#is it me or fountain pens leak?!
spacecravat · 1 year
anyway my opinion is that aziraphale would actually still be using something like a waterman fountain pen from like 1920 that he's taken meticulously good care of and still works perfectly
vs that screenshot which looks much more modern. that sort of black and gold executive pen type silhouette becomes much more common starting around maybe the 1970s or 80s i want to say? and are still widely available today. whereas pens older than that have a very different look to them
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2057 · 1 year
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jamneuromain · 1 year
Divorce with either Steve/Andy I'm feeling angsty.
Whether happy/sad ending is up to you :)
Hi bestie <3 I'm sorry it has taken more time than I thought but my drabble turns into a one-shot before I can even realize skjksjskjskjksj
hope you'll enjoy this <3
Lie, Lie, Lie
Steve Rogers x You (Mutant!Reader)
Warning: Swearing, Angst, Divorce, (also asshole-ish Avengers?)
W/C: 5.4 K
Summary: A small leak will sink a great ship. -- Benjamin Franklin
A/N: My first entry to the bingo challenge hosted by @the-slumberparty.
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It starts with a minor, insignificant detail.
Just some static in the phone, really.
A snippet of sound that common people would interpret as bad signals, considering that Steve is phoning you from thousands of miles away, while you are using the landline.
For holy Mary’s sake, who the hell still uses landlines today?
Apparently, the academic conferences you attend do.
Steve notices the small static buzzing the call you are having, after which you grumble in frustration, “Stupid signals, can’t even function properly.”
He smiles, knowing that you can’t see the expression on his face. You are cute even when you are complaining.
You sigh deeply on the other end of the phone, your voice slightly distorted from the electronic, or wireless, transmission, “I miss you, Stevie. Can’t wait to come home.”
“It’ll only be two more days,” Steve reassures you with his soothing timbre, “I’ll be waiting for you at the airport, alright? First thing you’ll see after getting off that plane.”
“Okay.” You know he can hear you pouting, but you pout anyway, “Gotta have some sleep now. I’m going to the keynote tomorrow morning.”
“Take care of yourself.” Steve holding on to his phone, wincing again as the static buzzes again, but it appears only on his end, as you seem unaffected by it, “Take care of my favorite scientist and my favorite girl for me, okay?”
“I am your favorite girl. And you know I have my powers.” You try your best to stifle a large yawn, but Steve senses your tiredness right away.
“Sleep tight, okay? I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Steve blows a kiss, hoping that it would travel across oceans and lands via the phone, and reach your forehead.
“Night, Steve.”
“Good night, sweetheart.”
You are about to hang up when the static tortures his ear again.
You hang up.
Static isn’t a problem for most people, who, unlike Steve, don’t have super hearing and super memory.
Steve could think that the static is a minor interference, however, static that appears during phone calls are hardly inconsistent. And if he has learned a thing or two during the time that landlines are still fairly popular – 40s, by the way – is that static doesn’t go on and off, nor does it blur on different pronunciations since static should naturally have a pattern.
Since Stark phones issued by the friendly billionaire is certainly off the question, he suspects that someone might be tapping into your landline.
Something is off. His intuition is telling him. So, he called Tony and asked for a favor.
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After some analysis that Steve couldn’t fully understand, Tony presses his index finger to his lips tightly, humming to himself.
“Anything?” Steve watched as Tony chugged down the fifth cup of coffee ten minutes ago, and now Tony has been unusually quiet.
Tony spins his chair around, looking thoughtful. He waves his fountain pen in midair, pointing at his screen in general, “This isn’t some sort of prank Bruce asked you to play, is it?”
“Prank? Tony, this is my wife we’re talking about.” Steve is about to lose his patience. He crosses his arm, dead serious, “What is … this? Am I being paranoid or …”
He wouldn’t dare to think about you in actual danger and he’s sitting cozily in Avengers Compound. He could’ve been risking your precious rescue time. Or warn you, somehow.
Even knowing that you have your special powers.
Your mutant powers.
Still, there are hundreds of ways for you to be defenseless.
A collar could suppress all your powers. A shot of the new dose of Mutant Serum could make you lose your X-gene once and for all. And all those terrible things that could happen to you.
Tony scratches his goatee, his expression is puzzled, to say the least, “this static that you provided, looks like the interface Bruce and I were cooking up for a Friday-upgrade.”
“English, please, Tony.”
Tony magnifies the example of static extracted from the recording that is automatically stored on Stark servers, and pulls out a random MRI brain scan from Steve’s health exam last year, “See what I mean?”
Steve watches the two waves on the screen closely, almost stuttering from what he is summarizing, “They look … similar.”
“Exactly.” Tony throws the MRI scan off the screen and points to the static, “This? This isn’t sound. This is human thinking. Hell, thinking, I’m not even sure it’s human. And it has a purpose. The reason you are hearing the ‘static’ – I’ll name that thing later, is that it serves as a relay, that patches you through its – thinking, whatever, and directs your call to Y/N.”
“It isn’t Friday?” Steve blurts out the only AI he could think of.
“If it is Friday, the Nobel committee is handing me the award right this moment.” Tony snorts, but he turns serious as soon as he notices Steve’s worrying look, “but with this fragment, I can locate Y/N,” and with a few taps on the keyboard, a global map appears in front of them.
Tony mutters to himself, “Can’t track the relay itself, but I can … ”
Another few keystrokes and a red dot blip.
“… in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.” Tony isn’t even sure about what the blipping dot shows, “Now this can’t be right-” Tony looks back at Steve, whose eyebrows are tying up like knots, “Where did you say she’s having this academic conference?”
“Leipzig, Germany.” Steve answers without a second thought, “Quantum 2023.”
Tony looks awe-struck.
“I’m sending a team to get her.” Steve stands up from his seat abruptly, heading to the doorway, but Tony’s words make him stop.
“Quantum 2023 is next week, Steve. And it isn’t held in Leipzig.”
“But that’s impossible,” Steve turns on his heels, glaring at Tony, “She told me that she came into contact with some Professor, who invited her to this conference because she was doing so well with her panel back in January.”
“And what’s that panel?”
“CPS Quantum Computer-”
“CPSQ was never held this year.” Tony shakes his head, “The conference was cancelled because a main member of the CPSQ committee passed away last December. What else has she told you?”
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“I can’t tell you.” You dare not read his face. Your gaze lands on the marble counter that you and Steve agreed on two years ago, instead of him. You lied. And you know you lied. And the fact that you know that you can tell him nothing, makes you even more scared and frightened, as you are well aware the last things Steve would tolerate are betrayal and infidelity.
Your shared home, once a sanctuary for you and the love of your life, now withering and shaken, cold and gloomy. It no longer is a safe haven for you.
“Did anyone blackmail you with anything?” Steve asks calmly.
He’s prepared for the worst things to come.
He spent the whole night with Tony trying to figure out the so-called “academic conferences” you were supposed to be a part of, and there were eight of them during the last three years.
Some calls were too old to trace, but Tony has figured out it with the recent three conferences, you weren’t doing Keynotes or presenting your results to academia, but in the same spot in the Pacific doing God knows what.
It was undocumented waters. Tony could only gather so much info that the islands in the vicinity were bought by a mysterious wealthy man who paid through his Kaymen Island account.
And you were visiting it almost every four months. Like clockwork.
There were a few heat signatures on the island, but with no visible vehicle, neither ferry nor helicopter in sight, Tony would have to guess that you would need someone who can transport you from where you were to the island.
“No.” You have no excuse. No reasons. No idea what you should say.
But you weren’t blackmailed. You went there voluntarily.
His gaze feels heavy on your shoulders. From the corner of your eyes, you can see he’s looking at you intensely. Trying to figure out whether you are still lying to him.
“Are you cheating?”
The other possible explanation he has thought of. Frightening, if an answer of certainty comes out of your mouth, but it would explain your lies. Steve curls his hand into a fist, the veins on his hand popping briefly onto his skin.
The hands that caressed your hair and your jaw, cradling your face when he leaned in to kiss you. All the gentle moves. Treating you as a soft and delicate being. Now a hard fist on the table.
He didn’t touch you on your way back to your home. Nor did he accept your hugs and kisses at the airport.
He was very disappointed.
“No.” You answer, with your head low.
How could he doubt your relationship? How could he doubt your love for him? Waiting for him to return after every battle, taking care of his wounds, having-
How could he think all of those were lies too?
“Then what are you hiding?”
Steve maintains his best manners not to crush the table under his fist into bits and pieces. He wants you to answer. Something. Tell him why he has been kept in the dark.
You open your mouth, but no word comes out.
“I can’t tell you.” You whisper, your resolve of keeping the secret faltering under his piercing gaze. But you can’t tell him.
There’s turmoil in your stomach, wreaking havoc in your guts. You want to throw up when thinking about the truth, but cannot say it. Not with your teeth and tongue. Not with pen and paper. You cannot. You physically cannot.
Nothing remorseful or any expression similar appears on your face, as Steve observes your reaction closely.
“Please, Steve. I promise I’ll tell you, but now is not the time. It was – is an important … deed, to do.”
Steve stands up from his chair slowly.
Not even looking at you anymore, he sounds emotionless. Cold.
“I thought for a moment you were kidnapped. Tortured. Lured into a trap.”
“I was this close,” he pinches his index finger and thumb together, “sending a full-blown rescue tactical team, to get you out.”
“Steve, please, just listen-”
“And are you talking, Y/N? Are you telling me what I need to hear?” He stands with his back to you, shaking with uncontrollable anger. “The truth, that’s all I want.”
“I can’t-”
“I can’t, either.” He interrupts you. For the entire time you can remember, from his cute and sweet attempts to ask you out on a date, from his chivalry of taking you out and asking you to be his wife, from the start of your happy marriage, he hasn’t once interrupted you when you were talking.
Tears roll down your eyes as you are tongue-tied, unable to utter a sound.
But Steve didn’t see those tears. If he did, he would have some idea that you are truly sorry for what you have done.
Steve stands with his back to you.
“I’ll save us the trouble and ask Tony to wipe our marriage from the system.”
Almost a shriek, your hands and feet are placed in the bottom of the ice pit, “You can’t-! I- You can’t!”
Your sobbing fills the room that was occupied by a dreadful silence. From your husband.
You would never imagine that a lie would go this far.
“Watch me.”
He can’t, not when you are-
Not when you are working on-
Not when you are trying to-
He can’t.
Realization dawns on you that even if you did tell him one thing that you can say to make him stay, he would consider it a lie.
Or an effort you make, trying to be bound to him.
That your trust is broken forever.
With that realization hitting you, he leaves the room.
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Five years later, somewhere near Hawaii.
“This is really nice, what you got over here,” Tony comments in honesty, taking a step back to observe the rippling portal gate, “How long has it been put into use?”
Jean, the woman with flaming red hair and a scarf around her shoulders, has an impeccable smile on her face, leading the way as Natasha and Steve boarded the small vehicle up ahead, “Four. We used to transport to and from all over the world with the help of mutants who can create a portal. But as larger machines and construction materials were needed on Krakoa, the very land that you are standing on, our top scientists decided to benefit us all by inventing an instant portal device- Devices, should I say.”
As there are three large portals, each the size of a house, standing next to each other on the founding stones.
“Why are we even here?” Steve murmurs to Natasha, sounding confused, “I thought bargaining was Tony’s specialty…?”
“Smile, Rogers.” Natasha murmurs back, her eyes scanning the tropical island for any anomaly, “It’s a diplomatic event, not a business one.”
“Like a photo Op?”
“Like a peace offering.” Nat lowers her voice as she notices a mutant with bright green hair start the engine of their car, and take the position as their driver, “Krakoa now has the most efficient cancer eradication solution, and if we all behave and act like adults, the world would accept the possibility of the first mutant country. The UN is considering whether to add Krakoa as a new member country as we speak.”
“And if we blew it, WW3?”
“Worse. We will be hanged before we could say ‘assemble’.” Natasha sits straighter when Tony and Jean, the woman with red hair approaches the vehicle, and asks with a louder voice, “Would you mind telling us about the three-day trip planned on Krakoa?”
“Certainly.” With a look from Jean, the green-hair starts the car and drives away from the beach, heading towards a road that leads to the Krakoa city center. “We don’t have anything planned for this evening, so Lorna – our temporary driver - and I will show you around this place in general and escort you to your residence, where you will have dinner with our high council tonight. Tomorrow you’ll visit our university facilities and our most advanced laboratory, with our head scientist Hank. If you would like to visit any place else, feel free to tell us and we’ll try our best to satisfy your demands…”
Their residence is a small building near the city square. After a brief tour of the area, Jean tells them that normally they wouldn’t expect many visitors, so the building, though more well-equipped than most hotels, only resides the three of them, plus Jean for now.
Natasha strides across the room as Tony takes voice notes on his phone.
“… Their technology is at least two decades, if not three, more advanced than our top scientist.” With that as a summary, Tony stuffs his phone in his pocket.
And the room is filled with deafening silence.
“Do you think they cleared this place out when they are expecting us?” Steve sits on the edge of the bed, looking up at Tony and Natasha.
“They are afraid of us, as we are afraid of them.” Natasha says slowly. Not really answering Steve’s question, but hinting at the opinion that she has in mind. Her striding comes to a halt, “The looks we had on our way here? Not all friendly.”
“Too bad we don’t have a mutant as a middleman.” Tony clicks his tongue, moving around his jaw like he has a toothache.
“Tony-” Starts Natasha warningly.
They all know one mutant who helped around in the Avengers a few years ago. They know one mutant was exceptionally close to Steve. Hell, they were even there to witness the wedding of-
“I’m gonna go get some air.” Steve pinches the bridge of his nose, taking a long exhale, before walking out of the room.
Of Steve and you.
You were not a powerful mutant. But you would be helpful, under a circumstance like this.
But Steve divorced you a few years back.
No one knows why. No one knows any information regarding the terrible divorce that made Steve leave you, leave the States for months.
Except that you were “missing” from time to time.
Natasha sits on the other armchair in the room, looking closely at Tony, and his greying beard. She chooses her words very carefully, “Was she…” Were you cheating back then? On Steve?
Tony shakes his head, “He never told me.”
“But is it possible that…”
“I wanted to believe the other way.” Tony nibbling at his bottom lip. In the end, he looks back at Natasha, the former Russian spy, “But the incident right after she left…”
A breach that erased all of your data, along with the data of three staff within the Avengers Compound, happened a few months after you left the Compound and disappeared. Not only the records of your information, but also calls and texts, almost every trace of your presence was erased completely from both Avengers Compound and the government system as well.
The three staff later identified as mutants. They fled from the compound on the same day of the incident.
No one knew where you were. No CCTV or surveillance camera has recorded your prescence ever since.
It's a shame to admit, but no one bothered to look either.
After all, there were no demands or ransoms asked. And they were too busy saving the world to care for such trivia.
Nothing else was missing.
A few printed photos that Steve kept in his office survived. Printed photos of you and him together. That he had kept in the bottom of his drawer ever since your divorce.
A week later, Krakoa was established, announcing itself as a country and providing shelters for all mutants.
Steve suspected that the two events might be connected somehow, but Krakoa banned anyone who isn’t a mutant from entering the territory and has been moving on the map ever since, refusing any prying eyes.
Steve wanders into the patch of green a few hundred inches away from the hotel, heading towards the beach.
He was painfully reminded of you.
Of your happy times together.
And the determination you showed when you refused to tell him about your affair.
Yes, your affair. Even though you denied it. Steve believes that you were lying to him. About your location, about your everything.
About your lover.
“… come on down little monkey!” A familiar voice ghosting his ears.
A little girl screams at the top of her lungs, before giggling and sitting at the far end of a branch on a tree a few meters away, “But it’s out of power-Hi, Uncle Hank!”
The girl has blonde curly hair, bouncing as she jumps on the thin branch that could snap at any second. Steve is about to sprint to rescue when he hears you.
Your familiar voice.
“Come on, Mommy will catch you.” You clap your hand, your back facing Steve, who is hiding in the bushes. Your arms stretched wide open, urging the little girl to come down.
Urging your daughter to come down from the tree? From a branch seven feet in the air? How are you even encouraging the little girl while she could break her neck is unfathomable to Steve. This is stupid. Reckless. Irresponsible. A total -
“Come on, little monkey.” You clap your hand again, “It won’t be half as fun if I have to come up and get you.”
“Sorry, Y/N, I didn’t know that the rocket boots will die so soon,” begins a man on your side, apologizing. A thin man with glasses in his 40s. “The battery is supposed to last five hours when I put them on- Oh.”
“Yes.” Steve hears your grumpiness, “Batteries. Hank. My expertise.”
Steve knows your expertise.
Although you studied quantum physics and its application, your interest in Physics derived from your ability to absorb power and power transformation. However, you were not particularly interested in fighting bad guys, that’s why you weren’t on missions as often as he thought you would.
Batteries. You would absorb electricity from it in an instant, even when you are not intentionally doing so.
“Exhibiting her abilities so soon?” Hank gasps in disbelief, raising his head to look at your daughter jumping on that twig, “Normally it would be until their teen years.”
You chuckle, “Missing out on the latest Bio lab, aren’t you? They just published a paper about how mutant parents would cause a higher rate of mutant children, and as a result, their abilities tend to show earlier. Even so,” you kick the sand under your feet, your voice less exciting, “Hers is showing earlier than I did.”
“You showed your ability when you were five, right?”
“Two months till five. But yeah, pretty early. She made the light in our room flick on and off, starting from a month ago.” You make one last attempt at your daughter, who is having her fun with those thick rocket boots on her feet, “Be a sweetheart and come down, alright? Mommy is getting tired and we haven’t had dinner yet.” You plead softly.
“Alright, Mommy.” The little girl answers.
As Steve watches from afar, worrying sick that your daughter would fall from the tree, she spreads her arms and falls from the tree. But like a piece of paper, descending slowly into your arms.
Absorbing gravity to cancel it out. One of your typical moves too. Steve thinks bitterly. No doubt the little girl is your daughter.
Hank offers something as you three walk further from Steve and the bush he’s hiding. Steve didn’t quite catch what he said, but he hears you reply with a certain “Yes”.
Your voice trails away, “But it’ll be fine. Won’t we, little monkey?”
The little girl giggles again.
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“Do you want Daddy back, Mommy?” Your daughter Maddie asks abruptly as you take out the storybook before bed.
“I-” It would be a lie, to say that you do not want Steve. But years have gone by and you’ve built your life around Maddie and Krakoa. While you were desperate, wanting him back when you found yourself pregnant with Maddie, the night when he left your house, you knew that the only reason Steve would stick around, which is knowing that you are pregnant. Despite the responsibility he would be burdened with, he would also doubt whether he’s raising some other people’s child, since he already suspects that you were cheating, and your life would be miserable with his indifference.
You remember your panicking and fearing his leave.
Thinking that he can’t leave you, not when you are pregnant, not when you are working on a home and a shelter for your future children, trying to create a safe haven for you and your family.
But he left.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.” You tuck a strand of her blonde curls behind her ears, gazing into her beautiful cerulean eyes, “I hurt your father really bad when I made the big mistake that we talked about. And he hurt me too. Not that he wanted to, but he left me alone in this world.” You kiss her short chubby hand, placing her hand on your cheek, “We won’t be happy ever again. Because I lied to him. And he will always remember it.”
“Oh.” Maddie sounds disappointed, scrunching her little face together, “But Daddy knows you are doing the right thing, right? Building Kra-Kra-Krakoa and our home?”
She tried a few times to pronounce the word “Krakoa”, making you smile.
“I don’t know, sweetheart.” You explain to her with more patience than you can ever imagine, “I have never seen your father ever since.”
“He should!” Your daughter curls herself up into a ball in your arms, nuzzling your soft pyjamas, “He should be proud of you. And what you did. You help build the island, Mommy. Daddy should know. And he will forget your lying.”
Kids. Always thinking everything in the world is so simple. A small grin creeps up your lips.
But in your heart, the bitterness swirls into a dark pit.
Everyone else understood. Other mutants who had a family, who told their partners they will be gone for a while, who lied to their partners that they were needed for a job.
Their partners did. Their partners understood the cruelty of separation and the pain that those mutants cannot utter a word about their whereabouts, or the details of the job. The worst you’ve heard of, aside from yourself as an example, was a huge fight between Lorna and her boyfriend, but in the end, she forgave him after a week, having enough trust for both of them to continue their relationship and got married two years ago.
But no. Not Steve.
Steve, who quickly jumped to the conclusion that there was no need to continue this marriage.
Steve, after leaving word of divorcing you, left. To some shit-eating place in South Africa, for two whole months.
Two months. Two months of prying eyes and prodding questions from the Avengers, which you knew they were being kind and helpful, but you couldn’t stay there. Not when it brought pain and scars to your chest every time you’d see some possession that belonged to him, and cry your eyes out, nearly losing Maddie as a result. Not when they were also suspecting that you cheated on Steve and scolding you lightly, telling you to “speak to Steve and ask for his forgiveness”.
They were his family. Not really yours.
Yours is here.
You kiss her forehead, tucking her in, “I sure hope so. Good night, sweetheart.”
Your smile fades as your mind drifts to the human delegation that is alleged to arrive today.
You asked to be kept out of the loop and out of the trails that the delegation is visiting. You even confirmed with Hank today that you would take these three days off from the lab.
You blocked all relevant information regarding those visitors.
You were raised by this mutant family, by mutants such as Jean and Hank and befriended them, and you had your heart broken in the human world. You don’t want anywhere near humans ever again.
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“These are some state-of-the-art devices. I have to say, I’m very impressed.” Tony tilts his head to the side, reading the metrics recorded on the screen in the up-state Bio lab, “This is not quite my expertise though, the project you are operating here.”
Hank magnifies the part Tony is observing onto the huge screen behind them, “We are trying to incorporate human thoughts into robots, but in a wireless form. With a thought-” Hank, the man in glasses, places two stickers onto his head, and a robotic arm on the far end of the lab begins writing “Welcome”, stopping dead when it comes to “O”. Hank shrugs, not even bothered by the failure of the demonstration, “We have a talented specialist that helps with coding, but there are always some interferences with the transmission.”
Natasha clears her throat to gain their attention, “I’m also very impressed with the construction of the island as a whole. A construction this large should take … what, five years and a couple hundred workers?”
“Two and a half, to be precise.” Hank gestures for them to move forward onto the Physics lab, peeling the stickers off his temple, “About three dozen mutants involved. It would be sooner if it weren’t…” As if he suddenly was reminded of something, Hank let out a short “Ah”, and a brief pause, “if it weren’t some … unintentional held-up with one of our finest mutants.” His eyes land on sulking Steve, only for a few seconds.
Hank said it with a proud smile on his face. It didn’t take Steve forever to recognize the man from the beach last night, who gave your daughter, very irresponsibly, Steve might add, rocket boots.
Your daughter’s father is very irresponsible too. Not even showing up when your daughter is in danger. He thinks, clenching his jaw, praying for strength that he would punch that guy in the face if he ever meets him.
Natasha and Tony exchange a glance behind Hank, failing to notice Steve and his stern expressions.
“But it must have been a huge effort, even with three dozen, to keep them silent?” Natasha jokes light-heartedly, “There’s hardly any secret in the Avengers Compound without the full staff knowing it in three days.”
Hank nods politely, holding the door for them to come through, “Well, yes. But as you are well aware, a few of our best mutants are telepathic, meaning they could plant a gag order in our heads,” Hank taps his temple with his knuckle, “We couldn’t speak to anyone else about Krakoa for three years until it’s established. Our mind forbade us to speak of it because of the gag order.”
“Masochists, and they are proud of it,” Natasha whispers to Tony in a rush.
“It is troubling. Misunderstandings and arguments have aroused based on the gag order and its implementation.” Hank walks them through the long hallway from one building to another, “But we agreed it’s for the best at that moment.”
Tony makes a face that isn’t as obvious, but Steve and Natasha could tell that’s his disapproving face.
As Hank opens another door for them, the first thing they see is a little girl playing with her toy car on a tall chair. She slides the car down from a colorful track, and the track would deliver the toy car back to her hands.
“Maddison!” Hank rushes to her side, looking up and down to see whether the girl got hurt, “What are you doing here?”
“Mommy needs to pick up something.” Maddie points at you, cheering, “Look! Mommy Mommy!” She drops her toy car to the ground, and jumps off the tall chair, running to you and hugging your thigh.
Steve stops breathing. Seeing you, well and alive in front of him, with your daughter, in a rosy-pink dress that you bought while dating him a few years back.
You look … the same.
“Get behind me, Maddie.” You tug the little girl on her arm, to have her shielded fully behind your legs. An undetectable shakiness in your voice.
Maddie peeks from behind you. She doesn’t understand where this tension is coming from, but she understands one thing: “Mommy, is that Daddy?” She raises her head and asks.
You hate to lie to your daughter. But you are not going to let her be exposed to Natasha and Tony, and most importantly, Steve.
“Christ. It’s Y/N.” Tony mutters.
“Mommy, he looks exactly like the photo you showed me.” Maddie asks in confusion, pointing towards Steve, “He looks exactly like Daddy?”
“Maddison, not now.” It takes all your willpower not to push them all out of the lab at once, “Hank, would you mind?” You glance icily at Hank, urging him to solve the problem at hand.
“Yes, of course.” Hank starts to head the other way, “I’m sorry, but we’re behind schedule. If you would come with me-”
“No one is coming anywhere until we deal with this,” Tony announces, one hand already on his wristwatch, which you know contains a small plasma canon if he activates it.
“Is she…?” Steve knows the answer to his question before he asks. The hair and the eyes are similar to his, and the nose and lips resemble yours-
“Boys,” Natasha raises her voice, “Let’s be civil, shall we?”
“How old is she?” Steve feels a lump down his throat, “is she-”
“Civil?” You let out a dry laugh, the exact opposite of amused, “Tony Fucking Stark is ready to attack when he pulls out that wristwatch. And Natasha, long time no see, the same goes for your widow bites too. Yeah, I saw the glowing blue under your sleeves. You are trying to take my child away from me in a heartbeat and call yourself civil?”
“Tony, Nat.” Steve speaks.
Two words that bring the two of them away from their weapons.
You pick Maddie up from the ground, having your back to the Avengers, protecting your daughter from their grasp, “Let’s go, Maddie. I am apparently not welcomed here.”
“Y/N!” Steve calls to your back, “Y/N, please!”
Natasha is tempted to step forward and ask you to stay and talk this out, being blocked by Hank.
“I assume it is best that you stay right where you are,” Hank says politely, though his thin body has no intention of moving.
Maddie hugs your neck, laying her head on your shoulders. Her blue eyes focusing on Steve while you walk away.
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daftpatience · 1 year
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more of my sillay little trisona and yes im letting my fountain pen fixation leak into this universe its just hes already me so he obvi has some
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themetalvirus · 15 days
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so... i've owned two fountain pen revolution himalaya v2s for a while now, and i have some thoughts.
TLDR: fpr is a small business and you shouldn't avoid buying from them, but the himalaya v2 is not worth your time unless you're an enthusiast who has access to a lot of hobby supplies.
if you want an essay on why that's my thought, keep on reading bestie
fountain pen revolution is a remarkably small company making their own proprietary nibs and pen bodies, which is already incredible. their ultraflex nibs are a pretty popular modern flex nib choice in the fountain pen community. another thing i see touted a lot and agree with is that they have fantastic customer service.
hang on... why have so many people had experiences with going to customer service?
well, to put it bluntly, their pens do not work out of the box and they don't tell you this anywhere on their website. for the lucky few, they have received their pen and been able to fill and write with it without issue. for the rest of us, their pens are nothing but issues when they first arrive.
if there isn't some kind of manufacturing error (which is common, and they are always quick to replace these), there's an issue that you have to fix yourself. if your pen is drooling ink, you need to grease the threads of the converter with silicone grease, and if you don't have any then fuck you. if that doesn't work, you need to heat set the nib, which involves dunking the pen in near-boiling water, but watch out, it can severely discolor ebonite pen bodies and may not even work the first few times you do it! marvelous!
their proprietary converters also love to drop their stems. as in, the physical plunger becomes dislodged from its designated socket in the construction and the pen refuses to fill, so you have to shove it back where it belongs with a paperclip or something. this happens almost every time i try to fill it. fun!
when you fill the pen, you may think you did something wrong, because the full converter looks like... this.
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there's a whole lot of ink in the grip section, but you can't see that. all you can see is the giant gap of dead air in the converter, which is discouraging. no other converter or piston fill pen i have does this, but this is considered normal for fpr converters. this feels like a nitpick, but all of these little weird experiences add up over time to make these pens feel like they were made by aliens.
everything in these pens is made by fpr themselves, which is really cool! their ebonite (not plastic, perfect for the essentially REQUIRED heatsetting step) feeds are very chunky and can handle feeding any ink-hungry nibs (like the ultraflex, for example) just fine.
their nibs are... fine? i have several of their nibs, and their standard grind lineup (xtra fine to bold) is quite uninteresting. i decided on the two-tone architect nib for my pink himalaya. in short: architect grinds give you thin up and down strokes, thick side to side strokes. great for arabic calligraphy! or drawing, which is what i use these for.
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the ultraflex nib is... a can of worms. i didn't prepare any photos for discussion of this which i'm kicking myself about. flex nibs let you put down thicker lines the more you press down, which is very valuable for calligraphy and is a desirable trait for FPs. the more flex the better. the ultraflex is VERY flexy, but uses a lot of ink very quickly, is difficult to heat set properly, is prone to leaking, and is picky with how you use it lest it stop working. it's a very specific nib with a lot of downsides, and those downsides just make it more troublesome than it's worth for me.
the pen i have the ultraflex nib in hasn't been inked in a few months. let me show you some pictures nonetheless.
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do you see those pink, yellow, or oddly dark patches in what is supposed to be pearly white sections of the finish? that's staining. the taj mahal finish is VERY prone to staining and it gets ugly quickly. these stains do not come out with washing.
the grip section on these pens is STINKY. if you've ever owned a pen made of "plant-based" plastic or resin, you know the exact stench i'm talking about. i have a pretty bad sense of smell, but the smell is even a bit disruptive to me. i can't imagine how it would be for someone with a sensitive nose. it smells like half-rotten compost, and will make your fingers smell much the same. again, the smell isn't a dealbreaker for me, but it's just another one of those details that makes the whole thing weird.
here's some more pictures of the pen body:
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the body itself is actually perfectly nice! it has a nice middling weight which is balanced nicely throughout the pen even when posted. this is actually one of the pens i feel most comfortable writing with while the cap is posted - it's secure up there and doesn't add extra weight!
there are, of course, things to like about this pen. FPR's pens are very customization friendly. just yank out the nib and feed, pop a new combo in there, heat set it, done! they're super fun to tinker with and are a great excuse to break out all your fancy fp hobby supplies, lol. you know how some people love having project cars? this is a bit of a project pen. fun to use, and when it inevitably has some kind of problem you get to tinker with it.
FPR pens are first and foremost FOR. HOBBYISTS. these aren't pens that are beginner or even intermediate friendly, and that's their biggest drawback. they feel like they're built for tinkering rather than writing, and the quirks of a fully built in-house pen add up to create something that is, on the whole, odd.
again, FPR is a small business. my only experiences with them have been with these pens and the free muft they package in (which you should opt out of if you purchase from them, as like all things from fpr, they have poor quality control), so their other pens may be far more reliable.
the guy who does customer service is nothing but friendly and helpful. i just wish it wasn't practically a requirement to get a pen that you can write with.
all of this ends with me not inking these pens for fear they will leak and i'll have to do some kind of annoying maintenance on them i didn't plan on doing. they take up room on my pen desk, uninked and a little smelly, and they don't do much for me. they fill a niche, but i'm not sure if i am their niche.
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artbymagsn · 1 year
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Scene from Prologue by @the-greenfox !!! Zoya coming across a knocked-out Nikolai hehe
Check out the amazing companion illustrations by @0marm-alade0 & @polekands !
This whole collab was brought together by @grishaversebigbang !!
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e-louise-bates · 4 months
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Ok, so this is a problem whenever I use one of my fountain pens with bottled ink rather than ink cartridges. They don’t leak out the nib, but the ink just tends to … bleed out of the pen all over my writing hand, not just where my fingers and thumb hold it to write (I have terrible hand/finger writing position—hang on, I’ll do another photo to demonstrate even though it’s not tremendously relevant to this post):
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Anyway. It only happens after I refill my pen. Once I’ve used it for a while the leakage/bleed stops, until the next time I refill when it starts all over again. It’s the worst with this pen, which is a Platinum Plaisir, but it also happens somewhat with my Pilot Metropolitan and my Pilot Prera.
Which makes me think the problem has to be in the way I refill them, not a problem with the pen itself, but I have no clue what I’m doing wrong or, obviously, I would stop doing it. I finally figured out how to do the actual pen refilling without getting ink all over my hands, now I just need to learn how to use the after it’s been refilled without getting all inky!
Advice welcome.
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misc-obeyme · 8 months
Hello!!! I see for your event my two loves are already locked in (Arv, I see you slamming that button for Barbatos thank you for your service
What if I requested ink for Aresenios? Sksksksk sorry I’m in love w your OC
Or diavolo! If we’re sticking with originals characters
AH SILVER ILY. Yes, I am fully accepting requests for Arsenios, so I definitely wrote it with him. (Sorry Dia...) Thank you so much, I'm so happy that you like him!
I really enjoyed writing this, too, but of course because it's Arrie and I love writing about him lol!
Thank you for participating!
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GN!MC x Arsenios (OC) with prompt ink
Warnings: none!
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You had been sitting a few seats down from Arsenios at a large table in the RAD library for some hours now. He hadn't even looked up when you sat down, completely absorbed in the papers in front of him. You didn't see any books, so you didn't think he was studying. He was relaxed, but his eyes never once left the paper. He was writing something with what appeared to be a fountain pen.
You didn't worry about it, pulling out your own books to start studying for your next exam. Every once in a while, you couldn't help peeking over at him, but he never looked up.
That is, until he finally did.
And then you were met with purple grey eyes full of curiosity and you suddenly wondered if he had been aware of you the entire time.
"You've been here for hours," he said. "Have you taken a break? You should drink some water."
You reached into your bag, pulled out your water bottle, and shook it slightly to demonstrate that it was only partly full. "Don't worry," you said. "I thought of that. Anyway, it's not like you've moved at all since I got here. Do demons not need water?"
Arsenios smiled and put his hands up. "You got me," he said.
You noticed the smudges of ink across his palms. "What have you been doing anyway?" you asked. "You have ink all over your hands."
Arsenios looked down at his hands, turning them over briefly before turning back to the pages on the table. "I was writing a song," he said. "Got caught up in it, you know? Didn't realize I was getting ink on myself. Maybe my pen has a leak?"
He picked up the pen and began to inspect it.
You sighed, taking pity on him. You took out your water bottle and a handkerchief. Then you moved a few seats down so you were sitting next to him.
"Here, let me try this," you said. You dampened the handkerchief with water and then took one of his hands.
For a moment you were distracted by the warmth of his skin and the pattern of the black magic circle tattoo on the back of it. There was a black smudge across it - ink on ink. You began to wipe at it, hoping some of it might come off.
You could feel Arsenios's eyes on you. All this time, they had been fully occupied by the sheets on the table. Now they were looking at you with that same intensity. You felt the blush creeping up your cheeks and you didn't notice how the water did nothing to remove the ink stains on his hands.
Arsenios put his free hand over yours - the one still wiping at his light brown skin with the handkerchief. Now all you could see were your hands entwined with his. You took in the tattoos, the splotches of ink, the nails painted grey.
"MC," Arsenios said, his voice somehow making your name sound like a symphony.
You looked up and saw an amused expression. It was a slightly crooked smile and gleaming eyes.
"That won't work," he said. "I can't get fountain pen ink off my fingers even when I scrub them with soap. I just have to wait a few days and it will fade on its own. I appreciate you trying, though."
You realized that meant you could move away. You could pull back your hands and go back to your seat where your books awaited you. But you couldn't bring yourself to move, caught in his touch.
Arsenios reached out to place his fingertips gently against your cheek. You should have turned away then, but instead you found yourself leaning into his hand. Your eyes closed almost of their own accord and your body involuntarily sagged. It was as though you'd been hit with a wave of fatigue that you'd been fighting off for the last hour of your study session.
"Let me walk you home, MC," Arsenios said. "You need to get some rest."
You didn't protest. You let him pull you to your feet, his hand holding onto yours as he gathered your things, shouldering your bag himself. He didn't let go until you were at the House of Lamentation's front door.
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cozy comforts | masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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hey can u tell me abt ball point pen history
The first patent for ballpoint pens was granted in 1888. Specifically on the 30th of October, to one John J Loud. It was supposed to be able to write on coarser surfaces that a fountain pen could not.
However, this very first version of a ballpoint pen sucked balls. It was not a design that could not write on paper. At all. Also, the ink tended to either leak (in summer) or freeze (in winter) Mind, I only have one specific source on this model right now but. There's a reason they were yet to be used for a long time. Over the next couple decades, a few people tried to chime in with suggestions for improvement but Loud kept a tight wrap on those patents.
No profit was made from Loud's original version of a ballpoint pen. But, you know, technically it still existed.
Now, early 20th century. Enter László Biró, a newspaper editor who was frustrated about all the smudging ink from fountain pens and his dentist brother-with-chemical-knowledge György. Biró (already seeing the resemblance to some slang here) watched newspapers being printed and dry very, very quickly and went "actually, You Know What".
What they figured out was that to use ink that dries fast in a pen, you need a pen that prevents the ink from drying fast inside of said pen. Therefore, they spent Quite A While figuring out a mechanism to allow inkflow while preventing it from drying and clogging up inside. 1938, they filed for a British patent.
1941, the Biró brothers left Hungary due to its support of Hitler (based) and eventually settled in Argentina, where they founded/developed a new brand of ballpoint pens with their friend Juan Jorge Meyne and filed a new, better patent in 1943.
Now this is where things get messy and my sources differ sliiightly but considerably enough to be confusing.
One the one hand, you have two companies, Eversharp Co and Eberhard Faber Co teaming up to license this Birome pen in the USA.
Around the same time, a bit later, some American fuckhead, also known as Milton Reynolds gets a hold of a Biró pen and gets a whiff of sales money immediately. He goes back to the US and starts his own company. This is Absolutely Not A Copyright Infringement since he's selling an altered copy only loosely based on those Birome pens. Definitely. Absolutely.
I mean, to be fair, it was in fact different enough to count as its own brand. And it skipped and leaked and did not live up to user expectations. But neither did Eversharp/Faber's pens, and both companies were constantly caught up in their beef that both companies went down like a lead balloon.
Eventually, Parker Pens got out the first proper design that, you know, actually worked as intended (and was, I think, actually licensed to Birome pens), and a little later Bich, then shortened to Bic, made a design that actually offered quite some precision. This was around the 1940s/1950s when ballpoint pens now finally, actually, permanently came in use (Bic around the 60s I believe) and I love them.
Keep in mind, though, I only used three sources, one of those Wikipedia, and picked through slight contradictions to figure out what makes sense and is the most likely, so take this with a grain of salt.
For the initial purposes of my research, however, this was more than sufficient. (I needed to know if I could have a character in the 30s click a pen. Since they were still pretty much not in use back then, she got to twirl a pencil instead. It was one tiny sentence.)
Thank you for asking! It's my favourite piece of niche knowledge to whip out at random and the only one I can support with dates and names, though I did have to read up on my bookmarked pages. I am waiting for the day when I finally play powerpoint karaoke and get the topic of ballpoint pens. Please let this happen, it would be so funny. Uno uno (<- prayer of my friend group).
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amrass · 9 months
Fanfiction updates and excerpts 09.01.24
I am still sort of burned out, so taking it slow, but wanted to update any readers on my projects. I have settled on four main works, all for RDR2, two small crack fics and two smut fics (Arthur/Micah/Dutch, and Colm/Micah).
Info and excerpts under the cut!
Love Letters. Crack. Unexpected twoshot about the gang drawing dicks on the face of a certain sleeping rat. Part one is up!
"Oh," Grimshaw said, frowning at Micah's face, dirtied with something other than dirt. "Well. It's not my job to wash men who are that level of unwashed. But ..." In a swift, elegant movement, she pulled a fountain pen out from her hairdo. She wielded her pen like a knife, and the onlookers blinked at the added details to Micah's face, and an awed "Ahh" went through them, together with polite clapping. "Someone forgot the balls on that one," Grimshaw said.
Moral Tinnitus. Crack. Half finished oneshot where Arthur can hear the honor bell. This is even sillier than Love Letters, often breaking the fourth wall, with weird physics.
Arthur stood stock still when Dutch started rummaging around in his beard. After some shuffling about, he grasped two section of voluminous hair as if pulling apart theater curtains. Deep inside the beard was a familiar form, the sheer compactness of his squatting making Micah's earlier yoga positions seem like child's play.
 "Trelawny! You rascal, what are you doing inside Arthur's beard?"
"I'm hiding from the law, old friend."
Scotch, Cream and Rum. Smut threeshot, Arthur/Micah/Dutch. My first attempt at PWP, and it will be about 10 - 15k words. First part is done, but I want to finish the second to estimate the action curve lol. So far it is like 4000 words of a competitive blowjob ...
Micah had to breathe at some point, taking a break to swallow back spit. But it wasn't a true break, because he left a trail of kisses around the head of Dutch's cock, pulling back the foreskin and panting against the sensitive skin beneath, which Arthur would've never thought to do.
"You're truly ... remarkable at this, aren't you?" Dutch said.
"You're the remarkable one, Dutch."
Arthur thought he might puke.
Micah must've sensed it somehow, because the reverence in his eyes deadened as they slid to the side. "Your turn, tough guy," he said, holding Dutch's cock like they were boys sharing a stolen cigar behind a garden shed.
Salt. Previously titled Perfect Night. Colm/Micah pre-canon sugar daddy AU, multichapter kinkfest? Part 1 is done, but this is still changing a lot, and after 200k words on writing Micah as a secondary character, he is letting me write from his perspective!!! Their villainous chemistry is off the charts. Warning: DARK CONTENT
He didn't get far before pain engulfed him, so intense it took a moment to realize it came from Colm squeezing his balls. Pride leaked through his mouth in a high, undignified sound, until they became numb. It was worse when Colm loosened the hold. Blood flooded back and Micah almost went to his knees, but Colm steadied him, one hand finding his erection through the fabric. Micah felt distant to his own arousal, closer to the pain.
"Knew it," Colm said. Casual, he undid Micah’s jeans, pulling them down just enough to expose him. The glove was around him was softer than a callused hand. "No underwear, kitten? That's gotta chafe. You’re such a pain slut."
"Queer piece of shit geezer."
"Sure. But you can call me sir, if you wanna."
^^ bonus crack variation of this dynamic
Colm: I'll steal all your secrets, I’ll make you love me, I’ll wrangle your true submission out of you
Micah: ok boomer
… Thanks for reading!
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elsewhereuniversity · 2 years
So I picked up a few pens from that artisanal pen stall you mentioned a while back, figured I’d donate them as I figured out what they did.
Anyway my first offering is a fountain pen that writes on the surface below what you’re trying to write on, as my desk, carpet and shoe can unfortunately attest to. I suspect it leaks a bit too though it’s not immediately apparent, I’ve been finding ink in strange places whenever I’ve left a cartridge in overnight.
Hey, look, I’m not exactly thrilled you have delivered unto me yet another pen that tracks ink everywhere. I know it’s well-meaning, and I’ll take the pen, but you’ve got to take this off my hands in the meantime. A charm for you, inconvenience for inconvenience: a spiral-bound notebook that immediately breaks whatever writing utensil you use in it.
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goldentemplariumcrow · 4 months
hi! which kind of pen do you think it’s the most comfortable to write with, fountain pens or rollerballs? i’m still learning about pens and i tried googling the differences between them but some websites say that fountain pens are more comfortable and others say that they’re basically the same thing, but rollerballs are more practical. also, do you think fountain pens are a lot of work? i heard someone saying that fountain pens are not worth it because the ink doesn’t even last a week and it leaks and you have to buy the right kind of paper and stuff like that… i’m still curious about fountain pens though, and i wanted to hear your opinion about it! :) thanks in advance!
Heyo, my fellow stationery lover! 🥰💕🖋🖊
It's so nice of you to ask about this, and I totally understand how it all sounds confusing depending on who and where you take your information from. I, myself, had a long run over the years to learn the differences and what works best with my writing style.
So, I'll start retroactively and sort of correct your friend there, because fountain pens and rollerball pens both need good paper to give their best performance. However, as a beginner I'd tell you to work with what you have, which means adequating your chosen pen nib to the paper you have at your immediate disposal.
As an example: I started writing on printer paper and normal everyday notebooks (those you buy in bulk from dollar store to be more precise). Sure, I didn't have the luxury of writing on both sides of the pages, because both fountain pens and rollerballs are usually heavy on the dispense of their inks in this kind of paper, but it taught me about size and flow.
Tip/Nib Size:
Fountain pens work on the range of Extra Fine, Fine, Medium, Broad, Double Broad and Stub (stubs often go from 1.0 to 3.0 size, the bigger the number the larger it'll be, they're usually associated with Goth Style calligraphy). The stub nib is also known as the italic nib, it writes thin on the horizontal and diagonals, but when doing a vertical, downward stroke, it becomes thick. (You can see some different nib sizes on the image bellow)
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Rollerball pens work on a range of 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, and 1.9 tips, with the easiest tips to find going from 0.3 to 0.8. And their tips will always be just simple round ones with not much variation in terms of colors. (I'm sorry for not having a photo to explain this one, but my rollerball has given up on me this Monday morning and ran the last of its drops of ink 😂 I need to get a new one)
Fountain pens and rollerballs work in kind of the same manner in terms of dispensing their ink, they work through capilary mechanisms and gravity. You have to have them down in contact with the paper to make the ink go down to the tip/nib in order to make it work.
The flow usually derives from the kind of ink that are being dispensed and the kind of nib/tip on your pen. The bigger the nib/tip size the more ink will be dispensed on the paper and so the faster you'll need to fill the fountain pen back or buy a new rollerball/refill your rollerball.
About fountain pens not being worth it...
That's a common misconception, because in today's world a lot of people prefer to exchange customization for practicality.
Fountain pens require a little bit of maintainance, because most aren't disposable, the biggest number of them, even the cheapest ones, are meant to last if you don't simply throw it in your bag and have the bag be benchpressed by a rollertruck or be in the way of an explosion (et me tell you, I've yet to find an every day hurdle that can break a Lamy Safari PBS body and stainless steel nib @-@ it scratches and fades, but doesn't break, and I have this baby for around 10 years now, it faced two college degrees with me). A fact that becomes more evident when you see the fact that most brands design converters for their pens.
Most fountain pens can be customized to your liking, from the nib, to the feeder (the part that brings the ink from the cartridge/reservoir/converter) to the nib, to the body, to the ink you write with. They become a sort of statement of your style.
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From top to bottom:
- Majohn Moonman C1 (10USD) (can be used with a converter, but I prefer to fill the body with ink for maximum capacity, around 5ml)
- Lamy Safari (20-30USD)
- Wing Sung 3008 (5USD) (built in piston sucks the ink into the pen for maximum capacity, around 2.5ml)
- Pilot Kakuno (15USD) (with Con-70 converter, around 1.7ml)
- Jinhao Centurion (10USD)
- Jinhao 9019 Dadao (10USD) (biggest converter I've ever seen, carrying up to 3ml of ink)
- Jinhao 82 (3USD)
- Tramol T100 (4USD) (full body holds 2ml)
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A comparison between the nibs of the Jinhao 9019 Dadao, Jinhao 82 and Majohn Moonman C1. As you can see, I have the heartbit limited edition fine nib on the Dadao, while the 82 has a dual color nib and the Majohn has a long and slightly narrower nib. These are all customizations.
As you can see, there are fountain pens for all styles, likings and price ranges. From the thicc ones with double and triple Cs (I'm looking at you, Dadao) to the more minimalist and sturdy ones, like the Lamy Safari, which is a model that's been around in the market since the 80s and, if you want to be even more conservative, there's always the Pilot 78G and 78G+ that's been around since 1991; if you're one to love traveling, it's hard to go wrong the brass body Traveler's one too.
About the ink not lasting, spillages and all that jazz...
When you buy a fountain pen, they usually come with an ink cartridge, which in my experince last around 2 weeks with me writing daily for 8 hours a day (for my daytime job). However, that depends on the size of the cartridge, smaller ones won't last as long, but they're often the ones you can find more easily on your local stores, since this makes for a bigger compatibility between pen and cartridge due to the thickness of certain barrels (some brands have their own style of cartridges, like Parker and Pilot).
Personally I remedy this by simply having a bottle of Noodler's Ink (this one of the link even comes with a nice beginner friendly pen in the package) on the side and a make-up siringe to suck all the ink from the bottle to the cartridge that comes with the pen. It's much more enviromentally friendly than the rollerballs that usually aren't refillable.
The whole spillage happens because of mishandling. I personally only had one single episode when I was a newbie and brought a fountain pen on an airplane, the pressure change made the ink go kaboom in the pen, but my cap held up well and all I had to do was wash it once I landed. I know some people who are heavy handed also have ink spillage accidents, but again, that's due to mishandling, as fountain pens don't require pressure to get the ink writing on the paper. And, of course, like any liquid, if you shake it hard enough, it will, eventually, spill everywhere in one way or another, but that is a risk that also exists on rollerballs.
Which one is better: Fountain Pens or Rollerball Pens?
I can't emphazise enough that this is an opinion and I enjoy most writing instruments, for each has their very own beauty.
Personally, see fountain pens as a long-time commitment while the rollerballs are more of a shortterm "save me in a pinch" type of pen.
Fountain pens often help correct writing vices that cause harm to the hands and wrists, they train you to slow down for a moment to mind your grip and angle, and in exchange give you the beautiful experience of premium writing with an instrument that's all your own, if not by nib and body, by ink, because every single fountain pen lover has their very own favorite (if not beloved) shade. They give you a freedom that other pens don't usually give in terms of color, you can even like a simple everyday blue, but you can choose from a Pilot Kon-peki to a Waterman Inspire Blue, and don't get me started on the inks that change shade once they dry out or that have metalic shimmer mixed in their composition.
Rollerballs will save me if I don't have my fountain pen with me (I carry a Lamy Safari everywhere I go) and need to jolt down some quick notes, but not write for a long while. They don't feel so good, because my angle of writing (near 45°).
In summary: I wrote this post defending the fountain pens, because I know the discourse of them being obsolete and inpractical that's everywhere, but I see both rollerballs and fountain pens as excellent writing instruments that deserve equal space in our lives, pen pouches and pencil cases 🥰💕🖋🖊
I hope this helps you a little, my fellow writing friend.
Happy writing!
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taptrial2 · 2 months
yknow im starting to accept that fountain pen revolution pens are kinda pieces of shit. which makes me sad because i really REALLY wanted to love their flex nibs but theyre so prone to leaking and dribbling. even after you heat set them, i think changes in ambient moisture or other air pressure weather stuff is enough to compromise them and make them leak and spit again. plus you have to syringe fill the converters to actually get enough ink in the pen to use it properly, and even then the ultraflex nib uses SO much ink that it barely even feels worth it, especially because of the leaks making the ink capacity feel like it's even less than it already is. sad. it makes me sad
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ex0rin · 5 months
hey king this is the silent hill puzzle peom AND bloodletting mirror maze anon again: dont worry i wont put u in a saw trap, not really my thing. my thing is themes and motifs and how horror is sexual and sexuality is horror.
anyway how do you feel about icyhot? like sexually. (imagine im kicking my feet in bed and writing in pink glitter gel pen to you)
oh HELLO 👁️
i would like you to know that myself and at least two secret discords like the whole vibe you've got going on also, i'm like 95% sure you broke @pwderedsugar with the silent hill thing 😅
thank you for not planning on trapping me in a saw trap (though also that's what someone who was going to put me in a saw trap might say) anyway, i appreciate that
i feel pretty good about it generally? it's another i've never written it so i don't think about it - but, by all means, please expand on your thoughts if you'd like!
(i like your choice in pen, i am responding with a fountain pen that leaks through every piece of paper i own)
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jwinsorart · 1 year
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Maybe I'll be doing more bullet journal and planning content now? We'll see. I'm trying to keep track of more things for my business, so I felt like I needed to get it out on paper with some journaling.
I also wanted to give this pen a good testing to see how I liked it. I found it less wet/juicy than some other fountain pens I've used. Which makes it a more likely candidate to carry in my purse or travel bag for writing on the go. (I'd be less worried about a leak or spill.) It's lightweight and easy to hold. And the cap posts which always makes a pen feel more balanced to me. I'm still fairly new to fountain pens but I absolutely love that the pen body and ink match so I don't have to guess what color I put in it. 💕
🖋 @ferriswheelpress Malibu Blush Ink and Carousel Fountain Pen
📜 dot journal
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cheekedupwhiteboy · 9 months
i trust ur fountain pen opinions. i wanted to ask what ur favorite and least favorite pens were. i have a pilot kakuno that i clean + use the right cartridges for but its so leaky unfortunately. been considering saving up for a lamy 2000 by the end of this year. i'd love to hear ur thoughts and opinions
I don't really have a least favorite, although my Kaweco Parkeo has been pissing me off because it keeps leaking ink onto the grip section and making my desk look like a crime scene whenever I open it
My personal fave is probably tied between my TWSBI Eco-T (cheap, big ink capacity, writes well, great workhorse pen, TRIANGULAR GRIP SECTION!!!!) and my Pilot Custom Heritage 92 (also a piston fill. decidedly not cheap but the gold nib is really lovely to write with)
a Lamy 2000 has also been on my wishlist for a while..... although I've heard their higher end pens have quality control issues. I do really want to write checks or whatever with a Lamy 2000 with a big fat BB nib though PS: TWSBI also makes the Go, which is an ultra cheap spring-loaded piston fill pen if you want to try switching from cartridges/converters to bottled ink. afaik all of their pens use the same steel nibs and they are (ime) consistently excellent for the price #twsbishill
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