#leon x mc
fateinthestars · 4 months
Star-Crossed Myth Fluffbruary Fanfic May Catch-up (21st Feb Prompt): Celestial Party (Leon/MC)
Title: Celestial Party
Fandom: Star-Crossed Myth
Genre: Fluff
Rating: T
Pairing: Leon/MC (MC’s name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head)
Characters: MC, Leon, Hiyori, Karno, Huedhaut
Word Count: 1980
Written for Prompt: February 21 : photography | pepper | truffles for @fluffbruary
February 21st: Celestial Party (Leon/MC)
“Why don’t you invite Leon to the work party for the celestial event?”
___ nearly choked on the tea she was drinking when Hiyori suggested that over lunch. Internally she knew what Leon’s response was likely to be to the idea of going to what ‘goldfish view as a party’, especially when he would rather spend time with just her. However, how she answered Hiyori was, “He’s very busy with work.”
Hiyori sighed. “That’s a shame. You should still ask though. You don’t know unless you try, right?”
You don’t know Leon, ___ thought to herself.
That evening, ___ was sitting on the sofa in the Gods’ mansion. Leon wasn’t back from the Heavens yet. Thinking back to her conversation with Hiyori, she sighed heavily.
“Something the matter?” came a kind voice from behind her.
___ looked up at the sound of Karno’s voice, forcing a smile as he instead sat down beside her on the sofa. “No, it’s just…” she hesitated, wondering whether to even mention anything at all. In the end she went with, “How is Leon’s mood today?”
Karno closed one eye. “Ah, if you have something to ask him that you think he won’t like, I’m not sure now is a good time. The King asked for an audience earlier.”
“...” ___ flinched. If his Highness had been playing games again, Leon was unlikely to even be in the mood for talking tonight.
“Anything I can help you with? Leon won’t be back for a little longer yet…”
Turning her attention back to her boyfriend’s Vice Minister, ___ smiled gratefully at the concerned but reassuring look the other was now giving her. “It’s nothing important, really.”
“You say that, but it was enough to make you sigh. It may not be important to us Gods but… this is an Earth thing isn’t it?”
___ nodded. Hesitantly she told him about her work party that was due to take place the following evening.
“... Ah I see,” Karno murmured, frowning a little. “Getting Leon to go to something like that would be difficult.”
“I thought so. Maybe I best just say I’m busy with work tomorrow night and not mention it,” ___ muttered back, trying not to sigh again.
Karno, however, smirked. “I said it would be difficult, I did not say it would be impossible. I’ve got an idea.”
A few hours later, Leon finally returned from the Heavens. Seeing the way that he was scowling and the tired look in his eyes, ___ was almost tempted to try and tell Karno that they should forget their plan after all. 
Before she could decide either way however, Leon had moved over to her and pulled her to her feet. “Leon?”
“Come on. You’ve been with the others for way too long tonight. Let us head to my room.”
___ smiled uneasily at him. “Are you alright?”
“I will be as long as my goldfish behaves,” Leon responded, finally relaxing into a smirk as his eyes glinted.
“I’ll see you tomorrow evening at the planetarium then, ___,” Karno called out as they were about to leave.
Leon paused. He looked down at ___ with a scowl. “You made arrangements to spend time with Karno?”
“It’s a work thing,” ___ protested. “A party for the celestial event that’s supposed to be visible tomorrow evening. I know you’ve been very busy lately. You’d never have had the time to spare for something so pointless.”
“Then don’t go,” Leon scoffed, still frowning a little. 
Karno smiled softly. “It’s a work event. I suspect she’s worried there will be questions if she doesn’t go at all.”
Sighing softly, Leon ran a hand through his hair. “You really have to go?”
___ nodded.
“... Fine,” Leon grumbled. “I don’t understand your obsession with the night sky when you’ve a constellation right in front of you, but I’m not letting you go to the party with another man. I’ll come.”
“Thank you!” Smiling brightly now, ___ pulled him into a kiss before the other snapped his fingers to transport them to his room.
If he’d waited slightly longer he would have noticed Karno smirking knowingly to himself.
Huedhaut glanced up from the book he was reading, looking at Karno with a glint in his eyes. “And I’m more of a schemer than you, Karno? Are you quite sure about that?”
“I do not know what you mean.”
The following evening, Leon was true to his word and met ___ at the planetarium to walk to the party venue with her. 
“If you just tell me where it is we could get there quicker,” Leon pointed out as he took her hand in his own.
“It’s not far,” ___ argued. “We’re only going round the corner. Do you really want to explain if someone sees us appear?”
“O ho? You’re being very demanding already tonight.”
___ forced an uneasy smile. “You don’t want to spend all the time trying to make it seem like nothing unusual happened do you?”
Leon sighed but didn’t try to persuade her otherwise. 
When they got to the party, Hiyori smiled brightly at them as she headed over to them. “Leon! You made it after all! ___ seemed pretty sure you wouldn’t have time to!”
“... I’d never let her down,” Leon muttered hesitantly in way of reply, trying not to seem puzzled.
Hiyori grinned at ___. “See I told you it was worth asking! Hey, I know! Why don’t you lend me your phone and I can take a photo of you both?”
“Is that really necessary?” Leon asked. “I don’t understand why you are so insistent on having static images around when you can just look at the real thing.”
“It’s for when you’re not present, silly!” Hiyori retorted. She looked at ___ with a frown. “He doesn’t like you having photos?”
“I have some,” ___ reassured her, “Leon’s just… camera shy.”
Leon gave ___ a look that could have killed for that. “I am not shy about anything! Fine, if it’ll please you I’ll let your friend take this ridiculous photo.”
Smiling, Hiyori took ___’s phone from her and got her and Leon to stand by the window where the clear night sky was starting to form. As Hiyori pressed the button to take the photo, ___’s face went red as Leon leant over and kissed her.
“Leon!” ___ stammered when he pulled away, though she was somewhat relieved to see a smile now on his face. “That isn’t quite what Hiyori had in mind!”
“Oh ho? So it was what you had in mind then?”
“...” ___ tried to stop her heart beating so fast. Trying to work out how to get out of this situation she suddenly noticed the buffet food on the far table. “Hey, Leon, looks like they have meatballs!”
“Ah, maybe this party is not as pointless as I thought,” Leon muttered, “though I doubt they’ll taste like yours.”
Despite this, he headed off to check them out, and ___ let out a sigh of relief. She took her phone back from Hiyori. “Sorry about that.”
“Why are you apologising? It’s clear you two are as in love as ever. Besides, the photo is really sweet!”
___ hesitantly looked down at her phone, swallowing hard as she took in the details of the photo. Sure she wasn’t really happy with how red she looked but the starlight glinting down on Leon’s highlights in his hair combined with the more formal attire they were both wearing for once did make for a stunning picture. “Thanks, Hiyori, this is…”
Before ___ could finish that sentence, there was a familiar yell from the back of the hall. Glancing apologetically at Hiyori, she ran over to the buffet table.
When she got there, she found Leon glaring at the meatballs, his face pale. Worriedly she glanced around and found a jug of water and poured him a glass.
Leon grabbed it from her and downed it in one. “I was expecting them to not compare to yours but those are inedible. Yours are never the same and often inconsistently shaped but they’re always edible.”
“Uh… thanks… I think…” ___ murmured, though she was smiling as she was fully used to his rather backhanded compliments by now. “But surely they aren’t that bad?” As she went to try one for herself, Leon grabbed her hand. “Leon?”
“I’m not having you faint on me. There is only one person who I can think of who can eat those.”
___ frowned and called one of the function staff over. “Is something wrong with these meatballs?”
Leon scoffed. “Do you even have to ask him that? Of course there is. Food should be edible.”
The staff member uttered an apology and went to check with the kitchen staff. He was back after just a few minutes. “I’m so sorry, there’s a new member of the team and they didn’t realise that a garlic clove isn’t an entire garlic bulb.”
___’s eyes widened. “That’s… a lot of garlic…”
“It’s also bogatyr garlic. My apologies again. I will get rid of this before anyone else tries it.”
“Wait…” Leon muttered, causing the other to look at him with surprise. “Could I take some of that with me?”
“But, sir, like you said, it’s inedible.”
“To me and you, perhaps,” Leon muttered, “but I know someone whose taste buds are totally dead. He’d love this.”
“Very well sir, I’ll see what I can do.”
As he headed off with the pot of meatballs, ___ turned to Leon. “You mean Karno don’t you?”
Leon smirked. “Yes. And if my Vice Minister says that that’s not spicy enough when it sounds like that is a spicy variant of garlic and way too much of it, then he really has a problem.”
“What if even Karno finds it too hot?”
“...” Leon smirked at her and pulled her close to him. “Then that’ll be his own fault for tricking me into coming to this party tonight.”
“You knew?!”
“I spent all of yesterday in the middle of one of the trickster’s games. I might have been tired but I was sure you wouldn’t dare ask Karno without at least asking me first.”
___ sighed softly. “Then why come at all?”
Leon glanced away a little and sighed. “I couldn’t have you deal with this party on your own.”
“Leon…” ___ murmured lovingly, looking at him with a smile. She could tell really what he meant was it was just because she had wanted him to come. 
Before she could say anything else, Leon suddenly pulled her into another kiss.
She pulled away rapidly - though this time it wasn’t so much due to how many other people were around but because she nearly choked on the heat that radiated from his mouth. “Yikes… and I nearly ate one of those?!”
“I thought I’d give you a taste of them for even pretending you’d come with Karno,” Leon responded, but glanced around the table for something else. He tugged her hand and led her over to the desert area. “Here, these are round like meatballs but they should be less dangerous.”
___ glared at him a little but picked up one of the chocolate truffles and put it in her mouth, relaxing as the cool chocolate calmed her mouth down a little. Before she could say anything regarding it to Leon, however, the light in the room changed slightly as the sky outside became full of colours.
“This is what this event was in aid of?” Leon asked, his eyes widening.
“Yes. It’s a phenomenon known as the Aurora Borealis. I guess that’s boring to you though. No doubt you know more about it…”
Leon shook his head and wrapped an arm around her, looking out at the night sky. “I have paid far more attention to the sky since I met you.”
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grapecaseschoices · 4 months
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they're so cute.
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qatos · 1 year
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lola leon by sharna osborne for the face magazine (2023)
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pastel-omegas-blog · 1 year
All He's~
⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️WARNING!!! THIS BOOK WILL CONTAIN MATURE THEMES AND VIOLENCE PLEASE LEAVE IF IT WILL MAKE YOU UNCOMFORTABLE. I DO NOT NEED THIS BOOK TO BE REPORTED . YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.( Mentions of suicide,bullying, blood/torture ⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️⚠️( This book is going to have more matured themes  compared to my others, from smut scenes to non-con, lactation, drugging, hypnosis, abuse of power and over obsessiveness. 
Pretty silver light coming from the full moon spilled in through the open windows illuminating the room.
 " W..wait! W..we can't-  Ah~ "  the smaller man arched his back as another wanton moan escaped his plump glossy soft red lips.
His hoarse voice echoing through out the room as his pleas for the other  man to listen fell on deaf ears.
Small s/c hands tried gripping at  the silk bedsheets for dear life in their pinned state, but the hand keeping them down refused to release the tight grip he had on them, making a whine leave the smaller man's lips as the throw his head back into the fluffy pillows. his body trying to process the onslaught of pleasure it was been put through.
The fingers thrusting upwards past his silck dripping entrance into his gummy tight walls picked up their pace. The soft sound of skin hitting skin with the wet sticky sound of silck gushing out drew a weak mewl from the h/c omega on the bed.
The s/c man wasn't meant to be feeling this way.
He wasn't meant to be craving the other so much.
He should be mad at him- No!
He was supposed to be mad at him!!
Even though he couldn't find the courage to be angry as he was supposed too, he shouldn't at least be upset. After the news that had been announced earlier in the ball and the humiliation he had faced in front of the jeering crowd, he was meant to be hiding away from the other, he was supposed to kick him out of his life!
Yet here he was being played like an instrument under his fingers.
The sweet scent of silck dripping out of the smaller male's tight hole floated into the air mixing with the thick scent of honey and peaches and the phermones coming off the other man creating a sickly sweet addictive smell of arousal, lust and heat.
One that neither of the mean present in the room could resist.
The larger man leaned down to his kiss away the tears brimming at the corner of his love's pretty jewel e/c eyes, getting lost in their beauty for a moment ( admiring the pleading and submissive emotions swirling behind them, so glad that they were no longer filled with the burning hatred and look of betrayal from earlier. ) before he caught himself.
He trailed more kisses down to the man's rosy red cheeks, pecking  the tip of his nose softly , lowering his lips down to press a sloppy kiss to the s/c man slightly kiss swollen lips.
Both men moaned as the larger man shoved his tongue deeper inside the smaller man's mouth, a sweet taste flooding both their taste buds as their tongues tangled in a futile fight for dominance ( though the both of them already knew who had won from the start )
The kiss went on for almost a minute, the s/c man struggling to separate for air, but the sharp thrust of the other's finger's and the small glare the other gave him made him stay still.
As white started to cloud his vision and the h/c man thought he was going to pass out was when the other pulled away.
Both men took deep ragged  breaths as air filled their lungs, the string of saliva joining them together snapping as they both ( well the other, the s/c man had lost his composure the moment the other man had trapped him in this room and had caged him in a corner,  whispering sweet nothings into his ears while stripping his clothes off ) regained their senses.
The larger man continued from where he stopped, placing a small peck at the corner of his lover's lips as he continued to trail kisses down the smaller man's neck, the feathery light touches of his lips turning into small nips and harsh sucking as he started adding more hickeys to the ones he had left earlier, stopping for a second to admire the way they had started to change colour.
The fairly new ones  being a nice soft rosy pink, some a dark red, while others were a pretty purple colour. Such pretty shades of colour on an even prettier s/c canvas.
And he was the painter who created such magnificent colours.  Leaving his mark on every inch of skin he could get his hungry mouth on.
Lowering his head once more he moved his gaze to the man's scent glad, the pretty sight of teeth marks and the dark purple colour brought a smirk to his own slightly swollen peach lips.
Out of all the marks he had created this one would always be his favorite.
Bringing out his tongue he proceeded to lick the bruised area, moaning softly at the familiar sweetness flooding his taste buds, the whines and whimpers coming from the smaller male at the action sent a jolt of pleasure straight to his slightly weeping cock. The pretty pink head starting to turn red as he fought to restrain himself. He needed to be patient for a bit more.
After sucking harshly, biting and nipping at the h/c omega's scent glands the larger man stopped the abuse of the man's sensitive spot, raising his head up se he could clearly see the new marks he had left behind on his pretty little canvas, a fox like grin spreading on his lips as his eyes lit up with pride and satisfaction. 
He wasn't going to mark him.
Not yet at least, but this was good enough for now.
Another string of pathetic pleas coming from the smaller man was what snapped the other out of his thoughts, his eyes tearing themselves away from his bruised scent glad to stare into his lover's tear filled e/c jewel hues.
Like before his pleas fell on deaf ears as the other simply gave him a teasing smile as he picked up the pace. They both knew that if the h/c man really wanted him to stop he would have used his safe word.
Not like that was going to stop him this time.
Slipping in the fourth finger into the omega's tight heat he rammed them straight into the small bundle of nerves that made him see stars, the larger male enjoying how the s/c man's eyes rolled upwards as he lolled out his tongue, his breathing getting more erratic as his chest quickly rose and fell, the pretty head of his cock weeping out precum as his gummy tight walls started to clench around the other's fingers desperately.
He was so close.
The other chuckled at the dazed look in his partner's e/c hues.
 He preferred this to the heartbroken one he had created earlier
The omega already looked fucked out when they had barely even started. ' He really has no idea what he's in for those he ' the other thought to himself, amused at the different expressions of pleasure showing on his lover's face.
The larger man continued his ministrations, not once stopping for the smaller man to catch his breath, his lips going lower and lower as he left kisses on the smaller man's hot skin, stopping when he reached his chest to stare at the omega's cute inverted nipples, the flesh around it swollen a little bit, hawk like eyes taking in the creamy white liquid that had started to dribble out and roll down the smaller man's chest to his stomach.
 Yet the shy little things where still hidden.
How cute~
Bringing his mouth closer to the soft n/c buds he puffed his slightly cheeks blowing a small gust of breeze at the sensitive bundle as an attempt to harden them so they could fully show themselves, yet only a bit of the head peaked out, so the other took it upon himself to ' help ' them out a bit.
Opening his mouth he completely took in the bud closest to his lips, sucking softly as his tongue prodded the nipple trying to wriggle it out of hiding while taking mouthfuls of the creamy liquid that now seemed to pour into his waiting mouth causing him to moan around the hyper sensitive flesh, ignoring the strangled moan that left his partner's mouth at his actions.
The larger man only pulled away when the bud finally popped out of hiding ( not before biting the areola and getting a high pitched squeal from the omega in return ) sticking his tongue out to lick away the milk dripping down his chin as he stared down at the mess he created.
A desperate, pleading and submissive mess.
But it wasn't enough.
No. He needed his mind to be broken in too, before he would be satisfied.
And with how the smaller man looked like he would be pushed over the edge any moment from now he could tell he was going to get his way soon.
The s/c man could feel his stomach tying itself into agonizing knots as his climax started building up.
The hot white tight feeling would soon snap and he would finally be granted release.
The feeling of the other's fingers picking up pace caused a choked moan escaped his lips as his mouth fell open, but no sound came out. For a brief moment the h/c man swore he saw stars.
Here it came-
Already sensing the smaller man was about to finish the other pulled out his fingers before he could release, causing a shocked gasp to  leave the man's lips as the high that had been building up for so long started to die down into nothingness.
The whiney mewl leaving the other man's form brought a pleased smile to the larger man's lips.
" Oh ~ what wrong my little lamb ? I thought you wanted me to stop ? You were begging me to do so earlier so I gave you exactly what you wanted. Aren't you satisfied ? " Another whine was what he got in response and it made his smile grow wider.
The larger male brought his silck coated fingers up to his lips, admiring how the natural lube had coated his whole hand and was dripping down his arm, before bringing one  finger to his lips, he opened his waiting mouth and  slide the digit inside, moaning loudly at the sweet taste, never once breaking eye contact with the man underneath him as he did so.
" You taste absolutely wonderful as always love... " The man complimented when he pulled out his finger, his tongue darting out to lick away the residue that had dripped down his chin. " ... Now why don't you be a good boy and have a taste yourself ? "
He noticed the slight hesitance in the smaller man's eyes and it caused a small frown to form on his own lips.
This wasn't what he wanted. He didn't need his little pet to start disobeying him when they had already gotten this far.
" ... Come on now love .. " the man called out again as he brought his knee forward to slowly rub against the smaller man's still weeping cock, the action giving the omega pleasure making small moans and mewls leave his lips, but not nearly enough to make him find his release. And the way the larger man's hand tightened his grip around his wrist made it nearly impossible for him to move and grind back.
The rational part of the s/c man's thoughts was quickly fading into non-existence as lust started to take over.
"... Won't you be a good boy and have a taste ? If you do a good job I might fuck that tight hole afterwards as a reward "  The larger man said again and this time the s/c man opened his mouth without any resistance and stuck out his waiting tongue. This caused the other to give him a gentle smile as he lowered his silck coated hand to the other's mouth, watching him intently as the smaller man tried his best to clean up the mess in his lust driven state, his own silck starting to smear on his cheeks.
This was exactly what he wanted. His lover only had one thought in his mind and that was getting his hole stuffed by him.
It meant he would listen to his every word without thinking anything through and agree to anything he said.
Satisfied when majority of the silck coating his fingers was gone, the larger man pulled his hand away from the s/c man's face, and stopped rubbing his knee against his throbbing dick, making a weak whimper leave the smaller man's lips as the little friction that he had desperately been clinging to to give him some release disappeared.
The h/c man laid there weak to the bone on the soft silk bedsheets, his wrist starting to hurt from how tight the grip around them was and his throat was starting to feel sore, yet his body was still hot and twitching softly waiting for any form of pleasure the other would bestow upon him , silck still dripping out of his ass and soaking the sheets, his buds were still leaking and the creamy liquid rolling down his chest and dripping down to the silk sheets adding to the mess.
He paid little attention to the weight of the other shifting around the bed, only fully registering what was going on when the tight grip are his wrist suddenly vanished, but the growl that followed after told him to stay put and he did just that, his body was to tired to move anyways and his head was still to fuzzy to think straight, his ears picking up the sound of footsteps fading away
He stayed there on the bed for the gods knew how long, lost in his own thoughts and trying desperately not to touch himself as the heat in his body started because unbearable. He wanted to just touch himself and chase the high he kept getting denied of, but he wouldn't be a good boy if he did that.
He would be a bad one.
And bad boys got punished.
He didn't want to get punished.
But the longer he stayed unattended the more he wanted to act out and find his own pleasure.
A desperate mewl left the omega's lips as he called out for the other and he finally received a chuckle from the man, his voice drawing nearer as he dragged something towards the bed.
" My what an impatient little thing, don't worry I'm coming darling " as soon as the words left his mouth, the s/c man felt arms gently hold his shoulder and pull him upwards from his sprawled out state on the bed , forcing him into a sitting position.
His body was to weak to support itself so the man's form instantly slumped into the larger man's body as he buried his face in his chest and wrapped his arms around his neck, whimpering softly into his ears, pumping out his pheromones as a last ditch effort to get the man to just dick him already.
A deep purr rumbled in the other's chest as the other pumped out more of his own pheromones in response sending a shiver of delight down the h/c man's spine as he let out desperate mewls in return.
" You want me to fill up so bad huh ? Pump all my seed into you until your properly stuffed and expecting. Want to become round and full with my pups huh ? " The larger male whispered in huskily into his lover's ear as he trailed a hand over his body , chuckling softly at the barely audible gurgles that left his partner's lips in response to his words.
His fingers lightly tracing over the curves of his body causing goosebumps to appear on the s/c man's skin before he stopped at the smaller man's plump soft ass, grabbing a fistful of his ass cheek and spreading it apart, causing a wet squelching noise to spread while drawing a sharp squeak from the h/c omega.
" Well then... "
A shocked gasp left the h/c omegas lips as he was suddenly lifted out of the bed, his world becoming disoriented for a few seconds as his lust filled mind tried to think and grasp what was going on.
A large red blush spread to his face as he finally understood the new situation he had been put it, from feeling the other's hard throbbing cock rubbing between his ass the head threatening to slip into his moist entrance if he moved around recklessly to staring at his reflection in the full body mirror that had suddenly appeared at the corner of the bed.
He tried to turn his head to look away, not wanting to stare at himself as he instinctively closed his legs to hide himself, but the other's hand grabbed his chin and forced him to look back into the mirror.
Having no choice but to stare at his reflection e/c eyes locked in with devious amethyst purple orbs.
The man's shoulder length sky blue hair was sticking to his face and neck because of the sweat dripping down his lean body, giving his pale porcelain skin an ethereal and angelic glow. The total opposite of the cruel smirk that rested on his kiss swollen glistening peach lips.
" Aw come on, you can't be shy now my love. Not after begging me to stuff your ass full. Your gonna watch me do it. In fact you have no choice, because if you so much as look away from this mirror or even close your eyes I'm not letting you cum at all for the night "
Despite the carefree tone he used to say those words and the way he pumped out more of his scent of vanilla and strawberries, they both knew he meant every single thing he said.
The pretty man couldn't stop his smirk from getting more sinister as he felt the smaller omega's  form go rigid on his laps, seeing the fear and excitement swimming inside the h/c hues he had fallen in love with caused his dick to twitch, the action making the two omegas moan out softly at the small friction.
The blue haired male tore his gaze away from the other's eyes as he stared at his body through the reflection. And he he couldn't help but marvel at the beautiful sight.
Hickeys littered on every bit of skin from his neck down to his collar bone. The  dark purplish colour on his scent glands and the bite marks he had left behind, his eyes dragged lower taking in the sight of the h/c omega's puffy s/c nipples a bright red bite mark around one and he watched contently as beads of white continued to spill down his chest. The took in the sight of his wide hips and his eyes continued to dance over his curves, taking in all the s/c man's flaws and imperfections. Everything he fell in love with.
Using his hands he used raised up the smaller man's legs and spread them open, showing his still weeping cock and silck dripping entrance laughing as the h/c man started to squirm around in his grasp,yet he never looked away from the mirror .
How obedient
Such a beautiful, caring and precious omega.
His body ready to birth such precious pups. Having all the characteristics everyone was looking for in an omegan mate. Full of curves in all the right places and blessed with a loving and obedient nature.
That stupid alpha didn't know what he was blessed with.
But he did and he didn't think twice before snatching the smaller man for himself.
 The larger omega even noticed his own cock throbbing and twitching uncontrollably, the normally pretty pink head an angry red as it wanted nothing more than to bury itself in the velvety cushioned walls of the other omega.
And he was going to take his price soon enough. But firstly...
" Who owns you M/N ? " The pretty man's voice asked as he brought his gaze back to stare at the h/c man's eyes.
" Y...you do..... " The petite man quickly replied, but his answer made the blue haired male frown.
" Come on M/N you know what I want to hear. Now who owns you ? " The blue haired man asked again, his voice dropping as he shot a glare at the smaller male making him flinch slightly.
" Y..you d.. do S.. Sirius " the h/c man replied and the blue haired man gave him a gentle smile.
" That's my good boy " 
And with those words he quickly positioned himself in the omega's entrance and shoved himself in, not waiting for the other to adjust before he started thrusting his hips forward.
He didn't stop when the other gripped at his arms harshly, his nails digging into the soft skin of his arms leaving small scratches behind. He didn't stopped when the other began to babble out utter nonsense as his mind began to go blank (  though he found it cute that even though he was losing his sense of reasoning the his lover still desperately tried his best not to look away from the mirror )
He didn't stop when the other clenched tightly around him, instead he used his arms to lift the smaller up and down to meet his own thrusts.
He didn't stop when the man came, thin long white cum shooting out of his pretty cock and staining the mirror, instead he pounded into him even harder as his own end near, driving the smaller man into over stimulation as he chased his own high.
The blue haired man's hips sputtered slightly as he came, but he didn't stop pounding into his lover, his cock ramming into the bundle of nerves as the head relentlessly bullied the mouth of the smaller omega's womb, slipping past as he buried himself deep into the other's warmth as he came, the force making the h/c man come for the second time.
The two stated idle for a moment as they tried to catch their breaths, both off them still staring at their reflections.
M/N felt his eyes start to become heavier as the drowsiness began to set in and the smaller male wanted nothing more than to make a makeshift nest and cuddle up with his lover, but the sharp thrust to his sensitive hole told him that wouldn't be happening soon, yet that didn't stop him from try to babble out pleas that he needed to rest to the other. His words only made the blue haired man giggle softly as his thrusts began to pick up speed, tearing out moans from the s/c man's hoarse throat as he started pounding into him with an even harsher pace than the first time.
Holding his lover's chin so he could continue to stare at himself through the mirror been used the larger omega whispered in his ear.
" I told you love~ were going all night. Until I'm sure I've put a pup in you~ " he said as he watched the h/c man go through his third climax.
He couldn't mark him for now.
But he sure as hell was going to pup him.
​​​​Hi everyone. New book thanks to LunarWolf  and  愛 I've decided to write another version of Dearly Detested. An su where Mc doesn't go through the most hear wrenching trauma and Leon wants him all to himself. So here.
Enjoy the first chapter
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articdelilah · 10 months
Hellooo I love the teen mc concept so I'm wondering if you could do it also with Leon's faction? Thank youu
✮ A Little Trouble ✮
Platonic!Ikemen Princes x Teen!Reader
Hi Anon!! Thank you so much for requesting💞 Your wish is my command! Sorry for the wait!! (I know nothing about Leon so I’m sorry if he’s OOC)
Domestic Affairs Faction
˖⁺‧₊˚ ♡ ˚₊‧⁺˖
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Leon tried to argue with Sariel about his choice. This girl has school and friends and life to live! It would be horrid to put such a hard task on such young shoulders. Sariel of course did not wield with Leon’s request of changing the Belle.
By her side from day 1. He showed how the factions work and what they do, their aim and motives.
After the very hard first day with Leon, they go into town to get ice cream! Or steak. Whichever one Belle is feeling after such a day.
Leon is consistently looking out for her, making sure Chevalier doesn’t say anything too honest or hurtful. If he tries, he’ll be shut down by Leon almost immediately with furrowed brows.
Very protective but not in an overbearing way. Definitely not as subtle as the other Princes. When Belle asks to let her dual with him, he thinks about it but decides against it. He promised her that once she reads all the books Sariel assigned, then he’ll dual her fair and square. Motivation!
Belle liked to observe the man work. She sat with him, asking him questions about the different subjects and affairs that are happening in Rhodolite. She asked about Obsidian but Leon tried to avoid the topic.
Obsidian wasn’t a big threat currently and perhaps it’d be better if Sariel told her? No that would be the worst case scenario.
Leon explains Obsidian’s land, why they want to invade and their current status of threat. Belle said she’d ask Chevalier about it as well, but Leon only made a sour face.
A sudden clang of two silvery swords frightened the birds which were resting in the nearby oak tree; the birds of brown feathers sore into the clear sky as a result. The air wasn’t thick with bloodlust or hatred however instead filled with adrenaline and determination. Belle had begged Leon for them to dual for as long as she could remember, doing everything in her power to get him to agree. Sparks flew in all directions as the two continued their dual, brows creased on the young Belle’s face making Leon smile. He was so proud of her, being able to read all those books in a couple of days sure is an accomplishment. In the midst of thought, Leon was abruptly pulled away from his thoughts as a cool sharp point nudged his neck. His eyes widened as he realised he let his guard down. Despite this he couldn’t help but laugh at the distaste on Belle face “Stop going easy on me! Come on! Fight me for real!”.
“I’m trying”
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Jin laughed with Clavis when he met Belle. He simply loved her already!
For the first week of Belle’s stay, he always made sure she had flowers and a few lollipops in her bedroom. Everyone needs snacks right! The flowers were simply never the same colour however. On Monday the roses were red, Tuesday they were pink.
His great hand coming down to ruffle her hair and laugh when she told Jin about her worries. After all, how can you be worried with Jin by your side? If there was anything Jin could help with, you bet he did help.
Is studying alone hard? No worries. Jin is right there to help! Want a break? Jin’ll take her to town for some food!
Belle had been working hard and Jin knew that. He wanted to take some of weight off her shoulders by making her life at the palace a little easier by doing small gestures like bringing her the heavy leather bound books Sariel assigned Belle to read back to her room.
Once Jin came back to find the new Belle alone in the drawing room. He peaked his head in and noticed that she wasn’t reading any heavy leather bound book but rather staring intensely at a fashion magazine for teen nobility.
He knocked on the door to get her attention, asking the girl what she was looking at. Belle watched him next to her as she hesitantly showed him the dress she had been looking at. Her gaze averting to the rug on the floor. Jin agreeing it would look lovely on her.
Lollipops and summer nights on the balcony>>> Late night walks around the town + the palace are very common.
He introduces Belle to his favourite tavern and shows her the nightlife of Rhodolite (without the bad stuff ofc)!
Jin usually brings her to make fun of the drunks with him, dine and chat loudly about anything that really came to mind.
The 1st Prince of Rhodlite leaned on the pastel pink wall of the newest clothing store, waiting for the new Belle to finish getting changing. The whole place was filled with dresses and suits for young nobility, making it the biggest trend in the higher classes. The clothes were imported from Jade and Benodite. Jin had popped a lollipop in his mouth a few moments prior as he hummed a little song under his breath. Belle let out a little squeak in the changing room, making Jin smirk and hurry her out of the rather large stall. Her hand slowly peaked in the corner of the fabric of the curtain, pulling slowly on it to reveal herself in the same dress she was looking at in the magazine. Belle gave the 1st Prince the largest smile and spun and twirled; The dress was light green and white, adorn with lace and pearls. This particular dress was exported from Jade and it reached her knees with a large bow at the back. “Stunning Belle! But not quite finished yet” He wagged a finger and the [H/C] haired girl skipped over. Jin’s hand held a green bow that matched the dress with pearls, his fingers brushing her hair behind her ear before playing the bow in place.
“Thank you Jin! You’re the best!”
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Yves was speechless at the news of Belle being a teenager. After all, being Belle is such a big responsibility! Can a teenager really handle it?
Yves takes on the new Belle under his wing, giving her a little [F/C] diary to write her notes in. She cannot forget anything of course.
Is afraid to let her out of his sight for longer than 2 hours.
He was so surprised how Belle treated him, especially that a lot of people were taught young about his bloodline. Belle however was still kind and caring despite everything she had heard in town. Yves asked her about this one day, the girl spoke that “Unless I’ve met the person, I would never claim they are evil just because of the blood that flows through their veins”
Yves has very strict with Belle, but he always made it up to her by baking her cookies or cake. Tea parties are also quite common, BUT ONLY TO TEACH BELLE TABLE MANNERS no other reason
Make overs with Yves are simply a must! Yves teaches Belle how to do her hair in complex hairstyles, the basics of colour meaning and styles of clothes worn on different occasions. Fashion is just as important as politics in the noble world after all!
Eventually Belle asked Yves if he would show her how to bake and Yves couldn’t hold the prideful smile that lit his face, he of course agreed! It was only because it was his duty as Prince however 👀
The palace was cold, silence and darkness submerging every corner it could greedily claim as its own. Despite the harsh snow outside, the kitchen was filled with warm light and cheery laughter of a Prince and a young girl. The fire crackled as the two sat on plush pillows, giggling as they engulfed in quiet chitchat. On the wooden floor lay plates of chewy cookies and sweet colourful macaroons. Belle held a plate with peach pie, struggling to hold it still as she fell into a fit of giggles once more. “That’s not even that funny!” Yves tried to pout but failed miserably as seeing Belle smiling so hard made his heart swell with pride. Sure Clavis’ prank with the cardboard cat was definitely not fun to experience, but maybe perhaps it was worth falling into Clavis’ potholes just to hear Belle’s laughter.
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He was distant. Just like Chevie, he found the thing ridiculous and shook his head disapprovingly when told.
With the help of Yves and Sariel however, Belle got a chance to spend more and more time with Licht.
He tried to be rude, but Belle never took it to heart. Perhaps she knew from the start how kind he actually was. Either way, Belle being persistent was both a blessing yet curse.
Soon she became his companion. She was obviously worried about him which gave Licht motivation to be better. He never wanted her to worry about him.
Despite this Licht usually keeps his distance from her, making sure she is safe from afar.
Licht showed Belle how to ride a horse, knowing full well that Belle did something wrong to spend that extra minute with him.
Licht is always willing to sing to Belle after she had a rough day or a nightmare. He’ll stroke her hair and sing that same song his mother did, the Prince’s sweet voice lulling the girl into a sweet dream.
One day, Licht had invited Belle to visit him at the stables. She put on her best outfit before meeting him, but she was taken by surprise when Licht said this isn’t a riding lesson.
Not even the cold breeze of approaching autumn could make Licht’s heart less warm as he observed the girl near him. In her hands a basket filled with all types of flowers: coneflowers, dahlias and cosmos. Yellows, pinks and whites brought life to the brown weaved basket. Licht sat amongst the grass letting the cool air fill his lungs, his horse a couple of metres away grazing at the greenery. Belle plopped down next to him, smiling a smile that was brighter than the sun. “Close your eyes.” Licht smiled softly at the girl. She giggled when she closed her eyes, waiting patiently. Carefully picking the flowers with the longest stems, Licht’s fingers braiding the flowers over each other. He did this for a minute before placing the flower crown on the now impatient Belle who was starting to complain. Her eyes shot open and her hands began to delicately inspect the flowers which adorned her soft hair. Her eyes squinted with cheerfulness. Licht’s silent moment of his own happiness becoming brighter as the girl pounced on the once lonely wolf. The 6th Prince held her close, swearing that he will protect his sister. After all, they say that blood is thicker then water of the womb.
If you like my work, feel free to request!! Thank you for reading and Goodbye my Doves🕊️🌙
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beneathashadytree · 8 months
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Warnings : mentions of injuries, reader is gender-neutral!
Genre : fluff <3
Word count : 0.9K words
Additional notes : This was born after seeing @leonscape ‘s posts, reminding me of how criminally underrated this man is in the fandom. His kind of safe, warm love is right up my alley, because I can’t imagine anything more comforting.
Tip jar if you’d like to buy me a Ko-Fi!
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Leon Dompteur was a prince in all but blood. He had the refined poise and power over every room he walked into, the indelible charm that pulled everyone in, the wicked spirit that thrummed underneath his skin and fought to make it out, and the bravery to serve one’s country as one would lay his own life down.
But one thing he was not even remotely princely in, was fine motor skills. With big calloused hands, long and thick fingers, and hardened palms over the years, so used to handling roughness and sharpness, it made perfect sense that he would find it difficult to handle the smaller things that required immense concentration and deftness.
That, however, did not necessarily stop him from trying. For what it’s worth, it seemed that he was hellbent on changing that one shortcoming of his, constantly trying to do things his hands frankly weren’t meant to do.
Many a time did the kitchen staff stumble upon the fourth prince trying to pipe saccharine icing ontop of the cookies Yves had just pulled out of the oven, his tongue sticking out in concentration as he tried to scribble sugar lines. In the end, they always looked wonky, but Yves helplessly sighed every time and patted him on the back for trying.
Sometimes, Jin would be nursing a bottle of expensive wine in melancholy, a despondent look on his face, and Leon would then offer to take his paperwork and finish it up for him. Though he tried his best to imitate his eldest brother’s manner of writing, he simply wasn’t made for the tiny, neat calligraphy that Jin often resorted to, and his attempts at doing so only made the writing all the more illegible.
And though Licht was adamant to always hide his countless injuries from his brothers, Leon’s keen eye always caught sight of at least a few unhealed wounds littering his pale skin. It was up to him as his caring older brother to offer to patch up his bloodied forearms (something that was always met with a bit of push and pull), but he probably did more harm than good, what with all the loose tiny bandages and squiggly lines of ointment on the infinitely small wounds.
Still, nothing seemed to deter him from trying, even if he knew that—realistically speaking—his chances of success were incredibly low. Leon best expressed himself through actions that bared his big heart, and he wasn’t about to stop anytime soon. If anything, his failures only made him more determined to try and share his brothers’ burdens even more.
And that little quirk of his also extended to his beloved, of course. After all, in his eyes, there wasn’t a single person in the world more worthy of his attention and care. To others, it was a great shame for a prince to supposedly “debase himself by serving another”, but the mere idea made his blood boil. If anything, he—a prince made of nothing—would give the world to them should they show a sliver of interest in it.
In a less dramatic manner, he resorted to doing little things, like that he did on one particularly pleasant spring manner. The weather was too good to pass up on a nice stroll in the gardens with his lover. Said stroll slowly crumbled with the temptation of laziness, and soon turned into lazing around in the freshly cut grass in the midday sun.
Their hand was brushing through his ebony locks, twirling strands between their fingers as their other hand flipped page after page of their book. With all the duties planted on their shoulders, they had little time left to read and relax like this. Thankfully, that meant that they paid Leon no mind as he fiddled with something.
A few minutes passed, maybe half an hour (they did have a habit of losing track of time while reading), and he turned to face them in their lap. His bright smile was almost as blinding as the afternoon sun above, and when he tugged at their sleeve, they didn’t know what to expect—but it certainly wasn’t whatever it was that he presented them with.
Curiously inspecting it for a beat or two, they didn’t know what to call it. After all, Leon was never good with his hands, and that was common knowledge by now. Anything he made was practically unrecognizable without an introduction.
“That’s a…?”
He took their discontinued sentence as an invitation to elaborate. “A ring made out of flowers.” He grinned even wider as he pointed at it. “See. All daisies.”
“Well, they’re not very… sturdy, I think,” they laughed out, turning it around in their fingers. “It’s the thought that counts though. So thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” Leon shook his head, before he took their hand gracefully in his, slipping on the makeshift ring with less than half of that grace. A quick prayer was sent above to whoever was listening, hoping that it would not fall apart—and, much to his relief, it stayed in place, wonky daises with half-broken stems and all.
“Is this a proposal?” They jokingly nudged him with their newly-adorned ring finger, not expecting the soft look he returned them with, nor the gentle kiss he pressed against their knuckles.
“A place-holder, until I find you the perfect ring.”
And though he was never quite good with small things or fine skills, he clearly was well-versed in the art of getting their heart to pound furiously against their ribcage, threatening to spill into his hands; for him to have and hold. Only he—and no one else—had the ability to make them fall head over heels, over and over again, slowly and then all at once, just like it were the first time.
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konigbabe · 1 year
just sitting here thinking about a full, multi chapter slow burn enemies to lovers fic of older (let’s say death island or re6) Leon x con artist but combat skilled reader who are forced to work together when fighting a bio attack…
I mean—
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pinesprings · 2 years
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omkookie · 2 years
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•⟨WARNING⟩• 16+ Angst, F!MC Blood, Assassination attempts, All that. Not proofread 🌚⟨Headcanon⟩
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Everything happened so fast. one moment, you're standing next to him on the balcony during a ball hosted to celebrate your engagement to him, and the other there's blood everywhere.
Jin's heart pounds heavily. he can feel his hands trembling as he looks down to check where you're wounded. While he applies pressure to your biggest wound, Jin feels more panicked as your blood covers his hands.
In the end, all that he can do is leave you in the hands of the palace physicians
As the first prince of Rhodolite, Jin was known to be very easy-going and relaxed, but now that someone has messed with you they're going to see a whole new side of him.
Gone is the ever so calm and relaxed first prince, instead, he's been replaced by a bloodthirsty monster brutal enough to send shivers down the culprit who hurt you's spine with a single glare. No amount of begging nor pleading is about to save the man from what Jin is about to do to him, Not even Sariel dares to question.
After he's finished with the man, Jin will be right by your side, taking out his anger had helped him temporarily, but now he feels both numbness and despair over you. What was he supposed to do while your complexion got paler and paler as the hours slowly passed? Now that he's been left all alone to hold your limp hand, tonight's events haunt him.
Jin is too anxious to leave you for even a moment. he's afraid that tonight you may take your last breath and he will lose you...
Leon should have known better than to bring you to the battlefield. Honestly... what was he thinking?
Leon sees an enemy soldier creep behind you while you're helping bandage one of Rhodolite's soldiers from the corner of his eye. He feels like his heart stops beating. Licht reacted fast since he was the closest to you and cut the man down before he hurried to your aid... already too late to save you.
Leon feels cold. Nothing but you matters right now, He cuts down anyone in his way, resembling Chevalier, "The brutal beast" more than himself. But Leon doesn't care. He can't risk losing you... While he knows he cannot abandon his troops, he desperately needs to check if you will be alright.
Leon knows he must remain here- on the battlefield no matter what, so as much as it pains him to not be there for you when you need him most, he will remain here. In the end, Rhodolite successfully deals with Obsidian's act of aggression, and Leon hurries to see you.
Your face looks pale, your body is lying limply, and the only sign of you being alive is the rise and fall of your chest as you breathe. Leon feels crushed, and the physician informs him that your time is limited and that whether you live or die now depends on fate and fate alone.
if only he hadn't agreed to your insistence to come here, then you would have been fine. You would have smiled at him right now. you would have hugged him. As you lay there, Leon's mind is all over the place as his guilt eats him up, the only thing he begs and wishes for right now is that you live. please don't leave him.
You're his woman... His lover, so what point would there be to a life without you?
Assassination attempts were nothing new, but getting this close to murdering Yves was. and you took the blow for him... Yves blames himself for everything, for you being deadly injured, himself for not seeing that he'd walked right into a trap and led you straight into it with him.
Tears begin to fill Yves` eyes as he cradles your weakening body
All he can do now as your life slowly fades away is pray you make it back into Rhodolite.
Yves feels an overtaking sense of fear when he realizes just how pale your face has become. Would the physician have an antidote for the poison?, was it even a poison native to Rhodolite? or was it a poison native to Obsidian? What if it was already too late for an antidote?... what will happen to you? Yves overthinks every worst-case scenario that comes to mind.
It's when the two of you arrive at the palace and Nokto greets him that Yves learns just how much of a mess he's become.
The feeling of dread he had this whole time becomes unbearable when he is told that the poison cannot be identified by the physician. Everything is too much, and Yves finally breaks down from the stress.
All that Nokto can do as he's trying to hold his brother together brother right now is call for Clavis and hope that he would be able to help save both you and his brother. If you don't make it alive then Yves probably wouldn't either.
Licht feels terrible. He swore an oath to himself to protect what matters to him most, and yet... he failed to protect you, and you are the most important person to him.
 Licht feels scared as he holds you and he sees the blood seep from underneath his hand. 
 He can feel himself trembling as you look up at him, Licht tries to soothe you while you wait for the physician to arrive, but, in reality, he's trying to comfort himself. 
 Minutes feel like hours and he can feel the tears running down his cheek as his vision blurs. 
 How could this happen? Licht feels angrier and angrier with himself for not defending you on time... 
 terror slowly overtakes him as you take in a sharp breath and close your eyes, telling him not to worry and trying to comfort him at a time like this. 
 How could you worry about him while you're in so much pain...?
 His heart beats heavily as he roughly wipes his tears away with his arm. 
 When the physician finally does arrive Licht does not want to leave your side, even as his twin tries to convince him to. It would be better if Licht wasn't there and nervously pacing.
 In the end, Nokto comes up with a brilliant idea on how to get Licht to leave you in the hands of the palace physician, Revenge.
 an idea oh-so appealing for the 6th prince.
Licht's crimson eyes glimmer dangerously as vengeance clouds his mind. his body moves on its own and before he knows it, he's left you alone and tracking down your assaulters, Licht's cruelty has no match when he finds them, and when he returns the palace's maids are all shaken up by the sight of the 6th prince covered in blood, blood still drips from Licht's sword when he comes into your room to check on you.
His bloodied hand holds your own as he presses a kiss to your knuckles and looks at your peaceful sleeping face.
⟨♡⟩⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⋆E n d⋆⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯⎯ ⟨♡⟩
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charmedcleric · 1 year
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mc is not happy, yet she still can’t bring herself to say no to Sebastian lol
Peep the Resident Evil 4 quote
Bonus ft @boxdstars oc Mara!
I know for a fact that these two would be good friends
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fateinthestars · 4 months
Star Crossed Myth Fanfic: Fluffy Days with the Gods
Title: Fluffy Days with the Gods
Rating: T
Chapters: 26
Status: Complete
Word Count: 26,038
Pairings: Krioff/MC, Dui/MC, Ichthys/MC, Tauxolouve/MC, Aigonorus/MC, Zyglavis/MC, Huedhaut/MC, Karno/MC, Teorus/MC, Partheno/MC, Leon/MC, Scorpio/MC (At least two ficlets per God. MC's name left blank so you can fill it in with whatever you wish in your head.)
Summary: The collected version of the ficlets I wrote for this prompt list for @fluffbruary
A/N: There are only 26 ficlets included here, not 29 because I have put the three M-rated fics into their own fic so I could keep this one T-rated on AO3 . For the M-rated fics please see this post. (This also means this part of the fic only has one Partheno story).
If you prefer to stay on Tumblr:
1st Feb: Sublime Silence (Krioff/MC), 2nd Feb: Picnic (Dui/MC), 3rd Feb: Coastal Rain (Ichthys/MC), 4th Feb: Picture Perfect (Tauxolouve/MC), 5th Feb: A Good Night's Sleep (Aigonorus/MC), 6th Feb: Sweet As Chocolate (Zyglavis/ MC), 7th Feb: Glass Gift (Huedhaut/MC), 8th Feb: Shimmering Rain (Huedhaut/MC), 9th Feb: Rocky Paths (Karno/MC), 10th Feb: Wholesome Wish (Aigonorus/MC), 11th Feb: Commitment (Zyglavis/MC), 12th Feb: Scenic Saviour (Tauxolouve/MC), 15th Feb: Artistic Pastry (Human!Tauxolouve/MC), 16th Feb: Gift Horse (Krioff/MC), 18th: Feb: Best Behaviour? (Ichthys/MC), 19th Feb: Water Feature (Teorus/MC), 20th: Beauty (Partheno/MC), 21st Feb: Celestial Party (Leon/MC), 22nd Feb: Treasure Hunt (Ichthys/MC), 23rd Feb: Backfire (Leon/MC), 24th Feb: Spring Flowers, 25th Feb: Nature's Messenger (Scorpio/MC) 26th Feb: Furry Friends (Aigonorus/MC), 27th Feb: The Surprise (Karno/MC), 28th Feb: Melodic Vacation (Dui/MC), 29th Feb: Starlight (Scorpio/MC)
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professor-abeloved · 1 year
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Ever since that day, Amalia knew that Amor had her back. She swore to do the same, especially after meeting her again (when she came out to Lia as trans, joking that at least her name is now easier to spell than ‘Amelia’… while mumbling that she wanted to be less rough around the edges). And again, when Amor woke up at the hospital. She was different, colder and more terrified, but unflinchingly honest, kind, and steadfast. Amalia hopes she can meet every version of Amor to come. (Love by Any Other Name, an Amalia x F!MC fic)
this beautiful piece is by emeqnyx on ig + the outfits are by Xiao Lai/Laica Chan on fb !! 💜💜💜
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crimescrimson · 11 months
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Aeon & Cleve + Visual Parallels
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qatos · 1 year
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lola leon by sharna osborne for the face magazine (2023)
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pastel-omegas-blog · 2 years
can't help imaging both Leon and Mc as partners being on heat together
Also love your stories
Wow wasn't expecting this ask so quickly that and three different people requested the same thing.
Well here you go.
For my quotev readers this is not canon in my other D.D au
Used a picrew for Leon's face claim
Leon and MC sharing their heat together.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️ smut ahead, obsessive and yandere tendencies, mind play/ manipulation, drugging, praise kink, loss of innocence, breeding, overstimulation.
DNI if your a minor please. Go do something else, fem readers I didn't care since most won't listen, just no freaky shit.
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Leon watched from across the table as his h/c lover helped himself to the snacks and desserts arranged on the table.
The two having different snacks set out to soothe their tastes. Even their tea sets were different, Leon requesting a sweet flavoured tea for the other while he took something more bitter to calm his nerves.
M/N didn't think to much of it, using the sweets to fight down his stress and the blue haired man didn't blame him.
The larger omega could still remember the panicked look in the others e/c eyes as he begged him him to go on a small date with him outside the imperial palace and away from his small mansion to get some fresh air and quality alone time together.
So here they were, in a hidden cafe located under ground the Trovian Empire in a private vip room so they could enjoy some quality time together.
Away from peering eyes and nosy ears.
With eyes full of wonder and admiration, the saint stared at the s/c man happy that the relationship between was no longer strained.
He was glad M/N was no longer wary of him and his advances. Was glad that now they could confined In one another, and he even press a soft kiss to the the h/c man's cheek and lips when he was sure the other was comfortable with it.
It was a sweet and charming process watching the discarded Emperor get close to him and see him in a new light.
But Leon would be a damned lair if he said he was satisfied with this.
Fucking not !!
He wanted more.
Wanted to touch him more.
Wanted to mark him with his scent
Wanted everyone to know that the petite man belonged to him and him alone!
But that was risky.
To even court the discarded Emperor had been a risky move. He wasn't able to send items with his scent for the possibility it could be found, publicly take him out or flaunt him around.
Even sending the gifts and cryptid letters professing his feelings and love had been dangerous, but he had managed to do it.
The most pain staking thing about the whole thing was having to patiently wait for M/N to completely come out of his shell. The process had been so slow that at one point Leon almost snapped and snatched him out to prematurely.
Luckily he had stopped himself on time.
But there were two things the smaller omega did that honestly pissed him off to no end.
" mmmhm! This is so good Saint Cornelius. I wish the Emperor would take me out like you do "
One was that the h/c omega hardly ever called him by his name, only referring to him as hit title.. it peeved him, but he could stomach it. He knew it was because of the other's strict etiquette during his upbringing that he still unconsciously referred to him by title.
But the habit of unconsciously calling out for that stupid alpha. It had to stop. In fact.
He hated how the names of other possible love interest just flew out of the man's mouth.
He wanted mark him so he chase them away.
But he couldn't do that.
To freaking risky, their relationship would be exposed immediately.
So Leon decided he would settle for the next best thing.
A way to ensure that M/N only had him in mind.
Purple amethyst eyes watched closely as the s/c man brought the porcelain teacup closer to his plump glossy lips. the Emperor drinking the sweet tea with a pleased hum didn't notice the quick shift in his lover's expression.
A sinister look took over his normally gentle smile and just as quick as it appeared it vanished and the blue haired man continued eating his dessert while counting down in his mind.
M/N felt his clothes start to stick to his body as an uncomfortable heat began to envelop his body.
He tried to brush it off at first, blaming the heat on the clothes he chose to wear.
A black thick coat like outfit that practically swallowed his form, but with each passing second the heat started becoming unbearable.
Confused the h/c started to wonder if he was becoming sick.
He himself hadn't noticed it, but his breathing had become erratic, his mouth opened slightly as he took in deep breaths to try and calm himself down.
A soft red blush dusted his cheeks as his e/c eyes became hazy, his gaze no focusing on anything as he has stopped eating.
" M/N ? Is everything alright ? " Leon's soft voice snapped the Emperor out of his thoughts and when he looked to be blessed with the sight of the blue haired omega's pretty face was when he felt a gush of silck start to dribble out of his entrance.
It took a few seconds before it finally hit the h/c haired omega.
He was in heat.
He was in heat!
How could he be so careless?!
He was having his very first heat in a public setting like this where everyone could recognize his scent.
And in front of the only person who had ever treated him with so much love and kindness other than Aria.
Shame began to spill into his core as tears pricked at the corner of his eyes.
How could he be so shameless.
Was he so useless that he couldn't even keep track of his own heat ?!
His stupidity was going to get the two of them caught.
To wrapped up in his own turmoil he didn't notice that the saint had gotten up and had moved towards him.
" M/N ? " Said man froze up when he heard just how close the voice was , looking over to his side he saw just how close the other had gotten and seeing the omegas pretty face closer caused more slick to gush out and a small whine left his lips. M/N was sure that his scent had started to spread and it would only be a matter of time before people came banging on the door.
The tears came rolling down his cheeks at that.
There was no way that Leon couldn't smell him.
He would probably think he was disgusting.
That he was just a cheap whore that couldn't control himself.
He snapped out of his thoughts when a soft silk material started wiping his tears away and he looked up to see his lover gently wiping his tears away.
" sssshhh it's okay. It's alright don't worry yourself " the larger omega cooed out as he gently pat the other's curly h/c hair " b..but t.. they'll be able t.. to pick up my s..scent " the s/c man argued back.
He was absolutely sure that the people outside had already figured out he was in heat and would soon come banging on the door.
" Don't worry I casted a månå spell so that doesn't happen. Don't blame yourself for this alright ? It happens to the best of us, so don't be too harsh on yourself. " The blue haired omega cooed, letting out his pheromones of ripe strawberries and vanilla to calm the other down.
And the e/c felt his body relax, the shame and fear disappearing as lust started to replace it, the yearning growing fast and strong as the smaller omega felt his phermones flow out as a futile attempt to try and seduce the blue haired saint.
The breathy laugh that leaves Leon's lips causes a shiver to run down M/N's spine making the man's inner omega react as a pleading mewl left his lips.
The blue haired man felt an shock go down his cock and it took everything in him not to take the smaller omega then and there. He had to be patient.
It was the h/c man's first time and he didn't want to do anything that would scare him.
But he found it hard to hold himself back with the way the other's scent was filling the room.
The thick sweet smell of ripe peaches and rich honey with the soft longer of creamy milk sticking to it.
It was getting to potent in the small room that Leon was beginning to taste it on his tongue.
If the richness of the other's scent wasn't a good enough reason to pounce on the smaller male then the cute expressions he was making was.
Fighting down the greed in him begging to take the s/c man and pound into him already, the blue haired omega put on the face of a worried lover.
" I know this is your first time and it might be scary so let me help you out..... " The man started steadily pumping out more of his phermones to influence the other's decision as he leaned in close to the other's face, his lips hover only an inch over the other's.
his hands were already moving forward to slowly unbutton the h/c man's coat like dress, exposing his neck and collarbone as the blue haired man's fingers gingerly rubbed the other's heated flesh, gaining small moans as the other's reaction.
" ....... If we stay here like this it'll only get worst and we won't be able to escape back to the imperial palace without getting caught. You wouldn't want that to happen right N/N ? " The saint added cooing out gently, as his hands continued to go down lower, opening the buttons of the petite man's coat, exposing his pretty body to his greedy eyes as he took in everything, holding back from licking his lips at the delicious sight.
With the coat partially out of the way M/N was left in just his corset, lace underwear and thigh high stockings. 
Now it made so much sense why the h/c Emperor only stuck to wearing such ridiculous outfits that made him look like a sack of potatoes.
Because if he went around dressed in clothes that showed off his figure added with his already pretty face, there would be no way he would receive the same amount of hate and criticism he was getting now.
He was the epitome of how the perfect omega was supposed to look like.
Such a delicate little thing, with a curvy hourglass shape, nice hips for bearing the most adorable pups, plush thighs and a plump ass. 
The larger omega hadn't been expecting to see it, but the smaller man had inverted nipples.
Absolutely adorable, his chest was just as shy as he was.
The h/c man was just so alluring.
Not to mention now the smell of silck was stronger and Leon didn't miss how the bottom coat and underwear had become drenched in the natural lube, that just added to the appeal.
The gods Leon wanted to take him so badly! already. But he had to be patient.
Still it didn't mean he couldn't speed up the process.
Enjoying how his lover became a squirming and blushing mess at been so exposed, the blue haired omega pumped out more of his pheromones, not stopping untill he was sure the s/c man had gotten drunk of his scent he asked again. " Don't you want me to help darling ? " The saint purred out his question.
M/N  didn't know what to do. Everything was becoming blurry to him and the heat was getting to much, pooling in the pit of his stomach and just made everything unbearable. He tried to rub his thighs together, but the larger omega's hands darted down to keep his legs apart and he let out a whine of protest. " Come on darling. You have to accept my help. It's the best way to relieve you of your pain " Leon suggested, but the way he worded it made it sound like a demand. M/N to gone in his dazed state and drunk off the larger omega's pheromones he nodded his head groggily his head in response.
" Use your words " the h/c omega almost pouted, his inner omega showing and making him act brattier than his normal sweet self, but the stone cold look his lover gave made him stutter out his response.
" S.. saint C.. Corneli- "
" Say my name. " The blue haired man growled out, cutting off his lover and M/N couldn't stop the whimper of fear that left his lips.
" P.. please L.. Leon..... h...help... " He managed to force out those three words, mumbling them under his breath as he turned his face away to hid his embarrassed cheeks, but that seemed to be enough for the saint.
The next words that left the larger omega's lips sent a jolt of pleasure straight to the Emperor's cock making in struggle against it's clothed prison and draw a whine of pleasure for him more silck dripping out of his entrance and making a mess of his thighs and the chair.
" Good boy~ "
And with that Leon crashed his mouth into the other's lips, shoving his tongue inside and moaning loudly at sweet taste of ripe peaches and rich honey that flooded his taste buds.
He knew the h/c would taste sweet, but was just utterly addictive.
The next  moments were a blur.
Hands ripped away the dress from the s/c man's form as the larger omega desperately wanted to feel more of his lover's skin. The kids between the two of them was rough, M/N not being able to keep up so Leon had to take the lead. Getting frustrated of having to bend his form slightly to kiss his lover so he picked the man up from the chair,  hands digging into the soft flesh of his ass,as the blue haired man separated the kids for a moment to a quick månå spell, giving the h/c man a chance to breathe as the other crafted a small temporary bed,, laying the Emperor on it gently before bringing him in for another bruising kiss , both men moaning into it.
This was wrong.
What he was doing was wrong.
Drugging the innocent man with a hormone pill that forced his heat.
About to fuck him in some underground cafe in some dingy bed he summoned instead a a large room filled with things the would keep them both happy and on a huge bed with soft silk sheets.
Stealing the man's first heat in such a cruel way, but Leon couldn't be bothered. Doing this would erase any thoughts if other possible love interests form M/N's mind and the smaller would only think of him.
He would depend on him and him alone.
The drugs only lasted for a few hours and the saint was going to enjoy every single second of it.
Leon pulled away from the kiss, drawing a weak moan from the disgruntled Emperor and the larger omega simply peck the tip of his nose, moving up to kiss away the tears that had gathered around the s/c man's pretty e/c eyes before lowering his lips to the man's neck to start a new bout of torture.
His ministrations started small, with kisses to small sucking and going full force into harsh nips, high pitched moans and squeals that striker the saint's ego left the other omega's lips.
M/N's formally smooth neck was now filled with hickeys of different colours. Some a rosy pink, some a dark red and others a bruising purple.
Leon thought the colours were pretty and he wished he was able to make the man show them off so that others would back away. 
That would be something happening in the near future, so the saint could be a bit more patient until then.
Purple amethyst eyes stared down at the dazed look his omega had on.
The smaller omega had reached out to tightly grip the dress shirt that his lover had on, a part of him  tugging the pesky clothing as he wanted it off and the other gripping on for dear life.
All of this felt so weird, yet at the same time he wanted more. His body craved for every little jolt of pleasure Leon gave him.
He didn't know what to expect when he finally had his first heat. The omegan teacher he had when he was younger had simply said his fated alpha would make him feel good, but Leon wasn't an alpha and his body was still begging for his touch.
Leon glanced at his lover as he trailed his lips lower, stopping next to the h/c man's scent gland, been so close to the source of the smaller man's pheromones  had an immediate effect on the blue haired man, his inner omega begging to be let loose and for a split second he gave into his instincts.
The h/c man's eyes widened in shock as he felt pointing canines graze the soft flesh of his neck. 
The place we're a mating mark would be placed. 
Fear seeped into his core, the rational part of his starting to work again.
Small s/c hands that had been pulling the larger omega closer started to push him away, the smaller Man wriggling his body as he tried to escape.
" L.. Leon. N..no ...s... stop please!! " He cried out trying to get to the saint to snap out of his dazed.
He couldn't mark him!
They would both be sentenced to death if he did.
A pained moan escaped M/N's kiss swollen lips as Leon roughly gripped his wrist and pinned them to the bed, his knee moving forward to keep the other's legs apart.
The deep feral growl that escaped the larger omega's lips made him shrink back in fear as he and stop his struggling. 
Still not giving up he weakly called out.
" O...omega y..your scaring m..me ! " The h/c man sobbed out, tears running down his cheeks.
Leon stopped moving at those words, his senses rushing back to him as his eyes widened in horror at the tears running down his lover's cheeks.
No no no no no no no no no NO!
He hadn't meant for this to happen!
Leon quickly pumped out more of his pheromones, the scent of vanilla and strawberries almost becoming suffocating. He peppered kisses in the man's cheeks, letting go of his wrist to gently cradle his face.  He was doing everything in his power to calm the smaller omega down.
Cradling him softly, whispering apologies into his ears.  The saint felt his heart hammering against his rib cage and for a moment he didn't understand what was wrong, then it hit him.
He was scared.
Scared that his actions would make the h/c Emperor hate him.
Scared that because of his greed that he would lose the only thing he really held dear to him.
The fear gradually died down as the h/c man stopped his crying , leaning into saint's touch, but it lingered at the back of his mind.
The two stayed like that in each other's arms simply enjoying their warmth, until the pesky heat kicked up dragging a pained moan from M/N.
Leon winced slightly himself, a guilt he didn't feel earlier suddenly coming back to eat him up.
"  I'm sorry love " the larger omega cooed out separating the other to pull off his shirt and undo the belt of his pants so he could kick them of, leaving him in nothing but his underwear. Leaning back closer he pecked his forehead softly, pretty purple hues staring into e/c eyes with absolute love and admiration.
He continued to lower his lips, pecking the man's lips, going lower to gingerly kiss his scent glands, going lower to place hickeys on his collar bone, going lower to tease the s/c man's nipples.
He smirked at the sight of the shy things that hadn't even peeled out, his hawk eyes catching a thick white liquid slowly gathering around the head and slowly dripping down his chest.
Without another thought he took in the nipple closest to his mouth  moaning softly at the sweet taste and enjoy the high pitched mewls that left the smaller male's lips.
He smirked at the cute sounds and continued his teasing, rolling the sensitive bud in his mouth and nibbling it gently, only relenting when the head finally popped out of hiding before doing the same treatment to the other one, gulping down as much sweetness he could during the process.
He could feel the Emperor's breathing relax when he did so.
Not done yet he finger continued going down, giving the plump flesh of the omega's hips a nice squeeze before going to tug on his drenched lace underwear. And in one swift motion he ripped the offending clothing off, drawing a strangled cry from the lust hazed h/c man, finally free the man's weeping cock and exposing his silck covered ass.
Leon let out a small whine as he felt his own member start to strain against his underwear, the fabric beginning to get to tight, his own ass beginning to get wet with silck, but he had to leave it on.
He wasn't going to take it off and lose him.
Not again.
By this time it wasn't just M/N feel that felt the the thick lust.
Leon felt his breathing become laboured as he begrudgingly separated the smaller omega's nipples, gulping down the creamy liquid. 
His own body temperature was beginning to get higher, his fair cheeks getting a rosy hue of their own.
It was like he was going into heat himself and the saint couldn't help the crazed smile that spread on his swollen lips at the thought.
He really loved the h/c so much that his own body had taken up symptoms of heat just so he could treat the man more gently. 
They really were just absolutely made for each other.
Moving his face upwards he brought his lover in for another kiss, his tongue prodding into the man's mouth to make sure the other could taste exactly how sweet he was.
Doing this, his fingers continued trailing lower, stopping at the smaller man's silck gushing entrance, making sure to coat his digits in a generous amount of the liquid before prodding the puckered hole gently then slowly pushing his digit into the man's tight heat, wincing slightly at how tight the man's velvet walls gripped around it.
Fuck he was tight!
And so freaking hot and soft.
The gods he couldn't wait to enter him.
M/N's eyes widened as he let out a pained moan, the sound being blocked by Leon's lips.
The larger omega pulled back shushing him gently as he used his other free hand to gently message the man's hips as small pained whimpers left the s/c emperor's lips.
He waited for a few moments before he started moving his finger slowly, waiting for the other to relax, getting encouraged by the pleased moans before he picked up the pace.
The h/c raised his hands to wrap them round Leon's neck, his moans getting louder as the saint's thrusting got faster. 
This felt so.... so weird.
In a really good way.
 He didn't know he could feel so good like this.
The heat in his stomach began to churn around in a really nice addicting way.
He could feel his cock get harder with each stroke of his walls and the head dribble out something. His balls felt tight and heavy It felt like he wanted to pee so badly, but at the same time he knew that wasn't the case.
 E/c widened in shock, a chocked moan escaping his lips as he felt the finger in him get bigger. Leon moved back to capture his lips and M/N relaxed at the familiar taste of ripe strawberries and vanilla on his tongue.
Leon thrusted his fingers slowly watching how his lover handle the extra two digits before speeding up his thrusts, his hand by this point was drenched in the other's silck, but that didn't stop his fingers searching for the small bundle of nerves that would make his omegas see stars.
And when he felt the other suddenly stop kissing and violently tense underneath him he knew he had found it.
And like a good lover what did he do ?
Abuse it.
The blue haired omega pulled out his fingers , breaking the kiss so he could see the confused expression on his omega, a manic grin spreading on his lips when he thrusted them back in with full force, loving how the h/c man's eyes rolled to the back of his head and with that he continued the assault the man's little bundle of nerves, feeling his gummy walls flutter and tightening around his fingers.
M/N felt something was about to happen to him. His grip around leon's neck tightening.
His insides felt like they were tying themselves into knots and with how the fluid dripping from his cock seemed to gush out even more, the pressure increasing tenfold. He couldn't focus his mind on anything, but he could still make out the sound of his own broken voice moaning like a broken mantra.
Then he felt it.
A sudden tightening of a rope that felt like it was about snap and give his body what he was looking for and when he though it was about to happen, Leon suddenly pulled his fingers away and M/N felt like he was about to die.
The pleasure that had been building up started fading and a hurt sob fell from his lips. Blinded by rage(?) He used his hands to weakly push the saint's chest, trying and failing miserably at glaring at him.
" S.. stupid...m..m.. meanie o..omega " he drawled out, earning an amused chuckle leaving the blue haired omega's lips.
" Sorry love " Leon cooed out not sounding sorry at all as he straightened himself to pull of his underwear, finally getting free from his clothed prison.
The only thing the h/c omega would be cumming on was his cock.
E/c darted down to stare at the rock hard appendage and the s/c man felt silck gush out even more.
Even his cock was pretty.
Long and thick with not much veins being visible, the head a raging red.
The sound of Leon's laughter snapped him out of his thoughts and then he realized he was drooling.
" Aww aren't you just adorable ? " The saint purred out, using his slick covered hand to wet his cock and whatever anger M/N felt died down at those words as nervousness flooded his dazed state. Leon quick to notice sent him a smile, using his free hand to cradle his lover's face.
" Don't worry darling. I'll be gentle " he assured and the h/c man relaxed at his words, putting his trust into the larger omega.
The blue haired man's heart warmed at the sight.
Lining his cock in front of the omega's entrance Leon entered once, quick so it wouldn't hurt the other by pushing in inch by inch and he winced at the tightness gripping him felt like his cock would break and the warmth surrounding him.
The moans of discomfort coming from his omega was what that stopped him from pounding harshly into the s/c man.
Leaning his face down he peppered kisses to the man's face, crooning his neck, letting out deep purrs to calm down the other.
When he was sure the omega had adjust, he gave an experimental thrust. The loud moan hr got in reply was all he needed.
The saint's thrusts started off slow, gaining more power until he was practically slamming into the smaller man, his balls slapping against the man's ass. Hitting the smaller man's prostate head-on.
The sound of skin slapping against skin and high pitched moans filled the room, both omegas letting the sounds fall out from their lips.
" Fuck love. Your so tight. Doing so well taking all of me. Just so fucking perfect. The prettiest omega in the whole damn IRA. Such a good boy, my good boy" the blue haired man moaned our praises , having noticed how the praises had affected the man earlier. And from how the man underneath him let out small chirps at the words.
But he meant every word he said.
How no one had noticed what a fucking masterpiece the man was, was beyond him.
That stupid alpha really was blind.
Leon winced slightly as M/N hands fell from his neck to his back, his manicured nails growing sharp and piercing the soft skin of the larger omega's back, leaving scratches behind.
But Leon didn't mind, if anything the pain the pain spurred him on.
" Gonna fuck my pups into you when I get the chance " the blue haired man  growled out and the h/c man tightened around him.
So his little omega liked the thought of being breed huh ?
Leon pulled out till it was just the head and slammed right back in causing M/N to cry out in pleasure.
" You like that don't you ? Want to be full of my pups. Want to be full and round. Does my pretty boy want to be a mama ~ " the saint teased  increasing his pace with every clash of his hips.
The h/c man felt like he was in heaven.
The pleasure had his toes curling, his body twitching as his mind trying to hold any semblance of rational thought and ultimately failing, but after a few moments of trying to get himself he did.
Only for it to get brutally destroyed when Leon thrusted upwards, hitting the mouth of his womb.
He came then and there.
He came hard, his vision going white as his body convulsed in ecstasy.
" L....LEON!!~ "
Thin strings of semen shot out of his cock , staining his and his lover's chest.
Leon let out a whiney moan as M/N tightened harshly around him, staring at the man in awe as he climaxed. His body twitching from the over stimulation.
And Leon not caring that the smaller man just keep or loving how sensitive ha had become whichever one, pounded harsher into the smaller omega. The head of his cock making a tight squeeze past his cervix and into the man's womb were he proceeded to bully the man's sensitive walls like his life depended on it.
The way his thrusts started becoming sloppy after while indicated he way close and the blue haired man's thrust become more purposeful. His body shaking with desire as he chased his high.
And he he came, burning his cock into M/N's gummy walls as his poured into the omega's fertile hole, his hands gripped the smaller man's waist tightly.
He would be sure to give him drugs later to avoid any pups for now.
Both men's ragged breathing filled the room.
M/N was far to gone to even form words as he laid there and try to wait for the feeling of euphoria running through his veins to calm down.
Leon leaned over his face to peck the h/c man's lips and M/N felt himself relax a bit.
At least now he could-
" Ahhhh~ !! " 
E/c eyes widened as a moan was ripped out  of his hoarse throat.
Confused, with his body being pushed over The edge of over stimulation M/N looked at his lover with panicked eyes and Leon sent an innocent smile.
" Oh darling you really are just so adorable. Absolutely cute. Just one more round please ?~ I promise after another I'll be filled. So won't you let me darling ? "
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redactedbimbo · 2 years
Listen now i know why yves adore licht so much... LOOK AT THIS ADORABLE MAN 😭( yves is more adorable but-) :
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Lets go gaslight kings
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They're so entertaining istg😭 id do anything to experience this irl😭
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