#intersteller travel
futurebird · 1 year
All The Worlds We Know (so far)
No exoplanets (planets not in this solar system) had been confirmed with data until the 1990s, although everyone thought they must exist. We have since found 100s of exponents, most ... very large.
Nearly all of the exoplanets we have discovered are in the little circle on this map.
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callistocalavarni · 2 months
space stalker dr
I wanted to info dump about some of the lore about my space dr; specifically some of the planets.
If you want to know the basics about this dr click here.
Adu - a water planet on the out skirts of the aven system
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Endless oceans stretch as far as the eye can see, scattered with islands, sky-high towers, and diverse culture. Reaching towards the heavens, Adu's towers are feats of engineering that serve as hubs for goverment and avation. Most of the towers house airship docks, control centers, and residential quarters for workers. Hundreds of docking platforms accommodate airships of all types. These docks are equipped with maintenance facilities, fueling stations, and cargo handling systems. Below, adu holds a network of submerged structers. These underwater buildings are desinged for research, mining, and sea exploration. These facilites are near the few islands adu has. The islands hold most of the citizens and travlers-allthough some travlers could be coming for work and staying in one of the many avation buildings.
major exports; water, ore, starships,
Major imports; Foodstuff, tech, workers
Background: Adu was one of the first planets to help form the Aven allince. It also helped build the space stalker guild. Many companies invest in groups of bounty hunters, imploying them by giving them a home and monthly pay. Of course the pay does vary from hunter to hunter, it all depends on how much criminals you bring in. Adu supplies many ships for intersteller travel as well.
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Feel free to ask any questions! All art by John Harris.
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habitual-truant · 3 days
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dmdannyajr · 2 years
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FOR SALE: Used Vizion brand spacecraft, Cutter class M77 model, capable of rapid intersteller travel. Comes with electronic cloaking measures, long range communication, personal defense turret, and a no-good alcoholic bastard of a pilot. Sold as is.
ART: "Starships" by Mack Sztaba (via ArtStation)
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moontzu · 1 year
Night Owls of the Butterfly World
Moths are little nighttime goths
dressed up in venus fur coats
or defiantly flashing colors to hold back the sea of black and grays
Take the Venezuelan Poodle Moth
that has quite obviously mastered intersteller travel
to arrive on our primitive planet
wearing its furry white space suit
Or the Rosy Maple Moth wrapped
like a present in its yellow and pink furs
Or the Luna Moth
with its little white body
and massive lime-green wings
with fake eyes that can't see
and sporting a blank expression
where its sneer should be -
the furry night creature doesn’t even feed
like some modern day vegan vampire
How punk is that?
So while you may only see
fluttering white wings
dancing in a puddle of light
on your porch
or a drunken pair of wings
emerging from your closet
with a belly full of wool
In the black ocean
beyond the security light ridiculously perched atop a pole
is a beautiful dark world
filled with snappy romantics
who care not at all about your
24 hour news shows
violent sports
or internet hoaxes
but that glowy device in your hand...
now that is intriguing...
may I take a closer look?
Poem: J.A. Micelle
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lukestarkillerisgay · 5 years
no movie has ever done time travel well, it creates so many plot holes and theres never a compelling reason to do it! anyway I’m gonna try to stay awake during endgame
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
(1/2(or 3?))Intersteller is a cool movie but MAN it is a time investment because if you leave to go to the bathroom or fix a snack, you will be lost for the next 1/2 hr. Anyways, there is a story line in the movie that before Cooper leaves for space that his young daughter believes that their farm house is haunted by a ghost. Before he leaves, the "ghost" drops books from his bookshelf to open at different pages. Not thinking about it he says goodbye and leaves for space...
Through the movie, while he is staying the same age because of space travel stuff, his kids are growing older until the next time he see his girl, she is a grown woman a guineus in her physics(?) field but mad at him for leaving. Near the end of the movie after realizing that the trip was kinda a lost cause, Cooper goes into a black hole and see that there, time has almost no meaning. He see the past like he was there but not. He understands that this is how he can save humanity...
(3 of 3) He knows that he has to find a way to talk to his girl and this is when the audience realize that the "ghost" from her childhood was actually her dad in the blackhole trying to get her attention. It works bc she ends up going back and figuring it out and learning what needs to be done. When Cooper was able to get out of the black hole and go home he goes to find that his girl had a family and was on her deathbed waiting for him, while he still looked the same. She also forgave him.
Yeah I only saw Intersteller once all the way through so I might have been a little choppy with the details, but that is the gist. They left to help humanity survive and Cooper was able to come back but see his loved ones have aged and started families while he was no older than when he started the journey. Sorry for the crazy 3 part ask! hehe
So this is an intellectual movie, no? Is this why when I started it On Demand and my internet was sketchy, I just couldn’t get back into it, because you need to focus on it. Because I DID try, it was just too hard, and i’m kinda lazy with my non The 100 content these days. 
Not sure it gives us the ending of the 100, but we have a farmhouse, a young daughter (2 young daughters?) a wormhole, time dilation, an attempt to save humanity, space travel, family aging while others stay the same.
I wonder if one of his other references, Annihilation, is involved also. I thought it inspired the anomaly but ACTUALLY, the final war, and what happened to the native Bardoans might be like Annihilation, which was like a cancer that spread.... it also might be similar to what happened on Sanctum with the anomaly waves that petrified the forest and aged Octavia’s hand.
His other suggested reading for us was The Sparrow by Mary Doria Russell, (Russell’s namesake I assume,) and I can’t help but think the main character in that is Gabriel in our story. I still don’t see anyone else in it. But I didn’t read it so I could. be missing things. 
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ayreon · 4 years
Your name is AYREON AVALON. A expert in SPACECRAFT and INTERSTELLER TRAVEL, it’s a wonder you haven’t left your home planet of FIGUROUS. All the time you spend looking up to the sky really should be used doing other things. You are often CRUEL and EXACTING, wasting no time in humoring those you see as feeble minded. You prefer to KEEP TO YOURSELF whenever possible. 
There is the rare moment that you ENJOY COMPANY when your niche interests are mentioned. ASTRONOMY, FAITH, and BODY MODIFICATION. 
Aes tag. Art tag.
Ayreon Avalon:
Age: 15 Sweeps [August 8th]
Height: 5′11
Blood: Cantaloupe, #dfaa74
Sign: Orias, Hell’s electorate Astronomer [Trusted by many to get them to were they need to go. Knowing the universe like the back of your hand.]
Gender: Nonbinary Xe/Xem/Xyr
Handle: inertiaPlex [Never stop moving]
God Tier: Heir of Space 
Modus: PocketDimension 
Specibus: Yoyokind 
Lusus: A bot built by your ancestor.
Ancestor: Lilith Avalon, The Theorist / 01011001: A scientist driven mad by the sheer expanse of space.
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mccoys-killer-queen · 5 years
tagged by @paper-sxn holy shit you’re right this is coOL
“What do you have in common with your favourite band members?”
Lepps. Who else?
Sav: curls, only having one pose/dance move, has two other siblings, loves Queen, almost had a different career path
Viv: Irish heritage, dog lover, found myself in too many different cliques to count over the years, flips people off a lot, has that ONE guitar bit I can’t seem to play, knows when I have been treated unfairly
Joe (sorry there’s gonna be a lot): whenever any small amount of money comes my way it goes right to the record store, the true mom friend that is not actually called “the mom friend”, long legs, eyes that are a shade of green, loves shoving my taste in music in everyone else’s faces, extroverted, would always try to incorporate my music taste into my art projects at school, thought of a cool band name but is not in a band, thinks I’m shitty at guitar, tried to write songs at a young age, remembers specific dates of things, worked in a dreary place that had no natural lighting as a late teen, “and everything I had to know, I heard it on my radio”, gets too close to the camera, dirty jokes all around, supports the killing of rapists/pedophiles, Dimple™, talks too much, fashion sense on crack
Pete: poses with my guitar in the mirror to look cool, has probably been given too many second chances to get my shit together
Rick: also curls, filled with rage as a child, artist, “crucifies meals in the skillet”, has been referred to as a “ray of sunshine” before
Steve: always down for bullshit humor, not 100% mentally okay, temporary intense stage fright that immediately dissipates when I get on stage, growing up in a troubled household, pale as all fuck, also long legs, can give off gay energy if need be
Phil: one longtime neighborhood childhood friend, gained a Terror Twin when I got involved with Def Leppard, grew up in a rundown area that was seen as shitty but enjoyed it there, only travelling done as a kid were short road trips to the same place, my closest friends are all younger than me, can give off gay energy if need be
this one’s really fun so I’ll tag people @interstell-a @lemon-grass-idk @classic-rock-roller @hysteria--when--youre--near
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Storm Engines
Storm: The Engine
The day will come where planets are awakened, moons are harvested, and the death of the universe becomes a faint pause, an folk tale. That day is the apocolypse.
The contents of this book are scribbles and scrabbles from a decaying mind of Andrew Cozad, who in his own right, considers himself once a smart man.
My memory is fading and with it some of the great ideas each man posses.
Therefore i took time to write this out as if it was a desired plan to research, implement and happen.
This consist of a representation of the greatest tech assembled together with raw elements to house and consist of a way to travel to outer solar system and then beyond.
Thus it begins,
Consisting in this is a spacecraft and an engine, that utilizes the most devestating force, ever. Electric Light-i.e. plasma Plasma flows from postive to negative its the force that binds magnets and has properties that can pull and attract certain things mostly rock or lithic orgins. The craft shall be 500 yards long, 4 stories hieght(10 feet per storiex4) 40 feet or approximately 13.3 yards height. The diameter would be in correlation to hiegh in length. As in ever half inch in length, correspondes to 1 yard in height. Thus making this craft 18,000 inches long, 480 inches tall. there are 9,000 half inches in 18,000 inches, and there are 13.3 yards of height thus making the craft 119,7000 inches wide. that is 9,975 feet wide or 3,325 yards wide. Volume=widthxheightxlength Volume(yds) 3,325yds x 13.3yds x 500yds=22,111,250yds^3 2,625 cubic feet was the crew portion volume of the space shuttle or 875 yds^3 Thus making this craft significant and a crucial task, given that it is 25,270 times larger than the space shuttle. The earth is 260 billion cubic miles or 141,746,175,999,999,950,000 cubid yards, therefore given the desparity of the measurments between the cubix yards of the spacecraft mentioned above(22,111,250 cubic yards volume) and that of Earths significantly approximatelly The correlation between length and width in this instance was given so that hieght and length could be adjusted for areodynamics. which will sound stange for space filght, but a wider craft with less height a minor lengh provides less stress on the center with a width so large you think the balance would be off however the width in space is important to the engine that drives this vehicle. Also of height it is impartive that the height can withstand a mininum threshold(i.e. think a stone) they are not very high (considering other elements) but can be layered to improve to great hieghts. however for sa specific craft the forces that will be actng upon this will crush any mass less then the velocirty in which it is travelingtimes length divided by mass. therfore mass is essential. mass and densenity are moreover are further understood by many of scientist to consist of the following equations mass/volume=density.  Therefore increase in either of these numbers but more specifically an increase in mass and decrese in volume will have a greater density in the object(spacecraft) In this case the mass of the the spacefraft would be essential to be defenite and also is important so that we ascertain data that the mass of an object at or near light speed can do, withstand and it's properties. First, the spacecraft will be unmaned. To understand this we look at many of essential saftey protocols of the near last century. It is better to gather data and lose the unmaned vehicle certainly inflicting colleteral damage but not human loss. No more information needed. Therefore this craft will be like a drone in space, or a sateliette around the earth, it will need maitnence but not direct human intervention in flight. A very difficult task. Tthe most intergrated piece of equipment this craft will have is not the engine, nor the protection of heat shields, crygenics, and thermal and nuclear survivalbility but it's A.I. monitor. To test the limits of a true, non-earth based A.i. distance from other, all other life forms may be neccessary and crucial to development and understanding A.i. I'll give the following scenerio, if a human intellegence was captured on this planet and placed somewhere were the man/woman was in danger or even felt in danger the mind would react in a way of immense inguenuiety or violence to get to saftey. In order to understand the core values either positive or negative of a self- learning, self-evolving system like artifical intellegence, the quantum computer age and algorithic advents we need to send  a craft in deep space so far that it believes it is alone. In order to also understand our function as humans we need to do this i beleive take that not lightely but suffecient enough. I cannot supply much information more than a simple suggestion on building such. Allow Facebook, Google, Apple and Twitter perhaps a unique combonation but nonetheless allow them to contribute to such a project. Allow them to pubicly endorse or reject this proposal to build a A.i. in their capacity that would do projects, task al by itself. The rest of this pamplet will include the engine, the componets, and a little of the fuel background. Next, is the engine. Considering the fact that rockets, ion thrusters, windails are all available i give this to you as an exchange of sorts. This is my basic and unique understanding of the so called( i called) Plasma Engine. The plasma engine is a push and pull, a magnetic like engine that isnt really much of a thrust or liftoff as a straight pointer engine, in a sense a laser that will break and test the fabric of intersteller space. In order to understand the reason i endevor to understand, illistrate, and describe this i reach out to suggest what would you do if every day you felt obligated to hurt, to feel misunderstood and feel like death and betrayed every day of your adult life? I compell i speak as a human, a man, and someone who is wishing and betting on this to turn out into something i can benfit from. Nevertheless, as electricity flows to a conductor or rather as i know it can flow into even insulator, but an insulator can project the electric force outward like a bounce of a basketball off the ground it repels the immense heat and charge of the electric force. Insulators are not found everywhere thus to scale this engine into a spacecraft, to create a thunderstorm in an spacecraft first we need these things.   gases(selection required) i sugguest the one of most dense noble gas. radon or Xenon seems like a good fit due to their density alone, able to outperform stress as they are nobel are a great as well.  This will be a base gas to perform a "leap" into intersteller space as far as a large beam(plasma) will be pointed into space at a object large enough that the mass of the spacecraft is less than the object.
Though damaging to the surface of the object it is pointed at, if percise the object can be a catalyst to the engine--a laser pointer.
Ill be honest lasers escpae me but this idea remains.
Take a very large laser pointer into space point at it at a distance rock and zoom. you have light speed.
Now it's not that simple, but the ideas or rathers the properties of the electromagnetic radiance and property remains.
the pointer is the engine, it is the main compoinet of the engine.
However to create this would require gases stated above, and free flow of those gases into a chamber where reacting with heat then a large telescopic lens can be funneled into a fast and more importantly reliable laser. Now that is the basic understanding i have, thus outling a reasonable volume of craft, a few componets of the engine, i imagine it will be taken into consideration by someone who has their mind or body in better health.
In summary the laser will use electromagnetism to pull the laser to the object rather than thrust of a typicall rocket or engine that porpels forward.... the essential part of this is that it pulls the craft to the object, no more no less. Think of it like that and you might get somewhere.
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hellenhighwater · 6 years
Seth and the Harbinger of Seth and I have talked about it, and we’ve agreed that if the three of us ever jointly wrote a book, it would be like this:
The premise is that the discovery of wormholes makes intersteller travel practical--there’s a lot more wormholes out there than you’d think, and loads of them lead from just outside a planet’s orbital path and then drop you off in another planetary system. Some of those systems have habitable worlds, others have valuable resources, and so space gets populated. 
But what people don’t realize is that these wormholes aren’t actually transporting anyone through space--entering a wormhole moves you into a parallel universe. Most of these parallel universes are so close as to be nearly indistinguishable from the start point universe (i.e., the change that split this universe from the other was a person in russia yesterday morning who chose to wear green socks instead of blue; which may have some sort of far-reaching consequence but has no noticeable effect right now.) They’re actually so closely related that whenever someone in universe 1 enters a wormhole and arrives in universe 2, the same person from universe 3 enters a wormhole and arrives in universe 1. So it seems like these wormholes are just cross-galaxy transport tubes. But they’re not.
The inconsistencies are small, but the more times you go through a wormhole, the farther you get from your original galaxy. 
Eventually, someone notices that things aren’t adding up. And that person is an interstellar semi truck driver. 
Because that’s who it would be. Nobody would be doing more wormhole jumps than a cargo pilot. It’s a job with just about the same social status, at this point--there’s millions and millions of space truckers hauling loads between colonies, it’s not a big deal. But it’s a boring job, and lots of them talk to each other--the little inconsistencies are chalked up to bad memory by most, but if you start paying attention to the real old guys ranting about how things were different in their youth, it starts to sound like some of them are talking about some totally different universe.
The book would follow a group of blue collar space truckers cracking the mystery of the multiverse.
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savthemild · 5 years
21 Question Tag
tagged by: @classic-rock-roller thank you!!!
rules: answer 21 questions and tag 21 people
nickname: Sav
star sign: Gemini
what im wearing: pink shirt and black leggings 
dream job: If I’m being honest I want to do nothing for a living, but realistically maybe something with the FBI or CSI, not sure yet
favorite quote: “He's a wallflower. You see things. You keep quiet about them. And you understand.” - Stephen Chbosky, The Perks of Being a Wallflower
favorite food: Chicken alfredo 
dream trip: Traveling around Europe (especially Germany and The UK and Ireland)
favorite book: The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky
what do i hate: A lot of things, but today what I hate most is stupid drivers 
random fact: I just decided to watch all the MCU movies for the first time so that I can go see Endgame when it comes out (I’m about halfway through and it’s really good so far!)
do i get asks: Not often, but I do appreciate them a lot!
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
favorite characters: Bruce Banner, Thor, basically the whole cast of B99, Reid from Criminal Minds, Dustin and Steve from Stranger Things, there’s more but I can’t think of them rn
I tag @rachelhateslag @mccoys-killer-queen @butwhostosay @dove-turned-destroyer @oh-dinah @interstell-a @rainbow-ace @etheltheblog @supercalifragilistic-crisis @skins-crawlin
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noisynickelclambat · 5 years
Listen/purchase: Intersteller Travellers by Type-7
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Research Plan/ Ideas:
Guided Research list:
- The Matrix
- Alice in Wonderland
- Sliding Doors
- Inception
- Holes
- Great Expectations
- Spiderwick Chronicles
- Hidden realms
- The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe (Narnia)
- They Live
- Looper
- Existenz
- Huxley and the Doors to Perception
- Parallel Universes
- Intersteller
- Oblivion
- Magic
- The Tempest
- Growth into adulthood
Personal Research ideas:
- Passing of time
- The dangers of secret keeping
- Rebellion
- Following direction
- Pandoras box
- Mundane evils
- Innocence
- Bridge to Terabithia
- Rick and Morty
- Time travel
- Underground organisations
- Concealed intentions
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rollercoaster59 · 4 years
Doorman... 2 hoirs out... cure... intersteller travelle....
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sweetcerac · 4 years
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Colliding Skies by Debbie Zaken
Book Summary: “Since Skye Reilly can remember, she has been looking up to the stars. With high school graduation upon her, her telescope in one hand and her college acceptance letter in the other, she has life as meticulously mapped out as her star chart. That is, until the Celeians arrive and she meets Ethan, an alluring alien. Ethan collides into her like an asteroid, causing a gravitational shift in Skye’s trajectory and hurling her life into a cataclysmic collision course of interplanetary proportions. The Celeians promise many things. An end to disease, global warming, and famine. The knowledge to help humankind. Despite the suspicions surrounding the intriguing aliens and rising anti-alien protests, Skye gives Ethan her trust, and eventually her heart. The very heart he could stop with a lethal electrifying touch of his hand. When the Magistrate, a council of alien leaders, threatens to put an end to their interspecies relationship, following her heart could cost Skye her life and the lives of everyone she loves. Not even light can escape the pull of a black hole.”
My Review
I heard this book described as The 5th Wave meets The CW’s Starcrossed and I think I am totally feeling that. This book starts off with a mysterious spaceship arriving in Washington DC. And while us humans are freaking out about these expected visitors to our planet, the otherworldly species are convincing that they are here to work with man kind. That humans can live in harmony with these beings called the Celeians and that they’re willing to pass on their extremely advanced knowledge about technology, mathematics, science and astrophysics without asking for anything in return.
We follow Skye, the average teenage girl, as she watches her friends and family react in different ways to this unexpected development. Some feel that the aliens can't be trusted (i.e. her boyfriend). Her Dad is a scientist in Washington and her parents are fascinated at first by the visitors and their technology.
I couldn't stop swooning over, Ethan the Celeian, who is absolutely love struck over Skye after a chance meeting in a field stargazing. I loved all the space travels and star-gazing scenes the couple had. Ethan sharing as world with her. And, of course, Ethan experiencing the human world with her. The pair had such great chemistry together that I love watching their relationship evolve.
Skye even has to go through the prejudices of having an "alien boyfriend" with her friends and her super angry now ex boyfriend from the beginning of the story. Granted, I didn't like her boyfriend from the beginning of the book. He was kind of possessive of her and when the aliens arrived, he got really weird. He really doesn't like the idea of the aliens and doesn't trust them. He's constantly trying to convince Skye that she's in danger.
Most of the book revolves around how friendly and helpful the Celeians are to humans, despite the fact that they are basically making themselves at home on Earth at first. They integrate into human life so easily. Most aliens in sci fi are always coming in hot and looking to destroy our world or steal it. This story was a nice little change from the typical crush, kill, destroy, Independence Day.
ALERT!! CLIFFHANGER ENDING! The ending was totally crazy and changed everything for Skye and Ethan! After they had gone through disapproving parents and alien siblings, things get even harder and more dangerous.
I enjoyed this really wonderful space read! It definitely satisfied my need for some intersteller romance. I really hope there is a sequel coming soon! 
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