#ionic silver
pure-colloids · 5 months
Ionic Silver - Pure Colloids
Ionic Silver refers to silver particles that are in the form of ions, specifically silver ions (Ag+), in a solution. Unlike metallic silver, which consists of neutral silver atoms, ionic silver is formed when silver atoms lose one or more electrons, resulting in positively charged ions.
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kuwaitshops · 2 years
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namidew · 2 months
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Hermes, Dionysus, and Apollo (my favorite brother trio)
Purple pals, with purple plants in their hair (with no accidental secret meaning behind them)
Design updates for Hermes and Dionysus, ramblings below !!
Hermes - The trim of his chlamys is now a green color (although he likely changes it based on what he's doing) and he wears a black ionic chiton underneath symbolizing one of his roles as a psychopomp. The clamp has a wing insignia on it, its silver color matching the other silver jewelry, denoting his domain of commerce.
Dionysus - The grape vines over his head wrap around it loosely, denoting the at first subtle hold that alcohol can have over a person, which can lead to drunken madness. This curling pattern is repeated on his himation. The dense foliage over his shoulders represents his domain of vegetation, also having a faint leopard pattern on the leaves.
Thank you for reading !!
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deadl-ine · 1 year
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Canyon the Porcupine 🌌⚡️
A few 100 hours later and his reference is finished. o(-< Full bio under the cut.
General: Canyon | 104 cm (3'5") | Porcupine | Ionic Manipulation
Bio: He and other generations of survivors live on the Space Colony ARK in a reimagining of Silver’s post-apocalyptic future. He’s no ultimate life form, but he was created on the ARK along the same vein.
He’s the cornerstone of Project Canyon, as he was designed to be especially resistant to their world’s newfound hazards in an effort to reclaim the planet. He can manipulate plasma and chaos energy—the latter being thanks to the research that was rediscovered in the ARKs archives.
Canyon’s shoes pocket small vials called chaos shells, which are repurposed chaos drives, that he can energize to varying levels of volatility with his powers.
Team Zenith: Canyon, Comet, and Vox make up the reconnaissance members of Team Zenith (speed, flight, and power respectively). He’s emboldened by his title to be a good team leader.
Personality: He's a mellow and fierce character, who takes his position very seriously--often concerned with the future of everyone on the ARK--and is very distrustful of strangers.
Likes: High-speed/high-action training and pushing his limits; reading about the old world and his predecessor, Project Shadow; occasionally goofing around with his teammates.
Dislikes: time waisting; relying too much on others; the ARK's rations i.e. astronaut food.
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love4heejayke · 2 years
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SYNOPSIS: Born from the full moon's light, Y/N is sent by her witch aunt on a secret mission to Decilis Academy, the purpose of which is to investigate the source of the obscure energy that hovers under the Silver Millennium. However, when she saves her roomate Sooha from the attack of dark creatures with the power to fortify themselves from the energy of nightmares and discovers her secret identity, she promises not to tell her friends, but everything changes once she falls for Lee Heli, one of Decelis' star students and posibily, her past life's lover.
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2 - the new student who wants to learn (2)
Located in the Silver Palace's center is the Crystal Tower, accessible only to the royal family and allies. Erected during the reign of Queen Artemis in the 14th year post-Fall of the Moon reign. This tower was built by its allied architects with elements inspired by the Gothic and Greco-Roman architecture of humans, with its sky blue vaulted ceiling, silver arches on the ceiling, with a silver crescent moon on top, as well as white marble Ionic pillars on the sides. lower corners, with symmetrical curved ornaments on the capital, to symbolize the divine perfection which the royal matriarchy rules over its subjects. To protect the Silver Millennium from Solari invasions and attacks by beings carrying dark magic and their subjects worship the Silver Sister - celestial entity that sustains the official religion of the kingdom and veiled protector of the night, Lunari matriarchs erected 3 blocks of the Legendary Silver Crystal in the center, thus forming the Chamber of Prayers, the sacred place for the royalty and followers of the Lunari religion to perform rituals and prayers of prayers for the protection of the kingdom, and with 3 generations of Silver Millennial royalty now assembled, everyone was ready to to start.
With the white and blue magic dusts, taken from small white bags on their waists, Hecate and Selene drew a circle on the ground and a half moon facing upwards, symbolizing the 2 strongest tribes of the lunar matriarchy and the pillars that support them: The blue half moon at the top designed by Selene, symbolizes os Coronas Plateadas and its Force, which its followers swear to use its abilities in favor of the defense of the individual and the collective, and the white circle in the center that Hecate drew, the Lunarosa and the Spirit, inviting those who chose to shelter in this tribe, directed it their visions beyond the material plane and enjoy only good virtues in life, so that the individual may be worthy of reincarnation. Finally, the mother poured a silvery dust into her daughter's hands to sprinkle over Avys. Dalia bit her bottom lip and hesitated for a while, causing Selene to shoot her a sneer. She had just been reborn in the body of a stranger, who had no bonds to the Lunar Realm, so she feared that if she tried, the ritual would fail, and the thread of life force that still keeps him alive might snap due to guilt. aware of this, Selene used her daughter's internal conflict and mentally warned:
I hope you know what you're doing, my precious jewel, or else you'll have to say farewell to your little friend long before his time.
Although she felt scared by the psychological pressure that her mother put on her, she was sure that behind that divine body and soul, she keeps a human heart, which beats strongly for the appreciation of having him as her friend, and a mind that is proud of the good and bad memories she built with him and how each one of them was crucial for her to reach this moment, so she sighed and threw the silver powder on the top of her head, her mother with her magic summoned light currents of wind to spread it around. it all over your body. With almost everything prepared, the druid puts his friend on his knees in the middle of the circle and with a little of his greenish mana, he makes a cut in the fabric of his feathered blouse on the back, leaving the scars of his wounded wings exposed.  Even unconscious, his hands were still trembling slightly, so he laced his fingers through theirs, not just as part of the rite, but to convey a little calm through his touch, and that was working decently well, as that was enough for Avys stood completely still, but with her shoulders relaxed. Hand in hand and eyes closed, the quartet began the sacred healing rite with the Silver Sister's Healing Chant.
"Viken, Daughter, repeat after us." asked the Corona Plateadas' Mother-Moon
Heil, Silver Sister, Veiled Protector of the Supernatural, Noble Righteous of your life forces.
Heal this heart hurt by darkness and by its light be guided.
Bless it with your glorious radiance and embrace it with your merciful heart.
With the first verses of the prayer, the magic powders that were sprinkled on Avys, began to glow on his skin and slowly evaporate, causing him to float with his legs, arms and knees outstretched and slowly twirl in the air like a ballerina in a music box. The flow of green, light and dark blue and silver manas that came out of the hands of her summoners, completely enveloped her body in a spiral from bottom to top, allowing her to awaken from Hecate's euthanasia. The ornite opened its eyes and mouth wide open, surprising itself with the spectrum of mana involving it from bottom to top and transforming itself into a colorful rosebud shape. A remnant of that specter penetrated his body and destroyed the fragment of darkness trapped in it and accelerated the healing of the wound, at the end of the rite, the bud opened like a rose, along with its restored wings, causing petals of different colors to fall. donate. With a light flap of his wings, he controlled the speed of his fall and landed safely, bending his left knee forward and placing both hands on the ground.
Surprised to see him completely healed, the platinum princess runs to him to hug him, her angelic face flooded with tears of concern. Avys's heart lost its rhythm for a moment, but he wrapped his arms around her back, closing his eyes and letting the warmth of her embrace comfort him, but he disappeared after the princess left his arms and noticed the downcast look. from Hecate to them. They both sighed, but he nodded, allowing the newly reincarnated Moon's daughter to comfort her witch aunt.
"Aunt Hécate, are you alright?"
"So-so. Watching you alive, doing our rituals, reminded me of our old times."
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, we had a third moon in our cort, our little sister." the priestess smiled in a corner
"Priestess, do you know where she is now?"
"I have no idea." Hecate sighed deeply "All I know is that she lost her way home and never returned. Every night I pray that our beloved Silver Sister would guide her back to us, that we will be a family together again.  Our grandmother Diana, Selene, you and her."
Like the Spirited Moon, Lunarosians always seek Hecate's blessing in their routine, so she feels obligated not to show herself vulnerable in front of her subjects, but not with Nyx. Even with the rules of etiquette and the rigorous training enforced by the Mockery of the Moon, Nyx was the only faerie with whom Hecate brought her comfort. From her youthful attitude, the games the three sisters played together in the kingdom, to the tricks she invited her to play on the guards with her illusory magic, the two entertained each other and never tired of their company. But when the Psychic Moon sneaked out of the palace on a New Moon night, she was almost lost to find her, but the moment she embraced her, Hecate felt that her dear sister had not returned as the youngest she used to love.  She returned cold, reserved and violent, abusing the subjects of the kingdom and despising the legacy of the old Moon Mothers, so in order not to scare away the new subjects and ensure their safety, Selene and she agreed to never speak about her renegade sister again and erase all records of her and her deeds from the Royal Archives, a decision Spirit Moon regrets to this day.
Impatient with her daughter's delay, the Righteous Moon interrupted their conversation with a clearing of her throat.
"May I interrupt, sister? My daughter and I have a lot to talk about." 
"Yes, Selene" the half sister sighed.
"So that was it?" Avys questioned
"Yes, but Selene and I have a really bad fight. Somehow she doesn't wants me to talk about…" Y/N gulped "her."
"What do you mean?"
"I don't know Avys!' she sighed. "If she was such an important Lunari at court, and most importantly, related to my past life, I have the right to know about her. That's the only way I can prevent anything from my world from tormenting them in yours."
The young fairy got up and started to walk in search of more shelves in that cubicle, but was stopped by the ornite, who caught her by the wrist.
"Y/N wait!" Avys fixed her with a passionate gaze. "You belong to that world too! I can't live in it without you!"
"Then learn to live in it from now on, because I don't belong there anymore."
A/N: theory hours are now open, kids, feel free to comment them!
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hug-them-trees · 2 years
My roommate is DMing a dnd campaign for our friend group and character creation for me has consisted of me putting the most unhinged shit possible down and my roommate yelling that I can’t do that
At the very beginning she asked what class I wanted to be. I asked which one was the sexiest. I’m a bard now.
I tried to be 92 feet tall. She said I had to be a medium character. I asked what the size range was. She said 4-8 ft. I changed the height to 7’ 11 3/4”
I tried to have rainbow skin. She said that as a changeling my skin is gray. I put that it glitters in the sun.
For weapons I wrote “potato” and explained that I had unlimited potatoes to simply Yeet at people. I also put “yeeting” as a skill. I was told I could not have infinite potato, so I said I would steal potatoes. In the end I was allowed a potato sling and I buffed up my stealing skills. I was however forced to remove yeeting as a skill
I was told I got 5 candles. I made sure to note they were booty shaped.
I was told I had a hand crossbow. I put down foot crossbow. She asked how the actual fuck I’d use that. I promptly demonstrated (read: laid down on floor and flailed legs wildly). I was allowed to keep the foot crossbow.
I put down “sexy” as a personality trait. We have not discussed this part yet but I think I will be yelled at
I wrote that all bards are secretly in a rap club but I’m the only public member. She said this is not true. I said it’s fine if you say they aren’t because, again, I am the only public member. We’re at a bit of a stalemate with this one
I put “too godly at rap” as my only flaw. Have also not gotten to this part with her but I’m definitely getting yelled at
For bonds I wrote “ionic, covalent, James”. This is another one I anticipate future yelling
I tried to put “language of love” as one of my known languages. She pulled out the list of DND languages and made me choose from there. I picked goblin, she was like you aren’t even a goblin. So now my backstory says I was raised by goblins.
I also have a silver Mohawk. This apparently didn’t violate any rules so I get to keep it.
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comicavalcade · 1 year
Submariner Summer 24
OK Namor Nation, its #SubmarinerSummer read through part 24 with Tales to Astonish #91: Outside The Gates Waits Death! Hulk vs Abomination cover; the first one ever. On the title page Namor bemoans his defeat by Byrrah. Still a Lee/Everett tale, but now there's Danny Adkins on inks
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Dorma tries to console Namor when guards burst in; Namor is under arrest. He tries to burst free but is stopped by an ionic forcefield. Brought before Byrrah, he sees his fears made true; he shares the dais with Krang and Attuma! But to cement the partnership, Namor must die
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The sentence is certain death via Inferno Isle, being delivered there via being shot there in a missile. Namor soon sees why the island is so deadly; a volcano monster! This being a real threat to him, Namor turns back to the ocean, but the monster manages to grab him...
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Back in Atlantis, Lady Dorma is tired of waiting, and sets off to find Namor, on pain of death since Byrrah has instituted a curfew. She makes her way to his lab, and spots something suspicious. When guards come, she uses it against them, and finds how Byrrah truly won Atlantis: hypno-ray!
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See, THIS is the Lady Dorma we love. Curfew or Death? Whatever, she does what she wants, and then foils the master plan, unbrainwashing the populace. She even frees Atlantis's generals in time to prevent them handing command to Krang and Attuma, who then turn on Byrrah
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On Inferno Isle, Namor escapes the volcano creature's grip, and realizes that the monster's substance reacts to seawater. He then hatches a plan to cover his fists so he can punch and taunt the beast into following him into the ocean...
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And just like that, the beast is vanquished. Namor still thinks the people willing followed Byrrah and rejected him, though, so he's in no rush to return.
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Meanwhile, with Byrrah's plan gone awry, Attuma and Krang decide if they can't have Atlantis they'll destroy it..Imperius Rex
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Namor can spot the effect of Attuma's doomsday weapon, and he rushes to investigate. Upon seeing his guess was correct, he moves to destroy it. With their last ploy trashed, Attuma and Krang decide to flee to strike again another day, disgusted with Byrrah
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Namor then goes to Vashti and Dorma, who rejoice he has saved Atlantis, and inform him of Byrrah's hypno-ray and how Dorma saved the people from it. When asked how Dorma and Vashti were unaffected? Well, love is a powerful thing, and Namor embraces his loved ones, royal protocol be damned 🥰
Byrrah for his part wanders off into exile, and Namor's Golden Age rival once again meets defeat at the hands of a triumphant Namor, true Prince of Atlantis. IMPERIUS REX!
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This one was a really faced paced rush to the conclusion, with Namor quickly vanquishing his opponents. Truth be told, I wouldn't have minded if this had been a three parter, with this one more focused on the fight with the volcano monster and Dorma foiling Byrrah, and then the last part having a more extended fight with the doomsday weapon and Attuma and Krang. But alas! Silver Age storytelling was what it was, and that was extremely compressed.
Still, it was great fun seeing a triumvirate of Namor foes side-by-side, and Dorma get some more action again.
NEXT time though, we leave Namor's pages for a crossover battle as our sea prince rises to clash against the surface in AVENGERS #40: Suddenly...The Sub-Mariner!
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isfjmel-phleg · 9 months
@brown-little-robin replied to your post: OC asks: Rachel - 1 Rietta - 2 Declis -...
ooooh fascinating. the image of the eerily tidy study kinda gives me the creeps.
Here's the original description, from a chapter I wrote a long time ago. The events of that are subject to change, maybe, but this location is pretty settled.
After pausing to take a long breath and square his shoulders, Tamett gripped the door knob and let himself into the chamber perhaps no other commoner had ever seen. He stood in a room of white marble beneath a high domed ceiling, flanked by blindingly white columns. Bookcases lined the walls, displaying books all the same size, bound identically in the deep blue and silver of the Liennese flag. The chairs before the empty white fireplace were covered in studded navy leather, their unsociable slipperiness unrelieved by any cushion or afghan. White marble busts on Ionic pedestals peeked out from corners with pupilless stares. Tamett shuddered, half expecting them to quiz him in Greek with the voice of his tutor.  It was exactly the sort of room he would expect the man at the desk opposite the door to have. The King glanced up from his papers and said, “Come in,” in a quiet voice that seemed to shake the very dome. Tamett slowly crossed the rugless floor, studying its checkered pattern and wondering if the King kept giant chessmen somewhere in the room—if not, what a wasted opportunity. He stopped before the desk, arms at his sides, head respectfully down. He was the chessman.
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samaya11 · 1 year
The Godess Awakens
In my room
For my Grandmother Deviben born 1923-2001
As Amba Patel in Limbe, Malawi
4 am - London
In my room
The Goddess awakens
me with Her singing
I have been holding her hand as I sleep
Her thin long bony fingers
The only protection I need from
the shifting shadows on the wall
The monsters under the bed
At 6am
The six year old me watches
from under thick tartan blankets
as she performs her holy ablutions
After her own morning rituals
Combing silver strands into
Thin tight helix braid
Fraying at the ends
Mimicking the DNA strands
That bind us
Is her holy ritual
She is elbows
She is force
Carving at the decay
And grime the world brings
There is Dettol and Vicks and incense
To cleanse the body and the spirit according to her methods
Dressed in white head to toe
Mostly white hair in a bun
Pure sari on an impossibly long thin frame whit
Thick white wooly socks that once wore toe rings
She is not delicate
Never that
She is firm and flattens us all smooth like a hot iron with nothing but her sharp tongue
And expectations
Pressing out all the creases
I inherited from my mother
with their unforgiving steam
She is brittle and hard like iron
Yet even kyphosis is elegant on her
If you can make her laugh and smile
You can rewind the years to see
Her warm joy before it was stolen
By customs, tragedy, migration
She is a misplaced bird
With wings she can never use
locked away in this cage of duty
Within invisible parameters
Society calls love
From under the bed covers I watch
as she bathes her murtis by dawn light
Then proceeds to greet them and divide the entire universe evenly into 18 sacred sections
Gita Ganga Gayatri
Sita Satya Sarasvati
Brahmavidya …
20 years later
Long after the clearest memories of her gold bangles are gone
The sweet fragrance of Vibhuti, Bhasma, Chandan and kumkum fade
I search for the Hindu Gods In the periodic table
Particularly Shani
Nilanjan Samabhasam
Ravi Putra Yama Ganjam…
As my way of communion with her spirit of intellectual curiosity mixed with childlike wonder and faith. My attempt of reaching back through time to bridge the ionic bonds
That tore her family apart
If she had been born in any other era she would have manifested her true power
And ruled the world firmly but compassionately and changed it for the better.
As I study my microbiology notes and antiseptic techniques
There She is again
Her teachings her blessings
Acting as the phospholipids
In my spiritual membrane
Her Hygiene OCDs justified
Open tap
Wash hands
Wash taps
Wash hands again
In scalding soapy water
Open cabinet door
Wash hands
Her methodology
For reverence
Godliness next to
If only if I could have told her about Lister & Louis Pasteur
I’m sure she would have smiled and agreed
They were worthy of Murtis too
But I am done collecting old Gods & New
Decades later I realise
While I was searching for the wrong God in all the cliched places
All I need to remember
Is DeviMa of my youth
X /18= 108
4am - Houston
In My room
The Goddess awakens
Within Me.
Priya Ramesh Desai, 2023 @Samaya11
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cleanyosponges · 1 year
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Meet the Beauty Sponge Sachet, a groundbreaking beauty sponge maintenance system that redefines sustainability and hygiene in the beauty industry. Our unique packaging, crafted from three-dimensional air mesh, offers optimal airflow for your sponges while using ionic silver to battle bacterial growth, ensuring a clean, safe beauty routine. Forget the hassle of handwashing! With our system, you can simply throw your sachet and sponges into your washing machine and dryer for a convenient and quick cleaning process. Plus, our sachet doubles as a storage solution, keeping your spones clean and organized between uses. By embracing the Beauty Sponge Sachet, you're not just simplifying your routine, but also making a positive environmental impact. You're minimizing plastic waste and reducing the need for disposable packaging. So, step into the future of beauty sponge maintenance, where convenience meets sustainability. Try the Beauty Sponge Sachet today and elevate your beauty game while caring for our planet. #BEAUTYSPONGESACHET #ECOFRIENDLYBEAUTY #HYGIENICSPONGES #SUSTAINABLEBEAUTY #REUSABLEPACKAGING #IONICSILVER #BEAUTYROUTINEESSENTIALS #WASHDRYSTORE #PREMIUMBEAUTYSPONGES #BEAUTYMAINTENANCESOLUTION #SAYGOODBYETOSINGLEUSEPLASTIC #THREEDIMENSIONALAIRMESH #ELEVATEDBEAUTYROUTINE #ORDERNOW #SHOPSUSTAINABLEBEAUTY
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kendricklabsinc · 16 days
Core Principle of SDS-PAGE: Understanding Its Basics
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Sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE) is a fundamental technique in molecular biology and biochemistry for separating proteins based on their molecular weight. SDS-PAGE Analysis is essential for protein characterization, including determining protein size, purity, and quantity. Understanding the core principles of SDS-PAGE is crucial for achieving accurate and reliable results in protein research.
The Basics of SDS-PAGE
At its core, SDS-PAGE is designed to separate proteins by size through the application of an electric field. This technique involves several key components: sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS), polyacrylamide gels, and an electric current. SDS-PAGE Analysis relies on these components working together to ensure that proteins are separated effectively.
Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS) is an anionic detergent that denatures proteins and imparts a negative charge proportional to their length. This ensures that proteins migrate through the gel based solely on their size, rather than their charge or shape. SDS binds to proteins, disrupting their native structure and ensuring they adopt a linear form.
Polyacrylamide gels are used as the medium through which proteins are separated. The gel consists of a cross-linked polymer matrix that acts as a molecular sieve. Smaller proteins migrate through the gel more quickly than larger ones, resulting in separation based on size.
Electric current is applied to the gel, creating an electric field that drives the negatively charged proteins through the polyacrylamide matrix. The rate at which proteins move through the gel is inversely proportional to their size, with smaller proteins moving faster than larger ones.
Preparing the Gel and Samples
Proper preparation of the gel and samples is crucial for successful SDS-PAGE Analysis. Gels are typically prepared using two different concentrations of acrylamide: one for the stacking gel and one for the separating gel.
Stacking gel: This is the upper portion of the gel with a lower acrylamide concentration. It concentrates the proteins into a narrow band before they enter the separating gel, improving resolution.
Separating gel: This portion has a higher acrylamide concentration and is where the actual separation of proteins occurs based on size. The concentration of acrylamide in this gel determines the size range of proteins that can be resolved.
Sample preparation involves mixing protein samples with a loading buffer that contains SDS, a reducing agent (such as β-mercaptoethanol or DTT), and a tracking dye. The reducing agent breaks disulfide bonds, ensuring proteins are fully denatured and linearized, while the dye allows for monitoring the progress of electrophoresis.
Running the Gel
Once the gel is prepared and samples are loaded, the gel is placed in an electrophoresis chamber filled with running buffer. An electric current is applied, causing proteins to migrate through the gel. The rate of migration is influenced by the size of the proteins and the concentration of the acrylamide in the separating gel.
SDS-PAGE Analysis Tip: Ensure that the running buffer is fresh and at the correct concentration to maintain the pH and ionic strength necessary for effective protein separation.
Staining and Visualizing Proteins
After electrophoresis, proteins need to be stained to be visualized. Several staining methods are available, with Coomassie Brilliant Blue and silver staining being the most common.
Coomassie Brilliant Blue: This dye binds to proteins and provides a clear, blue color that allows for visualization of protein bands. It is relatively simple and cost-effective, but may not detect very low-abundance proteins.
Silver staining: This method is more sensitive than Coomassie staining and can detect lower amounts of protein. However, it is more complex and time-consuming.
SDS-PAGE Analysis Tip: Ensure that the staining and destaining processes are thoroughly carried out to obtain clear, sharp bands. Incomplete staining or destaining can lead to poor resolution and inaccurate results.
Interpreting Results
The results of SDS-PAGE are interpreted based on the migration of protein bands through the gel. Proteins are visualized as distinct bands, with each band representing a different protein or protein fragment.
Molecular weight markers: These are included in one of the gel wells to serve as a reference for estimating the size of the proteins. By comparing the position of your protein bands to the markers, you can determine their approximate molecular weight.
SDS-PAGE Analysis Tip: Use image analysis software to quantify band intensity and analyze protein expression levels. Accurate quantification is crucial for assessing protein abundance and comparing samples.
Troubleshooting Common Issues
Despite its utility, SDS-PAGE can present challenges. Common issues include smeared bands, uneven migration, and background staining.
Smeared bands: This can result from overloading the gel, incomplete denaturation, or poor sample preparation. Ensure that samples are properly prepared and loaded in appropriate amounts.
Uneven migration: Often caused by issues with gel polymerization or buffer composition. Ensure that gels are uniformly polymerized and that buffers are correctly prepared.
Background staining: This may occur due to inadequate washing or staining. Ensure thorough washing and destaining to achieve clear results.
Applications of SDS-PAGE Analysis
SDS-PAGE Analysis is used in various applications, including:
Protein Purity Assessment: Evaluate the purity of protein preparations by identifying contaminants and verifying the presence of a single band corresponding to the target protein.
Protein Size Determination: Estimate the molecular weight of proteins by comparing their migration to molecular weight markers.
Quantitative Analysis: Assess protein abundance and expression levels by quantifying band intensity and comparing it across different samples.
Protein Identification: Combine SDS-PAGE with other techniques, such as mass spectrometry, for detailed protein identification and characterization.
SDS-PAGE Analysis is a powerful tool for protein separation and characterization. Understanding the core principles of SDS-PAGE, including gel preparation, sample loading, running conditions, staining, and result interpretation, is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results. By following best practices and troubleshooting common issues, researchers can effectively use SDS-PAGE to gain valuable insights into protein size, purity, and expression.
Whether you are assessing protein purity, determining molecular weight, or analyzing protein expression levels, mastering the principles of SDS-PAGE is crucial for successful protein analysis. This technique continues to be a cornerstone in molecular biology and biochemistry, providing essential information for a wide range of research and clinical applications.
Original Source: https://kendricklabs.blogspot.com/2024/09/core-principle-of-sds-page.html
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The Power of Fytika Shuddh Shilajit: Nature’s Ancient Remedy
Shilajit, also known as the “conqueror of the rocks,” is a natural substance found in mountain crevices and caves, mainly in the Himalayas. This blackish-brown powder or sticky resin has been valued for thousands of years in traditional medicine.
Shilajit forms from the decomposition of plant and microbial matter over centuries. When the sun warms the mountain rocks, this organic material gets trapped in crevices, eventually solidifying into the potent substance known as shilajit.Shilajit has a rich history in folk and alternative medicine.
 What Makes Shilajit Special?
1. Rich in Minerals: Shilajit contains over 80 essential minerals, including iron, magnesium, potassium, and calcium, which are crucial for various bodily functions.
2. Fulvic Acid: Abundant in fulvic acid, a powerful antioxidant that helps transport nutrients into cells and supports overall health.
3. Ayurvedic Treasure: In Ayurveda, shilajit is considered a “rasayana,” a rejuvenating substance that promotes longevity, vitality, and overall well-being.
Why Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin Stands Out Among Other Brands
Recently, the trusted nutraceutical brand Fytika launched Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin, which boasts numerous beneficial features. Sourced from the Himalayas at 18,000 feet, this product provides 24×7 energy, improving strength and stamina. It is enhanced with Ashwagandha, Gokshura, Safed Musli, Kesar, and Elaichi, and enriched with real gold and silver. Lab-tested and 100% Ayurvedic, Fytika Shilajit offers a pleasant aroma and taste, making it easier to incorporate into your daily routine without the unpleasant smell or taste associated with many other shilajit products.
Here are the beneficial features of Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin in detail:
1.Swarna and Chandi Bhasam
Potency Enhancement: Contains both Swarna (gold) and Chandi (silver) bhasam, enhancing shilajit’s potency.
Health-Promoting Properties: Swarna bhasam promotes overall health, while Chandi bhasam has cooling effects.
2. Pleasant Smell and Taste
Unlike many shilajit products with a strong, earthy smell and bitter taste, Fytika Shilajit has a pleasant aroma and palatable flavor, making it easier to use daily.
3. Rich in Ionic Minerals and Fulvic Acid
Nutrient-Rich: A treasure trove of essential minerals vital for maintaining overall health, from bone strength to immune function.
Enhanced Absorption: Fulvic acid enhances nutrient absorption and supports cellular health.
Key Ingredients and Their Importance
1.Shilajit: Treats chronic fatigue, slows down aging, and improves bone health.
2. Ashwagandha: Balances hormones, supports menstrual health, and boosts mental and physical well-being.
3.Safed Muesli: Regulates female hormones and menstrual cycles.
4.Gokshura: Reduces menopausal symptoms and promotes overall health.
5.Kaunch: Enhances fertility and acts as an anti-aging agent.
6.Cardamom and Saffron: Enhance taste and add their own health benefits.
Benefits of Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin for Men
1.Increases Testosterone Levels: Clinical studies show that purified shilajit can significantly raise testosterone levels, supporting muscle growth, stamina, and preventing hair loss due to hormonal imbalances.
2. Enhances Fertility: Improves blood flow to reproductive organs and boosts overall fertility.
3. Anti-Aging and Heart Health: Contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties that support overall well-being and heart health.
4. Natural Energy Booster: Regular use increases energy levels and combats fatigue.
Benefits of Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold & Silver Resin for Women
1. Iron Deficiency Prevention: Helps combat iron deficiency anaemia by increasing haemoglobin, haematocrit, and red blood cells.
2. Improved Fertility: Regulates menstrual cycles and enhances nutrient flow to reproductive organs, positively impacting fertility.
3. Anti-Aging and Bone Health: Provides anti-aging benefits and improves bone health.
4. Hormonal Balance: Naturally balances hormones, alleviating symptoms related to hormonal fluctuations.
Fytika Shuddh Shilajit Gold and Silver Resin is suitable for both men and women, enhancing energy levels, supporting the immune system, and improving overall health. Its unique blend of natural compounds provides essential nutrients and antioxidants, promoting overall well-being, boosting stamina, and enhancing mental clarity. Whether you’re an athlete, a busy professional, or someone who wants to maintain optimal health, Fytika Shilajit is a valuable addition to your wellness regimen
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golddetectordubai202 · 7 months
Types of metal detectors
Types of metal detectors vary according to a range of hopes and technical features and different classifications,
for example, according to the search technology or depth of search or the technology of the device or tool used
to conduct the search or detection.
There are many types of metal detectors, here in this article, we will see the details….
A metal detector is an electronic device specially designed to detect buried underground metal objects
such as the treasures of gold, archaeological treasures of ancient civilizations, and various kinds
of precious and non-precious metals.
Metal detectors are used by prospectors and treasure hunters.
They help detect any metal object under the ground for varying depths depending on the device.
This enables the prospector to find all metallic objects such as gold ornaments, statues, ancient coins made of gold, silver, or copper, and so on.
Metal detectors are very diverse. so there are many types of metal detectors that are classified according to different classifications.
Metal detectors can be classified according to their uses or according to the search system
and the technology in the device or according to other factors.
But the most commonly used classification is according to the search technology of the device,
where metal detectors are classified into several types will be reviewed by the following paragraph
Types of Metal Detectors
Electromagnetic Metal Detectors
Electromagnetic metal detectors are operated according to one of two search technologies. :
very low frequency (VLF) or pulse induction technology (PI) which depends on a search coil used to
detect the presence of different metals, including gold within the search area below the coil
and then it gives an alert to the user in the form of audio tone according to certain tones depending on the type of metal.
These devices have a limited scope of depth (maximum : 3 meters) and relatively cheap prices
however, It is the most widespread device in the world especially for beginners
Examples: Gmt 9000, Impact Pro, Pulse Nova
Long-Range Metal Detectors
The long-range metal detectors use search antennas to receive target signals
buried underground remotely. These devices are characterized by a very wide field
of scan and huge search depths compared to other types of metal detectors
Long-range devices are easy to use and filter the search results and search within large distances
and large areas with the possibility of estimating depth
Examples: Gold Star, mega scan pro 
3D Imaging Metal Detectors
3D Imaging metal detectors are devices that use special probes for ground scanning.
Then the scan results are usually displayed on a computer screen or Tablet in a three-dimensional diagram
showing the structure of the ground in the search area and the targets buried in it.
However, these devices are characterized by high accuracy and coverage of a wide field of scan and multiple features
that ensure accurate results for the prospector and professional searcher.
Examples: Nokta Invenio Pro, OKM EXP 6000, GOLD VISION, and Phoenix
Multi-Systems Metal Detectors
There are some metal detectors devices that may contain more than one search system
however, it uses different technologies within a single device and this gives the prospector multiple
Search options are used for different applications or to confirm the results of other search systems.
Example: Gold Star 3D Scanner includes 8 search systems: - 8 search systems for all metal detection applications including: Manual Sensing System - Controllable Sensing - Automatic Sensing System - Ionic System Bionic System - 3D Ground Scan System - Live Stream Scan System - Pinpointer Target Positioning System
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