#iraê oc
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
snow white
Basic info: Rose (she/her)
Background: The kingdom’s Perfect Princesa.
Role: Protagonist
Main traits: Kind, calculist, stoic, gentle
*Notes: Haha totally doesn't have mommy issues wdym.
Basic info: June (he/him)
Background: Guy who got kicked out of home and then turned to his only option, working at his landlady’s mansion as a servant.
Role: Main character
Main traits: Stoic, skeptical, grumpy, touch-starved, sweet inside
*Notes: I know what he looks like actually. I just need to flesh it out. His arc is also defined. He's going to become a better person whether he wants it or not. *evil laughter*
Basic info: Iraê (she/her)
Background: A privateer pirate in a sea-surrounded kingdom. Lost her home as a kid during a territorial conflict with her homeland’s nobles and another noble house and became a pirate, later being recruited as a privateer of another house.
Role: Main character
Main traits: Playful, careful, ambitious
*Notes: She's so cool and I love her. She's also a bit of a dumbass.
Basic info: Cauã (he/him)
Background: Cauã is the only prince and heir of a neighborhood-area kingdom.
Role: Main character
Main traits: Presentable, good-humored, deeply troubled inside, stoic, easily flustered
*Notes: He has a cool design just not a single decent drawing of him. Working on that. He is also physically disabled I just don't know how. ADHDer.
Phillip Schneewittchen
Basic info: Phillip (he/him)
Background: King and Rose’s father. Has been a widow for around five years.
Role: Supporting character
Main traits: Passive, regal, caring, introverted
*Notes: Idk much about this guy he's just there being very heterosexual. (I prommy imma flesh him out. Eventually.) I have his age noted down somewhere.
Katarina von Waldeck
Basic info: Katarina (she/her)
Background: Viscountess of Von Waldeck and June’s employer. Her territory was the one who most flourished during king Phillip’s negligence widow period. The Evil Queen.
Role: Main antagonist
Main traits: Calculist, charismatic, opportunistic
*Notes: She would actually be a great queen if she weren't so evil. She also does have a (outdated) design. I'm just not gonna put it here—oops my hand slipped
note: this story has such a fleshed out plotline I even surprise myself
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cepheusgalaxy · 1 month
Meet the wip: Snow White
[PT: Meet the wip: Snow White /end PT.]
When the Evil Queen married with the king, the princess found out about her plans and wanted to stop her. However, when the Queen found it out the princess and her best friend were forced to flee the kingdom.
Now it is their mission to come back stronger and defeat her before she makes their homeland a living hell... somehow.
Extra info:
Tags: #sw wip
Genre: Fantasy, fairy tale-adjacent
none yet
About the setting: Magicless medieval fantasy setting. It takes place mostly in a single continent, and since I eased the load on myself by limiting the setting as so, it’s pretty fleshed out.
Notes section:
This is basically a Snow White retelling. Or at least it started as one.
Previously used tags: #snow white tag
Cast: Rose [protagonist], June, Iraê, Cauã [supporting characters], Katarina [antagonist]
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cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
[Transcript from my notes]
Total: 12
(Total of wips featured in the 1.0 version: 8)
Ocs per wip (main [in purple] & supporting [in red])
Arielle, Kaiki, Lis, Simba, Lucy, Lali, Luna, Giullia, Margeoux, Taylor, Helena, Alice, Tatiana, Stella, Adalia, Pamela, Lola, Clari, Alvaro
Mr. Coronet, Meine, [Arkisto], Adastrea
Totsuka e Megan
Totsuka, Megan, Noa Izabella, Benedict Donatello
Quinn, Ezra, Aiden, Voile
Snow White
Roseanne, June, Iraê, Cauã, Phillipp, Katarina
Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
The War of the Human Throne
Zaire, Miriam, Polaris, Aaliyah
The Witch’s Paladin
Melissa/Alice, Adamite, Evalino
Unchosen One
Victor, Gabriel, Toriel
Across Time and Odds
Danielle, [Amanda], [Mage]
The 9 Gates of Hell
Sami, Sanji, Rohan
Clou & Venera
Venera, Clou
[end transcript.]
0 notes