goldenshrikecomic · 7 months
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Helevise and Iralee (2021)
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catella-ars · 3 years
Spent forever clumsily editing this and I’m still not super happy with it but here it is!  A tiny, incomplete dub of one of my favorite comics, Golden Shrike by doeprince which you should all go read --> https://www.deviantart.com/doeprince/art/Golden-Shrike-1-758806117
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iapetusneume · 3 years
Do your D&D characters sleep in their armor?
This is a bit of a complex answer. I would assume that this is them camping out for the night or actively on an adventure and in an inn.
Nidia and Arley are from Pathfinder; Vivian started in World of Darkness and then the game shifted to being run by Pathfinder; Zylvi, Glabra, and Cassidy are from 5e.
Nidia is a magus sylph (who later was transformed into a minotaur). She would sleep in her armor while camping, but unless she's very nervous about the inn she's staying in, she'd sleep in pajamas.
Arley is a Bloodrager minotaur, and would sleep in her armor while out adventuring.
Vivian is a monk/shaman who is also a werewolf, so she had a lot of natural armor. She would occasionally sleep in her shaman robes while adventuring. When she's not wearing her shaman robes, she'd be sleeping in a tank top and shorts.
Zylvi is a pugilist tiefling, and would probably not sleep in her armor. Given the nature of her adventuring, that would not be her first instinct. She is rarely on the road, and more often than not had adventures either in a city where she had an apartment, or while living on an airship. She would sleep either in a nightie or naked.
Glabra is a druid/warlock wilden, and her situation is a bit strange. Wilden don't sleep (unless they've experienced severe physical exhaustion), and they usually just meditate in the sun for 2 hours in a 24 hour time period. BUT...! Glabra was turned into a vampire. Navona had to decide how Wilden would react to the rules of needing sleep as a vampire, and decided that they need to sleep 4 hours (as opposed to most races needing 8 hours if they were turned). SO THAT GIVEN... Glabra would sleep in her armor if she was on the road. If she had her airship or was on the sea in her seafaring ship, she would probably sleep in her quarters naked (or in pajamas if it's really cold. but she'd rather be naked cuddled up to one (or more) of her lovers and a lot of blankets).
Cassidy is a rogue roegadyn who has a similar situation to Zylvi in how she adventures, so it's incredibly rare that she'd be out on the road. When she is, she would sleep in her armor. If she were in an inn, she'd probably be in a tank top and shorts.
Thanks for the ask!
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doe-prince · 3 years
Hello, I have a question regarding Cutlass and Kasko: do they have accents, and if they do, which ones? Their speech, some of the words they use seem so. (Love reading Golden Shrike, it has quickly become my new favourite webcomic—your art style is absolutely beautiful!)
I'm not very savvy with English dialects or accents so I can't really say, I haven't put much thought into it with those two. The original Cutlass was from somewhere in 'murica, and someone said Kasko sounds a bit British? The only one with distinct dialect is Iralee, yet I personally can't even place it. (Happy to hear you've been enjoying, thank you!)
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theunfinishedstory · 4 years
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My commitment to this story has come and gone - it’s been started and rewritten and abandoned and restarted all the same. In a spout of frustration during the year-long writing block that was 2020, I wrote out the existing stories that I intend to write in my life - the stories I’d feel incomplete dying without sharing, as dramatic as it sounds. It added up to a current total of 12 books. The number was enough to pick back up my interest in writing,  that there was plenty of content already and worlds waiting to come alive.
The Story of Eida (standing title) is a series of books that follow the journey of our main character, Eida, as her life takes a drastic turn when an unforseen darkness returns to the regal palace. It’s a story about family, friendship tied in with the pressures of a born-royal woman who strayed away from her family’s traditional path. All at once, her past and future are coming to a head. What was abandoned and hoped to stay forgotten has crawled back to the surface embodied as her eldest daughter, Lillana.
The story is set in a fantastical continent called Iralee, the home to Mystics - races of Fae and Nords. This telling focuses on the Elvish way of life, with specks of fairy dust glittering in and out as their nations lay beside each other on a map.
Now, I don’t want to spoil too much so I’m going to stop here before I get carried away! (^. ^ )*
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blackdeawing14arts · 3 years
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“I heard it, and it said, “The world will never under.” - Nadege Richards I fall in love with doeprince’s(on deviantart)character, Iralee, and I had to draw her 🥰. I decided to challenge myself with using four colors from using an app, Pastel. Ira ©️ doeprince on DevinatArt Art ©️ BlackDeaWing14
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A funny and entertaining family trio on YouTube, with their big brother!
#Brothers, #Family, #Fun, #Kids, #Trio #News #YouTubeChannel Ready for some crazy family fun? :P Iralee RIOT TRIO is a channel by three naughty kids who call themselves the Riot Trio. They along with their big brother and father never dare to take on the funniest strides and since 2019 they are here on youtube to take us as well on the fun filled rides with them...one-of-a-kind channel from maybe the coolest family in YouTube Canada!!
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goldenshrikecomic · 11 months
Why does iralle have three necklaces
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One for every waifu
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
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All of these bonus comics are available in my Ko-fi shop!
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Do you have voice claims for your characters?
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Got this dumb little video. I might make an updated one someday when I've had more revelations.
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goldenshrikecomic · 10 months
Can we see all the wives of ira
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You can only see the one included in this bonus comic.
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
who are your top 5 favorite GS characters to draw? and is there a character you find difficult to draw?
Nero is my favorite, he's so sharp and has fun shapes that feel natural to sraw. Usma is so soft, Iralee is fun, I like drawing Bones' spine and legs, Riptail just feels easy.
Even after all this time, Runi is difficult to get right. Antaras is hell, and Eve's ears are merciless.
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Hello, just wanna ask, which characters are confirmed LGBT? It seems Runi is interested in (exclusively?) gals, Cutlass and Riptail are dating...
Cutlass and Riptail are longtime partners, Rip being gay and the original Cutlass (who belongs to SmolderBone on dA) was bi if I remember right. Iralee's romantic preferences were revealed in one of the bonus comics — she's a non-monogamous lady-liker. As a trivial little treat, Dorus (Nero and Runi's dad) is a little bi-romantic, confirmed in this piece I made for a pride collab.
I also had a loose thought of Kasko's mother being lesbian since Kasko has no father figure in his life, and there's a panel on page 155 where a doe is leaning on her during their hard time. But this is so vague you can just choose your own headcanon.
Runi did indeed have a blushy moment over Nero's Usma comment, but I won't confirm anything!
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goldenshrikecomic · 1 year
Since deer are happy to monch baby birds IRL... are there taboos about that in the golden shrike world? What's their alternative for calcium and protein in a pinch?
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My friends I've seen many people so interested in these aspects of the comic, but they're something I just vague away because I can. The characters are barely shown eating onscreen because it's irrelevant, but we all just know they're eating. And when they're eating we can just assume they get the stuff they need.
I get that being logical enough is super important to keep it all believeable, but as long as I don't have to explain it in detail I think I can get away with it. There's only so many things I can portray in a comic page.
As tiny answers to your big questions; bird eating is a no-no, and Iralee's halv munching habits are regarded as someone eating their pet cat or christian gnawing on a bible. But it comes from a place of faith so fellow deer are/try to be okay with it. Stonekrovns are omni/carnivores and they can't just choose to eat plants. They're exiled away so they feed on small to medium prey and fill up with berries and shrub and twinkies and whatever they have on their mountain. They have slow metabolism so it's not like they're always starving, even though it's not easy out there.
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iapetusneume · 7 years
So, for some of the adventures we’re going on, we needed to get better transportation. It ended up working out ok that we were going to buy horses, but Navona didn’t like the cost of a heavy horse (combat trained). Because her character is Large size, she can’t go with the light horse like Armony or my characters can.
So, she got a Dire Wolf.
And later, when we get to the first village while traveling on horse (and wolf?) back, my character goes to rub her horse down and get to know her better. I have a decent Handle Animal score. Not that it matters because I roll a nat 20.
Navona rolls a 5.
Over the next few days game-time, the rolls continue in this vein. All my rolls are great and all of Navona’s are potato. At one point I ask, “would you like me to take care of your wolf while you set up camp?” And she’s like “no, I got this.” Then rolls a 4.
It’s so great.
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iapetusneume · 7 years
RPing can be so intense an emotional. And, like, that's part of the thrill of it! But you can't just pick and choose moments, especially in the context of doing a D&D campaign. My biggest problem with Arley is that I don't want her to be Nidia 2.0. And I miss RPing Nidia, and I had such a good bead on her and her motivations and how she worked, and Arley is... not as well-defined. Part of this was my own design. Given the way the campaign went, we thought it would be fun to play [some of] the children of the heroes. And with the time skip, it made Arley a lot younger starting this campaign than when her mom did. (Nidia was the sylph equivalent of early 30s, Arley is 20.) And, like, I remember what it was like to be 20 and to not know what I wanted to do with my life. And despite her decent Wisdom score, I do think that a lot of young people who might still be considered wise can make shit choices. It's been fun to play someone a little more ignorant about the world, in some ways, but also more knowledgeable since I the player am more familiar with world events and history. But I can also tell when more bits of myself are getting into the game than I'd like. And part of that is the anxiety of not being competent enough (Arley started at level 1, she's currently at level 3, and they're on the slow XP track). And I remember the anxiety of not knowing what to do with my life when I was 20, and I've had several moments where I was like: what the fuck was i thinking? Why the hell would I ever want to go back to that mindset? tl;dr I am emotionally drained from playing a 20 year old making bad decisions while trying to do the right thing, and now trying to figure out how to remove myself enough to still enjoy playing and not disrupt the game too much
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