#iron colonialism
ewingstan · 1 year
I keep seeing “Victoria secret prison colonies” in discussion of Ward and it keeps being something that. I don’t actually absorb as something upcoming? Like I hear things like “Kenzie will try to force someone to be her girlfriend at gunpoint” or “Weld will go into detail about how he fakes orgasms” and think “yeah I don’t see how we get there but that seems like something that could happen I’ll watch out for it.” But I hear “Victoria secret prison colonies” and it’s like the poster is describing a fanfic they don’t like. Or a plot point in a comic relaunch that fans of an earlier run think ruins the character and they don’t count as canon. Except it’s part of a singular text by one author and fits the general pattern of “wildbow character doing more and more horrific shit as their baseline for acceptable actions shift,” so I’m not sure why I’m having this response. Even after typing this up I won’t be expecting it I’ll just be reading and suddenly be surprised by Victoria Secret Prison Colonies.
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bluedelliquanti · 2 years
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I have a new story in an anthology whose crowdfund starts today: Iron Circus Comics’ Failure to Launch!
Failure to Launch is a light-hearted, educational tour of the (so far!) unrealized technological and societal advances promised in years past, but which never came to be. What could have been, but wasn't. It tells the tales of space utopias, incredible inventions, societal revolutions, robot pets, and even predictions of planet-wide Armageddon!
My entry is inspired by one of my favorite topics: the O’Neill cylinder, the space colony design that never was. Back the book by March 9 and you’ll have your chance to read it!
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suckerforfluff · 9 months
is it fucked up that as a filipino i dont know any filipino mc streamers or filipino streamers in general? like the ones who actually stream in tagalog/bisaya/ilocano/ilonggo/whatever dialect???
like im so envious of the ppl who are like "so and so was my childhood im excited to see them in qsmp" and here i am like "wow filipino streamers huh can't wait to meet them ^_^"
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▪︎ Lock and key.
Culture: Spanish Colonial
Date: 1750–1800
Place of origin: Mexico
Medium: Wrought iron
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hussyknee · 3 months
Do YOU as a white person feel like explaining to Black and brown people why something they find racist is Not Racist Actually? Here's a tip: Punch yourself in the face until the urge passes. Results guaranteed*! Follow for more.
*to be funny
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royalberryriku · 5 months
Thinking about how "self defence" is considered okay until a country the west is not allied with does it.
#yes this is about iran#israel attacked first and then they responded and now everyone is like “wait wait they can't do that!”#and I'm just sitting here looking at Palestine like ???#And look I'm not saying I condone any violence esp against civilians#but I am saying it's bery ironic and telling#when Israel fucks around and finds out#I am kind of here like damn finally tasting the taste of your own spit that you spat at another#must feel like throwing stones in a glass house eh Israel is kinda the feel I'm feeling rn#but anyway#also a note while I say I'm generally against violence I do think resistence is expected and deserved when colonial powers oppress people#I'm specifically talking about how I'm not condoning any attacks on civilians#BUT resistance is justified while Palestine is occupied#and long live the Antifada#both are two things that coexist for me here#and things I think are being honoured in the resistence the more I hear of personal accounts of said civilians#*civilians#When one military side says “oh this happened!” only to be proven as liars over and over again#then the hostages themselves say “no we were attacked with friendly fire from israel”#and for that to be proved??#Then hearing how said hostages say “Hamas put their bodies on the line to cover us from said friendly fire” like??#maybe Hamas aren't the aggressors when they treat their hostages like this and israel has killed their own just to get at Hamas and civ-#-illians alike#tag comments are a mess and probably don't accurately portray feelings fully but long live the antifada and down with colonialist lies
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rpgchoices · 6 months
looking at my isometric rpg wishlist and crying
I was going through my last list of new rpgs to look forward, some of them finally came out so I might check them out in the future
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Project Witchstone seems to have been renamed Unforetold: Witchstone and somehow was only available in my German account, but also development seems paused indefinetely.
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Some are still in early access, promising tho, with updates:
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No one: Gundam SEED, The Witch from Mercury, Iron Blooded Orphans Gundam Unicorn/0096, Char's Counter Attack, Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: what if a protagonist dies/is seriously injured protecting the rest of the cast from a "final attack" at the end of the series. Also said protagonist is a child and the final attack should be a giant laser or similar
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qsupremacy · 8 months
Love thinking about Secret Third Vulcaniod Society who say, solved the Emotions Issue with ritual displays, meditation and Not Being Freaks About It, since they have none of the War Trauma of the Vulcans or Romulans and Vulcans see them Being Normal Ass Fuckers and are just like “this is Sick and Twisted. Demented Fucking Savages”
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actress4him · 1 year
Whumptober 2023 - Day 10 - In Irons
Look! Proof that I haven't forgotten about this series, either!
This is a prequel piece, taking place before Adelaide runs away in the first chapter.
Taglist: @darthsutrich , @a-series-of-whumpy-events , @ladydani101 , @thingsthatgowhumpinthenight , @annablogsposts
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No. 10: “Can’t you see that you’re lost without me?”
Contains: abusive relationship, historical sexism, insulting a woman’s appearance/body, vaguely referenced marital activities, talk of cleavage, talk of pregnancy
Charles comes up behind her as her maid is helping her dress. She always wishes he wouldn’t. He’s seen her in much more of a state of undress than her shift and stays - he’s her husband, after all - but that doesn’t keep Adelaide from feeling exposed. 
He doesn’t touch, and doesn’t get in the way as her petticoat is slipped over her head. He just watches, looking her up and down with a critical eye.
“I highly doubt any other man ever took a second glance at you, you know.” 
She makes eye contact with him in the mirror for an instant, surprised by the statement, then quickly looks away again. He’s in another of his moods, clearly, and as usual, she’s the one he’ll take it out on. She just needs to remain quiet until he’s done. 
“Other than the unusual color of your hair, you’ve hardly anything to offer. Your features are too boyish, your breasts are embarrassingly small -” Adelaide’s face heats rapidly, shocked that he’d bring up such a thing -“and the freckles…” He sighs heavily, as if the marks on her skin have personally offended him. 
“Be sure she’s wearing plenty of powder tonight, down to her neckline, as well,” he instructs the maid, who nods silently, focused on preparing the next petticoat and pretending she’s not listening to the rest of the conversation. “Just try to make sure she’s as presentable as possible. Everyone is already talking about why you’re not with child yet, I don’t need them talking about your looks, as well.”
Why would they? I’m already taken. By you. Clearly my looks weren’t that horrible when you asked my father to court me.
“You come from an admirable family, and your dowry was acceptable, but I hope you know that if I hadn’t taken you, you’d have ended up a spinster. You owe me for the pampered life of a married woman you’re now living.”
Ah, there ‘tis. This is about me owing him an heir, as usual.
He continues to stare at her for a long moment, displeasure creasing his features. Adelaide stands with her hands folded in front of her and prays he’ll leave. 
“Well, hurry up and finish getting ready, then.” Turning on his heel, he marches toward the door. Just before he exits, she hears him mutter, “If our son ends up with freckles…”
I hope you never have a son. I’d have rather ended up a spinster than to share a bed with you.
“Madame? Forgive me if this is too forward, but I’ve heard that some of the ladies will add, um…padding to their bodices. Would you like me to…?”
“No, thank you,” Adelaide answers coolly, then gives the maid a slight, forced smile in the mirror. “Powder me enough to appease him, but let’s not go too far in catering to his whims.”
The maid smiles back, ducking her head, though not before Adelaide sees the approval in her eyes. “Yes, madame.”
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rodeodeparis · 1 year
having jewish family from n iraq general area is very strange. n iraq area is a bit of an outlier from its neighbors people group-wise because it’s often kurd = muslim; arab = muslim also; assyrian = christian (or at least an overwhelming amount of christians are assyrian); yazidi = yazidi; but jews are called ‘kurdish jews’? they probably just got that label because they were in the area (some have ‘tribal’ last names if they were from the literal towns the tribes got their names from), but for example syrian jews who lived in aleppo/damascus and spoke arabic are called syrian jews, some people use “arab jew” but afaik most don’t 
in that context “kurdish jew” seems a little...misleading? “assyrian jew” is too, they were both religious minorities and spoke aramaic but jews have a separate history (and due to current politics it feels insensitive but idk.) and both of those can be used by israeli govt stuff for propaganda purposes, so looking into sources for this is nigh impossible. tbh i prefer ‘mesopotamian jew’
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thenamesblurrito · 1 year
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more Aventuri mecha! it's actually been insanely fun reaching back five years to resurrect the shapeless abandoned OCs and give them form for this colony
Skamma is a bold, enterprising bot with a lot of big ideas! ideas that will capture the minds and the wallets of many a client, enriching their imaginations while she enriches herself, before she scampers away as the market bubble pops, the investments fail, and the business pursuit grinds to a halt. somehow, none of the hundreds of bad reviews manage to prevent Skamma from shilling her latest scam to eager new buyers, of which there are plenty in industrial Temperon. if business gets real bad, well, good thing she got her hands on that universal travel pass a few years ago, she'll simply find better customers in other city-states! although she has no outlier ability other than typical Aventuri extremophilic adaptations, her compact all-terrain trike mode serves her equally well on snow and stone, and her radium inclusions light the way in shadelocked Temperon. Primus help us if Skamma and Swindle ever meet
Sledge is a simple mech, with a simple alt mode, simple jasper inclusions, and a simple life. he enjoys his job as a courier, battling hurricane winds to transport cargo from one Nova Spectra city to another. it's a daily test of strength he is more than capable of winning as a sturdy jet, and though he may be on the lower end of the social scale, he sticks with the contractors who treat him fairly. a lot of his work is schlepping archives, artifacts, and ritual objects between Tributic shrines throughout Spectral's pilgrimage territory. many shamans have noticed he's sharp as a tack, genial, and dutifully patient, and lately Sledge has been offered a place as shrine staff in Central Sola. that's more than he ever expected to be offered as someone with no abilities beyond Aventuri durability, considering the majority of shrine staff are high-level outliers, but still he struggles to make a decision. that's not really the kind of lifestyle he pictures himself pursuing. what's a simple mech to do?
Glitterswarm is nice! she's nice, and she tries very hard to be nice, and it's very important to her to be nice. she doesn't want to hurt anybody, and the nicer she is to people, the more likely they are to help her! and she certainly needs a lot of help, considering she was recovered out in the ice floes of the Bitter Sea, half-dead, stuck in her amphibious alt mode, and totally amnesiac. the records of the Ulyssean capital Albedo City have her written down as a casualty of an alien raid several centuries ago, so the fact that she's turned up again on Aventuras, traumatized but alive, is a miraculous mystery. she used to be a caretaker for newly forged mecha, particularly adept considering her outlier ability: she's a nanohive, a frame with a swarm of nanobots that act as an extension of herself. before, she was steady and skilled enough to heal wounds, reprogram circuitry, support a slippery grip, display holograms, and more, using the nanobots streaming from her vents without a second thought. now, though, she's nervous and uncertain, with a shaky grasp of her own abilities. it takes a lot of effort just to polish her ametrine inclusions, much less look after anyone else. maybe someday she'll regain her memories, but for now she's trying to find her feet again, mothering anyone who will let her in an effort to cover her own anxiety
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wordsandrobots · 11 months
So I had reason to look at the Dort Riot episodes from Iron-Blooded Orphans today and I've been tracking the fates of the unfortunate mobile suit pilots. Of the three we see boarding when the workers seize the Spinner Rodis, I believe we see two get killed on screen.
This guy for certain:
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And I *think* these are meant to be the same guy as well, based on the voice lines, though since there are dozens of Rodis shown, that might not be the intention.
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This leaves the first pilot shown, the one who brags about using the 'suits every day to build walls. This is, I think, the one and only mention in IBO-proper of mobile suits having civilian uses, which is interesting. The Urdr Hunt game further mentions their use in colony-maintenance and demonstrates they can be used in mining.
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Finally, there's the pilot Mikazuki saves with seconds to spare. We might assume him to be one of the few to survive, since Tekkadan's entrance into the fight redirects the Gjallarhorn forces quite quickly. That said, this whole thing is basically a massacre from beginning to end, so we can't guarantee that's the case.
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(Nevertheless, I was trying to find a relative for a character in a fanfic so this guy is therefore being designated Joshua's Uncle.)
Honourable mention to the Gjallarhorn pilot Gali-Gali collides with on his way into the fight. Bloody boy racers, am I right?
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Though at least it looks like this pilot survives with his cockpit intact, which is more than I can say about the other time Gaelio thrusts his lance without due care and attention.
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Good grief.
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origami-butterfly · 5 months
It pisses me off so much that Mary Seacole isn't on the GCSE history Medicine Through Time course, and Florence Nightingale is.
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msclaritea · 8 months
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uupiic · 1 year
I... wow...
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