#is this gonna be like The Natural History of Fear?
jrueships · 2 months
zesty lowkey just another way for str8 ppl to say faggot / faggy and get away with it
#and im sick of letting them#cus why my lil nephew not even ten yet saying that and 'acting 'zesty' ' with his friends#i hate sounding like a boomer like i value the upside of technology#but u give humans / ANYONE rlly a chance to relax and a lot will turn it into laziness / neglect just because they can#like it's good to spread awareness but it's maybe likeeee. Not a good thing to spread statements/stereotypes with no further explanation#and peddle it to CHILDREN#whose comprehensions skills are. surprise. that of a CHILD'S#i say this ironically. btw#'oh im so mature for my age' no bro ure an immature HUMAN whos being forced to immaturely consider urself mature#due to the nature of ur relationships and homelife (or more-so the lack/negatives of them)#like it's ok to be a little stupid#as long as u keep trying to improve instead of just sitting in fault#or acting like they dont exist#anyways this got off topic but ya. crazy#kids have been killing each other n crazy shit like that but lately the crazy murder stories have HEAVILY leaned into#a misunderstanding of materialism#instead of just 'i wonder what it feels like' it's 'she took my ipad & also i wonder what it feels like'#like the first was already scary enough & now we've got this shit???#empathy is going thru a downside and we need to adjust the scales back!!!#im not gonna act like this is some new never seen b4 onset of fear impacting a generation after mine#bcs it's not never seen before in LIFE.. it's just never been seen b4 in UR life. which can feel like LIFE LIFE bcs like. uve only got one#that u may be cognizant of or etc religion aspect insert here. the point is. history repeats itself. but the points of history#can vary in visibility. some events get more notice than others bcs history's voice is ppl & actions & sometimes that gets erased#this isnt some bastardization point of one generation. but it IS a flaw that can show up in any gen (usually the oncoming ones)#bcs changes can be comfort & discomfort & the one u'd usually consider negative isnt always#anyways what im trying to say is. we need empathy back up period. always. we need empathy#lack of it is concerning. end of argument
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doctorwhoisadhd · 1 year
i havent watched the trailer yet but Holy shit. Finally. finally after the whole braxiatel and house lungbarrow snafu of 13s era, the niche extended universe portion of dr who tumblr is getting what we deserve
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arachnostalgiac · 1 year
oh, with google's new inactive account policy, i think we're about to see a Bunch of old creepypastas/horror/slender blogs/etc just fuckin' vanish, since most are on Blogger and most used a specific google account to write them
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tarotmundomonde · 3 months
Love reading 18+ , astrology themed
So this is actually a Venus conjunct Rahu aspect based love reading. The cycle lasts about 10 months and this time it began in April 2024. So keep in mind, this is not an overall next 10 months PAC reading, but it's about what that aspect will add, what lessons it will bring to your love life for the next 10 months. I also added to it an 18+ part. It's my first time doing so, so let me know, what you think about it.
pick a number 1-5 OR an emoji 👰‍♀️ 😛 🎡 🤷‍♀️ 💥
PS: The messages are really long, so I had to replace texts with screenshots. Thank you for your understanding~
(ps. this reading is for practice and for fun)
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And you know, what's so great about that? Because that's then, what you attract. Someone, who glows, someone magnificent, someone super attractive aka to your taste, someone you'll have a heart to heart connection with. And then you will have a very blossoming sacred union with a lot of embraces and affection expressed to one another. They will reach out to you. Like said, maybe this sacred union is with someone you already know, but it's like they can't come forth, before you are in your power first. But the cards say that miracles will happen and to remember to be playful! Then 18+ messages. The shifts shows. It's the same message as before. For example in intimacy, at first your energy makes it difficult for anyone to approach you. There is intimidation and fears and awkwardness. And if you learn your lessons, then there is this quick shift and the rest is history. Like the intimacy will reach the stars! This pile actually shows that you will have a s*x life. Most definitely. The attraction is going to be very intense, but it looks like you will both try at first to hold back till you just can't. Like the energy will be very heavy and intense. And then you find each other in each other's embrace going at it 🤣 It seems you will discuss your preferences and a lot of tease can be seen from the cards. You are gonna love your person's body! This person, they know how to enjoy the pleasures of sx. They know their pace and their speed. This person will be like their body is a present. Kinda like they are the cake and you should come and… enjoy. Yeah, this person has some real stamina, just saying. And you know what's great? Reciprocity, equal give and take. This person knows, how to be generous and make sure you both equally enjoy it. And it's gonna feel very natural to be with them. No wonder the cards talked about a sacred union. So pile number 1, you've got nothing to worry about. It looks great!
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possibilities. And that it seems there will be new love coming in. Very deep emotions and feelings, happiness and love. So that's great news for you pile 2! But especially, if you have multiple options, those are things to really pay attention to. Like, can the person make you laugh? Then 18+ messages. What comes to intimacy, it looks like it will take some time for someone to melt, to open up to it in the connection, whether it's you or them. It's also possible you could be dealing with someone at a distance. There is also a more intuitive approach to intimacy with this pile. Someone here doesn't want to open up, unless they think this is love. Whether this cycle adds to your s*x life or not is 50/50. For some of you, it could be due to physical distance. It looks like this pile will attract some flings or hook-ups, friends with benefits. So in more details, this is how it's coming through. If you are at a distance, you will must likely only dream about each other. If you meet, you'll have questions like will you meet again, when will you be able to be together again, etc. If it's a fling, random hook-up, friends with benefits, it looks good, but it's lacking something. Maybe it's just uncomfortable, for example doing it in a tiny car with very little space. Or simply the fact that it's lacking a foundation, so there is no real bonding, no sparks. It looks like you will be thinking, who is next and is there someone better out there and such. It seems like you'll be left thinking that in general it could be even better. Like said, it's good, but if you'd have a real connection, if they were your partner, then it could be fantastic. Something like that.
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give it to you, same in bed. Now, what comes to the hot stuff, there could be quite a lesson there for you. I'll tell you, what it literally looks like. That you think the size will do it. That the key is the size of their D. And you will be shown that it's far from enough. Basically, it looks like you'll do your best, you'll put on your best performance for your partner, but it's one-sided. Only you put in the effort. And they'll just use their body once and that's it. It looks like you'll feel left out hanging. You will feel robbed. And based on the cards, this is explained in the most nice way possible. So your dreams of a big D being the magic wand that will give you all you need will be shattered into pieces. The key is going to be to understand that chemistry is really important and that your partner knows how to use their magic wand and that they want to use it. Basically if they have the hots for you, they should embody it and want to show you their passion for you, if you catch the drift. But like the cards show, you can always bring it up and talk about it with them and see then, how they react to it. If they care about you, it would show. If they don't wanna even hear it, don't wanna change, etc, then think about it, think if that person really is for you.
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fleeting chemistry or true bond. And it turns out to be true bond with fiery chemistry. It looks like you are saying no to temptation and no to just lust. You demand love, and patience, time will show you what the person is about. And they are patient and they respect you. It's like they are literally saying that you are gorgeous and so hot and they want you, but you decide. Like they are leaving an offer on the table, saying they want you so if you want them, call them -type of message. Hope it makes sense. So if you need someone's touch, this person is willing to give you it all. And interestingly, the cards are showing that you focusing on yourself and on your solar plexus chakra healing and in general focusing on yourself and being true to yourself in regards to s*x and love, it's bringing you good karma. Just so you know.
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possibility that you are trying to manifest someone in particular and of course, if you are not into manifestation rituals, it seems someone is manifesting you. But the cards talk also about love messages coming in. And about a long-term commitment coming in. Perhaps even engagement. Then 18+ messages. It seems you are more open to intimacy than your possible partners. So you could feel like they lack vulnerability. Physically they do want to touch you, but it feels like you are more gentle than them and they might be more rough. Like they offer you the temptation and the D, but it's like what they do comes with the intention of doing the deed, whereas you seem to want more intimacy and closeness and hugs. It looks like a lot of temptation, doing things to make you do what they want you to do, to make you do the things they want to get from you. For this pile, everything is possible, you may have or not have an active sx life, at least based on the cards there isn't really any additional energy adding to it. The same theme of lack of vulnerability is strongly present in the cards. It feels more like friends with benefits or a rebound. But the person here is not vulnerable and not open to open their heart. It just like sx that is agreed on, it looks even like your person would be absent-minded. And they only want it when it's convenient for them. And definitely the cards show someone, who'd want to have a rebound, as all they want is the healing and that's it. So yeah, friends with benefits or a rebound. If you meet someone, who is serious about you, then it seems this person does not want to rush things with you and want to first take their time to enjoy the romance with you.
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descendant-of-truth · 2 months
Y'know, it occurs to me - Movie!Sonic has a lot more in common Shadow than any other version of Sonic that I know of, and that creates a unique storytelling opportunity that wouldn't have been possible before.
Because originally, Shadow having a dark and traumatic backstory was what separated him from Sonic. Their similarities came out more in their confidence, their playful attitude, and even their withdrawn demeanor (though Shadow's is more extreme). Sonic's genuine ability to be carefree and optimistic was his biggest difference from Shadow.
In the movies, Sonic is... not nearly as put-together. Just like Shadow, his personality is shaped almost entirely from the result of tragedy. Both of them had to watch their closest family member get shot trying to save them from raiders (who were specifically targeting them for their powers) by sending them to Earth. The difference here is that, for Shadow, this event is fresh in his mind, while Sonic's had ten years (give or take) to accept what happened and move on.
Except, there's more, because losing Longclaw is itself not the main thing informing Sonic's character - it's the fact that he spent those next ten years in near-total isolation. Also similarly to Shadow, he took the last words his family said to him very seriously, and she told him to stay hidden no matter what. Combine that with the natural fear of what being found did to Longclaw, and the majority of Sonic's life has been spent hidden away, looking out at the world but unable to participate in it.
Remind you of anyone?
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(I swear if the movie doesn't make a point about this parallel specifically I'm gonna lose it)
Normally, Sonic is a silly and upbeat character because that's just how he is by nature, and the feelings he keeps to himself are rarely detrimental to his health. In the movie universe, Sonic is silly and upbeat because he needed to be that way in order for his life to be bearable.
His constant chatter isn't quirky for the sake of it, it's a habit he developed out of necessity because there was no one else to talk to. He compulsively needs to fill the silence because not doing that would only reinforce how alone he was, and it's something he can't shake off even when he's not by himself anymore. His primary method of handling his feelings is to ignore them until they literally explode out of him with lightning firing everywhere.
All of this to say, a Shadow meant to be a foil to this Sonic is going to look very different from the Shadow we're used to. From what little about the movie's events have been described as of writing this, I'm inferring that Shadow's actually going to be a lot more open about his motivations for revenge than he was in the game, and that puts Sonic in the very interesting position of being more closed-off than Shadow.
Because sure, he might try to connect with Shadow's pain like he did with Knuckles. But because Sonic and Knuckles's history was so directly connected, they didn't really have to... talk that much about it. Sonic could acknowledge that they both lost their families a long time ago without having to go into detail about it or the aftermath. And because it had been so long since it happened, it was a lot easier for them to put it behind them and move on.
Shadow can't do that, because for him, Maria was lost very recently. He's not going to accept "you can move on and find new people to care about" as an option, and Sonic can't very well tell him to just ignore it like he did, either. Shadow isn't going to do the whole repression shtick.
For the first time, getting through to Shadow may just depend on Sonic being able to acknowledge his own pain, first. After all, how's Shadow supposed to interpret Sonic, if not as some random guy with a perfectly happy family and an obnoxiously happy attitude telling him that he needs to just, get over what happened to him? How can that come across as anything but naive and shallow without understanding how much Sonic suffered to get to this point?
(It's still a little naive and shallow even with that in mind, but the reason for that isn't because he has no perspective on what experiencing a violent tragedy is like - it's because his only known way of handling it is to leave it in the past and Not Think About It)
Though I do wonder if there's room for Sonic to initially clam up on his emotions even more after meeting Shadow for a bit? Like, he learns to some extent what happened, and is like "aw jeez if this is what could happen if I let myself be more upset about my lot in life then I REALLY need to reign it in" which is the exact opposite lesson he needs to learn but would be really interesting to watch
Point being, I think Sonic and Shadow are being set up as even more like mirrors to each other than usual, and I can't wait to see what they do with that potential
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Does the play in revival my dream is really racist/stereotypical ?
Yes, I don't think it was intentional at all in fact it's pretty clear the intention was to say "don't judge those who are different from you just because you don't understand them" but ultimately they failed at that.
The play presents it as a very "both sides" kind of issue in terms of the natives and colonisers not understanding each other. There's also this line:
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Before this the town dwellers (colonisers) had been incredibly rude towards and fearful of the forest people (natives). The girl Emu is playing rescues a solider after her people attacked him, even though the soliders had literally just invaded their land "just to check" if the natives were gonna attack the town. "They're not all bad" to the officer who just led a march onto someone else's land just in case is not the right message here at all.
Also ultimately it's revealed that the conflict between the both sides was instigated by a third party. The worse coloniser who wants to exploit the natives for their natural resources. The townspeople are the good colonisers who should be forgiven for their actions because they were manipulated by the antagonist who is a bad coloniser is also not a good look. Like it really hammers in the "not all bad" message here by introducing the only character who you are meant to think of as bad. Not like the other townspeople were incredibly racist before they made amends with the natives. That can be forgiven because they don't really think like that they were just manipulated by the evil exploitative coloniser. Do you see how bad that message is.
(Also there's a line about how the townspeople might sell Emu to another country for interacting with them and maybe we're meant to view it as an exaggeration but either way. Why are we meant to be forgiving towards these people again?)
While the movie Emu and Nene's cards seem to take inspiration of is based on the Emishi people, it's more likely that the play is based on Ainu people, due to the more recent archetecture used in the sets, as well as the costumes for the officer and subordinate (refer to Tsukasa's rmd untrained). Emishi people are believed by historians to be ancestors (but ethnically distinct) to Ainu people. I strongly suggest looking into the history of Ainu people and the oppression they faced from the Japanese government and other countries (European ones surprise surprise), because the oppression dates back over a millenium and is far too much for me to reasonably cover in any detail. In brief, the government for centuries has regarded the Ainu people as a primitive and barbaric group (both terms are also used in the rmd play), and in recent centuries took their lands in northern Japan with the expectation that the Ainu would assimilate with the Yamato Japanese people. Post WW2 they were denied rights to their traditional practices and even their language due to governments pushing for monoculturalism.
That's not even going into the fact that the reason wxs is the only unit that has card sets based on other cultures (this and island panic) is because they're treated like costumes, which in itself is an incredibly dehumanising and racist way to think.
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moonsaver · 4 months
I don't know if you feel uncomfortable/weirded out with this, but if you do! Please do delete this if you want, it's your choice!!
Imagine a child, it can be one of those children in Penacony or other planets. But I pick the child from the Penacony! Walking up to Ratio and S/O, who is probably bickering as per usual or just enjoying one of another times (Secretly, since Ratio wants to be a secretive or this is same past-rebelious but now Professor S/O!)
As the child tugs on S/O, calling them pretty and hugs them. THEN PROCEEDED TO BE LIKE "kay now, you're my parent/mother/father"
"Hey miss/mister/mx! You look very pretty/handsome/unique! Will you be my parent?"
"oh, you're going to be my dad as well/other father/other parent!
OR THE OTHER WAY, HOGGING S/O ATTENTION. Clinging On S/O, regardless how many times S/O tries to get the kid back at their actual and real parents here, and would sometimes spend time hanging out with the kid while also trying to search for the kid parent
Hello anon! Always happy to answer brain rots and imagines and rambles hehe. Glad to see you back in my inbox!
Also, so cute hehe.
I imagine Dr. Ratio is actually pretty good with kids. The thing with kids is most of them love asking a shit ton of questions, the most ridiculous kinds at that. And you know those people who are so damn smart and knowledgeable in their field they start thinking about possibilities of ridiculous ideas as actually plausible? Veritas would kind of teeter on that when it comes to kids and their imagination. I just can't help but imagine kids crawling all over him while he has a rubber duck in his hand and explains like.. hawking radiation to a kid who's just staring blankly at him.
Honestly, kids would love him. Hes the strange, serious man who always bends down and tells you really confusing but fun stuff about things and seems to know everything. To them, hes the "actual adult".
I imagine, in the case a lost child approaches him or him with his s/o, his first instinct would be just to gauge the general state. He'll simply watch as you pick up the kid and coo at him and all the willy nilly stuff, just glancing over and checking for injuries, signs of anxiety or confusion, frustration, or fear. After he's done looking over, he'd try to ask the child about where their parents are when they perk up about how both of you are their parents now.
Well.. he doesn't know how to respond. You see his eyebrows raise slightly at the kid's remark, but he brushes it off, and starts telling the child all about your embarassing history if you were the rebellious professor!s/o. If you aren't, just about any silly memories he has of you are at the tip of his tongue, and that you really aren't suited for a parental figure. Even if you try and shut him up, he'll simply turn to the kid like, "do not let those who oppress you, silence you." Or something lol.
He doesn't mind the child being all over his s/o, telling them how pretty they are, asking them if they want to be their parent, and so on. Kids are silly, and illogical. It's in their nature to say anything that comes to mind. Of course.. he's slightly sour inside that your conversation was cut short, and now the child's hogging all your attention, but he vehemently pushes it down, simply resolving to search for their parents with you.
It's not soon before the both of you finally find them. Veritas gives them a stern, subtle warning about losing their child while you comfort them, bidding your farewell. It slightly annoys Veritas when the child clings to you, refusing to let go, and all his parents do is laugh it off, saying "they're just very social!" Or something. He has better things to be doing, really. He just walks off and lets you take care of things from there.
If you ask him if he's jealous, he won't say anything, and stare deadpan into your eyes before shrugging it off and changing the topic back to what you both were discussing before. Both of you can have more productive conversations, really.
Although.. his thoughts teeter a bit, and he shortly ponders over what kids with you would be like.. would he want children? Maybe one.. or two.. or even three..
Ugh, he's thinking too far ahead. He resigns to simply paying attention in the present, and listening to you ramble instead.
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chvoswxtch · 4 months
Macchiato from Frank Castle with a vulnerable Reader (recently escaped abusive relationship or is hiding from such an ex / targeted by the Villain of the Week after being in the wrong place at the wrong time). I'll leave it up to the barista whether or not to put it over ice.
Thanks again, for letting me submit some requests.
you're so very welcome! thanks for stopping by the cafe! 🖤
headcannon below the cut
frank castle makes sure you feel safe
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frank could tell that you had a troubled past when he met you. he could see it, & sometimes he could feel it. he didn't pry, figuring you would open up when you were ready, just like he did when he revealed his own traumatic history
when you finally told him about the abusive relationship you escaped with your ex, a lot of things finally clicked. the things he'd noticed & picked up on suddenly made sense. the way you physically tensed whenever there was a loud noise, how you apologized profusely for the most trivial things, your overly cautious nature & hesitancy when it came to intimacy
it broke his heart knowing what you had been through, but more than anything it pissed him off that some asshole had been the one to do it. frank was furious when you told him, a look of pure rage in his eyes & his jaw set in a harsh line. the anger was practically rolling off him in waves & he was insistent on you giving him a name
but the second he saw a flash of fear in your eyes at his reaction, he quickly recomposed himself. he never wanted to scare you. he didn't want to be just another angry man in your house. even though you knew exactly who he was & what he'd done, you felt safe with frank, & he never wanted to ruin that
you were insistent about leaving it alone, not wanting to spend another moment in the past. you just wanted to move forward. frank respected that. but he also tracked that motherfucker down & sent him on a 3 month long vacation to the icu, not that you needed to know that
while frank did everything he could to make sure you felt comfortable, he knew there were certain things he'd have to be patient with you about. you were still healing from a lot of trauma, but he was determined to help you in any way that he could
at least once a month for the first four months of your relationship, frank reminded you that you were safe. sometimes you'd wake up in the middle of the night sobbing from a horrible nightmare, your dreams transporting you back to that dark place, & frank would hold you for as long as you needed, gently rocking you back & forth while stroking your hair, whispering softly in your ear
"shh shh shh, s'alright, baby. you're safe, yeah? I got you. you're alright. deep breaths, baby. no one's ever gonna hurt you again, I promise. you're safe with me, sweetheart."
as hard as frank tries to be mindful, he's human. he has his own trauma that he's still working through. while your issues manifest with fear, his manifest with anger. the first time he loses his temper & raises his voice, the look on your face physically pains him like a knife to the heart
he sees the way your eyes go wide, how you start to slightly tremble, notices that your breathing is more shallow & harsh. the way your eyes become glossy nearly brings him to his knees, & he quickly lifts his hands in a show of peace & takes a step back
"hey...hey, i'm sorry. i'm sorry, sweetheart. I shouldn'ta raised my voice like that. I didn't mean to. i'm not mad at you, alright? you didn't do nothin' wrong. I just...got frustrated. i'm sorry, baby. what...what do ya need? need me to leave? I can step out if you need a minute. just...tell me what you need."
frank doesn't mind that you're hesitant when it comes to intimacy. he lets you take things as slow as you want. he doesn't push you, doesn't try to guilt trip you, just lets you control the pace & follows your lead. whenever you try to apologize about it, he quickly cuts you off with reassurance
"hey, you don't owe me nothin'. i'm just happy to be here, yeah? I got you here with me, that's all I need. don't worry 'bout me, sweetheart. i'm not goin' anywhere."
frank goes to extra lengths to make sure you have peace of mind. he installs a full security system at your place complete with cameras. he makes sure you have pepper spray & a taser with you at all times. he's taken you to the shooting range a few times just to show you how to shoot just in case you ever have to. he's taught you a few self defense moves that you can protect yourself with. he doesn't just want you to feel safe, he wants you to feel strong
frank makes sure you understand that anyone that ever tried to get to you would have to go through him. whenever you're out in public, he's got his arm around you, or he's holding your hand. he's got his eye on you at all times. if he even thinks you look uncomfortable for any reason, he's at your side in a flash
frank is a fierce protector, & there's no one he protects more relentlessly than the people he loves & cares about. he'd wage war on anyone without a second thought just to keep you safe
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genderkoolaid · 9 months
I don't know if you know blue eye Samurai, but I hate how people talk about the protagonist.
I'm a non binary Trans man, and I actually identify a lot with Mizu (the protagonist), but I go here on Tumblr and I see a lot of posts that say: "I know everyone can see Mizu however they like, but I want everyone to know that the right interpretation is that she is a woman pretending to be a man... but everyone can think whatever they want, not forgetting that she is a woman of course."
And it's a bit annoying because when I see explanations of why is "wrong" to see Mizu as a Trans man, I see people going "Why can't there be representation of gender non conforming women!?" And "she wouldn't pretend to be a man if it wasn't for the society she lives in!"
The last one makes me especially angry, because of how many Trans men get erased from history with that same argument.
I don't know, I think it makes me mad because that fandom feels like a micro cosmos of the anti Trans masculinity a lot of Trans men have to face.
And it's not like I think it's wrong to see Mizu as a woman, but when everyone goes "of course she is a woman, why would she want to be a man for anything other than necessity?" I don't know how to feel.
I'm gonna steal my own words from that post about jeanne d'arc:
And the best part is, we can say all of this and also see her as part of women's history! Because women's history, too, does not have to be exclusively about woman-born or woman-identified women. It can be about a larger cultural experience. And Jeanne d'Arc suffered because of transphobia which is always fundamentally misogynistic. I would argue it even makes sense to say her death involved transmisogyny in a very literal sense. The thing about transfeminism is that it can free us from the need to view personal identification with the role of "woman" as vital to feminism. Being a woman, in whatever sense, is certainly not unrelated to feminism, but one can be a feminist and have any kind of personal or communal relationship with womanhood. Anyone can be inspired by the story of Jeanne d'Arc and her bold defiance of both misogyny and transphobia, no matter how she may have personally understood her gender.
People have this idea where if a character or historical figure (or even currently living person) is anything but a woman, then any kind of Feminist Story falls apart. Especially when it comes to misogyny! People act like someone being a trans man means all their experiences with misogyny are like. gone? Or the story is now, essentially, about a cis man being mistaken for a woman, and thus women are Not Allowed to feel any connection at all.
All of this on top of the fun hypocrisy that is "we can't say this person/character is a trans man because they wouldn't have that concept, but we can say they are a cis woman because those are both the only options and ciswomanhood is a natural and universal concept we can apply regardless of any other context :)"
& with Mizu its like. you literally can see her as a GNC woman. people calling him a trans guy or transmasc or genderqueer or anything else are not taking away your experience of her as a GNC woman. Transmasculinity is not just Negative Womanhood, the idea that transmasculinity is something which saps away representation/power/dignity/identity/value from (cis) women is like ATM 101.
But the whole way people treat trans men and misogyny really annoys me, I guess because the assumption is that for women, having to dress as a man to get respect inspires anger at one's position in society, but trans men are incapable of having any complex feelings about that. Like trans men must fully enjoy not being able to have sex with others, or go to a doctor, and having to live in fear of being outed and facing the brunt of transphobia and misogyny, and trans men also couldn't possibly be angry about misogyny that they experienced, and also nonbinary people don't exist and no transmasculine person could possibly be anything but fully comfortable being seen as a cis man all the time. Sure, some trans men are perfectly happy passing as cis men, but like. there is more than one trans man. & ignoring all other transmasc experiences besides The One is a form of erasure, it just passes as something else because technically you are acknowledging A transmasc existence.
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jackiehicks · 1 year
‘Best Kept Secret’
Wyatt Lykensen x Reader
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request: wyatt x wells!reader with a secret relationship? they're just always sneaking away from friends during school to meet up.
A/N: my first request and it’s a wyatt x reader?? the stars literally aligned for me on this. i hope you guys like it!! this is set after the events of zombies 2 for timeline reasons. don’t get sick of wyatt just yet though, there might be some more content coming your way…
words: 1.6k
content warning: light swearing
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y/n smiled at her phone and sighed. she had been dating wyatt for a few months now, but they had decided to keep it secret due to the fact that she was human and he was a werewolf. she knew seabrook was integrated now and the human/zombie/werewolf student body was becoming more familiar by the day, but it was just easier to keep her relationship with wyatt a secret.
she didn’t really know why they kept hush about it. perhaps it was so the two of them would be somewhat left alone by bucky and his aceys who found every opportunity to say something snide and cruel about y/n and her friends. maybe it was the fear of wyatt being shunned by his wolf pack - this was the first time a wolf and a human had started a relationship in well over a century. maybe it was the judgement she would get from her family.
to cut a long story short, y/n was burdened with the surname ‘wells’. not only was her mother the mayor and her father a well-respected zombie patrolman, but she was the twin sister of star cheerleader and monster-activism trailblazer addison wells.
it’s not that addison and y/n didn’t get along, they had been best friends since the day they were born - they practically came out of the womb holding hands - it’s just that y/n had seen everything that addison had gone through last year with her zombie boyfriend zed, and she did not want that for herself and wyatt. zombies were one thing, but werewolves were still a whole other story in seabrook.
on top of all that, y/n was simply never as popular as addison. she always felt like an outsider. where addison hid her natural hair with a blonde wig, y/n always wore her white locks proudly and defiantly. this got her in a lot of trouble with her parents and the school (seriously, being dress-coded for having naturally white hair was a joke) but she didn’t care. she wasn’t like all the other kids at seabrook, why try to fit in?
that’s how y/n and wyatt met, actually. y/n noticed how all of the wolves had streaks of white in their hair, and she was curious. maybe this was why she felt as though she was different from the others? she talked to wyatt about it, learned some interesting things about wolves, learned some interesting things about wyatt, and shared some interesting things about herself. the rest, as they say, is history.
so, y/n and wyatt were seabrook’s best kept secret. when they weren’t miserably hiding their relationship, it was sort of fun. y/n liked the danger of sneaking around with her “scary” boyfriend, and the thought of doing so was more than appealing as she stared down at her chemistry textbook on the table.
she closed the book and picked it up, making her way out of the library, when all of a sudden she felt a hand on her arm and was being pulled round the corner. she yelped just as she came face to face with her boyfriend.
“miss me?”
“wyatt, you frightened me!” she smacked him playfully on the arm.
“come on, i’ll walk you to your locker. you’re not gonna need any books next period.” he grinned as the two of them walked down the hall.
y/n placed the chemistry textbook in her locker as wyatt leaned nonchalant on the lockers next to her.
“where are we even going for our… free period?” he asked in a hushed voice. she smirked at him and shook her head. the halls were completely empty, everyone was already in their next classes.
“this was your idea, honey. i figured you would have a plan.”
“when do i ever have a plan for anything? you’ve been at this school far longer than i have, surely you know some good hiding spots.”
“i don’t know if you remember this, but i’m a wells. i have to be on my best behaviour at all times.”
“god, that’s pitiful. thank god you have me, you’d be so bored otherwise.”
y/n closed her locker and kissed wyatt on the cheek.
“thank god indeed. come on, i think the football field is unoccupied this period.” she grabbed wyatt’s hand as she started to run towards the school’s exit. he laughed loudly as he ran with her, and she shushed him.
y/n and wyatt sat on the bleachers, looking out over the seabrook football field. it was a warm day, as it usually was in their perfect town. wyatt and y/n enjoyed deep conversations in moments like this, no one around them to interrupt them, simply sitting and chatting. wyatt had his fingers interlocked with y/n’s as they spoke.
“you’d think the school would be more monster-friendly” wyatt sighed.
“yeah, i mean eliza was campaigning for zombie language classes which would have been dope, but there’s not much accommodation for zombies outside of what zed’s presidential campaign was going for.”
“and for werewolves… shit, people still won’t look us in the eye half the time.”
y/n smiled softly and squeezed wyatt’s hand. he leaned over and kissed her on the cheek.
“sometimes i think you’re the only one outside of the pack who understands me, sweetheart.” he said. he was only inches away from y/n’s face, it would be so easy to just grab his cheeks and kiss him. so that’s exactly what she did.
y/n’s hands gripped wyatt’s face firmly and she kissed him square on the mouth - only briefly, but it left them both grinning. wyatt returned the favour, kissing her with such force that almost knocked y/n backwards. they laughed against each other’s lips until wyatt pulled away. he had a concerned look on his face, and y/n immediately worried.
“wy, what’s up?”
“not to panic you or anything, but i got a scent.”
“oh god, what is it?”
“smells like jock.”
“oh shit” y/n exclaimed, looking at her phone. there was 5 minutes left of their ‘free period’ and she had totally forgot that the football players and cheerleading squad start their practises early. this wouldn’t be much of an emergency, except for the fact that y/n’s sister was on the cheer team.
“we need to hide, right? if addison or zed sees us-“
wyatt finished her sentence for her. “we won’t be much of a secret anymore, i know. come on, let’s go.”
they made their way down the steps of the bleachers as fast as they could - why the hell did they sit all the way at the top?! - and began to make their way around the corner of the field when they saw the football team and cheer squad about to turn the same corner, with addison and zed leading the crowd.
“under the bleachers!” y/n whisper-shouted and grabbed wyatt’s hand, running to hide under the metal bleachers from her sister’s line of sight. the two were out of breath, quietly laughing with relief.
“you’re almost too good at this ‘keeping secrets’ thing, you know that?” wyatt asked, wrapping his arms around y/n’s waist. she put her arms on his shoulders and began fussing with the soft hair on the nape of his neck.
“oh please, this is a team effort.”
wyatt hummed in agreement as he leaned in for another kiss, but the two were interrupted by the sound of a throat clearing.
“you guys good under there?” zed grinned. addison was standing next to him, trying to hide her smile.
“i don’t know what shocks me more: the fact that you hid your boyfriend from us, or the fact that you skipped class, y/n.” she laughed.
“please don’t tell mom and dad.”
“about your truancy or your secret werewolf boyfriend?” zed interjected. y/n scowled at him.
“if you don’t want me to, i won’t.” addison reassured her. y/n breathed a sigh of relief.
“thank you.”
zed sauntered over to wyatt, putting him in a headlock.
“skipping class, huh? remember what i said about doing it like the zombies do?”
wyatt smacked his arm playfully. “yeah, right. like no zombie has ever cut class before.”
“we follow rules here at seabrook. come on, furball, can’t be missing two classes in a row.”
wyatt sighed as zed let him out of the headlock. he was still getting used to being so buddy-buddy with people outside of the pack, and zed really could be extra sometimes.
“he’s right, actually,” wyatt said to y/n, “we probably should get to our next classes. don’t wanna get caught by anyone else.”
“yeah, you’re right. you go ahead, i’ll catch up.”
wyatt winked at his girlfriend before he began to walk away. y/n turned to her sister, engulfing her in a hug.
“i’m so sorry i didn’t tell you, addy. you have no idea how badly i wanted to. we were just worried what everyone would think. wyatt hasn’t even told his sister either and she’s the alpha werewolf and she’s, like, actually scary.” y/n blabbered, squeezing addison tight. addison laughed.
“sis, it’s okay. i was nervous to tell you about zed and i when we first started dating. don’t stress.”
“ugh, i love you. i really should go though, i don’t wanna be late and i know for a fact wyatt is waiting for me a few feet away.”
addison untangled herself from her sister’s tight squeeze of a hug.
“i love you too, now go!” she spun y/n around by her shoulders and gave her a shove. y/n waved goodbye before she jogged to catch up with wyatt.
zed wiped a fake tear from his eye, “ah, young love.”
“come on, casanova, you’ve got football practise.”
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blackdogswims · 2 years
Another day, another braindump about BTVS Spike.
It is so entertaining to me how he's so much the Perfect Romantic Lead(tm). Like, to an absurd degree.
He's a bad boy, he's got a heart of gold (ish). He's good with kids (one kid: Dawn), and moms (one mom: Joyce). He's personable. He might try to kill you and drink your blood after, but he would grab a drink at the pub with you if you asked. And he's funny, and perceptive, and interesting. He's well-traveled and has lived through huge fascinating swathes of history. And, he's down-to-earth and relatable, despite all the murder and being a creature of the night stuff.
He pays goddamn attention! He's the man who would see and appreciate your new pair of shoes, and if you've changed your cologne. He has opinions about music, and literature, and art. He's a poet-punk (two things which aren't mutually exclusive but are so appealing when smooshed together - the pb&j of ways to be).
He's an old-timey Victorian gentleman! He's a cad! He can probably ride horses AND a motorbike. He's a polyglot. He loves his mother and isn't ashamed to say it! He's a monster, and he's a victim.
He's never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down, never gonna desert you to stalkerish degrees. He would literally die for you and you wouldn't even have to convince him to kill for you.
He's loves big romantic gestures and you know he'd never miss an anniversary (he'd be annoyingly good at remembering). He'd be all-in putting himself out there, no withholding out of fear or shame.
He'd be equally happy chaining you up and letting you chain him up. He canonically loves to give head (which is so smart of him). He's strong and deadly, but he'll follow your lead.
He's muscular yet compact.
He's been a nobody softboi and an infamous Big Bad. He's got a cool nickname and a dumb one - and the opposite is also true.
He's a vampire, but he would defy his monstrous nature to be your love. He wants to possess you, but more than that he wants to be yours.
If this were romance tropes bingo, he'd fill up the whole board... makes me want to lie facedown on the ground because it's just too much. It's honestly kind of ridiculous. This is the kind of dedication that can only be achieved by someone who doesn't have a day job.
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eldstunga · 1 year
Hi! I really love your art! The lines are so bold but the colours so natural that it feels distinct but grounded?? I'm obsessed with the shapes in your work
I was wondering if you had any advice for drawing bodies? Whenever I try it either my proportions are off or an arm ends up looking like a calf or something.
First of all, thank you <3 That's so nice and I think "lines bold, colours natural" is some truly aspirational words to say about my art, I'll strive to be what you say I am <3 I do not, unfortunately, have any great tips on drawing bodies - it's a very wide topic and fundamentally just really bloody hard. I fail horribly 9 times out of 10. How to approach it I think varies a lot with like...HOW you are struggling, and who you are as a person. For proportions and anatomy there are definitely books to look at, and some rules of thumb that can help you - anything from "the shoulders are about 2.5-3 heads wide" through "feet are the same length as the forearm", "elbows are in line with the navel and the navel is two sternums down" etc etc. For me, realising just how big the ribcage actually is and learning how to use that as a unit of measure was a big event (the torso is about two ribcages long). Look at references, Draw over low opacity references and try to look for patterns that help YOU. Like... "Hm, do the shoulders line up with something useful?"
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Having a good ref model to double check things helps too. The pen is pointing to about the bottom of the ribcage. But there's also stuff like maybe you're getting too hung up on construction and then it might help more to try to draw from references by ONLY blocking in a silhouette first. This helps me sometimes still:
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Or you could be like me, struggle with all of the above and then some - like how to make poses look natural and/or dynamic? Weight distribution is a whole other topic.. gah, it never ends, but it's fun to learn.
Lastly, this took me way too long to realise and I think it should be said: Do not fret too much about STUDYING. The unfair thing is that the better you are at something, the better you will be at actually learning from doing studies and exercises or reading books. We accept this with many other disciplines and sports but rarely art. Mileage is king, and mileage is best gained from having fun and enjoying what you do. If you find studies suffering and frustrating you're probably better off just drawing what you enjoy and fuck it if it isn't "pushing your boundaries" or whatever. Eventually you'll get to the point where studies start to give more than they take, and then you're home free. I'm not gonna recommend a billion resources you likely won't enjoy but here are some things I genuinely found helpful lately: * a physical anatomy model, they're pricy and not necessary but being able to just look at it every now and then, turn it over etc helps. * The "Morpho" series of books, they do not teach anatomy, but they are very useful quick reference books and much more easily digested than most anatomy material. Just try to find a real anatomy book to read once your appetite is up as well.
The zig-zag/Lightning bolt method for arms and legs, fuckin' thing revolutionised how I sketch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yCkmB030GpQ
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Gottfried Bammes "The Complete guide to Anatomy for Artists and Illustrators" This thing is insane, it's from the 50's and like 600 pages long. You could absolutely kill someone with it, but a lot of the pages are more philosophical or art history you can skip and despite its age and fear factor this dude writes in a witty, clever and just wonderful way that I've seen nowhere else. Fantastic photos. By far, FAR the best anatomy book I've ever seen. It's not a book I'd recommend for someone starting out, I would not have been able to digest it like four years ago, but once you get to a certain point it's amazing.
That's a lot, uhhh, feel free to ask me for more specific tips this was a bit of a rant. Hope some of it was useful!
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storiesbyrhi · 9 months
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Witch!Reader x Bat/Vampire!Eddie Munson Series Masterlist The Grimoire The Timeline
Warnings: canon typical violence, horror genre typical violence/some infrequent gore, swearing, animal death, no beta, death in childbirth (mentioned, not described), abusive parents, suicide, spiders/bugs, grief/mourning; light smut; warnings updated each chapter.
Synopsis: No witch has stepped foot in Hawkins since 1845, but when Vecna opens the ground and poisons the town, a voice begins to call to you. Have you been brought back to this cursed place to heal the townspeople’s wounds, to save a hexed bat that always finds its way to you, or to redefine your history with a reunion 150 years in the making?
Chapter Summary: Looming doom. 2590 words.
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It was all about intention. When an individual is hexed, they are actively fighting the magic. The violence becomes part of the curse itself, making its results darker and stronger, and making it all the harder to break. However, if an individual invites the magic in… If their intention is to let the magic wash over them like a warm blanket in the dead of winter… Well, then wonderful things can happen.
White baneberry. Powdered tacca chantrieri. A little this. A little that. Spellwork and trust and love.
And there he was. Definitely more stoic than the bat you’d once known, his fur a shade or two lighter as well. But, your bat was back.
He looked at you from the floor before climbing out of the piles of clothing around him, clutching the ring you’d made Eddie wear during the ritual. The moss agate stone sparkled. The bat chittered, no doubt complaining that he should have been naked the whole time.
You held your hand out like you used to. The bat didn’t move.
“Please?” you asked, trying and failing to hold back your excitement. You didn’t want vampire Eddie to get a complex about you loving bat Eddie more.
The bat climbed into your palm. Bringing him up to face level, you smiled widely. He’d taken the same form of species - Eptesicus fuscus – but he was not the exact same bat. The lighter fur was the biggest indicator. The leather of his wings seemed a little thicker too. Eddie was a healthier bat, you figured.
“Hi… How did it feel? Are you you?”
Eddie chittered.
“Squeak once for yes, two for no. Are you you?”
One squeak.
“Did it hurt?”
“Good…” There were more questions you wanted to ask, but his overwhelming cuteness was making your brain go blank. “Eddie… You’re so adorable. It’s like… Like I need to squeeze you so hard you explode.”
With that, Eddie’s wings branched out and he flapped up and away from you, landing on top of the refrigerator.
You laughed. “I’m not gonna do it! I’m just… complimenting you.”
He stayed where he was.
Laughing again, you bent down to pick up Eddie’s clothes and carefully place the agate ring on your makeshift altar in the living room. As you turned back, you thought to yourself that he looked so innocent. So innocuous. So part of the natural world that-
“Fuck!” You crossed the space and leaned against the fridge, looking up at Eddie. “This is it. This is how you come with me when I go see the coven. Not one of them is going to see a bat in a tree and think ‘oh yeah, that’s probably a vampire…’ Right? This is it. It’s genius!”
He began to talk – to screech and chitter and flap his wings – and you couldn’t stop him. He had a lot to say and you understood none of it. When he took flight, you spoke the spell to undo the transformation.
If it happened slower, it would be horror on the grandest scale. Snapping bones and stretching skin and shedding cells. It was over in a second though, leaving a naked Eddie standing in the kitchen a little shaken.
“Sorry,” you said. “But I didn’t know what you were saying,”
“You need to tell me when you’re going to do that.”
The fear was barely detectable, but it was there nonetheless. “I’m sorry.” You reached out, pulling him into you. “You sure it doesn’t hurt?”
“It doesn’t hurt. But it felt like falling. A long way.”
Nuzzling into the crook of his neck, you nodded. “What were you saying?” you asked, voice lulled.
“I was saying that I do not like the idea of walking into a coven of witches defenseless.”
On paper, it was a valid point. Eddie had no control over the spell. Once you turned him into a bat, he had to wait for you to utter the words and reverse the magic. It was ultimate trust, but also ultimate vulnerability.
“Your defense is me.” Your lips were on him, the words mumbled, only just audible.
“And you have all my faith. It’s not you I worry about,” he whispered back, tilting his head so you had better access to his neck. You kissed him over and over. “You are my favourite witch. You are the witch that saved this town, this world. You are powerful and strong and predictably underestimated by your coven… But we cannot make the same mistake as them.”
You kissed Eddie’s sharp jawline, then cheek. “Say that again.”
Confused, Eddie went to repeat his last sentence.
“No. Not that. Who’s your favourite witch?”
“Oh. Oh.” The grin that split his face was a little evil and it made you weak at the knees. “You need me to tell you that you’re my favourite witch in the entire universe?”
“Mmmhmm,” you hummed, your cheeks burning with beautiful warmth.
“That every single thing you do is magic… That you are my sun and my stars. That I would bleed the world dry for you.”
You nodded, letting yourself go limp so Eddie had to hold you up.
“My favourite witch. My beautiful, little witch. Such a good witch.” Eddie hoisted you up, throwing you over his shoulder, and took you to the bedroom. He dropped you on the bed unceremoniously. “If you be a good witch for me now, I’ll let you do your little spell later and I’ll sleep in your pocket all night,”
Eddie was on his knees, pulling you by the ankles towards him. He opened his mouth wide, sharp teeth a flash of white before he bit down on the softness of your inner thigh. A gasp melted into a moan, and when Eddie looked back up at you, his mouth was a blur of red.
“I promise. You be a good girl for me now. I’ll be a good bat for you later.”
Practice made perfect and after some fine-tuning, you and Eddie had the spell down to a couple of seconds. He wore the moss agate ring around his neck on a chain constantly. That meant the spell could be cast anywhere, at any time. It also made it easier when he turned for him to find it and fly it to you.
A week of testing showed that the potion that needed to be inside his body for the spell to work lasted twenty hours. Every morning when you woke, Eddie would drink a glass of it. Sometimes he’d down another at sunset if he wanted to remain small and cute overnight.
That was Eddie’s favourite part of it – the sleeping. Not only was he immune to the sun’s burn when in bat form, but he could sleep. Although he often stayed up to read and learn, he loved to fall into a soft nothingness with you.
When the ritual of it all became second nature, you decided it should play a role in the protection spell you were writing for when you traveled to the Catskills to reunite with your coven. Potion and agate locked and loaded, all you had to do was speak “sic fiat” and Eddie would be battified.
He could tell, though, that you weren’t satisfied with the process. He would catch you deep in thought, staring almost through him.
“Unburden yourself.” Eddie was suddenly in front of you, hands cupping your face. “Share your troubles,”
“You’re so dramatic,” you sighed, making no movement to push him away.
“But I’m right. Something is worrying you,”
“I’m not worried. I just… I think there’s something we have to figure out before we go see them,”
“Ah, I see. And presumably, I will not like this something.”
The way you were chewing your lip made Eddie sad. He wedged his thumb between your teeth to stop you.
“We need to know if you’re still… the same… when you’re a bat,”
“We know that. We know I’m still me,”
“No, I mean, if sunlight doesn’t hurt you, what does witchfire do? And if you’re hurt as the bat, does that injury stay when you turn back? And then, when you’re the bat again… Do you scar? And what about the-”
“Hey, hey, my love, calm down,” Eddie hushed. He pulled you into him, rocking you gently. “Fate did not disobey all her rules, only to lead us to doom.”
You looked at him through your tears. “But what if she did?” It had taken 150 years to find your way back to each other and the mere thought of losing Eddie again was enough to drive you mad.
“Come on now. Aren’t you meant to be telling me that this is all connected in some mystical and universal way? That all the pieces are falling into place?”
He pressed his lips to your forehead, the coolness of his skin a balm for your hot anxiety. You breathed out as he kissed down your nose, finding your mouth and kissing you deeply.
Eddie spoke softly. “We will do this again and again, until you have filled a book with knowledge. Then, when you are ready, we will face whatever comes next.”
The weather was almost as hot as it would get that year. Eddie didn’t sweat. His cheeks never bruised red with heat. He was your own personal cooling system. That is when he wasn’t swooping through Hawkins with one part grace and one part mania.
“I never truly felt the American sun,” he’d told you one night. You were lying on the bed, naked, lazy, in love. “And summer at night is different. Europe is different,”
“You can get sunstroke, so you have to be careful.”
Eddie laughed. As a bat, he could sleep and fly by day, and as your weeks of testing revealed, go unharmed by witchfire. He felt more alive and more unstoppable than ever before.
“Don’t laugh at me! Remember, when you hide your vampireness from magic, your mortality is suddenly seen by everything else.” He laughed again, so you hit him with a pillow and yelled, “Sic fiat!” before he could retaliate.
Eddie fluttered his wings against your hair, causing chaos and knots.
“Nawww. Is my precious little baby bat angry?”
He perched in the corner of the room, aiming for broody and landing on sulky.
“If you promise to be sun safe, I’ll turn you back.”
Eddie chirped with indignation, but came back to the bed. You broke the spell and kissed Eddie on his human and very pouty lips.
“I promise,” he whispered.
You giggled into him, letting him growl and pull you under the sheets.
What if it wasn’t enough? What if the magic, just the bastard daughter of the forest gate spell and other protection charms, couldn’t shield Eddie from your coven’s craft?
“We may not need it at all,” Eddie offered kindly.
Dramatically, you rolled your head to look at him, dead expression, moody as hell. He chuckled and reached out to boop your nose. You swatted him away and turned back to your altar.
“We haven’t talked about…” Eddie hesitated, ever mindful of how you felt. “…what exactly you want or… need from this… meeting.”
The black cat bone was ground to the finest powder possible, but you continued to aggressively smash the pestle against the mortar. Eddie waited for you to reply, but rather than speak, you began to rip sage leaves apart like a wolf with a rabbit.
It was risky, but Eddie asked, “Do you expect them to apologise?”
“I don’t need an apology,” you snapped.
“What else is there but that?”
The ignominy of the coven finding out what was done. Revenge or retribution. Surely you did not seek these things, for the Wiccan Rede demands peace and healing. An ye harm none, do what ye will.
Pushing yourself up off the floor, you walked too quickly to the kitchen and filled the kettle with water too violently for any of it to be normal. Eddie stayed where he was, giving you space to process.
It hurt so much. Your heart ached and body felt heavy with embarrassment. You wanted justice, although its form you didn’t know. You wanted harmony within the coven. You wanted to feel how you did before 1836, brimming with solidarity and in love with sisterhood. You wanted your mother and aunt to fix what they had done.
The scene was so vivid. A picture of a life with meaning. Eddie and your coven and magic with purpose. It could all happen. It could. But your imagination was writing stories in wet sand, the waves threatening to wipe it clean at any moment.
You felt like a silly, stupid little girl.
Eddie tried your name again, after the first few times fell on deaf ears. You turned around, kettle still in hand. He gently took it from you, placing it on the stove and igniting the flame. Tea would do you good.
“It is not impossible,” he comforted.
“I’m… scared… I don’t want to have to choose,”
“You won’t have to,”
“You don’t know that! We don’t know anything.” The mug you pulled from the cupboard was slammed down hard. You threw a teabag in it, which concerned Eddie. You always brewed a mix of loose leaf and herbs. “We don’t know if they’re going to try to kill you as soon as they see you. We don’t know if they’re going to try to kill me.” The water wasn’t boiled but you took it from the stove and poured it haphazardly into the mug. “We don’t know anything!” And it spilled. “FUCK!”
Eddie caught the falling kettle, placing it back on the stove, while hauling you away from the mess before more damage could be done. He took your hand and assessed the burn. It was red and angry, but not as much as you.
“So fucking stupid,” you seethed, tears running down your cheeks. You forced yourself out of Eddie’s embrace and ran the kitchen tap, placing your hand under it.
He wanted to tell you to heal it, but knew better. You didn’t want to be told what to do. You certainly didn’t want to be told what to do with your magic.
Eddie was easy to read. You sighed and looked down at your burnt hand. “Just… let me feel it for a minute. Before I fix it.”
He nodded, taking a tentative step towards you. “For a minute,” he repeated softly.
You let him press you into the bench, pining you to it. He rested his head on your shoulder and arms around your waist. Closing your eyes, you took a shaky breath in and out. In and out.
After two minutes (he timed it), Eddie reached out and turned the tap off. You complied with the unsaid instruction and healed yourself.
“I don’t know if I’m scared of having to choose, or if I’m scared that I know I’d choose you,” you confessed. What kind of witch doesn’t choose her coven? What kind of woman follows a man over her sisters?
“It won’t matter. I will not make you choose. I will take that burden from you.”
Turning around, you buried yourself in Eddie. He held you tightly, just a little too tightly, just how you liked it, then brought you to the couch. Another film on his list, A Nightmare on Elm Street, was pushed into the VHS player, and not another word was uttered until daybreak.
End Note: Thank you to @deathbecomesthem for help with this chapter (ages ago, so you might not even remember helping hehe).
I am beginning to map out how this story ends, so if you have any requests for things you want to see happen, now is the time to send them in! Ideas for dates you want them to go on? Movies you want them to watch? Any weird little thoughts you’ve got rattling around in that pretty brain of yours? I’d love to hear them.
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kaihuntrr · 1 year
The Sea Prince; Hunting Party announcement!
okay maybe this isn’t the oneshot I promised but it’s gonna be good I promise-
SO! As of recent, I finished up the revised outline to The Sea Prince’s act one, named Hunting Party! The plot has a lot more going on and I’m in love with this story so much more. This means sooner or later the prologue will come out! As soon as it does, we’ll come to the next important thing;
Beta readers!
Preferably, I’d want three! I have one already, so two more would be great!
What do beta readers do?
They help give feedback and act as a sort of test audience! I’ll need it with all the things packed into this storyline ehehe. There’s a lot in store! I’d want to make sure I’m giving off the right impression with my writing and the like.
I will give the summary of The Sea Prince (and Act One!) under the cut, and as a treat, here is a doodle I’ve made of Act Two Scott and Martyn, they get little changes in their designs <3
There’s one doodle under the cut that has blood (it isn’t red, but blood is blood!) so here’s your warning for it!
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In a world full of deadly, man-eating sea monsters there are specialized teams of people who’s job and legacy is to eradicate the horrors of the deep. Monster hunters, hunters for short, are funded by guilds to personal employers to seek out the dangerous beasts and let the sea live in a peaceful, monster-free environment for the animals and humans to thrive.
A notorious hunter group, the Canaries, are led by brothers Joel and Grian Solidarity and are personally funded by His Royal Majesty as one of the best hunters the kingdom has to offer. Such luxuries give them the access to powerful weapons and a rivalry with the best naval commanders, known as TIES. These two groups are summoned to a meeting as the King sends them on their most daring commission yet; find and capture a sea prince.
Sea Princes are, by nature, mythological. They don’t exist. They’re hunter stories meant to scare children and keep the population from wanting to explore the seas, if not for the very real monsters that infest the waters. Capturing one, not to mention proving they exist would be a challenge. This is the King they were working under though, and if he says to find a sea prince and capture it, they’ll do it. Besides, if they were able to, they would be put down in the history books.
Martyn always believed they existed. A child born from hunters, stories about their bloody past and murderous rage haunts and excites him. From the god-like treasure they hide underneath the waves to the feuding war against the mermaids, he’s made it his goal to kill a sea prince. It’s what he wants the most after all.
Well. There was also Scott.
Scott Major is a beautiful man who works in a tavern, never in his life has he been out to sea. Martyn swears to him that once his life goal is complete, he’ll stay. The call of the sea is somehow always there, as if it was right in front of him. Martyn risks his life every single moment he boards the ship, but he always comes back in one piece. He has to.
He can’t risk losing Scott too.
Being sent on a mission to capture a sea prince, the Canaries and TIES form a bet; whoever finds evidence of a prince first can lead the mission. Agreeing under pride, they set out. Martyn has his heart set on fulfilling his dream, but it doesn’t look like Scott is too thrilled with the idea. He’ll understand.
What the hunters don’t know is that their goal charters out of their control and they are forced to seek refuge on an island everyone believes to be cursed. The Scarlet Witch haunts the isle, and every hunting ship that enters will never exit.
They’ll be the first to prove that wrong.
Elements/ general themes the story will contain;
- Nightmares
- Sea horror (monsters attacking ships, fear of the ocean, those types of things)
- fights and injuries (they bleed!)
- character death
- slow burn. really slow burn but a lot of flirting and sweet moments between the two
- worldbuilding
- found family
- there’s likely more to which I’ll add unto!
This story has become a very big passion of mine and I’d love to be able to tell this with the most clarity and enjoyment I can provide! If you’re interested in becoming a beta, I’d like you to comment under the post or reblog it to why you’d want to beta read it and the like :D it’s not a first come first serve basis and it will be open until I finish the prologue, which is in about a week or two from now. Goodluck in applying! I and @mewhoismyself are going to look through what you guys got, but no pressure, seriously! <3
With the beta readers and synopsis out of the way, here’s some sneak peeks to the next batch of designs along with some sketches I made for Act One! I wonder if you can figure out the context behind those words ;)
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Just some minor changes with Martyn and Scott! Scott’s hair is more red tinted and darker so he’s more ginger, while Martyn is more clean-shaven! Maybe he has some stubble the next time I sketch him, but he looks more youthful here! I also realize that these are all the winners, but it does make sense with how important they are to the story :0!
Now, unto the designs! Can you guess who’s who?
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Super excited to finish this batch and work on their lore; I’ll finish this before the prologue!
And that’s all i got for now, I hope you’re all just as excited as I am as the project gets to come to life after all these months. Act One is coming soon!
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bamjammy · 2 months
My Billford friends. I present you: Will Wood. This is song is them. Not up for debate, thanks and I’m correct. Analysis below. Also TBOB spoilers probably
This is a lyric by lyric analysis about why this song is them. Most of (if not all of the song) is Bill’s perspective in my mind, Will Wood definitely captures his weird chaotic energy. Not every lyric matches. That’s ok, I’m just gonna skip those. The song is still them. Lyrics will be in quotes, analysis will be in parentheses and also a different color.
“Why do you wanna kill me?”
(I also hear this as “what are gonna do, kill me?” sometimes cause it’s a little hard to understand him. I feel like both fit a bitter/cocky Bill talking to Ford in the pyramid)
“Say you're still her, the woman you were, and you haven't turned into someone who never could love me again”
(Ok obviously Ford is not a woman, we can just ignore that part. The point of the lyric is the narrator, in this case Bill, wanting reassurance that he is still loved, I feel like this would be more subconscious on Bill’s part, but that denial is absolutely palpable during weirdmaggedon/TBOB)
“'Cause you never broke my heart, no, you fixed it, and now it works, but only enough just to suffer that hurt. Whoa-oh-oh-oh”
(Ok I fucking love this line especially in this context. This is literally their entire dynamic like, c’mon. Bill, up to the point of meeting Ford, had been manipulating people all throughout human history. It really feels like Ford is the first one he got so deeply attached too, so much so that he would want to convince him to join him in ruling over everything as an agent of chaos. Ford was captivated by Bill the moment he met him, believing him to be a higher power capable of provisioning him with what he needs. As their relationship progresses they sort of have a reversal of roles, Ford comes to despise Bill and fear him, Bill comes to be obsessed with Ford. He NEEDS him. God I love this line)
“What can I say to convince you to slip back into my arms again? I won't do you no harm again. Let me tell you that I'm sorry and that-”
(I don’t think Bill would ever say sorry out loud unless it was specifically to be manipulative, but after reading TBOB there is clear regret at losing Ford. Even if it’s not remorse you can tell he wishes he’d gone about things differently even though he refuses to admit it. Also the “slip back into my arms again” thing, again I associate with him trying to convince Ford to join him in weirdmaggedon.)
“I'm just a little bit crazy about you, Just a little bit out of my mind, Just a little insane without you”
(Bill’s always been a little insane by nature of who he is, but he goes to such extremes to get Ford to stay with him (see TBOB missing journal pages) and then STILL tries to convince him during weirdmaggedon after he’d already been rejected and despised. He makes him CRAZY. It’s kind of sad)
“Please come back and be just a little bit mine- Just a little bit mine”
(He wants him back soooooo bad it’s really just pathetic at this point)
“I never thought, and if I did, I forgot while blacked out in love”
(I don’t think Bill thinks through much of what he does to Ford in those desperate moments if at all. They’re just that- desperate. Can also be interrupted as Bill possessing Ford, when he “blacks out” and finds himself harmed or in danger, he obviously can’t remember those moments when Bill takes over. Bill interrupts this as “blacked out in love” either to justify it to himself or to convince himself Ford still loved him. I think that’s a fun interpretation)
“That what's only starting would've come to an end but now, I'm hungover and hung out to dry, and I'm giving it time”
(Time passes faster for Bill, it should feel like a blip in his life but it consumes him. The “hungover” part, see TBOB “Losing Sixer”. It’s the best page)
“Does not knowing the truth turn my words into lies? Whoa-oh-oh-oh”
(I could see him absolutely trying to play dumb in last ditch attempt to get Ford to trust him again. Fucking loser lmao)
“What can I say to convince you or do to make you agree with me?”
(Again, desperate. See all my previous allusions to the weirdmaggedon scene)
“I don't need you to be with me, Just try to remember what you'd see in me”
(I feel like this line could be a breaking point for Bill, where he’s desperately grasping at anything to make Ford continue his work, including harming, threatening him, etc. I know a lot of these lines have come back to the same thing but it’s just. The vibes, y’know? I feel like this is specifically the part where Bill tries to call Stan, which scares Ford into actually reaching out to him, Bill inadvertently causing his own demise. That’s from TBOB btw. I warned you about spoilers)
(Cut the chorus since I already analyzed it)
“I'll be here singing 'til our heartbeats might slip back into that rhythm again”
(Bill waiting for the right moment to strike. The moment Ford steps out of the portal Bill sees an opportunity, he’s done biding his time. You feel me?)
“Whether it is or isn't the end, Who cares? God knows that I could use a friend!”
(Bill is living in so much denial it’s suffocating. I mean, it’s not even just Ford, it’s his whole life. He’s in denial about how people in his home dimension treated him, he’s in denial about the fact that he’s not all powerful, he’s in denial about how similar he is to humans, and he’s in denial about Ford not loving him (and also in denial about Loving Ford). There is no end because he refuses to accept it, but then tries to brush it off like he doesn’t care, because he’s in denial about caring. My boy, YIKES!!!)
Cut the rest of the song cause it’s just the chorus again but longer. Anyway yeah the point of this is Bill is a desperate freaky ex with weirdo Will Wood energy, Will Wood’s music is good and I love it and you should listen to him if you haven’t, and I’m not normal about them and their weird fucking dynamic. Enjoy and eat well my strange creatures
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quitealotofsodapop · 4 months
Awh! Baby Yuebei loving dinos is everything to me!
Now I wanna see her family take her the dinosaur exhibit at a museum or science center or something. The science center near me has a whole exhibit for all things dinosaur related including fun interactive learning activities for little ones like fossil ecivission in rubber sand and life-size dinosaur animatronics in fake habitats we can walk through. I can't remember the rest rn, my favorite exhibit is the astronomy room! It's so dark in there, whole different vibe from all the others. But the whole building is like a science playground, the cubs(stoplight trio included, tho Redson is probably too much of a know-it-all to let himself enjoy it) would get a kick out of it. I can already imagine which exhibits some of them would enjoy.
yes! since Yuebei Xing as a character is tied to skulls and bones, I figured it would be cute that she'd have an interest in beings mostly know through their bones.
I know some larger museums have big sand pits to emulate excavations, like the one in New York. The zoo-aquarium in my granddads town has one of those walkable habitats too! The water/fake swamp was actually an aquarium for brackish water fish!
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Now I'm loving the idea of Wukong letting the cubs go on a Museum Day to Megapolis, and ofc little kids love Natural History cus thats where the dinosaurs are! Tang pouts and wants to come along too - until Pigsy points out that he's a grown man that can pay his own ticket.
Wukong gets MK and Mei (and Redson since he's been pretty much adopted into the squad) to help bring the kids around to all the exhibits. When Wukong gets too tired to run around (especially cus of his condition), the Stoplight trio take over cub-wrangling duty while Wukong chills at the museum's cafe. Mei and MK treat it like a super-dangerous mission and try their best to engage in what's caught the cubs attentions. MK noticeably blanks in fear when he sees a model of Carboniferous bugs. Redson is a bit of smarty pants, but he's interested in the provided literature/the more obscure creatures on display. Tang is barely any help with babysitting since he gets as easily distracted as the cubs! XD
Yuebei is having the time of her life. Can't keep still for a moment - there's so many things to see and touch! And if there's an excavation pit - she's jumping straight in like a fox. No regards for her nice clothes, she's covered in sand and clay within seconds. Just absolutely feral over these bones.
Mei, pointing to a model: "Do you know what that is Yuebei?" Yuebei, holding a plush dino: "Ty-ranno-saur-us rex!" Mei: "Omg you're so good at this! What about that one?" Yuebei: "Pterro-dact-ill!" Mei: "Yup! Pterodactyl! It's a pretty cool dinosaur huh?" Yuebei, suddenly very serious: "Not dinosaur." Mei: "Huh?" Yuebei: "Not dinosaur." Red Son, reading a museum pamphlet: "She's correct. Pterosaurs are a different branch of archosaur separate from Dinosauria. It's like comparing snakes to lizards." Mei: "Omg! You're so smart, baby girl!" Yuebei: "Thank." (*smug "I know" face*)
If Macaque is around post S3, he helps out with wrangling the kids, but he'd quickly get over-stimulated by all the sights and sounds - so MK would take over for him so dear bama/baba can sit down with Wukong and de-stress. Wukong and Macaque might just wander off into the quiet art gallery if it's nearby (usually is in my experience) and poke fun at the historic art.
The Eclipse twins I feel are more into the astronomy side of the museum (hard not to since Space) and demand that they stay for a lecture on objects in the solar system. And if there's a planetarium - oh boy you know the cubs (and the grown-ups too) are gonna be entranced by the projections of all the stars and planets.
Wukong, pointing to a star: "Hey I know that guy! We fought one time!" Tang: "...what?" Wukong: (*pointing to Zeta Piscium*) "Wood Wolf of Legs; Revati." Tang, gasping: "The Yellow Robed Demon." Wukong: "Yeah!" Luzhen, in baby babble: "He's very far away." (*tries grabbing for the projection of the star*)
The gift shop is decimated. XD
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