#iorveth tag
nerureika · 4 months
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Finished my old sketch.
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radovid's in the lower right corner bc he sleeps with the fishes
haha get it
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mekonfoy · 7 months
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actually liked this sketch. might even finish it
(reference below)
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dreamofbecoming · 4 months
reminder that since one of marina’s favorite victims closed their asks (totally understandable, no one should have to put up with constant harassment) she’s going to start sending asks to random users out of lim’s likes and followers. she may message you even if you have never posted about her ship or any of the characters she’s fixated on. Do Not Engage! she feeds off of negative attention. she wants you to reply and be angry or annoyed or even confused. if you get an ask about roche and ciri, or iorveth or cerys, just block and delete. do not feed the trolls.
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xejune · 1 year
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pretty sure iorveth's caught onto the fact that geralt doesn’t actually need archery lessons. but hey, who's he to complain?
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pinkyjulien · 3 months
Tagged by @arcandoria MMWAH Thank you bb 👁👄👁
Rules: Make a poll with five of your all-time favorite characters and then tag five people to do the same. See which character is everyone's favorite!
▶ Tagging, no pressure in doing it 🤏 @lokiina - @elvenbeard - @wraithsoutlaws - @cybersteal - @teddys-shion
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dweebpheles · 2 months
Vernon Roche is an anomaly. He is that rare gem glittering under a pile of pebbles. Wise, patient, but feisty. The thinking Temeria and it's just right to place he as Prince Consort on the throne of the Nilfgaard than paranoid Voorhis. Other than that, I ship he with Ciri as two powerful monarchs that finally, or at least, smoothen the animosity between their realms. Make love not war and all that.
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What are you ON rn homie
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dravenxivuk · 1 year
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Not a bad first Roveth gremlin modding attempt, but I'm sure I can make it better. Vernon doesn't need all those clothes for a start.
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persimmontartkisses · 5 months
I haven't reblogged any of that in over a month, but thanks, Marina 10/10 anon 👌
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nerureika · 5 months
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Another pic with Iorveth’s flying heads 🐿️
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mekonfoy · 10 months
they say that when you die, you'll have to bury yourself, as none of your friend would come to the funeral
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i will bury you with my own hands
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roughentumble · 5 months
also the fact that saskia was like "no i like dwarves. i like my men short and stacked humans and elves are too willowy" was great 10/10 no notes
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bomberqueen17 · 1 year
chapter update: give a dog a job ch 2
in which each of our dudes has a bad time, separately and sort of together
chapter 2 on AO3
“Let’s get you to a chair,” Joe said, calm and businesslike. “Where’s the damage? Hip and shoulder?” Roche managed to gesture, and Joe proceeded to mostly lift him unaided, which hurt like a motherfucker, but once he’d dumped Roche, surprisingly gently-- he was very strong-- into the armchair in the corner it was easier to get his various joints at angles that didn’t hurt. “Cane,” Roche said, pointing to it where it lay uselessly on the floor; if he didn’t have that he wasn’t going to be able to get out of this chair without rolling down and crawling, and he really didn’t want to. Joe retrieved it and hooked it over the back of the chair where he could reach it. “Do you need anything else,” he said, far too neutral and calm. “Yeah,” Roche said, savage with agonized frustration, “I need to not be a fucking cripple.” Joe didn’t answer for a long moment. “While I can relate to that,” he said, “I meant, do you have any medication or anything that would help?” Gritting his teeth, Roche pointed to the paper bag he’d left on the sideboard, that still had the pill bottle in it. There were still a couple of pills in the old bottle but he wasn’t going to have Joe wander through his house looking for them. Joe took the bottle out of the bag. “One or two,” he said. “I can-- one,” Roche said, giving up; Joe was already opening the bottle. “Can you dry-swallow or do you need water,” Joe said, but he was already moving over to the dish drainer to retrieve a glass. “Water,” Roche said, resenting it. Joe put the bottle down and filled the glass, bringing over a pill between his thumb and forefinger, and the filled glass in his other hand. Roche took the pill and the glass, inwardly fuming. He could get the lid off a fucking pill bottle, and he hadn’t asked for this. “Would an ice pack help or is it past that?” Joe asked, and while his tone was neutral, it grated over Roche’s last nerve. “You know,” he said, “I didn’t ask for your fucking pity.” Joe said nothing, just stood regarding him. After a moment, he bent down, looming uncomfortably close. “I know we don’t know one another, Vernon,” he said quietly, “but I want you to look me in the eye for a moment, and then tell me that you think I don’t know what it’s like to have to adjust to a new way of living after a bad injury.” Roche’s anger flattened out abruptly, staring into his neighbor’s mangled face. The remaining eye was green, astonishingly green against the medium-brown of the man’s complexion. “Uh,” was all he managed; he didn’t have an answer for that.
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sassaffrassa · 2 years
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i had a mission to undress iorveth and find out what he wears under all those layers
(the answer is more layers)
@bomberqueen17 came up with his frankensteined two-shirts-in-one which is in fact his date-night shirt and don’t ask to see the other one
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between-thepages · 1 year
First and Last Lines
Rules: Go through your last 5 fics and share the first and last line. No context.
I was tagged by @definitely-not-iorveth, thank you 💙
Body and Soul
The door to the bedroom closes behind them, and Geralt immediately turns to Yen, standing there next to him, the golden candlelight reflecting in the hundreds of little gemstones on her elaborate gown.
He could stay like this forever.
Reach me
A loud thud rings out as the object hits the tiled floor of the public bathroom.
“I’d love that. When are you free?”
Nothing beside remains
Iorveth is alive, even if he doesn’t feel like it.
And Iorveth finally weeps.
The Remains of the Spirits
The ghost lamps are already burning, their neon light making the world seem eerie, a constant reminder of the horrors that lurk in the darkness of night.
“I think you’re the first one in a long time, if not ever, who came into close contact with a spirit and lived.”
Fire and Smoke
It is quiet where they are huddled behind the hedges framing Merse’s giant countryside estate, even the birds don’t make noise this time of night.
Isengrim’s grip around Iorveth’s waist grows a little tighter at the mention of Aelirenn, the legendary leader of the rebellion for elven freedom, and Iorveth knows Toruviel has, unintentionally, spoken out loud why Isengrim is here, fighting for them.
It took me a while to do this, so I have no idea who did or didn't do this already, please excuse any double-tags!
Tagging @gleamingsilence, @regis-favorite-raven, @beardedladyqueen, @jayofolympus and @windflowerofskellige, no pressure 💙
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minne-cerbinna · 1 year
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@humble-althemist Thank you for the delightful tags on the post about Yaevinn and Iorveth, I hope you don't mind me addressing them, but it's really just so interesting and engaging to me!! I was equally taken with Yaevinn and Geralt, but Yaevinn and Iorveth are also an interesting pair, I find, despite the fact that they never actually interact on screen. The subtext, though brief, is there, and it’s so very compelling to me. There was a relationship of some kind there, that much can be said for sure. No matter whether or not one takes it as romantic and/or sexual, I think it has to be accepted that there is at least respect and likely some degree of fondness there. Iorveth isn’t the type to mince words when he’s not fond of someone, as can be evidenced in some of his dialogues, but he’s actually quite careful with his word choice about Yaevinn, it would seem. He uses the descriptor “unrealistic”, yes, but it’s not for Yaevinn himself, and he never attacks Yaevinn directly with his criticism. He says that Yaevinn had beautiful dreams and just reasons, and that those reasons were as unrealistic as they were just. It is the world who has no place for this beautiful dreamer, not Iorveth who cannot accept him. Iorveth is in agreement with him, even, he just thinks that Yaevinn could not have rightly expected to fulfil these dreams of his.
There isn’t ever really any more contextualisation of the nature of the relationship that occurred between Yaevinn and Iorveth in the text of the games, just more subtext with which to play. Yaevinn is well-known enough a commander among the Scoia’tael to be deemed “legendary” in his citation in TW3, but he wasn’t a Vrihedd commander, Iorveth was. Additionally, while there are no canon ages given for either of them, it seems likely to me that Yaevinn is the elder of the two; I don’t remember if he confirms that he took part in Aelirenn’s rebellion, but I seem to have a memory of at least the implication of it when he tells Geralt of Aelirenn in the bank robbery sequence, which would put him at least over two hundred years old, with the specifics beyond that getting a little hazy, while Iorveth has been fighting humans for, I believe depending on the dialogue in TW2, either a century or over a century, so he is over a hundred for certain, and beyond that, the specific detail is unsure. Older and potentially more experienced in command, and yet he would have been Iorveth’s subordinate in the Vrihedd Brigade. Did they work closely at all? Did they know each other prior to this? How did they see each other? Yaevinn before his desperate attack at Vizima, Iorveth before he lost his eye, they’d be in quite different positions in the era of the Vrihedd Brigade, which is the last point that can be said for sure that they were both present.
 It’s hard to say with so little evidence to work with, how things were for them. I’m very partial to queer readings of both Yaevinn and Iorveth, and the potential for a relationship there is interesting, but it’s also very interesting to consider it as impartial or platonic, a political relationship, perhaps commander and advisor. There’s so little to be known for sure that one can just run wild with extrapolation.
And, well, with this bit of dialogue that is being examined, there’s some interesting material to work with for both of their characters. I really really like this point, it’s very compelling to me, because it’s absolutely right, it may be dialogue about Yaevinn but it is also very strong characterisation for Iorveth
And one of my favourite things about Iorveth is that he's a bit of a hypocrite? I say this with the utmost fondness, but there are a few different instances I could look at.
Yaevinn is unrealistic for considering combat and killing to be poetry, and Iorveth considers himself wholly logical and correct to take the very poetic stance that war is prose with no place for beauty.
Or like how he says to Geralt that the reason he's pursuing Roche so fervently is because he's going after the first commanders of the anti-elven special forces units across the north – in his own words, "Of the commanders first appointed to such units, he's the only one still alive”, but also in his own words, “"The Temerian Special Forces, created by Foltest to combat the Scoia'tael after the first war with Nilfgaard”, and "Vernon Roche! Special Forces Commander for the last four years". No matter whether one takes the book timeline or the modified timeline established in TW1 (the Battle of Brenna therefore being placed in 1265), Roche having been Special Forces Commander for the "last four years" would place him as making command rank in 1268 if Iorveth includes the current year in his count, and at the earliest 1267 if Iorveth does not include the current year, which is in both cases places him after or at least during the second war with Nilfgaard, which makes his point of referral very odd unless Roche is not the first commander after all.
Or how “our women are prepared to die” when he doesn’t want to risk turning back during the escape on the prison barge and risk the lives of the collective for a few, but what leads him to challenge his alliance with Letho and ultimately to capture the prison barge is Geralt referring to his right-hand man; in that moment of challenge, he risks it all for Ciaran’s sake, on Ciaran’s say-so.
Or how he insists Saskia is “different”, that she’s special, but she is not only the same as the others, her broad strokes are pretty well exactly the same as the one who came before her – a personally powerful but politically disadvantaged queen who had the Scoia’tael fight and die for her victory, and when she claimed the valley, she cast them aside. While there is certainly more nuance to each situation, it pretty neatly parallels with what Iorveth describes as having happened with Francesca Findabair and the Vrihedd Brigade when Saskia disparages Iorveth and his Scoia’tael as murderers and terrorists after they’re the ones who won the valley for her, fought and died in her name.
That’s his idealism speaking, the whole entanglement with Saskia is idealism – the fact that he is responsible for the tales of Saskia the Dragonslayer? He told the whole world of the woman that he loved, whether it was a romantic love or a platonic sort of adoration, and that love raised an army, it’s idealism in action, and it’s a powerful idealism. While it can certainly be said that allying oneself to a dragon is a good idea, that's not the source of Iorveth's attachment, it's evident in the way he speaks of her that it's more than that. It sort of begs the question that if Iorveth can do so much on his own, what could he have done if he had shared in Yaevinn’s dreams? If they’d been united, rather than apart?
(As an aside, it’s kind of funny to hold them in juxtaposition like this because, like, Iorveth is the one who gets called a terrorist for ultimately having a regimented and orderly combat with another military force, and Yaevinn is commemorated as a “legendary Scoia’tael commander” rather than a terrorist when he’s the one who basically burnt a city to the ground.)
But nevertheless, Iorveth’s perceived hypocrisy over the notion of idealism is also very interesting as far as his characterisation goes, because the point of the matter is determining what, exactly, is truthful and intentional. He expresses a pretty clear stance on most matters in which he opines, but he must be therefore scrutinised for these stances. As I can see it, the likely possibilities are that he is actually being hypocritical and contradicting himself, that he is lying to others to make a certain impression, or that he is lying to himself.
To apply this to the quandary of Yaevinn and these beautiful dreams, Iorveth might perhaps contradict himself because he wants to decry the perceived lack of realism behind Yaevinn’s reasoning despite being equally fanciful in his endeavours for Saskia. He might also perhaps lie about his stance to make himself seem more eminently practical and capable in front of an ally like Geralt; he isn’t chasing a dream, he has plans and strategies and resources, he has the tools for success. He might also state this aloud as though to affirm it to himself – Yaevinn was a dreamer, and had grandiose visions of a better future and all the right reasons behind him, but Yaevinn failed, and Iorveth is too practical and grounded to fall prey to the same fate.He wants to believe this, he needs to believe this, he cannot fail, and so he affirms it to someone else, as though that might make it real. 
It’s interesting to take this interpretation and juxtapose it with Yaevinn’s apparent disillusionment in TW1, the ways in which they react when the pressure is on. Yaevinn, who is just so tired of the fighting but pushing on anyway and ensuring that every necessary step is taken, to the point of being curt with his friends and companions, like his rather terse letter to Golan Vivaldi, cuts out the idealism of a free nation of elves or a future in which humans are driven into the sea and settles for simply clawing out some modicum of progress for the remaining generations, some small respect or accommodation or freedom hard-won from the humans. Iorveth, on the contrary, leans in more heavily to this idealism, to the idea that Saskia is their best and greatest hope for freedom in the north, that she will win, that she will make things better, she must, she simply has to, because otherwise Iorveth has staked his hopes on her for nothing. And it's also very interesting to have Geralt kind of mired in the centre of all this, an ally and object of affection for both of them, faced with their bravado and cynicism and idealism, as muted or misguided as it may end up being. Geralt is there, Geralt takes part in the battles, Geralt is asked to share in the beautiful dreams.
There's so much more that one could examine even just relating to this little sample, especially if one traverses adaptations and references multiple canons -- Yaevinn's book characterisation versus his game characterisation, for instance, or what Iorveth in the games borrows from Isengrim as a character and how that influences his structure as a character, the inclusion of other characters, like Toruviel, who is linked to Yaevinn and his long-standing rebellion, or Ciaran, the loyal adjutant at Iorveth's side, and what their interpersonal relationships mean to them in the context of their ideals and their motivations for continuing their battle against the oppressive humans. Something I find really intriguing in the context of this matter is the notion that Yaevinn expresses in TW1 that he did once live among humans for a time, and that also shaped his views of humanity and the rebellion, while Iorveth does not seem to have had that experience of intermingling. This is such a small little passage of dialogue and I really think about it a lot. There’s so much that can be extrapolated from so little.
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