#iris doesn't know barry has powers and she's instantly like
dangerdeficit · 2 years
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love this girlboss and malewife dynamic (from The Flash [2016] #10)
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12, 17, 21
12. Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Series 4 of the Flash maybe? At least the main arc, there are parts that I did not like, but in general I liked having a not speedster main villain and them having to think their way around the problem more?
17. Instead of XYZ happening, I would have made ABC happen…
So Iris never really gets a focus in the "Iris is going to die" arc, whereas she should have been the main character, her feelings should be front and centre, and that's the major thing I would change, but they never really went super into how did Savitar happen in the first place, so I've just had an idea to run with:
Okay. So we open with Flashpoint still, Barry running back to try and save Wally, and then the next episode is mostly the same except we're skipping the weird husks, Barry's actually involved in some kind of missing person case, and his new colleague who he's not getting on super well with, Julian Albert/Albert Desmond, is handling most of the metahuman cases, as instructed by his boss- Director of CSI David Singh
(They're Flashpoint changes- Barry's been thrown out and keeps calling him Captain Singh still. David has figured out Barry's the Flash and assumes this is related)
The first missing person case Barry picks up is for a Doctor Darwin Elias.
There's a few of the people getting powers- starting with Edward Clariss still, and Barry quickly puts together these are all people who had powers in Flashpoint and assumes this is something he caused.
(After all, he seems to have caused Caitlin getting powers, and maybe we keep the Dante dies part, or maybe it's Cisco's other brother, Armando, who Barry's never heard of before, or maybe we cut this entirely, I haven't decided)
We are skipping the Alchemy cult thing, but there is a bad guy called Alchemy who uses his Philosopher's Stone, and this is involved in giving Wally powers still, and Barry still unmasks him and reveals Julian who has zero memory of any of this
(Well. Al was the first Rogue to reform, way back in the Silver Age initially, and there is that one where Eobard uses his mind manipulation to get Al to go back to villainy unwillingly and try and help him kill Barry even though Barry's his friend now, so there is comic precedent for the mind control from a future speedster part)
Even though this is mostly an episode plot (or maybe 2 episodes) Barry still gets flung to the future throwing the Philosopher's Stone into the Speed Force. He doesn't see the moment of Iris' death but he does see the immediate aftermath. And Barry is a CSI, he's very good at his job, and he has the experience to know instantly that a speedster did this. Iris is in some kind of costume he doesn't recognise (but we the audience know to be reminiscent of Batgirl's), he can see Iris is alone but still warm, so this has only just happened, Barry doesn't see a date anywhere, and Jay grabs him and runs them back to the present right as the door starts to open.
Jay tells Barry he can't go back there, he can't find these things out, he just experienced the consequences of changing time and he knows how dangerous it is.
So Barry keeps what he knows to himself and we have an episode where Barry's plot is dealing with a metahuman who he knows could not have possibly got his powers from Alchemy yet has got some new ones and the other half is focused on Iris being a reporter, she's investigating something- maybe some thefts from various labs around the city where they suspect a speedster, and she gets herself into a sticky situation that she can handle by herself but it is dangerous and suddenly Barry is terrified, terrified of her job, he doesn't want her looking into things like this, it's almost like he's trying to go back to keeping secrets and excluding her from Team Flash and Iris is not having it, and this is where the break-up part happens.
The end of this is where Savitar reveals himself (in the suit), and cue the mid series break.
We open with Barry training Wally, only he seems to be acting strangely, but then, he and Iris are arguing, he's caught a second missing person case at work- Doctor Meena Dhawan- and it looks like there might be a speedster involved, so Wally shrugs that off, and shrugs off Barry later doesn't seem to remember he already taught Wally about throwing lightning.
Duet actually happens pretty early, maybe with James and Kara instead of Mon-El, and it's after Iris saves Barry he finally confesses what's going on, what he saw, and he doesn't know what to do because Jay's right, he's just had the consequences of time travel made so clear, but he can't lose Iris, and it's all just a mess.
But Cisco can vibe, and this is where we get that first hint that Barry didn't run to the near future, he ran a few years forward.
Team Flash have their first proper confrontation with Savitar in here- the next lab to get broken into is S.T.A.R., so they can respond to that one quickly and Savitar stops and looks right at Iris long enough for Barry to almost catch him, and Barry immediately puts together Iris was killed by a speedster, here's a speedster.
Only it's strange. Doctor Elias shows up- or rather, they go find him, he was giving people powers with help from Savitar (or as he puts it, under his request, but something's fishy about him), but whenever they fight him Savitar focuses on Barry, he never hurts anyone else, and he gave Wally powers, and then there's these tiny little moments where Barry just seems to be acting strangely.
Iris meanwhile is getting to be angry and conflicted and hurting and all the emotions about her apparent death intended to upset her boyfriend and she's also investigating because whatever he's pulling from these labs seems to be to do with the Speed Force. Getting the stone out again maybe?
But something's going on with Cisco's powers and the vibe of her future dead body keeps shifting- it's in a vibe we finally get the date of 18th March, 2024- and something's going on with Barry and-
And Iris is the one who figures it out and goes to confront the future Barry Allen who didn't come back to kill her, he came back to do the exact opposite.
Just changing it won't work, he remembers Flashpoint. But the Legends change time, and Eobard's changed time, and Barry figured if he tried just little bits at a time maybe he could direct the timestream away from that moment.
Away from the point where Eobard Thawne kills her and it was his fault, he wasn't fast enough to save her, he didn't save her-
And he was the one who brought Thawne back, his remnant at least, because of Flashpoint. He did this, so when Thawne dragged him back through time, he knew he had a way to fix it.
He can't kill his younger self. The paradox involved is too big, but if Barry Allen isn't running around any more, then Eobard Thawne has no reason to target the people he loves. The Speed Force trap isn't built to hold Savitar here- it's what he's been working on, to throw his past self into, to keep him away from Iris because Barry being close to people gets them killed.
And I think he might win. He sticks Barry in the Speed Force where he is at the start of s4, and he fades away, the vibe fades and Iris lives, but Barry's gone, and we end with Iris and Cisco clearly planning on working together to get Barry back.
Or that's one idea. The only actual thing I would very much like to change in canon is to put Iris's feelings as the most important thing in the "Iris is going to die" plot
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
Very positive, it's all just for fun, and you can have a lot playing around with relationships and seeing if you can build a plot for them
Thank you!
[Salty Asks]
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crystalelemental · 8 months
Unit Teambuilding - Rosa
Today, we have finally, after all my two and a half years playing, got Rosa to 3/5.  The original free pair support is finally here, and...god, talk about a case of too little too late.
General Overview Rosa is your second ever support pair, right after Misty, and she aims to do a lot more than Misty can. With X Sp Atk and a trainer move that instantly replenishes your full gauge, Rosa actually manages a decent amount. At 1/5, she has On a Roll for Energy Ball as well, which can, luck permitting, roll a coveted Sp Def drop on a target. Giga Drain is rather pricey, but if you've gotten her to 3/5, she does get Master Healer 2, which is a pretty significant chunk of healing to acquire.
"Crystal, why are you lying to people about Rosa?" I'm not! This is true for the first couple weeks! When you're an unestablished new player who's not paying into the game, Rosa's going to be a pretty useful tool to have! Granted, by the time you've been around long enough for 3/5, you have decisively outgrown the need for Rosa. And once you start working on BP, you have BP Barry and Roserade who does a ton more than Rosa can while also taking over her core function. And BP Janine who also does that. Oh, and BP Mesprit, can't forget about how hard that one blows her out of the water with the Spd buffs that are better than PP locked gauge replenishment.
Look, Rosa's a transitional tool. She's very good early game, borderline essential as you get established in Master Mode and the like. But with so many other free tools permanently available, she falls of fast, and she does not come back. Sycamore alone invalidates her entire life, to say nothing of the aforementioned trio. There's also the issue that, while Rosa's Sp Atk buffs seem nice at first, once you're established? Many modern pairs handle all their offensive needs. It's more valuable to have defensive merit as a support, which is how the 3/5 Cheren situation is somehow much more workable than Rosa is. Hell, the meta itself even dunks on her, as the transition to 2.5k meta in Master Mode meant adding Standard Damage Reduction, which was free points for on-type, and a complete death knell for vampire tanks like Rosa. Rosa just doesn't contribute much. You use her early, where she is good, and you use her if you are stricken with a deep hubris that causes you to try really hard in gacha games, and are going for Gauntlet streaks. You don't even see use in High Score because Grass is so populated.
EX and Move Level? Do not use candy on Rosa.  Do not do it, I will hunt you for sport.  The EX is...probably worth it?  While some argue the merits of ignoring a bad EX for others, I don't personally think getting a free EX Support is worth giving up for two (2) 5* power ups.  It's just not a significant reward for giving it up.
Team 1: Rosa, Giovanni/Ghetsis, Bianca/Lucian Rosa's benefits, as an early game player, is that she aligns excellently with many of the free Legendary pairs that are good.  "But isn't Sycamore-" yes, quiet.  Giovanni was a big name one-shot nuker in early CS meta, after he got his grid and EX and mega evolution.  Ghetsis, pre-expansion, was also in much more need of Sp Atk.  Bianca is the Terrain for Giovanni, while Lucian is just great generally, though he does ruin Rosa's TM utility.
Team 2: Rosa, NC Serena Gauntlet solos suck.  They're ridiculously specific and a pain in the ass.  But, with a single addition, you can turn a bullshit solo into a clean duo.  For example, NC Serena can solo Entei.  It's not exactly clean and can really go to shit.  But adding in Rosa to cap off that special attack, and just take a few hits, can turn this into a clean win.
Final Thoughts And that's it, that's all Rosa does. You know. I understand that she's free. But I think Rosa is in the same bracket as pairs like base Iris, Clair, Flannery, Flint, etc. where a grid expansion wouldn't save them at all, but it'd sure be nice to acknowledge they exist and goddamned try. Unlike most of the other bottom tiers, at least Rosa has alts. Plural. Many of which have been pretty alright! Okay no, that's...not entirely true either. Pretty much only her Meloetta alt has been truly good. Hmm. You know guys, I'm starting to think major appearances and alt count isn't a sufficient representation of what makes a character well-liked by the devs or not.
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zayray030 · 4 years
Iris West Allen Birthday Headcanon
Barry Allen-Her Husband
Barry wakes up at the crack of dawn and always gives makes her the best birthday breakfast ever. He also runs around preparing the area for her when she wakes up.
And when Iris wakes up, it's always to the amazing smell of food and sees her house full of iris's.
Barry tries to stop her from leaving the house, using some *ahem* conventional methods.
(The turtle necks can be unbearable but she'll survive the rest of the day with dignity considering her friends are crazy.)
Team Citizen (Linda, Cynthia and Chester included)
Confetti is poped the moment she walks into the room.
A ton of pictures are taken and put on everyone's insta.
They all sing her happy birthday. No matter how off key it is.
They all make a group effort to make her a cake. She tries not to judge it by its cover and was so happy that she didn't.
Chester makes her a fancy gadget. (Be creative on what it can be cause I honestly don't know.)
Allegra always makes her a nice card, gives her a hug and gives her a cool leather jacket.
Kamilla shows her a scrapbook of all the photos that she's taken of Iris. Some are sexy, some are goofy and and some are cute. She looks good in every single one of them.
Linda let's her use her account for a week to buy as much coffee as she wants. That's probably the greatest gift given, considering how many articles that girl has.
Cynthia alway breaches over and gives her something unique from another earth. (The multiverse exists. Fuck you bitch)
West Family
Her dad always sings her the most unique birthday songs that has everone in tears by the end of it.
Cecile always makes sure to drop in subtle hints about new cases she can work on. (Joe hates it but the look of pure happiness on Iris's face stops him from talking)
Wally gives her an important gem or rune from his travel that symbolises something important. He also squeezes her real tight in a hug to remind himself that it's actually Iris there.
Joe also gives her a huge hug and tells her a story about her mother before the drugs happened. She's always grateful.
Jackie (fuck you she's a West) gives her some pretty clothes and make up that suits her skin tone.
Jenna (although young) gives her a hand drawn card and it's the cutest thing ever.
Team Flash
Oh my Lord, it's humiliating.
Cisco, while amazing, can't sing. It's basically a screach.
Iris just sits there and takes it because he seems so happy.
Well at least until Killer Frost has enough and threatens to throw an icicle at him.
(he takes the hint quickly)
Caitlin gives her a pare of really nice earrings and a nice jacket. She also brings a note with it that says sorry.
(Iris has tried to get her to stop but she won't listen.)
Killer Frost gets her an icicle pendant along with a chocker. She also makes her a custom ice sculpture. She also has a little note that says sorry for killing her. She also grants her infinite hugs for the rest of the day.
Cisco, my boy, gets her 3 different outfits. 1) Work. She needs to look elegant but he adds his own Cisco twist to it. 2) Meta fighting. Even though she doesn't have powers she's a bad ass and he makes sure her outfits are useful to fight. 3)Lounge wear. That boy knows comfy mood and he's got her
Ralph always gives her some new article to work on and they team up for one day any day when Iris wants.
Sue gets her beautiful jewellery .
(she still doesn't know whether she stole it or not)
All the Wells team up to help give a iris her gift. They always either tell her a story, give her beautiful relics or write up a book for her. She's always grateful for them.
Team Arrow
It's madness.
They all like to pretend that they have this in the bag.
But they don't.
They're scared that something would go wrong after Oliver (who's alive) brought her a mirror.
(it was the scariest moment of everyones life when she dropped it and started screaming and crying.)
So after that they always panic and try to get her a perfect gift.
Thea always gets her clothes. She makes sure that they would suit her skin type and limited make up.
Roy, bless his soul, gives her mint chip chocolate and is instantly swarmed with a hug.
(he didn't comment on the small tears.)
Felicity gets her 2 bottles of expensive wines from the Queen cellar along with with chocolate strawberry.
Oliver always gives her an exclusive interview and a really expensive gift.
(he tried to joke that he would show her his abs but when Barry zoomed over and his eyes crackled with lighting he shut his mouth up. Barry's scary when someone else tries to make a move on Iris.)
Laurel gets her purse and a gift bag. In the gift bag there's a small knife and gun along with jewellery.
Diggle and Lyla team up on the gift. They give her a pretty ring that Diggle made (Oliver gave him lessons.) Lyla also makes sure to fill her on in what happens at ARGUS.
The rest all buy her a chocolate cake.
Lisa gives her a hug and a golden accessory.
(the gold goes really well with Iris's skin tone and Lisa is always jealous.)
Snart gives her an ice sculpture and teaches her a few words in Russian.
Mick writes her a book. It ranges from writing a list of reasons why people like her to a fantasy story about vampires.
The rest of the rogues make sure not to attack Central City to the week leading up to her birthday to the week after the birthday.
Team Supergirl
Kara gives her a huge hug. No matter what. Iris will always get a hug and a fly around Metropolis.
Alex gets her a gun. She knows it's not exactly normal but she knows it'll protect Iris against aliens that don't take a hint.
Mon-El (fuck you. Him and Kara are amazing) gets her a gift bag full of twizlers.
The rest of the team make a bunch of cupcakes.
Winn makes her some new tech and tries to out make Chester and sometimes Cisco to see who can make the best gift.
Lois gives her a coupon to an amazing spa because she understands the pain of having an idiot husband who's a superhero.
Clark gives her an exclusive for CC Citizen.
Mary makes sure that she gives Iris a shout out on her Insta because she adores her newspaper.
Kate gets her the most expensive gifts and tries to out do Oliver. It's always a competition between those two.
Luke makes her some fancy gadgets and bakes her some cookies.
Everyone teams up to get her a ton of bottles of wine, a dozen boxes of chocolates and a ton of roses.
Sara gets her artifacts from the different time lines even if it ruins the time line.
Ray gets her a pair of heels
(the first time he does it it was inside joke between him and Iris. After it became a tradition)
John Constantine makes sure to ward her. He places a ton of protective spells around her.
(everyone's grateful)
The rest of the Legends get her books.
Charlie gets her make up knowing what will suit her skin tone.
All Together
It's a fucking nightmare.
There's balloons and tinsel everywhere.
The mess is unreal.
They get dumb drunk.
They sing her happy birthday.
They eat all the cake.
(they're all glad that everyone bought Iris so much cake with Barry and Wally there along with Jesse.)
All criminals are taken care of by the rogues
In the end Barry helps Iris carry all her gifts home and as they lay down she remembers she's still loved and everyone will always protect her.
Iris West Allen is fucking loved.
Spread the fucking word.
#Iris West is loved #fuck anyone who doesn't think so #i love this queen #A lot of references to the mirror verse #im still fucking salty #protect iris West Allen #Iris West deserves better.
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