#intp much
oiblackestsheep · 1 month
MBTI Types as Spongebob quotes that live rent free in my head
INTP: "Remember, licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets." - Spongebob
INFP: "I knew I shouldn't have gotten out of bed today." - Squidward
INTJ: "Stupidity isn't a virus, but it sure is spreading like one." - Sandy
INFJ: "The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma... *milk spills* " - Patrick
ENTP: "You don't need a license to drive a sandwich. " - Spongebob
ENFP: "I was trying to tell you that I was choking on snow, but the snow melted and turned into water, and I drank all the water, and now I'm better." - Patrick
ENTJ: "Well, it wouldn't be the first time you ruined everything." - Squidward
ENFJ: "If I were to die in a firey explosion due to the carelessness of a friend... then it would just be alright." - Spongebob
ISTP: "Can I be excused for the rest of my life?" - Spongebob
ESTP: "How many times do we have to teach you this lesson, old man?!" - random fish
ISFP: "Always follow your heart unless your heart is bad with directions." - Spongebob
ESFP: "See, no one says 'cool' anymore. That's such an old-person thing. Now we say 'coral', as in 'That nose job is so coral.'" - Pearl
ISTJ: "I order the food. You cook the food. The customer gets the food. We do that for 40 years, and then we die." - Squidward
ESTJ: "My diet Dr. Kelp? How am I supposed to eat this without my drink?!" - random fish
ISFJ: "I'm so loyal, I don't mind sleeping out on the cold, hard ground while Captain Krabs sleeps in his warm, dry tent." - Spongebob
ESFJ: "Good people don't rip other people's arms off." - Spongebob
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majorbitchwillgraham · 3 months
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The Analyst Girls 💜
With this picrew
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intpconvos · 10 months
INFP: Have you seen any huge changes with me lately?
INTP: Well, you haven't been replying much
INFP: I dug my own grave on that one
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intp-t-bestanalyst · 11 months
Nightfalls gonna kill wheeler. (She’s insane)
Yuri isn’t gonna find out about twilight. (He’s oblivious)
And yor is probably grocery shopping with anya. (She’s sulking)
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seariii · 7 months
I saw a couple people say that Amane is most probably safe now as the inno percentage seems to have stabilized. Despite being an Amane guilty truther, this makes me happy for her and that made me think my pov is kinda funny....
My brain would throw her under the bus immediately if it means there is a higher chance that one of my faves won't die (she hurts Shidou > incapacitates him > he can't save/help Haruka when he attempts, giving directions is slower than do it himself > Haruka has a higher chance of dying)
But the moment her percentage went under Kazui's, my heart (empathy) jumped in and yelled how we can not do that to her and how she's suffering a lot. And thus leading me to stop voting at all
My mind sees voting her guilty as "the greater good" (yeah for Haruka but also so that Shidou can still treat Mahiru and whoever might need it) (kinda like how most are voting Kotoko this round), and my heart talks about how she doesn't deserve that pain, and looks more only for her own well being
So yeah I'm glad the kid is closer to being inno
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tbh-entp · 1 year
Boss of ENTP: Meet our new colleague ENTP! She's our new project manager, and fun fact, speaks 7 foreign languages!
New colleagues: O.o wow!
ENTP, who knows how to say "yes", find the toilet in 7 foreign languages, and is also forgetting her native language: Si, Freunde
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Where did you get the idea for your tag "#light magnetic tape celluloid and silver nitrate", if you don't mind me asking? It's intriguingly specific 👀
since I tag art #scribbles and paint splatters I wanted something along the same lines of "what it's made of" for photos.
A film type camera uses magnetic tape made of celluloid and silver nitrate (as well as some other stuff), which develops an image when exposed to light, so i played around with the names of different components until I found ones that I thought sounded nice together.
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tvisnoton · 11 months
yo INTP gang wyaaaa
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airbendertendou · 2 years
learning that mikey, saiki, kenma, L and inumaki are all intp’s……..
oh that makes so much sense.
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gutsheapofrawiron · 1 year
thinking ab how different fi and ti are and yet istps seem to get mistyped as isfps a lot by people.... maybe it's because ti can superficially appear fi-like because the logic only has to make sense to the individual, making it seem like an ""emotional"" function instead? like when some line of logical, ti-produced reasoning does not at all seem rational from an outsiders perspective, so then it ends up looking like a personal emotional moral thing instead
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entropy-sea-system · 2 years
I was just thinking about how in care bears unlock the magic they give Bedtime the night shift in the caring control tower (he mentions it in the first episode) maybe because he works better at night and it fits his sleep pattern better and it's kind of nice to think of it as them accomodating his sleep schedule
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trash-can-sam · 1 year
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The bitches are fighting.
TBH. I think that now her identity is revealed Qi will see her as more of an equal and they’ll be like kind of frenemies (at leas tin my brain.) I want them to have to work on more projects with each other post-canon and fight tooth and nail over the most minute details.
Idk if anyone else noticed this but after the scene where it’s mentioned how much alike they were I was like “I wonder how similar their liked gifts are?” AND THEY ARE VERY SIMILAR. They have a total of 18 gifts in the same places (not including the monument which is a loved gift for Grace and a liked gift for Qi.)
I am in desperate need of content where they have a begrudging friendship and almost childlike rivalry where they do the dumbest shit to try and best each other (they are both losing) and both insist they hate working with each other more than anything (they both love that the other person rly makes them think.)
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Just saw this on pinterest and my jaw is literally on the floor-
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bat-the-misfit · 1 year
I will always remember the day I was explaining my uncle why I typed him as an ENTP and when explaining his functions he said "oh no I think i'm way more this Ti thing than the Ne thing INTP makes more sense to me"
and he kept disagreeing with me for like half an hour AND HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT MBTI WHILE I KNEW A LOT AND KNEW WHAT I WAS SAYING
and that whole discussion just showed me why i was exactly right in typing him as an ENTP
#the fact he knew nothing about it but needed to see how “right” i thought i was just show his Ti and Fe are auxiliar and tertiary#like his Ti-Fe were dancing with each other at that time#his Ti wanted to question me for it to make logical sense to him and distrust other person opinion (Ti>Fe)#while his Fe wanted to interact and question so he could see my way of viewing him#(also my reactions and if i could maintain my point of view)#like wow uncle the way you're trying to prove me how INTP makes more sense to you just shows me how much of an ENTP you are#INTPs use inf Fe they wouldn't be willing to listen to me bc that would kill their Ti#their own way of how things work (including how “they” work) is the most important thing to them#if he was an INTP he'd criticize me and show every evidence (Ti-Si) of how wrong I was#ENTPs will always prefer questioning first#INTPs wouldn't QUESTION you they right off the bat disagree with you bc Ti dom-Fe inf#other people's opinions being CORRECT will kill their Ti and they don't want that#ENTPs use tert Fe they LIKE the challenge of someone disagreeing with them#they don't oppress their Fe they LIKE knowing about other people#also by being Ne doms they really like new ways of seeing things#THEN they will use Ti to see if it fits their internal logical system#and they might even ignore it (Ne-Fe loop)#that's why ENTPs are seem as argumentative they really like questioning people and their views#having someone disagree with them will make them want to know why you think so#INTPs having someone disagree with them will make them really offended and defensive#oh also the fact my uncle didn't mention any concrete fact to prove his point of view just proved his inf Si#INTPs will ALWAYS use Si to prove their Ti's point of view#they always bring data and facts to the table while ENTPs will just play with ideas and possibilities of why they're right (Ne)#well that was my How To Differentiate the xNTPs 101#that conversation was so fun i laughed so much internally like “omg i was so right about him”#well aNYWAY#tio morcego tá tagarela#it's so funny how high Ti users might not know anything about a subject#but they still think they're more right about it than someone who knows a lot about it#i know not everyone is like that that's just my experience with high Ti users
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intp-t-bestanalyst · 1 year
What happened to kunigami in wild card
We know that kunigami went through hell and back in those weeks he was there but we don’t know how. We know that he didn’t want to give up his dream so he entered the passageway but since the manga didn’t give us any hints on what happened, only showing us that he is now more buff than before and can shoot with both legs. It certainly doesn’t help that his personality did a while 180 from how it was before since we're used to the fair play kunigami and not to this….. emo one. So what happened to him that would make him throw away all of his manners and turn into this mannerless dark horse? I think that ego, with his manipulative tactics (we all know he has them) used a way to get into kunigamis head.
Maybe showing him his old teammates from team Z and how they succeeded/failed? Maybe he was shown how naruhaya suffered a disastrous fate because he couldn’t keep up? (I think naruhaya wouldn’t give up on his dream easily and would walk into that wild card door because of his backstory, it’s his only chance after all) maybe a couple other people he knew also walked into that door on the day they left blue lock and so he started to realise, slowly but surely, no one would keep up with him and that he was the only one that could? Making the other players there despise him and stir away from him - thinking that he was narcissistic and only cared about himself?
this could have been the reason of kunigamis change in attitude as he’s always wanted to be the hero but the way these guys are seeing it is as if he’s the villain here and he’s the one in the wrong. He’s the one that isn’t playing fair and that he’s using his physical prowess to his advantage.
I also imagine that ego got some top class soccer player/coach to train them in wild card and he was absolutely RUTHLESS. Often eliminating players if he deemed them not good enough. The coach could’ve had something against kunigami which is probably unlikely cause yknow, it’s kunigami. It would add onto the trauma and bad experience though but, In my eyes at least, it’s quite unlikely.
There’s no telling what actually happened to kunigami in there unless the author himself tells us. (I’m anticipating this day and will be waiting for the chapter to be released)
anyways I just wanted to think of what could’ve happened, feel free to add onto it :)
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seariii · 3 months
Huh... /pos
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