miriamsoracle-blog · 5 years
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Have you ever had a dream in where you saw a loved one's death, your parents, your partner, your children? We are all worried when we wake up after a dream like that. But what does death mean in our dreams? According to my interpretation, death in dreams is very similar to the Death tarot card. The primary meaning of it it's transformation. Something will end in order to create space for something new. Before a new thing can start, it creates a vacuum in us what we feel as confusion, emptiness. But this is not necessarily a bad thing. To idea is to hold on under unsure stages and things will start to change. So, if you had a dream where you saw someone dying or being death who is still alive, it's time to bring your connection to a new level. Allow old things to die. The only times I interpret deaths negatively in dreams it's when I see a death person visiting in them. If they call you, or they are close to someone who is still alive in the dream, doing something together, that usually means in my case that we will hear shortly that someone died. Luckily, these instances weren't frequent and more or less we knew that they will happen. So, don't be afraid of death in your dreams but look at it as an opportunity. Open the window to look things from a different point of view and let go of what that is no longer serving you. Your subconscious, your intuition will guide you. #miriamsoracle #dreams #deathindreams #death #transformation #lifecycle #interpretingdreams #psychicreader #healing #healyourself #oraclereader https://www.instagram.com/p/B91q_zinjsN/?igshid=1eal3uk3tl5fx
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kamanwent-blog · 5 years
I’m keeping a log of my dreams
Not like dreams as in my aspirations, but the dreams I have at night when I sleep.
I recently moved across the country, from Florida to the pacific north west, and this geographic change has prompted an influx of new crazy dreams. I’ve always had fairly vivid dreams, but recently my dreams are so detailed and strange I feel that they must be documented and interpreted. 
I will try to go back and give an amateur interpretation of each dream I post, but if you’d like to add what you personally get out of it, be my guest. 
Regarding Dream Freshness:
How fresh is this dream? In order to write the most detailed description of a dream, the sooner I write it the better. Recording my dreams have become part of my morning routine. 
Wake up.
Make breakfast.
Eat and record dreams. 
In Conclusion
As you read these stories from my subconscious, enjoy, and please send me yours! I love an interesting dream.
- Em 
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lisablack000 · 6 years
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. Zhougong’s Dream Dictionary. There is a section of the Tong Shu or Chinese Almanac on interpreting dreams. It is called “Zhou Gong’s Book of Auspicious and Inauspicious Dreams”. Zhou Gong is believed to be the same Duke of Zhou who is reputed to have assisted significantly in the development of the Yi Qing, (Book of Changes), an ancient divination text. In the Chinese culture, dream is linked with this person called Zhougong after a his popular book Zhougong’s Dream Dictionary (周公解梦) which has been passed down from thousands of years ago. The book categorizes seven types of dream that people usually have during sleeping. With thousand of years’ history, Zhougong’s Dream Dictionary (周公解梦) has been popular in China as well as in the Chinese communities for its excellence in explaining different dreams, in particular those unusual and weird. While some believe that the book shows people’s superstition, others believe that the objects or scenes that show up in our dream have close relationship with what have happened within our body (e.g. health status), in daily life, or mental status. Duke Zhou, a founder of Zhou Dynasty (1600-1046 BC), is reputed as the one who laid the political and cultural foundation of the Chinese nation. According to the legend, he initiated the feudalistic system, established the classic rites, created the classic Chinese music, completed the original I Ching and compiled a dream interpretation dictionary https://www.chinaabout.net/?s=dreaming #ZhougongsDreamDictionary #DreamDictionary #Dream #ChineseDreamDictionary #DreamMeaning #DukeZhou #TongShu #ChineseAlmanac #InterpretingDreams #IChing #ZhouGongsBookOfAuspiciousAndInauspiciousDreams
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thepenblog-blog · 6 years
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#todaysdream 07/11/2018,India A Sweven, a dream, a vision that made me think for days. The only thing that I saw was a majestic golden old owl , with its wings spread in the light of the day! What does it mean? Is it wisdom? Solitude? Or death? As per the books it symbolizes change, clairvoyance, intuition and independence! Can I see the hidden? Can I reveal the mysteries of life and death! #dreams #interpretingdreams #mysterious #oldowl #intuition #birthtotem #future #prediction #life #change #clairvoyance #wisdom #solitude #todaysdream @the.pen__ https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp3qpwVnItv/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=19by3xh3rxicn
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