#is he riding a hockey stick btw like what is happening
burythel1ght · 1 year
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justinswifeyy94 · 7 years
"We Are Just Your Fans Right?"
Y/N P.O.V.
It was Thursday night after we all finish our late nights at the library studying so we decided to do something fun.
“Oh I got it! Let's go to the hockey rink.” Zane suggested while everyone agreed excitedly.
We were all goofing off in the car as we drove to the Kings Valley Ice Rink. Justin's song Just Friends came on and Hailey and I started singing along. Zane and Jonas groan at us because they won't much fans of Justin's music.
Hailey and I were huge beliebers, we worked two jobs just to get money to buy tickets to go to his shows. It was floor tickets because we couldn't afford those but we didn't mind at least we got to see our idol. We have been supporting him since day one but we never had much luck getting him to notice us on any of his social media's.
We pulled up to the ice rink as we all hop out. Hailey and I both wore our Purpose Merch. Hoodies and sweats. We saw paparazzi outside as we entered but we didn't think much of it. Probably just the hockey players. Zane give me a piggy back ride inside. We all got our gear as we headed to the rink. I was talking to Zane and Jonas as I felt Hailey elbowed me in the ribs.
“Bitch!” I muttered in pain before she started to fangirl. “Y/N! Look it's Justin!” she whispered shouted pointing to the corner of the rink where I saw him and Selena. Justin on his knees on the bench leaning over the table and Selena on top of edge of the barrier reaching for Justin as their lips met each other. My blood started to boil so it wasn't my place cause I'm nothing more than a “stupid fan”.
“Let's go play!” I shouted pulling my helmet down as we took the ice. I kept my gaze on Justin as we played, his team against ours. Everytime he has the puck I kept running into him making him fall and score, I could tell he was getting annoyed but I didn't care. I heard him ask who is that but everyone wished I don't know. This time Hailey had the puck and Justin ran into her causing her to hit the ice hard. She groan in pain as we all rushed to her side.
I took my helmet off and I could tell Justin was shocked to see a girl playing hockey. “That's for hitting me to floor prick!” he spatted at Hailey and that's when I laughed. Zane and Jonas got her up to her feet removing her helmet also. “Nice way to talk to a lady. BTW she didn't hit you to the floor I did. It's not my fault you play like a girl.” everyone ohhh and laughed. I took my hockey stick causing him to trip again and the arena echoed in laughter.
As I was about to walk off he shouted a bit angry. “What's your problem?” I scoffed as Zane and Jonas telling me to let it go. “Shut the fuck up. Let her talk.” Justin said annoyed and that's when I lost it.
I walked up to his face and looked him in the eye. “You are my problem! I can't believe I ever supported you! All you ever did was hurt us. You never cared. We were the ones who were there for you was she left you.” I said pointing to Selena. “But why would that matter right? Cause we were only sending our love and support day and night over a computer where I'm pretty sure you never checked. We are only your fans right?” I asked and he said.
“Right. My fans who will love and support me no matter what.” I clench my fist. “Of cause I see. The ones who you just use to promote your music, buy your merch, cds, songs on iTunes, vote for you… the list could go on but when it comes to our feelings or opinions we are wrong, we are sending hate or what have you right?” he didn't say anything as Selena called out to him turning his attention of me to her. He was about to leave but I stopped him.
“We are all humans right? We make mistakes, you always want us to give you a break but you never gave us a break. She hurt you so much to a point there was no turning back, us beliebers went to bed crying at night that when we wake you might not be there. What was she doing when you were hurting? Besides partying, making fun of you, dating around like you never existed… because I could tell you was us beliebers were doing. A side of crying to sleep, we prayed that God will guide you and bring you back from that darkness, we prayed you would find your purpose again, rise up when everyone had lose hope.” I explained feeling my voice croak a bit. He looked down as he licked his lips.
“Of cause we don't know everything that happened with between you too but we saw enough to want to protect you so you don't get your heart broken again. We are just afraid if you get heartbroken this time there is no çoming back and we will lose you for good.” I felt a tear leaked down my cheek as Justin was about to touch me i stopped him and back away. “You go live your life… but always remember we are not just your fans… we were once your family.” I said before leaving and everyone cheered, clapping as we left the ice rink.
The next day I saw a video of me on ig telling Justin off and apparently it was a huge hit. I went on Twitter and I saw my followers and mention we increasing but one message stand out over all was. Justin Bieber Sent You A Message. I didn't know whether I should read it or not.
Thank you for making me realizing how important you guys are to me. You were right. Without you guys there will be no Justin Bieber and I'm sorry for taking you guys for granted. Thank you for always supporting me and showing love. I love you. - JB✌
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mattcullen · 7 years
Babe talk to me about charmer and nurseydex and what happens when they go on double dates!!!
BABE YES (also i love people calling me babe idk why but ty)
(the timeline that i’m working with btw is the same as my post about nursey and dex sharing a room and in that nursey and dex got together on nursey’s birthday in their junior year - this isn’t really relevant but CONTEXT)
okay so they go on double dates a lot
they just have a great time together guys
their first double date is kind of an accident tho
it’s the beginning of march so nursey and dex have been together for about 2-3 weeks
honestly it’s barely a date tbh
dex and nursey decided to sneak back to the rink after a late practice just to play some shinny/mess around/make out pressed up against the boards 
chowder and farmer kind of have a similar idea (tho less hockey more teaching farmer to skate without holding onto the boards/chris) and show up about half an hour after n&d
there’s kind of an awkward pause when c&f step on to the ice and everyone realises what’s happened 
this is only broken when farmer tries to skate forward and v dramatically windmills and lands on her ass
from there nursey and dex abandon the puck and their sticks and help chowder drag farmer around the rink
she eventually gets her balance and begins to pick up speed, causing an impromptu race that ends in them all collapsed in a heap giggling after chowder tries to swipe at nursey’s knees, who in turn grabs at farmer who is immediately in front of dex
it’s dark by the time they head back to the haus and they’re all leaning on each other, chowder and farmer holding hands and dex’s arm wrapped around nursey’s waist, it’s cute okay??
as they part ways in the hallway chowder states that this was the nicest double date he’s ever been on
and so starts the barrage of group dates
under the cut bc again i have no self control
farmer drags them all to karaoke one night
chowder and nursey are Excited
dex gets very drunk
dex has a surprisingly good voice for someone who has been mainlining margaritas since he arrived
they don’t talk about farmer and nursey’s painful 2am rendition of total eclipse of the heart
they don’t
they get pizza a lot together
pineapple discourse is banned after half an hour into their first pizza date
(nursey and chowder are for, farmer and dex are against)
(dex’s exact words were pineapple is a fruit and fruit is a sin and sin does not belong on pizza)
(dude i think u burst a vein in your head)
dance class
nursey thinks it would be fun, dex wants to be swallowed by the earth (but he’s also seen people dance the tango and he rly wants to dance the tango w nursey so he’s powering through)
nursey invites chowder and farmer too so dex won’t be as embarrassed
they learn a lot of things that evening:
chowder has extremely sensual hips
farmer can spin really well in heels
nursey is really good at the tango
dex can pop a boner just about anywhere
this is another double date they don’t talk about 
but nursey thinks about a lot
they travel down to barnstable, ma for the ghost hunter’s tour for halloween their senior year
they all manage to finish it but nursey almost has to duck out before the jailhouse at the end
he only goes in after dex promises to stand behind him the whole time with his arms around his waist because “this way nothing can sneak up behind you derek, it’s like having your back to the wall” “yeah if the wall if tall and muscular and hot” “i’m sorry i thought you were scared do you not need me to hold you” “no yes i’m very scared please hold me forever oh my god”
farmer is a rollercoaster enthusiast and drags them to six flags new england o f t e n
nursey’s favourite coaster is wooden cyclone bc he loves the whole wooden supports thing and the sounds they make and he’s not the biggest fan of heights so he likes that it’s very twisty
dex however loves tall rollercoasters so his fav is superman (nursey only goes on it w him the first time they go, after that they establish a pact that yes they love each other but it’s not worth dragging nursey onto a rollercoaster that’s going to give him a panic attack, ever)
farmer’s go to is mind eraser. she is immediately drawn to any inverted coaster bc she loves to feel like she’s flying completely unsupported
chowder loves pandemonium - actually he loves riding pandemonium at night bc it’s all lit up! and it’s different every time!! and it’s so fun!! and yeah okay you spin a lot and wow farmer you don’t look too good do you need to sit dow-okay you threw up cool do you want some water? 
they tried cinema double dates but they’re both those couples that pick shitty movies and then go and make out in the back row so the only time they go together it kinda becomes a competition to see who can hold out on making out with their partner the longest like some weird celibate game of chicken and in the end they decide it’s probably best if they go to the cinema as separate couples
they hang out at the beach/pond together a lot
farmer likes to go all out and wear a bikini and shorts, lie on a towel with a floppy hat and a book
this rubs off on the rest of them and soon they’re the weirdos in the swim gear by the university lake sunning themselves in mid april
it gets so bad that one time nursey and chowder bring a bucket and spade and try to make a sandcastle out of mud
okay i’m out of ideas but feel free to add more
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