dreamofbecoming · 1 month
reminder that since one of marina’s favorite victims closed their asks (totally understandable, no one should have to put up with constant harassment) she’s going to start sending asks to random users out of lim’s likes and followers. she may message you even if you have never posted about her ship or any of the characters she’s fixated on. Do Not Engage! she feeds off of negative attention. she wants you to reply and be angry or annoyed or even confused. if you get an ask about roche and ciri, or iorveth or cerys, just block and delete. do not feed the trolls.
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laurikarauchscat · 1 month
The whole witcher fandom is evil people who can only shit up an unwanted ship and write a lot of nasty things about it.
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@marinamd @whereisvernilla @lady-star-moon
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valandhirwriter · 9 months
Two new Roche Stories
After my great fan went from writing to me, to writing to my friend, going as far as sending 100 messages in one night, I decided to write that Roche/Ciri story she was so looking for. So here we go. Another smaller Roche story comes as the top of the cherry.
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this is a blog for people who wonder why they got this ask and the answer is "don't worry she sends this to anyone, it's best to just ignore her"
there is one person who is angry that not everyone is into her ship and tries to force it on us all
you did nothing wrong, you're not the only one, sorry you got spammed just because she jumped thru follower lists and saw your name and randomly picked you
I'm reblogging asks that were sent to people who have nothing to do with this part of fandom or already told her to stop sending these kinds of asks so we all know that this is just random spam, nothing to lose your energy over
there is no sense in arguing and please don't attack her, she craves bad attention, just ignore future asks, mark as spam, delete and block (tho she uses vpn)
if you want to know more go to @marinamd29-stopharassingpeople
or read @she-who-drank-vodka-with-cats posts recounting a full year of trying to reason with marina aka the roche/ciri anon
yes, people were nice and polite to here and still got anon hate in their inbox
PS: Her Instagram account dedicated to the ship has over 800 followers and each post gets some comment and likes. I don't know why she's so desperately looking for more approval from random people on tumblr instead of interacting more with those who like her ship, too
I didn't want to share her accounts before, because I worry that people will use it to do exactly what she accuses everyone of, but it's the best way to limit the anon asks. blocking an anon blocks the IP address, but since she uses VPN, she can still send anons from her usual blogs. if you block those blogs directly, she has to create new ones before being able to send you more asks. Just, please, only use this to block her, don't become the asshole sending around hate yourself
@colorfulwerewolfkingdom (prev. @whereisvernilla )
@tigerlyla-of-metinnaaaa (this one can also be reported as spam since it's a doxing account)
new blogs [last edit 17th June 2024] :
these are just the ones I know of, could be that she has more (please write if you know another one), and as I said, please only use this info for blocking purposes, not to attack her
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naidleen · 4 months
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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015)
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piranhaincaps · 3 months
What if Vernon Roche runs into Ciri (while she is sad and drunk) in a tavern and cheers her up with he stories?
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i don't take prompts atm
but the prospect of Roche cheering up Ciri as they share stories about their loves was too cute to resist a quick sketch 😊
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sassaffrassa · 5 months
can you please share bitty crochet ciri here? pleaseeee? she's so cute. i want to Reblog Her.
yessss hello look at her she's so cute and little
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my heart and soul. i made her like 2? years ago? one of my first, and i'm inclined to remake her now that i've made everyone else uh tall
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jay-arts-t · 2 months
Roche/Ciri, please?
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I don’t really indulge in Ciri ships bc she’s baby in my mind but they’re cute!!
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tumbleweedtech · 3 months
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Oh get fucked you dipshit. No one bothered with you or cared about your ship until you started attacking people for the "crime" of liking a different ship than you. I'd forgotten you existed and was all the better for it. Sure, fine. Vernilla forever, it's vanilla and boring and stupid, just like you. I shall stop enjoying the fandom I'm in, that has nothign to do with you, and come back just to write you some stupid blonde bimbo who lays back to get fucked in boring, uninteresting, and unpleasant ways by some smelly fucking war criminal who barely gets it up because he's too goddamn old and tired. He's just huffing and puffing away on top of her like some pathetic lump. How's that for pillow princess, you dumb fuck? At least check if 1) people are even still in your fandom, or 2) taking prompts, you utter fucking shit stain. You are the worst part of fandom. I wish your computer would melt. You do not deserve the internet. I hope your phone battery never holds a charge, every plug in your home fries the motherboard of every computer you have forever, and every ship you ever love is never, ever more than a rarepair that only you and the nice people you trick with prompts bother to write for. You lost any chance at kindness and/or respect from me when you attacked people who had nothing to do with you, when you sent inappropriate gifs to minors and you harassed people WHO HAD NEVER EVEN WRITTEN ROCHE BEFORE. Now go away, @whereisvernilla . Go the fuck away and don't ever come back. Because all you're doing is making me hate Ciri as a character since you can't fucking comprehend that people not writing your ship doesn't mean they dislike it, or dislike the characters. IT JUST MEANS THEY LIKE OTHER THINGS. Fucking moron. I swear to god if you had two braincells it'd be because one was solely dedicated to keeping you breathing, you goddamn idiot. I swear to every god you don't understand the concept of fantasy, of preferences, or consent. You keep telling us to go to hell. WELL BITCH ILL MEET YOU THERE. this is the fucking stupidest motherfucker I have ever met both in person and online and i've met some really, really fucking stupid people.
And for everyone who has no fucking idea what's going on, sorry. This dipshit has evaded blocks, sent emails, dms, asks, both anon and not, full of bigoted slurs, she's stolen fics and art that she's edited and reposted, she's sent sexual things to minors, she's sent sexual things unasked for to people, she has been asked, told, demanded, and reported. She comes around every now and then and Drums up drama crying about how no one likes her ship when all we were doing was cheerfully enjoying doing our own things and ignoring her. Note: Been dealing with her bullshit for years now. Yelling at her makes her leave me alone for a few months.
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hyla-maxima · 7 months
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dreamofbecoming · 4 months
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valandhirwriter · 8 months
For the last time: just stop making a nuisance of yourself. Stop pestering people with your messages, stop leaving weird comments, or sending pictures. Right now you have racked up over 10 Comments and messages already, and I'll really have to think of some new story about Roche. Stay away, and I'll not think of the next crazy adventure for him, though I think the toads were quite funny.
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marinamd29 · 1 year
Friends play Gwint
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the witcher + ao3
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tigerlyla-of-metinna · 3 months
Did you get an anon (we know who you are) asking this?
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Do you think, anon marina that I wouldn't recognize my own post?
You just changed the following:
empress ending-> witcher ending
becoming Empress -> becoming wife
Morvran-> Roche
Papa Emhyr-> Papa Geralt
...and then sending this back to me. You deface my edits and art (and others art), impersonating me-
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I bet you were cackling in the midst of your vandalism- and plagiarism- spree.
Now copying my own post, replacing some words. And you have the nerve asking me for understanding? Read the previous advice I gave you about dealing with negative criticism because I AM DONE advising one who refuse- time and time again- to listen!
I used to like Vernilla. USED TO!
Let me repeat what I said previously: The ship isn't the problem. It is you!
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