inverseofconverse · 5 months
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ssaalexblake · 5 years
inverseofconverse replied to your post: .
In the post credits scene he throws it up
I mean, the indigestion must have been hell 
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thestoryteller23 · 7 years
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Some fun dancing graduation pictures. Thanks​ to Martha (@inverseofconverse) for the pics!
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ak47babe · 5 years
Tagged by @food-for-fuel for some questions to get to know me a little!
Rules: tag ten followers you’d like to get to know more
Name: Alex
Star sign: Aries (Pisces cusp)
Gender:  Female
Height: 5′5″
Sexuality: Lesbian
Wallpaper: cats
Where do you see yourself in ten years: I see myself having at least my bachelor’s degree in early childhood education and working full-time at a school. I want to be volunteering for a local wildlife rescue, and have earned my black belt in karate by then. I also hope I will be financially stable, and working towards owning a house.
If you could be anywhere else right now, where: I would take a trip back to my home state. I grew up in Utah but moved to the east coast a few years ago. Due to school and work I can only go back during winter break; I miss Utah in the summer and want to go hiking in the red rocks.
What was your coolest Halloween costume: Definitely my costume from two years ago, I put together a costume that I called the Nuclear Knight; it had a black leather corset, black pants, boots, I had a classic European sword and a full gasmask helmet.
What’s your favourite 90s tv show:  I watched rugrats the most as a little kid. As I got older I really liked Lizzie Mcguire (yes I know it’s technically an early 2000 show but I couldn’t not mention it).
Last kiss: yesterday morning.
Have you ever been stood up: I don’t think so.
Have you ever been to Las Vegas: Yes, a few times.
Favorite pair of shoes: My favorite pair right now are my custom designed Pride converse.
Favourite fruit: It varies, but lately I’ve been eating lots of clementines.
Favourite book: Favorite book series growing up was Percy Jackson and the Lightening Thief, favorite individual book was Watership Down. My favorite current series is the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness, and my favorite individual book at the moment is Radical Acceptance.
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done: Peak stupidity: I was probably around 8-10 yrs old, we were on family vacation and near some river in the midwest. There was a boat dock, my dad and my older brother both told me not to go on the dock because it was slippery. So of course I ran at full speed onto the dock and slipped and fell into the river, but luckily my brother caught me in the water and pulled me out. Listen to your parents kids haha
Favourite gif: Um.... I generally only use gifs if someone else does. I like any gif involving cats tho.
This is my first time doing one of these so I’m only gonna tag a few people. If its not your thing that’s okay! But if you do this, please tag me so I can like!
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spacewalkingreyes · 10 years
Mine - Taylor SwiftAll I Wanted - ParamoreRescued - Jack's MannequinThnks Fr Th Mmrs - Fall Out BoyAre You Happy Now? - Michelle Branch
Send me your name!
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mysonghasnotbeensungg · 10 years
Aww just found this of mar and me fooling around and jamming out last weekend and it made me smile haha :)
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apatheticmoose · 10 years
I was tagged by itskatbat
Okay, rules!
Rule 1: always post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write 5 new ones
Rule 3: tag 5 new people+link them to this post
1.) When is the last time you downloaded a song and what song was it?
The last song I downloaded was an album called Mmhmm by Relient K. I loved them as a kid and wanted to listen to them again.
2.) Do you like driving or is it more of a chore?
Bit of both. I wish I had my license so I could just go and do shit every so often but I know that when I get it I'll be the family taxi.
3.) Do you like getting dressed up for a night out (or in!)?
I do! I like to put on nice pants, tie up my converse boots, put a v-neck or a button up on and then boom, I'm ready to shock and awe.
4.) Have you ever snuck out of the house?
I have not. I'm too much of a "good boy"
5.) If I walked up to you and gave you a cup of clear liquid and told you to drink it, would you do it?
Depending on how you said drink it. I would most likely trust you though.
5 new questions! Here we go
1.) If you had one wish (can't be more wishes or some workaround), what would you wish for?
2.) If you could wipe one person from the planet, who would it be and why?
3.) What's the most morbid, fucked up thing that you've ever though about doing?
4.) What is the most meaningful thing you own?
5.) If I tagged you, then that means that you're fucking beautiful. So My last question is, do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Not just by the standard definition of beautiful though, I mean I'm so fantastically pleased that you exist. Your mere existence is beautiful, regardless of how upset, or fucked up you may feel. You're here and you're beautiful. Did you know that?
I’ll tag Kat, Alison, Alison, Martha, and Megan.
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inverseofconverse · 1 year
i’ve decided that i cannot be the only person in someone else’s life. they need to have other strong and close relationships. i will not be the only person they talk to outside of work. not doing it again.
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thestoryteller23 · 7 years
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Missing my college people and places. Thanks to Martha @inverseofconverse for the pics
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seafoamrogue · 11 years
I looked him up on Facebook and he's gay:/ there's nothing wrong with that, I'm just a little disappointed. About the letters, I know. He's his own person. I only really know one guy in a fraternity and he's a frat bro™ so that's why I was a little apprehensive.
Oh well at least you found out now rather than later! That is always a little disappointing, I think.
And I understand, about the frat boy thing. The way I see it, there are two types of frat boys. You've got the guy who's in a fraternity, and the guy who is the fraternity. Only date the ones who are in a fraternity.
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thepumpkinspicebox · 11 years
Martha and Jesi are the coolest people ever omg wow they're great.
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mysonghasnotbeensungg · 10 years
I was tagged by wingsofthebroken
Okay, rules!
Rule 1: always post the rules
Rule 2: answer the questions from the person who tagged you and write 5 new ones
Rule 3: tag 5 new people+link them to this post
1.) If you had one wish (can’t be more wishes or some workaround), what would you wish for?
this is really hard.  i think i would just wish for a hate-free world.  so many problems are based on and caused by hate, and i think that the world would truly be a better place if everyone just loved, or at least accepted, themselves and one another.
2.) If you could wipe one person from the planet, who would it be and why?
this is going to be a super lame answer but i honestly don't think i could wipe anybody from the planet.  as much as i really dislike some people, and i wish i would never have to see them again or let them hurt anyone again, all of these people have families and friends who love them, and i don't think that i could do that for their sake. i don't really know what its like to lose someone super close, but i've watched people go through it and it just seems absolutely devastating, and i don't think i would wish that feeling on anyone.  also, i don't know if i have ever really hated anyone enough to wish that they would be gone forever.
3.) What’s the most morbid, fucked up thing that you’ve ever though about doing?
shiiit. i guess probably killing myself.  I've never seriously considered actually doing it, but I've definitely thought about what would happen if i did and how easy it would be to just escape everything. but i know that i definitely would never ever ever do that
4.) What is the most meaningful thing you own?
wow i really don't know haha i really don't think i have any material things that i absolutely could not live without. does my voice count? i know it sounds kind of cheesy but i don't know what i would do if i could never sing again.
5.) If I tagged you, then that means that you’re fucking beautiful. So My last question is, do you have any idea how beautiful you are? Not just by the standard definition of beautiful though, I mean I’m so fantastically pleased that you exist. Your mere existence is beautiful, regardless of how upset, or fucked up you may feel. You’re here and you’re beautiful. Did you know that?
what?! well THANK YOU. i mean i don't even know you--we've never directly communicated, yet this is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me, and it actually means so much and i really needed to hear it so thank you so so much. and you, of course, are beautiful as well :)
damn those questions were deep as fuck haha but i really enjoyed answering them!
5 new questions:
1.) If you could only go to one more concert before you died, what one band or artist would you choose to see?
2.) If money/family/obstacles in general were not an issue, how would you choose to spend the rest of your life? Would you go to school, what job would you have, where would you live, would you get married and have kids, etc?
3.) When was the last time you laughed really hard and why?
4.) When was the last time you cried really hard and why?
5.) What is the best thing that has happened to you in the past year?
I'm tagging Mar, Katie, Genta, Ffion, and Ryan (can I tag the person who tagged me? whatever I'm doing it anyways)
i hope i did this right?
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apatheticmoose · 11 years
10 15 20 81 :)
10. I am 5 foot 8 inches.
15. Favorite quote? It's a tie between "All the world's a stage" and "Everything's got to end sometime; otherwise nothing would ever get started."
20. Hair, like, I'll see the persons hair, then go to shoes, then pants, then face, and then everything else. 
81. inverseofconverse, die-buriedalive, xoxstarlesseyes, intoxicatedxmermaid, and anniephantom.
You should totally ask me more, I'm bored!
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inverseofconverse · 16 days
i just got an email… my nsfw account was terminated. i had that account for ten years.
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kyleswann · 11 years
inverseofconverse replied to your photo: I bought a new dress today and I’m just really...
THANK YOU!! right?? like sometimes you buy clothes and then are like im never gonna wear this why did i waste my money but aHH NO NOT THIS ONE
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