#inukag snippet
soliska · 1 month
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If We Fall Anyway - Chapter 47
The right thing to do would've been to let Kagome go. Only ill fortune would come from sticking around someone like him. Case in point, that was exactly what's happening. She was just starting to weave herself into the fabric of village life. Her powers were developing. She had great prospects for a future, just like Kikyou said. She shouldn't be forfeiting all of that for him. 
What if the Shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story?
A tale told in snippets.
Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 |
Tags! @alerialblu @hopidoodle @redflamesofpassion @lavendertwilight89 @zelink-inukag @superpixie42 @four-letter-girl @anisaanisa @amethystablaze @lordofthechips @kawaiichan67@born-for-eachother @dawnrider @holi-holy @liz8080 @ruddcatha @lavendertwilight89 @mylindylady @inusmasha @lostinfantasyworlds @heynikkiyousofine @xanthippe-writes
Message if you want on/off the tag wall :)
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inukag-archive · 7 months
Hi inuarchive!! do you any stories, where kagome is the badass pirate and Inuyasha a stowaway or prisoner???
Hi anon, thank you for the ask! This was a toughie because, as you probably have already discovered, most InuKag pirate AUs have Inuyasha in the role of the feared pirate and Kagome as the noblewoman who gets kidnapped.
That being said, we did find two stories that fit your request exactly! They are at the top of the list below, and we included other types of InuKag pirate fics after a divider.
Happy reading!
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(Gif by fic-finder @lostinfantasyworlds )
[Pirate Kagome, Captured Inuyasha]
The Captain and the Hanyo by @goshinote (T)
In a world in which youkai have been forced into hiding after the Great War, Captain Higurashi is known as one of the cruelest youkai-hunting pirates. After Captain Higurashi kidnaps Inuyasha, a prized hanyo, a plan is set in motion. Inuyasha will find out Captain Higurashi is nothing like the stories say, and he will discover that nothing is truly as it seems...
The Hanyo's Parlay by @fawn-eyed-girl, @neutronstarchild, & @ruddcatha (M)
Inuyasha ends up seeking refuge on a boat before collapsing, having challenged and killed two demons who were harassing a hanyō. When he wakes up, he realizes the ship has left port, indeed, the boat is moving, and he’s tied up, on his way to the Black Shikon, an infamous pirate ship. When he arrives, Inuyasha believes he is destined to walk the plank. When the Arrow of the Black Shikon invites him to parlay, Inuyasha finds he is in for a lot more adventure than he ever bargained for.
[Kagome & Inuyasha Both Pirates]
Shards of the Sea by @starlingchildgazingatthestars (M)
She is wild, she is on the loose, she is nigh uncatchable. But when the pirate captain Inuyasha is given the chance to be pardoned in exchange for her capture, will he take the chance of a peaceful life or will he follow her to the ends of the earth, never quite reaching her? A story told in snippets and drabbles.
[Pirate Inuyasha, Noblewoman Kagome]
Shikuro: A Caribbean Fairy Tale by Inuma Asahi De (M)
Inuyasha was as bad as pirates came, according to his legend. Kagome was a woman of propriety, destined to marry for her family's honor when all she wanted was to live on the sea. What happens when their eyes meet by chance or perhaps by daring fate?
Heart of the Sea by Eowyn Organa (T)
The girl who is awaiting her destiny, and the pirate who is running from his past. A mysterious jewel, a terrifying pursuer, and a long lost friend will bring them together on an adventure upon the waves...
Kagome and the Pirate Captain, The Silver Hanyou by Chocolatechick101 (T)
Kagome is diplomat's daughter kidnapped by the most dangerous pirate captain of the 7 seas to secure a deal. But they didn't know they were about to embark on a great adventure together! 
Song of the Sea by DeletedAccountNotChangingMind (T)
In the days where Singers are hunted like dogs, one hid in the crowd hoping never to be caught. But all that changed when she is captured by the fierce pirate Silver. Now she must protect her life and even her heart from the theiving pirate.
Pirates and Princesses Inukag OneShot by @heynikkiyousofine (T)
Kagome was never to marry and settle, but as the kingdom's princess, it was her life. When she meets a thieving pirate, will her whole life change?
Kagome and The Silver Hanyou by xxxshikonxxx (T)
Kagome Higurashi finds herself captured on her 16th anniversary by The Silver Hanyou, the most worst natured pirate on the 7 seas. What will happen after?
Seadogs by jellophish (M)
When Lady Kagome is stolen away by pirates, will one of the most feared pirate captains of the 7 Seas hurt her? Or possibly need her help to keep a certain jewel safe? As they travel the seas, romance blooms, but what is the price?
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mustardyellowsunshine · 7 months
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A little snippet from an InuKag one-shot I'm working on.
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Fever gripped Kagome’s body that night, sending her mind drifting like a minnow caught in the current of a stream. Flashes of memory—braiding her mother’s hair, bathing together at the river—mixed with the vague impressions of her surroundings until they tangled together. She saw her mother with hair made of gnarled twigs, skin like charred wood flaking into ash, dark hollows where her eyes should be. A blink, a blur of meaningless shapes and images, and then Kagome found herself cradled in the foliage of the tree tops, watching the stars above; their brightness began to spin and spiral with a stomach-curdling speed, and she realized that she was plummeting down to the ground. She fell into ice cold water that daggered through her lungs. She coughed and ash plumed from her mouth.
“Mama,” she croaked through chapped lips. The sound of her own voice startled her, puncturing the haze in her mind, and for a moment she knew herself again. She was alone in the night, shivering and sweating on a bed of pine needles. The wind whispered through the trees and chilled the sweat on her face. She didn’t understand how she could be sweating when she felt so cold.
“Mama,” she said again, this time a choked sob, as though the word alone could conjure her mother. Pressing her hands against her burning temples, Kagome could almost believe it was her mother’s fingers brushing through her bangs, her mother’s palms smoothing over her face.
Get up. The thought was quick as the glint of silver trout in dark water. Get up. Get to the river.
Kagome took a shuddering breath and closed her eyes. Hugging her arms to her body, she curled up on her side and felt herself begin to drift again.
Get up, returned the thought with greater urgency. Now. Before you can’t.
Her eyes blinked open again. It was pitch dark. The overcast sky gave her no moonlight to see by.
Get water, said the inner voice. Get to the river. Bring down your temperature. 
Slowly, Kagome eased herself into a sitting position. The world spun for a moment, and she almost collapsed back down. She sat there for a long while, trying to orient herself. She couldn’t see anything in the night, but she heard the wind stirring the branches above her, and… there. The roaring rush of water in the distance. The river.
She didn’t trust herself to walk, so she got onto her hands and knees and crawled forward. Blindly reaching her hands out in the dark, feeling each inch of ground under her fingers—pebbles, moss, scattered points of pine needles—she made for the sound of the water.
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floragaleflower · 3 months
InuKag Week 2024 Day 1 - July 1. Yearning @inukag-week
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∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ Inuyasha ponders about Kagome's strange acceptance of his demonic traits. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ This little snippet is set in my unreleased WIP Inuyasha Fan-Comic ‘Why am I the Dog-Eared Jerk?’ and is not planned to be cannon to the comic. Inuyasha and Kagome regularly swap bodies in this comic, so there won’t be too many references to them swapping in the ‘fic.
As for why I was very late in getting around to posting this, I was working on a fanart for Day 3 – Bickering. I only just finished it and am only now completing the fanfics for InuKag Week.
AO3 - Link will be posted when I've actually gotten around to posting this to AO3. I'm kinda burned out. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙
Really, of all the things Inuyasha thought would come of their little body-swapping situation, finding out that someone was unbothered with being half demon wasn’t one of them. Even Kikyo found his demon side disgusting on some level, despite her compassion for his plight, but this Kagome girl, who didn’t even know what a half-demon was and didn’t think he was sub-human for just being born, plainly didn’t care about him being a monster.
Who would even think like that?
Apparently Kagome did, because she’d been off jumping from tree to tree somewhere in the forest nearby for most of the afternoon, laughing her head off. Earlier, after they’d finished killing off the hair oni that attacked the village yesterday, he’d asked why she was more bothered by being stuck in a boy’s body than by being stuck in the body of a demon, she’d replied with a, “Why would it?”
Kagome was definitely an odd duck, that was for sure. Despite everything, she was still trying to be his friend.
If he was being honest with himself, he had to admit that he kinda liked her unconditional acceptance of his demon traits as being a non-issue. It felt nice to have someone not look down on him for being born different.
∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ I hope everyone liked it! I know I’m late to post, but InuKag Week isn’t over yet! I’m not gonna give up yet!
– I’ve only finished one other one, so I’m posting that alongside this one. I’ll post the rest when I’ve finished writing them. I kinda spent all of my prep time on drawing. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙
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fuedalreesespieces · 6 months
i beg of you
“Inuyasha?” she breathed.
His expression grew even more startled. “H-how do you know my name?” Before she could respond, he tried to dart past her legs, but she stepped in his view before he could. “Move it, lady! Or else I’ll-”
“-tear me apart with your claws, yes, yes, but answer me this...” she looked him in the eyes, resisting the urge to wipe the dirt off his cheeks, to sit him in her lap and give his hair a good, long brush. Her voice came out shaky. “How old are you?”
“The hell kinda question is that?” he spat. “Let me go, you crazy miko!”
or: a twelve year old inuyasha collides with post-canon kagome.
read full fic on ao3!
[this is an inukag snippet from the fic that I like, though the majority of the fic is focused on things other than romance...such as time travel hijinks]
The morning atmosphere was viscous enough to sink into forever - coverlets over his shoulders, the lilting sweetness of the porch-side flowers tickling his nose; sunlight streaming in through the window, painting his wife’s naked shoulder in buttery tones. Somewhere in the distance, the villagers were waking up, but within the confines of their hut, the air was crystallized and still - a painting awaiting life. 
In the fog of his mind, an irritating voice that sounded like Miroku cheekily reminded him that they had a demon extermination later that afternoon, and that he ought to get off his ass.  
“Damn him,” Inuyasha mumbled, sliding a hand down his face. Beside him, Kagome stirred. 
“Talking about other men in bed, anata?” she teased, leaning up on her elbows and yawning. She turned to face him, her grey eyes sparkling with amusement. 
“Hell,” he breathed out, repressing a grin, “where do you get your ideas, woman?” 
She let out an airy laugh, subdued by the sleepy slur in her speech. “And good morning to you, too,” she greeted, just as he craned his neck to meet her lips. 
During their three years apart, he’d dreamt of this moment a thousand times, and each time it was a little different. In some dreams, she would laugh before she kissed him, as though her every breath consisted only of joy. In others they were quiet, letting their kisses speak for themselves, allowing their hands to write scrawling, unsaid messages onto their skin. 
Fragments of those dreams would make their way into their real exchanges, but it was never the same. Her laugh was as genuine as the sunlight dancing across her collarbone, her smile just as radiant, and when she crawled into his embrace and leaned up to look at him, he knew this was no dream – it was home. 
He’d dreamt of homes before, back when he’d traversed the forest and claimed small caves nightly as temporary roosts. He’d dreamt of walls around him to trap the warmth that escaped so often from his vicinity; he’d dreamt of solid wood beneath his wary feet. 
But many things encompassed his definition of home now: waking up next to his lover, his best friend. Watching her pickle vegetables and mutter foreign songs under her breath. Hearing her curse awkwardly as she fell in a heap in their garden while trying to pull out stubborn weeds. Laying their meager clothes out on a line and coyly flicking each other with the soapy suds of water left in the wash tub. Exchanging bits of village gossip over lunch while they made up stories about wandering vagrants passing through the street. 
Home wasn’t as simple as having a constant fire in the pit, not without her there, struggling to start it herself. 
Every conversation they shared, from the menial, monosyllabic ones, to the ones that spun out like thread from a spool and spilled over into the following days, was the act of returning home. Before her, he’d never known one could maintain a conversation that long, or that he had so much to say.  
But he supposed she answered both of those questions. It was only with Kagome that could talk endlessly with, and it was only her that he could sit in serene silence with, and it was only her that gave him the temptation to ignore all his duties and stay under the coverlets forever, kissing her numb. 
Not that she, of course, ever let him get away with doing something like that – most of the time. “I thought you had a demon exorcism today?” She pulled away from their kiss to rest her chin on his chest, eyeing him questioningly.  
“Some offshoot village by the mountains,” he told her. “Damn, I forgot about that. Miroku’s probably ready by now.” 
“Then you have to hurry, Inuyasha! I’ll make you something to take with you while you get dressed.” Her eyebrows drew forward in thought. “I’m sure we have onigiri...somewhere.” 
“Any pickles?” 
She rolled her eyes. “You and your pickles.” 
“I can’t help it,” he said, brushing a kiss against her cheek. “You make them so well.” 
“A toddler could pickle food,” she muttered, though her tone betrayed a smile. He’d never been the type for empty flattery, and his blunt nature was the main driving force behind the quick improvement of her cooking skills - not that they had been bad to begin with. His obsession with the acrid taste of pickles was unexplainable, though, especially considering how acute his sense of taste was. Not that he particularly cared, because her pickles were, quite possibly, the shit. 
They made their way out of the bedroom and into the rest of the house. He’d built the place thinking of her, and many of its assets were inspired by the way she lived in the modern era, especially the bathing tub. He still remembered the exhausting market day he and Miroku had spent trying to find a wash tub suitable enough for human bathing, only for their search to grow convoluted as every other vendor declared that they had a larger tub than their competitors.  
It was all worth it, though, when he saw her walk past the reed mat in the evenings, drop her empty herb basket on the floor, and declare herself deserving of a nice, hot bath. She never played around with them, either, taking her time as she sang songs in a language he’d never heard of – English , she called it – and let him massage the stress out of her scalp and shoulders.  
Kagome tied up some onigiri in a cloth pouch while he put on his suikan. Holding back the reed mat, he saw a few men with shovels tossed over their backs talking in a secretive fashion as they made their way to the fields; children accompanying their mothers with heaving pails of stream water. From this vantage point, he could glimpse Miroku walking up the hill, the tinkling of shakujo rings announcing his impending arrival. 
“Here you go,” Kagome placed a cloth package in his hands. “Onigiri, a bamboo flask, a bit of fish-” 
“Pickles?” he asked hopefully. 
“-and your pickles,” she finished with an amused snort. “You know, my mother used to tell me if you ate too many pickles, you’d get all filled up with gas and float away, like a balloon.” 
“Nope,” she said, popping the p. “I just made it up. But you’d make a cute balloon.” 
“Cheeky woman,” he muttered. “You goin’ over to Sango’s for breakfast?” 
“After I finish up the washing, yeah. And I have to clean up the tub since I didn’t do it last night. I’ll have to go say hello to Kaede-sama, of course, and while I’m there I’ll go check on those herbs in the storehouse I kept for tinctures-” 
“Kagome,” he cut in, placing a steadying hand on her shoulder. “Breakfast?” 
“Breakfast,” she agreed, blushing.  
He arched an unconvinced eyebrow. He knew she liked the business of it all, and though there were moments where his wife simply didn’t feel up to it, her work was everything to her. It was worrying that sometimes she would simply forget to eat, too engrossed in her herbalist training and miko duties to remember that she had her own needs, but that was what he was there for – to remind her, and, if necessary, drag her from that damn shack near Kaede’s that reeked of a thousand different herbs and fix her a good meal. 
Now, if she would remember to do it on her own for next few days of his absence, that would be a miracle. 
“Do you want me to make you somethin’ real quick?” he asked, already facing the river. “I could fetch some water to steam rice with.” 
“I’ll be fine, Inuyasha,” she reassured, pressing his clawed hands between hers. “Besides, I wouldn’t miss Sango’s stew for the world.” 
“As would I, but duty calls, I’m afraid,” chimed a familiar voice from outside the house. The tell-tale scent of incense met Inuyasha’s nose – Miroku had just left the temple, it seemed. “Are you two decent?” 
Inuyasha rolled his eyes. “Are you ever?” 
“Now, now, my friend. Let’s not go there.” 
Kagome smiled and swept the mat aside. “Do you want something to eat, too, Miroku-kun? I’ve got some onigiri and fish.” 
“If we wait any longer, it may take longer than anticipated to reach our destination, so I’m afraid I’ll have to decline,” Miroku lamented. “Shall we head out, Inuyasha?” 
As usual, he carried nothing on his person, used to living off the land (the more appropriate term being stealing ) when it came to his travels. It was one of the qualities that made him such a good partner in the business – both he and Inuyasha had been vagrants for lengthy periods of their lives, so they made good time when on their missions. 
Regardless, Inuyasha didn’t particularly enjoy leaving his wife alone for so long. He knew she could take care of herself, but it didn’t change the fear that snagged him by the heart whenever he returned home; the way his shoulders would sink with relief when he saw golden firelight seeping out of their hut and the scent of something cooking over charring wood. 
He knew she could take care of herself – hell, he’d often come back to stories of her killing rogue demons, stories that had gone through the rumor mill and came out transformed into wild anecdotes she’d entertain him with over dinner. He was aware of her strength and precision. She'd refined her skill over the years, if the archery targets in the forest were any indication.  
But Inuyasha had lived with the knowledge that she was almost certainly safe in her world during those three years, and that hadn’t done a damn thing to ease his worry. If anything, it was a reminder of just how easy it was for the one good thing in his life to disappear.  
“Inuyasha?” came Kagome’s voice. She cocked her head. “Are you okay?” 
“’m fine,” he grunted. “Just waitin’ to get a move-on.” 
“Such a hurry,” she tutted, patting his chest, where the cloth of food rested in the folds of his suikan. Her head rested against him, and he wrapped his arms around her waist. “Don’t worry about me, Inuyasha. I’ll be okay. I’ll head straight to Sango’s after you leave.” 
“Good,” he affirmed. “You ought to eat somethin.’ Don’t think I didn’t see you skip dinner last night.” 
“You were sleeping!” 
“I ain’t ever in a sleep deep enough for you to feel guilty about interrupting it.” 
“Hey,” she huffed. “You’re changing the subject.” Kagome met his gaze, hands rising to settle on either side of his face. Her thumbs caressed his cheekbones, her touch soft and reverent. “I promise to be safe, ‘kay? I’ve got my bow with me at all times.” She pecked his lips. “I won’t go and get myself eaten up by a demon. I’d leave you a note if that happened, though.” 
“Don’t even joke about that,” he warned, squeezing her waist. She laughed and kissed him again, pulling away only when they ran out of breath to share. “Do somethin’ boring like...laundry. Keep yourself out of trouble.” 
“What if there’s a demon catfish in the river?” she asked innocently. 
“Woman,” he said, staring her right in the eye, “I expect you to shoot the damn thing and have it for dinner.” 
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Inukag Week day 5: Heat
Yesterday's story was over 5000 words and I didn't even post on time. Today you get a snippet lol
Summertime Savage
Kagome sighed in relief, setting down the last basket.
"Alright! Everyone ready?"
"Hard to say, since you haven't told us what we're doing," Shippo pointed out, "but I took off my vest and shirt, if that's all you meant."
"It is! And since it's been so hot lately, I thought a water balloon fight would be a fun way to beat the heat!" Kagome explained, picking up one of the colorful balloons.
"Ready as I'll ever be," Sango hummed, sounding unsure. Kagome had brought a swimsuit for her to borrow, and a skirt to go over it if she wanted it, which she had.
"Don't worry, you look great! And if Miroku gets handsy, just start chucking," Kagome grinned, tossing the balloon to Sango. She caught it easily, careful not to squeeze the taut rubber. "Oh! Shippo, here, these are for you, too!"
Kagome grabbed the bag she'd carried the balloons and hand pump in, picking out a pair of children's gardening gloves.
"Is this part of the game?" He asked, pulling the first glove over his hand.
"Not typically, but most kids who have water balloon fights don't have sharp claws. They're not much fun when every balloon pops in your hand before you get to throw it."
"Not that I'm complaining, Kagome," Miroku assured as he and Inuyasha returned to the group, stripped down to their hakama trousers, "But what exactly is the objective of this game?"
"There isn't like, a win condition, per se. It's just trying to land as many hits as you can while not getting hit. Like a snowball fight, but better, because it's hot out, so getting hit with something cold is actually nice," she shrugged, going back to the bag. "Here, Inuyasha, I have gloves for you, too."
"Feh, I don't need 'em," he huffed.
Kagome watched as Shippo narrowed his eyes, picking up one of the balloons with his own gloved hands.
"Hey, Inuyasha," he hucked a bright orange balloon. "Catch!"
Inuyasha reached out to catch the balloon, which he did.
And then he closed his hand around it, which punctured the delicate material. He squawked in surprise at the jolt of cool water, clenching his fist around the shredded balloon.
"You little brat!"
Snatching the gloves from Kagome's hands, he gave Shippo about a second's head start, picking up one of the baskets and beginning to chase him down.
"Spend all morning pumping balloons by hand so we can have a fun afternoon, and now they're being used in anger," Kagome sighed, shaking her head. Kagome patted her shoulder, flashing a smile.
"Don't worry so much, Kagome. This is just how they have fun, you know?"
"You think so?"
"For sure," she nodded, still smiling as she took a balloon in each hand and turned her gaze on Miroku. "I'm starting to see the appeal as well."
"Sango?" Miroku asked, smiling through his nerves. "Sango, let's talk about this!"
"Start running, Monk!"
Kagome sighed, but smiled, eyes flashing at the sight of Inuyasha, who had chased Shippo to the low boughs of the nearest tree.
"Kagome! Kagome help!"
"Get down here and face me!"
Picking up an armload of water balloons, Kagome strode over, hucking the first at the back of his head. Another indignant squawk escaped him, and he whipped around to stare at her
"Why don't you pick on someone your own size?"
"What? Like you?" He asked smugly. Smirking, she threw another balloon, hitting him square in the chest. With a laugh, he picked up a balloon from his basket, and Kagome got one more shot in before she took off running with a laugh, Inuyasha taking chase automatically.
The valley surrounding the base of the waterfall echoed with shrieks and laughter for more than two hours. Kagome had to implement a "no picking up baskets" rule when Sango took two and used Kirara to implement a tactical air strike against Miroku, and Shippo had eventually gotten his shirt back and began filling it with balloons, tackling people as a means of attack. Miroku had thought to use his staff to deflect the projectiles, but they usually ended up splashing him anyway. The absolute enragement from Inuyasha whenever a balloon he threw managed to not pop on impact was hilarious to watch, but he was still clearly having a good time.
Kagome had distracted him from targeting Sango, and gotten him to chase her again. The balloons had almost run out, she only had one more on her, and she wanted to make it count.
When she reached the dead end, Kagome turned, throwing the balloon, which caught him in the shoulder before he had her backed up against the base of the cliff, one hand planted to the side of her head, the other holding a red balloon
"What's your plan now, wench?" He asked with a superior smile
Kagome didn't answer, blinking up at him with wide eyes and a soft expression. She held his gaze, looking startled but not upset.
Inuyasha's brows furrowed in confusion for a moment, before Kagome's eyes moved down, looking Inuyasha over slowly, and his face erupted with warmth as he realized what she must be thinking.
"Y- Kagome I-!"
Quick as a flash, Kagome grabbed the hand with the balloon, which had lowered in his shock, and smashed it into his chest, splashing them both.
Inuyasha grunted in surprise, eyes blown wide. And before he could even yell in indignation, Kagome pecked his cheek, reaffirming his shock.
Slipping out from between him and the rock, Kagome grinned as he turned to look at her again.
"Turnabout. Not a bad plan, for a wench," she laughed, winking at him before bolting back to the baskets, to see if she could get her hands on one more balloon and definitely not to distract herself from what she'd just done.
Inuyasha watched her run, a tiny, incredulous smile on his lips, before he took chase once more.
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fawn-eyed-girl · 1 year
Ooooh kiss bcz they're out of time
And you know it's for inukag 😘😘😘
Lav, my amazing friend, hello!!!
Thank you so much for this ask! I love the idea of InuKag Kiss bc they're running out of time--it's so good for them!
I wrote a little something; it ended up longer than I anticipated (who is surprised by this? literally no one 🫠) so I humbly offer the beginning here, but you can read the whole piece, "A Kiss Out of Time," on Ao3! Rated T for violence and Inuyasha's mouth 😅
Snippet below the break!
“Kagome!” Inuyasha’s voice, streaked with terror, tore through Kagome’s body as she struggled to get back to her feet.
All around her, the battle raged, but Kagome had to pause, had to lift her shirt to see the wound in her stomach, which was currently gushing blood.
She hissed. How could she have been so stupid?
The demon had attacked them unawares; Sango thought it must have the ability to disguise its scent, as neither Inuyasha nor Kirara nor Shippō detected its presence until it had leapt onto Inuyasha, who’d been keeping watch by the fire, and demanded the shards of the Jewel.
Inuyasha’s scream, his cry of sankon tessō! awoke everyone at the camp. Kagome and Shippō darted out of her sleeping bag, Kagome grabbing her bow and arrows as they did so, while Kirara immediately transformed and jumped into the fray. The demon’s fangs nearly clipped her, but a well-timed throw of the hiraikotsu had struck the demon in the temple and sent it scurrying back. 
But then, a heat-seeking missile, it saw Kagome, eyed the vial of shards she wore around her neck, and attacked.
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inuyashamybeloved · 1 year
Here are 2 snippets of an untitled Inukag WIP I just started. Hopefully my inspiration will flow like it did on my last work 😁
(don’t let yourself be fooled by that first snippet, read the 2nd too before you get mad at him and me 😁)
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mamabearcat · 2 years
Chest Nuts
"So you cleaned the bathroom right?"
"Yes I did. And before you ask I put the new towels in there too."
"Are they nice and straight? Oh and the new soap, the cranberry hand soap, is that in there?"
"Yes it's all there. And all our usual junk is in our bedroom, there's only toothbrushes and that fancy new water glass in there."
"What about all the cheese we bought this afternoon - did that go in the fridge? Oh and the salmon. Please tell me the salmon went in there!"
"Yes Kagome."
"Don't roll your eyes at me! This is a Big Thing Inuyasha! Your parents are meeting my parents, and it's the first time your Mum and Dad are staying with us! And everyone's coming here for brunch, oh my God. Why did I say this would be a good idea? I must be insane."
"Kagome, settle down. Everything will be fine. Ma and Pops love you, and your mother is practically a saint. They'd be happy if you fed them a croissant outta a paper bag."
"But I want to make a good impression! Maybe I should check my list again. Oh, the presents. Are all the presents under the tree?"
"No!? Which one's missing! Who did I forget?!"
"Nobody. There's just one left."
"Do I need to wrap it? Where's the sticky tape? Oh fuck, I used the last bit on Souta's present. Inu, quick, go get my jacket while I find my keys, I need to go out and buy sticky tape!"
"Kagome, stop. Just look at me baby. You don't need to do anything sweet girl, except take a deep breath and open this.
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*whispers* "Open it Kagome, and tell me what you see."
"Inuyasha... oh my God Inuyasha! Yes! YES!"
"Thank fuck!"
"Did you honestly think I'd say no, you dummy!" *crying and laughing* "I love you!"
"I know, but you were so stressed about all this Christmas shit, you were stressing me out too! I love you baby. Merry Christmas Eve."
Merry Christmas to all my followers who celebrate, and Happy Holidays and end of the year shenanigans to those who don't. It's been a bit of a weird year, but doing these little bits of inukag art and dialogue only snippets has always lifted my spirits. I hope they lifted yours too.
Best wishes to you all from your friendly not so local Mama Bear.
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dawnrider · 10 months
From the post notes, @scaponigifs requested Song 13 for InuKag, which happens to be Coloring Outside the Lines by MisterWives. This ended up being another snippet from the Modern AU with slouchy jacket Inu and college student Kagome from @heavenin--hell's art. So enjoy some fluffiness to close out Thursday!
Kagome took in a sharp breath through her nose as she woke very suddenly. Her heart was racing, pulse pounding in her ears. “Oi. You ok?” The voice in the dark, the proximity it came from, made her jump. Only to find she was held tightly in a pair of strong arms.  “Kagome. Hey. You’re ok. It’s just me.”
Her brain needed another moment before it could fully understand that she was safely tucked into bed with Inuyasha’s arms around her. “I… Yea.” She swallowed hard. “A dream, I guess.” He shifted, rolling her over so she was facing him. His eyes glowed faintly as they reflected the little bit of light from the streetlamp outside their apartment window. The blinds only did so much to block it. Kagome kept meaning to get blackout curtains for that window, but it was never the priority. “What scared you, huh?” he murmured, hand smoothing over her hair. “You’re shaking.” “It was like everything that could go wrong, did. The school kicked me out before I graduated. My job… Then the apartment was on fire. It was just…” Inuyasha hushed her, kissing her forehead and holding her a little closer. “Graduation is this weekend. You’re already done. Your new job starts next week. Everything is alright.” She nodded against him, eyes closing in relief at his words. All the things that could be wrong were not. They were safe and, finally, their future was in motion. Inuyasha had breezed through his GED and was enrolled online at the local community college to complete general education courses before applying to the same university she was about to graduate from. They would still be in their apartment a little while longer, but with her tuition paid off, they could focus their finances on paying his tuition instead. He had taken a shine to computers and seemed to excel in the few free online courses he had found on coding and web development. They were hoping he could do almost everything online so he would not risk being identified as not human… “Kagome?” Her eyes lifted from his chest to his face. “We’re gonna be alright, ya know?” She could tell by the tone of his voice that he was smiling. “You’ve worked… so hard. I know how stressed you’ve been, and I know I’ve added to that.” “No, Inuyasha.” She sighed, squirming until she could frame his face with her hands and pull him into a soft kiss.  “This is all for us, right? Together.” He nodded. “We support each other. That’s how this works. We work together.” “For the life we want together,” he whispered, rubbing his nose against hers. Kagome smiled, eyes closing in relief. Having him near made her feel better, but knowing they were still on the same page let her heart settle enough that she started to feel sleepy again. “I’ll make pancakes in the morning,” he promised her as her eyes grew heavy. She chuckled drowsily. “Don’t laugh. I’m gonna get them right this time.” “I’ll eat em anyway.” It was his turn to chuckle at her.  “I know. You’re too nice.” “Mmm… You always say that.” A yawn grabbed her. “First thing you ever said to me.” “I know. Still true.” She could feel him take a deep breath, likely sniffing her. “Best thing I ever did,” he murmured to her just before she drifted off.
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sailorstarr-chan4 · 1 year
Rules: Make a 24-hour poll with the names of your WIPS, let it run, then write one sentence for every vote the winner received.
All right... here we go. 🤞I saw several of my mutuals doing their own version (idk who started it), and decided, why not? I invite all fellow writers to create their own polls! Time for some (anonymous) motivation! 💖
Links and summaries below:
An Unexpected Encounter
AO3 Rated: M Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence NSFW/Smut: Not planning on it Word Count: 41k Chapters: 11/? Summary: Modern AU. Inuyasha is a juvenile delinquent, with strange dog-like features to match his gang's name, and one of the most talked about students at Shikon High. Kagome never paid him any mind until one day when she witnessed one of his infamous fights, and suddenly began thinking about him far more often than she would like to admit...
Inuyasha: Prince of Thieves
AO3 Rated: M Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence NSFW/Smut: Not yet 😉 Word Count: 19k Chapters: 5/? Summary: Ever since the death of the beloved priestess Kikyo, the infamous outlaw Inuyasha and the corrupt Sheriff Naraku have held a stalemate for fifty years, the former evading arrest, the latter keeping his proverbial "throne." But then, a highborn lady, Kagome Higurashi, with a kind heart and fiery spirit, arrives in Nottingham...
Shards of the Sea
AO3 Rated: M Warning: Graphic Depictions of Violence NSFW/Smut: Yes, but not "all the way" yet 👀 Word Count: 13k Chapters: 13/? Summary: She is wild, she is on the loose, she is nigh uncatchable. But when the pirate captain Inuyasha is given the chance to be pardoned in exchange for her capture, will he take the chance of a peaceful life or will he follow her to the ends of the earth, never quite reaching her? A story told in snippets and drabbles.
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soliska · 4 days
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If We Fall Anyway - Chapter 48
Looking around, she noted the warmer glow to the sky. They were nearing dusk and even she knew it would be best to find shelter in the wilderness before dark. The landscape they travelled through looked vaguely familiar but then again, being a city-bred girl, most forests and mountains looked very similar to her eye.
She was so glad she was with Inuyasha.
What if the Shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story?
A tale told in snippets.
Chapters 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 |
Tags! @alerialblu @hopidoodle @redflamesofpassion @lavendertwilight89 @zelink-inukag @superpixie42 @four-letter-girl @anisaanisa @amethystablaze @lordofthechips @kawaiichan67@born-for-eachother @dawnrider @holi-holy @liz8080 @ruddcatha @lavendertwilight89 @mylindylady @inusmasha @lostinfantasyworlds @heynikkiyousofine @xanthippe-writes
Message if you want on/off the tag wall :)
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inukag-archive · 10 months
Inuvember Part 2
In honor of @inuvember InuKag Day, the Archive Mods have put together a 30 day InuKag recommendation list: one fic per event prompt, all with a distinct InuKag (as OTP and OT3) flair. Since this is longer than our usual lists, we split it into two parts. Enjoy!
Day 16 Kohaku
Three Is A Crowd by Happy_Ocelot (G)
While stopping by to babysit his cute nieces and nephew, Kohaku comes to the horrifying realization that his beloved sister is in some kind of strange exhibitionist relationship. There were only so many times he could listen to his brother-in-law talking about hitting the ten or twenty children mark before snapping.
Good thing Kagome is there to help.
Humor, post-ending.
Day 17 Kaede
If We Fall Anyway by @soliska (M)
What if the shikon jewel didn’t exist and Naraku never came to be? What if Kagome fell down the well anyway and met a gruff, young inu-hanyou. Would they still become friends? What would be their story?
A tale told in snippets.
Day 18 Totosai
Mamorinuku by Nindeoronra (T)
Inuyasha commissions Totosai to make a new sword. Is it for him or for another?
Day 19 InuKag
Little Family by @xoxopandapanda (T)
Post Canon and A/U: Inuyasha and Kagome's family grows in time, starting with a little child who needs parents to teach him to love.
Day 20 MirSan
Shelter by @lavendertwilight89 (E)
Song fic inspired Stuck with You and Shelter
Inuyasha has been alone most of his life and one moonless night he gets caught up with a young priestess. She saves him and he, in return, helps her. What he doesn't realize is this priestess holds a lot of secrets which may or may not cost both of them their lives...
Day 21 InuKik
Kokoro no Kakera by @callmegri and @kirrtash (M)
She didn’t remember how she got there, only knew that it was warm, and soft. She hadn’t felt warmth since she was brought back to life. Where was she? What happened to her? The last thing she remembered was her reincarnation sitting on the ground next to that waterfall… She didn’t understand why Kagome helped her, again.
When a tired heart starts beating again, gravity itself has to rearrange to make space for it. But old wounds ask for closure before unspoken feelings can bloom, so all the pieces of shattered hearts can fit together.
Day 22 Sess Ships
In Hindsight by @mrfeenysmustache (T)
Hindsight is 20/20. Or.. it’s supposed to be anyway. A Drabble series about overcoming our misconceptions and all the little ways we talk ourselves out of happiness. InuKag Post Canon
Day 23 Kouga Ships
From the Hearts - and the Wrapping Company by @clearwillow (NR)
A gift for UnderwaterOphelia in the IYFF Book Club Secret Santa exchange. Christmas isn't going according to anyone's plans, except Koga's. Between the heat in the apartment making it feel like it's July and the endless boxes Inuyasha and Kagome keep finding, there has to be a good reason for the devious look in their boyfriend's eyes.
Day 24 Other Ships
There's Something In the Mist by @splendentgoddess (X)
A gruesome discovery in the forest is a warning that goes unheeded by the Inu-tachi who have no idea what demonic influences are at play. They will soon have intimate knowledge of what fate awaits them...intimate knowledge of each other.
Day 25 LGBT
The Real Me by @fawn-eyed-girl & @kalcia (E)
Kagome Higurashi is one of the top music journalists in the country, and her latest assignment is to write a story on one of the biggest rock bands in the world: Inutachi. She is immediately attracted to the lead singer, Inuyasha Masaki, a brooding, edgy hanyou who is battling his own inner demons. As Inuyasha and Kagome are increasingly drawn to one another, Kagome becomes more and more determined to discover just what has happened to Inuyasha that caused him to turn down such a dark path, and why she cannot seem to stay away from him.
Day 26 LGBT
Three's Company by @anisaanisa (E)
Threesomes were good. Threesomes were fun. Threesomes were safe. Threesomes didn’t involve feelings. Inuyasha’s in love with his best friend, and it takes five years and long-distance for him to get his head out of his ass.
Day 27 Platonic
Snoring Is the Sixth Love Language by @superpixie42 (T)
Somewhat against his will, Inuyasha finds himself sharing a hut and its one small futon with Shippo after a thunderstorm traps them in a foreign village. But Shippo's snoring means Inuyasha won't be getting any sleep, and instead spends the night alone with his thoughts. A three-year-gap, There Was Only One Bed Prompt fic, filled with found family feels. Rated T for language. Featuring art by Artnisa (AnisaAnisa) !
Day 28 AU
The Captain and the Hanyou by @goshinote (T)
In a world in which youkai have been forced into hiding after the Great War, Captain Higurashi is known as one of the cruelest youkai-hunting pirates. After Captain Higurashi kidnaps Inuyasha, a prized hanyo, a plan is set in motion. Inuyasha will find out Captain Higurashi is nothing like the stories say, and he will discover that nothing is truly as it seems...
Day 29 AU
Aurora by @thunderpot (T)
"It is said that a long time ago in the age of heroes — when Mother Earth was awake and the Gods walked among mortals — there was once a beast created by the Sun that fell in love with a great warrior."
A creative exercise from inuvember prompt: Myth Au
Day 30 Fandom Day
Like Shards of the Shikon (a multi-author/artist collaborative AU)
A little craziness that got too big for Tumblr. "Like Shards of the Shikon" is a live action television version of the popular manga 'Inuyasha'. Follow the actors as they live, learn, and laugh together. Expect fluff, laughs, a little romance on and off screen. A mixture of art and text - we're just making it up as we go. Join the general craziness!
A special shoutout to friend of the Archive @sometimes-icanstillhear-sitboy for creating a series of Inuvember fic-rec TikToks based on this list!
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mrfeenysmustache · 2 years
Something New
Just been in the mood to write snippets of InuKag fluff I guess.
CW: this deals with childbirth
The buttery morning light made his hair look like it was spun from a sunbeam instead of a moonbeam, and though she couldn’t see his face, she was sure his eyes were glowing.
“Inuyasha,” she whispered, throat still raw and dry, and he turned to her with bloodshot eyes that roiled with pride and love and fear and exhaustion.
“Kagome,” he replied softly, looking down at the bundle in his arms at it yipped and then yawned before settling back into sleep. “You should be asleep.”
“But I want to be near you.” She croaked out, and despite himself he whined like a kicked puppy, his ears laying back on his head as he crossed the floor of their hut and kneeled beside her.
“What can I get you? What do you need?” He asked urgently, and her tired heart twisted, a sleepy smile stretching across her mouth.
“Just you. And maybe some water. But I can get-“
“No. Stay down. I’ll get it.”
“But you have the baby.”
He snorted and rolled his eyes, standing with fluid grace and collecting one of their cups, dipping it into the bucket of clean water Kaede had left behind so they could drink for at least the day without having to leave, and then he returned to her side and helped her drink with one hand, their new baby still sleeping in the other.
The first swallow slipped down her torn throat and she nearly cried in relief, sighing and sagging down into her bedding and feeling a little better, a little more settled and comfortable.
“How is he?” She asked, trying to sit back up so she could peek into the swaddle that had been made from Inuyasha’s fire rat, but he pushed her back down with a firm hand on her shoulder.
“Don’t sit up. You need to rest.”
“Inuyasha, I’m fine.”
His brow sat heavy over his eyes, and she could see the worry and fear still flashing in his gaze from the hours she’d spent writhing in pain as their first baby made his way into the world.
At her first scream he’d burst into the hut and refused to leave, and no matter how many times they reassured him that everything was going normally, he stayed by her side, eyes wide with panic, trying to be a solid, steady strength for her as she squeezed the life out of his hand or arm or leg, whatever was nearer.
And he had been a strength to her. Having him near had made all the difference even if seeing and hearing her go through something so trying that he couldn’t save her from had been taxing.
He was still recovering as much as she was.
“But I want to see. Even if I’m too tired to hold him, he’s my baby.”
She knew she must look frightening, hair a mess, eyes dark and tired, skin pale, voice weak and whispery as all the adrenaline of birth fled her body and left her feeling like a pile of bone and skin and sweat that might never move again, but she had enough in her to see her baby at the very least.
“Hold on.” He said, carefully placing their little one near her on the bedding and then slipping slowly in behind her.
He held her up effortlessly, and when he settled against the wall and arranged her against his chest, the sound of his heartbeat behind her head immediately lulled her into a much warmer, calmer state of mind.
He scooped up the baby and held him in front of them both, allowing her to gaze easily on his sweet little face, his long, curly lashes, his swoop of dark hair, his twitchy little nose.
“Oh…. Look at him,” she sighed, lifting a finger and rubbing the tip along a teeny folded puppy ear. “He’s so perfect, Inuyasha. Look at him. Look what we made.”
“Y-yeah.” He said, and she could hear the catch of tears in his throat, emotion thickening his voice, pride warming his tones.
“I love him. I love him so much. I love you so much.” She murmured, finally feeling the gripping arms of sleep wrapping around her and tugging her down down down into the darkness of slumber and rest.
Inuyasha sniffled behind her, and she felt his lips press into the top of her hair.
Her head lolled back and she glanced up at him, remaining conscious just long enough to see his tears finally fall, to see his careful mask shatter with a sob, to watch him meet her eyes and finally release all the things he’d been bottling up for the sake of being strong.
And it was his voice that followed her down into dreamland, strained with wonder, with awe, bursting with love as he looked away and gazed upon the face of the one gift he’d never dared to dream of.
“Thank you, Kagome.”
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floragaleflower · 3 months
InuKag Week 2024 Day 3 - July 3. Bickering @inukag-week
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∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ Kagome doesn't like it when Inuyasha stares at her when she's studying. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙ This little snippet is set in my unreleased WIP Inuyasha Fan-Comic ‘Why am I the Dog-Eared Jerk?’ and is not planned to be cannon to the comic. Inuyasha and Kagome regularly swap bodies in this comic, so there won’t be too many references to them swapping in the ‘fic.
Also, I’m planning to finish and post the other InuKag Week ‘fics later, when I’ve finished them, but I wanna post at least something on time.
AO3 - Link will be posted when I've actually gotten around to posting this to AO3. I'm kinda burned out. ∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙-∙
Kagome was having a hard time trying to focus on her math homework.
This wasn’t just because the math problems and the explanations about those math problems didn’t make any sense to her, no, it was because she could feel Inuyasha’s eyes boring into the back of her head from the other side of the camp. She’d dare anyone to be able to focus on studying when they could feel themselves being stared at.
Now, just how was she supposed to balance this crazy equation again? Was she supposed to make the fractions match or something? Gah!
She was so frustrated that she slammed her textbook closed and roughly tossed it aside. Screw Algebra right now, she needed a break! And, of course, she needed to tell Inuyasha to stop staring through the back of her skull, as that just made it even harder to study.
Feeling right incensed, Kagome leapt to her feet and stomped over to where Inuyasha was leaning against a tree before crankily saying, “Inuyasha! Could you not stare at me! I’m trying to study!”
Inuyasha, who was still looking at her, said, “N-no I wasn’t!”
Kagome didn’t buy it. She knew he had been staring at her. She said, “Inuyasha!”
Inuyasha just glared at her in reply.
Kagome gave him a pointed look in return, and he crumpled, looking away from her and saying, “Keh!”
Kagome took that as him giving in and said, “You won’t be staring at me while I’m trying to study again, right?”
Inuyasha just turned to look her in the eye before stalking off into the woods.
Well, at least she wouldn’t have to deal with a pair of eyes boring holes into the back of her head now. She figured she should probably send Sango to go make sure he wouldn’t get himself hurt, as he was in her body after all.
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elkonigin · 1 year
📝Share a snippet of an unposted WIP, with or without context.
Sooo, I've been working on a sequel to Objects in Space (the 'what's the least sci-fi I can make a sci-fi' story). It's currently over 30k and we're just starting to get to real plot, which is so great for readers, but not so much for me. 😂 (I still love this version of InuKag).
So enjoy the snippet below.
From the WIP It Good asks. (Feel free to send an ask)
Kagome stepped onto the bridge, seeing the alert flashing across the screen.
“What’s happening?” She asked, stepping forward.
“We’ve received a distress signal from another Alliance vessel,” Miroku answered. “It’s weird though.”
“Weird how?”
“The ship doesn’t actually exist?” Miroku was standing at his station, rapidly typing and swiping at screens.
“So it’s a phantom signal then? They mentioned that it sometimes happens in deep space.”
Miroku snorted.
“Yeah, that’s not actually a thing.”
“What do you mean? They teach it at the Academy. There’s a whole class we had to take on signals,” Sango said. It was the one class that Sango had the upperhand in. She understood physics far better than Kagome did, and for once, Sango had beaten her in the class standings.
They were a team. Each one with their own strengths and weaknesses.
Math seemed to always be Kagome’s one standardized weakness across the board.
Again, Miroku snorted his amusement.
“Well, they’re wrong. Phantom signals don’t exist. It’s all propaganda and diversion from the Alliance.”
“Propaganda for what exactly?” Inuyasha asked, watching the screen beside her as they try to locate where the signal is coming from.
“Phantom signals.”
“I don’t think propaganda is the word that you’re looking for,” Sango offered, her head tilting to the side slightly.
“Shippo, find those coordinates,” Miroku ordered quickly, and kitsune fingers worked diligently over the screens.
“Think about it. We all know the Alliance likes its secrets. We all know that they’ve got all these little side projects and experiments happening right under our noses. So what better way to keep these ships and stations all hidden? A signal gets out that no one can find? Phantom signals. Someone sends off an emergency beacon for a ship that shouldn’t exist? Phantom signals.” Miroku motioned to the screen that came up behind him. “And what better way to reinforce that belief than to teach the thousands of students coming up through the ranks that phantom signals are a real and tangible thing that happens out in deep space. Space doesn’t create Alliance frequency signals. Space doesn’t ask for help.”
Miroku turned theatrically to face them as an image of a blasted ship comes up behind him.
“But that does.” Miroku’s own face scowled at their direction before turning back to look at the screen. “Holy shit, that actually worked.”
The amusement was short lived.
Debris encircled the entirety of the ship, and no lights illuminated any of the windows.
It was a dead ship.
Kagome stared at the hull where a massive explosion had ripped through every single defensive layer of the ship.
“Whatever happened, it was an inside job,” Inuyasha announced.
“What makes you think that?” Kagome asked, eyes darting between him and the screen.
“Blast came from inside the ship. There’s nothing pointing inwards, it’s all outside of the ship.”
“So what makes you think that it’s an inside job?” Sango asked, walking up beside Kagome.
“If Miroku’s right and no one knows that this ship actually exists, then who would attack it? It didn’t even blip the radar, right?” He looked over at Shippo, who shook his head. “Then no one would know it was here. Means someone on the inside took this ship out.”
Kagome watched his eyes scan over the image. “Can you zoom in on the sides?” Inuyasha walked closer to the screen, motioning to the area that he wanted a clearer image of before stepping back a few paces.
The image shifted, closing in on where he’d directed, but Kagome didn’t see what he was looking for, and then it clicked.
“There’s no escape pods.”
“Pods have been a requirement in ships since the Alliance’s institution,” Miroku stated, hand running over his face.
“Which means, this ship’s old as fuck and before the Alliance was ever formed, which is shit, because it’s got the Alliance logo right fucking there,” he pointed to the tail end of the ship where the Alliance symbol was displayed prominently—if there was one thing the Alliance knew how to do, it was advertise, “and we’re the first ones to find it, or,” Inuyasha let the sentence hang.
“No one was supposed to ever leave,” Kagome finished.
“Bingo,” Inuyasha said, pointing a finger at her. “So what,” Inuyasha crossed his arms in front of his chest, “do they want to hide so badly that they’re willing to turn an entire ship and crew into a graveyard?”
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