#ironhead headcanons
charliehoennam · 7 months
A/N: nobody asked for this, but all I've seen is Will smut (which I totally love, don't get me wrong) but I need some vulnerable Will
Pairing: Will Miller x f!reader
Warnings: grief, mourning, sad!will, mentions of death, mentions of Will's military past and Tom's funeral
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One of the things you've always admired about Will is his strength. He was always the one to put on a brave face and push on. The captain in him had the duty of moving forward and completing whatever mission was at hand, whether it was getting his team to the landing zone or grocery shopping day at home.
It was that very same strength he possessed that got him through the darkest times in his life.
Losing his war veteran grandfather, losing his comrades in combat or to the haunting PTSD that they tried to chase away with substance abuse.
Before you came into his life, before he realized that he was lost in the same fog of that purgatory of PTSD, shutting his emotions out is the only thing he knew. After all that time, he came to believe it was easier than having to deal with them.
It just wasn't a priority; a moment of tears he refused to share with anyone anywhere other than sat naked and alone on the shower floor.
Tom wasn't the first friend he'd lost, but it doesn't mean it made losing him any easier.
It was easy for him to plaster a smile and bury his grief deep down until he felt it was time to unbury it and mourn.
Getting to that point of self-awareness was a victory in itself.
It took so much patience and love and pain, not only on his behalf but yours as well, to help him to understand what he was really struggling with.
He hadn't realized it had gotten so uncontrollable until the incident at Publix - the grand revelation of the weapon he could be, once shred of his humanity, provided the cathartic acceptance of the fact that he needed help.
Upon federal investigation, the story they told was that Tom had been shot and killed in a tragic mugging incident on their consultation trip. Just a boys' night out gone bad.
It wasn't too hard to believe, given they were 5 foreigners in a country that wasn't theirs. The heat from the Feds didn't last long. Thanks to Santiago's few but faithful contacts, that investment was quickly brought to an end.
It's barely 6 a.m. and you're stood in the kitchen making coffee, still processing how this all happened.
Your black dress is simple but elegant and modest against your body. Despite the itchy fabric, you can feel the early morning chill soaking through.
The dripping of the coffee maker lures you into a whirlwind of thoughts. You watch the droplets of dew form on the kitchen window against the cloudy sky which threatens to rain.
You start to second guess the toast when it pops up in the toaster. You're not the slightest bit hungry and you're positive Will won't be either, but you have to try.
He hasn't eaten right in the past couple days. You didn't say anything, but you've noticed the few bites he'd given his food and the way he'd pick at it.
He should've been ready and downstairs by now, so you decide to go up and check on him.
Moving forward is hard for most people, but for Will, it's what keep the pain at bay. The problem is when he stops.
Like a tornado, he's left with the screaming silence and the damage it left in it's wake.
Now that he's home, the mission of bringing Tom home is complete, the hard truth that his friend and mentor is gone has begun to sink in.
You gently knock on the door as you reach your shared bedroom.
"Honey, do you want any help?"
"I'm good, sweetheart. I'll be right out."
You can hear him sniffle despite his attempt to sound as normal as possible. Unconvinced, you turn the knob and open the door.
He's sat on the edge of the bed wearing a simple black suit as he looks back over his shoulder at you with a Marine coin in hand, a gift from Tom when Will confessed about his therapy sessions.
You aren't too surprised to see he changed out of the formal military blue suit he had out on earlier.
The ribbons, the medals, the badges... He couldn't put them on without feeling the crushing and staining weight of guilt.
"Lat minute outfit change?"
The corner of your lips curl in an attempt to smile, hoping to cheer him up with a bit of tease.
"I was gonna wear my dress blues, but..." he trails off for a moment to swallow hard. "Just didn't feel right."
Without a word, you quietly walk over and sit beside him. You're not sure what he needs right now, but you don't want him to feel alone.
"Black is more flattering if you ask me," you speak up.
His beard twitches as he attempts to smile. He knows you just want to help him feel better. Yet all he can do is stare down at the gold coin.
"Five times... Five times. Five close calls. And he survived them all. He didn't deserve to go out like that. He just wanted to help his family."
You fight back tears as you listen to him with an arm wrapped his back as you press your cheek to his shoulder.
"I told Santi to get him in. I said I'd go if Tom was in. Tom didn't even want to go in the first place. He didn't-"
There's a crack in his voice which he catches it in his throat to compose himself. He sniffles letting a tear cascade down his cheek only to wipe it away quickly, hoping you hadn't seen it.
"This isn't on you, Will."
He nods although you both know deep inside that he won't stop blaming himself.
"When you told me you were a marine, I knew the risks that came with that, Will. Every knock on the door had my heart racing. But I decided to stay with you because I love you. There wasn't a person on earth or a God in the sky that was gonna tell me otherwise. I knew the risks and I took 'em anyways because not having you would've hurt more... I don't understand how fate works other than we all end up the same. What I do know is that all we can do is love our close ones and cherish the good memories you have of them."
With a tearful and silent nod, he lowers his head and rests it against your chest. His arms lock around your waist as he surrenders to the tears in your embrace.
The tears quietly trickle down your cheeks as you listen to him finally breaking down.
With your lips pressed against his golden hair, you hold him in your arms and stroke the hair on the back of his neck to soothe him for as long as he needs.
All you can do is hold him through it and he couldn't be more thankful to have you in such a vulnerable moment after having faced them on his own for so many years.
Just the feeling of not being alone was overwhelming enough, but to have you holding him and reminding him of the things that are easy to ignore in grief give him hope.
Although he feels he's coming apart, he knows that he'll have the strength he's always had.
It's different now. It's not the strength to bury and forget; it's the strength to heal.
With a sigh of relief after a long, vulnerable moment, he pulls away from you and nods, mentally assuring himself that he's alright.
Upon arriving at the church, you're greeted by Molly so you offer your deepest condolences due to the circumstances. Just as Will, you find that the guys have all opted to wear normal black suits instead of the formal military uniform and you wonder if it's for the same reason.
"Sorry for that," he sniffles wiping his eyes as he tries to regain his composure, swallowing hard with guilt. "We should get going... I don't wanna be late."
You remind him that there is no need to apologize and that he can take the time to splash some water on his face to help him recollect before leaving.
Frankie doesn't say a word other than to Molly and the girls, apologizing for their loss. Throughout the priest's religious ceremony of easing words, Benny's apathetic eyes are glued to Tom's casket set in front of the church between his military portrait and a beautiful arrangement of white flowers. During Will's heartfelt eulogy, Santiago keeps his head lowered as the guilt consumes him.
The grift and sadness during the wake only follow and weigh heavier during the long walk to the gravesite, lingering among the guests of the funeral like a dark cloud. It's only reflected in depths by the light rain pitter-pattering all around.
The military traditions at the funeral leave a bitter tinge of irony in the boys as they watch Tom's casket lowering into the ground.
Tess's happy big doey eyes are now swollen and red as she cries under her mother's arm, hugging the folded flag as if it were her dad, while Molly holds her other and youngest daughter under the other arm.
Looking over at Will, you see that he's trying his hardest to keep his strong facade as well as the boys.
You slide your hand into his and whisper to remind him he's not alone and doesn't have to feel alone.
With a gentle squeeze to your hand, he nods.
"You with me?"
"I'm with you."
You and Will - as well as the guys and Tom's family - are the last to leave, reminding Molly that you're more than willing to help with anything.
Will, however, lingers a moment to speak to her private and tells her about the fund. You can tell from her reaction, she's genuinely surprised and thankful, relieved to know that she'll be able to pay for the funeral.
Having called your boss the previous day to let them know you wouldn't be going to work due to the funeral, you take the rest of the day off to recover from the overwhelming day after the funeral.
The drive home is quiet save for the rain against the car and the windshield, echoing into the vehicle which you insisted on driving to give Will some mental ease. He didn't put up a fight. He was quite relieved you'd offered.
In spite of being eager to understand how he's doing, you refuse to burden him with constant questions and decide to respect his mourning process. So, you keep a hand on his thigh to remind you're in this together.
He doesn't mind it at all. In fact, he is grateful for your respect and your thoughtfulness. His hand rests over yours and doesn't leave until you have to pull your hand back to turn the steering wheel, but it finds it's way back onto his leg, warm fully welcomed by his engulfing hand.
As you're undressing in your room, Will's hand catches yours while you're unzipping your dress.
"Thanks... I don't know about you, but I'd say this weather is perfect cuddling weather," you share letting the dress hang loosely off your shoulders.
Will smiles shyly as if you'd read his mind and locks his arms around your waist.
"I couldn't agree more."
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
How Will Acts With A Crush
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When he first meets you, he’s a bit starstruck. He’s good at hiding it from you, but Benny definitely notices and teases him about it later.
He’s extremely attentive, even though it takes him awhile to get enough courage to actually talk to you. But he’s always doing little things like holding doors, handing you your things, grabbing your favorite snack/drink from the vending machine at Benny’s fights, and is always looking over to check if you’re okay.
If he overhears you mention anything you think is hot in passing, he’ll start doing it. For example, he once heard you tell Benny’s girlfriend that you loved it when guys took their shirts off by pulling the back of it over their head with one hand. Lo and behold, when you all went to the beach together, that’s exactly how Will took his shirt off before diving into the water.
He’s always the first to rush forward to help if you need it. You’re in a wintery place with an icy patch on the ground in front of you? Will’s holding out his hand to make sure you don’t fall. Trying to get your duffel bag out of the trunk and carry it yourself? Will wouldn’t dream of it. Standing on a chair to get something off a high shelf? Will’s hands are already on the back of the chair to steady it for you.
When he finally does strike up a conversation with you, he’s great at keeping it going because he’s been paying attention to all the things you love. He may or may not have researched all your favorite bands, books, shows, movies, games, etc. just so he could talk to you about them and watch your face light up. He loves listening to you and always makes you feel like you’re the only one in the room, no matter how loud or crowded a place is.
If you’re more on the quiet or shy side, Will always makes sure you feel included. He doesn’t let people interrupt you and always turns around with a soft smile and a “what were you gonna say?” He always makes sure you have a seat at the table and will guard your spot loyally.
He loves giving you little touches, like rubbing your shoulders, squeezing your hand, and putting a hand on the small of your back as you walk in front of him or tell him something. Definitely does that thing at Benny’s fights where he puts a hand on the small of your back and leans his head closer to you to hear what you have to say.
Whenever you prove how well you fit in with the guys, he can’t help but let his mind wander to what it would be like to date you and make you an official part of the group. He feels all warm inside at the thought of being able to sling his arm around your shoulders, pull you into his lap, hold your hand, or even give you a kiss. He’s not a huge PDA fan, but just being able to show that you’re his and he’s yours around the guys makes his stomach fill with butterflies.
Sometimes he gets in his head and convinces himself you deserve better than him, so he’ll start to pull away a bit. But he can’t help how touched he feels whenever you’re concerned and give him a little extra love. He can’t stay away for long and when he frames it as concern over whether he’s a good enough friend, the praise, gentle touches, and acts of service you do for him make him want to pull you close and never let go.
Whenever he sees Benny (or sometimes even random couples he doesn’t know) being all sweet with his girlfriend, he starts daydreaming about being able to do that with you.
The first time he hugs you, he feels like he’s about to explode from happiness. He holds you maybe a little too tightly and a little too long, but is pleasantly surprised when you hang on just as long and squeeze back just as tight. He starts gently lifting you off the ground for a few moments every time he hugs you and delights in your little laugh and smile.
The first time you sit on the couch next to him at movie night, he leaned his elbow on the back behind you and awkwardly chewed on his thumb while glancing at you. After a few minutes, he hesitantly stretches his arm out behind you.
Whenever you comfort him during a bad mental health day, he can’t help but give you a little kiss on the forehead before forcing himself to extract from your arms.
If you’re sick or having a bad mental health day yourself, he will drop everything to leave a little care package at your door full of carefully selected soups, crackers, sweets, and a card with a short, but heartfelt message inside. If you let him, he’ll even come inside and clean your house, run you a nice hot bath, and make you a healthy meal.
He’s not the most emotive person, but a little spark lights up his eyes whenever you walk into a room and he’s always genuinely excited to see you.
He isn’t a big texter, but he’ll call you at least once a week to just see how you’re doing.
When he finally does ask you out (or if you do, he’ll say yes with no hesitation) and shows up to Benny’s fight holding your hand, the guys all crow, “Finally!”
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i headcannon that benny and reader blast rihanna while closing the gym. it becomes a tradition that they blast music and dance around while closing. it gets to the point that the boys start wondering why benny keeps being late to their hangouts after his work. at some point they catch benny blowing his back out and reader recording and laughing at benny
Benny, Better Have My Money
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Chapter Five | Drabble for the Through the Scope series | Chapter Six
*best read in between chapter 5 & 6*
Rating: IDK ?? everyone ??
Word Count: 1029
TW: tooth rotting friend fluff w/ Benny & some ass throwing ?!?!
Notes: anon, i wish i could kiss that beautiful brain of yours for thinking of this absolutely fucking hilarious scene thats now 100% canon in the through the scope series to me HAHAHA !! i hope i did some justice to your brilliant idea & thank u so so much for submitting it ((: this one is for u ! happy reading <3
*i wrote this w/o looking over it because the idea was just to good so if you see any grammatical errors.. no you dont*
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Closing up after a long shift was never fun. Well, it was never fun until you started working for Benny. After the last guests were ushered out and the doors were locked, you were put in charge of the gyms music. It was only fair since Benny had free reign during operating hours after all. Plus, your taste in music wasn’t exactly family friendly. 
“Alright, what are we feeling this evening? Lady Gaga? Megan Thee Stallion? Doja Cat? Maybe some Rico Nasty? What artist really says ‘I want to clean this whole gym and look hot while doing it’ to you?” 
“The evening song choices are all yours. I’m way too tired to even think about makin’ another decision right now.”
“Well,” You say as you start scrolling through artists on his phone to find one that will bring the energy that both of you need to get this done. “If you’re so tired, why are you going out with the guys after this?” 
“You know that doesn’t count.” He’s currently working his way through cloroxing all the workout benches and weights. “The only decision I have to make when I’m there is if I want another drink or not and that's easy. Of course I want another fuckin’ drink!” 
“Touché,” You laugh as you find the perfect playlist for the evening. “Let’s get this cleaning party started!” 
Rhianna’s Bitch Better Have My Money starts blasting at full volume from the gym's speakers as you make your way over to the basket full of used towels. 
Bitch, better have my money
Y’all should know me well enough
Bitch, better have my money
Please don’t call me on my bluff
Pay me what you owe me
“Oh fuck yeah! I love Rhianna!” He yells as he turns to you. 
You pull out a towel, point to him from across the gym, and start swinging it over your head as you lip sync to the song playing. 
Kamikaze if you think that you gon’ knock me of the top
Shit, your wife in the back seat of my brand new foreign car
Don’t act like you forgot
I call the shot, shot, shots.
Benny makes finger guns and pretends to fire them at you on each beat. “Sing it, girl!”
The two of you run dramatically to each other in the middle of the gym and start dancing like crazed animals. Each of your tasks having been long forgotten as soon as the music started. You both know by now that neither one of you will be leaving anytime soon.
“Where the fuck is your brother, Will?” Pope huffs.
Frankie, Pope, and Will have all been waiting at their table for Benny to show up for 45 minutes now. They turned the waitress away three times before they caved and ordered a round for themselves. Hoping that a light buzz would satiate them.
“I’ve been texting him, but he’s not answerin’!” Will explains. “His location says that he’s still at the gym.” He turns his phone screen over to show the others.
“This is the third time this week that he’s been late. He’s never taken this long to close up before.” Frankie adds. 
Pope tips his almost empty beer bottle in his direction and nods. “Fuck this. Finish y’alls drinks and let's go pay him a visit.”
They all do as Pope orders and make their way out of the bar. As they cross the street and enter the gym’s parking lot they see both yours and Benny’s cars in the same spots that they were in this morning. All of the lights in the building are still on as well. 
“Do y’all hear that?” Frankie asks the men walking next to him. “It sounds like -”
“Rhianna?” Pope says curiously. 
All three of them walk up to the gym doors and the sight that greets them will be burned into each and every one of their minds for all eternity. 
You’re currently holding onto one of the corner poles from the boxing ring with both hands and trying to explain to Benny how to shake his ass.
“Move your hips to the right, then the left, then shimmy down, and use your knees to help you bring your ass up and down!” You’re winded from both teaching your lesson and singing with Benny for almost an hour straight. It also doesn’t help that you’re trying to yell instructions over Rhianna’s S&M song.
“I think I got it now! Let me try!” 
He helps you down so he can climb up and get into position. You pick up your towel and phone off a nearby workout bench. There is no way that you aren’t going to document this moment.
‘Cause I may be bad, but I’m perfectly good at it
Sex in the air, I don’t care, I love the smell of it
Stick and stone may break my bones
“But chains and whips excite me!” You and Benny sing together.
You are struggling to hold your phone still as you record because you can’t stop laughing. Benny is throwing everything, and you mean everything, into his one man performance on the edge of the boxing ring. He definitely paid attention to what you showed him. Even put his own little twist on it by bringing his right hand back to slap his ass. You can’t help but get swept away in it all and you start hitting him in the ass with your towel as well.
“Let’s go, Benny! Shake that shit for me!” Your lungs threaten to burst from over exhaustion. 
Oh, I love the feeling you bring to me
Oh, you turn me on
“Should we tell them we are here?” Will ask hesitantly, still not entirely sure what he’s watching.
“I’m not even sure what we would say if we told them.” Frankie quips as he wishes you would get back up and dance again. “Pope?”
He looks to his left and sees him pulling up your contact information. “Let’s tell them that their audience wants an encore.” Pope presses ‘call’ and puts the phone to his ear with a devious grin.
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{tag list: @cutesyscreenname @rsquared31 @smol-beb @bitchwitch1981 @avastrasposts @hoeslingz @saltybutteredtoast @javicstories @c-justhere @pimosworld @modernperplexity @beboldbebravethings @modernperplexity  @mxtokko  @moonliqhtszn @tanzthompson @megcads @myloveistoolittle @casa-boiardi @jitterbugs927 @partyofone3413 @pedrit0-pascalit0 }
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navybrat817 · 10 months
Hi Navy👋🏾 I’d like to play with alphabet game too —- A, N, and Q with Raymond, Will, and Steve from your “Ready or Not” series
I'm sorry for the delay on this, lovely!
And, my God, Ready or Not. I haven't updated that in years. 😭 Some dark themes ahead with Steve.
A - Alone time (how do they get off when they’re all by themselves? do they watch porn, is it all in their imagination, do they jerk off, do they use toys?)
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Raymond would rather use his imagination, especially after seeing a particularly nasty video. Before you two are together, he loves to picture you on your knees, begging for him to fuck your throat or your pussy. And thanking him when he's finished with you. It always puts him over the edge.
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Will is extremely disciplined. He has to be in his line of work. But even he can't help himself if you happen to send him a suggestive photo or text. Jerking himself off isn't as satisfying since he'd rather finish inside you, but it helps take the edge off when necessary.
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Steve loves being able to look at you, so any visual is a good thing. Whether it's photos or videos of you. And of course, managing to have that pornographic video of a "couple" that looks like the two of you, it's easy for him to imagine that it's him fucking you until he gets his hands on you.
N - Not yet (orgasm delay? orgasm denial? do they tell their partner not to touch themselves for a certain amount of time or under certain circumstances? do they delay or deny other things like bathroom usage or food? do they need to beg first? do they like being denied / delayed?)
Raymond won't hesitate to tie to you his bed and shove a vibrator inside you if you try and distract him from his work. He'll mess with the settings and keep you on edge until he finishes what he needs to. He'll get you off himself, but you better apologize. And he'll remind you that while he does have a job to do, you're the most important thing to him.
Will sometimes has pent up emotions and aggression because of the assignments he had, so he likes having control. He isn't one to deny you an orgasm, but he wants to be the one to give them to you. So if he tells you not to touch yourself, don't. If you need to get off that badly, he'll do it with him fingers, tongue, and cock. He'll wreck you the way you need.
Steve, it depends on what you've done. If you try to run away, he'll overstimulate you until you're on the verge of passing out. If you mouth off, he'll edge you until you cry and beg for forgiveness. He isn't letting you go, so he good for him.
Q - Quiet please (what’s the volume like in the bedroom? are they quiet? do they scream? do they like a loud partner? do they prefer if their partner is more soft spoken?)
Raymond loves hearing you, but there's also something hot about covering your mouth and smothering your sounds as he drives nice and hard into you. It's like your noises are just for him to have. And when he releases his hand, it better be his name spilling from your lips.
Will may be a motivational speaker now, but he's generally quiet by nature. So he may not voice it loudly, but he'll keep his lips on yours or at your ear to praise you for taking him so well and being the best thing to ever happen to him. And hearing you moan his name is another reminder of how lucky he is to come home to you.
Steve doesn't want you to be quiet. Say his name, moan how much you love him. And he'll grunt how you belong to him, how no one else will ever touch you. You're his girl and he wants everyone to know that.
Love and thanks! ❤️
Dirty A-Z with a character
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romanarose · 19 days
Can i ask how will from triple frontier would react to finding out someone he likes/is dating had abuse in their past and/or complex PTSD? If you’re uncomfy with the subject matter, feel free to skip (just dealing with this & would love some comfort from will).
warning, ptsd
so Will, in canon, has ptsd.
I've had Will in a few senarios like for comfort before
Lucky: Reader is in a depressive episode
He Didn't Have to Be: reader is a single mom who left an abusive relationship
For the Longest Time: a series where Will and an oc, Lorelei has a lot of issues and Will is cognizant of that
As for your ask
Maybe it's early in dating. Will is a serious guy so he's gonna get to the point. He not dating just for a quick fuck. He's gonna talk to YOU about HIS ptsd first. He'll go through it strategically bc he's planned this out like a speech, tell you some of why he has it (details will come later in the relationship), how it effects him, what he does it handle it etc.
You nod and listen, taking in the information he gives you. after asking a few questions you tell him you also have ptsd actually.
He frowns.
Will understands why him and Ben have it, but you? you weren't in the military so that means... that someone hurt you.
Just like you, he listens as you talk. You share what you are comfortable with at this stage and he asks some thoughtful questions. What your triggers are, how he can help if you are having an attack. He wants to be prepared.
He also wants you to know that you are safe with him. He will never hurt you, he will always respect your boundaries, he is going to protect you too.
You don't have to worry anymore. You're safe, and he's going to help you through it. Will explains he has experience with people who have mental health conditions, like his brother, so he has been on the other side of things as well and he's not going to leave you just because you're symtoms make you act out, he'll help you through.
Likewise, you promise him you'll do the same, that you'll work through things with him, help him get any help he needs.
you'll work together <3
Hope you feel better soon, my dear. I undertsand how hard these feelings can be, I've been there, but it does get better.
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
How an Argument Ends (Will)
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Benny // Frankie // Santiago
- It takes a lot for you two to get in an argument
- Which is why you’ve only had two prior to this one
- Both of you are too stubborn to give in and apologize
- It made it awkward for everyone… or annoyed them
- Benny decided he should talk to you while Frankie decided he’d take Will
- His brother helped you realize that what you two have is special and you two should stop being quiet and get together
- Frankie, more or less, gave Will the same speech and he put a plan together
- Will made dinner, as a way to break the ice
- You got home from work, smelt the amazing meal, and knew what was in store for you
- He glanced back and turned off what he was finishing up so he could hold you
- After dinner, you two got ready for bed
- He mumbled an apology into your hair, holding onto you as if he was afraid to let you go
- You kissed his chest, over his heart and whispered an apology to him
- He let you know you didn’t have to but he (secretly) appreciated it
- And it made you feel better to actually be able to apologize
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intheorangebedroom · 11 months
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Hey orange besties 🧡
Here's the one thing none of you asked for but I'm giving you anyway!! Listen, Halloween is my favourite holiday and I'd do just about anything rather than start working on my WIP because it terrifies me.
So here's the most indulgent headcanon EVER, please feel free to scroll past this nonsense of a post, but not before I could wish you all a very spooky Halloween 🧡
Yes, I have no shame.
Explicit HC below the cut 🔞
This Halloween, you've convinced Frankie to host a party at your place. He was really the first surprise, you're not exactly the party type, yet here you are.
You’ve been on Pinterest looking up aesthetics and recipes since August, basically, you've spent an inordinate amount of money on fancy decorations, stocked up enough candy to give all the kids in the tristate area a stomach ache of biblical proportions, and it's finally happening, today is the day, this is your version of the American dream.
But what will you and your friends dress up as???
For years, the two of you have had an ongoing argument about what constitutes a proper Halloween costume. To you, it’s either crafty and creative, or spooky if not disgusting. To her… Let’s say she’s explored all the slutty options out there.
This year, the debate resumes as early as September. Only this time, you outsmart her, challenging her to look sexy despite a plain horror get up.
Never one to retreat, always one to excel, Rosie chooses to dress up as Candyman. With the fur and the hook and the scarf, down to the fake bees painted on the left side of her face. And yes, she still is smouldering hot as all hell.
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Will? Dressing up? Fucking hell, why are you doing this to him? He’s a grown ass man. He was a warrior, for fuck’s sake. He’s not gonna go around and spend money on a fucking costume!
But. He’ll be damned if he’s the only one who doesn’t play along. He can probably whip up something with whatever he’s got in his closet, anyway. Like…. Motorcycle gang leader, for example.
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(at this point, orange besties, I’m cackling in French).
Yovanna. Understood. The assignment. Obviously because she’s hands up the smartest one of all the TF bunch.
She dresses up as the Corpse Bride. Your jaw drops to the floor when you open the door. She's stealing the show and it is fine. You’ve no idea how she can look this at ease with all that heavy makeup covering her skin, but she looks like she's having a hell of a good time, oh and also SHE'S FUCKING STUNNING.
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Pope could have made an effort and go as Victor, right? He should have. Did he, though? No. No he didn't.
Pope dresses up as Miguel O'Hara from Across The Spider-Verse, so he can slither into this tight af costume and strut his butt like a Spidey slut.
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Kidding. Tom's not invited. But if he were...
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Sweet, sweet Benny, our sunshine boy, our precious blond gem of a baby man…
Benny considered not coming at all. Not that he's not over you yet, come on, let's be serious, it's been over two years. He's totally over you. He’s slept with at least a dozen different women since you broke up and his friendship with Frankie is on the mend, so yeah, over you and beyond, thank you very much. Ok, he'll go, then. Besides... he wants to see you. Just to make sure he’s really over you. What could possibly go wrong?
A horror classic connoisseur, his first idea is to dress up as something overly sublte. Say… Tom Conway in the 1942 Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People, for instance. Only because it would be obscure enough for people to ask him about it, which would give him a good opportunity to show off his impressive... cinematic knowledge. Not at all because you and the director share the same last name. Of course not. And it has nothing to do with the fact that you’d probably be the only one in the room able to identify the costume. Argh fuck, he can’t go as Tom Conway in the 1942 Jacques Tourneur’s Cat People, can he? 
Fine. He’ll play it safe. Mainstream. Mike Meyers. But Mike Meyers with a twist: the kid version. 
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What he does not anticipate, is how many times he gets asked if he’s that stupid Pennyclown from It. Doesn’t anyone have any fucking classic culture?? It’s winding him up real bad and he’s starting to think he’ll leave early, until you walk up to him with a shy smile and a tall glass of beer. 
“You make a real good baby Meyers, Benjamin,” you whisper, and it's the first words you've spoken to him all night. Of course you knew, of course you’re the only one who guessed, and he wants to say something smart but he can’t, he’s riveted to the floor, melting under your soft gaze. You lift your arm, as if reaching for him and for a split second, he thinks you’re gonna run your fingers through his hair like you used to, and his heart does this lurching thing, like it simultaneously shrinks and explodes in his chest, and fuck him. He’s not over you yet.
(maybe I’m not over him either 👀)
Meanwhile… Meanwhile, Frankie's watching the whole scene from the kitchen. Ticking jaw, sucking on his teeth, vein popping in his neck. 
But what did Frankie dress up as, you ask. If you're still reading this, that is.
Well, Frankie’s not exactly big on Halloween. For one, he grew up in a household full of ghosts. The candy sure was a perk, as a kid, but he’s always enjoyed savoury food more than sweets. Later, Izzy would let him tag along to the parties she went to (not that her mother left her much choice, anyway), and those were fun, admitedly. There was always alcohol, but most importantly, ✨girls✨ Girls who would never fail to find Izzy’s baby brother oh so cute with his soft curls and his golden skin and his lovely dimples and he’d spend the entire evening passing from one set of arms to another set of hands, which suited him juuuuust fine.
However, the man now has an actual body count, so he’s not too keen on the notion of the dead coming back to haunt the living for one night…
But thewhole thing makes you so damn happy. In the end, it doesn’t matter if he has to fend off an entire army of undead.
Unlike Pope, whatever your choice of outfit may be, he’ll get behind you. You wanna be Lydia Deetz? He’ll be your Beetlejuice. He’ll be the Gomez to your Morticia, the John Bartlett to your Patricia Bradley. 
This year, you announce most enthusiastically, you want to be Frankenstein’s Bride. 
Alright, baby!
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And let's just say this: he makes it very, very difficult for you to be a good host to your guests. How on god’s wretched earth can he be this incredibly sexy as Frankenstein's creature??
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Not only is he good with the kids, patient and gentle and cracking dad jokes with each group of little monsters and Elsas and cowboys eagerly standing on your doorstep, but that jacket… That damn jacket he got himself, three sizes too small, fuck, that poor jacket is working hard ALL NIGHT trying to contain his breadth, the seams just as strained around his shoulders as your poor clenching cu– 
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Oh and you’ve no idea where he found that headband with the bolts on each side, but you don’t really care because he’s slicked black his hair and it's curling thick and luscious on his nape and you can’t wait for every one to get the hell out of your place. 
You’re gonna go down on him the minute the last guest leaves your house, take him down your throat and show him just how grateful to him you are for playing along so well. Watch that handsome, pretty, pretty face, that the green makeup and fake scars can't even spoil, go slack when you suck on his balls and swallow his spend. 
And you almost get to do it. If it wasn’t for that tiny little misstep. The sultry teasing words you pour into his neck, halfway through the party. When you tell him that what you truly wanted to dress up as was Margarita at the Midnight Ball. And Francisco’s eyes grow dangerously dark and wide and wild, pupils shot open with lust, because he knows what this means. And what this means is stark naked. 
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And sure enough, he has barely closed the door behind the last guest that Frankie turns around and orders you to "Take off those fucking clothes. Now."
His tone brooks exactly zero argument. You comply at the speed of light before he shoves you onto the couch and kneels on the floor between your spread thighs, and it's very obvious, very fast, that you are his Halloween candy.
He keeps your ass balanced on the edge of the sofa and your back pressed into the soft cushions, thick fingers digging into the dips of your hips to hold you still with a welcome, bruising hold. 
His mouth feels like lava, liquid and hot as he licks into you like a starved man, broad sloppy stripes through your dripping folds, tongue dipping to feast on your slick like his sole purpose down there is to drink you dry. 
And when he wants more, because it’s never enough, he fastens his plush lips around your pulsating clit and plays it with the curled up tip of his tongue, two fingers hooked inside your cunt and pulling on that fucking spot with the same deftness with which he used to pull the trigger, and you give him more, give him everything he wants, you leak straight into his mouth, you’ve lost track of time somewhere after your third orgasm. 
There’s green makeup smeared all over your inner thighs, rivulets of black tears streaking your once ghostly pale cheeks. Sweat’s pooling in the small of your back and damp locks of hair are glued to your temples and forehead. 
You're a writhing mess, nearly slipping out of consciousness when he grabs your waist and flips you around, rough and urgent. 
With that easy strength that makes you light-headed, he pulls you downward, kneeling you down between his folded legs, your back flush to his chest, you’re moulded into him, and by the time you register the change in position, he’s already lining himself up. 
It’s no longer than a split second before he all but impales you on his length. It’s too sudden and the stretch downright painful, and you cry a strangled cry of his name but it's soundless, there’s no more air in your lungs, he’s fucked all the oxygen out of there. 
“How are you so fucking tight,” he says, his voice sounds strained, and he starts fucking up into you, absolute, merciless, the pace is punishing and you’ve gone blind with the stretch. 
It’s too fast, too deep, too fucking thick. Your spine goes stiff as a metal rod as you try to get away from it but you can’t, one hand is clutching your throat and his other arm’s banded around your waist. You’re helpless, nails digging into his flesh, crushed against his sweaty torso and he keeps sliding your rigid body down onto his impossibly thick cock at this impossibly fast pace, hips hammering your ass, lewd and loud, slap slap slap. 
And he knows, he feels you trying to recoil. The flat of his tongue licks up the column of your throat and it’s a sharp bite on your earlobe, and a low grunt in your ear, “I'm not gonna last long,” and you relent, you slump down into his hold and let him give you what he needs you to take. 
“Good girl”, he pants, and what do you know? You feel another one coming. 
Oh but this one’s deep and violent, it’s building tense and heavy into your core like a burning fist gripping your insides right behind your navel, and if it wasn’t for his own grunts, you’d hear the pathetic mewl you let out when it explodes in your breasts. 
The frantic clench and clutch of your cunt around his length is more than enough to tip him over. He rams his pulsating cock into you one last time before he starts to grind, so forceful his hipbones are biting into your ass, pushing further inside you to bury his come as far up your body as possible, up to your fucking cervix, sinking his teeth into your shoulder to muffle his rumbling growl. 
When he stills, finally, he doesn’t unwrap his arms. Doesn’t loosen his embrace. Instead, he draws your body with his when he slouches backward, his broad shoulders hitting the coffee table.
Limp, spent, blissfully used, you lay on top of him, his length sheathed inside your warmth, your chest heaving along with his chest. 
“Thank you,” you breathe out. 
He nuzzles the crown of your hair, gentle again. 
“Happy Halloween, baby.”
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theelderhazelnut · 6 months
Things Ombra does in BD
She goes there only when Kano and her have some business to do.
She can be found either sitting in his office, talking to him or Eli ( @middlechildwhoescapedthebasement ), or somewhere in a hallway eating/drinking something.
That drink is definitely something Tigue ( @mintspider ) made.
She is in the hallways bc she doesn’t want to be near people.
She sits somewhere near Alex’s room ( @chadillacboseman ), but only sometimes to not make it seem suspicious.
If she’s in the mood, she fights someone in the cage. That someone is usually Alora ( @bihanspookies ), Alex, Eli and Erron.
She has destroyed the cage several times with her powers.
Kano loves the sight, but then goes like “Fix it, woman -_-.”
She makes a dramatic entrance whenever her comrades are with her. EVERYONE MUST KNOW THAT THEY HAVE COME.
Kano simps for her.
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lisarpgheadcanons · 1 year
rage is bi but didnt find out until after the flash and thought he only liked women. he found out when he kept egging brad on to spar with him and fell hard for him when brad promptly kicked his ass
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make-me-imagine · 2 years
Follower-ship request for make-me-imagine
Hey, can I ask for your 8k followers Ship please? I'd like to request the fandoms 9-1-1 and Charlie Hunnam's characters if that's okay with you? My gender preference are either male or female (I'm bi! Just to be specific here). Some info about me: I'm 21, I'm introverted and I get shy around new people. I like to read and write. I mostly draw as an hobby but I'm not serious about it at the moment, I gravitate more towards writing things based on media I'm watching, be it movies or tv series or books. I'd like to become an author in the future and publish my work. Things I find attractive in a partner most definitely emotional intelligence. The ability to have deep conversations about our future, things we've experienced and what we expect of ourselves is important to me. Dwelling into what drives us, our dreams, and general philosophy is important to me. I want someone I can feel safe expressing myself around, someone who wouldn't mind listening to me talking about my favorite bands and favorite fictional characters, read books with me. I don't know how to cook, so maybe knowledge around the kitchen would be preferable? Lol. I prefer people who are taller than me. My turn offs are rude people with no sense of their surroundings, inconsiderate of others. Stuff like that.
I'd like a drabble for the prompt 'Falling asleep with your head in their lap/on their shoulder.' with my 9-1-1 ship, and relationship headcanons for my Charlie Hunnam's characters ship. I hope that this is okay!
Hope you like them!~
Ships are under the cut! :)
9-1-1 Ship:
I know you wanted Lou, but I honestly ship you more with Buck, sorry! I just think Buck has more of that emotional loving side that you deserve (not that Lou doesn't but you know what I mean lol). Plus Buck is always down for deep meaningful conversation. He doesn't know how to cook very well, but once you moved in with each other, he learned your favorite dishes so he would make them for you.
Runner Up: Definitely Lou
'Falling Asleep'
Exhaustion was heavy in the air as you, Buck and Chimney sat in the fire engine. Chimney was already fast asleep, and you were struggling to keep your eyes open.
Your body swayed with every turn and bump, and you hoped you'd be able to make it to the fire station before loosing all your energy entirely.
But before you realized, the tiredness was taking over as your eyes slowly began to shut as your body went limp. You slowly fell sideways, your head landing on the shoulder of Buck.
Buck was staring down at his phone, his own eyes burning from sleepiness. Your long shift was finally over, and he couldn't wait to slip into bed.
Feeling something hit his shoulder, he looked over, seeing you leaning against him, your head bouncing lightly on his shoulder. Your eyes were tightly shut, fast asleep.
Buck looked at you as a smile crossed his face. You looked exhausted, yet content. Grabbing his fire-coat that he had sitting by his feet, he carefully moved as to not wake yo.
Setting the coat on your legs to keep you warm, he gently caressed your cheek with his fingers. He watched you for a few more moments, cherishing how you used him as a pillow. He could definitley get used to this.
He knew he'd have to wake you up once you reached the station, but until then, he would cherish this. Leaning back, and gently setting his own head against yours, he closed his eyes and relaxed.
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Charlie Hunnam:
Now, in this case, I do ship you with who you hoped lol. Arthur! He is drawn to people a little less extroverted and chaotic than he is. He finds you comforting and sees you as his safe place and home.
Runner Up: William 'Ironhead' Miller
Arthur loves reading the stories you write (if you allow him to read them that is). He adores your style, and always encourages you to write more, and is quite good at helping you with your muse.
He is also a lover of anything you draw. If anyone asks him about his partner, he often refers to you as an artist, both in written word and sketching.
Though Arthur comes off as a bot of a dorky non-serious type, he has a more intellectual side than many are aware of. The two of you can sit and talk for hours about anything and everything, and never tire of it.
I think Arthur is secretly very good at cooking, and loves to cook dinner for the two of you.
When Arthur knows you've had a long day, he will grab one of your favorite books and read it allowed to help you relax. He likes to go into character as well, often creating voices for each character. Making you laugh is one of his favorite things, and his best achievement.
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astroboots · 2 years
Hiiiii I live home coming a lot (obviously lol)
Forgive me if I missed this and it’s been done but
How did the millers react when Frankie and Santi said they were a throuple? Did they have to come out? How did it go?
Hello lovely!!!
The Miller brothers and generally the trio's friends circle is something that I intend to expand on in the future. But one of my headcanons that I have with @thirstworldproblemss is that poor William Ironhead Miller has had to sit there and suffer through these dumb dumb's decade long's worth of yearning and stand by and watch it unfold.
I've hinted at it both in Body combat  where he catches Frankie STARE at Santiago with what is essentially hearteyes, and equally in Changes at Frankie and Boa's wedding Will is the one who notices that Santiago's heart is basically cracking into a million pieces.
Will in Homecoming-verse is someone who's incredibly observant but also just wants to mind his own business and not get involved in other's. So when it comes out that the three of them have finally gotten their shit together -- Will is not surprised. AT ALL. Cause he knew the three had feelings for each other, his overwhelming reaction is: relief.
Like oh thank fucking god you got your shit together and sorted it.
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dailydragon08 · 1 year
Soft Will who gets all :) when he meets his partner’s eyes across the room.
Soft Will who’s super attentive and always giving them his jacket when they’re cold and even starts bringing a jacket to events that doesn’t need one just in case THEY get chilly.
Soft Will who takes care of them when they’re sick/on their period/having a bad mental health day, fully armed with heating pads, medicine, warm blankets, snacks, movies, and makes sure they’re getting enough iron, vitamins, and protein.
Soft Will who gives and guides and whispers sweet nothings during the most romantic sex they’ve ever had.
Soft Will who lives for the pillow talk after.
Soft Will who squeezes his partner’s hand and hugs them tight after a nightmare or during fireworks or going through the grocery store, letting all the walls of stoicism fall for just a brief moment when he looks at them cuz he knows he doesn’t have to hide in front of this person.
Soft Will who will 100% engage in a squirt gun battle with the seriousness of a soldier.
Soft Will who will proudly put his arm around their shoulders in front of the guys.
Soft Will who immediately pulls you onto his lap during movie nights.
Soft Will who gets a little watery during the first “I love you,” no matter which of them said it, cuz he was so convinced for so long he’d never get to have a first “I love you” again.
Soft Will who may not emote much, but a little spark of excitement enters his eyes and he gives a little lopsided smile whenever his partner walks into the room.
Soft Will who never misses an opportunity to tell people he loves how great, smart, talented, and what a wonderful person they are (he might not shout it from the rooftops, but he doesn’t make a secret of it either).
Soft Will who stands there gaping the first time he sees them all dressed up and/or in a swimsuit.
Soft Will who loves playing with his partner’s hair.
Soft Will who loves running his hands over his partner’s bare skin and tracing little shapes.
Soft Will who lives for cradling their face during forehead touches.
Soft Will who’s just so grateful he found someone after all the shit he’s been through that made him feel broken and unlovable.
Just soft Will.
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dameronscopilot · 2 years
About the chocolate
WHOSE MAN IS THIS.....I yell knowing good and damn well he's mine and I have to claim his silly good looking ass....Benji you better be lucky you're cute.
But like why do I feel like he'd tell Santi? Santi would try to much through it to prove Benny is full of shit and make it a full hour before he's a complete goner. He tries to be quiet about it just rubbed himself against you claiming he's reaching for things or trying for a hug before he gets called out on his BS.
....imma head out lmao
Live footage of Benny texting the group chat about the aphrodisiac chocolate— Benny: oh fuck that shit actually worked Pope: you're lying Fish: What shit Benny: the horny chocolate Ironhead has left the chat Ironhead has been added to the chat Ironhead: No, that was on purpose Ironhead has left the chat Pope: you're fucking lying man Benny: ask my dick Fish: How the fuck do I leave this chat
My headcanon about Benny and Santi's competitiveness is THRIVING right now 😂 Santi would march his ass right over there just to prove Benny wrong (only to fail miserably. spectacularly. terribly)
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navybrat817 · 5 months
As I unwind after a not-so-restful day, I wanted to take a moment to show some love to @laurfilijames and @hotdamnhunnam.
Some of you lovelies are aware that I'm wanting to dive more into the Charlie Hunnam fandom and explore his characters. As a former military brat, I'm used to being an outsider and not belonging. But I still want to connect. I still want to try. It doesn't make it any less nerve-wracking to venture into "new territory".
These lovelies reached out with open arms to welcome me and assured me that I have a place here. They didn't have to, but they did. It has led to some wonderful conversations and interaction. I felt seen. Supported. And I'm thankful for their kindness.
If you haven't checked out their fics, you should. They deserve the love. The fandom is lucky to have them. ❤️
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romanarose · 11 months
I need to know what the TF boys think about Halloween costumes & if they’d be willing to do couples costumes lol
You're in luck bc I'm gonna be doing an LaL special with all the guys and their girls and costumes!
But, for those who dont read Leather and Lace universe, let's have some thoughts!
Will is going to do bare minimum. Im sorry, he's just not a costume guy. Im thinking like putting on a leather jacket and saying he's like, james dean or someone from, IDK, top gun? He'd be like Jim from the Office. If he can get out of wearing a costume he will. However, if he had a kid and they want to dress up together, he'll oblige and not throw a fit.
Santi is somewhat the same. I think he'd be more willing to like, wear something like a pirate costume or something like that, but nothing thats going to make him look silly. No fake mustahces but you could convince him to grow out his facial hair. If you want to go all out, he'll hype you up.
Benny is ALL OUT. we know that. This year I can totally see him as Ken, ANY of the Ken costumes. I HC he loooooved the barbie movie. There's nothing he wouldn't wear, esp if you asked him to match, but I think he'd prefer something fun and dramatic vs what Im wearing rn, Joel Miller lol
Frankie isn't going to be huge on dress up, but even in universes where Benny and Fish aren't a couple, I always HC they ar v close and Frankie and Benny get into antics, so I can see Frankie dressing up with Benny. Also, Frankie is the world's BEST DAD. He's going to dress matched up with her, absolutely. If she's a princess, he'll be knight (Will benny be a jester? Yes.)
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crazyk-imagine · 1 year
William "Will" "Ironhead" Miller
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Camping Headcanon
How an Argument Ends Headcanon
Gym Time and Shopping Trips // Ao3: Gym Time and Shopping Trips
Summary: Will finally realizes how lonely he is when Benny finds his own girlfriend. Funny thing is, it seems like fate is on his side and brings someone into his life. You wind up running into him and he's thrown off because... you're his ideal girl; you can take care of yourself and others while keeping him entertained. What more could he ask for?
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