gaylenightingale · 2 years
@inusessweek @snowinjuly-creator
Day 6 of Inusessweek2022
The friends are all snowed in at the bed and breakfast that Sesshomaru rented for Inuyasha and his honeymoon. Rin and Kohaku have just met and are in that “new stage” of romance. Hojo and Kagome have been married for one year. All anticipated Miroku popping the question to Sango this weekend but things start out on the wrong foot. Teamwork is required to fix the situation. Enjoy my next to last submission for the week prompted by “snowed in, newly mated, and teamwork”.
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inusessweek · 2 years
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There is only a week left before the start of INUSESS WEEK of 2022!
We are so excited to see what everyone has been working on!
To make sure we don’t miss anything, we’ve put together a submission guide for the InuSess Week. If you have any questions please contact our Mod: SnowInJuly or ask us directly with the ASK button and we will get back to as soon as we can!
Mention us @inusessweek.
Tag your post with #inusessweek or #inusessweek2022. You have to place one of these tags within the first FIVE tags for us to see it on Tumblr.
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Questions? Check out our RULES and FAQ, or send us an ask.
NOTE: While it’s not required, we’d appreciate it greatly if you mentioned which day/prompt you chose in the tags or content of your posts. Thanks!
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gaylenightingale · 2 years
From a TUMBLR InuSess week prompt: A Slice of Life
Number 7 Inusessweek2022
Not sure it fits that title but it’s the last day of the InuSessweek so just go with the flow
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Work Text:
June 30
@inusessweek @snowinjuly-creator
#inusessweek #inusessweek2022.
Slice of life
Sesshomaru’s predatory stare had Inuyasha frozen. It was all he could do to stutter out, “What—what’s wrong, Sesshomaru?” There was fear in the hanyou’s voice.
“You look tasty,” the demon replied as he made a quick flick of his tongue to lick his lips.
“I didn’t know you ate other Inus,” Inuyasha’s voice trembled even though he was trying his best to be brave.
“I haven’t before, but you look especially tasty, little brother. And I intend on sampling your vintage.” Sesshomaru moved toward the hanyou.
Trapped in the corner of the room with no escape, Inuyasha’s mind was rapidly going through his options. ‘He said sample,’ Inuyasha thought. ‘I’m right handed with my sword. I can offer him my left hand.’ So without much more thought, Inuyasha thrust out his left hand and turned his head.
‘Left hand, huh?’ Sesshomaru marveled. ‘Is he offering himself for mating? Interesting,’
Sesshomaru grabbed the left hand and pulled it to his lips.
“Is this going to hurt badly?” Inuyasha whimpered. But just as soon as he said that he turned his head and stared.
Sesshomaru was kissing his hand.
Sesshomaru had pulled the hand to his lips and covered it with kisses. Then he nipped and licked it. But it was the suckling of each finger that got Inuyasha’s voice to return.
“Sesshomaru! What?!” Inuyasha stumbled. Funny feelings began to rise in the hanyou’s body.
Sesshomaru barely took his lips away from the hand.
“I’m tasting you. I thought you heard me. Your ears were facing me.” Sesshomaru returned his attention to the hand. His kisses started moving up to Inuyasha’s arm. One of Sesshomaru’s hands held Inuyasha’s and the other had grabbed his tricep. A thumb made circles gently on his skin.
Inuyasha panted.
“You’re kissing my arm!”
“Yes,” the demon mumbled between kisses, “and tasting it too.”
“You’re kissing my arm!” Inuyasha repeated, his voice laced with shock and surprise.
“And I plan to kiss more of you,” Sesshomaru replied as he moved rapidly up the arm to Inuyasha’s shoulder and neck.
Inuyasha was rapidly becoming hot under the collar.
“But why?” The hanyou stuttered.
“I want to,” Sesshomaru responded as he got in front of Inuyasha and grabbed his face in both hands. And with that simple declaration he leaned in and kissed his brother.
Poll: Do you want to see this scene in “The Incidental Time Traveler”? Or should it be somewhere else?
And that’s a wrap for this week’s submissions from me.
Thanks for reading and don’t forget to check AO3 for the complete series. Gayle
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gaylenightingale · 2 years
2022 InuSessweek
@inusessweek @snowinjuly-creator
June 25
Royalty AU
By Gayle Nightingale
Prince Sesshomaru stood on the balcony of the castle and waved at the waiting crowd. A roar of excitement rose as soon as he came in sight. When he waved the sound tripled and echoed off the walls. He noticed a guardsman even had to grab the parapet so he wouldn’t fall off. Sesshomaru attempted to smile like his mother had told him, but, honestly, he didn’t feel like it. The small smile had been seen and several maidens had fainted. He waved once more and reentered the castle.
Once inside he rolled his eyes. This was the third “meet and wave” he had done this week. He couldn’t believe his mother and father wanted him to participate in these ridiculous spectacles. The people didn’t care about him just his role as crown prince. He just wanted to escape and be a normal teenager, but his parents wanted him to be seen and start looking for a mate.
He didn’t want to be seen.
He didn’t want a mate.
He didn’t even want the crown.
He just wanted to be free.
He looked about his room and found a traveling cloak.
He took a walk and found his pet dragon A-Un.
“A-Un, I don’t want to get married. I’d rather play first. There’s so much to see and do.”
A-Un nuzzled his heads under the prince’s hands.
“I’m going outside the castle wall. Don’t follow me.” Sesshomaru whispered lovingly to his dragon.
The dragon whimpered.
Prince Sesshomaru donned the traveling hooded cloth and jumped over the wall.
In the market a beggar boy named Inuyasha, and his pet fox Shippo searched for scraps of food. To survive they had developed many slights of hand tricks. They were employing one of those tricks just as a distracted prince bounced into them.
Several apples rolled to the ground from inside Inuyasha’s cloak.
“Oh, you have dropped your apples,” the prince said. “Allow me to help you pick them up.”
“Forget it,” whispered Inuyasha. “Shippo, we’ve been found out. we must run!”
All about them shop keepers yelled. “Thefts! Stop them!”
Inuyasha grabbed Sesshomaru’s hand and ran!
After a hair-raising chase through the marketplace and a near capture, Shippo, Inuyasha, and Sesshomaru relaxed in Inuyasha’s hideout. Laughing they shared the one apple they “liberated”.
Sesshomaru laughed freely. This is what he dreamed off. Having a friend or two to play with.
Inuyasha had been laying on his back. He rolled over and wiped the juice from his chin with his hand and then pointed to the castle in the distance.
“What a place! Can you imagine being sultan?” Inuyasha said dreamily.
“I try not to,” sighed Sesshomaru. “The job doesn’t appeal to me.” But the others didn’t hear him because Shippo was laughing. Pointing to Inuyasha, he snorted, “Imagine you at Sultan! Ha! Ha! Ha!”
Inuyasha bounced up, hands on hips and called out, “Hey! I can be dignified and stuff.”
Shippo was rolling on the floor by this point. He couldn’t speak.
Inuyasha frowned. He looked toward Sesshomaru. “I could, you know. If I was given the chance.” As he finished his sentence, his voice fell silent.
Sesshomaru looked at him.
“Why would you want to be the sultan? Stuck in the castle? Unable to see anything you wanted?”
Inuyasha paused, but then replied, “I wouldn’t starve then.”
The boys sat silently considering each other’s thoughts.
A bit later, Inuyasha asked, “Do I need to walk you home? I know we ran away from the market. I think I should at least get you back to your neighborhood. Won’t your mom and dad be worried?”
Sesshomaru considered his question. “Probably, but I’d like to walk around a little first. Can you show me the town?”
“Absolutely,” smiled Inuyasha. “Inuyasha, travel agent and tour guide, at your service.”
The three boys slid down the clothing lines to the street below. They wandered through the streets and parks, stopping to play and watch people. They kicked a can for several streets until someone threw water on them. Laughing they ran. A group of kids was playing street baseball, so they stopped to join them. When Inuyasha went to bat he hit the ball so hard it went out into the main street.
Sesshomaru ran after it and nearly got run over by a horse and carriage.
A mounted policeman dashed over and grabbed him by the shoulder and started to scream at him for darting into traffic and scaring a wealthy noble.
Inuyasha had run as fast as he could to get to Sesshomaru’s side.
“Let go of him,” Inuyasha yelled as he bit and kicked at the guard.
Another couple of guards joined the first and soon the two boys were captured, bound and led down the street to the castle guard building just outside the castle gates. Shippo followed close behind but hidden from everyone’s view.
The marching of the two boys had led to an impromptu parade. Many older people chatted loudly to each other.
“What is it?” one would call.
“Bad boys,” came back the answer.
“Bet the hangman will be busy,” another yelled.
And so, the chatter continued all the way to the castle gate.
Inuyasha stuck out his chest bravely, but he was afraid. Shippo was crying. Inuyasha could smell his tears. He just wanted to comfort his friend. He had always protected the younger kit from the evils of the world. He puffed up his chest fuller. If dying with pride was the last lesson he had to teach Shippo, he would do it to the best of his ability.
Sesshomaru, unaware of Inuyasha’s concerns, was feed up with this horrible treatment from the castle guards.
As soon as they reached the gates and the captain of the guard came out to see what the noise was about, Sesshomaru threw back his hood and called out in his loudest voice,
All the guards stood up straight and looked toward the authoritative voice. As soon as they saw the white-haired prince, they went down on one knee. The guard leading Sesshomaru dropped the rope like it was on fire.
Sesshomaru marched over to the captain of the guard.
“Is this what constitutes justice in this kingdom? A child nearly gets ran over by a carriage and the police arrest him and drag him through the streets?! Another tries to safe his friend and he is arrested and threated with murder?! I will be speaking to my parents immediately! Let go of my friend Inuyasha!
“But my Lord, he is the theft that terrorizes the marketplace,” the captain countered.
“And my father, your King, is the judge that hears and adjudicates these cases. Come Inuyasha, Shippo. It’s time you meet my parents.”
The prince grabbed the hand of Inuyasha and pulled him through the gates. Shippo raced by and climbed up Inuyasha’s back to rest on his opposite shoulder. The fox looked around Inuyasha’s face at Sesshomaru.
“You’re the Prince?” Shippo stared jaw dropping open.
Inuyasha was quiet as he processed the news.
The prince had Inuyasha’s hand firmly in his. It was warm and strong. Inuyasha’s fear vanished. He had been Shippo’s hero, but now he had his own hero—Sesshomaru. He had a dazed look in his eyes and a goofy smile on his face.
Sesshomaru looked from Inuyasha to Shippo and back.
“I had a great time today. You showed me what was outside the walls of the castle. Allow me to show you what’s inside the walls. Let’s go see Father and Mother.” He pulled a little harder as he sped up. Soon the three boys were racing through the castle, sliding on waxed floors, and giggling happily.
They arrived at the sultan’s rooms and knocked politely.
A deep voice invited them in.
“Hi Father. Hi Mother. I made two new friends today!”
The king smiled warmly while the queen nodded.
“Welcome boys. Friends of Sesshomaru are welcome here.”
Introductions were made. Stories were exchanged. As the story about being led through the streets on a rope came out, Sesshomaru’s father stood and stormed off to the captain of the guard to instill some correction. Shortly after the queen found out the boys were orphaned. Immediately she wanted to adopt them. She called her servants, and all three boys were led off to get bathed and new clothes. The water fight that followed was one for the books.
That day was the first of many epic bathing water fights, and it was the beginning of a new life for Sesshomaru the lonely prince, Inuyasha the beggar, and Shippo the little orphan fox.
As the king and queen learned about their new adoptees, their eyes were opened to the problems of poverty and hunger in the kingdom. Throughout the remainder of their lives they devoted their efforts to provide for the underserved.
Prince Sesshomaru matured and accepted his rule as crown prince. Inuyasha had helped him see beyond the castle walls and showed him the value of involved leadership. From their initial friendship to the deep emotional bound they now shared, Sesshomaru realized that he would never find anyone as dear to him as Inuyasha. When it was time for him to court he shared these thoughts with Inuyasha. To his great relief Inuyasha felt the same way. The king and queen were thrilled, and the men were wed.
As time flew by, Shippo’s eye was caught by an adorable star-adorned female fox named Tsuki. The king and queen quickly approved the match, and the queen threw a huge wedding for them. In time they had dozens of children. The queen mother enjoyed doting over all her grandchildren and her grandchildren adored her. When she died, the country mourned her loss. The king passed shortly after that. Before he died, he passed his crown and scepter to Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru and Inuyasha ruled the land fairly. The country enjoyed peace and prosperity. Their citizen were all feed and had places to live. In every way it was ideal. Additionally, Sesshomaru and Inuyasha loved each other deeply. As they aged, they grew closer together. On the day Sesshomaru breathed his last, Inuyasha’s heart broke. He stumbled to his mate’s side and lay down beside him. He had Shippo called to his side.
Breathing ragged and speech slow, Inuyasha whispered, “My time is short. Sesshomaru calls me and I yearn to be with him. We bequeath you with the throne. Watch over the people. We love you.”
Inuyasha grabbed his husband’s hand, closed his eyes and breathed his last.
The kingdom mourned but none as deeply as Shippo. His heroes were gone, but he was charged with their final request, to watch over the people.
Shippo carried out that charge to the end of his days. He earned nine tails and was indeed strong. Tsuki stood next him faithfully, earning her own nine tails. The power and strength of the two foxes radiated through the land.
From their thrones in the heavens Sesshomaru and Inuyasha reached down. Shippo and Tsuki looked up and ascended to the heavens. Their ascension was witnessed by many. After that they were worshipped as fox deities. They continued to watch over the people.
And that is one reason foxes are worshipped in certain countries
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gaylenightingale · 2 years
28 June Inusessweek 2022 Day 5
From a TUMBLR prompt: Hurt/comfort
Big Brother Sesshomaru and his teenage friends Koga and Bankotsu take Little brother Inuyasha (5y.o.) rollerblading for the first time
@inusessweek @snowinjuly-creator
#inusessweek #inusessweek2022.
All pieces are on AO3.
AU modern
“Let’s go rollerblading Sesshomaru!” Yelled Koga, and Bankotsu as they walked up the sidewalk to the front porch of the Takahashi house.
“I can’t,” sighed Sesshomaru as he yelled back from the front door of the house. “I’m babysitting my baby brother.”
“Hey, I heard that! I told you to call it “Kid-sitting”. I am not a baby!” Yelled Inuyasha from right behind Sesshomaru.
“Are too.”
“Am not!”
“Are too!”
And it only got louder from that point on.
Koga and Bankotsu laughed.
“Just bring him too. Isn’t it about time he learns how to rollerblade?”
Inuyasha heard that. “Sesshomaru! Please! I want to learn how to rollerblade too! Teach me! Teach me! Teach me!” The child’s voice was excited and eager. He jumped around his big brother enthusiastically.
Sesshomaru quickly grabbed the five year old and covered his mouth.
“Stop yelling and I’ll do it. Kami, You guys are such good friends!” The sarcasm was dripping off Sesshomaru’s words.
Koga laughed some more.
Bankotsu rolled his eyes. “You made me take my little brother once. So as far as I’m concerned what goes around, comes around.”
Sesshomaru snorted. “Who needs friends like you.”
Koga continued laughed but chortled out, “You, obviously!”
“Come on man. Get your old skates for your baby brother and come on!” Bankotsu was impatient. There was a girl he want to hit on that was going to be at the skate rink.
“I AM NOT A BABY!” Inuyasha yelled.
But no one heard him.
The three teenagers chatted amicably as they walked to the skate rink. Inuyasha trailed after them running most of the way. The teenagers long legs made it hard for the five year old to keep up.
Once they arrived at the rink, Bankotsu split to chase down a girl. Koga followed teasing him about how he was going to “wipe out”. Sesshomaru took a few moments to put the skates on Inuyasha. He explained how to stop and how to start. Then he put on his own skates and lead his brother out to the rink. Sesshomaru led Inuyasha around the perimeter of the rink for one complete turn and then they were interrupted by his girlfriend Rin.
“Hey Sesshomaru,” Rin cooed. “I see you brought your adorable baby brother. Hi Inuyasha! You’re doing so well on those skates.” Rin bent down and smiled winningly at Inuyasha.
Inuyasha blushed and hid behind Sesshomaru.
Sesshomaru shook his head. Rin could get away with anything. Inuyasha didn’t even complain about being called a baby by Rin. Sesshomaru glanced over his girlfriend’s body. She was bent at the waist, rollerblading backward, talking to Inuyasha. She looked good.
While Sesshomaru, Rin, and Inuyasha were distracted, two preteen skaters were racing each other. Without warning the preteens ran straight into the trio!
Five people lay splattered across the floor, two of them on top of Inuyasha.
Bankotsu and Koga rushed toward their friends. Quickly they pulled up Sesshomaru and Rin.
Brushing off quickly and assuring Rin was okay, Sesshomaru rushed to the preteens and his brother.
Moans and cries were rising from the pile.
“Inuyasha! Inuyasha! Are you okay?”
“My arm! My arm!” Came the reply.
Bankotsu had pulled one preteen off the stack only to find Inuyasha’s arm bent in the wrong direction.
“Kami Sesshomaru! I think he broke his arm!”
Upon hearing that Inuyasha cried louder.
“Hang in there little brother. I’m coming,” yelled Sesshomaru and he rushed to his brother’s side. Picking up the little boy, he cuddled his brother to his chest.
“You’re okay. I’m here. It’ll be okay. Stop crying okay? Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha had taken a deep breath and a muffled sob vibrated into Sesshomaru’s tee shirt.
“I’m going to get you to Dad’s clinic. Don’t worry. You’ll be just fine. Daddy can fix it.”
Sesshomaru held Inuyasha with an iron grip.
Rin smiled and patted his arm. “You hold your brother and I’ll change your shoes so you can get to the clinic.”
Sesshomaru smiled at her and nodded.
The shoes changed, Sesshomaru walked out of the rink carrying his brother. He headed toward the Takahashi ortho clinic. Rin, Bankotsu, and Koga were minutes behind him. As they walked into the clinic, they saw Sesshomaru sitting in a chair, head bent resting on his hands.
“Is he okay?” Rin asked.
Sesshomaru looked up to see his friends.
“Yeah, Dad said he would X-ray it but he thinks it’ll be an easy thing to fix. I’m just waiting for him to let me know.”
The three teenagers sat down in the waiting room with Sesshomaru.
In the background the clock ticked.
The nurses and receptionists chatted with patients making appointments and answering questions.
Ten minutes later, Dr Takahashi came out of the treatment room.
The teenager stood.
“Yes Father.”
“I will hear more about this later but right now your little brother won’t let me set his arm without you at his side.”
Rin smiled.
Koga chuckled.
Bankotsu snorted. “Your baby brother needs you.”
“Aw-shut up. So what if he does, I need him too.” Sesshomaru followed his father through the treatment door and rushed to his brother’s side.
Inuyasha’s eyes were swollen and red from crying.
“Why are you crying, Inuyasha. I’m right here and so is Dad. You’re going to be just fine.”
Inuyasha’s face lit up.
Everything is better when your big brother is there
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gaylenightingale · 2 years
Do Not feed your dogs chocolate! Ever!!!
Sesshomaru is ok. Don’t worry.
From the TUMBLR prompt for 26 Jun 22: Accidental Poisoning and Fluff
@inusessweek @snowinjuly-creator
June 26
Accidental Poisoning — Pure Fluff
#inusessweek #inusessweek2022.
“Honest Mom. I didn’t mean to,” the inuhanyou child whined.
“Inukimi is screaming, Inuyasha. She thinks you tried to kill your half brother.”
“I didn’t, Mom. I just didn’t know he was allergic to chocolate.” Inuyasha’s blushing face was hidden from his mother by his long hair.
“Why would you ever give Sesshomaru chocolate, Inuyasha?” Izayoi asked, trying to understand how this happened.
“Kagome said sumpin’ about it when we were walking to school,” Inuyasha squirmed. He definitely didn’t want to share this with his mom of all people.
Izayoi blinked her eyes as she listened.
“Kagome? The little miko girl?”
“Um-hum,” Inuyasha mumbled as he moved his feet back and forth nervously.
“And why did Kagome tell you to give Sesshomaru chocolate?” Izayoi asked patiently.
Inuyasha looked up. “Oh, she didn’t say to give it to Sesshomaru.” Inuyasha twiddled his fingers as he paused. “Well, not exactly.”
Izayoi took a deep breath and tried again. “Then what did Kagome say, Inuyasha.”
Izayoi was a bit worried that the young miko was trying to “slay a demon”. She smiled benevolently at her son.
Inuyasha’s tongue was thick. He was afraid to tell his mother. But he was also afraid he would get Kagome in trouble so he quickly blurted out, “ShetoldmetogivechocolatetotheoneIlove.”
Izayoi moved a bit in her chair as she played back the answer, slower in her mind. Then she said it out loud and slowly,
“Kagome told you to give chocolate to the one you love? Is that right, Inuyasha?”
The small boy blushed, hung his head, and mumbled, “Yes, Momma.”
Izayoi fought back the smile that threatened to overtake her face. She reached out and grabbed Inuyasha and hugged him to her chest.
“Thank you for telling me the truth, my little love,” she cooed. “I understand that Sesshomaru can have company now. Dogs and dog demons are allergic to chocolate but I heard he really likes beef jerky. Don’t you like that too?”
Inuyasha looked at his mother with big open eyes. His mother wasn’t mad. She was smiling.
“Yeah! I love beef jerky. I can take him some of my jerky!” Inuyasha ran off to get some of his jerky from his snack container.
Izayoi‘ s eyes followed after him. Smiling she laughed to herself, “Sorry Kagome. He’s heart belongs to another.” Still giggling softly she rose from her chair ready to walk Inuyasha to Sesshomaru’s bedside.
“Wait til Inukimi hears this.”
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inusessweek · 2 years
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gaylenightingale · 2 years
@snowinjuly-creator @inusessweek.
2022 InuSess week by SnowInJuly
Special thanks to SnowInJuly for offering a InuSess week this year. All your planning and coordinating is appreciated. <<Standing Ovation>>
All my submissions are out of character—it’s fan fiction. I’ve got some slice of life, some fractured fairy tales, a PWP collaboration with AggitatedCrayon, and maybe an excerpt from my newest story, “The Incidental Time Traveler”. Hope you enjoy.
Check TUMBLR, and AO3
Tag your post with #inusessweek or #inusessweek2022. You have to place one of these tags within the first FIVE tags for us to see it on Tumblr.
You can find my complete works on AO3 in my account .
June 24
Prompt: New Moon
By Gayle Nightingale
Inuyasha dashed frantically through the forest, a red flash to the ordinary animals living there. He was on a personal mission, and he was running out of time! The inuhanyou panted, thirsty and tired, he wouldn’t give up just yet. He had to find it. It could mean the world to him.
Miroku had mentioned an old monk’s tale the last time they stayed up all night for his new moon time. The story had been about a witch and how she had captured the magic of the new moon. Inuyasha had listened intently. He had no idea that the moon had magic. He needed to know how to capture it. Perhaps it could protect him on the nights he turned human, or better yet, maybe it could protect his pack or even help them defeat Naraku.
He had questioned the monk about the tale and where it had come from. Miroku only remembered that his old mentor’s mentor had told the tale. Perhaps there were some scrolls in the old temple? But then Miroku laughed and pointed out it was just a tale they told him when he was young.
But Miroku’s warning was too late. Inuyasha had already decided he would chase this tale down, find the witch and get the magic. The next morning, he took off by himself. He told the others that he had personal business to take care of. Kagome didn’t argue. She had tests. Miroku was unconscious at Sango’s feet, a handprint on his face.
The hanyou continued running. He was exhausted. He had been running for 27 days. He had covered most of the land searching for a witch. A couple of times he thought he found one, but it wasn’t the right one.
The last witch he met sent him to the West. “Its close to a palace,” the old crone cackled and then she disappeared.
The hanyou shook his mane of hair, frustrated but also relieved to have a direction to go.
Inuyasha’s senses were dimming. It was close to the new moon. He searched himself for more power to go on and tapped it. A burst of sped and suddenly he was in a flower meadow.
Rin looked up from her flowery playground.
“Look A-Un! It’s Lord Inuyasha!”
The hanyou looked startled.
A-Un nodded, uninterested in the hanyou’s presence.
Jaken rushed to Rin’s side. He had been napping nearby.
“You filthy hanyou! How dare you invade this area!”
Rin put her small child hands on her hips and scolded him, “That’s not nice! Lord Inuyasha is my Lord’s brother.”
Turning to Inuyasha, she smiled. “Welcome Lord Inuyasha. My Lord Sesshomaru is not here but you are welcome to wait for him.”
Inuyasha’s heart was racing. How did he get near Sesshomaru’s group without smelling his brother! His heart was beating so hard and so loud he couldn’t breathe. His vision started narrowing into a tunnel. The edges were black. Why couldn’t he see? He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He could hear a muffled child’s voice calling to him. Suddenly the sky was the only thing he could see. A small hand patted his face and then his world went black.
A bit later, Inuyasha awoke.
He was lying in a bed with a soft pink canopy. He was surrounded by stuffed animals of all sorts. A large stuffed fluffy white dog rested on his chest, its eyes large and round and its mouth smiling.
Inuyasha jumped out of bed staring in pure fright at the stuffed animal.
Rin turned from her coloring book and stood.
“You’re awake! Yay! You’re awake!”
Inuyasha looked at the little girl.
“Where am I?” Inuyasha looked about him trying to get some clue as to his location.
“Rin, Master Jaken, and A-Un brought you home. You’re in my room. You’ve been sleeping,” Rin paused as she tried to figure out how long Inuyasha had been asleep. “You’ve been asleep as long as it took me to draw these two pictures.”
Inuyasha looked at the two pictures Rin was holding. One was of her playing in the flowers and the other was of Lord Sesshomaru tenderly carrying Inuyasha in a bridal carry. Both were colored in completely.
Inuyasha’ mouth dropped open.
“Did Sesshomaru carry me here?” Inuyasha’s heart started racing.
Rin looked at him and then to the picture.
“No,” she said, “I just pictured it. A-Un used his heads to put you on his back.”
“Oh,” Inuyasha sighed, relief in his voice.
“Um, Lord Inuyasha?” Rin started.
“Not a lord, kid. Inuyasha, okay?” he smiled gently at her.
She nodded and continued. “Inuyasha? Are you hungry? I have a sandwich and an apple.”
As soon as she said “hungry?” Inuyasha’s mouth watered.
“Yeh, kid. I could eat.”
“Not a kid. Rin, okay?” Rin mirrored Inuyasha’s smile.
“Rin,” Inuyasha nodded and chuckled, “I would really like the sandwich and an apple. And a glass of water too, if you don’t mind.”
Rin stepped to the side and pointed to the small table she was using to draw. “Have a seat. Eat. Talk to me. Sometimes I get lonely.”
Inuyasha made his way to the table after looking at the smiling stuffed dog. He still had it in his hand. He put it back on the bed and stared at it.
“Rin, where’d you get this?”
“Father gave it to me. Father said it was his when he was a child. His nanny had made it to look like his father. Since his father is your father, I thought it might be nice for you. Did you like it?” Rin stared expectantly.
“I never met my father,” Inuyasha spoke truthfully without even thinking about who he was talking to. He looked at the stuffed dog again closer. “Is that what my father looked like?”
Rin shrugged. “I don’t know. I never met him.”
“Oh, of course not,” Inuyasha blushed. “I must be really hungry.”
He rushed to the table and sat down in front of the sandwich.
Rin turned and sat down too. “Help yourself. I ate mine earlier. The water glass is clean, and the pitcher is right there,” she pointed to a side table under a mirror.
Inuyasha had already inhaled half the sandwich. He got up to get some water. He poured a glass and then looked up into the mirror before picking up the container.
A human Inuyasha looked back at him.
Two large eyes grew larger.
He had turned human in his brother’s house! What a catastrophe! Instead of allowing his panic to own him, he began some deep breathing exercises. Once he was a little calmer, he grabbed the water and downed the entire glass in one gulp.
Rin laughed. “You must have been really thirsty!” Her giggles filled the air.
Inuyasha listened to the chime like laughter. It calmed him. He refilled the glass and returned to the table and his food. Picking up the sandwich, he asked the small child some casual questions. He focused on eating slower.
Rin answered and then continued chatting on and on for the remainder of Inuyasha’s meal. She told him of the flowers she liked and the animals she knew. She told him that she named A-Un because he didn’t have a name and she thought it was rude not to call him by name since he was such a nice animal.
Inuyasha nodded. He commented that he didn’t have any bite marks on him or his clothes, so he figured the dragon was being super careful with him.
Rin nodded. She was careful not to look in Inuyasha’s eyes. “A-Un is a good dragon. I love him.”
Inuyasha made a noise of agreement and bit into his apple.
“Tonight’s a special night,” Rin stated, looking at Inuyasha to see his response.
Still chewing the apple, Inuyasha nodded. He would keep silent and see what the little girl thought.
“My momma’s momma told her that the night of the new moon had a special magic.”
Inuyasha’s eyes opened wide.
Rin took another piece of paper and drew a moon. “Momma said that the time the moon disappears is the time to set your mind on what you want and to figure out how you are going to get there. Life brings a lot of bad things, like the bandits, and the wolves, but then you get to try again and get a new start. Like when Lord Sesshomaru used the sword on me and gave me a new start.”
Rin drew a series of circles in a circle that was a child’s version of the phases of the moon.
“This is tonight. The start of a new bunch of moon magic. As the days pass, the moon gets bigger in the sky and the magic fills. You can feel it. Momma says to use that magic to help you get direction and strength to accomplish your goal. The moon’s light will help. Then on the full moon, when the light is brightest, we can see clearly and reach for our goal.”
Rin paused as she colored the moons on her paper. She put down the coloring tools down and put her chin in her hand. She continued her thoughts.
“But sometimes we don’t get what it is we need yet and so we must let go to the things that don’t work, or don’t help get to our goals.” She paused as she filled in the remaining moons with color. The room was quiet as she concentrated on coloring.
Rin looked up at Inuyasha. “I didn’t always understand what Momma meant. Maybe I am too young to understand, but I do feel the magic of the moon. Don’t you, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha had been quietly listening to the wisdom of Rin’s mother. He understood perfectly. There were things he could let go of, like old resentments, or just running off without a plan. Maybe that’s the magic he needed. Letting go of bitterness, plan a little more, a little more focus… He could feel the power of the moon. He could try and use these thoughts.
Sesshomaru had been peeking through the crack in the door.
Whispering he said, “It’s called Cosmic Reset, little brother. And it’s the first of many Inu lessons I have for you. Perhaps one day, you will let go of the resentment you have for me. Or then again, maybe I need to make the first move and ask your forgiveness…., I’ll have to think about that tonight. Time for a cosmic reset.” Sesshomaru turned and walked down the hallway to his office. He would be busy tonight watching over his two humans so he would have plenty of time to think.
When the light dawned the following morning, Inuyasha surreptitiously slipped out of the castle and dashed back to his friends.
When Rin woke, she noticed Inuyasha was gone. She walked down the hall yawning and seeking out Sesshomaru. When she found him she offered him the drawing she had made the night before.
“Here’s the picture you wanted my Lord. I told Lord Inuyasha that A-Un carried him. Why did you want me to lie?”
Sesshomaru took the colored paper and admired it.
Avoiding her question he redirected her attention with a compliment, “Good work Rin. Time for you to eat breakfast. Off with you now.”
Rin smiled happily and left her lord’s side.
Sesshomaru sat back down and fingered the photo.
Speaking to himself he whispered, “Inuyasha, did you really think A-Un could carry you with his heads?” Sesshomaru chuckled.
Some ways from the palace, Inuyasha stopped and quirked his head. Turning to look back at the castle, he mumbled, “A-Un couldn’t pick me up with his heads. Sesshomaru had to have carried me, right?” He walked a bit, kicking twigs and rocks. Did his brother carry him so tenderly like in Rin’s picture?
A bug buzzed about his ears, and they twitched. The bug was persistent. Finally, Inuyasha, tired of shooing it, took off running again.
“Silly,” he muttered to himself. He decided to think about it later. Later turned out to be sooner. Over the next 15 days he thought of his brother more than usual.
It was the night of the full moon that Sesshomaru sought out Inuyasha.
“Little brother,” Sesshomaru called out.
“Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha replied, body position guarded and ready to run or fight.
Sesshomaru noticed the positioning. He contemplated just leaving, but then reflected on his new moon thoughts. He would have to make the first move.
“I have had some time to think about many things.”
Sesshomaru couldn’t figure out how to continue his thoughts out loud.
Inuyasha noticed.
The hanyou spoke. “I’ve been thinking about you quite a bit over the last 15 days. My resentment toward you is dragging me down. I’m ready to let it go. I forgive you, Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru’s eyebrows rose. Inuyasha learned cosmic reset quickly.
“I’m sorry,” the great dog demon spoke clearly. “I’m sorry.”
The two sons of Toga stared at each other. The full moon beamed down on them. They glowed and sparkled as the magic filled them.
A cocky smile a lit the hanyou’s face.
“Time to exterminate a spider, Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru had already reached out and was pulling Inuyasha to his side.
“Hold on tight,” he murmured as he orbed the two of them off to fight Naraku.
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inusessweek · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale Rating: General Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: InuYasha & Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) Characters: InuYasha (InuYasha), Sesshoumaru (InuYasha) Additional Tags: Humor, What Have I Done, Hot Springs & Onsen, Crushes, Secret Crush Summary:
InuSess Week 2022 Day 1: Fairy Tale/Mythology AU | New Moon | Biting (June 24)
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inusessweek · 2 years
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Day 1 is here!
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inusessweek · 2 years
InuSess 2022 24 Jun
@inusessweek. @snowinjuly-creator
#inusessweek #inusessweek2022.
Special thanks to SnowInJuly for offering a InuSess week this year. All your planning and coordinating is appreciated. <<Standing Ovation>>
All my submissions are out of character—it’s fan fiction. I’ve got some slice of life, some fractured fairy tales, a PWP collaboration with AggitatedCrayon, and maybe an excerpt from my newest story, “The Incidental Time Traveler”. Hope you enjoy.
You can find my complete works on AO3 in my account .
June 24
Prompt: New Moon
By Gayle Nightingale
Inuyasha dashed frantically through the forest, a red flash to the ordinary animals living there. He was on a personal mission, and he was running out of time! The inuhanyou panted, thirsty and tired, he wouldn’t give up just yet. He had to find it. It could mean the world to him.
Miroku had mentioned an old monk’s tale the last time they stayed up all night for his new moon time. The story had been about a witch and how she had captured the magic of the new moon. Inuyasha had listened intently. He had no idea that the moon had magic. He needed to know how to capture it. Perhaps it could protect him on the nights he turned human, or better yet, maybe it could protect his pack or even help them defeat Naraku.
He had questioned the monk about the tale and where it had come from. Miroku only remembered that his old mentor’s mentor had told the tale. Perhaps there were some scrolls in the old temple? But then Miroku laughed and pointed out it was just a tale they told him when he was young.
But Miroku’s warning was too late. Inuyasha had already decided he would chase this tale down, find the witch and get the magic. The next morning, he took off by himself. He told the others that he had personal business to take care of. Kagome didn’t argue. She had tests. Miroku was unconscious at Sango’s feet, a handprint on his face.
The hanyou continued running. He was exhausted. He had been running for 27 days. He had covered most of the land searching for a witch. A couple of times he thought he found one, but it wasn’t the right one.
The last witch he met sent him to the West. “Its close to a palace,” the old crone cackled and then she disappeared.
The hanyou shook his mane of hair, frustrated but also relieved to have a direction to go.
Inuyasha’s senses were dimming. It was close to the new moon. He searched himself for more power to go on and tapped it. A burst of sped and suddenly he was in a flower meadow.
Rin looked up from her flowery playground.
“Look A-Un! It’s Lord Inuyasha!”
The hanyou looked startled.
A-Un nodded, uninterested in the hanyou’s presence.
Jaken rushed to Rin’s side. He had been napping nearby.
“You filthy hanyou! How dare you invade this area!”
Rin put her small child hands on her hips and scolded him, “That’s not nice! Lord Inuyasha is my Lord’s brother.”
Turning to Inuyasha, she smiled. “Welcome Lord Inuyasha. My Lord Sesshomaru is not here but you are welcome to wait for him.”
Inuyasha’s heart was racing. How did he get near Sesshomaru’s group without smelling his brother! His heart was beating so hard and so loud he couldn’t breathe. His vision started narrowing into a tunnel. The edges were black. Why couldn’t he see? He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. He could hear a muffled child’s voice calling to him. Suddenly the sky was the only thing he could see. A small hand patted his face and then his world went black.
A bit later, Inuyasha awoke.
He was lying in a bed with a soft pink canopy. He was surrounded by stuffed animals of all sorts. A large stuffed fluffy white dog rested on his chest, its eyes large and round and its mouth smiling.
Inuyasha jumped out of bed staring in pure fright at the stuffed animal.
Rin turned from her coloring book and stood.
“You’re awake! Yay! You’re awake!”
Inuyasha looked at the little girl.
“Where am I?” Inuyasha looked about him trying to get some clue as to his location.
“Rin, Master Jaken, and A-Un brought you home. You’re in my room. You’ve been sleeping,” Rin paused as she tried to figure out how long Inuyasha had been asleep. “You’ve been asleep as long as it took me to draw these two pictures.”
Inuyasha looked at the two pictures Rin was holding. One was of her playing in the flowers and the other was of Lord Sesshomaru tenderly carrying Inuyasha in a bridal carry. Both were colored in completely.
Inuyasha’ mouth dropped open.
“Did Sesshomaru carry me here?” Inuyasha’s heart started racing.
Rin looked at him and then to the picture.
“No,” she said, “I just pictured it. A-Un used his heads to put you on his back.”
“Oh,” Inuyasha sighed, relief in his voice.
“Um, Lord Inuyasha?” Rin started.
“Not a lord, kid. Inuyasha, okay?” he smiled gently at her.
She nodded and continued. “Inuyasha? Are you hungry? I have a sandwich and an apple.”
As soon as she said “hungry?” Inuyasha’s mouth watered.
“Yeh, kid. I could eat.”
“Not a kid. Rin, okay?” Rin mirrored Inuyasha’s smile.
“Rin,” Inuyasha nodded and chuckled, “I would really like the sandwich and an apple. And a glass of water too, if you don’t mind.”
Rin stepped to the side and pointed to the small table she was using to draw. “Have a seat. Eat. Talk to me. Sometimes I get lonely.”
Inuyasha made his way to the table after looking at the smiling stuffed dog. He still had it in his hand. He put it back on the bed and stared at it.
“Rin, where’d you get this?”
“Father gave it to me. Father said it was his when he was a child. His nanny had made it to look like his father. Since his father is your father, I thought it might be nice for you. Did you like it?” Rin stared expectantly.
“I never met my father,” Inuyasha spoke truthfully without even thinking about who he was talking to. He looked at the stuffed dog again closer. “Is that what my father looked like?”
Rin shrugged. “I don’t know. I never met him.”
“Oh, of course not,” Inuyasha blushed. “I must be really hungry.”
He rushed to the table and sat down in front of the sandwich.
Rin turned and sat down too. “Help yourself. I ate mine earlier. The water glass is clean, and the pitcher is right there,” she pointed to a side table under a mirror.
Inuyasha had already inhaled half the sandwich. He got up to get some water. He poured a glass and then looked up into the mirror before picking up the container.
A human Inuyasha looked back at him.
Two large eyes grew larger.
He had turned human in his brother’s house! What a catastrophe! Instead of allowing his panic to own him, he began some deep breathing exercises. Once he was a little calmer, he grabbed the water and downed the entire glass in one gulp.
Rin laughed. “You must have been really thirsty!” Her giggles filled the air.
Inuyasha listened to the chime like laughter. It calmed him. He refilled the glass and returned to the table and his food. Picking up the sandwich, he asked the small child some casual questions. He focused on eating slower.
Rin answered and then continued chatting on and on for the remainder of Inuyasha’s meal. She told him of the flowers she liked and the animals she knew. She told him that she named A-Un because he didn’t have a name and she thought it was rude not to call him by name since he was such a nice animal.
Inuyasha nodded. He commented that he didn’t have any bite marks on him or his clothes, so he figured the dragon was being super careful with him.
Rin nodded. She was careful not to look in Inuyasha’s eyes. “A-Un is a good dragon. I love him.”
Inuyasha made a noise of agreement and bit into his apple.
“Tonight’s a special night,” Rin stated, looking at Inuyasha to see his response.
Still chewing the apple, Inuyasha nodded. He would keep silent and see what the little girl thought.
“My momma’s momma told her that the night of the new moon had a special magic.”
Inuyasha’s eyes opened wide.
Rin took another piece of paper and drew a moon. “Momma said that the time the moon disappears is the time to set your mind on what you want and to figure out how you are going to get there. Life brings a lot of bad things, like the bandits, and the wolves, but then you get to try again and get a new start. Like when Lord Sesshomaru used the sword on me and gave me a new start.”
Rin drew a series of circles in a circle that was a child’s version of the phases of the moon.
“This is tonight. The start of a new bunch of moon magic. As the days pass, the moon gets bigger in the sky and the magic fills. You can feel it. Momma says to use that magic to help you get direction and strength to accomplish your goal. The moon’s light will help. Then on the full moon, when the light is brightest, we can see clearly and reach for our goal.”
Rin paused as she colored the moons on her paper. She put down the coloring tools down and put her chin in her hand. She continued her thoughts.
“But sometimes we don’t get what it is we need yet and so we must let go to the things that don’t work, or don’t help get to our goals.” She paused as she filled in the remaining moons with color. The room was quiet as she concentrated on coloring.
Rin looked up at Inuyasha. “I didn’t always understand what Momma meant. Maybe I am too young to understand, but I do feel the magic of the moon. Don’t you, Inuyasha?”
Inuyasha had been quietly listening to the wisdom of Rin’s mother. He understood perfectly. There were things he could let go of, like old resentments, or just running off without a plan. Maybe that’s the magic he needed. Letting go of bitterness, plan a little more, a little more focus… He could feel the power of the moon. He could try and use these thoughts.
Sesshomaru had been peeking through the crack in the door.
Whispering he said, “It’s called Cosmic Reset, little brother. And it’s the first of many Inu lessons I have for you. Perhaps one day, you will let go of the resentment you have for me. Or then again, maybe I need to make the first move and ask your forgiveness…., I’ll have to think about that tonight. Time for a cosmic reset.” Sesshomaru turned and walked down the hallway to his office. He would be busy tonight watching over his two humans so he would have plenty of time to think.
When the light dawned the following morning, Inuyasha surreptitiously slipped out of the castle and dashed back to his friends.
When Rin woke, she noticed Inuyasha was gone. She walked down the hall yawning and seeking out Sesshomaru. When she found him she offered him the drawing she had made the night before.
“Here’s the picture you wanted my Lord. I told Lord Inuyasha that A-Un carried him. Why did you want me to lie?”
Sesshomaru took the colored paper and admired it.
Avoiding her question he redirected her attention with a compliment, “Good work Rin. Time for you to eat breakfast. Off with you now.”
Rin smiled happily and left her lord’s side.
Sesshomaru sat back down and fingered the photo.
Speaking to himself he whispered, “Inuyasha, did you really think A-Un could carry you with his heads?” Sesshomaru chuckled.
Some ways from the palace, Inuyasha stopped and quirked his head. Turning to look back at the castle, he mumbled, “A-Un couldn’t pick me up with his heads. Sesshomaru had to have carried me, right?” He walked a bit, kicking twigs and rocks. Did his brother carry him so tenderly like in Rin’s picture?
A bug buzzed about his ears, and they twitched. The bug was persistent. Finally, Inuyasha, tired of shooing it, took off running again.
“Silly,” he muttered to himself. He decided to think about it later. Later turned out to be sooner. Over the next 15 days he thought of his brother more than usual.
It was the night of the full moon that Sesshomaru sought out Inuyasha.
“Little brother,” Sesshomaru called out.
“Sesshomaru,” Inuyasha replied, body position guarded and ready to run or fight.
Sesshomaru noticed the positioning. He contemplated just leaving, but then reflected on his new moon thoughts. He would have to make the first move.
“I have had some time to think about many things.”
Sesshomaru couldn’t figure out how to continue his thoughts out loud.
Inuyasha noticed.
The hanyou spoke. “I’ve been thinking about you quite a bit over the last 15 days. My resentment toward you is dragging me down. I’m ready to let it go. I forgive you, Sesshomaru.”
Sesshomaru’s eyebrows rose. Inuyasha learned cosmic reset quickly.
“I’m sorry,” the great dog demon spoke clearly. “I’m sorry.”
The two sons of Toga stared at each other. The full moon beamed down on them. They glowed and sparkled as the magic filled them.
A cocky smile a lit the hanyou’s face.
“Time to exterminate a spider, Sesshomaru?”
Sesshomaru had already reached out and was pulling Inuyasha to his side.
“Hold on tight,” he murmured as he orbed the two of them off to fight Naraku.
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