#is it Silvia or Sylvia- I still don’t know!! but it’s fine!
enby-opera · 3 months
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the-manor-7 · 5 years
My Beautiful Story: Chapter 1 (William Turner x Reader)
Dear Diary, 
It all started the day my mother left me.  
I know, a cheesy starting to a story, but it is a good one, so please continue reading.  
She was a gorgeous lady, renowned across the country for her beauty.  
She was a performer, a singer. Her voice sounded like the most finely tuned violin and brought joy to even the most sorrowful soul.  
She and I lived in a small mansion, with a few servants such as a cook, butler, footman, maid, gardener, and stable-boy. And I had my nursemaid.  
My dear Margaret.  
She was kind to me, always attending to my wants and needs, she almost never let me be in a sour mood. I lived for seven years in my little piece of heaven. And I thought that would never change.  
But I was so wrong.  
It was the day before my birthday when the news came.  
My mother had been losing her fame and consequently her fortune for the past three years or so, unbeknownst to me.  
We had a mortgage on the house still, and were unable to pay it.  
That's when the bank came and told my mother that unless we moved out within the next couple of days, we would be evicted forcefully.  
And during the night, unable to bear with being poor, my mother fled.  
And on the morning of my birthday, all that was left in the house was me, and Margaret.  
When I greeted her with a smiling face, excited for the day ahead, she just frowned and dressed me in my best outfit, tucking a coat around me, and led me outside.  
I hadn't thought anything of it, not until we reached town and Margaret knocked on the door of a stranger.  
"What are we doing?" I had asked her.  
She had only replied with a grim expression and turned to face the small boy that opened the door.  
"William, may I see your mother, please." She asked the boy.  
He glanced at me before nodding and rushing into the house, in search of the desired person.  
My nursemaid and I waited a few minutes before a lady came to the door.  
"What is it, Margaret? Do you need something?" She spotted me, "Oh!" 
Margaret squeezed my hand before speaking, "She needs a home." 
"Nanny, what are you talking about?" I asked, but no one payed attention to me.  
The boy's mother placed a hand over her mouth in surprise, "This is Lady Evangeline's daughter, isn't it? What happened to the Lady?" 
I had never seen a darker expression on my caretaker's face, "Lady Evangeline ran away." 
"Oh, heavens! Whatever for? Surely she wouldn't leave her own daughter behind!" 
"The Lady lost her fortune." 
"Mama's gone?!" 
This time, my high-pitched voice was heard by the two women and they looked down at me.  
Margaret knelt down to my level, "Oh, my dear." 
Tears began to prick my eyes, "Nanny, what is going on?" 
She seemed to be fighting tears of her own, "I don't know how to explain this to you, since you are so young. But, you will not be able to see your mother any longer." 
"But, why?" A single tear trailed it's way down my face, "It's my birthday, I want to see her." 
Using a handkerchief to dry my face, she tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ear, "My dear, not even your birthday can bring her back." 
Then she stood up and faced the woman at the door, "Silvia, can you please take the child? She has no where to go, and I can't take her to my home, my husband wouldn't allow it." 
She looked into my eyes, shimmering with tears, and set her jaw before facing Margaret and nodding stiffly, "Yes, she can live here." 
Margaret thanked her before bending down again and taking both of my hands in hers, "Now, dear. You will be living with Miss Silvia from now on, all right? She will take care of you, but you must do as you are told." 
When she saw my quivering lip, she wrapped me up in her arms and held my head against her chest, "Oh, darling. I'm going to miss you." 
I wrapped my small arms around her as far as I could, "I'm going to miss you too, Nanny." 
She pulled away and straightened my appearance.  
When it was complete, she stared at my necklace before her eyes trailed up to my face, "Be on your best behavior." 
As I vigorously nodded, she looked me in the eye, "Promise?" 
"I promise." I whispered out, my voice wavering.  
Then she stood, casting one more look at me, before walking away.  
I had wanted to run after her that day, but Miss Silvia had gently led me inside.  
I barely saw Nanny after that, only when we went to church or sometimes at the market.  
Miss Sylvia kept her word and took good care of me, she fed me, gave me a place to sleep, taught me how to take care of myself.  
But, the real highlight of my childhood was her son, William Turner.  
When I first arrived, he kind of glared at me and kept his distance. We rarely spoke.  
However, that changed when he saw me struggling to bring water up from the well.  
The other children in the village were laughing at me, calling me a 'Lady' and asking where my mother went as I fought violently to hold back my tears. One of them even tried to push me in the well.  
He very nearly did, too. But William ran over and pushed me aside, falling in himself.  
I had ran back home to Silvia, nearly hysterical, telling her what happened and begging her to come help.  
When we returned to the well, there was already a small gathering of people trying to assist. Together, they eventually got him out.  
That night, I told Will how sorry I was, but he just promised me it was all right. He did it because he wanted to, that I shouldn't feel guilty.  
After that, we grew quite close. 
Whenever I needed help or guidance with chores or the like, he was always there beside me. He never let me go into town alone, he always insisted on accompanying me. He protected me from bullies a few more times until the children of the town seemed to forget the whole affair with my mother entirely.  
Thanks to him and his mother, I lived a happy and fulfilling childhood. At least, until his mother died.  
She had fought the disease as she lied on her deathbed, but after a long-fought battle, she fell asleep forever.  
And I had just cried and cried.  
She was the second mother I had lost, and it just filled my little twelve-year old heart and soul with sorrow.  
It was William's own mother, but he spent his time comforting me. He would lay awake with me at night when I had my reoccurring nightmares, listening to my nonsensical babbling and drying my incessant tears.  
It was about a week after Miss Silvia had died that I had spat out, "All mothers ever do is leave! Why won't one just stay?!" 
That made him pause for a moment and look at me, sorrow and confusion swirling in his eyes.  
But, he quickly took my hands in his and looked me straight in the eye, "Mother didn't want to leave, but she had no choice. You know that, Bethany." 
More tears sprouted from my eyes as I flung my arms around his neck, "I know, Will. I'm sorry. I didn't mean it." 
He just hugged me back before whispering in my ear, "I won't leave you, alright? We'll always be together."  
And that finally put an end to my worries that night, because I quickly fell asleep, not long after that.  
The next day, when I woke up, William was already awake and making a breakfast of porridge.  
Following our usual routine, I stood up and got dressed (after informing Will, of course. He made sure to keep his back turned), did my hair, then pulled out two wooden cups and spoons from the cupboard before setting them on the table.  
"Good morning, Will." I greeted.  
"Morning, Bethany."  
He scooped some of the food into two bowls before setting one in front of me and we both sat down.  
After I took a couple of bites, I set my spoon on the table, "Hey, Will?" 
He looked up at me, "Yeah?" 
Eyeing the almost empty cupboards of food, I replied, "What are we going to do about money? We can't live off of what we have for much longer." 
He nodded after pausing for a second, "I've been thinking about that, too. And," he ran a hand through his shoulder-length hair, "I was thinking about getting a job." 
I nodded, a bit hesitant, "What about me? What can I do?" 
"What if you stayed home and took care of the house? My mother taught you how to cook, clean, do laundry, and take care of the animals," he referred to the few chickens and goats we had in a small shed in the backyard, "That way you wouldn't have to go out and find work." 
So he had sensed my worries.  
I looked down at my lap for a moment before looking back up at him, letting a smile grow across my face, "Thank you, Will." 
He had just smiled and nodded before finishing his breakfast.  
The next morning, I helped him get ready for the day.  
After he got dressed in his best outfit, he turned towards me, "What do you think?" 
I scrutinized him a moment before taking the black ribbon I had been using for my hair and gesturing for him to turn around.  
Once he had done so, I tied his hair back and looked at him in the mirror he was facing, "There, now you look presentable." 
"Only presentable?!" He said, being mockingly indignant.  
I just giggled and gave him a hug from behind, "Make sure not to mess up my ribbon, ok? It's my present, take good care it." 
He smiled gently, "All right." 
He waited for me to let go before turning back around, "I'll see you later, ok? Most likely at dinner time. And make sure to eat lunch. Oh! And I have a shirt and pair of pants that needs to be washed-"  
"Ok, ok!" I cut him off as I laughed and pushed him out the door, "I'm the one who takes care of that stuff now, you don't have to worry. Now, get moving! You're going to be late!" 
It was his turn to laugh before he hurried out the door.  
That night, he came home around dinner time, just like he had said, with a smile on his face.  
I finished cutting up the last carrot and dumped them all into the boiling broth, "What's got you so happy?" 
His smile just grew even wider, "I got a job." 
"Oh, really?! Where?!" 
"At the farm down the road." 
It was then that I looked down at his cloths, "Oh, look at what you did to your clothes! They're all soiled!" 
He took a look at them too and smiled sheepishly, "Yeah, I guess I did." 
Grumbling, I stirred the pot one more time before shooing him over to his side of the room, "Go get changed. I washed the clothes you told me about this morning, they should be sitting on your bed." 
As he dressed, I made sure to face the fire and simmering pot, stirring it occasionally before deeming it complete and dishing it into two bowls.  
"Are you almost done yet? The food's almost ready." 
I heard some shuffling from behind me, "Yeah, just...wait a second." 
Since I knew he couldn't possibly still be changing, I spun around and saw him with a wet rag in his hand, trying to rid his shirt of a stubborn stain.  
"Oh!" I huffed out and walked over to him, grabbed the shirt from his hands and pointed towards the table, "This is my job, not yours. Now get to the table! The food will get cold." 
He looked up at me in surprise before doing as I instructed and sat down.  
Placing two steaming bowls on the table, I saw down as well and looked at him, "Well...eat!" 
He looked skeptical as he picked up the spoon, but took a sip out of it all the same. 
His eyes lit up, "Hey, this is good!" I smiled at him, "Of course it is, dummy." 
He just smiled at me before eating the rest of the meal with relish.  
Over the next week or so, he kept doing the same thing.  
He would come home, try to do his laundry, do the dishes, scrub the floors, or something like that.  
Finally, I had had enough, "Will!" I shouted as I saw him taking the towels off the clothes line, "What are you doing?!" 
He spun around and looked at me in surprise, "What do you mean?" 
"What do you mean 'what do you mean'? You keep doing all of these things when you get home, even after you've been working all day!" 
"So? I'm just trying to help." 
I sighed, "Look, why don't we think of it this way. That you're the husband and I'm the wife." 
"Husband and wife?!" He blanched.  
"Just hear me out!" I waved my hands in front of my face, "Let's just say that you're the husband. And your job in this household is to provide money for the family and to repair the house, if need be. Because you know I can't do stuff like that. And me, being the wife, my job is to clean the house, do the laundry, take care of the animals, mend the clothes, make the meals. That sort of thing. And if one person doesn't let the other do their job, then the whole place is in disarray."
He protested, "But I'm not doing anything wrong if I just do this! I'm not even in your way!" 
"You're right. However, you make me feel bad and put pressure on me to complete everything before you get home so you won't feel temped to do anything." 
That made him stop, "...it makes you feel bad?" 
I nodded.  
He looked down at his feet and played with the corner of the towel in his hand, "I didn't mean to make you feel guilty..." 
I walked up to him and looked up into his eyes, smiling, "It's alright, Will. Just don't make me ask you again? Please?" 
After he nodded his assent, I smiled again.  
"Come on! Let's go inside! The food will get cold!" 
A few more years passed like that, in perfect balance.  
And some things happened along the way, like, we actually got married, instead of just pretending that we were.  
Now, before you jump to conclusions, just hear me out.  
This came about when Will came rushing in through the door one evening and walked up to me, grabbing me by the shoulders, "You have to tell them you are my wife." 
"William Turner, what in the world?! What are you talking about?!" 
He spoke quickly, "I accidentally told some of the boys my age that I work with that I'm already married. And now they want to meet you!" 
"Hold on." I put a finger on his lips, "You told them that I'm your wife?! And now you want me to lie?!" I shook my head and crossed my arms, "Nope, I'm not going to do it." 
"Oh, come on, Bethany. Please! Just this once!" 
I shook my head again, "No, Will. Because once one person hears it, it will spread to the rest of the town and everyone will know. You can't joke about these things." 
"Then what am I supposed to do?" 
"Actually propose, dummy! Do you expect me to become your wife when you just barge in here like that?!" 
He blinked, "You...would marry me?" 
I nodded in confirmation as I kept my arms crossed, "Of course. We can't keep living together much longer, we're almost fifteen, for that matter. That would be improper. And what other boys have I been around, Will? Who else would I marry?" 
"Are...are you sure? You can still think about it." 
I smiled at him, "Of course I'm sure. That is, if you'll have me." 
A large smile quickly grew across his face and he wrapped his arms around me, "You know I can't say no to you." 
I sighed contently into his chest before pulling away quickly, "Wait, what about the people you were taking about earlier? Where are they?" 
"Oh." He seemed to come to his senses, "Right, they should be here any moment now, I ran ahead of them..." 
Just then, a knock could be heard on the door.  
Smiling at me, Will went over to open it, letting three boys similar in age inside.  
I smiled at the three of them as they stared at me in shock.  
"Man, you seriously have a wife?!" One of them exclaimed.  
I spoke up, "Well, not exactly." 
Will looked at me in dismay, but I continued.  
"I'm not his wife just yet, I'm his fiancé." 
Will nodded quickly, "That's right, I misspoke." Then he ushered them out the door they just came in, "Now, go home. You've seen her already, go bother someone else." 
When he shut the door behind him, I giggled and flung myself into his waiting arms, overjoyed at what was to come.  
The next day, William proposed to me properly, getting down on one knee, making some long, cheesy speech, and slipping a band of gold onto my ring finger.  
Later, I asked him where he had gotten it.  
He had replied that it was his mother's.  
That made me break down into tears all over again. 
A couple weeks later, the wedding took place.  
It was simple, with the only attendants being anyone from the town who wanted to see. 
My dress was dark red, perfectly complimenting my chocolate-brown hair and pale skin. And Will wore his best suit, pulling his hair back in the ribbon I gave him all those years ago. 
When the priest finally spoke the anticipated words: "you may kiss the bride", we both shared a short, but fantastically sweet first kiss.  
And all I can remember thinking is: this is the way to do it.  
The festivities afterwards were simple as well, the cake being one Margaret made and the decorations William's late mother's.  
But I loved every moment of it. Even though it was simple, it was better than anything I had ever imagined all at the same.  
I'm afraid that I must stop writing this for now, but I will pick up where I left off later. Please wait patiently and look forward to my next entry.  
Bethany Turner
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Thank you so much for reading my first chapter of My Beautiful Story! 
I love the Pirates of the Caribbean movies so much, and I just think they are so underappreciated. 
And there is definitely not enough fanfiction out there.
So, I hope to help get the process started. ^^ 
Again, thank you so much for reading and please feel free to leave comments/requests!
Thank you,
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