#oc: reuben casseus
grapecaseschoices · 1 year
tagging:  @paptalk @kdelarenta @trebondialanna @aylaaescar @mt07131 @quaxorascal  @quinnorion @likesomethingblooming @moderarato @solarisrenbeth @umbertors @anotherbeingsworld @dumortains @heroofpenamstan @amlovelies and anyone else interested!!    
which rage language are you? quiz. 
the regina george (very accurate)
someone hurts you or pisses you off, and you don't do anything. at first. but you hold that feeling of rage in your chest for weeks after the fact, acting nice but silently hating their guts, pretending like all is forgiven until you can ruin their life and hurt them the way they hurt you. it's calculated. but when you've executed your revenge, will you be satisfied?
step back (somewhat accurate)
usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
the full read (eh -- maybe.)
whoever pisses you off is in for a rant that exposes every single one of their deepest insecurities and issues. your rage gives you the clarity to hunt for weak spots in a person's mind. your brain works fast, firing off insults at a rapid-fire pace that terrifies everyone within a ten mile radius. this is usually followed by buckets of guilt.
men, raise the drawbridge (??????? but i took it two different ways so.) 
when you're angry, all your defenses go up. the unfortunate person or thing that managed to piss you off is suddenly talking to a wall. On the inside, you're screaming and crying and cussing them out, but somehow you can't express it. you're blank. emotionless. to anyone's knowledge, you could be zoning out of a lecture. because of this, it's hard to express how you're feeling when the person asks for your thoughts. you've choked your feelings down, and they won't come back up.
step back (yes.)
usually, you're able to bottle up your emotions and ignore the frustrations. but, after weeks of shoving everything down, your body needs a release, and i pity the poor person who managed to piss you off. it's screaming crying, shouting, kicking lockers, whatever you can do to get it out of your system. it's a whole jean grey moment, fire and fury blasting out of you.
the full read (not bad.)
whoever pisses you off is in for a rant that exposes every single one of their deepest insecurities and issues. your rage gives you the clarity to hunt for weak spots in a person's mind. your brain works fast, firing off insults at a rapid-fire pace that terrifies everyone within a ten mile radius. this is usually followed by buckets of guilt.
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grapecaseschoices · 1 year
For the oc ask meme: dusk | enemy | winter | wildfire | ocean. 👀
Ty for the ask @galpal95 ! And so so sorry for the delay.
Dusk: Lala Sandoval [infamous] - It is faded but still eye drawing reds, oranges. It is the unusual but maybe expected streaks of dark, navy blue. It is soft haze - of the sun, the clouds, the mood. It feels like it is both time to wind down and filled with excitement. You could stay in, you could go out. You could sit on the porch and watch your side of the world fall asleep, calm and feel safe and untouchable. You could go out and start the night life, start an adventure-- the world being your oyster. It is the sun and the stars visible to you at once. It feels special, it feels comfortable, it feels magical, it feels... quiet. It is dusk. I feel that is Lala too: chill but daring. Unbothered yet mischievous. As comfortable in their sweats as they are in fishnets and black lipstick. Understanding and perceptive and patient and bold.
Enemy: Erkan Yasar [Exile; but Andy's in general, especially OG Andy] - "Tell you you're the greatest. But once you turn they hate us."
I considered Anouck, my Fallen Lights MC, and a couple of OCs for personal projects -- but I wanted to do someone I've spoken about. And in that case, it can't be anyone BUT Andy [especially this version who is willing to make the kingdom that danced at his suffering burn to the ground. And then some.]
Calm, shrewd, vindictive, amused, angry, violent, Erkan Andrew Yasar.
Winter: Emile Ryan [KOTSAM] - Picture a widespread ground of thick white snow that goes as far as the eyes can see, only marred by an iced over lake, a leafless and stark tree full of icicles, and the occasional blow of sharp wind.
At first glance it feels bleak, but in truth that bleakness is really the suffocating unease you feel. It is dangerous out there. But if you're lucky you might find a cabin that seems like an oasis at first ... do you dare approach to make certain?
Emile is a Bitch. And not only a Bitch but That Bitch. They are exceedingly cunning and occasionally cruel. They are as indifferent and unbothered as a stark, snowy landscape. But if you're LUCKY you might find solace and comfort. Warmth, even. If you're treasured enough.
Wildfire: Is a bit hard for me. I feel none of mine are fully wildfire. At least not the ones I talk about regularly. [Not even Erkan]. I had Rene Casimir here before. I considered Kendis. And their temper and anger would definitely fit here, but I try not to structure Kendis solely around their anger. Aleena's anger and sense of betrayal fits here, she's also a jerk -- but I think she may have a lowkey softer side than I expected [so something like lava or volcano would be better]. I considered Hiyam but IDK.
I'm LEANING toward Reuben Casseus. He is one of my sidesteps. And honestly the only reason he isn't a complete murdering antisocial is because I want the Chentega polyam and I dont have the heart for it sindhdhd. But Reuben is SO angry. And he is definitely striking quite a few things off his path. It also doesn't help that he is too honest for his own good.
Ocean: Tristan Terrell [disenchanted] - Seemingly still at times, vast. Deep and filled with unknown -- so much unknown. Can be tumultuous and dangerous. Can be rocking and soothing. Tristan is reserved, MatureTM, far too numb, and a basilisk with gray eyes. Ocean seems fitting.
Plus xe is going to be this trope: "... a character who's competent, collected, and has their life thoroughly together, and also has one specific thing that's deeply wrong with them." @/prokopetz
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
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Meet My OCs: Reuben Casseus @fallenhero-rebirth (Fallen Hero series)
(Thank you to @lizzybeth1986 for the questionnaire form! <3)
Name: Reuben Casseus
Age: 30s. 
Pronouns: He/Him.
Height: He is taller than Herald. If I remember right. Probably just shorter than Ortega.
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: Dark Brown
Expertise: Streetwise fighter who leans toward ‘strength of mind’ with his telepathy. 
Villain Lyfe: Mastermind Odysseus he’s a anarchist. His suit is utilitarian and .... you guessed it, non-descript. It’s outfitted for strength and speed, as well with jumpjets.
Best Sidestep Memory: Ricardo. According to him, no such thing exists. 
Favorite Color: The only time you’re allowed to at him is when they discover a color darker than black. Red. And he supposes white. 
Favorite Season: Winter. Less people are out. He can bundle up without it drawing questions. .... He also like puffing his breath out in the crisp, cold air. 
Cat or Dog: Surprisingly, dogs. 
Chocolate or Vanilla: He does not care. But he supposes vanilla since it goes with carrot cake best. Reuben likes his candy, but carrot cake.
Sweet or Spicy: Sweet.
Coffee or Tea: 4Loko. So arguably “a win” for coffee.
Best Friend: Ricardo.  Dr. Mortum.  Best friendships would involve not setting fire to everything that you love (and dares to love you back). 
Love Interest: He is arguably single right now. However, he has romantic interest in both Wei Chen and Ricardo Ortega.
What Initially Attracted Them to Their Partner?: Reuben is self-hating. 
Something something belonging. Something something understanding. Something something is this what hope feels like?  Something persistence, something challenges. Something possibly similar to ‘I loved you so much I forgot what hating myself felt like something something. 
How Do They Express Affection (are they a hugger? More private?): How do people know that Reuben cares about them -- is definitely a question.
(I’m sure it’s something they’ve had moments of doubts over)
Reuben is definitely a more private affection giver. And I think the best way to know you’ve earned Reuben’s affection, as well that it has been given, is time. It is easy to look back and see patterns. And the pattern that crops up is the increasing amount of time Reuben is willing to allow you to spend in his quiet moments. How much time he’s willing to spend in your space. That Mary Oliver poem, that line: “If you have ever gone into the woods with me, I must love you very much.” 
That is one way Reuben expresses affection. 
Do they Have/Want Children? How Many?: This is so far from Reuben’s mind that he cannot see it even with a telescope. 
Any Pets?: No.
Do They Have a Temper?: Yes. 
Hobbies?: Hibernation. Arguing? Being secretive? Making enemies.  Being angy. Oh, so so so angy. Eating loads of candy?
Before, when he used to let himself think he could have normalcy, he would have stuff like hobbies*. Now he just runs. And mostly only in his puppet’s form. 
Do They Hold Grudges?: Yes. 
Do They Exercise?: Yes.
One Random Headcanon: *Snapple bottle caps. Reuben liked collecting things but he mostly collected those. He also occasionally read comic books. 
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
5, 7, and 10 for the PC awards!
5. OC Magazine’s Sexiest Man Alive
I know this says MAN but the answer is OBVIOUSLY Kendis. Kendis is hands down my most best dressed character, period.
They definitely hold the Haitian/Haitian American honor of 'dressing to work like you're going to church, dressing to church like you're going to a wedding, etc'. Even when Kendis dresses 'down' the outfit is fire. Kendis also fits in a lot of different styles -- they tend to lean heavy on the dapper meets quirky futch look (which varies from dark academia to brightly colored suits with a bold flower pattern ) but they dip deeply into afropunk, baddie, and stud attire as well. At the end of the day, if it's colorful, it is Kendis.
And it's not just the outfit, it's the hair. Even having her hair shaved doesn't stop Kendis from dishing out Lewks.
Here are some (more) examples: 1, 2,  3 , 4
Not to mention Kendis has had four fcs (don’t ask) and they’re all STUNNING people -- you get to see two in the links.
Honorable mention: 
1. Andy. Have we met Can Yaman? (male chest cw) He is probably one of the most attractive men I’ve ever seen. Like this gif is Andy inspo. The gait, the swagger, the unbotheredness that outfit -- all Andy. 
Some samples of Andy oufits: Here. Here (and sunglasses). And here (Cigar included). (Also here.) Man is almost always besuited. I don’t think he owns t-shirt or jeans, or if he does, it’s when he’s doing labor. He is always on point, and despite these examples (I’m just too tired to look), he adores pastels and rocks them. Andy dresses like a GQMF and he almost always has Cool Sunglasses. So, of course he’d be honorable mention. 
2. Nicola. I love a good goth/grunge/witchy vibes look. But I love those looks better on fat girls, especially when they get booby. And my girl isn’t afraid to get booby. You know she and Yakov are the best fitted pair in the school. 
7. Who wins Outstanding Plot Fucker Upper?
I don’t fully know what this means. Is it more likely to ruin mine/the main outline? Or which one is to ruin a PlotTM ICly (in game)?
If it’s the second it’s probably Kendis, Carmela, and Reuben. Especially the first and the last. Two characters that have literally pointed two fingers at the Big Bad/Big Bad’s Group/Powerful Person and moonwalked out of the room. I mean, well Reuben tried to run out at high speed -- but. 
If you mean most likely to look at my plans for them and go FUCK YOU? Probably Reuben. I NEED HIM TO FUCKING RELAX SO I CAN PUT HIM IN A POLYAMORY RELATIONSHIP!!! If I play Reuben the way I truly want to, he would have 0% with everyone, so I have sorta speed run his development and press him into certain scenarios to fit where I need him to be, where I want him to be, and the pacing of FHR. 
10. Best Kiss?
I already answered this here.
But here is a less bloody snippet of Henry and Colette:
He kissed her again, with urgency, before his lips pressed lightly at her jaw, on the upsweep of her cheek, on her brow. Each brush of his mouth was loving and gentle, like a ray of sun peeking through the curtains. He was no longer seeking and yearning, instead, he was delighted in finding that the strength of his care, the strength of his passion, the strength of need and want, were returned. She was a terrifying woman to love and for him, to him, she was as resplendent as she had always been. There was only room for happiness in Henry at this moment. Happiness and that continuous, and ever-evolving, love for her.
(Fun facts, that thread has over nine thousand words, twenty-three of them involve the word ‘kiss’ and the last word is kiss, lmao)
Ty for the ask bb!
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
2 for OC awards please 👀
2. Whiniest bitch?
All of them, in their own way. You know when you're watching a show. And the character is GENUINELY going through it. You feel for them. But they have some of the most FOOLISH monologues/interal thoughts. And you're like BITCH YOU LIVE LIKE THIS/GET THEE IN THERAPY!
Very few of my characters complain externally to be truly a whiny bitch but --
If I have to pick one, I would say Kendis. Not in the traditional sense (though, yeah they can definitely play the baby sibling card -- less as they get older), but in the if she dislikes something enough and wants to make it a problem, it will become a Problem. And at times Everyone's Problem. Probably my most petty bitch. And one of the best at demanding attention, so I put them here.
honorable mention: 1. Renold Kelly who does do a typical '~~wHy!!!1111~~~' whiny tone to get attention (bc negative attention is better than no attention ...) and is a spoiled rich childTM; they probably fit this best in the most traditional sense. but kendis is just ... Energy. 2. Reuben Casseus -- doesnt whine so much as lashes out he's probably the one of my three sidesteps to most vocally do so (and loud).
Ty for the ask hun!
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
And 4 + 6 + 16 in the Vanilla Sunday Meme
Thanks for the ask bb!
Does your muse initiate a lot of physical contact?
Kendis: No. Well, it depends. Maybe mild to moderate amount. It’s usually the bro sort of contact. An occasional punch on the shoulder,a shove with her shoulder, a high five. She isn’t a huge snuggler but she really does like to snuggle Cyrus, so to accomodate both, she does need to jump the gun and wrangle him into being small spoon or letting them octopus him as per is comfortable for them. It is weird, but Cy’s embrace doesnt make them feel AS suffocated as they might for most people, so they tend to lean on the more moderate side with him. But more in the type/amount than frequency.
Riquie: A fair amount. She could do with out but she likes it. 
Reuben: ROFLMAO. Via VIOLENCE? No. Purposefully, no. Accidentally ... maybe.
Xhyera: With the right people. She’s more on the mild part than Kendis. Unlike Kendis she doesn’t feel as clausterphobic, but it’s more of a matter that it just never occurred to her. Growing up wasnt a huge physical contact place. But she likes it. It’s important to be careful where and with who, and she’s mindful with that. 
Surina: Yes! She likes hugs. It isn’t like a lot a lot, but I’d go with a fair amount with her too. Maybe a touch more than Riquie.Like I don’t see Riquie really doing subconcious casual touching too much, unless there is familiarity, but I feel Rina MIGHT. 
Naveen: Eh. Noooo. Unless it’s for a point.
Does your muse steal clothing from their partner?
Kendis: Kendis is very stylish -- luckily Cyrus is no slouch. So, sure. On occasion. Probably like his jacket. Kendis is more likely to force something onto him bc they’re proprietary. 
Riquie: No. (Well, maybe a scrunchie or a fun bracelet) She would definitely be open to Az wearing her clothes.
Reuben: Surprisingly, yes. But in particularly scenarios. Like when he’s staying with Wei during [redacted]. Once when he was Sidestep.
Xhyera: No. Why would Sabir do that to himself? (And re: Nikke, why would Xhee do that to HERSELF??)
Surina: No. At least not at this point. And probably not much later on, as Surina and Morgan are pretty different re: style.
Naveen: It started as a joke ... and then .... (Pobrecito Herald)
Does your muse initiate heated/sexual contact, or do they wait for their partner?
Kendis: Kendis initiates!
Riquie: Initiates, but is open to waiting.
Reuben: Rarely initiates, not that it never ever happens but. Goes through an entire crisis and then allows them to initiate. 
Xhyera: In the past, probably waited. Currently, though ... I feel it would be a mix bag once the bumps and potholes of the reunion are handled (so maybe not CURRENTLY currently).
Surina: Both. They’re hornt.
Naveen: Intiates, but is open to waiting occasionally (Daniel’s earned that). 
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
4 and 8 for my baby Reuben 🥺🤲 (i just think 8 would be funny lol) and 10 and 14 for Emile my beloved
4. Scared.
Reuben doesn't get scared. Reuben gets angy!
No, in truth. Goodness. Reuben is a jigsaw of various bits of anger and frustration and self-hatred patched worked together by caution, paranoia, and more frustration.
Thus, it doesn't seem as if he has room for anything else. In public he definitely gives into that vibe. He's so cautious and distrustful, he'll either lash out (depending on who it is) or clam up. And clam up not in the sense that he shuts down but, it's like his mind starts ticking in overdrive, his eyes start darting around but he, himself, is rigid.
When he's by himself he probably rage cries. Privacy gives way to vulnerability. So emotions - like fear or being scared - that he might / just naturally turn corrosive or be locked away can sorta sink out. (It's ... not as healthy as it sounds, though.)
8. Feeling Pretty.
Stop! You know he dresses like some bland ass skater boi. ~nondescript preppy~ (what does that even MEAN, malin??)
I think he might get himself a good haircut. A good shave or trim. He doesn't indulge in a lot but his hair is strangely always nice. So. he might actually let himself get clean shaven. Show that pretty face off. In a RARE moment where he apparently got smacked upside the head too hard and wants to be all ~hey~ (or he finds himself feeling foolish about wei chen, idk) He might also let himself get a colored polo. LMAO. A knock off crocodile that's like a dark pink ... instead of black. (OMGOODNESS NOW IM SITTING HERE PONDERING AN AU WHERE THIS BITCH LETS HIMSELF COURT WEI. AND IM CRYING AWSEDR WHY.)
10. Betrayed.
You betray Emile? You HURT Emile? You disregard Emile's feelings like they are garbage? JAIL! JAIL FOR YOU FOR ONE BILLION YEARS!!
Okay, Emile isn't THAT dramatic. That'd be Kendis. But it really depends on who and how. I think Emile is very cut you out of their lives sort. And with a sort of relish, a sort of 'this is what you did and you will be ripped out my life and i will patchwork myself back together, see if i won't'. It's very clear eyed but not necessarily cold, but self-protective. I think about their approach to Kol. There was a desire to make him hurt, and there was a consideration of sabotaging the recovery process, but they didn't so they just sort of didn't want hands on involvement. When they found out they had magic, they were very hands off with their parents -- but it was like, I'm going to tell you why and that you hurt me, but goodbye.
There is a desire to make you emotionally suffer mixed with showing that they can move on from you (which is its own suffering). Again, depending on what and who it is, forgiveness is difficult if near impossible. I don't know that they will forgive Kol, but then they weren't very close. However, I do think with time they can forgive their parents.
14. Calm.
Emile is always calm. JK. I mean -- of the four it's 1. Nicola 2. Emile 3. Irvin 4. Kendis. (and I'm pretty sure santiy-wise Emile would beat Cola.)
Emile is -- I don't want to say unbothered. But Emile is precise. And that requires not just a clarity of vision but a coolness of head. There is a certain aplomb for their age but also they want to seem on top of things. There is too much going on in their lives to be anything but (at least, that is their approach.) Let's just say -- no matter what they think, their mom (adopted mom) definitely is an influence, no matter how indirectly.
Like, yes they can be bitchy and mean. But in general Emile tends to be calm, I feel. They are mindful to relax when they need to and keep themselves on the level.
Thank you for the asks @pixelburied
oc asks, here
#grapes chars#oc: reuben casseus#oc: emile ryan#i thought VAL was your beloved#jk i am glad people like emile#i worry bc they're my baby and i adore them but they can be kinda Awful#(it's funny. me: *pleading eye emoji re: emile* pls be fond of the chaihold~~~#also me: *whenever someone loves andy* garbage man how can you even look upon he get thee away#tbf emile has only killed ONE bitch.)#emile and betrayal is like kol crossed them but also wasnt loyal ENOUGH (though yes they do note his sacrificie) .. they also weren't that#but they werent that close to him. on the flip side while they werent that close to their parents (and to them their lack of being good par#ents is a betrayal.) they are trying NOW and offering emile what they want -- which is love. which makes me wonder how emile woudl react if#betrayed by astrid or cressy (bc emile was ready to dump cressy - at first - whehn sis didnt give them enough attention early on but now th#ey're a PAIR. a TEAM. which is why despite their ambitions and dislike of monroe they hesitated re: the truth potion i mean they did it but#there was an approach to it that woudlve been different if they didnt love cressy and if monroe hadnt been her dad)#also idk what im doing with the parenthesis#i think they would still cut cressy and astrid out -- but it wouldnt be as clean cut#now one could say wanting to sabatoge kol's treatment isnt generally calm behavior but#i disagree#ty for indulging me!#sorry i took forever to answer i justw anted to review some emile stuff :-D#also leon isn't included in that bc i dont think emile would figure leon COULD betray them lmao#(which is funny ... given ... ya know)#but outside for that ye#long post
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
How Polite Is Your Character: FHR Edition
How polite is your character? 
Carmela: She is pretty polite. It is in part the persona but she is also genuinely empathetic (how are you a villain, child). So, unless feeling cocky or angry/upset, she tends to go for congenial. So, I’d say from 1-10, she’s an 8.5. Eden is also pretty polite. Maybe a little less so.
Reuben: No. Reuben doesn’t care about you. Reuben wishes not to be bothered. Reuben is very angry and very self-loathing. HOWEVER, as much as it would be great to give him a 0. Reuben is kind of a crybaby. He also dislikes attention. So, the combination of sensitivity (ish, he’s also pretty blunt) and not wanting to be noticed would put him at a 2, 3. Like, if he’s stuck in a social situation with people not Ortega and the crew, he’ll err for polite if he cant threaten or batman his out of a situation. But in truth Reuben will tend to glower, so ... Jane is more polite. Like that’s hard. 
Naveen: Naveen is polite to people who works for them. Everything else is a crapshoot. Amelie is rather professional, so. Yes-ish. LMAO. 
Do they go out of their way to mind their manners? 
Carmela: Yes. Mostly. Wei does have a way of trying her. Or did. 
Reuben: No. It CAN happen though. 
Naveen:  At times but not often. But they err ‘honesty’, what they feel, is at times you see is what you get.
Do they get upset when people around them aren't polite?
Carmela: It depends. Jerks can be useful (for entertainment, for distraction) but Carmela doesn’t like other people being mistreated unless it’s by her?? i suppose, lmao. She tends to step in for the underdog, so. Be nice to your servers! 
Reuben: Eh. 
Naveen: No. Unless it is to someone who works for them or Herald then, yes. But Naveen might find it funny, depending on context.
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
Totally related-to-nothing question: your OCs are out and about at night for some reason, and they get kinda hungry. What is their go-to food item in this scenario? Something from the corner store? A burger from some shitty 24-hour fast food place? A specific kind of soda? Is that their cue to just go home to eat? (Pick whichever 3-5 of your kids are the first to come to mind!)
I like this. I might throw this around at people next time I'm off.
Andy: He probably goes to one of those bar/restaurants -- a tavern, or something similar. I feel he would be the sort to take the time to drive to one he's familiar with (especially if he's only kinda hungey; self-control thy name is Erkan Yasar.)
I think he would be open to scouting a new place, depeding on how tired he was. If not, he'd probably just go home and warm himself some left overs (or fill himself up with whiskey and sleep)
His go to food item is alcohol. LMAO. What does Andy like to eat? IDK. He's an ouroboros. His catholicness is self sustaining. It's probably a burger. LMAO. What a fcking white man, I hate him. My baby.
Kendis: If Kendis is out and about, chances are they're at a place with or near food. You know when you say that a person is 'all heart?' Kendis is 75% stomach (jk .... or am I?) They are totally the kdrama lead that eats so much and you're like 'where do you put it???' (I've noticed this a trend with FLs) I was watching the Coffee Prince, and I legit thought, wow that's Kendis with the way the FL (NBL -> take that headcanon from my cold dead hands) just devours everything in front of her. Kendis is such a social creature, who loves food. So they're probably already at a club or a friend's house with comida readily available to her. IF NOT, and they happen not to have a snack on hand (glove compartment granola bar, wuuuuut whuuuut), then they'll get on the google maps to find some place. It honestly depends on their vibe that night. I think it would be something QUICK and filling; but like if a wrap place or noodle place was open late (healthy ish lol), or a food cart.
Irvin: Team whatever is nearest, so very likely local convenience store. He'll eat ramen in a cup (to his mother's disappointment I'm sure.) He'll probably try and grab some healthyish carbs too though, because sports. Or a candy bar in some forgotten but suddenly recalled pocket in his knapsack.
Reuben: Reuben could survive on candy and probably always has some on him. And unlike Irvin is aware where to find it / when needed. He would rather not run into Ortega and sometimes Chen people, so that's convenient for him. But if he must, yeah. A bodega. Maybe get himself some soda or *gasp* an actual sandwhich (does cream cheese and jelly on an everything bagel count?)
Kaylee: Kayleeeeeee is a cook and she is a TV celebrity, so she probably isn't out and about too often. She has a schedule and responsibility (and unlike Kendis who also is semi extra about their planner, like that is more of a homebody. She is a Big SisterTM, so she likes to be readily available if needed, I feel). Should she be out, I think she would probably drive to a local diner or mom and pop. Maybe some late night waffles or pizza. Get a feel of the ambience of of a people living the dream (aka opening a little restaurant away from the limelight)
Thanks for the ask hun <3 this was fun to ramble about
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
📷for Xhyera (and for her and Sabir, if you have one), for Reuben (I looove that name), and how about for Isaako and Ariel as well!
I KNEW I could trust you in my desire to indulge in talking about my ocs* instead of working on my writing projects <3 TY dear.
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+ Sabir (sadly, I don't have one YET, so have a quote:)
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(Taken from here)
Reuben (ty! i feel it's lowkey oldfashion but it's a solid haitan name*)
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(Also wasn't sure if you meant Isaako AND Ariel so:
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OC Pinterest Board Meme
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grapecaseschoices · 3 years
Grapes’ IF Chars
My Character Page but because I haven’t found one that I like that works on mobile, I’ve listed them below as well:
(Bold for MCs are active and semi-active brain rots, best for ask games and fic writing | Bold for IFs are the one’s im still [mostly] still reading ; Italics for ships I could probably write about; crossouts are mcs no longer in this verse/no longer active, they remain on the post because 1. that could change 2. i am still fond of them jjqwqw)
A Tale of Crowns
Atiya Xanî (cis. she/her) 
Romance: Ashti
Fond of & Closest to (outside of Ashti): General Dara
Kadir Koyî (cis. he/him)
Romance: Rozerin
Friendly: Xelef
Relys on & Closest to (outside of Rozerin): Azad
Sabah Tayran (nb. they/them)
Romance: Dara
Friendly:  Rozerin
Has fun with & Closest to (ouside of Dara): Xelara
Body Count
Della Rodriguez Burns (trans. she/zir)
Musings & Pinboard
Keeper of Day and Night 
Emile Ryan (nb. they/them)
Romance: Cressida Monroe
(Very) Fond of: Astrid and Leon
Meet My OC page & Pinboard
Irvin Etienne (cis. he/him)
Romance: Leon Dalton
Bestest Friend: Cressida Monroe
Good Friend: Astrid Adtaz & Thalia Sato
Meet My OC & Pinboard
Kendis Crawford-Louel (nb. she/they)
Romance: Cyrus Monroe
Fond of: Astrid and Kol, she supposes.
Meet My OC & Pinboard
Nicola Abbott (cis. she/her)
Romance: Yakov Vasilyev
Best Friends: Astrid and Kol
Good Friends: Altair and Sera
Meet My OC & Pinboard
Fallen Hero Reborn
Carmela Brown (cis. she/her)
Romance: Mortum + Julia
Best Friend Fellow Dog Walker: Wei Chen 
Fond of: Danny Boy
Musings. & Pinboard
Naveen Joseph (nb. ze/zir, they/them)
Romance: Daniel Sullivan
Musings. & Pinboard
Reuben Casseus (cis. he/him)
“Romance”: Ricardo/Wei
“Best Friend”: Ricardo. Mortum 
Meet My OCs & Pinboard
Fallen Lights
Anouck Rhys (nb. she/they)
Musings. & Pinboard
Callen Jeune (nb. she/her)
Romance: Lily/Sebastian
Musings. & Pinboard
Enriqueta “Riquie” Villemont (cis. she/her)
Romance: Azalea
Musings.  & Pinboard
The Exile
Xhyera Sarnan (cis. she/her)
Romance: Sabir 
Rather Fond of: Ventha
Former Best Friend: Syfyn
Musings & Pinboard
Erkan Yasar (cis. he/him)
Romance: Freedom
A bit fond of: Amila
Musings & Pinboard
Kendis Lateth (nb. they/them)
Romance: Ventha [and maybe Nikke]
Best Friend: Sabir
Former Love: Syfyn
Musings & Pinboard 
The Soul Stone Wars
Quinlan (cis. he/him)
Romance: Manerkol
Bestest Friend: Straasa
Best Friend: Eledwen
Musings. & Pinboard
Ursule (cis. she/her)
Romance: Straasa/Morkai
Bestest Friend: Daelyn (and her Donkey)
Musings.  & Pinboard 
The Wayhaven Chronicles
Malakai “Kai” Baines (cis. he/him)
Romance: Nat Sewell
Best Friend: Mason. 
Meet My OC. & Pinboard
Pierre Lin (cis. he/him)
Romance: Felix Hauville
Best Friend: ... Felix. Verda.
Meet My OC. & Pinboard
Surina Kingston (cis. she/her)
Romance: Morgan
Best Friend:  Verda
Like A Younger Sib: Farah
Meet My OC. & Pinboard
Tareq Abadi (nb. he/they)
Romance: Ava du Mortain
Musings. & Pinboard
Val Montemer (nb. they/them)
Romance: Adam du Mortain
Best Friend: Tina. And Felix. Adam.
Meet My OC & Pinboard
Erkan Yasar (cis. he/him)
Romance: Mason
Best Friend: Nate Sewell
Kendis Crawford-Louel (nb. she/they)
Romance: Nate Sewell; (clown on clown romance au: Nate x Alexis x Adam)
Best Friend: Adam du Mortain (Werewolf AU: Alexis Kingston)
Romance: Ava du Mortain & Best Friend: Mason
When Twilight Strikes (The Midnight Hours)
Amos Pascale (nb. he/they)
Romance: N(ikolas) Alves.
Fabienne “Fabi” Gustav (cis. she/her)
Romance: Blane Rekner
Luckner “Lucky” Occean (cis. he/him)
Romance: K(ian) de Vries 
Surina Kingston (cis. she/her)
Romance: Rylan Villanueva 
Bloomic MCs
Infamous MCs
Alana Carita (trans, she/her)
Romance: Seven Lawless
Best Friend: Seven Lawless [Maybe August Pierce]
Bethany Josnel Coleman (cis, he/him)
Romance: Sebastian Holland
Ex-Boyfriend: Seven Lawless
Hiyam Vinke (cis, she/her)
Romance: Orion Quinn
Best Friend: Rowan Hart
Ex-Girlfriend: Seven Lawless
Lala Sandoval (nb, they/them)
Romance: August Pierce
Little  Brother: Seven Lawless
Ori Zhou (trans and genderqueer, he/him)
Romance: Victoria Valentine & Gina Reign
Best Friend: Seven Lawless
Aleena Odeh (trans, she/her): Romance: Penelope Eliades.
Richard Joly (cis, he/him): Romance: Theodore Parker & Cameron Fletcher
Tristan Terrell: Romance:Lucia Rivera & Victor Orlov
Lloyd Duarte (cis,  he/him): Romance: Uma Bharat & Travis Camaro
Hayden Moise (trans, she/her): Romance: Kai Alofa & Jay Gray
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grapecaseschoices · 2 years
OC Association tag game
@laufire-writes tagged me over so long ago, I’ve been very slowly working on this, so here goes ...
I am tagging anyone who wants to do this, because this was extensive lol (but PLEASE feel free to at me if you do, because I would love to see what you associate your characters with!!)
Rules: Describe your OCs As…
— dawn - Enriqueta Villemont (Speaker)/Kaylee Moyano - the first hopeful sunrays crawling between mountaintops after a bleak starless night, shinning light on the teardrops of morning dew.
— noon - Paulette Lundy - the sun at its zenith, warm and suffocating and apologetic, too bright to look at directly.
— dusk - Ariel Centofanti - the sun setting calmly over the sea, illuminating and distorting its depths for one eerie moment.
— night - Anouck Rhys (Fallen Lights) - rich darkness contrasting with a shiny starry sky; a time for mystery and danger and solitude.
— friend - Irvin Etienne (KOTSAM) - steady, joyful; willing to share and share alike, ready with an uncomplicated gesture of companionship.
— lover - Surina Kingston (TWC/WTS) - giving but still wants to take; devoted and possessive; a love defined by action.
— ex - Callen Jeune (Speaker) / Carter Pushkova - disruptive, bitter, unforgettable, haunting.
— enemy - Andy Yasar (The Exile & TWC) - a force, an antithesis; the one with the plan, five steps ahead, impossible to anticipate and defeat.
— spring - Dubois Blackwell - the first sprouts breaking the barren ground and the light pink flowers covering the treets.
— summer - Luckner Occean (WTS) / Henry Parish - bright light tempering cold dispositions, pearls of fresh sweat glistening over sunkissed skin; a ripe red fruit ready to bite into.
— autumn - Kendis Crawford-Louel (KOTSAM & TWC)/Kendis Lateth (The Exile) - a explossion of warm colour as the cold inevitably advances.
— winter - Fabi Gustave (WTS) - frozen, static, ready to be awakened and shaken.
— tornado - Amos Pascale (WTS) - rambunctious, disorderly; it’ll pass through your life so quickly you won’t believe how much change it leaves behind.
— wildfire - Rene Casimir - burns everything on sight, without care to see the lives destroyed, feeding and growing and gaining terrain.
— earthquake - Carmela Brown (FHR) - starts deep, invisible; can go unnoticed until it reaches a scale that won’t leave a stone unturned or anybody standing.
— tsunami - Reuben Casseus (FHR) - gives you the briefest of warnings before the attack, swallowing and embracing and possessing everything in its path, bringing with it other unforetold catastrophes.
— mountain - Xhyera Sarnan (The Exile) - firm, high, broad. Casts a long shadow, and takes effort to reach its esteem.
— forest - Zaine Takzedh - a complex interconnected ecosystem; a keeper of secrets.
— ocean - Delilah - ancient, deep, layered, enigmatic; pleasant and refreshing or fearsome and overpowering.
— desert - Lucienne Saintilus - thriving in impossible conditions; a contradiction between day and night.
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