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Iolrath |(M/NB/F)
[29th February] [Neutral Good] [ISFP-A] [Rook]
Love Language : [Quality time]+[Words of affirmation]
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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Day 2 on Shipwreck Beach and all of the founding families are trying to start earning the skills and products they need to move off this godsforsaken beach.
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Harald, the new Jarl, is first down to the beach, digging sand.
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Not to be outdone, Edmund & Eshraf soon follow suit.
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Leonora starts working on her body skill...
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While Ramisa works on her cooking...
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And is not terribly successful!
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Valaria starts building her mechanical skill.  She wants her and Darius to become the merchant family, the next highest social station available.  She is determined not to be a lowly food producer or labourer!
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Heloise is a cutie!
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Having dug all of the sand he requires, Harald starts mining.  He needs several lots of stone and coal, and to build up his body skill so he can start felling trees...
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The other men also start mining...
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Cute moment between Leonora and Theomund
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And this pretty much sums up the end of the day... Everyone is trying to skill or gather produce and they’re all exhausted by the end of the day!
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livironheart · 7 years
“Don’t ever change.”
“You’ve got to be one of the first people that’s told me that before,” Olivier snickered, raising her mug of cider in a mock toast. “Usually it’s ‘Liv, do this’ or ‘Liv, do that’ or ‘Liv, why are you always like this’.”
She leaned back in her chair, breathing out a sigh. “Neither of us will ever be good enough for these people, Iolrath. At least not in their eyes. But you just keep on being you.. and I won’t change, either. How about that?” She grinned, taking another drink.
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specscale · 4 years
200+ Best Elf names for wow game character
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Looking for unique and catchy names to use for your WOW(World of Warcraft) game character, this blog or a collection of Elf names help you to find the best names. All the names given here are unique and comic and are generated with the help of an online name generator. If you don't like any of the names from this collection you can also go for the Elf names generator and generate other names.
Here is the list of 200+ Elf Names collection:
Myriil Kearie
Itham Iarsys
Arlen Ulagella
Ailas Ravalana
Methild Adzumin
Alas Petxisys
Elen Syldove
Fhaornik Wranwarin
Darunia Aegwyn
Aymer Biceran
Halafarin Glyndi
Nylian Sarthyra
Elduin Vathana
Ivasaar Oriralei
Ivaran Raloxisys
Vanya Kriskas
Makaela Qinxisys
Alais Shamaer
Lazziar Sartumal
Elora Adnorin
Farryn Triszana
Thasinia Wysadove
Aelrie Valharice
Baerinda Norpeiros
Arryn Wynhorn
Jhaerithe Rofina
Uneathen Crarel
Haramara Jorel
Chalia Enyarus
Amaranthae Dajor
Ellarian Inamaer
Shelara Tratoris
Keerla Brynan
Shelara Keamoira
Namys Erzana
Eirina Ulawenys
Viessa Heiroris
Helartha Gilroris
Vestele Bimaris
Arthion Beivaris
Nithenoel Loramyar
Saida Glynwarin
Chamylla Erdithas
Tsarra Xilzumin
Sana Luleth
Sillavana Iarren
Alenia Cairan
Gwynnestri Neriyra
Helartha Ulaxisys
Fildarae Aradan
Bellaluna Thetoris
Bonaluria Krishana
Chalia Kelberos
Ysildea Phileth
Tehlarissa Dornala
Amra Fenbella
Ecaeris Wrancan
Lixiss Royarus
Aurae Zylvyre
Edea Inathana
Male Elf Names
Oncith Preskalyn
Kendel Keatris
Cyran Syltoris
Morthil Fenrieth
Luthais Xilcaryn
Jhaan Uriynore
Jannalor Erlee
Nasir Thevalur
Keryth Errona
Elpharae Faesandoral
Aolis Varel
Castien Heiberos
Felaern Trisvyre
Aimon Umenan
Paeral Baldan
Glorandal Ianquinal
Ailas Norvaris
Otaehryn Crabella
Aias Glynyarus
Eriladar Brypetor
Filverel Aradove
Pharom Qinzana
Folluin Genphyra
Fylson Glynceran
Iolrath Daejeon
Durothil Neriharice
Ayluin Perzorwyn
Glanduil Sylbanise
Kieran Liarie
Khyrmin Shastina
Llewel Virxidor
Jhaan Gredan
Otaehryn Paxisys
Myrin Ulamenor
Agandaur Ravacyne
Pharom Araqen
Cohnal Naelynn
Lianthorn Herhice
Arun Trisvaris
Melandrach Helero
Nuvian Ianhana
Kyrenic Uriric
Alok Omaleth
Folmer Inamys
Ailduin Zylceran
Adresin Naevaris
Elas Fabanise
Athtar Faqirelle
Gormer Reywraek
Aimer Iarcyne
Lianthorn Ravamyar
Khatar Zyllana
Methild Phicaryn
Camus Trisvyre
Ilimitar Vaquinal
Katar Sylcan
Female Elf Names
Aelrie Yelsys
Wynather Magsys
Nithroel Eiljyre
Alagossa Quifina
Sakaala Iarberos
Holone Miakrana
Laerdya Helezeiros
Yalanue Reyxidor
Elenaril Brydan
Zaleria Zingwyn
Daethie Ralobalar
Lyndis Morthana
Madris Reyna
Nimue Kealee
Amedee Uribalar
Ithronel Inazorwyn
Ava Virwarin
Ilyrana Quiwarin
Ildilyntra Phicyne
Allynna Magren
Immianthe Paquinal
Laerdya Heivalur
Dirue Krisbalar
Sariandi Lupeiros
Shalia Inatris
Edea Darora
Syvis Zumberos
Rathiain Wynharice
Almedha Chaeyra
Llamiryl Ililar
Ellarian Inamaer
Shelara Tratoris
Keerla Brynan
Shelara Keamoira
Namys Erzana
Eirina Ulawenys
Viessa Heiroris
Helartha Gilroris
Vestele Bimaris
Arthion Beivaris
Nithenoel Loramyar
Saida Glynwarin
Chamylla Erdithas
Tsarra Xilzumin
Sana Luleth
Syllia Wysabella
Ealirel Yeslee
Thasinia Lorabalar
Maelyrra Yescan
Elyon Iarven
Bemere Thexisys
Thasinia Miranelis
Fayeth Liahice
Myriani Mormenor
Solana Miraren
Aelynthi Perric
I hope you like this collection of unique and catchy elf names. Please share it with your friends, family and other people or with your game buddy/partner to have the best name for him also. Thank you so much for staying with me at the end.
Source: https://nimeshairpropty.wixsite.com/mysite/post/200-best-elf-names-for-wow-game-character
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doctor-hartford · 7 years
“I love him.” (Iolrath)
There was a pang in her chest; as introspective as she was, she could not parse out whether it was disappointment, sadness, or jealousy. What she did know was that it was not up to her what Finnigan did. She was not his keeper, nor did she hold a leash.But, she was trying very hard not to look at it like a betrayal.
“I love him, too.” She said in a hard tone, tilting her head back slightly in regarding him. “I respect you, Iolrath. I sincerely hope it is mutual.” Her voice drops to a murmur. “If need be, I will fight to have him. But ultimately, he makes his own choices, and I will not stand in the way of what his own desires dictate. I wish you good fortune, from one opponent to another.”
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refulgentice · 4 years
Light it Up
“Pa, I have to show you something!”
Glasha all but bounded up to the older elf, excitement burning in her eyes. She grabbed his hand with an eager urgency.
Iolrath looked at her hand, then at her, an eyebrow raised. It was like she didn’t see the dead, half-skinned deer at his feet, nor the knife in the hand she grabbed. The half-orc was bouncing in place incessantly, so he sighed, his body relaxing. “Can it wait five minutes, little leaf? I was in the middle of something.”
Glasha looked down, then let go of his hands, stepping back. “Oh, shi—” Iolrath gave her a pointed stare. She shrugged. “I can wait. But hurry, it’s important.”
Iolrath held up a hand. “What have I told you about patience, Glasha?”
She deflated a bit. “Patience leads to greater rewards than recklessness,” she responded with an eyeroll, waving him off. Iolrath smiled, shaking his head and kneeling back down to finish his deer. He worked methodically, slowly, something that had always bothered Glasha. She always needed to move, to do, and standing in the middle of a dead quiet forest waiting for her father was not something she excelled in.
Thirty minutes later, the elf gave a small prayer to the deer as he finished his butchering, wrapped up the individual pieces and left the carcass so it could return to the earth. He stood up, holding his hands out at his daughter who was half-asleep against a nearby tree. “Well?” he asked loudly. Glasha woke with a start, smoothing her hair to hide her slight blush. “What is so important that you would attempt to stab yourself on my knife?”
Glasha beamed and rushed forward, grabbing his hand and leading them through the forest. “This way, we’re going to town.”
“Town?” Iolrath stopped, ripping his hand away from her. He scowled. “Glasha, you cannot go into town. It is small, the people there, they will not understand you. They do not understand you.” The flash of steel, a terrified scream, the pull of a drawstring, and a yelled threat ran through his head. He pursed his lips. Hands gently and tentatively folding over his snapped him back to the present. He looked at the half-orc with a knotted brow. “Nothing is more important than your life. You mustn’t take these risks.”
She smiled sadly. “Pa, I’m getting older. You can’t protect me forever. I need to show you I can take care of myself.” She put a hand to his scarred face. He held it here. He stared at the small scar that traveled down her brow bone, the one reminder of his only failure. “I’ve already been back there. The man from before—he was a travelling merchant. The people there are kinder. They were wary at first, but...well, it’s better if I show you myself.”
Iolrath sighed, but gave in and allowed her to lead him into the small town of Julkoun. She immediately took him to The Jester’s Pride, a well-to-do inn that benefited from being one of the few stops between Daggerford and Secomber. When they entered, the tavern was almost full with human and halfling patrons, boisterous and at least partially drunk. The room turned when they entered, some giving skeptical looks, others a little more fearful. It was uncomfortably quiet when the barkeep, an imposing man with an eyepatch and a missing tooth and no hair save for the giant beard, came around the bar and straight towards the half-orc. Glasha stood her ground, staring the man down. They stood like that for what seemed like an eternity for Iolrath, then the man broke into a big grin.
“Glasha!” he cried, clapping her on the back. “Good t’see you again, lass. Come to regale us with another tale?”
The half-orc laughed, waving him off. “No, Rudy, I’m here to put on a show tonight. Oh, and to introduce you to my father.” She gestured to the elf.
Rudy stared for a good moment, then stuck out his hand. “And good t’meet you, sir. Got to admit, I was expectin’ someone a little more—”
“Green?” Iolrath was rubbing his fingers together, picking at the skin slightly. He hadn’t been around people in a while. Glasha smirked and his discomfort. “I have been told that a lot.”
Rudy laughed, getting between the pair and putting his arms around their shoulders. “I’d imagine. Still, thought you’d be an orc, y’don’t see the non-orc parent too often.”
“You misunderstand, I found Glasha in the forest when she was a babe. I raised her, I am her father.”
The man pushed them forward, nodding his head. “Kind soul.” He leaned in close to the elf, mumbling. “Most folks would’ve just killed the thing the moment they saw tusks. Glad t’see you’re different.” He moved the two through the tavern as the people whispered excitedly to each other. He heard “show” and “amazing” pass between a few lips, though what they meant was lost on him.
Glasha, on the other hand, was electric. She was grinning from ear to ear, practically skipping to the front of the tavern, pausing here and there to say a word or two to the patrons. Rudy shooed them away quickly. “You don’t have to do that, big guy. They’re just excited.”
“They can swarm you after the show,” the man said. He got them to the front, then went back behind the bar. “Now, after last night, people’ll’ve been talking. Hope you have something good planned.”
“Don’t you worry, I’ve been practicing,” Glasha said, pulling out a small drum from her knapsack and hooked it to her belt. Iolrath looked at her curiously, sitting down on a nearby stool and crossing his arms over his chest. She grinned at him. “I hope you’re ready for this, Pa.”
She moved to what could essentially be center stage in front of the bar, took a deep breath to calm her shaking hands as the crowd fell silent, then began playing. Slowly, her hands beat softly against the leather, then started to pick up speed. She began dancing, fluidly moving her hips in a slightly seductive motion, humming a tune to the beat of the drums. And then, she sang.
Stand up like a solider, darling. I know you're built like that. Fight them like a solider, darling. Show them, say you're wicked like that. We live where the war is raging; Chasing our crazy dreams Hoping that the bridge won't cave in. Tonight we let it all go free.
Almost immediately, the telltale signs of arcane energy crackled from her fingertips. Iolrath stood up in a bolt, almost knocking over the bar stool. Glasha began casting small, harmless explosions from her hands, exciting the crowd as she moved gracefully through them. They cheered her on as she played a complicated set of beats and hummed melodically along; as her father stood by, dumbfounded. She caught his eye from the other side of the room and winked.
Show them you're flame to the fire. It's written like your name on a flyer. They want to tame your desire, But you light it up, now your aims are getting higher. And they wait for a messiah But until that day, I will rise up high. I put my light in the air; I want to see everywhere.
Glasha threw a hand  up, sending out a star-like light from her hand, illuminating the entire tavern in a dramatic flair with the final beat of the song. The audience cheered, and Rudy clapped her on the back in congratulations. She just sat in the middle of it all, beaming and soaking up all of the attention. Iolrath stood stiff, pale as the moon.  Glasha looked over, and her smiling face crumpled. She rushed over to the elf, pushing through the admiring crowd. “Pa?” She stopped right before him. “Pa, I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have—”
“We will talk later. Stay with your admirers.” He bowed his head and ducked out of The Jester’s Pride, leaving the half-orc reaching her hand out, wet-eyed and confused, surrounded by people who didn’t understand.
It took Glasha a good amount of time to escape the inn; after a while, the praise felt like it was personally mocking her. She made her way out of town, cloak covering her face as she disappeared into the surrounding forest. Luckily, Iolrath hadn’t covered his tracks very well, so it was fairly easy for her to track him through dense trees. Whether it was because he didn’t want her to get lost or because he was too upset to care, she didn’t know. She followed the tracks to a small clearing, where they suddenly stopped. She sighed. “I know you’re up there. Please come talk to me.”
“If you wish to speak, you can climb the tree,” Iolrath called down. Glasha sighed louder, grumbling as she walked to the tree where the voice came from. She climbed up, putting herself on a branch with a huff. “Good to see magic has not muddled my survival lessons.”
She looked up to see him lounging against the trunk and playing with a knife. She huffed again. “This is very childish, I hope you know.”
“I am aware.” He stabbed the knife into the branch he was sitting on and looked down. “Glasha, the arcane is dangerous. You are adding another target to your back.”
“It’s the bardic arts, Pa. Everyone loves a good bard! Everyone!”
“Not everyone knows the difference between sorcery and bardic arts.”
“I know they don’t! But I don’t have the patience to be a druid or a ranger or whatever else everyone wanted me to be!” Glasha didn’t notice that she had been leaning into each word, the rage welling up inside of her.  She sat back down, breathing slowly. Iolrath stared, quiet. After a minute of tense silence, Glasha sighed. “I know you’re worried about me. I know that every time you look at me, all you see is that five-year-old scar and how people look at me. I thought that maybe you’d be proud of me.”
Iolrath closed his eyes, focusing to keep his breathing steady. “I have spent my entire life attempting to keep you alive.” His mind unconsciously traveled to that fateful day in the forest near a small farming village on the outskirts of Neverwinter. How he followed the loud crying to a carefully concealed bundle in the underbrush. How his partners told him to just kill the thing before it grew into a monster and the flash of anger that shone behind his eyes. The arguing, threats, and the escape into the forest. He remembered looking down at the orcish babe and seeing everything she could be, if only she was given a real chance.
He let out a deep breath. “When I found you, I promised you that I would protect you, raise you, and ensure you grow to your full potential. In all honesty, you have grown into something so marvelous and talented that I find myself questioning whether or not you are truly mine.” He got up, moving down to her branch lightly. He smiled and cupped her face in his hands, pressing his forehead against hers. “I am proud of you, little leaf, and I promise you this: you are going to a legend.”
Glasha wrapped him in a massive hug. She felt him hug her back. She pulled away wiping away her sudden tears with a smile. “Thank you, Pa.”
They began climbing back down, and Iolrath looked up, a sudden thought running through his head. “Where did you learn the bardic arts?” Glasha stopped her decent, letting the question hang in the air. “Glasha, how long have you been going into towns without my permission?”
“I had to learn different skills!”
They argued into the night, Glasha yelling about the stop near Waterdeep, and Iolrath quietly scolding her for her recklessness as they made their way into the cover of the trees.
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f-wyman · 7 years
Journal: Miscellaneous
[ There are several pages of shopping lists for the Ardent Circle. ]
[ There is a hastily written page that eventually dissolves into gibberish. The words you can make out seem to be a repeated phrase: “Gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee gotta pee . . .” ]
[ Several prosaic writing exercises are bound in the little book, all of which have impeccable spelling and eloquent wordage. However, almost nothing is capitalized. ]
[ In true Finnigan style, there are multiple drawings of him getting killed by Rath, along with a poorly created comic showing Iolrath getting mad because he did something utterly goofy. ]
[ There are at least 4 drawings of the forest he lives in, and one of Iolrath’s ice caves. He also has drawn two portraits; one of Iolrath, and one of Joceran. Both portraits look unhappy, but Finn has drawn flowers around both subjects in an attempt to cheer them up. ]
[ There is a to-do list that only reads with one box: ‘wing nite’. It remains unchecked. ]
[ A Rath handprint has been immortalized in ink. Finnigan has drawn a happy face beside it. ]
[ Some well-written scientific notation is tucked in some of the pages, along with a hand-made star chart. From how detailed the calculations are, and how much math resides in the pages, it’s clear that he was formerly looking for something among the stars. ]
[ One page is entitled “Possible Birthday Gifts?” and set next to the date 01/08. A couple items are circled, but they mostly contain tome suggestions and magical items. There also appears to be a carefully catalogued cloak that has been underlined twice and annotated with ‘SAVE FOR THIS!!’. ]
[ The book itself is tiny and reeks of Finnigan’s rustic cologne. It’s stout, black, and bound in faux leather. ]
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bargain-bincent · 7 years
“It’s just a bit of blood, stop freaking out!” ~Iolrath
‘A bit of blood!’ There was a shard of ice sticking out of Iolrath’s shoulder. “That is more than a bit!” Tory was in a panic. This was supposed to be a simple mission. Just go into an ice cave to recover some frozen artifact, no big deal. A simple routine mission, even the Kirin Tor thought it was ok to send her out on it. She was even more excited when she found out she was going to be going with Iolrath, but now…
The woman tried to think of the best way to handle the situation, for the moment the ice sealed the wound and kept him from completely bleeding out, but she could see that each passing moment the blood that seeped around the wound grew watery. Quickly she tried to come up with a simple estimation of how long they had until the ice would be completely melted.
It was her fault this happened, had she been paying more attention, he wouldn’t have had to shove her out of the way and now…. She closed her eyes trying to refocus her mind, there had to be something she can do. If the ice was preventing him from bleeding out, then all she had to do was make more ice, right?
She held the ice chunk firmly as she began to channel every bit of mana into it, trying to make sure that it was kept at the perfect size to seal the wound, but not further injure the mage. “Come on, stay awake…” She quickly shouted into her communicator to try to get any response, but… no one responded. Were they too far down to properly connect with the others?
“Please… anyone…. I am scared.” She whispered once more into the communicator before the cold embrace of the cavern started to lull her to sleep.
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I'm really interested in romancing elias or miloslav i love pain and I can't wait for the demo! Is it possible to give little fun facts about each of the ROs?
Hello Anon 🌞
I will publish a mood board for each of them soon~
In the meanwhile yes, you can have fun facts about them 🤭
So here goes, two funny facts about the ROs.
...hates board games. Because he absolutely sucks at it. Like it's almost as if he does it on purpose. The only one he can tolerates is snakes and ladders because he thinks only the dice matters. But hush, don't tell him even dice can be tricky. 🤫
But, he is good at beer pong.
Fact 2: He enjoys cooking. He's good at preparing simple dishes because he likes to cook whenever his daughter comes to visit. (Yes, Elias is a doting father.) What he likes the most is, when it's sunny outside, to make triangle sandwiches and to go on a picnic.
Who knows, maybe he'll take you to one, one day.
...likes gardening—because she likes to have high quality ingredients for her business—but she is afraid of lizards. If she sees one, she just ends up running, arms raised, throwing her tools around.
Fact 2: She gave a name to all the plants she takes care of. So sometimes, she is standing in her garden, welcoming "Bobby, Gary, Goofyballs, Little Mermaid, Patrick..." but in a whisper. She will not survive if someone heard her wishing a goodnight to "Smartass", her dramaqueen alocasia and "Kiss kiss bang bang" her rosebush.
Bonus: She likes gardening, but she has a developing allergy to pollen. So whenever she gardens at the beginning of summer, she ends up with hay fever.
....are a tsundere. If you try to get them blushing they will end up stuttering which will prompt them to just become even more tensed. And yes, at some point they will just run away.
So, to all the bold Sheppard-mancer out there, good luck 🍀
Beside, they are oblivious to flirting and will just squint at you at first before understanding the innuendos. Even if the innuendos is a real elephant in the room.
Fact 2: Sheppard is the favorite victim of Yu in terms of jokes. To the point that each time Sheppard see them, they tense up immediately because they know they will end up hearing a joke, not understanding it at first and until Yu and Mbaya (unwillingly) will end up laughing.
The thing is, Sheppard don't dislike the jokes. And they know Yu is showing their affection that way.
Bonus : They are so tense that they end up being a real klutz when they walk into a room. A real terror for furniture.
...don't have their driving licence. Or, actually, they do. It's just that they drive so... bad, that it's better altogether when they don't drive at all. But no worries, Yu like to drive, so they always end up picking them up. Otherwise, you can stumble upon Mbaya in public transportation which is funny considering what they are and how old they are 🤭
Fact 2: Mbaya look rafined and all, but they have absolutely no working taste buds. If they say otherwise, they are lying. Upon meeting Yu, they hid this fact to Yu—who caught a cold—who asked them to try some food and see if it was spoiled. No need to say Mbaya, to mess with them, told Yu it was safe and they ended up with food poisoning.
...have a whole collection of small toy found in candy [insert famouse candy brand with suprise toy, here]. It's their secret. That's why they allow no one in their room. They are quite confident in everything but will end up whishing to be buried six feet down if someone stumbled into their room, see their collection and proceed to laugh their ass off.
+ They have the very famous traffic cone into their room as well, which they picked up from a particularly animated night out. And a full road sign with the metal bar and all. But this one, they don't remember how they got it.
Fact 2 : At home, they wear a robe, a satin cap and slippers. And on Sunday night, it's comedy night on Metflix for them. So they end up never answering to text and such. Sometimes Mbaya join them and bring pop corn with them. Those two are besties.
...can't handle liquor. Like, one glass is already the one glass too many. So, each time Yu have tried to invite them out drinking—because Yu is everyone best buddy—Owl declines. They of course understood that fact through trial and errors.
Fact 2: Owl sucks with children. Which is surprising when you witness how they are kind of warm with Lukas. But whenever they are near children, Owl becomes tense. Almost to a Sheppard-level tense. But you can witness the best interaction whenever they stumble upon Leah—Elias' daughter. Because she likes them and Owl just runs away.
Bonus: Whenever they remove their gloves when going home, they end up being shocked by static electricity. To the point when they are silently cursing [insert old types of curses here] when they touch door handles or tap water.
...has absolutely no sense of direction when it comes to city/town or any inhabited area. They are an ace when it comes to forested area, but if you see them walking in town, their GPS is their best friend, really.
They are really patient, but each time they must come to the city to grocery shop, they become grumpy.
Fact 2: Iolrath is terrible at finances as well. Like, they have a grocery list but end up buying this and that because it looks funny and they are really curious about "human custom". So they always end up leaving stores with far too much products costing far too much in terms of money. So, their house is like a modern museum of funny articles. Fortunately, Sheppard always give a hand in the money department as it's part of their job but Sheppard really need a vacation at some point.
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I'm curious...
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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~ The Aedra ~
Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella
Julianos, Kynareth
Mara, Stendarr, Zenithar
My new multi-PT’s
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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After their ship capsized in a storm in the Padomaic Ocean, a small group of survivors makes for the closest strip of land, a deserted island in the sea between Tamriel and Akavir.  They named this place Iolrath.
With no escape from the island, they decide to settle this land.  Each family will compete to attain the title of Jarl, with the other families then working to become a merchant, skilled labourer or food suppliers.
These are their stories...
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The Silver-Bloods (Nord Family)
Harald was one of the most renowned blacksmiths in all of Skyrim when he was offered the opportunity to move his young family to Cyrodiil and smith for the Emperor.  Little did he know that the ship would get blown off course and he would end up lost in the middle of the ocean.
Harald Silver-Blood
Male adult, age 35, family/knowledge, Aquarius (4/6/5/5/5), turn ons- blonde hair & good cook, turn off- good dancer
Traits: angler, brave, family oriented, good sense of humor, loves the heat
Signe Silver-Blood
Female adult, age 29, family/popularity, Cancer (6/5/5/4/5), turn ons- beards & blonde hair, turn off- brown hair
Traits: Family oriented, loves the heat, neat, nurturing, social butterfly
Runa Silver-Blood
Female child, age 5, grow up, Gemini (4/6/7/3/5).
Traits: angler, family oriented, social butterfly
Ivo Silver-Blood
Male toddler, age 2, grow up, Aquarius (1/5/5/6/8).
Traits: loves the heat, brave
Lumi Silver-Blood
Female toddler, age 2, grow up, Taurus (6/5/5/6/3)
Traits: good, loves the heat
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The Ashcrofts (Breton Family)
Leonora is a bit loathe to admit it, but her husband is lazy.  She purchased passage on the ship in order to relocate her husband and small family away from the temptations of gambling and drinking, hoping that it would force Edmund to work harder.  Never did she think that they would end up like this... but, her family is alive and together and Edmund will have to work hard in order for his family to survive.
Edmund Ashcroft
Male adult, age 30, pleasure/family, Taurus (2/6/2/10/5), turn ons- influential & red hair, turn off- blonde hair
Traits: mooch, heavy sleeper, loser, loves the heat, childish
Leonora Ashcroft
Female adult, age 28, family/romance, Taurus (5/5/3/8/40, turn ons- make up & red hair, turn off- black hair
Traits: dramatic, flirty, never nude, hydrophobic, unlucky
Theomund Ashcroft
Male child, age 4, grow up, Taurus (5/3/2/10/5)
Traits: mooch, never nude, shy
Heloise Ashcroft
Female toddler, age 1, grow up, Libra (2/7/3/3/10)
Traits: loves the heat, absent-minded
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The el-Skaven’s (Redguard Family)
Eshraf, Ramisa and little Malik were on their way to visit Ramisa’s family when the ship capsized.  Desperate to get back to Tamriel, they will nonetheless make the best of this bad situation, if only for the benefit of their son.
Eshraf el-Skaven
Male adult, age 29, popularity/pleasure, Leo (2/10/4/4/5), turn ons- jewellery & mechanical skill, turn off- brown hair
Traits: loves the cold, great kisser, irresistible, green thumb, party animal
Ramisa el-Skaven
Female adult, age 25, popularity/family, Libra (2/8/2/6/7), turn ons- life skills & uneducated, turn off- grey hair
Traits: heavy sleeper, good, irresistible, never nude, flirty
Malik el-Skaven
Male toddler, age 3, grow up, Aquarius (2/3/4/9/7)
Traits: brave, evil
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The Quintilius’ (Imperial Family)
Darius is an adventurer and was captaining the ship when it was caught in the storm.  He wouldn’t usually bring his precious wife, Valaria, on board with him, but he had wanted to show her the beauty of the coastline of Tamriel.  Valaria hated every minute of the voyage and spent all her time in the Captain’s Quarters, with her head over a chamber pot.  Darius is sure that the other survivors blame him for their predicament, but he is sure that he will be a perfect Jarl and lead the settlement into great success.
Darius Quintilius
Male adult, age 32, fortune/knowledge, Gemini (5/6/10/2/2), turn ons- jewellery & uneducated, turn off- well traveled
Traits: indecisive, grumpy, adventurous, coward, born salesperson
Valaria Quintilius
Female adult, age 30, romance/fortune, Aries (10/10/3/2/0), turn ons- strong & brown hair, turn off- grey hair
Traits: extravagant, snob, dramatic, flirty, great kisser
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The Dreths (Dunmer Family)
Galmon and Maera did not intend to complete the entire voyage, but were hoping to disembark in Morrowind.  Galmon is something of an alchemist, while Maera is a herbalist who became their village’s midwife, helping many a mother to journey childbirth safely.  Galmon knows that the Imperial Captain did not want them on board his ship and considered them bad luck.  Nonetheless, Galmon and Maera will work hard to prosper in this deserted place they now call home.
Galmon Dreth
Male adult, age 41, knowledge/family, Scorpio (10/6/6/1/2), turn ons- logical & charismatic, turn off- beards
Traits: heavy sleeper, never nude, neat, hydrophobic, green thumb
Maera Dreth
Female adult, age 32, knowledge/family, Virgo (10/5/5/0/5), turn ons- make up & uneducated, turn off- supernatural
Traits: earthy, scribe, socially awkward, green thumb, loves the outdoors
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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Day 3 on Shipwreck Beach, and the families are all scrambling to gather resources and skill points so they can get into their own lodgings... Hopefully before the Winter arrives!
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Valaria starts working on her fishing badge.  With her sights set on becoming the merchant family, she requires a gold fishing badge.  Shame she hates fish!
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Maera and Eshraf are chipping away slowly at their body skills and collecting much required stone...
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Ramisa is working on her cooking skill (seriously, so slow without a book!)
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And Leonora is working on her mechanical.
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Night falls, and so does a small sprinkling of spring snow!
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Signe and Runa try to stay warm by the fire...
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While Theomund is distracted by other shiny things!
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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Welcome to Iolrath, the setting of a New Foundations challenge!
Iolrath is set in the world of the Elder Scrolls. I’ve chosen to start in the 10th era, as none of the Elder Scrolls games have made it that far as yet, so I can basically make up my own rules and lore.
Iolrath is a small uninhabited island located in the Padomaic Ocean between the continents of Tamriel and Akavir.  The challenge begins with a small group of ship wreck survivors, who decide to make the best of their dire situation and build a settlement.
I am essentially using @princesspiratecat‘s New Foundations 1.8 rule set and the associated ROS.  I will be playing on the hard settings, except that I made an error with the starting families, so am starting with five instead of four (x3 families and x2 couples).
How I play:
- I’m using Almighty Hat’s Gestational Ageing mod, so my lifespan is significantly increased.  As such, I’m using a range of skill limiters (toddlers are restricted to 3 points per skill and children are limited to 5, with the exception being if they have the ‘genius’ trait) and harder skilling mods. 
- I’m playing with a 12-day Season’s mod, mainly so I can stick to the Elder Scrolls calendar.  I have a seasons configuration of Spring - Summer - Autumn - Winter, and each ‘month’ is 4 days long.
- I’m also playing with the traits, from hexagonal-bipyramid, cedanyblee, mortia & Fire_flower.
- I’m playing with an 8-PT mod, with those PT’s being the Aedra, Akatosh, Arkay, Dibella, Julianos, Kynareth, Mara, Stendarr & Zenithar .
- I’m also using Hat’s G-Rated Religion mod.  I’m starting with only two religions, The Nine Divines (Aedra) (Talos will be the figure head of this religion), and The Anticipations (Daedra) (Azura will be the figure head of the Daedra).  I may add more religions as the game develops.
A few changes I have made to the original challenge:
- I feel like one day to make friends and determine who is the Builder/Squire Sim is not enough, so the Sims will spend 4 days gathering items for survival and making friends (I feel like this will work with the challenge due to the extended seasons I’m playing).  The family with the most non-family friends after 4-days becomes the Builder/Squire, and from that point the competition is on to gather supplies and skills to see who will be the merchant family, skilled professional family and food suppliers.
Above rule changed back to one day only on free-will to make friends!
- The original challenge stipulates that Sims are allocated two skill points according to their aspiration.  I changed this to two skill points specific to race: Nords (+2 body), Bretons (+1 logic & +1 creativity), Imperials (+2 logic), Redguard (+1 logic & +1 cooking), Altmer (+1 logic & +1 creativity), Dunmer (+1 cooking & +1 creativity), Bosmer (+1 body, +1 mechanical), Argonian (+1 charisma & +1 logic), Khajiit (+1 cooking & +1 charisma), Orsimer (+1 mechanical & +1 cooking).
- New settlements will be started on different maps, as I’m trying to keep the neighborhoods small to avoid pink soup.  The rules state each new settlement should have a unique style and build materials.  I also like the idea of each area having their own regional specialties.  Therefore, Iolrath will specialise in lumber, carpentry, pigs, hunting, and forraging.  Other settlements will specialise in (metalsmithing, mining, goats, cheesemaking), (fishing, salt production, basket weaving, poultry) and (vegetables, fruit, honey, candles, cattle).  I may also add another settlement to be the royal neighborhood if I eventually get that far.
Founding families will be posted shortly.
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niamh-sims · 3 years
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Day 6 starts off with a light sprinkle of Spring snow (the snow that never seems to let up!)
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Leonora is teaching Heloise to walk.... Trying to teach all those toddler skills before Heloise ages to child.
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Leonora and Ramisa are becoming quite good friends!
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Maera has been dutifully cooking her way through skill points.  Unfortunately, she still only has 2, and not only burns the champ she is cooking, but sets the pot alight as well!
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And all hell breaks loose!  (Thank goodness I removed the ‘more dangerous fires’ mod!)
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Thankfully the fire is extinguished without any casualties!
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I wouldn’t stand too close to that fore if I were you, Edmund!
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