I do. But in life and in movies, I’ve seen it so many times. [Romantic scenes] are in almost everything! So I had a sense of how things should go, what the beats should be, and that’s not informed by what I’ve done as an actor, but what I’ve seen as a viewer. It was new and unfamiliar, but familiar at the same time.”
Back in 2009, in interviews promoting the release of Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay, Cho often talked about the fact that he thinks about the Asian American community with every role he chooses.
Five years later, does this pressure still weigh on him? “When I was first starting out, it was a lot of rejecting stuff,” he says. “Saying ‘I’m not going to do that sh-t, these ching-chongy roles, even though I had no place to be turning things down. In the middle part of my career, I became more aware that people were aware of me — Asian Americans in particular. And sometimes it almost felt like I was bullied, how burdened I was by what Asian Americans might think of me.”
Though Asian America may feel like we have a stake in his career, for better or worse, Cho says it sometimes feels like we have a disproportionate amount of influence on him. With the diverse fan base of both the Harold & Kumar and Star Trek franchises, he finds that the majority of fans that come up to him on the streets are not Asian.
“I’m trying to come at it from a more authentic place,” he says. “Selfie would be an example of me reading the script and thinking, ‘I don’t think I’ve seen an Asian guy in this particular kind of role.’ It personally touched a nerve, and I took delight in it.”
Another unique aspect of Selfie that Cho enjoys is the language, which he calls “a mix of old Hollywood screwball dialogue, meets arcane English, meets hashtag jargon.” In addition to snappy rhythms, rhymes and couplets mixed into the characters’ repartee, Eliza is constantly talking in a mix of LOLs, Internet lingo and pop culture references. (“At the beginning I made a decision Eliza would talk like she’s on a lot of coffee,” says Gillan. “Now I’m regretting that.”) Whereas Henry is more proper, referring to dating as “courting” and feeling the need to airquote Eliza’s suggestion that he needs to “get some,” emphasizing his distaste for casually lewd slang that comes out of his mouth so unnaturally.
“I’ve never had this kind of dialogue in my life,” says Cho, of this elevated language that’s often the domain of theater. “Henry sometimes feels like he was educated abroad, like at a Swiss boarding school.”
Though Cho may be less uptight than his character, he seems to share a similar crankiness about social media.
“Every minute I spend on Twitter feels like a waste of time emotionally,” he says, balking at the idea that increasing one’s Klout score in this day and age may actually be a smart career move. After all, even though Cho, and therefore his character, doesn’t look a day over 30, in real life, one could argue he, at 42, is at least one technological generation over the millennials who talk in OMGs while updating their Instagrams with overfiltered selfies.
The married father of two harkens back to the good ol’ days, when instead of judging quality through Facebook likes and retweets, good criticism was valued “in the way a poet can give voice to how much you love a woman.” He refers to Jonathan Franzen’s condemnation of Facebook as a private hall of flattering mirrors. He brings up Noam Chomsky’s media documentary Manufacturing Consent to explain how “it’s impossible to tell the truth in a two-minute news story, so you start at failure and end at worse failure. And I felt like Twitter was an extreme example of this.”
However, his involvement with Selfie has softened his stance against social media.
“I see young people who are very self-expressive in a way that I couldn’t have even grasped at that age,” says Cho. “I saw an Ariana Grande tweet, where she had typed out some emotions on her iPhone after her grandfather passed away, taken a picture of it, and tweeted it out to her followers. It was so fresh and emotional, a way of sharing a Polaroid of her state at that time. So maybe Twitter is proving me wrong.” He hesitates. “But I don’t know. I can’t go there. I’m a private person. Even interviews are an exercise in avoiding revealing anything about myself that’s real, and I dislike that these are the new rules of fame, that you must reveal more than you wish.”
So, now that he’s tweeting more, how has he reconciled his aversion to social media? “I haven’t,” he claims, though it seems like he’s found a strategy that works for him. Cho’s Twitter is filled with funny photos that seem to give fans a glimpse into his personal life, but if you look closer, he’s found a way to make jokes while still keeping his social media existence predominantly work-related. His profile photo of him in a beard and twirly mustache is from a Selfie promo that’s yet to air. A photo where he jokes that he’s styling K-pop hair is a wig he’s wearing on the set before it was styled properly. And there’s Gillan’s Ice Bucket Challenge video, where he makes a cameo as an official ice thrower dressed in a Red Power Ranger outfit—“Very important role,” jokes Gillan, “his best one to date” — and further highlights their onscreen appeal to the masses.
And, of course, there’s a Twitpic of Willow, the white steed.
“[John] actually was great with the horse,” Gillan confirms reluctantly. “I audibly gasped when I first saw him riding towards me. It was a sight to behold. But don’t tell him I said that.”
[x] [x]
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cooshin · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Internet Marketing: A Comprehensive Overview for Success
In today's electronic age, online marketing has actually become a vital device for companies to flourish and also reach their target audience. With the ever-growing popularity of online platforms, understanding the art of internet marketing has become a vital aspect of any effective service strategy. Whether you are a small company proprietor, an entrepreneur, or a marketing professional, understanding the ins and outs of online marketing is crucial for attaining remarkable results as well as staying in advance of the competition.Internet advertising incorporates a wide variety of methods and methods targeted at advertising items or solutions with digital channels. This consists of search engine optimization(SEO), social media sites advertising, e-mail advertising, web content advertising and marketing, and paid advertising and marketing, to name a few. Making use of these strategies efficiently can help companies establish a strong on-line presence, generate top notch leads, boost brand name exposure, and inevitably drive more sales. However, navigating the intricate globe of online marketing needs a solid understanding of the most recent patterns, best techniques, and devices available. In this extensive overview, we will certainly explore the numerous elements of online marketing, providing valuable understandings as well as actionable ideas to aid you be successful in this vibrant and also ever-evolving area. Whether you are a novice wanting to start or a skilled marketing professional seeking to improve your skills, this overview will equip you with the understanding and sources needed to master the realm of online marketing.
Read more here Toronto SEO
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davepress · 1 year
Opening the Prospective of Web Marketing: Strategies for Success
In today's digital age, web marketing has actually become an essential tool for services of all dimensions. With the vast majority of consumers currently resorting to the internet to research study items, make buying decisions, and also connect with brands, it is essential for organizations to harness the power of web advertising and marketing to stay pertinent and also competitive. Web marketing incorporates a large range of strategies, including search engine optimization (SEARCH ENGINE OPTIMIZATION), web content advertising, social media advertising and marketing, email advertising, and a lot more. By efficiently leveraging these tools, services can reach their target audience, drive traffic to their internet sites, generate leads, and ultimately increase sales and revenue.One of the crucial
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benefits of online marketing is its capability to supply businesses with a global reach. Unlike standard types of marketing, which are usually limited to a certain geographical location, web marketing permits businesses to connect with prospective clients from all over the world. This opens brand-new opportunities for expansion and also development, as businesses can touch right into previously untapped markets. In addition, web marketing offers a greater degree of measurability as well as analytics, permitting services to track and also examine the efficiency of their advertising projects in real-time. This data-driven method makes it possible for services to make enlightened decisions, maximize their advertising and marketing strategies, and optimize their roi (ROI). In today's hyper-competitive service landscape, internet marketing is no more an option but a need for companies seeking to flourish and succeed in the digital period.
Read more here digital marketing agency toronto
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theunicornintown · 1 year
Grasping the Art of Web Marketing: A Comprehensive Guide for Success
In today's digital age, internet advertising has come to be a crucial tool for companies to grow as well as reach their target audience. With the ever-growing popularity of on-line systems, grasping the art of net advertising and marketing has become a key aspect of any kind of successful business approach. Whether you are a small company proprietor, a business owner, or an advertising and marketing specialist, understanding the intricacies of net advertising and marketing is vital for achieving exceptional outcomes and remaining in advance of the competition.Internet advertising incorporates a large range of approaches and methods intended at promoting service or products with electronic networks. This consists of seo(SEO), social media sites advertising, e-mail advertising and marketing, web content advertising, and paid advertising and marketing, to name a few. Making use of these techniques properly can assist services establish a strong on-line existence, generate premium leads, rise brand presence, and also eventually drive more sales. Nonetheless, navigating the complicated world of net marketing needs a strong understanding of the most recent trends, best methods, as well as tools readily available. In this thorough guide, we will certainly delve into the various aspects of online marketing, giving valuable understandings and actionable suggestions to help you be successful in this dynamic as well as ever-evolving field. Whether you are a beginner looking to start or an experienced marketing expert looking for to refine your skills, this guide will equip you with the understanding as well as resources required to excel in the world of web advertising.
Read more here seo toronto
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simplycarline · 1 year
Mastering the Art of Lead Generation: Techniques as well as Strategies for Business Development
Comprehending the Value of List Building
In today's affordable service landscape, lead generation plays a critical role in driving growth and also success. It describes the procedure of drawing in as well as capturing potential consumers' passion in your items or services. By carrying out effective list building methods, organizations can construct a lasting pipeline of qualified leads, nurture them, and also ultimately convert them right into devoted customers.Lead generation
is not almost getting a large number of leads, yet rather concentrating on high quality leads that have a greater probability of conversion. By targeting the right audience as well as customizing your advertising efforts as necessary, you can draw in individuals who are really curious about what you supply. This targeted approach not only makes the most of the chances of transforming introduces consumers however likewise helps in enhancing advertising budget plans and also resources.Strategies and also Strategies for Successful Lead Generation To attain effective lead generation
, businesses require to use a selection of methods and strategies
. Among the most effective methods is material advertising, which involves creating as well as sharing important as well as relevant content to attract as well as involve prospective customers. By supplying insightful blog posts, electronic books, webinars, and other sources, businesses can place themselves as market professionals as well as build count on with their target audience.Another effective approach is leveraging social media platforms to get to and involve with potential leads. By using social networks advertising, companies can target certain demographics as well as interests, increasing the probability of bring in appropriate leads. In addition, enhancing touchdown pages, producing compelling call-to-action switches, and also executing lead capture types are important methods for transforming internet site site visitors into leads.Furthermore, using email advertising and marketing campaigns as well as marketing automation devices can aid services nurture leads gradually, supplying them with individualized as well as beneficial web content that resolves their pain points and needs.
By recognizing the customer's journey and implementing lead racking up methods, companies can focus on as well as focus on leads that are more than likely to convert.In conclusion, lead generation is a vital element of organization development. By executing effective approaches as well as techniques, businesses can draw in, capture, and also convert qualified introduces faithful customers. Understanding the value of lead generation as well as using different techniques such as material marketing, social media sites advertising, and e-mail advertising and marketing can substantially enhance the success of any type of service's list building initiatives.
Read more here Digital Display Signs Toronto
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cloudsmedia · 10 months
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rootwaysinc · 1 year
eCommerce Website Development Services by Rootways
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Rootways Inc. began operating in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada (Greater Toronto Area), in 2001. Despite our modest beginnings, we are pleased to report that we now have a clientele of over 2500. We appreciate our customers for allowing us to assist them, their confidence in us, and for helping our learning and development. We have created solutions for clients in various industries, including eCommerce, wholesale, real estate, finance, legal, cosmetics, travel and tourism, non-profit organizations, government, and many others. Please check our work page for a complete list and a closer look so you can get a better sense.
Our company initially focused on developing websites, but today we also design web applications, e-commerce software, mobile apps, bespoke software, social media apps, web hosting, and domain name registration, and offer internet marketing services to small, medium, and large businesses. In the Greater Toronto Area and across the Canada, we are experts in developing WordPress® websites and the Magento® online cart. Our goal has always been and always will be to provide our clients with the finest possible service.
Through comprehensive testing and your feedback, our team of skilled designers, developers, and project managers will create creative, personalized solutions.
Give us a call at 416-879-8623 or send us an email at [email protected] if you're looking for a local expert in Mississauga or the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). We can offer you a free first consultation for your web project.
Adobe Bronze Solution Partner  
We are happy to announce that Rootways has joined the Adobe Bronze Solution Partner programm. Our membership in the Adobe Partnership is a testament to Rootways' reputation as a prestigious business. At Rootways, we are thrilled to offer our customers only the best Adobe products together with our skilled personnel.
Although Adobe's ecosystem is simple to use, many applications require expert expertise, which is where Rootways comes in. Adobe products have a lot of power. Rootways can assist our clients in realizing the full potential of Adobe products for a better user experience because we are now an Adobe partner.
Magento ECommerce Services  
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Website Development
Rootways is a licenced partner of Magento Solutions. We have produced several packages for your online business. Select the package that best satisfies the requirements of your online store, and our team will work with you to bring it online so that you may start selling. Specific requirements? Contact us to know more.
Starting at $985.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Ecommerce Website Packages
solutions that combine website design and hosting with e-commerce management. We design your Magento-powered web store, host it for you, and manage it. Maintaining servers, troubleshooting software problems, updating shopping carts, and many other tasks are not your responsibility. You aren't required to work with an IT company or person.
Starting with a monthly minimum of $59.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Hire a Magento developer
Work on your store can begin right away, thanks to our team of Magento experts. Depending on your needs, you can buy Magento developer hours or choose fixed monthly ones.
Starting at just $27 an hour.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Monthly Magento Support and Maintenance Packages
Contact us anytime through the 'Support' section of Rootways Inc. if you have any questions or issues, and we will deal with your problem immediately. Likewise, please contact us if you have any questions before buying the module.
Starting at $260 for 8 hours each month.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Upgrade Magento 1 to Magento 2  
Since June 2020, Adobe has stopped providing support, bug fixes, or security upgrades for Magento 1. Your online customers' data and online business are at risk if you continue running your online store on Magento 1 without the bug fixes and updates. Let our team of qualified Magento developers work with you to update the most recent version of Magento 2. We have upgraded numerous Magento versions.
Upgrading your Magento version for as little as $1,579.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Version Upgrade  
Upgrade the Magento version before it’s too late. You run a greater chance of being hacked using an outdated Magento version of your e-commerce platform, which can quickly end your company. On the other hand, improvements to Magento's security, scalability, and new features result in improved store speed. To avoid problems and fully use the latest version, experts advise upgrading the eCommerce store as soon as possible.
Starting at only $ 549.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Web APIs Creation for Magento 2  
One of Magento's most important features is its web API, which enables developers to use online services that interact with the Magento system. Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) and REST are the two architectural types of web APIs that Magento 2 offers (Representational State Transfer). In addition, based on your needs, we are offering unique Magento APIs.
Starting from as low as $99.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Extension Customization
Bring a unique service for Magento extension customization. Our developers adhere strictly to project deadlines, have years of experience, and are experts in developing Magento websites. According to the requirements of your business, we are offering our extension. We guarantee the highest standards of extension customization at the most affordable costs.
Starting with an hourly rate of $40.
ECommerce Website Development Services by Rootways: Magento Security Patch Installation Service  
We assist you in effectively installing security updates for your eCommerce store with our Magento Security patch installation service. Since you can strengthen security and pinpoint holes in the system, you can defend your Magento stores from hacker assaults. We offer a service for installing the Magento Security patch and to perform this service, we require certain information from your end. Depending on the intricacy of the website, the installation procedure can take anywhere from two to four working days to finish.
Starting at only $249.
And many more services; check it out on our website www.rootways.com/magento-services  
10 Reasons to Choose Rootways  
Adobe Solution Partner
Rootways is a recognized Bronze Solution Partner for Adobe Magento.
Magento 2 Certified Developer  
A certified Magento 2 developer creates an extension.
Secure Payment Process  
We employ a secure checkout procedure and don't keep any delicate consumer credit card information.
Simple Licensing  
Use a single Magento installation for an unlimited number of stores and websites.
Professional Installation Service  
We will be pleased to offer you expert installation services. For expert installation, please contact us.
No Cost Update
We provide free updates for a lifetime on your purchased products from Rootways Inc.
Complete Open Source
No encoding, open source extensions code, and no disorientation. It is simple to customize.
Following Magento® Standards
While coding any of our extensions, we constantly adhere to Magento standards.
Modules tested by professionals
By testing the functionality and performance of our extensions across different browsers, our QA staff does its best to preserve the quality of our add-ons.
Significant Documentation
An Installation guide, User Guide, and FAQs are all accessible, with a complete description of every extension.
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sresultsmedia · 1 year
We at Search Results Media specialize in Digital Marketing, Site Design, Software Development, and Staffing Solutions at Search Results Media. We offer technological and marketing solutions to meet your demands. We will grow alongside you as we strive to become your Digital Partner. To know more visit https://www.searchresultsmedia.com/portfolio/ or call us at (866) 203-6272.
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This day in history
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I'll be in Stratford, Ontario, appearing onstage with Vass Bednar as part of the CBC IDEAS Festival. I'm also doing an afternoon session for middle-schoolers at the Stratford Public Library.
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#10yrsago UK Conservative party tries to send all official speeches down the memory hole https://www.computerweekly.com/blog/Public-Sector-IT/Conservatives-erase-Internet-history
#10yrsago TSA blows a billion bucks on unscientific “behavioral detection” program, reinvents phrenology https://arstechnica.com/tech-policy/2013/11/despite-lack-of-science-tsa-spent-millions-on-behavioral-detection-officers/
#10yrsago Renault ships a brickable car with battery DRM that you’re not allowed to own https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2013/11/drm-cars-will-drive-consumers-crazy
#10yrsago Punk Freedom of Information Access ninja learns how to beat FBI obfuscation, so they shut him out https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2013/11/foia-ryan-shapiro-fbi-files-lawsuit/
#10yrsago Massive 1978 Las Vegas fallout shelter https://www.cultofweird.com/architecture/underground-home-las-vegas/
#10yrsago TPP’s worst evil: making all future copyright reform impossible https://www.techdirt.com/2013/11/14/most-nefarious-part-tpp-proposal-making-copyright-reform-impossible/
#10yrsago Rob Ford: $170K/year, 11-3 working day https://www.joeydevilla.com/2013/11/14/one-thing-to-remember-during-this-whole-toronto-mayoral-kerfuffle/
#10yrsago Rob Ford articulates official mayoral cunnilingus policy https://www.joeydevilla.com/2013/11/14/rob-ford-will-ahem-go-down-in-history-with-this-quote/
#10yrsago Toronto council turns their back to Rob Ford every time he speaks https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/11/the-acting-attorney-general-helped-an-alleged-scam-company-hawk-bizarre-products/
#5yrsago Trump’s Acting Attorney General was an active participant in a scam company that marketed “masculine toilets” https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2018/11/the-acting-attorney-general-helped-an-alleged-scam-company-hawk-bizarre-products/
#5yrsago The Florida of ballot-design mistakes is… https://freedom-to-tinker.com/2018/11/14/florida-is-the-florida-of-ballot-design-mistakes/
#5yrsago “Privacy Not Included”: Mozilla’s guide to insecure, surveillant gadgets to avoid https://foundation.mozilla.org/en/privacynotincluded/
#5yrsago Alex Jones blames “leftist stay-behind networks in US intelligence agencies” for malware on his site https://www.zdnet.com/article/card-skimming-malware-removed-from-infowars-online-store/
#5yrsago Coalition of small cable operators calls for antitrust investigation into Comcast (Trump agrees) https://www.theverge.com/2018/11/12/18088846/comcast-nbcuniversal-american-cable-doj-antitrust-investigation-letter-trump-tweet
#5yrsago Nigerian telco says it accidentally routed Google traffic through China https://www.reuters.com/article/us-alphabet-disruption/nigerian-firm-takes-blame-for-routing-google-traffic-through-china-idUSKCN1NI2D9
#5yrsago 70 of the world’s leading human rights groups ask Mark Zuckerberg to create due process for censored content https://santaclaraprinciples.org/open-letter/
#5yrsago Apple’s world-beating financial engineering is teaching the corporate world how to exploit Trump’s tax cuts https://www.ineteconomics.org/perspectives/blog/apples-capital-return-program-where-are-the-patient-capitalists
#5yrsago Researchers keep finding Spectre-style bugs in processors https://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2018/11/spectre-meltdown-researchers-unveil-7-more-speculative-execution-attacks/
#1yrago Even if you're paying for the product, you're still the product https://pluralistic.net/2022/11/14/luxury-surveillance/#liar-liar
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Business Name: InView Marketing
Street Address: 9131 Keele St Suite A4
City: Vaughan
State: Ontario (ON)
Zip Code: L4K 0G7
Country: Canada
Business Phone: 416-508-0574
Website: https://inviewmarketing.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/InViewMarketing
Twitter: https://twitter.com/inviewmarketing
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/inview-marketing/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/inviewmarketing/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/inviewmarketing/
Business Description: In 2006, Jeff Schnurr founded InView, a digital marketing company located in Vaughan, Ontario. With years of experience in consulting, sales, and marketing, Jeff began by providing effective inbound marketing strategies to local businesses needing more leads. These strategies included leveraging the power of search engine optimization (SEO), Google Maps Marketing, and social media management to benefit small to medium-sized enterprises.
Thanks to the success achieved with his clients, InView quickly expanded into a fully-integrated team of experts and partners dedicated to delivering exceptional results through transparent reporting. At InView, the focus is on achieving impactful results for clients while keeping them in the loop every step of the way.
If you're ready to finally understand your marketing strategy and work with a team who listens, Get In Touch - Get InView.
Google My Business CID URL: https://www.google.com/maps?cid=1681913476456320699
Business Hours: Sunday 8:00am-6:00pm Monday 8:00am-9:00pm Tuesday 8:00am-9:00pm Wednesday 8:00am-9:00pm Thursday 8:00am-9:00pm Friday 8:00am-9:00pm Saturday 8:00am-6:00pm
Payment Methods: Checks, Credit Cards, Electronic Bank Transfers, WISE, Paypal
Services: Local Business SEO, ecommerce SEO, SEO Site Audit, Website Design, Social Media Management, Pay Per Click, Website Hosting, Email Marketing
Keywords: SEO Service, SEO Company, SEO Vaughan, SEO Services Vaughan, SEO Company Vaughan, SEO Site Audit, SEO Analysis, Ecommerce SEO Services,Internet Marketing Vaughan, Web Design Wordpress, Website Design Vaughan, Vaughan Website Design, Vaughan Web Design, Email Marketing Services Toronto, Email Marketing Services Vaughan, Social Media Marketing Vaughan, Internet Marketing Vaughan
Business/Company Establishment Year: 2006
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Service Areas:
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