#irl tk story
bigdumbtickler03 · 11 months
Just randomly thought about this friend I used to have when I was younger. He would always ask me to tickle his palms and had the cutest laugh when I did so. Thinking back now, it was adorable 😭❤️
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unbeleevable · 1 year
Literally in class with one of my closest friends, the lesson hadn't started yet and we were just fucking around
And my goofy ass mindlessly poked her side, THEN. THEN..
She CLAWED her hands at me so I grabbed them with all my strength but the anticipation literally made my strength crumble and she squeezed my stomach
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secret-secret-secrets · 9 months
Someone ik after showing them some art: Oh, where did you learn to draw hands so well? I know most artists struggle with them
Me, as someone who draws tkl art and teases like everyday:
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switchy-punk · 5 months
My bf finally had enough of my sporadic pokes and squeezed my sides
I didn't laugh but I guess I'm not dead there like everywhere else
Also I think he knows I like it☠️
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astrophelll · 6 months
I recently got my hair cut, going from having a little over shoulder length hair to a haircut that leaves my neck completely exposed and it just makes me feel so much more vulnerable?! 😭😭 My friends have very much been taking advantage of this and the fact that it makes me both extremely giggly and embarrassed when I’m touched there.
I even ended up learning from people feeling my hair that I have a very specific spot on the back of my head just above my neck that’s extremely sensitive to the touch which was pretty unexpected 😭
(Also sorry for going away for so long, I’ve been pretty caught up with school and stuff)
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alaydabug2 · 2 months
Okie dokie
Gonna get sappy/personal on here
I'm pretty sure the reason I'm so attached to kotlc is because it helped me through a tough time in my life
When I first read kotlc it was the summer before I went into seventh grade
Some important background information
I was in a trio group in late elementary school and in sixth grade we had a fall out
One person was being a jerk and narcissistic so me and the other friend broke off in our own little duo (my best friend kaylee)
Well end of sixth grade Kaylee tells me she's moving schools and going to public school (we were at a private school at the time)
The thing is I had other friends....kind of
Tbh I'm pretty sure I was the pity friend in that group
It's not like they were mean to me or anything, but I had zero in common with them
Not the same humor, same sports, same interests
I was also the friend that got pushed to the end of the table so I usually didn't participate in the conversations much (and if you know me irl I love to talk)
But that summer I had just finished The Mysterious Benedict Society before school ended so while we were in the city for a doctor appointment we went to the bookstore so I could find something else to read
I was in the middle grade section and was just browsing when kotlc caught my eye
Idk what it was but i was just DRAWN in by it
Like it was a black hole or smth (sometimes I think it was God giving me what I needed at the time)
Read the back looked at the series
I told my mama this was the one I wanted
She asked if I wanted tk look some more before choosing
I said it was this one I wanted
So we went home and I read the first book
Fell in LOVE
Continued the series and just got immersed with the characters and the story
Then of course unlocked cliffhanger made me want to scream
But I went into 7th grade with that freshly in my mind and idk.... I think my brain just kind of... latched onto it
It was my comfort when I was the friend who had to walk behind the rest of the group on the track because their wasn't enough room
It's not like I could just easily get new friends
Like I said I was in a private school at the time
There were only 11 people in my GRADE in 7th
I had pretty slim pickings and that was the best I was gonna get
Then of course I moved schools and went into public school
But at thus point it's 8th grade
Everyone pretty much has their established groups and it's hard to REALLY get included
Like you're in the group....but not IN the group if that makes sense
I've always had a pretty tough time fitting in
You guys have seen how I act
I act like this irl too
And that's obviously going to be hard to find someone who acts like j do without being weirded out
My personality is just loud
So again I fall back on these books
Cause the characters aren't going to leave me
The characters aren't going tk stab me in the back
The characters aren't going to tear me down
They aren't going to exclude me
So I hold onto these characters and find comfort in them and relate to them and just hide jn the world of the Lost Cities cause THATS where I want to be
Yeah things aren't perfect there
But heck at least I can have friends there that care about me and have sparkly flying horses and dress in ball gowns just to go to the store and I won't feel as lonely as I do now
I can just escape the world here and pretend nothing else exists except the sparkly castles and go fight bad guys and feel like I'm doing something useful instead of just sitting at home with no social life cause I'm never invited to birthday parties and I don't feel close enough to these people to invite them anywhere else myself
Going into high school this year idk if it's going to be better or worse on that end but I just know that these charach are able to take care of me when no person irl can
Of got these characters I've got this amazing world and I've got this fandom
Sometimes that in itself makes me feel less lonely than I am
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decaffeinatedworm · 4 months
I feel like my switchy side has come out so much more recently and my oh my how the conse's have quenced 💀 2 irl tk stories incoming - both helping in and then later being the victim recipient of gang tkling...
okay so first story happened about 2 weeks ago and the second happened a few days ago.
so I had my friends over at my place and our friend E (yes same E from my previous story) had had a pretty bad day and we were trying to cheer him up. we were sitting around on my couch, with E laying on the floor, and my friend next to me, "A", goes "you know Bug, I know one way we could get E to smile". now, we have previously tag-team tkled E before, because it takes two of us to stand a chance against him lol. so when he heard that, he immediately broke into a nervous grin and put his hands up in preparatory defense saying "i dont know about that,, thats not necessary,,," etc. but it was too late the idea had already taken hold. he stayed where he was laying on the ground while I grabbed his hands and tried my best to hold them as A grabbed an ankle and started tkling him. ngl I spent most of the time trying to keep my hold (he has over a foot of height on both of us but also definitely was not fighting back in earnest) but I did get a few squeezes in 😇. it only lasted like 2-3 minutes but once we stopped he had the giddiest smile after. he was significantly in a better mood after that, and for the rest of the night every time he seemed to be too in his head A would threaten that we'd wreck him again (it was honestly more flustering for me than it was him LOL)
OKAY SO that was pretty much it for a few days but the other day I had the tables turned on me (i did a whole lot of finding out with minimal fucking around). honestly it was a super similar situation to start - we were at E's house and I had a horrible day and i spent the whole day trying not to cry and eventually it all came tumbling out. after a really wholesome crying sesh and genuinely being comforted by my friends I was feeling way better. I was sitting on the floor, back resting on the couch, in between E and A. E then turns to A and is like "I think Bug could really use a smile right now" and without warning starts fluttering his fingers all around my neck, causing me to scrunch up and start frantically grasping for his hands. A then joins in and starts doing them same for like a full minute as I'm desperately giggling and half-heartedly reaching for them. they then move to my sides and belly (which was very illegal might I add) for like at least another minute. by the end I was so flustered and half delirious from tkles I couldn't even solidly grab their hands so I just hugged myself trying to cover spots as they moved to new ones. once they stopped I was so giggly for like the next 5 minutes it was so unfair. but I felt so loved and it was so gentle like no hard wrecking it was just light giggly tkles which was so nice after such a heavy day.
I think the tk bug bit our friend group after that because we literally ended up all piling into one big heap under blankets and literally every member of the group (cause there were more than just E, A, and me) got tkled at some point 🙈
it also ended up with E and A both learning about me liking to be tkled and both individually threatening to note that information for later (one of which has already used it to their advantage several times since then🫠)
anywho - that's all I got for now. but fr idk how I got so lucky to have a friend group that is so openly tkly. like I probably get tkled at least every other day which is great at setting a perpetual Lee mood lol. I'll share more soon:)
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kristailine · 8 months
Tekken 8 storymode thoughts/rant/review
Obviously will contain spoilers
But I have to say that
Surprisingly, I really liked Tekken 8's story (which is something I really didn't expect. I was preparing to gaslight myself that I liked the story because I was expecting a mid plot. But I can definitely say that I genuinely enjoyed this installment's storymode)
I'm going to remove my kazujun stan lens for this review
Jin has always been an after thought to me. The only time I care about him is if it's connected either to Kazuya or Jun (as a kazujun shipper). But the way he was written in Tekken 8 added layers to him and developed his character well. Don't get me wrong though, IT WOULD NEVER REALLY ERASE THE FUCKED UP SHIT THEY DID WITH TK5-7, but Tekken 8 was sweeping up some of the garbage left behind.
I always joke about Jin and his war crimes. Obviously, waging war is bad irl, but this is fiction okay. Anyway, Tekken 8 somehow managed to make me really feel like Jin didn't want to wage war. It was more of a result of his own self deprecation. Add to this, he was already suicidal before he took over the Zaibatsu, but after Tk6, he just really sulked into the idea of having to carry his sins and let it define him for the rest of his life.
The way they turned Jin from this guy who's hopeless and is submerged in his own hatred towards his bloodline and himself to this guy who finally acknowledges that all of the bad things are a part of who he is, but it doesn't have to be who he completely is, was really really really written decently. This whole character development with Jin instantly makes Tekken 8 on par, if not equal to, Tekken 4 story writing. And I was really impressed and blown away with how they unfolded the development. Because I really didn't want the romanticization of all his past mistakes, and his allies just cheering him on. Instead, his allies actually acknowledge JIN AS A DEVIL literally and figuratively (e.g Hwoa saying Jin has those dope-ass powers, Leroy asking Jin who is he, Xiaoyu saying she isn't scared of Jin despite the devil look), but they all believed in the chance they gave him to atone for everything he's done wrong.
I wish we could've gotten more about the history of the devil gene. It's still a very vague concept, and I was kinda expecting Tekken 8 to answer most of the questions about it, but still no.
Although as a Jun stan, I'm upset she never really appeared in the real world, I have to say that I really like how they still kept going with Jun's persona as a mysterious woman. If you see a previous post of mine, I have always been scared that Tekken 8 would finally be the franchise who would ruin Jun's character, but they played safe with it. She's still as mysterious as ever, but they allowed her to show more of her kindheartedness.
Like I said, I really wish we could've gotten more. I wish we could've also got to explore Kazuya's perspective. It's been like 6 consecutive games, and we still haven't had a storymode that focuses on Kazuya's character (always the one sided villain). Although, I understand why they couldn't do it (maybe because of budget constraints, and it would really diminish and compress the quality of Jin's char dev if they're gonna focus on both of them). I'm assuming at least that we get Tekken 9 and have it shine a spotlight on Kaz.
Overall, I really liked it. It gets an 8/10 for me!
More things I kinda didn't like:
- Where the hell is Yoshimitsu???? He appears in the tournament and then goes Bye Felicia once Kazuya absorbed Azazel LMAOOOOO. His bio about investigating the Mishima bloodline and whatever didn't really reflect on the storymode :<<
- Nina and Steve.... Uhhh.... We already had them in Tk 7, and I was at least expecting that they would continue it in Tk 8
- The Asuka Kazama erasure.... She's just treated as another one of the side characters at this point. I fear she's just only in the game now because of Lili. She's very underdeveloped and underutilized and I feel so sad about it :<<
Tekken has a very interesting set of characters with amazing dynamics and chemistry with everyone else. It has a huge amount of lore to explore as well. And they could really do better by exploring and developing most of the characters. Here's to hoping we get a story expansion DLC not just for the main story, but also for the other beloved characters in the game.
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lemonlyman-dotcom · 1 year
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July June
Sweat on the saddle by thenorthface
M | 6.5k
Prequel to one of my all-time favorite Tarlos stories (Blood on the tracks, fire in the hills). Highly, highly recommend reading both. This is breakup era. The author (who I don’t think is on tumblr) is particularly gifted at writing really believable crime mysteries. Like, you will be unable to stop reading once you start. It’s so good!
Al Fine by @decafdino
M | 16k
This is the fourth and final installment of a post 4x04 AU wherein Carlos suffers a lingering traumatic brain injury from being whacked (!) with a shovel that results in a seizure disorder. This is a really interesting look at what Tarlos’s season four story could’ve been if tv show characters suffered irl consequences for their actions. This installment also takes a look at the Keyes trial and examines how people with mental illness are treated by the system, specifically when they are the victims of crime. And also how the public may have reacted to Carlos’s actions in this case, and the theme of police officers taking the law into their own hands and bending the rules with no consequences.
126 Final Girls (aka Summer Slasher Fic) by @ladytessa74
M | 15k
A cute little mystery thriller, fun and sweet and campy. Tessa writes Tarlos so sweetly, the whole crew is so great here, bickering and playful and FIGHTING CRIME!
Saturday Night's All Right for Fighting by @chicgeekgirl89
T | 4.5k
This one is so funny, I had to stop halfway through to dm @chicgeekgirl89 and then proceeded to live tweet to her all the parts I was laughing at. Just. Pure comedy gold. The Reyes family really at its finest, and also a very sweet portrayal of how dearly Andrea and Gabriel have come to love TK.
to build a home by @freneticfloetry
E | 64k
Listen, I left a four-part unhinged comment on the third and final chapter of this one and I still wasn’t able to fully articulate everything I loved about this story. It is Carlos begins, it is the story of the Reyes family, it is the Tarlos love story we deserve. It has led to my unceremonious murder MULTIPLE times. It is beautiful and breathtaking and laugh out loud funny. Just, go read it.
made up of a thousand scars by @theghostofashton
T | 22k
First of all, Buttercup my beloved 🩷 This is an AU where TK comes to Austin directly after leaving rehab. A lovely story of healing and TK learning to be kinder to himself, but also just how to be a person.
Coming and going by @goodways
M | 3.5k
This is such a funny and sweet little story, set post ice storm TK has a, um, complication in the bedroom and Carlos goes from scared to proud to scared again.
see a friend (see a ghost) by @ambiguouspenny
M | 3k (wip)
Very sweet Carlos, Nancy & Paul friendship. Only one chapter so far, but it’s lovely and then 👀 WHAT IS HAPPENING???
Come Sail Away by @chicgeekgirl89
T | 7.5k (wip)
The yachting AU inspired by a trashy reality show I’ve never heard of 😂 The 126 fam is the crew aboard a private for-rent yacht called the Firebug (stop it). Carlos is the newest crew member and TK is immediately in trouble. Will there be a BOATMANCE? Time will tell.
(Un)professional Services by @welcometololaland & @rmd-writes
E | 30k (wip)
THE ROMCOM THIS FANDOM DESERVES! Chaotic TK, super awkward Carlos, MILF Gwyn (I said it), UNHINGED Owen (we live for it), impeccably dressed Nancy.
summer slipped us underneath her tongue by @alrightbuckaroo
T | 26k (wip)
Disclaimer: I beta’d this one. Sweet little Parisian romcom AU. TK is an art student and Carlos is in chef school. They meet and they’re totally casual, ya know? I’ve never been to Paris but I find myself wanting to wear one of those little hats while I munch on a baguette as I twirl in circles around the Eiffel Tower on my bicycle like Audrey Hepburn. (Fine, I just want to be Audrey Hepburn. I’ve been told I already have her eyebrows).
As always, this is not in any way a comprehensive list of all the good stuff that came out in August. This is the stuff that I was able to read and vibed with. This is a way for me to hype the stories that got me excited this month, and I encourage everybody to be intentional in reblogging fics and screaming about the stuff you’re reading and enjoying all month long. Let’s work to build this fandom into a more inclusive and encouraging place to create! Also, caveat that the Gabriel grief stuff is tough for me, so I’ve been avoiding and/or very slowly making my way through those ones.
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spade-riddles · 10 months
I agree this situation is unpredictable, and as an old hand at this, I feel like you do. This could go either way. But one thing that is clear - and of some interest - to me is that Taylor is really throwing Joe under the bus here.
That decision alone gives credence to the idea of him as the 🎃 recipe thief. How many times did we here in the fandom say Toe seemed like a nice guy overall? That he was the best of all the beards? That message about people pretending to be nice is certainly one I'm looking at in a different light, given the actions of the last few days. It's impossible to know how pre-planned the decision to strike at Deuxmoi could have been - but the release of You're Losing Me, "Sweet Nothing was about Paul and Linda", and Jack poking holes in the Toe narrative, all feel very much orchestrated.
The normie interpretation I'm seeing, IRL, is that Toe were on the rocks for a long time because Joe didn't value Taylor's emotional needs. People are connecting "I wouldn't marry me either" with the "pain and trauma" Tree says the marriage rumors caused, and turning on Joe hard. MH and TK are being interpreted as rebound relationships. Moving too fast and being too public out of nowhere. Fans have turned on Joe (which I think was the intention) but pushing these stunts so hard in the aftermath of the "break up" has made it look like Taylor is still hung up on him, and trying to make him jealous. Which I don't think was the intention.
The casual fans I know had mostly forgotten about Joe until the events of the last few days. All this drama has thrust him into the spotlight again in their minds. I know some in the fandom are saying Taylor did this to erase Toe and give an upcoming TK "engagement" more legitimacy - but if that is the plan, I think it's backfiring. Everyone and their mother is going to believe she's rushing into an engagement to make him jealous. It only adds to Joe's perceived importance in her story - and again, I'm not sure that was the plan.
If it was me, I would tone down the Travlor and give people something else to talk about. Now would be the perfect time to poke some holes in the feud narrative, by having Jack or Blake or someone post some unseen Kaylor images. That maybe hint the pretender wasn't the real muse for Reputation. Hit him where it hurts by stripping away his connection to the album that made Swifties so besotted with him. They're already reevaluating their perceptions. Why not blow their minds a little further? We already have one perfectly meme-able image of our understudy side-eying the real muse, just waiting to go viral, if Tree wants to pull that trigger 😘
(By the way, if Joe is the recipe thief, it's been staring us in the face all along. The recipes = the songs. We witnessed that particular theft happen in front of our eyes with his "producing credits" and the Grammys speech. We even speculated at the time that it was what his team demanded as the price of sticking around during the pandemic, when he lost work and stunting opportunities were limited. And speculated again that he'd jumped ship early before the Eras Tour began. Maybe we should have gone with our gut and teased out those suspicions a little further.)
Just some thoughts, percolating as we await the next move.
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paperstorm · 4 months
Ik you all love Carlos so don’t bite my head off 😭
but had it ever crossed your mind that Carlos was a little dramatic when his dad died? Like tk also lost his mom but he didn’t go out and try and kill the persons that did it. And yea you could say that it was cause he was murderd but (and not saying he can’t be sad of his dads death obviously) but them possibly making Carlos go all detective this season and chase after his dads killer isn’t that a bit out of character?or like out of storyline, like they weren’t even that close for him too be acting like he has to avenge him or something
Dramatic isn't exactly the word I would use but yes of course it wasn't a good reaction haha, and tbh I don't think the show itself is disputing that. I didn't get the sense the narrative was telling us this was a good thing for him to do, I feel like they were pretty plainly telling the story that he shouldn't have done any of it.
As for him hypothetically becoming obsessed with finding his Dad's killer ... I think the thing is, the bulk of his anger is coming from the fact that he wasn't super close with his dad, right up until the week that he was murdered. If Gabriel had been shot during season 2, I don't think Carlos would have reacted this way. His anger is coming from the abrupt loss of the potential future relationship with his dad that he longed for, for his entire life, but didn't think he would ever have. And then got just one teeny tiny glimpse of before it was snatched away from him, in 4x17 when they hugged and his dad was so delighted about being in the wedding and Carlos found out he drinks tea and does puzzles (like I feel like it's been subtly suggested that Tarlos drink tea and do puzzles too). That one brief glimpse into finally getting what he always wanted with his dad and then having his dad taken away is almost worse than if they'd been close all along, because it's just so cruel. Carlos was on the precipice of healing so much of his childhood and then it was assassinated in the doorway along with Gabriel and I think that, more than just regular grief over losing a parent, is the driving force of his madness and obsession. I don't find it completely out of character, it's an extreme choice for a character for sure but I can make it make sense.
But also, above all else, this is a drama. There's gonna be dramatic choices that most regular people wouldn't make irl, you know? Owen assaulting a bunch of dudes isn't okay. Tommy psychologically torturing a child isn't okay. They're all going to make dramatic and sometimes irrational choices because those choices drive the plot of a TV show. So personally I don't necessarily need Carlos to have a perfectly rational, normal reaction to his dad's murder. It's okay with me if it's something way over the top.
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pink-tk-a-latte · 4 months
LOVELIES (ෆ˙ᵕ˙ෆ) and yuckies (O_O)
Welcome to my chocolaterie!! And what can I do for you on this lovely day?
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(Wowow it’s like I’m a real sfw tickle blog— Here's what to know when requesting or interacting!!)
❆ Please don’t tap the glass!! It scares the ice cream 🍨 (interaction etiquette)
All of these SFW!!!!!!! If you talk to me about s3x I will throw up on you <3 Otherwise be as outlandish as you please!!
Questions and chit-chat? ✅
Loredumping about OCs? ✅
HCs? ✅
AUs? ✅ Will write for them if given information!!
RPing? ✅ If it's among friends and just for fun then sure!!
Non-fandom tk thoughts? ✅
Teases? ❌
Irl tk gifs? ❌
Photos/art with nudity? ❌
Uncredited art reposts? ❌ (I will find you)
Hate and harm? ❌
I encourage you to request rarepairs (or at least pairings with less content on here) and wlw ships or pairings with women ehehehe!!!!
Requests will likely be full-length fics (~1-1.5k words) unless a drabble is specifically asked for. Depends if the muse is right :] Please leave requests in inbox, it’s the most convenient and fun way!!
❆ Smells fishy… (OFF THE TABLE!!)
Any s3xual, nsfw, k!nk, f3tish, non-con content
Proship/illegal ships
Old people lees, around 40+ (I’m sorry…) (excluding immortal characters who appear young)
Real people??
X Reader/OC x canon (unless it’s platonic? Or OC x OC)
Gore??????? (In- In a tk fic??) /jj
Open to discussion about most of these (except for those in red). If there is something I am uncomfortable with writing that is not listed here, we can talk about it!!
Some of my favs!!!!!! ♥︎
I’m up for writing basically any character or (legal) pairing/poly, all I ask is for a mood and any thoughts on the ship + a scenario if you have one, but here are my favorites!!! Pretty much any platonic groups welcome!!!!
All favorite ships listed here can also be platonic!! Sorry if you don’t know the ship names I made some of them up tehe
Bolds are the favs of my favs, pink is my fav of the favs of my favs!! If no pink, it’s probably bc I couldn’t choose. Starfished are the fandoms I’m most obsessed with/know the most about!!!
NOTE: I will include children and animals, but please keep in mind I do not think of them in a romantic, nsfw, or necessarily tickly way.
Genshin Impact 𓇼
Unfinished :( Started Sumeru. I don’t think the ships are accurate at all 😭
Kokomi, Ayaka, Miko, Gorou, Ei, Heizou, Yoimiya, Kazuha, Lumine, Venti, Amber, Fischl, Albedo, Razor, Noelle, Klee, Sucrose, Bennett, Furina, Sigewinne, Navia, Freminet, Lynette, Lyney, Chiori, Yanfei, Shenhe, Beidou, Ganyu, Hu Tao, Chongyun, Xingqiu, Xinyan, Childe, Columbina, Arlecchino, Nahida, Collei, Cyno, Nilou, Kaveh, Layla, Faruzan, Dehya, Wanderer, Mualani
Basically anyone with Lumine or Kokomi… Kokorou, Ayalumi, Venlumi, Eimiko, Shenlumi, Beiguang, Yantao, Bennefischlrazor, Xingyun, Albecrose, Arlebina, Cynonari, Haikaveh, Scarachilde, Mikokomi, Ganqing, Neuvifuri, Furinavi, Clorivia, Chilumi, Xiaother, Kazuscara, Kazuhei, Aember, Eulamber, Jeanlisa, Yunyan, Kokosara, Kokoayanilou… and probably more
Fontaine Siblings, Albedo and Klee, Lumine and Aether, Collei and Amber, Collei and Cyno and Tighnari, Nahida and Scara, Childe and fam, Beidou and Kazuha and Ningguang, Ganyu and Shenhe, Lisa and Razor, Xingqiu and Chongyun and Xiangling, Kokomi and Childe (lol)
Toilet-Bound Hanako-kun 𓇼
Up to date with anime + manga!!
Nene, Hanako, Kou, Mitsuba, Aoi, Mei, Sakura, Yako, Tsuchigimori, Sumire, Tiara, Mokke
Hananene, Mitsukou, Kounene, Hanakou, Aoinene, Sakunene, Terukane, Aoiaoi, Sumihaku
Minamoto Siblings, Yugi Siblings, Tsuchigimori and Hanako, Mitsuba and Nene
Project Sekai 𓇼
Up to date with main story, not caught up on events.
As much as I love the vocaloids, I prefer writing for the human characters. I also probably won’t write for NPCs.
(I love them all 💕) Saki, Ichika, Honami, Shiho, Shizuku, Minori, Airi, Haruka, An, Kohane, Toya, Akito, Emu, Tsukasa, Rui, Nene, Kanade, Mizuki, Ena, Mafuyu
Polyneed, Shizumino, Minoharu, Shizuairi, Polyjump, Anhane, Akitoya, Antoya, Polyvbs, Emukasa, Polysho, Polyniigo, Mafuena, Kanaena, Mizukana, Mizumafu + Fond of literally any non-unit romantic pairing except for Shizuku or Tsukasa with Leo/Need (they’re siblings): Honakana, Mizumino, Shizukasa, Ichikana, Mizurui, Minoshihokoha, Mizukasa, Honaemu, Airiena, Mizuan, Minokana, Akimino, Kanakasa, Shizumafu, Haruan
Tenma Siblings (including Toya ofc), Hinomori Siblings, Shinonome Siblings, Leaders!!!!!, most of the above pairings
Bungou Stray Dogs 𓇼
Not as familiar with Cannibalism + Hunting Dogs arcs (I actually know nothing about the Rats in the House of Dead lmaooooo)
Have also read Dazai, Chuuya, Age Fifteen and BEAST
Atsushi, Dazai, Kyouka, Kenji, Haruno, Kunikida, Chuuya, Higuchi, Gin, Kouyou, Q, Lucy, Louisa, Poe, Margaret, Twain, Aya, Sigma, Nikolai, Bram, Mizuki, Agatha, Teruko, Tecchou, Yuan
Atsulucy, Akuatsulucy, Ranpoe, Soukoku, SigSkk, Siglai, Sigzai, Higugin, Marthorne/Hawmitch, Suegiku, Loulu/Montcott, Kyoukenji (in a wholesome crushy way)
Atsushi and Kyouka, Atsushi and Dazai, Kouyou and Chuuya, Chuuya and like all of the kids, Aya and Bram, Tachihara and Teruko, Poe and Karl, Fukuzawa and Ranpo and Yosano, and all the factions (ADA and Guild especially)!!
Bocchi the Rock! 𓇼
Up to date with anime!!
Bocchi, Nijika, Ikuyo, Ryo, Seika, Kikuri, Eliza
Polykessoku and every pairing in it
Bocchi and Kikuri, Ijichi Siblings
Lycoris Recoil 𓇼
Up to date!!
Chisato, Takina, Kurumi, Erika
Chisataki, Eritaki, Sakufuki
Everyone in Cafe LycoReco
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K 𓇼
Up to date!!
Pretty much all of the Saiki Kusuo ships are qprs bc I do see him as aroace!!! 🖤💜🩶🤍💚
Saiki, Toritsuka, Aiura, Akechi, Yumehara, Kaidou, Hairo, Kuboyasu, Mera, Rifuta, Suzumiya
ToriSai, PolyPsychickers, SaiAi, SaiKechi, ImuTeru, SaiKai, YumeKai, KokoMiko, ChisaMiko, YumeAi, KuboKai, KuboKoko, KokoNen, KuboMeto, SatouHii, HaiNen
Saiki and everyone, Saikis, Saiki and Rifuta, Kaidous, Kokomi and Hairo, Kokomi and Saiki, PK Psychickers, Toritsuka and Aiura, Aiura and Akechi, Mera and Saiki, Saiki and Yuuta
Buddy Daddies
Up to date!!
Miri, Kazuki, Rei
Kazuki and Rei and Miri
Unfinished :(
Nana Komatsu/Hachiko, Nana Osaki, Nobuo, Reira (I don’t support her being a p3do tho /hj), Shin, Yasu, Mai/Misato
Shin and Hachi, Hachi and everyone, Yasu and everyone
Skip and Loafer
Unfinished :(
All of the characters!!!!
MitsuShima, Yuzumako
Six of Crows 𓇼
Up to date!! (Only for the SOC book trilogy tho)
Kaz, Inej, Jesper, Wylan, Nina, Matthias
Polycrow, Kanej, Wysper, Ninej, MatthiNina
Watched Season 1!!
Teru, Iko, Stigma, Piltz, Keheheh/Kufufu, Shrimpy, Pepesha, Mingming, Ai
Teru and Pepesha, Andreanova Family, Teru and Shrimpy, Mingming and Teru and Pepesha, Kufufu and Tzveta
Pokémon 𓇼
It’s gonna get way too complicated if I try to list every character I like… I’ll just say the games I’ve played
Ultra Moon, Sun, Y, Legends Arceus
XY and XYZ, Journeys
MoonLily (yeah I’m obsessed with them), SereShauna (games)
Little Nightmares
The kids :))
Mono and Six
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Up to date!! I’ve also watched TLOK and I love Korrasami!!!
All of the main kids :)))) Aang, Katara, Ty Lee, Zuko, Suki, Azula, Yue
Kataang, Mailee, Sokki, Maiko, Zukka (eugh… flashbacks)
The Gaang, Zuko and Aang, Iroh and the kids, Zuko and Azula, Sokka and Katara
She-Ra and the Princesses of Power
Up to date!!
All of them :)))) Scorpia, Entrapta, Melog LMAO
All of the canon ones :DDDD Catradora, Glimbow, Scorfuma, Entrapdak, Spinetossa
Super Pal Trio
The Owl House
Up to date!!
I like… all of them!!!! No like actually I like all of them (I like the Collector a lot)
Lumity, Huntlow, Raeda
Owl family, Noceda family (includes Hunter and Vee ofc), Blight siblings, Collector and the kiddos
Alien Stage 𓇼
Up to date!!
Mizi, Sua, Hyuna, Ivan, Till
Mizisua, Ivantill, Mizitill but in an unrequited love way lol, Hyuluka (one-sided on Luka’s side and toxic but Hyuna cares for him like family but also loathes and almost fears him—)
Any and all platonic pairings!!!!!
Kimetsu no Yaiba
Unfinished :( But I already know the rest of the story lololol
Tanjirou, Nezuko, Zenitsu, Inosuke, Kanao, Mitsuri, Shinobu, Giyuu, Sabito, Makomo, Urokodaki, Rengoku, Muichiro, Aoi, Tamayo, Kanae
Zentan, Zennezu, Tankana, Inoaoi, Inozentan, Kananezu, Shinomitsu, Obamitsu, Sabigiyuu, Zenkana
Zenitsu and Kanao, Kamado family, Kamaboko squad, Kocho sisters, Urokodaki children, Hashiras, Tamayo and Yushiro
Honkai Star Rail
Unfinished :( Up to date with main story!!
Stelle, March 7th, Robin, Firefly, Himeko, Ruan Mei, Huohuo, Bailu, Sparkle, Fu Xuan, Black Swan, Misha, Yanqing, Dan Heng, Acheron, Argenti, Boothill, Yunli, Asta, Serval, Gepard, Sushang, Topaz, Sunday, Screwllum, Kafka, Clara, Seele, Bronya, Lingsha, Tingyun, Siobhan, Baiheng, Jiaoqiu
Danstarch, Stellefly, Robinhill, Bronseele, Kafhime, Acherswan, Robinstelle, Robinfly, Pelalynx, Astarlan, Aventio, Caikong, Yunqing, Marchfly, Bronpaz, Guishang, Ruanstelle, Robinabi (THAT’S WHAT THEY’RE CALLED??), Tingmei
Astral Express Family, Landau Siblings, Sunday and Robin/Oak Siblings, Yanqing and Jing Yuan, Stellaron Hunters and Stelle, Guinafen and Sushang, Clara and Svarog, Xueyi and Hanya, Yunli and Yanqing, Lingsha and Yunli, Jingliu and Yanqing, Yaoqing Trio
Latest Update: 9/12/24
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valorfaerie · 8 months
Whatever headcanons you have for Ruby's character - I'm sorry but irl outside of kayfabe, Ruby and Ang are together. If you go back and watch her episodes of AEW All Access, he is always by her side.
In those episodes she had just gotten back from her broken nose. When Tay grabs her to talk she's sitting next to Ang, and when they're done she goes back to sit with him. He walks around with her backstage. When she's about to go out for her first re-match with Tay he's with her, and is looking at her like a man so in love it's adorable. During that match when they're showing Sammy backstage Ang is on the other side of Hobbs watching too. There's one point where they randomly show Sammy talking to Ang, and you're like why Ang of all people?? When you notice, it's really because they also probably spoke to each other about the tension between their significant others.
So if Ruby and Saraya went to TK and were like hey if we're doing an Outcasts break up storyline, is it ok if we use Ang and TK said okay. Then I think it's fun that we get to see Ruby flirt and have this story with her irl partner. And we as an audience get a little romance as a treat with our wrestling.
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carlos-in-glasses · 1 year
Seven Comfort Movies
Thank you so much for the tag @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @freneticfloetry @tailoredshirt @reyesstrand @chicgeekgirl89 @theghostofashton @bonheur-cafe @wandering-night19 @ladytessa74 @rmd-writes @alrightbuckaroo ❤️ I love movies so this is very exciting.
Ordinary People (favourite movie ever, very ~*cathartic*~ and if anybody wants to talk in length about it, I am here. I only have one friend irl who has seen it)
Stand By Me (changed me when I was 15)
Pride (1980s British politics, leather bars, unlikely friendships, and a true story)
It's Complicated (I have a huge crush on Meryl Streep in this movie)
The Big Chill (I have a huge crush on everybody in this movie)
Notting Hill (Kind of want to write a fic that's exactly Notting Hill except it's called Downtown Austin and TK and Carlos are the Anna and Will characters)
Inside Out (I can't tell you how much I wish I'd had this movie as a kid)
I like a mix of feel-good and achy and honestly it was hard to resist choosing Terminator 2 lol.
I'm going to leave an open tag because I've come to it pretty late but please do tag me if you see this and want to do it! Seeing what people choose for this is so nice.
Also! Question for everybody - what do you HC these two are watching?
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mjfsupremacy · 2 years
Hello! Could you write an imagine with MJF and the reader who is the daughter of Triple H and Stephanie? Maybe she confronts CM Punk for everything he has said about her family and now about MJF and the situation gets out of control and Max is there to protect his girl and end super fluff
Had to come back from my mini writing break to slap something together for you. I hope it's okay, I've never really written anything like this before and also I'm as shit at writing conflict as I am with getting into it irl (aka very shit.) I hope you like it!
Triple H and Stephanie McMahon are your parents. Safe to say you aren't afraid to stand up for what you believe in, and you definitely aren't afraid to stand up for your boyfriend, MJF.
Typed out on my phone, apologies for any errors. The reader accidentally ended up being gender neutral just fyi ☺️ the jokes about the turtleneck are from Archer (my beloved)
Moderate swearing, mentions of CM Punk.
You were a McMahon, if there was one thing you had it was balls.
Max loved that about you, not that he’d ever told you that. You were never afraid to say what you thought or stand up for what you believed in, hell, you were the kid of Stephanie McMahon and Triple H, the owners of WWE and yet you still chose to date him.
The pair of you were the constant top story in the wrestling media but you didn’t care. You came to as many shows as you could, you openly spoke about what AEW did better than WWE and much to Max's delight; you were not afraid to tell TK to his face when he was being stupid. He was completely enamoured with your fierceness.
Max supposes he should’ve seen it coming. You can’t have a loyal spitfire for a partner and not expect them to verbally smackdown someone like CM Punk.
You’d never really had a problem with Punk before tonight. Sure, he was a bit of a dick when you were a kid and he left without a word but you understood. Everything he said about WWE was true. You might be a McMahon but you knew right from wrong and you hadn’t hesitated to voice it then and you weren’t hesitant to voice it now. But costing your boyfriend his big moment was way over the line and you decided to make it your business.
You knew Max was disappointed, his return had been months in the making. Meticulously planned to the second and all it took to make him old news was the new AEW champion, his idol, opening his big mouth in a press conference a few minutes after the show.
You were furious and no matter how many times Max tried to grab your attention, tried to get you to leave with him, you refused. You had some choice things to say to the so called second city saint.
“Mac,” Max pulls your attention away from the closed door you were pacing in front of with the nickname he’d teasingly called you the first time he met you that had just stuck. “C’mon, I’m tired, I just want to go home and I don’t want you to fight with him.” He mutters, squeezing your hand.
“I just want to talk to him then we can go.” You reassure him, pressing a quick kiss to his hand before letting go. He sighs but accepts.
The pair of you waited outside his locker room. You, pacing angrily while Max sat on a production box kicking his feet out, still dressed in the full black ensemble. His mask and his scarf tossed beside him. You didn’t have to wait long before the AEW champ rolled from his room and you didn’t hesitate, pouncing the second he opened the door.
“You're a real piece of work, you know that right? I’ve never met anyone so willing to call everyone else an asshole while being the biggest asshole currently walking the earth.” You hiss fiercely. Max rolls his eyes. He knew he shouldn’t have believed you when you said you just wanted to talk.
“You haven’t taken enough from Max already? Now you have to take away his big moment too? What, couldn’t handle Max and Tony’s little surprise after you won? Had to find a way to make this all about you again?”
Punk scoffs, bringing his suitcase to a stop beside him. “This has nothing to do with you, Sugar and it definitely has nothing to do with your silly little boyfriend. Get out of my way.”
“Yeah, I don’t think so, I don’t think I’m going anywhere until you give Max an apology.”
“You are way out of line right now Little Mac.” He sighs as if you are nothing more than a childish nuisance, making a point to use the nickname he’d given you in 2008 when you’d been a ten-year-old glued to his leg while he carted you around indulgently.
“Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me nicknames like we’re still friends, like I was just some stupid kid who annoyed their favourite wrestler. You don’t get to be angry that I’m standing up for the person I love when you went out of your way to ruin one of the biggest moments of their career. You don’t.” You are gasping for air, like your anger had filled your lungs and refused to make room for oxygen.
“This wasn’t personal, I had some grievances I needed to air, I’m not going to apologise for setting the record straight and I’m definitely not going to apologise to that asshole.” He jabs a finger at Max who doesn’t even look mad, just a little annoyed but mostly worried for you. “After everything he’s said and done to me, no way.”
“And newsflash kid!” He continues his voice still quiet but matching yours in sharpness. “You were just an annoying kid that I put up with, you were the boss’s favourite grandkid. Not like I could tell you to scram.”
“That's enough,” Max spits, shooting up and quickly coming to stand in front of you. “You can hate me all you want, you can try and ruin me and ruin this company with your stupidity and selfish bullshit, but you don’t talk about Mac like that or I will leave you in a pool of your own blood, again.”
Punk and Max square off each refusing to give while you twisted your hands into the black material of Max’s shirt all the fight leaving you like air after a swift kick to the gut.
Punk scoffs, grabbing his suitcase and wheeling it away refusing to look back at you even as the guilt started to eat him up.
You buried yourself in Max’s back and felt him sigh, “you okay?” He whispers, eyes still on the door to Punk’s locker room. “Mac,” He sighs quietly when the only answer you give is the tightening of your fingers in his shirt. “Please, I need to know if your okay.”
You nod against his spine and he relaxes. “I’m sorry he’s such an asshole.”
“Don’t be. Not your fault. I’m sorry he ruined your return.” You mumble softly in reply. You can’t believe he was your favourite wrestler once upon a time. You can’t believe if it wasn’t for your shared childhood love of CM Punk you and Max may have never gotten together.
“Don’t be. Not your fault.” He mimics back, you can hear the small smirk in his words. You thump him on the shoulder earning a chuckle.
He turns around, wrapping you in his arms, tiny smirk still firmly in place. “Be honest, how wrinkled in the back of this turtleneck right now?” You roll your eyes to the ceiling. “I’m serious! This is woven from the purest Azerbaijani cashmere wool, it was $900.”
“Say, is this black or dark black?”
“Don’t be stupid. You know it’s dark black.”
“Of course, how could I be your sweet cheese, your good time boy and not know the difference between black and dark black? I shouldn’t have even joked.”
“Sweet cheese? Awfully romantic and presumptuous of you. Bold. Did the rats teach you that one? It reeks of the pungent desperation only they can create.”
“Yep,” You nod. “They also taught me the single ladies dance, analysed Vonnegut, weighed the pros and cons of the Kardashian’s removing their BBL’s, and taught me how avoid STD’s. Very well-rounded people those ring rats.”
“How do you avoid STD’s?”
“Don’t sleep with patient zero. I got the information a little late.”
“Ha-ha. Wow. So funny. Is that part of the tight ten you’re working on? I’d cut it, it’s not landing as well as you think.”
You laugh and he smiles. “That’s better. I hate seeing you sad.” You bury yourself into him with a content sigh. No one was better at turning your mood around than Maxwell Jacob Friedman.
“Same. It’s why I had to say something to him. I know how much it hurt you what he did.”
“It did. But it’s over. He can’t ruin tonight for me; do you want to know why?”
“Because during your little revenge rampage, you told him you loved me.” He says sounding awfully smug.
You retrace your words realising you had in fact said that. A blush brightens your cheeks. You had really promised yourself you weren’t going to be the first one to say it. Damn CM Punk.
“Did I? How strange.” You reply in a faux disinterested tone.
He nods seriously, “You did.”
“Hmm,” You hum, swallowing down the nerves. You meet his gaze. “Lucky I meant it then.”
“Yeah, I guess it is?”
“What will Hunter and Steph say about their precious baby being in love with the enemy?”
“Probably something along the lines of ‘great, how long until we can sign him to a bazillion year contract and make him not the enemy?’ they won’t come out and say it, but I think they are hoping I will seduce you to the darkside.” You grin.
“You think your parents are prostituting you?”
“I mean you have met my dad; he is all about what’s best for business.”
Max laughs, tightening his grip on you. “I’m very happy in AEW.”
“I know. I like dating the enemy. It’s all very Romeo and Juliet, except less misogynist, less creepy, and you are way more of an asshole that Romeo. Romeo was also way more open about his feelings too; I mean, he told Juliet he loved her within like eight minutes. You could learn a thing or two.”
“Are you trying to manipulate me into saying I love you by making me feel bad about not stacking up emotionally against a child?”
“I don’t know, is it working?”
“I love you.”
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touchoflaughter · 1 year
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Here's the second part about pillow fights, folding knifes and lot's of public tickling! The past months my life has included more tickling than I could ever imagine. It's as if there's a sign on my forehead that says 'please tickle me'.
The pillow tickle fight
I had one of my closest friends over for dinner and pool. (I wrote an irl-story about him almost a year ago). We are now living far apart so wee see each other rarely. After he won two times in a row we decided to cook and eat while watching a movie before we get into the rematch.
We're always messing around with each other and suddenly he kicked me while we were watching.
"Hey! What was that for?!", I mobbed.
He shrugged his shoulders and answered: "Idk there was peace for too long." (We were literally eating and watching a movie?? How could it be otherwise??)
Of course I had to react by throwing a pillow in his face. Somehow this little throw turned into a literal pillow-war. Within the (not so) brutal combat, he fired four pillows at me and I caught every singe one. He then tried to get them back but I was holding onto them with all I got. Well- you may guessed it: He didn't hesitate to tickle my sides until I let go (what was immediately). He then slammed the pillow in my face and laughed gleefully.
The fight continued but from this moment on I got no chance anymore. He dominated with the help of sneaky tickle attacks until he buried me under a big pillow, pounced on me and tickled me to oblivion.
When I finally started to win at pool afterwards, he continued using it there too so I started distracting him with some pokes here and there as well and it’s just too cute how ticklish he is himself. I mean I always knew he is but since I’m so insecure about tickling I never really tried to get him before. Oh I’ll tickle him more often from now on, that's for sure! 😈
In the end I lost by one round but we've had so much fun wrestling and messing around just like in the old days. He even said how much fun he've had when we said goodbye and I gotta say I loved it too!
2. Knives are less dangerous than fingers
This one's short and seems pretty unspectacular but I found it really cute: So I got a folding knife as a gift and I wore it for work on my belt. When Joey (my work bestie) saw it he tried to warn me: "Be careful with that! It can fold up and stab you."
"Right here." He was completely serious but when he poked into my lower side to underline his warning by showing me where the blade would be, I couldn't stifle a smile. He didn't fail to notice and a wide grin appeared on his face. "Or here.", he poked a little higher. "Or there." The poking continued and I started giggling. "Stop it you prick!" I managed to fight off any further attacks and we continued talking as if nothing happened.
It was just too adorable how his face gave his joy right away. I love when people have as much fun with tickling as me and Joey seems to develop a taste for it too!
Alright that's enough for today. Hope y'all are very well and get many opportunities to tickle/ get tickled by your loved ones! Have a good one, folks! 🧡
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