#irlart au
magiefish · 2 years
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Heyyyyy….guess what’s back from the war
And guess who’s not coming back the same after this Chapter :)
For this marks the end of Chapter 1! Wonder who the next chapters going to be…
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magiefish · 2 years
Heyo it’s been a very long time! I’ve been screaming over Batdr and now I’m having an overflow of ideas for my AU (idk if you remember it).
What about you?
I had a period of around a day of losing it over the game but I think I’m chill now. I can’t say that BATDR is objectively good but it’s definitely The Most and I appreciate it for that. Bit disappointed that more characters didn’t return and that it didn’t build more on the lore from the first game: like, guys, I don’t even know how Lacie Benton died and you’re telling me there’s an ink city based off a real city in the outside world that has ghost trains like ???? All it would take is one audio log to accomplish and you already have her voice actor on hand like c’mon it’s not that hard (obviously there are other things that didn’t get answered but I just used that as an example). I had also hoped to see more of characters from the last game in the aftermath of Wilson’s takeover - Like, how’s the Ink Demon cult faring?
OH YEAH, NO INK DEMON CULT?? LIKE NOT EVEN A BIT??? They literally had another cult living in the sewers it would have been so easy to just put any remaining Demon cultists there and it would have made sense too I just AGHHHHH. They did my boy Sammy so dirty - like yeah there were some characters from the last game whose stories felt largely resolved already like Buddy!Boris and The Projectionist that they didn’t need to feature and I’m happy they left alone but SAMMY?? INK DEMON CULTIST AFICIONADO?? FORSAKEN PROPHET??? YOU REALLY COULDNT THINK OF ANYTHING BETTER TO DO W/ HIM THEN HAVE HIM SHOW UP ON A BALCONY AND THEN WILHEIM SCREAM DIE?? There were literally so many interesting directions to take his character and they gave him zilch, nada. I’d even be happy if he just stayed behind glass being sad and we found a letter nearby talking about his loss of faith and lack of purpose - that would have been a good conclusion to his arc. Or even if he joined in W/ the others in the fight. But no, they just made him a joke. Also Malice - I’m happy that they gave her some closure in the form of the moment with Allison, but it’s weird that she didn’t remark at all on Wilson’s takeover. Like, she just shows up as if she’s been dropped in directly from Chapter 3 of the first game, completely unaffected by her time likely imprisoned by The Keepers or the Ink Demon’s absence. Like, you’re telling me the Ink Demon ‘died’ and she didn’t even try a little coup?? Ms Malice ‘torture device creator girlboss gaslight gatekeep manipulator heart eater elevator dropper’ angel didn’t take one look at Wilson’s scrawny ass and said ‘oh yeah, I could take him’.
But, the game had a good emotional core to the story and I liked all the stuff to do with the Cyclebreakers and the Keepers and Wilson. The new technology using colour was a really neat visual, and the whole trapping and documenting subjects thing really scratched the Southern Reach-Control-SCP part of my brain. Honestly, kind of wished all the areas in the game were larger. Each had neat ideas and I feel like if they just had more time to breath it would have elevated them, but as it was it felt a bit like ‘ok heres this cool thing ok done now go here new cool thing ok done let’s go new thing go go go’. Joey was fun in this game but I still don’t understand why he was an ink ghost. Really liked The Ink Demons character in this one too, like *chefs kiss* he has issues. Call him the new projectionist because he sure is projecting hard right now. They should honestly rename this game to Bendy and The Daddy Issues because that accurately sums up the entire thing.
Overall, I’m satisfied but kind of disappointed. Audrey is best girl and I hope she and Benders go get ice cream together.
Honestly, I don’t think it’ll change my AU that much? A lot of the story already kind of aligned with what I had so while I’ll probably add stuff from the game (e.g. Betty and Wilson) to my AU it doesn’t really mess it up either? If anything it makes it easier because it’s like ‘cool, canon characters who fulfil the same role I was going to have to make up a fanon one for anyway, neat’. Definitely going to be incorporating the Keepers, Wilson, and Benders tho, that whole part of the game was cool as hell. Idk if I remember your AU that well but I’d be happy to hear about some of your new ideas too.
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magiefish · 3 years
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A cliffhanger for the spooky ooky day ;)
And also an update! This part is definitely shorter than the last and that’s because I’ve decided to split these uploads into smaller parts so I can get them out more regularly. I’m entering the years where I do my Big Tests (TM) and I just have. So little free time. And ADHD doesn’t make drawing massive uploads easy because of my short attention span, so overall I figured this was the best decision. Anyway, see you sometime in the future!
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magiefish · 3 years
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magiefish · 3 years
Joey + Susie Headcannons
So the creative side of my brain has not been working as well lately because school is a hell which takes all of my energy, but just as a fun little exercise I was like ‘hey, what if wrote down a bunch of headcannons?’. I only had enough energy for two characters, but i figured people on the inter webs may enjoy them.
Anyway, here’s my obscenely long collection of random Joey + Susie headcannons! (sorry any typos, but once again, I am tired as heck :v)
-Joey Drew’s actual name is Joseph Dempsey, although of course he’d want  anyone no one to know that in his autobiography.
-Honestly his backstory was largely similar to the one in TIOL even before it came out, so changing it to fit the book was pretty easy. So the backstories are basically the same in the order that events happened.
-Then again, the book embellishes a lot of details, but what else would one expect from Joey? For instance, the only person who would ever call him ‘tall’ is himself: my man is like 5”3-5”4, he is a shortie.
- His height is connected to a funny story actually. Up until around age 13 he was one of the tallest people in his school because he had growth spurt young. This made him pretty uncomfortable because he always felt like he was too thin or gangly, but at the very least he was taller than everyone else so people didn’t usually bother him. That is, he was tall until around age 15 when everyone else had their major growth spurts and he…..didn’t
Factor this is with the fact that he was starting to realise he was gay gay homosexual gay and that he also had a propensity for growing his hair out long, and, well, saying all this combined gave Joey a bit of a crisis about his ‘masculinity’ is a bit of an understatement. The biggest reason why he joined the army when he was like 16 was because that was something ‘men’ did.
Joey’s dad also kind of had something to do with it. He was something of a ‘manly man’, as in relatively stoic and tall. He was never particularly close to his father, but whenever they spoke his dad always put out the vibes of not wanting to be around him, and always seemed disappointed in him. Joey largely cut himself off from his family later on in life, and both his parents were dead by the late 1940’s.
Most people looking at him at the height of his career would’ve probably never guessed he was once that weird kid who always sat alone at break and basically never spoke to anyone and just kind of intensely stared at people weirdly from a distance.
Also, weirdly enough towards the end of the studio’s tenure Joey seemed to get….taller, somehow. Over the span of 1944-1947, most employees could testify that he was at least 5”6 by the studios fall. Wether or not he continued to get taller afterwards, well. It was hard to tell when he was sitting in that wheelchair.
Joey always loved to read. Nothing like getting lost in a good book.
Joey likes animals a lot. His mother always used to try and kill mice but he usually just scooped them up and moved them somewhere else. He always wanted a dog, but he never got one because they cost too much and also because they get hair everywhere, and living in a messy environment isn’t a problem for him as long as it does affect his clothes. And if there’s one thing animal hair affects, it’s clothes.
Joey hates sports, mostly because he was never good at it. He has weak little noodle arms only good for overpowering others when he takes them by surprise (or is theoretically aided by magic ink).
Kyle was one of Joey’s early financiers. He didn’t really have any reason to spend money on him and getting him into upper class circles, and Joey doesn’t really ever mention what he did to get the money from him. Hm? What’s that? They were hooking up? Ha! Preposterous…… /s
Joey got sick pretty often when he was younger.
Even after he stopped being tall, Joey continued to have a perception of himself as being really skinny, gangly and gross, and always felt disconnected from his own body. It’s part of the reason he believes a persons ‘soul’ is separate from their body so throughly.
Speaking of mental health issues, Joey also has a very bad habit of smoking and drinking a bit too much. He uses an obscene amount of breath freshener to cover up the smell of it on his breath.
Joey also has a habit of the world going ‘numb’ for him. As in, he’ll go to a party and be enjoying himself and then suddenly the entire world will just feel duller and dimmer and he’ll become disconnected from everything. Not that he’ll let anyone know that’s going on, or that he’s spoken to anyone about it (other than Henry one time, and Allison when he was very drunk).
The qualities Joey usually looks for in a person is a vision and the drive to achieve their dreams.
If you aren’t interesting to him at all, he’ll basically completely ignore you and not care about your existence in the slightest. Other than Henry, who was somehow such a bland person that it went all the way back around to being interesting again.
Joey would never say it, but he really likes the novel The Strange Case Of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. He read it one time when he was a teenager.
Joey’s closest friend used to be Lambert, but their relationship has become more tenuous over the years. He admired how straightforward and uncaring of others opinions she was.
Joey doesn’t really have a lot of friends any more, more so ‘people that are potentially useful to me who I may or may nor be develop more of a personal relationship to’. He would say Nathan Arch is a good friend of his, but wether or not Nathan feels the same way is ehhhhhhhh…….just don’t tell Joey.
Joey’s hair was a lot longer when he was younger, but he ended up tying it up and cutting it short as he got older. A sort of compromise he had was still having relatively long hair, but styling it with a crap ton of hair gel so that it didn’t look that way.
Joey’s favourite colour is purple.
Susie was born with a birthmark on the left side of her face that she was often bullied for as a child. Her birthmark made getting a career in theatre when she was older difficult too, but luckily voice acting didn’t require anyone caring about her appearance.
She first practiced changing her voice when she was a young girl and tried impersonating her mother’s accent. She also liked voicing her own characters while playing make believe (which she often did alone: other kids usually didn’t want to play with her.)
Speaking of accents, her American one is actually a bit exaggerated. She figured it would make getting hired more easy because nobody would think her mother was an immigrant.
Her mother was a Russian immigrant and her father worked as a butcher an didn’t really care about his daughter hanging around his workspace, which meant that from a young age Susie was exposed to some uhhhhhh graphic things. At least she successfully learned how to dissect and butcher meat :)
One of Susie’s happiest days was when her family saved up enough money to go to the cinema and she got to see her first film. That was the moment she decided to become an actress.
Susie is rather naïve and easily trusting of others, but this doesn’t necessarily mean she isn’t cunning or ruthless. It’s a mistake a lot of people make, but if she knows what she wants she’ll do whatever it takes to get it.
She also enjoys a bit of trickery and playing pranks on people, which is probably why she and Wally get along so well.
Susie seems to be the only person other than Jack who Sammy can tolerate in any way.
Susie is a MASSIVE gossip. She’s almost as bad as Norman, except she shares all the drama she’s picked up.
Jack & Susie get coffee together sometimes, and she gets involved in the lyric writing process for Alice’s songs. She also serves as a reference for the animators as Alice when they need her. Joey’s reasoning for all this is that she ‘embodies the character so well, it makes sense for her to participate in all aspects of her creation’.
Susie has a rather foul temper, but most of the time she just looks cute when she gets frustrated.
If Susie ever read the Picture of Dorian Grey she would’ve loved it.
Susie was chosen as a voice actress out of anyone else because she managed to talk to Joey before her audition: she got lost in the studio and bumped into him. Joey knew she had vision and saw how hard she strived to achieve her dreams and these are the qualities he values most highly (mostly because they’re his own), so she ended up getting the job.
Susie is desperate for any kind of validation. She’ll latch on to anyone who praises her, and tends to get very bitter towards those who criticise her.
Her more negative traits became much worse after losing her role as Alice Angel.
Susie’s father died when she was in her late teens, meaning Susie was the main source of income for her mother as well as herself. She maintained a very close relationship to her mother until she died in 1944. She didn’t have any friends outside of the studio.
During the time when she fired from the role of Alice, Joey was ‘generous’ enough to keep her on voicing side characters. Allison was an Alice exclusive, and Susie continued to do all the rest.
Following getting fired, Susie also became even more focused on her appearance. Some employees swore they heard her talking to the mirror like she was having an argument with someone…but oh well. A lot of employees seemed to lose it a bit towards the studios end.
Susie’s favourite colour is yellow.
Anyway, that’s about it. I’ll probably post some more headcannons for other characters sometime in the future but for now, farewell!
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magiefish · 3 years
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Incredibly convincing, 10/10 Joey
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magiefish · 3 years
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Have some Henry drawings, I gave up on the second half but at least the first ones looks good xD
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magiefish · 3 years
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When the burn out, revision, and exams hit hard so you just make memes instead
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magiefish · 3 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 12-Messy
‘They had a complicated relationship’
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magiefish · 3 years
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The Ink Demonth Day 14-Smoke
‘Do you smell burning?’
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magiefish · 4 years
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Anyway yeah, felt like drawing a little something for it because despite the fact that chapter 5 wasn’t the best of the chapters, it still had some pretty damn neat visuals jbsdsjdbsdbsd
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magiefish · 4 years
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So yeah, I’m starting my own comic! It’s basically just my own interpretation of the events of BATIM [and maybe what happens after ;)]
This’ll probably be the start of a large endeavour for me so reblogs are really appreciated in getting this more noticed!
Anyway, this is just the beginning, so I hope everyone enjoys the comic!
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magiefish · 3 years
Norman - What’s your happiest/saddest memory?
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‘Well, I’d say I was pretty happy when I got back from the war and I got to see my family again. Not a lot can compare to the relief of knowing you won’t be blown to bits’
‘But I suppose, in some sense it was also the saddest. To worry about being blown up you have to see some folks get blown up first. Being with your family makes you think about all those people who will never embrace again.’
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magiefish · 3 years
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magiefish · 3 years
Susie Campbell, 21
Susie’s fondest childhood memory is when she went to see a movie with her mother. Her family never had a lot of money so they had to save up for a long time to see the film. It was a silent movie, as all movies were in the 1910’s, and so all the actors expressions were over exaggerated. It was a comedy, and it was so far removed from Susie’s usual life that it felt like an adventure, like she was a completely different person when she sat in the theatre laughing. It was the same for her mother. She was always positive, or at least tried to be, but this was one of the only times Susie ever really saw her mother genuinely happy.
Susie always looks back on that memory fondly, both for the joy of it but also because it inspired her to want to start acting.
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magiefish · 3 years
Norman Polk, 10.
Norman hasn’t dealt with much extreme pain in his life but when it does happen he handles it pretty well. He’s very pragmatic, and generally if anything affects him he just focuses really hard on a goal and ignores it until the best moment.
If it’s physical he generally ignores it with the logic of ‘if I stop to focus on the pain it will stop me getting help for it’. He lost one of his eyes in ww1 and has a glass eye instead and the way he handled the pain of getting shrapnel directly in his face and having his vision permanently impaired was basically to just focus on surviving.
The same thing applies emotionally. He sees some stuff over the course of his story, before and after the studio, but while he does confront and emotionally process a lot of it he generally does it alone, and until he can get completely away from other people to be vulnerable he also handles his emotional pain with the logic of ‘if I focus on it now I won’t be able to do my job/enjoy this experience with other people/etc, etc.
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