#inuyasha yaoi
helenawrites23 · 4 months
Beneath Winter's Veil
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1.1k, walks in the woods, banter, mild hurt/comfort, tooth-rooting fluff, warm and fuzzy feelings, gen or pre-slash, enemies to friends, ambiguos relationships. AO3 link
Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru share a tentative bond. When the cold threatens Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru's concern shines through. Perhaps, there's still hope for them.
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In the heart of an ancient forest, where whispers of old spirits danced through the trees, Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru walked side by side. Their footsteps whispered through the frost-laden undergrowth, the only sound in the serene landscape. Inuyasha, with his wild mane of hair and a glint of mischief in his eyes, kicked up snow with every step. Beside him, Sesshoumaru moved with the silent grace of a winter breeze, his expression cold as the ice that adorned the branches above.
Sunlight filtered through the leaves, dappling the ground with patches of gold as they walked. Their past was littered with the echoes of battles fought, a history of animosity that had once burned like wildfire between them. Now, however, as they traversed the winding paths of the forest, there was a tentative peace that hung between them, still fragile.
They exchanged few words as they walked, their silence punctuated only by the rustle of leaves and the occasional chirp of a hidden bird. Despite the lack of conversation, there was a sense of comfort. Though Sesshoumaru remained as impassive as ever, there was a softness in his eyes that belied the mask of indifference he wore. Inuyasha refused to acknowledge the warmth that bloomed in his chest whenever his brother’s gaze lingered on him, instead choosing to focus on the mundane details of the forest around them.
Inuyasha cursed at a particularly stubborn thorn bush that snagged his sleeve. Sesshoumaru didn't quite laugh, but there was a hint of amusement in the curve of his mouth. The tension that had once simmered between them had dissipated, replaced by a quiet camaraderie. Inuyasha would never admit it aloud, but there was a part of him that couldn’t help but wonder if maybe, their walks through the forest were something more than just chance meetings.
He pushed the thought aside, content to bask in the faint sunlight that filtered through the trees and the quiet companionship of the one he had once called his enemy. 
The air was sharp with winter’s chill, but while Sesshoumaru remained untouched by its bite, Inuyasha’s breath came out in visible puffs, his cheeks flushed with the cold. He stubbornly refused to acknowledge his discomfort, though, his pride as stubborn as the frost clinging to the forest floor. Sesshoumaru took notice and made a fleeting jab, but Inuyasha took it in good humor. Their banter was as familiar as the winding paths they trod.
He struggled to keep pace with Sesshoumaru’s steady strides, though. Cursing under his breath, Inuyasha kept going, refusing to admit defeat even as the cold gnawed at him relentlessly. Soon, it became clear that he was losing the battle against the elements. His steps grew slower, his movements sluggish as the cold sapped his strength. Though he tried to hide it, he couldn’t mask the shivers that wracked his frame or the way his teeth chattered with every breath.
Sesshoumaru could noticed the subtle signs of his struggle. His keen eyes caught every flicker of discomfort, every telltale sign. With a silent nod, he halted in his tracks, his intense gaze fixed on Inuyasha. There was a strange weight to the silence that hung between them. Inuyasha waited, his breath coming out in shallow puffs as he looked back with a mixture of defiance and resignation.
He braced himself for the inevitable rebuke, for the sharp words that he knew would come, but to his surprise, Sesshoumaru remained silent, his expression unreadable. Then, with a grace that belied his imposing presence, he reached out a hand and brushed a lock of hair from Inuyasha’s face. His touch was surprisingly gentle, a stark contrast to the cold that seemed to seep into Inuyasha’s bones.
Without a word, Sesshoumaru pressed the back of his hand to Inuyasha’s forehead, his touch cool against the feverish skin. He bristled at the contact, his instinct to push his brother away warring with the longing that stirred within him, yet to be spoken. He remained where he was, allowing Sesshoumaru to inspect him. There was something comforting about his touch, a warmth that radiated from him even in the midst of winter’s chill.
For a long moment, they simply stood there, locked in a silent exchange. An understanding passed between them, a silent acknowledgment of the bond that had formed between former enemies.
“You’re freezing,” Sesshoumaru stated, his voice as cool and controlled as the winter air.
Inuyasha flinched at the implication of weakness, unable to accept Sesshoumaru’s concern. Beneath the layers of defiance, there was a need that he couldn’t deny, a longing for the warmth of his brother’s touch that he had long tried to suppress.
“Yeah, well, what’s it to you?” Inuyasha shot back; his words laced with a bitterness he couldn’t quite mask.
Sesshoumaru simply shook his head, his expression softening ever so slightly as he reached out to take Inuyasha’s hands in his own. His touch was searing hot against Inuyasha’s cold skin, sending a jolt racing through his veins. Sesshoumaru’s hands enveloped Inuyasha’s, their warmth a stark contrast to the icy grip of winter. With a tenderness that took Inuyasha by surprise, Sesshoumaru rubbed at his hands, his touch gentle yet firm as he worked to banish the cold from his chilled skin.
His breath caught in his throat as Sesshoumaru’s hot breath brushed against his hands, sending a shiver down his spine. Inuyasha couldn’t help the rush of blood that flooded his cheeks, the blush betraying the calm façade he tried desperately to maintain.
“It's everything to me,” Sesshoumaru replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
In that moment, as the winter wind whispered through the trees and the snow fell softly around them, Inuyasha felt something shift between them. It was a subtle change, imperceptible to the outside world, but to Inuyasha, it felt like the beginning of something new.
“Let us go, you will become ill,” Sesshoumaru’s voice cut through the crisp air, his words a soft command that Inuyasha found himself unable to disobey.
Despite the cold that gnawed at him relentlessly, Inuyasha took comfort in his brother’s concern. It was an offer he hadn’t expected, a flicker of hope amidst the darkness.
"Yeah, okay," Inuyasha replied.
With a reluctant nod, he allowed himself to be led. Sesshoumaru put an arm around him, but even then, he had no complaints. As they walked, the distance between them seemed to shrink, until their shoulders brushed with every step and their breaths mingled in the frosty air. Though they may have started as enemies, there was a bond forming between them that even the chill of winter couldn't extinguish. Inuyasha wondered if maybe, their journey was only just beginning.
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gaylenightingale · 1 year
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“Just a second before the kiss”
Revised and colored. Constructive critique accepted.
Brushes- syrup and adorned ink by Bardotbrushes
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alicepupurred · 1 year
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Soft Silence 💜
Inuyasha (600) and Kouga (700) from my AU StrawberryLips 💜
(little story spoiler)
The link to the fanfiction is pinned on my account
(nsfw and Bi content)
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amara-sessh · 9 months
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TRANS! MASC KOGA FOR THE HOLIDAYS !!! This is a gift to a special friend of mine, whom I won't tag for reasons 💀💀 but they know who they are! Here's to our newfound friendship !
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moderndaylane · 11 days
Truten RP?
Hey there I am looking for new writing partners. I know this is probably going to be impossible to find but in case there is someone out there still on Tumblr I thought I'd search just in case. If anyone ships TruTen and happens to write Trunks, or ships KakaVege and happens to write Vegeta please message me. I also have other slash/yaoi pairings if these happen to not be ones you ship. I enjoy anime/manga including Dragonball, InuYasha, FMA, Digimon, and Yugioh to name a few.
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insomniacghosty · 3 months
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Did you know you can draw anything you want
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Just wanted to say that i shared your post about Miraculous being a cross between magical girl (team) and rom-com genres and the failings of it.
It spawned a fun debate as we tried to think of other shows who tried the same thing but stayed in the mid-zone of both genres. All we ended up with was Teen Titans (as you mentioned) and Inuyasha which don't quite fit the bill as they aren't exactly magic girl shows in the traditional sense before we swerved off to try to find examples of other genres that don't mess well but should.
Anyways, just wanted to thank you for the analysis. It spawned a fun discussion.
Thank you for this lovely ask! It really made me smile. I love knowing that my stuff is getting people talking about storytelling! The main reason that I run this blog is not to dunk on Miraculous, but to talk about writing.
I'm a big fan of the saying that "failure is the greatest teacher," but I also like to point out that it doesn't need to be your failure! Talking about the things a piece of media did wrong and comparing it to media that did those things right is one of the best ways to learn about writing and far more helpful than just looking at good stories as there are thousands of ways to tell a good story.
To give my two cents to your debate (without knowing the fine details) the first two seasons of Digimon have some similar dynamics of romance between various leads, though it's also not a magical girl team show and the romance is certainly not focused on like it is in Teen Titans. One magical girl team show that did a great job of having a romance plot play a big role in a story is - strangely enough - My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.
While it's not really a rom-com (though it could have been and worked just as well), the second season ends with a two-part episode called A Canterlot Wedding and it's very cute. The couple that's established in that special goes on to have several episodes focused on them and their romance.
The reason this worked so well was that the romance was between ponies outside of the core team, so you didn't have to figure out how to make friendship the most important thing while also making romantic love the most important thing. By making both forces important in their own ways, the writers were able to let the couple be extremely close and passionate about each other while also allowing friendship to have a key role.
That's the issue that you have to keep in mind if you want to try to blend the genres: figure out a way to add in a romance without messing up the core team and creating a setup where romance is making friendship take a back seat. You also need to figure out how to deal with someone external to the team warring with the team for narrative importance.
My two cents? Just make some of the magical girls lesbians, bi, pan, or any other sexuality that allows for same-sex attraction. That should allow you to have romance in your team without the nasty complication of trying to make a person external to the team super important. After all, what is a good romance if not a friendship with bonus features? I wouldn't be surprised if there's a story out there that has already done this (not sure if Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus from Sailor Moon count since I don't think that their romance gets a major story line around it, but if it does, then just mirror that!)
And if there's not a magical girl team show that has done this? Then I'm certain that you can find fanfic that has. After all, people tend to ship the characters who get the most screen time together no matter who the canon love interests are supposed to be. That's why shonen anime is dominated by yaoi ships. Those shows rarely develop the hetero love interest the way that magical girl team shows do and so people ship the guys together. Meanwhile, magical girl team shows assume that the audience wants a good romance and so the hetero love interests tend to feel more fleshed out.
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helenawrites23 · 6 months
The Way of The Sword (Chapter 1)
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18+. 3.5k, half-sibling incest, age difference, trust issues, self-steem issues, heavy flirting, relationship negotiation, making out, unresolved sexual tension, canon-typical violence. part 1/?. AO3 link, part 2, part 3. Let me know if you want to be tagged!
The search for Naraku might be over, but Inuyasha hasn't escaped his past. He drags it around like a ball and chain. Then he crosses paths with his half-brother again, and learns how to let go.
In which Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru go training together, and reach an arrangement of sorts.
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Although suitably scenic, the walk to the designated place felt like the longest Inuyasha had taken in his life.
He could feel neither youkai nor humans around. For the first time in quite some time, he was surrounded by nothing but nature and the occasional critter. Once, he would have welcomed the solitude. Inuyasha had never been much of a social creature, despite Kagome's adamant attempts to change that aspect of his nature. Now that she was gone, he found the silence terribly aggravating.
The clearing was difficult to spot. It was far from the roads and secluded in a way that seemed deliberate. The privacy of the setting added to his unease. Complex social situations had never been his forte, and in his book, this was the strangest he'd come across in quite some time. Perhaps ever.
Sesshoumaru's arrival was announced by a shift in the atmosphere. A distinctive electrical smell flooded the clearing as if a storm were approaching. Inuyasha's hair stood on end. He took a deep breath, fighting down the instinctive responses that his half-brother never failed to awaken in him. Daiyoukai could smell that sort of thing, and he didn't feel like making a fool out of himself today.
Inuyasha took a seat on a nearby rock and waited.
Eventually, Sesshoumaru walked out of the foliage, nonchalance painting his every move. Inuyasha stood up and put his hands in his pockets, trying to match his half-brother's energy. Internally, he was trying not to fidget. It still wasn't entirely clear to him what this meeting was about. He thought he had an idea. Double guessing himself was one of Inuyasha's bad habits, though, and one never knew when it came to the Lord of the West.
There was the chance that this would end in broken bones and unnecessary bloodshed, the way it did back in the day. It could also very well be another of Sesshoumaru's psychotic mind games. Although in recent times they'd seemed to reach some type of understanding, Inuyasha knew better than anyone how unpredictable his half-brother could be.
Sesshoumaru showed no outward signs of aggressiveness. Of course, to say that his expression was amiable or welcoming in any way would have been a gross exaggeration. There was, however, an obvious absence of glaring, which was already an improvement from previous interactions.
“This is unexpected,” Sesshoumaru said. “I did not think you'd be so punctual.”
Inuyasha felt his face heat up at the remark. Some of the tension left his body, though.
With time, he had learned to identify the subtle signs that gave away his half-brother's unstable moods. Although teasing, Sesshoumaru's voice betrayed no anger. There was that softness around his eyes that meant he was pleased.
“Khe, y’know me. Always full of surprises,” Inuyasha replied. “‘sides, I like to keep you on your toes.”
“Mmm, you certainly try.”
“So, are we doing this? Or did you make me walk all the way down here just for a chit-chat?” Inuyasha asked, casually unsheathing his sword.
Sesshoumaru was usually not affronted by his bluntness. That was something Inuyasha liked about him. Of course, he was a snob in every sense of the word, but more often than not Sesshoumaru was willing to indulge his boorish behaviors if only to maintain a semblance of peace between the two. Why ever his former nemesis would want to keep things civil between them when they'd always been anything but, Inuyasha wasn't sure. He figured he'd find out if he stuck around long enough.
“I see we are off to a bad start,” Sesshoumaru pointed out.
He didn't draw out his sword, as Inuyasha expected him to. Instead, Sesshoumaru stepped closer, seemingly unconcerned by Tessaiga's proximity. He reached towards the handle of the weapon, covering Inuyasha's hands with his own. The touch was light but insistent. After a moment's hesitation, Inuyasha slacked his grip, allowing his wrists to be maneuvered so that the sword was parallel to the ground. Sesshoumaru placed Inuyasha's right hand firmly on top of the handle, then moved the left one to the bottom.
“That's how you properly hold a sword,” he said. Inuyasha could feel a faint heat spreading down his throat. He was very aware of Sesshoumaru's eyes trained on his face, but couldn't make himself look up. “Keep a grip that's firm enough so that it doesn't slip, but loose enough so you can easily maneuver it.”
“Right. Sounds like a no-brainer.”
“And yet you've been getting it wrong all this time.”
“Oh, fuck off. I knew you'd be an asshole about this.”
When Sesshoumaru first offered to help him polish his technique with the sword, Inuyasha hadn't been sure whether or not it was a joke. The invitation had been quite rude and nothing short of condescending, which gave room to doubt. Yet here they were, and a part of Inuyasha was still expecting his brother to burst out laughing and call it a day. If Sesshoumaru was amused by the situation in any way, he was quite adept at not showing it, though. He seemed neither anxious nor unsure, as if this were just something they did every day.
“Your posture is wrong,” Sesshoumaru said. Without warning, he used his leg to push Inuyasha's feet further apart. “A wide stance makes keeping your balance easier.”
Inuyasha felt a shiver run through him. He was first and foremost a creature of instinct, and being this close to his half-brother had never brought him anything but pain. His gut reaction was to back away. There was something more to it, though. A nagging feeling at the back of his head told him that these touches were not casual. This blatant disregard for personal space was intentional and increasing.
Behind Sesshoumaru’s steady gaze laid an invitation, yet to be spoken. As if he were testing the waters, so to speak, while hiding his intentions behind elaborate excuses. It frustrated Inuyasha to no end. He almost felt like kicking him back. Reluctant as he was to start a physical confrontation today, he went for his next best weapon.
“Hey, hey, careful now,” he said, side-eyeing his brother. “I know I'm quite the catch, but let's not get handsy.”
Sesshoumaru gave him the most unimpressed look he'd ever witnessed in his life.
“Why, I would never,” he replied.
Rationally, Inuyasha knew that nowadays his half-brother had little to no reason to hurt him. Still, there were times he couldn't quite shake off the feeling that he wasn't safe around Sesshoumaru. That there were, perhaps, ulterior motives to this unexpected offer of camaraderie. For the most part, he tried not to let it show. It seemed petty, in a way. As if he were hanging onto resentment while Sesshoumaru, of all people, kept holding his hand out to him.
The whole thing turned out to be a tedious affair. Part of him had hoped for nothing more than a friendly match. It didn't seem like Sesshoumaru was about to entertain that idea, though. He was clearly much more preoccupied with Inuyasha's pitiful stance and the sorry state of his blade. Inuyasha couldn't help but feel a bit affronted.
He thought he'd learned the way of the sword remarkably well, for someone who'd never had a mentor. 
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Afterward, they sat together by the banks of a nearby river. The day had morphed into a breezy afternoon, and the sound of rustling leaves and water flowing filled the air.
“Ah. A tengu spirit?”
“Yeah, one of those ugly fuckers.”
Inuyasha shifted to lie on his side, pulling out a piece of grass that had gotten into his ear.
“Is that how you spend your time now?” Sesshoumaru asked, looking down at him from the large stone he'd claimed by the riverside. “Guarding little human villages against filthy critters? How pitiful.”
“Whatever. Keeps me in shape and it's not like it's hard,” Inuyasha replied. “And who are you to trash on my past times? Only thing you do when I'm not around is brood and hang out with an eight-year-old. If anyone's lame here, I can assure you it's not me.”
“I stand corrected, then.”
“Sure you do, asshole. Anyway, it was a big ol' fucker,” Inuyasha continued, unbothered by the interruption. “And I knew they were ugly, yaknow, but goddamn, this one was on a whole other level. Really gave me the creeps. It was just for show, though. Didn’t give too much of a fight.”
“Tengu rarely make for worthy opponents,” Sesshoumaru conceded. “Not all enemies are so easily defeated, though.”
Something in Sesshoumaru's voice made Inuyasha look up.
Not too long ago, he wouldn't have been able to tell that anything was amiss. His half-brother was hard to read as a general rule, and Inuyasha was admittedly quite slow on the uptake when people didn't speak straight to him. Subtlety wasn't a virtue of his. They'd been spending quite some time together as of late, though, and the shift in Sesshoumaru’s demeanor was evident to him.
“What will happen when it's not a filthy crow chasing after you, but a proper Daiyoukai?”
Sesshoumaru was clearly not smiling. There was certainly a quiet, predatory edge to his expression though, and Inuyasha wasn't sure what to make of it. He suddenly got the impression that there was something he was missing.
“What you mean?”
Sesshoumaru seemed to carefully consider his next words.
“I mean to say that, for a hanyou, you are a fairly decent warrior." Sesshoumaru managed not to sound condescending, just barely. “But if you are ever to face off a true Daiyoukai, that will not help you. Some levels cannot be reached without proper training.”
“The fuck is that supposed to mean?” Inuyasha said, hackles rising.
It occurred to him, for a moment, that Sesshoumaru was trying to pick up a fight. His brother did not rise to the challenge, though. He merely looked down at Inuyasha’s thunderous expression and chuckled. He looked irritated, but almost in a fond way. As if he wanted to be mad at Inuyasha, but couldn't quite manage.
“You've never had a proper mentor,” Sesshoumaru said. It was not a question. “One can tell from miles away.”
“Well, duh,” Inuyasha replied, crunching his nose. “Who would I ask, dumbass?”
“That is quite unusual, for youkai your age.”
“Yeah, well, you said it.” Inuyasha shrugged, settling back down on the grass. “For youkai.”
Sesshoumaru did not reply. Whatever he'd been trying to convey, he seemingly decided it was not worth the trouble. 
Despite Inuyasha's initial worries, practicing sword fighting with his half-brother hadn't turned into a deadly encounter. It had all been quite dull, actually. His hands and lower back still hurt from all the times Sesshoumaru had smacked him with the sheath to correct his standing. At least they'd eventually progressed to using targets, even if the bamboo sticks did come across as rather underwhelming opponents.
As vicious as Sesshoumaru's scolding was, Inuyasha couldn't complain. He knew better than anyone that his technique was sloppy, and they were far from the worst injuries he’d sustained after an encounter with Sesshoumaru. He'd be as good as new in the morning, anyway.
“Better to get going, I think. My camp is kinda far,” Inuyasha said, squinting at the horizon. It was already late in the afternoon and the sun was setting. Sesshoumaru only nodded.
As Inuyasha made a move to stand, Sesshoumaru reached out. Inuyasha found himself staring blankly at the hand hanging before him. He hesitated for a moment, although he knew it was silly.
Once he thought he'd never see the day his brother would be able to take his hand without feeling disgusted. Just a couple of years ago, Sesshoumaru could barely stand the sight of him. Somewhere along the line things had changed, though. It felt like a big deal, for some reason. As if they'd reached a milestone together.
Inuyasha shook his head and took the offered hand.
Sesshoumaru pulled him up but didn’t release him immediately. As Inuyasha made to move away, he tightened his grip and pulled him forwards. Inuyasha went rigid. Being this close to Sesshoumaru was a peculiar experience. The old familiar scent of electricity was suddenly surrounding him, making his senses tingle. He forced himself to look up and meet his brother's gaze.
“You should know I don't make a habit of it. The chasing, I mean,” Sesshoumaru said. “It's not in my nature. Playing games does not interest me, and I’m straightforward when seeking this type of arrangement. If you tell me you are not interested, don't expect me to insist.”
Inuyasha stared.
He had not thought Sesshoumaru would actually say it out loud.
A number of things became clear to Inuyasha, all at once. He understood now why Sesshoumaru had invited him to practice sword fighting together when they'd never done such a thing in the past. Why he’d chosen this secluded clearing for their meeting, away from interruptions and prying eyes. His half-brother had spoken about proper training and a mentor because he'd been making an offering. Inuyasha wasn't sure what to think. He'd never had a master before, although it was a fairly common practice between youkai warriors. He'd figured it came with the package of being a hanyou.
Despite his mild understanding of it, Inuyasha also knew this type of arrangement went far beyond training. Mentorship had to be traded in for something, and he didn't know if he was ready or willing to give it. Especially to Sesshoumaru.
“I wasn't,” he forced himself to say. “Playing games, that is.”
“Ah, you weren't?”
“No, I just didn't think… didn't think you actually meant it. Like, you were just - I dunno, fooling around,” Inuyasha said, almost dragging out the words. His face felt very hot. “I mean, we ain't got a nice baggage.”
“That doesn't bother me.”
Inuyasha was very aware of Sesshoumaru still holding his hand. His grip was firm yet careful. He kept rubbing circles on the palm with the pad of his thumb. It'd been a very long time since anyone had touched Inuyasha with such gentleness. He wouldn't have thought Sesshoumaru was capable of it.
“Does it bother you?”
“No, I'm not saying that, it's just-” Inuyasha cut himself off.
He knew what he wanted to say. Knowing it and actually getting it out there seemed like two very different things at the moment, though. This is why he avoided direct confrontations whenever possible.
“Ah. Perhaps this is your way of letting this Sesshoumaru down gently?”
“No, that's not what this is.”
Inuyasha’s eyes were trained on the ground.
“I just… don't get it,” he said. “I'm still me, yaknow? It's not like anything's changed.”
“What hasn't changed?”
“Who I am.  What I am,” Inuyasha replied. He was trying very hard not to sound bitter. “Why would you want this?”
At first, Sesshoumaru kept quiet. Inuyasha wondered if he was pondering what to say, or if he simply had no answer to give. Perhaps Sesshoumaru himself didn't understand the reasoning behind his proposal. It could very well be that he wanted him while still resenting his true nature. Inuyasha knew that sometimes desire and aversion came hand in hand.
It wouldn't be the first time he found himself entangled in that web.
“I thought we had agreed that was in the past,” Sesshoumaru said.
“I… yeah, I guess we did.”
Inuyasha grimaced. He wasn't sure why he felt the need to bring it up again, and now of all times.
In the past, even people who'd genuinely cared about him had found his heritage to be something of an inconvenience. Whether it was the demonic or the human one, they felt the need to choose a side - to pick him apart and build with the pieces something easier to call their own. Kikyo had been the only one powerful enough to make it a reality, but really most people in his life had had the same pretensions, to different extents.
All of them, except Kagome.
Ever since the human girl had gone back to her timeline, Inuyasha hadn't entertained the idea of pursuing anyone else. Building something worthwhile hadn’t seemed possible, with neither humans nor youkai. What right did Sesshoumaru have to ask that trust from him now, after everything they'd done to each other? It didn't seem fair, or rational in any way.
“You said your camp was far away,” Sesshoumaru said, out of the blue.
“Uh… yeah, I said that,” Inuyasha replied.
His brother let go of him, then. Inuyasha frowned as he saw him silently widen the distance between them.
“You should be in your way, then.”
Inuyasha felt his stomach sink. He hadn't meant for his silence to be interpreted as a refusal. For a being over 500 years old, Sesshoumaru did have a rather juvenile habit of reacting poorly whenever he felt rejected. He could see it now in his tight lips, in the barely there frown grazing his forehead.
“Hey, come on, don't get your panties in a twist,” Inuyasha said. He took his brother by the sleeve to keep him from moving further away. “It's not like I’m saying no.”
Sesshoumaru's only response was to raise his eyebrows at him. Inuyasha shifted where he stood.
“Can you just… I dunno, give me some time?”
Sesshoumaru stared at him for a moment, as if sizing him up.
"That would be agreeable," he said.
Inuyasha signed, only then realizing how tense he'd become. Neither of them tried to move away. Inuyasha picked at his brother's robe, fishing for something to break the ice.
“Your pickup lines are super lame, by the way,” he said, eventually. “Not to be a hater, but they are totally getting banned.”
Sesshoumaru didn't quite smile at his attempt at banter. For once, Inuyasha was able to identify the ghost of a smirk playing on his lips, though.
“I'm glad to know I was able to amuse you so.”
Sesshoumaru stepped back into his personal space, hand resting just to the side of Inuyasha’s waist. As intimidating as it could be to have his brother stand so close, Inuyasha couldn't deny there was also a thrill to it. Underneath that primal instinct to flee, there also ran a need to stay and tempt the danger. To bare his neck and submit to the tremendous power Sesshoumaru held.
Inuyasha still wasn't sure how much of those impulses were a result of attraction, and how much of it was nothing but raw instinct. Even now, he didn't think he entirely understood his demonic side. It occurred to him for the first time that if he accepted, this was one of the many things that would become clearer to him, eventually. He wasn't sure whether the way his stomach flipped was due to fear or excitement.
Inuyasha's awareness tunneled as he saw Sesshoumaru leaning forwards. Fingers were curling around his neck, and the scent of rain filled his senses. Inuyasha barely registered their noses awkwardly bumping together as their lips met.
Due to both naivety and lack of privacy, Inuyasha's past relationships distinctly lacked any carnal component. Making out had never felt like the preamble of something else. This was different. Exponentially different. Not at all sure what to do with his hands, Inuyasha found himself gripping the yellow obi surrounding Sesshoumaru's waist. Heat was steadily spreading through him.
Even with the armor on, Sesshoumaru's body felt warm and welcoming around him. As soon as the kiss began, though, Inuyasha could feel him pulling away. He took him by the shoulder, forcing him to stay. To prolong it for just a little longer. Sesshoumaru smiled against his chin and bit playfully into his lower lip. It felt right, in a way. As if Inuyasha were saying, however indirectly, that he did want him back.
As they pulled apart, there was a glint in Sesshoumaru's eyes that hadn't been there before.
“Same place and time, three days from now,” he said, voice unusually low. “If you do not come, I'll know what your answer is.”
Inuyasha nodded, not feeling up to the task of speaking just yet.
That day they bid their goodbyes and parted ways. Inuyasha still wasn't sure what to make of what had been said, or what his answer would be next time they crossed paths. His misgivings, as usual, would not leave him. It was only as he was making his way back to the village that realization dawned on him. During their training, Sesshoumaru laid hands on Tessaiga. Not once, but many times. 
The sword had not burned him.
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gaylenightingale · 1 year
Sex scene— Ears
For InuSessweek 2023, TUMBLR, mature content, yaoi, AU, Inucest, #inusess", #inusessweek", or #inusessweek2023".#Inucest also on AO3 @snowinjuly-creator @inusessweek
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floralkeith · 1 year
guess who's slowly coming back
and is a multi-fandom yaoi mess 🌸
it's been a long time, but i need new blogs to follow!
like/reblog this if you post;
my hero academia
genshin impact
jujutsu jaisen
demon slayer
fairy tail
attack on titan
one piece
buddy daddies
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gayhokage · 2 months
borrowing the idea from @yuritual bc i wanna play too :3
izzy’s manga (plus one manhwa) bingo 😛 i tried really hard to not pick too many yaoi
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(image description under the cut) ((also in case you can’t read the titles))
image description: a bingo card with manga covers as the tiles
top row, going left to right: yugioh, fruits basket, monotone blue, snow fairy, the summer hikaru died
second row, going left to right: demon slayer, trigun, inuyasha, gokurakugai, yotsuba
third row, going left to right: yakuza fiancé, banana fish, free space, one piece, ganbare nakamura
forth row, going left to right: haikyuu, ranma, sleeping dead, pink heart jam, jojo’s
bottom row, going left to right: i didn’t mean to fall in love, ocarina of time, naruto, lullaby of the dawn, bongchon bride
end image description
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amara-sessh · 9 months
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🎶 Let Your Heart Be Light 🎶
I know I've had Hyoga rot all month, but I just HAD to end the year with something involving Sesshkoga ♡ I have plenty AU ideas where Koga is just part of Sesshomarus mini pack and becomes the "Father figure" for Rin and funny enough, for Jaken too ♡
My critique:
•How dare I exclude Ah-Un??
•Why the fuck did I forget Sesshomarus hand markings?
I'm very in love with the background, I believe it's my best work yet ♡ And the clear view of affection over Sesshomaru’s features hits me just right ♡
Follow me on all my medias♡
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mouseratz · 5 months
tagging game! tagged by @yarboyandy
-three ships
uhhhh. Off the top of my head. 1.lisacreature duh. the whole movie. they're not a healthy relationship but like they're fine they just destroy everything around them. i lurv it . also of fucking course I wanted a zombie boyfriend as a teenager. I won't lie to any of you
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2. danbert bc gay people in my phone. classic case of toxic yaoi. so toxic I've been thinking about them for years. if only reanimator had like been gay on purpose we could've had it all
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3. also based off of "what's in my camera roll". the evil scientists from mst3k are gay also. Dr Forrester and tvs frank.... is this even disputed. I don't care. I've known this since I was a child. "they're gay married and kill each other in looney tunes esque situations daily" feels like part of the character concepts.
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-first ship
Inuyasha x Kagome, most likely. it's like one of the first obsessions I can remember where a show had like, a romantic throughline I cared about at all. although, to be fair, I was still mostly into the comedy and supernatural stuff, and this was Very Young.
-last song I listened to
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I stumbled upon the tiny desk concert performance and well. I am not immune to popular things. chappell roan is pretty awesome. I love the videos and performances, but the pop music is also really solid, and I find myself enjoying it way more than expected. this songs good but I haven't listened to it a lot yet....my first time actually
-currently reading
Perry Mason and the Glamorous Ghost. I'm only like a chapter in. idk it was an impulse buy on my birthday because the cover was awesome. also pictured: my copy of Frankenstein. I read that in October. loved it
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-currently watching
uhmmmm. still rewatching always sunny in Philadelphia. forever. watched a couple episodes of space ghost coast to coast earlier. I still want to keep watching twin peaks the return but I haven't because. idk. its hard to be me....
-relationship status
very incredibly single. it is very hard to date when u can't drive where I live. I mean it's hard in any circumstance but whatever shots I had are dust. would love to date sometime in my life possibly. I have been feeling that way for um. like four years now. so. we will see how that goes.
-current obsessions
Lisa Frankenstein, obvs.....my hobbies and such though? kind of in a slump. I've been like.....learning how to apply makeup for once for fun. I'm still very bad at it but idgaf it is what it is what's always made me uncomfortable about it was that it never "looked right" and I didn't want to be judged. instead of just treating it like a for fun thing. ie I want Colors On My Face I don't even cover up my acne atp. oh and the gender thing. like if I didn't do the makeup right I was being bad at being a girl. and now I do not have to worry about that at all.
-currently craving
like, food? um. I hope the brownies I made tonight taste good in the morning. I let them cool overnight so idk how they taste yet.
-favorite color
green, but I'm a big fan of what pink and black (I KNOW it's not a 'real color' IDC) and some shades of blue and yellow and orange have going on. I just like colors lmao
hiiii I won't mind if you don't do it this is just a little shout-out okay :) @mahkari @jokeryuri @homokommari @mushroom-in-space
also anypony else who wants to do it can.....I won't be mad
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anotherworldash · 7 months
Can I get your opinion on Inuyasha series?
it's a wonderful series! one of my earlier fav series alongside digimon, pokeani, and HxH.
beautiful love story, OST, and setting.
some things about this blog:
i love NarKik, how awesome is it that the man who wishes to kill her, and actually have killed her, held also the dearest despicable desire to protect/keep-her-alive her? (or more like his desire has protected her...)
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not into inukag vs inukik topic ( i ship both )
reincarnation concept is very close to me, as physical body is just a facade . so to me inukag is a successful representation of the love inukik once had, a prove that bond between two longing souls is eternal .
there was also no competition between kikyo and kagome. the choice was very obvious.
kikyo chose to travel alone, she didn't want inuyasha's love anymore, she wanted revenge on him(when she didn't know it was naraku all along) . kikyo knew she died and she count her days on earth only for revenge (stopping naraku). remember how she killed a monk once for interfering her plan and tried to kill inuyasha? well that ended once she knew it was naraku all along.
kikyo's tale is not of love but revenge.
and inuyasha actively chose to travel with Kagome.
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big sessrin lover, but also ship kagusess and koharin (go search the tag in my blog if you don't believe) i will not say anything much about this part, because it will be too long for answer to this ask.
big believer than inu-no-taisho (inuyasha and sesshomaru's dad) and sesshomaru's mother are SIBLING
i hate the conception that kikyo is this 'gloomy' man-stealer, the fact that she is a very sassy and funny woman. once joked that kaede is now scared when seeing her, often forgotten in the series...
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my crackships are inuyasha x ayame, sesshoumaru x kagome, rin x kagome's brother, and SANGO X BANKOTSU, sango x koga. (pleaseeee i like sangmirok but i always feel she deserves better)
my favorite non-canon but possible ship is KAGOME X KIKYO (yay selfcest!)
i dont have much yaoi ship here, just inucest...
i haven't watched yashahime , i'm just not obsessing inuyasha series anymore and i wait for my next obsession to come before i watch it
this blog was a kikyo defend blog in 2010, yes, and it still is in 2024. Kikyo is my favorite character. god this woman is sooo FUNNY. i swear audiences are missing on how hilarious her personality is. girlie is always plotting..scheming.. with menacing expression. iconic really
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itsanidiom · 7 months
LET'S GOOOOO~ tagged by @negrowhat
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1. What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care anymore?
Glorestor or Glorfindel / Erestor of Middle Earth Fanon Fame. Not that I don't CARE about it anymore, mind you. There's just not enough new content (for obvious reasons god it's old and there's like one conversation of original source material). I don't think about them as much anymore. Like I used to be reading fanfic EVERY NIGHT and we're talking like novel length fanfics (as you can imagine people in the LOTR fandom write lol). Anyway here's some super old fan art... (>u<)
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2. Which ship would you consider your first one?
Oh god...something Dynasty Warriors related for sure...
Probably like Sun Ce / Zhao Yu or Gan Ning / Lu Xun. (GO WU! lol) I feel like there were other couples I'm totally forgetting right now...but yeah god I love Dynasty Warriors...
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Also...daaamn Gan Ning looks good there I should go buy the latest game. (>w<)
3. Your first fanfic belonged to which couple?
Like the first one I wrote or read?? I went into my oldest of old "old writing" folders and found this list of docs that I haven't been touched in over ten years. SO I'm gonna saaaay it was a Dynasty Warriors fanfic...one of these pairings. (^ ^;)
Also kind of hilarious to see that I literally still organize my fanfic files in the same way for over half my fucking life ago...nice...
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4. Do you remember the first couple you saw a fanart over?
I feel like it would have been something Inuyasha related. That or something Final Fantasy X. I do not remember, but it was probably some version of these scene.
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5. Did you ever get into ship discourse?
Not that I can remember...do not need this in my life...lol but maybe I've reblogged some RPF like discourse? Like the "should or shouldn't you ship" type discussions. I'm on the side of "do whatever you want but don't send it to the famous people" [ex. like ATEEZ fanfic/fanart] or "if they are literally doing it as part of their promo go ahead, it's for fun/they literally requested it as part of their promo" [ex. BillyBabe]. (^ ^;)
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6. Did you used to have any no-otp or have it currently?
It honestly always depends on the quality of the fanart or the fanfic because even a notp can turn into a OH!tp if it's good enough. [Exhibit a: my Phaya/Tharn/Chalothorn fanfic]
7. Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Weirdly the one new Chalothon/Singh fic from The Sign. But I really need AO3 to fix the spelling of his name in the tag...
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8. Currently, do you have any OTPs?
PhayaTharn are the current obsession~
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Look at them...adorable...
9. Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
Still wish John Wick / Santino fucked...also like James Bond / Q and The Protagonist / Neil and Arthur / Eames...bromance is SUCH a waste but considering the genres of these movies it is never gonna happen...I have to wait for the Thai BL versions lol (^ ^;)
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10. Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
OH I haven't been traumatized by watched it yet, but Dead Friends Forever has made me get onboard with Macau/Chay of KinnPorsche fame because OMG LOOK AT THESE CUTIES!!!!
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11. Do you have any ship that, in the past, was considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
GOD I remember there was a LOT of Sesshomaru x Inuyasha yaoi when I was a kid LMFAO like...straight up cancelled...I dunno if it was normal back then but no yaoi was normal back then so like it sadly all got lumped together or something...then again looking at some of the comics that are coming out these days...
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12. What was your favorite crack ship?
LOL Sorry that just brought me back LOL
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13. Who is the couple you read more fanfics of?
Ahhhh I don't know...I usually either write a lot or read a lot...I literally have a fic rec list for Glorestor lol and then when I look in my AO3 bookmarks the top ship is Hannigram sooooo let's say Hannigram even though I haven't read one for a while.
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14. What most of your ships usually have in common?
toll and smol...i like me a toll and a smoll...lol or big and small...i dunno something something contrast something something just crush him and/or be uncharacteristically gentle or somehow incapacitate the larger man with your wiles...that is all...
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15. What do you absolutely hate in a ship?
Miscommunication < seconding @negrowhat's response. Cannot stand it. Such a boring trope. Very annoying for me (the audience).
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sheep33hallow · 1 year
Fanfiction(dot)net until AO3 is back up
Here’s some of my favorite fanfic stories on FFnet in the mean time:
1. Intervention Thy name is Bakusen'O!   (SesshomaruXInuyasha) Incest, smut, enemies to friends to lovers, like years into the future, All demons and some OC (A deep favorite of mine. Honestly I love everything they have written.)
Determined to undue the damage Sesshomaru has wrought, Bakusen'O takes a dying Inuyasha into his protection until the Lord of the West comes to understand his brother's worth. Centuries later, Inuyasha has been released into his brother's care. Soon Sesshomaru comes to understand, a sibling relationship is not what his Youkai has in mind. Ah, but how to woo a battered Hanyou? 
Sequel(Them and their teenage son): Teenage Fears and InuHanyou Ears
2. Lessons Learned  (SasuNaru) Single Father Naruto, Sakura and Kyuubi is his kids. Strangers to lovers, Smut, OOC but in a very entertaining way.
Sasuke never expected to fall for one of his student's father so quickly. Naruto hadn't expected the teacher to be as fine as he was either. Funny how these parent-teacher meetings tend to work out. AU. SasuNaru. OOC
3. Save Me  (NaruSasu) Pirates AU, Smut (Dubcon)
1900 New York. A longshoreman and an aristocrat, on opposite ends of the social spectrum. Personalities clash as they are forced to depend on each other. For roboguy45. Yaoi, lemons, cross-dressing, NaruSasu.
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