#ipad point of sale system
eatos-blog · 1 year
0 notes
foone · 2 months
The way it works is it's a surgery to make you immune to a bullet.
Note, that's not the same as being immune to bullets. You're only immune to a single shot: if someone shoots you twice, you're dead.
You can take the surgery again, though. The only real limitation is that you gotta wait 2-3 weeks between each time. But if you've got the money and the time, you can be as bulletproof as you want.
It doesn't "refill", by the way. Often when the surgery is explained people think it's like "a bullet a day" or "you can get shot once a year" or whatever. Nope! Once you've been shot it's just like you never had that surgery to begin with. If you want to "refill" that immunity? You have the surgery again.
No, there's no upper limit to how many times you can go, that we know of at least. There's one guy in Florida who has made it "his thing" to get the surgery as often as he can. He's currently up to about 50. Obviously there's some people online who've said they're gonna shoot this guy and lower his "record", just to be countrary.
Anyway I'm sure there'd be people who have even higher numbers (anyone who has "getting shot" as a major occupational risk, ie, politicians, soldiers, cops, and anyone doing any kind of residental survey in rural areas), but they only invented the surgery like three years ago, it's just simple math: you can't do much better than that guy.
The invention of the surgery hasn't done much to decrease gun sales, though. I mean, there's been a slight increase in people buying guns with larger capacity, for what I'd consider obvious reasons.
I did see an article suggesting that in the long run it might end up increasing the sale of guns. See their analysis is that two factors are going to drive up gun ownership:
1. People will be more willing to shoot at trespassers and thieves and such, because it'll be more like a warning shot: if they have some immunity, it won't be murder. So far that hasn't really happened as not that many people have the surgery yet. Although it's spreading fast, only major cities have surgeons trained in it, and often waits for surgery can be months long.
2. Conversely, people are going to be more likely to break in and rob and trespass if they know they can't be shot dead for it, because they got the surgery. There'll be a minor uptick in home invasions and such and this'll cause a big predictable panic among middle class homeowners who are now terrified some hooligan is gonna break into their house to steal their iPads. Thus they go throw money at security systems and cameras and guns.
So who knows at this point. If the cost (in both time and money) comes down, maybe it becomes super common for people to be so effectively invulnerable to guns that there's really no point in owning one?
I do agree with the common consensus that this is going to drive a big increase in crimes committed with knives and such. Why take a risk that your target might be immune?
Which reminds me of another thing to clarify because sometimes people online get this very wrong: it's only for bullets! You are not immune to getting hit by a car or poisoned or set on fire. Don't walk into traffic or anything, jesus.
Oh one last thing: there is a blood test that can tell if you have immunity, but it can't tell how many times you've had the surgery. You gotta figure that out yourself: so ask your doctor, search your emails, something. Every day I'm hearing from healthcare workers saying someone came in to get the blood test and it had to be explained to them that we can't tell how much protection you have: only if it's there or not. And I feel like a fool for having to say this, but REMEMBER to subtract any times you've got shot! (if you have been) Obviously!
EDIT: In light of recent events, people are sharing this post and arguing about it a lot, but let me be clear: grazes and small cuts do not count! The exact dividing line is too complicated to explain here (look up "circulatory shock" on Wikipedia), but basically if you don't end up with a big hole in you, the shot doesn't trigger the immunity.
That's how it works: you could have an ear blown clean off, and you'd still not trigger an immunity. So please stop spreading that idiotic conspiracy theory that a former president didn't have any immunity. You can barely run a high-school without being required to have immunity to hold the position, because what if someone shoots you? Come on! Of course he has immunity.
For all we know he's got some prototype experimental shit they use on president's that got him up to 200 in a couple days. There's endless rumors of the DoD funding billions in black budget items to that sort of thing, because of course. Who wouldn't want a way to make bulletproof soldiers? You don't think the soviets are pouring even more into it?
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siremasterlawrence · 1 year
Lawrence’s Playground: Best Seller
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A year later in my mansion sitting on my red and gold throne the main center piece of the living room in a splendid glorification of my
Both of my slaves stand next to me on each side of my throne with arms crossed over their bodies and it is amazing to see them guard me.
The factory facility where I keep all of my Doll storage is below the building I now
truly inhabit with all the wealth that I have manage to accrue in a year.
Instructing them to come forth in front of me as ordered I laugh a bit pointing to the floor as they kneel laid before me and they kiss my hands.
They are distracted with his arms wrapping on to my knees as they knelt their skin onto it and they fall even deeper under my control for the longterm.
The gigantic black iPad button is pressed as the circle blew up in a bolt light encircling it shining it in his face as it scan my finger and takes it in.
The humongous television screen descends from the ceiling opening coming straight face to face with me turning on with a buzz signal.
The screen expands fixing on to the whole entirety of the back wall covering it up and completely showcasing my next protect name Chris.
I pick up the remote control pressing play rather lightly a character mold of the brand new model of Slave Chris a guy I found at a bar.
Slave all notices in shock of the events that are about to unfold I can see the extreme nervousness apparently on his real facial expression
Slave Eric combined with this effect to work even harder to get my attention tugging at my shirt he removes my jacket and undo my shirt.
Slave Al lifts the under wear over my head onto the floor, his hands are on my belt then pulls down my pants and remove both of my socks and shoes.
Snapping my finger they open the door for
Chris to enter the room he walks into the area onto the base I left for him both slaves are not happy.
I slap the hard to get into attention to which they respond they grab two bags from the back room landing on the floor unzipping it on the floor:
They each take a spray can of deodorant aerosol spray using it to aim at his body from head to toe spraying him to my ideal body spray.
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“Pose for me Chris”
“Take off his glasses”
“Excellent! Remove the clothes from the bag “
“Place them on the floor”
“Empty the bag”
“Slowly dress him”
“Take your time “
“Let me enjoy this”
“Are we pleasing you?”
“In every fiber of my being”
“How does he smell?”
“The shirt and those pants”
“Very tight”
“Is that a problem?”
“Of course not “
“We did well”
The end
Lawrence’s Playground: Batteries Included
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“Master Lawrence!”
“What bois?”
“Your sales have hit high notes”
“Three million in sales”
“Lovely! Quite a success”
“Do you understand how Godly you are?”
“Please say yes Master”
“You think I don’t “
“No Sir!”
“Don’t be ridiculous “
“Forgive us”
“We kneel”
“Show me the sales chart”
“Introduce the new model”
“As you wish “
The next thing I know all three appear with a three point system setting up camera and lights.
I stand in my chair using an electric pointer and press play as the screen starts to play over the screen.
I laugh dropping the pointer to explain all of it to them that you must do as I say as true owner.
Walking through my facility I inform whoever the television viewer is that my factory it on non stop activity.
We have sales hitting over three million on a trajectory to reaching a total five million in a thrill go sales.
This will happen in about a week however
it cannot happen till we introduce my new slave model Andrew W Walker.
He is handsome, adventurous, not super spry or young enough, he is fun, and love sports.
A great dancer who will take you on a ride of your life, if you choose this model you will never be bored.
He will rock your world chucking you into the bed, climb over and worshiping every inch of your body.
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“Andrew is being processed”
“Oh Master Lawrence!”
“Get to work “
“Chris clean him up”
“The rest get him dress”
“Chris “
“You are my property “
“I own you “
“Control you “
“Transform me”
“What are you thinking?”
“You are the man of my dreams”
“I am your king”
“Kneel at my feet”
“Kiss me”
“Worship me”
“Strip me”
“Kiss every inch”
“Suck, kiss and lick me”
The end
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be-co-me · 1 year
Party Foul
Terushima Yuuji
A/N: I've had this in the works for two years now! I decided to finish it off tonight and will edit it later. Thank you all for being patient with me as I do write slowly. I have a LOT of things going on in my life between work and college, so I appreciate the patience!
5.6k Words
Summary: You meet the life of the party at your mundane coffee shop job on campus. You get invited to a party that takes an awry turn.
Your morning job at the most popular coffee house on campus proved useful as you needed money for your small time volleyball club, the money now going towards club tee shirts for rush week. The men's team was one of the most watched on campus, gaining trophy after trophy while your club hid in the shadows. It was a small time club, co-gendered, for the outcasts that couldn't be on a team and the men who didn't make it into the big leagues.
Your shift usually went from 6am to 12pm, and then you went to whatever classes the day brought on; volleyball club, and then home to binge watch whatever show sounded appealing at the time. Today was one of those busy days and hopefully tonight when you showed up to club, you'd be lucky enough to have a few more applicants. As of now there weren't very many people.
The morning shift was usually extremely slow. You served around ten people an hour, giving you time to slave away over your colossal amount of homework, occasionally serving coffees, teas, and pastries to sleep hungry patrons.
You were finally able to reserve the courts for your club to play. Usually the men's team ended up being deemed more important as their many upcoming tournaments required much more practice than usual, resulting in your club being kicked off of the court, late notice. Today you hadn't heard from the men's team's manager, therefore club tonight was still a go.
You leaned slackly onto the counter, daydreaming into your textbook, trying to finish whatever homework you could as early as possible. You'd like to think of yourself as a model student, a 3.75 GPA, only tainted by one extra credit assignment not submitted by your teacher in time, a last ditch effort to turn a B into an A. You were getting a master's degree, told that once you got your bachelor's, if you did well enough, they would pay for your master's degree and land you a job while you attended school.
A patient cough led you out of your daydreaming and you eyed the culprit in alarm.
"Sorry! Got kind of distracted there." you said possibly a little too loud, a nervous smile creeping its way onto your face.
"That's alright! We've all gotta find some time to do our homework anywhere that we can." he responded, a nervous smile laid across his lips as well, long fingers rubbing the back of his neck.
"Isn't that the truth? Anyways, what can I get for ya?" you asked, positioning yourself in front of the small outdated iPad deemed worthy of becoming a point of sales system.
He eyed the menu, seemingly wanting to stray from his usual order. After a few seconds of eyeing the menu, his eyes met yours.
"Um, I guess I'll have a cold brew please. And could you add some vanilla? And also oat milk instead of whole. Not a huge fan of milk." he said, a small laugh filling the otherwise silent air. His fingers continued brushing through to his hair.
"I'm not too big a fan of regular milk either. Oat milk is the best choice! Anything else for today?" you asked. His eyes, again, met yours for a few seconds, then glanced back to the menu. Your eyes lingered on his face, his attractiveness only now beginning to make itself known to you. His tongue peeked out between his lips, his tongue piercing making itself known as it clinked against his teeth. The feeling of butterflies began to pool warmly into your stomach.
His eyes met yours once again, his lips pursed almost as if he wanted to say something but wasn't sure if he had wanted to. It seemed he had finally decided to do so when his mouth opened again.
"Have you had a coffee yet? Or tea? It's quite early and you seem like you could use it." he said, hand removed from his hair, a long finger pointing towards your battered textbook.
Your eyes followed where he was pointing, meeting your textbook, before looking into his nervous ones again.
"I haven't yet, but I could always get one before heading off to class." you replied, waving off his question. Was he going to buy you one? He didn't have to do that. You could always make the excuse that you got them for free, so he didn't have to buy you one, but if your boss saw you taking a coffee, he would surely have an aneurysm. Then again, a hot stranger buying you coffee wasn't the worst your previously uneventful morning could go...
"Let me buy you one. I'm sure you could use it after working and also having class. It's my good deed of the day." he responded. Well... you'd be silly to not take him up on his offer. You responded with a nod.
"What would you like to get for me?" you asked. You didn't want to order your usual drink, while quite cheap and tasty, his drink of choice was a bit cheaper than your own. You wouldn't want to seem like you're high balling a coffee off of him. Especially after you've only just met.
"Get your usual. I'm sure you have one if you're working here." he responded, pointing around the coffee shop. You nodded, entering in your usual order, he insisted after all, also with an oat milk substitute.
"1468.36¥ please. (10.56 USD)" you said. He pushed a debit card across the counter and you picked it up, sliding it.
"Don't worry about the tip or anything. Just sign for me." you stated, turning around to make the coffees. You put extra attention into his own, more than the usual customer would get. You heard the small printer print it's usual slip of paper and he ripped it off, shoving it into his jacket pocket. Your poor attempt at "latte" art on the top of his coffee showed your attention and you slid it across the counter to him with the lid off so he could admire your work.
"Not too bad. I haven't had any art on my coffees yet, especially with the cold foam on top of the cold brew. I'd imagine that's pretty hard to do." he said.
"Yeah. It's a little difficult. A lot of popular coffee shops says it isn't possible, but you never know until you try." you said, the atmosphere's tension seeming to ease as your conversation went on. You exchanged a few more brief words with him before he eyed his watch, nearing 8:00, he shortened his goodbyes as he began his hasty rush to class, a "see you again" mixed into his sentence. You smiled.
Your eyes met the iPad he had signed on to see quite a hefty tip for a couple of coffees and a bit of guilt pooled into your stomach. You hadn't forced him to, even told him not to leave a tip, yet he had anyways. You smiled even wider, exiting out of the system before your eyes met your textbook once again, finishing off your reading assignment before your first class, sipping on your sloppily made coffee that you didn't put near as much attention into.
It was in your third class of the day, a large lecture hall full of people wishing they weren't forced to take a general biology course. You saw a blonde mop of hair, sipping on a coffee from the coffee shop, who looked eerily similar to the boy you had met this morning. Once he turned his head to ease into conversation with the boy next to him did you see it was, in fact, him. He was now rid of the jacket and scarf he had been wearing earlier in the morning.
You were sure you would have noticed someone like him before in class. You tended to sit in the back and observe. No heads could block your view of the board due to the raised level of your seat in the lecture hall, even if you did have to squint your eyes slightly to see the words.
His head cocked back to look behind him briefly and he turned to face forward again. Seconds later, though, his wide eyes met your own and he smiled brightly and waved towards your direction. You smiled and waved back, picking your coffee up so he could see it. He held a thumbs up.
"Terushima, can you please pay attention to the lecture?" the professor paused, and he abashedly turned to face the board, and you sunk behind your own laptop.
Once class had let out, as you packed your things, you noticed he had stayed behind, making his way up the steps through the throngs of people, to where you were seated. You made eye contact with him when he finally had made it a few feet away.
You stood, throwing your backpack over your shoulder, and walked out of class with him, throwing your now empty coffee cup into the recycling bin. You walked in silence for some time before he finally spoke.
"So... What are your plans after your classes for the day?" he asked. You stopped walking once you made it outside, his tall stature keeping the sun out of your eyes.
"I have club tonight. If we don't get kicked out of the gym again that is. But I haven't heard anything yet." you responded with a shrug of your shoulders. You were really hopeful that this week you could get a couple of games in as you hadn't had the chance to play for nearly three weeks.
"Why would you be kicked out of the gym?" he asked, shifting his weight onto his other leg.
"Well, I run a small volleyball club, because the women can't have an official team and the men who still want to play, but don't make it on the official team, join this club. We get kicked off the court pretty often when the official men's team has tournaments coming up though. I admire their persistence, but I want to play as well." you said. His mouth was slightly agape and his eyes had slightly widened at your comment.
"They really kick you off?" he asked, leaning ever so slightly closer to you. He sounded guilty.
"Yeah. But like I said, I admire their perseverance to win and play. I'm a little jealous of it in fact. I wish I could go to an actual tournament and play at some point in college. I wish they'd allow our team to." you told him. He nodded, quiet again for a few moments.
"I could maybe work something out for you. You said you have a meeting tonight right?" he asked, a sly smile finding his lips. You nodded.
"Can I come play too?" he asked. You shrugged, nodding once more.
"Sure, anyone can come try it out. We need some more people anyways. You'd do well since you're tall. You could block and spike. I bet you'd be good at that. Do you have any experience?" And that was the question to start it all.
"Let's just say, I've played a bit." he responded, that sly grin fully at its wake now.
Your meet up location was in the coffee shop, once your classes had all let up and he finished whatever his day brought to him, at 6pm. You rushed through the small plaza leading into the cafeteria's colossal range of fast foods and drinks, pulling the heavy glass door open.
You walked into the coffee shop area, giving a quick wave to your coworker once her eyes met yours. She returned an excited wave. You looked around the many patrons sitting amongst the many tables, scanning for the same mop of sandy hair.
You heard a whistle and looked towards it, your eyes meeting his. He smiled and waved you over. His sturdy frame leaned against a pole, discarding his cell phone into his jacket pocket.
"Wanna get anything to eat or drink before we go play?" he asked. You shrugged.
"If you want to. I ate a little while ago, so I'm not really all that hungry. If you'd like, I can repay you for this morning." you responded.
"I'm all good if you are. Maybe after we play we can." he stated, readjusting his bag onto his shoulder. You nodded, beginning your trek to the gym. It was about a six to eight minute walk through the large campus and you chatted idly about your boring bio lecture on the way.
You told him what your major was, and you were sort of excited to hear he had gone into a master's degree program as well. Even better though, you were both in the same year.
You opened the door to the old gym and pushed it further open behind you for him to enter. You walked through the hallway and into the gym, setting your things down onto the stage.
"Wanna help me put the net up?" you asked. No one from club had arrived yet as it was still a bit early. Club didn't start until 7.
"Yeah! I'll help you out." he responded. You walked to the other side of the gym, going to the supply room, which held the cart containing everything you would need to put up the net.
You pulled a heavy pole off of the cart, him doing the same as you anchored it into it's designated slot in the floor. You looked up as he did the same, making sure the pole was adjusted to the correct height. You then grabbed the net together, unfolding it and lining it up on either side and attaching it to the poles. You tightened it and looked up to make sure he didn't need any help. He did it perfectly.
You quickly attached the safety pads and the antenna, the doors revealing the first patrons to show up to your club. Hopefully everyone would show up tonight. You didn't have a coach either so it was really left to you. You quickly ran back to the storage room, grabbing the ball cart and pushing it onto the court. At least you had a ball cart.
You grabbed a few of the balls and began tossing them to the club members so they could warm up, together or in their lonesome. There was still fifteen minutes before club actually started. You grabbed one for yourself and eyed Terushima.
"Wanna warm up together?" you asked. He nodded, and you took your place across from him bumping and setting the ball across the court from each other. He was good at it and you began to get suspicious.
Eventually, it came time to start club. You had twenty people including yourself and Terushima, definitely better than the ten or so that usually showed up. You hoisted yourself onto the stage, whistling to gain everyone's attention.
"Welcome everyone! I'm excited to see we have more people joining us this evening. I was thinking today that we would split off into separate teams and play a few games. I know we haven't seen each other in quite a while, so definitely warm up first, but go ahead and pair up into teams. We should have three teams of six and one of five which I will join, pick your positions carefully." you finished, hopping off of the stage, watching as everyone paired up.
You began to practice and warm up with Terushima. You reflected on how interesting your day had become since he walked into the coffee shop that morning. Usually your day consisted of the same old things and it got quite boring, quite fast.
"So when did you start playing?" he piped up, setting the ball towards you.
"Well, probably towards the end of high school is when I got pretty interested in sports and playing volleyball, but I wasn't great. I made it onto the team but was pretty much a permanent bench warmer." you laughed, passing the ball back towards his direction.
"I'd say you play pretty well for pretty much a newbie." he responded. You set the ball towards him, a question brewing in your mind. Maybe you could get some answers to your suspicions.
"When did you start playing?" you asked in return. Now that you thought about it, you hadn't shown him how to do anything at all. He pretty much jumped straight in.
"Since grade school. I've been a fan of it since then." he responded. You passed the ball quietly back and forth until you were warmed up, everyone beginning to gather into their selected groups. Terushima, of course, was on your team.
"Alright, two teams to a court of course" you told them, everyone picking a court to play on. You could really jump into playing whenever you wanted. You set your team up and got ready to play. You always played back row and developed your skills in defense and setting quite well over the few years you have played. The role of libero fit you well.
Terushima started off with serving the ball and seeing the serve fly over the net was insane. You didn't know someone could serve a ball like that. You were scared, but also excited at the thought of possibly being on the receiving end at some point. The same surprise arose again when he spiked, completely clearing the blockers on the opposing team.
"What is up with you? You're really good at this." you asked. What was he hiding from you?
"Oh... I'm on the men's team." he responded, a little too casually. You stood in awe and bewilderment before responding.
"Why wouldn't you tell me that?!" his eyes met your own and he smiled, shrugging his shoulders. You continued playing and won the game by a landslide, the same events occurring until you finished your allotted time for the club. A bruise making its way onto your arms after receiving one of his spikes.
After some iffy fast food you ate ate the cafeteria, you parted ways. You had the same lecture together daily, so you were sure you would see him again.
The next morning, whilst you didn't have to work at the coffee shop, you still ran late to your lecture. Ten minutes late in fact. You hadn't been late before, but you fell asleep at your desk doing homework and missed your first two classes.
You were terrified to go into the lecture, around eighty people would stare at you as you walked shamefully to the back of the lecture hall. You wish you had stopped for a coffee if you were already going to be late anyways.
You huffed a deep breath, heaving the lecture hall door open as quietly as possible, making eye contact with your professor. You sheepishly walked through the lecture hall as quickly as you could. You felt as if everyone was staring, when in reality, they could absolutely care less than to spare a glance at you.
You looked up as you neared your seat and Terushima's widened eyes met your own. You smiled, your cheeks a bit red from the embarrassment, and sat in your seat. You quickly took your laptop out and pulled up the material the class was currently on.
About five minutes later, Terushima shuffled up to the vacant seat in front of your own. He donned two coffees on his desk, one eerily resembling your usual. Your suspicions were confirmed when he placed it on your desk. You gawked at him.
"I didn't think you'd show up." he said. You leaned down so you could hear him better and he could hear your own words.
"I fell asleep at my desk doing homework and didn't set an alarm." you whispered. Your eyes met the coffee now sitting on your desk. "Thank you for the coffee. You didn't have to do that. How'd you remember my order anyways? I never told it to you." you told him.
He pulled a receipt from his pocket and you realized when he paid he had gotten a copy of it and your order was printed neatly onto it. You looked up and the professor's stern eyes met your own. You slowly leaned back into your chair, picking the coffee up and hiding behind your laptop for the remainder of the lecture.
After lecture, you asked Terushima for the notes you had missed, catching up at the coffee shop with the coffees he had bought that morning. Once you finished, you really didn't know what to do for the rest of the day.
"So, uh..." Terushima said, his hand brushing behind his neck. "My fraternity is having a party tonight and if you aren't doing anything you're invited. It's pretty much your usual frat party, but we have a sand court and a pool so it'll probably be pretty big." he blurted out, awaiting your response.
You thought for a second. You didn't have any homework tonight, it was Thursday and you didn't have any classes or work tomorrow, and you really didn't have any plans for the evening.
You shrugged your shoulders. "Yeah, I'll go." you responded. He smiled, spouting out the details of the party.
You began to get antsy and excited. What would you wear? Did you have any swimsuits that weren't dingy? You didn't really swim besides with your family. What alcohol would you bring? Did you need to bring any at all?
You swooped into the liquor store on the corner of the street your apartment was on, picking up a twelve pack of whatever you had seen everyone raging about lately. You needed to contribute something.
You then burst into your apartment, telling your roommate it was all hands on deck and you needed to find something cute to wear, but also comfy as you were sure you would end up playing some volleyball.
Once you settled on your clothes, you found yourself in front of your mirror, the makeup you had previously applied quite faded. If it was a party where you would swim, should you wear any makeup? Would it look like you were trying too hard? Maybe a small amount that looked natural? You settled on that and quickly swiped some on.
You then came to your hair, scrolling through Pinterest for some cute hairstyles. Your roommate offered some help and settled on something half up half down. Your roommate looked at he master work and gave you a thumbs up. You eyed the time on your phone. You had thirty minutes before the party technically started.
You decided you would walk there instead of driving. You weren't one to drink much, but also hadn't been to a campus party besides something small for Halloween the prior year. You scrolled your phone as you walked through campus, making your way to the aforementioned fraternity house. Before rounding the street corner, you could already hear music blaring.
You walked to the front door, already open from the people who entered before you and eyed around. You texted Terushima, who had given you his number to send you the notes. A few minutes later, you eyed him shoving through the crowd and making his way to you. You smiled and stuffed your phone into your pocket.
"Finally made it. What'd you bring?" he asked, pointing to the twelve pack in your hand. You hoisted it up so he could get a better look. "Just whatever was popular. I've been wanting to try these anyways." you responded. He took them from your hands.
"Let's put them in the refrigerator so they stay cold. I'll show you around the house." he responded. You followed him, staying close behind and bumped shoulders with a few people, muttering apologies they didn't seem to hear over the music.
You fished a drink out of the box before putting them away, Terushima already sporting a bottle of some domestic beer. He gave you a run down tour of the three story house. It was nicer than you thought a fraternity house would be. You imagined a nasty house, as you'd heard many of the other fraternities had donned. You thankfully hadn't seen them in person.
He introduced you to a few of the fraternity members, who were all on the volleyball team. Then it was time to let loose a little bit.
You followed him around the party, meeting new people and seeing some familiar faces, from the coffee shop, classes, or just in general around campus. You bobbed to the music next to his side, sipping the drink you had occasionally.
You meandered to the pool area outside, which looked like it would sit behind a mansion. You wondered how a fraternity could manage to get such a nice pool. You'd have to ask about it later.
You were now brought into Terushima's conversation, being introduced to some of his team and fraternity members. You dodged people running or simply passing by as the pool took up much of the outside area, there wasn't much walking room.
The night mostly continued as such until Terushima had made his way to a patio chair next to the pool, sitting down. You did the same on the one across from him. They sat quite close to the edge. You would have to see if you could come over and work on your tan a bit.
"Having a fun time so far?" he asked. You nodded, taking another sip of your drink, gazing around the back patio.
"This is a nice house! Most of the fraternity houses are pretty nice, but you guys keep this one pretty clean." you responded. He chuckled at the comment, taking a swig of his own drink. You had to admit, this was a pretty fun party.
"Wanna dip your feet in the pool? It should feel pretty nice after sitting in the sun all day." he asked. You nodded and moved to follow him to the pool. The lights inside orbed rainbow colors as it was now night time. This house just got cooler and cooler the more you noticed of it.
You both stepped towards the edge of the pool, getting ready to sit and remove your shoes, but before your feet could touch the water, you felt a hard push from behind. Your eyes widened and you let out a surprised screech, reaching out to Terushima and trying to grab ahold of him, but to no avail, he was headed towards the water as fast as you were.
You didn't even have time to remove your phone and other things from you pockets before you hit the water with a large splash. Water rushed into your nose and mouth as you inhaled trying to shout about your phone. You were fully submerged. Your make up, your electronics, your clothes, your shoes.
You felt two strong arms envelope you and you were suddenly breaking the surface of the water, coughing once oxygen hit your lungs. You felt yourself being lugged quickly to the edge of the pool as you rubbed at your eyes to try and catch a glimpse of the person who knocked you in.
Terushima lifted you out of the pool to sit on the edge. You continued to cough, finally able to breathe normally. You weren't under long thanks to him. Once you could see, you caught a glimpse of his irritated expression as he scanned the crowd of staring people.
"Who knocked us in? Who was running along the edge?" he asked. The crowd was silent. No one spoke up. But the wide eyes of the girl a couple feet away gave you your answer and your eyes met her own. She had quite the grip on this boy's hand that seemed to be pulling her along. She didn't knock you in, he did.
"It's not a big deal. I'm sure it was just an accident. A little water doesn't hurt!" you said, touching his shoulder gingerly. His eyes met yours and after a few seconds of what seemed like contemplation, he pushed himself out of the pool to rest on the edge next to you. After a minute, things seemed to turn back to normal.
"Hey, can you go grab us some towels?" he asked one of the pledges. The boy nodded and did as he was told. After a couple of minutes, the boy returned with two fluffy, olive green towels. You took one and thanked the boy, wiping yourself off and blotting at your face to maybe salvage whatever makeup had survived.
You kinda laughed about the situation.
"What?" Terushima asked, a smirk settling across his own face.
Your laugh deepened.
"Nothing, it's just kinda funny. You went all Mr. Serious-pants." you said in a silly voice. That got a hearty chuckle out of him.
"Here. Let's dry off and go get some new drinks." he said. You nodded and he stood up, offering his hand to help you. You took it and finished drying off.
You followed him to the same kitchen you had left your drinks before and he grabbed one out of the box you had brought, the same flavor you had been drinking on before. You thanked him.
You returned to the same spot next to the pool, sitting carefully this time. You continued to talk until the party died down, many people leaving as it was now the very early hours of the morning. You had stopped drinking not long ago as to walk home. You were pretty much dry now.
"Well, class tomorrow doesn't seem as great as our conversation, but we do still have to go. Need a ride?" he asked. You shook your head.
"It's okay. I can just walk. It isn't too far." you responded, standing up and wiping yourself off. He shook his head.
"Nope. I'm not letting you walk this late. Put your shoe son and follow me." he said. You nodded and kind of shrugged your shoulders. It was nice to not have to walk and maybe continue your conversation. Once your shoes were on, you did as he said, following him up the stairs and into what seemed to be his room.
You took note of the musky woodsy smell of the candle lit on the desk in the corner. Plants, books, coordination. It actually looked quite neat and put together in his room. The bed was made, no mess on the floor. You were even more impressed.
"Nice room." you said, leaning on the doorframe as he made his way to a bag hooked onto his desk chair and he fumbled through it, a pair of keys emerging from it.
"Thanks! I like it. I think it's the best room in the house. It's the biggest too." he responded. He blew the candle out and shut the light off. You followed him out and he closed the door, and you trekked downstairs.
He unlocked the door to his car, opening the passenger side and you got in. He jogged around the front, getting in and buckling himself in.
"Seatbelt." he said. You put it on and he started the engine up. He did the thing. Where he puts his hand around to your seat in order to reverse. You liked that thing. A lot. You smiled at the gesture as he began to drive forwards.
You continued your earlier conversation, occasionally peppering directions into the mix. It was about a four minute drive. He parked next to your car, which you chose not to drive because the afternoon was nice.
"Well. The night ends here I guess." he said. You nodded your head in silence.
"I realized I never got your number." he said, shuffling on his phone and handing you it, an empty contacts page pulled up. You typed your information in and handed the phone back to him. He smiled and locked it, setting the phone in his lap. You didn't really know what to do. You had such a fun time with him and didn't want it to necessarily end yet.
Soft fingers pulled you out of your trance, grazing your cheek and lightly pushing your face to his direction. He looked into your eyes and you just knew it was an invitation to kiss him. And you took it.
It didn't go much farther than that, but you laughed with each other and got out of the car, closing the door and walking over to his open window. You pecked his lips one more time, walking to the sidewalk in front of your door and waving at him.
"Let's do this again!" he shouted, waving. You nodded.
"Of course we will!" you responded. You waved again as he backed away, typing your code into your door. You put your things away and changed into pajamas, making a quick snack.
You picked your phone off of your couch and opened it, an unknown number popping up.
'Coffee tomorrow morning before class. 7:30. It's on me sweetness.' it read. You chuckled and responded.
'Better remember my favorite.'
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chris-aok · 10 days
TTRPGs, VTTs, and PDFs
TTRPG stands for table-top role-playing game.
These are games you usually (But not always, more on that later) play around a table with other people. This is different from traditional board games like Monopoly in that there is a role-playing component along with more dialogue and story.
TTRPGs almost always have a book or books that contain the basic rules for the game, some lore, and myriad other elements that help flesh out the game.
I have noticed over the years that people that enjoy TTRPGs tend to love owning those physical books; to the point that they will sometimes own more TTRPG books than they actually have room for in their home; sometimes even buying some books more than once: one for home, and a copy for when they're out and about playing with others. What an illness. That isn't an affliction that affects me: I prefer digital books most of the time over physical books; mostly because I prefer how they look on my iPad mini's screen, but also because when you're looking for a specific rule or piece of information, you can use a search function to find it faster. Also, I can carry an entire library around with me wherever I go and still have it all in a compact and light form-factor. In fact, given the choice between a physical rulebook for a TTRPG and its PDF equivalent, I'll almost always take the PDF. It's possible this might change in the future, but for now, that's where I am.
After playing the Blade Runner TTRPG this summer, I admit I became more curious and interested in learning more about TTRPGs in general.
In the process of learning more about TTRPGs, I found out about VTTs, or virtual table-tops. A VTT is an online platform where you and other people can get together to play TTRPGs online. There are a few VTT platforms out there, each with their own feature sets. A few well known ones are Foundry, Roll20, and Alchemy. It is worth noting that VTTs, while useful in helping people play online, are each their own closed-off system. Meaning that if you buy a TTRPG for Alchemy, you cannot play it with people on Foundry. In fact, you would have to buy it again for Foundry to do that. So before buying a game on any random VTT, I would always recommend first researching the different VTTs and deciding which one you want to ultimately commit to and then buy your games for it...if they're available. That's another thing: Not all games are available for all VTTs. Some TTRPGs are only available for some VTTs. To be clear, you don't have to own a game on a VTT at all. You can choose to only own the physical book(s) or PDFs and play with just that and you'd be fine. VTTs just help make things more visible and concrete when playing with other people online.
Someone I know informed me this summer that Humble Bundle had a bundle on sale offering a bunch of Alchemy VTT modules for games from Free League Publishing. At first, i wasn't that interested; but when he told me that for a limited time, I could also get the PDFs for all those modules, I jumped at the opportunity. So I got the bundle, and then visited Alchemy for the first time. Neat platform. They seem to focus on building an atmosphere for games with the use of music: I love when game masters do that. I quickly downloaded all the PDFs before they were pulled from Alchemy and loaded the ones I found the most interesting unto my iPad mini: Neat.
While I was checking out the Humble Bundle site, I also noticed they offered a bundle for a metric ton of PDFs for the Star Trek Adventures TTRPG. I'm a trekkie and it was a great deal, so I got that too.
By this point, I was high on PDFs and was curious if I could find more at a good price. In my research of TTRPGs, I had discovered this popular online store that is considered a hub for TTRPG PDFs: DriveThruRPG.
Most TTRPG PDFs (But not all) are legally sold on DriveThru. So I decided to check it out and lo and behold, they had sales going on for the Alien and Hellboy TTRPG PDFs. Fuck, I got those too...and a few Alien VTT modules for Roll20...and a few other PDFs for a few other TTRPGs that are less known but had art I really liked.
By now, it was clear to me that I had succumbed to some sort of compulsive purchasing disease like the people I mentioned earlier that kept buying physical TTRPG books.
A few weeks later, I had the opportunity to play Dungeons & Dragons (D&D, the most popular TTRPG in existence) with some people, and they were making use of a platform that will one day become a VTT for D&D called D&D Beyond. It was cool to play with D&D Beyond because it has an iPad app, and when you join the game of a game master that owns a bunch of D&D books on the platform, they can share their books with you. So I gained access to another metric fuckton of electronic D&D books.
Clearly, I have a problem, and I need help. I've gone over a week without trying to buy or obtain another TTRPG PDF, but I don't know how long I'll last. My poor iPad mini is slowly filling up and I haven't even read half of the PDFs yet. I need to stop, but I don't know if I can. I thought I was somehow better than those that compulsively buy physical TTRPG books, but I'm not. I'm worse: I'm not limited by physical space, I'm limited by how much storage space I have, and that means it's easier to just keep getting more PDFs. It's a slippery slope. These things should come with a warning label: "SURGEON GENERAL'S WARNING: MAY CAUSE EXCESSIVE SPENDING." Please help.
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571: Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy
This Podcast Is Episode 571, And It's About Practical Tips To Improve Your Construction Marketing Strategy
Stepping up your marketing game as a construction business owner is always a welcome topic in my client conversations. Often, contractors chat with me about the best way to promote their company, primarily because no one else is running it. 
  You may focus more on accounting and taxes at times, and at other times, your business may slow down, and sales become more challenging. Given this trend, establishing and maintaining connections with existing and potential customers has become more critical. 
  So, if you're looking to do some construction business promotions to attract more quality clients, what do you do, especially on your own? Here are some practical tips that I highly suggest to consider:
  1. Build a solid online presence:
Create a website showcasing your services and experience, and make sure it's easy for potential customers and homeowners to contact you. Plus points if you know how to optimize it by location and keywords, or you can always learn a thing or two when you Google: Local Search Engine Optimization. It's essential to show up first in SERPS (Search Engine Results Page) when someone looks for "plumbing emergency in (city)" or "HVAC installer nearby."
As you build and edit your pages, keep in mind your USP (Unique Selling Proposition):
What your business does.
Whom it serves.
Why it's different from other companies?
How is it beneficial to your prospective client?
Note that some of these elements can be divided into sections and published on one page; for instance, Services and Testimonials can work well together. This gives your visitors much-needed assurance that you have had successful projects and happy clients. 
Create informative content: Share blog posts, videos, and infographics that provide value to your target audience and establish your business as an industry expert.
Remember to include your Awards and Recognition (if you have any) and place it strategically. Add value to your website footer by including your contact details, policies, and other relevant links. Include appropriate CTAs (Call-To-Action) throughout your site so prospective clients can take the necessary steps and hire your services. For example, a 'Contact Us' button or a 'Request a Quote' form can be effective CTAs.
2. Use social media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn are great for sharing your projects and engaging with your audience. Create posts regularly to update on services or special offers. 
Local SEO is mainly about getting listed in local online resources and optimizing your website's and other platforms' online content to reference location-relevant key phrases and regional names rather than generic keywords. 
Your construction business listing must be consistent across all platforms you use, mainly because changing it later will be challenging (think about logo placement, colors, and font).
3. Register your business on online directories: This will help increase your visibility and attract more local clients. 
Google Business Profile - This is a free tool for promoting your business profile and website on Google Search and Maps. Even if you don't have a website, your Google business profile is the most crucial resource for local businesses. Claiming and verifying your business's listing will help your efforts appear in local search results.
Bing Places - Microsoft's version, which might be less popular, still needs attention. It works the same way, allowing you to claim and verify your business's physical location and have it appear in Bing Maps and on mobile devices running the Windows Phone operating system.
Yelp. Yelp is an online urban guide that provides local business listings. It recently replaced the relatively unsuccessful Apple Maps app for iPhones and iPads, and these devices now use data from Yelp to display local information with their included mapping apps. Given the enormous popularity of iPhones, the advantages of getting listed on Yelp should be obvious.
4. Attend industry events: Trade shows, conferences, and networking events are great opportunities to meet potential clients and connect with other professionals in your industry. 
Remember, networking is about building relationships, not just collecting business cards. Be genuine, be interested in others, and follow up with people after you meet them to continue the conversation.
The key here is to stop looking at every person in your networking group as a potential sale. Especially early on, be more concerned about what you can give than what you can get from these meetings.
Give materially by sponsoring group events, donating to fundraising, or bringing bagels to the meeting. Give your time and effort by contributing to a service position, or be free with great ideas and a welcoming smile.
The long-term value of networking groups lies in building strong trusting relationships that will give you influence beyond the people in your immediate group.
5. Word-of-mouth referrals are the most cost-effective way of gaining new customers because you don't have to spend anything on advertising or marketing. Research has repeatedly shown that referrals have a higher conversion rate (inquiries to sales) and spend more than other customers. People have more confidence in a business recommended by friends or colleagues.
Referrals will happen naturally if you provide excellent service and good value, but you can improve your referral rate through an active incentive program.
Final thoughts
This seems a lot to do, especially if you're single-handedly working and managing your business. But unless your construction company has lots of work stacked up, there will be times when there is nothing to do, and that is the best time to think about Strategic Marketing and following the adage:
"Dig your well before you are thirsty."
You will only build a loyal client base if you earn your visitors' trust, which is why companies value social proof highly. Proving your construction business's value online takes a unique skill set, but boosting it during your downtime is a great practice. 
We offer free resources to help you save time and money that you can download and print now. 
About The Author:
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Sharie DeHart, QPA, co-founded Business Consulting And Accounting in Lynnwood, Washington. She is the leading expert in managing outsourced construction bookkeeping and accounting services companies and cash management accounting for small construction companies across the USA. She encourages Contractors and Construction Company Owners to stay current on their tax obligations. She offers insights on managing the remaining cash flow to operate and grow their construction company sales and profits so they can put more money in the bank. Call 1-800-361-1770 or [email protected]
Check out this episode about Contractors Marketing - Accounting - Production (M.A.P.)!
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diliwriter · 6 months
iPads Redefining the Shopping Experience in Sri Lanka
In Sri Lanka, iPads are revolutionizing the way people shop, offering a seamless and immersive retail experience. With the rise of technology, consumers are increasingly turning to iPads Store in Sri Lanka for their shopping needs, redefining the traditional brick-and-mortar shopping experience.
The integration of iPads into retail environments has streamlined various aspects of the shopping process, enhancing convenience and efficiency for both customers and retailers alike. With iPads strategically placed throughout stores, shoppers can access product information, compare prices, and read reviews with just a few taps, empowering them to make well-informed purchasing decisions. This interactive approach to shopping not only enhances the overall customer experience but also fosters engagement and loyalty.
Moreover, iPads enable retailers to offer personalized recommendations and targeted promotions based on customer preferences and browsing history. By leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence, retailers can deliver tailored shopping experiences that resonate with individual shoppers, ultimately driving sales and customer satisfaction. This personalized approach not only increases conversion rates but also strengthens brand loyalty, as customers feel valued and understood by the retailer.
Additionally, iPads facilitate seamless transactions, allowing customers to make purchases directly from the device without the need for lengthy checkout queues. With secure payment options and integrated inventory management systems, retailers can ensure a smooth and hassle-free shopping experience for their customers, minimizing friction points and maximizing convenience. This streamlined checkout process not only saves time for shoppers but also reduces operational costs for retailers, leading to increased profitability.
Furthermore, iPads empower store associates to provide enhanced customer service and support, equipped with instant access to product information, inventory availability, and order status. With real-time communication and collaboration tools, associates can assist customers more effectively, addressing inquiries and resolving issues on the spot. This personalized assistance not only improves the overall shopping experience but also builds trust and loyalty with customers.
iPads are revolutionizing the shopping experience in Sri Lanka, offering unparalleled convenience, personalization, and efficiency. As technology continues to evolve, Celltronics remains committed to delivering innovative solutions that empower retailers and enhance the customer experience across the island.
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emonita · 7 months
Discover The Sleek iPad Flush Wall Mount For A Modern And Space-Saving Design
In today's digital age, technology has become an integral part of our lives, seamlessly integrating into various aspects of our daily routines. Whether it's for work, entertainment, or communication, devices like the iPad have revolutionized how we interact with information. With this increasing reliance on technology, finding efficient and aesthetically pleasing ways to incorporate it into our living or workspaces has become a priority for many.
Seamlessly integrating technology
The iPad flush wall mount is a sleek and modern solution for seamlessly integrating your iPad into any environment. Whether you are looking to streamline your kitchen, living room, office, or even commercial spaces like retail stores or restaurants, these mounts offer a clean and unobtrusive way to display your device.
One of the primary advantages of an ipad flush wall mount is its space-saving design. By securely attaching your iPad to the wall, you free up valuable tabletop or desk space, reducing clutter and creating a more organized environment. This is particularly beneficial in areas where space is limited or where you want to maintain a minimalist aesthetic.
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Additionally, flush wall mounts offer flexibility in positioning, allowing you to adjust the viewing angle for optimal comfort and visibility. Whether you are using your iPad for video conferencing, following a recipe in the kitchen, or controlling smart home devices, having the ability to tilt and swivel the device ensures an ergonomic and user-friendly experience with the ipad mini charging stations.
Furthermore, these mounts provide a professional and polished look, making them ideal for both residential and commercial settings. In retail environments, for example, they can be used to showcase product catalogs, interactive displays, or point-of-sale systems, enhancing the overall customer experience.
Powering convenience
While the ipad flush wall mount caters to those seeking a permanent display solution, iPad Mini charging stations offer convenience and versatility for users on the go. Designed to accommodate multiple devices simultaneously, these charging stations are perfect for households, offices, or public spaces where several iPads are in use.
One of the key features of iPad Mini charging stations is their ability to charge devices efficiently and safely. Equipped with smart charging technology, these stations automatically detect the optimal charging voltage for each device, helping to preserve battery life and prevent overcharging. This is particularly important for businesses or educational institutions that rely on iPads for daily operations and need to ensure that devices are always ready for use.
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mikepercy123 · 8 months
Unveiling a new product? Master the art of copywriting with our essential tips. Dive into strategies that engage and convert. But there's a crucial element many overlook – find out what it is. Product launch copywriting is a crucial element of any successful product launch. It involves crafting compelling and persuasive content that resonates with the target audience and motivates them to take action. Product launch copywriting aims to create a sense of urgency and excitement around the product and convince potential customers that it offers value they cannot get anywhere else. To achieve this, product launch copywriting must be tailored to the specific needs and preferences of the target audience. This requires a deep understanding of the target market, including their pain points, desires, and motivations. By identifying these factors, copywriters can create content that speaks directly to the audience and addresses their unique needs and concerns. In addition to being audience-focused, product launch copywriting must convey the product's value clearly and compellingly. This means highlighting the unique features and benefits of the product and explaining how it can solve the customer's problems or improve their lives. By doing so, copywriters can create a sense of excitement and anticipation around the product, which can help to drive sales and generate buzz around the launch. The Most Successful Product Launches of All Time The most successful product launches of all time include a diverse range of products, from technology to consumer goods. Some notable examples are: Apple's iPhone (2007): A revolutionary product that combined a cell phone with a full-function computer operating system, changing the focus in mobile phones from hardware to software and ushering in the age of apps​​. Apple's iPod (2001): The first highly-portable, digital MP3 player that could store 1,000 songs, riding the trends of MP3s and broadband availability to massive success​​. Coca-Cola (1886): Starting from selling just 9 bottles a day to becoming a beverage enjoyed 2 billion times every day, Coca-Cola is an example of enduring innovation and brand strength​​. Google Maps: A revolutionary product that changed how we think about geographical space, offering detailed maps, directions, traffic information, and street views all in one app​​. Nike's Air Jordan 1 (1985): A shoe that became an instant hit, generating significant sales and legacy due to its innovative design and association with Michael Jordan​​. Apple's iPad (2010): One of the most successful tablet launches, selling millions of units and dominating the global tablet market share​​. Juul (2015): Despite controversies, Juul's e-cigarettes gained a significant market share, reflecting its impact on consumer habits​​. Nintendo Switch (2017): Combining home console and portable gaming, the Switch became a major success for Nintendo​​. Apple Watch (2015): Leading the smartwatch market, the Apple Watch capitalized on brand loyalty and technological innovation​​. TikTok (2018): A social media app that surged in popularity, especially among younger users, and became a significant platform for short-form video content​​. Square Payment Reader (2010): Revolutionized payment processing for small businesses and independent vendors​​. These launches demonstrate a combination of innovation, market understanding, and effective marketing strategies that contributed to their monumental success. We're going to show you how to bring your copywriting up to their level, to give yourself the best chance of hitting the mark in the same way. #section_1574576478 { padding-top: 30px; padding-bottom: 30px; margin-bottom: 40px; background-color: #d76112; } #section_1574576478 .section-bg-overlay { background-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.773); } Understanding Your Audience https://youtu.be/t0meZUDSJv4 When it comes to product launch copywriting, understanding your audience is key.
By knowing who your target audience is, you can tailor your message to resonate with them and increase the chances of a successful launch. This section will cover the two main aspects of understanding your audience: identifying the target audience and leveraging customer insights. Identifying the Target Audience The first step in understanding your audience is identifying your ideal customer. This involves researching your potential customers' demographics, psychographics, and behaviours. Demographics include age, gender, location, income, and education level, while psychographics include values, beliefs, attitudes, and lifestyle. By understanding these factors, you can create a customer persona representing your ideal customer. It is important to note that your target audience should be specific and niche. Trying to appeal to a broad audience can dilute your message and make it less effective. Instead, focus on a specific group of people most likely to benefit from your product. Leveraging Customer Insights Once you have identified your target audience, you can leverage customer insights to create copy that resonates with them. This involves understanding the emotions and objections that your potential customers may have. You can connect emotionally with your audience by addressing emotions such as fear, desire, and happiness in your copy. For example, if you launch a fitness product, you can tap into the desire for a healthy and fit lifestyle by using phrases such as "get in shape" or "feel confident in your own skin". Objections are the reasons why potential customers may not buy your product. By addressing these objections in your copy, you can overcome them and increase the chances of a sale. For example, if your product is more expensive than competitors, you can address this objection by highlighting the unique features and benefits that justify the higher price. By identifying your target audience and leveraging customer insights, you can create copy that resonates with your audience and increases the chances of a successful launch. Crafting Your Message https://youtu.be/Mlzhh91CdjY Crafting a compelling message is the key to engaging potential customers and convincing them to take action. In this section, we will explore the essential elements of crafting a message that resonates with your audience. Developing a Unique Selling Proposition One of the most important things you can do when crafting your message is to develop a unique selling proposition (USP). Your USP is what sets your product apart from the competition and makes it stand out in the minds of your customers. It should be a clear and concise statement that highlights the benefits of your product and what makes it unique. To develop your USP, start by identifying the key benefits of your product. What problems does it solve? What makes it different from other products on the market? Once you have identified these key benefits, distill them down into a single, powerful statement that captures the essence of your product. The Art of Storytelling Storytelling is a powerful tool in product launch copywriting. It allows you to connect with your audience on an emotional level and create a sense of excitement and anticipation around your product. To tell an effective story, you need to focus on the benefits of your product and how it can help your customers. Start by identifying the key benefits of your product and how they relate to your target audience. Then, craft a story that highlights these benefits and shows how your product can solve a problem or improve their lives in some way. Make sure your story is engaging and easy to follow, and use language that resonates with your audience. Creating Compelling Headlines Your headline is the first thing your potential customers will see, so it needs to be compelling and attention-grabbing. It should be short, concise and highlight the key benefits of your product. Use language that is clear and easy to understand, and avoid jargon or buzzwords that might confuse your audience.
To create a compelling headline, start by identifying the key benefits of your product and what makes it unique. Then, distil these benefits down into a single, powerful statement that captures the essence of your product. Use strong action words and language that resonates with your audience, and make sure your headline is clear and easy to read. Crafting your message is an essential part of any product launch. By developing a unique selling proposition, telling an engaging story, and creating compelling headlines, you can capture your audience's attention and convince them to take action. Designing Your Sales Page https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DS7xYwTz6rA&pp=ygUWZGVzaWduaW5nIGEgc2FsZXMgcGFnZQ%3D%3D When it comes to designing your sales page, there are a few key elements to keep in mind. A well-designed sales page can make all the difference in converting visitors into customers. Incorporating Effective Design Elements One of the most important things to remember when designing your sales page is to keep it simple. A cluttered page can be overwhelming and cause potential customers to lose interest. Instead, focus on incorporating effective design elements such as: Clear and concise headlines High-quality images and videos Easy-to-read fonts and colours Consistent branding throughout the page By incorporating these design elements, you can create a sales page that is visually appealing, easy to navigate, and engaging for your audience. Optimising for Conversion Rates Optimizing your sales page for conversion rates is another important aspect of designing it. This means making sure that your page is designed to encourage visitors to take action, whether making a purchase or signing up for a newsletter. To optimise your sales page for conversion rates, consider the following: Including a clear and compelling call-to-action (CTA) on your page Making sure that your CTA stands out visually Using social proof, such as customer testimonials, to build trust with potential customers Ensuring that your page is mobile-friendly By optimising your sales page for conversion rates, you can increase the likelihood that visitors will take the desired action and ultimately become customers. Overall, designing a successful sales page requires a balance between effective design elements and optimisation for conversion rates. By keeping these key considerations in mind, you can create a visually appealing sales page that converts visitors into customers. Maximising Reach Through Various Channels https://youtu.be/RmwI_QqcPQc It's essential to maximise reach through various channels. Here are some effective strategies to consider: Email Marketing Strategies Email marketing is an excellent way to reach many potential customers. The key is to create an email sequence that engages the reader and encourages them to take action. This could include offering discounts, providing valuable information, or highlighting the product's benefits. When crafting email copy, it's important to remember the platform on which the emails will be viewed. For example, emails should be optimised for mobile devices, as many people check their emails on their smartphones. Social Media Engagement Social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram offer a great opportunity to engage with potential customers. Creating eye-catching posts and using targeted Facebook ads makes it possible to reach a large audience. When creating social media copy, using language that resonates with the target audience is important. This could include using emotive language, highlighting the benefits of the product, and creating a sense of urgency. Utilising Video Content Video content is an excellent way to showcase the product's benefits and engage with potential customers. When creating video scripts, it's important to keep the target audience in mind and use language that resonates with them. Platforms like YouTube and Vimeo offer a great opportunity to reach a large audience.
By creating high-quality video content and using targeted ads, it's possible to maximise reach and engagement. By using effective email marketing strategies, social media engagement, and video content, it's possible to engage with a large audience and maximise the chances of a successful product launch. Launch and Post-Launch Strategies https://youtu.be/a7wyiacasDA Launching a product is an exciting and challenging process that requires careful planning and execution to achieve success. In this section, we will explore some launch and post-launch strategies to help you make the most of your product launch campaign. Planning for a Successful Launch Before you launch your product, you must have a clear plan and a well-defined marketing strategy. This includes identifying your target audience, understanding their needs and pain points, and crafting a compelling message that resonates with them. You should also consider using pre-launch tactics such as building a buzz around your product, offering exclusive previews, and leveraging social media to generate interest. To ensure a successful product launch, it is also important to have a solid launch campaign in place. This may include creating a landing page, developing promotional materials such as videos and infographics, and running targeted ads to reach your audience. You should also consider partnering with influencers or industry experts to help promote your product and build credibility. Post-Launch Follow-Up and Community Building Once your product is launched, your work is not done. Follow-up and community building are critical to sustaining momentum and building a loyal customer base. This includes engaging with your customers through social media, email marketing, and other channels to gather feedback and address any issues or concerns they may have. You should also consider offering incentives such as discounts or exclusive content to encourage customers to share their experiences and refer others to your product. Building a community around your product can also help you generate buzz and create a sense of belonging among your customers. In conclusion, planning, executing, and following up are essential to a successful product launch. By leveraging pre-launch tactics, developing a solid launch campaign, and engaging with your customers post-launch, you can maximise the impact of your product launch and set yourself up for long-term success. Further Reading Sookio's Guide to Persuasive Copy for New Products: This guide emphasizes the importance of various copywriting aspects for new product launches. It recommends using a variety of approaches, including Facebook ads, landing pages, and email sequences. The guide highlights the significance of clear, concise headlines, clarity in writing, relating the product to something familiar, storytelling, promising a better life, addressing objections, appealing to both rational and emotional aspects, keeping up with current trends, and not forgetting calls to action​. Read more at Sookio's Blog Carmine Mastropierro's Product Copywriting Tips: This article advises focusing on product benefits, using bullet points for digestibility, helping customers imagine using the product, keeping the language simple, selling solutions to immediate problems, using power words and calls to action, creating urgency through scarcity, creating a copy template for efficiency, taking breaks for better creativity, collaborating for diverse perspectives, and split testing different elements of copy​. Read more at Carmine's Blog Launch Mappers on the Importance of Copywriting in Product Launching: This article underlines copywriting as a crucial component in product launches. It's defined as writing that builds relationships, grabs attention, and persuades action. The article highlights the importance of copywriting from the start of the customer's journey, advises startups to invest in copywriting early, emphasizes its role in brand building,
successful product launches, and increasing conversion rates, and distinguishes between conversion and brand copywriting. Read more at Launch Mappers This article was first published on AIO Spark: Product Launch Copywriting Tips and Strategies
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mobileapps24 · 10 months
Navigating Success: Unveiling the Top POS Systems Shaping Modern Business
In the fast-paced world of commerce, the right Point of Sale (POS) system can make all the difference, transforming transactions into opportunities for efficiency, customer satisfaction, and business growth. Let's explore the top POS systems that are reshaping the landscape of modern business, offering unparalleled features and benefits.
1. Square: The Versatile Powerhouse
Square has earned its place as a versatile POS system, catering to businesses of all sizes. Its user-friendly interface and integrated payment processing simplify transactions, while features like inventory management and analytics provide valuable insights. Square's adaptability and affordability make it a go-to choice for startups and established enterprises alike.
2. Shopify POS: Unifying Online and In-Store Operations
Shopify POS seamlessly bridges the gap between online and brick-and-mortar operations, offering a unified platform for businesses with both facets. This integration ensures consistency in inventory management, customer data, and sales tracking. With a focus on user experience and comprehensive features, Shopify POS empowers businesses to thrive in an omnichannel retail environment.
3. Lightspeed: Tailored for Retail Excellence
Lightspeed is a comprehensive POS system designed to optimize retail operations. Its cloud-based architecture ensures accessibility from anywhere, and features such as inventory management, CRM, and detailed reporting make it a powerhouse for retailers. Lightspeed's scalability caters to the evolving needs of businesses, from small boutiques to larger enterprises.
4. Clover: Customization and Scalability
Clover stands out for its customization options and scalability. The sleek hardware and intuitive software provide businesses with the flexibility to tailor their POS experience. The Clover app marketplace further expands functionality, allowing businesses to integrate additional features and third-party applications as needed.
5. Vend: Cloud-Based Retail Management
Vend takes retail management to the cloud, offering a streamlined and accessible solution for businesses. Its user-friendly interface simplifies transactions, while real-time inventory tracking ensures accurate stock management. With detailed reporting tools, Vend empowers retailers to make data-driven decisions, driving business growth in a competitive market.
6. Toast: Revolutionizing Dining Experiences
Toast is a POS system tailored for the restaurant and hospitality industry. Its features go beyond basic transaction processing, encompassing order management, kitchen operations, and customer interactions. Toast's intuitive design ensures seamless operations in the fast-paced world of dining, making it a preferred choice for restaurateurs seeking efficiency and control.
7. Revel Systems: Enterprise-Grade Efficiency
Revel Systems caters to the needs of larger enterprises with its enterprise-grade POS solution. In addition to standard transaction processing, Revel offers advanced features like employee management, loyalty programs, and extensive integrations. This makes Revel a robust choice for businesses with complex operational requirements and a focus on scalability.
8. Square for Restaurants: Enhancing the Dining Experience
Square extends its prowess to the restaurant industry with Square for Restaurants. This POS system is tailored to meet the unique needs of dining establishments, offering features such as table management, menu customization, and order modifiers. Seamless integration with Square's ecosystem provides a holistic solution for efficient restaurant operations.
9. ShopKeep: Intuitive and Rapid Deployment
ShopKeep prides itself on its intuitive design, making it an ideal solution for businesses looking for a quick and hassle-free setup. This iPad-based POS system is particularly well-suited for small and medium-sized enterprises. With features like inventory tracking, employee management, and detailed sales reporting, ShopKeep empowers businesses to efficiently manage their daily operations.
10. Erply: Global Cloud-Based Operations
Erply is a cloud-based POS system with a global reach, making it suitable for businesses with international operations. Its centralized management system provides real-time oversight of multiple locations, ensuring consistency in operations. Erply also offers comprehensive reporting tools, inventory management, and e-commerce integration, making it a unified solution for global businesses.
Choosing the Right POS System: A Strategic Decision
Selecting the top POS system for your business is not just about transaction processing; it's a strategic decision that impacts overall efficiency, customer satisfaction, and growth potential. The right POS system streamlines operations, provides actionable insights, and adapts to the evolving needs of your business.
As technology continues to advance, the top POS systems will likely evolve to incorporate even more innovative features, further transforming the way businesses conduct transactions. Embrace the power of these systems, and embark on a journey of enhanced efficiency, improved customer experiences, and sustained success in the competitive landscape of modern business.
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derrickjones · 10 months
Payment Processing Texas
We offer payment processing in Texas and credit card swipe solutions to businesses in Texas. Today, it is nearly difficult to run a business without accepting credit and debit card payments. Choose a credit card processing company that will focus its time and resources on locating the greatest possibilities for you rather than having to make do with what you already have. Our products and services are designed to assist you in selecting the most effective payment processing option for your business. We offer point-of-sale systems, card readers, swipers, software, and apps to help you run a profitable, modern business. In our quest to become the best card services provider in Texas and beyond, we accept and process payments both on-site and online.
We have everything you need to start collecting payments more effectively in Payment Processing Texas, whether you are at the office or on the go. We help you select the best payment processing option for your business, whether it's cheque readers, iPad point-of-sale systems, mobile card readers, or credit card machines. We provide payment processing and credit card swipe solutions to Texas businesses. Call us today to see how we can help you save money. Do you wish to efficiently promote your products or services? Accepting card payments can increase your business's efficiency and income. Payment processing is critical to our business, and you may take payments rapidly with our online processing solution.
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eatos-blog · 1 year
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ndystretch · 11 months
Boost Your Sales Experience with Mobile Point of Sale Systems
PosiSales is your destination for state-of-the-art mobile point of sale systems that revolutionize company transaction efficiency and ease of use. We are here to remove the difficulties you may have in locating a POS system that is dependable, strong, and easy to use. Our technology ensures a hassle-free experience with its fast processing, flexibility, and committed customer support. PosiSales has an intuitive design that will help you learn every facet of our system in a matter of minutes.
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PosiSales is the pinnacle of a simple point-of-sale system, made to fit into a variety of business environments, from fields and sidewalks to cafes and mobile vans. We provide everything you need, including Star Bluetooth, Wireless, or Ethernet LAN receipt printers, triggered cash drawers, and the small Star mPOP integrated receipt printer and cash drawer.PosiSales is unique in that it does not require internet connectivity to function; your data stays on the iPad, and using the Posi software does not require cloud access. Even in situations where Posi is not connected to the internet, it guarantees uninterrupted operation. Contact us for more.
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microtelecom09 · 11 months
The Future of Point of Sale: iPad Systems for Businesses
In the rapidly evolving landscape of business technology, iPad Point of Sale (POS) systems are at the forefront of a transformative shift in the way businesses manage their sales and operations. The future of the point of sale is increasingly becoming synonymous with iPad-based systems, and this article explores the reasons why this technology is poised to shape the business landscape in the years to come.
Seamless Integration and Mobility
One of the key features that position iPad POS system as the future of the point of sale is their seamless integration with other business technologies. These systems can easily connect with inventory management, customer relationship management, and e-commerce platforms, creating a centralized hub for business operations. Moreover, their mobility allows businesses to serve customers wherever they are, whether it's a bustling restaurant, a retail store, or a trade show. The ability to operate from multiple locations and devices is critical in an increasingly mobile and fast-paced business world.
Enhanced Customer Experience
The future of the point of sale is synonymous with an enhanced customer experience. iPad POS systems play a crucial role in this evolution. Employees equipped with iPads can provide personalized recommendations, access real-time inventory information, and process transactions on the spot. This level of engagement not only streamlines the buying process but also increases customer satisfaction. Happy customers are more likely to become repeat customers and brand advocates, boosting sales and reputation.
Advanced Data Analytics
iPad POS systems are equipped with advanced data analytics tools that enable businesses to collect and analyze data on sales trends, customer preferences, and inventory management. This data-driven approach allows businesses to make informed decisions, optimize their offerings, and tailor marketing strategies to their target audience. As the future of business becomes increasingly data-centric, iPad POS systems are well-positioned to be at the forefront of this revolution.
Eco-Friendly and Cost-Efficient
The future of the point of sale is not just about technology; it's also about sustainability and cost-efficiency. iPad POS systems reduce the need for paper receipts, making transactions more environmentally friendly. Additionally, they are cost-effective, with lower initial setup costs and the ability to receive software updates and upgrades over time, saving businesses money in the long run.
In conclusion, the future of the point of sale is undoubtedly intertwined with iPad systems. Their seamless integration, mobility, focus on enhancing the customer experience, data analytics capabilities, and eco-friendliness make them an ideal choice for businesses looking to stay ahead in a rapidly changing business environment. Embracing iPad POS systems is not just a technological choice but a strategic move to position businesses for success in the evolving business landscape.
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desn2steph · 1 year
Week 8 - 20 items in 50 words
20 items in 50 words
Ps Vita
The Ps Vita originally released in February 22. Bought this Ps Vita last year after my getting my pay check in my first job. This Ps Vita represents my love for video game and the UX/UI inspiration I get from them.
Playstation Vita, Encyclopedia, Science News & Research Reviews. (n.d). Academic Accelerator. https://academic-accelerator.com/encyclopedia/playstation-vita
Death Grips – Money Store an album by Death Grips 24th of April 2012. Bought this a few years ago in 2017 in Real Groovy. This CD will represent my CD and Vinyl Collection and will represent the visual and auditory inspiration that I get from listening to music.
Greene, Jayson. (2012) The Money Store, Death Grips. Pitchfork. https://pitchfork.com/reviews/albums/16512-death-grips-the-money-store/
Casio F-91W
The Casio F-91W released in 1991 was heralded as one of the best digital watches. This was given to me by my sister in the Christmas of 2020. This watch represents my refusal to stay connected to the internet as well as my y2k design sensibilities.
Sam. (2021) The Fascinating Story of the Casio F-91W. SamTalksStyle. https://samtalksstyle.com/2021/01/21/the-fascinating-story-of-the-casio-f-91w/
Origin, Forgotten. It does not have a brand. Though I faintly remember buying this in a department store in Philippines. This Wallet represents our drive for money. If you pay me well enough ill probably do a better job at my work, “money moves”.
(No source its just me)
iPad 11th Gen
This iPad 10.9 inch designed by apple, bought earlier this year. Was a replacement iPad for my older gen 10.9 inch iPad. Just like my Gaming laptop, this was a tool. More specifically a tool used to design characters, the iPad is essential in my illustration skills.
Various Pens
The ball point pen was patented by John J. Loud in 1888. Though what I’m featuring right now are various pen, most of them are ball point pens. The pen is an essential tool for any man, and an important tool for designer like me.
Nardo. S.D (2023) Who Invented the Ballpoint pen?: A Brief History. Dayspring Pens. https://www.dayspringpens.com/blogs/the-jotted-line/who-invented-the-ballpoint-pen-history
2nd version Issued to Stephen Kyle Sales at 24th of February 2023 at AA Takapuna, Original copy was lost, The ID is my legal identification. This is me in the eyes of NZ Transport Agency I am EA713655, This is all they know about me.
Traffic Cone
Wide Profile PVC Road cone, NZTA compliant. Borrowed from my father’s workplace. This traffic cone represents my design Identity, Industrial and straightforward; bright and visually loud; flashes in the right conditions; gritty and industrial.
ASUS TUF F15 (2020
Designed in Taiwan, 2020 model Core i5 with 34GB of RAM and a GTX 1650 graphics card. Acquired in PB Tech Albany in 2021. This laptop is an essential tool to me. This is where I design; This is where I play; and this is my vessel to the internet.
Instant Coffee
1st of April 1938 Nescafe classic was introduced. This specific product was acquired in pak n Save Wairau. Instant Coffee, the working man’s drink. I can’t work without coffee It helps my idea run and helps clear my mind in the morning. I am dependent to it.
The NESCAFÉ Story. NESCAFÉ. https://www.nescafe.com/nz/about-us
The Holy Bible Source, Various authors. The modern biblical canon was composed in the first century AD. This bible was given to me by my parents, originally owned by my sister. The Bible represents my faith though it has little direct influence on my designs it has direct influence on my greater decisions.
Box of Ephemera
Various posters inside, items collected in different times. This box contains notes, posters, drafts, doodles, fonts, manuals, and other various ephemera I find interesting. These are temporary inspirations. Like collages I take ideas from these collections and compose them into something new
Grid System PDF
Grid systems written Josef Müller-Brockmann published in 1996. This copy was acquired through PDF. This book made me realize the importance of grids, though this was also the era of my rebellious design phase. This pdf represents both my allegiance and understanding of the rules my rebellion against It.
The Notebook.
Paper was first invented in China around 100 BC, an essential for making books and notebooks. These specific notebooks were bought from the local bookstore. Just like the pen I believe notebooks are another important for creatives. These specific notebooks contain character designs I have drawn pre-iPad.
Mertes. A(2022) What is the History of Notebooks? Quality Logo Products Blog. https://www.qualitylogoproducts.com/blog/what-is-the-history-of-notebooks/
The Bass Guitar
The Fender P-Bass was first produced in October 1951, while this bootleg ¾ P-Bass by was acquired in 2017. The sounds I produce with the bass translates into visual ideas. This bass also reflects the user, a small bass with stickers and tape also reflects the user’s personality and height.
Owens, J, (n.d) LEGENDARY LOWS: THE PRECISION BASS STORY. Fender. https://www.fender.com/articles/behind-the-scenes/legendary-lows-the-precision-bass-story
95bFM poster
95bFM Founded in UOA in 1969, while this poster was produced in 2023 when I started Volunteering as a designer. My relationship with 95bFM allows me flexibility with my design and close touch with music. Music inspires me therefore 95bFM and its rich history give me treasure troves of ideas.
About 95bfm. (N.D). TRB. https://www.trb.co.nz/brand-profiles/95bfm
The first true smart phone is the IBM Simon released in 1984, This Alcatel was given to me by my dad. A smartphone is a powerful tool that we humans are stuck on, and because of phones I have decided to become a UX/UI designer because of demand and power.
Rockman.S (2021) What Was The First Smartphone?. Cambridge Wireless. https://www.cambridgewireless.co.uk/news/cw-journal/what-was-first-smartphone/
>’EYE SEE YOU’ poster
Poster created by me in 2022 for the 2nd semester of university. This project pushed me and got me to explore my style, belief, and philosophy. The design isn’t visually deep though a lot of though around style and message was happening behind the scenes. uTorrent Released in 2005 this program was my go-to for entertainment back in Philippines, when everything was expensive for me. The deep lore of rival between ‘WAREZ’ group and their art that embed into their ‘readme.nfo’ files invoke ideas to me. I’m an internet kid, and this was my ephemera.
Anoxia. (1994) Time/System TaskTimer for Windows Version 1.0. Textfiles. http://artscene.textfiles.com/asciiart/NFOS/.png/anoxia.nfo.png
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safacoupon · 1 year
Download the Square Point of Sale App
To download the Square Point of Sale App, follow these steps:
If you're using an iOS device (iPhone or iPad):a. Open the App Store on your device.b. In the App Store, use the Search tab at the bottom right.c. Type "Square Point of Sale" in the search bar.d. Once you find the app in the search results, tap the "Get" button next to it. If you've already downloaded it before, it might say "Open" instead.e. You may be prompted to enter your Apple ID password or use Face ID/Touch ID to confirm the download. Follow the on-screen instructions.
If you're using an Android device:a. Open the Google Play Store on your device.b. Tap the Search bar at the top.c. Type "Square Point of Sale" in the search bar.d. Once you find the app in the search results, tap the "Install" button next to it. If you've previously installed it, it might say "Open" instead.e. The app will begin downloading and installing on your device.
After the download is complete, you can open the Square Point of Sale app from your device's home screen or app drawer.
If you haven't already created a Square account, you'll need to do so during the app setup process. Follow the on-screen prompts to set up your account and start using the app for your business transactions.
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Please note that the exact steps may vary slightly depending on your device's operating system version and any recent updates to the app stores.
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