#ironically i doubt I’ll post anything right now though cause realistically it will bother me if I don’t record via midi instead so I can go
designernishiki · 1 year
shout out to my poor unfortunate mother having to listen to me record and re-record rouge of love on the piano 3000 times because we live in a small house and i can’t find my usb drive to record via midi instead and use headphones right now
#you WILL hear rouge of love a billion times. it is not a choice#also machinegun kiss but what else is new#I recorded the backtrack for machinegun kiss not actually for a piano melody on top of it it’s meant for singing over technically#but. still works. so i recorded it anyway#ironically i doubt I’ll post anything right now though cause realistically it will bother me if I don’t record via midi instead so I can go#in and clean stuff up in post on my computer and whatnot#and the quality is just. infinitely better when exporting midi files instead of just recording me playing via earbud mic#you don’t have to hear my fingers on the keys and shit or any background noise At All#it’s satisfying………gotta find a fuckin flashdrive man#as for machinegun kiss. I actually am pretty okay with one of my lq piano/vocal cover recordings but. im way too self conscious to post that#lmao. maybe I’ll share it with someone. one day.#I do like hearing my own voice though simply cause it’s nice to be reminded how much my voice has lowered over the span of almost 2#years on t……I have a weirdly similar vocal range to kiryu’s right now which is. something#like I don’t even have to transpose machinegun kiss into another key. kiryu’s is perfectly fine#adachi’s is slightly higher than is comfortable for me (id have to more or less belt the chorus and yeah I could technically but. it’s#exhausting and I have less vocal control. which I need a lot of. becuase i already put a lot of effort into controlling my voice due to t#making it not nearly as malleable and effortless as it used to be haaaaah)#kiryu’s (and kuroda’s by association I assume) vocal range is pretty small and most of his songs are within a small range of keys. he rarely#truly belts and rarely does higher adlibs or anything like that.#so for me- since my vocal range as shrunk significantly on t- his songs/song keys are convenient#but yeah#anyway#no one asked#rambling
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legendofgrump · 7 years
How about all odds for Adara and all evens for Balthazar? I know you said you wanna develop them a whole lot, so hopefully that's not too many
holy shit this is gonna take dedication, but I’m so up for the challenge just you wait. This one is obviously going under a cut. You’ll find out quickly that I’ve worked out more for Adara than for Balthazar but shhhhhh
Okay this is super long so I’m gonna do Balthazar’s questions in a separate post just bear with me.
1. Does your character have siblings or family members in their age group? Which one are they closest with?Yeah! Adara has an older sister, Jaya, and a younger brother, Dean. They’re actually probably closer with Dean because there’s some bitterness between Adara and Jaya. Adara was given their powers by a witch because they were supposed to protect the village from a Dark Evil, but actually Jaya was the one that was supposed to protect the village, but she went off on her own for a Big Adventure and skipped out on getting the powers and Adara kind of resents her for it.
3. What is/was your character’s relationship with their father like?I answered this one!
5. On an average day, what can be found in your character’s pockets?A hunting knife, various berries or roots in case they can’t find food, small amounts of bandages, and sometimes pocket change if they’re lucky.
7. Does your character have recurring themes in their nightmares?Ironically, Adara’s nightmares are typically fire related. Fires burning entire forests down, etc. Either that or the day their village was ransacked and destroyed by The Beast That I Haven’t Named Yet that they were meant to protect everyone from and totally failed
9. Is your character’s current socioeconomic status different than it was when they were growing up?Yeah, Adara was basically a comfortable middle class growing up and now they’re lucky if they have any money on them ever. But they don’t typically seek out money unless they need it so its livable.
11. In what situation was your character the most afraid they’ve ever been?When The Beast came to their village and everyone was counting on them to protect the village and they couldn’t bring themselves to fight it because they were so scared. They absolutely chickened out and had to run away because they were afraid of dying, but of course that resulted in their entire village, including their family, dying a horrible death.
13. Is your character bothered by the sight of blood? If so, in what way?Not unless its coming out of someone they care about in an excessive amount. Otherwise it’s just another bland sight.
15. Is your character preoccupied with money or material possession? Why or why not?No, not particularly, but that’s because they were raised pretty humble and also beggars can’t be choosers, y’know.
17. What was your character’s favorite toy as a child?Their dad made them a little tambourine that they loved to bang around while their dad played guitar! It was like being part of the music and they loved it! Though they weren’t very talented with it haha
19. What is your character’s biggest relationship flaw? Has this flaw destroyed relationships for them before?They have this impression that they’re going to have the person they care about torn from them again (and that it’ll be their fault again) so they tend to just avoid relationships in general.
21. If something tragic or negative happens to your character, do they believe they may have caused or deserved it, or are they quick to blame others?Adara doesn’t blame anyone except for themselves. They were literally being preened to save the entire village and they failed so they can’t really blame anyone but themselves for that. But they do have a little resentment for Jaya since Jaya was supposed to be the one to do it and they think Jaya could have actually saved everyone.
23. What does your character dislike in other people?If they’re condescending or needlessly bossy. Adara doesn’t really take well to authority.
25. How quick is your character to suspect someone else? Does this change if they are close with that person?Adara isn’t particularly untrusting. They believe in the benefit of the doubt unless you give them a reason to believe otherwise. But they’re also not dumb and very instinctual so if someone gives off a bad vibe, they’ll be very closed off toward the person.
27. How does your character normally deal with confrontation?Now they try their best to fight back and stand strong against confrontation. They’ve been training themselves ever since they left their destroyed village to make sure what happened before never happened again, so they’re much more prepared now. Though they will still have trouble remaining confident if it seems like they’re really outmatched.
29. What did your character dream of being or doing as a child? Did that dream come true?They wanted to be a parent! They really wanted to start a family of their own and have children and people that they cared about! But that didn’t really pan out and it’ll probably be a while before it ever happens. They also wanted to work with animals, which they sometimes get to ride horses and they’ll occasionally rescue birds or squirrels that were hurt but that wasn’t really the plan.
31. Describe a scenario in which your character feels most comfortable.I mean they’d be most comfortable with their family, but seeing as that’s not really a thing, I’ll be a little more realistic. The most comfort they can find as they are right now is curled up in a tree, having checked everything to make sure that they’re safe to survive the night, belly satisfyingly full, and a solid plan for the next day. They can snooze with little to no paranoia attacking them.
33. In the face of criticism, is your character defensive, self-deprecating, or willing to improve?I mean if it’s honest criticism and they trust the person it’s coming from, then they’ll totally be willing to improve. They desperately want to be the best they can, if only to imagine that they’d make their parents proud.
35. How does your character behave around people they like?Comfortably. They’re a little silly and playful and enjoy cracking jokes. They’re a little affectionate with like claps on the back or putting themselves in front of the person to protect them. They’re very protective of people they care about, that’s for sure.
37. Is your character more concerned with defending their honor, or protecting their status?Defending their honor, I think? But also they don’t see themselves as having much honor because of their past. They think of themselves kind of lowly and they don’t particularly have any status either. But they’d protect their honor over just trying to stay in power or anything.
39. Has your character ever been bitten by an animal? How were they affected (or unaffected)?Yeah, I mean, squirrels don’t particularly like being picked up, especially when they’re wounded, so a couple times. They’re lucky to have never contracted rabies. But they usually just ignore it in favor of fixing whatever wound the animal has and that’ll usually get the animal’s trust.
41. Does your character feel that they deserve to have what they want, whether it be material or abstract, or do they feel they must earn it first?Adara is very much an “earn it” kind of person. Especially since they think they’re kind of working with a deficit of “deserving” anything, so they have to work to bring themselves to just bare minimum (in their mind). They hate the idea of things just being handed out to people.
43. Has your character ever had a dependent figure who was not related to them?I’m not totally sure if this means someone that’s dependent on them or that they depend on. But Adara got their powers and trained with a witch that they called “Auntie” for the longest time because the two were really close.
45. What does your character believe will happen to them after they die? Does this belief scare them?They believe in a Sky God to an extent (they were raised on it, but they kinda gave up believing it after tragedy befell them). And the deal is basically you either join the Sky God or fall from the sky after you die and just fall for all eternity, which is suffering in itself (it’s useful to know that this entire land exists on floating islands, so there’s just abyss beneath them basically). Adara believes they’re probably going to fall because of how they let everyone down, but they’re also very hard on themselves. It doesn’t really scare them, they’ve kind of come to terms with it, but they’re not exactly excited about it.
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