#hahahahaha not many ocs at all
cepheusgalaxy · 4 months
[Transcript from my notes]
Total: 12
(Total of wips featured in the 1.0 version: 8)
Ocs per wip (main [in purple] & supporting [in red])
Arielle, Kaiki, Lis, Simba, Lucy, Lali, Luna, Giullia, Margeoux, Taylor, Helena, Alice, Tatiana, Stella, Adalia, Pamela, Lola, Clari, Alvaro
Mr. Coronet, Meine, [Arkisto], Adastrea
Totsuka e Megan
Totsuka, Megan, Noa Izabella, Benedict Donatello
Quinn, Ezra, Aiden, Voile
Snow White
Roseanne, June, Iraê, Cauã, Phillipp, Katarina
Little Red Riding Hood Cyberpunk
The War of the Human Throne
Zaire, Miriam, Polaris, Aaliyah
The Witch’s Paladin
Melissa/Alice, Adamite, Evalino
Unchosen One
Victor, Gabriel, Toriel
Across Time and Odds
Danielle, [Amanda], [Mage]
The 9 Gates of Hell
Sami, Sanji, Rohan
Clou & Venera
Venera, Clou
[end transcript.]
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artekai · 2 years
I accidentally made myself emotional over what was initially a silly joke, as one does 😭
But the thought of Artekai (who has spent his whole HFW arc feeling like his past and his origins are both a curse that weighs him down) finding a way to repurpose that knowledge to help give Beta hope for her own future?
Takuto's Focus always was (and, despite everything, still is) Artekai's most prized possession. He's very protective over it, it's a source of pride, it's kinda his thing. I don't think he has shared those holos with anyone ever before, not even Aloy. Sylens has seen them, of course, but that's because he is a poor little meow meow who cares not for people's privacy hehe
If Horizon!Kai had a palace, Takuto's Focus would absolutely be his treasure.
So the thought of Artekai putting his pride and bitterness aside to sit down with Beta and tell her the story of the Phantom Thieves, to let her know that she's not alone, that other people have suffered through similar things before, and that they stuck together and pushed through and found happier lives at the end... The idea of him opening up and sharing what he has kept closest to his heart since the day he was born in an attempt to give Beta (someone he's barely just met!) a spark of hope...
I'm sure Takuto would be proud of him. He couldn't have hoped for his Focus to fall into better hands.
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autemka · 6 months
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So this is a small information as for the character appearance and how my OC looks like. that it is not the last info that is come up, I’m working on 2 more to know well my Fnaf Security Breach AU, I’m gonnna yell a little more about her to know her well;
Night Guard is a loud to say, Autem appeared in the daycare as an assistant for Dayacre Attenders, to help them around with kids and event and just checking on them. As she is young staff in the Pizza Plex she takes more fun and Daycare babysitter responsibilities like; playing with kids, calming them down, help with Nap time, cleaning duties and especially check up on Sun and Moons system.
Fun fact that she doesn’t mind all those responsibilities and finds it as a fun time spending on the work, and that’s a true fact that she is so good with little stars. Kids love to play with her, Autem even got few nicknames like ; miss Big Sister or Aunt Autem
Talking about relationships, mostly REALLY CLOSE FRIENDSHIP probably like BESTIES, but he sometimes think about… something more~. Sunny just can’t hide his love and care from his new assistant. After many years of changing the guards, including Vanessa, Sunny was hoping to find at least one person who would be nice to them, and for once actually care about Him and moon like with a real person. His wish was heard.
Moon: Among the naughty children, she one of the TOPS))))~~~
That’s also true, After some time when moon realised that Autem is the one, and first person who is not afraid of him, but actually fin something special and fun. I can totally say that those two were BORN for games. Autem was the only who didn’t want to sleep and that was a huge challenge for moon, Every single time they both teasing each other and asking for games to laugh together and have fun at night. Those two have a really close trust and humour relationship. no matter how moon tried to scare her, he ended up with her Giggles, or a wide sly smile on her face
I think in the ,in the middle of the night I’ve lost couple of my art skills and the done work looks a bit shitty but that is what we have hahahahaha
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piquuroblox · 9 days
WOOO!!! Rehab au gang :33
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First off: puff!!! I'm tired rn so some of this might not make sense I'm js yapping💔💔
Puff went out w some others on a run or smth one time and got their eye injured by a twisted scraps and when the gang came back with help he was gone 💔
Found him a while later as he was twisting and took him back n did all the rehab stuff 🔥
Sooo now they're js chilling ig.but not rlly. They're kinda silent and still or like unresponsive unless he wants smth or someone they don't recognize or trust well enough gets too close (he can't have his glasses on for long because it aggravates the eye injury and starts to mess up the bandages, but he'll put them back on occasionally)
Tries to get away a lot, very quick to swipe at people w/ their claws, often huddles up in corners or secluded areas. He seems to be a bit more at ease in dimly lit rooms (not completely dark but not too bright) if there aren't that many others in there with him! A few r fine tho
I also imagine they'd climb on stuff a lot or hand out in high areas and just generally be kinda annoying to deal with💔💔
Giggles... LEMON!!!! the guy... waow......
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He doesn't really fully get what's going on I think but he does his best :3
I think he'd have started to twist at some point, most likely shortly after puff went missing, but caught it early enough it didn't have too much of an effect other than a bit of erosion(??) on his tail. It does need to be checked up on occasionally because the ichor holding his tail together still will eventually try to spread again but he's good at taking care of that on his own, and it's fairly easy to deal with
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He is also willing to climb up places to try and get puff down (it most often does not go well but then again puff has a VERY hard time seeing. So. Sometimes it works good!!)
I LOVE YOUR YAPPING THIS IS AWESOME. PUFF… PUFFF… SO SAD….. I FEELS…. WHY DID YOU HAVE TO MAKE LEMON SLOWLY TWIST IM GONNA GET YOU. RUN. at least its easy to take care of (sweating profusely) id be so sad if you twisted TWO of your lovely ocs.. Hahahahaha (looking around) dont get any ideas.
im Obsessed. with these two so bad. I will doodle them soon. ….
i lav the idea of the ichor slowly spreading too thats kinda cool. Gonna gnaw on lemon regardless of his condition. Comehere. (POSITIVE
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k1tz · 5 months
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Created another damn oc, the demons possessed me again 😔
Info dump below!
Alright to start this out, to whoever can’t read my handwriting my guy is called Voski (but also nicknamed Sordid, thats why the “ is there) hes the person who makes the maps for the tophats and informs them on whats going on back on earth. Because of this he spends most of his time back on earth - ever since the rocket launched - trying to blend in either with the environment or the crowd. He doesn’t usually wear his top hat out in public, he only pulls it out if a tophat member back on earth spots him. Talking about that hes been spotted and caught multiple times by bystanders and/or gov members - somehow escaping every capture. Hes very chatty with people all things considered but has bad anger issues and because of him being caught so many times his emotions are practically held together by thin ass tape. His signature weapon is a pocket knife in case things get rough. Oh yeah u see that scar on his cheek? Yeah thats from him accidentally cutting himself with his knife lmfao. He loves to decorate his tophat with little golden chains because it looks cool. His favourite hobby is bird watching. His favourite treat is a chocolate candy with diced nuts inside. His favourite bird is the mourning dove because its coos are very calming to him. Also one last thing because he works on maps all day he has bad posture hahahahaha shrimp lookin mf ahahahaahA-
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pluppsauthor · 5 months
OC Interview
Thank you to @kaylinalexanderbooks and @tildeathiwillwrite for the tags! I'm a bit behind on some of times, but that's alright :)
Rules: answer the following questions in the perspective of one of your OCs!
Last time I did Dusk, this time I'm going to go with my main man Jesse Graves from my (still unnamed) western WIP, as well as a randomly decided character... the wheel says... Reven from Frequency: Forsaken! (Jesse's answers are in orange, and Reven's are in blue)
Are you named after anyone?
"Hmm... Well, I named myself, but 'Jesse' is a common name. Especially in the east. It wasn't after any one person, just the first name I thought of." "No. It's not even a name. Short for 'Revenant', should say all it needs to."
When was the last time you cried?
"Men don't cry. That's what I like to tell myself, anyway. In truth... every time I'm reminded of the people who died by my hands, I cry. May their souls rest in peace." "I've lost my limbs, been burned, and had my head cut off once. I don't cry any more, I can't."
Do you have kids?
"No. And I'm not looking to start a family right now either." "No."
Do you use sarcasm a lot?
"I don't really like to joke around. If I say something, I mean it. Simple as that." "HAHAHahaha, only when I'm cocky. What's the point in being serious? Takes all the fun out of it."
What’s the first thing you notice about people?
"How they carry themselves. If they walk with the confidence of a killin' man, or the regret of one, then I know to keep an eye out. Beyond that... I see if I recognise them." "I don't really pay attention to other people that much. I guess I notice if they might want to kill me, but they can't anyway, so what's the point."
What’s your eye colour?
"Brown, like the colour of my hair." "Blue? Why are you asking?"
Scary movies or happy endings?
"I've heard of the theatres in some of the big cities out far to the west. But I haven't seen a movie myself. But between scary stories and happy endings? ...There's no harm in a happy ending I suppose." "Nothing scarier than what I've been through, and there's no happy ending waiting for me... But a scary movie is more fun."
Any special talents?
"I'm a quick shot. My soul's a little unique too. But if you're looking for tricks, go see a priest or a witch. I'm not one for magic, so I don't have many special talents." "Yeah, I can't die. Anything more special than that?"
Where were you born?
"Don't ask me that. It's not important, and I don't want to tell you." "What does it matter? North City, the one near that rocky coast? I couldn't bother to remember."
Do you have any pets?
"No. I have my horse, Biscuit, but I wouldn't consider her a pet." "No."
What sort of sports do you play?
"I don't play any sports. Some people to the north consider marksmanship a sport. But I don't." "What are these questions? None, I don't have the time or interest for that."
How tall are you?
"I don't know, 165 maybe?" "Seriously, I don't care. 170, 173 maybe?" (Both in cm)
What was your favourite subject in school?
"School?" "Okay, one more of these questions and I'm done. Who do you take me for, some rich kid who grew with real grass on his lawn?"
What is your dream job?
"Dream job? I don't got one. All I want is to be at peace. Forgiven and without anything I need to do." "Alright, I'm done. I don't know why you wanted to ask me these so bad, but I've had enough. I'm done." *sound of door slamming* (Real answer would be to kill Dusk, nothing else)
Great round of questions this time. (Shame Reven left) But now onto the tags! Gently tagging... @kbwritesstuff, @illarian-rambling, @xenascribbles, and @leahnardo-da-veggie. Open tag as always to anyone who wants to hop in! ❤
Here are the questions!
Are you named after anyone? When was the last time you cried? Do you have kids? Do you use sarcasm a lot? What’s the first thing you notice about people? What’s your eye colour? Scary movies or happy endings? Any special talents? Where were you born? Do you have any pets? What sort of sports do you play? How tall are you? What was your favourite subject in school? What is your dream job?
[I'm stealing the easy copy/paste format >:)]
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onlyswan · 11 months
art what do u think would be in which couple's halloween costumes? and also to oc how many times have kookie convinced u to go ghost hunting in your apartment? hahahahaha
you sigh at the mention of ghost-hunting. “he was sad about it… when we didn’t find any ghosts in the apartment. i’ve thought about going to the other members’ houses and us trying out the equipment he bought there… heh, you know, just to be sure… but they will probably kick us out, right?”
ooohhh halloween costumes !! oc would want to be romeo and juliet <3 and jungkook hmm vampires maybe but oc would also beg him to be spiderman even just once looking at him all like 🥺🥺🥺
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20 Questions for Fic Writers
I have been tagged by @timetravelbypen, yayyyy!! :D
1. How many works do you have on AO3?:
2. What's your total AO3 word count?:
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Sailor Moon, Star Trek: Voyager, Star Trek: Prodigy, And one Harry Potter story, the xover.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Parent Trap (301)
Sailor Moon H: Order of the Phoenix (283)
Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince (217)
Out of Reach (currently taken down) (150)
Eden's Deception (149)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I always try to respond to comments. I especially love when people have questions or want hints about what comes next.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
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HAHAHAHAHA oh boy. Um... you... you want me to choose just one? hmmm... Alright so honestly I think while Afterimage and What Even is Three Minutes did numbers on the J/C crowd, nothing tops the cliffhangers at the end of Sailor Moon H: Half-Blood Prince in terms of how much angst they induced in readers. The double whammy: (1) the youngest senshi getting turned into a horcrux and taken hostage by Bellatrix Lestrange and (2) Morgana Avery, the OC whom I had carefully crafted to be a character you loved burning up her boyfriend's shop with dark magic and then casting the Dark Mark in order to infiltrate the death eaters as an undercover spy... My betas and I were taking bets on whether I'd get readers coming after me with pitch forks for that one.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
There's a few contenders but I don't think any happiness quite compares to Captain Kathryn Janeway in The Captain's Secret Santa, getting a puppy for Christmas.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
A smattering of memorable flames which I try to save to reflect back on when I need a good laugh.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
*opens trench coat* Smut you say? Well gosh golly gee. What in the blazes could that be? SMUT. Funny word. Hmmm. I'm not sure I know anything about that.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have written exactly two. Sailor Delta is on hold for the moment because the other one Sailor Moon H has one story to go. And i think if there were an award for craziest crossover I would submit that one and have a good chance to be in the running. It would win on craziest word count and probably on shenanigans too. And then it had the nerve to give itself a real plot. I started that as a crack fic and it got a mind of its own. And I am still writing it 8 years later XD.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I had all of my unlocked works on AO3 gobbled up by the initial crawl that Open AI used to build Chat GPT and that SUCKED. Not because it's been reproduced wholesale but because they'll use my hard work to make millions of dollars and all of the writers who were included in that dataset are both uncredited and uncompensated. I don't think I've ever had a fic stolen by another human. But if you do see what looks like my fic anywhere fishy, kindly let me know!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No one has but I would be open to it!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I've co-written a few!
One for a challenge with @magdalenejaneway,
one with Dawn47 when I was there as a Shakespeare assist.
memorable live-writing adventures with @trekflower. (one of my favorite people to write sexy fic with.)
And the longest one, which I am still so impressed we finished (and still one of my favorite things to reread) was the big Threshold AU Season 7 with @jellybeansarecool
I've talked about cowriting with @theredheadedcaptain but we both agreed that given our penchant for massively long fics that combining both of those tendencies was a very dangerously large project to contemplate XD
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
J/C is very near and dear to my heart but so is the Outer Senshi OT3 and I could never choose between them.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I am determined to finish all of my WIPs. Yes even SMH. Yes I know its been going on for 8 years. I am SLOW, okay. SLOW. Not lost. I know precisely how I want that thing to go.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I don't like tooting my own horn but okay... I feel confident in my ability to plot a long fic and see it through. In my ability to write something that brings you to your knees with emotion. And I do a damn good villain speech.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Time management. Word Count management. Oneshots.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Depends if it's there to be understood in context or there to stand out as not understood. I'd write dialogue in another language if it was there to be understood. I'd gloss over it if the intention was that the character and reader shouldnt understand it. I also wouldnt do it for whole lines of dialogue unless it was for a very good reason. Would prefer to throw in only the untranslateable words or to use greetings/honorifics and other smaller phrasal cues to indicate which language is being spoken.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
W.I.T.C.H. in 2009-2010
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
I fell in love with writing The Universe to Mend this year and I've already re-read it once since finishing it in October. It brought me so much joy. It was such a fun challenge. and I think it was some of the best character work I've ever done.
While I wince when I re-read some of the typos, Pax Lunae was still the first ever story that I felt proud of and that remains true today. It was a challenge to dive into the lore of Sailor Moon and create something that could be canon. It was also the first fic I could hold up and say "Hey! I wrote something the length of a novel. I could write a novel" And I like to reread it to remember that feeling. Someday I'll have a chance to clean up some of the spelling too..
Alrighty let's see. I want to tag @theredheadedcaptain @divinemissem13 @jellybeansarecool and @curator-on-ao3 if they'd like to take a crack at it. and anyone else who follows me and wants to - go for it!.
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creative-kny-fics · 11 months
MY DEAR BESTIEEEE, I'm craving for lee toyo, if you could, can you make a fic? choose the ler u want LMAO
Okey- 🤣 (it's the first time I make requests with an oc-)
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Ler: Sanemi
Lee: Togoyushi (OC)
'Himejima-San! Himejima-San! Please help me!' 'Is that you, Toyo?'
'Yeah!! Please! Don't let him find me!!', Gyomei was confused, what had happened now?
It was normal for him that some hashiras would hide behind him or look for him when someone wanted to tickle him, so he decided to help the young man.
'Okay, what happened?' 'Hehehe well...'
'I promise I'll surprise you!'
'You think I believe that "magic tricks" shit, huh?', well, from the vocabulary I think we all know who it could be. 'Come on Sanemi! I'm an expert at this!'
It took a lot for Toyo to get Sanemi to at least pay attention to him. 'Fine, but if it's a bad trick, I'll beat you up.'
Toyo accepted, even if he failed, it would have been damn worth doing. 'Okay, what's your BIG trick?'
'There's a mani at the bottom of the bottle!', Sanemi frowned, did he really think he could fool him?
Sanemi smiled and played along, but before Toyo could do anything, Sanemi threw the water in his face, laughing at Toyo's surprised face.
'WHAT THE FUCK-?!' 'HAHAHAHAHA!! Very good trick!', Sanemi clapped sarcastically.
Toyo looked at the bottle, it still had some water in it, what he did was drink it and spit it in Sanemi's face. Sanemi saw him and clenched his knuckles, a sound that made the younger hunter run away and get to the conversation with Gyomei.
'...' 'I already know it! You don't need to scold me! Please Himejima! Sanemi's tickling is hellish! Please!', Gyomei sighed, it was tall enough to hide it, so it was likely that Sanemi wouldn't see it.
However, Toyo did not hide well enough, as Sanemi saw his uniform and immediately recognized him. 'YOU!!!!'
'It seems like he's noticed. Excuse me Toyo', Sanemi began chasing Toyo throughout the estate, finally catching him when he looked back and lost his balance.
'Well well... looks like I've caught you... You're already screwed', Sanemi smiled and moved his fingers in the air, smiling when Toyo started to laugh in anticipation.
'C-cohohome on Sahanehehemihihi! Y-you knohohohow I wahahas just johohoking!'
'AND? That doesn't make you any less guilty! Come here brat!',Sanemi focused on the young man's sides, smiling as he began to thrash and squirm beneath him.
'I'm sorry Toyo, but I consider it a fair punishment for what you did', Gyomei turned around and left the hunter in Shinazugawa's hands.
Sanemi will probably release him... Or maybe no... Who knows?
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missannwinchester · 3 months
20 questions for fic writers
@candy-coated-misery0731 😘
1. How many works do you have on AO3? Oh, I actually deleted my whole AO3 page a few years ago. I have 9 works on fanficion net, but I think I used to have more on AO3.
2. What's your total AO3 word count? On ff.net it's 174k
3. What fandoms do you write for? My first fanfic EVER was for Arrow, I also write for Supernatural (Dean Winchester 💕) and now The Last of Us (Joel Miller 💕)
4. Top five fics by kudos I remember my most popular fic was Sleeping Beauty and the one after that was Falling for an Angel. Both for Arrow (Oliver/Felicity)
5. Do you respond to comments? YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not gonna lie I love it sooooo freaking much!!!! Now I don't get that many comments, but I used to get A LOT for the Arrow fanfics and I responded to every single one!!! 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 💕 I mean maybe I missed some, but I hope not.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Insane (SUPERNATURAL) This story takes place after Ouroboros, Michael didn't escape from Dean's mind, he has been trapped there for far too long and Dean is losing his mind.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? Hmmm... Probably Sleeping Beauty or Tell me what love is (Arrow, Oliver/Felicity)
8. Do you get hate on fics? Ugh I kinda wish someone cared that deeply about my writing hahahahahaha. Fortunately I don't get hate 💕
9. Do you write smut? Of course. And I love it!
10. Craziest crossover? I've never written a crossover.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Hahahahaha nooooo
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? No
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No
14. All time favorite ship? The X Files - Scully and Mulder
15. What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? Small Town in Nebraska - a multichapter I'm the most proud of 16. What are your writing strengths? I like my ideas so I'd say the plot, but I don't write well.
17. What are your writing weaknesses? I never edit because I'm lazy af 18. Thoughts on dialogue in another language? I'm not sure I understand this question, but I'm always all for foreign languages everywhere
19. First fandom you wrote in? Arrow - Oliver and Felicity
20. Favorite fic you've written? Plaything The Last of Us - Joel Miller/Reader Small Town in Nebraska Supernatural - Dean/Anna(OC)
tagging: @milla-frenchy @joelmillerisapunk @lumoverheaven @toxicanonymity
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(1)Not me writing a fic based on NGNM in my mind, but yeah, haha 😂 but in my fic, i will have Alicent sucessfully gaining a divorce, because she lost her 2 first babies and cant conceive again in 4 years, so everyone and Alicent herself assum she is barren now. Otto got serious sickness and about to die, only has 1 year left. So Alicent decides she doesnt want to be a puppet consort princess/queen, with no children, no real power to back her up (her father soon will die) and has to see her husband royal bastards (whose mom has Valyrian/Targ/Vel blood, riding the biggest dragon and was supposed to be the her husbands wife as everyone assumed before) thriving and has a chance to be her husbands legit heir. She sucessfully convinces Otto, Viserys, the faith to side with her for a annulment, i mean, the “barren” is a legit reason for this (and i imagine she would ask Rhaenys too to back her up because “you want to see your daughter to be queen and your grandchildren right? You and ur family want things that i dont give a damn anymore. Im sure you daughter and hubby will happily take this opportunity”. And yes, they do). Viserys even tho love her as his daughter in law so much, realize Alicent actually makes sense and his son need heirs, couple with the fact that his royal bastard grandchildren with Vel blood would cause a big political storm in the future so he agrees. This will be the biggest most scandalous divorce of all time, the most infamous divorce westeros pp ever see. Rhaenor will rage and hurt and rage and panic and scare and beg, even on his knees before Alicent, even threaten that someone would kill himbefore that. I can imagine all the angst here between them. But anyway in the end Alicent gets what she wants and Rhaenor is left with a forever broken heart. And he will resent everyone who involve this to help Alicent leaving him, for the rest of his life, meaning Laena, all the Velaryons,…. Even his father, tho just a little bit. Alicent leave for Oldtown with Otto to care for him in his last days. Rhaenor makes his bed and has to sleep in it aka marrying Laena. In Oldtown, Alicent meet her childhood male friend again. This is an OC i creat and he is a Lannister (i name him Tylius Lannister hehe). He is actually in the circle friends with Alicent, Rhaenor, Harwin, Laena…and they basically grown up together and he secretly is in love with Alicent for years but has to hide his feelings because Alicent loved and married Rhaenor. Now they have a chance to spend time together, and Tylius being their for Alicent first as a friend, and later more hehe. 3 or 4 years later they married. It is a big news to Westeros, not just because the bride is the former princess of dragonstone, but also people wonder how Tylius insist on marrying, given that she is barren and he is the Lannister heir. But for Tylius he is too much in love with Alicent that he marry her doesnt even care or expect her giving him children, and he has 2 brothers who has kids so the succesion is not the problem. And u can imagine how this news destroys Rhaenor (yes i forgot to add Tylius in Rhaenor hate list, and after this news he is on top of that list lol). He has always been in love with her and never stop loving her. Actually the moment he lost her, she becomes not only his only true love but also a obessesion of his life. Oh and he and Laena have distant relationship, or more like he distant himself from this second wife and doesnt care if it break her heart, and yes he has many affairs in his life and has some bastards, but not like NGNM Rhaenor, he didnt give them eggs or dragons. He understand the danger (future war/conflict between his legit kids and bastards) and even tho he doesnt love or care for Laena, he really love their children and always has their best interest at heart. Anyway, after 2-3 years of the wedding, Alicent gets pregnant, Surprise surprise. Why this miracle? Because im the author and i said so hahahahaha. And yes Rhaenor dies again with this. Alicent this time will have her babies. A golden twin that i name Jaime and Arwena
Ooo interesting!
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callmerhynner · 1 year
A hopeless romance,
(I just kinda wish you were gay, by: Billie Eilish)
synopsis: A story of a getaway driver falling head over heels for the aromantic arsonist. Unrequited and bitter.
tags: song oneshot, angst, poorly written, confession fail, unrequited love, runaway criminals, oc x oc, delusional love, reality slap, best friends to enemies, mentions of smoking, disney-esque realization, delulu, angst x2
author’s note: might make a part 2 idk. my pen tip broke and i cant draw on my tab😭😭
🎶 “Baby, I don’t feels so good” six words you never understood 🎶
“Spark, i don’t feel so good…” Swift confesses, the two were laying on the car’s hood and resting their eyes under the stars. Spark, his best friend and unrequited lover, gives him a glance before going back to resting them.
“We have a job in 10 hours, don’t get sick.” The ravenette bluntly puts. Swift sighs and nods along, this has been how he’s treated him their entire friendship but it’s been hurting him so much these past few years. It’s been bothering him more and more each day.
Memories flood his heterochromic eyes, remembering all the many times the stoic arsonist has left him to deal with all those hurtful experiences all on his own.
🎶 "I'll never let you go", five words you'll never say (aww) 🎶
The man dawning a low ponytail has never showed appreciation for the driver, who would openly take a bullet if it meant to protect him. He showed no interest, and no desire to try and connect each other like they did during their childhood years. There was one thing he would do to satiate each others ‘connection’.
Sex, no strings attached, they would roam each others bodies. Maybe it was to empty out their pent up aggression, their fields don’t show much time or value in meeting other people they could have a sexual relationship with, after all. But, Swift being the hopeless romantic that he was, daydreamed about the alternate universe of them having such a bond to reciprocate his upheld feelings.
🎶 I laugh along like nothing's wrong, four days has never felt so long 🎶
He knew it wasn’t true, it was never going to happen. Spark has never shown interest in romantic connections or relationships, in general. All he could do was respect it, not wanting to invalidate his own feelings, and laugh along to each and every thing he’d been through.
Swift beat himself up over his stupid hearty emotions. He knew that Spark was never going to reciprocate anything, but he still had the ability to continuously fall deeper and deeper inlove with him. Stupidity, at its finest.
He’s been with him so much that every thing he does has become almost routine. It’s been quiet a thrilling ride because of their dangerous occupation but soon, when the open hours close, it’s nothing but comfortable silence. Nothing new and nothing strange..
🎶 If three's a crowd and two was us, one slipped away (hahahahaha)🎶
Spark only had one ambition, to rebuild an agenda of a system he wants to uphold. He’ll burn down continents to have himself be a ghosting haunt for people of power. To be able to control someone powerful’s actions and life, he wants that.
Swift was never part of that ambition. He was his only considered friend, but that’s only because he was the only one willing enough, stupid enough, and impulsive enough, to run away with him. To be his partner in crime.
To be a victim of his crimes. Even from childhood.
🎶 I just wanna make you feel okay🎶
Swift looked up, eyes distant and staring at the shiny stars you could only see in an urban landscape, he reminisces of something. A promise that Swift can’t help but be loyal to.
If they were to be caught, Swift, the victim and the getaway driver, he will take all the blame. Spark will run a free man, without consequence. He will do anything for that man he calls his best friend, anything.
A terrible decision that he can’t remember making. But chooses to follow. Chooses to be a punching bag for his so-called love.
He was a pawn to him, and he allowed it.
A stupid decision, but one he doesn’t regret.
🎶 But all you do is look the other way🎶
Anything he’d do to gain his interest would fail or end in pointless shambles. He was basically a pet to the arsonist. He’d be either treated or punished if he was to do something that caught his attention.
He’d either be given a sexual favor or some sort affectionate gesture, or manipulated to become his puppet until he says he’s learned his lesson. Those punishments..it would never be pretty. Never was it brought up, the most fucked up things he could get to get away with, he’s made the driver do it to try and get his approval.
It never mattered to Spark what he gave Swift as a reward nor punishment. All he was wanted was a comrade to leverage him to his goal and if a fuck-buddy was what Spark thought was what the driver wanted, he was willing. It wasn’t like it was important or anything.
🎶 I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay🎶
Swift can’t keep up. It was thrilling, trying to chase after him, until he realized that he was chasing nothing. It wasn’t a matter of time or effort, Spark was a brick wall.
All he’d do is kill himself if he tries chasing after him. All those heartbreaks, those broken promises, and all those cracked memories. It was impossible, but he chose to try and reach him from the top. To try and climb up to him, not realizing he was inside the wall, barricaded.
Foolish, utterly stupid.
🎶 I just kinda wish you were gay🎶
Swift feels the car hood bump down and back up, Spark had walked off to god knows where. The hopeless pawn forced himself to try and not stare over at him waking off into the deeper parts of the forest, probably to go grab a fruit to bite on.
“I really need to quit…” he sits up, biting a cigarette and lighting it. If it wasn’t the romantic torment killing him, it was his lungs absolutely turning black from his smoking habits. “Fuck. That.” He replies to himself, huffing out smoke, eyes closed and eyebrows furrowed.
🎶 Is there a reason we're not through?🎶
The nicotine must be slowly drudging him because tunnel visions started and Swift was starting to see things in the smoke like a Disney Movie prediction. He saw two things, from the right was two children with similar builds from the two men’s kid bodies. They were running around, being playful and being boys.
The children were roughhousing, wrestling inside what looked like a living room, until the child that resembled Swift pushed Spark’s child body into the floor, hard. Spark was whimpering with his body shaking, he was in pain; and not even a second after, Swift ran up to carry him out of the living room, worried and running for his life outside of the smoke’s clouds.
And then there’s the left, another smoke cloud resembling Swift, this time in his young-teenager body. The teen was in a loud party, whilst just leaning himself on a wall with a cigarette next to an open window. The cloud-Swift was bored until Spark’s cloud popped out of the window to lure him out. Swift followed, body language looking more excited.
He hopped off the car and his eyes widen and take the cigarette out of his mouth and fan out the cloud images. “STOP IT!” He yelled, irritated at the emotional torture he’s stuck having to handle. “I can’t.” He huffs, sitting on the lightly wet grass, defeated. “Not this. Not now. Not again.”
🎶Is there a 12-step just for you?🎶
“That man is shit. And you know it.” He huffs. “Get him out, he’ll just…” he slams the back of his head on the nearest part of the car he could reach, “he’ll use you, Swift. You know that.”
“But what if he can change?” Here comes the internal battle.
“He won’t. He never has, and seems like he never will.”
“What if I just do what he wants. He’s always liked that.”
“Each and every time, you do that. Even that isn’t enough to please the fucker.”
“Time can change a man. That’s inevitable.”
“I never even got a thank you after throwing my life away to be his damn getaway driver.”
“HES THANKED ME ENOUGH! He’s..cared, he’s given me rewards”
“And punishments?! HES TREATING ME LIKE A PET!”
“He only gave us what I asked for! I wanted thrill, and a life of action, he gave that to me!”
“And uses me for everything?! Is he a princess??”
“He has priorities!”
“IM NOT ANY OF HIS!” Swift punches a dent into his car’s front as he huffed and panted after yelling his closing statement. He was so deep into his argument that he didn’t even notice that he was pulling on his hair, so much so that he had some of his grey locks in his hands already.
🎶Our conversation's all in blue
11 "heys" (Hey, hey, hey, hey)🎶
“Hey, crazy. Don’t wreck the car. Dipshit.” Swift looked up at the voice, it was his crush walking up to him with a glare to kill a man. He walked up to his form, eying him up and down before grabbing the drivers wrist and pushing it off the car.
“Hey…Spark.” The driver rubbed his hand and wrist, the punch and the arsonist’s rough push sure made the pain start to feel. “How much of that did you..umm..hear.?” Embarrassment rushing in, watching Spark’s cold eyes check on the car’s conditions.
“Shut it.” Be replied back, with his usual blunt and sharp voice. “I have good ears, Swift. If you have something to finally confess, say it now or I’ll kill you before you can.”
Swift cleared his throat before standing up, his hands fiddling inside this hoodie pockets. He looked back down, minds starting to fight again. The need to finally say his heart out to him and the want to keep it all
down, the fear of ruining what they have eating him up inside.
“I’m waiting.” Spark says, sitting on the car hood, giving him his undivided attention. The blushing man scratched his neck in thought, looking down and praying for some sort of sign to confess the obvious or act dumb and suck it all up. “Swift.”
🎶Ten fingers tearin' out my hair🎶
His left hand, subconsciously, went up to start grabbing at his hair. His right went off to follow, the voice or reason and the words of his heart were fighting for their life by this point. Spark watched all of this with his usual resting bitch face, waiting patiently for the man to get his mind in order.
“Swift.” He tried to get attention, but the man continued pulling on his hair. His gray hair starting to get pulled and that’s when the arsonist slapped the man in the face, as softly as he could without injuring him. “Stop.”
🎶Nine times, you never made it there🎶
“Just spit it out, or I’m leaving.” Now he was handed an ultimatum. “10 seconds. Make up your mind because I’m not acknowledging this ever again.”
“That’s not fair!” Swift tried to argue, looking at the calm man with wide eyes. “Atleast give me a day!” He just sat there with his eyes glaring in response.
“9 seconds.” The years of practicing to confess had now suddenly become deceased. He couldn’t even remember his name, it was so nerve wracking.
“8 seconds.” Swift just stood there, defeated. His mind was racing, trying to find some sort of way to finally decide. This stress was making him get a headache, by this point it was basically impossible to think things through without going rampant.
🎶I ate alone at seven, you were six minutes away🎶
“I..can’t.” Swift muttered, looking down in shadowing defeat, one could argue it was only a display to try and gain some sympathy. Too bad Spark is a sociopathic mastermind. As a man whose known him all his life, this was a common fact; he wasn’t trying to gain sympathy, he is now an emotional mess beyond the brink of help.
“7 seconds.” No mercy.
“You know that..” the driver continues to look down, wanting to cry but body so tortured it was almost impossible. Under the circumstance, he was as close to ‘loyal until death’ as he could get.
“6 seconds.”
🎶How am I supposed to make you feel okay🎶
Tears threaten to break through the driver’s heterochromic eyes, he was never good with pressure. He was the one who knew what to do with a plan, the strategist to his crush’s suicide missions. Wanting to just fade away, Swift takes a step back to breathe as much as he could as the pressure was choking him dead.
The eyes of this man was swirling in terror.
He had tried to accept that he was never gonna be given a chance with the man he finds so hard to let go of, all to go in vain. Love was a topic he hated to mention; it was never a problem he wanted. Unfortunately, there wasn’t a way out that could save his sick mind to swim away from his unrequited desire.
“5 seconds.” the man in the turtleneck states, glaring dagger into his skull.
🎶When all you do is walk the other way?🎶
“I LOVE YOU, OKAY?!” he finally yells out, the pressure on his throat now being shoved down his throat like a pack of razors. This hurt him a lot more that it’s should’ve, more than it normally should. More than the two could possibly wonder.
The two remained quiet, the pain spreading around the driver’s chest at the final display of loyalty. Meanwhile, the other was having a hard time trying to figure out how this could give him the upper hand in his twisted mind. Their dynamic was something reminiscent to one of a predator and its prey, one was vulnerable and the other was hungry for it.
And so, with that, the predator feigned surprise and soon forced out a hearty laugh. Feeling humiliated, the driver fists up their hands until his small nails could make rivers of red drip down his palm. He could remember his laugh as it just reminded him of what a devil incarnate his heart just had to belong to. Exactly three seconds of laughing, the arsonist-for-hire finally ceases, laughter dying out for him to finally reply to his forced confession.
“I don’t need that.”
🎶I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay🎶
The world around him just shattered, he knew it was coming but that small spirited heart of his was still hoping for an unanswered miracle. There was small flick of light in his head, trying to delude him into thinking that what they’d been doing for all these years—running away together, trusting only each-other—was more than being wanted criminals. He wished to ever god and deity that he didn’t agree to an unchangeable life of crime for nothing, that, at the least, the moments of life or death he’s shared with wasn’t with a stranger. That his childhood friend was still there.
But no, the man in front of him wasn’t his childhood friend. The man facing him was a stranger, he knew nothing about this man. He looked like his dearest best friend, but he wasn’t. He was his shell.
He’s been seeing everything through to gain that friend’s love back, for all these years of running away from cops and bounty hunters. But he can’t.
🎶I just kinda wish you were gay🎶
He can’t gain the love of his best friend, he wasn’t there.
“Oh…” he says, eyes darkening and face showing a neutral expression. A still sound of crickets chirping surrounded them, one eyeing the other down with mused judgement; the other, hearing his crush heart wilt away.
“What? Did you expect me to swoon over you?” the man responsible for breaking the other’s heart says, tilting his head with crossed arms. “You’ve done nothing but burden me.”
“That’s not true.” the man clenched his hand into a fist, breathing out through his nose.
“You talk all that after you punched a dent into your own car. Those big emotions always get the better of everything.” As Swift looked at the car, eyes straining slightly at how strong he was gritting his teeth. Unbeknownst to him, a sadistic glint sparked in the others eyes as he watch his anger rise through.
“That’s isn’t true.” another gruff mutter.
“I can’t name one time you’ve done something that’s ever helped me. You can’t prove it, you dont even show it—“ Swift could hear the evil smile on his voice. That was it—all these feeling were pouring hard, feeling his chest squeeze and making him swallow every shard of his broken heart until his throat was cut open. It was too much.
“Are yoU THAT STUPID?! My parents are getting mixed into your horseshit because of you dragging me into this.!” he finally manages to yell out his feelings, gritting his teeth and clenching his fist until his knuckles turned white. The other was stunned, this was the very first time he’s ever had the guts to yell at him. He’s put him in various torturous situations and Swift has held in every scream he tried to squeeze out of him, to be honest, it drove the sadomasochist up the wall of how much he could take without screaming or crying.
“You agreed to this, i didn’t drag you in. Don’t blame it on me because i don’t want to hold your hand like toddler.” The stunned man finally unfroze, glaring holes into the driver’s eyes with his resting bitch face.
“Are you serious?! You told me you got caught doing some stupid shit and needed to run—running away without knowing anything fucking else! You expected me to let you go alone?!” He replied with a tone of which was telling of how obvious the reason was. Over the bridges of dead bodies and burnt buildings of their crimes, this reason was always what stuck to him all throughout. Him not knowing this simple answer angered Swift even more, more than he expected.
“Maybe I did! Who gives a fuck?!” was all the other could give, looking away—trying to hide how threatened he was starting to feel—those blue and green eyes staring inti his soul.
“I give a fuck! I gave a fuck all these fucking goddamn years, but you?! You’re doing those because you’re a goddamn masochist!” The man slammed a hand onto his own chest, before pointing, accusatorially, at the arsonist. “And when things go south, you come crawling back for me to pick all of your goddamn shit up!”
🎶To spare my pride🎶
Denying everything felt right, seeing the stranger’s face contort and frown at his words were like food medals awarding him for all the shit he’s had to go through because of his masochistic suicide missions.
“Why?! Are you that FUCKING desperate?!!” Feeling a small desperation to be right, the man yells out and slaps the pointing finger.
“IT WAS BECAUSE YOU WERE MY FRIEND! THATS WHAT FRIENDS FUCKING DO!!” was the response he got, a small silence bit at each other’s backs, The driver was breathing do heavily that his shoulder were going up and down rapidly. He’s held that in the moment he took a step out of that window, the first time he helped him run away from the people hunting him-both of them, down. The air was still, the tension was high and the ship their friendship resided on had long since drowned in the sea of life.
They were never friends, the realization hit the man with heterochromic eyes, the light in them fading at the sight of the pathetic husk of a man facing him.
“Everything…” a whisper escapes his lips, heart pacing and chest heaving. Had he been this delusional this entire time?
How could he let it get this bad?
🎶To give your lack of interest, an explanation🎶
“Everything I’ve done, all of it…it was for nothing.” Swift says with the look of enfacement decorating his features. Those bright eyes that lit up when he was praised by the man, that bright contagious smile he wore all the time to show his friendly nature, all gone. Down the drain as fast as they were always put on.
“Swift…look-“ The stranger tries to rebut, no. That thing didn’t deserve to speak any more than he already has.
“Hans Quinton Maeri, or whatever you call yourself, i quit.” He pushes him away, taking steps back, fists clenches as his jaw was pushing at each other.
“You can’t quit. You can’t—after everything you’ve done, they’d kill you on sight. You don’t expect them to welcome you with open arms arfter all the blood on your hands, right?” The exasperated emotion was evident by the sense of his tone, a hand tries to place onto his shoulder—his tell when he was going to persuade him into something—but he jerks his body away.
“I mean that I quit. I quit everything. You, this, life—everything.” Swift’s hands waved around him and pointing at everywhere, he wanted to leave everything away to burn, so the thing in front of him has to deal with all it’s consequences. “Nothing has treated me right after the damage you put my life through,
🎶Don't say I'm not your type🎶
“What’s that supposed to mean?” The stranger asks, furrowed brows and a visible burn of judgement in his corneas.
“You know what it means.” he huffs, turning his head to face straight forward and walking off to get into the car.
“You’re not seriously thinking that killing yourself is gonna solve all the shit you’ve been hunted down for, right?!” It grabs at his jacket sleeve, making him stop at his step. Swift pulls his arm back, making a disgusted face at his touch. “You can’t be serious!”
“If i have to die so you can finally be put into a goddamn cell. So you can go crazy with the same thoughts you keep spewing out to me.” An uncharacteristic monotone voice says aloud to him, the soul he had just a moment ago had died the moment he was both rejected and slapped away from his delusion.
“If those bounty hunters cant kill you, they’ll hit the next best thing.” The stranger says, each word coaxing a smirk out of it’s own hideous face.
“You? perfect, exactly what i was aiming for.” Swift responds, taking a step to side when the stranger started laughing maniacally. What was he laughing about? Did it not hear him?
🎶Just say that I'm not your preferred sexual orientation🎶
“What the fuck are you on?!” He yells out, the urge to punch the thing was so tempting, almost stupidly tempting. But he won’t, he never will, be as petty as it was.
“This is so pathetic! Do you seriously not know?!” The thing continues to laugh, arms crossed at it’s stomach. With how much it was laughing, whatever he had to say was something he found very funny.
“Know what?! That you ate some poisonous shit while i was out here moping? You made that fucking obvious.” He retorted, it was really starting to get to his nerves.
“Let me ask you this, clearly. Who do you think are the next best things from killing the most wanted getaway driver?” It asks, tone mocking him. He wasn’t in on something very important, and the thing wasn’t going to be budging anytime soon.
“Just spit it out, if it isn’t you then i’m beat.” He gives in, just wanting to head inside the car and leave the pyromaniac to die alone in an electric chair.
🎶I'm so selfish🎶
“Your parents.”
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🎶But you make me feel helpless, yeah🎶
🎶And I can't stand another day🎶
🎶Stand another day🎶
🎶I just wanna make you feel okay🎶
🎶But all you do is look the other way, hmm🎶
🎶I can't tell you how much I wish I didn't wanna stay🎶
🎶I just kinda wish you were gay~ 3x🎶
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ive started trying to write a fanfic and now this oc is taking up like 90% of my mind, she’s all i can think about like ever i love her
now to actually try and write up some chapters, or even scenes (much easier said than done, i’ve been staring at a blank screen for far too long)
I know this feeling well!! I think about my three girls ALL the time. Hahahahaha. I joke with my friend that they’re the voices in my head. 🤣
It is for sure much easier said than done! I’ve sat and stared at a blank screen many many times. The only thing I can say is just write something. Even if it’s terrible and you delete it right after. For me, once I start writing, it’s easier to continue writing!
I can’t wait to read it some day! (If you choose to share! ☺️)
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xaracosmia · 2 months
Tumblr media
name / alias: mocha age: 30 pronouns: they/them ooc contact: givemeurbread on twt! other characters in xc: aoki renji and kazama afton, oc’s
name: the merc with a mouth, the regenerating degenerate, Deadpool! also known as Wade Winston Wilson. whattaya want next, my social? HA, funny, I don’t have one :] age: weelllllll if you take into consideration. yknow. Immortal, buuuuuut to make it easy on ya that fancy little experiment happened when I was 30. so young, I know, im just a baby! pronouns: gimme that sweet he/they ray series: marvel! Deadpool comics! canon point: ooh so here’s the FUN part, my funky widdle mods, I know all about canon points so let’s sprinkle in a dash of earth 616, and we’re gonna take a smidgen of my fellow Canadian’s canon and do the movies! Don’t worry, sweetums, no spoilers for my latest trek with Wolvie 🤫 app triggers: human experimentation, violence, gore, dismemberment (a lot) mental illnesses (mainly psychosis), cancer/terminal illness, mass death
Oh boy. Who’s do ya want? Haha, i’m just joshin’ ya! I like long walks on the beach, I’m a Jim looking for his Pam, im - okay fine, the angry little cup of coffee here wants me to stay on track. Sheesh. these don’t count for the three sentences, they say.
Wade (moi) can be very hard to describe. Idealistic? Sometimes! Loyal? Usually! Consistent? Hahahahaha no chance pal. Okay, okay, let the cuppa coffee say it.
He’s right; Wade is hard to pin down. He’s sassy, a hell of a smartass, and he’s sometimes quick to annoy. Usually the response is a verbal assault or a hail of bullets. Depends on the day. He acts tough, hell he is tough, but there’s still a core humanity deep down in there. He has a strong sense of his own morality and doesn’t hesitate to willingly clash if he feels something is wrong - and he’s got a knack for helping people who can’t help themselves, such as when he did a job for a teenage girl who could hardly pay his normal working fee. [Oh, that guy. What a creep! Handled my pizza with care though :] ]
Wade tries to do good… but not always for the right reason. He wanted — [wait don’t TALK about that. Yet. Another couple weeks BASICALLY what they’re saying is when I do a good deed, it aint always for me! … Man, depressing saying that out loud!]
And yet, there’s many times where he does do the right thing, just because it is the right thing to do. He hates to admit it, but Wade sometimes does the right thing even if it’d cost him his life. [Lookin’ at you Russel!] He’s loyal to his friends, even if he can be kind of a jerk to them [Look, I wasn’t LYING when I told Althea where the cure was!] But he really will go through hell and back to protect someone.
something your muse struggles with: Wade does not handle stressful situations well. he often acts incredibly impulsively or selfishly. examples are — [YES OKAY so I MIGHT have been a little excessive in resting on dozens of gallons of highly explosive material after my wife died. Or when I shot Francis even though I could have brought him to justice for his crimes. Or when I went into the weapon X program without consulting with Van— okay maybe you have a point there, my little Frappuccino.] that being said, impulse control and acting without exactly thinking.
your muse’s greatest strength: [Dashing good looks? An extensive martial arts history? The ability to not only shoot a .22 through a cheerio but the aim to pi—] WADE has a strong moral ground. It’s probably his greatest strength - he will give people the opportunity to do the right thing even if it costs him physical pain, or won’t be afraid to fight a fight he believes in even if it’s a lost battle already. His moral compass is a very big part of who he is and why he decides to try and do the right thing when he feels necessary.
history / background:
Alright, my little Americano, this is Wade’s story now! See, it all started when I was just a little boy in Canada… I was a sickly thing. And when puberty struck, I suddenly had these sickass claws of — wait what. That wasn’t me? That was Loga— god dammit.
Okay okay. Really, it depends on whoever the writer was, but it all goes a little somethin’ like this!
Was just mom and I in Canada. Dear old pops took off so he can go chuck a fu— can I curse? When I was not old enough I lied about my age to get into the military. Special forces. They give you a LITERAL license to kill there, it was wild. They don’t let you do over the photo, mine is terrible. But, y’know, dishonorable discharges, didn’t wanna do some of the annoying shit (see also: wrong shit) they wanted me to do so that lovely little mark is on my record forever! Thanks, principal.
You know how stories go. Ya get somethin’ good and it’s yanked out from under ya. I was diagnosed with terminal cancer of uhhhh brain, spine, kidneys, god the list is long I don’t wanna read it all out. That’s when some scary looking man came by to get me to join his girl scouts and get some cool little super big boy powers!
Shit deal. 0/10. Would not recommend.
These little tests were grueling. So grueling that there was literally a pool people would bet on to see who would kick the bucket next - a Dead Pool. (See? Depends on your writer. Affogato here liked this one better.) Well, wouldn’t ya know it, good old Wade made it! My mutation formed, my cells constantly regenerated as soon as they killed the cancer cells. And my skin cells. And blood cells. And brain cells - do ya see where this is going? All my cells are supercharged, so I have a neat little healing factor just like my bestie Wolvie. It’s neat. Growing back limbs is a weird process. Makes for fun TikToks though.
Oh man, and the fun little journeys I’ve been on! Hawkeye and I had a few fun little journeys, I FINALLY got the call to the Show for little mouse man to expand my acting chops, saved the world once or twice (also killed it but that’s not gonna be canon here, don’t worry my little mod friends!) We can talk about the game but. Eh. That was more like a fever dream. A fun one!
But I’ve done it all, baby. Worked with the X-Men, my X-Force, did you KNOW I was also in Civil War?! … I mean I was hired to chase people who needed to register but. Details, details.
Lately? I go wherever the wind takes me… Or the little watermelon robot, in this case!
powers / abilities:
technically none!
inherent abilities:
Cellular Regeneration: Deadpool is only alive, in fact, due to this cellular regeneration. But basically, his cells are dying and regenerating at such an immense speed that, yes, he does heal and grow back bits and pieces, but it’s also the reason his skin is deformed. And it’s a little responsible for the whole, ya know. Slight psychosis. His brain cells also do this so some days it affects him worse than others. This is inclusive with other such things, like a higher resistance to toxins and poisons, the lack of fatigue since his muscles don’t produce the toxins that cause fatigue and aching, and making it extremely hard to feel the effects of alcohol. However, this isnt unlimited. If any of these things happen too fast within too short amount a time, it’s harder and harder for Wade to regenerate. The weapon X program didn’t exactly give him superhuman speed, strength, etc, but it is higher than your average human’s since he doesn’t feel the pain or effects a normal human would.
items / weapons:
Twin adamantium katanas: dual blades made from the strongest metal on earth! Damn near indestructible, bullet proof, badass.
Twin desert eagles: a bit of an excessive weapon, but Deadpool is a crack shot with his twin desert eagle pistols
Teleportation belt: A neat little belt that allows short to mid-range teleportation… when it likes to work. He’s still working out the kinks. Hey, he stole the belt, not the manual.
starting ability: Nada!
starting item: Teleportation belt!
would you like this character to be housed upon arrival?: god yes give this idiot roomies
You bet your butt im gonna add in those funky extra text boxes like in the comics.
Because I can and it’s Deadpool, yes, I am indeed going to be pulling inspiration from comics and movies.
Actually annoyingly sweet sometimes this man will raise his mask so Hawkeye can read his lips since he’s hard of hearing.
He has a daughter! Canonically. So, y’know, soft spot for kids.
We understand the game was well(ish) made and fun to play but given it’s a dumb as hell story so we are electing to mostly ignore it.
Did you know he looked up to Captain America. I think that’s both sweet and hilariously ironic.
Don’t worry he’s not gonna be some maniacal idiot just a regular idiot.
discord id: .maximum.effort.
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benefits1986 · 11 months
Short Selling & Steroids
I think I'm back to my sedated self, thankfully. Let's see.
Why do you short sell yourself a lot? I get asked this question too many times in all aspects of my life --work, personal, and even landi. So, here we go. Must be because of this buttery 70s PL which is my go-to sedative apart from liters (if not gallons) of sangria. My universe is never and will never be bound by validation. I live for invalidation. This dates back to mother dragon's ways but as I revisit this archaic bit, I'm coming clean like Taylor Swift.
In every test paper I bring home, she would look at my mistakes and tell me that I'm too careless because she knew that I knew the answer. Always. Later, when I commit and omit actions, she'd always tag me as a "matalinong gago" with so much graphic words sans the curses. That's how great she was with weaponizing words, tone, style and the works. She rarely hits me, but when she does, it's one for the books. Hence, I come off as someone with too idealistic standards and intimidating. I was born and raised this way, I guess.
When I became the captain of mother dragon's sinking ship in her quest to her final destination, I was left with this burden that while I know I know how to power through with grit, with intention and with my maldita na "matalinong gago" ways, I will be going home defeated. That's when I embraced the world of utter invalidation. That I am never enough just because I can't cheat death, ever. Labo, I know, but, I was 17 when this era started. I was clinging onto to the dearest life form in my universe... my mom.
I guess, that's also where my anhedonia is truly, madly, deeply rooted. I've been so used to losing that winning is but a consolation prize. I had to stop and breathe deeper breaths before keying the previous line. It's true blue blood right there. I don't like validation because all my efforts and results are but pale in comparison to what my harsh reality is... mom's death. I know that this is purely irrational, but in love, emotions overrides any "matalinong kagaguhan" anytime.
Compliments in any shape or form do not mean anything to me. Mom left me even when I fucking gave all that I can and all that I'm not in our battle. She gave up on us. She gave up on me. So, sino pa bang hindi mangiiwan sa akin kahit na I burn myself to ground? Sino pa ba? Wala na. Walang forever. Fuck forever. Forever's but a social construct that even De Beers is milking the shit out of every giddy girl getting a ring on it. LOL. G na g, mhie? Talaga ba?
There are countless time when mom told me to step on the breaks since masyado kong sineseryoso 'yung routines, doc visits and after-care niya. Wala pang palliative care noon lalo sa Pinas at sa public hospitals. Ilang beses niya sinabi sa akin, anak, na-train nga kita kaso sumobra naman yata. I remember so many times na deep inside I was crying, but I told her na, sabi niya, the true test of a good teacher is when the student beats the shit out of the educator. Mom smirks with tiny tears at times. Alam ko naman I'm tough love on her, pero 'di power trip 'yun. Ego and empathy lang talaga. Kasi, 'pag sumuko ako, wala na e. She was no longer my strong, independent, OC mom. She was no longer undefeated. She was no longer my fortress. She is my liability, my only asset who's depreciating pretty quickly. She is my universe. HUY. Hahahahaha. Mommy's girl talaga ako.
However, I'm here and now. A few days back, I keep hearing steroids as meds. UGH. I discovered that it's my trigger. Mom had to take steroids to pump up her system. And yes, the side effects eventually kicked in and that is where things get fucked up. While steroids definitely helped prolong her life, iba e. Her totality was altered. HUY. Naiiyak na naman ako. Hindi tayo mag-spiral this Scorpio szn. Maraming labada at iwas-sunog ganaps.
Steroids are reminders that while I get triggers, I can hopefully turn this shit into a glimmer. UGH. I have to face the fact that steroids helped mom get by. And that, these designer and well-marketed drugs allowed her to power through even when was running on 5 to 10 kph; instead of her usual 160-180 kph. And that, I have to face my red flag. Hindi naman madali, pero hindi imposible. AYWAW. May character arc development na ba talaga this dalisay kuno girly? Abangan.
And you know what steroids brought me and mom? Because she was gaining weight and looking plumper in a good way, when she was in her casket, she looked undeniably good. FUCK HER TALAGA. Alam mo 'yung look na I FOUGHT TOO MANY GOOD FIGHTS. KBYE na look. She looked too peaceful, too unbothered, too accomplished. HUY. 'Wag nating pabagsakin ang luha na mala somatic yoga session. HAHAHAHA. Nagsusulat lang akong dyslexic bitch for today's video. CHZ. I can hear mother dragon saying right now na 'yan, 'yan. Ganyan. Gamitin mo kagaguhan ng utak mo sa matalinong paraan. 'Di ka natatakot kahit kanino 'di ba? Keep up. Keep up. Eto na nga, ma. Eto na nga. Tumabi ka na naman sa akin sa WFH session ko na 'to. Alis. Smirking Taurus na naman po siya ihh.
PS: Double whammy talaga pagsulat ng thought farts. Kasi, iba ang AI content and content from the Bronx. :D LOL. Iba talaga. Hindi ako magaling. Mahilig at marunong lang as a dyslexic person na pati dyslexia hirap ako spell. It reminds me that I'm bulletproof. Aywaw. Validation szn na ba? Shemay. Kaya ko na ba 'tong mature role na 'to? Abangan! Toodles. Balik labada and iwas-sunog na tayo. :p NP: Killing Me Softly With His Song - Roberta Flack Langya ka talaga, ma. Hyfe ka. Makikita mo hinahanap mo. Sorry na agad, ang tagal ko mag-move forward. Bwiset ka kasi e. Pero, I know, I know, mas bwiset ako. Lofffyoooohoooo.
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derschwarzeengel · 1 year
Anonymous asked: How do you think Damon would react to your other characters if he met them?
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asdfghjkl; I have so many other muses, ooof. Okay, let’s see if I can try and break this down by fandom.
Doctor Who
Teine (dark!AU Tenth Doctor)
He’d respect Teine, certainly, but he’d always be wary around him and feeling like he’s constantly on edge. Being an eldritch abomination from before the universe walking around in a Gallifreyan body that already feels off to humans and is the last of a people that controlled the laws of Time itself, Teine tends to have that effect on quite a few people (who aren’t companions). Why do you think Torchwood wanted xem dead, after all?
Cousin Justine
She’s the last surviving member (in her timeline, anyway, and she seems to be running into quite a few “last surviving members) of Faction Paradox, a New Orleans voodoo time-travelling crime syndicate cult that got itself kicked off of Gallifrey way back when because their founder would not stop deliberately pissing off the other Time Lords. Has witch-blood, inherited the Shadow of Grandfather Paradox himself, can do a lot of things with her spirit-weapon that normal Cousins and Faction members can’t do, and her formal wear consists of Victorian-era dress and the hybrid skull of a Great Vampire/Time Lord from an aborted timeline that never happened. So yeah, Damon’s going to dig the aesthetic but be incredibly cautious around her, the same way he’s wary around upper-level demons and warlocks.
Charmed (1998)
Chris Halliwell
Damon already doesn’t like Chris, and the feeling is mutual.
Morrigan Wolf (OC)
She’s his daughter, one he raised himself, so naturally he’s going to get along well with her. Still does, even after she’s fully grown and come into her powers as a full Darklighter.
Devlin Booker (Warlock OC)
Oh man, there’s going to be so, so much shit-talking based on their respective species. So very much. Also, Damon’s jealous that one of Devlin’s natural powers is the ability to shapeshift into a panther.
Billie Jenkins
Hahahahaha, nope. He’s heard the story of the Ultimate Power and the blonde teenage witch who was the Charmed Ones’ protegee. Damon’s staying far, far away from Billie, thanks. Even after she’s returned to a semi-normal life to continue with college.
Christy Jenkins
That’s also a huge nope. Damon had heard the rumors of the Triad keeping a young, powerful telepathic firestarter witch and raising her… plus, he’s seen the destruction left in her wake in the Underworld after she was reunited with her sister Billie and they became the Ultimate Power. If Christy ever showed up in his corner of the Underworld, he’s going to black-orb out of there so very fast.
Murdina/Murdoch (kelpie OC)
…He’s a sucker for a pretty face + horses, okay. Being seduced by a kelpie is probably how he’s gonna die (again).
Barbas, the Demon of Fear
Damon is terrified of Barbas (rightfully so) and wants nothing to do with him, so if he ever does encounter Barbas, he's going to black-orb out as fast as possible.
21 Jump Street (1987)
Tbh, Damon is just going to take one look at Tom Hanson, Judy Hoffs, and Dennis Booker and nope out. He’s not going to make the mistake of taunting young-looking full-fledged cops in their early twenties over how they still look like teenagers (especially since it’s one of Hanson’s berserk buttons, even after he’s joined Jump Street). Also because he doesn’t like cops in general, but… y'know.
Charmed (2018)
Harry Greenwood
Being a British Whitelighter that reminds him so very much of a Giles knock-off, Damon’s automatically going to hate Harry on sight and principle, tbh. It doesn’t get any better when he realizes just how much control the Elders in Harry’s universe have over Whitelighters, especially considering that the Elders here are witches, not higher-ranking Whitelighters. Also, Damon refuses to call that method of teleportation orbing. That’s not orbing, that’s fucking Apparition from the Harry Potter movies.
jimmy Westwell
Ironically, Damon would get on much better with Jimmy, Harry’s Darklighter counterpart. Still disagrees with the form of teleportation he uses being referred to as "black orbing” (because sorry, it’s not). Damon’s pissed the fuck off when he learns that Jimmy’s spent the majority of the past 60 years or so trapped as sentient smoke in a bottle, and then was enslaved by humans the instant he was finally freed.
Misc. fandoms & OCs
Maria Valdez (Wolf Shifter OC)
Oh man, Damon and Maria are going to hate each other on sight. I will not elaborate.
Death/Der Tod (Elisabeth das Musical)
Damon’s going to take one look at Death and run far, far away in the opposite direction (while silently squeeing on the inside, because Elisabeth is one of his favorite musicals).
Thorn (Scooby-Doo)
Thorn’s going to be wary of Damon at first, depending on how long it’s been since everything with Ben Ravencroft (and Damon’s probably going to remind her of the horror writer a little bit), but Damon’s open about liking her band’s music and respecting her as a musician so they warm up to each other eventually while each of them is dancing around the fact they’re connected to the supernatural world.
Will Vandom (W.I.T.C.H.)
The moment she sees him doing anything Darklighter-y, Will is probably going to go all Guardian of Kandrakar on Damon’s ass and unleash some quintessence and/or the power of the Heart of Kandrakar on him after she’s transformed. Meanwhile, there’s Damon wondering when his life turned into a Sailor Moon episode and he’s half-expecting this redhead with flower-petal wings to go into Usagi’s “In the name of the Moon, I will punish you!” speech.
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