#is html easy to learn
webtutorsblog · 1 year
Unlimited Learning: HTML Tutorial for Beginners - WebTutor
Are you looking to learn HTML? Look no further! At WebTutor.dev, we offer comprehensive HTML tutorials and resources to help you become proficient in HTML, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer. Our website is designed to provide you with an immersive and engaging learning experience, covering all aspects of HTML, from the basics to advanced concepts.
Why Choose WebTutor for HTML Learning?
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Free Online HTML Editor: We understand that practice is key to mastering HTML. That is why we provide a free online HTML editor that allows you to practice your coding skills in a real-time environment. Our editor comes with a range of features and tools to help you write, test, and debug HTML code efficiently.
Best HTML Editor Recommendations: Looking for the best HTML editor for your coding needs? We have got you covered! Our website offers recommendations for the best HTML editors available in the market, based on user reviews, features, and ease of use.
Beginner-Friendly HTML Tutorials: If you are new to HTML, don't worry! Our tutorials are designed with beginners in mind. We start with the basics and gradually progress to more complex concepts, with clear explanations and examples to help you grasp the fundamentals of HTML.
Learn at Your Own Pace: At WebTutor.dev, we believe that learning should be flexible and tailored to your needs. That's why our tutorials are self-paced, allowing you to learn at your own speed and convenience. You can access our tutorials anytime, anywhere, and from any device.
Comprehensive Learning Resources: Our website is a treasure trove of learning resources for HTML. From tutorials and articles to quizzes and practice exercises, we offer a wide range of materials to help you reinforce your learning and solidify your HTML skills.
Best Place to Learn HTML and CSS for Free: If you are looking to learn both HTML and CSS, WebTutor.dev is the best place to do it for free! Our tutorials cover both HTML and CSS, giving you a complete foundation in front-end web development.
Supportive Community: Learning HTML can be challenging, but you don't have to do it alone. At WebTutor.dev, we foster a supportive community where you can connect with fellow learners, share your progress, ask questions, and get help from experienced developers.
HTML Developer Career Opportunities: HTML is a fundamental skill for web development, and mastering it can open a world of career opportunities. With our comprehensive HTML tutorials, you will be well-equipped to pursue a career as an HTML developer and create dynamic and interactive websites.
HTML is Easy to Learn: If you are wondering whether HTML is hard to learn, fear not! HTML is a markup language, not a programming language, and it is considered one of the easiest languages to learn for beginners. With our step-by-step tutorials and interactive learning resources, you will find HTML a breeze to learn and master.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced developer, our HTML Introduction page has something for everyone. From HTML tutorials for beginners to advanced HTML concepts for professionals, we have got you covered. So why wait? Start learning HTML today!
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mothfishing · 11 months
last thing about this from me i promise. actually i don't, fuck you if you don't like it
the "old web" space is extremely hostile to disabled people. there is a show of patting themselves on the back for linking accessibility resources they've never read, while at the same time flat out promoting inaccessible practices. the thing is, they don't make the page slightly more difficult to read, they make it impossible to.
if you're photosensitive, using an inaccessible page can flat out give you seizures in the case of epilepsy, or otherwise cause massive disabling migraines and other painful effects. if you're a screen reader user, be it because of blindness, dyslexia, or other print disabilities, depending on exactly what nonsense you've done to your website, it can read things in a nonsensical order, refuse to read at all, or flat out CRASH.
if you're out here saying that html is so easy and anyone can learn it, put your effort where your own mouth is and learn accessibility standards. don't be so fucking apathetic - if you think inaccessibility will save you from data harvesting, you frankly deserve it getting stolen
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palossssssand · 11 months
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animated sprites of all my sonas for my silly website
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mokeonn · 8 months
So I heard that Tumblr is slowly being abandoned (they seem to be laying off a majority of their staff and keeping a skeleton crew) and we might be nearing the end of this webbed site. I don't think it's currently worth panicking over, but I'm definitely going to start making that neocities website.
I'll make a post soon about other places where you can find me. Unfortunately, I've spent quite some time these last couple years getting rid of a majority of my social media because most platforms were bad for my mental health. I do not plan on going back to these platforms, so if tumblr goes down, I'm going to be only on non social media.
Maybe if one of the new social medias being created, actually take off (like bluesky or pillowfort or whatever else these days) I might join, but if not I might be entirely on personal websites, patreon (I will start posting regularly like a blog and make more free posts), some old websites I deleted but not because I hated them (such as ko-fi, which I deleted due to inactivity) and possibly furaffinity. I'm still on the fence about furaffinity. I might also finally start using my toyhouse but that is an oc sharing website and not much of an art sharing website.
I really do hope Tumblr doesn't go down, this is my one social media and if it does go down I am going to lose nearly all of my audience. I can make do by creating a personal blog and using whatever I have left in terms of "can post my art there and people can find me", and it won't discourage me from making my personal projects. I can make do, and I will make do, but I don't really want to make do.
Anyways, that's all I have to say right now, I'll make a post later once I set up some alternative sites to find me at, but for now I want to give the heads up that if I'm gone, you're not gonna find me on twitter, Instagram, or whatever third option there is. I'm likely going to just make do, be offline more, and likely just become active on the discord servers I'm on.
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brothermouse · 6 months
Not me trying to learn html right at bedtime so I can build a website to tell the world about about the fantasy worlds I made up in my brain to avoid thinking about being stressed
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I drove for meals on wheels again today, after a long stretch when I couldn't because my car had a severe oil leak.
It's nice to be doing that again.
I went to an estate sale on the way back from the meals on wheels office.
I'm feeling kind of strange, thinking about all the things I learned about the person who's estate it was just by seeing the stuff that was for sale.
She was a musician. Played jazz saxophone. She had lots of costume jewelry. She had a dog. In her last years she was bed bound or nearly so. She was born in the 30s, judging by the photograph I saw. And she had either grandchildren or nieces & nephews.
And, I think, she lived alone.
There's a strange feeling that I have, thinking about these things. The passage of time. Death, the end of connection between people. It's like sadness, but it's also like, reflection. Wistfulness, the barest hint of what it's like to watch a tragic play.
Finality, nostalgia, and a smidge of melancholy.
The old world blues.
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coffeeworldsasaki · 20 days
Me, after a night of not sleeping for more than a hour in a row, feeling like I've been hit like a train: how hard can it be to make a small PC applications to auto fill crochet patterns instructions when inserting the total stitches per round/row
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I'm being so normal about my code and definitely didn't just almost cry (positive) upon confirming that I successfully linked my JS file in my HTML file with a relative path and it runs exactly as expected
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cyanopicas · 3 months
Mutuals...... you must acquire neocities websites immediately.
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moonsidesong · 1 year
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thinkin bout kourindou yukari...
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webtutorsblog · 1 year
HTML is an abbreviation for HyperText Markup Language. It is used to create web pages with the help of a markup language. Are you looking to learn HTML? Look no further! At WebTutor.dev, we offer comprehensive HTML tutorials and resources to help you become proficient in HTML, whether you're a beginner or an experienced developer. Our website is designed to provide you with an immersive and engaging learning experience, covering all aspects of HTML, from the basics to advanced concepts.
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amarillokidding · 5 months
Why does every tutorial I keep seeing for learning how to make an animation "for beginners" NEVER talk about terminology or what words mean. Like yeah, I know onionskin, smears, and framerate and that level, but the video doesn't say it, what if someone who truly didn't know anything or where to start saw this and felt confused. I think that's an inherent flaw of tutorials of any kind, teaching you how to do something without explaining why or what things are. The assumption that you're not really a beginner at all.
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idiotsofoz · 1 year
sometimes i see people with super advanced and complicated carrds and it's like at this point just teach yourself html and make a neocities
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mx-t4t0 · 1 year
man it sucks that there's no comprehensive, clean, clear list of all the labels in the galactian system. someone should really do that
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ironmanstan · 2 years
i think if i make my neocities site cool enough ill ditch my carrd for real actually
#like i could just. add it as a page on the site. and like i dont wanna link to my carrd AND my website everywhere lol thats dumb#the gamer speaks uwu#coding it is so fun tho its frustrating as fuck bc i forgot how inherently annoying coding is but well its still ok ^__^#css die and go to hell CHALLENGE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#html my babygirl. javascript my soon to be babygirl idk how to write it really just edit and read through it#like i was obsessed with scratch when i was little and learned it on my own so like that alone already is like#just fully if then statements#if then statements my so beloved theyre so simple i should learn js properly lol#i need to tho i need to integrate the auto post archival script i found into my thing but the js is like#not cooperating with my css . and my css broke lmao#so i have deleted everything and restarted so rn i just have my main page done and the style sheet is in the main html#not ideal ! not ideal at all but it works bb#like see#i want multiple pages and i want to be able to blog here and there to go more in depth about my art if i feel like it#to achieve this i need every page on the site to have the same color palette decor etc#i could one by one update each page to style them individually but if i ever change my layout. i have to update it one by one#and if i make blog posts those are in theory a new page every post as well. so you see this is innefficient and sucks in the long run#easy in the short term or for a small site tho !#so i need to make a css file to collect everything where i only have to change the css to style every single page on the site linked to it#i had this working for a minute but for some reason my main page wouldnt link to my css file OUT OF NO WHERE ???#but the js file that formats the blog posts see it has like a specific format for text and everything so they look right#and i think this conflicted with some info in my css file that ALSO specifically formats some text#so it fucked everything up !#so im right now just with p much an individual page for html and css and im going to start again#copy my css i have right now first of all into an actual css file. link it to the html#then i really really have to scour and gut the script file before implementing it so we dont have everything break again#decent plan i have the energy to do actual work now tho so i wont be doing it until later when i burn out of drawing and need to do smth#tech shid#screaming in the tags
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icedcyanide · 2 months
HUH img what I just opened this blog on desktop AND I AM IN LOVE WITH IT omg omg omg can you maybe share the.. euhhhhh... the code????
Thanks :] Not really my code but I found it on Tumblr's theme mart(?) and I just modified some of it. I think it's unavailable now, but I haven't checked. Check out my other blog, maybe you'll like it too.
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