#irresistible mistakes jun
sterkeyra · 5 months
Voltage Chara Cafe Chibis 2024
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Voltage once again claimed my heart by announcing the new merch for their upcoming character cafe. Weak as i am for chibis they just had to release animal hoodie acrylics of some of our best boys.
Kasumi tries to wriggle himself into my heart more and more by now also dressing up as a red panda! It almost feels like Kurosawa stole the penguin hoodie of him :D
Of course Tsugaru just had to have something bunny themed in the picture. Nomura has to watch out not to end up in Tsugaru's bunny merch collection at this point.
Kaga and Ishigami have their signature food and just had to have matching poses. Coincidence? xD
I wonder what the animals say about our characters. They are all so very adorable! It's difficult to decide!
Anyways, if you would like to buy some chibi merch too, @lydskisses organises a group order for the event. If you are curious just contact her ;)
Who is your favorite?
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the-voltage-diaries · 6 months
voltage men as political thinkers/philosophers, with little to no explanation
Eisuke Ichinomiya: Aristotle: Jack of all trades, also master of all
Kazuomi Shido: Socrates: Plays opponents like a big bass drum
Yosuke Sagara: Plato: Ridiculously extra
Hyogo Kaga: Niccolo Machiavelli: Violent bastard
Kei Soejima: Thomas Hobbes: Traumatized by human behaviour
Taki Kozaki: John Locke: Self inserts everywhere (re: when locke said this about his own work)
Karno: Jean Jacques Rousseau: Loves humans too much
Mamoru Kishi: Karl Marx: Fuck the rich. What a hassle.
Jun Araki: John Rawls: The bare minimum (re: misogyny)
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toshiakikijima · 5 months
I can’t stop giggling about those “gaslighting” pov on TikTok cause I can pretty much think about multiple LC that perfectly fits. Especially this one.
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sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
Irresistible Mistakes
Jun Araki
Season 4
At a Crossroads (Part 1・Part 2)
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kamyru · 7 months
Imagine first season Araki Jun meeting an MC who has strong feminist ideas and takes no shit. That would have been a good clash of life philosophies.
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peachyotome · 1 year
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So happy to be posting another Irresistible Mistakes review. As you'll see with the upcoming reviews, I will always have a special place for this title because it's just SO GOOD!
-Daisy 🌼
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voltage-vixen · 2 years
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He’s so sweet! 🥰
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hellcatinnc · 1 year
Irresistible Mistakes Review
I have enjoyed playing all these sexy mens main story and wanted to share my thoughts on each of them. they are in order and even the ones I did not purchase I still left firs impressions of them.
Ones in pink are paid in the love365 app only that I purchased. The ones in green are for the app only that I did not purchase. The blue are the ones that come with the game on switch.
Minoru Tsujimoto
Not gonna lie the moment this man walks into the office his charm, sex appeal and manners draw you to him like a moth to a flame. You have to watch yourself with him you will get burned playing too closely. However every word out of his mouth is so charismatic and sensual makes you want to just rip your clothes off and say take me and do anything you want to me. Like I was surprised just in the prologue alone he draws you in thats not even his story. He is a love advisor he swears he can get you with your head boss and well he had sex with you because you thought he was your boss and he went with it. He then tells you now he knows how you are in bed he can step you through how to change yourself to draw your boss in. However he gives you just enough to make you want to read his story and probably the most seductive one in the game well besides Tachibana of course.
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Anyways on to his main story I found he went from this charismatic man to annoying and at some points walked on the line of harassing even. He would talk down about you but in a nice way so you weren't even sure he was bad mouthing you at the same time. Like he would say things like we had this kiss but I need to teach you how to be better its like What? Then he is blunt in other terms and is the guy who will be like will you sleep with me just plain out anywhere doesn't care. Even in all this the way he carries himself falls right back to being attractive again. Damn so many up and downs with this guy and that was already relevant by chapter 2. I wasn't sure if I wanted to rip off my clothes and sleep with him again or call HR and report him. Wasn't sure if I felt the need to kiss him or to turn him over to the police. He racked my brain for a good amount of time yet he was like a train wreck I needed to look away for my own good but I couldn't just like I can't just walk away and leave him alone.
Oh my god then he tells you he will help you get with the boss but you have to be obedient and I was floored somehow that was the hottest thing that came out of this mans mouth. I love how he is so upfront and the one thing he can't see done is lying its a no no in his book which I love. He calls himself her master at times and I'm not really into all that but damn when this man says it I'm like "yes master!!!" Then as time goes on he shows his softer sweet sides that make you want to melt. Like holding a umbrella over your head in the rain and putting his jacket around you. Then I went on to purchase the special endings because sadly they leave you hanging with his story in the main story which irritated me a bit but not his character but because unlike most you can finish their main story without buying more but I had to end up purchasing and using another 700 coins just to move on and because it was a cliffhanger I had to.
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Oh lord he is a cat person he stole my heart with him always talking about you being his dog and he your master to come to find out he isn't even a dog person to begin with. As you unwind the story of how your first night was with him you find your boss was gonna put you in a can and leave you but this man this wonderful sweet man stopped in the rain when he saw you and put a umbrella over your hear to protect you. He took you to a hotel to get dry and when you wanted comforting he told you he would be this fantasy guy for you if you wanted, anything to make you happy again then he spent all the time after teaching you how to be the right kind of girl to catch your bosses attention. In all the mix of it though you fall in love with him I think even before he realizes it. The way it ends oh my I'm smitten with this man he even talks logic he tells you he wants you to stay with him and that he is in love with you and wants to tell you every second however feels whats the point of a title in a relationship when his heart belongs to you.
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Go Okuba
Oh this man I got it bad for. From the moment I saw this bartender think my heart skipped a beat. I'm not normally into alot of the blonde guys its a hit or miss for me but damn was he not hot right from the start. Then to find out he is sweet and sincere and I was sold. I couldn't stop this romance by this point and there were steamy sessions with him that melted my mind. He could sing as well and he loved to sing even behind closed doors. I was smitten by this man through most of the story.
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He did have a sad past and he pushes you away for a bit before he realizes he doesn't want to go another day without you by his side. He spends the rest of the night making it up to you over and over again. I got the provocative end but after seeing the relationship up til now its not hard to see the sexual connection in the story there was no other way to end between him and you its just who he is. He used to be a ladies man until you find he was just afraid to let someone in because he was afraid they would leave like his parents and grandfather had when they all died when he was young. He is one of my favorite nice naughty boys.
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Toma Kiriya
This man comes off so cold and rude right from the start. I thought he was a tsundere and I think he might be a soft one. That being said as you start working with him little by little he lets his walls down for him to finally open up and tell you why he is the way he is. Back in college his girlfriend who he loved alot cheated on him with his best friend and hurt him so bad he never had trust in love after that. He only did hookups after that which is how he ends up in the hotel room after a one night stand. Anyways later you find out that he is love with you even before you realize your in love with him however you face alot of ups and downs. Times where it seems confusing if he even cares however there is always that point where he will say or do something that shows a little bit of that affection in.
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He gets to a point he will do anything to keep you in his life and refuses to lose you to someone else. He has an aggressive side thats hot as hell, a tender side that is so sweet with putting jackets around you when your cold, holding your hand, letting you sleep on his shoulder in the car. I will admit he does hurt you in his route but its honestly his only way he knows to protect you from someone malicious who is out to hurt him and take you down with him. When he finally gets to tell you how he feels and why he did what he did he makes the sweetest statement to you. "I've been in love with you since that night" as he tells you this before making love to you again this warms my heart. Although he is not my favorite guy he still makes me happy with the outcome and how he makes you feel. The apologies for hurting you and the outright confession of love make him a really good love interest. Then again I love my tsundere's but he is definitely more dere than tsun.
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Shunichiro Tachibana
Damn this man is charming and just flows with sex appeal. He is kind and witty and even when he is in everyone else's routes he is perceptive and there to help you with a helping hand with whoever your in love with. He puts off this image of who he is and to be respected but deep down your the only one who will see the real him. He has a chance to be married to the governors daughter, to be the biggest and best guy on top and yet because he falls in love with you he will throw it all away and give it all up to spend his life with you. He comes off as a playboy who uses women but he is the farthest from that. He admits you are someone he has never met before yet you captivate him. So much so that you have his heart in your hands before you even know it. There is so much passion and depth in this man and its beautiful to see it unfold in front of you.
When he says things of how he feels even when its more sexual he can make you hear skip a beat and send shivers down your spine. He stands up for you many a times even to your own friend who makes a mockery of your relationship. I love that every time it rains it brings out this undeniable passion in him and he can't keep his hands off you. On the softer note when you go on your first date with him he is nothing like this boss you see at work. He is more carefree and enjoying things like a actual person. Even his words are more endearing and he loves to hold hands its like he would reach out to touch you some way or another all the time. I really like this guy he is definitely one of the good guys and his smile is amazing.
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Rei Kamiki
He comes into you life based off a project your put on group with however you see him with a different woman every night. He is quiet but your sure he is a male whore. However one night your cat gets out and he saves your cat getting banged and scratched up and bleeding as he does. You take him inside and clean him up and he tells you he has other scratches and removes his shirt for you to see and like damn, man give us all a heart attack. If thats not bad enough if you tell him thanks for his help he tells you that you can do something in return then tells you he wants to live with you. He talks to your cat all the time probably more than he talks to you. He also wants you to be his fake girlfriend and he wants to sleep in the bed with you no matter what. He is demanding, promiscuious, quiet and reserved yet oh so damn sexy. He is definitely a kuudere because its so hard to read his expressions most times and although he says nothing really rude he just shows no emotion unless he needs to its like he can't be bothered. He doesn't care to have relationships just one nights and boy is he hot under the sheets.
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I had to end up purchasing this mans route cause it drew me in so much. Oh my though was I pleasantly surprised he is not only hot but he is so sweet even when doesn't even realize it. He is humble money means nothing to him he likes the simple things in life like looking up at the stars, and eating noodles in a cup with a beer on the side. He is so sweet to your cat they are like best friends. He is so adorable when he wants to just snuggle you and your cat in bed and your not even really a couple but he really does almost become like a pet cat for you but yet at the same time much much more. His story can be a little messy at points because of a ex/first love he had in the past but he is worth pushing through it all to be there for him because all she was a unrequited love anyways and he just needed someone to show him what it was like to be loved and give love in return. He spent his life in a orphanage and the one family he had he fell for one of his adopted brothers friends however she never loved him like that she loved his brother so he spent his life pining over her and now he finally gets to see how it feels to have it reciprocated.
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Toshiaki Kijima
I was pleasantly surprised by this man he is such a kuudere no doubt about it. I love though as you work with him you get to see little tid bits that make him a catch. He talks about not wanting a girlfriend but honestly thats only because he has been hurt. Anyways he does sweet little things like one of my favorites he gets her a can of coffee from the machine then takes the winning sticker off his can and puts it on her to let her have the prize and win. Then he comes across her on a day off and tells her he will help her shop for the office party so she doesn't have to carry all the stuff. He honestly is known as the boss from hell yet at the same time away from work he has a kind heart and when he smiles its not hard to see why anyone wouldn't fall for him. Then he pulls up with a motorcycle like omg I didn't see this coming. I mean this is the guy who looks like a nerd and yet he has a motorcycle it floored me.
He has his rough edges and when he feels like he could be the reason you get hurt since so many hate him he pushes you away. Thanks to your boss letting you in on the fact he had one love in his life and she died of cancer 5 years before. You really get to understand why he pushes people away because ever since he lost her he didn't want to hurt or let anyone in again. He is the one who eventually faces his feelings of grief with you by his side helping him. Once he lets that wall down he practically brings you to his attention that he wants to be with you. Now in the endearing happy ending he might confess he loves you but I got the provocative ending which I am happy with. You get to see not only is he the guy thats passionate but also honest with how he wants you. If he thinks he steps on boundary lines he steps back and will apologize that is some major respect points going to this man and just bought him husbando material right there. Anyways the moment you tell him to take you its a endless tender and passionate night you will never forget. I wish there was more romantic CG's with him but I look forward to more later from this guy he is one thats worth it for sure.
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Keita Mitsuura
Oh this man captured my heart not long after starting his route. Like seriously he has no issues letting you know he is excited to see you again. He admits he hasn't done this before and wants to make you his girlfriend. Like damn he is sweet, sexy, smart, playful, romantic, and perfect. As times goes on you realize he is a naughty boy but not in a bad way but a good one. Like he is the type to wake you up crack of dawn to make love to you, to grab you and pull you close when no one is looking. He is the guy who doesn't care if you let him take you with his family in the next room, he doesn't even care if they hear you moan he finds it just that much hotter. He loves to talk about his dreams and even though his relationship felt a bit rushed all of a sudden it felt comfortable and safe. It didn't feel like he was anything more than genuine however the gut feeling was waiting because he was just so damn perfect.
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It happens near the end of the main story you find out it was all a lie to better his career and then he drops you. But even in that time he tries to distant himself from you he has to go to the point of leaving the company to get away from you as well as the rumors his ex spread about him. He was known soon after for sleeping with girls, leading them on while he was doing a project then dropping them after. This time wasn't so easy because as your character you have a chance to fight for him and his career he loves so much. After you become a thorn in his side and find out he lived his life growing up with out his parents and his brother always working. The first woman he loved didn't even show him what real love was. He shelters his heart from you and just tries to be cold so you will go away. However when you don't and you confess your love to him it strikes him in away that he apologizes and when your wanting to give another chance to start over he jumps on it even though he doesn't feel like he deserves it. Once you do though he can't stop telling you how he feels and how he has loved you for so long now and not sure how to handle it.
I know he wasn't the good guy all along and he is the kinda guy I usually hate in real life because he shows he is a good guy who will love you completely then you fall for him then he breaks your heart. He can be very manipulative and before you know it and all his words we a lie. However I'm a sucker for it obviously, I can only give Kei one thing that makes him different when he almost fully loses you he realizes your the best thing he has ever known and he realizes he has loved you for so long even when he wasn't sure what love really was. He is one you have to learn to forgive in time but the fact that when you wanted closure so you could move on with your life and he couldn't give you that because that would mean he was ok with fully losing you and he never was.
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Taku Hayama
This guy rubbed me wrong the moment I met him. He tries to charm you and does well with it thats how he gets you in bed the first night. Anyways he pretends to be this great guy that listens to you and hears you out then back stabs you telling you he used you from the beginning because he was from a rival company. Honestly the fact Toma didn't like him already put me on red alert with him. I was not having his shit and the comes out his mom is in the hospital and even when you try to be nice to him and sincere he still is an ass. He looks out for himself first and like by chapter 9 he is still just a ass. The MC is too gullible with him and yes I'm sorry he has a sick mom but that doesn't give him a right to betray, lie, and be hateful to people all while covering it up with charm. Don't get me wrong Kei is a manipulator but I don't know he was never that nasty with you and the one time he tries to it bout breaks him. However Taku can be straight cold and not even a sexy tsundere cold either. Like he is that guy you should watch out for he will be this nice guy and in the end he will hurt you way more than the rest. I tried to zip through his chapters as fast as I can. I was bored with the fact the mc kept going back to him it was pissing me off.
Later on you find out his mom is sick and in the hospital and of course the MC just has to be there for him even after all he has done at this point. She finds out his mom has an emergency surgery and she stays with him all night in the waiting area to make sure she pulls through out of intensive care. She does and the mc meets his mom who automatically thinks she is her sons girlfriend. I feel like his story played off that cause from that moment on after his mom telling her about his story about growing up having to work to help her out since his father left and she was sick. He had taken care of her all through high school and everything. Maybe I am just not that forgiving because if she hadn't had a good boss then she would of got fired cause of this asshole. Anyways they get found out within the company about him stealing her ideas and he gets transferred but he protects her by telling them before they can fire her that it was all him so he goes down with full blame. Before he gets transferred he comes to you to tell you how he feels then you mention you love him and he takes you back to the hotel on provocative ending and makes love to you after telling you he loves you. Ok so I'm sorry still bitter here no matter what he bored me, pissed me off, and betrayed me he is unacceptable to me.
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I did not pay for these stories on the app because after reading the demo to the main story they just didn't interest me enough. They may be good stories and too eaches on they just didn't grab my attention enough to pay for them. I'm very selective of the stories I purchase but from each demo of the guy this is my first impression opinion.
Jun Araki
I love my tsundere men but i like a balance of the two or slightly more tsun is fine but there needs to be more dere than this man offers. He treats you horribly from the start honestly its hard to even imagine sleeping with a man like this in the first place. I would call him possessive but very angrily aggressive even from the start and trying to control what you do and say to him and others. He also makes it clear the idea of sleeping with you for one night he can't see why he would and verbally makes that clear too. At some point I might knock out his story for shits and giggles because I have nothing else to read but not my top priority in any way. Even the MC at one point calls him a hard-ass so she even gets he is a prick.
I will say though id I had to say one thing that went through my mind first time I saw him yelling and all and looked kinda sexy doing that. I will say I can see why as time goes on why he would have probably been a good sex partner because imagine all this pint up anger and aggression damn that probably made him the best lover letting it all go on you in a one night stand I could get behind that. I will say by the last of the free chapters I can say I will go back if nothing but to shoot for the provocative ending. I feel like he is one of those office romances that you hate but the hate is pint up sexual anguish that will lead to a release time and time again yet might still hate each other in the end but a good friends with benefits although in this case forget the friends part guess would be enemies with benefits lol. Honestly though he is one that should just shut up and take his clothes off cause when he talks he is too hateful.
As you continue to talk to this man it really is a confliction you think he could be hot in bed but he is so hateful like he calls you practically a whore yet he was the one to have a one night stand with you. Then he practically calls you a idiot and nuisance and he just can't be bothered to waste his breath on you. what a horrible monster yeah I will probably by his story when on sale or if I run out of content or its added to switch.
P.S. I didn't know this until after doing Rei's story since they grew up together he might not be a bad guy after all....hmm amazing how a character can change in front of you all because you see a softer side through another route. I didn't see that coming. That being said I think I will be coming back at a later time and definitely buying his route. Maybe just maybe there is some more dere in his tsundere than I thought. He does show his loyalty to Rei like a brother and willing to scratch his job to protect Rei so his loyalty would make him a good partner its getting past his hard exterior through his route is the key.
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Natsume Asaoka
I can't give much of first impression of this because in the first 3 free chapters you spend the whole time at work and talking about your boss not Natsume. Then on top of it Natsume just falls into the cliché of being too nice and so innocent that its the only story you start off from sleeping with him by accident instead you just kissed your boss and nothing else happened. For this to be irresistible mistakes I see really no mistake and I also don't see a interesting enough story to pay for. I normally like the best friend love but they had 3 chapters to pull you in with something, anything, that would make you want to see them together.
I really had high hopes for it and at some point I might pay for it but to me for now it isn't one I feel like is going to be anything more than her crying on his shoulder about a bad love life and then him admitting he is in love with her. He seems like the one who would be a good partner and maybe sometime I will give it another chance but definitely not at the top of my list with the first impression of him. I did go back and got a little tad bit of one of his later stories they are a bit more steamier however I don't want to put alot of money out just to get to that point maybe one day.....
One last thing the way he treats you in Tachibana's story pisses me off and I can't stand whether worried about you or not he is nasty and says hateful shit...
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Aki Mochizuki
His story isn't out yet but I did play his prologue and he seems like a stuck up cocky model that I will have no interest in anyways.
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Yukihisa Maki
Now in the story right off the bat thought I would like him so I tried out his demo story. Not even 5 minutes after meeting he is spewing out this bullshit about love and needs and then ends it with I want us to be friends with benefits. Its funny I guess I should have seen it coming because the moment you meet him in to prologue you see he is a bit more not going to say flirty he feels more sexual from the start. I love my flirty boys but I was looking for a love story and I feel like even if there is one in the end I just didn't feel connected to this character like I hoped to. He honestly comes off as a sleezeball. You know that guy who is over the top wanting to get in your panties this is him. There is really nothing sweet about this guy he can be vulgar and even at the office he has no problem bringing up the color of your bra he can see through your clothes. Its just rude. He has a weird obsession of mushrooms which is I don't know what to say about that but I hate mushrooms so he can keep them and love365 can keep his story for me. Worst part is when you see him in some of the other stories he isn't this ass shame on making him this way in his own route.
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hamhamki · 2 years
Uhm… this synopsis sounds familiar 🧍‍♀️
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cherriegyuu · 7 months
seventeen as brazilian words
a/n: there are some brazilian words that have no direct translation in english and the translation doesn't actually capture the essence of the word, what we mean when we say it. something to know is that brazil is huge so maybe a word means something to me, here in rio, but it might mean something else to someone somewhere else in the country.
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• seungcheol ➝ cafuné ↳ the translation would be “to pet someone's head”, “to caress one's hair”. It doesn't have the same ring to it, it's not as pretty, it’s not as poetic if you may. now tell me if you can’t see this man with his head on your tights as you cafuné him, or you’re in bed and he pulls your hand to his head because there's no way he's going to sleep without his cafuné
• jeonghan ➝ trambiqueiro ↳ this one has possible direct translations but none of them do the word justice. the translation would be a hoaxer, trickster, a bluffer. and sure, those are fine but jeonghan is a trambiqueiro, doing trambiques whenever he can, just because he can and he never apologizes for it
• joshua ➝ lábia ↳ a good translation would be persuasive, but it’s not the same though. he is a sweet talker, you’re laughing and having fun and he is nice and charming and next thing you know you’re naked in his bed (a common topic here, as you’ll see)
• jun ➝ xodó ↳ it’s like baby, sweetheart but also the feeling of being close to someone, kind of in love, when everything is sort of hazy, hugging and kissing. it can also mean favorite as well. jun is your xodó, who you love and kiss and cherish
• soonyoung ➝ borogodó ↳ it’s like irresistible, again, a sweet talker. and people can go, oh but he is shy, trust me if he puts his mind to it, dude can make anyone do anything. it’s like saying to a friend to be careful because that guy has borogodó.
• wonwoo ➝ desbundado ↳ i laughed while writing this one because it can mean two things: 1) when someone is sort of lost with what’s happening, or when someone gets kind of shocked but not as bad?; 2) someone without ass. and i’m sorry to say this, but wonwoo has no ass, he is a desbundado
• jihoon ➝ saudade ↳ this is such a basic one, it’s like to miss someone or something. i just feel like jihoon has this sort of aura or something that screams saudade, like there’s something that he is longing for? idk
• seokmin ➝ malandro ↳ could be mischievous or cunning, but here is someone like joshua, you’re like “oh this guy is so much fun, he doesn't take himself seriously”, next thing you know you’re letting him do unspeakable things to you and you’re loving it
• mingyu ➝ malemolencia ↳ the best way i can describe this is swag but it doesn't even come close to what it means. it’s like he knows he’s all that and he works it in his favor and it’s attractive in so many ways. if you have ever seen a carioca (someone born in rio) who finds himself hot, and good looking and sexy you’ll know what i mean. it’s a sort of behaviour and it’s intoxicating in the best way possible. cariocas are dangerous
• minghao ➝ capricho ↳ it can mean something frivolous and it can be something done on a whim, but also someone who can be very mindful of what he’s doing, someone who’s diligent and if there’s something minghao is is diligent
• vernon ➝ tabacudo ↳ recently i’ve learned a new meaning to this word, and it’s like a little crazy and weird and you never really know what to expect from him, his jokes are kind of dumb and niche and sometimes you’re like, wtf
• seungkwan ➝ abestalhado ↳ it can be someone kind of dumb, who can make a lot of mistakes, who can be sort of a fool but cute
• chan ➝ dengo ↳ it’s very similar to xodó, but to me, it’s sweater, tooth-rotting sweetness. don’t get me wrong, chan is not just a sweet guy, but a dengo can lead to soooo much more
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taglist: @wonwooz1, @mirtaspace, @feat-sun, @belladaises, @mayashu, @immabecreepin, @miriamxsworld, @aaniag, @k-drama-adict, @maiamorrrrrrrrrrrr, @roguesthetic, @sofix-hc7, @scarlet789, @moonlightgrleric, @mixling-blog, @haowonbins, @slut4donghyuck, @shuabby1994, @anthropologymajorkpopmultistan, @plumings, @shuasdrafts, @aaasia111, @bouclesdefeu
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sterkeyra · 2 months
Who wore it better?
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Kuga Sugurus's story finally released in the JP app and he is one of the characters i was most looking forward to next to Ryo from the childhood friend title.
I love how he looks like a lovechild between Jun and Kasumi. Sometimes he looks like Jun with a bit of a baby face. He also has a similar elegance as Yuzuru if you ask me.
So one of his cgs even being similar to Jun was pretty funny to me :D So who wore it better?
Anyways from what i read so far we're in for something good.
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Though i had my doubts about the new titles I think they do quite well on the character depth department and compared to the slow burn trend of last year they are more fast paced. The MCs have been quite relatable and well written too! While they tackle similar themes / topics as other titles, they still put a refreshing twist to it.
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phoenixotome · 6 months
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ROUTES LIST — essentially everything I've played to date (in alphabetical order)
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Amnesia Memories
completed: Shin
on hold: Ikki
Can We Start Over Again?
planning: Kento Kuroe
Destined: Mr. Almost Right — dropped title
dropped: Takane Momochi
Her Love in the Force
completed: Hyogo Kaga 🩷, Hideki Ishigami, Jin Namba, Seiji Goto
Ikemen Sengoku
completed: Nobunaga Oda 🩷, Hideyoshi Toyotomi
Irresistible Mistakes
completed: Shunichiro Tachibana, Toma Kiriya 🩷
on hold: Toshiaki Kijima
dropped: Jun Araki
Kings of Paradise — dropped title
completed S1: Taki Kozaki, Yosuke Sagara
Kissed by the Baddest Bidder
completed: Baba Mitusnari, Eisuke Ichinomiya 🩷, Mamoru Kishi 🩷, Soryu Oh, Ota Kisaki, Hikaru Aihara
on hold: Shuichi Hishikura, Luke Foster
Masquerade Kiss
completed up to S2: Kazoumi Shido, Yuzuru Shiba 🩷
Metro PD: Close to You — completed all routes (Steam version)
Mystic Messenger
completed: Jumin Han🩷, Zen 🩷
Office Lovers
Completed: Akihito Hyoga
Oops, I Said Yes?!
completed: Kuranosuke Kiba 🩷, Eiji Takao, Ukyo Senkawa, Togo Daimon
completed to S2: Kunihiro Kasai
Nekopara - Catboys Paradise — completed all routes
Piofiore: Fated Memories
completed: Nicola Francesca
Pub Encounter — completed all routes
Princess Closet
completed: Reo Kamiyoshi
Scandal in the Spotlight
completed: Kyohei Rikudoh, Iori Enjo, Takashi Ninagawa
The Amazing Shinsengumi: Heroes in Love — dropped title
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🩷 — favorite routes
0 notes
sweet-pinkitty · 2 years
VIP Event from Koi100+
Title: My very own Santa Claus ~Present is boyfriend's kiss~
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kamyru · 1 year
I crave family content with Voltage Inc men!
Send me requests with Voltage Inc men interacting with their kids, please. I beg you!
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peachyotome · 2 years
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Finally got to post the review of the first character I read from this title. Be ready to get more reviews from this title (yes, it's one of my favorites)!
-Daisy 🌼
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panpandaarts · 6 years
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Well MC that is not a bad sandwich to be in....
I really loved this bit, you could feel the awkwardness of poor MC
Also can we please have Jun’s route? so ready for it
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