europahoynews · 2 years
Etiopía: Civiles nuevamente sumidos en una guerra intratable y mortal, según informa el Consejo de Derechos Humanos |
Etiopía: Civiles nuevamente sumidos en una guerra intratable y mortal, según informa el Consejo de Derechos Humanos |
En su primer y extenso informe al Consejo de Derechos Humanos en Ginebra, el Comisión Internacional de Expertos en Derechos Humanos sobre Etiopía dijo que ellos creía que también se habían cometido crímenes de lesa humanidad en la guerra intermitente que estalló en la región norte en noviembre de 2020. #HRC51 | La Comisión de Expertos en Derechos Humanos sobre Etiopía le dijo al Consejo de…
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quisqueyanews · 2 years
Rahm ofrece espectáculo en Atlanta pero con Scheffler intratable en cabeza
Rahm ofrece espectáculo en Atlanta pero con Scheffler intratable en cabeza
26/08/2022 Act. a las 23:34 CEST El vasco firmó una gran segunda vuelta que le situó entre los tres primeros, gracias a sus 63 golpes (-7) por un total de -13 A pesar del esfuerzo del vasco, Scottie Scheffler dominaba el torneo con autoridad (-19) con tres hoyos por jugar y Schauffeele, segundo Jon Rahm realizó una vuelta espectacular en el East Lake Club, en Atlanta, donde el vasco firmó 63…
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gatutor · 2 months
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Grayson Hall "Satan in high heels" 1962, de Jerald Intrator.
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computerized · 6 months
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hi everybody.
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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The cousin and cash handler for one of Russia’s most notorious oligarchs poured tens of thousands of dollars into electing a newly minted congressman-elect who called Ukraine’s government “a totalitarian regime.”
Republican George Devolder-Santos vanquished Democrat Robert Zimmerman this month in the race for a House seat covering parts of Long Island and the New York City borough of Queens—riding a red wave that swept the Empire State this cycle, and washing away two decades of Democratic dominance in the district.
Devolder-Santos had long courted conservative media attention by presenting himself as a “walking, living, breathing contradiction”—a gay Latino millennial born in New York City, who is also a fervent devotee of ex-President Donald Trump.
For much of his professional career, which included a stint as regional director at an alleged Ponzi scheme, the Republican used the name George Devolder. However, as he ventured further into the world of politics, he began to increasingly use the name George Devolder-Santos or simply George Santos.
He stood out to the Washington Post earlier this year for his remarks in the aftermath of Russia’s bloody, unprovoked assault on Ukraine.
“It’s not like Ukraine is a great democracy. It’s a totalitarian regime. They’re not a great bastion of freedom,” the congressman-to-be told the paper.
He has insisted that Ukraine “welcomed the Russians into their provinces”—an apparent reference to President Vladimir Putin’s 2014 invasion to prop up rogue separatist parties—and that Ukrainians in the east “feel more Russian than Ukrainian,” even though every single Ukrainian province overwhelmingly voted for independence in 1991.
It was not the first time Devolder-Santos had parroted Kremlin talking points. In the weeks before Putin’s brutal, blundering attack upon his western neighbor, the candidate repeatedly took to Twitter to accuse President Joe Biden of plotting to “start a war” with Russia and deploy American troops to Ukraine.
But unreported until now is that by the time Devolder-Santos made these statements, his congressional ambitions had already received a $32,800 boost from a controversial figure linked to the uppermost echelons of the Russian regime—and that support would more than double in size during the months ahead.
The cash came from Andrew Intrater and his wife, who variously listed her occupation as “homemaker” and “analyst” for Falcon AI, one of her husband’s subsidiary firms.
Intrater’s main venture is today called Sparrow Capital, but it previously used the name Columbus Nova—and its primary function has long been to manage the investments of Intrater’s cousin, Viktor Vekselberg, one of Putin’s wealthiest and most influential courtiers.
So tightly intertwined is Intrater’s business with that of his relative, who snatched up swaths of Russia’s aluminum and fuel industries during the post-Soviet period, that Columbus Nova described itself in 2007 Securities and Exchange Commission filings as “the U.S.-based affiliate” of Vekselberg’s Renova Group. In fact, SEC records show that “Columbus Nova” was merely a trade name, and the company was in fact incorporated as Renova U.S. Management LLC until it rechristened itself Sparrow Capital in 2018.
The rebrand came just months after the Department of the Treasury froze almost all of the company’s assets for its tight ties to the heavily sanctioned Vekselberg. The following year, Intrater became a national figure when it surfaced that his firm had paid half a million dollars to longtime Trump fixer Michael Cohen, and the pair had exchanged hundreds of phone calls and text messages during the 2016 campaign.
Intrater sued the federal government in hopes of regaining access to his fortune, but a judge slapped the effort down in 2020. However, the businessman persisted and ultimately reached what court records refer to as an “administrative agreement” regarding at least part of the corporate accounts in late 2021. However, the case file does not include this document, and Intrater’s team did not respond to repeated requests for comment.
Intrater’s support for Devolder-Santos dates to the GOP pol’s first failed bid for Congress in 2020, which got a $11,600 cash infusion from the financier and his bride, reflecting the maximum contribution amount then allowed.
But after that initial defeat federal donation limits would prove a small obstacle. Starting in March 2021, Intrater and his wife began pouring tens of thousands of dollars into auxiliary committees backing Devolder-Santos: $20,000 directly to GADS PAC, a leadership political action committee bearing the candidate’s initials, plus $12,100 to Devolder Santos Nassau Victory, a joint fundraising committee formed with the Nassau County Republican Party. Devolder Santos Nassau Victory had to drop $10,000 of that gift into the Nassau GOP’s federal account—but that account made just two federal expenditures this cycle, the larger of them by far being the purchase of lawn signs supporting Devolder-Santos.
All this came on top of $12,400 Intrater and Pentinen gave the Devolder-Santos for Congress committee.
The individual who answered a phone associated with Devolder-Santos identified himself to The Daily Beast as his campaign coordinator, but declined to share his name. He would not speak directly about the Intrater gifts, but insisted that the national Republican Party had set the candidate up with most of his large contributors.
But Devolder-Santos was far and away the largest beneficiary of Intrater’s largesse this year. Further, Devolder-Santos’s committees are the only ones that received gifts from Intrater’s wife this cycle.
The campaign coordinator directed The Daily Beast to forward all questions to a press email, but messages sent to the address provided received no reply.
Shortly after the Russian onslaught against Ukraine began, and public opinion swung toward Kyiv, Devolder-Santos appeared to soften his stance on the country. In a Fox News interview, he highlighted that his grandfather was born in the Ukrainian capital, and on Twitter he has urged prayers for the country.
However, he seems to have avoided the topic since late February, and it is unclear at this point whether he will join the anti-Ukraine faction within the narrow GOP majority in seeking to sever aid to the embattled nation.
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pizza rolls and feta cheese im eating out of the fridge for dinnar
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tomorrowusa · 1 year
You can often judge people by their associates.
Santos' major backers include a migrant smuggler, an unlikely Trump donor, the cousin of a sanctioned Russian oligarch and a convicted felon.
A controversial donor, who along with his apparent domestic partner gave a combined $34,500 to Santos, is Andrew Intrater, the CEO of a company which once had ties to a sanctioned Russian oligarch Intrater is the CEO of Sparrow Capital — an investment firm formerly known as Columbus Nova. Prior to the imposition of sanctions on the oligarch in 2018, it was listed in regulatory filings as an affiliate of Viktor Vekselberg's Renova Group, an aluminum, energy and telecom conglomerate.
[ ... ]
Intrater is a prolific donor to Republican candidates and causes — he paid $250,000 to attend former President Donald Trump's inauguration in January 2017. 
So there’s an indirect tie to Putin. That gives Santos something else in common with Trump.
Aren’t foreign nationals prohibited from making campaign donations?
Rocco Oppedisano's family was visibly involved with Santos's campaign. Reportedly an Italian national, the 54-year-old, donated $500 to a victory committee benefiting Santos' campaign in September according to FEC records. That donation to the son of Brazilian immigrants who campaigned as tough on immigration, drew attention after the Daily Beast reported that Oppedisano had pleaded guilty to smuggling undocumented migrants into the U.S. in 2019. A further review of Oppedisano's court records show his criminal record also includes convictions for grand larceny, DWIs, and possession of ammunition by a convicted felon. 
It seems that Oppedisano was smuggling migrants to Ron DeSantis’s Florida.
When Oppedisano was arrested on his 63-foot Sunseeker yacht, the INXS FINALLY, in December 2019 off the coast of Miami, the Coast Guard found he was smuggling over a dozen undocumented migrants from the Bahamas to Florida. They also said they found over $200,000 in U.S. and Bahamian currency hidden behind a panel in a closet on board.
Yes, anti-immigrant Republicans are smuggling migrants into the US for cash. So what else is new?
But wait, there’s more!
In his May 2020 campaign disclosure filings, he claimed to have no assets and a $55,000 salary from a previous employer. However, in disclosures filed just weeks before election day for his latest campaign, Santos claimed to have earned $750,000 in annual salary for the period between January 2021 and December 2022, as well as millions in dividends from his company, Devolder Organization LLC.
As they said in the film All the President’s Men, “follow the money”.
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autistickfigure · 6 months
i replayed the normal pacisfit thing for undertale the Yesterday and instead of thinking about that when i woke up i thought about Turtles.
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radardemediaonline · 1 year
Chefi la cuțite, lider detașat de audiență! Echipele s-au refăcut aseară: ei sunt concurenții aduși de Florin Dumitrescu din bootcamp
Ediție încărcată de adrenalină a emisiunii Chefi la cuțite aseară, la Antena 1: Florin Dumitrescu a folosit amuleta care i-a permis să aducă noi concurenți din bootcamp, completând echipele. A urmat un battle cu o provocare grea din partea Ginei Pistol, victoria revenindu-i echipei lui Sorin Bontea, într-o ediție a show-ului culinar lider incontestabil de audiență. VIDEO Dan Ursa este…
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gynkgobilobo · 2 years
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gatutor · 7 months
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Grayson Hall-Meg Myles "Satan in high heels" 1962, de Jerald Intrator.
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maddestmewmew · 2 years
im feeling whorish and spontaneous (joins a discord server with people i dont know)
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gwydionmisha · 1 year
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Kinktober day 1/2: cervix fucking + bondage - Scaramouche x reader
Warnings: fem reader, AFAB language, pain during sex, masochism, Scaramouche is definitely a sadist, NSFW, mentions of painful cervix stimulation, bondage. It’s Kinktober yall, stay safe and make sure you read warnings and tws
Scaramouche ties you up and leaves you alone to suffer
You didn’t know how long Scaramouche had left you like this, and you didn’t know how much longer he was going to keep planning on making you suffer. All you knew was that the feeling of the large black dildo inside of you relentlessly and painfully bullying your cervix, and there was nothing you could do to escape it.
You were bound in an intratic system of rope and knots. your legs were tied into a bent position with your ankles bound to your thighs- leaving you in a forced kneeling position. You could feel the ropes digging painfully into the fat of your thighs- making the plush painfully skin bubble out around the well secured ropes. Your arms too were tied together, bent at the elbows with your forearms bound tightly together.
Scaramouche had oh-so-lovingly done you up prettily in your restraints- pushing a dildo into your pussy before blind folding you and smacking your stuffed cunt, leaving you alone to suffer.
At first, it was fine. The dildo was larger than you were used to, yes, and it was being held inside you by your panties, giving you no hope of pushing it out. The silicone head of the toy was just barely kissing your cervix, and the stench was more than normal, but it was manageable. At least at first.
The position you were left in forced you to put your weight on the balls of your feet, using your knees to keep your balance to keep from falling over. After the first few minutes, your thighs started to burn.
You held out for as long as you could. By the time you finally collapsed, your eyes were teary and your muscles were shaking from exhaustion.
The second you gave in, you instantly regretted it, screaming as the dildo was pushed fully inside of you and directly into your cervix as your ass hit the ground. You couldn’t stop the choked sobs that escaped your lip. It was so deep, god. It hurt- it was too much.
You desperately tried to lift yourself back off the thing’s enormous length- only for your burning and trembling thighs to give out, slamming you back down on the dildo.
Every time you tried to wiggle off the plastic cock, or whenever you tried to squirm and adjust where the pressure was falling- it only resulted in the slow drag of the dildo along your insides, making you wish the dildo was just a bit smaller- so you could take it all and bounce on top of it like any other cock.
Every shift was met with the painful feeling of your cervix being bullied open, along with the irresistible glide of the dildo along your walls.
You sobbed, unable to stop yourself as swore your body moved involuntarily- bouncing itself gently on the fake cock- chasing the smallest hints of pleasure, even as they were accompanied by the deep ache of your sore cervix. God- it felt so good, you couldn’t stop tensing and squirming around the dildo buried in your cunt- grinding back against it and softly humping into the floor.
The aching of your cervix was pleasurable in a painful way- where the more pleasure built within you, the more the pain faded into the background.
You pressed your hips forward, moaning as you ground your clit near painfully against the floor, somehow forcing the dildo deeper as you did.
The pain faded consistently into the background as your body desperately chased pleasure- leaving you moaning through your sobs as you bounced desperately on the fake cock.
You came with a shout- continuing to grind down and hump against the dildo as you rode out your orgasm- your head thrown back as your tears soaked through your blindfold.
After your orgasm- the built up pain that you had ignored and fucked yourself though hit you in full force. A broken sob wracked your body as your cervix ached. You couldn’t help but regret letting yourself chase your pleasure- especially when you had no clue when Scaramouche would be coming back to save you.
Of course, and although you didn’t know it yet, Scaramouche had never left. In fact, he was never planning on actually leaving you alone like this. He had been watching the whole time, stroking his dick to the sight of you pitifully humping and grinding against the floor and dildo, even as you sobbed in pain from your own actions.
2023 Kinktober Masterlist
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caostalgia · 9 months
Ojalá que tu falta de criterio se compense con mi manifiesto desinterés.
Mis días no son felices todo el tiempo, eso es un hecho. ¿Pero que te empeñes en recrudecerlos? No tiene perdón, carajo.
Me resulta intratable manejar mis emociones ante tu necedad... me estoy ahogando.
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