#is homie-hopping that big of a crime? who’s to say
Instead of having team principals on during the race, Sky should interview the witch that cursed Charles, we need to know her story and what he has done to deserve all this.
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A Very Crossover Crime
Fandoms: Suite Life on Deck, Z-O-M-B-I-E-S, Criminal Minds, My Little Pony, My Babysitter's a Vampire
Written for @tom-hunter-summah
Parties that may be interested: @whatthekidscallbolt @diagnosed-crazy @calico-kiwi
Warnings: terribly ooc writing, swearing, violence, death, major character death, mentions of SA
Notes: for the sake of clarity the teens are all roughly 19/20, pronouns are whatever i want them to be, fuck bailey all my homies hate bailey, ive never seen my little pony
"Hey Erica, I don't know if this is a good idea."
Rory yelled over the noise of the wind as they flew over Washington. He only kind of knew what was going on as Erica had interrupted him in the middle of his game, announcing she was hungry before promptly leaving again. In the time after the Whitechapel explosion, something had changed between them. Maybe it was because they were the only person she knew, but Erica was choosing to be around them more and more often. Of course, she was still Erica, but the scathing comments became more lighthearted. They were truly becoming friends. Which is why Rory followed her after her surprise outburst; they knew she expected them to.
"It'll be fun. I've always wanted to try zombie blood," she tossed a wink at them as they landed.
"I just think The Council-"
"Bup bup bup. Who do you trust more, the council or me?" she fluttered her lashes.
"Well, you of course," their grin huge.
"Then let's go."
They landed just outside of Seabrook, Washington. Hopping a tall fence placed them in a rundown section of the town, decorated in scrap metal. From what they understood the town was divided into two, humans and zombies, or it was before things got complicated. It was loud and quiet at the same time. There was remarkably little wildlife. It almost unnerved Rory, though they supposed the two vamps may have spooked the local critters, instinct telling them to run and hide. On the other hand, there were voices everywhere. Some were hushed, others big and boisterous. Rory plodded along behind Erica, puppy dog posture contradictory to her cat-like posture. Her sharp eyes, looking for someone that wouldn't be missed.
After what seemed like a hundred hours of searching, well, it's hard to say Rory was searching, but, after a hundred hours of walking, they found two young men smoking a cigarette. Erica gave Rory a look, signaling the attack.
"Oh my god; this is delicious!"
Rory simply nodded enthusiastically in response.
"Now this I could get used to."
Two Weeks Later
"Sixteen bodies found in the last two weeks. All in Seabrook, Washington. All victims have been zombies with two puncture wounds in the neck. They were drained of blood." Hotch lectured.
"So what, we've got a vampire on our hands?" Morgan quirked an eyebrowm
Reid piped in, "Or someone who thinks they are. There's actually a popular subculture filled with people who identify as vampires. They wear fangs and sometimes even drink blood"
"Well, whatever they are they're not slowing down. The Seabrook police department has asked us to come in. They want us in by morning."
Hotch's statement signaled they were finished and he dismissed the others to get ready for their flight.
Several hours after their initial briefing, the group sat in the jet, reviewing the case. Everyone was at least two and a half cups deep into their coffee, deciphering eyes staring at the case file. Opinions being thrown back and forth.
JJ spoke up, "Look at the bruising around the neck. It almost looks like-"
"Hickeys," Morgan quirked his eyebrows at the realization.
"According to the autopsy report, the bodies showed no sign of sexual assault. They declared that the bruises were from strangulation." Rossi added, not entirely believing the statement, simply trying to relay it.
Emily, unhappy with this answer, kept on. "Yeah, but I think they might be misidentifying them. Look at the layout of the bruises. Does that look like a human hand to you?"
"It very well could be a misidentification," Reid spoke slowly, eyebrows furrowed as he flipped back and forth between the photos of the victims. "Understanding of zombie biology is very limited. In fact, humans in Seabrook didn't start interacting with them until the "Z-Band" was invented in 1985, and hardly at all beyond that until 2020 after an act passed allowing zombie children to attend regular high school."
"So you're telling me we're working off of nothing?" Morgan said, exasperated.
"Well, not nothing. Look at the puncture wounds on the victims. They're different sizes. That, coupled with the fact that the victims are killed in pairs..."
"We're looking at partners," Rossi finished for Reid.
"Now kiddos, before you get off the boat I want to remind you that we're only staying here for a couple days. Don't forget the buddy system, and please be back on the boat by..."
Miss Tutweiller trailed off, the group already having left her sight.
"I can't believe she's still calling us kiddos. We graduated a year ago," Cody remarked.
"Yeah, well maybe if you stopped acting like one she would. I mean, look at that fanny pack," Zack pointed out.
"I'll have you know that this fanny pack—"
"Would you two shut up? You're both acting like kids," Bailey sniped.
Zack, Cody, Woody, and Bailey walked around the Main Street square of Seabrook, Washington. It was abnormally barren, considering the gorgeous weather. Only a few lonely bodies walked the streets. Most of them were people from the ship. Actually, looking at it Cody realized they were all people from the ship.
"Ooh, frozen yogurt. I hope they have double seaberry swirl," Woody grinned excitedly.
They ducked into the frozen yogurt shop, relieved to find at least someone from the town occupying it: A teen couple, a gray-skinned, green-haired boy across the table from a white-haired girl with healthier-looking skin. They looked frightened if she was being honest. That is until a hand was shoved into their faces.
"Well howdy there. I'm Bailey. Wah wah wah. Wah wah."
She continued introducing them. She was speaking. He was sure of it.
"So you haven't heard," the girl, Addison, spoke.
"There's been murders here in Seabrook. Everyone's scared out of their minds."
If murder wasn't enough to make her jump out of her seat then murders plural sure was.
"Hehe. What?" Zack chuckled nervously, mouth left open, hand hanging loosely in half protest.
"That's it! I'm out of here, seaberry swirl or not!" Woody ran from the parlor.
Zack followed after him, "Hey, Woody. Wait—"
He was cut off abruptly after running into something. Or someone, it would appear. It was a blonde guy about his age, a little shorter than him.
"Well, hello there good lookin'," Zack smirked.
"Well, don't you look tasty," came another voice.
A blonde girl was standing beside him, their tongue gliding across their lower lip as they studied Zack.
"Wow, double babe alert."
"I'm Erica, and this is my..." the girl did a once over on the guy next to her, "friend, Rory." Rory gave him a grin.
"I'm Zack."
"You know Zack, it's not safe to be out here all alone," Erica dragged her finger down his arm, "Things are pretty scary around here."
Zack, only slightly distracted by the touch, responded, "Aha, but I'm not alone. I've got my pal Woody with me," he looked around, "Woody?"
"You were saying?"
"Zack, there you are. Why did you run off like that? Didn't you hear what that girl said? People are getting murdered. Where's Woody?"
Cody quickly interrupted the tension. Whether or not that was for the better, Zack couldn't tell yet.
"You guys look a little lost," Erica said, eyeing up Cody and Bailey, "Let us show you around. We can help you find your friend."
Bailey spoke some words of confirmation, and Erica pushed herself between Bailey and Cody, wrapping an arm around each of their shoulders. Rory placed themself next to Zack, and they began walking.
Hotch stood in front of the entire Seabrook police department. He despised their demeanor, how little they seemed to care about the nightmarish events happening beneath their noses. As if every zombie in this town could be killed and they still wouldn't give a damn. The whole town was just a tad too cheery, the pastel exterior simply a facade, hiding terrible horrors inside. Something was off, but he couldn't tell what. He cleared his throat, gathering the attention of the room.
"You're looking for a pair: a man and a woman between the ages 18 and 25. They are going to be very close to each other, possibly siblings or partners. They are incredibly loyal to each other and will die before turning the other in. The woman is going to be the dominant partner. She is calling all of the shots," Hotch finished presenting the profile and stepped off the podium.
"You think they'll listen?" Rossi asked.
"I'm not sure."
"They don't seem too interested in catching these guys," Emily added.
"We need to be out there. We need to be doing something," Morgan said.
"No. We've been instructed to stay at the station. We are going to stay at the station," Hotch retorted.
Morgan stormed off. He found a bench outside of the station and sat on it. Huffing, he picked up his cell phone.
"Babygirl, what can you tell me about Seabrook."
"Erica! What are we going to do? There's police everywhere. I can't go to jail!"
Rory was panicking. The other three had all needed to use the bathroom and Rory had taken the time to panic.
"Relax; they're on our side remember?"
Erica placed a soft grip on her shoulder, physically comforting her but still giving a look that said 'Dude, duh'.
"Oh. Right," Rory chuckled embarrassedly.
"Now as soon as the cops get here, Bailey and Cody are going to attack us, and the cops are going to arrest them, and then we get to go home with some major cash in our pockets," they winked at her.
"Well, not home."
Even Erica seemed a little dejected at that statement. She missed Whitechapel. She missed Sarah. It had been three years. Three years of wandering. The two had never really assimilated into the group, always kind of outsiders, never making any real friends.
Erica noticed several officers loitering, several with hands hovering their weapons.
"Hey guys I—"
Bailey and Cody quickly grabbed Rory and Erica, bearing their teeth. There was a look of fear in both of their eyes. What the fuck was going on?
"Help!" Erica screamed. The two began to let out cries.
"What are you doing?" Cody whispered. "How are you doing this?"
Erica looked at her and gave a small grin before continuing her yelling. The police officers, now aware of the situation raised their weapons, pointing toward the scene.
"Step away from them and put your hands in the air," an officer shouted.
Erica released her hold on Cody, panting slightly, two people under her control was pushing her limit. Cody quickly removed herself from Erica, taking several steps back, hands in the air.
"Ma'am, step away from the man."
Bailey opened her mouth and—bang! Bailey crumpled to the ground.
"Bailey!" Cody screamed. He fell to his knees, sobbing.
The police took the opportunity to run in, cuffing Cody before lifting her, dragging her across the pavement before they pushed her into the back of the car.
Zack stared, horrified at what had just happened. Cody and Bailey had attacked Erica and Rory. Why did they do that? Why did they do that? Why didn't Bailey let go when the police showed up? Why did she try to bite Rory? Bailey was dead. They shot her. He watched it happen. He didn't do anything. He just sat and watched. What the hell happened? It was a blur as the three of them were escorted to the station for witness statements. He had half a mind to think that there should've been an ambulance, but he didn't have the voice to ask why there wasn't. Where was Woody? He hadn't seen him since the yogurt shop. He noticed, not only the police as they entered the station. Is that the FBI? They sat him at a table in an interrogation room. He was given some water and snacks.
"Now son," an officer sat in front of him, "tell me what happened."
"My friends attacked those guys."
In the lobby, Erica and Rory were talking to another officer.
"Well done, you've done much to help with our little zombie problem. You two can go ahead and go home."
Erica gave Rory a high five and a grin. "Let's go home."
A bright purple light flashed just outside of Seabrook. Twilight Sparkle looked around at her friends and their new human forms. They had made it to Seabrook. "Come on everypony; there's a friendship crisis that needs solving!"
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dprwolfgang · 4 years
Amigos Na’ Mas// Richard Camacho
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Credits to @cncodrip​ for the gif
I’m supposed to be doing pieces of my final year project but Yashel has been running circles in my mind and I’m really unmotivated to do school work so y’all enjoy my word vomit.
Richard Camacho x Niana (Reader)
In which Rich’s girlfriend calls him ‘a friend’ while doing a video for their Youtube channel and he gets pressed.
“This is gonna start a war and I don’t want any part of it.” Zabdiel says quickly dismissing her attempt at dragging him into the situation she was about to cause.
Giving up on Zabdiel she turns to her resident partner in crime who’s already sporting a devious smirk letting her know that he’s in on whatever she has planned.
“Rich, hurry up or I’m starting without you.” She yells at Richard who’s currently fixing his hair in the hallway mirror.
“Un momento mami.” He yells back and she playfully rolls her eyes at the camera that has already started recording.
It takes another ten minutes before the Dominican drops onto the seat beside her to get the video started. They do the intro to their video before Richard takes the lead.
“We’re gonna be doing a Q&A video today and let’s just say shit’s gonna get deep.”
Niana’s phone starts ringing before they even start answering any questions. She answers leaving Richard swaying left to right in his own little world.
“Hola, qué lo qué ? Nah I’m not doing anything too important right now. I’m just filming a video for my channel.” He doesn’t hear what the other person says but he just keeps making silly faces at the camera knowing they’d just edit it out later.  
“We can hang out later ‘cause I’m kinda with somebody right now…I’m with a friend.” When the last word clicks in Richard’s head, he pauses not thinking he heard her right before she repeats the phrase and his head snaps in her direction.  
“You know the one that I make YouTube videos with.” He sits up in his seat lightly tapping her shoulders to get her attention and gestures to himself. “Amigos?” He mouths at her.  
“Sí, estoy con uno de mis amigos.” She ignores him. He gestures for her to end the call but she carries on like he’s invisible.
“Lemme call you back later…no it’s not that big of a deal, my friend just wants to get on with the video…alright then, I’ll call you back later.”
“Quién era eso? Qué quieres decir con amigo?” He’s asking as soon as she hangs up.
“A friend.”
“Estás hablando de mí y de YouTube. No soy tu amigo, soy tu marido.” He says seriously.
“You’re my friend.” She replies pushing at his chest lightly but he isn’t amused.
“You could’ve said boyfriend or husband but I’m not your friend. El orden en el que usted ha dicho eso es erróneo. You’re supposed to say he’s my husband who’s also my friend. You’re not supposed to say he’s a friend.” He explains to her.
“Pero eso es lo quería decir. No creo que sea tan serio.We friends aren’t we?” She replies laughing lightly.
“What the fuck do you mean? Don’t play dumb with me. Who was that for you to even be calling me a friend?”  
“Before anything Yashel we’re friends,”
“See but what I’m saying is that’s that typical flirting line and don’t tell me it’s not cause I used to do that shit before we met.”
“But I wasn’t flirting though.” She counters.
“Yeah but you called me a friend so you clearly don’t want that individual to know that you have a man.”
“Are you hearing yourself?” She laughs. “We have a whole ass YouTube channel together and you think nobody don’t know I have a man?”
“Everybody don’t be watching YouTube much less our channel and not everyone that knows us watches our YouTube channel.” He retorts.
“I don’t get why you’re freaking out, you’re my friend and I have a bunch of other guy friends…”
“You can have your bunch of guy friends but you don’t put me in that category. I’m not your friend, I’m your fucking husband.” He’s trying his best to remain calm but her nonchalant attitude is agitating him.
“You are my husband but you’re also my best friend- ”
“What’s priority then?” He cuts her off. “I’m your husband first and your friend second.”
“Technically you were my friend before you became my husband.” She retorts leaning back in her seat.
“What’s the point in telling that person that I’m your friend?” He says with a bit of attitude.
“What’s the point in telling them that you my husband?” She replies with the same attitude and little neck roll.  
Richard pauses and looks at her. “Don’t look at me like that, answer the question.Because your intentions sound like you don’t want that person to know that you have a significant other and-”
“That is not my intention and you know it, you’re thinking way too into it.” Niana cuts him off scooting closer to him. “You thinking too much and we supposed to be doing a Q&A but you wanna be accusing me of shit.”
“We would be doing that Q&A if you weren’t out here getting calls and calling me a friend. That’s fucking suspicious Niana.”
“Why is that suspect?”
“Cause you’re acting guilty.”  
“Your eyes look suspect.” She claps her hands together then points at him. “The ones that be quick to accuse be the ones with shit to hide. Who are you to accuse people? Unless you’re Jesus baby don’t be judging nobody.”
“Stop tryna be funny and don’t be tryna swerve your way out of this. I’m serious, who the fuck was that?” Niana knows she’s probably taking it a little far but his reaction was funny to her.
“I’m not even tryna be funny Yashel, what’s funny about the situation?”
“It’s not funny but you’re acting guilty though.”  
“You’re being a bit ridiculous right now.”
“I’m not being ridiculous.”
“You are.”
They both go back and forth like little kids until Niana starts laughing.
“Why’d you say it like that though?” She asks referring to the way he told her she’s behaving ridiculous.
“Stop tryna make me laugh.”
“Por qué?” She pouts at him.
“Don’t look at me like that. No cute shit, it’s not gonna work.”  
“Beso.” She says leaning towards him smiling.
“Beso, Beso Beso,” she chants moving closer to him.  
“No! Qué sentido tenía casarte conmigo si vas a decirle a la gente que soy amigo?” Richard questions feeling a bit insecure which was something he rarely ever felt with her.She never gave him reason to feel that way or to doubt her.
“You asked me to marry you.”
“Then why’d you accept?”
“For fun?” she laughs leaning on him.
“Fun? What the fuck?” He pushes her back by her shoulders lightly and stares at her.“I’m not playing with you…” he says as she picks up her phone.
“Call that person back and let them know that you have a husband.”  
“You’re so annoying.” She dials back the number and puts her phone  on loudspeaker as he speaks.  
“Hello.” The person answers and if he wasn’t feeling the way he was he would’ve immediately recognized the voice on the line but he doesn’t.
“Can you please get homie out of his feelings?” She asks laughing.
“Who’s homie?”
“Yo who the fuck is that?” Richard questions just as the person on the phone asks,“Who’s Richard?”
“Who do you think it is pendejo?” She laughs asking Richard.He takes her phone as the person asks who’s Richard again and it’s only then that the voice clicks in his head.
“Really? Erick?? Fuck you bro.”
“Yooo E, he got so pressed.” She laughs as Richard just keeps saying fuck you Erick.
“Ohh, you wanna say that in my house?” Erick questions and Richard suddenly remembers that they’re at his house.In less than ten seconds Erick’s standing in the doorway telling Richard to square up.
“Erick bro, I forgive you.”  
“You say fuck me but you forgive me? I didn’t even say anything.A formal apology should do, I’ll take twenty thousand dollars.” He laughs.
“I forgive you for the prank, you didn’t say anything but you willingly participated in her antics.” Erick just shakes his head laughing and goes back to the living room with Chris.
“So that was the content for the Q&A?” She turns to her.
“There was no Q&A baby,” she smiles kissing his cheek. “I just needed you here as payback for that last prank you pulled on me.
“Oh thank god, ain’t no way I was sitting through a Q&A video after that shit.” He sighs. “Thank you guys for watching this damned video, hope y’all had a good laugh,” he leans in close to Niana “and I hope you know that this means war.” He kisses her chastely before hopping up out his seat and out the door already plotting his revenge prank on her.
“Bring it on.” She says to the camera as she ends the video.
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rxneism · 5 years
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hi, hey, hello ! here am i clocking in many hours late thanks to having to pick up a double shift today ( sad reacts only ). i go by ari, 20+ and living in the est timezone, she/her pronouns. let me introduce you to the definition of a living nightmare, my lil babey rune. to sum it up, he’s literally always down for anything, a true adrenaline junkie to the core. he lives by his horoscope, would die for his car, and has probably flirted with your muse before 10000%. i’ll be organizing his pages tonight, but below the cut is a few points on his background and some possible connections ! i’m more of a brainstroming gal myself, so i’m all for that too ! tldr; give this a good ol’ like and i’ll slip on into your ims, yeehaaaaaaw
﹄ CHITTAPHON LEECHAIYAPORNKUL, CISMALE, HE/HIM, TWENTY THREE ﹃  a new car has been dispatched in search of RUNDET “RUNE” NOPPACHURN. he is known for being a RACER for the VIPERS, for about eight months now. he has proven to be bewitching and individualistic, but also insatiable and crude, please proceed with caution.
-- rune was born in thailand, to an upbeat, frantic and endlessly loving mother and a father rune would have called his hero as a child. they had just enough to live without pressing worries, rune spent his first years of life running around and babbling and being the cutest little bundle of light ever. once his little sister was born when he was six, though, that’s when money got a little tight.
-- they had just enough to live without pressing worries, rune spent his first years of life running around and babbling and being the cutest little bundle of light ever. once his little sister was born when he was six, though, that’s when money got a little tight.
-- he began having to use his cute face and wit to con anybody he ran into, neighbors, tourists, family friends. if rune wasn’t coming home with pockets full of petty change, then he was never satisfied.
-- money was stretched so thin and he remembers his father leaving when he was sixteen, shattering whatever stability his family hoped to have.
-- his mom, a simple artist, had to break her back with so many waitressing gigs to provide for her two children and rune had to watch her cry herself to sleep night after night. it’s safe to say he’s grown to Loathe his father with every fiber in his being.
-- the desire to just understand why his father left grew and festered to pure animosity, he has this hunger to watch his father suffer slowly haha xD
-- with that, he left home as soon as he could and has been hopping from gang to gang ever since with hopes of tracking down his father for revenge, with driving being his number one skill. lil homie can skrrt like nobody’s business and steal ur heart while doin it. 
-- keeps in contact with his family but only through letters since he is Terrified of them ever getting hurt because of him. sends them $$$$ as much as he can manage, never wants them to struggle Again
-- god...rune... he’s horrible. an absolute performative narcissist, carries himself like he’s a fucking royal yet is his number one critic at the end of the day. it’s just so much easier for him to lead as a bad bitch, in his opinion, insecurities should never be shown
-- HE LOVES being so close to death aka he gets into many fights he could never win, loves flirting with enemy, driving abnormally fast, robbing corner stores, pick pocketing, gambling his life away, etc. he’ll do it all. sad truth: he only ever feels anything if his adrenaline is through the Roof
-- he’s so foul mouthed, he curses like no tomorrow and speaks whatever is on his mind. you only live once, right??? might as well say whatever the fuck you want to say, that’s his life motto
-- rune only speaks sarcasm and his biggest turn on, romantically and friendship-ly, is witty banter #confirmed
-- he’s a big slut highkey fhcakjvfbfv loves flirting, loves sex and has no problem making that known. feelings are for Losers and rune is so over romance it hurts. he hates labels and genuinely is open to everything/everyoneee
-- he lives by his hososcope, if it says to not leave the house, u bet ur ass he is staying i n. will ask u for ur sign and judge u on the spot
-- he loves lingerie, makeup, piercings and everything pretty !!! hes a high maintenance babey, loves spoiling himself and looking Great. considers his style to be v androgynous, he wears whatever the hell he wants, whenever he wants
-- he !! loves !! pop !! music !! and all music but put on some carly rae and he is Set. has a thing for making mixtapes for the very few people he cares about in his life
-- has realized in the past few years that he enjoys sketching, while he isn’t the best by any means, he finds so much pleasure in expressing himself through the same form his mother does
-- don’t touch his car. don’t do it. rune is so obnoxiously petty and will personally terrorize ur muse forever. 
-- one of rune’s life goals is to be hooking up with every single sign at once. he’s an idiot, he’s never happy and he keeps hookin up to fill the ~ void ~, he’s all for fwb without the friends part, rune considers that a waste of time??? stupid????
-- with that being said, give him a fwb that is absolutely, somewhat friend first and foremost and rune Hates it. he makes every attempt to stay away from your muse, but they somehow always end up in the same bed, talking like pals
-- a best friend !! someone rune would drop fucking everything for, someone who knows him inside and out, your muse is the one person rune would sacrifice himself for. he can always be found either passed out in your bathroom or up 2 no good and ur muse is ready to help clean the mess
-- partners in crime...,, pls,,, fuck up some randos together, drive thru the city screaming lyrics and high off the night,,, your muse has rune’s respect And trust. an iconic duo
-- racer rivals oof. enemies who love to rile each other up before races, maybe vandalizing each other’s rides, taunting, a pure Rivalry that rune loves to hate
-- rune can’t fight for shit. he has great hand eye coordination but that’s when it ends. pls teach him how to not get fucked up in fights he picks
-- rune doesn’t get along w most people. your muse is most people. u guys fight and fight and Fight and swear there’s nothing more to it. ya’ll just hate each other, but why exactly?? who knows at this point
-- your muse is unfortunately rune’s neighbor. u hear his sexcapades thru the door and you always march over, give him a good yell. it never works. cue the cycle repeating over n over
-- rune saw your muse from across and rune and simply needed to sketch their face. ever since then, it’s been this gray area between you two, rune can’t stop wanting to draw every detail and now he kinda wants to know about your muse too?? wild
-- a past flame that got too close to the sun, rune began to feel So much and had to end it, probably in terrible terms. he doesn’t feel bad, not at all, but maybe if u squint there’s some regret
this is literally too long and it’s just me rambling if u got this far u have my heart and soul. okay lets start anarchy bye
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arcanelaurels · 7 years
could we get some taakitz with adopted angus shenanigans? Pretty pleease
Animal Shenanigans - A Trilogy
1 - “Conspiracy” Has Multiple Definitions
“How many did you say you saw today?”
“Um, about four at school, sir,” Angus answered. “They kept moving around the courtyard and sitting up in trees or on poles near me. It kinda freaked my friends out.”
Kravitz made a sympathetic noise. “I’m sorry about that, Angus, I think that’s my fault. They tend to…well, find me. Whenever I’m in the material plane,” He explained. 
“I know,” Angus chirped. “I’ve seen them in the backyard. But why did some of them follow me to school?”
“I think they’ve started to take an interest in you. It happened to Taako, too. He always sees one or a few when he goes somewhere, just keeping an eye on him.”
“That’s kinda creepy…” Trepidation was audible in Angus’s voice.
“Oh, there’s nothing creepy about ravens except society’s perception of them,” Kravitz waved dismissively. “Sure, the Raven Queen is the goddess of death, but ravens themselves aren’t bad omens or anything. They’re actually very intelligent creatures.”
“I think you might be biased in thinking that, sir.”
“Maybe, but that doesn’t mean I’m wrong,” Kravitz argued. He stood up from the table. “Come on. Maybe if I introduce you to some of them, you’ll feel better.”
“O-Okay,” Angus nervously replied as he got up.
“Here.” Kravitz pulled something out of his pocket and offered it up to Angus.
Angus took what looked like a few pellets. “What are these?”
“Treats,” Kravitz replied. “They’re special ones for ravens.”
Angus pocketed the treats and followed Kravitz out back, where the usual grouping of ten or so ravens was hanging out. They all turned to look at the two - specifically Kravitz - and watched as they walked up to the porch railing. The hairs on the back of Angus’s neck stood up at the unnerving sight. One raven flew up and rested on the railing in front of Angus, looking almost like it was investigating him. He turned to Kravitz questioningly.
Kravitz held out his hand and the raven readily hopped up onto his forearm, then turned to investigate Angus again. 
“Go ahead,” Kravitz prompted.
Angus dug a treat out from his pocket and cautiously held it towards the bird, who regarded it for a moment before gently plucking it from his fingers and eating it. Kravitz nodded encouragingly as Angus held out his arm and the raven hopped onto it. He struggled to keep his arm up under the weight of the bird, but managed to hold it steady.
He looked up at Kravitz with pride, but hesitation was still visible on his face.
Kravitz didn’t even seem to notice as another raven landed on his shoulder. “Ravens are also very intelligent. They could probably help you with cases where there’s a missing item or something.” 
“Really? That’s amazing!” Angus grinned at the bird, then pulled out another treat. The raven took it and flew off, joining the rest of the conspiracy in the yard. A few moments later, it returned - or perhaps it was a different raven - with a large red feather.
Angus’s jaw dropped. “I know this feather!” He exclaimed, taking it. “This was on my favorite cap that got blown away in the wind a few weeks ago!”
“Oh, yes, I remember. You were inconsolable for the rest of the day,” Kravitz said. “They must’ve been keeping an eye on you for a while if they recognized that.”
“Really?” Excitement sparkled in Angus’s eyes. “That’s so cool!”
Kravitz tousled Angus’s hair a bit. “See? They’re not so scary now, are they?”
2 - The Fuzzball
“Ew, Mags, is that a bug?”
“What? No! How many bugs have you seen that are this big?”
“Everything looks like a bug when you hold it in your giant ogre hands, homie.”
“I’m nowhere near the size of an ogre,” Magnus argued. “And it’s not a bug. It’s a kitten!”
Taako eyed what looked more like a black fuzzball curled up in Magnus’s hands than an animal. “And?”
“Aaaand,” Magnus hesitated. “I found her near my house all alone. No parent or siblings or anything. She’s really small for her age, and I’d take care of her, but I don’t think the dogs would take well to her.”
“So, what? You want me to take it?”
“Well, yeah! Pets are good for kids. And since you won’t let me give Angus a dog-”
“Dogs are gross and slobbery and dumb, no thanks.” 
“-I figured a cat would be a good idea.” Magnus continued as if uninterrupted. “And look how cute she is!”
As if on cue, the kitten untucked her head from under herself and opened her eyes wide to look at Taako. She had one bright green eye and one bright blue eye, and her steady gaze would be unnerving if it weren’t offset by the fact that her ears were comically too large for her head. She stood up and arched her back in a stretch, her tiny claws unsheathing and barely pricking the callouses on Magnus’s hands. 
Taako stared at her with an expression that would’ve been unreadable to others, but Magnus recognized that he was considering the option. 
“I think she might’ve been abandoned for being a runt,” Magnus added in a softer voice.
Taako’s ears twitched at that - which was the exact reaction Magnus was hoping for. The kitten, noticing it, flicked her ears as well to mimic him. It was a cute enough action that it successfully broke even Taako’s defenses, and his lips parted in a small gasp that he didn’t bother to cover up.
Magnus chuckled. “Yeah, I know, right? And she seems pretty smart, too. Why don’t you hold her?” He offered up the animal.
Taako scrunched his face in fake disdain as he hesitated. Magnus knew it was just for show and waited patiently before Taako reached out and plucked the kitten out of his hands. She squirmed for a bit as he tried to figure out how to hold her properly. He quickly figured out the best way to hold her - one hand under and one hand keeping her steady - and lifted her up to eye level and stared at her.
She stared back, her gaze more unnerving now as Taako stared into the depths of her eyes. They stayed like that for a few minutes, neither one relinquishing. Magnus was starting to get unnerved.
Finally, the kitten blinked up at Taako and let out a tiny mew as if pleading with him.
Taako pursed his lips as if fighting off a smile, his ears flattening. “Fine, I’ll take the fuzzball.”
“Oh, good.” Magnus let out a sigh of relief. “You’ll love her, I promise. And Angus will, too. Whatcha gonna name her?”
“Hmmmm.” Taako held the kitten up at eye-level and they stared at each other again. “Jiji.”
“Jiji? Doesn’t that mean like ‘old man’ or something?”
“Yeah, my dude. It’s a little thing called i-roh-nee.” He ignored Jiji as she clambered up his sleeve to his shoulder, no doubt pricking his arm on her way up. “But don’t blame me if one of Krav’s ravens eats this thing.”
3 - Detective’s Helper
“I’m home!” Angus’s shout rang through the house as he hurriedly took off his shoes and raced towards his room, not bothering to take off his coat.
“Whoa, hey, slow your roll there, kemosabe,” Taako appeared from the kitchen and held out a wooden spoon in front of Angus to block his path. What looked like a small shadow darted into the room and Jiji started winding her way around Angus’s ankles in greeting. “How’s the case going?”
“Really great! I solved it, actually,” Angus answered over-enthusiastically. “I’m also very tired from solving crimes and catching crooks, so I think I’ll just go to my room and take a nap before din- Ow!”
Jiji - who was getting much better at jumping - had leapt up onto Angus’s shoulder in one go, using her claws to stabilize herself. She started sniffing at the collar of Angus’s coat and stretched her neck out as far as she could in an attempt to stick her head in it as if searching for something.
“Agnes, I swear to the gods, if you don’t up your Deception soon, you’re never gonna make it as a master detective.” Taako plucked the energetic kitten off of Angus’s shoulder and dropped her on the floor. She subsequently took off through the house. “What are you hiding?”
“My Deception’s fine!” Angus argued. “I just suck at lying to you,” He added in a grumble. With a sigh, he opened his coat and took something out of his inside pocket - a small tortoise.
“What do you have there, Angus?” Kravitz walked in, Jiji perched on his shoulder like a gargoyle statue on a church. Upon spotting the tortoise, the cat hunched forward and her pupils instantly dilated so that her eyes looked all-black. She stayed where she was, though, as if some force were keeping her on Kravitz’s shoulder.
“Dinner, it looks like,” Taako answered for Angus, swiping the tortoise from his hands.
“What?!” Angus and Kravitz asked at the same time. 
“Tortoises make an excellent soup, my dudes,” Taako assessed the small reptile. “I’ll have to fatten him up first, of course. Way too small to feed the three of us.”
“No, Taako, please!” Angus stepped toward him and grabbed part of his shirt. “I found him in the victim’s house and-”
“You stole from a dead guy?” Taako interrupted. “Hell yeah, kid, just like your old man.”
“Mostparentswouldn’tapplaudthatbut anyway,” Angus made his point quickly before getting back to the main argument. “I wanted to keep him. He was actually important to solving the murder and he was gonna get sent to a shelter otherwise.” He drew his lips into a pout and looked up at Taako with wide, pleading eyes. “Pleeease?”
Taako pursed his lips, trying not to let his facade crack. “Where the hell are you gonna keep this thing?” 
“I’ll get a terrarium! I even have my own money for it from detective work!”
“And when it gets too big for that?”
“It’s a Horsfield tortoise, sir. He won’t get much bigger than he is now.”
“But what if he and Jiji don’t get along?” Kravitz piped up, gesturing towards the agitated kitten on his shoulder. 
“I’ll keep him in my room!” Angus answered. “And I’ll make sure she can’t break into his cage or anything.” He looked between them, his pleading face back on. “Pleeeease?”
Taako and Kravitz looked at each other, some sort of silent communication passing between them, before Taako sighed in resignation. “This place is turning into a zoo,” He grumbled, then held the tortoise out towards Angus. “Fine, you can keep it.”
“Yes! Thank you!” Angus threw his arms around Taako in a hug before he carefully took the tortoise from him. He hugged Kravitz, too, before holding the tortoise at eye-level. “Come on, Clyde! Let’s go see our room!”
“Clyde?” Taako asked incredulously.
“I didn’t name him, sir!” Angus called over his shoulder as he raced down the hallway.
Kravitz snorted. “You named a female kitten ‘old man,’ who are you to talk?”
“Shut up.”
(Note: Angus absolutely does 1000% of the required research to take care of the tortoise bc he’s a good good boy)
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jackmaccomm · 4 years
*Narrative Theory*
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In this entry I will examine the critical question, “What central narrative(s) does this artifact tell through its rhetorical elements? In doing so, what values does it promote and ignore (who does it include and exclude)? In which ways is this narrative (ethically) productive for society, in which ways is it limiting, and is it more productive or limiting?”
The artifact that I will be examining is the studio album good kid, m.A.A.d City by Kendrick Lamar. This album productively shares a narrative of what is believed to be the ideals of a young black man growing up in poverty (Money, Power, and Respect), as well as the harsh reality of crime and gang life and how it is often the only route. 
Kendrick Lamars, good kid, m.A.A.d City was released in October of 2012. This album is often regarded as one of the greatest of all time and it has even been used in academia as it is looked at for its storytelling as well as the lesson taught. Kendrick used this album as a way of showing the world how he transformed from his adolescent self, to the well known rapper and celebrity. He wanted this album to not only relate to others that were put in the same situation as himself, but also to show the rest of the world that there is often no easy way out of low income America, and the struggles that impoverished people face.
Foss (2004) describes narrative by saying, “Narratives organize the stimuli of our experience so that we can make a sense of the people, places, events, and actions of our lives. They help us to interpret reality because they help us decide what a particular experience is about” (333). We have the ability to create our own narratives allowing those who have not experienced what we have, to be able to make their own interpretations of the situation. We often see this in music as artists often write about life experiences and how it shaped them into the person they are today.
A narrative that Kendrick plays on heavily is that young black men in lower class America have no choice but to join a gang or be involved with crime due to the situation they have been born into. You see this in one of the most popular songs on the album, “maad city.” He goes in depth about how being affiliated with a gang is the norm and it is something you have to adapt to. Kendrick says “Pakistan on every porch is fine, We adapt to crime, pack a van with four guns at a time.” Later in the song he says, “Iv's on top of IV's, Obviously the coroner between the sheets like the Isleys, When you hop on that trolley, Make sure your color's correct, Make sure you're corporate, or they'll be calling your mother collect, They say the governor collect, all of our taxes except, When we in traffic and tragic happens, that shit ain't no threat, You movin' backwards if you suggest that you sleep with a TEC, Go buy a chopper and have a doctor on speed dial, I guess, M.a.a.d city.” He is putting into perspective the war zone like lifestyle that comes with growing up in Compton, California. The point though, is not to gain pity, but to create awareness for why he joined a gang. Kendrick realizes that it appears as though young black men join gangs just because this is what they want to do. He corrects them by explaining that he is in fact just a product of his environment. 
Another main narrative that Kendrick plays on is the believed ideals of Money, Power, and Respect. Growing up in Compton, Kendrick talks about how these were what he believed to be the keys to success. In his song “Money Trees,” he says, “Dreams of living life like rappers do (like rappers do, like rappers do), Bump that new E-40 at the school (way at the school, way at the school), You know big ballin' with my homies (my homies), Earl Stevens had us thinking rational (Thinking rational, that's rational), Back to reality we poor, ya bish (ya bish, ya bish), Another casualty at war, ya bish.” He explains that he had dreams of living a lavish lifestyle with money and fame but quickly came back to the reality of his situation. While Kendrick is not shaming the idea of making money and having respect, he is rather stating that money, power, and respect, are not the only things you should work towards in life. Kendrick also says, “A louis belt will never ease that pain.” Another example of him pushing the idea that money and fame can be wonderful, but internally, they won’t make issues go away. It is very important for him to get this message across to other people who are in a similar situation that he was. Kendrick doesn’t want to seem them make the same mistakes that he did.
Kendrick Lamar’s message is inspiring and helpful, but it is possible that some could find it unproductive. While his intention is to provide insight into his own life and the life of many others like him, it could be taken as a message about black youth as a whole. American politics from the time of this album release until now have been riddled with talks of systemic racism. This album could be used as ammo for extremists. They could claim that Kendrick, a black man from poverty himself, claims that all black men join gangs and are criminals. This is the exact opposite purpose of his work, but it is not uncommon for words to be twisted in American politics. While this is a possibility The album is still productive in regards to what it is trying to do. Overall Kendrick creates an entertaining narrative that not only teaches a lesson to those in a situation similar to his, but it also allows people who are completely unfamiliar with this culture and lifestyle to have an idea of what is going on. As stated, this album has been used in academia because of its ability to create such a vivid story. 
Narrative is an essential form of human communication. We as humans are natural storytellers. In a journal By Guowei Jian, Jian says, “Fischer (1989) argues, Human beings are storytellers or "Homo narrans" (p. xiii) who rely on the narrative logic to communicate” (89). One of the most common forms of storytelling that we use is music. Artists are experts and creating a vivid image in our brains through a form of art that is very easy to consume. Because we as humans are creative, it makes understanding through music even easier. Whether he realizes it or not, Kendrick uses narrative theory in creating his music and he is one of the best at it.
In conclusion, Kendrick Lamar puts on a beautiful display of storytelling layed out in such a way that provides entertainment and a lesson. He provides narratives on gang life and strong desires for money and respect. Kendrick gives us a piece of work that is highly productive for society and has continued to be relevant years after its original release.
Foss, S. K. (2009). Rhetorical Criticism: Exploration and Practice (Third ed.). S.l.: Waveland Press.
Jian, G. (2019). Transforming the Present Moment through Conversation and Narrative: Toward a Hermeneutic Leadership Theory. Communication Theory (1050-3293), 29(1), 86–106. 
Lamar, K. (2012). m.A.A.d city [Recorded by K, Lamar. MC, Eiht]. On good kid, m.A.A.d City. City of production: Top Dawg Entertainment. (2012).
Lamar, K. (2012). Money Trees [Recorded by K, Lamar. J, Rock]. On good kid, m.A.A.d City. City of production: Top Dawg Entertainment. (2012).
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 6:
Don’t forget to stream Summer Luv soundtrack on Spotify!
Day 5 in Miami
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 I woke up bright and early to cook breakfast for me and Samar. Last night was not at all what I had expected but I am happy it happened cause now Samar would know how I really feel and how I don’t regret shit. I had Sleepy Brown’s “I can’t wait” blasting softly throughout the kitchen. I was making us breakfast sandwiches with tater tots. I danced around the kitchen drinking a hard mimosa i made with vodka and orange juice, let’s just say my life was about to change. I made our plates and before I could go get Samar he was already slowly walking into the kitchen. “Can we talk?” He asked. I turned down the music and sat on the bar stool. He looked at the food and awkwardly smiled. “Thank you, for making breakfast this morning, Um I want to apologize for last night I was drunk as fuck, I didn’t mean to take advantage of you Tye” He said. I shook my head. “No Samar, its fine. I wanted it” I told him. He rubbed his hand through his face to the back of his head. “It shouldn’t have happened Tye, you like my sister. I feel like I fucked my family, and no matter how many times I try to think of it being okay, it not. We can’t go there Tye. It would fuck up our dynamic. Shit fucked my head up” My heart started racing. I felt embarrassed as fuck. “I um, yeah your right. I just cooked this breakfast for my brother who I fucked” I said angry. He sighed. “This is why it was a mistake, Tye you got feelings now” He said. I faked a laugh, “Sure Samar the sex was so phenomenal that I fell so deep in love overnight, like nah I get it shit can’t happen again that’s cool just eat this breakfast nigga” I said. He grabbed my arm. “We cool Tye Tye?” He asked. I forced a smile. “Nigga of course, you my bro for life”. I started rolling me a blunt or two because I was embarrassed that things did not go as planned. We were just chilling and vibe in when Samar doorbell rang. He went to the door to get it and in walked two thick bitches. I rolled my eyes. “Hey Sammie, did you forget our afternoon swim?” This bitch said. I started laughing to myself you got to be kidding me. “No, I didn’t Tiff baby, I’m just chilling with my homie” He said. The bitch “Tiff” looked me up and down she smirked at me. “Oh homie, I thought this was one of your girls, whew thank goodness” She said. Samar looked at me, knowing what the fuck was going to happen next if he ain’t move this bitch out my face. “What you say?” I asked her as I stepped up to her. She playfully shrugged. “It was a jokey joke honey” She said. I grabbed a fist of her hair, and her lace was peeling up. “Whoaaa” Samar said. “Sammie get this bitch off of me!” She screamed. Her friend tried to grab my hair, but Samar was in the way. I let go of her “wig”. “I know you wasn’t swimming with this box braid head ass wig sis” I said before leaving to go the room to grab my shit and go. “Sammie make her leave” Tiff said. “Yo just chill, you did come up in here on that ra-ra shit”. I heard as I walked back in the kitchen to grab my liquor and my weed. “You ain’t leaving shit for me?” He asked. I shook my head. “Oh no sir you not sharing my weed and my liq with these hoes” I told him. I grabbed the keys to the jeep and slammed the door.
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 “Tyeeee!” I yelled as I ran outside. She was putting her stuff in the jeep. “Yes?” She asked with her hands on her hip. She was putting her wavy hair into a bun on top of her head. For some odd reason, the facial expression she was making was doing something to me. Got me having feelings in my heart and my dick. “I’m sorry about shorty” I said. She shrugged. “I mean she almost got killed so you probably should” She said with an attitude. I smiled at her. “You going to come to my party on Friday?” I asked her. She shrugged her shoulders again. “Depends is “Tiff” coming?” She asked. I shrugged. “Maybe” I said. She laughed. “Well then My girls and I will be wearing our mugshot best” She said putting on her shades cause the sun was blazing in her face. “Samar its hot as a witches coochie and I’m irky as hell” She stated. I nodded. “Aight fam, just hit my line, or Ima come by and see your spot” I said to her. “Cool beans go fuck your bitch” She said before hoping into the jeep, and literally backed up on high speed through my driveway. I walked back into the house and I see that Tiffany and her friend Amika, had got butt ass naked. Tiff had fixed her lace front. “So, you ready to have some fun” She asked. I hesitated because I was not expecting to smash these thots right away. I still had Tye on me from last night. “Ladies let me shower first and I will meet yall for some fun in the pool” I said. Tiff pulled out some whip cream. “Okay Sammie” I shook my head cause they not about to fuck up my Airbnb pool with some whip cream. “We can use it just not in the pool” I said. She frowned at me. “Okay baby”. She came over to me and kissed me, then Amika came over and kissed me. I honestly was not even interested in whatever they were trying to do but I was going to do just to say I did it. I went upstairs to my room turned on my music on the room speaker. “Nova cane” by Frank Ocean played again sending me flash backs of last night as I showered. If the girls kissing me aint make my dick happy, thoughts of last night did. “Fuck, no that’s like family” I told myself. I got out the shower, dried off and just walked downstairs naked cause why not. “Yall ready?” I asked. The girl’s eyes got big looking at me, and they both nodded. This was going to be a long afternoon.
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 “So, this what you look when you wake up?” Anthony said. I woke up looking around crazy. “Did we?” I asked. He shook his head laughing. “Nah, aint my steelo mami, you not that type of girl” He said. I sighed thankfully, only cause if we did have sex and it was bomb I wouldn’t remember. Sex with Marlon was okay, so I hoped the next time I would have sex I would be checking into the E.R happily. I grabbed my phone to see it was 2:17 p.m. in the afternoon. “Shit, I got to go home” I said stressed. I instantly thought about Melody. “Oh my gosh!” I panicked. Anthony got up looking at me crazy. “What’s up baby girl?” He asked confused. I rubbed my hands through my hair calling Mel but she aint answer. “What happened to Melody last night?” I asked. He shrugged. “She said she was leaving and that’s it” He said. I still had on my outfit from the barbeque and so all I needed to do was slip on my sneakers. “Anthony, I need to get home to find Mel” I said. “Ri-Ri chill did you check her location?” He asked. I quickly looked at her location and I sighed in relief that she was home, and Tye was on the way to the house, and Zion was on some Island. “Whew child I almost thought I was going to be interviewed by Crime Watch Daily being the last person to see my best friend, oh Thank you Lord Jesus” I praised. Anthony started laughing. “Im glad to be witnessing this cute little meltdown” He said. I playfully pushed him. “I love my friends okay” I said. He nodded. “I see, how about we go grab some food and I take you home aight?” He asked. I nodded.
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 “Where are we going? I don’t eat shit I aint never had Anthony!” Ariana stressed. She was a picky little something I could tell already. She wanted I hop but I knew a little spot by the beach she would love called Patsys. “Patsys?” She read as we pulled up. I laughed. “This better be bomb “she said. We could sit anywhere so we chose to sit outside. I ain’t going to lie I finesse alot of women. I get all the draws in Miami, but Ariana was a challenge. I never had much of a challenge. I was vulnerable with her so that I enjoyed. She be gone soon we go our separate ways, but we had something for a moment, and I wanted that. I wanted her if even it was only an hour of her just making me laugh. “What?” She asked looking at me. I shrugged. “I like you a lot Ariana” I said saying her name with a little accent. She blushed. “I like you to Antonio” She said smiling. “My partner told me about this pajama party popping off his weekend, I want you there” I told her. She acted like she was thinking. “Pajama parties lead to butt naked nasty nastiness” She said doing a dance. I smirked. “Yeah but we just going for the vibes” I told her. She nodded. “Aight Ima be there looking real Ariana Secretish” She said. I loved how silly she was. We ordered our food and I waited to see if she would like it. “Sooo?” I asked her. She closed her eyes. “Okay this better than Ihop and waffle house on a drunk night” She told me. I smiled. “Seeeee mami, be open” I told her. “Mmmhm you were just lucky this time” She said. “I had a goodtime last night. I enjoyed seeing your family and your abuletia, it was really nice” She said. It felt good to know she enjoyed her time. Not many girls me my Familia. “Now abuletia breakfast beats anyplace” I told her cheesing. “So, nigga why are we at Patty’s?” She asked. I laughed. “Patsy’s girl” I said. She rolled her eyes. “That’s what I said” She said smirking. After we ate, I drove her back home, and we sat in the car making out a little bit. I wanted to do soo much more, but I couldn’t do that unless she was ready, and if she wasn’t, I still be fine with that.
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 “Mel, I left this morning because I didn’t want you to wake up with regret, of last night. I do not regret any of it though. I would be lying if I aint say I do again. It has been so long since I held you, and I forgot how good you feel and smell, so do not think I just dipped on you. I love you”
 I pressed send on my phone to the message I sent Melody. I sat in my car, after I left her house. Thinking about last night. She tasted and felt so good. I even thought about waking her up to it this morning but knew her liquor guilt would probably kick in or would it. I know she want me as bad I want her. If not, then I had a challenge to win her heart. “We going to hit that margarita shop on the way to the beach?” Freddie asked. “Nah nigga lets go catch some hoes then go to beach, Yo Izzy you good?” Trey said. Trey and Freddie were my A1s since day 1. We were out here for Trey birthday. “Yeah, just in my head” I said. “Nah nigga where were you last night, who the hoe that got you in your head?” Freddie asked. “Yall chill man, shawty aint no hoe. You remember I told you I ran into Mel?” I asked. They nodded. “Ahh shit, you hit Melody?” Trey asked. I just looked at him. “Yoooo Izz, for real?” He asked again. I nodded. “I mean it’s been 6 months man, I seen her out here looking good as hell man all these feelings hit me like bullets. Shawty looking right and she still tight and I still love her man. I want her back” I said. Freddie shook his head. “This was supposed to be our weekend to fuck all the bad hoes man, you out here trying to be like a Morris Chestnut romance movie” He stressed. I shrugged. I met a couple bad hoes out here, but Melody been on my mind more than any other female. I fucked up in letting her go. “Man Fred, let him get his shorty back. Long as you slide me that Blasian girl number Izz” He told me. I smirked and sent him the number. “Maybe she going to be at the pajama party” Freddie said. I shrugged. “Maybe but we can still get lit and shit, for now Ima fall back and let her come to me” I said. We went to Margarita spot and was choppin it up with some females. Freddie and Trey wanted to take them back to our spot, but I was not with that shit. I kept thinking about Melody. Fuck it, I thought. I grabbed my keys and I dipped.
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 I woke up with a pounding headache, and dehydration. I stood up in my bed, realizing that what happened was not a dream. Isaac did come over and we had sex, and it was not bad flashbacks, I kept getting butterflies at the thought of it. Last time I had sex was with him right before our breakup. I got up to get in the shower and get myself together, when I got out, I seen I had messages from Isaac.
 “Mel, I left this morning because I didn’t want you to wake up with regret, of last night. I do not regret any of it though. I would be lying if I aint say I do again. It has been so long since I held you, and I forgot how good you feel and smell, so don’t think I just dipped on you. I love you”
 I stood by the counter reading the message repeatedly, biting my lip. I thought about texting him back, but I did not know what to say. I was embarrassed kind of. As soon as I was about to text Isaac back. I got a text from Malachi letting me know he wanted to come gets me and take me on a date. At first, I was thinking I am just blowing this off cause last night I had sex with another man, and then i am going out with another. I heard the front door shut clearing my thoughts. I got up and left my room and I see Tye come up the stairs mad as fuck. “You good?” I asked her. She rolled her eyes. “Girl no, Samar and I had sex last night” She said. My eyes got big as hell because I was shook. She then palmed her face. I followed her into her room and sat on the bed. I was lowkey happy and confused because Samar and Tye had been best friends since Highschool and she been crushing on him for a minute, so why would she be mad. “Umm okay, wow okay so how was it, I mean I see your mad so what happened?” I asked concerned. I had a lot to share to, but my tea could wait. “We got drunk and fucked in his Airbnb kitchen and then this morning he woke up acting brand new saying it was a mistake he would never have sex with me cause I’m like his sister and it just made me disgusted, I was mad at myself I let him fuck me then tell me it was a mistake and he was disgusted by it” She stressed. I shook my head. “Then this motherfucker had two ugly big bitches come over and this bitch named Tiff tried me, girl I bought beat this bitch ass, and then I left but he came outside talking about he having a pajama party, and the bitch might be there” She snapped. “Why Samar do you like that out of all people, see all Niggas aint shit, how he fuck you then act like it was mistake clearly the attraction was there it’s just the liquor heightened it” I told her. She nodded her head. “I said the same thing and this nigga going to say I might catch feelings, like boy I been in love with you stop playing” She rolled her eyes. “Tye fuck him, test that nigga and see if he got feelings, if he jealous then he has feelings. Shit should feel different now” I told her. She nodded agreeing with what I was saying. “You right, Ima do it at the pajama party, so we gone see then” She told me.
 I sighed and took the opportunity to just say what happened to me. “Well I had drunk sex last night too” I told her. She looked at me. “Boat Owner Nigga?” She asked. I shook my head. “Girl now you know” I told her. I was different then my friends, they could sleep with someone with no strings, but I had attachment issues. Tye looked at me searching for an answer. “Who else?!” She asked. “Isaac” I told her. She almost fell off the bed. “What?!” She yelled. I nodded. “After the party with Ari and Anthony I got lit and left and Isaac hit me up so I hit him back and then he drove me home, we talked and then I got drunk again and called him back and shit went down” I said having flashbacks. She looked at my face and smirked. “You loved every bit of it” She said. I nodded. “Yeah, it was passionate, intimate you know like he missed me, he wanted me” I told her. “Sooo now what?” She asked. I shrugged. “I’m confused I don’t know Tye. I can’t just take him back off words and good dick” I stressed. She sucked her teeth at me. “He aint letting you go, he bout to be on you heavy this whole trip and when we get back” She said. I showed her the text he sent me. “Oooooh bitch, he wants that old thang back, he is coming back for good so let them niggas know it’s his” She sang. She gave my phone back and I showed her Malachi text. “Drama alert! So, what you going to go on a date after your pussy still recovering from getting your guts rearranged?” Tye asked. I slowly nodded. “I mean why should I limit myself? Plus, I do not know if Isaac is serious” I said. She nodded. “Do what you want Mel, but Isaac seems serious and we both know Isaac don’t play about you and he can get really jealous” She said. I rolled my eyes. “Isaac aint my man, I can do as I please” I told her. “Well okay Ms. Thang” She said. Maybe this would go smoothly, hopefully they do not hang around the same circles. I had Tye help me pick out some fits to wear on my date with Malachi. I honestly was not looking forward to this, but I am down to see where this goes.
 I heard the doorbell ring. I calmly walked downstairs although I was nervous as fuck, cause we agreed to meet at the beach. I opened the door revealing Isaac instead of Malachi. “Ummm?” I asked. He gave me a rose. “You were heading somewhere?” He asked. “Kind of” I said. My heart was beating. “Well cancel” He said. I was hesitant. “Yeah she’s free” Tye said behind me. I turned to her. She smirked at me. “We can just cancel, no problem. We can just Reschedule” She said, implying for me to reschedule with Malachi. “Yeah sure”. Isaac smirked and looked his lips looking fine as fuck. “Cool” He simply said. “Hold on” Tye said she grabbed me into the kitchen. She snatched my phone from my hand and started texting someone she then handed me the phone. She sent a message to Malachi. “Hi, I’m so sorry to do this but my best friend just got super drunk, I need to help her. Can we reschedule?” He replied saying. “No Problem, I understand. Gives me more time to plan the perfect night 🤪” He said. “Now go see what Isaac has planned” She simply said. I went back into foyer. He was fiddling with his hands, he pulled out some roses for me. “You always talked about wanting flowers” He said smiling. I blushed at the thought. “Thank you” I said. He held his hand out for mine, he led me to his car, and opened the door for me. “Thank you” I smiled. I was nervous especially after last night. “What made you want to do this?” I asked him when he got in. “Woke up still thinking about you, I needed to see you. Freddie and Trey wanted to kick it with these hoes, but I wasn’t with that shit” He said. “Wow I’m second option?” I joked. He sighed. “Nah, I just wanted you” He simply said. He turned on the music, “Calm Down” by A boogie started playing. He turned it up singing the chorus, and I sang along.
“Can we calm down and make love?
 Get it Poppin' in the back of your Bentley truck
 That vroom-vroom, that ooh-ooh, let's make up
 Don't know why I can't let you go wit' no one
 Nah, no one
 'Cause I don't wanna fuss and fight
 Oh baby, I wanna go ride it all night”
 “Who put you on A boogie?” He asked smirking. “You nigga duh” I said laughing.
 The weather was cooling down and the breeze was feeling nice. “Where are you taking me Isaac?” I asked. He smiled. “You going to see” He said. We pulled up at this place that was lit called “El Tucan Miami”. We parked the car and went inside the restaurant where we were seated. They had a live band playing Hispanic music, people were dancing. We ordered us a Texas Margarita pitcher. “So, tell me how you been girl?” Isaac asked. I smiled. “Well I got my own cute little apartment by camp creek, and of course my new job and still taking college classes. I recently got me a dog names Yoda; I just been living” I told him. He kept smiling. “I knew you boss up on me” He said. “I’m proud of you, I seen Tamia tag you in post and I aint seen you post nothing in a minute, I see you got your body together and your shinning. Melly I’m soo happy for you” He said. It felt good to know he seen my growth, it was one of the reasons we broke up because he felt I wasn’t growing, and he had a problem with females. You miss me?” He asked. I rolled my eyed. “Isaac, I did at first but then I got on my shit” I said. He nodded. “I miss you like crazy. Thinking about if somebody got you. Who are you sharing that big ass heart with? I cannot say I regret it cause we both had to grow. I finally got that cheating shit out my system, I stopped smoking everything” He told me. “I just feel all this is a sign” He said looking at me. “For what?” I asked knowing what he was going to say. “Us, like damn Mel. Why you so hard on a nigga?” He said to me. I looked down and smiled. “I’m not, like you left me. I begged you to stay Isaac like I don’t know what you want from me, to be the old Melody and be all over you?” I asked. He shook his head. “No, but do you still feel the same?” He asked looking me dead in my eyes. I wanted to tell him no, get up and walk out but If I told him yes what good would that do, I give up my power right? The power I finally had where the ball was in my court. “I don’t know Isaac?” I said looking down. I looked up at him smirking at me. “Then Ima just win your heart again” He shrugged. “No problem” He simply said. I looked at him smiling. “Yeah no problem” I said mimicking him. Oh, nigga this was going to be a challenge.
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 After the daycation with Kyrel, I felt kind of out of my element. “You good?” He asked as he drove me back to my Airbnb. “You been quiet” He said. I was looking outside the window. I slightly smiled. “Just tired, we had a longggg night” I told him. I was tired as fuck, Ky and I had sex all night long. This morning he brought me breakfast in bed, and he told me he might be falling for me. Instantly my get the fuck ASAP mode kicked in. Anytime a nigga caught feelings for me, it was time to Ghost, but I was scared causs for the first time in a long time I had felt the feeling I didn’t want to feel the most, and that I might be falling too fast, and I’m a boss, I don’t fall for these niggas, I give them to the streets but for Ky. I would just give him to girl that deserved him. I didn’t want to hurt him, but I feel I have no choice. This was just a fling; I have to remind myself no to get attached. We arrived back at my place, and before I got out the car quickly to get my emotions together, Kyrel grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a kiss and just stared at me. “Zion you really pulling at my heart man. A nigga is crazy about you. I don’t want this shit to end” He said. I wanted to grab my bag and run. I sighed a little. I leaned in to kiss him again. “Just appreciate the now” I told him before getting out. “I’m call you later” He said. I grabbed my stuff as he waited for me to go into the house. Tye was on the couch watching tv and drinking wine when I walked in. “How was the night?” She asked from the living room. I dropped my bag and threw myself on the couch. “Girl my kitty hurt, I’m exhausted, and I need to get rid of Kyrel fast” I said. She looked at me crazy. “Why? He’s so sweet and charming and he is fine and infatuated with you” She said. I nodded. “That’s the problem Tye, I hit and quit, this man wants to be married by this weekend” I stressed. She smirked. “You like that boy quit playing you just scared that’s it” She said. I groaned. “Yeah, I like him a lot too but I can’t get hurt, when I leave Tye I’m going to be hurt and heartbroken cause I know it ended and I don’t know if I will find this again and I have to prepare myself before I allow that to happen ever again” I wanted to puke. “Well do what you got to do Z” She told me. “How was movie night?” I asked. Tye palmed her face. “Girl I-“She cut herself off laughing to herself a little. “What Tye?” I asked interested, I got closer to her. She looked at me. “Girl I fucked Samar” She said. I almost fell off the couch. “You said you did what?” I asked making sure I heard right. She nodded. “I keep repeating it to myself too, uhhh it was the best and worst sex of my life, it was drunkingly spontaneous, but now he feels shit awkward, he called me his sis” She chugged her wine. “Girl, he gone want to hit again with no relations soon watch, cause it pussy he aint ever had to finesse to hit” I told her. She smirked. “I’ll take that L, but when Mel gets home let her tell u the Tea she got” She said. I looked at her suspiciously. “I aint spilling tea that aint mine” She said smirking. I laughed playfully pushing her. “Okayy sis” That night I took a good long shower, Kyrel texted me but I didnt reply. I would just text him in the morning.
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concretemusicpr · 7 years
(Tee Grizzley)
Tee Grizzley ‘First Day  Out’ (300 Ent.)
Ever since Tee Grizzley attended Dixon Middle School, as a 12-year-old who wrote his first rap about his neighbourhood in Detroit, his dream was to make music. It wasn’t until he was a freshman at Frank Cody High School that he took his craft seriously.
You wouldn’t see him participating in lunchroom cyphers or freestyling off the top. Instead, he chose to write his rhymes in his notebook or phone, meditating on what he came up with each time. “I was inspired by other Detroit artists ‘cause they were doing real good so I was trying to do that same thing,” Grizzley, real name Terry Wallace, says of his early approach. But Grizzley, now 23, wasn’t always surrounded by positive influences that could point him in the right direction.
In July 2014, Grizzley was incarcerated for home invasion charges in Michigan and his involvement in a jewelry store heist in Kentucky that sent him away for three years. Reflecting on what he learned while serving time at Detroit Reentry Center in the Michigan Department of Corrections, he says,
“I learned that I was way smarter than my action showed. I learned that I didn’t give myself a chance to be at my full potential.”
He used the time on the inside to write a lot music, which he says will end up on his debut mixtape called My Moment. Formerly known as King Tee, he earned the nickname “Grizzley” behind the wall from other inmates, eventually running with Tee Grizzley as his stage name.
“A grizzly, it’s aggressive when it’s provoked,” he says. “It’s a really independent animal. But when provoked, it goes crazy. I related to that. That’s how I did my time.”
After he was released in October 2016, Grizzley vowed to never go back to jail and promised himself that every hustle would be legal. Picking up where he left off, he recorded his comeback single “First Day Out,” a deeply personal track about standing trial and his real-life crimes over a booming beat by Detroit’s own Helluva.
His steely rhymes are eye-opening accounts of what he went through: “I’m on parole in two states I can’t move wrong/The feds trying to build a case, I can’t move wrong/I went to trial back-to-back, bitch I’m 2-0/ State of Kentucky banned me from every jewellery store/ See, I can’t even be in public with my hood on/ Michigan state don’t want none over here, they don’t know what he on.”
What surprised Grizzley is how big of a reception the video got when he shared it on YouTube last November. In the clip, directed by Nick Margetic and Everett Stewart, it shows Grizzley with dreads in an orange jumpsuit walking away from the facility as a free man. We follow him on his first day out as he gets back to business: reconnecting with homies from the street, buying a new pair of buffys, and hitting up the studio again.
He says it reached 100,000 views in three days, and then broke one million during the week of its release. It currently has 16 million views (and counting). Grizzley is the latest viral artist in hip-hop, and his song has gotten on the radars of T.I., DeJ Loaf, Chris Brown, and Trey Songz, who have all congratulated him on his success so far.
His first appearance ever as a performer was when 21 Savage brought him out during a show in Detroit last December. Though he only has one song to his name, he couldn’t believe the amount of hometown love he received. “This is exactly what I’ve been thinking about for years,” he says. “When I finally got my moment, it felt good.”
As the newest addition to 300 Entertainment this past December, Grizzley is ready to take the opportunity to show and prove to the world. Musically inspired by local Detroit artists like Eastside Chedda Boyz and Doughboyz Cashout, as well as R&B acts (Mary J. Blige, Dru Hill, Case, to name a few) for their substance and soul, fans can expect My Moment to have a balance of urgency and depth to his records. He plans on having no guest appearances on My Moment, relying on his own experiences to tell his story.
Roughly between 12-14 songs in length with another single titled “No Effort” on the way, it’ll also feature more production by Helluva. Tee Grizzley will be joining 21 Savage, Young M.A., and Young Nudy on Issa Tour that kicks off on March 31 in Houston, Texas at the House of Blues. The 29-city trek will conclude May 7 in Miami at Rolling Loud Festival. In the lineage of guys like Boldy James, Big Sean, and Eminem who’ve made it in hip-hop as D-Town’s elite, Grizzley is next up as a street motivator for the city's youth.
“I represent the young streets. I represent the young people that still can be saved. They still got a chance, you feel me?” Grizzley says. “They look at me and realize that there’s a way for us. And we still got our youth. It’s nothing that we did that we can’t make right.”
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
Ray J Wants Meeting With Trump To Pardon Suge Knight
Source: Nicky Nelson/WENN.com / WENN
Vince Staples let the world know that Ray J is a leader within the culture and it appears he’s using his status to help up his big homie. Reports say that the singer and entrepreneur is angling for a meeting with President Donald Trump in an attempt to pardon former Death Row Records boss, Suge Knight.
Daily Mail exclusively reports:
Sources tell DailyMailTV the 38-year-old Love & Hip Hop star has been lobbying for Trump to pardon rapper and friend Marion ‘Suge’ Knight, who was convicted of manslaughter in 2018.
Knight, 54, was sentenced to 28 years behind bars for injuring Cle Sloan and killing Terry Carter after running over both men at a burger drive-thru in January 2015.
He was originally facing 11 years in prison, but his sentence was later doubled under California’s three-strikes law based on his prior convictions. An additional six years was also added for using a vehicle as a deadly weapon in a ‘serious and violent’ felony.
A source close to the singer says he is now hoping the president will pardon Knight for his crimes because he believes his friend has learned from his mistakes and is ready to turn over a new leaf.
I mean this IS Ray J we’re talking about, so maybe he’ll have the touch to get Knight sprung from the joint.
Photo: WENN
source https://hiphopwired.com/827852/ray-j-suge-knight-trump-pardon/
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kchatjjigae · 5 years
Day Six. It seems as though all these stories have been in preparation for this post. As looking back on all of our memories of this trip have been qualified by this day. It’s one of those moments you make plans for, the just in case that you hope will never actually happen. 
This being said, though what happened affected our trip, it’s not my story to tell and, as I’m not going to use what happened as a cliffhanger, we’re going to start by saying our friend and fellow traveler, Alix, received a call that there was a family emergency and she needed to get back home. Unfortunately, in a blow of even more terrible timing, the US was about to be hit by a series of terrible storms, wreaking havoc with travel plans, so it was advised she wait it out. Which meant, on the upside, we were able to keep her a bit longer and began cramming our days with as many things from her wishlist as possible. 
Alix gave us the okay to say it happened, everything is okay now, and now we say whew, and move on. 
Also: Buy travel insurance. SERIOUSLY. 
So let’s get back to our story. It’s our last moments in Busan, but we weren’t done with the tourism yet! Nope, we still had a trip to the Seaside temple another trek to Haeundae Beach, and finally, a certain bakery that had been taunting Alix and Leila our entire stay needed to be dominated. 
We made arrangements with our continually delightful Airbnb host to leave our luggage past the checkout time, packed all of our important goods…
And checked again the checklist that had become a chant or mantra during our time there. Egg. Wallet. Phone. Passport.
Check. Check. Check. Check.
After one last breakfast of kimbap and a pop off at the convenience store for more milk, looking like I had finally settled in with my capri sweatpants and house shoes:
They were playing Mino’s Fiance, my then-current JAM, BISHES and I found this Inkygayo sandwich replica. Hilarious. Now I wish I’d tried it. 
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For our dearest LizC. The knockoff Inkygayo Sandwich. #inkigayosandwich #travel #sandwich #conveniencestoreraid #SouthKorea2019 #southkorea
A post shared by Stephanie (@kchatjjigae) on Mar 11, 2019 at 10:52pm PDT
We hopped a taxi (Alix communicating with the driver, Naver map in hand) and headed off to Haedong Yonggungsa, Busan’s seaside temple that had found its way onto both Alix and my wishlist. I can’t say I remember much about the trip except to say I found this sticker I saw on the door of the taxi weirdly funny. What can I say? At this time, we were all pretty tired and, frankly, happy to be off our feet.
The taxi driver dropped us off at the entryway, which was a long string of booths on either side of a long street/pathway. As we were there so early (no lazing around in bed as we 1) had things to do and 2) these beds were not the sort you’d lie back think, “I’m going to just get cozy and hang here all comfy like,” no they were more the “Ouch, Ouch! Stop hurting me!” sort.) I don’t think we got to experience the welcoming act as, well, they were all still home pretending to be comfy in their beds. 
Which reminds me, let me tell you something we realized while we were there. Unless you’re looking for a convenience store or possibly a coffee shop, Korea isn’t really an early to bed, early to rise sort of place… it’s quite the opposite. 
Once we passed all the booths that would eventually sell food and trinkets, there was a long line of zodiac figure statues which heralded the beginning of the real pathway towards the temple as, little did we know, the temple was only part of the experience of this extensive property.
From the Zodiac statues, we walked further and further into the woods, through pathways, and down staircases, each level giving way to some shrine or statue.
As it was so early, there weren’t many other people there, so the morning was sunny, bright and very quiet.
Soon we emerged from the woods, and there it was, the sea, surrounded by rocky outcroppings, beautiful even without the religious iconography.
But with it? The whole place seemed unreal, almost like we stepped right into a movie. Here we mostly split up, scattering again, off in separate directions, meeting up at different points, asking “Did you see this?”, “Did you get to that?”, before pinballing off again.
It was another one of those temples were everywhere you looked, every nook and cranny filled with something new and interesting.
Carvings in doorways, statues at fountains, these giant pigs…whatever they are.
When I was done my investigating, I was determined to get to those bell-shaped rock formations in the back, figuring, if I looked hard enough, I’d find the corner, the hidden doorway that would lead there, unfortunately, even with the assistance of SaraG who also wanted to leave no stone unturned, no site unvisited., we were unsuccessful. Stepping backward, we saw what looked like a hiking trail from above the temple site, leading down to them. Hmmm… more feet work? Did we have it in us to go off-roading, exploring parts unknown?
Heck yeah, we did! 
Sadly though? We hiked up the side of a mountain, down through another side, through the bushes, found the trail, and learned it had been intentionally blocked off ages ago. Though my sneakers no longer squeaked, so we’d be able to get through completely undetected (or as undetected as tall foreigners, one with very pink hair could possibly be) we decided trespassing wasn’t our crime of choice.
Nah, I’ll save that for the possible shoplifting I did later. 
Admitting defeat, we climbed back down and met up with Leila, who had smartly said “Stairs to nowhere? Hard pass on that, homies.” 
Checking the time we made our way back to the entryway, checking out more of the penned vendor, and this giant mailbox.
While I’d been worried about how we were going to get back, turns out with the morning getting later, and the site becoming more populated, there was a line of taxis waiting to pick up. Easy! 
Arriving back to our original drop off stop,  we immediately hit the bakery that was one of those things that you saw, walked by and said, “Later! We’re totally doing that later!” and for once we actually did. (Sorry to the Pizza School that was in our very own building with its crazy-looking Korean pizzas that we never actually got to. You looked crazy Pizza School. Maybe next time.) My favorite thing about this bakery was this big piece of bread that I bought that was a dark brown and was called Okinawa Bread. It was savory and sweet, reminding me of Brown Bread? (Brown Bread might be a New England thing. It comes in a can, with or without raisins, you slice and warm, usually eating on nights where you make baked beans. Do you know it?) Anyway. I loved it and no lie, unfortunately, ate the whole thing right there. Unfortunately, not because of the calories as I’m on vacation, who cares about calories, no, I to this day regret I didn’t get more of that bread as, despite my hunting, I never found it again. 
We decided to sit outside in the sun, eating our pastries. This is where we got the aforementioned news, and suddenly, pastries? Not as fun. I only mention this as I HAVE to tell you this story. We’re there sitting, caught up in what’s going on, inhaling Okinawa Bread (I EAT FEELINGS, IT’S A THING.) and this old guy just kept circling our table. At any other time, we would have been delighted that he found us so fascinating, but now we’re like, ummm read a room, sir. He kept trying to talk to us, asking us if we were from Russia (we got this a lot), and when we told him we were Miguk-saram, (American person), he got really excited, circling telling us he’d been to the US. Twice. (That was his emphasis.) To LA. It was so-freaking-cute. Eventually, his kids came out of the bakery and herded him away, giving us the universal ‘parents’ eye-roll. 
Again. So cute. 
Not sure what to do from there, we just walked, retracing our steps from the first day — seeing the beach, passing the aquarium, the street where we’d eaten — just wandering until it got closer to the time to leave. We’d originally planned on taking public transit back towards the station in Busan but just didn’t have it in us. A quick call to our Airbnb hostess and she was more than happy to get us one of the big taxis to take us back to the station. Seriously, this woman was so kind and just wanted to do for us while we were there. I think at the end of the series I’m going to put links as to the places we stayed and the tours we took. If you go to Haeundae, you totally should stay here for the hospitality alone. 
Our ride back to the station was fast and quiet. I got to sit up front, which was, an experience. All the things you hear about Korean traffic and driving is pretty accurate. I didn’t even tell you about the bus I was on that TOOK A U-TURN. Yes. A bus! 
With time to kill before our train away from Busan, we circled the station, figuring out we had plenty of time for some sit-down food. In Kdramas if anything bad happens? You’re sick?  (Which both of which were true for our trip.) What do you do? Eat porridge, of course! We found a porridge restaurant and ate our weight. Mine was spicy seafood, and it was carby and delicious.
With one last Busan Americano for Lelia and I, we were on our way back to Seoul! 
Bye Busan, it was nice to have known you. 
In the blink of an eye, (probably because I napped) we were back in Seoul. 
Hello Seoul, I’m looking forward to officially meeting you. 
For our second leg of the trip, we decided to stay in Hongdae. Yes, Hongdae! It was something we could all agree on (not that you had to twist anyone’s arms) was close to the subway, and, as it was close to the universities and a very young popular neighborhood, we’d always be able to get there via public transport or taxi — a very important detail for the active traveler. 
As we were now four women with a large number of suitcases during rush hour, we didn’t want to work our way through the subway system; we decided to take a taxi. Unfortunately, that meant two taxis due to said amount of women and said amount of luggage. Alix made sure we all had the address to the new Airbnb and got in the taxi line. Unfortunately? No one wanted to pick us up! After a few tries, we were able to get SaraG and Leila off on a taxi, leaving Alix and me in our attempt. They’d gesture that they couldn’t take the luggage and take the next person in line. It happened a few times before there was a businessman behind us. When the next taxi refused to take us, he turned to us and asked, “Are you not going?” When we explained, he shook his head and bent over into the taxi’s window and said, “Ahjussi!” sternly, before gesturing for us to get into the cab. Turns out? They are not supposed to do that! Thanks, Business Man!
We were speeding off towards Hongdae, when Alix and I realized we made a mistake, putting Sara and Leila, our two most directionally challenged companions, Sara without an egg and Leila who only turned hers on when she wanted to use it, together in a cab. Realizing I was going to have to take over leading the group to where we wanted to go once Alix left, I finally gave up on Google and downloaded Naver maps. Which, yes, is very handy. It gives the same sort of directions that I do, “Hey, you’re going to walk until you see a 7-11 on the left, turn there and walk until you see a red house.” Makes sense to me! 
Our next Airbnb host was meeting us at the house, and the taxi weaved its way up hills through a maze of streets we realized we were going to have to learn in order not to be hopelessly lost every time we left the house. Jason, our host, was nice, he made a point to tell us that he actually lived in Gangnam, but he worked here in Hongdae. (I wonder if he knew we knew he was flexing.) The house was a good size, this time we broke up with Alix and Sara in a room, Leila and I each in our own.
What does one do when they first arrive in Hongdae? Go out and see buskers of course! Or. Stop for meat? And my obligatory stop at the tourist center to collect my week’s worth of maps? (They had life-sized cut-outs of BTS next to the door. Did I take a picture with them? Come on; I have more pride than that! … LAUGH, no, I don’t. But you’ll have to wait for my last day to see that pic!)
As this was part of the trip where SaraG and Alix had already been to the area on their previous trip, they wanted to take us to a BBQ place they’d been to before with cute waiters and hot meat. We found it. They had both. Also? Corn cheese. Hot meat dipped in hot melted cheese? Sure, why not? 
This is where I’m going to step in to give you two bits of very important information. 
Seoul was cold. I thought I had been cold in Busan? Nope. Seoul was puffy coat and hat weather. I had a hat. I had a denim jacket and an overcoat that had no padding to it. I was cold. So I was also determined for the next part of our trip to 1) buy a cheap puffy coat or 2) buy as many hot packs as would fit in my bra….more on that later. 
Second? I’m not much of a drinker. There’s a lot I just don’t like the taste of and just didn’t feel the need to cultivate the habit. Back in New Hampshire, I drank zero, much to the consternation to my friends, The McFeeley’s, who tried to lure me into drinking by making me martinis in tiny, tiny glasses.. Now in Colorado, I drink a little more frequently and if a giggling, leaning slightly to the side Stephanie was going to make a friend who needs it laugh? 
The streets of Hongdae are pretty intense, packed with people, with shops, both corporate and smaller stalls. As it was right by several universities, the area skews young. We wandered the streets and alleys, someone always on Tipsy Stephanie duty. We looked at jewelry booths, drooled over the food booths, popped into a few of the makeup shops. Feeling bold, I stopped by a puffy coat stall, I looked through the offerings, hoping they had something in my size, hoping I’d find it before the ahjumma who ran the stall noticed me. 
Not so lucky. 
She spotted Tipsy Stephanie, and Tipsy Stephanie’s laughing friends allowed her to be hauled closer to the doorway where the lady eyeballed me before searching her stock. I tried on one, looking at myself in the mirror. Sure. It zipped — because it was HUGE, and the quilted puff went almost down to my feet. Sorry. I might be cold. I might be tipsy. But I also worked very hard before Korea to lose 20 pounds and I wasn’t going to cover that up with a jacket that made me look like I was walking around in a sleeping bag. Shaking my head, I struggled to take it off; Tipsy Stephanie is not the most coordinated version of Stephanie out there. 
That’s when it happened. Thank goodness Tipsy Stephanie was in charge because if Sober Stephanie had had to live through this, she would have died. What happened? The ahjumma stripped off the coat and then PATTED DOWN MY BELLY — like a full-on pat-down. I’d been flagged by security for something in my bra area and didn’t receive as through a pat-down as I did here. 
“Maybe you don’t wear coat.” She said, gesturing to the hoody I wore under my jacket. 
Hello Sober Stephanie, welcome back. Maybe you shouldn’t let Tipsy Stephanie make any more decisions for you. 
We all escaped, deciding, as one does, something like this requires desert to sooth those rough edges. Wandering the streets, we found an upstairs dessert/coffee place and settled in. By settling in, I mean we ate patbingsu and chocolate ice cream toast-uh. It was all sorts of sugary-yum. 
I can’t say it was the best day, but I can say the levels of what people can process and still move forward? Is astounding. I’m still sad to see Busan go, it was a really special experience, one I would definitely not only recommend as there is more to South Korean than Seoul, but if given a chance, I’d go again in an instant…and not just to find that lady who made us what I now know are the best hotteok in all the land. As I mentioned before, I had been hesitant to do Busan first, thinking it would be anti-climactic after all these years of wanting to go. When you think South Korea, you think Seoul, but there’s so much more, my friend! 
Plus! I didn’t even get to talk about hearing the Busan accent in person! It was everything you want it to be. 
If I’m light on details…or pics, apparently Tipsy Stephanie doesn’t take pictures. She does, however, send texts, much to the delight of one Jami McFeeley. Since it’s been a long day, since if you’ve made it this far, you’ve probably read the other posts, and that, my friend, deserves a reward. 
  Now you, my friend, sleep well and dream of soju. Or you can check out the newest photo gallery from today’s post.
Korean Adventure Day Six: Emergencys, Belly Rubs, and Tipsi Texts Day Six. It seems as though all these stories have been in preparation for this post. As looking back on all of our memories of this trip have been qualified by this day.
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usuallyrics-blog · 6 years
New Lyrics has been published on usuallyrics.com https://usuallyrics.com/lyrics/chiraq/
(feat. Lil Durk, Shy Glizzy) (originally by Nicki Minaj)
[Hook:] You fuck around get smoked You fuck around, you fuck around, you fuck around, get smoked, nigga You fuck around get smoked
[Verse 1: Meek Mill] Uh, niggas know the rules in my hood, if you touch me, you get murked We ain’t with that back and forth, it ain’t no rap, we hittin’ first G-5, we be at LIV by Sunday when you in the Church Momma stressing, selling dinner platers, tryna get your casket, and get ya hearse Last nigga that slid on us, got dropped on it, he told on us Every nigga you see with me got ice on ’em, bank rolls on us Naw, nigga no 1 on 1’s we don’t fight fair, we just roll on ’em V-S stones and cuban links, all that ice wear with that gold on ’em We ain’t swinging no flag, nigga We ain’t need no pass, nigga Glock 40 with a 30 clip and laser on it, play tag with us Everybody wanna talk bricks ’till them feds, swoop in and grab niggas Dream chasers got into something, we don’t never bleak cause we trash niggas I don’t know if y’all heard about what my homie do with that 30 out Deen Buck still in the cut and stay fittin’ to let Ernie out I ain’t even gotta say nothin’ ’bout that other homie that you heard about Cause if he heard about that you run your mouth He come to your house and start swervin’ out Catch me in Y-C, out Shadyville, I’m in the tank Only time its mayhem when I’m in the booth or I’m in the bank Summertime in La Marina with Dominicans going in the paint Pullin’ up screamin’ Dimelo catch you in Brooklyn, get pita rolled pussy!
[Verse 2: Lil Durk] (Yeah, Meek what up? Bang! Oh, man in Chiraq!) Niggas say me and Sosa beefin’ but we both eatin’, but only one keep it Told Law he take 15 years, every crime we did we gon Keep It Secret Can’t Tweet Teyana corporate nigga lookin, so what I’m on I gotta Keep It Secret That face no Stevie no Mimi, I promise Teyana that I won’t leak it Gripped the 30 just cashed out, if you caught stripping, then you assed out I’m the same nigga that my city asked about while you in the cut steady buying clout Fuck the judge, let 9 out, hairpin trigger, let 9 out Four birds in the trap like 4 wings at Harold’s with fries covered in mild sauce Everytime a nigga rap beef, get clapped up in a couple weeks IG comments and a couple tweets, location on we can go and meet Headshot, I’m outta town, I’m in Killadelphia with my nigga Meek Pop a wheelie in N-Y-C I got the 30 on with my nigga, Flee Heard Tyga sneak dissing on me, tell them thot bitches I’m not right Tyga only got one name but that nigga ain’t got one stripe He backpack, so easy to get the nigga shit snatched Ask Marly Marl to get his shit back In Chiraq, don’t come here You ain’t from here? Don’t come here! Cause shorty snipin’, bag on him if he don’t like this No Young Chop, that .40 bangs, just like him 30 punch like Tyson Back to the rap flow, hot shit Fuck I gotta rap for, got bricks Every city I go, got sticks Pockets Wells Fargo, no bricks Say I’m on top now, no shit You can never say I, wife shit I don’t even like shit I just pipe shit One night shit LA with killas and thuggers New York SlowBucks them my brothers A-T-L with Migos and Young Thugger We gonna shoot up in public And they gotta urge to take Chiraq, look at the murder rate 500 dead bodies, better go and get money ‘fore you be on first 48
[Verse 3: Shy Glizzy] You wear red bottoms and Phillip Lim Everybody trynna get a hold of him Bad bitches, they be in Benz I knock ‘em down like bowling pins Feds snatch me, I don’t know them Real nigga, on 4nem Young Jefe, the new Soulja Slim Hangin’ out the tank with Slow and them Come take a trip to D.C Hear a lot of Me and see GG I’m the big dog I’m ringing off Like Mambo Sauce on a 3 Piece “Glizzy, Why you ain’t D.C.?” “Who said I ain’t D.C.?” Fuck ya bitch to my CD She lemme record her like Mimi A nigga playin’, it’s lights out Oo, Shine got me iced out Stay low, cause the mice out You only get fly when the Mikes out Wait till it get nice out Tell Chino bring the bikes out Got 50 guns in my trap house You better off fucking with the White House I’m the realest youngin’ in the fucking world I got plenty money, I got plenty girls Got the Villa for the week, got fifteen freaks And they all wanna go for a fucking swirl Had her come to us with the marble peals Glock 23, treat her like my girl 357, that bitch just twirl Make him catch our shit like Fitzgerald
Who is Meek Mill
Robert Rihmeek Williams, famous stage name Meek Mill, is an American rapper. Born in Philadelphia, the artist began his musical career with The Bloodhoundz. In 2008, hip-hop artist T.I. made the first entry.
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allbaymusic · 6 years
Oni Montana
ABM: What is your Rap name? Tell us the story behind your hip-hop name? Oni Montana: Oni Montana and Oni The One & Only, I have two names because I have 2 personalities as a rapper. Oni Montana is my rap name, when I’m spitting real bars and talkin that shit. My uncle KT The Boss actually gave me that name around the time Future came out with “Tony Montana” So I jus ran with it. I use the Tony Montana thang in reference to the dope music I make because ima “Dope rhyme dealer” like Mac Dre use to say. While Oni The One & Only is when I’m singing and harmonizing with the auto tune on my R&P shit not R&B lol basically for the women/Bitchs because there is a difference. ABM: Has anything happened in your life that led to the decision of becoming a musician? Oni Montana: I had this same vision in my head ever since middle school that I would be a rapper. I always knew it was apart of my plan. I actually was selling and recording my own mixtapes In middle school, recording off my nighas dads turntables in a garage rappin off of instrumentals. I use to rap battle kids in the school house and I always turned heads and surprised people when I opened my mouth because growing up I was hella quiet but not when it was my turn to rap. I always knew this is what I wanted to do. But back in 2008 when my older brother died I told myself I would make it for him because he was one of my number one fans and he really believed in me when it came to music so I made a promise to myself and him that ima stick to this music no matter what. I’m determined to make it it’s Destiny for me. ABM: How did you get your start in the hip hop scene? Oni Montana: Been rappin since middle school like I said. Selling my mixtapes and hella shit at the school house burning it off the homies computer. But I got influenced at a very early age because of all the musical talent in my family. My uncles was the Booya Tribe so they one of my many inspirations and one of the true pioneers of West Coast Hip Hop and Polynesian artists. Growing up seeing them just made me believe I could do it. First real studio I went to was with my uncle R Cade and uncle H mob of Uce Duce. I use to ride around with them while they would bust they moves and pick up they CDs basically jus soaking up game about the independent rap game that was going on in the Bay Area. In high school my uncle Swann FREE UNKS by the way, use to come pick me up from my papa house in West Pittsburg and take me to SwampKats studio in Concord and I jus sit down and soak up more game. Fast forward to 2015 my cousin Stone P got released out of prison and we been pushing this Thizz Island shit ever since. Got the blessing from the cuddie and we just been rocking really tryna push this movement and put on for our people S/O my nigha Diggs by the way ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there? Oni Montana: I’m from Pittsburg California in the east bay. I’m from a small town but we not small minded. I feel like we was different from other places we have our own way we talk, how we carry ourselves, the way we dress. We was saying BRO and use to get made fun of for it now look everybody says it now lol so basically we trend setters and way ahead of our time. We jus fly and peezy and got a whole bunch of game about us. It’s a lot of crime and poverty in my city but I’m hoping to change that and bring something positive back to my city and it will all start with the music . We real family oriented everybody know each other so although it’s a lot of hate it’s a lot of love too but they say life is all about balance. One thing about my city is growing up we had a huge music scene it was litt we had the Ghetto Stars, Mob Figaz, and A-wax. I use to see signs full of stickers with my favorite rappers on it. My cousin Noah and Tau put me on all the new music so I just had a sense of pride being from Pittsburg, especially with all the dope music that came from my city. So I just knew one day I was gonna be one of them nighas when I got older. ABM: What do you typically rap about? Oni Montana: Anything that’s on my mind when I hear the beat. I make mood music, so however I feel at the time is what I’m finna rap about. I try to express myself as much as possible thru my music and I’ll hit every subject because your emotions are subject to change. So I feel I’m very versatile when it’s come to my songs because of all the different feelings, emotions, pain and happiness, all that I have endured in life is all a reflection of my music. I like to harmonize and fuck with the auto tune but I also got real life bars and I actually know how to rap like The Jacka said whatever happen to coming dope? That’s all I’m tryna do is push this dope music and bring some pride back in this rap shit. Word to the Jack. ABM: What are your last full length releases people can go check out right now? Oni Montana: I got the Oral Sex Mixtape hosted by J Diggs. The meaning behind the name of the tape is I’m basically making love to the music orally lol But than I got a tape with my cousin Quad High out the city Called “Plugged in” also I jus recently dropped a new single “No Where” produced by High Volume out of Ohio. I gotta bunch of shit coming tho so stay tuned . We really pushing this Thizz Island and #FlyUcen movement tryna put on for all the polys. ABM: What are you currently working on? Oni Montana: Workin on the Polynesian Prince Album that’s coming real soon. And after that I plan on dropping a EP with my producer High Volume. Me and my lil cousin Samoan Joe gotta project in the works, he out of Pittsburg Cali too. He dope, make sure y’all check him out. I gotta few tracks with ScottieNoPippen one of the most slept on artist out the bay but we def gon turn it up on they ass once they hear this new shit, and I got a island reggae single coming out just in time for summer with my USO Flex that thang going crazy. I ain’t gon lie so I got hella shit in the works, plus a bunch of visuals I’m finna drop. My plan is to just really stay in y’all face this year. Consistency is the key to victory they say, so I’m just tryna be consistent. ABM: Whats your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it. Oni Montana: Latest visual is a track called “No where” produced from my big bro High Volume. We filmed it in Vegas with my nigga Buck The Genius aka White Gold s/o to bro by the way. But we filmed it in Vegas basically jus showing a walk thru of my life from the liquor store to the Vegas strip to the studio. We actually shot some of the footage at a bbq for my big bra ED CAINE like a one year memorial type shit so Rest in Paradise to my bro. He was one of them guys who always told me “Oni you dope nephew, stick to that music shit” like he really would push a nigha and get on me about staying on my music shit and staying out the way. ABM: What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career? Oni Montana: I wanna be able to inspire people with my music. I want to show people that if you can dream it, you can be it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I’m trying to set the foundation for all my people. Plant the seed that will grow a tree of opportunities and it will all start with the music than branch off to other things like clothing, get into movies etc Basically opening more doors for Polynesian artist in the entertainment industry. I really want to give back to the people, create jobs, build community centers, buy properties and open up businesses in our communities. I truly believe that this music shit is capable of creating all that and then some. I wanna be like No limit or Cash Money records you know? Follow the same blue print Master P had. Get on my Nipsey shit, You know? Be a mogul and not just a rapper. Feel me? Like the shit 2pac was intending to do, that’s where I know this shit will turn to, GOD willing and I won’t stop until we there. ABM: How can people reach you? Oni Montana: Oni Montana everything Soundcloud: OniMontana IG: OniMontana Snapchat: OniMontana YouTube: OniMontana Read the full article
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funkadelicthreads · 7 years
Clean Vibes, Good People, Great Tunes.
This was the mantra that resonated throughout the weekend, rain or shine. Sweetwater & Happy Ending Production’s seriously stepped up the talent this year bringing this powerhouse headliner lineup, but even the smaller stages had the best local jammers as well. If you missed the fabulous preview of 420 Fest by Savannah elder – you need to check it out here!
It’s hard to come by a successfully run festival that is smack dab in the middle of a city, yet somehow ATL does this quite well. This is especially impressive when the festival is packed yet seems like there is green space between you and your neighbor. The heavy hitting headliners included WSMFP, Trey, Moe., Lettuce (If you don’t know then you better learn), Ween, Dopapod, Break Science (w Adam Deitch of Lettuce and Royal Family Records w/ Fitty Cent), Trombone Short, & Twiddle – just to name a few.
… But y’all could get that review from all the other media houses – L4LM, Jam Base, or Live ‘n Listen. This ‘rebrew’ is all about the smaller acts with that BIG sound! In order of appearance: The Hip Abduction, CBDB, Andy Bruh, Hedonistas, Voodoo Visionary, HIKU, & Funk You. So enjoy the epic photos by Blake Towns and listen to some Lettuce while you read!
Video by Clifton Dyer
The Hip Abduction
T.H.A. is an honorable mention since they are unable to play die to their singer’s vocal cord strain earlier in the wee which called for no talking/singing for a week (Doctor’s Orders)… coulda just jammed though y’all! Enough hate though I’m sure they heard it enough. They are currently touring w/ 3rd studio album under their belt and recently added synth sound incorporated into their tribal reggaeton arsenal due to their most recent producer from Nashville. Cheers to that guy because it works actually, big risk big reward because they have been shooting straight up the festival bills.
The Hip Abduction featuring David New (lead vocals, guitar), Pat Klemawesch (kamale ngoni, guitar, vocals), Chris Powers (bass), Dave Johnson (baritone and tenor sax), Sean Fote (keyboards), Matt Poynter (drums, vocals), and John Holt III (kamale ngoni, guitar, vocals) have shared stages with the likes of Ziggy Marley, Umphrey’s McGee, Thievery Corporation, 311, Dawes, Galactic, and Moe.FE and has performed at Sunfest, Wanee Music Festival, Suwanee Hulaween, Orange Blossom Jamboree, Tropical Heatwave Music Festival, The BIG What? and more.
All Photos are by Blake Towns
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The slayers and purveyors of Joyfunk from L.A. (that’s Lower Alabama, not Los Angeles). These guys kicked off the festival with elegantly intricate riffs over light hearted prog jams. Its intense in a whole-hearted way which is hard to describe. CBDB always brings the heat and their performance at the Lyrics & Laughter Stage was no exception. Before the show, I talked to their newest bassist (that’s their 3rd if you are counting, but the rest of the band has held tight so no worries) but this new guy knows what’s up on the down low. Check out their third album, entitled “The FAME EP”, they are seeing a pattern of snowballing momentum with large, energetic crowds hungry. They blend soulful vocals and virtuosic instrumentation with smart, tasteful songwriting resulting in a sound that can be enjoyed by the casual listener and audiophile alike.
Speaking of questionable choices, as much as I hate to love Twiddle (Half of you Phish fans know what I’m talking about) I really do love this song and Bird Dog Jubilee does a spot on rendition. Here is vid of the song at 420Fest.
  Andy Bruh
The Heartwood Artist who is always in between Decatur and Athens has been raising the stakes in the DJ Realm for quite some time. After getting his start packing out New Earth, he quickly rose to support slots for Bassnectar, one of his biggest influences. He and Nectar also have more in common – they walk the line of producer and band by bringing together fresh perspectives, original music, and a true sense of community that is built on the entrepreneurial spirit of friends that surround them.
Andy’s other partner in crime, Robbie Dude, didn’t make the se this year, but they both were reunited alongside JuBee & Friends at the 420 Fest After party on Sunday. The Duo accompanied by accomplished MC, JuBee was nothing short of magical. Also Shoutout to JuBee playing Red Rocks this September // #keepATLfunky homie! The Atlanta born producer and DJ captures the soul of his city while pushing into unknown sonic territory with full control. Steeped in the history of Southern hip-hop, Andy Bruh builds on it’s melodic backbone and brings the full force of the electronic bass wave to create an energy unrivaled by many in the scene.
Due to a time conflict, we weren’t able to cover these cool cats, but we still wanted to give them a shoutout and recoginition they deserve. Hit this link is after reading to get a peak of their set from the festival!
Also if that isn’t enough, our mutual homie Ethan “Dancin Shoes” Eloquin will be submitting a full rebrew of Hedonistas. Stay tuned kids!
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Voodoo Visionary
The Hometown Hero’s of Funk never disappoint. Here is just a little look into the set, but be looking out for a promo video and more media later! Where do we start?! Well, they played one of the best versions of “Harmony” I have head since its debut. Not to mention the monster jam that ensued after playing “Life During War Time” ( better than Widespread’s version i.m.o – more funky and to the point). Imagine that whilst slowly transitioning into the funkiest version of “Apache” (Jump On It) by Sugar Hill Gang all while Bret and the Krewe tossed out Voodoo Volley Balls into the insatiable crowd.
These newcomers ATE IT UP, and they fully satisfied their longtime fans as well. It was a magnificent marriage of olde & new, experimental & funk, young & old… so basically it is what you get all the time if you consistently go to VV’s shows. I cannot stress how much that this is a band not to miss next time you see them on a bill *cough cough* SCI afterparty. The crowd was so wild, I truly thought that widespread panic was about to ensue.
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This Dynamic Duo is new on the block; however, the two producers are defiantly not. Niles, keys/synth/pad of ATL hellions Higher Learning who have been disrupting the electronic scene more than anyone since STS9 (which makes cents* since they were well-deservingly signed to 1320 Records last yea. (…don’t say 1312 like I always mistakenly say, it’s embarrassing. Especially if you say it to Alana while relating to bass theory) Moving on now.
Tyler (whose last name will remain a secret due to him being in the GBI’s Witness Protection Program) turned away from a life of killing beats to turning to the light side where he met Niles who noticed Tyler’s keen ability to produce phenomenal bass hits while pulling in drops to other covers which is the basis of HIKU. They do an extraordinary job of interlocking covers and original material to send out earthshaking drops atop there mountainous sound onto the audience.
Funk You
The OGs Renegades of Georgia Funk hailing from East Augusta have been on the grind for years and really been gaining this deserved recognition recently. The troupe is made up pf Will Clark on Drums, Will Foster on Keys, Gavin Hamilton on Vox, Evan Miller on Guitar, Palmer Owens on Perc, and Rob on Bass. Really they were well kept secret in Augusta, but nationally touring musicians have recolonized their talent for quite some time which has landed them in great festival spots like 420, The Werkout, The Big What, and the list goes on.
Back in 2014 at the first iteration of The Major Rager with Umphrey’s McGee and Moon Taxi, they were playing the afterparty at Sky City with The Kinky Aphrodisiacs and Chris Myers actually jumped on the drumset and jammed out! They had a number of flawlessly executed impromptu sit-ins – all while UM & Moon Taxi band members were in the crowd cheering them on. It was a magical moment to watch and after talking to Will Foster, it seems that there are many more stories to tell. We will save that for another article on these new age James Brown revivalists of the south. Catch them opening for PGroove at Georgia Theatre on June 2 in Athens and the Cox Capitol Theatre in Macon June 2. For tickets and info here!
    Stay Funky My Friends,
~Kyle Dee~
  … and if you still are reading, you deserve this: WSMFP night 2 – 2nd Set (I almost put the Ween set, but then thought you Gene and Dean fiends probably saw their set and already looked up all the recap plus pressed through the other single song vids from the night… I know I did. Roses was a great opener and Bird Dog Jubilee did a good cover of it at the Vinyl after Party too)
  FEATURED THREAD: 14th Sweetwater 420 Fest’s Heady ‘Rebrew’ Clean Vibes, Good People, Great Tunes. This was the mantra that resonated throughout the weekend, rain or shine.
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summerrrluvvv · 4 years
Chapter 2
Music featured in this chapter:
Bitch from da south (remix) by Mulatto ft Saweetie and Trina
Bartier Cardi by Cardi B
Wild Thoughts by DJ Khaled
No Guidance by Chris Brown ft Drake
Hot Girl Summer by Meg Thee Stallion ft Nicki Minaj and Ty Dolla$
Confidence by Chris Brown
Day 1 of Miami Trip:
The girls all meet up at Tye’s house and get a lyft to go to the Airport. The girls took shots before they got on the plane, so everybody was lit. When they arrived in Miami, they picked up the rental cars. 2 Jeeps. Melody felt like they should ride around bad girls’ style. After they left with the rentals they finally pulled up to their Airbnb. It had 6 bedrooms and 5 baths. Each girl had they own room and bathroom. They had a huge pool and sauna in the back yard. The girls explored the house and went swimming then each got ready for the night. They were going to Cameo Night Club, Tye got a text from Samar letting her know he was doing amateur night there and could get them in free.
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 “Ayeeee, fuck it up sis!” My girls yelled as I was twerking, holding on to the stripper pole we had in our party bus. Samar hooked us up with connections in Miami, so we had rental cars to cruise with his friend drove the party bus. We had so much liquor on this bus, we were going to be fucked up tonight. “I’m real as rich ass bitch from the south” I sang to Mulatto “Bitch From Da Souf (remix)”. “Aight ladies we here” P-Wall said. Tye handed him a $20 dollar bill. “Thanks P!” She yelled as we got of the bus. We showed our wrist bands to the bouncer and he brought us to a section near V.I.P. “Tye Samar really hooked us up!” Ariana said taking some more shots. Tye smiled and nodded. “I know right, speaking of I’m going to go say hey to him up in the booth really quick, yall get us a pitcher or something” She said before leaving. “Please me baby turn around and just tease me baby, you know what I want and what I need baby” I heard start playing. Melody and Ariana wear dancing on the couch we had in our section. I took a shot. “Ari! Mel! I am going to go get us a pitcher sent up here. I’ll be back”. I told them as I walked out of our section. I went downstairs to the bar. I danced my way through the crowd feeling the liquor in my system. I got up to the bar and just waited for a bartender to acknowledge me, the club was packed so I just looked on IG. “Beautiful can I help you!?” I heard someone yell over the music. I looked up and it was this fine ass nigga. I smirked at him this was about to be interesting cause I was Lit. “Yes, how can I get us a pitcher sent up to my section?!” I asked looking him up and down. He looked at me in a mesmerizing way. I waved my hand in his face. “Hello?” I said. He smiled at me. “What drink yall want, Ill bring it up” He said. I smiled, and blushed. “Mmm a Blue Motherfucker!” I said before turning around, I felt him gently grab my arm. “But first you got to chill with me down here. My shift gets boring after while and it would be nice if for a minute you kept me company” He said. I tried to hide my smile. “Okay cool. My name is Zion by the way” I said extending my hand. He shook my hand and smiled that fine ass smile. “Kyrel, you from here?” He asked. I shook my head. “Nah just on Vacation” I said. He nodded as he looked and seen someone calling for a bartender, he held his hand up to give me one minute. I danced in my seat to “Bartier Cardi” played by Cardi B. I looked up at my girls in the section. They were drunk as fuck talking to niggas in the section next to ours. Kyrel came back and we talked for what seemed like 30 minutes. “Afterwards I’m going to waffle house if you want to join me, no funny play no trying you I promise, and I will make sure you get home” He said to me. I hesitated but then I nodded. “Okay”.
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 I sipped my 4th drink of henny and coke as I danced near the booth where Samar was DJing. I was lit not too drunk but I was up through there. “Aye Mami you want to dance?” I heard in my ear. It was some fine ass Cuban man. I nodded my head. He brought me to dance floor and was feeling all on me as we danced to “Wild Thoughts” By DJ Khaled. “What’s your name?” He asked. I turned to him “Tye” I simply said. “Ahh I like that, my name is Julian” He told me. “You on vacation?” He asked. I nodded. He turned me back around towards. “Maybe we should link, while you’re in my city” I smirked at him. “Okay. That’s a deal” I told him. I looked over towards the DJ booth and seen some bitches up in his section. I was already drinking so I was annoyed. “What’s your number?” I asked. He pulled out his phone and we exchanged numbers. “Ima be right back” I told him. He smirked and nodded at me. I went over to the booth. “Samar!” I yelled over the music. He was not paying me no mind. “Samar!” I yelled again. He looked over at me. “What’s up?” He said. I placed my hand on my hip mugging them bitches probably talking shit about me. “You supposed to be at work nigga, why you kee kee with them bitches?” I asked. He laughed. “Yo Tye chill go back over there with that little lame ass nigga and dance stop sweating me” He said smiling, shaking his head. “We homies, stay off the liq”. I rolled my eyes at him and walked back over to Julian. I needed some serious attention before I flipped the club over. “You good Mami?”. Julian asked. I smiled “Yes now what were we talking about?”.
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“I don’t want to want to play no games, play no games fuck around and give you my last name I know you tired of the same damn thing, that’s okay cause baby you got it girl” Mel and I sang drunk as fuck. Zion was at the bar talking to some fine ass nigga and Tye was on the dance floor. “That’s my best friend right there!” I yelled as Melody was giving this random guy a lap dance. “Hey, come here” Some regular ass nigga said to me. He grabbed my waist and I started grinding on him. I feel my phone buzzing multiple times. I get up from the guy and look at my phone. It was Marlon blowing me up, leaving me crazy ass I miss you messages. I wobbled my drunk ass to the bathroom, with Melody right behind me. “What’s going on Ari?” She asked. I started whining cause my ass was drunk and no tears were coming out. “Fucking Marlon leaving me crazy ass messages and shit sending me dick pics” I told her. “Eww give me the phone, we going to block his stank ass” She said. She grabbed my phone, and then handed it back. “Done now let’s get some more liquor” She said laughing. “Bitch I’m drunk as fuck right now” I said staring at myself in the mirror. In walked these stank face looking ass girls. One had on a snakeskin jumpsuit and the other had on a neon pink two piece. I mugged the fuck out of them. “Is there a problem honey?” Snakeskin said. Melody turned around quick. “Excuse you?” She said. “Bitch I said is there a problem with you and you little ass friend posted up in here like you trying to fight or something?” The girl in the neon said. I was on one, so I was with whatever bullshit they was on. “We just up in here like you” Melody said. Tye busted in the bathroom and read the room and immediately posted up. “We got a problem?” They looked at all three of us. “No, we straight” Snakeskin said. We all walked out of the bathroom. “Ariana what the fuck was that?” Tye asked. Melody sucked her teeth in. “Them bitches been mugging all damn night that’s what fuck them hoes” She said. “Why yall even in the bathroom posted?” She asked. I handed her my phone. “Oh, this nigga is wildin, fuck him” Tye said. I nodded. “Mel blocked his ass anyways” I told her. “Ari just hop on some new dick stop stressing about the dumb ass nigga” Mel said. Now where the hell I’m find another fine ass nigga in Miami?” I asked. “Oh, nah let me go back on the dance floor this bitch acting like she not in Seaquarium full of fine ass men”. Tye said strutting to the dance floor. Mel and I followed behind her. “Hey yall” We seen Zion. “Bitch we ain’t seen you all fucking night” Tye said. “Sorry I met some dude, I’m bout to leave with him really quick I will meet yall back at the house” She said. Mel shook her head. “Nah see cause I seen Crime Watch Daily” She said. Zion laughed. “Girl trust me I’m good” She said. Mel shook her head still. “If you end up on the news, I’m going to say I told you so” She said. “Girl bye go have fun” Tye said. 
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“I can't read your mind, gotta say that shit, Should I take your love? Should I take that dick? Got a whole lot of options 'cause you know a bitch poppin' I'm a hot girl, so you know ain't shit stopping” Hot girl summer was playing. Ari, Tye and I was drunk as hell damn near bout to be on the floor. The club was still packed, and it was 2:30 am, in Atlanta clubs be dying down by then. “Real ass nigga gives a fuck 'bout a bitch. It is what it is, this some five-star dick, she a big ol' freak, it's a must that I hit. It's a Hot Girl Summer, so you know she got it lit Real ass bitch, know she got it lit” I sang dancing on the stripper pole they had near the DJ booth.  “Aye yo baby?” I heard. I looked down and seen a crusty nigga drooling at me. “Bye sirrrr Byeee” I said drunk. “Can we talk? Can I get your number baby?” He asked. “Nah my nigga crazy and he got his friend in here as disguises to blend to watch who try to talk to me and I’m warning you niggas be going missing after I talk to them they end up on the news” I said smiling still twerking ass out and all. He started throwing money and feeling on my ass. Ari and Tye were not paying attention. “I’m take yo money cause you shouldn’t have been throwing at me in the first place so if you give me $100, I will give you my number on the low and give you my panties” I said jokingly. His face lit up this damn ass crusty ass bum ass nigga handed me two $50 bills. I looked out into the club scared. “You should probably go now, you been spotted” I told him. He laughed at me. “Quit playing baby” He said. Security winking at me walked over towards us. The crusty nigga jumped at his voice. “We have a problem here?” Security asked. “No No sir” He said scared. He tried to grab his money he through. “Uh uh this my money now honey” I said laughing as I danced seductively to Chris Brown’s “Confidence”. “Fifty Shades, ooh Tie your hands properly, I'm loving it. It's your confidence, oh woah Your confidence” The song played. I swung around the pole and closed my eyes. “Please don't tell nobody 'bout this affair. Baby, go and dutty whine it out, thank you, baby. We might not make it to the room, from right here I love it when you tell me what to do, like sit right there. Yeah, I need that” I opened my eyes, and almost fell off the pole. “Isaac” I said to myself. I looked up in V.I.P, to see if I was tripping. I was lit but I know I ain’t hallucinating. We locked eyes, he got up from his seat. I could see he was with his home boys, Trey and Freddie. “Oh nah, we got to go” I said, as security helped me down. “Ari! Tye!” I yelled through the crowd of girls. I accidently bumped into the bathroom bitches, and shit went down. I do not know who it was, but somebody pushed the fuck out of me into Ari. “The fuck?” Ari said looking from me to the bathroom bitches. “She pushed you?” Tye asked. I nodded. “Yes, that bitch did” I said. They walked up on us, and Ari as usual threw the first punch and we followed. “Fight!” Somebody yelled. I could feel somebody pry my hands-off Neon bitch and pick me up and take me out of the crowd. I seen it was security. “Thanks homie” I heard. I seen it was Isaac. I felt my stomach churning. “Fuck” I ran out of the club and onto the curb to throw up. Soon after I seen Ari and Tye get nicely put out by security. “Sorry beautiful but no fighting” He said to Tye. “Fuck them hoes” Tye said. “Get yall hands off me!” We looked and seen security toss them bitches out. Ari laughed at how fucked up they looked. “Bitch don’t let me see yo ass out in these streets” Snakeskin said. “Or what sis? You gone get jumped again dumb ass” Ari said. Tye started laughing so hard. “We just had free shit all night start a fight and get kicked out of nice club, we going to have sooo much fun here” She said leaning on me.
Supporting Characters:
Julian:  (Malik Bomaniallah)
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allbaymusic · 6 years
Oni Montana
ABM: What is your Rap name? Tell us the story behind your hip-hop name? OniMontana: Oni Montana and Oni The One & Only, I have two names because I have 2 personalities as a rapper. Oni Montana is my rap name, when I’m spitting real bars and talkin that shit. My uncle KT The Boss actually gave me that name around the time Future came out with “Tony Montana” So I jus ran with it. I use the Tony Montana thang in reference to the dope music I make because ima “Dope rhyme dealer” like Mac Dre use to say. While Oni The One & Only is when I’m singing and harmonizing with the auto tune on my R&P shit not R&B lol basically for the women/Bitchs because there is a difference. ABM: Has anything happened in your life that led to the decision of becoming a musician? OniMontana: I had this same vision in my head ever since middle school that I would be a rapper. I always knew it was apart of my plan. I actually was selling and recording my own mixtapes In middle school, recording off my nighas dads turntables in a garage rappin off of instrumentals. I use to rap battle kids in the school house and I always turned heads and surprised people when I opened my mouth because growing up I was hella quiet but not when it was my turn to rap. I always knew this is what I wanted to do. But back in 2008 when my older brother died I told myself I would make it for him because he was one of my number one fans and he really believed in me when it came to music so I made a promise to myself and him that ima stick to this music no matter what. I’m determined to make it it’s Destiny for me. ABM: How did you get your start in the hip hop scene? OniMontana: Been rappin since middle school like I said. Selling my mixtapes and hella shit at the school house burning it off the homies computer. But I got influenced at a very early age because of all the musical talent in my family. My uncles was the Booya Tribe so they one of my many inspirations and one of the true pioneers of West Coast Hip Hop and Polynesian artists. Growing up seeing them just made me believe I could do it. First real studio I went to was with my uncle R Cade and uncle H mob of Uce Duce. I use to ride around with them while they would bust they moves and pick up they CDs basically jus soaking up game about the independent rap game that was going on in the Bay Area. In high school my uncle Swann FREE UNKS by the way, use to come pick me up from my papa house in West Pittsburg and take me to SwampKats studio in Concord and I jus sit down and soak up more game. Fast forward to 2015 my cousin Stone P got released out of prison and we been pushing this Thizz Island shit ever since. Got the blessing from the cuddie and we just been rocking really tryna push this movement and put on for our people S/O my nigha Diggs by the way ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there? OniMontana: I’m from Pittsburg California in the east bay. I’m from a small town but we not small minded. I feel like we was different from other places we have our own way we talk, how we carry ourselves, the way we dress. We was saying BRO and use to get made fun of for it now look everybody says it now lol so basically we trend setters and way ahead of our time. We jus fly and peezy and got a whole bunch of game about us. It’s a lot of crime and poverty in my city but I’m hoping to change that and bring something positive back to my city and it will all start with the music . We real family oriented everybody know each other so although it’s a lot of hate it’s a lot of love too but they say life is all about balance. One thing about my city is growing up we had a huge music scene it was litt we had the Ghetto Stars, Mob Figaz, and A-wax. I use to see signs full of stickers with my favorite rappers on it. My cousin Noah and Tau put me on all the new music so I just had a sense of pride being from Pittsburg, especially with all the dope music that came from my city. So I just knew one day I was gonna be one of them nighas when I got older. ABM: What do you typically rap about? OniMontana: Anything that’s on my mind when I hear the beat. I make mood music, so however I feel at the time is what I’m finna rap about. I try to express myself as much as possible thru my music and I’ll hit every subject because your emotions are subject to change. So I feel I’m very versatile when it’s come to my songs because of all the different feelings, emotions, pain and happiness, all that I have endured in life is all a reflection of my music. I like to harmonize and fuck with the auto tune but I also got real life bars and I actually know how to rap like The Jacka said whatever happen to coming dope? That’s all I’m tryna do is push this dope music and bring some pride back in this rap shit. Word to the Jack. ABM: What are your last full length releases people can go check out right now? OniMontana: I got the Oral Sex Mixtape hosted by J Diggs. The meaning behind the name of the tape is I’m basically making love to the music orally lol But than I got a tape with my cousin Quad High out the city Called “Plugged in” also I jus recently dropped a new single “No Where” produced by High Volume out of Ohio. I gotta bunch of shit coming tho so stay tuned . We really pushing this Thizz Island and #FlyUcen movement tryna put on for all the polys. ABM: What are you currently working on? OniMontana: Workin on the Polynesian Prince Album that’s coming real soon. And after that I plan on dropping a EP with my producer High Volume. Me and my lil cousin Samoan Joe gotta project in the works, he out of Pittsburg Cali too. He dope, make sure y’all check him out. I gotta few tracks with ScottieNoPippen one of the most slept on artist out the bay but we def gon turn it up on they ass once they hear this new shit, and I got a island reggae single coming out just in time for summer with my USO Flex that thang going crazy. I ain’t gon lie so I got hella shit in the works, plus a bunch of visuals I’m finna drop. My plan is to just really stay in y’all face this year. Consistency is the key to victory they say, so I’m just tryna be consistent. ABM: Whats your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it. OniMontana: Latest visual is a track called “No where” produced from my big bro High Volume. We filmed it in Vegas with my nigga Buck The Genius aka White Gold s/o to bro by the way. But we filmed it in Vegas basically jus showing a walk thru of my life from the liquor store to the Vegas strip to the studio. We actually shot some of the footage at a bbq for my big bra ED CAINE like a one year memorial type shit so Rest in Paradise to my bro. He was one of them guys who always told me “Oni you dope nephew, stick to that music shit” like he really would push a nigha and get on me about staying on my music shit and staying out the way. ABM: What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career? OniMontana: I wanna be able to inspire people with my music. I want to show people that if you can dream it, you can be it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I’m trying to set the foundation for all my people. Plant the seed that will grow a tree of opportunities and it will all start with the music than branch off to other things like clothing, get into movies etc Basically opening more doors for Polynesian artist in the entertainment industry. I really want to give back to the people, create jobs, build community centers, buy properties and open up businesses in our communities. I truly believe that this music shit is capable of creating all that and then some. I wanna be like No limit or Cash Money records you know? Follow the same blue print Master P had. Get on my Nipsey shit, You know? Be a mogul and not just a rapper. Feel me? Like the shit 2pac was intending to do, that’s where I know this shit will turn to, GOD willing and I won’t stop until we there. ABM: How can people reach you? OniMontana: Oni Montana everything Soundcloud: OniMontana IG: OniMontana Snapchat: OniMontana YouTube: OniMontana Read the full article
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allbaymusic · 6 years
Oni Montana
ABM: What is your Rap name? Tell us the story behind your hip-hop name? OniMontana: Oni Montana and Oni The One & Only, I have two names because I have 2 personalities as a rapper. Oni Montana is my rap name, when I’m spitting real bars and talkin that shit. My uncle KT The Boss actually gave me that name around the time Future came out with “Tony Montana” So I jus ran with it. I use the Tony Montana thang in reference to the dope music I make because ima “Dope rhyme dealer” like Mac Dre use to say. While Oni The One & Only is when I’m singing and harmonizing with the auto tune on my R&P shit not R&B lol basically for the women/Bitchs because there is a difference. ABM: Has anything happened in your life that led to the decision of becoming a musician? OniMontana: I had this same vision in my head ever since middle school that I would be a rapper. I always knew it was apart of my plan. I actually was selling and recording my own mixtapes In middle school, recording off my nighas dads turntables in a garage rappin off of instrumentals. I use to rap battle kids in the school house and I always turned heads and surprised people when I opened my mouth because growing up I was hella quiet but not when it was my turn to rap. I always knew this is what I wanted to do. But back in 2008 when my older brother died I told myself I would make it for him because he was one of my number one fans and he really believed in me when it came to music so I made a promise to myself and him that ima stick to this music no matter what. I’m determined to make it it’s Destiny for me. ABM: How did you get your start in the hip hop scene? OniMontana: Been rappin since middle school like I said. Selling my mixtapes and hella shit at the school house burning it off the homies computer. But I got influenced at a very early age because of all the musical talent in my family. My uncles was the Booya Tribe so they one of my many inspirations and one of the true pioneers of West Coast Hip Hop and Polynesian artists. Growing up seeing them just made me believe I could do it. First real studio I went to was with my uncle R Cade and uncle H mob of Uce Duce. I use to ride around with them while they would bust they moves and pick up they CDs basically jus soaking up game about the independent rap game that was going on in the Bay Area. In high school my uncle Swann FREE UNKS by the way, use to come pick me up from my papa house in West Pittsburg and take me to SwampKats studio in Concord and I jus sit down and soak up more game. Fast forward to 2015 my cousin Stone P got released out of prison and we been pushing this Thizz Island shit ever since. Got the blessing from the cuddie and we just been rocking really tryna push this movement and put on for our people S/O my nigha Diggs by the way ABM: Where are you from, and what was it like growing up there? OniMontana: I’m from Pittsburg California in the east bay. I’m from a small town but we not small minded. I feel like we was different from other places we have our own way we talk, how we carry ourselves, the way we dress. We was saying BRO and use to get made fun of for it now look everybody says it now lol so basically we trend setters and way ahead of our time. We jus fly and peezy and got a whole bunch of game about us. It’s a lot of crime and poverty in my city but I’m hoping to change that and bring something positive back to my city and it will all start with the music . We real family oriented everybody know each other so although it’s a lot of hate it’s a lot of love too but they say life is all about balance. One thing about my city is growing up we had a huge music scene it was litt we had the Ghetto Stars, Mob Figaz, and A-wax. I use to see signs full of stickers with my favorite rappers on it. My cousin Noah and Tau put me on all the new music so I just had a sense of pride being from Pittsburg, especially with all the dope music that came from my city. So I just knew one day I was gonna be one of them nighas when I got older. ABM: What do you typically rap about? OniMontana: Anything that’s on my mind when I hear the beat. I make mood music, so however I feel at the time is what I’m finna rap about. I try to express myself as much as possible thru my music and I’ll hit every subject because your emotions are subject to change. So I feel I’m very versatile when it’s come to my songs because of all the different feelings, emotions, pain and happiness, all that I have endured in life is all a reflection of my music. I like to harmonize and fuck with the auto tune but I also got real life bars and I actually know how to rap like The Jacka said whatever happen to coming dope? That’s all I’m tryna do is push this dope music and bring some pride back in this rap shit. Word to the Jack. ABM: What are your last full length releases people can go check out right now? OniMontana: I got the Oral Sex Mixtape hosted by J Diggs. The meaning behind the name of the tape is I’m basically making love to the music orally lol But than I got a tape with my cousin Quad High out the city Called “Plugged in” also I jus recently dropped a new single “No Where” produced by High Volume out of Ohio. I gotta bunch of shit coming tho so stay tuned . We really pushing this Thizz Island and #FlyUcen movement tryna put on for all the polys. ABM: What are you currently working on? OniMontana: Workin on the Polynesian Prince Album that’s coming real soon. And after that I plan on dropping a EP with my producer High Volume. Me and my lil cousin Samoan Joe gotta project in the works, he out of Pittsburg Cali too. He dope, make sure y’all check him out. I gotta few tracks with ScottieNoPippen one of the most slept on artist out the bay but we def gon turn it up on they ass once they hear this new shit, and I got a island reggae single coming out just in time for summer with my USO Flex that thang going crazy. I ain’t gon lie so I got hella shit in the works, plus a bunch of visuals I’m finna drop. My plan is to just really stay in y’all face this year. Consistency is the key to victory they say, so I’m just tryna be consistent. ABM: Whats your last visual release people can check out, tell us about it. OniMontana: Latest visual is a track called “No where” produced from my big bro High Volume. We filmed it in Vegas with my nigga Buck The Genius aka White Gold s/o to bro by the way. But we filmed it in Vegas basically jus showing a walk thru of my life from the liquor store to the Vegas strip to the studio. We actually shot some of the footage at a bbq for my big bra ED CAINE like a one year memorial type shit so Rest in Paradise to my bro. He was one of them guys who always told me “Oni you dope nephew, stick to that music shit” like he really would push a nigha and get on me about staying on my music shit and staying out the way. ABM: What is your ultimate goal at the end of your career? OniMontana: I wanna be able to inspire people with my music. I want to show people that if you can dream it, you can be it. Anything is possible if you put your mind to it. I’m trying to set the foundation for all my people. Plant the seed that will grow a tree of opportunities and it will all start with the music than branch off to other things like clothing, get into movies etc Basically opening more doors for Polynesian artist in the entertainment industry. I really want to give back to the people, create jobs, build community centers, buy properties and open up businesses in our communities. I truly believe that this music shit is capable of creating all that and then some. I wanna be like No limit or Cash Money records you know? Follow the same blue print Master P had. Get on my Nipsey shit, You know? Be a mogul and not just a rapper. Feel me? Like the shit 2pac was intending to do, that’s where I know this shit will turn to, GOD willing and I won’t stop until we there. ABM: How can people reach you? OniMontana: Oni Montana everything Soundcloud: OniMontana IG: OniMontana Snapchat: OniMontana YouTube:OniMontana/Oni the one and only Read the full article
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