ohsalome · 1 year
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odinsblog · 7 months
Tankies: Hamas raping women and murdering children the elderly and disabled people is okay because something something communism ☭
Also tankies: Russia mass raping women and bombing hospitals and civilians in predominantly Jewish Ukrainian cities is okay because something something communism ☭
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lactoset0lerant · 10 months
Please help this russian youtuber escape Russia
This video is from Jimmy Madison on youtube, he is in a terrible situation, he wants to leave Russia, but his passport barely allows him to go anywhere. He is living off of donations right now, becouse he lost his job at the start of the war becouse he was working with an independent media, and all of those were shut down. Now his goal is to travel to the US. His financial goal is to get $10 000. He cannot use most social medias, and his bank account is mostly exclusive to Russia, so the only place he can accept donations is the site donationalerts. The link to that is in the descreption and pinned comment of his video. He explains his situation in detail.
I really really wish i could help him, but i cant at the moment, so im doing all i can, and that is spreading the word. Tag big blogs that you think would maybe help.
@one-time-i-dreamt @boost-the-signal @anarchblr
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ravlykpavlyk · 6 months
The world is hypocritical, and absolutely unfair.
But we’ve already know about it, right?
We all see what’s happening in Palestine, and it’s terrifying. It’s devastating. It’s just horrible. No one should experience this level of cruelty, and the world absolutely needs to take actions. Actions, which are yet to be taken.
And it’s disgusting, right?
People do it themselves. They spread news. They write treads and share what can be shared. They go to protests. They boycott companies, that still support Israel. They cancel celebrities, which support Israel. They hate Israel; hate everything connected to it. They do everything to support Palestine; to show that they are not alone.
Palestinians don’t have access to the Internet? People become their voices.
Palestinians doesn’t have food, houses, or means to live? People donate, people help.
People spread information. People block, argue, and hate people who do not speak up about this genocide; hate people who has voice, but still stay unpolitical.
Because it’s disgusting, right? Because no one has the right to see the genocide right in front of them and just look away; just live their lives as if nothing happened.
That’s what happening now in the world. People see the victims of the genocide. People stand with the victim. People help victims. Because you can’t stand with both sides. You can’t support both Palestine and Israel. If you stand with both of them, you just support the aggressor. If you are silent, you just support the aggressor.
You can’t stay silent. You can’t support both sides. You have to hate Israel, and boycott companies that still support Israel.
And that’s right, isn’t it? No one bats an eye. That’s what people do, when one country commits the genocide of another country. That’s what people do. And that’s not cruel. That’s not bad, that’s good and right.
And that isn’t fucking fair.
That’s so fucking unfair that I want to vomit.
Do you know what happened when Ukrainians said the same about russians? People hated Ukrainians. People called them Nazi. People said they were overreacting. People said that not all russians are bad. People took both sides and were fucking helping russians. But when you take both sides, it means that you support the aggressor? Good thing that people just called the genocide of Ukrainians the putin’s war, and that’s it. People called it a fucking conflict, and that’s it.
Ukrainians were and are spreading the information about the war, about the relationship between Ukraine and russia, about history, russia's motives and other aspects, which can't be understood unless you truly know the history of Ukraine. russia’s desire to destroy Ukraine dates way back in time. Their hatred towards Ukraine and Ukrainians has been there for centuries. I’ll not write about all of them (you can read about it on the internet, if you want). But here are the main points for you to understand:
That. Is. Not. A. putin’s war. No. That’s the war russians started against Ukraine in 2014. Yes, russians, not just putin.
It’s not the first war russia started against Ukraine. There were a lot of them.
During all these years, russia killed millions of Ukrainians. As a soviet union, russia occupied Ukraine for 70 years. Ukraine didn’t become a part of soviet union because of their wish. There were wars.
There were three man-made famines in Ukraine, which were conducted by the soviet government (russians if you still haven’t guessed). Russians were taking every food from people, especially in villages, because that’s where Ukrainians had farms, gardens. Russians took everything. If people hid a few seeds just not to starve to death, these people were killed and sent away (where they were either killed and just died because of cold and horrible conditions). Because of starvation, people had to eat their friends, or the corpses of other people. 
The second man-made famine is called Holodomor. It derives from Ukrainian words “голод” – “hunger, starvation” and “морити” – “exterminate”. The peak of it happened in 1932-33. Not only Ukraine suffered from it – it also was in other countries, such as Kazakhstan (and some parts of russia even). It is difficult to estimate the exact number of people, who died because of it. Some scientists say 4 million, others – 10 million.
Russia was killing Ukrainians just because they were Ukrainians. Ukrainian language was forbidden more than 100 times. Russia rewrote Ukrainian history and changed the language just to make it more similar to russian.
After the fall of soviet union Ukraine had nuclear weapons. Ukraine gave it up under a few conditions, one of which was that some countries guaranteed Ukraine safety and protection. You know what country was there, guaranteeing this protection? Right, russia.
And in 2014 russia attacked Ukraine.
I said literally nothing to explain the real terror russia committed in Ukraine, but it’s something, right? So basically, if russia is not stopped (like permanently), it will collect more power and attack again. And again. And again. 
And russia did this not only in Ukraine. You need to just google “russia’s was crimes” and you will see long lists of the genocides russia committed. Ukraine, Chechnya, Sakartvelo (Georgia, if you don’t know), Syria, and many other countries. Russia is in the constant state of war, which they start all the time.
You see? Russia is a reason for the deaths of thousands of people in different countries.
Ukrainians said this, again and again. You know what happened? People called them Nazi. No, not russians – Ukrainians were Nazi to them.
Ukrainians asked to boycott russians – people said that not all russians were bad. Even now I see posts, video that russia is a good country with a bad government. People like russian artists, sportsmen, and even soldiers. Can you fucking imagine? This soldier killed Ukrainians, raped them and stole from their houses, then posted a video of him flexing his muscles, and everyone just ate it and said that he was sexy. He is a war criminal. And people like him.
When Ukrainians were getting killed for just being Ukrainians, people all over the internet were complaining that Ukraine was getting too much attention. People, who now say “you can’t stay indifferent”, “you can’t be silent”, “you can’t take both sides”, said in the best case nothing about Ukraine. They stayed indifferent, silent, and took the aggressor’s side. Sounds kinda hypocritically, doesn’t it?
Ukrainians were crying for help, and people called them crazy. People said they were too aggressive, and their aggression (harsh words, that’s it) made them uncomfortable. People supported russians, who were committing genocide, and took offence to some words of war victims.
People found some flaws in Ukraine just to say that Ukraine was problematic. Can I say something? Such people are in every country. Homophobic, transphobic, sexist, etc. Yes, there are such people in Ukraine, but so are in other countries. But people didn’t want to see it.
And now, every other post about Palestine has at least one mention of Ukraine. You think to ask for help for Ukraine too? No, to shit on Ukraine.
I was posts that Ukraine has “softest kind of war”, that there is no war or genocide in Ukraine, that Ukraine is just a Nazi country, and deserves everything.
Ukrainians deserve everything just because they are white. They are white, so it doesn’t matter, right? Ukrainians have some privileges. Ukraine got all the attention and help, while Palestine none.
No, I don’t say that Palestine gets a lot of help. And yes, I do think the world has to take actions and actually help.
But it’s not fair to Ukrainians.
You know what russians said on 24.02? They would occupy Ukraine in three days.
You know what the world did during these first days of full-scale war? Nothing. They waited just to see Ukraine collapse. They watched Ukrainians die just to say that it’s a pity, and they stand with Ukraine. They waited, promised some fairy-tails, and continued making business with russia. The world said Ukraine to surrender, to let russia take whatever it wanted, because the world didn’t want any difficulties, wars, and problems. Little they understood that if the Ukrainians gave russia some territories, russia would wait, and then take more, until Ukraine was wholly occupied. And then other neighbour countries.
Only in a few days, when it was clear that Ukrainians were not giving up, the world decided to help. Yes, the world helped Ukraine. After 8 years of the war. 8 years, and no one batted an eye.
Russia committed and keeps committing war crimes. Russians kill people, hit cafés, houses, hospitals, and schools with universities. In Mariupol, which is temporarily occupied by russia, the approximate number of killed people reaches 100 000. It’s hard to tell for sure, because russians occupied the city and made their best to cover the evidence of their war crimes. So basically, they got rid of many bodies, and now are rebuilding the city to say that they are such good people to help poor citizens.
And it’s only one city. In Ukraine, there are dozens of them.
Last winter, Ukraine was mainly without electricity. Russians hit power stations, so Ukrainians didn’t have electricity, water, heating. But once again, no one batted an eye.
Russians hit the dam, and created the flood, which killed people, animals, and destroyed the ecosystem and people’s houses. No one batted an eye. Before the hit, russians said they would do that, but the world ignored it. And then russians did that, what a surprise. 
Ukrainians live with the thought that russia can hit them with a nuclear bomb. The government gives them instructions on what to do in this case. Can you imagine? Now people are getting ready for the winter of blackouts, because russia will hit power stations again. Because that’s what russia does – terror.
And still. Ukrainians are called Nazi for hating russians. Ukrainians are hated for still living. Ukrainians are told to just stop fighting, even though the second Ukrainians stop fighting, russia destroys them.
And now, when People, who support Palestine, compare Palestine and Ukraine, saying that Ukraine doesn’t deserve help and to live in general.
I can understand, that you are desperate. I can understand, that Palestine people are dying and crying for help. But I don’t, can’t, and won’t understand how you can support Palestine and hate Israel, while hating Ukraine, diminishing the genocide in their country, and defending russians.
That’s disgusting. Ukrainians are fucking dying, and you hate them for not dying quicker, so Palestine can get more help.
But Ukraine is not an enemy to Palestine. Ukraine wants to survive, just like Palestine. But why Ukrainians have to read, hear all this shit about them?
Here’s a thing – you can and should support Palestine without dragging Ukraine in. Seriously, how is it Ukraine’s fault that the world doesn’t provide the needed help to Palestine? What should Ukrainians so in this case? Stop fighting? Give all weapons to Palestine? I repeat, Ukraine is in the war against countries with one of the biggest army. Ukraine is fighting against the country that has been starting wars all the time and doesn’t have any morals or war rules. 
Maybe instead of shitting on Ukraine, you can finally see that russia is still killing Ukrainians, and it’s just not fair to hate Ukrainians just because they want to survive.
Maybe if you are so about principles, you should revaluate your words about Ukraine and Palestine, and understand that you can’t say “don’t support both Palestine and Israel, because this way you support the aggressor” and then support russians or stay silent about Ukraine. 
Again, that’s hypocritical.
You think if russia supported Palestine at some UN voting, russians are good guys here? Russians and russia don’t give a shit about them. Yes, that’s harsh, but that’s true. And believe me, at some point they would do the same to the Palestinians. Russians hate everyone who is different from them. And even minorities in russia say that “pure-blood russians” hated them and harassed, even if said minorities have russian passport.
The point of this post is not to say you to stop supporting Palestine. No, of course not. I want you to understand that it’s unfair to shit on Ukraine and support Palestine at the same time. You can’t spread information about Palestine by comparing their experience to Ukraine or saying that Ukraine suffers not enough.
Yes, Ukrainians can be mainly white, but it doesn’t mean that they fucking deserve to die. Why do you put the blame for racism on Ukraine? How is it their fault?
That’s not fair. That’s disgusting and cruel.
No one should go through this. You know, it won’t kill to have some sympathy towards Ukrainians.
You can and should support both countries, you know. 
Free Palestine
Слава Україні.
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blueiskewl · 5 months
Fanta Surprise
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redvelvetwishtree · 7 months
The sheer shamelessness and audacity with which America is declaring support for Israel...I hope you all see through their lies about peace now?
The way they demanded everyone to take a political stance of their liking with Russia and declare unquestioned support for Ukraine and then everyone started putting flags in their bios and sending money and expressing sadness to maintain political correctness (unrelated people like fashion influencers, hobby accounts, random accounts were doing it), and news outlets were reporting such symparhy-grabbing stuff from Ukraine and random Ukrainians.
And the "right to defend itself" was sooo specifically repeated everywhere. They were sent billions worth of weapons and aid and still are.
What changes with Palestine? You give billions to Israel every year. You are fully aware of what they do. I get why the US and other western governments do it but about you people? Do you act unaware on purpose? Can't wait for half-assed, confused posts from famous people.
Idk why America and Americans dictate everyone about everything. About what human rights are and how everyone's laws should be and how everyone should keep opinions and take it upon themselves to cancel and ostracize anyone who doesn't agree with their opinions, politics, lifestyles...
So done with everyone's higher-than-thou, obnoxious bullying. I hope everyone in the world stops taking western opinions seriously when they force them on everyone.
Edit: America would have put so many sanctions on any country or smeared their image so much if they supported anyone that America doesn't support. Idk which dumb ass still thinks it's about pEaCe and hUmAn r1gHts.
Edit edit: Actually it would be great if American and western people started thinking for themselves instead of following the narrative their extremely self-interested governments conjures and not act like people who live on the internet 24/7.
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jobaaj · 25 days
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HAVE YOU HEARD: Ukraine is in trouble! It might have to retreat from the frontlines!! In his most recent plea before the US Congress, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that without prompt assistance from the United States, Ukrainian forces would have no choice but to commence a gradual withdrawal, resulting in the relinquishment of additional territory to Russia. The aid provided by the United States to the Ukrainian army encompasses a wide array of military assets, such as air defense systems, tanks, missiles, heavy artillery, and various other resources that the Ukrainian forces currently lack. Zelenskyy emphasized that the absence of these crucial weapons, coupled with a general shortage of ammunition, could potentially force Ukrainian soldiers to undertake a series of incremental withdrawals.
The war in Ukraine has been going on for over 760 days today as Russia is still going strong but Ukraine is faltering. Russia has been aggressively targeting Ukrainian infrastructure, especially power plants, as it is getting difficult for Ukraine to fight back. The US Senate passed a massive $95 billion foreign aid bill for Ukraine and Israel in February but it has been stuck in the House of Representatives for over a month as Republicans seek money for its border issues and domestic debt. Will the US continue helping Ukraine? Should India abandon Russia and help Ukraine?? Follow Jobaaj Stories (the media arm of Jobaaj.com Group) for more.
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anoufrievlytkin · 1 year
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Wish more people would speak about what happened to Alexander while he was in custody of the police.
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The people bending, reaching, stretching and finding every little tidbit excuse they can to demonize Ukrainians are some of the most pathetic, out of touch people I've seen. I'm sorry the Ukrainians (and other refugees for that matter too) aren't the perfect, saintly victims that you wanted, but reality is a lot more complicated than your pea brain can handle apparently.
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solcomfortssouls · 2 years
Chronicles of Hell
What is truly happening in Ukriane right now? How does the war look like?
Watch this. See what it's going in there. I wish you all blind pro-Russia war denying idiots who have any "doubts" or tell Ukrianinas to "give up" cause they are "anti-war" to see what Russian army is doing to harmless civilians. What became of Mariupol.
All of you who spit at Ukrainian refugees for "taking your money" or "threatening your warmth" and other nonsense.
This is stone age kind of apocalypse. This is inhuman kind of destruction and cult of death. That's what Russian war against Ukriane is like. Watch and see.
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It’s been nearly eight months since Russian President Vladimir Putin sent troops and tanks over the border into Ukraine, and a lot has changed in that time. Ukraine has shown itself to be a far more robust military force than pretty much anyone predicted. Talk has changed from wondering how long Ukraine could hold out to how much territory it can retake — and to when and how the war will end.
But it’s still hard to imagine how Putin’s war on Ukraine will conclude. Does Putin even have an endgame? If he really wants to control Ukrainian territory, why does he seem so bent on destroying it?
To get insights into these questions, I reached out to Fiona Hill, one of America’s most clear-eyed observers of Russia and Putin, who served as an adviser to former President Donald Trump and gained fame for her testimony in his first impeachment trial. In the early days of Russia’s war on Ukraine, Hill warned in an interview with POLITICO that what Putin was trying to do was not only seize Ukraine but destroy the current world order. And she recognized from the start that Putin would use the threat of nuclear conflict to try to get his way.
Now, despite the setbacks Russia has suffered on the battlefield, Hill thinks Putin is undaunted. She sees him adapting to new conditions, not giving up. And she sees him trying to get the West to accede to his aims by using messengers like billionaire Elon Musk to propose arrangements that would end the conflict on his terms.
“Putin plays the egos of big men, gives them a sense that they can play a role. But in reality, they’re just direct transmitters of messages from Vladimir Putin,” Hill says.
But while Putin appears to be doubling down in Ukraine, the conflict poses some real dangers to his leadership. He has identified himself quite directly with the war, Hill notes, and he can’t afford to look like a loser. If he begins to lose support from Russian elites, his hold on power could slip.
The West has come a long way since February in understanding the stakes in Ukraine, Hill says, but the world still hasn’t totally grasped the full challenge Putin is posing. Putin must be contained, Hill says, but that won’t happen unless and until international institutions established in the wake of World War II evolve so they can contain him. And that conversation is only just beginning.
“This is a great power conflict, the third great power conflict in the European space in a little over a century,” Hill says. “It’s the end of the existing world order. Our world is not going to be the same as it was before.”
This conversation has been edited for length and clarity.
REYNOLDS: The war clearly hasn’t gone as Putin originally intended. How has Putin reacted to his setbacks and how do you think his mindset is evolving?
HILL: Whenever he has a setback, Putin figures he can get out of it, that he can turn things around. That’s partly because of his training as a KGB operative. In the past, when asked about the success of operations, he’s pooh-poohed the idea that operations always go as planned, that everything is always perfect. He says there are always problems in an operation, there are always setbacks. Sometimes they’re absolute disasters. The key is adaptation.
Another hallmark of Putin is that he doubles down. He always takes the more extreme step in his range of options, the one that actually cuts off other alternatives. Putin has often related an experience he had as a kid, when he trapped a rat in a corner in the apartment building he lived in, in Leningrad, and the rat shocked him by jumping out and fighting back. He tells this story as if it’s a story about himself, that if he’s ever cornered, he will always fight back.
But he’s also the person who puts himself in the corner. We know that the Russians have had very high casualties and that they’ve been running out of manpower and equipment in Ukraine. The casualty rate on the Russian side keeps mounting. A few months ago, estimates were 50,000. Now the suggestions are 90,000 killed or severely injured. This is a real blow given the 170,000 Russia troops deployed to the Ukrainian border when the invasion began.
So, what does Putin do? He sends even more troops in by launching a full-on mobilization. He still hasn’t said this is a war. It remains a “special military operation,” but he calls up 300,000 people. Then, he goes several steps further and announces the annexation of the territories that Russia has been fighting over for the last several months, not just Donetsk and Luhansk, but also the territories of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia.
Putin gives himself no way out except to pursue the original goals he had when he went in, which is the dismemberment of Ukraine and Russia annexing its territory. And he’s still trying to adapt his responses to setbacks on the battlefield.
REYNOLDS: At this point, if he’s so adaptive, do you think he has an endgame?
HILL: In his mind, I think Putin still thinks he’s got more game to play. His endgame is to go out of this war on his terms. What we’re seeing right now, with the annexations and the big speech that he made on September 30th is very clear. He sees this conflict as a full-on war with the West, and he still is adamant on removing Ukraine from the map and from global affairs.
It’s also clear that he has no intention whatsoever of giving up Donetsk and Luhansk, Kherson and Zaporizhzhia, as well as Crimea, which he’s already taken and already declared as part of Russia for time immemorial.
REYNOLDS: Why does Putin want all that territory? Does he want the symbolism of having restored an important part of the Russian Empire, reestablishing this mythological Novorossiya, taking back lands that Russia seized from the Ottoman Empire? Or does he really want to rule this part of modern-day Ukraine in concrete, practical ways?
HILL: It’s actually both of those things. They are inextricably linked. You mentioned this idea of Novorossiya, “New Russia.” I think most people have forgotten that he used this term in 2014. Back then, the Kremlin triggered the war in Donbas as part of an effort to regain control of the territories of Novorossiya that were first annexed from the Ottoman Empire by Catherine the Great back in the late 18th century.
There wasn’t really a lot of settlement there then, and that’s how we got Potemkin villages — Prince Grigory Potemkin took Catherine on a carriage ride through her new dominion and they created fake villages, with peasants brought in to wave at the empress as she went by.
We have this same issue now — what and who is Putin presiding over? Even Dmitry Peskov, Putin’s press secretary, recently admitted that Russia hasn’t quite worked out the borders of the annexed areas yet, because the Ukrainians have been pushing back. The question of what Russia actually controls beyond all the symbolism of annexation is still a major question.
REYNOLDS: If Putin wants Ukrainian territory so badly, why is he raining down such destruction on civilian areas and committing so many human rights abuses in occupied areas?
HILL: This is punishment, but also perverse redevelopment. You cow people into submission, destroy what they had and all their links to their past and their old lives, and then make them into something new and, thus, yours. Destroy Ukraine and Ukrainians. Build New Russia and create Russians. Its brutal but also a hallmark of imperial conquest.
REYNOLDS: And it’s how they did it in the 18th century.
HILL: Exactly. Putin would love to control the territory. But control involves actually having people on your side. And that is really a big question. We’ve seen in all of these territories, Russia shipping people out or detaining them, from entire families and children to teachers, administrators and local police, and then proxy citizens sent in from Russia itself.
Putin’s initial goal when he launched the invasion was the collapse of central Ukrainian authority, the imposition of a puppet government in Kyiv, and all local governments swearing allegiance to Moscow, probably with some political commissar-type proxy leaders put in place around the country — the kind of thing that we saw happening in 2014 in the Russian-occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk and Crimea. But of course, that didn’t happen. So the problem that Putin has is controlling people in these territories rather than playing his own version of Potemkin villages.
REYNOLDS: We’ve recently had Elon Musk step into this conflict trying to promote discussion of peace settlements. What do you make of the role that he’s playing?
HILL: It’s very clear that Elon Musk is transmitting a message for Putin. There was a conference in Aspen in late September when Musk offered a version of what was in his tweet — including the recognition of Crimea as Russian because it’s been mostly Russian since the 1780s — and the suggestion that the Ukrainian regions of Kherson and Zaporizhzhia should be up for negotiation, because there should be guaranteed water supplies to Crimea. He made this suggestion before Putin’s annexation of those two territories on September 30. It was a very specific reference. Kherson and Zaporizhzhia essentially control all the water supplies to Crimea. Crimea is a dry peninsula. It has aquifers, but it doesn’t have rivers. It’s dependent on water from the Dnipro River that flows through a canal from Kherson. It’s unlikely Elon Musk knows about this himself. The reference to water is so specific that this clearly is a message from Putin.
Now, there are several reasons why Musk’s intervention is interesting and significant. First of all, Putin does this frequently. He uses prominent people as intermediaries to feel out the general political environment, to basically test how people are going to react to ideas. Henry Kissinger, for example, has had interactions with Putin directly and relayed messages. Putin often uses various trusted intermediaries including all kinds of businesspeople. I had intermediaries sent to discuss things with me while I was in government.
This is a classic Putin play. It’s just fascinating, of course, that it’s Elon Musk in this instance, because obviously Elon Musk has a huge Twitter following. He’s got a longstanding reputation in Russia through Tesla, the SpaceX space programs and also through Starlink. He’s one of the most popular men in opinion polls in Russia. At the same time, he’s played a very important part in supporting Ukraine by providing Starlink internet systems to Ukraine, and kept telecommunications going in Ukraine, paid for in part by the U.S. government. Elon Musk has enormous leverage as well as incredible prominence. Putin plays the egos of big men, gives them a sense that they can play a role. But in reality, they’re just direct transmitters of messages from Vladimir Putin.
REYNOLDS: Putin is very comfortable dealing with billionaires and oligarchs. That’s a world that he knows well. But by using Musk this way, he goes right over the heads of [Ukrainian President Volodymyr] Zelenskyy and the Ukrainian government.
HILL: He is basically short-circuiting the diplomatic process. He wants to lay out his terms and see how many people are going to pick them up. All of this is an effort to get Americans to take themselves out of the war and hand over Ukraine and Ukrainian territory to Russia.
REYNOLDS: You have compared Putin’s invasion of Ukraine to Hitler’s invasions of other countries in World War II, of Czechoslovakia, of Poland. Do you still see it that way? Do you think that Putin has become Hitler-like in how he thinks of himself and how he seeks territory?
HILL: Yes, but also like Kaiser Wilhelm in World War I as well. Look, exactly 100 years before Putin annexed Crimea in 2014, in 1914, the Germans invaded Belgium and France and World War I was fought as a Great Power conflict to eject Germany from Belgium and France. And World War II in Europe, of course, was a refighting territorially of many of the outcomes of World War I.
Part of the problem is that conceptually, people have a hard time with the idea of a world war. It brings all kinds of horrors to mind — the Holocaust and the detonation of nuclear weapons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the dawning of the nuclear age. But if you think about it, a world war is a great power conflict over territory which overturns the existing international order and where other states find themselves on different sides of the conflict. It involves economic warfare, information warfare, as well as kinetic war.
We’re in the same situation. Again, Putin invaded Ukraine in 2014, exactly 100 years after Germany invaded Belgium and France — and just in the same way that Hitler seized the Sudetenland, annexed Austria and invaded Poland. We’re having a hard time coming to terms with what we’re dealing with here. This is a great power conflict, the third great power conflict in the European space in a little over a century. It’s the end of the existing world order. Our world is not going to be the same as it was before.
People worry about this being dangerous hyperbole. But we have to really accept what the situation is to be able to respond appropriately. Each war has been fought differently. Modern wars involve information space and cyberspace, and we’ve seen all of these at play here. And, in the 21st century, these are economic and financial wars. We’re all-in on the financial and economic side of things.
Russia’s invasion of Ukraine has turned global energy and food security on its head because of the way Russia is leveraging gas and oil and the blockade Putin has imposed in the Black Sea against Ukrainian grain exports. Russia has not just targeted Ukrainian agricultural production, as well as port facilities for exporting grain, but caused a global food crisis. These are global effects of what is very clearly not just a regional war.
Keep in mind that Putin himself has used the language of both world wars. He’s talked about the fact that Ukraine did not exist as a state until after World War I, after the dissolution of the Russian Empire and the creation of the Soviet Union. He has blamed the early Soviets for the formation of what he calls an artificial state. Right from the very beginning, Putin himself has said that he is refighting World War II. So, the hyperbole has come from Vladimir Putin, who has said that he’s reversing all of the outcomes territorially from World War I and also, in effect, World War II and the Cold War. He’s not accepting the territorial configuration of Europe as it currently is.
What we have to figure out now is, how are we going to contend with this?
REYNOLDS: China and India, Xi Jinping, Narendra Modi, and other world leaders who have not exactly been with West on this — how do you think their views of what Russia is doing is changing?
HILL: This is another global dimension. Just before the invasion, at the Beijing Olympics, we had Xi Jinping and Putin standing in seeming solidarity, talking about a limitless partnership, and Xi Jinping being very explicit in terms of Chinese opposition to the expansion of NATO and the role of NATO in the world. Clearly, at that point, Xi and China didn’t expect that Vladimir Putin’s special military operation would turn into the largest military action in Europe since World War II. Now, Xi Jinping is leery about showing any kind of diminution of his support for Vladimir Putin and Russia, since that would suggest he made a major miscalculation in lending Putin support. We haven’t seen Xi repudiating Putin and Russia directly. But we’ve certainly seen some signs of concern. At a meeting in Central Asia around the Shanghai Cooperation Organization, Putin himself acknowledged that China had concerns. We’re pretty sure at this point that the Chinese also don’t like Vladimir Putin’s nuclear saber rattling in the context of the war in Ukraine, because that destabilizes the larger strategic balance globally, not just in Europe.
For India, this has been a nightmare, frankly, and they’ve been trying to straddle the fence and figure out a balance. They don’t want to get on the wrong side of the United States or Ukraine, or Russia, and they just don’t really know quite what to do. Nonetheless, Prime Minister Modi has said explicitly to Putin, look, this is a time for peace, not war. And being much more outspoken on the issue of the conflict than perhaps some might have anticipated. That’s not insignificant.
Once we get past the party Congress in China, we should watch how the Chinese-Russian relationship plays out. China would be instrumental in signaling to Putin how far he can go in terms of pursuing his endgame.
REYNOLDS: Let’s talk about the situation inside Russia. Do you think Putin was surprised by the wave of protests that followed his announcement of what he called a partial mobilization? Or was he expecting that?
HILL: Yes, he was expecting pushback which is why he called it partial when it’s really a stealth full mobilization. The goal is to try to get the military up to full strength and get everybody he possibly can. The problem is that all these new forces are not battle ready. Many have had minimal military training. It’s very clear that most of them are going to be used as cannon fodder.
Putin’s responding not just to the setbacks on the battlefield, but to setbacks in the information war in the domestic arena. He’s getting pushback from the party of war. We have to remember there were nationalists since the collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s who wanted to retake Ukraine, not just Crimea, and reabsorb all the Russian-speaking territories. People in the cohort around Putin have pushed the invasion of Ukraine for some considerable period of time, and he has to keep them on his side. They are not satisfied. They want Ukraine dismembered.
The shock, perhaps, is how many Russians have fled the mobilization. Although Russian authorities have been going to the borders to forcibly conscript people lining up to leave, they still haven’t taken the step of closing all the borders off. Putin and the Kremlin are aware that they would get a massive backlash if they did. We’ve already seen violence in Dagestan and other places where ethnic minorities have borne the brunt of recruitment. I think they are very, very aware that they’ve got to leave a safety valve open because otherwise there might be more protests, and more violence in response to the mobilization.
REYNOLDS: If there are more protests and more violence, does that pose a threat to Putin as leader? How weak or vulnerable is Putin’s position right now?
HILL: Back to the Soviet period, there were tens of thousands of violent protests across the Soviet Union over the years. This didn’t lead to the disintegration of the Soviet Union because of severe repression. It was something messy they had to deal with. They decapitated the opposition, and that’s what Putin’s done. Russia is back to the USSR. Opposition leader Alexei Navalny is in isolation in a penal colony. The repressive capacity of the government is pretty significant. They’ve been taking thousands of people off the streets and putting them in jail. I think Putin feels he can decapitate any organized opposition. He has to just be careful to control the sheer number of opposition protests, which is, again, why they’re keeping the safety valves open.
Putin knows Russian history. World War I did lead to mass protests. The defeat in the Russo-Japanese War earlier in the 1900s also led to mass protests that got out of hand and discredited the czarist system. All of this could discredit him. So, there is some real risk. What he’s making sure of is that there’s no one who could lead these protests and make them coalesce.
If you think back to when Navalny was poisoned in 2020, he was out in the Urals region and Siberia, pulling together opposition groups at a time when there were many protests going on in Russia. He was poisoned because he was getting some traction.
Nonetheless, the mobilization chips away at Putin’s popularity because people feel that they’ve got no hope. They’re no longer able to watch the war on their TV screens and switch it off and forget it’s happening. They’re forced to confront it. Support for the war was already fairly passive, but active support for the war is declining and support for Putin himself will decline as well. And he’s got to keep placating the hardliners. So, he’s got to take extreme actions.
You’re going to start hearing more and more stories of people who’ve gone to the front completely unprepared and got killed. That will reduce tolerance for the special military operation. If that happens, it could impact Putin’s standing among the elite. He’s been pretty much unassailable as long as he’s been the only really truly popular politician in Russia. But if he starts to look like a loser, then he no longer seems infallible. He’s no longer the strongman and arbiter of the system. Although elites are invested in him and his system, there may eventually come a point where people start saying, “maybe somebody else, Vladimir Vladimirovich, maybe somebody else might handle the system better.” It could start with the hardliners trying to push themselves forward.
That’s why, again, we see him doubling down. He’s got himself in a corner in the war and in a corner domestically at home. He has made himself the face of this war in Ukraine. His September 30th speech basically said it’s his war, his annexation, his Russia. And so, everything will fall on him if it falls apart.
REYNOLDS: In the autocratic system that Putin has built, he has to stand for election every so often even though it’s mostly window dressing. But it periodically renews his legitimacy. One of those years is 2024. Is he facing a deadline? Does he need to look like he’s won this war by 2024?
HILL: One would think so. In 2024, the reelection has to be in the early part of the year. So, we’ve got a year and a few months in the Russian political calculations to start to prepare for this and ensure that it all goes smoothly. That was why Putin wanted to get the quick victory in Ukraine well out of the way. Ukraine started in February and March of 2022, because February and March of 2024 will be election time.
I’m sure Putin thought he would have been unassailable with a quick, victorious war. Ukraine would be back in the fold and then probably after that, Belarus. Moldova as well, perhaps. There would have been a reframing of the next phase of Putin as the great czar of a reconstituted “Russkiy mir” or “Russian world.”
If Putin had succeeded at that, maybe he could have found himself in a position where he could have begun to delegate some power to others.
Just this past week, on October 7th, Putin turned 70. He’s in that age when people are asking, does he die in office? There are lots of questions about succession. 2024 is very much an inflection point for the system.
REYNOLDS: Do you feel like Ukraine is on course for a military victory and what would that mean to the Russian side?
HILL: Ukraine has already had a great moral, political and military victory. Russia has not achieved the aims of its special military operation. But I think Putin is obviously hoping that now, with all of the nuclear saber-rattling, threats of nuclear Armageddon, deploying Elon Musk and others to convey his messages, that basically he can take the territory that he’s got and get recognition of that. And then he hopes that he will be able to put pressure back on Ukraine. He’d still like to see the Ukrainian political system crumble away. He’d like to get somebody as leader of Ukraine who is personally loyal to him. Putin hopes that he’ll still prevail, that he’ll find other ways of getting what he wanted when he went across the border in February.
REYNOLDS: So to some extent, the biggest thing that Putin wants right now is to get Zelenskyy out. He wants somebody more pliant.
HILL: That’s exactly what he wants. And I’m sure he feels that he might still get that. I mean, everything that he’s doing is an effort to discredit Ukraine and Ukrainians and Zelenskyy.
Ukraine has the right to choose their own leadership. But Putin will try to manipulate this whichever way he can. He’ll keep trying to soften the battlefield beyond Ukraine, keep on trying to poison attitudes internationally against Ukraine.
REYNOLDS: Along those lines, what do you make of the fact that some Americans, primarily in the Trump wing of the Republican Party and some Fox News personalities, are expressing doubts about how much support the United States should direct to Ukraine? Is there something about this conflict that you don’t think they understand?
HILL: This goes back to the point I tried to make when I testified at the first impeachment trial against President Trump. There’s a direct line between that episode and now. Putin has managed to seed hostile sentiment toward Ukraine. Even if people think they are criticizing Ukraine for their own domestic political purposes, because they want to claim that the Biden administration is giving too much support for Ukraine instead of giving more support to Americans, etc. — they’re replaying the targeted messaging that Vladimir Putin has very carefully fed into our political arena. People may think that they’re acting independently, but they are echoing the Kremlin’s propaganda.
REYNOLDS: What do you think is the right response from the West if Putin does detonate some sort of nuclear weapon, either as a demonstration or something else?
HILL: What Putin is trying to do is to get us to talk about the threat of nuclear war instead of what he is doing in Ukraine. He wants the U.S. and Europe to contemplate, as he says, the risks that we faced during the Cuban Missile Crisis or the Euromissile crisis. He wants us to face the prospect of a great superpower war. His solution is to have secret diplomacy, as we did during Cuban Missile Crisis, and have a direct compromise between the United States and Russia.
But there’s no strategic standoff here. This is pure nuclear blackmail. There can’t be a compromise based on him not setting off a nuclear weapon if we hand over Ukraine. Putin is behaving like a rogue state because, well, he is a rogue state at this point. And he’s being explicit about what he wants. We have to pull all the diplomatic stops out. We have to ensure that he’s not going to have the effect that he wants with this nuclear brinkmanship.
Putin is also making it very clear that to get what you want in the world, you have to have a nuclear weapon and to protect yourself, you also have to have a nuclear weapon. So this is an absolute mess. Global nuclear stability is on a knife edge.
But again, this is not about strategic issues. This is not an issue of strategic stability. This is Vladimir Putin pissed off because he hasn’t got what he wanted in a war that he started. It’s another attempt to adapt to the battlefield.
REYNOLDS: Can this war end in a way that would be satisfying for the West and with Putin remaining as Russian leader? Or is this the beginning of a revolution that’s going to be very messy and dangerous?
HILL: It’s unlikely this ends in any satisfying way. You need every side willing to compromise, and Putin doesn’t want to compromise his goals.
Any compromise is, in any case, always at Ukraine’s expense because Putin has taken Ukrainian territory. If we think about World War I, World War II or the settlements in many other conflicts, they always involved some kind territorial disposition that left one side very unhappy.
There is not going to be a happy or satisfying ending for anybody, and it’s also not going to be happy or satisfying for Vladimir Putin either, honestly.
REYNOLDS: It is striking to me that of all the conflicts that Russia has been engaged in since Putin became president, that none of them have been resolved with any kind of a peace settlement. They just have been fought to stalemate.
HILL: There’s not any good outcome I can see come out of this. What’s incumbent upon us is to figure out is how to constrain Russia’s ability to put Ukraine under pressure again in the future or invade again. If there’s any interim freezing of battle lines, make sure that they’re not recognized as official. Maybe we can contemplate some international receivership. We’ve had many of these different formulations in the past for disputed territory. We have to ensure, again, that Ukraine can always defend itself and make it impossible for Putin to break out of constraints and do this again.
But that still leaves you with lots of questions about the future relationship with Russia, the future configuration of any European security institutions. How do we reconfigure ourselves internationally to deal with this? The United Nations has proven to be in dire need of an overhaul. The United Nations has been a major player in this conflict. The secretary-general has been heavily involved investigating war crimes and pressing resolutions. But the United Nations has shown itself inadequate because of the configuration of the Security Council and the veto. Everybody’s talking about how to address this.
REYNOLDS: It occurs to me that there’s a kind of reckoning coming for NATO. With Finland joining, that adds a long direct border between NATO and Russia. With the new union between Belarus and Russia, there’s going to be another NATO border between Poland and Belarus. Considering the fact that NATO’s already getting a line across Europe that it’s going to have to defend, should NATO consider membership for Ukraine?
HILL: This is also going to be a big issue, right? There are so many people out there who still look at Ukraine as a proxy war. Many of the people trying to push Ukraine to surrender are basically those who believe that the United States or NATO is somehow using Ukraine in a proxy war with Russia.
We’re not in a proxy war with Russia, just like we weren’t in a proxy war with Germany during World War I when we were trying to get German forces out of France and Belgium. It wasn’t a proxy war either when we were trying to get Germany out of Poland and all the other places that it invaded in Europe during World War II. We are trying to help Ukraine liberate itself, having been invaded by Russia.
This whole proxy war debate deprives Ukraine of agency. But, if we talk about Ukraine being part of NATO at this particular moment, it will simply feed into this flawed discussion. It will detract from the essence of what this war is, which is Russia trying to seize Ukrainian territory.
Russia believes NATO is simply a cover for the United States in Europe. I think it should be very clear right now with Finland and Sweden wanting to join that this is not the case at all. Finland and Sweden did not apply to NATO before, they have now because NATO is focused on ensuring common collective security and defense, and Russia has put all of Europe at risk.
I see current NATO expansion as a kind of an interim step, a way station to thinking more broadly about how we configure ourselves after Ukraine.
You know, there’s also talk about making Ukraine a “giant Israel,” making Ukraine completely self-sufficient for its own security, as, frankly, Finland was before. I think we have to have an open discussion about all of this and not be fixated on one aspect or another.
REYNOLDS: In other words, even if Ukraine wins the war for its territory, even if Putin is somehow constrained or deposed, we’re still at the very beginning of a rethinking of the international order that those outcomes are not going to solve.
HILL: Yes. We’ve also had the impacts of COVID. We’ve got a climate crisis, which should be evident to everybody by now. There are so many things that we need to contend with, and we’ve only got the skeleton of an international system.
Putin is holding the whole world hostage. We’ve got so many things that we have to deal with. I understand why the Global South is so frustrated with all of this: “While you’re fighting this war in Ukraine over the same kind of territorial disputes you guys have been having for a hundred years now, we’re dying here from disease and climate change. Our countries have flooded. We’re starving and you guys are expecting us to help you solve this?” The United Nations system is breaking down, as [António] Guterres, the secretary-general, has said over and over again. All the alarm bells are going off. And Vladimir Putin is behaving as if it’s the 1780s all over again.
REYNOLDS: So we need a new or a revamped global order to address the whole problem?
HILL: That’s obvious. So how do we do it? A lot of people don’t find the idea of a revamped United Nations very popular. I can just imagine some of my former colleagues groaning loudly. We definitely need a slimmed-down version.
But we do need international institutions to deal with the magnitude of the problems that we’re facing. It’s ironic that Elon Musk, the man who has been talking about getting us to Mars should be Putin’s messenger for the war in Ukraine, when we’re having a really hard time getting our act together on this planet. But it’s glaringly obvious to ordinary people that we need to do so. Time is not on our side.
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writingonesdreams · 2 years
When I see people villinize capitalism here I always want to throw up.
Like sure, no one likes those assholes who sacrifice people for their profit, like those who don't want to shut off russian gas, so we could make Putin squirm and stop the war on Ukraine, since European countries totally could. Slovakia for example totally could, it's just those gas station owning idiots, who would lose money, so they rather let people get slaughtered in Ukraine for that. Bleh.
But capitalism is just the system that allows people to actually work for profit. What would you like more, socialism? Try saying that to someone from the eastern block european countries, who had to live in that disgusting socialism dictorship. Try telling that to Slawic people, like those from Poland, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Slovakia and Czech Republic.
You know how not having capitalism looked like?
No one had anything. No one was motivated to work. Everything belonged to everyone, so no one cared. Nothing worked. Everything looked terrible. Our progress was halted for 30 years and we are going to feel that for generations. We rejoiced when capitalism finally came!
So yeah. Capitalism isn't flawless. But it's way better than all other things out there.
Besides. We don't really live in pure capitalism anyway. We have the support system for ill, weak, disabled, unemployed, we have the healthcare system,...we have human rights, people. It's not like capitalism is the cause of all evil on earth. It's not like all wealthy people are evil incarnated.
Your hate is just so shallow and one-sided. Try expanding you horizons a bit before you come bashing on capitalism. See what it was like, living without it while the rest of the world had it. Half of Europe had been there. It didn't work. It hurt a lot of people. Ignorants.
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jockifotopress · 1 year
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#Erlangen and #Browary
Together for peace and freedom “stand with Ukriane“. Today at 3 p.m. in St. Heinrich there will be a bilingual peace prayer and from 5.30 p.m. a memorial procession from Rathausplatz to Schloßplatz and much more...
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dosesofcommonsense · 7 months
I’m having a hard time reporting on Ukraine, because I don’t know how much harder we can beat this dead horse.
Ukraine is in shambles. The holy counter-offensive failed catastrophically, and everything the West claimed about the war turned out to be a lie.
Hundreds of thousands of souls continue to be sacrificed to the meat grinder, while Zelensky and his Western handlers continue to line their pockets and enrich their donors.
Ukraine was never going to win this war, and anyone who told you differently is a propagandist, or easily manipulated. It’s time for the 🇺🇦 wavers to admit they were brainwashed by war propaganda, but they refuse to accept reality and continue to perpetuate this fantasy that Ukraine ever stood a chance.
Russia will assume the same objective had Ukraine surrendered, and hundreds of thousand of lives could have been spared. Was it worth it?
From BioClandestine on Telegram
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genuinelyshallow · 11 months
I remember reading about the holocaust crimes and not understanding how can such hate and evil exist. How can a human being do this to any living creature?!
Then, I grew up and witnessed what is happening in Palestine and Ukraine.
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