#ironically i got started playing Stardew again for the first time in like...5 years i think???
leeleelikestoart · 2 years
I took a break, but I think I've got my motivation back! I'm gonna try and get a new page up this week! 💪🏽
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daisydezem · 6 years
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Get to know me Tag
Wow this took longer then I thought it would! But thank you so much for tagging me @cruelhumanbean & @cloud-9-sims!  I’m gonna tag @deathbyhysteria, @rethasim, @shellisims and @king-mikeyy! I loved updating my simself. It has been a while but I still think she is way to pretty. I just can’t make real people. Then there are 125 questions answered in the cut down below! So it’s a long list!
1. what is your name? Daisy (Officially Dasy. My dad forgot the i -_-’)
2. what is your nickname? Dezem, Dees, Dee, Esseborre... anymore...
3. birthday? April 24 1990
4. what is your favorite book series? Harry potter... Or does Manga count? Then Skip Beat!
5. do you believe in aliens or ghosts? Aliens Yes! Ghost not really. 
6. who is your favorite author? UHM... I don’t like reading books. I’m dyslectic so the only reading I do is Manga and webcomics. For that I really like Yoshiki Nakamura. (from skip beat)
7. what is your favorite radio station? Veronica!
8. what is your favorite flavor of anything? Anything spicy!
9. what word would you use often to describe something great or wonderful? In English - Awesome and in Dutch - Super... I know it’s also a english word but it’s used a bit different 
10. what is your current favorite song The sound of Silence - Disturbed
11. what is your favorite word? Inevitable. It has a nice tongue feel... Idk... Oh and In Dutch - Schatig. It means cute but it sounds really harsh for people that don’t speak Dutch.
12. what was the last song you listened to? Freak on a leash - Korn
13. what tv show would you recommend for everybody to watch? Battle star Galactica!!  Walking Dead Lucifer                          Supernatural Game of thrones          New Girl Dexter                          Friends More?
14. what is your favorite movie to watch when you’re feeling down? Tenacious D in The Pick of Destiny it always cheers me up!
15. do you play video games? Uhmm... YES! 
16. what is your biggest fear? Being alone
17. what is your best quality, in your opinion? I know what I want and do whatever I can to get it. 
18. what is your worst quality, in your opinion? Being afraid of change. Being a control freak. Being a perfectionist
9. do you like cats or dogs better? CATS! I’m kinda afraid of dogs... pictures are cute tho:P
20. what is your favorite season? Spring I guess. Not to warm and hopefully dry. Everything get green:)
21. are you in a relationship? Yes uhm... 7 years now. And a kid of 4 (almost).
22. what is something you miss from your childhood? Believing in the good and magical things.
23. who is your best friend? Nouk! (Not her real name her nickname tho)
24. what is your eye color? Brown
25. what is your hair color? Naturally Brown... But I change it a lot!
26. who is someone you love? Hubby, Son, Mom, Dad, Stepdad, Stepmom, Siblings, Grandpa’s, Grandma’s, Nouk, And a lot more!
27. who is someone you trust? Hubby, Mom, Stepdad, Nouk.
28. who is someone you think about often? Rn? Uhm My little brother and grandpa. They are not doing so well.
29. are you currently excited about/for something? Yes! My son is about to turn 4 so after the winter/Christmas vacation he will be going to elementary school!
30. what is your biggest obsession? Tbh... Sims... haha I just think about what when how all the time:P
31. what was your favorite tv show as a child? Telekids!! It was a dutch kids gameshow between two school and in between cartoons! On Saturday morning!
32. who of the opposite gender can you tell anything to, if anyone? Well my hubby!
33. are you superstitious? Not really. I do know a lot so I pretend to be sometimes when it is convenient.  
34. do you have any unusual phobias? No!
35. do you prefer to be in front of the camera or behind it? Oh actually I like both! I like seeing pictures of the past because it brings back memories. But I do like taking pictures as well. And to be fair. I’m not good at both hahaha
36. what is your favorite hobby? Gaming!
37. what was the last book you read? The Hobbit
38. what was the last movie you watched? The new Incredibles! Is was... SUPER! 
39. what musical instruments do you play, if any? I play guitar, bass and drums. Bass best tho! I got a piano now so I’m trying to learn that if and when I have some time.
40. what is your favorite animal? Cats! 
41. what are your top 5 favorite tumblr blogs that you follow? Oh god... I always feel horrible doing this. Because it changes all the time and well I like many more as 5. But okay let just do it! @cosmic-espie @pink-chevalier @brisberries @wildlyminiaturesandwich @plumpug. Okay yeah... There are many more! 
42. what superpower do you wish you had? Reading someones mind. Easier to know if someone lied.
43. when and where do you feel most at peace? At home.
44. what makes you smile? Weird stuff my son says or does.
45. what sports do you play, if any? I used to dance! Ballet, Jazz, Modern and Hip-hop... But can’t anymore.. Classical ballet is hell for your knees!
46. what is your favorite drink? A coke! (My addiction) 
47. when was the last time you wrote a hand-written letter or note to somebody? I can’t remember!
48. are you afraid of heights? Used to be. Then I went bungee jumping with a height of 169 meters (555 ft) and now I’m not afraid anymore!! (this is the bungee jump video is not me picture is tho!)
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49. what is your biggest pet peeve? When I’m at work and people start with a question instead of saying hello first or don’t look at me at all when checking their tickets!
50. have you ever been to a concert? Yeah! Greenday, Paramore, Billy talent, My chemical romance, Iron Maiden, Doe Maar and Infinite(in paris!) 
51. are you vegan/vegetarian? That’s a def no... 
52. when you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? A teacher!
53. what fictional world would you like to live in? The Dragon ball Universe! 
54. what is something you worry about? The health of my grandpa and little brother. 
55. are you scared of the dark? No, I prefer the dark... 
56. do you like to sing? Yes! I was never allowed to sing in the band tho.. I was allowed to scream tho!
57. have you ever skipped school? Yeah.... Sssssst don’t tell my mom. She still doesn’t know. ;)
58. what is your favorite place on the planet? Home <3
59. where would you like to live? Where I live now. 
60. do you have any pets? Yes!
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61. are you more of an early bird or a night owl? Night Owl!
62. do you like sunrises or sunsets better? Sunsets! If I ever see a sunrises someone will be dying... (the one that woke me up that early!)
63. do you know how to drive? Yeaaaasssss! I LOVE DRIVING! and yes also with a gearbox!!
64. do you prefer earbuds or headphones? In-ear earbuds!
65. have you ever had braces? No!
66. what is your favorite genre of music? Rock!
67. who is your hero? My mom!
68. do you read comic books? Web comics (rn the gamer and dice) and manga!
69. what makes you the most angry? People who did something wrong and then blame you.
70. do you prefer to read on an electronic device or with a real book? Electronic. Real books are to heavy to take a lot of with you.
71. what was your favorite subject in school? Math and science!
72. do you have any siblings? Yes! Sister at my Moms and a Brother and Sister at my Dads!
73. what was the last thing you bought? Food:p But uhm as of last fun thing was the cam for the facecam on streams!
74. how tall are you? 171 cm (5′7 is that right?)
75. can you cook? Somewhat... I like cooking but I usually work during dinner time so don’t do it to often.
76. what are three things that you love? My family (incl my own and my parents, siblings and grandparents) Playing games (incl sims, final fantasy, dragon quest and stardew) My roomba! (I hate vacuuming) 
77. what are three things that you hate? Liars  Cleaning Waking up early
78. do you have more female friends or more male friends? I think male...
79. what is your sexual orientation? I’m straight.
80. where do you currently live? The Netherlands (HOLLAND HOLLAND HOLLAND) ;)
81. who was the last person you texted? My hubby!
82. when was the last time you cried? Today.... hahaha I hurt my back still went to work. Got worse and at the end of my shift I could barely walk. I felt like a wuss and that made me cry. 
83. who is your favorite youtuber? MATPAT (game theorists) Jen (xurbansimsx) Mage Masher and Jacksepticeye
84. do you like to take selfies? Sometimes...
85. what is your favorite app? Webtoons
86. what is your relationship with your parent(s) like? Very good
87. what is your favorite foreign accent? German
88. what is a place that you’ve never been to, but you want to visit? Seoul and Kyoto 
89. what is your favorite number? 4
90. can you juggle? No
91. are you religious? No (Maybe the flying spaghetti monster tho)
92. do you find outer space of the deep ocean to be more interesting? OUTER SPACE! I love space! I’m a bit scared of the ocean tho
93. do you consider yourself to be a daredevil? No BUT if needed I will be. 
94. are you allergic to anything? No
95. can you curl your tongue? Yes :P
96. can you wiggle your ears? Yes that too! (Just checked btw)
97. how often do you admit that you were wrong about something? Not that often... If proven wrong I would tho.
98. do you prefer the forest or the beach? Forest
99. what is your favorite piece of advice that anyone has ever given you? It will always be darkest just before it will get lighter again. (no matter how awful things seem it will get better)
100. are you a good liar? A very good liar... 
101. what is your hogwarts house? Gryffindor
102. do you talk to yourself? All the time!
103. are you an introvert or an extrovert? Both... I guess.. But more Extrovert.
104. do you keep a journal/diary? Nooooo I can’t! And if I do it’s for 2 weeks and then I forget!
105. do you believe in second chances? Yes but not in third.
106. if you found a wallet full of money on the ground, what would you do? Give it to the police.. I can’t keep it because I would feel bad...
107. do you believe that people are capable of change? Change... Not really. However I do believe in the adaptability of people. 
108. are you ticklish? Yes... unfortunately... 
109. have you ever been on a plane? Yes to Spain, Hungary, Italy and Malta
110. do you have any piercings? Yes I had more. Did you know if you get pregnant your body can just resist them? I lost 5 piercings because of that but gained a lovely little boy so everything is good. <3
111. what fictional character do you wish was real? Oeee this is hard... there are so many. But uh let me just say Gohan. I just love him. Strong, kind and smart. (Also my first crush when I was young hahaha)
112. do you have any tattoos? Yes 3! And I want so many MORE!
113. what is the best decision that you’ve made in your life so far? Changing jobs! 
114. do you believe in karma? No... I don’t believe in anything I can’t see or can’t be proven my science. 
115. do you wear glasses or contacts? Glasses
116. do you want children? I got a kid already hahaha but Yes I would like a second child at some point.
117. who is the smartest person you know? I think it would be my sister @galaxymiep! She can do stuff I could never do. <3
118. what is your most embarrassing memory? Oh Idk... I’m not embarrassed easily. But I think I would be when my workpants had a hole in it and I didn’t notice until someone told me... 
119. have you ever pulled an all-nighter? So many times.
120. what colour are most of you clothes? Black
121. do you like adventures? Not really. I had my adventures days. I’m boring now hahaha
122. have you ever been on tv? UHmm... Yes... Local tv station about concrete blocks. Why?
123. how old are you? Old... hahaha I’m 28
124. what is your favorite movie quote? From the movie Moulin Rouge: “The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return.”
125. sweet or savory? Depends on my mood. But mostly Savory!
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chaseprice · 7 years
I WAS TAGGED TWICE TO DO THIS THANG (thank you @explosionshark​ and @morhdd​ Answer 11 questions, tag 11 people. write 11 questions for them to answer.
bri’s questions
1. what movies were you obsessed with as a kid?
fuckin. THE IRON GIANT. and pocahontas. 
2. have you ever been able to get over any fears?
yeah. i’ve worked through a lot of fears that were as a result of anxiety in the past couple years. i managed to break off friendships that were detrimental to me; always something i was scared of. i came out. i was scared of that. also i kinda got over my fear of getting injections? (blood getting taken tho - no way.)
3. do you prefer seeing a movie in theaters or watching at home?
mmmm... theaters.
4. what was the first cd you bought for yourself?
bought for Myself? fuck. i used to rent pop party CDs from the library because i thought it was cool at the time? sdfjh
5. what’s your favorite thing about the place you live?
i don’t like a lot about my hometown, but i guess i like that its surrounded by fields and nature. i love where i live the rest of the time because my city has so much going on. especially in the music scene. idk i just love my city
6. what would you do if you won the lottery tomorrow?
have an existential crisis probably?
7. what’s your favorite meal to make?
thai green curry & rice maybe...... 
8. what have you done this year that you’re proud of?
Came Out! Passed All My Exams! Made Cool Friends! Continued To Get Over Bunch Of Anxiety Problems! Embraced My Identity! Got Closer With People! Moved Out (Again)!
9. what are you really looking forward to right now?
also pride. and a bunch of other cool plans for this year
10. what genre of film does your life feel like?
like  a shitty indie film that u absolutely hate the protag of and it just needs to end already adgjgdh
11. what do you wish more people knew about you?
the lengths i’d go to for my friends. (for irl people specifically: how fuckin sad and stupit and angry i get w myself sometimes and that it doesn’t reflect any of my feelings for individual people. also how gay i am)
ramona’s questions  (I Fucked up the formatting here oops sorry)
favorite game you’ve played recently? i’ve been playing stardew valley n thats the only game ive played recently (except the demo for dishonored 2 but my pc doesnt rly like it) and it’s super cute but i got distracted and haven’t got back to it. smh
is there a band/artist/album you’ve been really stuck on lately? YEAH FUCKIN GREAT GRANDPA’S NEW ALBUM (thanks bri) BUT EVEN MORESO: PILLOW QUEENS ???? JUST DISCOVERED THEM THEY’RE SO GOOD i love Rats especially
do you have a favorite show of all time? uhhhhhhh no these questions too hard ramona. probably not. but i do like better call saul it’s okay. every good gay show i enjoy betrays me somehow. like scream and skam. skam didnt neecsarily do anything bad BUT THEY COULDVE BEEN BETTER. GIMME WLW. i was so obsessed with it tho, truly was my fave show ever at  a point
favorite canon fictional couple? oh bb. pricefield
if you could visit anywhere where would you go? fuck this. everywhere. v desp for a US roadtrip when i graduate tho
would you want to stay in the place you’d like to visit? o fuck this. IDKKKK
any particularly embarrassing fandom memories that you’re far enough removed from that you’d admit to? YEAH LIKE EVERYTHING I EVER SAID OR DID IN THE GTA V FANDOM .... I WAS SO WEIRD AND PETTY AND STRAIGHT
top three ships at this moment? chaseprice amberprice emrey (THEY WHO IM THINKIN BOUT RN doesnt mean theyre.... da best)
top three bands at this moment? ok. im gonna make this five and pretend the two bands i mentioned up there ^^ are in the list. these are just recent btw not best ever. JOYCE MANOR bc i was listenin to them a lot before my gig, THE SPOOK SCHOOL !!!!! and idk. perfume genius
i am seriously dying coming up with questions, how are you doing today? i’m okay but i’m too warm here in this stuffy room. how u doing ramona?
AIIIGHTTTT so my 11 questions:
1. what have you been thinking about a lot lately? 2. what was the weather like where you are today? 3. you wanna meet with a close friend to catch up. do you go to a little café during the day and chat, do you go out somewhere at night time to a bar/party, do you go to one of each other’s places and order takeout -- what ideally happens? 4. what’s a really embarrassing childhood memory? 5. when you’re talking with people, what is a topic that will always make you cringe/feel FEAR if someone starts talking about it? 6. if you were to be famous, what would you wanna be famous for? 7. is there somebody you know who was an inspiration to you in any regard, or still is, that doesn’t know about it? if so, who? 8. what thing/s are you looking forward to before the year ends? 9. what do you do at new years? 10. who were the last two bands/singers you listened to, and which would you rather be offered free concert tickets for? 11. what material/texture do you like the feel of most?
i tag. @fortzancudo @drugru @borosouro (liddie if ur readin this i dont kno what ur url is gfhkfd) @sneffing @rachelambr @lesbianmikewheeler @maxcaulfield @gaymermutual @recourse-ao3 @the-insufferable @thestarryskiesofpalaven
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dandelliongirl · 7 years
is here already!
Time has flown by a lot faster than I expected it to. It has probably been because I’ve kept so busy. Also overall I’ve been feeling better by the day.
The last weekend of October was a grandmum weekend. As a bit of a surprise both my grandmums came over to get new phones. They both had the same lumia phone before and now they have Honor 8 lites like me so that I can provide tech support. (For clarification again, I call my mum’s mum grandmum, and my dad’s mum by her first name because we aren’t that close. So when I talk about granmum it’s my mum’s mum.)
So I spent Saturday and Sunday recording more poetry with grandmum and she stayed the night at my place. It was supposed to be my laundry weekend but spending time with granny was much more special. We did some re-recordings for our poetry project together and went over stuff on her new phone. On Sunday we went to have dinner with mum and dad before granny drove back home and I went to teach my classes. I truly enjoyed work, we started rehearsing Christmas shows with both groups and everybody had a fun time. I wish work could be that much fun every time. Unfortunately I missed most of Mischacrossing’s ACNL Halloween stream because of daylight savings, which was upsetting.
On Monday I worked on finishing up the main body of text in my thesis. It really blows my mind how I could just submit my MA thesis for pre-grading now if I had no standards. Like it’s all written out now, all 95 pages of it. I can’t believe I did it. Now all that’s left is adding some more sources and researching more context for some of the people that I write about. Anything that I manage to add now is going to be extra, and it’ll lessen my workload for next spring after the pre-grading feedback comes in. I’m pretty sure my thesis would already pass though, so if the worst comes to pass and for some reason I can’t do anything to it anymore at least I can submit it for some kind of a grade already. Still, I aim to make it a good one so that in case I ever feel like going back to school for a PHD I have that door open for me. It has been a year since I started the process but somehow it feels like I’ve completed it without noticing. It’s a weird and surreal feeling, and also a bit scary because that means graduation and being on my own again.. Anyway for the rest of Monday I went to a meeting regarding the future of the Children’s university, and to the office to do work after that. In the evening I did JLPT stuff.
On Tuesday me and my friend had our fun little ACNL Halloween sleepover. I had until 5pm to work on my thesis and JLPT stuff before we met up at the grocery store to get frozen pizzas and chocolate. At 6pm we started working through the Halloween event. After collecting all the stuff and getting all the tricks and treats we watched Rocky Horror Picture Show and Mamma Mia together. Then we went to bed. Such a special Halloween.♥
On Wednesday I studied JLPT with a friend, read a book for my thesis and did some more JLPT stuff. In the evening another friend came over to sew on the laces for her new pointe shoes. I managed to find a way to get DMC4 to work on my PC, which made me happier than a lot of things have lately. The CD version apparently has some old DX files on it so installing from the CD doesn’t work anymore. However some kind soul on the Steam community had found out that if you install the demo version of the game which has the updated files first, and then copy-paste everything aside from the directX folder from the CD and install the full version it would force the game to install using the new updated files. And it worked like a charm! I played through the first couple of missions and for the rest of the night we watched The Sims 4 videos together. My friend also played through a bit of Persona 5 before we went to bed.
On Thursday morning I read my last physical actual thesis book that isn’t an e-book, and took care of some work business before my friend woke up. We spent the day playing some more DMC4, and I tried to get back to DMC5 for the first time since highschool probably. It was a lot of fun since I left it at a boss fight and had no idea what the controls were anymore, but we figured it out and it was a good laugh. I love the DMC games and I’ve missed them. In the evening my apartment complex had a meeting where we decided to continue the process of building a new house on our backyard. Out of 11k votes we had 7k present and out of those 6k voted for the continuation of the project - so yay for that! There were arguments for nature and the preservation of our backyard but honestly the monetary benefit from selling the right to build on our backyard is going to be so great it can’t be ignored. Also, we get a much nicer backyard with actual greenery and plants and recreational stuff in the new plan so... Yes, we lose a few pine trees and an area for drug abusers to hang out and dogs to poop on but in return we get a nice and maintained backyard in stead of a concrete parking lot. Anyway after the meeting I came home to watch some JLPT videos and chill out on the sofa.
On Friday I had another JLPT study date, after which I did some planning for next week and worked on my JLPT vocabulary. Then I had ballet from 4 to 6pm. Luckily I had mum’s car because she had to go to a two day training so I got to drive to ballet and back. After showering and eating I helped my friend out with Gracie’s fashion check in ACNL and spent about 5 hours in total watching Sims 4 videos again. I guess it was really needed. I’ve also been watching a lot of Miraculous Ladybug lately now that season 2 started airing. I’ve watched the entire first season and the first 3 episodes of season 2. Again, harmless cute fun that keeps my mind off other stuff.
Yesterday was a cleanup day. I did two loads of laundry an finally got the rest of my guy’s remaining clothes and his duvet+pillows washed. Also I emptied out all of my laundry basket, which felt damn good. Finally. The damn thing was bursting at the seams. I also dusted, vacuumed, washed the bathroom and went to the store to restock on carrots for the bunny and something to cook with for next week. Then I put up a moderate amount of Christmas decor as I swapped out my Halloween stuff. I also put up my Christmas lights. The tree isn’t going up until the end of November but at least I have something set up now. I picked mum up from the train station at 4:40pm and folded some laundry before going to our music video choreo rehearsal at 6pm. I got out at 8:30pm -ish, and came back to shower, eat, watch Grease 2 and iron out some clothes and towels etc.
This Sunday morning has been great. I love sleeping in and making some special breakfast that I can eat in front of the TV. Today I made banana and blueberry pancakes. Now I’m over here blogging and thinking about what to do with the rest of my day before I have to go to work. I really want to play DAI or MEA but until my payday on the 15th I can’t afford to order the new PSU, so in reality I won’t be playing those games until the end of November depending on how long it takes for me to get the thing and swap it. I’m just praying to everything that it works... It would be so much fun to spend Christmas break stress free and with video games.. For now I might just play some Stardew Valley for a few hours, then eat and go to work.. Hopefully I can get to today’s Mischastream with more success than last week.
I’ve got 6 weeks until Christmas break and 4 weeks until the JLPT exam... Yikes.
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