#inuyasha wide edition
officialinuyasha · 11 months
Hello there! 👋🏼
First of all, I love your blog! Such wonderful content <3
As an English speaker/ reader, I particularly appreciate the Japanese translations y’all provide.
I’ve been reading through the fantastic Inuyasha Wide Edition translations with the RT interviews on the series characters, and was wondering if there’s a Kagome or Inuyasha edition - as I’m seeing the other characters when I search your tags but not seeing them. As I’m an InuKagger, I devour RT’s words on my OTP whenever I can ^_^
If you could steer me towards any resources, I would greatly appreciate it. Thank y’all so very much! 🫶🏼
Thank you! - Here is the masterlist from the public facebook group seen here - https://www.facebook.com/groups/OfficialInuYashaGroup/posts/1449559358745481/ For the most important InuYasha and Kagome wide edition interviews are here - Wide Edition #1 - InuYasha https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/658587431804846080/inuyasha-wide-edition-1-translation-inu-yasha Wide Edition #2 - Kagome https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/661659711972720640/inuyasha-wide-edition-2-translation-kagome Wide Edition #3 - Bone Eaters Well https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/664009143366090753/inuyasha-wide-edition-3-translation-bone Wide Edition #18 - Modern Era https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/668155359251316736/inuyasha-wide-edition-18-translation-the-modern Wide Edition #21 - Kagome's Friends https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/673699016882716672/inuyasha-wide-edition-21-translation-kagomes Wide Edition #22 - Tessaiga https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/673701092225384448/inuyasha-wide-edition-22-translation-tessaiga Wide Edition #25 - Kikyou https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/677627079489142784/inuyasha-wide-edition-25-translation-kikyou Wide Edition #30 - Naraku [Part 2] https://www.tumblr.com/officialinuyasha/702815606296150016/inuyasha-wide-edition-30-translation-naraku
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Zoro x Fem Reader Japanese mythology AU NSFW! S/O is a selfless and gentle shrine maiden who helps others despite never receiving payment. She’ll help any stranger out, whether it’s cooking for them, offering them a place to stay for the night, healing, etc. Demons often bring havoc to the world and one of S/O’s duties is exorcising them. Sacrifices are often given to the King of Hell to keep the demons at bay, and S/O is chosen as a sacrifice. Could you make S/O a total cinnamon roll too?
OKAY I'M SORRY THIS TOOK FOR FREAKIN EVER. I just kept writing and writing and it turned out to be multi-chapter, and I'm almost done with the whole work, so here's the first bit. I'm not the most impressed with my work in the beginning but maybe eventually I'll edit it. I love this idea so much and RESPECTFULLY on my knees for demon king Zoro 🧎‍♀️🧎‍♀️ I have also never written this au before so thank you for the challenge! (But I LOVE Inuyasha so I was influenced a bit from that)
🍶WC: almost 5k (4,955)
TW's: gore, blood (bleeding and drinking blood), betrayal, drugged (ish?) injuries, pain.
If you can't read the gore/betrayal but still want to read the chapters, there will be a summary at the end. Stop reading at "You dare question our decision, shrine maiden?" and continue after "Oi... up" a deep voice floated through the darkness of your unconsciousness.
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Chapter 1: Betrayal and Blood
You wiped the sweat from your brow, huffing. You ran a cloth over the blade, cleaning the dark blood from the metal, shivering at the touch of it. Despite routinely exorcising demons, you could never get over having to slice and injure a living being. You knew those creatures did nothing but evil, but feeling the slice of the blade pierce their bones and flesh... you hated it. You sheathed your sword, looking around you. The demons always faded into black smoke and ash when they died, leaving you, luckily, without a mess to clean up. Well. A body to dispose of. Blood still splashed over the ground, staining it black. You sighed. You needed to purify the blood, lest it spawned into an evil spirit.
You grabbed your blessed water, dousing the blood stains with it. The dirt path turned to mud at your actions, but at least no evilness would linger here. After completing that task, you stretched up, groaning. Your wide, white and red wide sleeves tumbled down to reveal your bare arms to the dark, early morning air. You breathed deeply, satisfied with your work.
The trek back to the temple where you resided was long, but beautiful. You admired the sunrise as it occurred, tired feet stumbling over tree roots or rocks as you watched the sprouting purples, pinks, and oranges that lead to the golden light of morning.
You rounded the final corner to the temple and were surprised to find a figure standing at the front gate. Normally you didn't get visitors, if any, until the afternoon or in the evening. You lived basically in the middle of nowhere.
"Hello? May I help you with something?" you called gently. It wasn't uncommon for weary travelers to seek shelter or warmth, but it was odd it was this early in the morning. They must've been traveling all night. The figure turned at the sound of your voice. A jolt of shock clanged down your spine. A Priest of the High Order. You immediately knelt before him and lowered your forehead to the ground, cushioned by the backs of your hands. Your heart was pounding, mind spinning with surprise. What was one of the highest ranking priests doing here?
"High Priest. May I ask what brings you to this humble establishment?"
"I have heard much about you. Raise your head. Let me look at you" he spoke. You sat up slowly, tilting your head upwards but averting your eyes. Cold fingers gripped your chin, moving your head side to side. He let you go and stepped back.
"Hm. Now open the gate please. It's rather cold this morning and these old bones are aching" he said with a withered smile.
You scrambled up, fumbling in your long robes for the key to the front gate.
"Of course! I can get some tea brewed while I cook a meal. I'm sorry I don't have much, but it will be warm. I have many blankets you may use while you're here as well" you rambled, finally getting the key in the lock and opening the gate. The words came easy to you, having said it to all those who approached your doors in search of shelter. You meant it. You didn't need much at all, only the necessities. You liked living a simple life, but you purchased a variety of clothing, blankets, healing items, and extra food with your pension regularly. You even accepted such donations from the townspeople when you made the trip. All of it was for the travelers or those less well off and in need of such items.
You ushered in the High Priest, closing the gate behind you, and offered your arm for him to grab hold of. The main path lead to a large, beautiful shrine that you were tasked to take care of as a shrine maiden. You lived in the small temple nearby, but the path to the temple could be hazardous with its loose stones and other tripping hazards that lined it- especially to someone with aching bones. Sure, he was a High Priest, but he was also an old man who was aching from the cold. He wrapped a freezing hand around your arm, and you let him guide your pace.
"Please, watch out for that stone. It's a little wobbly" you said, pointing to a stone in the path. The Priest nodded, avoiding it. The two of you reached the front door. You tore off the hidden piece of paper that acted as a ward and slid open the door for your guest.
"Impressive ward" he muttered. You blushed at the praise. It was one you used whenever you had to go out to exorcise a demon. It let those who had pure intentions to look for shelter, food, water, or simply out of innocent curiosity, enter. Those who saw the empty temple as an opportunity for evil or dubious intentions could not get past the path, constantly transported back to the beginning of the walkway when they tried to open the door. Of course, only if they managed to get past the locked gate.
The Priest had entered the temple, removing his shoes and shuffling slowly towards the small hearth sunk into the floor in the middle of the room. You quickly kicked off your own shoes and scrambled to offer him pillows to sit on and multiple blankets. He accepted them graciously, and you helped him sit on the pillows. You quickly started the fire, opening the high, slotted windows to let the smoke flow out, and filled the suspended pot with water. You searched through your food.
You didn't have much, but you could make a simple, filling soup. You grimaced, wishing you had something better to offer the old man, especially since he was held in such regard. While in the closet that housed your cooking supplies and food, you spooned tea leaves into a tea pot and brought it with you to the hearth. You tucked the outer blanket on the priest tighter against his body.
"The water should heat soon for tea. I can make some rice and soup... or... well... I'm sorry, I don't have much more to offer. The demons have been coming through more often, so I haven't had the time to go into town to restock" you said regretfully. The priest studied you for a moment, looking at you with eyes dark with shadows casted by the deep crevices of wrinkles.
"Humph. So they have."
Silence fell between the two of you. You couldn't tell if the priest was thinking or sleeping, but either way, you didn't want to disrupt him. His face was tilted down, eyes on his lap. You shifted your white and red robes, waiting patiently until the water was hot enough to make tea. You gripped the pot with a towel, pouring it into the teapot, and placed it back on the hook hanging from the ceiling. You stood and gathered the ingredients for the soup and rice from the closet, making your way back to the fire rather quickly. The tea was ready, so you served it, pouring the Priest's cup first. You paused to take a sip, reveling in the warmth held in your hands. The priest loudly slurped from his cup.
"Good tea" he said. You smiled.
"Thank you."
You continued to go about preparing the meal, taking care to not let your wide sleeves get caught in the fire. It was done about a quarter of an hour later, during which the priest obviously warmed up if his snoring was any indication to go by.
"High Priest" you said quietly. He awoke with a jolt and a snort, looking at you. You smiled gently.
"The food is ready if you wish to eat"
He grunted, looking at the bowls held in your hands. He took them without comment and began to eat. You settled into your own seat and began eating as well. Hot, filling meals always hit the spot after a night full of exorcising demons. It was easy on the stomach and made you sleepy. It was perfect. The pair of you ate in silence only broken by slurping and chewing. You finished your meal first, and sat quietly as the priest finished his.
"Good food" he commented gruffly. Apparently that was his way of complimenting things. You smiled.
"I'm glad it was to your needs" you replied, taking his bowls. He grunted.
You washed the dishes, humming a small tune under your breath. Before long, you returned to the central area. You took your seat across from the hearth, eyeing the High Priest. He was staring into the fire thoughtfully.
"High Priest?" you said quietly.
You hesitated a little, but you needed to know.
"It's not that I'm not honored to see you. I am... I just... Why did you come all the way out here?"
His wrinkled eyes flicked up to yours. He sighed.
"There have been reports of you, you know" he started. You cocked your head.
"Reports? Have I been unsatisfactory in any way?"
He shook his head. "Not at all. Quite the opposite in fact. Your selflessness and dedication is the reason why we kept you out here. We at the High Order know we can trust you. Lately, in cities and rural areas alike there have been reports of corrupt shrine maidens and lower ranking priests and priestesses. It's difficult for us to catch and replace the corrupted who are in rural areas, especially high traffic ones like this.
"Technically, as I'm sure you're aware, slaying and exorcising demons is not part of a shrine maiden's job. But you began doing it without being asked to. I recognize part of your training was learning how to, but that was only for emergencies.
"But getting back to the point, more and more demons have been coming through to our world. They are corrupting us slowly. We need to take drastic action before it is too late."
You sat quietly, listening. You couldn't figure out what exactly you were feeling. The priest sighed.
"We... the high order I mean... decided we need to try a sacrifice"
"A sacrifice?" you questioned, "Why? To who?"
He held a withered hand up to stem your curiosity.
"We need a sacrifice to the Demon King"
Your heart skipped a beat with fear at the name. You swallowed down your reaction, taking a beat to calm yourself as you stared into the fire.
"What will you sacrifice? It would have to be a big one to satisfy the Demon King."
"We have decided the sacrifice will be one of our greatest weapon- a powerful, legendary sword that once belonged to a great demon general. It cannot be wielded by humans, as it brings tragedy quickly to the user."
You nodded in understanding. It would be a blow to the order if the Demon King had a sword that powerful. Rumor was that the current king used more than two swords at the same time. But the sword was at headquarters, not here. You rose your confused gaze to the priest, mouth opening to form a question, but he cut you off.
"I know it's not here. I came here for the other sacrifice."
You blinked. The shrine you protected held a legendary spear, but it wasn't nearly as powerful as the sword the priest was offering to the king. Was that what this was about?
"The spear? It's not nearly as power-"
You stared at him. Your body felt far away but you felt your heart thudding in your chest.
You took in a shuddering breath. You didn't believe him, but you couldn't exactly question a High Priest's decisions. But you could ask for an explanation.
"Why me? Surely the king of demons would want someone more powerful?"
"You are powerful. You've been our secret weapon for years. You've been spreading goodness to travelers entering our nation, or those coming home. This strengthens them against corruption or possession by demons. You've single handedly been protecting a major road to our country, strengthening those who pass through against demon attacks. At least for a while.
"You also make wards that are beyond the scope of the weakest member of the High Order. We kept you in the dark about this and kept you as a shrine maiden to protect this knowledge from demons."
You stared at him in disbelieving shock. You've simply been doing your job, which you loved doing. You had no idea you were strengthening the people that passed through here against corruption and possession. Sure, you knew the link between state of mind and vulnerability to demons, but never thought that you would be the cause of it.
"So... because of that... I'm a sacrifice?"
"You're a sacrifice to show the Demon King that we're serious about making peace, or at least a truce"
You sat there quietly, a storm whipping your thoughts into a frenzy.
"That's too soon. What about the travelers? They'll come for shelter but won't have food! The town is too far away for people to come restock it with food, blankets and clothing..." You trailed off as a wave of cold power pierced your senses. Your gaze traveled fearfully towards the priest. He stared at you, glaring. His eyes were milky with age, but held the clarity of desperate anger. You flinched.
"You dare question our decision, shrine maiden?" he spat, standing suddenly. All traces of previous frailness was gone, and you even questioned if he was faking before. He took a step towards you threateningly, "You may have power but you will not be of this world soon. You dare question our commitment to those you have fought to protect? Stupid little girl. You're only a sacrifice because we have heard reports of your beauty and kindness. It would be a slap in the face to the King of Demons." Power rolled off him in waves, making you shiver with cold and fright.
Your eyes widened at his harsh words, scooting back in retreat as he approached you. An evil grin twisted his thin lips, wrinkles deepening around his eyes to shadow them.
"Y-You said..." you stuttered. You froze as you felt presences destroying your outer wards.
"I know what I said, girl. Now stand. It's time."
You couldn't move. Your body was frozen with grief, betrayal, and fear. You heard footsteps on the roof and on the porch outside. Surrounded.
"J-just let me write a letter to the townspeople" you managed to whimper. The priest snorted, then spat at your feet.
"I said get up." He started towards you, but the front door slammed open, stopping his movements with the sound.
"Now now. Let's not be hasty. This is an important road. Travelers come through all the time. With this bitch gone, we'd have more possessions on our hands, but the townspeople can take over her work. We'll make sure she won't reveal anything else" the smooth saccharine voice reasoned. You swallowed and peeked around the High Priests robes. A woman leaned against the doorway, picking at her sharp nails. You couldn't see her face with the daylight streaming in from behind her. The priest rolled his eyes and made a face.
"You have one minute" he said, dismissing you. You quickly bolted to your writing supplies stored in the corner of the room. Ink nearly spilled as you hastily unrolled parchment and used the brush to scribble a note. The priest strolled over to you with heavy footsteps.
"That'll do" he said. You stopped writing. It was a simple note, stating that you suddenly had to leave, you weren't sure if you would ever be back, and to please continue to offer weary travelers with food, shelter, clothes, and blankets. You placed the brush down.
You didn't dare look up at the priest, knowing if you did, your expression would betray your emotions. That was a mistake. You missed the priests quick movements leading to a sudden blow to your ribs sent you flying across the room. Searing pain exploded on your side, and you coughed out a groan.
"Don't damage the sacrifice, priest" the woman drawled without sparing you a glance.
"She'll be fine. She fights demons all the time" the old man dismissed. You laid on the floor in shock. Hair covered your face, hiding the tears brimming in your eyes. He walked towards you. "Get up" he spat. Your body followed his instructions, cradling your injured ribs. Your mind was numb, spinning with the betrayal. A hand gripped your hair harshly, and you cried out at the pain. Nails dug into your scalp, drawing blood.
"Let's go. It's time" the woman hissed in your ear. She reeked of tobacco. She dragged your helpless body out of the temple, down the broken path, and hauled you towards the shrine. You held onto her hand gripping her hair, futilely trying to ease the pain in your scalp. She slammed your face into the dirt once she reached the area in front of the shrine.
"Ready?" came another voice from the side of you.
"Yeah. She's bleeding already so just get some blood from her head for it" the woman said casually. You were dizzy. Something scraped through your hair and on your scalp, collecting blood.
"Perfect. Got the demon heart?"
"Right here, my lord."
"Lets start. The power of the morning sun is almost at its peak, and this blasted ceremony takes all day."
Your arms were pulled behind you, and you wriggled in defiance. The last thing you remember was the sound of someone sucking their teeth and the sound of skin on skin.
"With the power of the midday sun... Demon... Shall be..." your head lolled slightly as you heard the words. You moaned a little at the throbbing pain clanging through your body. A hand pried your slack jaw apart before pouring bitter liquid down your throat. You choked, trying to spit it out, but the hand clamped your jaw shut while another massaged your throat. You had no choice but to swallow, before falling back into unconsciousness.
"With the power of the evening sun the Demon King... sacrifice... unto thee". You breathed deeply, wincing as your ribs protested. A guttural moan escaped your chest.
"Damn, again? She should be asleep for two damn days with the amount she's drank" a voice hissed to your left.
"What can you do? She's powerful. It's your turn to open her jaw while I pour" another voice answered on your right. You clenched your jaw. A hand gripped your face, pushing your cheeks against your teeth roughly.
"She's resisting"
"Of course she is! She's awake. Now open her fuckin mouth"
Your jaw finally gave into the pressure, parting your lips and opening your mouth. The last thing you remember was more bitter liquid being poured into your mouth.
"Oi... up" a deep voice floated through the darkness of your unconsciousness.
"OI! Wake up!" Rough hands shook your shoulder, causing shooting pain though your ribs. You let out a sharp sound at the pain.
"Shit. You hurt?"
"Ribs. hurt." you slurred. You blinked open your eyes, but your vision was swimming. You were somehow upright, and you tried to rub your eyes. Your hands were bound behind you with what felt like metal. You groaned, memories slowly coming back to you. Betrayal. Your brow scrunched and you blinked a few times, trying to steady your vision. You were tied to a stake. Hundreds of pieces of paper littered the ground around you, forming a large circle. Each paper had a swirled design on it, but you were too out of it to try to decipher it. Your gaze finally landed on the man in front of you.
Well. Man was a strong word. Green hair, horns, and fangs were all features you catalogued before a new wave of dizziness struck you, making your head fall down.
"Okay let's get you out of here. This has gone on fucking long enough"
Rough hands snapped the metal restraining your wrists, and hauled you into his arms. You at least were conscious enough to know now that this man definitely wasn't human, but he was kind to you. You were also too weak and drugged to fight. He cradled you with one arm under your shoulders and another under your knees. Your head rested against his muscled shoulder.
"Let's go. Luffy- I'm counting on you" you heard and felt the words rumble from his chest. You heard the affirmation from yet another male voice, but black clouded your vision before your eyes found him.
You woke again to bright, white lights. They were floating above the bed, illuminating the small room. Your head hurt and you were groggy, but it was somewhat tolerable. You took a moment to ground yourself, reaching out with your senses. You were laying on something soft, covered with a crisp cotton. A blanket covered you, and a soft pillow supported your head and neck. The walls were made of a white stone. You felt bandages around your torso and head. You tried to sigh, but flinched and grunted at the pain ricocheting in your chest.
"Are you awake?" a child-like voice spoke from beside your bed. You turned your head, scrunching your brow in pait at the pull on the scabs on your scalp. A small, furry creature sat on a high stool. He looked at you with big, dark eyes, a snout protruded slightly from his face, ending with a blue nose. Wide horns erupted from his head, poking through his hat with a white X on it.
You thought you were hallucinating, but it would be rude to not reply.
"Good! How's the pain?"
"Uh. The scabs on my head kind of hurt and I have a headache, and my ribs hurt when I breathe too deep but that's it."
"Hmmm. That's to be expected. The amount of demon blood they made you drink would have put a normal person into a week-long coma. You've only been out for a day. Probably because... uh.." The horned creature trailed off, looking to the side almost bashfully. He hopped off the stool and padded over to the other side of the room, grabbing a strange medical instrument.
"Can I do a checkup?" he asked, hopping back onto the stool. You tried to nod but winced with the movement.
"Sure" you replied quietly.
He pulled back your blankets to your waist, and it was only then did you realize you were not wearing anything on your torso besides the bandages. Your face heated quickly at the immodesty of it, and you instinctively brought your arms up to cover your chest. The creature pulled back, surprised.
"S-sorry. Just. I didn't realize I wasn't wearing anything."
"Oh. It's okay. We can get you something to wear after this checkup, okay?"
You held your arms there for a second, but slowly let them fall back to the bed.
"Did you give me any medicine that would make me hallucinate? Because right now I see you as a little furry creature, kind of like a deer with a blue nose and a hat."
"No, I didn't give you any medicine that is making you hallucinate. While it isn't uncommon to hallucinate while under the effects of demon blood, you're not currently hallucinating" he clarified, holding the odd instrument to your bandaged chest. He put his ear against the small end and seemed to be listening to your heart.
I'm not hallucinating? How... what... I was... just... How can he be real? you thought. Panic was beginning to take over you.
"Hey, hey, it's okay! You're safe" the doctor tried to sooth you, obviously noticing your rapid breathing and quickening heart rate. You sat up suddenly, ignoring the searing pain from the movement in your ribs. You had to get out of here. You needed to go... where? Where am I?
The door across from the foot of your bed slammed open, a large figure filling the doorway. You squeaked in fright, shooting backwards on the bed, ignoring the burning that accompanied the movement. Green hair, claws, fangs, and rippling muscles filled your vision. Your mind screamed danger.
At the sound of his voice, you felt a throbbing on the junction of your neck and shoulder. You hissed at the sensation, but a wave of calm washed over you.
"You're safe. You're hurt, but Chopper is a great doctor. You're in the realm of demons, but you're not in any danger here."
You studied him. Black horns protruded from his forehead, curving only slightly over his short, wavy green hair. Long, pointed ears stuck out from the sides of his head. He was tanned. One eye had a scar over it, and he kept it closed. The other eye was a piercing silver, scanning your form as if in search of other injuries. When he spoke earlier, you caught the glint of fangs.
Your gaze traveled down to his well-muscled neck and shoulders, landing on a diagonal scar that started on his left pec and traveled towards his opposite hip. It was covered partially by a green haramaki wrapped around his waist. A long, dark green robe hung from his shoulders, closed only at his lower hips. You saw three katana scabbards hanging from the cloth belt closing the robe, and his large hand rested on the hilts. Short claws adorned his fingertips. He wore loose black trousers, but was barefoot, revealing matching claws on his toes.
"Who are you?" you asked hesitantly. The man hesitated before answering.
"Call me Zoro."
As you heard his name, you felt like something missing from your soul fell into place. You furrowed your brow at the feeling, skeptical.
"Zoro... you saved me."
He froze at the words, gaze shifting into a questioning one as he found the furry doctor.
"I didn't tell her! She's talking about when you were at the shrine"
"Tell me what?"
This was the second time the doctor mentioned something he obviously wasn't supposed to talk about.
The demon in front of you sighed, running a hand over his hair.
"Can I sit?" he asked, nodding towards your bed. You nodded, but suddenly realized you were still dressed rather immodestly. You snatched the blankets up to your chin. The furry doctor took this as his cue to leave the room, and he closed the door behind him. Zoro sat on the end of the bed, facing you and bringing one leg up to the mattress while letting the other dangle off the side.
"Look. There's no easy way to say this. You're my mate. Temporarily at least."
You stared at him. Mate? What did that even mean? Were you two friends now?
"Mate? Like... friends?"
"No, being a mate means being like a couple. But in this case, you don't have to do anything like that. I've claimed you as mine to keep you safe from other demons - You're not the first sacrifice to me, ya know. Its temporary until you heal and decide what you want to do."
You sat silently, absorbing the information and how it fit into your memories of what happened.
"I was sacrificed to you?"
"... but I was a sacrifice to the Demon King."
"...you're the Demon King?!" your shout of revelation made your head hurt and rib twinge, and you grimaced in pain.
"I'm the Demon King that humans know about, yes"
You blinked at him, shocked. He fiddled with the handles of his swords.
"But... but you're protecting me. You saved me and helped me."
He looked at you, crossing his arms. His cheeks looked pink. Cute.
"I did. You were betrayed by your own kind. You're powerful, so you managed to live after drinking so much demon blood, or at least live without turning fully into a demon."
The reminder shot ice through your veins and you froze. You looked down, tears brimming your eyes.
"Why what?"
"To all of it. Why are the demons showing up more? Why was I sacrificed? Why did they say I was powerful? Why did you save me? Why do you need to mark me to keep me safe from other demons? What do you mean by turned fully demon? Why-" you broke off as your throat closed with a sob.
"Oi Oi. I can only answer some of those questions, but only when you're ready. For now you need rest." He stood from the bed, walking closer to you. Tears dripped down your face, staining the blanket beneath you with dark splotches. He made a show of moving to touch you, and when you didn't move away, he finally placed a hand on your shoulder. Your body reacted before your mind. You gripped his arm and moved it so you were gently hugging it to your chest. You let your face fall into the warm tan skin of his muscled arm and cried. You felt the bed dip and the arm shift out of your grip as he wrapped you in a gentle hug. He stayed silent, letting you sob and scream as you gripped his jacket.
You stayed like that for maybe a half hour, waves of sobs wracking your body. It was only when your head was pounding with stabbing pain and it hurt to breathe did you lay back down on the mattress. The last thing you remember is Zoro helping you lay down before unconsciousness welcomed you back gracefully.
Summary of gore/betrayal- so you were chosen as a sacrifice basically as a slap in the face to the King of Demons, being kind and strong (spoiler: it didn't work). You were basically beat up and drugged with demon blood that made you unconscious. You were strong and resistant to the drug though so they kept having to make you drink it, and honestly you should've been unconscious for days with the amount they forced you to drink. The ceremony took all day/evening and at night Zoro eventually came through to your world and you passed out in his arms when he saved you. He left Luffy to take care of the 'bad guys'.
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inukag · 1 year
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Sooo I went to Japan for 2 weeks! It was amazing! Extremely hot but I still enjoyed everything and want to go back ASAP 😭
I wanted to share the Inuyasha merch I’ve been able to find! Which is not a lot, lol. Urusei Yatsura's Lum was EVERYWHERE (especially thanks to the recent reboot) and I also saw Ranma 1/2 stuff quite a bit, but Inuyasha was nowhere to be found except in Nakano Broadway...
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Starting from top left: A doujinshi I found at a Mandarake, a CD with some of the opening/endings and a pack of playing cards with art from the second movie. Below that I have a Inuyasha acrylic (found that one in a Animate at Ikebukuro), a small shippo figure and volume 4 of Yashahime (with Momo on the cover 🥰). Then below that I got 2 volumes of the wide ban edition of the manga (1 and 30 so the first and last volumes) and the Shonen Sunday S magazine with the latest Yashahime manga chapter. Above that there's Hisui from a Yashahime gachapon and above the beautiful miko Kagome figurine ♥
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She's supposed to sit on a bottle so I cut the top of a plastic bottle, added some wrapping paper and a scrunchy to make some kind of base for her to sit on! I've always wanted that figurine but it's super expensive online so I'm glad I found her at a decent price. The world needs more miko Kagome merch 🙏
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This is the back of the inukag doujinshi I bought, I haven't been able to find that artist online 🤔 If anyone know where I can find them, let me know!
Funny thing, the only time I saw the Yashahime gachapon was at Tokyo tower. I tried it really hoping I would get either Moroha, Hisui or Kohaku and not the others so I'm very glad I got Hisui! 3 out of 8 is not good odds lmao.
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I KNOW there's some actual Inuyasha gachapon out there but I never saw any! Even that Yashahime one was mostly empty 😭
I also visited Niigata, the home city of Rumiko Takahashi. In the Manga and Anime museum there I bought this special fan that was released for the 35th anniversary of Takahashi's career. There was also the same for Maison Ikkoku and Ranma 1/2. I thought it was a really cool find!
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Anyway, Japan let me down a bit in terms of Inuyasha merch but everything else was great (except the weather, seriously don't go in Japan in the summer it's too hot). I definitely want to go back in the spring and see the cherry blossom. I'd also like to visit the south more, like Osaka and Hiroshima.
Yashahime might be a disaster but it's actually thanks to that series that I met the amazing girls I went on this trip with, and for that I am so thankful. We went through hell following that series every week but we ended up with forging really strong bonds and traveling with them felt like being with family!
The real Inuyasha sequel was truly the friends we made along the way 😌🌈✨
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casrae · 2 years
Anime Rp partner plzzzz!
(No minors! 18+ only!)
♡Hello! I'm Cas, 21, (i prefer someone close to my age range, but im not picky! just above 18 plz) and I'm looking for another long term rp partner, the partner I have now hasn't responded for days and it's making me upset because rp is truly one of my favorite hobbies.
♡I only Rp on discord and we can even make bots to go with the story!
♡I prefer to do two rps at once, one rp of my choice and another of your choice so we both don't have to settle on one idea and we both can enjoy it together! I love bouncing ideas off each other for both rps so feel free to give me any ideas or feedback!
♡I prefer literate writing (at least 1 paragraph but i understand it's hard sometimes so a short response is okay too! :3) Please no "*", write out the actions like you would in a book, please!
♡I'm okay with Ocs! I will normally use my same oc for all of the rps for me.
♡Fandoms i can rp!♡
• My Hero Academia
• Inuyasha
• Vampire Knight
• Oc world
• Attack on Titan (I don't know an extensive knowledge but I've watched season 1-3 enough and played the game to know the story and some characters)
♡I'm not limited to only these, If you have a certain Fandom you'd like to do, we can talk about it! :)
♡I'll mostly choose mha for me because I'm a whore for Dabi and Keigo, despite that, I refuse to do dabihawks, dabishiggy, HawksEndeavor or ship them with anyone else tbh, I'm not big on shipping characters that clearly hate each other. All characters need to be 18+ but if you would like to age up a character (ex: bakugo) we can talk about it and decide together, but no guarantees.
♡I love, LOVE AU's and have a few lists of possible rp/au ideas so if you don't know what you want, we choose from the list!
♡I prefer romance and NSFW in the rps but we don't have to do the NSFW.
♡Most of my rp paring will be♡
• Dabi / Touya x oc
•Hawks x oc (I know it's not much of a wide range but they're my hyperfixation and it will really make me happy!)
♡I'm okay with doing any ships (that aren't the ones mentioned above)
♡Dark themes and angst is okay, I love drama. The only triggers I have are minors in NSFW or romantic setting so NONE OF THAT PLEASE! If I have a problem with something I'll let you know but I'm usually good with most stuff.
♡ please message me if you're interested or have any questions! And I hope to make a new friend!
♡Thank you!♡
I'm opening this up again for a new rp partner! Please message me if you're interested!
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kirins-stuff · 1 year
The latest chapter is now up on Ao3
N.B. This is actually chapter 34 but Tumblr won't allow me to edit the link text any more. I'll fix it if I find a way.
Title: Bend and Don’t Break
Rating: PG-13/T
Summary: Fifty years have passed since the Avatar’s disappearance. Fifty years since the war between nations came to a bitter end. A new world has risen from the ashes of tragedy. Yet the embers of war threaten to rekindle. Faced with a precarious future, a simple Water Tribe girl seeks to restore balance to the world. (InuKag, AtLA AU)
Content warnings: Canon-level violence (Inuyasha), major character death, swearing, body horror, psychological horror, torture, sexual intimidation, physical abuse of minors, psychological abuse of minors,  mentions of death and injury to minors, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, bigotry and prejudice
Pairings: Inuyasha x Kagome, Onigumo/Naraku > Kikyou (unrequited), Akitoki Hojo > Kagome (unrequited), past Inu no Taishou x Izayoi, male OC x male OC, female OC x female OC
Genres: Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Drama, Romance
Chapter preview:
Her whip shot through the gloom.  Another crack came as it brushed the root. The spirits gave a screech that sent her staggering. The whole cavern shuddered. Her whip went wide. She snatched it back with a gasp...
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Inuyasha – Wide Edition 6
Inuyasha, Miroku e Sango si ritrovano ad avere un conto in sospeso col medesimo nemico, Naraku, che trama alle loro spalle per mettere le mani sulla Sfera delle Quattro Anime. Conoscere le origini del misterioso gioiello servirà a trovare un modo per sconfiggere l’odioso demone, prima che il foro del vento risucchi il povero Miroku?
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hydrangeyes · 11 months
So if you don't know, Yes this already existed, my old account was deleted (accident but I can tell I won't be getting it back), and am reposting my old x male reader works!
I don't know if I saved all of them but here is one that was saved to my AO3 account.
Edit Nov.8.2023: I was cooking with this one, to bad I was satisfied with the appetizer lol
A jujutsu Kaisen fic I’m making for myself, inuyasha vibes featuring ex sukuna and Gojo the brat, relationships still up in the air, male reader specifically
Chapter 1: Someone wrote this song before
It wasn’t raining that day. No, it was hot and sunny. There was even a nice breeze every now and then. The smell of the woods and the sounds of cicada, that wide grin you use to find charming. It was the only thing your senses could pick up. Smell, sound, sight. Was this his plan all along?
Orange blossom park was a rather large and popular. Many come to sightsee and pay homage to its lucky tree. The rumor has it where anyone brave enough to touch the tree and greet it then apologize, you would without a doubt be granted your deepest desire. 
A weird rumor and one with just as odd of steps but, it hasn’t been disproven yet.
Of course, mainly lovers or anyone who really just wanted some form of luck actually went about doing this. Others came because the tree truly was beautiful and was the perfect spot for photos.
And today was just the perfect day to visit. The trees’ flowers were in full bloom, the area smelt amazing, and well, who wouldn’t at least pass by for lunch or just a quick relaxing sit-down. 
It’s too bad you were waking up today,
The park’s ground rumbled and began to tremble. A bit of a surprise but no one really started to panic until the trembling became a quake. The ground shattered and burst, roots shot out from each crack. 
All hell broke loose as others tried to make it out of the park and away while others were caught on the roots or falling into the gaps.
One after the other the tree’s roots lashed out trying to raise the tree itself but it was struggling. So after a little more, it stopped. 
The park was a wreck, those who slipped in the gaps eventually came out unharmed….It was written off as a very strange earthquake. After all, the park area was the only one affected.
 A good 20-minute bus ride away Yuji Itadori stopped mid-talking a he felt a wave of energy run through him. Inside he can also feel sukuna standing attention. He couldn’t help but ignore his friends as his focus went to the sounds of soft crying and the feeling of sukuna getting restless.
Nobara and Fushiguro watched as he zoned out mid-talking. The three of them were lucky enough to have lunch breaks around the same time. 
And usually, Itadori was talking up a storm about a class or two, so hearing the chatter suddenly stop? It was weird. “Hey, idiot at least finish your sentence before ignoring us!” Nobara huffs, giving Itadori a sharp jab on the chest which seemed to snap him out of it.
“Ah! Sorry sorry, I just…thought I heard someone crying? I even felt something weird..” He mumbles rubbing the back of his neck trailing off. Nobara and Fushiguro glanced at each other then a bit more seriously at Itadori. 
“Is Sukuna fucking with you?” Nobara asks glaring at his cheek. But before Itadori could answer a familiar mouth pops up on his cheek. “Shut it brat, this time it’s not me…It’s something all of you should keep an ear out for and avoid.”
Hearing the lack of taunt and condescending tones in his voice set everyone on edge. What was it that Itadori sensed to make Sukuna wary?
Short one short one short one, But hey this is pretty self indulgent, Sorry y/n that you don’t appear for a hot minute lol, pretty unedited
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nonsololibristore · 2 years
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mayayuan · 2 years
Từ năm 2008 đến nay, đây là lần đầu tiên, tôi ngồi đọc và xem lại anime một cách nghiêm túc tác phẩm Inuyasha.
Tuổi tôi cũng không còn trẻ, và nếu không phải vì quá stress, tôi sẽ không đọc truyện tranh. Nhưng quả là một nước đi sai lầm, sau khi đọc xong, tôi cảm thấy còn stress hơn. 
Sau hơn 500 chap truyện, mấy trăm tập anime với cả trăm nhân vật nhưng khi gấp lại trang cuối cùng, điều duy nhất đọng lại trong tôi chính là những suy tư mênh mang về nhân vật Naraku và Kikyou. Một là tình yêu tuyệt vọng và một là tình yêu vĩnh viễn không mất đi. Quả thật, tới tuổi này, tôi mới hiểu được sự sâu sắc trong lớp nhân vật mà Rumiko sensei đã để lại năm đó trong Inuyasha.
“On the special information section at the end of volume 30 of the Wide Ban edition of the InuYasha manga, Rumiko Takahashi stated that in her opinion, Naraku was the most tragical character of the entire plot, who did actually suffer the most pain from all characters despite he being responsible for misery of quite a lot characters throughout the main plot.“
tạm dịch: Ở phần thông tin đặc biệt cuối tập 30 - ấn bản Wide Ban của manga InuYasha, tác giả Rumiko Takahashi đã nói rằng, theo ý kiến riêng của bà, Naraku là nhân vật đáng thương nhất trong toàn bộ truyện, là người thực sự phải chịu đựng nhiều đau đớn nhất trong tất cả các nhân vật. Dù vậy, anh ta cũng chính là người chịu trách nhiệm cho toàn bộ đau khổ của khá nhiều nhân vật khác trong suốt mạch truyện chính.
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Ai là kẻ đáng thương nhất? Naraku! Hắn sinh ra từ khát vọng tình yêu và cuối cùng chết trong tình yêu tuyệt vọng.
Naraku là một bán yêu nhưng hắn sinh ra không hề “thuận tự nhiên”. Hắn là một hạt giống tăm tối - một bán yêu được tạo thành từ một gã cướp tàn phế với ước mơ bệnh hoạn cùng ác niệm từ hàng ngàn con yêu quái.
Bi kịch bắt đầu điểm khi Onigumo, một tên cướp bị bỏng nặng toàn thân ngã từ trên núi xuống vốn chẳng còn cái xương lành lặn, được nữ pháp sư Kikyou thương hại, đem về giấu trong hang và chăm sóc. Gã vốn chỉ còn là xác phế hơi tàn. Vậy mà sâu thẳm trong cái xác phế ấy vẫn le lói một tình cảm si mê với Kikyou. Có lẽ, gã biết rằng gã vĩnh viễn không xứng, gã vĩnh viễn chỉ có thể nằm đó, vĩnh viễn không còn tự do bước ra ngoài kia, chỉ có thể ngắm nhìn mà không thể chạm tới. Càng si mê thì càng tuyệt vọng. Tuyệt vọng lớn sẽ nảy sinh tham ái và thu hút lũ yêu quái. Mối tham ái lớn đến mức khiến gã đồng ý hiến thân mình cho chúng, đổi lại gã có một cơ thể mới tự do. Cơ thể đó sẽ tự do bước ra khỏi chiếc hang ẩm ướt, được tự do chiếm lấy Kikyou với hi vọng lấp đầy tình yêu si mê của gã. Với gã, Kikyou chính là ngưỡng vọng xa vời nhất. Tựa như trăng nơi đáy giếng, chỉ thấy bóng chẳng thấy hình. Ngay từ đầu, đó đã là một điều không thể. Yêu mà không yêu được, muốn mà không có được, và dần dần nhuốm màu bi thương, phẫn hận. Naraku ra đời để tiếp nối ước muốn có được thân thể tự do, ước muốn có được Kikyou. Tuy nhiên, điều đầu tiên Naraku làm lại là bày ra quỷ kế chia cắt Inuyasha lẫn Kikyou nhằm đoạt ngọc Tứ Hồn. Người tính không bằng trời tính, kế hoạch thất bại khi Kikyo phong ấn Inuyasha và cùng ngọc Tứ Hồn sang thế giới bên kia. Cay đắng, Naraku tống Onigumo vào thẳm sâu tăm tối. Hắn giam hãm trái tim và tình yêu chết theo Kikyou.
Suốt cuộc đời mình, Naraku có 2 chấp niệm lớn lao, đó là Ngọc Tứ Hồn và Kikyou. Phần người của hắn-Onigumo luôn coi nguyện ước lớn nhất là có được Kikyou, ngọc Tứ Hồn chỉ là vật đính kèm. Phần còn lại bên trong Naraku, là hàng ngàn con yêu quái (căm hận Kikyou) luôn muốn có được ngọc Tứ Hồn, còn Kikyou chỉ là tàn tích từ tình yêu bệnh hoạn của Onigumo. Cứ như vậy, Naraku phải vật lộn với giữa phần người duy nhất còn sót lại là tình yêu với Kikyou và ham muốn sở hữu ngọc Tứ Hồn để trở thành yêu quái mạnh nhất, có sức mạnh lớn nhất, để không còn là một bán yêu bị khinh thường.
Naraku, sau 50 năm kể từ ngày Kikyou chết, tới khi gặp Kagome, chỉ trong một tích tắc nhưng hắn chưa từng lầm lẫn. Hắn nhận ra ngay Kagome không phải là Kikyou. Tình cờ gặp lại Kikyou ở trong thành, hắn vừa sửng sốt, vừa không giấu được niềm thích thú, băn khoăn tại sao nữ pháp sư vẫn còn sống. Khi thấy Kikyou trở về dù là trong dáng hình một hoạt thi  thì tình yêu trong hắn đồng thời được kích hoạt sống dậy. Bất chấp Kikyou lật bài ngửa vạch mặt thân phận Onigumo trong Naraku, đã coi hắn là tử địch, nhưng hắn luôn âm thầm theo dõi Kikyou, một hành động tưởng như để đề phòng, nhưng thực ra đó chính là sự “đeo bám” xuất phát từ tình yêu (không lành mạnh). Khi Kikyou biểu lộ tình yêu sâu sắc với Inuyasha lẫn sự khinh bỉ tột cùng cho mình, Naraku đã chối bỏ sự đố kị của mình lên Onigumo, róc tấm da có vết sẹo hình nhện hay vứt trái tim nhện quỷ ra đường. Cũng chính sự kích động của Kikyou, chạm tới giới hạn tự tôn của hắn, dẫn tới ý thức của Naraku khoác lên bộ giáp “tránh tổn thương” mà vạch ra mục tiêu lớn nhất, đó là loại bỏ trái tim nhện quỷ lẫn Kikyou, hai vật cản lớn nhất để hắn tiến hóa hoàn thiện. Năm xưa, với Onigumo, Kikyou còn trao đi sự thương hại. Còn bây giờ với hắn, Kikyou chỉ còn lại oán hận, thù ghét, muốn tận diệt hắn tới cùng. Tôi nghĩ mình hiểu cái cảm giác này. Cái cảm giác đến sự tồn tại của hắn cũng là một chướng nghiệp thì chuyện tình yêu ư, chỉ là viển vông. Nhưng cái tội nghiệt của Naraku là hắn thậm chí còn không biết đó là nỗi đau tình yêu dâng lên tận cùng, đến mức chính tay hắn thề sẽ phá bỏ ước vọng thuở ban đầu, là lí do để hắn sinh ra.
Hắn lại lẩn vào bóng tối, nghĩ quỷ kế đa đoan để chối bỏ trái tim nhện quỷ và giết Kikyou. Không có một dòng nào, không một hình ảnh nào miêu tả Naraku trực tiếp diễn tả nỗi đau khổ khốn cùng trong tình yêu hết. Nhưng, khi khối tình của hắn được phơi bày chính là những khối thịt nhằng nhịt chất đống ở Bạch Linh Sơn, tôi đã hiểu tình yêu đó lớn tới thế nào, tuyệt vọng với mức nào, hắn đã đau khổ ra sao…Khi đọc tới đoạn này, tôi tự hỏi, hắn lúc đó có thể nào đã đau đớn tới mất trí rồi không. Nhờ phóng thích quả tim, nhờ vứt bỏ được tình yêu đơn phương cùng đường ấy đi, hắn đã tự tin ra tay sát hại Kikyou. Lúc đó, hắn thật hả hê. Tôi đã không hề nhận ra đó là sự trả thù tàn nhẫn nhất với tình yêu của chính mình. Tuy nhiên, khi biết cuộc ám toán ở Bạch Linh Sơn thất bại, Kikyou còn sống và nhận ra nếu không có sự đố kị bi ai từ trái tim nhện quỷ ấy, hắn sẽ bị tia sáng trong mảnh ngọc của Kohaku thanh tẩy như ý đồ của Kikyou. Vậy là hắn lại lặn lội quay về Bạch Linh Sơn thu hồi trái tim biết yêu đầy khổ đau, dằn vặt, đố kị ấy. Lần này hắn sẽ dùng chính trái tim ấy, chính tình yêu đau đớn ấy để xóa sổ Kikyou mãi mãi. ( Một pha xử lý thật cồng kềnh, dở khóc dở cười khiến tôi chưa từng tưởng tượng ra điều gì đáng thương hơn thế.)
Sau ba lần cố gắng và giết được Kikyou, hắn cuối cùng có được viên ngọc trọn vẹn trong tay, đã hoàn toàn bị ô nhiễm tới nỗi linh hồn ác Mangatsuhi còn chẳng có chỗ để nhập vào viên ngọc. Vậy mà, Naraku lại thất thần, hắn chẳng biết mình muốn làm gì với viên ngọc. Tới đây, lại thấy cuộc đời hắn chẳng phải như một trò đùa sao? Cũng từ đó, chúng ta thấy rằng, vở kịch hắn dàn dựng ngay từ đầu để lừa Inuysha và Kikyou (như hắn nói) để làm vấy bẩn và chiếm đoạn ngọc chỉ là một cái cớ xảo biện. Vở kịch đó là bằng chứng đầu tiên cho sự ghen tuông, đố kị của hắn. Hắn chỉ muốn chia rẽ Inuyasha và Kikyou. Những màn đối đầu và truy giết Kikyou của hắn với danh nghĩa sợ hãi linh lực của Kikyou, nhưng thực chất chỉ là muốn cô phải nếm sự chia cắt hết lần này tới lần khác với Inuyasha. Muốn cô phải vĩnh viễn không được ở bên người yêu thương, cũng như hắn vậy. Hắn lừa gạt người khác và hơn tất thảy, lừa gạt cả chính mình.
Về mặt lý thuyết, Ngọc Tứ Hồn chưa từng hiện thực bất kì một ước nguyện cho bất kì ai. Sự quỷ quyệt của nó gieo vào đầu những trái tim tuyệt vọng những ước vọng, nhưng lại không bao giờ thành toàn cho họ. Naraku đã nhận ra bản chất sau cùng của Ngọc Tứ Hồn và hiểu rằng, dù hắn chết thì Ngọc Tứ Hồn cũng sẽ không bao giờ chết. Hắn chỉ là quân cờ nằm trong sự thao túng của ngọc Tứ Hồn, với mục đích giữ cho viên ngọc trường tồn. Nhưng lúc này, hắn có còn gì để bận tâm nữa đâu. Hắn chơi tất tay trong cuộc chiến sau cùng mà vẫn không hề thành thật với động cơ thực sự của bản thân. Trước sự chất vấn của Kagome về việc mục đích thực sự của hắn là gì? Hắn mới sững người. Nhưng giận quá hóa hẹn, hắn vẫn cố chấp và chống trả. Phải đến tận giây phút cuối cùng, hắn mới thành thật, điều hắn thực sự mong muốn và viên ngọc không bao giờ thực hiện được, chỉ là có được tình yêu của Kikyou. Cho đến chết mới thừa nhận. Và cho đến chết lại tiếp tục nuối tiếc rằng thậm chí sau biến mất khỏi thé gian, hắn cũng chẳng được ở cùng một chỗ với Kikyou nơi thế giới bên kia. Từ khi tình yêu ấy chớm nở tới khi biến mất, nó chưa từng được thừa nhận, được ôm ấp. Thật tuyệt vọng biết bao. 
Điểm tài tình của Rumiko sensei là bà hoàn toàn làm tôi mất cảnh giác với thứ tình yêu diễn ra trong Naraku. Hóa ra tôi cũng như Naraku, đều không nhận ra tình yêu hắn dành cho Kikyou, đều không nhận ra ước nguyện thật sự của hắn cho tới phút cuối.
 Từ một tên cướp tàn phế, chỉ còn hơi tàn, bằng dã tâm & thứ tình yêu tuyệt vọng của mình, đã trở thành yêu quái gây ra bao nhiêu đau khổ cho các nhân vật khác trong truyện. Naraku là phản diện chính, là phản diện xuyên suốt hàng trăm chap. Hắn đáng chết, hắn nhất định phải chết. Nhưng tới giây phút cuối cùng của hắn, chứng kiến nguyện ước thực sự của hắn là một khoảnh khắc kinh diễm, khiến cho toàn bộ hàng trăm chap mờ nhạt đi, chỉ còn lại sự day dứt và ước vọng tình yêu đau đớn của Naraku. Kikyou vẫn có tình yêu của Inuyasha dù là trước đây hay bây giờ, nhưng Naraku chỉ có tình yêu tuyệt vọng của một mình hắn. Bao nhiêu chuyện ác ấy, bao nhiêu sự căm hận ấy cũng vì yêu quá mà hóa hận. Rốt cuộc, bị viên ngọc lợi dụng, thao túng để trở thành một linh hồn ác phải chiến đấu trong nó mãi mãi. Hắn không đáng thương nhất, không phải chính là kẻ đau khổ nhất sao!
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officialinuyasha · 2 years
InuYasha Wide Edition #29 Translation - Naraku [Part 1]
Original Japanese Scans Provided by Me
Spanish Scans Provided by muffin_0626
Translated by @marusamaa-tradus​
Proofread and localized by me
Rules: No screenshots or using my photographs, copy/paste, not using without permission, reblogs/linking only
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The group of youkai that use humans as connectors
Naraku is a hanyou made of countless youkai that use evil humans as connectors. For a youkai to acquire huge power, it’s convenient that it merges with others to create a single powerful youkai. Long ago, a great number of them merged together to strengthen and battle against a powerful miko called Midoriko.
That time, the connector was a man who was in love with her. Naraku’s connector was the bandit Onigumo, who couldn’t move because of his injuries and harbored evil feelings towards Kikyo. He let grow his impure desire to have her and attracted numerous youkai that devoured him, bone and all. However, his heart remained inside Naraku and brought him into several conflicts.
He takes on several appearances
Since Naraku is a group of several youkai, he doesn’t have a specific appearance. He took on the aspect of different people depending on the situation. He even had a female form. It seems he was pleased with Kagewaki Hitomi’s appearance, whom he possessed to obtain a castle and get a status, and he remained with that form until the end.
(page 2)
He’s filled with poison and miasma
The interior of Naraku, a mass of evilness, is full of powerful poison and miasma. It’s possible to imagine the intensity of the former looking at the scene where Kirara, that’s a youkai, loses consciousness as she absorbs a bit of this poison after biting Naraku’s shoulder. Moreover, his tentacles give off miasma every time they’re cut and this way they corral the foes. This emanation serves as a way to drive away the enemy the moment they abandon the battlefield.
He can fuse and recreate his body
The biggest and most representative of his abilities is that he can detach and recreate his body. As a hanyou, just like Inuyasha, he has a day where he can’t use his powers. During this span of time, he detaches his body, gets rid of all that is unnecessary, recreates his body and strengthens it. This characteristic is attributable to the fact that he’s originally a group of a great number of youkai and, thanks to this, he can get increasingly stronger. Naraku is specially skilled with forcing other youkai to enter his body. For example, he gets to get a powerful youkai body created with the ability of Kodoku, or he lets Mouryomaru to get stronger, letting him be free, to absorb him later.
This way, he slowly turns into the most feared youkai in the Sengoku era. Besides, he’s immortal unless his heart is destroyed.
(page 3)
The creation of his incarnations
Another one of his abilities is that, despite being using the powers of the shards of the jewel, he can create his own incarnations using the lumps of flesh that form his body and making them ripen and mature. Those incarnations have different abilities and characteristics, which may be due to the raw materials used. However, they’re not necessarily completely loyal to Naraku, and in some cases they rebel against him…
The barrier
Naraku’s barrier hides his whereabouts and protects him from enemies in battles. The one he’s able to create is big; he even hid from Inuyasha and the others by hiding all the Hitomi family castle, whom he had possessed. Moreover, this barrier is immune to Inuyasha’s wind scar. After Inuyasha acquired the ability to cut barriers thanks to the blood coral crystal, Naraku refrains from using them for a while, but after becoming the new Naraku at the Mount Hakurei, he managed to create an even more powerful barrier.
He has in his service the saimyosho and the puppets
He commands the poison insects from hell, the saimyosho, whose role is to affect Miroku via his wind tunnel. Besides that, they have other functions. For example, they can gather information or the fragments of the jewel. They don’t stand out much, but they have their advantages.
(page 4 - interview with Rumiko Takahashi)
Onigumo’s human heart that remains in Naraku’s nature
What kind of character is Naraku? Thinking about it, I finally think he’s a human. Besides, he initially was a bandit named Onigumo and I think he could never get away from that name. That’s why he was a human until the end… a terrible man…
During the story, he attacks Inuyasha and his friends in horrible ways. I think Naraku knows where he can hurt humans because he’s one himself; he knows very well what they don’t want him to do, that’s why he tends to do such hurtful stuff. This is all possible because he’s a human. All the ideas about him stem from this characteristic. However, he doesn’t have the desire to transform the world into a terrible place, but he makes one particular person suffer. He has that kind of obsession towards Kikyo and Inuyasha… Maybe he’s a person who’s very easy to understand.
The most pitiful thing is that Naraku has no friends. He’s even betrayed by his own extensions, but I like this characteristic of his; it’s so miserable. He can’t even trust his own extensions… However, I don’t think he felt lonely because of that. I think he didn’t want to have friends and simply was in love with Kikyo. Even if he couldn’t be honest with his feelings, Naraku was a human youkai with weaknesses, lonesome and unsatisfied. That’s why, after killing Kikyo, I think he didn’t care about anything. He hated everyone!
Naraku is the backbone of the story
I think the reason why Naraku craved the Shikon jewel is because he looked for a way to get rid of his feelings, or maybe because, as he was just a hanyo, he desired to be a real yokai, though we won’t know what was the real reason behind it. Nevertheless, I think it’s always convenient to seize such a powerful energy like the Shikon jewel.
Anyway, the story of “Inuyasha” wouldn’t be possible without Naraku. That’s why I didn’t consider getting rid of him in the middle of the story to make a bigger enemy appear… I always thought that, until the end, the enemy would be Naraku since the story of “Inuyasha” has its origin in Kikyo and Naraku. The ending should also be like this.
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nbdraws · 3 years
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have had an #InuYasha self-project idea in the works for awhile now, so here's me posting the first piece i planned to do in order to manifest the motivation to continue with it
sorry to everyone following me and expecting frequent updates. this past year has been super hard on my mental health, lol. and as a result, i haven’t really prioritized my tumblr accounts. you’ll find me more active on twitter and instagram tbh
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“When Sesshomaru was healing from his injuries, he met a human girl called Rin.”
- InuYasha Wide Edition #7 - Sesshoumaru
“She was fearless and relentless in her attempt to save Sesshomaru.”
- Inuyasha Profile Book - Rin
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lostinfantasyworlds · 2 years
Hello dear!!! Can you tell me about any of the WIPs that you have not been asked about yet?
🃏Dealer's Choice!🃏
Hi @neutronstarchild!!! Thank you so so much for asking!! 💕There is actually only one WIP that hasn't been asked about yet (you all are too kind 🥺😭 ❤️), and that would be the UTNL PWP New Year's Eve oneshot!
For anyone who has read Under the Northern Lights, this fits into the timeline of the epilogue. (**Spoilers ahead if you haven’t read**)There is a line where Inuyasha and Kagome both assume that Moroha was conceived on New Year’s Eve night, so I decided to expand that into its own oneshot, because apparently I didn’t write enough porn into that story already 😂
Here’s some details:
Inuyasha and Kagome have been separated for almost a week due to conflicting work assignments
Kagome arrives home in a tizzy because her flight was delayed, meaning they have to rush to make it to Yugen’s NYE/anniversary party, where she is supposed to give a speech
Kagome’s scent is extra appealing to Inuyasha that night for whatever reason (*ahem* prime baby-making time), and he really wants to welcome his wife home the right way...but they sadly don’t have time
Sexual tension builds and builds throughout the party, until they’re finally able to leave....and we all know what happens then
There are several references/similarities to the “Dessert” chapter of UTNL (minus the ending lol)
I’ve got pretty much all of it written (currently around 7.5k), but I’ve been trying to push myself with the smut writing, and have lots of editing to do, so at this point I probably won’t end up posting it until NYE rolls around again at the end of 2022.
Until then, I have a semi-rough snippet to share! Below the cut because it’s a bit filthy (although the full version is much filthier😏)
Thanks again, Neutron!! ❤️
Full list of WIPs here
Making sure that Inuyasha (and no one else) was watching her, Kagome extracted the straw from her frozen daiquiri and set about removing the excess slush by seductively running the flat of her tongue up the length of it. Ending with a slight flick for theatricality’s sake, she then inserted half of the straw into her mouth before slowly pulling it out, keeping her cheeks hollowed in the way she would if it were his cock she was sucking. She maintained searing eye contact the entire time, watching him closely to see if she was succeeding in further riling him up.
He had a good poker face, she’d give him that. 
It was only because she knew her husband so well that she was able to detect the telltale tensing of his jaw, the bob of his Adam’s apple as he swallowed hard, and the way his pupils had blown out wide enough to almost completely cover his amber irises. Otherwise, he appeared perfectly calm and collected as he finished the last sip of his drink and set the empty glass back on the bar, keeping their gazes locked and a slight smirk on his lips but saying nothing. 
Kagome frowned when he pushed his stool back from the bar and stood up, starting to wonder if she had actually had the desired effect on him after all. 
“Where are you going?”
“Bathroom,” Inuyasha replied shortly as he walked around the back of her bar stool.
Kagome’s pouting was cut short when she felt the heat of his large hand through the fabric of her dress at the small of her back. Leaning over so that his lips hovered right above her ear, he let his hot breath fan across it for a moment before giving her cartilage a playful nip that was just hard enough to make her jump a little.
“Either we get outta here real soon…”
Oh god, he was doing that sexy rumbly thing with his voice that was totally unfair.
“...Or I’m takin’ you out on the balcony, bending you over the railing, and not giving a shit if anyone sees us fuck. Your choice.”
Inuyasha punctuated his statement by briefly tracing the inner shell of her ear with his tongue, causing a delightful shiver to ripple down her spine that set her heart racing. He pressed the pads of his fingers into her lower back before standing up straight and walking away, leaving her with an ache between her thighs that was almost unbearable now. She crossed her legs a little tighter and bit her lip, trying and failing to contain the heat rising within her.
Damn, he was good.  
Before rounding the corner, he glanced back over his shoulder to flash her a cocky smirk, well aware of exactly what he had just done to her. 
Kagome realized then that she probably should have thought twice before teasing him so much, considering that he always seemed to win these little public games she started. Maybe she’d had a little too much to drink, but for a moment she genuinely considered following him to the bathroom and sucking him off in one of the stalls. Not being too keen on the idea of one of their coworkers potentially finding her on her knees in a public bathroom, however, made that plan a no go. 
Maybe she’d just actually take him up on his offer to bend her over the balcony, because fuck if that didn’t sound incredibly hot at the moment. She absentmindedly toyed with her straw as she stared out the window at the spot in question, wondering if it was possible to get away with it without getting caught. 
Midnight was starting to seem much too far away…
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kirins-stuff · 4 years
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Day 5: Pride
(Background texture: Nox Graphic)
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keichanz · 3 years
Koi no Yokan | 13
sorry it took so long to get this one out. life, y'know.
also please note: you'll notice sometimes i go from using sha to inuyasha. that's because i use the names based on the current point of view, so if it's from inuyasha's pov, i'm using his name. if it's kagome's pov, it's sha. make sense? same goes for sen and sango and kagome and koi.
another note: i'll be editing the chapters so at the end of each one, there will be links to the previous and next chapters. in addition, i'm going to be keeping an index of all the chapters on the first chapter's post only, which the link can be found at the end of each chapter. figured it'd be easier that way.
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With Sen holding tight to Kagome and Kagome clinging to Entei’s neck, the two women had little choice but to hang on as Sha had bade them to do. True to his word, the flames of Entei’s mane and tail were harmless, and Kagome likened the sensation to sticking her hand in warm water, however the realization was nothing more than a passing thought among their current circumstances.
Below them the village, shrouded in smoke and echoing with the sounds of battle, continued to shrink as Entei carried then farther away. Sen was silent behind her, arms a vice around her waist, and she doubted it was the wind that whipped past them that prevented her from speaking. Kagome imagined she was feeling much the same as herself, a combination of confoundment, exhaustion, and lingering fear. What was going to happen to them now?
What felt like a small eternity later, but in reality was perhaps only about five minutes, the magnificent white stallion gave a quiet grunt of warning before starting to descend. Kagome tightened her grip around his neck and closed her eyes, the harmless flames of his mane caressing her face a surprisingly soothing sensation. Their mount slowed, and then landed on the grassy meadow on the other side of the lake with a grace that was surprising coming from a horse of his size. He eased into a smooth trot and then a walk before stopping completely and lowering himself down so his passengers could safely dismount.
Sen hopped off first and Kagome followed in short order. Entei swung his large head around to stare at them with alert, but gentle ruby eyes, and Kagome stepped forward to tentatively run her hand down his forehead to his soft muzzle. Entei nickered and Kagome swore the demon horse was staring directly into her eyes. With a wan smile, Kagome muttered a quiet thank you and Entei snorted quietly before heaving himself up onto his feet and casually trotting away, leaving the women to their own devices, but still within his range of protection.
Kagome watched him for a minute longer before turning toward her companion just in time to be pulled into a fierce embrace. Throat tightening, Kagome hugged her friend back and the two women simply stood there for a moment, reveling in the fact that they were safe, together, and unharmed.
Sen is the first to pull away, her face ashen and her dark eyes wide as she gripped the younger woman’s shoulders. “Are you okay? Are you hurt anywhere? What happened last night after—who is that man? Did he force himself on you? I swear, Koi, if he made you do anything I’ll—”
“I’m okay, Sen,” Kagome assured, touched by her friend’s concern. “Really, I’m fine. I promise.” A smile curved her lips, small but genuine.
Sen frowned and studied her closely for a minute, raking her eyes up and down her frame as if searching for anything that would state the contrary. Finally she relaxed and nodded, her grip easing slightly, but not disappearing. Despite only knowing the younger woman for so little a time, Sen already viewed her as a sister of sorts and was fiercely protective. She would have been beside herself if anything had happened to her.
“What happened last night, Koi?” the older woman asked softly. “After I…had to leave. Did they…did those men—” She couldn’t even finish saying it, her throat closing up and her hands tensing where they sat on Kagome’s shoulders.
Kagome’s smile dimmed and she reached up to cover her friend’s hands with her own. “It’s okay,” she soothed. “They didn’t touch me.”
Sen visibly relaxed, closing her eyes in relief. Kagome’s gaze dropped to the ground as she recalled what happened, her cheeks coloring the lightest shade of pink.
“Sha,” she continued, voice soft, wondering. “He protected me. At first I thought he just wanted me for himself, but when we got to my room, he promised he wouldn’t touch me. He said that…he could tell how frightened I was, how uncomfortable those men were making me, so he came up with an excuse to get me away from them. And I guess he’s some sort of captain or something, because the men didn’t even fight him on it.”
Dark eyes looked back up at her friend, earnest and full of shy admiration for her silver-haired savior. “He saved me, Sen. Even though I was a woman working in a brothel, he still felt the need to intervene before anything could happen.”
With every word that left her friend’s mouth, Sen’s eyebrows climbed higher into her bangs, clear disbelieve writ large on her face. She studied Koi’s face, eyed the warm, entirely smitten smile on her lips, and pursed her own. While it was a little hard to believe, she’d already learned that Koi disliked lying, and had no reason to, besides. So she’d believe her, and anyway, now wasn’t the time to get hung up on the past. They were finally away from that blasted brothel and its cruel Madam, free for the first time in ages, and Sen planned on taking full advantage of it.
“Koi, do you know what this means?” Sen asked, barely able to hide the excitement in her voice.
Drawn her from thoughts about a certain handsome golden-eyed man, Kagome blinked and found Sen’s eyes with her own. She frowned and shook her head.
“This is our time to run away.” Her voice was urgent, her hands tightening on her shoulders, eyes intense. “We can escape Kirina and the brothel, find another village, maybe even the one where your brother is and settle down. “We can get away from here, Koi.”
Instead of the excitement that Sen had anticipated, she was perplexed at the hesitance that crossed her friend’s face, the blue eyes that flitted to the side and teeth worrying her bottom lip clear indicators of Koi’s reluctance. Sen frowned and was about to ask what was wrong when Koi opened her mouth to speak.
“I think…I think we should stay,” Kagome said, blushing as she avoided her gaze. “I want to stay. With Sha.” She lifted her head and locked gazes with her dearest friend. “If we were to leave, how long do you think we’d last, Sen? We have no money, we’re hardly clothed with no shoes, nothing to defend ourselves with. What happens if we run into those demons that attacked the village?”
Sen blanched at that and Kagome offered a wan smile. “If we stay with Sha, he’ll protect us. I know he will. Maybe it’s a little foolish, but…I trust him. He protected me from those men and while the brothel was falling down, and he gave me this.” She brushed her fingers against his suikan and sighed. “And anyway, I honestly doubt we’d get very far even if we did try and run.”
At Sen’s perplexed look, Kagome gestured to their sterling guardian. Entei was watching them, ears pricked forward, ever attentive and the women wouldn’t be surprised if he understood everything they were saying.
Shoulders slumping, Sen released a sigh of defeat, her hopes plummeting even as resignation settled in. Her friend was right, no matter how bad she wanted to believe otherwise. They wouldn’t last even a few hours in their condition. Sha did look like he was capable, and besides, the thought of never seeing Miroku again bothered her.
Nodding, Sen sank to the ground and Kagome went with her, the two huddling close and clasping hands.
“Koi…what about Kohaku?” Sen stared at her friend, her dark eyes wide with old fear. “What will happen to him now that the brothel is gone?”
Kagome couldn’t answer that and simply held her friend tighter. Sen sucked in a shaky breath and together the two lapsed into silence for several more minutes until the younger woman broke it, her voice quiet.
A small smile. “I think…you can call me Kagome now.”
The older woman paused and nodded once.
“Then you can call me Sango,” she replied and the two women shared a secret smile, both grateful to have someone they could rely as they both wondered about their uncertain future.
Time passed, perhaps an hour or so, when Entei suddenly lifted his head from where he was grazing by the lake and stared off in the direction of the village. The women watched, curious, as his ears swiveled forward, apparently listening to something they could not hear, before shaking his mane and trotting over to them. They weren’t very surprised when the horse lowered himself to the ground, the invitation obvious, and wordlessly the women climbed atop his strong back, Sango behind Kagome while the latter clung to the steed’s neck.
Entei waited until they were settled before pushing to his feet, giving a quiet snort of warning, and then taking off. The women gasped and Kagome couldn’t help but released a quiet laugh of delight when the demon horse gave a mighty kick off the ground to soar into the darkened sky. Sango grumbled behind her and Kagome grinned.
Only a few moments passed before they arrived back at the desecrated village, blackened smoke rising up from the ruins of buildings and demon corpse’s littering the ground everywhere. They spotted two familiar figures at the same time and women were relieved to see that, though covered in dirt, blood, and other matter, they were unharmed. Entei landed several feet away and Sango didn’t even think, quickly sliding off of the horse and dashing over to Miroku to ascertain his condition for herself.
Still atop Entei, Kagome’s gaze found Sha and when his eyes connected with hers, she gave a shy, if a bit tired smile. She watched as the man barked some orders to his men – he had to be the captain or something equally as authoritative – before striding purposely over to her, bare chested and glorious and Kagome suddenly felt rather hot.
Without a word, he hauled himself up behind her with practiced ease and she gasped when his arm snaked around her waist to keep her anchored against him. Red colored her cheeks and she ducked her head so he couldn’t see, but Sha seemed too distracted to notice, swinging Entei around to watch his men obey his command without question. Kagome watched herself as Miroku helped Sango up onto his own horse while around them, soldiers mounted their own steeds, ready to depart at their captain's signal.
Satisfied, Inuyasha gave a shout, his men chorused back their compliance, and without another word swung Entei back around before kicking him into a hard gallop, Miroku and Sango behind him while the other soldiers followed.
Instinctively Kagome pressed back against the man behind her, her hands clutching the arm around her waist as their demon mount thundered across the earth in a fast ground-eating pace.
“Sha,” she whimpered, uncertain where they were going, of what lies ahead.
“I’m taking you somewhere safe,” Sha’s voice rumbled in her ear, sending a delightful shiver along the length of her spine. “I’ll protect you, Koi. You can trust me.”
Kagome closed her eyes and let his words wash over her, relaxing her stuff muscles, the tension draining from her body as if it had never better. She settled back against him, confident in his strength, and she couldn’t hold back the pleased smile that curled her lips when she felt his arm tighten around her waist.
“I trust you,” she whispered, the words nearly lost in the wind and the thundering hoofbeats of their mount. But when she felt him give her a gentle squeeze and felt the low vibration of his growl against her back, she knew he’d heard her anyway.
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lettieriletti · 8 months
Inuyasha – Wide Edition 11
Il sangue demoniaco ereditato dal padre ha preso il sopravvento su Inuyasha, che rischia di tramutarsi per sempre in un mostro assetato di sangue. Sesshomaru riesce in qualche modo a sistemare le cose e far tornare l’odiato fratellastro in sé, ma a Inuyasha resta un terribile dubbio: e se, in preda alla furia cieca di quei momenti, Kagome rimanesse uccisa? Al mezzodemone non resta che chiedere…
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